How did the first civilizations govern? This is a timeline of the ancient civilizations. Introduction After the hunter-gatherers came the farmers. These farmers started living together and formed civilizations. The people needed leaders and thought of ways to govern. In the earlier ages of mankind there were chiefs of the clans. With the farmers, they also started off with chiefs that ruled their groups. When civilizations started to grow, there was need for new rules and a way of applying those rules to the people's lives. The people's main objective was still survival, and that made them more aggressive to others if they were in other groups. Laws had to be created for the people to obey. This made the groups more organized. Around 5000 BCE the first people started farming.
Ancient Mesopotamia The first ways of governing started in the first civilizations. The first civilizations started in Mesopotamia. Priest rulers were the first form of leaders in Mesopotamia. They dictated the law according to their religious beliefs. They were loathed by the people and thus expelled. They established their king around 3600 BCE. The king still honoring the gods was considered a powerful representative of them to be able to speak according to the religions, but through his own dictates. The kings were responsible for the welfare of their people. The good kings, were recognized by the prosperity of the region he reigned over. Although, even the good rulers had to deal with uprisings and revolts.
Ancient Egypt Egypt, the next civilization was a theocratic monarchy as the king ruled by a mandate from the gods. The monarchy was supposed to represent the gods will through the laws passed and policies that were approved. This is the first known form of government in Ancient Egypt. The ways of government changed minimally but it was mainly the pattern of the first dynasty of Egypt. The king had assistance from government officials and many others. Throughout the centuries a police force was added to the way of governing. A palace was built for the king in the capital. From there, he would make all the laws, projects, and announced everything. The administers then passed the word. Not many changes were made to this form of government even when the country was taken over by Rome. Ancient Greece The ancient Greeks were more thoughtful about the way they were going to govern. Their question was Who? And How? They were going to rule. The earlier civilizations were all monarchies and followed their gods. Would it also be a monarchy?, would they create a constitution, have officials, or let the citizens show their opinions? With so many options they were not decided on one for centuries. So, the government was not sorted for ages. Since greece had allot of different city-states, they decided they would have different governments for each. The people all had different beliefs about government which changed, but for this there was not one official type of government in ancient greece. The major types of governments were monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies, and democracies. Some of these city-states changed their types of government but some did not at all. In the beginning of the Greek civilizations, the city-states started off as monarchies but later they invented newer ways of governing. Some ways of governing have evolved into ways of governing today, and the greeks have taught us that there are more types of governments.
Government Today Today, civilizations have evolved drastically, and also the ways of governing has changed in some parts of the world today. The early civilizations were almost always monarchies. This has changed, but there are still many monarchies in today's age. England for example, is a major country that has a monarchy. The form of monarchies have changed, but there are still some negative parts of the way of government today. The problem with a monarchy, is that the kings and queens inherit their position instead of earning it. A leader might not be suitable for the job and this can create problems. In earlier civilizations, this caused problems and the kings got overthrown.
Works Cited @ahencyclopedia, and Mark Cartwright. "Greek Government." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 17 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. "Ancient Civilizations - 6th Grade Research." Ancient Civilizations - 6th Grade Research. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Ancient Civilizations Timeline." Pinterest. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. "Ancient Greek History, the History of Ancient Greece at Hellenism.Net." Ancient Greek History, the History of Ancient Greece at Hellenism.Net. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Culture Of India." Top Cultures Blog. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Factsprofessor, By, Posted By Factsprofessor, and By Ramandeep Singh. "15 Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt." Facts Professor. 17 Aug. 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "15 Oldest Ancient Civilizations on Earth - Ancient Civilizations." Ancient Civilizations. 06 Apr. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "High School Engineering/Engineering in Ancient Civilizations." - Wikibooks, Open Books for an Open World. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Jim, Dana, Eva, William, Kim, Catherine, Patricia, Diane, Nancy, and CGIBSON5. "The Wonders of Ancient Israel: Christian Heritage - Go Ahead Tours." The Wonders of Ancient Israel: Christian Heritage - Go Ahead Tours. 30 May 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. ".logo.filled .inner, .logo:hover .inner { Opacity: 1; Fill: Url(#rollover); }." Civilization Egypt. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Mark, Joshua J., Mr. "Women in Ancient Egypt." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. "Mr. Miles Ancient Civilizations." Mr. Miles Ancient Civilizations. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Origins and Architecture of the Taj Mahal." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Problems in a Monarchy That May Not Happen With Other Types of Government | The Classroom | Synonym." Problems in a Monarchy That May Not Happen With Other Types of Government | The Classroom | Synonym. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "7 Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations in the World." Travel Blog Tripbase RSS. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
Tool Making and Technology Why man needed them in their lives
In a dangerous time when man was constantly being attacked in some way. Early man, otherwise known as Homosapien, needed to kill. Hands alone would be an inefficient way get food. So, Homosapiens invented the first tools. These tools included spears, daggers and other primitive technologies. As the time passed man began to experiment with diverse materials to create new and unique tools. An example is in the bronze age when man discovered that if they added tin to copper, it made bronze. This process continued into what we have now.
Tool Making and Technology How tools and other technologies impacted early human life
Technology impacted the lives of homosapiens
greatly over the Paleolithic Era, Ice Age, Neolithic Era, and even now. The spear revolutionized the way man got food, they hunted animals for their meat. This meant that in the Paleolithic Era, homosapiens were nomadic. Man had to follow their prey to survive. During the Ice Age the same thing happened, but they domesticated wolves to help them hunt. During the Neolithic Era, early man learned how to grow crops and started making permanent settlements and eventually villages. They needed new tools to cope with their new lifestyles.
Tool Making and Technology When tools and other technologies became a part of early human life.
Tools and technologies are a large part of our lives. They range from your computer, to your car, and even your spoon is technology. Although Homosapiens did not have computers or cars, they did make other types of technology. You might ask when man had the brilliant idea of making a tool. Man made the first tool approximately 2.5 million years ago. They learned that in order to efficiently cut through tough hides they needed something sharp. The first tools were made of stone and sharpened by a stronger stone.
Tool Making and Technology Connections between early humans and today’s world
Man has really improved in their technology in ways that people in the past could not even imagine. Advances in technology are growing at alarming rate. People 30 years ago probably could not believe the technology and tools we have today. Most tools that early man made are actually still being used today, such as the spoon.
