Period 6 textbook

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Dawn Of Civilizations

Integration of Transportation Transportation is a form of Movement. It is the movement of animals, goods, and humans from one place to another. Transportation became integrated into society as early when the first man was created. The man needed to move away from danger, he needed to run to catch food, he needed tmove to survive. As the human race developed and became farmers instead of huntergatherers, transportation was needed to deliver messages,move from place to place, trade goods, and attack settlements and other civilizations. Ancient Civilizations had mainly two types of transportation methods. Land and water. Ancient Civilizations depended on quick and efficient transportation methods . They built roads so messengers could deliver messages quicker and they used their feet to move from place to place, they used boats, horses, and camels to trade goods, and they used horses,chariots, and boats to attack other settlements.

How They Move For seven million years humans got to where they wanted to go by walking. People moved their legs to go from place to place. As life continued people did develop better transportation skills. They domesticated the horse. They did this by feeding and becoming and easier source of good food for that animal. Early Civilizations used this method to become more advanced, stronger military wise, communicate ideas that can change the way they live, and in parades and religious activities.Transportation shows their culture because of the designs on the horses and chariots. An example is in Mesopotamia the chariots that were used to carry the king had gold designs on the sides studded with jewelry to show their wealth and power. Lower ranking nobles rode on a chair, fastened on the back of donkey.

Timeline of Transportation .Walked for Seven Million Years .Domesticated horses 6,000 years ago .Wheel was invented in Ancient Mesopotamia .Wheel and Horses/Ox combined creating Chariots .Ships were invented were made out of bundles of papyrus reeds woven together, with simple square sail made out of papyrus .Egyptians created the wooden sailboat .Romans created the Cortia a merchant boat .When Romans fell transportation became primitive again .Canals were created to make it easier to ship goods back and forth between two cities .Hot air Balloon was created in France .Railways opened and made traveling much faster . Cars were invented in 1885 .Motorbikes were invented in 1886 .Trams were drawn by horses but soon became electrified .Trams soon gave away to the buse .Hovercrafts made it easier to travel by canal and was used for recreation .Planes were invented and made it easier to travel long distances

Modern Transportation Our race has evolved greatly and from carts to chariots, from charitos the carriages and from chariots to cars. Our technology has evolved greatly and transportation has always had an important role in society. It was used to make civilizations what they are today. Transportation is important because humans do not waste time on trivial activities and if transportation continues to grow then that means it is important to humans everyday lives.New technology lets us travel a a lot of miles to go to work, eat food grown half-way around the world. This technology has made life much easier for us than it was for our ancient people. But it's caused big problems, too, and given us important choices to make for the future.


Works Cited

"A BRIEF HISTORY OF TRANSPORT." A History of Transportation. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Transportation and Public Transit | An Online Lesson | Early Transportation." Transportation and Public Transit | An Online Lesson | Early Transportation. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. Wells, Ken R. "Transportation." Environmental Encyclopedia. 4th ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 1664-666. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <| CX1918701515&v=2.1&u=gullacad&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=62cba43339e7bc0 9e367f5947d2942c6>.

Revolution of Trading Vocabulary: Transportation, Economy, Trade, and Supply & Demand.

When people first settled down into larger towns in Mesopotamia and Egypt,the idea that you had to produce absolutely everything that you wanted or needed started to fade. So humans discovered that they could give things in exchange for another. Trading is the action of buying and selling goods and services. Trading has occurred from 3000 BC to now in current time. Cities started to work the same way, realizing that they could acquire goods they didn't have at hand from other cities far away. This created a market based on supply and demand. Supply and Demand is the amount of commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it. Since humans began to trade items a lot, along came trading routes. Longrange trade routes first appeared in the 3rd millennium BCE, when Sumerians in Mesopotamia traded with the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley. Some of the transportation of trading occurred by water, not just by land. The first and most extensive trade networks were actually waterways like the Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates in present-day Iraq and the Yellow River in China. The Phoenicians were noted sea traders, traveling across the Mediterranean Sea, and as far north as Britain for sources of tin to manufacture bronze. Transportation played a giant role in the trading industry. Transportation is the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported.

Revolution of Trading

Since people started to exchange items with each other , that lead to the creation of the economy. The Economy is the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. The Greek’s had an economy which flourished from 776 to 30 B.C. The ancient economy is very different from the present day economy. In the Archaic and Classical periods, Greece was not united but consisted of hundreds of small, independent poleis which are “city-states.� Ancient Greek values held low esteem economic activities that were not lesser to the traditional activities of managing the family farm and obtaining goods for necessary consumption. So-called banausic work, which included manufacturing, business, and trade.With limited technology and no understanding of scale, cities were no hubs of industry, and manufacturing existed only a small scale. Cities were mainly places for people to live as well religious and government centers. Their contribution to the economy was only to demand the surplus produce of the countryside, manufacture limited of goods, and provide market places and ports of trade for exchange of goods.

Sources Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>. "Interpretation of a Dream in Which You Saw «Money»." Interpretation of a Dream in Which You Saw «Money». Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>.

"Stone Age." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <>.

Whipps, By. "How Ancient Trade Changed the World." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Feb. 2008. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <>.

"Economy Team 1." 6P Ancient Egypt /. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. < Team 1>.

"Ancient Coins Depictions." Greek Coins. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>. "Chinese Unicorn – The Mythic Chinese Unicorn." Chinese Unicorn. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>. "[News] Egyptian Money." [News] Egyptian Money. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>. "Hirington Online Journal: Camel Vs Recruiters...a Simple Moral." Hirington Online Journal: Camel Vs Recruiters...a Simple Moral. Web. 8 Oct. 2015. <>.

Governing Key Terms: Resource




Governments were created to provide order to the society, ensure protection of boundaries, and help interactions with other cultures.. Governments established rules and laws for the people, and helped to control interactions with other religions.

Becoming part of the civilization Governing came into place when humans settled and started farming. Farming is an important resource because you can obtain a surplus of food. Resource is a stock or supply of money, materials, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. Due to the surplus of food, society needed to find someone or a group of people to manage the surplus of food, and provide order.

Right To Rule The person who is chosen into power is usually connected to religion. They claim that their right to rule came from the gods. For example, in China, the emperors were called “sons of heaven.� Another way that the ruler was chosen was if the person was the wisest or the alpha of the community.

The Qianlong Emperor

Defense and Attack Primitive governments also had to protect their borders against other forces. This was an important concept. Farming land was a crucial piece to the development of towns. Without the farming, lands would not have had a source of food. This is why people needed a form of protection. They needed to protect their food. In addition, a government would train and form armies to attack other towns or empires to try to win their farming land to grow a surplus of food. A surplus of food is an excess of food.

Aspect Of Life Governing affected society in many ways. Governments made rules to ensure that order in the empire or town was kept. For example, in Mesopotamia they made many different rules. The government would also set up a form of economy to be able to trade with others to obtain items they did not have. Economy is the production and distribution of items or jobs in a specific location. Mesopotamia Rules And Economy Mesopotamia had kings and nobles who would create the rules. In Babylonia, the king would ensure that the people of the city knew the rules by writing them down on stone slabs so everyone would recognize them and people would treat each other equally. Mesopotamian economy had two different currencies. They used clay tokens dated back to the 3300 B.C, and then they used silver coins mainly used by the wealthier citizens around 2,500 B.C.

Recreation army

Stone Slabs

When civilization took place Governing came into place when humans settled and started farming. Early civilization came into effect because the society needed some sort of order. Going back to 3200 B.C small settlements were found in the Cycladic islands that mainly fished due to the lack of fertile land. These communities traded with the main island of Crete. Early Government in Greece Geography plays a very important role in how government develops. For example, in Greece because of the mountains and coastlines the communities were small and independent without a central ruler. This was different from the governments in Mesopotamia.

Connection between past and present Early governments and modern governments have many aspects in common. Some countries stayed the same, and other countries have changed their system of government. And others have adapted to the modern world. Greek Influences In the Greek democracy it was ruled by the people of the empire. For example, in early Athens you would have to be 18 years or older to participate in the democratic process. In modern day U.S.A and Greece, a citizen has to be 18 or older to participate in government. The US government is based on the early Greek government.

Early Government in Mesopotamia The first governments established in Mesopotamia where approximately dated to the 4th millennium B.C. Uruk was one of the first establishments in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia consisted with many different empires and governments. The one thing that all those governments had in common was that they all wrote, the gods they worshiped, and the attitude towards women.

