Period 5 textbook- 2017 Aspects of Civilizations

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Civilizations and Cities Period 5

Ancient Religion

Key Terms: religion animism polytheism ziggurats monotheistic

What is it?

Religion is a set of shared beliefs about supernatural powers that created and rule the world.

The Beginning

The most primitive of religions were the practices of the homosapiens and neanderthals in prehistory. Before writing was developed man had religion. The homosapiens belived in animism. Animism is the belief that all things in the natural world have a spirit. Primitive man also had burial practices to respect their dead. Scientists found old bones buried with shells Cave painting of a half and flowers to show respect for the dead. human half man


The first religion in history was the one of the Mesopotamians. Mesopotamia is in the middle east and in the fertile crescent. Mesopotamian religion was polytheistic, meaning that they believed in multiple deities. Mesopotamians believed that they were slaves to the gods ,and if they didn't do their job then the earth would be punished. To celebrate the gods, Mesopotamians built ziggurats. Ziggurats where temple like structures and considered to be the home of the deities. The priests would go to these ziggurats and feed and bath the gods. These temples were considered the center of the city.

Mesopotamian ziggurat


Drawing of ra the sun god found in the tomb of nefertiti

Egyptian religion was similar to the one of the Mesopotamians. Egyptian religion was a combinations of mythology, magic, science,medicine, psychiatry, spiritualism, and herbology. The egyptians were polytheistic and had many gods for thing like the sun, cats, and the underworld. Egyptian religion centered around the belief of harmony. They also believed that they were on earth to work for the gods, like the Mesopotamians. The first written records of egyptian religion were written in 3400 BCE.

China and India

India is the origin of the world's oldest religion still practiced today, Hinduism. Hinduism is a henotheistic faith. Which means that they believe in one supreme god who presents himself as 330 million different gods. The primary teaching of Hinduism is that there is order for everything and everyone has a certain duty and by doing this then you would become closer to becoming one with god. This belief was transferred over to Buddhism, the religion of ancient China. Buddhism does not seek to become one with god but to connect with one's higher nature. Ancient china religion is believed to have started in 4500 bce.


The Maya belief revolved around remembering the dead and how they are still in our lives. The Mayan gods controlled every part of life, they controlled weather, harvest, birth and death. The mayan afterlife was told to be horrible. The Mayans believed that when things die they are just transformed into something else and that death was natural. The dead were celebrated and had rituals in honor of them.

Greece and Rome

Artemis the greek goddess of hunting

The Greeks believed that remembering the dead was important and they believed that if they kept remembering the dead person then their soul would remain in the afterlife. The Greeks also believed in many gods who cared for humans but often did things for their benefits. Greeks consulted the gods on things like government, love, one's job and marriage. There were gods for all of these things there were also gods for things like wine and the ocean. The religion of Rome is very similar to the one of Greece. The Roman religion probably started as animism and devolved from contact with different cultures. Most of the gods and goddesses of Rome were very similar to the ones of Greece. The Romans also consulted the gods on many important matters.

Religion's importance to ancient civilizations

Religion is important to civilizations because of its link to government. Early civilizations rulers were priests. People believed that the priests had the right to rule because gods or goddesses chose them. Then when rulers and kings ruled civilizations they claimed that their right to rule came from gods and goddesses. Religion is also important to civilizations because most civilizations daily life revolved around pleasing the gods. The people did everything to please the gods, in some civilizations they believed that all the work that they did was for the gods and goddesses.Religion is also important because is shows us things about ancient man. Religion shows how ancient man was easy to persuade. Someone created this idea of a higher power that made sense and people believed this. Ancient man devoted their lives to this idea and man didn't even know if it was true. Priests were the first rulers of early civilizations. People believed that they were chosen by gods and could communicate with the gods.

Modern Day

Though religion started along time ago it is still around and thriving today. Religions today are very different than the ones in ancient times. The only religions from ancient times that are still practiced today are hinduism and buddhism. Nowadays we have religions like Christianity and Judaism. Most religions today are monotheistic, unlike ancient religions which were mainly polytheistic. Also religions today are more commercial and more about money. Though religions today are very different they are similar in their causes and beliefs. Religion is an important component to civilizations in modern day or ancient times.


Timeline Paleolithic religion( 30,000 years ago) Ancient Egyptian religion (3100 bce-332 bce)

Mesopotamian religion (3500 BC and 400 AD) Ancient Chinese religion (2070–1600 BC)

Ancient Indian religion (5,000 BCE - 1,500 BCE)

Ancient Greece religion( 800 B.C. and 500 B.C.)

Mesoamerican religion (1200 BC, 1428 ad)

Ancient roman religion ( 753 bc, 1453 ad)


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Education Coming Into The World Definition- Education is a action or process of educating.

Education was a necessary in the world when our civilization became too complicated to pass everything down from one generation to the next. So in 3100 BC we developed writing, and that is where it all began. When education first began the only people that were educated were the priests in churches, so education first began at the study of a higher power. Then came the scribes, scribes were almost always men had undergone rough training. They were the only ones allowed to call themselves scribes. The scribes education included mathematics and learning to write and communicate. Coming after the scribes was when Greece began educating people. In all the Greek cities except for Sparta children were trained in music, art, literature, science, math, and politics. The education was not for everyone though. The boys went to school starting at 6 and then after high school went off to military school. Girls were not allowed to go to school, they were taught at home my their mothers. They were taught how to cook, clean, sew and take care their household. In Sparta the children were taught completely differently. School was mainly focused on having a strong and powerful army. Boys were entered when they were 6 years old. They were taught how to steal and lie because one day it could save a life. Also they were taught how to fight, wrestle, handle a weapon, and taught how to kill. The Spartas also believed in strong babies. Besides, the women might have to defend the city if the men were away at war. When the Romans saw what the Greeks were doing they immediately copied. Still school was not free for the Romans so poor people could not go to school. This is how education began but over time it lead to many more advancements in society.

Check: What city in Greece was the only to have a completely different style of education?

Transformation of Education Through Time

First off education has had a huge impact on modern day society. With now the people being educated we have a more complex society, job specification, and the studies of different subjects. From the priests in churches being the first ones educated to the Greeks inventing the studies of different subjects, we now have more complex schools for children and a more complex society overall. With the beging of education we now had the opportunity to be whatever we desired.From the invention of writing, our society to be more educated and then different subjects grew and we had job specification. People could study to be one specific thing. From job specification aroused social classes because if you were successful at a harder job you were paid more money and you had a more luxurious life. Education is a key element in modern day society and we now can not be successful in life if we do not have it. Like Malcom X said “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today�.

Check: What are all the ways that education has caused a change in our world?

Modern Day Education We have come a long way from Early education. We still study English, Math, Science, and Art, but now everyone goes to school. Girls, boys, women, and men are all able to attend school. Also now everyone is allowed to go to school. We have public school thats funds are supplied by taxes, and private schools, where you pay a tuition. Now we also have military schools, but they are not mandatory. Young children now start schooling when they are 2 or 3 for preschool. Nowadays everyone has the opportunity to be educated so they can be successful in life. Poor, wealthy children are all able to go to school. Children start school when they are 2 which is called Pre-K and then move onto elementary school, which is K-5. Then middle school, 6-8, and then high school, 9-12. After high school people move onto college. For college kids have the choice to apply to a school wherever they would like. Since they are 18 they are considered adults and do not need to move somewhere with their adults.

Above is a picture of UCLA’s college campus.

Above is a picture of girl and boys getting on their bus to school.

Above is a picture of a sculpture of the Ancient Greeks being educated by books.


Works Cited Education in Ancient Greece - Ancient Greece for Kids, “10 Fun Facts About UCLA.” AdmitSee, “Court Gavel Line Art.” Sweet Clip Art, “Education.” Ancient Rome Education - Ancient Rome for Kids,

“Free Image on Pixabay - Diagnostics, Stethoscope, Doctor.” Free Vector Graphic: Diagnostics, Stethoscope, Doctor - Free Image on Pixabay - 161140, “Harvard University.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Nov. 2017, Human, About Being. “The Ancient Greeks and the Importance of Education.” Being Human, 30 July 2015, n/. John, Caitlin St. “How Do Parents Really Choose Their Children's Schools?” Parents, Parents, 28 July 2015,

ation/how-do-parents-really-choose-their-childrens-schools/. Lisaparavisini. “University of Florida: Associate/Full Professor in Creative Writing.” Repeating Islands, 28 Feb. 2014, atefull-professor-in-creative-writing/.

“People Holding Hands Around The World Clip Art.” CLKER FREE Clipart,


Transportation is the act of advancing something or someone from one point to another by a device, shipping, or moving. Transportation makes it effortless for people and objects to move around. Transportation has a powerful impact on the existence of humans.

The Start of Transportation: The primary form of transportation was the human foot. Humans, back then, carried products by foot before utilizing any other form of transportation like animals and devices. Human beings first started using domesticated animals such as donkeys and horses for transportation between 4,000 B.C. and 3,000 B.C.

How Transportation Became an Aspect of Civilizations: Transportation shortened the length of work like farming and trading. Most of the journeys consisted of trading. Without advanced transportation, humans walking on foot with items with them, took up a lot of work. As a solution, humans started to domesticate animals. They domesticated many animals such as donkeys, horses, and oxen. The oxen and donkeys were more reliable because of their slow speed; they were easy to stop if they were to go out of control, and these animals pulled a carriage. The carriage would allow people to trade with different civilizations that were too far to walk to. The animals could also carry heavy farming tools. These animals took the large workloads that were too heavy for the farmers to carry. In different regions like deserts, it was best to domesticate camels because camels could go months without an appetite and water. Transportation allowed people to transport items on land and water. The first water transportation was a canoe. The canoe was used to fish in water.

Usage of Transportation Back Then:

Man used transportation for a variety of different things. They used it to move around and to get from place to place. People transported goods. They would transport goods, animals, food, herbs, tools, clothing, and arts to very far distances using transportation. People back then used transportation to move things around. Some things were transported over land, while others over water. Man also used transportation to race. The Egyptians built a giant arena called the Circus Maximus with space for many people to watch races between chariots. Many people traveled over roads. Many people used transportation to trade. They brought food, clothes, and tools to different civilizations to trade. Others used transportation to get to places. During the winter, the people had to transport items over snow. In the summer, they took advantage of the open water and went over the water. Over the roads, the people could transport goods, animals, food, herbs, tools, clothing, and arts.

