Period 5 textbook

Page 1

Dawn of Civilizations

The Birth of Farming Key Terms: Revolution, Domesticate, Surplus

The Agricultural Revolution About 10,000 years ago after the Ice Age, humans needed to adapt in many ways. They then started to domesticate plants and animals. To domesticate means to change the growth of plants and behaviors of animals in ways that help humans. Once they discovered what they can do with this, they invented farming. This was one of the biggest Revolutions of the time period because now people didn't have to follow herds any more. A revolution is a complete change.

New Tools Farming was a brand new method, so they needed new tools. When the first farming tools were created in the Middle East, it made farming much easier. Some tools were used to cut the crops, help us cook the food, and tend to the crops. A sickle wa used to cut of the food from the plant. An Axe was used to cut down trees for firewood a. Oxen and Horses were used to plow the fields. Pickaxes, Hoes, and Spades were used for digging up and turning over the soil. Farming also allowed us to raise a surplus or more than they need to feed themselves.

Dawn of Civilizations Key Terms: Civilizations, Specialization, Perspective

The First Civilizations Because of farming, we were able to stay in one place and build permanent homes, which then led to civilizations. A civilization is a complex society that has cities, a government, and workers with specialized job skills. They were then able to specialize on one job. Specialization occurs when people spend most of their time working on one job or art. There were many jobs, but some important ones were Skilled toolmakers, potters, and metalworkers. All of these jobs created tools that helped us in many ways.

The Past to the Present There have been many changes from when we first invented tools to the modern day computer. The present shows a completely different perspective from the beginning of civilizations. A perspective is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something. Many of the tools that they used back then are not used as much as now they had sickles in the past and we have plows in the present.

Bibliography Bellis, Mary. "History of American Agriculture - Farm Machinery and Technology." Inventors., 17 June 2015. Web. 04 Oct. 2015. "EARLY DAYS." On the HOMESTEAD : Tools for Farming, Plowing, Planting, Harvesting, Threshing. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print. "Timeline of Ag Equipment ‘Firsts’." Farm Equipment. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015. "Slash and Burn." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

"Kunda Culture." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

"Cuneiform." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

"Chariot." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

"History of Early and Simple Domes." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

Ancient Education

Key Terms: Oral Tradition

Scribal Skills



Ludus Publicus

Education. Without this humans would not be as near as smart as people are today. Formal education was established thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia. This region was located between the Euphrates River and the Tigris River, which was in the Middle East. Over time, education became more complex, which meant that people became intellectually smarter. Today, the majority of people have a formal education, just because of one region, Mesopotamia. Development of Education Formal education spread around many places. It first started in some ancient civilizations as informal education. However, time passed and more adults wanted to become teachers. This is when formal education began. Eventually, it spread around the whole world. Nevertheless, formal education’s prime establishment was in Mesopotamia. Paleolithic Era During this era informal education was taught by oral tradition, information passed down through the generations by word of mouth that is not written down. Man’s first technology was stones. People started to make the stones sharper and more useful for hunting. Overtime, many people taught their children how to use stones, and it was not that efficient. They then came up ideas came to their mind. People were taught how to make spears, bows and arrows, needles, and more. Needles were used to sew clothes together to keep people warm. As a civilizations grew, more people needed clothes, so more women were taught how to sew. Oral tradition was the key of survival for most people. Mesopotamia Intellectual subjects were highly valued across this region, around 3000 B.C. The schools, which were devoted primarily to the priests class, were announced to be as numerous as temples. Schools taught reading, writing, religion, law, medicine, and astrology. Only boys were allowed to go to school. They started school when they were seven or eight years old. Girls did not learn to read or write unless they were a king’s daughters or were training as priestesses. Learning scribal skills, or arising from the process of writing, was hard work. Teachers, mostly former scribes or priests, were harsh disciplinarians; mistakes were often punished by getting whipped. However, while schools were reserved only for the elite and wealthy, students had to work hard to learn the skills of a scribe. Ancient Egypt Education in Ancient Egypt was very unique because of the writing that they used. This type of writing was called, hieroglyphics, written in or belonging to a system of writing mainly in pictorial characters. For children, they would receive their basic education in the family they had. For girls, this was usually the only schooling they would get, but for boys it would be supplemented by proper training in whatever line they chose, or it would be chosen for them A more formal, academic education was reserved for those who were training to be scribes. Elementary schooling was for the privileged children, which were mostly boys. They began at about five years of age and consisted of repeated recitation of lessons as well as the copying of standard texts. Having mastered the basics, the student could progress to more advanced text. The majority of these were classics of Egyptian Reading Check How could girls literature; in particular the wisdom texts full of pronouncements on morals learn how to read and write? and behavior for young men who hoped to achieve some position in life.