Map of Mesopotamia

Chinese Past and Present In ancient Chinese government there were many kings and lords and then it slowly changed into an empire with an emperor. This is not that different from present day china because currently it is run by the politburo committee which is not elected. Politburo is the executive party of a communist political system.

Bibliography "Ancient Greek Democracy." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Chinese Government." Ancient China Government. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Government." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "The History of Greece." The History of Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "How Muslims Dealt with Ancient Civilizations." The Faith. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Mesopotamia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Paper 70 - The Evolution of Human Government." Paper 70. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. "Social Studies~talam." RMS 6 Math /. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. <>.

Definition of Religious Beliefs: Religious Beliefs is a set of shared beliefs about supernatural powers that created and rule the world

Religious Beliefs What Caused This Aspect To Become a Part of Civilization Religious beliefs are one of the eight important aspects or features,that characterized a civilization. A civilization is a complex society with cities, a well-organized government, and workers with specialized job skills. Religious beliefs were very important in ancient civilizations. Many of the first civilizations developed practices that involved death and burial suggesting that they reacted to mysterious and supernatural forces. The ancient early civilizations in the Paleolithic Era believed that the world was filled of spirits, which is a religious belief called animism. Even the animals they hunted were filled with spirits. The people of this early civilization painted the animals after hunting them, asking for forgiveness to the supernatural forces for killing them. Later, around 3400 BC, early civilizations that lived in Egypt, Asia, Indus Valley and China developed an established religion. The Rulers of early civilizations often claimed that the gods gave them the power and the right to rule their society. People from all civilizations had also believed that gods and goddesses could harm them, but also could protect them from harm. During this time, the religion includes beliefs about the life after their death and how to treat each other with respect The Mesopotamians were polytheistic, meaning that they believed in many gods that controlled the universe and everything in their lives. They believed that the gods lived forever, had powers, behaved like humans, and were happy when people prayed and offered them things. People also believed that if they misbehaved, the gods will bring war and misfortune. Their priests will communicate to the gods. The Sumerians constructed temples known as Ziggurats that were pyramid-shaped towers that were filled with sculptures and paintings. Similar to the Sumerians, the Egyptian civilizations practiced polytheism. Many of their gods were associated with animals and had the head or body of a lion or crocodile and had their qualities. Egyptians believed that their pharaohs were gods on the earth that need to be obeyed. The priest helped them to gain favors with the gods.

Religious Beliefs Similar to the Sumerians, the Egyptian civilizations practiced polytheism. Many of their gods were associated with animals and had the head or body of an animal and had their qualities. Egyptians believed that their pharaohs were gods on the earth that need to be obeyed. The priest helped them to gain favors with the gods.

Different from other civilization, the Jewish people practice monotheism, which is the belief of only one god. The god of the Israelites was not made of wood, stone, or metal like other civilizations and did not take the form of a human or animal. He was invisible and everywhere. Jewish followed a course of law including the ten commandments, the Torah, and follow God’s ethical rules about right or wrong to prove their fate.

Comparison of Early Humans and Today’s World

The majority of the current religions practice the monotheism, including the Christianity, Islam, Catholicism, and Judaism. The people who practices these religions believe in one god and the need of prayers. As the early civilizations, the current religions believe in the respect for god and others human beings and go to church or temples to demonstrate and pray their fate. Different from prior civilizations, we do not believe that animals are gods and we don’t believe in the afterlife.

The approximate time period when this aspect of civilization took hold Religion beliefs became an aspect of civilization around the time when the Neolithic Era first began, around 1000 years ago. When farming was a success and they had a surplus, or a large amount of food, they didn’t need as much farmers as they had, and started doing other things to keep occupied. The kings believed in religious beliefs so much, they had it a feature of civilization Keywords: aspect, civilization, animism, polytheistic, monotheism, surplus

Bibliography “Learning about Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Culture." Learning about Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print.

"" Importance of Religious Beliefs Essays. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

Ancient Communication Key terms Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information or news script: the writing of symbols or characters

Communication in Civilizations Communication, the imparting or exchanging of information or news, was adapted into civilizations because people needed a way to record data, and talk to each other (they needed to be able to communicate). The first form of communication in civilizations was language in the form of talking. Then came writing, at first writing was created to record data in numbers, later it was used to record history, and for prayers.

Different places communication Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia was the first civilization to have the aspect of communication, in fact it was the the civilization. The people of Mesopotamia spoke Semtec. They wrote at first using symbols to just record numerical numbers. Later they developed a script, the writing of symbols or characters, called Cuneiform. They used this new form of writing to record history and prayers. Many later civilizations based their alphabet on Mesopotamia’s, like the Phoenicians. Mesopotamia had scribes. Greece: Greece was a civilization that had communication, like all. In Greece, the people spoke greek.They also wrote in Greek. They, like Mesopotamia had script, and an alphabet. One huge thing the Greeks used communication for, was to communicate with the gods. Communicating with the gods was an aspect of everyday life to a greek. Also of course like all civilizations they wrote, and recorded their history.

Key terms Aspect: a particular part or feature of something Altered: Changed Rome: Rome was another early civilization with communication. The people of Rome spoke Latin. They wrote in script and had an alphabet. A huge thing in Rome, was communicating with the gods. This was an aspect, a particular part or feature of something, of everyday life, just like in Greece. Reading Check: What languages did Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome use?

How did Communication Help Civilizations Communication completely altered or changed lives of humans and civilizations. First off communication was one of the aspects that started civilizations. It let people talk and communicate with each other better. It also recorded information, laws, history, and prayers. Without the recording of laws and Data/information, Governments wouldn't have been able to keep the civilizations in order. Also communication changed today civilizations too, because the recording of history and prayers let us know what early people were like and how they survived, so we based our lives of of theirs.

Communication Timeline

Cave Paintings Language Complex Language Written Language Postal Services Newspapers Television Telephone Email Cellphone Texting Social apps

Adaption into Today's World The aspect of communication is of course adapted into our world today. Without the invention of complex language or cave painting, we would never have phones today. As more and more time went past, the better and better our technology for communication gets. Now as more and more time passes the technology will keep getting better. So without early communication like writing we would never have the technology we have now. Reading Check: What was the first form of communication?


Cuneiform. Digital image. Writing. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. Heise, John. "Mesopotamia." Personal.sron. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. Heise, John. "Mesopotamia." Personal.sron. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. Instagram. Digital image. Color-lib. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. Iphone. Digital image. Tmobile. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. Mark, Joshua J. "Writing." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., 28 Apr. 2011. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. Mesopotamia. Digital image. History Kiosk. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. My World History Early Ages. N.p.: Pearson Education, 2012. Print. "Script." Dictionary.Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2015. <>. Tisha. Rome. Digital image. All Roads Leading Back to Rome. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. <>. "Writing." Writing. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015.

Words to Know: Aesthetics - a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art Monument - a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event Temple - a building devoted to the worship Pottery - pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay

Ancient Aesthetics Aesthetics, a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art have been used in civilizations since ancient times. They were used to make the people's’ city and environment beautiful. They are things such as decoration, carvings in buildings, and pottery around any ancient or modern city. From the mesopotamians to the grecians to people now, aesthetics have been a key to creating and sustaining a civilization. Aesthetics were close to public works and made as decoration for a city and its people. Throughout every civilization, though, the aesthetics differ and show how they lived. Things like temples, palaces, tombs, and jewelry were all part of a city’s aesthetics. Temples, or buildings devoted to worship were very complex for a better environment for their religion to show different parts of their religion. Palaces were made for rulers as they were the most prestigious people in their civilizations. The places were prominent among other buildings. Tombs were made with great detail. They were larger and more decorative and complex for how important the person was. Pyramids were for emperors and pharaohs. Skilled craftworkers made fine luxury items for the upper class like gold jewelry and perfume boxes. Music and literature enriched their lives and became a mark of advanced civilization. Many of these buildings had a function but were also objects of beauty. Pottery, or pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay were created with art and designs on them, representing the culture of the creator. Jewelry appeared at about the time clothing appeared. It was made out of pretty much any resource humans could find like bone, stone, and wood. The jewelry would express the owner and would show the wealth of the owner. They could also show affection towards someone or religious or political affiliation.

The Creation of Aesthetics The ancient mesopotamians were pioneers in using aesthetics. They thought that crafting and building was a gift taught by gods to rare humans. They built their buildings and houses of mud bricks and eventually mastered the skill. This was because wood was very scarce in their area and stone did not exist. They also created the arch, the column, and the dome. Reading Check: Where are aesthetics used?