Explanation of the Types of Transportation: Back then, there were many types of transportation used. One of the forms of transportation was the wheel. The wheel was the most important invention. The wheel was big and clumsy, and was carved out of solid chunks of wood. The first wheel could hold heavy items that humans couldn't carry themselves. The first boat was invented in 3500 B.C. It could transport items and people over water with oars to power the boat. Horses were a use for transportation. People domesticated them so they could be able to connect them to carriages so the horses could carry the things the people were transporting. Submarines were another invention and form of transportation. The submarine was human oared and could go completely under water.

Expanding On: In 3500 B.C., the canoe was invented. Canoes are boats, but back then canoes were dug out from the insides of a big log with a sharp stone. The canoe helped make life easier back then. The canoes were propelled with oars. Today, oars for some canoes are optional; they have electrical pedals to function themselves. In 3500 B.C., the first wheel was invented. The wheel back then was the most important invention. The first wheels were carved out of solid chunks of woods. In 1620, the submarine was invented. Today, people consider the wheel from long ago, as the car today.

Some Forms of Transportation Today:

Some Forms of Transportation Back Then: Cars







Human foot



Today: Today. we need transportation because all of life's necessities cannot possibly fit within the reach of our static bodies from birth to death. We either have to move ourselves or something has to move us. Before the invention of the wheel, one group of people would remain isolated from the other group. The means of transport have made our world a very small and common place to live in. Land transport is important. It lets cars, buses, scooters, and bikes travel distances to get to places such as stores, people’s houses, and schools. Without these types of transportation, we would be left spending hours getting to places. Water transportation is also important. Boats, ships, steamers, and submarines are all transportation tools. Boats are used for short distances while ships are used for covering longer distances. Cargo ships are used to transport tons of goods like oil tankers for carrying goods, internationally. Submarines are important for the naval forces. There are boats used for rescue in wars, or for boats that have drowned. Air transport makes it easy for people to get to states and countries and cities faster. Air transport includes of jets, planes, and helicopters.

Timeline of Transportation

Works Cited: Research: Transportation and Public Transit | An Online Lesson | Early Transportation,

“A BRIEF HISTORY OF TRANSPORT.” A History of Transportation,

Group, JPS Design. “Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The History of Transportation.” Car Insurance -, “The History of Transportation.”,

Works Cited: Pictures: “File:Peruvian Fishing Boats.jpg.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Sept. 2017,

“File:Plongeur.jpg.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Oct. 2017,

“Foot.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Sept. 2017,

“Horse.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2017,

“Hyper Car.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Sept. 2017,

“New Case Study Finds 3-D Printing Could Reduce Airplane's Weight by 4 to 7 Percent.” - News and Articles on Science and Technology,

“Print Ships and Boats Pictures List 1.” Print Ships and Boats Pictures List with Words 1,

“Train.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Nov. 2017,

“Wheel.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Nov. 2017, “Donkey.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Nov. 2017, “Horse.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2017,

“Wiki Wiki Shuttle.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Oct. 2017,


A group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws for a country or area.

Origins Before modern governments existed, humans lived together in groups. These groups had leaders who kept things in order and made decisions for the group. More complex governments came about in Southwest Asia over 5,000 years ago. By then, groups of people had started to settle down, villages turned into cities, and people started to interact in new ways. The need for leaders or governments soon developed as people interacted with each other and shared resources. Disagreements over land, water, and trade required some type of government to resolve the conflict. The need for government soon led to the development of laws. The Code of Hammurabi is known as one of the earliest set of written laws. The fact that early humans created governments suggests that they were advanced thinkers who wanted to live in an organized way.

Religion and Government In ancient times, religion and government were closely related. Most ancient people believed in many Gods. Some governments were based on a certain way of behaving, so that they would not anger the Gods. Still, each ancient civilization had its own form of government.

Hammurabi’s code are laws that were created in ancient Babylon around 1760 BCE. The code was carved onto a slab of stone.


First Form of Government The first form of government was created in between 3500–2332 BCE by the Sumerians. They founded the world's first city and states. The Sumerians also believed that their ruler was God's representative on Earth and they were the keepers of all earthly treasures.

Government of Ancient Mesopotamia The ancient Mesopotamians had an unusual form of government. There was a king and nobles who made the law, declared war, and decided how to honor the Gods. There was also an assembly of people who could overrule the king, but the kings had the power to make final decisions.

Democracy in Ancient Greece The ancient Greeks were concerned with questions like who should rule and how. Athens in the 4th to 5th century BCE had a system of government where all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the politics. This system was a democracy. The citizens participated in a direct democracy where they were able to make decisions and also actively served in the institutions that governed them.

Connections Ancient civilizations understood the importance of government to their societies. It is important to note that systems such as democracy are still in place today. Ancient Greece’s influence on modern government is the concept of elected officials. Modern countries today give political power to presidents or monarchs.


35002332 BCE

The first form of government was created in between 3500–2332 BCE by the Sumerians.

3200 BCE

Before modern governments existed, humans lived together in groups

1760 BCE

Hammurabi’s code which are laws was created in ancient Babylon

4-5 Century BCE

Athens had a system of government where all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the politics.

Mrs. Salup 11/6/17 Level 3 Individuals & Societies Unit 1-The Dawn of Civilization. Works Cited

Government in Ancient Civilizations for Kids and Teachers - Lesson Plans, Powerpoints, Games, Activities, “Ancient Egypt.” Ducksters Educational Site, Goldschmidt, Arthur Eduard, and Raymond William Baker. “Government and Society.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 July 2017, “When Was the First Government Formed?” When Was the First Government Formed? - Quora, Karpiel, Frank, et al. My World History. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2015. Http:// Https://

Aesthetics The word aesthetics is defined as the study of beauty and taste. It originates from Greek word aisthetikos, which means “perception by the senses, perceptive.” Aisthetikos, in turn, is derived from the word aisthanesthai, which means to perceive, feel, or sense. In the eighteenth century, German philosopher Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarter changed the meaning of the word aesthetics to “gratification of the senses”, applying it to everything related to art. Aesthetics, as antoto ability to recognize beauty, dates backprehistoric towere the prehistoric Aesthetics, as an ability ability to to recognize recognize Aesthetics, beauty, beauty, as an dates dates ability back back to recognize the theprehistoric prehistoric beauty, era. era. dates Back Back back then, then, to people the attracted era. Back to era. were Backattracted then, people were attracted tointerest other people, had interest in Era, animals, and other people, people were attracted had interest to other in animals, then, people, people and had gathered interest in plants animals, tobased other andon people, gathered their physical had plants aspects. based in on animals, In their the Paleolithic and gathered plants aesthetics based gathered plants based their physical aspects. In theevidenced Paleolithic aesthetics was evidenced physical aspects. in In artifacts the Paleolithic from onit,their Era,physical aesthetics aspects. was evidenced In theon Paleolithic in artifacts Era, from aesthetics it, was in Era, artifacts from it, was evidenced in artifacts it, where there was attention to detail and where there was attention to detail whereand there symmetry was attention in them. to detail and from symmetry in them. symmetry in them. Aesthetics involves all sensesAesthetics and emotions. involves It uses all senses vision and toemotions. express color, It usesshape, visionpattern, to express line, texture, weight, Aesthetics involves all pitch, sensesbeat, andrepetition, emotions.melody, It usespattern, visionand to noise. express balance, scale, and movement. Hearing is also shown through loudness, n Theof sense touchtexture, shows texture, shape, give, weight, give, comfort, temperature, The sense touch ofshows shape, weight, comfort, temperature, vibration, easeofofart. useTaste in a piece of art. Taste sometimes in sharpness,vibration, and the sharpness, ease of useand in athe piece is sometimes usedisin aestheticsused to show show strength, sweetness, sourness, andoftexture. person’s sense of strength, aesthetics sweetness,tosourness, and texture. A person’s sense smell is Aimportant to display is important to display strength, sweetness, and pleasantness. strength, smell sweetness, and pleasantness. Early civilizations expressed to beautify their world as settled they settled Early civilizations expressed the needthe toneed beautify their world as they in one in one were place.expressed Aestheticsthrough were cave expressed through art, stone Ittools, place. Aesthetics art, stone tools, cave and sculptures. beganand as a sculptures. of It began beautification items, thatinto witha time, and of basic beautification items, as thata basic with time, grew andofdeveloped more grew example developed into a more from thebelieved Paleolithic Venusstone of artwork from the Paleolithic Eraexample is Venusofofartwork Tan-Tan. It is to beEra theis oldest It isthe believed be the oldest stone sculpture representing the human sculptureTan-Tan. representing humantoform. Great ancient civilizations wereform. those that mostly contributed to aesthetics. These civilizations include Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Persia, and India. They developed their own stylemostly in art. In Mesopotamia, designs on Greateach ancient civilizations wereunique those that their pottery was sometimes in more than one colour, usually consist of zones filled with “geometric” ornament in patterns reminiscent of woven fabrics. The only other notable art form popular at this time is that of hominoid figurines of stone or clay, associated with primitive religious cults. Egypt mainly focused statues holding the spirit of the god or the deceased. A tomb painting shows scenes from one's life on earth so one's spirit could remember it or scenes from the paradise one hoped to attain so one would know how to get there. Charms and amulets may also been have said to protect one from harm. Some figurines were said to ward off evil spirits and angry ghosts, while hand mirrors, whip-handles, cosmetic cabinets all served practical purposes. Ceramics were used for drinking, eating, and storage. Chinese art reflected the class structure that has existed at different times in Chinese history. Many examples are paintings, calligraphy, architecture, pottery, sculpture, bronzes, jade carving, and other fine or decorative art. Greece aesthetics reflect its beliefs. Most pieces of artworks are inspired by Gods and Goddesses, representing beliefs in superior and supernatural powers. Greece had the most influence in the West, where special attention was put to the human physical form. Rome embraced many different art trends from the past and the present, from every corner of the empire, and the promotion of art that it became more widely produced and more easily available than before. Any material was used and turned in objects of art. Painting then aimed at faithfully capturing landscapes, townscapes, and the more trivial subjects of daily life. In Persia, many people created symmetrical ceramic designs. Indian pieces were mainly focused on religious deities and kings and was influenced in style by Chinese painting. Today’s aesthetics are built on that of early human ones. Modern aesthetics covers all forms of art, including buildings, theater, poetry, literature, film, and many other things. However, in its earliest form, aesthetics was focused mainly on the visual arts.