Technology Timeline
Modern Technology
Industrialized Technology
Iron Technology
Bronze Technology
Stone Technology
2,000 AD
1,800 AD
1,200 BC
2,300 BC
9,600 BC
Bibliography @TechyFi. "The Ancient World: Stone Tools -" Techyficom. N.p., 07 Sept. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. "Farming Evolved as It Leads to More Death, but Even More Babies." Filthy Monkey Men. N.p., 10 May 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. Audrey Rivera. "Early Human Survival Guidee." Login. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. < omment_id=208709509325300_483915078471407#f36490bafa2aa2c>. Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. "Early Stone Age Tools | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program." Early Stone Age Tools | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program. N.p., 01 Mar. 2010. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. < s>.
Development of Communication Paleolithic Era During the Paleolithic Era (9000 BC), before language, the
Neanderthals used wall paintings/ drawings to communicate with each other. They used easy symbols that were simple for others to understand them. Their skeletons were short and sturdy which only allowed them to make certain noises. Their language was very simple.
First Form of Writing Then came, numerous years later, the Sumerians of
Mesopotamia. They created the first type of writing that is called cuneiform. They wrote by wedging it into soft clay. The word cuneiform comes from the Latin root cuneus which means wedge. All of the Mesopotamian civilizations used this type of writing including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites, Hurrians, and more. This is a major role in the development of civilization. Communication is a key that allows mankind to grow and become more knowledgeable. Cuneiform was starting to become very easy than the old drawings that were on the cave walls. Before, people could misinterpret the symbols which can be dangerous in some cases.
Development of Cultures The early civilizations had many ways to use language. First
of all, it was easy to teach each others skills that are necessary for surviving. Next, it allowed the growth of Cultures.
Mesopotamia and Sumerians After a long time, people began to create more complex
languages. Once they finally established a language, they came to realize they can make different languages that represent their culture. Mesopotamia is the â&#x20AC;&#x153;birthplaceâ&#x20AC;? of religion. Their writing and language represents their culture. The early Sumerians had a monarchy and only allowed upper-class boys to go to school. Sumeria was the first civilization in Mesopotamia. Later on, people began new religions and cultures and many more civilizations started to develop and grow.
Timeline of Commumication
5000 BC: Sumerians created Cuneiform Script
3500 BC: First evidence of religion in Cuneiform
2150 BC: Sumerians wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh
100 BC: Cuneiform started an alphabetic script
8th Century Today
Present Writing has changed the world drastically. There are over 6,000
languages that are used to present day. After Cuneiform, there were traces of religion and beliefs in the Cuneiform script. (3500 BC) Then the Sumerians started writing stories that were passed on and one of the famous ones they wrote is the Epic of Gilgamesh. At about 100 BC, they started creating the alphabet which limited to fewer characters/letters. After many years have past by, until the 8th century, The people created the alphabet that is used to this day. Around 1987, they came out with very advanced technology that in ancient times, the early people would not believe, which is the mobile phone. People started created things to use like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Citations Pictures: Writing Cuneiform. Digital image. Khan Academy. Khan Academy, n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2016. “Europa.” Europa, actions-capitals-culture.png. “ABC.” City of Meriden, eptdoodlers_abc_c.jpg. Research: @Ahencyclopedia. “Cuneiform.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 28 Apr. 2011. Standards, By. “The Cuneiform Writing System in Ancient Mesopotamia: Emergence and Evolution | EDSITEment.” The Cuneiform Writing System in Ancient Mesopotamia: Emergence and Evolution | EDSITEment, “Cuneiform Timeline.” - Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, “Writing.” Writing,
Communication History The history of communication and writing goes way back. Since 3500 B.C people have been trying to find ways in order to communicate and understand each other. As people started to develop, their language started to develop, first, using hand signals and signs. As the ages went on, the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras emerged and Cuneiform developed. Communication has changed our lives today.
The Early Ages During the Paleolithic Era , the Neanderthals could not speak, they could only make frog croaks and sounds since their head was tilted downward. The Homo Sapiens on the other hand were allowed to speak a little bit more clearly since their head laid upright. During the Paleolithic and the Neolithic Era, the early people used cave paintings to communicate as well. The people in the Neolithic Era actually invented communication, making it easier for our lives today. This makes us think that the early people thought about communication in a way that people today would not have thought of. Cuneiform was the first form of significance of writing on clay tablets. Cuneiform was developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia, using a wedge shaped style of writing. As Cuneiform started progressing, the writing developed into more wedge-like structures instead of writing with pictures. Cuneiform was used to help with trade from long distances and it was also used for documentation, such as the Sumerian King List, which includes the accomplishments of all the kings in the region.
Stages of Communication
2,0004,000 year period
The Homo Sapiens started using the walls to paint and noises to try and speak.
Cuneiform was developed by the Sumerians.
The telegraph message was sent by Samuel Morse.
Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg to post pictures and comments.
Apple released the iPhone &
Communication Today Communication has evolved from early man today in many ways. Communication has come a long way from hand signals and noises to iPhones and computers. As communication developed, more people have been creating updated forms, such as how Cuneiform went went to writing English letters and the abcsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; today. The typewriter evolved into a computer, and a wire and two cans evolved into the IPhone, and other phone companies making life today easier. People also started to invent apps to post comments and pictures on a page so that everyone could see, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
References 4, Samsung Galaxy. "From Smoke Signals to Smartphones: The Evolution of Communication." Mashable. N.p., 05 Dec. 2014. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. @ahencyclopedia. "Cuneiform." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 28 Apr. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. @ahencyclopedia. "Sumer." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 28 Apr. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2016. Brown Cave. Digital image. ClipShrine. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Clipart City. Digital image. Clipartpanda. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Cuneiform Clay Tablet. Digital image. Omniglot. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Facebook Logo. Digital image. Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. IPhone 7. Digital image. Apple. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Telegraph- Morse. Digital image. Smithsonian Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Wall painting during the Neolithic Era. Digital image. Bible-archaeology. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. Wheat Field. Digital image. Naturaplan. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2016.
Key Ideas Key Terms
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Education in different cultures The Beggining of education worldwide and influences between cultures. Education Survival
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B.C. Innovative
Education, or a field of study that deals with the methods and problems of teaching, is nowadays a given for most children in first or second world countries. But it was not alway a given. From the start, the elder people taught their young survival tips and ways. Survival is the state or fact of continuing to live or exist especially in spite of difficult conditions. As this method developed, it became more organized and became a daily activity. In modern days, children from Early education in Mesopotamia. the same or similar age group and mentality are put together in a room Painting titled “Iscribas where an adult teaches a specific subject. The purpose of education has Mesopotamia” changed much throughout history.
Early Education The first scene of education being showed in history was in Mesopotamia Egypt and Mesopotamia around 2000-4000 B.C. Since the beginning, Egyptian education had very difficult systems of writing. Most Egyptians could not accomplish the task of writing and reading. Schools were intended for boys. If the child had the privilege to study in school he would become an adult of high power working as a priest, a government official, an architect or a doctor. In Mesopotamia, schools were run my priests and religious beliefs were taught.