Aesthetics in Egypt About 400 years after the fall of the mesopotamian civilization, the egyptians put their mark on ancient aesthetics. The egyptians made great monuments, or a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event like the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Since wood was scarce in Egypt, they used limestone, granite, and sandstone. To make houses, the egyptians got mud from the nile and dried it with the sun. Huge pyramids were made by slaves from large blocks of stone and served as tombs for important people like pharaohs and other rulers. The Egyptians carved Hieroglyphics and placed 3d carvings in their temples. People still wonder how they created these pyramids and temples without modern tools with such perfection.



The Great Pyramids of

Grecian Aesthetics Ancient greece was ruled by religion so all temples were engraved with art and very beautiful and complex. There were 3 different ways greek architects would make their designs, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The doric was very sturdy but had to no design to it. The Ionic way was thinner and had a scroll - like design at the top. The Corinthian was the most decorative and had leaf- like design on it. Greece produced structures that are very strong and still stand today. They mostly made temples with lots of pillars on the sides. Greeks built their temples on high ground so that the temples can be viewed from different angles. Most structures were made of Marble but still used wood for smaller houses. One of the Most famous and well - known buildings from Ancient Greece is the Parthenon.

The Parthenon

References "Ancient Civilizations: Articles." Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "Architecture in Ancient Civilizations." Architecture in Ancient Civilizations. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "Common Aesthetic Practices - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "Famous+buildings+in+greece - Google Search." Famous+buildings+in+greece - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Great+pyramids+of+giza - Google Search." Great+pyramids+of+giza Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "History of Jewelry - All About Jewellery." Jewellery History. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print.

Recreation Key Terms: onset

civilization archaeologist primitive technology

Recreation is something that one does for enjoyment when not working. This aspect of a civilization first emerged because humans began to develop better tools and technology, allowing them to have free time where they could have fun and enjoy an activity. Therefore, humans developed many different forms of recreation to spend their free time. The purpose of recreation and recreational activities was for humans to be able to have a good time when they are not working. After completing their work, people could now take a well-deserved break to do something that they enjoy. The development of recreation suggests that ancient people were no longer focused solely on survival but also on having a high quality of life and having fun.

Mesopotamian Recreation The onset, or beginning of recreation occurred in the great Mesopotamian civilization. A civilization is a complex society that has cities, a well-organized government, and specialized job skills. There, humans began to develop different ways to have fun during their free time. The people of the civilization even established different holidays for games, entertainment, and enjoyment, and had different forms of recreation such as boxing, wrestling, and playing board games. One of the recreational activities that the Ancient Mesopotamians practiced during their free time was boxing/wrestling. Both were very popular sports in the civilization and are depicted in Mesopotamian paintings. Another activity that the Mesopotamians took part in was playing polo. However, rather than riding horses to move around,

men rode other men instead. Many board games were also played in Mesopotamia, with one of the most popular ones being 20 Squares. Archaeologists, people who study ancient civilizations through the examination of artifacts, have found many fascinating games, with some even involving playing pieces and dice. These board games were enjoyed by people of all ages across the civilization. The Mesopotamians also developed toys to play with, had different forms of music and dance, and performed literary works.

20 Squares Board Game

Carving of Ancient Mesopotamians Boxing

Ancient Egyptian Recreation Another of the world’s most well-known civilizations, Ancient Egypt, also developed many forms of recreation. They had fun by doing many different recreational activities such as horseback riding, hunting, and playing board games. One of the Ancient Egyptians’

favorite things to do was fishing. It is believed that they were the first people to fish for pleasure. Many Egyptian paintings depict the people of the civilization fishing in a fun, recreational way.

Egyptians also loved to hunt, but for recreation rather than to find food. Pharaohs and other nobility hunted often from chariots, hunting all sorts of animals such as horses, antelopes, and even lions. In addition, Ancient Egyptians played a variety of different sports. Some sports played today are similar to those that were played in the civilization. For example, they developed a game similar to hockey, where they would hit a ball with clubs that made from branches. Many Ancient Egyptians also enjoyed swimming for recreation. They swam in the Nile River, the longest river in the world and the river that their civilization was built around. Senet was one of the many board games that the Ancient Egyptians loved to play. Many of these board games were very popular in the civilization.

Senet Board Game

Ancient Egyptians Hunting

Ancient Roman Recreation Another of the world’s most well-known civilizations, Ancient Rome, also developed many forms of recreation. They had fun by doing many different recreational activities such as horseback riding, hunting, and playing board games. One of the ways that people in Ancient Rome had fun was by swimming. Like the Ancient Egyptians, many Ancient Romans swam in the Tiber River or in plunge pools,and it was very common in the civilization. The people of Ancient Rome also had a good time through horseback riding. Everyone in the civilization was expected

to be good at riding horses, and therefore Romans were taught how to ride horses from a young age. People of the Ancient Roman civilization hunted as a form of recreation. Sons often went hunting with their fathers to learn how to hunt, and many hunts were carried out by Ancient Romans. Like the Ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians, Ancient Romans played many different board games. These include Roman Chess, Roman Checkers, Tic-tac-toe, and Knucklebones. Roman friends and family often got together to spend time together by playing a board game, and it is something that people of all ages loved to do. One of the most famous aspects of Ancient Rome was iconic duels between gladiators. Ancient Romans attended these spectacles as recreation, watching the gladiators fiercely fight. They also developed ball games such as dodgeball, soccer, and handball, loved wrestling, and enjoyed running.

Roman Chess

Gladiator Duel

Comparing and

The Ancient Mesopotamians, Ancient Egyptians, and Ancient Romans all developed their own forms of recreation. These ways are similar in some aspects but different in others. One common similarity between them is that they all played board games. 20 Squares was a commonly played board game in Ancient Mesopotamia, the Ancient Egyptian board games include Senet, and the Ancient Romans played a variety of different ones such as Knucklebones, Roman Chess, and Roman Checkers.


Romans played a variety of different ones such as Knucklebones, Roman Chess, and Roman Checkers. Another common form of recreation between all three is that they all played sports or athletic games. For example, many Ancient Mesopotamians enjoyed wrestling and boxing, the Ancient Egyptians played a game similar to hockey, and the Ancient Romans rode horses. However, the civilizations also had unique aspects about their forms of recreation. For instance, the Ancient Romans were the only ones who attended gladiator fights, and the Ancient Mesopotamians were unique in playing a form of polo. There are also forms of recreation that were enjoyed by only 2 of the civilizations, such as Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Romans both hunting, and both Ancient Romans and Ancient Mesopotamians liking to wrestle .

Recreation Then and Now

There are many similarities and differences between ancient recreation and modern recreation. Recreation was more basic and primitive, meaning earlier and less developed, in the times of great ancient civilizations such as Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Rome. However, advances in technology, or something developed my humans that makes life easier, has allowed humans to develop a wide variety of more advanced recreational activities. During the time of ancient civilizations, recreational activities were limited to the more primitive technology of the time. For example, board games could only be made with technology that had been developed, and sports equipment could only be made with what humans could use. Because of new technology, many new forms of recreation have emerged, such as playing video games, going go-kart racing, or jet skiing. All of these have been made possible because of new advancements in technology. Even though recreation has greatly evolved, there are also many similar aspects between recreation today and ancient recreation. For example, many different board games were played in ancient

times, just like in present day, and some of these ancient games are still played today. In addition, many of the sports that people of ancient times played for recreation, such as wrestling, boxing, soccer, handball, and dodgeball are still commonly played today.


Jet Skiing

Works Cited

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Key Terms Communication Cave paintings schools

Cuneiform texting


Ancient Communication

What is communication? Communication is in any way transferring knowledge from one thing to another. This could be through pictures of speech. Communication started first in the paleolithic era humans could communicate by using symbols. Symbols were based on what they knew and what the object looked like. Symbols can relate to the early humans because it show that the symbols were by what they saw. The most common symbols were religious. Symbols in 2,700 BC Egypt were the first alphabet and by using symbols.Symbols this shows how they write can directly relate to cave painting, for often symbols were written on the walls themselves. Cave Paintings The next step in evolution was cave paintings.a kind of pictionary by painting on walls, to tell the other about something they found. Cave paintings were from 10,000 BC to 3,000 BC. Cave painting happened in Africa but also France and all across Europe as well. The problem with cave paintings is when the nomads moved the information on the wall paintings was lost because humans could not take it with. This directly relates to the Mesopotamia region of Uruk, was using Cuneiform to communicate.