Key Questions: -

What is aesthetics? What caused beautification to become a part of civilizations? What does this aspect suggest about the life of early humans? What is the approximate time period when aesthetics took hold? What are the connections between early human’s aesthetics and today’s?

With farming, people enjoyed more free time that they had. Some of it they could spend on beautification. This reflects the society that creates them.

4000 (Ancient Times) 437

B.C. / B.C.E.

A.D. / C.E.





2017 (Modern Day) 1997

0 Parthenon, Greece:

The Parthenon was dedicated to Athena, Goddess of wisdom and military victory. The architects were Iktinos and Kallikrates and its massive foundations were made of limestone while the columns were made of Pentelic marble. It was to be the focus of the Acropolis building complex. The temple’s main function was to shelter a monumental statue of Athena that was made by Pheidias out of gold and ivory.

Venus de Milo, Greece: It is an ancient

statue that is commonly thought to represent Aphrodite. It was carved from marble by Alexandros, a sculptor of Antioch on the Maeander River. The statue was found in pieces on the Aegean island of Melos in 182 and was presented to Louis XVIII. The statue was rebuilt to a standing position, but the arms were never found. The figure’s origin on the island of Melos has led some to think she may be Amphitrite, the Greek goddess of the sea.

Colosseum, Italy: It is a

giant theatre that was built in Rome under the Flavian emperors. It is located east of the Palatine Hill. An artificial lake that was the centrepiece of that palace complex was drained, and the Colosseum was sited there, a decision that was as much symbolic as it was practical. It could host tens of thousands of Romans.

Taj Mahal, India: It has

harmonious proportions and a fluid incorporation of decorative elements. The Taj Mahal is an example of Mughal architecture, a blend of Indian, Persian, and Islamic styles. It is one of the most beautiful structural compositions in the world.

Eiffel Tower, France: The Eiffel Tower is

built almost entirely of open-lattice wrought iron. The first design aroused amazement, skepticism, and no little opposition on aesthetic grounds.

Guggenheim Museum, Spain: This

museum was designed by Frank Gehry. Twenty galleries are spread over three floors and the museum has a beautiful free-form titaniumsheathed mass. This suggests a gigantic work of abstract sculpture.

Aesthetics Research Aesthetic (n.).

Pictures “Church.” Church,


“Ancient Egyptian Art.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,


“Art in India: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.” Art in India: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.” Encyclopædia

“The Coloseum.” The Coloseum, /1/12/Flickr_-_%E2%80%A6trialsanderrors_

Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 10 June 2016,



Eiffel Tower.

“Eiffel Tower.” Eiffel Tower,

Guggenheim Facts.

Lascaux Cave Painting.


Mesopotamian Art. “The Origin of Aesthetic Feeling and Art.” Marc I. Vermeersch's Blog, 21 Aug. 2013,

The Origin of Aesthetic Feeling and Art.

“Guggenheim Museum.” Guggenheim Museum, /1/1d/Guggenheim_Museum%2C_Bilbao%2 C_July_2010_%2806%29.JPG.

“History of Painting.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia


Foundation, 5 Nov. 2017,



The Paleolithic Period. C4000E7626EC8456D45&rd=1&h=sScR-KyqbhN2PwOTuu6HgIisGYskuVAsLLBIRd8X9

“Nowruz Zoroastrian.” Nowruz Zoroastrian, /4/46/Nowruz_Zoroastrian.jpg. “The Parthenon in Athens.” The Parthenon in Athens,




“Persian Art and Architecture.” The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed,, tern-art/persian-art-and-architecture.

“Ruins.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2017, “Taj Mahal.” Taj Mahal,

“Roman Art.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Sakoulas, Thomas. “Ancient Greece Art.” Greek Art,


Sakoulas, Thomas. “The Parthenon.” Parthenon,

“Venus De Milo.” Venus De Milo,

Taj Mahal.

Venus De Milo.


Education Education is the process of learning and gaining general knowledge and a kind of way of schooling. Education begun in about 3100 BC and when the gradual rise of more complex civilizations started,more and more civilizations included education as an aspect of their civilization. Education is used to eventually guide children into their adulthood, to guide them in learning culture, to guide them into discovering their eventual role in their society, and changing their behavior in order to make them young adults with proper manners. Education during ancient times was very different and not accessible to everyone.

How Education Became an Aspect of Civilization Education was necessary in civilizations because education is basically the way to record information or history. Education was a process that gave knowledge to children and taught them how to keep records by writing and speaking. This helped civilizations greatly because more and more people had the ability to write or speak a certain language. Man started to realize education was essential and once civilizations were created and people used education to gain knowledge, man decided to include it as an aspect of a civilization. Education taught children how to eventually take on their professions or careers.

Vocabulary words: Civilization: A complex way of life that began when man first created large urban settlements Profession: A paid occupation, especially one that requires A large amount of training and qualification.

Education Back Then

Education was first developed in the earliest civilization that was created in 3000 BCE. When agriculture increased, it lead to people having more food than they needed and the creation of economic stability. Agriculture helped populate villages and changed life. Populated villages became civilizations and education has a necessary role in the civilizations. The very first civilizations developed were Mesopotamia and then in Egypt. Civilizations were created on every continent except Antarctica. The most important thing taught as part of education in ancient times was survival and writing in order to educate and communicate with others. Education in the earliest civilization was very different depending on social classes. The higher the social class, the better your children were educated, and the lower social class you were part of then you had none or very little,2 or poor education. Mesopotamia developed education to educate people with respect and training. They things taught were writing, basic reading,and religion. Other things taught (higher learnings) in this civilization were in medicine law and astrology. The upper classes were expected to become scribes, who would likely become copyists, librarians, and teachers. In Mesopotamia, priests dominated all educational domains. The very center of intellectual training and activity was the library. The discipline was harsh, long, and rigorous.

Vocabulary Words: Economic stability: term used to describe the financial system of a nation

Education Later On After the Mesopotamian Civilization came the Egyptian civilization. The Egyptian Civilization was the next civilization to use education and apply it into their civilization. Egyptian education was preserved mostly by priests and humanities were subjects such as medicine, science, geometry and mathematics. Other skills that added to Egyptian education were architecture, engineering, and sculpture. Pupils begin school at 5 years of age, and at age 17, the length of training depended upon the restrictions of the priests. After the Egyptian Civilization, the civilization of North China applied education in their civilization. The Civilization of North China was the beginning of more complex educational practices. In this time, the modern Chinese character was created and established. Education is a learning process nowadays. Nowadays, children are educated at schools by people whose profession/job are to be teachers. Now they teach many subjects like math, English, science, history, and depending on the school, other subjects as well. People use education to teach smaller children of the generation how to have manners,how to become the future, and make them better people who have more knowledge. They use education to send forth a message and give children (who are our future and new generation) knowledge to grow and be better people. When education developed civilizations evolved, and girls and boys we able to be educated. Year after year, more subjects were created. Man began to gain more knowledge and more people of different social classes were able to be educated. While more jobs started to be created, a profession that helped educated grow was teaching. A teacher took over the place of a priest. Schools were created where people want to gain knowledge. More and more pupils went to school and were educated.

Education Ancient Roman Education

Ancient education in Northern China

Ancient education in Mesopotamia

Education in the US today

Education in Africa’s poverty

Education in China nowadays

Usage of Education Today: The new world civilizations were the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas. The maya civilization is known for being a highly religious culture. The maya thought of the priesthood as one of the most important factors in their development of their society. The priests had extensive knowledge, religious leadership, and they were the major advisers of the rulers. The priests were the leaders that taught history, writing, medicine, the calendar system, and the methods of divining. The Aztecs had conservators such as priests and noble elders tha were in charge of education. One of the major responsibilities that the conversations took on were to examine new poems and sons, he mostly took care of teaching poetry especially songs. The calmecac was a school for native learning that children began at 10 years of age. Lastly, the Incas did not have any written or recorded language. They depended tremendously on oral transitions to sustain their preservation of their own culture and history. The two distinct categories education was divided into was vocational education and highly formalized training. The four year program educating children was defined in terms of rituals and curricula. The four year course was given to study history, sciences, geometry, geography, and astronomy. Nowadays, children are educated at schools by people whose profession and job are to be teachers. Now, at schools they teach many subjects such as math, english, science, history, and depending on the school other subjects as well. People use education to teach smaller children of the generation how to have behave using their manners and how to eventually be the future. Education also helps children be better people who have more knowledge. Nowadays, technology is a very important part in education because teachers and students use it to complete assignments, to communicate, and to record information. Technology is only used in countries that are wealthy and are able to sustain the costs of technological devices. In places that are not as fortunate as others, have poor education. Today, man use education to send forth a message and give children (who are our future and new generation) knowledge to grow and be better people. When education developed civilizations evolved and girls and boys we able to be educated. More subjects were beginning. They began to gain more knowledge and more people of different social classes were able to go be educated. While more jobs started to be created, a profession that helped educated grow was a teacher. A teacher took over the place of a priest. Schools were created where people want to gain knowledge. More and more pupils went to school and were educated.

