Period 8 2017 Aspects of Civilization

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Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs •Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication •Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs •Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation •Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Protecting and Conserving • Governing • Religion and Moral Beliefs • Aesthetics • Recreation •Tool making • Producing, Consuming, Exchanging • Transportation • Communication • Education • Tool

10 Basic Activities of Civilization Textbook

Religion Keywords:

Religion Atheist Monotheistic

Every culture in the history of our world has been shaped by religion. Religion is a system of belief and worship, usually of spirits or god(s). Religion can help guide people in matters of ethics.

The Beginning of Religion For the early humans, there was no explanation for how the world started and why it works like it does. Therefore, they began to believe in a superior force which shaped the world, their lives, their destiny, and brought them from their suffering to an eternal life after death. The first religion is believed to have begun in the Mesopotamian region and have spread to other countries such as Egypt. The Mesopotamian belief was that humans were laborers with the gods. The first written language was established in the year 3,500 B.C. by the Sumerians. This helps us to see more about the culture of early man.

This is a temple in Delhi, India called the Laxminarayan Temple. This is where people go to worship.

This is the writing tablet used by the Sumerians. They wrote in cuneiform.

How is Early Man Religion Important? Religion helps us see the culture of early man and how they lived their lives. Religion also shows how early man spent their leisure time. Looking at the temples they had constructed, and how meticulously built they are, we can see how important religion was to their culture and tradition.

Religion Today

Will Religion Always Be Here?

There are many religions dating back to the Neolithic Era that are still here today. For example, Hinduism is the oldest religion still practiced. Hinduism originates from India and China. This belief is that each and every human has a duty in this universe, and if they fulfill that duty, then they move closer to being with god. If they do not, however, then they will continue to be reincarnated until they understand their duty. Another Hinduistic belief is of karma, or one will get what one puts out. Judaism is the oldest religion which is monotheistic, or the belief in one god. Buddhism is another old religion.

Religious beliefs have been changing rapidly among the years. In the past, early man believed in the gods because the gods would protect them. However, in many modern day countries, where there is a bigger economic, existential, and political stability, there is a rising number of atheists. An atheist is a non-religious person. Also, technology and education is diminishing the belief in gods. Between 2005 and 2011, the number of those identified as religious fell from 78% to 68%. In 2005, 3% of the population self-identified as atheist, and in 2011 the number rose to 13%. Some experts even say religion will not exist in the future.

This is a more recent graph of the religions around the world today.

This is an image of the Hindu population across the world.

3,500 B.C.E.~ First written religion established by the Sumerians in cuneiform.


1,500 B.C.E.~ Aryans bring Hinduism to India.

1,812 B.C.E.~ Covenant between God and Abraham and Judaism is established.

1st Century~ Christianity is established.

Number of atheists is rising.

Works Cited

Modern Day Religion Modern day man keeps some of the same rituals as early man, such as praying. However, there is no more sacrifice or doing no

Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012. Nuwer, Rachel. “Future - Will Religion Ever Disappear?” BBC, BBC, 19 Dec. 2014,

work on Sunday. Although some religious families may choose to take Sundays off, religion






“Religion Timeline.” Religion Timeline - Ancient History Encyclopedia,


development as it used to be. Therefore,

“Religion in the Ancient World.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

certain rituals are no longer needed. Also, some religion rituals were dangerous and no

“Why Does Religion Still Exist?” Science 2.0, 26 Aug. 2014,

longer accepted in society. There are many religious festivals nowadays, and religious

Laxminarayan Temple Delhi.

holidays are widely celebrated. Christmas is an example of a religious holiday that 96% of Christians celebrate. Not only is this a major time of years for Christians, but there is typically a major boom in the economy with Americans spending over $500 billion on this particular holiday. Many new religions have formed since the Neolithic Era. This has formed countless new ways of worshipping and celebrating the different religions.

Cuneiform Writing. Hinduism by Country. ent_population_in_each_nation_World_Map_Hindu_data_by_Pew_Resea rch.svg/1200px-Hinduism_percent_population_in_each_nation_World_M ap_Hindu_data_by_Pew_Research.svg.png. World Religions. g2uEdgKdBmnxLkeEoCpSZR6QGfHVDoXiWi-3rv9npJVjcVLTWr_UtlQ8bfW KmjqFcmZ5G5FO1_fcn4. Praying in Church. Religion. OwQlI2YzJQG5Kw3WpLs3o_hTG_br_KTThQ.

This is people praying in church.

Governing Key Terms: Govern, Democracy,

< The White House, part of the executive branch in the U. S. A

Monarchy, Republic, Neolithic Era Hammurabi’s Code

WhatKeyisWords: government? Govern, Democracy, ToNeolithic governEra, is to rule without Hammurabi's Code.sovereign power and usually without having the authority to determine basic policy. It can also mean to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of people.

Kinds of Government: A government ruled by a single person is called a Monarchy. Usually, Monarchies are lead by descendants of a royal family. On the other hand, if the country or civilization was ruled only for money and wealth, the power became a tyranny, and the leader a tyrant. Following, a constitutional democracy is ruled by more than one person, but not

Early Humans & Government

an entire village. Next, a government led only by the common people is a democracy. Lastly, a Republic

Government has always been a need. For example, in the past, governing could show that

is the modern democratic state in which the people

people behaved recklessly therefore they needed someone to lead them. People had arguments over land and such, therefore they would need rules in the community. Cities also needed government to help modify and improve an economy, such as trading. As people evolved, government did as well.

What caused government to become part of civilization? As cities and villages grew, people understood that they needed a leader to keep them in order. Early humans knew that without rules, cities would not be able to function. They knew society was complex, therefore they decided on someone to lead their city. With government came trade, job specialization, economy, and social classes.

do not take a direct role in leading or governing, but they do elect representatives. In older times, the government was mainly a leader with side officials, nobles, or priests.

The First Leaders: In smaller cities or societies, people chose chiefs or other leaders to make and enforce rules. Back then, the people did not have any elections or voting, they just agreed on someone to lead them. As cultures developed, people wanted to be a part in making rules and laws since these enforcements were made to help them. The people would also have a lot at stake, such as jobs, family, and land. In ancient civilizations, the first leaders were usually priests or the eldest man.

Reflect Why was government important?

How does government help civilizations? It helps us by keeping order, protecting a city from harmful attacks, and provide services such as education, transportation, and communication. Since ancient times, people have needed rules to keep daily lives in order. Currently, government is used for many of the same purposes along with managing military, urbanization, and creating public works. In the

Government brought new regulations to people’s daily lives.

United States for example, the reasons for government are listed in the constitution.

Connections: In the Paleolithic Era, the people lived apart from each other, meaning they did not have a selected leader- this worked well as they were always moving to follow herds and cattle. As the Neolithic Era began, the people began living more sedentary lifestyles. With this new way of life, people had to take care of land as well as family, food, and belongings. Along with the new privileges that began with a more permanent life, this also called for more rules and regulations. Government was decided upon and then society built. Nowadays, all countries and cities rely on some form of government, whether it is a monarchy, a democracy, a republic, a dictatorship, or something else. Population has continued to grow, meaning the government has had more needs to fill as we pass time in history.

Government can be a democracy, a monarchy, a republicanism, etc.

The Neolithic Era brought a more permanent lifestyle.

When did governing start? How has it evolved? Neolithic Era Around 12000 BCE

Government began in the Neolithic Era and it still stands today. Different types of government all over the world started forming centuries later. The first example of a government was the Sumerian civilization. To start, the people of Sumer had organized

Civilization of Sumer (Sumerians)

themselves into several city-states ruled by some sort of priest or king. The Sumerians gained their wealth from trade. Artisans would sell materials to traders travelling along rivers and valleys.

4000 BCE

Following, the government of Sumer became more complex. The city-states had started to collect taxes and keep records. They also had complex irrigation systems and a common religion. Moving on,

Hammurabi’s Code Between 1780 and 1750 BCE

another point in governing was Hammurabi's Code. This was the first set of real laws. It was one of the earliest codes, proclaimed by a Babylonian king named Hammurabi. The Hammurabi code is a set of 282 rules establishing, commercial interactions, fines, and punishments for the people of Mesopotamia. Next came Egyptian

Ancient Egypt

Civilization. Government and religion were both very important elements in this civilization. This brought order with construction of

3100 BCE

temples, and the organization of more complex laws and and taxation. Ancient Egypt would not be able to have a good, stable, civilization without the help of the people. In a social hierarchy, a

Ancient Greece

pharaoh would be at the top, followed by the most powerful officers. With this strong government, Ancient Egypt was able to

Between 800-500 BCE

achieve many things such as trade and defense. Lastly, as time passes, we enter Greek Government. This was one of the first civilizations with a democracy. Ancient Greece was concerned with rules such as who will lead the city? Across many city-states,

Modern (Common Era)

governing could rest in the hands of just one person or a select few. As we progress in history, power and government came with more

Early 16th Century

responsibilities. Currently, many countries have a Democracy more advanced that Ancient Greece. Many people believe that democracy was one of Ancient Greece’s most important contributions to civilization.

