Cruisin'Times Magazine •••SpinoutatBrimfieldNostalgiaSpringFling•ReadersRidesCarShow,Cruise-In&SwapMeetListings•ForSale&WantedClassifieds•AutomotiveProducts&Services CHECK US OUT ON THE BACK WWW.GEARSTAR.COMCOVER!$4.95 September 2022

Complete Line of Billet Accessories! ® Universal Joints • Paintable, Powder Coated or Polished Stainless • Made in the FR20303USA Power Up Your Steering! • Add Microsteer Electric Steering Assist • Max torque output 32Nm FR40200 U-Joints & Couplers Sold Separately The Most Complete Kits on the Market! Bolt-in Power Rack & Pinion Cradle Systems Also Available: Camaro (67-81) · Corvette (63-82) C-10 (67-87) · Nova (62-74) · Mustang (65-70) Chevelle (64-72) · Impala (58-69) See website for additional applications Flaming River Industries, Inc. View our catalog online for our complete line of products! 800 Poertner Dr. Berea, OH 44017 · 866-798-8055 · Tri-5 Chevy FR30101SS Made in the USA ® FR20005SS with WaterFall Wheel (sold separately) VDOG® Variable Angle Gear • Allows for a 90° connection at firewall or rack • 35° Variable Articulating Shaft with 360° rotation • Perfect for LS Swaps, cab overs and custom builds

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com4 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 Spinout at Brimfield 18 Nostalgia Spring Fling 23 Readers Rides 26 Car Shows, Cruisin-In’s & Swap Meets 46 Recurring Cruise-In’s 52 For Sale Classifieds 55 Wanted Classifieds Cruisin’ Times Magazine www.CruisinTimesMagazine.comCruisinTimes@gmail.com440-331-4615 20545 Center Ridge Rd. Ste LL 40 Rocky River, Oh. 44116 Editor Andy Shapiro Office Manager Sharon Kieliszek Contributing Photogs / Writers Joe Secka, John McCartney Road Crew Sharon, Don Bob, Aaron, Chris, Debbie Cruisin’ Times Magazine is distributed with the understanding the information presented, is from various sources, from which there can be no warranty or responsibility by Cruisin’ Times Magazine, as to the legality, completeness and/or accuracy. If you feel unsure about a business, ask them for references. Nothing in whole or part may be reproduced without the express written permission of the Publisher. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Advertisers will be liable for cost of any ad not canceled by deadline (35 days before publication month). Any ads not paid within 30 days of on sale issue will be removed from publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, classified ad and/or materials deemed not appropriate and/or questionable. The magazine can not be held responsible for any products or services advertised, nor their validity/business legality. It is our objective to be error free, errors do occur. The magazine is not responsible for those typographic errors. No refunds. All Rights Reserved 2022 PRINTEDPROUDLYINTHEUSA SPINOUT AT BRIMFIELD 4 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Photos & words by Joe Secka NOSTALGIA SPRING FLING Photos & words by John McCartney

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 5 THE BRAND YOUUNBEATABLETRUST. SERVICE, TECH ADVICE, SATISFACTION, AND SELECTION. 1200 Southeast Avenue, Tallmadge, OH • I-76, Exit 29 Retail Store: 330.630.0250 • Open Seven Days a Week ! SCode: 2209TM • Prices subject to change without notice. Please check for current pricing. Typographical, description, or photography errors are subject to correction. Some parts are not legal for use in California or other states with similar laws/regulations. Please check your state and/or local laws/regulations. © 2022 AUTOSALES, INC. Powered by Enthusiasts! Checkered Flag Folding Chair Perfect for Your Next Cookout or SUM-P1035Tailgate $21.99 each SUM Checkered Chair Summit MagneticRacing™Organizer Tray Kit Grips Metal Parts So They Don’t Go Missing SUM-900229 $39.99 kit SUM Magnetic Tray 12 M18 ImpactHigh1/2-InchFUELDriveTorqueWrench Kit 1,400 Ft.-Lbs. of Nut-Busting Torque MWT-2767-22 $449.00 kit MWT M18 1,400 Kit IntegralLED Beam Headlamps Be Ready for the Road Ahead as low as $164.99 each PHL Integral Accordion Sunshades Keep UV Rays at Bay as low as $16.99 each PLA Sunshades Grilling Utensil Set Supercharge Your BBQ Cooking SUM-941100 $13.99 set SUM Grilling Utensil Performer RPM Air-Gap Intake Manifolds Denser Charge for More RPMs as low as $425.95 each EDL Air-Gap Intake Summit Racing™ Knee Creeper Mobility without Hurting Your Knees SUM-G1084 $34.99 each SUM Knee Creeper BBQ Engine Grill Satisfy High-Horsepower Hunger HRH-GHH350EG $769.99 each HRH V8 Engine Freeze Plus R134a Refrigerant Restore Your Cool JHN-6400 $20.99 each JHN Freeze 12 Split Wire Looms Protects Wires from Snags and Cuts as low as $7.49 each HLY Split Looms Roll Control Kits Hold Your Car Still Until Launch Time as low as $163.95 each HUU Roll Kit Polished

Updated daily at Ohio • Pennsylvania • West Virginia • Indiana • Kentucky• Texas South Carolina • California • Virginia • Nevada • Florida MarkColeAgency.comor330-953-1308330-720-0381 Mark Cole Agency • Have money for the children put away for later? Call me! We may be able to get you as much as double that amount for the kids in Life Insurance. Let me sum it up quickly... Kids going to college with huge student loans that you co-signed for? Let’s get a low cost term policy in place now to make sure it would be paid off if something were to happen to your child (and I sincerely hope it doesn’t). September is Life Insurance Awareness Month • Buying a new home or a Summer home? You’ll need mortgage insurance to protect your families’ dreams in case something happens to the bread winner. • In a business partnership? Talk to me about Buy-Sell Agreements or Key Employee Policies Call me for a free no obligation insurance checkup!

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 7 CLASSIC INSURANCECARandletmehelpyou understand your Medicare options and simplify the process of signing up. Turning 65 or already on Medicare? Call me for your review Open Enrollment starts October 15th SAFESTRATEGIESINVESTMENT Protect your investment - Protect your family Protect your retirement income Home • Auto • Life • Business • Medicare • Classic Car Motorcycle • RV/Camper • Boat • ATV • Farm Retirement Strategies • Employee Life Insurance Agreed Value Coverage - Generous Annual Mileage Limit - Roadside Assistance Choose Your Repair Facility - Spare Parts Coverage

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com8 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Joe’s 1928 Ford Jim’s 1967 Chevelle

I f you enjoy a traditional hot rod and custom car show, The Spinout is one you should be attending. The Spinner’s Car Club hosts their annual event at Gougler Park which is an easy access off of I-76 east of Akron and just south of Kent, Ohio. This is a Pre-1968 event which certainly helps maintain the “tradition” from the early days of hot rodding. The location makes for a comfortable, relaxed setting where you can enjoy catching up with your gearhead buddies and checking out both new and old builds. Food and beverages were available in the building at the top of the hill. The grounds are a little bit of a rolling property but there are numerous huge trees that provide shade from the sun. There are always a lot of vintage coupes and roadsters along with custom car builds at this show. The trophies were unique custom creations. You can find info for the 2022 event on the club’s Facebook page. “The Spinner’s Car Club” You will not regret attending this “classic” cruise! ~ That’s all I have& by Joe Secka Larry’s 1934 AT BRIMFIELD
See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 9
Joe Photos

Allan’s 1940 Ford Coupe Fred’s 1950 Mercury
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com10 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 1956 Chevy BelAir

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 11 Photos & words by Joe Secka SPINOUT AT BRIMFIELD

& words
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com12 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022
Photos by Joe Secka


Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com14 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 AMERICAN STREET RODS “Tanker” the official shop greeter! HAVE A PROJECT? We are currently scheduling projects for the winter. Next year has to be better than the last. People will want to be going out to many cruise in’s and shows with there cars. WE WORK on customer cars, unlike others who take a large deposit and let your car sit. You’ve all heard the horror stories of guys cars taking years to get fairly simple jobs finished at these shops. WANT YOUR ROD PAINTED? Again, the horror stories of shops taking a year or longer once they got your BIG deposit. We have you bring your rod to us when we’re ready to start on it, and give it our full attention! American Street Rods 1685 Reimer Rd., Wadsworth, Oh. 330-962-7190 Kid Presto (Pres.) E-mail: Complete SB Blown Motors starting at $14,300. BB Motors start slightly higher. Partial to Complete Frame Building or Modifing Custom Painting • New Engine Builds or Rebuilds • Street Rod and Pro-Street Chassis Fabrication • Partial to Complete Builts.