Ancient Greece Education in Ancient Greece was established in 430 B.C.; it was only until 420 B.C. that education grew even more. Ancient Greece wanted education in their society so that the pupils would benefit from the result of learning. It helped promote the growth of democracy in Athens. The education students received was designed to produce well-rounded citizens who could take part in public life. Although some girls could probably read and write, most education was reserved for boys. Boys attended elementary school from the time they were about age 6 or 7 until they were 13 or 14. The people who wanted to learn studied with philosophers like Plato, were taught such subjects as geometry, astronomy, harmonics, and arithmetics. This subject is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics. The children were either in the broad majority, who continued to learn by an informal education or the tiny minority who received formal schooling. Ancient Rome In 146 B.C. education was very important to the Ancient Romans. The rich people in Ancient Rome put a great deal of faith in education. While the poor in Ancient Rome did not receive a formal education, many still learned how to read and write. Children from rich families were well schooled and were taught by a private tutor at home or they went to school. In general, schools would only allow boys to attend. When boys were six to seven years old, all classes sent by their parents to the ludus publicus, the elementary school, where they studied reading, writing, and counting.

At age 12 or 13, the boys of the upper classes attended a grammar school, where they learned Latin or Greek or both and studied grammar and literature. Both Greek and Latin literature were studied. The Romans left the legacy of their language. For nearly a thousand years after the fall of the empire in 31 B.C., Latin continued to be the language spoken in public service, education, and the Roman Catholic church. 21st Century In this century education is a very important factor of life. It is where a person starts in Preschool, goes to Elementary School, then Middle School, High School, and finally, College. Most people in the world go to school, or even get home schooled. In the United States of America it is required for children to have an education. Many people in Africa do not have an education because of their lack of money. This prevents them to get a schooling. Most people learn the basic subjects of, math, social studies, english, science, and sometimes languages. There is also school for adults, because they did not get an education when they were younger. This how education works in the 21st century. Reading Check What subjects were learned with Plato?

Works Cited

"Education in Ancient Egypt." Education in Ancient Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "The History of Education." The History of Education. Ed. Robert Guisepi. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. "Democracy in Athens." MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. 312-17. Print. "Mesopotamia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Joshua J. Mark, 2 Sept. 2009. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. "Mesopotamian Education and Schools." Mesopotamian Education and Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. N.d. Education in Ancient Egypt. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. N.d. Education in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Web. 7 Oct. 2015.

Ch. 1 Aspects Of A Civilization Communication Key Terms:

Why is communication important?

Communication- the imparting or exchanging of information or news.

Complex language has set humans apart from animals. Communication is the key to advancement in any civilization. When communicating in simpler forms like grunting and pointing, things could be misinterpreted easily, so the need for intricate communication was necessary in these simpler times. There was a great difficulty to not have any communication and it was necessary to be fixed.

Civilization- the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area. Prehistory- time before recorded history Agriculture- the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.

How do people communicate? Communication has varied from picture symbols to the alphabet used in English, French, Spanish, Italian, etc. Picture symbols that were used can be compared to an emoji keyboard which is something that is used a lot in modern times. Some people do not have access to computers like in third-world countries. Indigenous tribes communicate in their native language, but they might not have access to computers or even education. Uses of Communication Because of this development of writing, humans pass from prehistory to recorded history.People utilized forms of writing and speaking in many different ways. People wrote down prayers to gods using these newfound ways of communication. People also used communication to record laws. This is important because in larger communities, villages needed management, or government. Writing was also used to record inventory of agriculture such as the crops that were cultivated each year. Writing recorded the charitable deeds of rulers.

This slab of rock is known as the Rosetta Stone and proves that ancient civilizations communicated.

Evolution of Communication Communication has not always been as advanced as now. Communication for people in current times can identify communication as social media, texting and calling, or emailing. Communication has not always been digital. An American school in the 1700s would have used paper and pencil to complete a class assignment - if the child even went to school. In classes today, a lot of student use computers for completing their work. Schools were not public to everyone in these times. As communication has advanced and changed, people have started to use it more. Before television, the way most people were informed was through newspaper. When television was invented, it was used only for informing the general public. Television was then developed more and more to the point that it started to mix a combination of recreation and information.