Reflect How did government evolve?

Citations Websites "Ancient Civilizations." Scholastic Grolier Online,

Pictures “Ancient-Egypt.” Ancient-Egypt-Online,



Egyptian Civilization - Government, /egcgov1e.shtml. “Ancient Greek Government.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Govern.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, Staff. “Code of Hammurabi.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009,

“Government .” Politicsandwar, Wikia, “Prehistory: Food & Health.”, prehistory/food-and-health/. “The-8-Types-of-Government.”, 75628-phpapp02/95/the-8-types-of-government1-2-728.jpg? cb=1350028632.

“White_House_DC.” Wikimedia, Wikipedia ,

Rienow, Robert. "Government, Forms of." The New Book


of Knowledge. Scholastic Grolier Online, 100 h&type=0ta. Accessed 26 Oct. 2017. “The Sumerians of Mesopotamia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, tamia/.


Farming was created which led to Job Specialization 15,200 BCE

Leisure is the inside activities you would do because you need to. Leisure was always a thing but it evolutionized in 15,200 BCE during the Neolithic Era. Since farming began, mankind has had more free time

In Ancient China, music and footbinding became popular usages of leisure - 7000 BCE

because of new job specializations. As time moved on, people had more and more leisure time because of how they settled down and got new jobs.

Ancient Egyptians and the people in ancient greece created a new kind of leisure by, acting, and dance forms - 30 BCE

As time moved on, more leisure actions became a thing like, recording videos or trying to make new discoveries using electricity - 1879 CE


Recreation is the fun ac that you would do during your extra time. Recreation has always been a thing, mostly known as hunting or fighting. Having to travel so

People hunted and did exercise since a long time ago for fun and just for survival in the Paleolithic Era. - 1.6 Million years ago New sports like wrestling, lifting, and ball game were created in Ancient Egypt. 30 BCE

much, almost everything mankind did in the Paleolithic Era was recreation. When the New Stone Age came, there was less recreation because of how people stopped moving so much and hunted less.

In Ancient Greece, the olympics began so that meant more outdoor activities 776 BCE

Today, new sports and stuff to do outside are being created. Some examples of sports are basketball or soccer. - CE

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Bronze Age.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 5 May 2015, "Games, Sports & Recreation in Ancient Egypt." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2017.


“Farming.” Mashable, “Top 10 Traditional Ancient Chinese Foods.” AncientHistoryLists, 27 May 2016, e-foods/.\, A&E Television Networks, ef-sculpture-and-paintings/front-view-of-the. TheDocumenteriesTube. “HOW IT WORKS: Electricity (720p).” YouTube, YouTube, 20 Oct. 2014, “Palaeolithic - Old Stone Age.” Short History Website, 22 Oct. 2016, Klimczak, Natalia. “How Did She Do It? Cynisca, a Spartan Princess Who Won the Ancient Olympic Games.” Ancient Origins, Ancient Origins, “Summer Olympics Games in Rio Stickers Free Vector.” Summer Olympics Games in Rio Stickers | Peecheey, James, Thomas Garnet Henry, and Peter F. Dorman. “Egyptian Art and Architecture.”Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 1 June 2016, Ancient Roman Recreation & Sports - Crystalinks, “Reitz Union Leisure Courses.” Reitz Union Leisure Courses, Leisure and Entertainment, “RECREATION.” Recreation and Sport in Ancient Egypt, “Welcome to NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation.” NIRSA,

“Student Life.” Check out This Timeline to View 100 Years of Recreational Sports History! | Student Life, -years-recreational. E4G8-xAb4rxzCHPnFOEMHU/edit#heading=h.9fib8qcqe hcc.

Birth and Progression Of Communication When Did Communication Start?

What Is Communication? Communication is the exchange of meanings of individuals through certain symbols or actions. In other words communication is a way for different individuals or civilizations to share different ideas, knowledge and lessons of survival. How It Benefited Civilizations? Communication benefited societies because it allowed for lessons and ideas to spread which allowed growth. For example when a new generation came around, the oldest and wisest man would teach them lessons of survival.

The first means of communication was created in about 3,200 B.C. in Iraq and Egypt. The first type of communication was cave paintings, this was a disorganized set of signs and drawings. Cave paintings were created by homo sapiens and became a method involving pigments from juice of fruits and berries. This was created to create depictions of primitive life on the cave walls.

How Did Communication Evolve? Smoke signals are the oldest form of visual communication. This allowed messages to be sent easily by using torches as representations of letters in the alphabet. They were first used in 200 B.C.E in China and in 150 B.C. E The Greek Historian polybius developed the representation of alphabet letters through different signals. Next came carrier pigeons in the 12th century A. D.These pigeons would carry messages to different places through flight. The pigeons would have letters tied on to them and were trained to fly to where they were told. Then, came the telegraph which was a system that transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location.

Modern Day Communication and Timeline The telegraph was a system that transmitted electric signals over wires from location to location.Then came landlines, dial up internet and Sms. These were the next major developments in modern times. This allowed people to get information quickly and efficiently. This also allowed communication to become more leisure more than just sharing information.The laptop was a major advancements because it was a way to write thought and bring your computer which used to be heavy and difficult all around.Lastly Social Media was created. A platform in which you can share your life through pictures and writing online. Some examples of social media in modern 2017 times are Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. The internet and other platforms have also made major advancements.The iphone was also created in modern times and has been making different advancements throughout time.

Cave paintings: 35000 years ago.

Smoke Signals: 200 B,C.E

Written Language : 3200 B.C.E

Telegraph : 1830

Carrier Pigeons : 12th century C.E

Dial Up Internet : 1890

Landlines : 1876

Social Media 1997

Sms : 1992

Works Cited Gordon, George N. “Communication.” Encyclopædia

Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 17 Aug. 2016, “History of Communication from Cave Drawings to the Web.”

Creative Displays Now, cation-from-cave-drawings-to-the-web/. “Sumerian Language.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Tinashe. “The Oldest Forms of Human Communication.”

South African History Online, 8 Feb. 2017, All photos from google explore

Trade in Ancient Rome

What is trade?

Trade is the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities. Trade was first introduced over 10,000 years ago during the neolithic era. During the Neolithic Era, people first began trading crops. Since they had already been farming for a while, they now had even more crops than they really needed. This was called a surplus, which basically means extra. They would trade these crops to other people, for other crops or materials in return.

(Ancient Rome) (Grains)

Trade and civilization Ways of Trade


Trading in Mesopotamia (Materials)

(trade routes)

Examples of trade


Modern Trade

Reading Check - What forms of trade did people use, and how are they still going on today?

Works Cited ANCIENT ROME.;_being_a_revision_of_Lohr%27s_%22Aus_dem_ alten_Rom%22,_with_numerous_illustrations,_by_Edgar_S._Shumway_(1885)_(14775329771).jpg. “Bitcoin.” Https:// China. Fields. Grains. Iron. “Mesopotamia Trade.” Trade, “Mesopotamian Merchants and Traders.” History, 25 May 2017, Stock Marcket. “Trade.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, “Trade Routes.” Https:// “The Trade Triangle.” National Museums Liverpool, USA. Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012.

Title Slide - Citations Works Cited Army. Communication. t_model.jpg/1248px-Ghozt_Tramp_-_Business_Communication_Duplicat_model.jpg. Education. Government. ng. Jewlery. Production. Religion. .png. Transportation.

Religion & Philosophy What is religion? Religion is a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.

What is philosophy? Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means.

Different Practices of Religion Polytheism Polytheism is the belief in many gods. The ancient polytheistic belief systems viewed gods as being in control of all natural events such as rainfall, harvests and fertility. Generally, polytheistic cultures believed in sacrifice to satisfy their gods. Pantheism Pantheism is the belief that all is god. The belief that the universe itself was divine was typified in the Animism beliefs of the African and American Indian cultures, the later Egyptian religion under the Pharaohs, and Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism in the cultures of the Far East. Pantheistic beliefs are also finding resurrection among various New Age movements. Monotheism Monotheism Monotheism has been defined as the belief in the existence of only one god that created the world, is all-powerful and intervenes in the world.