In China, education stayed still from 500 B.C. to the 1990s. Every village had an elementary school where boys could attend if their families could pay. The boys mostly memorized fables and learned how to read and write. Most didn’t continue their studies but a few gifted students continued until college. Rich boys could also continue their studies on they own.
Indian Learnings In early India, a few citizens could make their lives better with the privilege of education. In India, the people are divided into groups. At the top and the most honorable were the Brahmins. The least important were the outcasts. The jobs could vary from soldiers, business people, to farmers. The son’s would follow in their father’s footsteps and pursue the “family job”. The Brahmins, the highest class, attended a 12 year school and learned about the Hindu religion and about astronomy, medicine, philosophy and poetry. The males could learn whatever they needed for the specific job assigned to the families. Females were excluded from the studies.
Ancient Greek Studies In Greek tradition, the sole purpose of education was to make citizens that were excellent in the arts and in fighting. All schools were private and the students were taught by their mother’s or a male slave. At age 6 or 7 the children went to finish their studies at a military schools. When the students turned 18, they had to pass a physical exam aswell and a mental one. If a woman failed she would lose her rights as a citizen. If she did well she would be assigned a husband and return home to have children. If the boys did not pass this exam they would practice and study again until they achieved their goal. There was clearly a preference of males over females since the failure of women resulted in giving up and in the m¡failure of males they would get another opportunity. Nevertheless this was the beginning of education for females.
Modern Education Modern Education has been innovative. Innovative means introducing or using new ideas or methods. From the beginning of restricting education to girls and then in the 1700s ending their right of education, and nowadays females treated equally as men in parts of the world. Everyday classes incorporate technology such as “Smart Boards” or computers. In Private schools remain and public schools have become stronger concerning education and after schools activities. In early civilizations, education and schools were about conserving education and religion. In modern day, it is a choice for parents or children’s guardian’s to connect religion and education. More specialized jobs and education started. Education has come a long way and it will not stop it’s progress anytime soon.
“Ancient Greek Education.” Ancient Greek Education, “Ancient Mesopotamia for KidsSchool.” School in Ancient Mesopotamia, “Escribas Mesopotamia.”, Guisepi, Robert. “The History of Education.” The History of Education, “Indian Education Pre-Britain.”, “Khổng Tử Dạy Học Trò.”, “Merriam-Webster.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, “Mesopotamian Education.”, ia+school+pupils.jpg. “Modern Studying.”,
The Dawn of Trade Trade provides mankind's most significant meeting place, the market. In early societies only religious events, cult rituals, or rites of passage such as marriage, brought people together in a comparable way. But in these cases the participants are already linked, by trade. New ideas, along with precious artifacts, have always traveled along trade routes, and over lands. Also, the natural week, is like a shared rhythm amongst the community.
How Did People Trade? Agricultural produce, and household items, tend to make short, or long journeys to, and from the local market. Trade, in a larger scale, meaning between distant places, is different. It involves people called entrepreneurs or men willing to accept traveling a long way, through dangerous places, for a high price.
Men trading on horseback in the West.
Waterborne Trade Waterborne Trade began in 3000 1000 BC. Waterborne trade is by far the easiest method since one has to travel over water. It meant having to travel less of a distance. The first extensive trade routes are up and down the great rivers, The Nile, The Tigris, The Euphrates, The Indus, and the Yellow River, which become the backbone of early civilization.
Indian ship heading towards Belgium
Trade in Ancient Greece Food, raw materials, and manufactured goods were not only made available to Greeks for the first time but the export of such classics as wine, olives, and pottery helped to spread Greek culture to the wider world. This allowed the Greek culture to spread around the world, as well as benefit from other countries. In Greece and the wider Aegean, local, regional, and international trade exchange existed from Minoan and Mycenaean times in the Bronze Age.
Global Trade Today Trade today, is different from what is was thousands of years ago. Now, there are ships, planes, and trucks now transport goods over the course of a week, or even days, rather than months, or years. Also, there are websites that allow someone to order without having to send a letter. As well, new items, or new trade deals can be offered meaning, money, plants, foods, and even pottery. This allows countries to spread around the world.
Trade Timeline
Ships were built which began Waterbourne trade.
People traded amongst tribes, and even families.
The Spanish came to America and traded with the Indians
Other countries culture was spread around the world.
Technology advanced and international trade was born
Citations ● Trading on boats [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2016 ● Trading for the horn [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2016 ● Spanish trading with natives [Digital image]. (n.d.). ● Redirect Notice. (n.d.). ● Ossian, R. (n.d.). Ship traveling to belgium from india [Digital image]. Retrieved November 7, 2016. ● Food from around the world [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2016, from _319671_vegetable_market.jpg ● Curtis, E. S. (n.d.). Men trading on horseback [Digital image]. Retrieved November 7, 2016, from
Citations (2) ● International trade [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2016, from 5/04/Does-Your-Company-Have-An-International -Trade-Compliance-Program.jpg ● International Trade and World Market. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from onal-trade-and-world-market-trade-disputes ● (n.d.). HISTORY OF TRADE. Retrieved November 2, 2016, from stories.asp?ParagraphID=bfy ● @. (2012, January 18). Trade in Ancient Greece. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from
Recreation Leisurely times, recreation, and vacation have all started thanks to industrialization. More helpful tools and machinery were invented causing people to work faster and more efficiently. The redistribution of time has been accompanied by much more time of leisure.Today, machinery takes the place of many things people used to do, like cashiers.
Recreation, is an activity someone does for fun to occupy time when they are not working. Recreation can be many things. For example, playing sports like soccer and tennis. Recreation could also be riding bikes. It is just a leisurely activity. Recreation is used to relieve stress and forget about worries you have. Today recreation is something we take for granted and are always wanting more of. It has become a necessity because more machinery has been invented which helps people get the job done faster. People have become sort of lethargic.
Early Recreation One of the early forms of recreation was in A.D. 80. The Roman Colosseum had just been built and for 100 days king Titus and a large audience watch a mass slaughter of men and animals. Also earlier around 264 B.C., Gladiators fought in arenas as onlookers cheered. The gladiators would fight each other, slaves, and animals.
Corrupt Entertainment Over the years sports became corrupt. The romans put slaves and animals to fight each other to the death. The worst part is they enjoyed and celebrated this. They also put armed men to fight, the gladiators who would also fight to the death. Sometimes they would ride on horses. In particular they would slaughter mainly Christians. The romans would bring in animals like tigers, elephants, and other wild beast to fight each other and people. They also fight in lakes and after the animal or person was killed, they would be crucified, and then lit on fire to light up the night.