Cuniform Cuneiform is carvings in the wall. In around 3000 BC humans in the middle East used Cuneiform as writing and the rock that they carved on as the first type of Paper. Cuneiform was better than cave paintings because in the middle East, humans now we're staying in one place do to the Agriculture revolution and cuneiform is permanent and will stay in the rock forever. Many important historical events have been written in Cuneiform such as the Rosetta stone.

Communication today. Communication Today Today humans can communicate by pictures or acting something out, but most of us enjoy talking as our main form of communication. There are many different languages that people speak today all formed from the common alphabet. Some are based by country, some religion or even by tribes. Today we talk but using technology like phones and computers we can communicate to anyone in almost any country. Programming Today there is a different type of language being used often. It is computer code used to program or control computers. This is robots, phones, and computers work. They are all programmed to do certain tasks. An example is if you click on an app it links you to the app.

Education Communication takes place ,and affects a lot in education. Today teachers can teach their students by talking ,but also online. Online schools (schools that can be taught online) are becoming more popular because now kids can stay at home but still have a teacher.

Texting Now a faster way of communicating is texting. Texting allows people to write and the other person will be able to see it and reply back. Many people still talk but now businesses can email or talk to place orders. Today it is essential to have a device to communicate so you can talk or for business.


Works Cited "Alphabet." Alphabet. Ancient History, n.d. Web. "Cuneiform." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Cuneiform Writing - LookLex Encyclopaedia." Cuneiform Writing - LookLex Encyclopaedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Home - I2i Languages, Inc." I2i Languages Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "How To Free Up IPhone Storage by Deleting Photos From Messages - The Mac Observer." The Mac Observer. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. My World History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print. "More Communication Features - Ancient History Et Cetera." Ancient History Et Cetera. N.p., 27 Oct. 2011. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Private School." N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. "10 Programming Languages With The Highest Salary - Naibuzz." Naibuzz. N.p., 22 Apr. 2015. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Thread: Planetary Symbols for the Kerbol System?" Kerbal Space Program Forum RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Writing." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015




Lesson 1: Section 1 Primitive Armies Earlier armies, were those of farming villages. They were used to hunt animals and defend their village if another village attacked it. They wanted to expand their farmland and their territory so people would fear them. As a result, other farmlands untied to be able to defeat that one village so they would prosper in riches and would have a bigger territory. The greatest of civilizations needed the best army. An army is a large body of people trained for land warfare. Armies were needed to be able to maintain a government, a city and a civilization or a complex society that has cities, a well-organized government and worker with specialized job skills.Armies defeat, lost and conquered greater armies to expand their ruler’s kingdom. The first army ever known was the Sumerian army.

Vocabulary- Culture Chariot In ancient times, as said before, villages attacked other villages for farmland. But, what about the defenders. Most cities were built with large, thick, stone walls that could withstand arrows. The purpose was to conserve their people, culture and not fall. In ancient times, it was all about competition. Whoever was the best was the best. The first and one of the best civilization were the Sumerians. The Sumerians lived in on one of the most civilized civilizations in the ancient times. Part of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians had city like states that would often attack each other for farmland and pride. To defend their base was hard because most of the attacks were not declared. Every one of those state wanted to be the best and keep their city in order to be the best. Culture was a big part of a city. Culture is the way people live and their traditions Mostly, the cities had different cultures. In order to keep that, people needed to defend their base. One of the biggest contributions of the Sumerians was the wheel. The Sumerians created the wheel which led to the chariot. The Sumerian chariot was usually a four-wheeled vehicle (although there are examples of the two-wheeled variety in other records) and required four onagers( which a horse-donkey)to pull it. The Sumerians are also credited with inventing the rein ring for use with the chariot in order to give the

2525 BC The first war in Sumer was between the first two city-states Lagash and Umma. They used spears and wore weak armor. 3500 BC The Sumerians created the wheel which led to the chariot. to give the driver some control over the onagers. The Sumerians are also credited with inventing the rein ring for use with the chariot in order to give the driver some control over the onagers. 1914-1945 Close to modern day. WWI and WWII used planes and Germany created the first tank. War planes were used and so were guns. 2015 and counting Modern day. Tanks, planes, guns, daggers, every single army tool have evolved.

Today Today, countries and continents declare war on each other if there is a conflict not solved, that country has done something to the other country or something like that. Other countries declare war for terrorism or a conflict. An example is the U.S. Since 2001, the U.S has been at war with Afghanistan And their terrorist groups for 14 years. That is a lot of years. Other times it is just terrorism or a conflict. There is also conflicting beliefs. ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. They attack countries and cities for no reason in particular except that they think they are the right religion and do not tolerate other people's religion. Other times, they just blow up and decimate valued artifacts from the past and want to destroy our future.

Works Cited "Ancient Mesopotamia." : Assyrian Army and Warriors. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "Ancient Mesopotamia Military/Army." Ancient Mesopotamia Military,Army,Soldiers Training,Weapons,Armour,Wars. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "Collapse: Mesopotamia." Collapse: Mesopotamia. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. "The Military of Ancient Egypt." Ancient Egypt Military. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "World War I vs World War II." - Difference and Comparison. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.


Hunting Tools The first toolmakers were the Homo Sapiens. They used stone, and through trial and error, they evolved technology, or the knowledge of when the use of tools increases efficiency or convenience, to make the hunt or harvest more productive.

Material and Hunting Tools The industry, or type of workmanship, of the tools, differed from clan to clan. The clans had not started trading, and everything they made was from their knowledge. The knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, and each generation learned to make technology more productive. New technologies advanced mans life expectancy. The first tools were made from stone, quartz,a hard white or colorless mineral consisting of silicon dioxide and wood.

Wood Tools

Stone Tools


Farming Tools After the Agriculture Revolution, more and more people turned to farming instead of hunting. Farming had more benefits than hunting, reliable food and less land included. To farm, man needed technology that made the harvest efficient. With their new inventions,the action of inventing something, typically a process or device, man was more efficient. So, man upgraded their ways and domesticated plants to get the most food.

Early Villages and Farming Tools The first farming tools were a Scythe, hoe, and rake. As man got used to farming they noted when each plant grow the best and they domesticated the plants to give the most they possibly can. The first plants to be planted was rye, Rice, einkorn, and emmer. The first sign of agriculture was in Çatalhöyük. Çatalhöyük is in Turkey, and it is fertile because it was next to the The Mediterranean Sea. Çatalhöyük was the first farming village, and the max population 6,000 people and 32 acres of land.

Evolution of Toolmaking Tools


The plow now uses oil instead of animals

Sickle- Used to cut grains. Early man was a crude tool.

Bow and Arrow- From a less accurate shot, to a more accurate weapon that is more productive.

Works Cited "Çatalhöyük 'Map' Mural May Depict Volcanic Eruption 8,900 Years Ago." Breaking Science News SciNewscom. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. " Cochise College

Student Papers in Geology." Cochise College

P. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015.

"Free Video Clips & MoviesEarly Humans." Early Humans. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. Hoolbook, Britt. "Animal Tools." Gale. Gale, n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. "Interpretation of a Dream in Which You Saw «Stone»." Interpretation of a Dream in Which You Saw «Stone». N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. "Learning to Farm and Raise Animals." Mrstaberswiki -. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. Lerner, Lee. "Hand Tools." Gale. Gale, n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. "Like You've Got Something Better To Do." Like Youve Got Something Better To Do. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. "More Gun Laws Do Not Mean Less Crime." Ben Swanns Truth In Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. Nagel, Rob. "Hand Tools." Gale. Gale, n.d. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.

Continued Cites N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015. "Plow | Agriculture." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Plow Cartoons and Comics." - Funny Pictures from CartoonStock. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. "SCYTHIAN-STYLE BOWS DISCOVERED IN XINJIANG From the Photographs and Drawings of Stephen Selby." Letter Summaries. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Sickle to Your Features." Genius. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "This World We Live in." : Humans: The World's Only Super Predator? N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. "Uwharries Lithics Conference: Lee Novick." Uwharries Lithics Conference: Lee Novick. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "World Peace Card Set - Reiki Webstore." World Peace Card Set - Reiki Webstore. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015.

The Paleolithic Age (2.6 million years ago) The first tools made were made in the paleolithic age. The first form of technology was a stone and humans used it for hunting because they knew it would cause damage. Then they made the stone sharper and added a wooden stick to make it easier to penetrate the skin of an animal. After homo sapiens made the stick longer and begun throwing the stick so they made the stone blade even sharper.