ALL PRICES GOOD ONLY AT THE PARMA EASTWOOD RETAIL STORE THROUGH 8/22/2022 PRESENT THIS AD FOR DISCOUNTS! 9am-4pmSunday:9am-6pmMon-Sat: VALID ONLY AT THE PARMA STORE SAMPLE Gift Cards Available *Expires 4/14/2022 SUMMER SAVINGS IN-STORE SALE! EXTREME COUPON Eastwood Sheet Metal Gauge Eastwood 48” Box Pan Brake Create complex shapes on metal up to 48” wide. Eastwood B100 Blast Cabinet Holds up to 220 lbs. of parts and includes dust collection unit. 12.1 cu. ft. capacity. True Power Air Polisher Kit Ideal for headlight or wheel restoration. Elite MP250i Welder True DC Tig with high frequency start and Foot Pedal. Elite Scroll Compressor Powerful and quiet –THE ultimate home compressor! 60-gallon performance in a 30-gallon size. Eastwood Electric Mini Metal Saw Lightweight, compact, and powerful saw cold-cuts with no sparks! Eastwood Heavy-Duty Body Cart 57” x 70” span accommodates large vehicle bodies up to 2000 lbs. Item #28038 $997* SAVE 47% SALE! Item #21301 $154997* SAVE $230 SALE! 8/22/2022Expires Item #31539 $ 29997* SAVE $90 SALE! Item #20666 $ 89997* SAVE $100 SALE! Item #32200 $199997* SAVE $300 SALE! Item #54500 $119997* SAVE $300 SALE! Item #31579 $ 3597* SAVE 5% SALE! Item #31664 $ 10397* SAVE $10 SALE! *All deals in this ad expire 8/22/2022. Cannot be combined with other offers. Excludes shipping and online orders. Redeemable at the Eastwood store only. Other exclusions may apply. 5673 Ridge Road • Parma, OH 44129 • 440-345-7217

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com16 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022

During the run of the event all sorts of classic muscle cars, vintage dragsters, gassers, and all sorts of other great hot rods took to the track to do battle. John Cerchio brought out his WarPath Buick Funny Car to do a little test and tuning much to the delight of all the fans and racers in attendance.Atallofthe Island Dragway Nostalgia events there is always an area set aside for folks who just want to bring out their cars and put it on display. Inside the display one can found just about anything for folks to check out. From vintage Plymouth Superbird still with the widow price sticker still in tack and even signed by Richard Petty. Other muscle cars of years and models, vintage race cars could also be found in the show area. There is much that can be said about the Island Dragway Nostalgia events, first it is the setting. Island Dragway remains much like it did back in the day from the iconic timing tower to the scenic backdrop all making these events have that real deal nostalgia feel. Perhaps this is why racers and fans make it point to head to Island Dragway each and every time that they have one of their Nostalgia show. Or maybe it is just the simple fact that when one enters Island Dragway they can be assured of seeing great racing and more important everyone has a fun time during the event. So if you enjoy great nostalgia racing and great vintage race cars make sure you check out Island Dragway in Great Meadows, New Jersey for one of their nostalgia event.
Historic Island Dragway got their 2022 Nostalgia racing season off to a fine start with their Spring Fling. On a picture perfect day all sorts of cool vintage race cars came pouring into the gates of in Great Meadow, New Jersey to do battle and more important just have a fun day racing.
~ John
Photos & words by John McCartney
One group that always is a part of the nostalgia events is the NETO better know as the North East Timing Organization. The fine folks at NETO can always be counted on for bring out a great selection of cars to do battle in two classes. For the 2022 season Hoffman’s Marina serves as the series sponsor, while at this Island Dragway event Prospect Automotive served as the sponsor in the Comp Class and the nostalgia class had T&E Racing as this events race sponsor. With a great turnout in both classes the nostalgia class got down to three racers before the rain put an end to racing action in that class. Alan Dwy, Bill Krause, and Ged Diemer were the racers left and you can bet that these three racers will get winners and runners up decided down the road at a future event. Lenny Datello took home the best reaction time in the nostalgia class with a perfect .000 reaction time. Over in the comp class the event was completed and the winner was Vinny Laurita taking the victory over Brian English. Vinny Laurita also took home the best reaction time in the comp class with his .023 time.
See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 17
Much like back in the early days of drag racing and hot rodding, folks came out to spend the day at the drag strip racing and checking out all the cool cars that came out to take part in this nostalgia racing series. Island Dragway runs a number of these nostalgia events during their racing season. This series of events allows racers to bring out their rides and compete in a number of classes with a chance to take home a special awards in each of those classes.

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com18 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Photos & words by John McCartney NOSTALGIA SPRING FLING

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 19 40forin-Made-USAoveryrs. 9/30/22endsSaleNo GOTProblemRUST ? USAover 40 yrs. 9/30/22★ ★ ★ Skat Blast RemoveCABINETS®rustandpaint ★ FAST ★ shipping. Save $ 50 to US-48 See website for info. 34" 22"d,wide,201/ 2 "h work area USA SC33V • 22 gauge steel • HEPA Vacuum • Trigger gun • 12" x 24" lens • 24"L gloves • 3 nozzles • Floodlight holder less bulb • 45 lbs air10-15••abrasiveRecyclesRequirescfm• Shop90-DayTrial • 5-Yr WarrantyLtd Fully Assembled USA SC40SC40 40" work28"d,wide,28"harea Fully Assembled • HEPA Vacuum Reduced shipping. Save $ 50 to US-48 See website for info. #SC-40 61 1 / 2 " 7075 State Rt 446, Canfield, OH 44406 1- 800 - 321- 9260 • Sale • 11-22 gauge steel • 12" x 24" lens • Trigger gun • 28"L gloves • 3 nozzles • Adj fl oodlight • 45 •cfm10-15•cycles•abrasivelbsRe-Reqair Shop90-DayTrial • 5-Yr WarrantyLtd 54 1 / 4 " Sale$1399$999 $1499 $1099

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com20 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Current Inventory6441 Davis Industrial Prkwy - Solon, OH. 44139 Call: www.MotorCarGroup.com440-914-0000 "Maintaining, restoring, and servicing muscle, classic and exotic cars." Our experts can help guide you to the many possibilities barsintake,management,conversions,braking,upgrading;Weperformanceinupgrades.havetheexpertiseinsuspensions,LSenginefuelexhaust&drivetrains,rollandmore! Performance Restorations Building Whether you’re thinking of a complete rotisserie restoration, a nut and bolt restoration, color change, or a chassis detailing, we’ve got the experience and equipment. Our body technicians have a combined 70 years of experience. Building a car starts with an idea then planning from the ground up. But when assembling it from scratch you better make sure you have precise accuracy, strength, and rigidity. That's why we utilize our custom surface plate as the foundation to build our custom cars. Do you have a car you've thought about selling? Consider selling it through us! We have many third party advertisers which allows us to reach millions of car buyers. Let us do the work for you. To learn more call us today! 2017 Chevy Corvette 3LZ Premium Package 6.2L Supercharged Very nice! Call $ Call $ Call $ Call $ Call $ 1962 Ford F-100 302 Windsor V8, manual Power disc brakes Cool Truck! 1956 Chevy Nomad Fuel Injection V8, Auto Pwr brakes, steering Foose wheels! 1957 Chevy Nomad Small block V8, Auto Turquoise Blue/White Very cool! 1979 VW Super Beetle Highly maintained 2 owner Convertible!car!