Parks and Recreational Areas When the Renaissance period began, European towns had wide avenues and people decorated their avenues with large gardens. In some places public walks and squares were created. Other clubhouses, target ranges, and gardens were used for recreation and amusement. Three major types of parks were mainly invented. Large hunting grounds, formal parks with gardens, and the third is formal gardens with architecture like statues.
History of Recreation 5000 B.C. Painted, made Statues, and created Hieroglyphics. 2900 B.C. Assyrians and Babylonians Wrestled, boxed, did archery In A.D. 14-37 recreation Became corrupt and people Would fight to the death in arena
A.D. 80 People in Rome watched the mass binge 93 A.D.- Year devoted to Games at the public's expense
A.D. 354- about 200 public Holidays and all work started at daybreak ending sometime Shortly after noon 1350-1500 Renaissance there was More rational and Scientific view on life Expansion of traveling in European life Today we play sports and Watch television
"Television - Google Search." Television - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. © Jones And Bartlett Publishers. Not For Sale Or Distributio. EARLY HISTORY OF RECREATION AND LEISURE (n.d.): n. pag. Web @ahencyclopedia. "Gladiator." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 06 Nov. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <>. "Early+civilizations - Google Search." Early+civilizations - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. < 7&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCjuvf257QAhXCgFQKHburA40Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=5zQX628ik8QNO M%3A>. urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCjuvf257QAhXCgFQKHburA40Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=IXYvdYGSTUbD1M%3 A
Transportation as an Aspect of Civilization Transportation is the action of transporting/moving something or someone. Transportation is an aspect of life that has been with man since the very beginning. Whether done on two feet, on the back of a large mammal, over sea, or by sitting in a chair and pushing a few buttons. It is something every civilization needs to develop and be able to use to their benefit. And that, is exactly what most of them have done. The invention of the wheel, later on cars, airplanes were all a development in transportation.
Timeline of Transportation The first form of transportation was by foot and it stayed that way for many years. It was a period of time where every trip, big or small ended in sore feet and aching backs from carrying heavy loads. Around 4000-3000 BC horses and donkeys were tamed. By taming the large mammals humans were able to get to the wanted location faster, carry a bigger load with them on their journeys, and keep their young and weaker members safe at the same time. They ended up making saddle like seats from skins to make their journey as comfortable and sound as possible.
One of the biggest developments in transportation was the wheel. It was invented 3,500 BC in Iraq. This invention led to the later makings of carriages, bikes and similar forms of transportation. 1st century AD- roman empires had a vast network road system.
The first sailboat was invented in Egypt in 3,100 BC. In 2700 BC Egyptians used wooden boats for trade by sea. For a long time long distance journeys were mainly by water. The first boat trips were either done following rivers or going out to sea but always staying close enough to see land. If they lost sight of land it meant death for them and so it did not allow man to discover much or travel extremely long distances. Eventually, with the invention of the compass in the 12th century and the use of larger maps their journeys lasted longer and covered more space. They used boats to carry silver, gold, tea, and slaves to other civilizations.
1st century AD- roman empires had a vast network road system.
The first effective engine was made in 1859. And having it added to wheels led to the invention of cars. It is an invention that is still used daily today. They also added engines to boats and other transports so that they no longer needed man or horsepower to move. Needless to say it was a very big step.
In the year 1903, planes were invented. The invention took a long time and was done by many people. It allows man to get to a place that would usually take weeks or months of traveling in a few hours. Today humans use cars to get to places within short distances and planes for long distance. Large boats travel oversea shipping large items. So in a way the old ways of transports are still being used just more developed versions of them because transportation has developed just like all the other aspects and will continue.
Transportation What is transportation? Transportation is a type of movement. Transportation helps people to travel from place to place. Having transportation drastically changed the way people lived.
What caused transportation to become part of civilizations? Transportation has lasted throughout civilizations because it helps people and goods to travel long distances faster. It became a part of civilizations once the early people found out how useful it was. The people in the early civilizations believed that it could help them a lot which is why it stayed as crucial part of their life for generations and generations.
How did early civilizations use transportation? Early civilizations benefited from transportation. Transportation reflects on what early man created. Modes of transportation weren't just for making travelling quicker, it was also used for farming. Early civilizations used transportation to become more advanced, communicate their ideas, change their lifestyle, and religious activities. Transportation shows their culture because of the way they made it look and the way the used it. Some people decorated their horses and chariots, while others were just using it as a faster mode of transportation. This allows people to judge them based on their ways of living. How transportation was used in farming: The domestication of animals was first used as transportation to pull farming tools across the farm lands. Later on, as transportation evolved they used the wheel for trade and other things in their early civilizations.
Transportation The Evolution of Transportation: Walked for 7 million years.
Started to domesticate and use horses at transportation in 3000 B.C.
The wheel was invented in 3500 B.C in Ancient Mesopotamia.
Railways opened in 1804 and made long distances quicker and easier to travel to.
Hot air balloons were created in 1783 in France.
Past to Present: Transportation during early civilizations and transportation today has evolved dramatically. During the early civilizations, transportation was not as nearly as developed as today. Today we have lots of technology which makes it easier to make new and better types of transport. Boats with gasoline engines back then have evolved to canoes and motor boats today. Some boats today even have autopilot which doesn't require anyone to steer. The first kind of transportation on land was traveling on animals, this has, over time, evolved to motor and electric cars today. Many years passes in between and as people discovered more, they were able to put together the cars we have today. As technology keeps improving people are finding new ways to get from one place to another. Travelling in a car today is just like everyday life but in early civilizations people would never dream of anything like it.
Planes were invented in 1903 and were only used by the high class. Over time people using planes to travel abroad became a part of everyday life.
Cars were invented in 1885. This was a big advance in technology and transportation.
Mrs. Salup Sophie Granite November 7, 2016 Period 6 Level 3 Individuals & Societies Unit 1 - The Dawn of Civilizations
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"10 Remarkable Ancient Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared." Learning Mind. N.p., 02 Jan. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. By This Definition, Probably the Sumerian or Akkadian Civilizations Were the First, Coming into Being around 8000 B.C.E. Jericho in Modern Israel May Be the World’s Oldest City, Which May Date Back to 12,000 Years Ago, or 10,000 B.C.E. Early Pyramid. "10 Oldest Ancient Civilizations Ever Existed." AncientHistoryLists. N.p., 05 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "How Did Geography Affect Early Civilizations?" Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "7 Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations in the World." Travel Blog Tripbase RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Connections to Ancient Civilizations." Newsela. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.