Tool Making in Mesopotamia (c. 5000-3500 BC) One very important material used in mesopotamian tools is clay. Clay was used to build houses and cooking utensils like clay pots but later made of bronze. People also made farming tools out of bronze like the plow. Their first plow was made of wood and stone but they later began using other materials like bronze. Mesopotamians began using the composite bow for war and it was made of stone and wood from different trees but the stone and wood was later replaced with stronger metals like bronze and iron.

Ancient Egypt (3000 BC) Farming In ancient Egypt people used wood to to make their farming tools. They made hoes, rakes, and grain scoops. They had wooden plows that were used by hand and ones pulled by oxen to plow the land and make it fertile. When the Nile river flooded there was no necessity to use plows due to the fertile land. They also used sickles made of copper, iron, and bronze to cut their crops.

Hunting and War Weapons and knives were made of copper. They also made spears, fish hooks, and needles with copper. Ancient Egyptians also used some knives made out of ivory. Bow and arrows had a wooden arrow with a copper spear and the arrow made of wood.

Cooking and Household Utensils

Women in ancient Egypt used copper knives to cut as well as flint knives. They used clay pots to store also they used palm leaf bags and a basket made out of palm leaves. Egyptians used clay to make plates, cups, bottles, and pots. They also had bronze dishes and bowls but only for the wealthy. They used wood to make spoons and some knives. To cook they used clay and bronze pots.

Works Cited "Hand Tools." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2015. Web. 2 Oct. 2015

"Description of the Tools & Weapons Used in Ancient Egypt | The Classroom | Synonym." The Classroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. "Composition and Development of Ancient Egyptian Tools." Composition and Development of Ancient Egyptian Tools. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

Trading Mesopotamia

Key Terms


One of the first settlements.

Native Produce

The growth of a plant or animal in a certain environment.

Trade Routes

Trails through the continent that are used to transport traders.


To buy or trade goods and services.

When people started to settle down first in the first civilization, Mesopotamia ,farmers grew and provided everything for themselves. Everyone was a farmer and they When or stopped farming and started to specialize in different jobs. another thing that they would do with the all Civilization did the same thing. One year, there was a surplussociety and some people surplus is trade it with other civilizations for things that Mesopotamia place has a stabledidn’t have. This was happening everywhere all around the world. Eventually, the surplus would run out and that city would have to trade with other cities for things that they needed; things that were necessary. Depending on the location, each city would grow plants and animals order of social that were native to that place. For other cities that didn’t live where that particular city was and didn’t have those types of plants and animals, they would ask the city that did have those plants and animals if they could trade their native produce development and for the other city’s native produce, which was found in that certain part of the world. That is how we produce and consume. organization. All throughout the world, there are trading routes. People would travel long distances to have just some native produce from another part of the world and get it for trading their native produce. These are called trade routes. Sometimes, if traders travel to one place often, the traders receiving the supplies or food would try to convince the suppliers if they could come regularly and if they can reserve the food and supplies just for them. Because of the environment in Mesopotamia, sometimes you wouldn’t be able to grow what you wanted, so you would trade for them. In Mesopotamia, they produced wheat, barley, dates, and flax. These things were essential crops to other cities that might not have them. This is why trade routes were popular.

Here are few trade routes in and out of Mesopotamia.

Produce and Location Mesopotamia In Mesopotamia, they produced wheat, barley, dates, and flax. These things were essential crops to other cities that might not have them. All though it is a big part of produce, food was not the only thing that Mesopotamia produced. They made pottery, leather goods, jewelry, basketry, and ivory figures. These things are very common in southwestern Asia. Some trades were made for art. Art and Culture was very important in this time and now, so sometimes Mesopotamians would trade for tradition and for decoration. Sometimes these things are hard to get a hold of, so that is why we began to trade for essential materials with other civilizations.

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Mesopotamian Wheel

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The location of Mesopotamia allowed travel and growth. Places were Mesopotamian Traders would travel to are Anatolia, Somalia, Hadhramaut, Elam and many more. Over time, people started creating better sea vessels, so there was more travel over sea. This allowed Mesopotamians to travel overseas and trade in other places over the world, not just their neighbors. Now that they could travel overseas, they had more access to other materials other than what they had been getting from their area.


Fun Facts ! Even thoug h Mesopota mia had fertile land, they h ad to import g oods like m etal and timber from their East and North

Mesopotamia Today Mesopotamia today is not known as Mesopotamia. It is now part of Iraq, northeastern Syria, and southeastern Turkey. Trade still happens throughout this region. Unfortunately, most of ancient Mesopotamia’s architecture is demolished, and what is left of it is part of Iraq National Museum.

Assessment 1.

Without going back and looking at the page, define “native produce�.


What did Mesopotamian produce?


How did Mesopotamians consume and what are some examples from where?

Bibliography Picture about the Mesopotamian Trade Routes: "Trade." Trade. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. Picture of Timber: "Neill Timberland Management, Inc." Neill Timberland Management, Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. Picture of Mesopotamian Wheel: "Ancient Mesopotamia - Seekonk." Ancient Mesopotamia - Seekonk. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2015. Information: Whipps, By Heather. "How Ancient Trade Changed the World."LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Feb. 2008. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "TimeMaps." Atlas of World History. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. "Mesopotamian Merchants and Traders." Mesopotamian Merchants and Traders. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. "In Central Anatolia, Keeping an Ancient Art Alive." EthnoTraveler Magazine In Central Anatolia Keeping an Ancient Art Alive Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. "17 Mesopotamia Facts for Kids | Navajo Code Talkers." Navajo Code Talkers. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Mesopotamia Today." Royal Ontario Museum. N.p., 03 June 2013. Web. 08 Oct. 2015.

Definition of Education The definition of education is to give or receive knowledge to teach someone to have certain skills or experience at a certain job.

Start of Education Education first started in 3500 BC when ancient writing first started appearing. The world's oldest alphabet was discovered in ancient Egypt and is said to be from 2000 BC This alphabet uses hieroglyphics. Some of these hieroglyphics were found on ancient monuments that had hieroglyphics carved into them. Egyptians also used to papyrus to make paper so they could make scripts. Papyrus is a flexible paper-like material made from stems of reeds that grew in marshes along rivers such as the Nile. Scripts are manuscripts that people in ancient egypt wrote to share knowledge.

Importance of Education Education was important to ancient civilizations because it allowed higher class citizens such as priests and kings to learn how to read and write. Reading and writing allowed people to write manuscripts showing knowledge and information.A manuscript is a book or document which is handwritten and not printed.

Ancient Education Education started first around the middle east. Education was mainly meant for higher classes such as priests or kings. Its purpose was to teach higher classes like priests and kings how to read, write, and speak the complex language humans created. Education was also used for telling people laws of what they can and cannot do. Education was also related to teaching religion.

Education in Mesopotamia Education in Mesopotamia taught reading writing and mathematics which is very similar to education in other civilizations. In ancient Mesopotamia schools were mostly connected to temples. People in Mesopotamia documented many things by writing and schools were run by priests.

Education in Ancient Egypt Children in ancient Egypt were taught only the job that their father had done this means that if a child's father is a farmer and the child wanted to be a priest society would not allow that to happen. Only children with parents in a high social class were allowed to go to an actual schools. Children with parents such as farmers learned how to do the job from their father.

Education in Ancient Greece In Ancient Greece there were two different forms of education, informal and formal. Formal education was meant mostly for men and not for others such as slaves and women. Formal education was provided by an unpaid teacher and it was set in a non public area. Informal education was mostly for girls. Informal education was taught by the mother of a girl informal education mostly taught a girl how to maintain the household and how to later serve her husband.

Education in Ancient Rome Education in ancient Rome is based off of the education in ancient Greece also many private tutors in ancient Rome were Greek slaves. To get a job such as a lawyer or a politician people would have to take rhetor this was also the only way to train for this job.


"Education." World Eras. Ed. John T. Kirby. Vol. 3: Roman Republic and Empire, 264 B.C.E.- 476 C.E. Detroit: Gale, 2001. 273-275. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

HARTMAN, L. F., et al. "Mesopotamia, Ancient." New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Vol. 9. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 525-538. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

"Egypt." Ancient Civilizations Reference Library. Ed. Judson Knight and Stacy A. McConnell. Vol. 1: Almanac Volume 1: EgyptIndia. Detroit: UXL, 2000. 1-48. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 8 Oct. 2015.