Indus Valley Life of Siddhartha Origin of Civilization Gautama Origin of Origin of (Buddhism) 2800 B.C.E. - 2000Hinduism Buddhism Christianity 1,500 B.C.E.560 B.C.E. 480 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E. 30 A.D, B.C.E.

Origin of Islam 610

Origin of Fall of Rome Life of Jesus Christ Life of Muhammad Origin of Judaism Confucianism (Christianity) (Islam) (Christianity) 2,085 B.C.E. 600 B.C.E. 570 C.E - 632 C.E 476 B.C.E. 4 A.D - 30 A.D

Starting of the Holocaust (Judaism) 1938 - 1945

Chinese Republic Founded (Confucianism) 1912

Religion & Philosophy

Egyptian artifact of a villager worshiping the gods.

Ancient Religion and Philosophy Ancient Egyptian religion Egyptian religion was a combination of beliefs and practices which, in the modern day, would include magic, mythology, science, medicine, spiritualism, as well as the modern understanding of ‘religion’ as belief in a higher power and a life after death. Religion played a part in every aspect of the lives of the ancient Egyptians because life on earth was seen as only one part of an eternal journey, and in order to continue that journey after death, one needed to live a life worthy of continuance. During one’s life on earth, one was expected to uphold the principle of ma’at or harmony with an understanding of one’s actions in life impacted not only one’s self, but others’ lives as well, and the operation of the universe. Nowadays, most people who live in Egypt are Muslim. Ancient Chinese religion Religious practices in ancient China go back over 7,000 years. Long before the philosophical and spiritual teachings of Confucius and Lao-Tzu developed or before the teachings of the Buddha came to China, the people worshipped personifications of nature and then of concepts like “wealth” or “fortune” which developed into a religion. These beliefs still influence religious practices today. For example, the Tao te Ching of Taoism maintains that there is a universal force known as the Tao which flows through all things and binds all things but makes no mention of specific gods to be worshipped; still, modern Taoists in China worship many gods at private altars and in public ceremonies which originated in the country’s ancient past. Buddhism It is the world's fourth-largest religion, with over 520 million followers or over 7% of the global population, known as Buddhists. Buddhism is not only a religion, but it is also a philosophy. The origin of Buddhism points to one man, Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, who was born in Lumbini, present-day Nepal, during the 5th century BCE. Buddhism does not include the concept of a god. The existence of god is neither confirmed, nor denied; it is a non-theistic system. The Buddha is seen as an extraordinary man, not a deity or god. In some Chinese and Japanese Buddhist monasteries, they go even further by performing a curious

Statute of the Buddha

exercise: The monks are requested to think that the Buddha did not even existed. There is a good reason for this: the core of Buddhism is not the Buddha, but his teachings. It is said that those who wish to understand Buddhism and are interested in the Buddha are as mistaken as a person who wishes to study mathematics by studying the life of Pythagoras or Newton. By imagining the Buddha never existed, they avoid focusing on the idol so that they can embrace the ideal.

Religion & Philosophy Ancient Religion Greek religion In the ancient Greek world, religion was personal, direct, and present in all areas of life. With formal rituals which included animal sacrifices and libations, myths to explain the origins of mankind and give the gods a human face, temples which dominated the urban landscape, city festivals, national sporting, and artistic competitions, religion was never far from the mind of an ancient Greek. While the individual may have made up their own mind on the degree of their religious belief and some may have been completely sceptical, certain fundamentals must have been sufficiently widespread in order for Greek government and society to function: the gods existed, they could influence human affairs, and they welcomed and responded to acts of piety and worship.

Roman religion In many societies, ancient and modern, religion has performed a major role in their development, and the Roman Empire was no different. From the beginning Roman religion was polytheistic. Roman religion included both Greek gods as well as a number of foreign cults. They also used to have Emperors. Nowadays, the Romans do not have one belief or established religion. They are free to believe in whatever they want. However, most people are Roman Catholic.

Statue of Jupiter, the supreme god of the ancient Roman religion.

Modern day religion Modern day religion There are 12 major religions all over the world currently with over three million followers. These religions are Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Wicca.

Citations (Research) “Ancient Egyptian Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Ancient Greek Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Buddhism.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Origin Of Religion.”, “Philosophy.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, “Religion.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, “Religion in Ancient China.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Roman Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Citations (Pictures) “Ancient Egyptian Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Ancient Greek Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Buddhism.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Origin Of Religion.”, “Philosophy.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, “Religion.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, “Religion in Ancient China.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Roman Religion.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Timeline of Trade

Works Cited

Tools A tool is any handheld device that helps someone accomplish a certain task.

Humanoid species since the beginning of time could possibly have made very simple materials into something like a tool. The exact date in time where a humanoid species used a tool is unknown to man. However, the first ever real tool that was complex to a certain degree was made and used approximately 3.3 million years ago by proto-humans, or humans before the homo-age. However, these tools worked very insufficiently and so they were not used often. The first real complex stone tool that worked well was made during the paleolithic era roughly 2.6 million years ago by a species named homohabilis. Stone tools were used for the entirety of the paleolithic era, until the bronze era came and more advanced tools were formed using different materials such as tin and copper. After tin and copper, came the iron age where all the tools from those ages were advanced even more. During the iron age, war began to have a major effect on the tools we made. Tools have had a huge impact on the lives of not only ancient humans, but all humans through time and are one of the reasons humans were able to survive throughout history.

Under: an ox drawn plow from the bronze age

sword from the iron age (on top) On bottom, list of tools from paleolithic era

Timeline The Bronze age was made of tools created by mixing copper and tin. This mixture created a solid, bronze material. The bronze age marked the start of an economy, because people wanted bronze and started to trade for it. Warfare was also created out of this, because of the advanced weapons bronze could make. Some other tools created in the bronze age were spears, daggers, and advanced farming tools. Also, armor and swords dealing with warfare.

Bronze age Stone Age (started: 8700 B.C.E) (3000 BCE)

Modern Day Technology is the last tool of the timeline. Modern day technology has enabled humans to communicate with each other and find out information with ease. It has created jobs, social media, and online websites where humans can find out information and communicate. But, sadly it has also created terrorism, and enabled people to fight online without seeing face to face. Technology will continue to evolve in different and better ways.

Advanced Weaponry (20th century)

The stone age had basic tools that helped humans survive. One of its biggest tools was not even a tool: the ability to harness fire. Other tools used in this era were some low level spear and hunting tools, farming tools, the bone needle for clothing, and lastly one tool that was alive was the domestication of the wolf into the dog. The wolves helped humans hunt and kept humans safe.

World Wide Web (1990)

Advanced Weaponry has been a tool that has changed the world. Advanced weaponry consists of modern day guns, bombs, missiles, and tanks and other vehicles. This has caused warfare to come to an extreme level, and has been the cause of death of many people around the world. However, it has also helped people and hopefully the human race will use it for good rather than evil.

Early Tools - Mesopotamia The earliest tools ever date back to something called the flake hammer. This hammer was not used for hunting, but it helped the humans greatly in what it did. The biggest usage of this tool was to butcher animals that humans and already maintained a killed. This hammer could butcher huge or tiny animals, and it was able to take away the meat in a nice clean cut, and get marrow from inside the bones that gave a huge amount of protein. It also maintained brains inside a skull. You could also collect and cut grass and small plants with this tool. Another tool used was bark and wood, to create containers to store things, wood to create digging sticks, or small spears that were not very effective but still worked. The bones that the hammer dug out also created digging and hunting tops for spears and swords.

Tools Evolution -Egypt Ancient tools started evolving to modern day tools in Egypt. Over thousands of years, Egyptians were the first to start building civilizations. Along with these came tools that were more modern. Egyptians were able to build these modern tools because they had natural resources such as granite, iron, and copper. Too carve statues, they invented weighted drills, saws, and picks which humans still use today. These were the first modern tools in civilizations. Another huge advancement the Egyptians made was smelting metals to create jugs for water, fluids, and rivets. Furthermore, Egyptians were also able to develop advanced carpentry such as creating cabinets, coffins, and ships with sophisticated joints and architectural skills. Lastly, Egyptians had complex art using pallets, brushes, and inks developed from natural minerals such as pigment, iron, and oxide.