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com22 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 202228Cruisin’ Times ~ July 2016 KeystoneAutomotiveIndustries,Inc. (216) 398-7788 Toll Free: 1-800-824-2486 Custom Chrome 10 Classic Bumper Specialist with 60 Years in the Chrome Business ! Auto and truck bumpers repaired and plated with a huge inventory of exchange bumpers available. Stripping / Straightening / Grinding Welding / Polishing / Buffing • Multi-layer, triple plating process includes: • Two Deluxe Polishes • One Layer of Copper • Three Layers of Nickel • A final layer of Chrome, seals it all together! Car Club Quantity Discounts Get together with your friends and receive 10% Off 6 or more bumpers! Call Today for a Quote New Address: 1435 Triplett Blvd. Akron, Oh. 44306

Proud of your ride? Here’s all you need to do: Submit online at or or ship/bring to: Cruisin Times Magazine 20545 Center Ridge Rd. Suite LL40, Rocky River, OH 44116
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Readers Rides
I call this a “Corvonda”. I’ve even trademarked the name. It is a combination of a 1965 Corvair and a 2007 Honda Civic SI. I like original cars and wanted to keep the exterior of the car looking like the Corvair but wanted the ride and convenience of a newer car. After much research I determined that combining these 2 cars would probably work. I put the complete floor pan from the Honda under the Corvair. I cut the 2 cars apart, lined them up with plumb bobs and laser lines, welded both cars together, rewired the cars, reupholstered the interior, finished the body work and painted. The engine fit very well into the front of the Corvair. I had to redesign the dash. It took me 3 years to complete working on it part time. This is my 1977 Dodge Sportsman Royal. It has a 400 v8 automatic transmission. It was once a Georgia department of Defense vehicle. I got it in 2013. I saved it from being scrapped. I made it into a rat rod rock n roll hippie van. All the paint work was done by hand. I like to go to a lot of local cruise ins and car shows. It is a lot of fun.
Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 23
Carl’s 1965 Corvair “Corvonda” Atwater, OH.
Jim’s 1977 Dodge Sportsman Royal Wadsworth, OH.

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com24 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 25 • 8 Bluetooth® music streaming and voice calling from your mobile phone. • Includes 300 watts of peak power with RCA pre-outs for optional amps. • Digital display shows artist, song, album titles and song navigation. • Includes auxiliary inputs for satellite radio, iPhones and portable players. • Easy to install! No extra parts or installation kits to buy. USA-740UNDERCOVERRADIOII Upgrade Speaker Enclosures • Designed for under the seat or horizontal cab wall installations. • Includes an 8” woofer & 2 Piezo tweeters in each box. • Measures:11”Wx12.5”D x 3”H The best in audio technology wrapped in a classic look. Licensed by Ford & GM. DUSTLESS BLASTING SYSTEM NO SANDING NO BOATSALSONOWARPINGRUSTNODUSTSAFEON&MARINEVESSELS! BlastingMobileService Call Now for FREE Estimates (330) 225-6628 Visit or website for more info: ECO BLAST IT can strip paint, rust and body filler right in your own drive way. We use recycled glass media so it won’t harm the environment. Clean up is a breeze because our machine use WATER mixed in the tank! And that means NO HEAT and NO WARPING ! Eco Blast It on decks and other wood surfaces to reveal the original wood’s clean finish. “We come to You ...or You come to us !”

August 13, 2022, Timber Ridge Campground Annual Car Show, 51900 Portman Rd, Amherst, Ohio, 44001, 10am-2pm, AMMY,16 Awards, DP, DPZ, 50/50, Raffle Baskets, Food Trucks, Music, Donations welcome Registration@9:30, Awards @2pm. Raffle basket drawing @3pm Preorder T-Shirt Sales @ www.teriyakidesigns. com/timberridgecarshow All proceeds benefit Flat Rock Children’s Home, 440-965-4113
August 13, 2022, City Cruzin’ Car and Bike Show at Fellowship City Church, 16391 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH, 44023, Starts 6pm. Cruise in. Free burgers, Dogs. Music, 440-382-1779
RESCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1st Annual Marous Family Charities Car Show, 36933 Vine St., Willoughby, OH, 44094, 10am - 2pm, Registration at 8am, $20 Fee to support Marous Family Charities, Dash Plaques & Car Fresheners 1st 100 vehicles, Music, Food Trucks, Awards for various classes announced at 2pm, 50/50, All makes and models, Registration at Link:,August21-Emailevents@marousfamilychari-440-391-5351
August 13, 2022, Chick’s Ride 3, 1581 Main St, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 44221, Cars, Trucks, Bikes $10 Reg. Proceeds To Help The Cuyahoga Falls Cancer Club, Max.sprague2011@gmail.com937.509.1612
August 12, 2022, Village of St. Edward Car Show, 3125 Smith Rd, Fairlawn, Ohio, 44333, 5 pm—7 pm, Food, Family Fun, DPZ, $10 car entry, $5 spectator entry - 440 488 4858
August 13, 2022, East Liverpool Wheels and Meals, Broadway, East Liverpool, OH, 43920, 11-10, Reg. 11am, no entry fee, awards to be announced, multiple food vendors, AMMY, live bands and DJ, 330-8434778 -
August 13, 2022, Annual Chippewa Lake Historical Society Car Show & Cruise In, 7824 Lake Rd, Chippewa Lake, OH, 44215, 9am12pm $10. Judged show. Awards 3p.AMMY, DPZ, DP 1st 100, 50/50, Music, Food. 330-441-1121
August 13, 2022, Garrettsville Ohio Cruise Night at The Fire Station, Elm St. 1st Street West of RT 88 off RT 82, 5-8pm, Music by Dennis Chandler Band, Peach Social! Trophies, 50/50, DP, www. 330-527-2682
August 13, 2022 - The Lady Bug Classic and Specialty Car Show, 8361 Portage St. NW, Massillon, Ohio, 44646, Reg at 10am, show 12-3pm, This is a judged show. The fee to register as $10. 100 metal dash plaques . Top 20. Best in Show. Lady Bugs Choice. Door prizes, 50/50, food vendor, kettle corn. This is a classic and specialty show only please. Parking is on a manicured field. 330-832-7080
August 13, 2022, Corvettes America all Corvette Show, 5935 Clark ston Rd, Clarkston, Michigan, 48348, e-mail to info@corvettesamerica. org or call (248) 884-3812. 248-884-3812
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com26 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 UNDERLINEKEY: = Swap Meet AMMY = ALL MAKES/MODELS/YEARS AWARDS = TROPHIES & AWARDS BOP = BUICK, OLDS, PONTIACS DP = DASH PLAQUES DPZ = DOOR PRIZES GB = GOODIE BAGS $10/12 = PRE-REG/DAY OF SHOW FEE REMEMBER: Weather changes rapidly, it’s best to call the phone number or check out their website/facebook first to see if it’s been rescheduled or canceled. New & updated www.CruisinTimesMagazine.comlistings: Event Listings Updated Daily!
August 12 - 14, 2022, Rockabilly Ruckus, 899 Everett Hull Rd, Cortland, OH, 44410, LIVE BANDS, 1979 & Older, Motorcycles, open track, pinup girl contest, junior greaser contest, fashion show, hot wheels track, pedal cars, Wall of Death Motorcycle Thrill show, Stunt Show, Food, Family and FUN! Admission $20/day or $40/weekendMore info visit - 330-968-7565
August 13, 2022, Mentor Cruise-In, Mentor Civic Center Park, 8600 Munson Rd., Mentor, OH 44060, Saturday 10am-4pm, Free Reg. For Cruisers! (8am-12pm) 800+ Cars, Music, Food, and Refreshments. Door Prizes, Goodie Bags and Dash Plaques to 1st 250. More info 440-974-5735 Day Of: 440-255-1100
August 13, 2022, North Ridgeville Corn Festival Car Show, 7565 Avon Belden Road, South Central Park, North Ridgeville, Ohio, 44039, Sat. 9am - 3 pm, Our show has moved down the street to South Cen tral Park! Dash Plaques, door prizes, 50/50, People’s Choice. Survivor Award is oldest Oldsmobile. Registration begins at 9. Voting at noon. Music by Tall Order Services. Sponsored by Xtreme Performance and Federated Auto in North Ridgeville. - 440-669-7187
August 13, 2022, Mopar Nationals Private Property Burnout Meet, National Trail Raceway, 415 Case Ave, Newark, OH 43055, SAT 5pm, Restrooms, Food, Drinks, No Cops, $10 Parking, (740) 928-5706
August 12 - 14, 2022 - 31st Ames Performance Tri Power Pontiac Nationals, Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857 - More info (419) 668-5555
August 13, 2022, 44th Annual Gallipolis Car Show, 300 Sec ond Ave, Gallipolis, OH 45631, Reg. 6am - 12, $10 pre-reg. at or $15 day of. Show ends at 6pm Music, Food & river views in the shady Park! Pancake breakfast @ 8am. DP & Swag Bags first come, first served. 50+ trophies! AMMY Wel come! Door Prizes, Split the Pot & Raffle! Find us on FB! info@, 740-709-6373, 740-709-6274