Protecting and Conserving Vocabulary: millennium, maneuver, foe, infantrymen,

Sumerian and Akkadian armies Most early civilizations did not have any protection for their people and cities, because it is very expensive to have a army and to build a big protecting wall around cities. The two first civilizations that had a army and protection were the Sumerian civilization and the Akkadian civilization. The sumerian civilization was the first civilization to have a army that people know of. The Sumerian civilization existed 4 millenniums ago. A millennium is a time of 1,000 years. The Akkadian empire also had a very big army for that time. The Akkadian empire existed 2 millenniums ago. The two types of protection these early civilizations had was and/or a army that would fight or a huge wall around the city to protect it from attacks. Early civilizations protected their city for the same reason our society protect our land, because our society want to protect the people and valuables. Both the Sumerian and the Akkadian civilizations had a lot of land and a lot of farming and crops and that is why other armies and civilizations would try to conquer the land. Early people lived the same in many ways and protecting is no exception

A drawing of the Sumerian army

How were they the same Both of these armies are the same in a few ways, both were created to protect the people and the cities. Also both of these armies were made up of infantrymen, infantrymen are soldiers or armies that go by foot. Both civilizations were very powerful and owned a lot of land.Not only were these cities the same in those ways but they are also the same because both of these civilizations were very rich and contained of many people, so that meant that other civilizations would try to steal land or valuables, because of this both of these civilizations definetely need a army to protect the people and valuables.

An example of a ancient wall that was

How were they different These two armies were very similar in some ways but they also have big differences. For example, the Sumerian army consisted of soldiers with copper gear, short spears, and very simple bows, and slings. The Akkadian army was different, they had very long spears and advanced bows which allowed distant fight, which made it safer for the soldiers. Also the Akkadian army did not wear copper gear which allowed the army to maneuver, or a movement or a series of movements that require skill, this allowed them to be faster than their foes, or their enemy.

A picture of the Akkadian army

The destruction The Sumerian civilization was destroyed by the Akkadian army, because they had a way more advanced army then the Sumerians did. Later, though, even the extremely powerful Akkadian civilization did also get beaten however, by the Babylonians and their great ruler Hammurabi. After both the Sumerian and the Akkadian empire were defeated the best and most advanced civilization, Babylonia, ruled much of Mesopotamia for a very long time.

An image of the babylonian army


"The Akkadian Empire and Its Army(DBA I/IIa)." I/11a Akkadian (2334 -2193 BC). N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "The Destruction of the Sumerians." The Destruction of the Sumerians. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Sumerian Military." Sumerian Military. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

What is recreation? Recreation is any activity done for enjoyment when one is not working. Recreation plays an important role in all civilizations, even ancient ones. Without recreation, people would constantly be working and would never have time to enjoy their life through leisurely activities.

Recreation of Early Society Paleolithic and Neolithic Era Very little is known about the nature of leisure and play in these early periods. However, archeologists have discovered artifacts, objects made by humans, that provide evidence that early people performed both recreational and athletic activities. In1987, archaeologists (people who study human life in the past by examining the things that people left behind) uncovered 25 flutes in China that were between 7,000 and 9,000 years old. Most of the flutes were discovered at grave sites. The flutes are now believed to be the earliest, playable instrument that played more than one note. The flutes were made of bone and contained 7 holes. Archaeologists do not understand why so many flutes were located in this part of China. They believe that the flutes were part of religious rituals. Others believe that music was a part of community life. Music, Games and Sport Musical instruments were created for use in religious rituals , ceremonies having religious meaning. Popular games were usually practiced as a form of sport in ancient times. When an activity was no longer useful in its original form, such as archery for hunting, it became a form of sport. Some games were played to symbolize a struggle between good and evil or life and death. A game played centuries ago in Central America called tlachtli is an example of such sport. Tlachtli courts were about 200 feet long and 30 feet wide. They were situated near temples. A stone ring was placed about halfway up a wall at either end. The players hit a rubber ball, which symbolized the sun, with their knees or hips, in order to drive it through one of the hoops. However, no one wanted to lose at tlachtli, since the members of the losing team were often offered up for sacrifice by having their hearts cut out with blades by the winning team!

Recreation of Ancient Civilizations Ancient Egypt The Egyptian culture achieved an advanced knowledge of astronomy, architecture, engineering, agriculture, and construction. The ancient Egyptians led a colorful and pleasant life. They were interested in many sports as part of education and recreation, such as wrestling, gymnastic exercises, lifting weights, and ball games. Bullfighting, a sport where one or more bulls are fought in a bullring, was also very popular. Music, drama and dance were all forms of religious worship as well as social entertainment. The Egyptians also had complex orchestras. Ancient Assyria and Babylonia Assyria and Babylonia were in power for approximately 26 centuries, from about 2900 B.C. until the invasion by Alexander the Great in 330 B.C. Assyria and Babylonia had many popular recreational activities, such as boxing, wrestling, archery, and a variety of table games. Assyrians were also devoted to hunting. The nobles of Assyria went lion hunting in chariots and on foot, using spears. In the ninth century B.C., parks were established as sites for royal hunting parties.

Ancient Israel Music and dancing were performed for ritual purposes as well as for social activities and celebrations. Dance was highly respected by the Israelites and was used on occasions of celebration and triumph. The ancient Hebrews also enjoyed hunting, fishing, wrestling, and the use of weapons, such as the sword and javelin, a light spear thrown for sport, for both recreational and defensive purposes. Their major contribution, a payment to a common fund, to recreation was to set aside the seventh day, the Sabbath, as a time for people to rest from work and to worship God. Ancient Greece Humankind reached a new peak of philosophical and cultural development in Ancient Greece. The Athenians took great interest in the arts, in learning, and in athletics. During religious festivals, the arts of music, poetry, theater, gymnastics, and athletic competition were combined in sacred competitions.

Sport was a large part of daily life and occurred mainly when there were mass gatherings of people. There were also musical events, with contests on the harp and flute, poetry, and theatrical presentations. Young children played with toys, dolls, carts, jump ropes, kites, and seesaws as a form of recreation. When boys reached the age of 7, they were enrolled in schools where gymnastics and music were required. They were instructed in running and leaping, wrestling, throwing, the javelin and discus, dancing, boxing, swimming, and ball games. In Ancient Greece, strength and beauty were considered gifts from the gods. The Athenian philosophers, people who seek wisdom or enlightenment, believed strongly in the unity of the mind and body and in the strong relationship of all forms of human qualities and skills. They felt that playing games was necessary to the healthy physical and social growth of children. Plato believed that education should be mandatory and that it should provide amusement for children. Women, however, did not enjoy the leisurely activities of men in Ancient Greece, as they were notThe considered citizens, legally recognized subjects. Greeks idealized physical fitness and mental discipline and believed that being excellent in these areas honored Zeus, the greatest of their gods. The Olympic games were a product of these beliefs and values of Greek society. Athletic competitions became so important to the Greeks that they would wait until the Olympic games were over before they sent fighters into battle. It is unknown exactly when the first Olympic games were held and what circumstances led to their creation. The earliest recorded Olympic competition was in 776 BC. It had only one competition – the 192 meter race. This was the only event for the first 13 Olympic games. The pentathlon, a competition in which the athletes competed in five events (sprint, discus, jumping, javelin and wrestling) was added to the Games in 708 BC. Chariot races began in 680 BC. The games were then banned in 394 AD by the Roman emperor Theodosius I, a Christian who considered the games a pagan festival. They later were revived and made international in 1896. First, only freeborn men and boys were allowed to compete in the Olympic games. Slaves and servants were only allowed to take part in the horse races. Women were forbidden to even see the games or they would receive the death penalty. At first, the Olympic games were only for Greek citizens. Over time, athletes from all over the Roman Empire were allowed to participate. The winners of the games did not receive money as a prize. They were honored as heroes and crowned with wreaths of olive leaves. They were also given material gifts from their hometowns. It was a great honor to be called an “Olympian.�

Today, the Olympic games continue, being held every four years and divided into summer and winter sports. The best amateur athletes in the world compete with endurance and skill in a series of contests. Almost every nation in the world sends teams of their best athletes to participate. The purposes of the Olympic games today are to foster the concept of a "sound mind in a sound body" and to promote friendship among nations all over the world. The Ancient Greeks also developed the art of town planning and made extensive provisions for parks and gardens, open-air theaters, gymnasiums, baths, exercise grounds, and stadiums- all for the purpose of recreation. As time passed, sports and other forms of recreation such as drama, singing, and dance began to be performed only by highly skilled specialists, usually from the lower classes or slaves, who trained and perfected their skills to perform to huge crowds of spectators. Entertainment and recreation became the livelihood (way of life) of these individuals. Ancient Rome Roman citizens were required to defend their society and fight in their wars. Citizens participated in sports and gymnastics in order to keep their body strong and their spirit brave. Many games connected with the worship of various Roman gods later developed or advanced or elaborated to a specific degree into annual festivals. The most important of the Roman games were the ones that celebrated military victories. Young Roman children, like the Greeks, had toy cars, houses, dolls, hobby horses, stilts, and tops and engaged in many different sports and games. Young boys were taught various sports and exercises such as running and jumping, sword and spear play, wrestling, swimming, and horseback riding. The Romans were much less interested than the Athenians, however, in the other forms of cultural activity, such as dance and theater. The performing companies were usually composed of Greek and Italian slaves. The Romans themselves did not actively participate in their own theater. The Romans were detailed planners and builders. Their towns included baths, open-air theaters, amphitheaters (round unroofed buildings with a central space for the presentation of events), forums for public assemblies, stadiums, and sometimes parks and gardens. Wealthier Romans often had large gardens and hunting preserves on their property.