Recreation Key Terms Leisure, Neolithic In the Neolithic Era, farming was just starting to be a thing. Farming was very useful because people could finally stay in one place instead of moving of being nomads. Also since all people had to do was just farm, when they were done there was a lot of spare time, or leisure. They did things in their leisure time so that they would not bore themselves. They did things such as music, dance, arts, and even competitions. All of these activities are still done today.
Recreation from Different Civilizations If you look at what different populations of people left behind, you can understand what they did for fun. For example in Rome, where the Roman Empire had lived, there is one big form of entertainment, the Colosseum. It was used as an amphitheatre and is the biggest one ever built. People in there watched other men fight against animals and each other.Although it was very gruesome people found it fun to go there when they had nothing to do, it was done mainly for the leader of the empire.
Also, something that we still do today, are the olympics, those were created in Greece as a form of recreation 1623 years ago, in 776 BC. These competitions had people doing things like running and throwing spears
In Mesopotamia there were things that we would now call toys, things like little mini weapons, boomerangs, jump rope, and also dolls. Also the adults had fun with sports and also some hunting was considered recreation. Finally they had music and literary dialogue normally having to do with something religious.
Timeline A farming revolution started which made people stay in one place, this also made then only some hours of work time. Now they had extra time for fun.
The olympics were created by the Greeks. This is now the first real competitive activity where people watch. 776 BC
Neolithic Age 3100 BC First toys were made in Mesopotamia, also they had the first sports there.
Spanish sport of bullfighting, or corrida, was invented. For the coronation of Alfonso VIII.
70 AD
Now comes the colosseum, men fighting with animals, not for their fun but for the people watching.
First FIFA World Cup, other worldwide sport cups are held every year.
Modern Day
This was more of art recreation, all of the paintings on churches and baroque composers.
Today we have many forms of entertainment, like sports, concerts and theatre, competitions. We also have other forms like phones, television and computers.
Glossary/Work Cited Glossary Neolithic: New Stone Age Leisure: free time Amphitheatre: an oval building, unroofed, for dramatic or sporting events. Boomerang: A type of frisbee
Work Cited: "Recreation -" Recreation N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. <>. "Bullfighting History." Spanish Fiestas. N.p., 01 Oct. 2015. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. "Neolithic Age." - New World Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. <>. "From Paleolithic to Neolithic: Identifying Changes in Daily Life - RLS Ancient Civilizations."From Paleolithic to Neolithic: Identifying Changes in Daily Life - RLS Ancient Civilizations. Google Sites, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. < cultural-revolution/from-paleolithic-to-neolithic-identifying-changes-in-daily-life>.
Work Cited Continued
Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. <>.
GOVERNING Primitive Government: The aspect of government was created so there was someone in charge and someone or some people could guide their people. Before there were kings and rulers, families ruled their own land. In Uruk they built walls for defense. This allowed people to feel safe and protected. A wall helped ensure safety and well being which is the principles of government. People established government so everything people did and could do was even and far.
Mesopotamia: From the Greek meaning â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;between two riversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. What is today to be known as Iraq. The reason the people settled there is because it was called the fertile crescent. What made cities similar was what god they believed in, although the gods might have been named different they were still the same. Around 3600 BCE the first king was established. Unlike the priest-rulers kings spoke more with their own words. Prior priestly-rulers dictated the law according to the religious precepts and received divine messages through signs and omens; the king, while still honoring and placating the gods, was considered a powerful enough representative of those gods to be able to speak their will through his own dictates, using his own voice. This is most clearly seen in the famous laws of Hammurabi of Babylon, but a ruler claiming direct contact with the gods was quite common throughout Mesopotamian history, most notably in the Akkadian king Naram-Sin called himself a god incarnate.
Rome: Rome went through many wars to increase their power and wealth. After all the wars Rome found themselves divided. There were many different classes the best men and the lower class. The lower class were called the populares, and the higher class were called the Optimates. The two different classes had different beliefs such as the populares favored reform and democratization. While the Optimates believed the power of the senate and the rule of superior class. Ultimately this would cause a three man war that would destroy the Roman Republic.
Egypt: In ancient Egypt Ahmose I initiated the New Kingdom. The term Pharaoh comes from this time period. The Pharaohs all did something similar to each other along the lines of keeping peace and trading with other nations. Pharaoh Akhenaten had changed his name to this name meaning living spirit of Aten, which reflected his belief in one god. Even though Egyptians believed that there are many gods that help in different ways. The cult of Amun allowed the priests to have almost as much power as the pharaoh. To prevent this he moved the capital farther away from the temples so he could cut their power and be the highest in power.
Governments Today: Governments today have transformed from kings and rulers to many different divisions. Some different types of governments today are Democracy which gives a lot of freedom to the people. One country that is a Democracy is the United States of America. There are also governments that are ruled by one person and that person is called a dictator. A dictator can do whatever he or she wants. Those are just two examples of government in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world.
Kim Jong Un
Barack Obama
Ancient Mesopotamia 3700 BCE
Ancient Egypt 3150 BCE
Ancient Greece 900 BCE
Mayan Civilization 150 AD
Ancient Rome 800 BCE
Japanese Civilization 200 AD
Works Cited By Default, If the Menu Opens on the Right, We. "Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent -" Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent - N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. "Map of the Walled City of Ancient Rome, Italy as a Photo Puzzle (252 Pieces)." Media Storehouse. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. Mark, Joshua J. "Mesopotamia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 02 Sept. 2009. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. "Around The World." Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Ancient Rome." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Https:// "Poster Mocking Kim Jong Un's Hair Vexes North Korea Embassy." NBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "President Barack Obama." The White House. The White House, 07 Dec. 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. @ahencyclopedia. "Ancient Rome." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 02 Sept. 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
Protecting and Conserving Key Ideas
- Our armies and military have drastically changed from the when they originated to today.
- There were many ancient militaries. Such as the Egyptian, Roman, and Chinese militaries.
Key Terms: protect
As the world started becoming more evolved and we started forming civilizations, armies started to form to protect their kingdoms. To protect is to keep away from harm. To conserve is to keep it as it is and to also keep from harm.
Ancient Militaries The main armies during this Era were the Egyptian, the Roman, and the Chinese. They mainly fought for land. Their armies were very different from ours today. At that time people were forming civilizations and and discovering fertile land, this was the what everyone was looking for. Fertile land meant it was good for farming. Farming gave people a chance to settle down and actually own land or territory. An artist illustrates what war may have looked like back then.
The â&#x20AC;&#x153;bronzeâ&#x20AC;?, an Egyptian spear.