Usage of Education Today: The new world civilizations were the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas. The maya civilization is known for being a highly religious culture. The Mayans thought of the priesthood as one of the most important factors in their development of their society. The priests had extensive knowledge, religious leadership, and they were the major advisers of the rulers. The priests were the leaders that taught history, writing, medicine, the calendar system, and the methods of divining. The Aztecs had conservators such as priests and noble elders that were in charge of education. One of the major responsibilities that the conversations took on were to examine new poems and sons, he mostly took care of teaching poetry especially songs. The calmecac was a school for native learning that children began at 10 years of age. Lastly, the Incas did not have any written or recorded language. They depended tremendously on oral tradition to sustain their preservation of their own culture and history. The two distinct categories education was divided into was vocational education and highly formalized training. The four year program educating children was defined in terms of rituals and curricula. The four year course was given to study history, sciences, geometry, geography, and astronomy. Nowadays, children are educated at schools by people whose profession and job are to be teachers. Now, at schools they teach many subjects such as math, english, science, history, and depending on the school other subjects as well. People use education to teach smaller children of the generation how to have behave using their manners and how to eventually be the future. Education also helps children be better people who have more knowledge. Nowadays, technology is a very important part in education because teachers and students use it to complete assignments, to communicate, and to record information. Technology is only used in countries that are wealthy and are able to sustain the costs of technological devices. In places that are not as fortunate as others, have poor education. Today, man use education to send forth a message and give children (who are our future and new generation) knowledge to grow and be better people. When education developed civilizations evolved and girls and boys we able to be educated. More subjects were beginning. They began to gain more knowledge and more people of different social classes were able to go be educated. While more jobs started to be created, a profession that helped educated grow was a teacher. A teacher took over the place of a priest. Schools were created where people want to gain knowledge. More and more pupils went to school and were educated.

Vocabulary: Curricula: the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. Oral Tradition: is a form of human communication where stories, beliefs, ideas, etc. are shared from one to the other

Education History Timeline 3000 BCE

3500 BCE

770-476 B.C.

250 A.D. to 900 Nowadays A.D. 13001438-1533

Education Education is Usage of Mayan Aztecs used used in the Education in begins in the Civilization education in Egyptian the Mesopotamian begins to their Civilization. Civilization Civilization. educate civilization. of China. children. The inca civilization started to use education.

Civilizations came together to form the whole world. Today, the whole world uses education.

Vocabulary: B.C.= Before christ A.D.= Anno Domini which is latin for “in the year of our lord



The History of Education, Ancient African Writing, Gray, Peter. “A Brief History of Education.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 20 Aug. 2008, Naka, Arata, and Robert Frederic Lawson. “Education in the Earliest Civilizations.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 14 Apr. 2017, The History of Education, Society, National Geographic. “Civilization.” National Geographic Society, 9 Oct. 2012,

Images: Paul, John. “Places to Visit.” Pinterest, 22 Apr. 2015, he History of Education, Ancient African Writing, Education in Ancient Roman - Crystalinks, Education for Rural People: ERP in the News, “Top 10 Most Ancient Cities In The World.” Random Story, 1 Jan. 2016, “What Is Economic Stability? Definition and Meaning.”, agoer, /. “Mesopotamia-Persia.” agarthistory100, 4 Sept. 2015, “6 Characteristics of Civilization.” Ms. Vurusic - Home, Society, National Geographic. “Civilization.” National Geographic Society, 9 Oct. 2012,

Information Vocab: Civilization; noun- A city or populated community that consists of 8 features. Government, Cities, Established Religion, Job Specialization, Social Classes, Public Works, System of Writing, Arts and Architectures. Government; noun- The political direction that controls a civilization by making certain decisions. Mesopotamia; noun- One of the first Civilizations in the world. Reading Check What was government used for? Why did people need it?

Gilgamesh of Uruk

Early Man was a very different kind of man. They had a very hard-labor lifestyle and created many different things. One of the things they created were civilizations. A civilization required eight features, one of them was government. Government started a long time ago. The first people to use a government were the people of the first civilizations. Modern people believe the first civilization to be Mesopotamia. There, the leader was Gilgamesh of Uruk. One of the next civilizations was Egypt. There, the leader was the Pharaoh. A government is the political direction of a civilization that controls a civilization by making decisions. Why did people need a government? In all civilizations, there is a government. This was because of the large population in civilizations. Villages also had government‌ except it was less complex as there was a smaller population.

Pharaoh of Egypt


Governments vary in size when it comes to cities and villages. A city government is more complex and larger than a village government. A government contains of one main leader, usually the president, and an assistant, usually the vice president. Then there is the congress and all the judges, but the main two people are the president and the vice president.

Vocab: President; noun- The highest executive office of a modern republic.

Ancient Government are similar to today’s governments, they relate in many ways. Some similarities are that there is one main leader and one assistant. Also, the government makes decisions for the civilization they serve.

Vice President; noun- An officer next in rank who serves in the president’s absence. Veto; noun- The act of which the high executive branch a sanction to a law.

A modern government functions by passing laws and taking important decisions. It passes laws by having the congress approve of the law, then, the higher executive branch must approve or veto the law.

Reading Check What are the people involved in the government? How does it function?

Government has evolved by learning lessons from laws and attacks. Government is piece of history, and an aspect of civilization.

Mesopotamia Mesopotamia was the first big civilization. This means it had the world’s first main complex government. 1900 B.C

3500 B.C.


1776 Greece Greece was found in this time, obviously, with a government. Its government still exists which means that it has the longset lasting government.

America America was founded in this time and has one of the strongest government in the modern world.

Modern Day Government Today, America is the strongest democracy in the world with one of the best governements in the world. It has developed through learning from its mistakes and attacks.

Works Cited Barksdale, Nate. “What Is the World's Oldest Democracy?”, A&E Television Networks, 2 Dec. 2014,

“Ancient Democracy vs American Democracy.” &Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp; &Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp; &Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp; &Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp; &Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp; &Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp;&Nbsp; Democracy in Ancient Athens ,

"Egypt, Ancient." Scholastic Grolier Online, Accessed 30 Oct. 2017. "Mesopotamia." Scholastic Grolier Online, Accessed 30 Oct. 2017.

"Greece, Ancient." Scholastic Grolier Online, Accessed 30 Oct. 2017.

Google Search, Google, mQGsmqLQDw&q=pharaoh&oq=pharaoh&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.101346.104298.0.104861. 427.1693.2-1j3j1.5.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..2.5.1693...0i67k1.0.6mQ1gLnE1dE#imgrc=LvVC1CESaMkkM: Google Search, Google, iPipjHoaDXAhXGbSYKHQvEDXoQpwUIHQ&biw=1440&bih=803&dpr=2#imgrc=uTLTLpsECtr6wM:

8 Aspects of Civilizations Photo hUKEwjh6_PW4KjXAhUl9IMKHeByCHgQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=763&dpr=2#imgrc=KdB2k lzQ5gDkkM: Google Search, Google, 0.2436j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8. Google Search, Google,

Aesthetics in Architecture

Vocabulary: ● ● ● ●

Dwellings Temples Aesthetics Architecture

Architecture was introduced about 30,000 years ago when Homo Sapiens started building dwellings, or shelters, in caves. Early man was mostly concerned with shelter for survival. The point was to provide protection from the elements. However, with the development of agriculture, man adapted to his surroundings, and humans became less nomadic and more settled. At that point in history, people began to show more concern for the appearance of their dwellings. They became things of pride, not just shelters for survival. Ancient people were also very devout and believed in building tributes to their gods. Many ancient cities around the world still have temples and statues of gods standing to this day. Throughout ancient times, people became more concerned with aesthetics and adding beauty to their surroundings. Aesthetics is how people represent things that are important to them through art. One place where aesthetics can often be observed is in architecture. Architecture is a complex or carefully designed structure. It is also the act of building houses and structures. Three places in the world where aesthetics in architecture can be clearly observed are Greece, Rome, and Egypt. This chapter will discuss the building materials used, purposes for building, and different styles visible in each of these cities.

Architecture of Egypt Common Building Materials in Egypt One of the most common building materials in Egypt is limestone. Limestone is a durable rock. Limestone is composed of calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral calcite. Limestone is a sedimentary rock which means it is composed of natural resources such as shell, coral, bone fragments, fecal debris, and algal which are all natural minerals.

Purposes of Buildings in Egypt As we many people know, The Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven great wonders of the world. The Pyramid of Giza is located close to the city of Cairo. The pyramids are one of the most recognizable pieces of architecture in Egypt. It was built in 2560 BCE. The pyramid of Giza was built out of limestone. It was made for the Pharos and leaders to be buried in once they die. The Pyramid took twenty years to build and is one of the biggest hand made structures in the world. The building is made of white tura limestone. It is 481 feet tall and covers 13.1 Acres. The Pyramid is filled with internal passages and walkways that lead to rooms where pharaohs were buried.

Obelisks in Egypt Obelisks usually come in pairs and lead to the entrances of ancient Egyptian temples. The design is to be a square shape at the bottom and then at the top is has a pyramid like form. The pyramid top was covered with and alloy gold and silver called electrum.

Architecture of Greece Common Building Materials in Greece There are five main building materials in ancient greece, wood, limestone, marble, unbaked brick, and terracotta. The wood was used for roof beams to help support the roof. The marble and limestone was used for building the columns, walls, and upper portions of temples. Unbaked brick was used for walls, especially private houses. The terracotta was used for roof tile.

Purposes of Buildings in Greece The Parthenon is a giant temple which has a giant statue of Athena inside. The Athenians built this temple in honor of the Greek Goddess, Athena. The temple was under construction when it was burned down by the Persians. The base is made out of limestone but the columns are built out of Pentelic Marble. The columns are Doric Columns. On the parthenon is in very bad condition, but it is still standing. The Temple of Zeus was built in Olympia, Greece in 460B.C. This landmark was in honor of the Greek God Zeus. It was served as a classical Greek Temple. The temple was made of limestone and marble.

Column Styles Found in Greece There are three common columns in Greece. The most basic one is called the Doric Column. It is a column with with a top bigger than the structure cylinder. The next one is the Ionic Column. At the top is looks like a scroll and has little marking under the scroll. The final one is the Corinthian Column. At the top it looks like it has flowers and plants.

Architecture of Italy Common Building Materials in Rome The romans used fired red brick to build many of their structures. When the Romans took over Athens, they built monuments out of red brick. So whenever you go to Athens if you see red bricks, it means the Romans built it.

Purposes of Buildings in Rome The Temple of Hera is in Paestum, Italy and was built in 530 B.C. It is one of the oldest temples ever built and it is still standing. The temple of Hera follows the Doric Architecture, which means it has Doric Columns. The structure is old and not in the best shape. The temple of Athena is located in Paestum, Italy and was built in 510 B.C. It is supposed it represent the Greek Goddess Athena. The temple of Athena also has the Doric Column. The roof of the temple has been destroyed. The colosseum is one of the very important amphitheaters. The Colosseum was used as an entertainment source. The leaders took poor people and threw them into the colosseum to fight against other people or even animals. The colosseum has half of the top fallen off and is covered in moss. It is overall in a really good shape for something that has lasted since 80 A.D long.