Communication Recognize these? Emojis and phones can also be counted for as a recent development in communication.

This is an artifact that shows communication.

Reading Check 1. How has communication evolved?

Reflect and Think 1. What do you use to communicate? 2. If you could invent something charitable to help with communication, what would it be?

Works Cited

"Communication." N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. "Education." Dictionary of American History. 2003, Janet Huber Lowry, Barbara Sprungman, and "Education, United States Department Of." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.. 2015. "Education." HighBeam Research, 01 Jan. 2003. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print.

The Dawn of Governments. Governments were first created after the art of writing was mastered. Why at this period? why not befor? It was hard to remember rules without having something to look at every day. So when writing was mastered. Rules were written and put all over the village, city, town, or country so that people could remember the rules of the place they live in. Reminding rules to the people of the place they lived in was an important factor to keep order around their community (the reason why governments were created, to keep order). Governments and writing started growing at the start of agriculture (the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products and settling in one place). This happened when it was most needed. Humans were finally settling down and stopping to move, to be nomads. Governments had to make sure everyone had a job known as job specialization (a method of production where a business or area focuses on the production of a limited scope of products or services in order to gain greater degrees of productive efficiency within the entire system of businesses or areas.) Governments also made sure that the people had protection and that the food was distributed evenly.

Agriculture was a way of life based on farming

Order was needed in the cities to keep the people organized

Origins Of Democracy Democracy was first practiced in the city of Athens (Greece). Democracy was one of the first kinds of government which made civilisations flourish. Athens at this time had its own government. Every city/state had its own government. Before that, every city was ruled by one chief or the main man, then Athens came up with a way of government called democracy, which means rule by people.

Demo= People Kratos=Power All the wealthy men in Athens would meet up at a courthouse to discuss the city.

All the men (women were excluded from this) in the city would meet up at a courthouse and suggest and discuss manners of the city, this form of government was from the people to the people. Government officials were chosen randomly because athenians thought that everyone could and should be able to run for office.

Ancient Athens (Greece) had one of the most evolved and developed civilisations in the world

Empires and Dictatorships Ancient Rome which was a huge empire, started out as a democracy, but it was more of a republic. Instead of all people voting for everything, the people choose representatives for things that they wanted done. And it worked very well for a population much larger than Athens, and it lasted for over 100 years. Until it was then replaced by an empire ruled by one person (an emperor). Rome was the first/most known empire about 400 years ago. After this happened, democracy died for a while in Europe. Everybody started moving on to empires which proved to be really useful in a military based government. This kind of government flourished at this time because, every country wanted to go to war, to win more land and control more territory. This government was good because the emperor had military experience and he had the power to control a country's military single handedly. They would do as he said without question. Around 100 B.C.E Rome controlled most of the mediterranean world. Politicians and Military people struggled for control of the country when finally Julius Caesar (The First Roman Emperor) won the debate and the military rule came to life. During his time, he pretty much conquered all western Europe, extending the Roman rule all the way to the Atlantic!!! Then the senate felt Caesar had too much power so, they ordered him to return without his army. He returned with his army and started a civil war. After Cesar won, his empire became a dictatorship. Dictatorship= the rule of a country by one person with absolute power. After Caesar was sentenced to death, Rome fell into chaos.

Caesar led his armies into most battles, people at that time said that if you didn't go into battle with your soldiers, you weren't worthy to rule the land

Monarchies and Medieval Times After that, people started to choose between democracy (republican or democrat), or an empire. Later on, the idea of a monarchy came to view and many countries such as England, France and Spain adopted it. A monarchy is a rule of a king and a queen who ruled over a country or city. As a contrast with emperors, kings were supposedly elected by God. These kings and queens were treated with respect, loyalty and trust. The system was sort of dictatorship, they ruled over the land, they also commanded the army and all of the public's needs. This kind of government went from 900 C.E to 1300 C.E. This monarchy started to be used because when the roman empire fell, many small kingdoms emerged and the countries started to have troubles to defend against the neighboring country's attacks. The king then gave pieces of land to the leading men in the country. At this time, this was a huge honor. These men were called noble men. They pledged their life to stay loyal and protect the king and his kingdom. If the land got attacked the nobles had to provide the king with an army (recruit soldiers/knights). The nobel men had many responsibilities, if the king ever got captured, they would have to pay the ransom and, if the king needed funds they would have to pay them. This men would also have to pay his taxes if the king was low on money. The knights (soldiers in armor in medieval times) came to the world as kids, when the king and his nobles would give some land to the family or just a place to live in exchange for the father to become a night and the son to be trained as a squire (a knight in training) so later they can become a knight. The king provided all the training and equipment while they provided all the protection to the king and his kingdom.