Early Humans and Today's Humans Tools Ancient tools were solely used for the purpose of survival. Early tools helped humans hunt animals, gather food, and create shelters and clothing so that they could survive. Now that modern day humans do not hunt for themselves, and we can buy clothing and shelters, we have created tools to make our lives easier. Tools like the car, computer, iphone and many others are tools not needed, but wanted by many. The lives of early humans are very different than those of modern day.

Modern Day Tools and technology Modern day tools are built up from the technological revolution. This was one of the biggest revolutions of all of mankind. It definitely changed the tools we use today, but it also changed the way people live their lives. New technology such as the phone, computers, advanced cars, and a new digital way of life has changed mankind. It changed the way we live life. Different things that used to be hard duty now we can do with the click of a button. Cars can drive us anywhere we want within minutes. Phones that have unlimited resources: games, alarms, news, and communication. The technological revolution marked a huge increase in the advanced tools we used, and has made us abandon old tools that we have no use for anymore.


Websites: Borri, Anaïs. “Seven Big Banks Join Forces to Build a Blockchain Platform for Trade.” FintechAge, 30 Jan. 2017, Choi, Charles Q. “Human Evolution: The Origin of Tool Use.” LiveScience, Purch, 11 Nov. 2009, “Flint.” Geology, “History of the Web.” World Wide Web Foundation, “Michiana Transportation.” Google Sites, Rice, Doyle. “World's Oldest Tools - from 3.3 Million Years Ago - Discovered in Africa.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 21 May 2015, Stone Age Tools.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Tool.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, Tools Used by Artists in Ancient Egypt.” Sciencing, “Tools Used in the Stone Age.” Sciencing,

Pictures: 3. THE PALEOLITHIC PERIOD .” The Paleolithic Period - Geography & History 2 ESO DIGITAL Canarias, Sexual Assault.” The Judge Advocate General, 5 Nov. 2013, Agriculture, U.S. Department of. “A Classroom with Teacher and Students.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 27 Mar. 2015, M4 Carbine.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Nov. 2017, “Free Images : Technology, Cable, Electricity, Energy, Electronic Device, Electrical Supply, Electronics Accessory , Telecommunications Engineering 1920x1080.” Free Images : Technology, Cable, Electricity, Energy, Electronic Device, Electrical Supply, Electronics Accessory, Telecommunications Engineering 1920x1080 - - 104676 - Free Stock Photos - PxHere, Mihai, Vertes Edmond. “Environmental Conservation Symbols.” Dreamstime, “Recreation.” Prescott National Forest - Recreation, “Two People Standing and Talking with Speech Bubbles on White Background | Stock Photo.” Colourbox, 16 Jan. 2013, ge-5744487. boost8638. “The Difference between the Internet and World Wide Web.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Feb. 2013, Images, -_MNP.jpg. Copy & paste citation

Governing As farming was established, and communities grew, early people found themselves with a need to bring order to a society. Therefore, government was established. A government is the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. In this chapter, we will explore the evolution of government, from that of early humans, to the one we have today.

Early Governments Paleolithic Period Hunter-gatherer tribes or early farming communities were small so there was hardly any government. Every elder or family head had an equal voice and were consulted to make important decisions. First Kinds of Government Farming surpluses caused for the population to grow so villages in the Middle East grew into cities. As cities grew and increased in complexity, prepared leaders were needed to run the cities. The main roles of a government were to manage the city’s resources in order to help people get those things they needed, and to form and train an army to defend or expand the city’s borders.

Ancient Mesopotamian Government Leaders The first leaders of Sumerian city-states were priests. At the beginning, as gods were the most important beings, priests took on a governing role. As Sumerian city-states grew and increased in complexity, prepared leaders were needed to run the cities. Priests shared the power with secular leaders. While the priests were involved in keeping the gods happy, the lugals (leaders-strongmen) ran the cities. Canals and dams were needed for irrigation and specialization of labor increased the population’s complexity. Military Over time, military leadership became more important. The need to defend and extend frontiers turned lugals into powerful kings who dominated the governments of the Mesopotamian city-states. Kings had secular duties and religious responsibilities since the king was the god’s representative on earth.

This stone tablet depicts Mesopotamian God Shamash offering King Hammurabi advice (1792 BCE).

Ancient Egyptian Government Pharaohs The king of Egypt was called a pharaoh. The control of the kingdom was passed between members of a dynasty (ruling family). The pharaoh relied on a bureaucracy, a system of offices and officials that handle the government, the vizier being the head of the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy was in charge of collecting taxes from farmers. Farmers paid these taxes with their crop surplus. The surpluses were distributed between the pharaoh, the priests, the bureaucracy members, and the artisans and merchants who worked for the pharaoh. Egypt’s bureaucracy and taxation system has been an example for later governments

Ancient Greek Government Types of Government Greek city-states tried different forms of government before adopting a democracy (“rule by the people”) for the first time in history: An oligarchy is a system where the political power is held by a small group of people. The oligarchies were usually ruled by a council of leaders, members of the aristocracy. Tyrannies were governments run by a strong ruler who did not allow others to play a significant role in government. Some Greek tyrants governed fairly and improved people’s lives, while others ruled harshly. Political Body of Athens Political reforms, the idea of citizenship, and citizens’ education led to the first democracy. The main political body of Athens was the assembly, which all free adult male citizens could attend. The boule was a 500 person council elected randomly which decided the issues that should be discussed in the assembly. Decisions in the court system were taken by juries. Juries were made up of citizens who decided cases by majority vote.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are some of the most magnificent man-made structures in history. Their massive scale reflects the unique role that the pharaoh played in Egyptian society.

Ancient Roman Government Evolution Rome began as a city-state with a government formed by a monarchy, a government ruled by a king. In 509 BC leading Romans defeated the king and formed a republic. A republic is a government in which citizens have the right to vote and elect officials. Separation of Power The Roman republic power was divided among many different people to avoid the situation of anyone becoming too powerful. Strong leaders, wealthy aristocrats, and citizens were all involved in the government. The Roman republic government had three different branches with different powers. It can be said that the Roman republic has been a model for later republics, including the United States.

The drawing above shows how the separation of classes (or power) did not only take place in government, but also in events such as those in the Colosseum.

Law The Roman government was ruled by an unwritten constitution, based on tradition and custom. Rule of law was mandatory, though, meaning that the law was applied to everyone, without exceptions. Power was shared among different people for the same role. The Romans elected not one but two top leaders, called consuls, who held equal powers and could veto the actions of the other. To limit officials’ power, offices were split between two or more men and the time in office was limited to one year.

Ancient Governments Timeline Think Critically: 1.

How do you think that Mesopotamia's government served as a base for later governments?


Why do you think that many Egyptians were willing to risk their lives to build magnificent tombs for their kings?


Compare and contrast the ancient Greek government to that of the present United States.


What were some of the benefits of dividing the Roman government into three branches with separate powers?

References Research: Brogan, Hugh. “Government.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 3 May 2017, Karpiel, Frank, et al. MyWorld History. Pearson, 2012. “Mesopotamian Governments.” History, 11 May 2017, “World History Timeline.” World History Timeline | Essential Humanities,

Pictures: Mesopotamian Government. Digital image. DKfindout! DKfindout!, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2017. Roman Senate. Digital image. Crystalinks. Crystalinks, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2017. The Three Pyramids of Egypt. Digital image. History. History, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2017.

Beginning to 2,900 B.C.E The Start The earliest humans were nomads. This means they would follow herds of animals to kill them for food. When there was no more food somewhere, they would move on to another location where they could find food. How did they get there? By foot. It may be obvious, but walking or running was the first way of transportation. The reason transportation started was to follow food, one of the essentials of life.

Beginning of Evolution of Transportation

Beginning- Walking -3500 BCE First wheel is made of wood in Mesopotamia. It was made by the Sumerian people and was first used as a potter’s wheel. It was eventually used to put under vehicles to carry heavy things without wasting too much energy.

-3000 BCE Sumerians domesticated donkeys for travel. A donkey can handle a lot of weight on its back, and mankind doesn’t have to do any of the work. -3000 BCE Sumerians invented the chariot. People get around a lot faster since they are being pulled by two donkeys, or horses. -2900 BCE Sail Boats are invented by the Sumerians. Now it is easier to travel on water. You can use a natural source of propulsion and don’t have to waste any resources. -312 BCE The Romans build the first road systems.