Column Styles Found in Rome There are three major column styles in Rome, Roman Tuscan, Roman Doric, and Roman Composite. The Tuscan Roman is a column with a cylinder structure. The Roman Composite is a cylinder structure made up of little sections. It also has the flower thing on top.. The Roman Doric is like the Roman tuscan except is is thinner and has little sections making up the cylinder.

Timeline and Modern Aesthetics

Modern Aesthetics To today people still use aesthetics. Everywhere we look around there is a piece of architecture. Aesthetics has developed since the ancient times. People have learned to figure out different ways to build architecture. To this day aesthetics has grown and has had more ideas. Aesthetics has been resorted to different materials, not just stone and clay. People have different ways of editing and creating aesthetics. Sculptures have become part of aesthetics and humans have different ways of editing and supporting old aesthetics pieces.

The Pyramid of Giza was built in 2560 BCE. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. It was built to burry leaders and pharos.

The temple of Athena was built for the Roman Goddess, Athena. It is Honor of Athena and is still standing today.

2560 B.C.

510 B.C.

530 B.C.

469 B.C.

The Temple of Hera is built in honor of the roman goddess of marriage, Hera. It is very important to the italian people.

The Temple of Zeus was built in 460 B.C. In honor of the greek god Zeus. It is still standing today.

Citations Yahl, Keith. “The Great Pyramid of Giza.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 3 Feb. 2010, e-egypt-1276298/ “The Great Pyramid of Giza: Last Remaining Wonder of the Ancient World.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, iza-last-remaining-wonder-of/. The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Obelisk.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 6 July 2016, Sakoulas, Thomas. “The Parthenon.” Parthenon, “Hera Temple in Olympia.” Greeka, xcursions/temple-hera.htm. Cartwright, Mark. “Column.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, 30 Oct. 2012,

Courtney. “Brewster Loft Red Brick Wallpaper Sample-FD23287SAM.” The Home Depot, 15 Sept. 2017,


Trade is the act of exchanging goods or services for other goods or services. Trade became more popular when people starting coming together to create civilizations. This was around 9,000 B.C.E. A farmer would do his daily routine like harvest crops to realize that he needs milk, but he doesn’t own animals. The farmer would find someone who who had milk but needed grains. The farmer would trade his grains for something he did not have, which in this case is milk. The other trader is in the similar situation except with their different resources. People do not have to make everything by themselves anymore. These people traded using a barter system. This system does not include using money because there was no currency. There was no money so people could trade freely to their will. Trade started small and became bigger over time.

Civilizations Trading Civilizations started trading. Some civilizations realized that they did not have some resources they needed, so they would trade with other civilizations. If one civilization had a vast supply of wheat but not cattle, they could trade with another civilization who had a lot of cattle, but needed wheat. Mesopotamia was scarce in wood so they traded with what they had for an abundance of wood.There is evidence that different civilizations have traded. Archaeologists were excavating and exploring the Jericho civilization. The archaeologists found obsidian knives and tools that came from Catalhoyuk. We know these are from or near Catalhoyuk because obsidian is not available anywhere near Jericho, but the Catalhoyuk area is abundant in obsidian. Ancient Egyptians would trade papyrus, fish, hides, linen, stones, and vases for wood, lapis lazuli, copper, silver, and ivory. Ancient Greece traded cereals, wine, olives, figs, cheese, honey, meat, tools, and fine pottery with city-states in Greece. Rome was located near many trade routes,which includes land or sea. They traded, mostly, the same as what Greece traded, like food, animal products, and crafts. Some civilizations could be miles apart from each other, so the merchants and traders created trade routes.

Early Life Trading showed that early man in early life solved problems as a community. It also shows that we were farmers and the civilization was based on farming. The economy before trade was based on farming. We then developed an economy out of trading. Then the economy became based on farming and trading. Trading lets man become more social and help each other more.


Trade Routes Trade routes could be big or small but they all had the same purpose, to guide the merchants and traders. Very vast trade routes were created all over the world. The most famous trade route is the Silk Road. The Silk Road originates in Xi’an, China. It was established in the Han Dynasty which was around 200 B.C.E. It got it’s name from what China’s most important export is, silk! This route stretched from Rome to East China. Goods were not the only thing traded on trade routes, religions were also passed on. The passing of religion is how China practices buddhism. Arts, technology, knowledge, language, science, and other features of a civilization were passed from person to person on trade routes also.

Helping Tools There are tools that helped with trading. One of them would be boats. Boats became popular for trading around 4,000 B.C.E. The Nile river was like a water trade route. The water would help push a heavier current and there were pitstops or villages along the river who would trade. A major tool that changed the game of transportation is the wheel. The wheel was made around 3,500 B.C.E. Now merchants could carry a heavier load when they went on their trade routes. The domestication of some animals also helped. The domestication of donkeys happened around 3,000 B.C.E. somewhere around Egypt and Mesopotamia. The donkey helped with transporting light or heavy cargo. From 1,550 to 300 B.C.E., the Phoenicians, citizens of the civilization Phoenicia, would use galleys to transport lots of items over the water. Their trade routes were by sea to Greek islands, down the west coast of Africa, and up to Britain.

Ancient World to Modern World Trading is still used all over the globe. We now have more technology to make trading easier. We have airplanes, cargo ships, and trucks, These machines carry tons of cargo for buying or selling. Trading is also used by villages and cities. People in those places might trade with each other. Kids also trade with each other. They might trade a toy truck for a toy crane. Although that is a small act of trading, countries also trade. Today, people trade all over the globe in person or on the internet.


Phoenicians Trade Routes

Mesopotamian Wheel

Trade Civilizations start to come together. Trade is slowly becoming more used and popular.

The Wheel

Phoenicians Trade Route

The wheel changed the game for trading. Merchants could pull or push a heavier cargo with them.

4000 B.C.E 9000 B.C.E

The Phoenicians used big galleys to trade with other civilizations across the continent.

3000 B.C.E. 3500 B.C.E

Boats Boats are starting to be used for trading. The boats travel on the Nile River and make pitstops.

Present Today we still use trading. More advanced technology has made trading easier. Countries and humans still trade with each other today.

200 B.C.E. 1550-300 B.C.E.

Domestication Domestication of animals like donkeys and horses. Animals helped pull and hold cargo.

Present The Silk Road The Silk Road established in the Han dynasty is a very long road stretching from China to Rome.

People trading cards.


Egyptian Model Boat

Egyptian Donkey

The Silk Road Cargo Ship

Works Cited Pictures Works Cited Acropolis of Athens. pg. Ancient China . . Ancient Egyptian Donkey.

Ancient Egyptian Government. Ancient Egyptian Trade. -86ef-711da88df656.jpg. Ancient Mesopotamian Music. an.jpg. Ancient Rome Culture. Barter System. Kids Trading. 37042.jpg.

Labor Specialization in Africa. Mayan Civilization: Mayan Government. Mesopotamian Wheel. Model Egyptian Boat. Phoenician Trade Routes.

Religion. . Roman Forum. “Silk Road.� Britannica, Sumerian Temple. at1360130020973.png. The Silk Road. Trade.

Works Cited

Information Works Cited “Ancient Egypt for KidsEconomy and Trade.” Economy, Trade, Barter, Debens, Money - Ancient Egypt for Kids, “Ships and Boats: a Timeline.” Kidcyber, The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Silk Road.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 8 Sept. 2017, The New Stone Age (Neolithic Era), “Trade in Ancient Greece.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

“Trade in the Phoenician World.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Trade in the Roman World.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Whipps, Heather. “How Ancient Trade Changed the World.” LiveScience, Purch, 17 Feb. 2008,

Why did we need protection?

Protection Timeline of warfare advancements and developments: 2,400 BCE Invention of war chariots in Mesopotamia

2,200 BCE - 1,500 BCE the Minoan Civilization begins to grow in Crete, Greece due to the invention of Navy forces by King Minos

1,258 BCE First peace treaty between the Hittites and Egyptians: the treaty of Kadesh

1,115 BCE - 1,076 BCE reign of Tiglath Pileser I invents advanced military with specialized forces

Protection was necessary ever since the Neolithic Era, when farming had begun. There were several territory and food battles in those times, so it became obvious that we had to develop a form of defense, to guard our resources. As civilizations developed, whole regions had to be protected, so they developed armies. The reign of Assyria Assyria was one of the ancient nations that had one of the best developed armies. Even though this army was one of the strongest of its time, the empire of Assyria ruled by playing on terror and fear. An excerpt from the article from an excerpt from a temple in the city of nimrod tells of one such demonstration “‘I built a pillar at the city gate and I flayed all the chief men who had revolted and I covered the pillar with their skins; some I walled up inside the pillar, some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes’”.They were some of the best trained armies, with iron weapons, advanced engineering, effective tactics, and a complete ruthlessness that made them known and feared throughout their reign. Their influence grew so large that they began deporting people to different areas. This was no cruel deportation however. Many paintings show children and women riding on mounts or carts. Tiglath Pileser I was the Assyrian king that invented specialized forces.

Timeline of war progressions cont. 800 BCE-700 BCE Homer’s Iliad proposes Greek medical treatment

700 BCE Iron age in scotland Begins

43-96 Rome’s invasion of Britain

1789 guillotine’s first beheading

1364 invention of gun

1939 WWII brings bombs

Specialized forces: Infantry, Cavalry, and other forces like archers Infantry is a force of soldiers marching on foot, often carrying melee weapons. Cavalry is a force of mounted soldiers, often on horseback. Archers and other specialized forces are used when necessary to perform specific tasks, such as shoot arrows or other items from a farther distance, or break down doors, or dig down under a castle’s walls to make it collapse. Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was a famous conqueror. Alexander III of Macedon, otherwise known as Alexander the Great, spread Greek culture across much of the known world at that time through conquering great regions. He was trained in reading, writing, and playing the lyre when he was young. He was also trained by Aristotle, to become wise, but he was also very resilient and strong. The battle of Chaeronea was one of Alexander’s first notable military accomplishments, leading an army to destroy a city called Baalbek. He went on to conquer huge chunks of europe dying at 32 years old of a high fever, in the year 323 B.C.E.