Ancient Egyptian Military The ancient Egyptian military was generally created by its’ own society. The Egyptians were very lucky because geography was in their favor. The Nile River, the Mediterranean Sea, and the desserts protected their kingdom and kept them safe from attacks. In addition to this, their kingdom was very united and worked together to be strong. Even though the military was not so innovative, they were skilled with technology. They were able to adapt the enemy weapons and turn it to their advantage. For many years Egypt was very prosperous and did not even need to build walls, their people were secure. The first attack was when the Hyksos invaded the kingdom. This was when they saw their weaknesses and strengthened their military. During the Old Kingdom (2686 BC- 2134 BC) Egypt was very wealthy due to the golden age. At this time, Egypt did not have an army. Instead the Nomes, or the governors, would fight when the Pharaoh needed them to. The warfare was mainly spears, copper spearheads, and a large shield. In the Middle Kingdom (2030 BC – 1640 BC) the military system was very similar but, tradesmen and peasants joined to make the army more powerful. The bronze axe was the main invention in this period of time. Lastly, the New kingdom (1570 BC- 1070 BC) had a drastic change from the beginning of the army. The most iconic weapon was the khopesh sword that was used both for lashing and stabbing, and it included a hook on the side of one of the blades. Additionally, there were advances in the axes and bow and arrow. After Egypt was conquered and ruled by many different powers it was never as great in force as it was in the ancient world.
Ancient Chinese Military The Ancient Chinese military has been around since the dawn of warfare. Civilizations started forming in China in around 6000 BC. It is one of the world's oldest and largest civilizations. The first record of military activity was in 2200 BCE-1600 BCE by Xia Dynasty. The Chinese An ancient Chinese extremely needed a military to take care of the vast philosopher, territories. They developed advanced warfare and strategist, and military massive amounts of infantry based armies. The Early general. Chinese armies, like many other early armies, simply consisted of peasants. These men were armed with simple bows, spears, and stone maces. Later on the military started becoming more structured and organized. However, it was not until Qin Shi Huan that a professional army’s built. The Qin military, as they called it, had the most advanced weapons and become one of the most powerful militaries. The Qin kept on succeeding and gaining more power and territory. When the army met with the Mongols they suffered many defeats.
Farming begins, and humans begin to fight for land and territory in 7000 BC
Civilizations start to from in 3200 BC
Around 2200 BC1600 BC militaries started to form
Guns are created and walls become useless in around 1000 AD
Wars begin to happen and we start building walls 634 BC
WW1 occurs in 1914
US military created in June 14, 1775
Our Military Today Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s military has greatly evolved from the beginning. Now, we no longer have only a certain team of army members. People can enlist and volunteer as long as they are old enough. They do go through training though. Also, today's military is much larger and includes 1.4 million people. The weapons are much more advance and include mainly big, powerful guns.
Resources “Congress Officially Created the U.S. Military." Congress Officially Created the U.S. Military. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION." HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Military+in+ancient+times - Google Search." Military+in+ancient+times - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Most Famous Military Leaders – Greatest Military Leader of All Time." Totally History Famous Military Leaders Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Today's Military." Today's Military. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Us+military+seals - Google Search." Us+military+seals - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Where Are You From? - Credo Reference." Where Are You From? Credo Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. "Where Are You From? - Credo Reference." Where Are You From? Credo Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.
Religious beliefs Introduction Belief is a very important part of history it is one thinking that something happens or happened or there is a super natural man that can control what humans can not.In this time people beliefed that the spirits and gods are animals and plants because that was there most important source and there goal was to survive and that was what it provided to life.
Polytheism The origin of religion can be traced back to the Near East.It is believed that pytholism is thougth to have originated from himduism in about 2500 BC. Polytheism was also the religion of many old cultures including,Assyria,babylonia,Egypt,Rome and Greece.This religion saw god's controlling natural resources or weather like rainfall, harvests and fertility.Also in this belief you must sacrifice something to please the gods.
How did religion become part of our civilization? Religion was created because of the unexplainable things that happen, it is also said that they created this invisible all powerful mighty god.In Egypt gods were emperors because they were all migthy and they were allowed to control a persosns life of death by killing them by stabing them or behading them,not like other gods that could kill a person with super natural powers.¨
How did early civilization use Religion? Early Civilization used Religion as a source of leadership customs that they need to follow and a way of knowing how and why something happened.For example the Aztecs thought that the gods will be pleased if they sacrifice a person every year so that the rain will go down,and that's what there cutsem was sacrificing people to get water.
Timeline of Religion Sikhism 150 CE Christianity 0 Judaism 1900 BCE
3000 BCE
Buddhism 1500 BCE
Islam 620 CE
Now VS Ancient Religion does not really change it dies out for one main reason, people discover why things Happen, For Example people believe that when a human dies the go with god,this we don't know because no one has died and come back so we believe that you go to this Supernatural Force, Now in the Aztecas time period they thought that when they would sacrifice a person the rain would come down filling a long stream with water, because they thought that the gods controlled rain when it is really the weather and the sun revolving,so now our religions are based on facts that we don't know,and as the years go on we will have fewer and fewer.
Works cited Research "Origin Of Religion." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.
"Learning about Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Culture." Learning about Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016
"Aztec Gods - Aztec Religion | Don Quijote." DonQuijote. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016..
Pictures By the New Kingdom He Was Also Associated with Amun, the Supreme Force in the Cosmos. Upon His Death, the King Became Fully Deified. In This State, He Was Directly Identified with Ra, and Was Also Associated with Osiris, God of Death and Rebirth and the M. "Religion in Ancient Egypt - Crystalinks." Religion in Ancient Egypt Crystalinks. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.
"Prayer Room." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Monotheism and Polytheism â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pros and Cons." The Gospel According to the Romans. N.p., 23 Oct. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Aztecs." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
Architectural Aesthetics of Civilizations Key Vocabulary: doric-style Throughout the years, civilizations have often developed unique architectural traits. After centuries of innovation and trial and error, mankind created their own idiosyncratic building aesthetics. Neolithic Era: During the Neolithic Era (apx. 10,200-2,000 B.C.), the invention of clay sparked the practice of building mud brick houses. Most ancient people would build structures using dried wheat stalks and sticks, and then put mud on the building and allow it to dry. This gave homes a reliable way to block the effects of the weather. However, some people (such as native Americans) used thatch roofs instead of clay. This was one of the first examples of different architectural styles. As the Neolithic Era progressed and religion became an important factor of life, civilians began building temples and cemeteries in their cities. Beautification of cities also became more common, as artists would paint their temples to be more pleasing to their deities. A famous cemetery that was built in this time period would be Stonehenge. Stonehenge is located in Southern England in Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. The cemetery was used to bury prestigious clan members or prominent local families. It is one of the earliest cremation cemeteries in the Neolithic Era, and is known for its peculiar stone arches.