August 14, 2022, Pittsburgh PA’s Jefferson Memorial 10th Annual Car Show, 401 Curry Hollow Rd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15236, Reg. 11am, Show 12-3pm. Entry fee is $5 - More info 412-655-4500
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August 14, 2022, Ontario Estates Senior Living Cruise-In, 2010 Walker Lake Rd, Ontario, Oh, 44904, 2PM - 5PM, AMMY, no reg. fee. Food, raffle, music & activities. (419) 747-1119 - Lori B. August 14, 2022, Englewood Art Festival Charity Car Show, Cen tennial Park, 321 Union Blvd., Englewood, Ohio, 45432, 10a - 4p $10 Awards, Food Vendors, 50/50, Hourly Giveaway, DJ Bob Pitsch - 937408-5998
August 13, 2022, Spring Valley’s Rock The Block Cruise-In, Spring Valley Ohio Indian Mound, Corner of S Spring Valley Park Dr and
Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 27
August 13, 2022, St. John’s Villa Car Show, 701 Crest St., Carrollton Ohio 44615, SAT 11am-3pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-627-9789
August 13, 2022, Dellroy Homecoming Car Show (W/ Frank Allen), 5 North Ohio St., Dellroy, Ohio 44620, SAT 4-7pm, 330-495-6381
August 13, 2022, Vista Springs Independence Car Show, 6046 Brecksville Rd, Independence, Ohio, 44131, 11am-3pm, Door prizes, Free entry, Food, Awards, all makes, models, years, 216-232-4900
August 13, 2022, Cutty’s 10th Annual Cruise In, 8050 Edison St NE, Louisville, OH, 44641, Free cruise from 3pm-7pm, DJ , DP, 50/50, Raffle Baskets, Food Trucks, 330-687-0974
August 13, 2022, 2022 Chatfield Evangelical Pietist Church Car Show, 3535 Chatfield Center Rd., Bloomville, Ohio, 44818, Saturday Show: 9am - 3pm - Reg: 9 - Noon, 100 D/P, Free Registration Free Lunch 11 - 2 - 419-689-0182
Event Listings Updated Daily! LET ME HELP Turning 65? Retiring? Not sure how to navigate Medicare? No fee and no obligation to meet with me! Scott Summers Licensed and Certified Agent 216 598 0406
August 13, 2022, Bloomville Ohio God and Country Car Show, 3535 Chatfield Center Rd, Bloomville, Ohio, 44818, 9am-3pm, 23 tro phies Free registration & lunch Live music, Door Prizes 419-689-0182 or 419-569-5370
August 13, 2022, Johnsville BLOCK PARTY, Johnsville Fire house, 7478 CR-242, Johnsville OH, SAT 5-11pm, Car Show, Food, Hog Roast, Ice Cream, Live Music, Kids Activities, Vendor Area
August 13, 2022, Magic Cruiser Car Club Wadsworth Eagles #2117, 9953 Rittman Rd, Wadsworth, Ohio, 44281, SAT. Reg. 9am11am, fee $10 includes Sandwich, Chips, and a Drink, 100 DP, Food, Music, 50/50 Reg. 9-11, Show 11-3 - RD SUN 8/21 - Bob 330-8071374
August 13, 2022, St. John’s United Cruise-In, 409 N. Wooster Ave., Dover, Ohio 44622, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-827-2230
Hillside, 10am-2pm, 50/50, Food, Classics, Hot Rods, and Motorcycles
August 13, 2022, Westech High School Classic Car Show, St. Pat rick’s Church 4427 Rocky River Dr., Cleveland , Ohio, 44145, 11Am3Pm register 10AM. $15 entry, trophy’s, food, DJ , Rain Date 8/20/22, 216-577-4953
August 13 - 14 2022, Props & Piston Festival/Car Show, Akron Fulton Airport, 1600 Triplett Blvd, Akron, OH, 44306, Saturday 11am - 5pm, Bike Show Sunday, August 14, 10am-5pm. Entry fee $20 per car. Raffle Gifts, Dash Plaques, Food Trucks, Air Show, No Car Awards Given. AMMY, 330-388-3771
August 14, 2022, Magic Cruiser Car Club & Stray Dog The Akron Pickle Fest, Canal Place 520 S Main St., Akron, Ohio, 44311, Fee $5. Sign In 10am-12pm, Show 12-3pm, Rain or Shine, Best of Show, 50/50, DPZ, DP, Food & Music, Bob 330-807-1374
August 13, 2022, Annual VFW Post 7035 “Outdoor Car Show”, 36950 Mills Rd, Avon, Ohio. 11-3PM, Food truck, benefiting kids with Autism, DJ, raffles. More info 440-522-9274
August 14, 2022, Gathering In The Grapes Car Show, Mastropietro Winery, 14558 Ellsworth Rd., Berlin Center, Ohio, 44401, Registration starts at 10 Show starts at 12 - $10.00 to enter. DJ Big Rick, food, dash plaques to first 100, trophies, goody bags to first 125, 50/50, Ladies Pavilion, Chinese Auction, 330-881-0705
August 14, 2022, Seneca Lake Park Car Show (W/ Frank Al len), 22172 Park Rd., Senecaville, Ohio 43780, SUN 12-4pm, 330317-0577
August 14, 2022, 5th Annual Cruise For Veterans, Lake Erie Community Park, 10192 W. Lake Rd, Lake City Pennsylvania 16423 - Sunday, 11am-4pm, Tuxedo Dogz food truck, 100 goody bags to first 100 vehicles, Chinese auction, 50/50, Benefits Veteran Miracle Center of Erie,
August 14, 2022, Ragersville Cruise-In, Ragersville Historical Society, 2238 Ragersville Road SW, Sugarcreek, Oh. 44681 - 3-7pm, No fee. DP 1st 100, DJ. Spike man, AMMY, Food, Museum will be open, 330-897-2861
August 14, 2022, Sliman’s 2nd Annual Car Show, 7498 Leavitt Rd, Amherst Ohio, Sunday 10am-2pm, WIN A BRAND NEW JEEP, Prizes, Give-aways, 50/50, Car Show Trophies, Food Trucks, Race Cars and more! Purchase tickets / Enter to win the Jeep at / See more info on show at
August 14, 2022, Warren PA’s Clean Cruises Car Show, 4160 Mar ket St. EXT, Warren PA 16365