As the early as the reign of the Emperor Claudius in the first century A.D., there were 159 public holidays during the year, 93 of which were devoted to competitive games. By A.D. 354, there were 200 public holidays each year, with 175 days of competitive games. Even on those days considered “working�, the labor began at daybreak and ended shortly after noon during much of the year. Entertainment and recreation became the central life activity of many Roman citizens. Ordinary men were no longer as active in sports as they once had been. Athletes now performed as members of a specialized profession with unions, coaches, and training schools.

Slowly, the traditional sports of running, jumping and throwing evolved into human combat, such as boxing and wrestling. This then evolved into cruel combat where gladiators, armed fighters, fought to their death solely for the entertainment of audiences in the Colosseum (the largest amphitheater ever built). Gladiators were often picked from prisoners of war, slaves, and sentenced criminals. There were also occasional volunteers. They were trained in special gladiator schools called ludi. These barbaric Roman games featured contests between gladiators using weapons, on foot, on horseback, or in chariots. Many Christians were slaughtered in such games and their bodies burnt at night to servc in place of lamps. Both animals and humans were injured and butchered in cruel and horrible ways. There was usually musical accompaniment during the combat or a fight between armed forces.

Recreation Today To understand recreation and leisure in modern society, it is important to understand the important role it had in the past. Many aspects of recreation today can be traced to the traditions and practices of ancient cultures. The history of recreation involves varied religions, governments, and the customs and values of many different cultures, their pastimes, sports and arts. By understanding the evolution of recreation and leisure, society today can better appreciate how and why modern recreation developed. Recreation became a part of prehistoric civilization because people needed to find a way to relax and enjoy themselves when not hunting and trying to survive. Archeologists have discovered, through paintings and drawings, that even early man in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras had recreation as part of their lives. Recreation took hold even in prehistoric times and has evolved and developed since. Games began as offshoots of warfare and hunting, practiced as sports. For example, archery began when it was no longer useful for hunting. Musical instruments were created for use in religious rituals. Even early humans wanted Section Assessment to show their physical skills and strategies in competition with each other. When the work was done, people wanted to play and relax. This is still true today where recreation and leisure play a large role. Today, we are still racing with each other in marathons and still holding the worldwide Olympics every four years. We continue to play instruments and perform on stage in plays and in recitals. Although work continues to be important in today’s world, recreation has held and always will hold an equally important role.

Section Assessment Key Terms and Ideas 1. Define. What was tlachtli? 2. Explain What are the 5 ancient civilizations discussed and how did each contribute to modern-day recreation? 3. Recall What did archeologists uncover in China and why was it important? 4. Summarize. Describe the early Olympics. Think Critically 5. See Similarities. How is the book The Hunger Games similar to the battles of the gladiators in the Roman times? 6. Compare and Contrast. How has recreation changed over time? Which recreational activities were different from those we partake in now? Which were similar?


"Ancient Roman Recreation & Sports - Crystalinks." Ancient Roman Recreation & Sports - Crystalinks. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Bing." Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. Š Jones And Bartlett Publishers. EARLY HISTORY OF RECREATION AND LEISURE (n.d.): n. pag. Web. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. My World History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Print. "Learning for Life." N.p., n.d. Web. "Olympic Games." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Origin and History of the Olympic Games | Go for the Gold Student Activity |" Origin and History of the Olympic Games | Go for the Gold Student Activity | N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015.

What is a government ?

Vocabulary Government: A group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws for a country or area. Monarchy: When the ruler is elected by assembly and the ruler could be put on trial or exiled. Tyranny: The “sole” rulers of a city or civilization. Rulers could punish civilians is death which made the people feel inferior. Oligarchy: This government was ruled by a group of people. Social Class: a division of a society based on social and economic status A government is a group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws for a country or area. The government is consisted of many different jobs. In ancient time, the government’s purpose is to protect political boundaries, interact with other cultures, to establish rules and laws, and to control interactions with other cultures. There were different types of governments tyranny, monarchy and oligarchy. A government is in charge of agriculture innovations, technical innovations, sustaining the civilization, and other important roles in the civilization.

What are types of governments? The type of government depends on what way did the ruler rule. In order for public kings and queens to rule, they needed to elected in a way which depended on which type of government is in that civilization. In Ancient Greece, monarchy, tyranny, and oligarchy were all in power depending on what area or city you are studying. Monarchies and Oligarchies depended on a group of people rule or choose to rule. A tyranny is when one person rules and decides everything for the civilization mostly by force. The three types of governments depended on who is governing and what time period you are studying. In other governments people were appointed by what people believed to be god or by an election.

This timeline shows when were the different types of governments were in power.

People who were considered “gods” ruled oligarchy governments.

what caused governments to form?

After civilizations started to grow, people needed laws to keep themselves in order. The townspeople needed people to rule and create laws to help the community and civilization. When people were first trying to create governments, they chose the people from the highest social class, or a division of a society based on social and economic status, in order to have the more wealthier and more educated people ruling. In ancient times, the highest social class people were educated better and had more knowledge of humanity and society. Governments were also needed to form because as more civilizations started forming, people were needed to fight against other civilizations for land and culture. People were also needed to form and train a strong army. Armies were also needed to defend a society and to expand borders of land.

Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt’s economy depended on the pharaoh and the agriculture. The pharaoh was the ruler or leader of the civilization. Throughout the course of the civilization, different pharaohs were reigned in based on social class. Ancient Egypt was a united kingdom or a civilization that is only ruled with one person. By using a barter system, Egypt was one of the most successful civilizations in the Neolithic Era.

The pyramid was where the people buried the pharaoh and his wife

To the people, the pharaoh was a very important person who should be buried properly.

What the pharaoh might have looked liked.

Early human’s lives with governments People’s early lives depended on governing. Governing was a very important part of early and present civilizations. The government is the highest social class, but also it requires the most educated people. The government was necessary to hold the civilization with laws and rules that must be obeyed. Without government, a civilization would be chaotic and would not be able to survive. The government also helped the civilization to stay safe which is one of many reasons why people praised the ruler. Everyday, people would wake up and do their own job or specialization. Once they finish their job, they help their community in that certain way. Job Specialization in the civilizations depended on what the government decided what your family is and from then on, your family is that job or that social class.

Today’s Government Ancient governments and the government today are very similar. In ancient government, rulers were kings and were worth gold. Now, rulers are worth money. Ancient Rome and today are very similar in economy but also government. Ancient Rome was consisted of democracies and republics which those types of governments are still in power in many different locations and countries in the world. In the Roman Empire, the senate and it’s relationship to people is still the same as today. Another detrimental similarity between today and before is the different branches in the government which made laws have more point of view. The three branches are executive branch, legislative branch, the judicial branch. Governments are currently a more advanced and more improved version of ancient government.

Another example of Ancient Egypt shows how hard people worked depended on where they are on the social class.

The jobs and laws of certain subjects depended on a certain branch

The way citizens sat at a trial or a big decision in the community

Bibliography Works Cited Ancient Egypt. Digital image. Http:// National Geographic, n.d. Web. "Ancient Egypt." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. Ancient Egyptian Work--Art. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. Ancient Encyclopedia Coins. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. Ancient Mayans. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. Ancient Oligarchy People. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. Ancient Rome. Digital image. Http:// Crystal Links, n.d. Web. "Ancient Rome Government." Ancient Rome Government. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "The Government of Ancient Egypt." The Government Of Ancient Egypt. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2015. Governments Time Periods. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. "Greek Government." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. Karpiel, Frank, Kathleen Krull, and Grant P. Wiggins. "Cities and Civilizations." MyWorld History. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. N. pag. Print. "Maya Government." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2015. Pyramid. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. Social Class. Digital image. Http:// N.p., n.d. Web.