Ancient Mediterranean: Throughout the ancient Mediterranean period (3000-300 B.C.), developing civilizations such as Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt began having their distinct styles emerge. The creation of supporting columns, arches, doors, windows, and sculptures revolutionized the world of engineering and architecture. For example, the ancient Egyptians painted their palaces and temples, plastered them, carved complex depictions, and covered them in precious metals in order to please their deities. Perhaps one of the most recognizable Egyptian buildings are the Great Pyramids. However, this is not the only way that Egypt transformed architecture. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heavy limestone materials and intricate stacking of rooms on top of each other set the stage for the rest of the world.
Ancient Greek: The ancient Greeks are often credited with the creation of the doric-style. The doric-style is simple, unadorned, and usually characterized by simple columns. The most famous ancient Greek building, the Parthenon, was built in this style around 450 B.C. Athenian general Pericles hired artisans to build, sculpt, and paint magnificent temples on the Acropolis. Acropolis is a rock landform on which many public buildings and temples were built. The Parthenon was, and still is, the most famous temple in all of Greece. It was a worship center for the greek goddess of wisdom, Athena. It was built out of 300,000 tons of the finest marble of its time, and is currently being restored after being damaged in 1687.
Ancient Islamic: During the time in which the religion called Islam became a popular practice (from 600 A.D.-1700s), the religion began to affect how building were built. The Islamic styles included the Mosque, the Fort, the Palace,and the Tomb. At first, the styles’ popularity had skyrocketed. Later in time ,however, the style is used for less important buildings such as public baths and fountains. A very famous example of Islamic architecture would be the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, India and built by emperor Shah Jahan for his wife in 1632.
Present Day: This day in history, people are enjoying diversity in architectural styles. From modern, monochromatic, and box-shaped homes to more traditional mediterranean style houses. These days, people often enjoy styles that are part of their culture. Popular style aesthetics include Victorian, Mediterranean, and country-style homes. It is now very rare to find a house that isn’t painted and stylized. Buildings are all different, but allow cities to be unique and appealing to the eye. Structures are now more sturdy after years and years of development and architects are highly esteemed members of people’s communities.
References: "Ancient Egypt Houses." Ancient Egypt Houses. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. "Apply With Us." Apply With Us. N.p., 18 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Branches of Government Lesson Plans and Lesson Ideas | BrainPOP Educators." BrainPOP Educators Branches of Government BrainPOP Topics. BrainPOP, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. Capistrano, Marielle M. "Top 10 Ages of Architecture - Listverse." Listverse. N.p., 1 Apr. 2012. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. Craven, Jackie. "Architecture Timeline - Historic Periods and Styles." Home. N.p., 09 Aug. 2016. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. Di Fiore, Alessandra. "Scroll Inspirations." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016. "Events - Our Republican Constitution: Securing the Liberty and Sovereignty of We the People - July - 2016 - Hudson Institute." Events - Our Republican Constitution: Securing the Liberty and Sovereignty of We the People - July - 2016 Hudson Institute. N.p., 28 July 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "File:Juan Ponce De León.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 1 July 2016. Web. 9 Nov. 2016. "Giza Pyramid Complex." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 3 Nov. 2016. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. Glazebrook, Henrytye. "Opening the Door to Student Savings." News. N.p., 18 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. Haughton, Brian. "Stonehenge." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 14 Dec. 2010. Web. 03 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Ancient Greek Art." A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 02 Nov. 2016. Https:// "50 Finest Victorian Mansions and House Designs in the World (Photos)." Home Stratosphere. N.p., 01 Sept. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. McColl, Sarah. "WhatsApp Is Changing the Way People in India Grow and Buy Food." TakePart. N.p., 9 Feb. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Mesopotamia and The Fertil." Emaze Presentations. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Parthenon." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Aug. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "The Pyramids of Giza - – Free Travel and Tourism Guide." Travelplanetin Free Travel and Tourism Guide. N.p., 10 Sept. 2015. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Religion." Religion. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Robot Check." Robot Check. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. Torres, Louis. "What Is "Cave Art"?When Scientists Presume to Know." What Is "Cave Art"? N.p., Aug. 2012. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. Staff. “The Taj Mahal.”, A&E Television Networks, 2011,
Primitive Education Vocabulary: Hornbooks
Education has always played a major role in the growth of Civilizations. Education began when the first humans realized that they had to learn ways to survive and adapt to their environment. Early peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s form of primitive education was learning what type of berries they could eat, how to make fire and learning how to plant crops. Education is not only being educated on the alphabet or numbers but also learning to adapt to surroundings and learning how to survive in given conditions. As the world advanced humans learned how to make homes that last for a long period of time and agriculture to maintain civilizations
Early Education There was a different style of education in the primitive era. The earliest way of education was learning how to survive in the people's environment. Primitive parents taught their children how to survive, what to eat and what to be afraid of for survival. Parents taught their children this with imitations and cave art to demonstrate what beasts there are out there. Also, they told stories and taught their children with past experiences how to hunt or make fire and tools. As the world developed more, now people learned how to plants crops and build shelter and form civilizations. Learning how to survive took form as a way of education because people needed to learn how to live in their surroundings.