August 18, 2022, City of Mayfield Heights Car Show, Winking Lizard Tavern, 1355 SOM Center Rd., Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124, THUR 6-9pm, Car entry fee $5, Free to visit, Music of FM 77, Conces sions, Prize for Mayor’s Choice and People’s Choice, Register at www. or 440-442-2627
August 20, 2022 - 1st Annual Marous Family Charities Car Show, 36933 Vine St., Willoughby, OH, 44094, 10am - 2pm, Reg istration at 8am, $20 Fee to support Marous Family Charities, Dash Plaques & Car Fresheners 1st 100 vehicles, Music, Food Trucks, Awards for various classes announced at 2pm, 50/50, All makes and models, Registration at Link: ties.com943caea7d46ba80805e394c8e8314,August21-Emailevents@marousfamilychari-440-391-5351
August 20 - 21, 2022, Pennsylvania Nationals Street Rod and Custom Jamboree, Walnut Dr, Berwick, Pennsylvania, 18603, Reg istration $25 weekend, $15 one day. All vehicles Welcome. More info 570-764-2315
August 20, 2022 - Vintage Airplane & Car Show, International Airport, Port Clinton, International Airport, Port Clinton, Oh 43452, 3255 East State Rd, $10, 10-2pm, 50/50, dpz, food trucks, free coffee & donuts while they last, DJ Cruisin Zeake
August 20, 2022, Design Engineering Annual Cruise-In, Weiss Field, 33401 Webber Rd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, Saturday 4pm, All Makes Models, anything welcome! $10/vehicle donation for charity, Spectator FREE, Food, Music, More info DEIcruisein
Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Listings
August 19, 2022, 39th Annual Arthritis Foundation Classic Auto Show, 555 Metro Pl N, Dublin, OH 43017, Over 1,000 vehicles, Dis plays, and food vendors, For Tickets, Registration, and other information visit:
Updated Daily!
August 20, 2022, 2nd Annual Interstate Batteries Motorcycle Show, 1699 W. 4th St., Ontario OH, SAT 2-6pm, Prizes, Raffle, Food, Live Music, 50/50, Games.
August 20, 2022, Chagrin Valley Veterans Appreciation Car and Bike Show. 16391 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH, 44023, 10-2pm. Fellowship Church. Proceeds Geauga veterans food bank. rain date 8/27, 440-382-1779
August 19, 2022, Parkersburg Homecoming Cruise In, Market St, Parkersburg, WV, 26101, 4-8p, $15, DPZ, t-shirts, food, music; Rain:8/20 - 304-483-2612
August 19, 2022, Downtown Wooster Ohio August Cruise-In, FRI, 6:30-9pm, FREE, Food, Live Band.
August 20, 2022, 4th Annual Shanklin Car Show for Veterans, Tu slaw Lions Club Park-2515 Manchester Ave SW, Massillon, Ohio, 44647, 11A-2P, Join us for our annual car show to benefit the SAM Center of Massillon serving veterans, military & widows. Awards, food, dash plaques, door prizes, 50/50 & more! All makes, models & motor cycles welcome. $10 donation to register for the SAM Center. Day-ofshow registration available. See you there! 330-832-5848
August 20, 2022, Wheels for Wags Benefit Car Show, Avon Meth odist Church, 37711 Detroit Rd, Avon, Ohio, 44011, 10am-3pm, $10 day of entry donation, DJ Frank LaManna, Raffles, Bake Sale, Food, DPZ every 15 min, DP 1st 150, Awards, Donations of Pet Food and Litter appreciated, Animals available for adoption. More info 440-3152938 or
August 20, 2022, Golden Age Retreat Cruise-In, 2202 Kensington Rd., Carrollton, OH 44615, SAT 11-2pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-627-4665
August 15, 2022, Southside Diner’s Monthly Cruise-In, 620 S. Main St., Mt Vernon, Ohio, 43050, 4-8pm, AMMY, no reg. fee, dpz, food specials, JR the DJ with oldies music. Jeff (419) 884-7075
August 19, 2022, Carrollton Ohio Senor Suite Cruise In, 1111 Canton Rd NW, Carrollton, Ohio 44615, FRI 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 304-491-9419
August 20, 2022 - Edelbrock Super Series, Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857 - More info www.summitmotor (419) 668-5555
August 20, 2022, 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Hot Rod Company Picnic & Cruise, 210 6th Street, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, 15010, 10am-5pm, Food Trucks/Vendors, DJ Bobby Wells, 50/50 Raffle, DPZ, RAIN OR SHINE, 412-719-4950 -
August 19, 2022, Uniontown Lions Festival & Car Show at Hartville Marketplace, 1315 Edison ST NW, Hartville, Ohio, 44632, $10 Entry Reg 4:30-6:30 Awards 8:30, Judged, w/ Trophies, dp, 50/50, dpz, dj, food & music - 330-699-4333
August 19, 2022, Friendship A.P.L. Car Show, 1020 E. Broad St., Elyria Ohio 44035, 5-9pm, Reg. $20, Food, 50/50, DP 1st 100, Tro phies, Raffles, Music by Tall Order Services.
August 19, 2022, Woodward Dream Show, M1 Concourse, Ponti ac, Michigan kick-off to the Dream Cruise weekend. celebration of 90 years of the ‘32 Ford. More info
August 20, 2022, ACE Hardware Car Cruise, Greater Butler Mart, RT 8 South, Butler, PA, 16002, Rodfathers Cruise, Noon to 4PM, DP, 50/50 DJ Food, Prizes, Funds for Charity. 724-321-8521 - dcunning
August 14, 2022, Mill Hollow/Joe Collier Memorial Cruise, Martino’s Restaurant, 4415 Liberty Avenue, Vermilion, Ohio, 44089, Meet 1PM
August 20, 2022, Village of Shiloh Car Show Downtown Shiloh Ohio, SAT 10am-3pm, $10, Awards, DP, GB, DPZ, Raffles, 50/50, Food, Music, AMMY, 419-752-6386
August 20, 2022 - 9th Annual Bonnells Rod Shop Cruise In & Open House, 8000 Middle Rd, Fairview, PA 16415, Saturday 11am3pm, More info (814) 474-2400
RESCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY AUGUST 21, 2022, Cruisin’ for Cops Car Show, Great Lakes Outdoor Supply in Middlefield - 14855 North State Avenue, Middlefield, OH 44062 - 11AM-3PM - More info at - 440-673-5862
August 20, 2022, Anna Maria Charity Car Show, 889 North Aurora Road, Aurora, OH, 44202, 9 to 1, Day of Reg. starts 8:30am. Pre Reg. $10, Day of $15. Awards given for 20’s & 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, Police and Fire Chef’s choice, Owners Choice, Best of Show and more. Great Food, raffles, 50/50, DJ Cadillac Mike. 100% of Proceeds go to The Alzheimer’s Association. 330-562-0600
Martino’s Rest., cruise thru Mill Hollow then to Avon Lake Towne Ctr440 488 4858
August 20, 2022, 2nd Annual Caitlin Pugh Memorial Scholarship Car Show, Round Hill Dairy, 300 Wooster Rd, Mt Vernon, Ohio. SAT 4-8pm, DP 1st 100, $5 Ice cream coupon, GB, Awards, 50/50, Food, More info 740-627-1527
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com28
August 28 Lake Shore Corvette Club Show @Firelands, 2315 State Rd, Vermilion, OH 44089 10 am 4 pm. More info 440 934 6261 or 440 897 2997
Sept. 25 Independence Fall Festival/Classic Car Show, 12 pm until 4 pm at Elmwood Park, Selig Road, Independence 44131, Awards
August 21, 2022, Wheel Craft Annual Car Show, 7750 Tyler Blvd., Mentor, Ohio, 44060, 10am-4pm, AMMY, DPZ, Raffles, Food Trucks, Awards, Huge Show, 440-897-4236
Sept. 4 Special Wish Car Show, 11 am 4pm, @Byrider, 7550 Levitt Rd., Amherst 44001 Food Trucks,
Sept.11 2315 State entry, pet adoption 440-967-3144 QS&L Valley View, 5935 Canal Road, 10 am—3 pm, Raffles, All Years, Makes & Models Hosted by Faith White
Rd, Vermilion, OH 44089 10 am-3 pm, rain or shine. $10
Cruise-In Car Show, 27190 Royalton Rd., Columbia Station, Ohio, 44028, 10AM - 3PM. Rain or Shine! Registration: $10. begins at 9:00 AM. All makes, models, years of cars, trucks, vans, Jeeps, motorcycles are welcome! First 50 registered get DP. Awards, Door prizes, Raffles, 50/50, Food and soft drinks available, Open cash bar. Entertainment: DJ Sidd Spectators free! Come out for a day of fun! (440)-856-6580
Door Prizes,
Sept. 24 End of Summer Classic, 9 am 4 pm, Lorain County Fairgrounds, Wellington, (440) 381 1956 raffles, buggy rides, crafters, vendors, fair food, games, door prizes. All Years, Makes & Models
Downtown Sandusky,
See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 29 Event Listings Updated Daily! CRUISIN’ 2022 withF rankLaManna Presents, inc. (440) 546-1173 WEB PAGE: E-mail: L Like us on Facebook: Frank LaManna Presents/ August 12 Village of St. Edward, 3125 Smith Road, Fairlawn, 44333, 5 pm—7 pm Food, Family Fun $10 car entry, $5 spectator entry August 13 Vista Springs, 6046 Brecksville Rd. Independence 44131 (216) 232-4900, 11am-3pm, Door prizes, free entry August 14 Mill Hollow/Joe Collier Memorial Cruise, we will meet at 1PM at Martino’s Restaurant, 4415 Liberty Ave, Vermilion 44089. We will leave to cruise through Mill Hollow Park then cruise to Quaker Steak & Lube Sheffield, 4900 Transportation Dr., Sheffield Village 44054 August 20 Wheels for Wags, Avon United Methodist, 37711 Detroit Rd, Avon 44011, 10 am-3pm Awards, Door Prizes, Joyce @ (440) 937-4555 August 21 Wheels 4 K9 Heroes, Wheel Craft, 7750 Tyler Blvd., Mentor 44060—10 am—4pm Trophies, Food trucks (833) 639-4231
August 21, 2022, The Bob Jackson 2nd Annual All Star Classic Car Show, 3361 Garfield Blvd, Lorain, Ohio 44052, 11am Reg. $10 donation, People’s Choice Award, Food, Beer Booth, DP, DPZ, Ammy, DJ, 50/50, 440.288.4040 August 21, 2022, Willowick 6th Annual Classic Car Show at Dudley Park, 31500 Willowick Dr., Willowick, OH, 44095, 1-4pm - DP, Awards, AMMY, Food, 50/50, Chinese Auction, Vendors interested in table space for indoor swap meet contact the Recreation Dept. at 440516-3011. For more info & Registration visit https://www.cityofwillowick. com/events/6th-annual-classic-car-show/ Sponsored by Willowick Rec. & Youth Leagues - 440-516-3011 August 21, 2022, Wellsburg WV Osiris Shrine Tin Lizzie Patrol Car Show, Brook Hills Park, 140 Co Rte 62/17, Wellsburg, WV 26070, SUN 1-5pm, DJ Spikeman, 304-737-1176
August 21, 2022 13th Annual SS Edward and Lucy Chicken Diner and Car Show, 16150 Center St, Parkman, OH, 44080, 11AM to 6PM, Classic Cars and Trucks. Goodie Bag and dash plaques for 1st 100 cars. Door prizes every 15 minutes. $10 donation for car show entries. Barbecue chicken dinner available as well as: raffles, Bingo, Chinese auction, DJ Cory and family horse racing. 440-548-3812
“Cause for Paws” Firelands Chevrolet,
August 21, 2022 - Northern Ohio Chapter - Annual All Oldsmobile Show, American Legion Post 737, 16465 Milton, Lake Milton OH 44429, Come celebrate our 50th anniversary - a special commemo rative gift to all registered cars, DJ Nick Miketa - benefits Apple Breast Cancer Warrior Foundation
August 21, 2022, Wreaths Across America Toledo Chapter Annual Car Show, Toledo Memorial Park, 6382 Monroe St, Sylvania, Ohio, 43560, 10:00 - 2:00, Free, Show 10:00-2:00, Reg 8-12, AMMY, Awards, Food, DPZ, 50/50, Music, rain Date August 28, 419-346-9192
pm, Awards Remember Cruisin’ Car Club, 419-484-4300
August 21, 2022, Columbia Station Eagles Club 6th Annual
Sept. 17 Dogs, Drives, and Diner,
Sept. 9 & 10 Cruisin’ By the Bay, Fri. 2 pm—10 pm, Sat. 9 am—5