Photo and picture gallery

Carving of Assyrian army Deportation of Assyrian citizens

Alexander the Great

Modern day protection and warfare Modern day protection and warfare is very different from warfare in Assyria or rome. Today we have the benefits and costs of guns and bombs, tanks, larger armies, and more dangerous and fatal weapons overall. There is no longer one empire that has large scale military domination, and several different countries are at war with each other with their own equipment, prowess, and forces to rule. We have improved our military with technology like bombs, guns, and tanks.


Resources for research PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, que/gun-timeline/. “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows.”, A&E Television Networks, Harder, Jeff. “Who Invented the First Gun?” HowStuffWorks Science, HowStuffWorks, 12 Jan. 2011, entions/who-invented-the-first-gun.htm. “LibGuides.” Home - LibGuides at Credo Reference, “Timeline of Wars.” Timeline of War, 24-timeline-of-war.htm. Photo sources: “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,



Key Terms 1.

Tool Making started about 2.6 million years ago, and has been evolving since.

Homo Habilis- Homo Habilis was the first species to make tools and use tools. Nicknamed the “Handyman�.

Tools were first created by the Homo Habilis1, which was the first species to make and use tools. They were able to do this because of the use of their thumbs.


The Homo Habilis sharpened rocks, sticks,

Civilization- A civilization is a city or community with a very large population

or bones to make sharp objects useful for hunting or protection. Tool making boosted the economy. In civilizations2, cities, or villages, people


Job Specialization- Job Specialization is the specialization of certain jobs. (Ex: Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher)

made tools to sell or help with certain jobs. Tool making helped job specialization3 because the jobs were easier with tools.

What tools looked like 2 million years ago

v s What tools look like today



Tool making has been evolving ever since it started over two million years ago. Tool making has gone from crafting with bone, rocks, and sharp objects, to different metals and wood, and then to using electricity, metals, glass, plastic, and more to make complex and electronic



At about 2.6 million BCE, the Homo Habilis started making tools with bone and stone.

Around 1200 BCE, the iron Age occurred. During this period, more new tools were being made out of iron and other metals.

2017 CE

3000 BCE 2.6 Million BCE

Around 3000 BCE, the Bronze Age occurred. During this period, new tools were being made out of bronze.

1200 BCE

In 2017, new tools and electronic tools are being made.

Research Works Cited “How Did Farming Impact the Success of Modern Civilization?” Job Specialization, Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012. Morelle, Rebecca. “Oldest Stone Tools Pre-Date Earliest Humans.” BBC News, BBC, 20 May 2015, O'Neil, Dennis. “Early Human Culture.” Early Human Evolution: Early Human Culture, Sarokin, David. “How the Specialization of Labor Can Lead to Increased Productivity.”, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. “Early Stone Age Tools.” Early Stone Age Tools | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, 1 Mar. 2010, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. “Stone Tools.” Stone Tools | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, 1 Mar. 2010, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. “Tools & Food.” Tools & Food | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, 1 Mar. 2010, “Understanding the Tool Making Process.” DieNamics, Wayman, Erin. “Becoming Human: The Origin of Stone Tools.”, Smithsonian Institution, 1 Oct. 2012,

Pictures Works Cited “Middle Stone Age.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Sept. 2017, “Phone Making.” Mobile, Phone - Free Pictures on Pixabay, “Tool Making.” Google Search, Google, wi23MCy2arXAhVOxCYKHSnICNsQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=803#imgrc=o8e4HcqSnTJNeM:

Tools Keywords: Tool Bone needle Mud brick

Tools have been a vital ingredient to the survival of humankind. A tool is a device used to carry out a certain function. Around 2.5 million years ago, prehistoric Homo Sapiens found the need to create object that could be used to perform actions the human body could not. The first tools ever created were extremely simple. Homo Sapiens would use rocks they found on the ground, and throw them at animals to wound them. That slowed the animal making it possible for the Homo Sapien to catch it. Prehistoric humans also became aware that sharp objects were capable of wounding or puncturing animal flesh. This was a tremendous step towards the first simple hunting tools. Large, thick pieces of wood were used as handles to which a sharpened rock or bone was attached. This was used as the first ever hunting spear, which later evolved into the bow and arrow, as well as the longer throwing spear.

One of the biggest breakthroughs known to man was the discovery of fire and when man learned to control and harness it. This allowed for a total evolution of mankind. Fire was used for many things. Humans now had protection whenever they needed it, because animals were scared of fire. They had a way to cook food and rid it of all the germs raw meats contain. Fire also provided a constant light source and a constant heat source. Besides all of these amazing things, the largest effect of fire was ultimately giving humans the capacity and resources to migrate. The era of migration began roughly around the time when the Ice Age was starting to take form; around 7000 BCE. As the Ice Age progressed, people began to adapt to the new conditions; this lead to the creation of the bone needle. The bone needle is a small piece of bone that is sharpened as to be able to puncture solid objects. It was used to sew animal hide together to make clothing for the snow. As the Ice Age progressed, people became smarter when it came to tool making. They were now capable of making snare traps to catch small animals, and could make tents that allowed them to camp for the night while remaining warm in the freezing weather. Reading Check: Why was fire so important to mankind?

2.5 million years ago First evidence of tools being used

Middle of Paleolithic Era

Middle/End of Paleolithic Era

End of Paleolithic Era

Simple tools begin to be used

Fire is discovered and harnessed

Creation of Bone needle and sewn clothes

At the end of the Ice Age, around 10,000 BCE, humans became sedentary. They began to build permanent houses that were made out of mud bricks. A mud brick is a hard slab of solid mud which is used to build permanent walls and structures. As people began forming villages made up of these houses, farming tools were invented. Plows and shovels were invented, and those evolved over time into hoes, animal powered plows, and larger shovels used to dig holes. As the first civilizations progressed, bronze, iron, and other metals were discovered. People found that these materials were a lot stronger and more durable than what they had been using prior. From these metals the sword, the shield, and armors were invented. Gold was also discovered and used to demonstrate power and wealth. In Ancient Egypt and China, the emperors and pharaohs were heavily decorated with golden jewelry and crowns. They had guards who used weaponry to defend and protect the ruler and his or her riches. As time passed the Greek Empire began to form with the discovery of marble and fine stone. They had more advanced weaponry, such as lighter armor and catapults, as well as stronger structures

Around 10,000 BCE Creation and use of the mud brick and farming tools

Neolithic Era and into written history Use of metals as well as armor and such, and creations of civilizations

Advancement of civilization ~ Ancient Roman about 1900 Advanced armor and protection, guns, and cannons

Modern Day Modern technologies such as smartphones and airplanes

During the Ancient Roman time period, more advanced armor was created, as well as the metal chain, using iron and lighter, more durable metals. As time progressed and civilizations became more advanced, the gun and cannons were created. This led to war and the building of barriers, as well as the creation of stronger materials which were used to build them. Modern day tools consist of things people in older time periods could never have dreamed of. Mechanical technology is a great example of that. There are smartphones, laptops, and color television. There are also motor powered cars and boats that go at tremendous speeds. Airplanes can now take people across the globe. The evolution of tools from prehistoric times to modern day is astounding.

Citations Pictures sy-ab.3..0i67k1l6j0l2j0i67k1j0.25146.25543.0.25922. YM Q&biw=1440&bih=900&dpr=1#imgrc=qaYxRWELu7tDUM: e&oq=airplane&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1j0j0i67k1l3j0j0i10i67k1j0i67k1j0j0i67k1.43373.44551.0.44654. .615....0.utB9Lk-ojMk#imgrc=9mlDOzUIn3seIM:,ic:trans&tbm=isch&source=lnt&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVgtH3uKrXAhVLJiYKHRrDB18Qp wUIHQ&biw=1392&bih=706&dpr=1#imgrc=BWRbvGhJm_-sbM:,ic:trans&tbm=isch&source=lnt&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6k9WdwqrXAhWLKyYKHUc4D ZkQpwUIHQ&biw=1440&bih=900&dpr=1#imgrc=N_m0r9L3DcddZM:

Research/Text Works Cited Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012. Kellar, James. "Hand Ax." Encyclopedia Americana. Scholastic Grolier Online, Miracle, Preston T. "Paleolithic Period." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Grolier Online, Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Stone Tools | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program, 1 Mar. 2010, “Stone Age.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Stone Age Tools.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Religion is a big aspect of civilization. A civilization would need the existence of religion to run the government smoothly. The government is able to get everything under control and use the belief in religion, so religion is a big aspect of civilization.

What is Religion? People worship god or gods, existence and nature, such as animalism which early man probably worshiped. It is a set of belief of supernatural powers that created and ruled the world. Religion shapes culture around the world. It is many people’s important components of life.

Why is religion important to a civilization? Religion is very important to civilization. Even today religion restraints people from committing crimes, and many laws are based on religious beliefs. In early civilizations, religion helped the ruler manage the people since people have a fear in the god or goddess they believe in. Using the fear, the ruler, who has great power pretended a connection to the god. For example, the Chinese emperor called himself as “the son of heaven�. Religion also causes a great effect because people consider helping the society as helping the god, so people give help to needy and poor people.

Modern Day Religion

Where did the important religions come from?

Even though religion came from ancient times, it still exists in modern day. It is still important to everyday life. Even though people now more reference to science instead of religious beliefs, people still goes to churches and practice religion. Religion is more of a culture.

The world’s major religions started from Asia. India is the country where Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism were first developed. Judaism, Christianity and Islam were first developed in southwest asia.