C.E. to NOW Engines

The Watt Steam Engine was a major advancement in terms of modern transportation. It was the first engine built for uses of transportation. It was used for a train that was, in fact, very successful. It was invented by James Watt in 1769 C.E. It was then used for more vehicles including steam boats. The internal combustion engine was mainly made for cars, but in the long term it was eye-opening for the evolution of transportation around the world. It inspired the design for plane engines and segways! It was invented and patented in 1794 by Thomas Mead.

Middle of Evolution of Transportation

-1769 CE The Watt Steam Engine is invented by James Watt and is used for The Steam Engine Train. Now people can travel in vast numbers and at a fast pace. -1783 CE The Watt Steam Engine is used to build a steam ship. Now people can get across bodies of water in the masses in a faster pace. It was invented by William Simington. -1817 CE The modern day bicycle is invented by Karl van Drais. Now people have fast personal transport on land. -1885 CE First car is invented with gasoline powered engine using the internal combustion engine. It was invented by Karl Benz. -1903 CE First plane is invented by Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright. For the next century, most of these vehicles are developed and improved into what we now know today. For example, more conservative cars like Teslas are invented. Planes can now stay up in the air for hours. There are even flying cars and boats that can surpass speeds of 100 miles an hour!

Citations Images


Group, J. D. (n.d.). Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The

on-transparent-background-4k-shot-with-alph a-channel-vm_sowdagimhr6ch8/.

History of Transportation. Retrieved from -Cattle-on-Pasture-Step-6.jpg/aid2211126-v4728px-Graze-Cattle-on-Pasture-Step-6.jpg. rse-png-image-download-picture-transparentbackground.png. es-the-history-of-transportation.cfm Nguyen, T. (n.d.). From Horses to Rocket Ships: A Brief History of Getting Around. Retrieved from nt0%20transparent%20background.png.

-4067885 Society, N. G. (2012, October 09). Civilization. Retrieved from rse-png-image-download-picture-transparentbackground.png.

vilization/ “History of Transport and Travel.� HISTORY OF TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL, sp?historyid=ab79.

Activities of Civilizations Recreation Recreation is to pass time and enjoy the time that you have free.

It became a part of civilization because it created activities for man to do in their free time. It also made man have stuff to do and that made man develop new way to do things and that made man create new civilizations and

Romans, horse racing in the Colosseum.


People started recreation because, job

Early humans used recreation because

specialization happened there were not

they did art like pottery, paintings,

only farmers but there were jewelers and

drawings, and to record daily life and

other jobs for people to have. Man made

their religious beliefs. The Greek citizens

jobs up and then early humans got more

were expected to participate in sports

leisure time so this is why recreation was

and games whenever they had them.


Activities of Civilizations Recreation First recreational sports Boxing and Wrestling were two of the first sports played. They were played by boys and were practiced in roman baths. Strength and stamina were developed because of these sports. Most popular sports Swimming was really popular. It was practiced in the Tiber river. Some women also enjoyed swimming in roman times.

Humans still use most of the things that early humans used in their early day lives like the recreational activities that early humans did. Connections between early humans and today’s world of recreation are, bowling, music, pottery, painting, dancing, baseball, basketball, ball games, gymnastics, hunting, tennis, fishing, bicycling, card playing, etc.

Recreation Timeline



2040-1782 B.C.E.

Around 10,000 B.C.E.

Mesopotamian people in Mesopotamia were hard workers, but they still made time to play. They played with board games. They were usually made out of clay. One example of a game was called 20 squares. It was a race across the squares using dice. The rules of these games are not clear. Although they did invent board games. Many toys Egyptians were similar to today's action figures and dolls. Egyptologist Rosalie David states that young children played with dolls in cradles.

China Around 5983 B.C.E. Chinese people have always enjoyed activities like hiking, swimming, skiing and other winter sports, badminton, volleyball, gymnastics, Taijiquan and other forms of martial arts, and table tennis. They are avid cyclists as bicycling remains the main mode of travel for many Chinese. Some of the first Gladiator combats took place in rome Decimus Junius Brutus Scaeva staged it in honor of his dead father.

Greece 776 B.C.E. The olympics began for the first time in Greece. Rome 264 B.C.E.

Modern 1835-now Now, what most people do in their free time is go on electronics, for example computers, televisions, phones, and social media.

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“Best History Sites.” Best History Sites,

“Primary History - Romans - Leisure.” BBC, BBC,

“History of Fighting.” History of Fighting, boxing.jpg.

Aesthetics in Jewelry We all wear jewelry today, but how did it originate? Aesthetics in jewelry all began in the 5th century, B.C.E. Aesthetics is something having or relating to the fine arts. Some examples of the first kind of aesthetics would be that before metals were discovered, those who lived along the seashore decorated themselves with a great variety of shells, fishbones, fish teeth, and colored pebbles. Those who lived inland used materials from the animals they had killed, for food and decoration. Other examples of Jewelry are those found in Queen Pu-abi’s tomb at Ur in Sumer (now called Tall al-Muqayyar). The queen's body was covered with a robe of gold, along with silver, lapis lazuli, and more. Egyptians had very advanced resources for making jewelry. Expensive materials like gold, were used for people of high class, like rulers, to promote their class and wealth.

Ways Jewelry was Used

Jewelry was used in different ways throughout time. One way jewelry was used was in burial practices. In burial practices jewelry, prized possessions or anything of worth was used in the practice. Neantherals and Homosapiens preformed this type of burial practice for those who passed. This occurred in the Mesolithic Era in 3000 B.C.E. In these burial practices small items of jewelry were used and their heads were decorated with different materials like beads. In egypt, expensive metals and jewels were used for rulers to decorate themselves, these materials like were also placed in their tomb following death. Jewelry was important in Egypt to be used in getting the attention of their gods.


Aesthetics have been around in many different eras for example, in the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, different kinds of Aesthetics in Jewelry were used . When the Bronze Age and Iron Age were happening, aesthetics became more advanced in result to the availability and advancement of resources.Jewelry was replaced with metals instead of stones, bones and other materials. The civilization during the Bronze Age was able to become wealthy due to the advancement of materials during the time. The civilization began in about 2000 B.C.E.

Culture Why is aesthetics in jewelry important in culture? Culture is the way of life of a particular person, who demonstrates in their ordinary behavior and habits, their attitudes toward each other, and their moral and religious beliefs. Aesthetics gave people a new passage of life. Aesthetics in jewelry was a way in which people could make jewelry for leisure, to demonstrate their wealth, and it helped humans express themselves. Jewelry was a way where people could identify different groups and classes by how they used jewelry and the way it was made. It also showed wealth, depending on what material is used, and how advanced groups were. What tools were used, and what materials were used in creating the jewelry presented the advancement of the group. Another way jewelry was important in culture is that jewelry was used in burial practices to honor loved ones who passed and connected them to their gods. Jewelry was used in different ways in for different cultures.

Aesthetics in Jewelry Today Aesthetics in jewelry today consists of many different materials than in the past. Today, jewelry is worn everyday and it represents different things. A ring can represent marriage as rings are used for marriage proposals. Jewelry is still used to represent wealth as expensive materials like diamonds and golds are still used but cost lots of money. Jewelry comes in different shapes, sizes, and ways.

Citations Images: Google Search, Google, qkBWq_9H8WxmQHYgbLgAQ&q=economy&oq=economy&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1l3j0l5j0i67k1l2.29492.29492.0.2 9781. Google Search, Google, &ved=0ahUKEwi9jJ6dvazXAhUKRyYKHbvYAoIQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=903#imgrc=z9-9eosBkYZpIM: Google Search, Google, sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjip7eLvazXAhXDRyYKHdofCBAQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=903#imgrc=7__rlNMHLBT6eM: Google Search, Google, XqgBWvyLK4rnmAHFgILYCg&q=tools&oq=tools&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1l2j0l8.3382.26726.0.27198. 3.698.1j5.8.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..0.6.697.0...219.Y18LOQ9otec#imgrc=H4gQJPHKuZxG-M: Google Search, Google, =X&ved=0ahUKEwi5w4GBvqzXAhVJNSYKHe_tCMcQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=903. Google Search, Google, u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwjTwdSPtqrXAhVG7iYKHZCqBi0Q7AkIMg&biw=978&bih=680#imgrc=0ixsQyx23p9 NhM: Google Search, Google, M7KzXAhWF4iYKHbKoDwcQ_AUICigB&biw=1148&bih=669. ices%26safe%3Dactive%26source%3Dlnms%26tbm%3Disch%26sa%3DX%26ved%3D0ahUKEwiMsvTk7azXAh VGJiYKHVawCAgQ_AUICigB%26biw%3D1148%26bih%3D669 Google Search, Google, hXKNSYKHcxCARkQ_AUICigB&biw=1148&bih=669. Google Search, Google, yYKHVdvBQ8Q_AUICigB&biw=1148&bih=669.