August 21, 2022, 14th Annual Gathering of the Geezers Cruise & Old Time Drags, 1166 Dayton Xenia Rd, Xenia, Ohio, 45385, Gates open 8am, Top 50 awards for Show cars. $20 to show/25 drag/15 spectator - 937-429-2961
August 21, 2022, Firelands Historical Society, 9 Case Ave, Norwalk, OH, 44857, 11am-3pm, Open to all makes and models, Trophies, DP 1st 100, $5 reg, food, DPZ, 50/50 - 419-668-1821
August 21, 2022, Allen Loge 276 4th Annual, Car, Truck & Motor cycle Show, 722 Meadow Lane, Columbiana, Ohio, 44408, 2-6PM, no fees, music, 50/50Raffle, Basket Auction, Door Prizes, Food - 330-5016993 - 330-953-8325
Event Listings
RAIN OR SHINE!! 330-684-2120
August 27, 2022, 25th Annual Heart Of The City Cruise In, Down town Mansfield, SAT Reg. 9-2pm, Show 12-8pm, Pre-Reg. $15, Awards, DPZ, DP, 50/50, T-Shirts, Music, DJ, Food, 419-524-4388
August 27, 2022 - First Congregational Church of Lodi Presents Classic Car Cruise In, 114 Church St., Lodi Ohio, 5-8pm, All Makes and Models Welcome, Great Food, Good Music, Beautiful Cars.
August 28, 2022, Atwood Yacht Club Car Show, 2637 Lodge Rd SW Sherrodsville, OH 44675, SUN 11-3pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-324-4883
August 27, 2022, 30th Annual Oglebay Good Zoo Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Tractor Show, Wheeling, WV Rain Date: Sunday, August 28th, Judging: 8am - 3pm - Ohio Valley Street Survivors 304-281-0622
August 28, 2022, Abundant Life Fellowship Car Show, 46469 OH46, New Waterford, OH, 44445, $5 Reg. fee Car Registration at 3pm Car Show 4pm-7pm - 330- 457- 7317
August 27, 2022, Lehman’s Hardware Annual Car Show, 4779 Cor don Rd., 9-1pm, $8 Reg., Awards, DP, Music, Food, 800-438-5346
August 27, 2022, Fatman’s Invasion The Wrap Up, Kuhnle Motorsports Park, 8233 Sidley Rd, Thompson, OH 44086, Relaxed get together for everyone to hang out, talk cars, eat some food and have a little fun. Run your car down the track, Bikes, Cars, Trucks, etc. New, Old, Fast, Slow, etc. Gates open 8am. August 27, 2022, WV Honey Festival Car & Truck Show, 1920 Park Ave, Parkersburg City Park, Parkersburg, WV, 26101, 9a-3p,$15, Judged/all vehicles: 36 trophies, T-shirts, Food, Music; R.D. 8/28, 304483-2612
August 27, 2022, Shades of the Past Car Show and Chicken Barbecue, 101 Church Street, Plainfield, Ohio, 43845, Reg. 3pm, Show and BBQ at 5:00, awards at 7. Grass Sun & Shade - 740-545-5157
August 27, 2022, 3rd Annual Bridge Of Hope Car Show, 7580 Glen wood Ave., Boardman Ohio, 4pm-7pm, Reg. $10/8 by 8/6, Trophies, DJ, Family Fun, AMMY, 330-726-8141
August 26, 2022, Canal Fulton Cruise-In Car Show St. Helena Her itage Park, 123 Tuscarawas St. NW, , Canal Fulton, Ohio, 44614, 5:00 - 8:30 pm, $5 registration paid the day of event when entering the park. Ammy, live music and food trucks. Band will perform for 3 hours. Reg istration fee used to pay the band and to make future improvements to the show. Your attendance is greatly appreciated. - 216-673-2788
August 27, 2022, 5th Annual Newbury Township Vintage Car, Truck & Tractor Show, Oberland Park, 14639 Auburn Center Rd, Newbury, OH, 44065, 11am-3pm, (Free Reg 10:30am-1pm), Awards, food, 75dp, dpz, ammy, music mix. Eric 440-318-3742
August 21, 2022, Columbiana County Wings-N-Wheels, 15606 County Airport Rd, East Liverpool, Ohio, 43920, Reg. start at 11. Dona tions benefit St. Clair and Columbiana County K9, 330-383-1383
August 24, 2022, Cruise ‘N Dine in Alliance Ohio Monthly CruiseIn Wednesday, Pizza Hut, 220 W. State Street, Alliance, 44601. AMMY including cycles, no reg. fee. 5-8PM. Food specials, DPZ, JR the DJ with music 330-823-4433
August 25 - 28, 2022 - 21st NMCA All-American Nationals, Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH - (419) 668-5555
August 26, 2022, 37th Annual Trans Am Nationals, 2800 Presiden tial Dr, Fairborn, Ohio 45324, 3pm, Hosted by the Trans Am Club Of America, Dayton, Ohio Chapter. All Firebirds Welcome. https://tanation August 26, 2022, Pleasant Hill Lake Park Cruise-In, 3431 St. Rt. 95, Perrysville, OH 44864, FRI 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 419-938-7884
August 28, 2022, Musketeers 7th Annual Car Show, 3027 Brecks ville Rd, Richfield, OH, 44286, SUN Registration 9-11 Show 11-3, All makes and models welcome, Dash plaques, grab bags, while supplies last. Top 10 awards, peoples choice 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. Best in show. Auction baskets, 50/50, Door prizes, Platform Brewery tasting. D.J. Cooter, food and drink specials. Rain Date 9-4-22, 330-304-6277
Updated Daily!
August 27 2022, Brentwood’s 7th Annual Cruise-In, 907 W. Aurora Rd, Sagamore Hills, Ohio, 44067, Saturday 12pm-3pm - Registration starts @11am. FREE Registration. GB first 50 cars, AMMY, Prizes Awarded, Special Performance by The PopTarts, Food Trucks, Ven dors, Basket Raffle, 50/50 Raffle. All Proceeds go to The Alzheimer’s Association. For more Info Contact Diana Miller @ 216-773-7479
August 27, 2022, Middlefield VFW Post 9678 7th Annual Car Show, 16013 E. High Street, Middlefield, Ohio, 44062, 2pm5pm AMMY. Registration starts at 2pm with a $10 fee. Free to public, Trophies: People’s Choice 1st & 2nd, DP to the first 50 cars registered, Food, Music & 50/50. 440-632-1257. 440-632-1257
August 27, 2022, Marshallville Historical Days, 10 N. Main St, Mar shallville, Ohio, 44645, noon- 4:00PM - Registration starts at 11:30AM. $5 entry fee, 90 awards, 100 dpz, door prizes, 50/50, food, music.
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com30 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022
August 25, 2022, Beacon House / Forest Hills Benefit, 100 Reser voir Rd, St Clairsville, OH 43950, 5-8pm, RD Sept 1, 440-371-5580
August 27, 2022 - Don Sitts Auto Group Presents the 6th Annual Cruisin The Chapel, 750 West Streetsboro St., Hudson Ohio 44236, Gates open 8am, 10am-2pm, Rain Or Shine. Bring the family and en joy hundreds of Cars, Motorcycles, Food Trucks including Chick-Fil-A, Fresh Coffee, FREE Ice Cream, 50/50 Raffle, DJ Cadillac Mike, along with Music from Ricky and The Rockets! 100% of fees benefit Mobility World Wie. Show Entry $10, DP 1st 300, Awards. 330-945-5800