Development of Education Education developed from learning how to survive in people's surroundings to actual schools and Universities. In ancient greece there were schools only for boys and no girls were allowed to go to school. In the Renaissance there was the development of Universities. Although, in this time teachers were harsh with young children forcing them to memorize their lessons. In these schools the church and religious beliefs were a big part of it. The earliests schools let groups of children go to a schoolhouse and learn their lessons. The earliest schools in the USA started in 1647, girls and boys were permitted to go to school together. However, once the children finished three years of elementary school the girls were expected to stay at home and help parents in the house. Meanwhile, boys went on to become doctors, lawyers or going to universities. In the 1950 to the 1960â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s there was segregation and African Americans were forced to go to separate schools for black people. Schools went from using hornbooks to using textbooks and technology, like computers, Ipads and digital books. Vocabulary Hornbooks- A thin, small plank of wood with a paper on it to teach children the alphabet
Greek Education
People in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world may have to owe different ideas to the style of education of the ancient greeks. What makes the greek education so unique and different from others is that, it does not only focus of preserving their culture but also exploring new ideas. Although, only men could attend schools, the ancient greeks believed that young men should get an education and strive to excel in all subjects. The greeks sought to teach young boys to prepare them for their future and freedom. They had to know how to read, write and have a sort of talent in sports. In Athens, there was a very famous teacher, Socrates who taught his student by asking questions and more questions. In greek mythology there were
Timeline Earliest schools in Mesopotamia and Egypt in 2000 to 1000 BC. Only boys were allowed to attend and most of them went on to become high army officers
Prehistoric people taught their children how to survive… first type of education
In the renaissance teachers were harsh and expected them to memorize their books. Very religious and wanted them to memorize passages for the bible
Greek education helped today’s schools be the way they are now. Exploring new concepts
The earliest american schools took place in the 1600’s and children learned with Hornbooks in small schools houses. They only learned to read and write but women had to go back home and be housewifes. Men could go on to become doctors or lawyers
In the late middle ages Universities were hosted mostly by the church but in Paris there started being Universities that did not go with the church
In the 1950’s until the 1960’s there was segregation in America that separated african americans from going to school with white people
The first woman to attend the first university was in 1878
Today, anyone can go to school and people learn with technology like computers and digital books. Although, in some places in the middle east women are still not allowed to go school
Work Cited "Athens VBS." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Child Centered Education - Vidyatree Modern World College." Vidyatree Modern World College. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Education." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016. "The History of Education." The History of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016. "Medieval Education." Medieval Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "What Were Ancient Egyptian Schools Like? |" MessageToEaglecom. N.p., 14 July 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
The Eras of Architecture Aesthetics bring life and love into the world. They cause a civilization to become rich with culture and history, and the world quickly realized that it exhibited their creativity and passion. This shows that early humans were just as artistic and clever as mankind is today. There are many different eras of architecture, such as the following:
Neolithic Architecture Also known as The New Stone Age, this era was the beginning of architecture. In the Levant, Anatolia, Syria, northern Mesopotamia, and Central Asia, houses were made of mud, and artfully decorated with paintings of animals and people. In Malta, there were megalithic temples, and long houses in Europe. These long houses were created from wattle and daub. Intricate tombs were found in Europe, especially Ireland.
Stonehenge: Consisting of about 100 upright stones set into the shape of a circle, this burial ground is a mystery. The conundrum of how it was built has baffled generations. The stones in the inner ring are from Preseli Hills in Wales, 200 miles away. However, it is believed to have been build in stages.
The Eras of Architecture
Ancient Mediterranean
Taking place in 3000 B.C. to 300(?) B.C., many different items were invented during this era, such as doors, supporting columns, windows, arches, sculpture, painting, engineering, and logistics. Included are Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and The Byzantine Empire.
The Great Pyramid At Giza: Built in the Old Kingdom, also known as the Age of the Pyramid Builders, it was created for Khufu, the ruler. It has been declared of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.
Medieval Period This period, also known as the Middle Ages, took place from 500 A.D. to the 1600s. The main influences were religion, or churches, military, or castles, and civil, or manors.
Abbey Church of Saint Denis (France) This gothic building is a magnificent sight. It has big stained glass windows, spires and pointed arches. It is a wonderful sight.
The Eras of Architecture
This era took place in 600 A.D. all the way to the 1700s. There were both non religious and religious types of architecture, though the main ones were the Mosque, the Tomb the Palace, and the Fort. Other than these main types, there were also less important buildings.
Taj Mahal: The tomb of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan’s wife, this majestic structure is located in Agra, India. The emperor’s wife died in the childbirth of their fourteenth child. It was constructed by more than 20,000 workers and 1,000 elephants.
Guggenheim (Bilbao): This museum, made of titanium, glass, and limestone, is one of only three in existence. Opened in 1997, it is referred to as the most important building of the time. The locations of the museums are in New York, Bilbao, Venice, and one in the making in Abu Dhabi.
Contemporary Architecture This era took place in the 1950’s until present day. It is very futuristic, and has many modern aspects. It is still going on to this day..
Citations "About Us." Guggenheim. N.p., 20 Apr. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. By the 1940s These Styles Had Largely Consolidated and Been Identified as the International Style. The Exact Characteristics and Origins of Modern Architecture Are Still Open to Interpretation and Debate. An Important Trigger Appears to Have Been the Maxi. "Top 10 Ages of Architecture - Listverse." Listverse. N.p., 18 June 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "English Heritage." History of Stonehenge. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. The Great Pyramid At Giza. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Guggenheim (Bilbao). Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Ancient Egypt." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Middle Ages." A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Stonehenge." A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Staff. "The Taj Mahal." A&E Television Networks, 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Stonehenge. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016. Taj Mahal. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
Religious Beliefs Key Terms Religion
There are many different religions around the world. A religion is a belief people worship or praise. Many times religious beliefs have to do with gods or a god. Different religions have different beliefs, rituals, and traditions. The reason it became a part of civilization is because many people wanted some answers and religion was the only way they could understand it.
Ancient Religion Egyptian religion Egyptian religion dates back as one of the first religions. They worshiped gods. Gods were supposed to help them and make and stop chaos. They believed in magic and in mythology. Their religion also had to do with science such as medicine.
Greek Mythology
Greek mythology is one of the most famous religions. It is a type Polytheism, the worship in one or more gods. The Greeks made stories for all these types of gods. There was gods for everything. It basically explained why things happen. Since they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the gadgets to do this they pointed it to the gods and made stories to explain to future generations.
Modern Religion There are many different religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism etc. Most of the times religions come from a certain place in the world. Many people adapt to their religion depending on where they are from or who their descendants are.
Christianity Christianity is one of the most common religions in the world there are a few different branches of Christianity. The main belief of Christianity is the belief of one god made of three different persons. God the father, Jesus Christ the son, and the holy spirit. They believe that god created the world. Also they believe that jesus was the only one to bring salvation and forgiveness to the earth. They believe in the afterlife. Islam Islamic people believe in one god as well. They believe in the the god allah. As well as the christians they believe in afterlife. Muslims follow the practices of islamic people.There are two types of muslims. There is sunni and shiite muslims. They believe in 5 main things. It is the most popular religion in the world.
Judaism The jewish agree with Christians and catholics on the first testament. The first testament states that the world was created by a god . Unlike Christianity they don't believe Jesus was the messiah or the acquainted. To them the savior that is supposed to forgive them hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come yet
Q: how has religion evolved? A: Many people don’t practice religion as extensively as before. Some people don’t go to the worships (church ,temple, mosques, etc.) Many people believe in science instead of religion.
Q: How did they use it? A: They used it to explain the earth and everything else
Q: why did it become a part of our civilization? A: many people wanted a reason of why things were happening; Since they don’t have the gadgets we have they couldn’t figure out the science of the world.
Mrs. Salup November 10,2016
Ana Paola Vergara History p 8
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