What is the oldest religion in the world that still exists? The oldest religion that still exists is Hinduism in precursor.2nd millennium B.C.E. it does not have a single founder and it is a combination of many beliefs.



precursor..2nd millennium BCE


400 BC-600 BCE

Beginning of 7th century

precursor..1st millennium BC..and 500 BCE

1st century



15th century


Religions in ancient civilizations India- Hinduism is a polytheistic and henotheistic religion, in Hinduism there is no one main teacher. Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana and Mahabharata are the four important sacred writings in Hinduism. Important elements are Karma and reincarnation. It has more than one founder and it has many sets of teachings. The majority of population in India and Nepal practice Hinduism. It contains many traditions. Egypt- The religious belief of egyptian people consists of magic, mythology, science, medicine, psychiatry, spiritualism, herbology, and life after death. Many gods in egyptian religion contains parts of animals such as Anubis, who wears a head of a jackal like animal. It is from the respect of the power of the animals from Egyptian people. Egyptians are closely attached to their land. China- before the philosophical teaching of Confucius and Lao-Tzu and the teaching of Buddha, people worshiped wealth and fortune which later developed to a religion. Chinese believed that gods, spirits and family ancestors could affect crops, weather, childbirth, emperor's health, welfare, and many more.

Ancient Mesopotamia- people believed more than one god, and the system is called polytheistic. The people believed to keep natural hazards and bad thing not happen is to keep the gods happy. They built temples called Ziggurats. People worships and say their favor to the god or goddess. The life of Mesopotamian people revolves around their god. Each city would have a patron god or goddess. They owns the largest temple in the city.

Egyptian gods

Ancient mesopotamian people worshipping

Hinduism temple.

Eva, Nahid. “Importance of Religion in Today's World.” - Share Research, “Free Image on Pixabay - Religion, World Peace, Faith, 3D.” Free Illustration: Religion, World Peace, Faith, 3D - Free Image on Pixabay - 1637241, Gill, N.S. “The Religions of the Indian Subcontinent Stretch Back for Millennia.” ThoughtCo, “Hinduism.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Leser, Simon. “The 8 Oldest Religions In The World.” Culture Trip, 11 Jan. 2017, “Mesopotamian Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Religion in Ancient China.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Religion in the Ancient World.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Religions - Hinduism: History of Hinduism.” BBC, BBC, Rogers, Mick. “Whizzers's Place.” Life as an Ancient Egyptian, 1 Jan. 1970,

Communication Man has been communicating ever since they appeared on Earth. Man is still communicating now for way more things, but for also similar things. To learn more about our communication skills and how we've developed keep on reading. First Written Language Spoken language was first introduced several billion years ago with grunts and sounds, but communication wasn't just verbal. The first written language was created in 3,500 BCE by the Sumerians. This language is known as cuneiform. Cuneiform comes from latin cuneus which means wedge and represents the wedge style lettering of the Sumerians. When using cuneiform one would take a slab of clay and using a stylus (a well cut writing tool) would carve in the pictographs or phonograms. Pictograms were pictures that represented things and phonograms were symbols that represented a sound like the letters of the alphabet. The Sumerians’ language is now an isolate language or a language to which no current languages relate. The Alphabet The first concept of an alphabet was created in 700 BCE. It is known as the Proto-Sinaitic script. It was made up of 22 symbols that were simple enough for most people to learn. During 700 BCE the “alphabet” had spread to Greece and then the Greeks adapted it and enhanced into the beginning of the Greek language. They kept some of the original Proto-Sinatic symbols, but they brought some new ones in as well. The direction in which they wrote was first right to left. Later they switched it to alternating on every line and finally, in the 5th century BCE, it

was changed to what humans do today, left to right. Communication in Civilization Communication is used for everything today, but how did it first become a part of civilization? Communication was first used in civilizations mostly to record numbers of crops and other subjects having to do mainly with food. This started out in villages, but as villages became bigger because of a surplus of food, they started using their written language for other things as well. Some examples of these things are how many people are working, what materials and crops have been traded, and laws that the government has made to keep order. They also started using the written language to communicate with each other, but that was not its main function.

These are two examples of cuneiform from the Sumerians. They are two slabs of clay that have dried with symbols written on them.

Communication Differences and Similarities People still do communicate nowadays, but in many, many more forms. For example, we now use our language and pictures to advertise and for marketing. Forms of communication have made it easier to spread the word about companies and products. Another form of communication is entertainment, and some emperors, kings, and queens had this or a jester to entertain them and make them laugh. Now, we have the television and some other forms of entertainment such as, Netflix, YouTube, etc. We still use our written language to record numbers and to write down laws. These were two purposes of the written language in ancient times that are still being used today. Nowadays we also type nearly everything, rather than write it. We can also communicate now using digital platforms

such as, texting, FaceTime, E-mail, social media, etc. We also now have eBooks rather than normal paper books. eBooks are used so one can fit multiple books in one place and they are all available at the tap of a finger. Communication Now Overall, communication is key to doing almost everything and anything nowadays. Communication is found everywhere in the United States. Their main spoken and written language is English. We use communication now for personal uses, such as grocery lists and reminders to more professional things like formal papers, books, and laws that are being made. Communication is one of the most important aspects of civilization because it leads to all the other aspects.


(“Creative Displays�)

Works Cited Works Cited Research,, 2016, Hauser, Marc D., et al. “The Faculty of Language: What Is It, Who Has It, and How Did It Evolve?” Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 22 Nov. 2002, Havelock, Eric A., and Jackson Hershbell. “Communication Arts in the Ancient World.” ERIC - Education Resources Information Center, Hastings House, Publishers, Inc., 10 East 40th Street, New York, New York 10016 ($12.50 Cloth), 20 Nov. 1978, “History of Communication from Cave Drawings to the Web.” Creative Displays Now, “Language.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Mark, Joshua J. “Cuneiform.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Vox, 28 Apr. 2011, Moser, Jason. “Sumerian Language.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, 7 Nov. 2015, Schumm, Laura. “Who Created the First Alphabet?”, A&E Television Networks, 6 Aug. 2014,

Works Cited Pictures Mark, Joshua J. “Sumerian Language.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 28 Apr. 2011, Oconnell, Rebecca. “Cuneiform.” Mental Floss, Mental Floss, 11 Nov. 2015,

Sumerians’ Recreation

Aspect This aspect became part of the civilizations because the Sumerians that that if you would play a lot as a child you would live a long and healthy life. They also thought that you would provide for the community when you became older. But yet most of the priests and kings were fat.

Play Location

Toys Toys back then were way different than the toys nowadays. Nowadays we have electronic toys, mechanical toys, and flying toys. Our variety has changed from basic rolling toys and clay figures to toys that light up and talk. Our robots fit the needs for many different children whether you like helicopters or video game, people would spend an average of 23 billion dollars by the end of 2014. We also could’ve spent 206 billion dollars in 2017.

The Sumerian kids would usually play outside or in their house’s yard. There was not that many places to play. It is so important because if you do not play or do some sort of physical activity you would most likely be fat. Once you were fat you would not be able to provide much in the community. Than if everyone was fat the city would fall apart. Toys must have been a really R/C popular item back then. They had Helicopter created many toys like spinning tops, bow and arrows, boomerangs, rattles, jump ropes, hoops, and slingshots. They had a variety of toys to play with.

Vocab Recreation- An activity that you do in your free time.

Spinning Top

Ancient China



The Chinese people were the first people to create a kite. It was mainly used for warfare purposes. They would send messages in the kite, to troops or allies.

Recreation They also liked to do dance and make music. Dance reached it’s peak during the Tyang Dynasty. Bells and Chimes were some of the early instruments that they had, they also played card games. Each pack of cards would come with about 30 cards. After time, they had a much more variety in cards. After many centuries toys have evolved to a bigger variety and they have become more complex.

Hot Air Balloon

Vocab Warfare: Engaged in conflict or war

Ancient Greece



Ancient Greece would slay dogs, horses, and bears in their free time. The kids would play a game called hoops. The game hoops was recommended by doctors because it kept the children active and healthy. Hoops was either made out of bronze, wood, or iron. It was very loud so if a child got lost the toy would help the parents find their child with the loud noise.

Games There was the Yo-Yo which was made out of wood and there was also dice. They would play board games and games that require luck. Our toys nowadays are much more advanced and different. Our toys include R/C ars, flying toy helicopters, water guns, and life like dolls.

Vocab Slay: To kill an animal or a person in a violent manner.


Ancient Timeline

200 B.C.Hound and Jackal were created. Pieces would be moved around the board.


7000 A.D. Toys that were animals with wheels was invented.

300 A.D. The instrument sheng was created. It was a wind instrument.

Every 5,000 years

1,000 A.D. We had tiny rolling cars and clay figures.


Research citations Dillinger, Jessica. “7 Countries That Spend Most On Toys - How Much Should You Spend On Your Kids?” WorldAtlas, 26 Oct. 2015, d-you-spend-on-your-kids.html.\

(New York residents only). “U.S. Advertising Spending 2015-2021.” Statista, “Ancient Greek Recreation & Activities.” SchoolWorkHelper, “Ancient China.” Ducksters Educational Site, “Who Invented the Kite and When? - Times of India.” The Times of India, Home, 24 July 2010, rticleshow/6211967.cms


Images McCollough, Adam. “” History of the Spinning Top - How Does the Spinning Top Work?, 1 Jan. 1970, “Radio-Controlled Helicopter.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 Oct. 2017, “Chinese Playing Cards.” The World of Playing Cards, “Days of the Pharaohs.” Ancient Egyptians Tug of Hoop, greek-museums. “Greek-Museums.” Museums of Greece, 25 Nov. 2014, ri-ancient. “Kite.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2017,


is the action of buying and selling goods.

Farming lead to settling down, which later formed trading. The government was responsible for trade. The priests were in charge of distributing food and monitoring trade in the community. People exchanged goods within the village. Trading became a source of wealth since people were trading so much, that the more they had, the wealthier they were. Wealth determined the different social classes because the wealthier the people were, the higher their social class was. Because of the determined classes and the wealth, trading became a big part of civilizations. At first, people were mainly farmers, so their economy and trade was based on farming. People traded for things that they were not skillful at, did not have, or could not make or farm. Because of trading, people had more leisure time to do what they pleased. Most people spent their time making art. They would paint on the walls or make pottery. This aspect of civilization took hold approximately 9,000 B.C.E. To present day, we still trade with different places all around the world.