August 27, 2022, 2nd Annual Rick Horton Memorial Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Show, 100 Saurer St., Rittman, Ohio, 44270, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $5.00 registration fee. Registration 9-10 a.m. Judging: 2-3p.m. Trophies & 50/50 @ 4p.m. LIVE BAND, Food, Door Prizes . Dash Plaques [ first 100 cars] All Proceeds to Benefit Local Charities. For Information Contact Doug Miller [234-219-0785]
August 28, 2022, 15th Annual Culp Lake Car Show, 1830 East Home Rd, Springfield, OH, 45503, Sunday Registration 9 to 12, Awards at 3:30, Everyone’s favorite car show! Beautiful park-like setting. Only 7 miles from I-70. $10 reg. Beautiful dash plaques, entrant judging, 24” trophies, awesome door prizes, goodie bags. Food truck. Cars, trucks, bikes welcome. Free fishing. We love kids! Photos from past events at 937-399-0085
August 28, 2022, 4th Annual Pymatuning Valley Band Car Show, 5571 US Rt 6 West, Andover, OH, 44003, 1-5pm, Registration begins 12pm, $10 registration donation, DP to 1st 100 entries! AMMY! Dpz, food, music, & live performance by marching band! 440-813-7670
August 28, 2022, 7th Annual Brethren Care Village Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, 2140 Center St., Ashland, Ohio, 44805, 11 AM-3 PM, $10 reg. fee, AMMY including cycles, awards, 100 dp, food, 50/50, 419-884-7075 or 419-289-1585
August 28, 2022, AACA Apples & Autos Car Show, Patterson Fruit Farm, 11414 Caves Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026, Pre-reg. $12, Day of $15. Gates open 8 a.m., Cars on field by 10 a.m. Awards, DJ, food, 50/50, DP 1st 150 registered. Car Corral $10 per - 216-587-4419
See all events & classifieds at
August 28 2022, Freddie Anania Memorial Car & Cycle Show, 6655 Navarre Rd. SW, Navarre, OH, 44662, Opens 11am, $10, dash plaques, trophies, music, benefits Military Veterans - 330-353-1076
September 3, 2022, 9th Annual LCC Car, Truck, Bike Show, 252 W Main Street, Lucas, OH, 11-4pm $10 reg 15 $20 random drawing awards, Food, Music, 50/50, sil auct, 419 571 1264
September 3, 2022 - 3rd Annual Kandi’s Rockin’ Birthday Bash & Cruise-In, 1722 Claremont Ave, Ashland, OH 44805, SAT 2-10pm, Reg. Any donation amount, Live Music, Food Trucks, Pin-up Contest, Burlesque Show, DP 1st 100, Trophies, Moonlight Cruise, (419) 9089387
September 3, 2022 - Warren Twp. Community Center Car & Bike Show and Chicken BBQ, 3986 New Cumberland Rd. NE, Mineral City, Ohio, 44656, Show 11-2pm, Registration 9-11am / Entry Fee $6.00 / Awards at 2:00 / 40 Trophies / Dash Plaques to first 50 entries / Top 40 Judged / 1-Best of Show / 1-Guest of Honor / Chicken BBQ$10 served 10:30-2:30 / Hot Dogs, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans and more / 50/50 Drawing / DJ - “Turn the Page” / Door Prizes. Call or Text 330-260-9528
Event Listings
August 28, 2022, New Castle, PA 13th Annual “Memories” Car Cruise, 250 E. Washington St., New Castle, PA, 16101, 10am - 8pm, Join us at the 13th Annual Memories Car Cruise. This event is open to all antique, classic, special interest cars and free to the public. Live entertainment by The Gem Tones and The Dorals. Free Reg. , DP 1st 200 cars. Food, 50/50, event T-shirts, Chinese Auction and craft vendors, DPZ, and DJ’s, 724-714-9689
September 2 - 4, 2022 - 30th NGK Spark Plugs $40 Grand Nationals, Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857
August 28, 2022, Brews Cruise, Blue Monkey Brewing, 5540 Wall ings Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133, 12-3pm, Craft beer and classic cars! Food Truck. Call/Text 216-701-5905
September 2, 2022, Canterbury Villa Car Show, 1785 Freshly Ave, Alliance Ohio 44601, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-206-0180
Updated Daily!
August 28, 2022, American Cruisers Metro Health Burn Show, General Motors Plant, Parma, Ohio, We Are Back! Keep your eyes open for upcoming details. cruisers91 - (216) 337-9633
September 3, 2022, 4th Annual Rebel Repair and Restoration Car Show, 2285 1/2 Rice Ave, Lake City, Pennsylvania, 1pm-5pm, Used book sale, funnel cakes, onsite pinstriping by Prather Studio, O’reilly’s Auto Parts, and, proceeds to benefit Rice Avenue Community Public Library. (814) 774-4000
September 3, 2022, Roar by the Shore Mentor on the Lake 7th Annual Cruise In, Mentor Beach Park, 7779 Lake Shore Blvd., Men tor-On-The-Lake, Ohio. SAT 12pm, $10 Reg. (Day of) Spectators Free, More info
September 3, 2022 - Mad River & NKP Railroad Museum 17th Annual Car & Truck Show, 253 Southwest St., Bellevue, Oh, 9-3pm, dp 150, $10, 50/50, dpz, raffles, JR the DJ - 419-483-222 Dave
September 3, 2022, First Responders Car Show, 18 N. Main St, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, 43044, Reg. $10-11am2pm 50+ Trophies~@ 5PM Dash Plaques first 100 cars, 937-508-6383
September 3, 2022, 2nd Annual Car Show, Prospect Park, Prospect, Ohio, Sat $10 Reg., 10-2:30, DPZ,
August 28, 2022, Lake Shore Corvette’s USA Troop Show, 2315 State Rt. 60, Vermilion, Ohio, 44089, Open to All Corvettes, Sunday Reg. 9am to 11:30pm, $20 includes all events, Awards, Food Trucks, Music, 50/50, Raffles, 440-653-1684
50/50, Food, DJ Music, Crafts & Vendors, Info Dan 740-341-9439 F i r s t 1 0 0 r e c e i v e a D a s h P l a q u e F o o d ~ R a f f l e s ~ 5 0 5 0 D o n u t s C o f f e e D o o r P r i z e s M u s i c T r o p h i e s t o t h e T O P 1 0 P L U S B e s t o f S h o w & M a y o r ’ s C h o i c e P a r t i c i p a n t V o t i n g 2022 CRESTON LABOR DAY CAR SHOW R e g i s t r a t i o n 8 : 0 0 A M 1 1 : 0 0 A M C a r S h o w 1 2 : 0 0 3 : 0 0 P M p a r t i c i p a n t v o t i n g i n b y n o o n TO PRE REGISTER: show RAIN ROR AIN ROR AIN SOR SHINE SHINE HINE SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 4 4 4 TH TH TH Creston Community Park 175 N Main St , Creston, OH 44217 Pre registration $10 Event day registration $15 All Proceeds Benefit The Creston Community Children
September 3, 2022, Carrollton Ohio Guess Motors Customer Appreciation Day, 1117 Canton Rd NW, Carrollton, OH, 44615, Located at the Chophouse in Carrollton, Ohio, we will be having our annual customer appreciation day. The car show will be from 12-4pm. Registration is FREE and we will have 20 first place trophies for cars & trucks and a Best of Show. Spikeman will be spinning the tunes. info@ - 330-323-6721
Marion Fly Wheels