Citations continued Research: “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Ancient Egyptian Jewelry and Amulets.” Farlang, Gregorietti, Guido. “The History of Jewelry Design.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 19 May 2017, Bartel, Marvin. Aesthetics and Ethics in Everyday LIfe, “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Transportation What is Transportation? The action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported.

The roller, the sledge, a sledge on rollers, a sledge on grooved roller, two wheels with a fixed axle spinning between pegs, and two wheels with an axle attached with bearings were all types of

What Was The First Form of Transportation? Before any other transportation humans traveled by foot. Early man walked every where, day and night. Fortunately, humans began to domesticate animals, man learned how to ride them and use them as transportation. The early man used animals as

wheels that the Sumerians invented. The last wheel ended up as a two-wheeled cart. This was later developed into a chariot that could be pulled by a horse or donkey. Other surrounding civilizations copied the design and quickly adapted the wheel to the needs of their own cultures.

transportation from 4,000 B.C.E. to 3,000 B.C.E. The Roller

The Sledge

Sledge on Rollers

History of The Wheel Evidence shows that the wheel was not used for transportation when it was invented around 3,500

Two Wheels With Two Wheels a Fixed Axle With an Axle Sledge on Grooved Spinning Attached With Roller Between Pegs Bearings

B.C.E. in Mesopotamia. The wheel was used for pottery to serve as a potters wheel. Three Hundred years later humans learned to create chariots with the wheel.

Images of The Development of The Wheel

Transportation History of The Sailboat

Modern Day Transportation

The Mesopotamian Civilization invented the

Today, the most popular source of transportation is

Sailboat. Since Mesopotamia was located between

the bike. Most of the sources of transportation

two rivers, named the Euphrates and the Tigris,

such as buses, cars, planes, boats, etc., are

people needed water transportation for travel and

powered by gasoline. However, the future might

trade. The sail was developed in 3,000 B.C.E., when

change the way of transportation completely. Few

man realized that strong wind would provide power.

companies are starting to power their cars by

The sail was made out of papyrus and it was

electrical power or solar energy. Man has also

placed between two wooden poles. It was

created roads, highways, water canals, etc. to travel

extremely easy to get in the lowland areas

from one place to another without making chaos.

surrounding the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.

Animals are Domesticated.

3,500 B.C.E.

4,000 B.C.E.

The sail is invented in Mesopotamia

3,000 B.C.E. The Wheel is invented in Mesopotamia.

312 B.C.E.

The bicycle was invented by a German man named Karl Drais. He invented the bike 400 years after Fontana built his wheeled contraption. Fontana’s compartment was the first human powered mechanism.

18th Century

The Romans built roads across Europe. The first roman road was called the Via Appia, which covered 196 km. It linked Rome to Capua.

19th Century

The first modern highway was created by John Loudon McAdam.

References: Google, Google, “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Gambino, Megan. “A Salute to the Wheel.”, Smithsonian Institution, 17 June 2009, Group, JPS Design. “Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The History of Transportation.” Car Insurance, “KIDS’ BLOG! The Invention of the Wheel: How the Ancient Sumerians Got Humanity Rollin'!” AntiquityNOW, 6 May 2015, -rollin/. “The Technology of Mesopotamia.” Google Books, sa=X&ei=ofBmUqv3Lde64APTgoHgDg&ved=0CFEQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=sail ancient mesopotamia invention&f=false.

Images Bradfield, Jinni. “ ollin/.” /., Https://

Recreation and Leisure Recreation Recreation: A pastime, diversion, exercise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment.

Recreation Recreation started to have its foothold since the creation of man, as man had a talent to hunt and gather for the survival.

Leisure Leisure started to have its foothold during the Neolithic Era, when the job specializations occurred. With that skill people can perform their tasks faster and spare time for leisurely activities.

For example, riding bike, hiking, playing games varies games, etc.

Civilizations Leisure Mesopotamia Leisure : Time free from the demand of work or duty, when one can rest, enjoy hobbies or sports, etc. For example: Playing, reading book, or going for walk.

In Mesopotamia, they had time for recreational and leisurely activities. For leisurely activities, they played board games. For recreation, they did hunting, boxing, wrestling, racing, music, dancing, banquets and storytelling. Some form of polo and rugby games also amused the Mesopotamians.

Egypt In Egypt, people also had time for the leisurely and recreational activities. The Egyptians played the game, Senet. Two people played it, either on an elaborately carved board or an inlaid board like the one found in Tutankhamen’s tomb or simply scratched into the ground. For recreation, they did wrestling, rowing, boxing, and competitive team sports like field hockey, gymnastics and dancing.

Today 2017 Leisure : People play on their devices Recreation: play sports

Greece 800 BCE Leisure : Listen to music and poetry Recreation olympic sports


Rome 753 BCE Leisure: watched the gladiators Recreation played sports like weightlifting and running

Egypt 3100 BCE Leisure: played board games like senet Recreation: played with their young Mesopotamia 3100 BCE Leisure : PLayed board games Recreation: hunting boxing and other sports Neolithic 1000 BCE Leisure: Art Recreation: hunted and gathered

History 5000 years ago Leisure : no leisure because no free time Recreation : hunted and gathered

People in ancient Greece liked to listen to music, watch various plays and play sports that they invented during their leisurely time. They liked to do poetry and gymnastics. For the recreation, they played sports, which included, running, weightlifting and gymnastics. The Greeks invented the Olympic games, and the above stated games were played during the Olympic games.

Rome The Romans had time for the recreational and leisurely activities. The leisurely activity for the upper class was to go to the Coliseum for entertainment, and watch the fight between the Gladiators and the lions. Mostly, the Gladiators would be ripped apart by the lions in these fights. They also liked playing board games with Roman dice. For the recreation, the Romans engaged in a variety of sports and activities, which included, jumping, wrestling, boxing, and racing, etc.

Today Presently, people still have time for the recreational and leisurely activities. Similar to that of the ancient time, the nature of these activities differs from place to place, depending on the culture. In addition to the leisurely activities done during the ancient time, people can play various leisurely games on a computer or other electronic device at home or any other place because of the advanced technology. Another activity that people do today during leisure time is to read books. The recreational activities are similar to that of the ancient time, and people play all kinds sports in the current form, with a preference depending upon the culture. For example, Brazilians’ preference is Soccer, Indians’ preference is Cricket, and Americans’ preference is American Football etc.


Pictures ould-kids-start-playing-sports/ TB023EN.html xhibits/Ancient/Senet/index.html thic_jar Ancient Mesopotamian Sports And Games, orts-and-games.html. mals-002518 0c01d-f74e-400d-9e9a-ed84085600af

Research “Athletics, Leisure, and Entertainment in Ancient Rome.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, nt-in-ancient-rom/. “Ancient Egyptian Game of Senet.” Discovering Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamian Sports And Games, Greek Recreation & Activities.” SchoolWorkHelper,

The First Militias The first civilizations put together militias to protect the people and resources from invasive outsiders. A militia is a force of civilizations raised from a population to defend the population’s safety and resources. The ancient militias were mostly needed to defend from outsiders trying to steal the cities food and other excess resources. The militias began as civilizations arose. Before civilizations, there were no extra resources, so there were really no conflicts between people. The first militias were small in size. Once males were mature enough to fight (around age 14), they would join the militias because they needed as much manpower as possible.. Some civilizations were different. In the Roman Empire with over 50 million people, the army contained only about 700,000 people. That is less than 2% of the population. Since the largest civilizations contained so many people, they did not need to use all of the people possible. They took only the most skilled and disciplined of the population.

3D concept art of Roman Military

Drawing of Greek Soldier (Pictured Above)


Greek Soldiers holding 18 ft. sarissas in the c front of phalanx formation

The weapons used in ancient times were very basic. In Neolithic times, they used only simple weapons like daggers, clubs, and arrowheads. They were mostly made of rock, bones, antlers, etc. At around 3000 B.C.E. when the Bronze Age began, and 1200 B.C.E. when the Iron Age began, they started making weapons out of these metals. At around 400 B.C.E., the Greeks invented the 18 foot sarissa. This was a spear that all the soldiers in the front of the formation would use.