Kings thought, and told their followers that the gods had chosen them to become a ruler.

Modern Day Governments Once all of that ended governments as a whole began to evolve, democracy was beginning to be used a lot more in modern day countries, it is actually 123 democracies in the world of all 192 countries. A modern day democracy is made up of three branches, They are the Executive branch, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) the Legislative branch (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial branch (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government. He enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes. Instead of governments being used to show power and control people started useing governments as the reason they were first created for, to keep order and safety of the people in the country. But as the statistics say, not all countries are democratic. There are some countries that are Communist countries (Communist= A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.) there are several countries that still use this sort of government such as Cuba, China and North Korea. Every country has its own opinions on which kind of government is better for their country, some may say democrats are not good and some may say communists are not good. But in the end all governments hold the same purpose as they did when they were first created, to keep order, and to protect the citizens of their country.

Hugo Chavez was the communist leader of Cuba All three branches of government help the power be evenly distributed so that it isn't so lopsided and so that it lowers the chance of our government turning into a dictatorship.

Sources "Beginnings of Civilization (1.3)." Howell World History. N.p., 06 Feb. 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts." BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Forms of Government |" Scholastic Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Rtmshistory." Wikispaces. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. "King Edward." Theawal. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. "Athens." Sikyon. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. "800px." Wikimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. "Working." Brycebrownart. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. "Rule." Thebureauinvestigates. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

Trade Trade is very important to man. It has been occurring from the onset of agriculture. Because people could start to specialize in jobs and create different products, they could trade with one another to meet their wants and needs. A healthy economy grows as companies produce and sell more goods and services.

Trading Becomes a Part of Civilization Trade is an important part of civilization and is still going on today. People would not be able to survive if they could not get what they needed. Today, however, most people depend on others to supply the goods and services they need. Our world is interdependent. Individuals engage in trade because it benefits both the buyer and the seller. The one who buys the item does lose money, but also receives the things needed to survive, or live comfortably. The seller also benefits from the transaction because he receives the money from the buyer. Now, the seller can also go and buy something else needed or wanted. Trading let’s most people to live a comfortable life with the things people need to survive. Trade let’s humans to gather the materials they need in order to stay alive. Humans would not be here if it wasn’t for trade.

Early Humans In primitive time, people were able to specialize in jobs. By creating different goods and services, people engaged in trading systems in which people exchange goods directly without using money. This is known as bartering. During the onset of civilizations, some people would run a traditional economy. A traditional economy is an economy in which people make economic decisions based on their customs and habits. Humans would usually satisfy their needs and wants through farming, as their ancestors did. In the past, most people made clothing, they built their own homes, basically, they did everything for themselves. During the beginning of the neolithic era, people started to farm and domesticate plants and animals.If a farmer had a surplus, or more than is needed, of wheat, the farmer could trade some of his wheat to gain more of something he didn’t have as much. A transaction like this helped to live more comfortably.

Time Period - Silk Road Trade has been occurring for a very long time. There is evidence that trade has started in the paleolithic era. Archaeologists believe that during the paleolithic era, there was an exchange of obsidian and flint. Although there may be a belief about trade starting in the paleolithic era, during the origin of the neolithic era is when trade really took off. As people started to farm and domesticate plants and animals, trade became extremely important. When farmers had a surplus of something like wheat or corn, trading came in handy. The farmer would barter with someone else for something he didn’t have as much in exchange of the wheat or corn. Ever since then, trade has been evolving to bigger exports and imports like oil. The Silk Road is a good example of a trade route. The Silk Road is an ancient network of trade and was significant to trade. Trade on the Silk Road was an important factor in the development of the civilizations of China, the Indian subcontinent, Persia, Europe, the horn of Africa, and Arabia. It opened long-distance, political and economic relations between the civilizations. Trade roads and routes like the Silk Road makes it easier to give and receive products.