Religion Begins Early Man: Religion began very slowly and Early Man were the first people to have a type of religion. Early Man believed in Animism. Animism is the religion in believing that there are spirits in the land, animals, and inanimate.

Organized Religion Start of Religion: Religion actually began with early man but the first organized religion came later. In fact an entire revolution had to happen for organized religion to start. After humans started to go into agriculture, settle down in one place, and domesticate plants and animals, civilizations started. Civilizations led to people that believed in the same thing. Different religions started to branch off and start in the different civilizations..

Ancient Religion Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia was responsible for creating order out of the confusion that existed. They were the first organized religion. The king was considered the Earthly representative of the gods and was trusted with maintaining peace on Earth. The Mesopotamian kings had any religious obligations.

Romans: The Romans religion originated from the twelve tables. The priesthoods of the public religion were only held for the elite class of people. The kings were said to directly negotiate with the gods. Accorrding to history Roman religion could be traced all the way back to one of their founders especially Numa Pompilius.

Later Religions Buddhism: Buddhism originated in Tibet during the eighth century. Later in the eighth century Buddhism had grown so much that it had become the established religion under the Tibet control.

Assyrian and Babylonian: In the Tigris and Euphrates River valley the religion was very similar to Assyrian and Babylonian. The Code of Hammurabi which was written down in 1772 BCE; is a giant listing of laws made by a Babylonian king. When the king died Babylonian started to take a huge decline. For the next couple hundred years the Babylonians were ruled by the Assyrians.

Today Monotheism: The main religions on Earth today include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All these religions have many things in common but one of the main things is that they all only believe in one god.

Extremists: Sadly there has been many different wars and terrorist groups because of religion. These include WWII, ISIS, and many others. Many people have been injured, tortured, or even died because of this major problem in the world.

Bibliography Works Cited "Ancient Rome and Religion - History Learning Site." History Learning Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. <>. "Are Followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Praying to the Same God?" HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. <>. "Buddhism In The News." Buddhism In The News. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. <>. DE MENASCE, J. P. "Persian Religion, Ancient." New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Vol. 11. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 142-45. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <| CX3407708650&v=2.1&u=gullacad&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=4ed9eca565c1a818784a1578375ab7d6>. "Longevity and Religion/Spirituality." Psychology Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. <>. N.p., n.d. Web. <>. N.p., n.d. Web. <>. "Public Domain: Buchenwald Concentration Camp, WWII (NARA)." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. <>. Sawyer, Deborah F. "Gender and Religion: Gender and Ancient Mediterranean Religions." Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 5. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 3381-387. Gale

Continue Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <| CX3424501143&v=2.1&u=gullacad&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=9eecba81e9622cb6bf606c0d320cb0e4 >. "Scholar-Scribes of the First Millennium B.C.E." World Eras. Ed. Ronald Wallenfels. Vol. 8: Ancient Mesopotamia, 3300-331 B.C.E. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 351-52. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <| CX3035300168&v=2.1&u=gullacad&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&asid=7bc3313d27584252ca4a5e80dc218b63 >. Steinbuch, Yaron. "ISIS Militants Trick Mother into 'eating Her Kidnapped Son'" N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. <>. "TIGRIS and EUPHRATES RIVERS ARE DRYING UP." This and That. N.p., 12 Feb. 2013. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. <>. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. <>.


Vocabulary: education, pharaoh, Osiris, ka

What is education and why was education created? Education, “...the process or the result of a process by which an individual acquires knowledge, skills, attitudes, and insights� (Zanini), was created because people needed a way to pass down knowledge from one generation to the next. For example, in its earliest form (hunter-gatherer times), education was as simple as a parent passing down the knowledge of making fire. This happened when either the parent told the child verbally or showed him by doing it in front of him/her. Without this knowledge, the child might not survive because he/she would not have known how to make fire. This shows that education was a vital part in survival. Moving forward to farming communities, education was much different. Now that farming exists, education occurs in small schoolhouses because people have settled in one place. These schoolhouses usually held ten students and they would stay in that room for most of the day. During this time, most, but not all, students went to school. These school houses were the first form of schools, except only basic knowledge was taught. When civilizations came into play, only the noble, or the wealthy families such as kings and priests, went to school. The rest were mainly educated by their parents about their trade, which they would later take up. At school, they were taught basic knowledge and other things, such as science, astronomy, and complex math. The purpose of this kind of education was to keep the kings and priests smarter than the people so that they could rule. For example, they used astronomy and science to predict future events that no one else knew about and said that the gods had told them, giving them the right to rule.

What does education show or suggest about early humans? For hunter-gatherers, education shows that their lives were mainly focused on survival. In farming villages, it showed that survival was not the only purpose of their lives, and that people needed to know other things. In early civilizations, it showed that education is part of luxury, wants, and beliefs. For example, the pyramids of Egypt were to protect the dead pharaoh, or a ruler of ancient Egypt (now king of the dead, or Osiris’) ka. The pharaoh's ka is his spirit. Without advanced knowledge in mathematics, the pyramids would not have been able to been built because of the precise calculations needed.

When did education begin? Education has existed from the beginning of life since it is such a key aspect in survival.

Connections between early humans and today’s world Ever since writing was developed, about 5,200

years ago, education has been much like education today except for the fact that today, everybody is required to go to school. Prior to civilizations, thereA

was no writing and the education was based more on

diagram of the interior of the pyramids

survival, and before that, there were no schools.

The first form of writing, or cuneiform, changed education forever. Cuneiform was writing in the form of symbols.

Sources India Invented - Ep2 Dawn of Civilization. Dir. Praveen Kulkarni. N.p., 23 Aug. 2013. Web. 5 Oct. 2015. <>. Zanini, Richard J. "Education." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2015. "The Egyptians - Pyramids." The Egyptians. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2015. "Historical Achievements." Embassy of the Republic of Iraq. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2015.

What is Aesthetics? Aesthetics is the certain art and architecture from a certain group of people. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that deals with art, beauty, and taste. The term aesthetics can also refer to a set of principles. Prehistoric art would be considered ancient aesthetics.


EGYPT Many of the common aesthetic practices of Egyptian art and architecture were made during the first dynasty, as Egyptian society grew and advanced quickly toward refined civilization Much of Egyptian art was based around the theme of permanence, from large architectural structures to writing and imagery of the afterlife. Many of the common aesthetics practices of Egyptian art and architecture were formalized during this era, as Egyptian society grew and advanced rapidly toward refined civilization. Artists tried hard to preserve everything from the present as clearly and permanently as they could. The Egyptians quarried their own stone in prismatic blocks, and one can see that, even in their freestanding statues, strength of design is attained by the retention of geometric unity. By contrast, in Sumer, stone must have been imported from remote sources, often in the form of miscellaneous boulders, the amorphous character of which seems to have been retained by the statues into which they were transformed. Egyptian art had many different statues and paintings of the gods and sacred animals.

Civiliztation: noun

the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced.


Three things be recognized as contributing to the character of Mesopotamian art and architecture. One is the sociopolitical organization of the Sumerian city-states and of the kingdoms and empires that succeeded them. From the earliest times, cities were given up by and adorned with public buildings; irrigation systems were organized and jealously protected; armies were efficiently equipped and troops trained in concerted action; victories were celebrated and treaties ratified. Because interstate warfare or foreign conquests were important preoccupations of Mesopotamian rulers, it is understandable that in most periods a certain class of artworks was dedicated simply to the glorification of their military prowess. A second and even more important factor, is the major role played by organized religion in Mesopotamia affairs of state. The beginnings of monumental architecture in Mesopotamia are usually considered to have been contemporary with the founding of the Sumerian cities and the invention of writing, about 3100 bce. There art depicted war and peace. Much of the art and architecture was made of shells. Statues were also made for the “important people�.

Reading Check: What are the three things to be recognized as contributing to the character of Mesopotamian art and architecture?

BHARATA HINDUSTAN (India) Aesthetics and traditions were a big part of ancient Indian culture. Art was highly valued and education was very important and literature was amazing. Mathematics was advanced. These things were very important to ancient India. In ancient India, art was greatly loved. Paintings were very beautiful, and popular among the nobles. They were mostly about deities and other religious items. At the time India was part of the Indus river valley, now it is not because of the partition.

Deities: noun god or goddess Aesthetics: noun. the branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of beauty and artistic taste.


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