Ancient people traded things that they needed or did not have. For example, Ancient Egyptians traded fish, hides, papyrus, stone, linen, and vases for goods because they did not have any. People from Afghanistan traded gold, silver, and lapis lazuli. People from Balochistan traded copper, lapis lazuli, agate, chalcedony, carnelian, and turquoise. Mostly farmers traded animals, cattle, crops, or farming tools. Ancient people used to trade, and people still do now. People, for example, trade food from different places all over the world. That is how people buy different food from different places. People today trade gold, silver, and other goods because they started this way a long time ago. Modern people trade many things, from books to jewelry to mechanical parts. People also trade commercial goods amongst cities, towns, nations, counties, countries, continents, villages, etc. Most children even trade collectors cards amongst each other.

TRADE... Continued

Trade was, and still is, helpful because places that were scarce did not have much, but they could trade with other places to receive food, goods, and the things they needed to survive. Trade also helped because some people were not good at something, so they could trade with someone who was skillful in that category. Trade also made leisure time for people to make art. They did not have to farm everyday or work everyday because they could trade with someone to give them the food they needed for that day or week. Some of the most important trade routes were the Silk Road, the Spice Route, the Incense Route, and the Amber Road. The Silk Road is the most famous one of all. It linked China’s big civilizations all the way to the Roman Empire. The Spice Route brought spices, like pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, from east to west. The Incense Route domesticated camels, and the Amber Road traded beads. These were some of the most important trading routes for ancient civilizations.

The first type of trade was about 7,500 B.C.E. The type of trade was long - distance trade in obsidian. The Danube River was a very important river in ancient times. It was, and still is, a vital commercial highway between the nations of central and southeastern Europe. The first civilization was Mesopotamia. Then came Egypt, and at the same time China was building its civilization too. After, Greece became a great civilization. Next came Rome, which was the last civilization before modern time.

TRADE... Timeline

3,500 B.C.E.

3,000 B.C.E.

2000 B.C.E

Incense Route

Amber Road

Spice Route

Silk Road

Tribes from Arab carried incense from southern Arabia The civilizations near the Mediterranean

Linked the Baltic to the rest of Europe. This road was developed by the Romans. They valued amber as decoration and medication

They stretch from the west coast of Japan, through the islands of Indonesia

Spread cultures. This road spread religion, ideas, and knowledge. The Silk Road, sometimes, even spread bacteria.

206 B.C.E. - 24 A.D.

Work Cited

RESEARCH “8 Trade Routes That Shaped World History.” Mental Floss, 20 Sept. 2016, Pinka, Patricia Garland. “Danube River.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1 Dec. 2016, “Trade Timeline.” Trade Timeline - Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Ancient Egypt for KidsEconomy and Trade.” Economy, Trade, Barter, Debens, Money - Ancient Egypt for Kids, “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012. Ancient India - Staff Room, “Ancient Egypt for KidsEconomy and Trade.” Economy, Trade, Barter, Debens, Money - Ancient Egypt for Kids, “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012. “History of Silk Road.” History of China Silk Road: Development, Significance, Travelers, “ SILK ROAD Dialogue, Diversity & Development.” UNESCO, The Incense Road, PICTURES Google Search, Google, X&ved=0ahUKEwjfnpeQ2KjXAhVI5CYKHZfSDpEQ_AUICigB&biw=1209&bih=619 Google Search, Google, sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8svfm2KjXAhUEVyYKHa6FAVsQ_AUICigB&biw=1209&bih=619. Google Search, Google, WfrjLMLDmQHN8Koo&q=ancient+wall+art&oq=ancient+wall+art&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i8i30k1l4.7546.817 3.0.9452. DeQ#imgdii=VPP4OJamfM5HoM:&imgrc=q4MbgZqRjsOlUM: Google Search, Google, sch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihkq6Q26jXAhUGRiYKHUP3Be4Q_AUICigB&biw=1209&bih=619#imgrc=3-Kp0r 9_edWxmM:

Protecting And Conserving Key Terms

|Bow and Arrow| |Sword| |Spear| |Gun Powder| |Bronze Age| |Walls|


|Iron Age|

|Tang Dynasty|


The First weapons The first weapons were invented in the Paleolithic Age. Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals began hunting by throwing rocks at their prey. Later, the Homo Sapiens began to sharpen the rocks and put them on sticks. Thus the spear was invented. The spear became the most effective weapon in the Paleolithic Age. Meanwhile, the Homo Sapiens created the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow is also a really effective weapon invented by Early Man.


Bow and Arrow

Weapons and Military in the Neolithic Age The Neolithic Age is when militaries and more advanced weapons were created. As humans began to farm and create civilizations, protection became essential to the survival of these civilizations. Defense systems such as walls,

became a very popular defence system because they were really effective. For example, the Walls of Uruk which were created in 3500 BC.

The Walls of Uruk are so powerful that they are still standing today.

Section One Assessment 1.When was the spear and the bow and arrow invented. 2. Name the two types species that lived to make the spear and bow and arrow. 3.When where the walls of Uruk made.

The Beginning of Militaries

The Bronze Age

Militaries became a big part of the Neolithic Age as land became more and more essential to its owners. Now that farming is one of the most reliable food sources in the Neolithic Age, the amount of land you had was really important. Of course, people with a low amount of land would want to steal your land or someone else's land. This led to the beginning of militaries. Militaries were very small at first but slowly started getting larger as everyone's land expanded.

The Bronze Age was an important time period for the evolution of protection. The first metal weapons where made such as swords and shields. This lasted from 2,000 BC to 1,000 BC. The Iron Age The Iron Age is when metal weapons began to get more advanced. Protection of civilizations became more advanced as well. The Great Wall of China was built towards the end of this time period. This time period lasted until A.D began.

Tang Dynasty The Tang Dynasty began in 618 and ended in 907. During the Tang Dynasty. One of the most important inventions was made which is gunpowder. Gunpowder allowed for guns and bombs to be invented making all other weapons look useless. This also caused for walls to become sturdier.

Swords and shields


Small army

10,00 BC

Fist weapons First weapons are made by the Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens

5,000 BC

2,300 BC

1,200 BC

618 AD

1914 -

Tang Dynasty

World War I -

Gunpowder is one of the most important inventions in military and weapon history because it caused for guns to be invented

Bombs and more advanced weapons are made and are still evolving to this day.

Iron Age First need of protections Civilizations are made making protection such as walls and militias essential to the survival of the civilizations.

Bronze Age

First metal weapons and armour are made for soldiers in the militaries

Metal weapons are becoming more advanced and common. Also towards the end, the Great Wall of China is made.

Modern Day Modern day militaries and protection has changed a lot from the Neolithic Age. There are now weapons such as missiles, automatic guns, etc. MIlitaries have grown from thousands to millions that are traveling all over the world.

Citations Research Citations “The Eastern Mediterranean and Syria, 8000–2000 B.C. | Chronology | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art.” The Met's Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, “Jericho.” Khan Academy, “Museum of the Stone Age.” Neolithic Tools, Picture Citations ng-relief-hieroglyphs-archaeological-site-ancient-history-maya-civilization-1203032.jpg. ack.jpg. ManuscriptWalterdeMilemete1326.jpg. 1858.jpg.

What is communication? Communication is the means of connection particularly, between people or places. In primitive times, one of the most underlying materials that produced today's modernized technology was the system of communication. The most important concept was the written language. However, the concept of writing did not unfold to humans until 3500 - 3000 B.C.E in Sumer. Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of Southern Mesopotamia. Communication sprouted in the Upper Paleolithic Age. Invention of writing in Sumer at Uruk

Hieroglyphic writing developed in Egypt

Beginning of writing language in Sumerian

3,600 B.C.E

3,200 B.C.E

3,200 B.C.E

Beginning of literature in Sumerian

2,500 B.C.E

Gilgamesh written on clay tables

2,150 - 1,400 B.C.E

Phoenician Alphabet invented

1,000 B.C.E

Primitive Communication

Cuneiform Making particular marks in wet clay

people living near Egypt. This alphabet was based on the ideas of the Egyptians.

with a reed implement was incorporated in

People from the east and north started

the early writing called Cuneiform. It

using it. For example, the Canaanites,

developed from the pictographs and other

Hebrews, and the Phoenicians.

symbols used to represent trade, goods, and livestock on clay tablets. Originally, the Sumerians made small tokens out of clay to represent the items. Alphabet An alphabet is a standard set of

Hieroglyph Hieroglyphs are part of the early Egyptian writing system or the logographic writing system. Hieroglyphics are characters used in a system of pictorial writing, This form was

letters that can be used to write many

used on ancient Egyptian monuments.

words in several different languages. A

Hieroglyphic symbols may represent the

particular alphabet, the Phoenician

objects that they portray, but they

alphabet, also known as the

usually stand for particular sounds or

Proto-Canaanite alphabet, is known as the

groups of sounds. Hieroglyph means

first alphabet ever invented. The Phoenician

sacred carving, and is a Greek translation

alphabet is the ancestor of most modern

of the Egyptian phrase, “the god's words�.

alphabets, including Arabic, Greek, Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and possibly Brahmic. The alphabet was developed by a group of Semitic

Reading Check - Name three reasons why communication helps develop a civilization?

Modern Communication

Literature Our use of writing and communication has grown tremendously. We have benefited in many different ways. For example, literature. Literature is any single piece of written work and is considered to be an art form. It is deemed to have artistic and intellectual values. From literature, we have books, plays, movies, and drama. It has affected our modern day society because it has given us great entertainment. Internet & Social Media Communication has also changed our world because it has advanced our technology. We are now able to communicate in ways no one from ancient times would believe. We have the technology. Technology is machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.

We communicate with social media and the internet. Social Media is a way to share what is on your mind through pictures and writing. We also have the internet. We can find books, pictures, and written information on the internet. People share their information and it spreads to everyone in need of the information. It is an important piece of our economy and without it, we would not be able to share information, or it would be much harder to. Moreover, we send emails, text messages, invitations, or make phone calls because of our great advancement in technology and because of this, communication has emerged into something bigger. Economical & Governmental Some significant changes since communication was invented were economical and political. We have evolved and we’ve created political branches because we are able to speak, agree and disagree with each other.


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Land, Whipps, Heather. “How Writing Changed the World.” LiveScience, Purch, 10 Feb. 2008, “Writing Timeline.” Writing Timeline - Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Study Shows Civilization Is Doomed.”, 23 Mar. 2014, “What Is Ancient Civilization? Ancient History and Culture Explained.” Ancient Civilizations World, 18 May 2017,

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