From Past to Present

The connection of trade from the past to present day is very strong. Trade impacted the lives of humans drastically and shaped how humans live their life today. A long time ago during the neolithic era, if one or another person didn’t grow or make a desired product, they either have to find something else to get, or travel to get what they needed. In some cases, people had to travel far distances if what they needed was very important. As time progressed, however, a farmer could now trade grain for meat, or milk for a pot at the local market. This is how a civilization is created. When humans realize they needed markets and shops for buying and selling, people started to create different buildings in order to do so. As time keeps on evolving, the act of trade gets more complex. Creating a civilization has many parts to it, but trading is one very big part. It keeps the human race alive.

Bibliography Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print. "Trade." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <>. Whipps, By. "How Ancient Trade Changed the World." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Feb. 2008. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <>. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. <>.

Protecting and conserving

It was important to protect and conserves a kingdoms land, culture, way of life, and its history. The history was written on buildings and on paper. But sometimes it was conserved orally like in celebrations. Almost all of the most successful civilizations in history have been known to have very big armies to protect and conserve.

The Egyptian Army The Egyptian civilization is know to be one of the most mysterious and intriguing civilizations in the history of the world. They have scientists still trying to completely figure out how they did what they did. The Egyptians were very confident with their god Horus, the god of kings, war, sky, and protection. The Egyptians were one of the first people to use the chariot in battle. When the soldiers went into battle, they were usually armed with bows and arrows , spears, and swords, but their swords were a different type. It was called a Khopesh, or curved sword. The Egyptians had to be very strong in battle because what they protected was rhe core of their civilizations. The nile river. The nile river was the reason that Egypt prosperd. It was what they fought for.

The Greek Army The greeks were the next great army known as some of the fiercest warriors in history. To this day, they have various movies and stories representing their warfare. For some time, they ruled all the mediterranean area. When they went into battle they were armed with a 7-9 foot spear and a circle shield. Other then that they were also armed with a sword. One their most famous stories would be when the Spartan army comes up with the wooden horse gift.

The Roman Army The Roman army was one of the best armys in the history of this planet. They were able to conquer half of Europe and last for a long time. Because the roman empire was so big it needed to have an effective army to protect its culture. They were known to have build roads that stretched all across its empire. One way to protect would be using walls like the Hadrian's Wall And the Antonine wall. Proof that their army did their job was that many of their cities still stand today. They fought for the same reason that any army fought for,and that is for their thriving empire. They had to protect themselves from barbaric attacks from the east, and revolutions and progress through the massive empire.

Reading Assesment

1. Who was the Egyptian god of war?

2.What were the armies protecting?

3.How did the spartrans take over troy?

4.What did the romans have to protect themselves from?

Writing Assignment What is your favorite civilization and why? Answer question in a complete and restated answer.


BBC News. BBC, 2014. Web. 07 Oct. 2015

."Greek Warriors." Ancient. N.p., 2011. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "The Military of Ancient Egypt." Ancient Egypt Military. N.p., 2011. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

"Is There a God?" Egyptian God Horus and Jesus. N.p., Mar. 2015. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "The Khopesh." My Armory. Jeroen Zuiderwijk, 14 Mar. 2007. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. Samizdata." Samizdata. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

"Roman Empire." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.


Key Terms: Transportation Revolution Revolution

The Triangle Trade Slaves

Railroad System

Transportation Revolution: The Transportation

When the cities and settlements were

Revolution was the time when transportation

established they transported goods more and

was being used. This all started in the 1800’s.

more, when more people were coming to the

This was a big change, or revolution. This

new world.

became a big part in civilizations, because then

How did we transport goods? They transported

they would get other goods, from other

goods a many different ways. One way we

countries and societies. It began by people

transported goods was by Camels in the desert.

carrying their goods to other people for trade. It

This was mostly used in hotter climates. Camels

evolved from people that were nomads. When

were the best animals for the hotter climates,

they found out that they could not carry that

because they could withstand the heat and they

much, they domesticated animals. With the

did not have to drink that often. Boats were also

domestication of animals they were able to

used in places that were close to a body of water.

carry more. This lead to transportation with

To build the boats, they took a piece of a tree,

animals. With animals they were able to go alot

then burned the top with a torch, which loosened


the bark up which allowed them to dig it out

The Triangle Trade: The Triangle Trade was

with tools. People also transported goods by

used back then, to transport goods, slaves, and

foot, if they did not have access to these ways of

crops. This was very helpful for the new world

travel. Transporting goods by foot was not that

(America) because this allowed us to get goods

effective, because people could not go that far

from other countries. They were also able to get

and they could not carry that much, which meant

slaves. A slave is a person that is forced to work

the country or civilization did not get that many

for another of higher authority. It was important


for us to have slaves in the new world (even though it was wrong) because it allowed them to build civilizations and cities faster.