Evolution of Militaries Militaries and militias began very simple at the earliest age. They grew more complex as time went on and more inventions further advanced militias. Militias began at the beginning of the neolithic era, at the time of the birth of agriculture. Agriculture marked the start of warfare, which meant there was a need for a protective force. In early Egypt, they did not have an organized militia. The Pharaoh would order the strongest men to fight for the empire at a time in need. Eventually, the people in the northern part of Egypt became more organized, and felt a need for an organized military. They fought mostly with bow and arrows, and used chariots for transportation and in battle. Ancient Egypt is an example of a simple, early militia. The ancient Greek militias were the most advanced of their time. They had all the best technology and weaponry for their army. The Greeks had a more serious army, but it was still nothing like today. They would pay their soldiers, but only during a war. After a war, the soldiers would return to their families and work as farmers. By 500 BCE, the army of sparta consisted of well trained, professional soldiers. Sparta set a model for other states to follow. The soldiers only used simple weapons such as the javelin, swords, and shields. The greek soldiers wore red cloaks and held a shield emblazoned with the letter lambda, which stood for Lacedaemonians. These greek soldiers were called hoplites, which comes from the word hoplon, which is the shield the soldiers would hold. An example of a modern day military is the US Armed Force. The US military is one of the most advanced armies in the world. It consists of five branches: Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. The military is built of all volunteers, but they do have a salary. The weaponry and tactics that the US military uses could not be imagined by the ancient soldiers. The current U.S. military uses weapons such as machine guns, snipers, tanks, bombs, drones, and missile launchers. The armed forces consist of a little more than 1,000,000 people (2017). Over the couple thousand years between the ancient Egyptian armies and the Greek armies, not much changed, but between the two thousand years between the Greek armies and the US Army, so much has changed.

Drawing of Egyptian soldiers in warfare using chariot and bow and arrow

Painting of Hoplite holding sarissa and hoplon

U.S. soldier holding machine gun and wearing heavy armour

Timeline of Militaries

Ancient Egyptian Militias were very basic. The soldiers would get called up only during warfare. The weaponry was simple. They used bow and arrows and chariots for transportation.

Ancient Roman militias were not used to defend. The Roman Empire would attack other civilizations. They had similar technology and weapons as the Greek armies.

3150 BCE

800 BCE

Ancient Greek armies were still simple, but more complex than previous armies. They develop shields to help for protection during warfare. They also developed more complex formations The job was more full time and they would receive pay.

500 BCE

2017 CE

United States Armed Forces are the most advance of the modern day. They have five different branches of troops. They used electronic weapons such as machine guns and drones. The soldiers volunteer and receive pay. They stay in military bases and get to return to their families rarely.


Research ine

Did education create social classes?

Education What is education? Education is when adults give knowledge to children so that when the children grow up they get a job or help society.

How did education lead to civilizations? A civilization needed to know how to communicate and do certain jobs. There were many people in a community then so stories passed down from generation to generation were not appropriate anymore. Everyone had different stories so education was needed so everyone could have the same experience or knowledge.

What's the difference between today's education? Today's education is more complex and teaches us more things than the starting civilizations. Today's education also prepares us for all types of jobs but when people get to college or university

How did education make civilizations better? Education helped people get good at some things such as hunting, communicating, farming, and more. Some humans were not good at certain activities and some didn't know how to do certain activities at all. So humans went to a school to get better. This helped society because it makes people better at certain jobs.

Education created social classes. If you would have a good education you would have a high job which would make you richer and a higher social class.

Why was education needed? Education was needed because not everyone was good at a job or as smart as everyone else. So they needed a system so if people needed help doing something they would get education to become better at something.

What did education show of humans No human was perfect and not every human was naturally good at something. It also shows that humans have stopped mutating and needed to learn more complex stuff. It also showed that humans also communicated with each other.

How did education make civilizations better? Education helped people get good at some things such as hunting, communication, farming, and more. Some humans were not good at certain activities and some didn't know how to do certain activities at all. So Humans went to a school to get better. This helps society because it makes people better at jobs.

2000 BC First known school 50 BC Roman Schools developed 1600 colleges like harvard were made

How does education help us today? Education today teaches and prepares humans for anything. When humans get to college or university they then get to choose one thing to really study and get a job on it.

When was Education Perfected? Education was perfected first in the England and wales during the nineteenth century. During the dawn of civilization it was made but wasn't a stable system.

1600 Old dular satan act Where school was required 1700 - The first dictionary was made

What did early man study? Early man did not study everything people study today. Early man’s education was simple and would only teach how to communicate and write and how to hunt or grow.

1800 - The dewey decimal system was made. 1959 The ACT test was made for high school

Resources Caveman , Miko. “Discovering Your Best Work-to-Leisure Ratio.”, o-leisure-ratio/. “The Social Structure of Ancient Egypt.” The Social Structure Of Ancient Egypt | Social Pyramid, .html. Gray, Peter. “A Brief History of Education.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 20 Aug. 2008, Staff, TeachThought. “A Brief History Of Education.” TeachThought, 29 Aug. 2017, n/.

Ancient Military Pioneers of Militaries

Important Military Innovators and conquerors

Have you ever wondered who

Alexander the Great

started the defence of their

When Alexander the Great was young, he was taught to fight by a relative of his mother. He was growing up fighting. Since his dad was in the throne, he was tutored and taught by Aristotle. At age 12, he tamed his horse, the “untamable” Bucephalus. His military strength was first shown in the battle of Chaeronea in 338 B.C.E. He went on to conquer the area towards Egypt and further campaigns. He died in Babylon in 323 B.C.E.

civilization, or military? The Assyrians started it. The Assyrians were a small trading group who had a hidden speciality; war. They knew multiple war tactics, and later went to rule many cities. Out of all the armies in the era, the Assyrian War Machine was the most efficient of all, until it’s fall in 612 B.C.E. Their secret was a trained army, metal works, advanced engineering, effective tactics, and the most important,, they were ruthless. They also protected their archers with helmets, which is what other civilizations did not do.

The Romans and Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July in the year 100 B.C.E. When he was 16, his father died and he became the head of the Caesar family. When the Roman Dictator Sulla he started to purge his enemies. Caesar, being one of them, fled from Rome. His sentence was eventually lifted, but he was stripped of his job and left poor. With nothing left to lose, he joined the army. After multiple battles and events, he was named a consul, a ruler of Rome. He eventually fell in love with the egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra. He was assassinated by the senators of the basilica of Pompey the Great. He went on to conquer the majority of the known world.

Ancient Infantry


Shock troops would to close on the opposing troops and break their lines. They would come

1900 B.C.E: The Assyrians rise.

straight up to their enemies and slash then with their swords and battle rams.Earliest armies contain a small group of shock

612 B.C.E: the Assyrian army falls.

troops. Peltasts were long ranged troops, firing arrows. Peltasts ( in

323 BCE: Alexander the Great Is born.

today’s words archers ) would fire arrows at the shock troops on the ground, or they would fire at the opposing archers. War Chariots were more of a duo

1299 C.E.: The Ottoman Empire is Born

of the two. The war chariot composed of a horse pulling the chariot, a man holding a spear, and an archer. They would run over the shock troops, while the spearman and archer would slowly attack the other shock

100 BCE: Gaius Julius Caesar is Born

July 4, 1776: The American army is born.

1942 C.E.: The Germans have started WW2. They are one of the main components, and have a strong military.



Modern Military

Today’s military is run by the head of country ( president, monarch, Prime Minister etc. ) and the majority of the troops hold guns. The United States military was founded on July 4, 1776, when America was founded. To this day it stands, with it being one of the strongest militaries in the world. It participates in multiple wars and is there to help other countries, other than their own. The American army is not the only one that is important. Even though in the past, the World War 2 German army was powerful, yet in a bad way. The American army helps the other countries that cannot afford to help themselves, but the WW2 German Army did not help others at all. In fact, it did the opposite of help. It attacked and conquered other countries, and the majority of Europe. Another strong military is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire started in 1299 C.E. They started to expand heavily in 1481, conquering the majority of Europe. It took over the majority of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It also took over much of North Africa, ranging until Algeria. After 600 years of rule, it finally fell in 1922 and formed the Turkish Republic. All of these militaries used guns, for that was the most effective weapon.