The Railroad System: The Railroad System

Trains are also important because they carry

was a series of tracks placed on the ground, and

40% of our world's freight. These trains can

it had a cars, or trains on it to transport goods

carry a lot of weight while also making it

and people to different places. The man who

easier to transport goods to the inner city.

created this was Henry Flagler. His idea had a

The Military also uses many vehicles to

huge affect on this world. He created it during

transport goods, such as planes, cargo

1912. He also created many other things. We

helicopters, etc. With these big planes they

still use this, to this day, to transport people and

are able to transport vehicles and many

goods. In China, they created a bullet train, a

other things, such as troops, and artillery.

train that goes more than 200 miles / hour. This

Without people creating the Transportation

is very helpful because this allows people to get

Revolution, this world would not be the

places without flying. It also gets them there in


the same time that it takes someone to fly there. Today: Transportation had such a huge affect

Reading Check: How did Henry’s railroad

on today’s society. Instead of walking, and

system have such a big affect on today’s

riding camels, we used planes, ships, and

railroad system?

trucks. Cargo ships and planes can carry the most out of the truck and train. With a cargo ship we can carry cars, and even food overseas to get to other countries. With cargo planes we could carry these same things but this is a faster ways because you are flying. Today we also use trains.

References "Transportation Revolution." Transportation Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015.

"Transportation | Technology." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015.

"History of Transportation." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015.

"Transportation Now And Then." Transportation Now And Then. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015.

"EduPic Math Images Main." EduPic Math Images Main. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015.

"Unit 1 The Dawn of Civilization." WDARCY -. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015.

"Nov 2015." Discover Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015.

"A BRIEF HISTORY OF TRANSPORT." A History of Transportation. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

Recreation What is recreation? Recreation is what people do when they have leisure time, and the activities that were played. Leisure time is free time or time without work. Early civilizations had many types of activities like pottery and painting. These activities were the first examples of recreation. Leisure time was earned when people had a surplus of food and started to specialize on something. Once someone specializes at something, leisure time would come more often because the work was not as hard and did not take all day. Now there are recreational centers where people play video games and sports.

Let's go watch some theater! Theater was very popular in early civilizations. People would perform an act in front of a lot of people. They would perform in a auditorium of some sorts. These auditoriums had no roof and they were made of clay. There would be a section in the front where all of the important people would sit. Auditoriums now have covers and they are now very comfortable. Theater has improved because now people are committed to it and their life is based around it.

Sports: Sports in early civilizations were also very popular. They would play a game called tlachtli. Tlachtli was played with hips and knees. It was a game that was very emotional and was played with a lot of intensity, the losing team would be killed. This game was very competitive. There was a ring that the ball had to pass through for points. Whichever team had the most points won. There are now many sports and they are not as competitive as they were in early times. Now it all about the money.

Key Terms: Recreation: What people do with their free time Leisure time: time without work Auditorium: where people perform

Pottery, Painting, and Jewelry Pottery: Pottery is a form of recreation that people use now. Pottery is the art of making things with clay and earthenware. People would form vases, bowls, and cups with their hands and the clay would become the object. Then, once it was finished, it was left for one day outside so that the clay would dry. These things were to hold water or food. Pottery is now made with spinners and is much easier to make.

Painting: Painting was a very fun type of recreation for children. This allowed children to express their emotions with color and it let them draw about things on their mind. Painting was recreation for parents because they could do it with their children. Painting was most of the times on rocks because people did not have that much paper or no paper in their possession. These paintings resembled something like people or hunting practices or gods. Now, most people have canvas to paint on and painting are now classes. Painting has improved in general. Paintings still have a meaning and resemble something

Jewelry: Making bracelets and necklaces was a type of recreation. They had gold, silver, and precious stones. Emeralds, pearls, and amethyst were some of the stones that were used to decorate necklaces. Necklaces were the most popular thing to make with jewelry. As time passed by, jewelry got more complexed. The people also decorated the necklaces with colorful rocks and poked holes in them so they looked like beads. This relates to modern day because now necklaces all are decorated with a lot of precious gems.

Key Terms Pottery: the art of making things with clay and earthenware

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