Citations ( Pictures were from google explorer ) Wikipedia. War in morocco, Wikipedia,


“Ottoman Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Nov. 2017,

“Alexander the Great.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

“Alexander the Great.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Nov. 2017,

“Armies of Ancient Africa.” Egyptsearch Reloaded,

“Russian State Peoples Army.” Encyclopedia of safety,

“Assyria.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Nov. 2017,

“Commentarii de Bello Civili.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Nov. 2017,

“Free Image on Pixabay - American Flag, Red White And Blue.” Free photo: American Flag, Red White And Blue - Free Image on Pixabay - 2260839,

“Free Image on Pixabay - Military, Usa, Marines, Drill.” Free photo: Military, Usa, Marines, Drill - Free Image on Pixabay - 822843, ] “Free Images : beach, monument, statue, castle, artwork, art, illustration, temple, head, relief, artists, mythology, sandburg, stone carving, sand sculpture, sand sculptures, sandworld, ancient history 4928x3264.” Free Images : beach, monument, statue, castle, artwork, art, illustration, temple, head, relief, artists, mythology, sandburg, stone carving, sand sculpture, sand sculptures, sandworld, ancient history 4928x3264 - - 815395 - Free stock photos - PxHere,

“Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),Stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors.” Free Photos and Pics, “Julius Caesar.” Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Early Communication Fundamentals -

Communication is a language of any subject that helps people shout a message across the world


Key Words: communication, cave painting, writing, symbols, alphabets,

Symbols to Alphabets Many different societies had unique languages that early man communicated with. Examples are, Rome, Egypt, or the Persian Empire. In Egypt they used hieroglyphics (symbols) to communicate in writing form. Along with many other societies, Egyptians would inscript their symbols on cave walls. The Persian Empire had official messages travelling on the imperial roads, which was spoken in one language, Aramaic. Gradually, alphabets were created. The first alphabets were a part of the Phoenician and the Etruscan alphabet. The alphabets were written as inscriptions, and were written on gold sheet plaques from Pyrgi.

prehistory, history, and evolution

The Beginning of Communication The first civilization to create communication (writing) was the Sumerian civilization. Sumerians were located in southern Mesopotamia, and the civilization took place before the second millennium B.C.E. The first language was written in cuneiform script.

How did Early Man Communicate? Before alphabets or symbols, early man would communicate through cave paintings. At first Early Man started communication to collect data. For instance, early man would draw the amount of grains they collected after their daily harvest. Cave paintings would have animals, or humans drawn to show what they did or to show an important story of survival for their young to learn. Essentially early man communicated and learned visually and gradually they moved on to literature based communication, such as symbols and alphabets for writing.

Hieroglyphics were symbols which Egyptians used to communicate. Hieroglyphics is an example of a writing form before alphabets.

Early Man used cave paintings to tell a story to their young about hunting for survival.

The image above shows the Phoenician alphabet which was one of the first alphabets.


Communication is an Important Aspect of Civilization; What did it show of Early Humans? Early man showed that they wanted more to their lives than to just eat Sumerians 3,500-B.C.E. and survive through the various forms of communication they developed. invent Communication is one of the foundations of civilization. It has been the basis writing 1,600 B.C.E. by which civilizations were formed, evolved and grew to where we are today. There are various types of communication. Early forms included verbal, 1,600 B.C.E. Writing - 1,046 physical, and written. Today, these forms continue to exist and along with develops B.C.E. them we have film, art, and digital communication also. in China during the Shang Dynasty

Important features of a civilization such as government, religion, arts and architecture were based on communication. From early cave paintings, 1,400 B.C.E. Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and Roman inscriptions to more recent texts, knowledge was stored and shared through various forms of communication. Ugaritic Written laws from ancient times form the basis of the laws we have today. Alphabet These written laws show how people organized themselves and everything (30 letters ran smoothly. Being able to create a written script showed how early man wasis invented) 800 B.C.E. able to survive, comprehend their environment and show that they were able Early to do more than just eat and survive.

Canaanit e Alphabet

1,500 B.C.E. - 500 B.C.E.

1,100 B.C.E.

The Vedic Period in India

Phoenician Alphabet

Zapotec Period: examples of writing, 600 B.C.E. Greek - 800 C.E. mathematic Alphabetic Communication gives the Connection from Prehistory to History s, and Script astronomy 196 B.C.E. were In prehistory there were no records, while in history there are written Rosetta Stone developed. records. But even though prehistory didn’t have any written records, other was created: a Calendar forms of communication such as oral history and cave paintings helped decree in three was modern people learn what happened during prehistory. Communication shows languages, created. 155 CE Egyptian us how people once lived a life with their own forms of interpretation. What hieroglyphics, started as symbols has now developed into literature. various forms of Pausanias demotic, and begins communication drives the world today. Now in history everything was Greek script. writing his written down from the smallest matters to the biggest. History shows us the Descriptio written aspects from centuries ago and how modern times has evolved so n of Greece Movable 1,234 much that now communication is right within our fingertips. CE metal type printing is First woode invented in How did Communication Evolve? printing Goryeo, presses 305 Korea invented in Communication started out as just wanting to collect data. For China example, early man kept track of how much grain was harvested. First movable 1049 (symbols Communication then developed into a way of expressing yourself. type invented; carved on a wooden Interpreting cave paintings this helped early man understand culture. This is clay was invented in China block) how people wrote down what was important at the time. Writing using a 1450 Pi Sheng. standard symbols/script evolved from this eventually. Communication now is Newspapers a lot easier because people don’t have write everything down. In modern times appear in we can just type things down, dictate or even just film it. This makes it easier Alexander Europe Graham Bell to communicate with people from around the world. In early times you didn’t invents the 1876 even know if there were other people, other than you and your society. electric 1920’s-1930’s Rise of Without that knowledge, early man would only communicate with people in telephone1950’s Radio and their society. When people became more knowledgeable about the fact that Film there were other empires, people (from other empires) would use Rise of TV

transportation to deliver a message verbally or just to deliver a letter. The evolution of communication shows how people became more efficient and be organized with their lives. Internet and WWW1994 is released


Apple was made

Modern Communication What is the difference between how modern times communicate to how early man communicated? Modern times has evolved from the starting steps of early man. In modern times we have messaging, phones, emailing, letters etc. Early man would communicate through cave paintings. They would draw data that was collected or animals to tell a story. Artists try to communicate visually but it is simply for their pleasure, this was a vital need for early man to understand what do then and next because, no one was teaching them ( they were learning everything on their own). Later it went on to symbols which created many different writings starting with the Sumerian language. Now people use alphabets to communicate internationally, even though many different languages have their own alphabets. It is a way of how they communicate instead of having to draw and not having the direct information said to them, What are the different ways of communicating nowadays? Different types of modern communication include oral, written, physical and digital. Examples include email, texting, instant messaging, social networking, tweeting, blogs, video conferencing (facetime), phone calls etc. Essentially in modern times people use all sorts of technology, resources to communicate with other people. Not only can people use technology but, people can also use paper and pen to write letters and have it mailed to their choice of destination. Now we don’t have to communicate solely using our mind to interpret paintings or symbols but we can now communicate by just writing it down directly.

Also when people are texting each other, social networking, or blogging they use short term references. An example is etc. which means et cetera. Now people don’t have to bother writing the whole phrase down. It has become easier to communicate and get the message across to people knowing that they will understand. Communication is a big part of our lives today! Communication is a survival need. Communicating with words helps people better understand information from different places around the world. People can understand what other people are trying to say when they send emails or messages to each other. Now through books and other pieces of literature, students can get a better idea when reading the text about how a subject formed (like how communication started). We now know how our ancestors were, our long lasting traditions that make up our culture, how our culture was started or how our religion started. Stories have been passed down (using communication) entertainment, that we relate to many life morals; which are used in many novels. Novels and other forms of literature help us understand how life is like or how we are going to help the future.Ideas are spread about when reading, because it is a form of communication. Man know how to communicate other than texting or calling, like codes (morse, or using signals). Communication also helps nations solve their problems when they use their allies help.

Summary Starting with paintings, symbols lead to alphabets. The basis of communication lead to writing. Writing down prays, how our everyday life went about, the law’s, and stories of survival. All these things helped us lead into a more innovative future which started out with no knowledge. Now there is knowledge all over the world and just in a small cave the writings on the wall may have changed the world.

Social apps are frequently used by people of all ages, in modern times. The image above shows how communication is at the touch of human’s fingertips in modern day.

Starting with email, visual, and photographic communication, man grew into modern communication.

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“Modern Communicating Apps.” Www.resource, “Ancient History Encyclopedia.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Examples of Different Forms of Technology-Mediated Communication.”,

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