September 10, 2022 - First Covenant Church of Willoughby Hills Car Show In The Hills, 29400 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH 44092, 9am-3pm, Free to the public! All Makes & Models, $10 Reg. Fee. Awards, Goody Bags for 1st 50 car entries, Free food for competitors, Free Euclid Beach Rocket Car Rides, Ice Cream and live band. 440-943-3611
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com32 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022
September 4, 2022, Fenders and Vendors, 7157 Rotary Dr, Walton Hills, OH, 44146, 1-6pm, Pre-Registration $10 (Cash, Check, or Pay pal) Day of Registration $15 Cash only For Questions or Registration: Email or Call/Text 330-998-0230 Local and National Vendors Raffles Food Trucks Top three Best of Show get awards Award Ceremony 5:30.
September 4, 2022, Stanwood Michigan’s 18th Annual Cruizin at the Castle Charity Car Show, 9400 Pere Marquette, Stanwood, MI. 49346, 9am Reg. $10 entry fee, Awards, Driver DPZ, D.J Music, Food, Silent Auction - 231-598-0838
September 7, 2022, 13th Annual Car Cruise Benefit at Ascension Lutheran Church, 28081 Lorain Rd, North Olmsted, OH, 44070, 4 pm till dark, cookout, 2 cans of food per person for entry, ammy, music, 440-759-8201
September 4, 2022, Lorain Ohio Labor Day Festival Cruise In, 421 Black River Ln., Lorain, Ohio , 44052, Reg. 10-12am, Show 12-4, $10 entry ( free lunch tic ) AMMY, dp, dpz, & music. 440 452-1571
September 9, 2022, Downtown Fremont Federal Credit Union Car Show, 5-8 pm, #3of3, 105 S. Front Street, Fremont , OH, 43420, Free Reg., DP, AMMY, 50/50, DPZ, Food, DJ, Shopping, Vendors, Call or Text 567-342-4758
Event Listings
September 9, 2022, Rebel Rousers Car Club Presents The Last Rumble and The John Sidle and Jack Harrison Memorial Cruise, Ashland Armory, 512 E. Main St., Ashland Ohio, Friday 9am. (Custom Car Show on Sept 10th)
September 5, 2022, The Village of Westfield Center presents The Great American Car Show, Located West of RT224/171/176, 6767 Greenwich Rd. Westfield Center, OH 44251, Labor Day 10am-3pm, Prizes Awarded, Reg. $10, All show card must be registered, DJ Dennis Gabrie, Food, Coffee, Root Beer Floats, Raffle Tickets, Chick en Dinners, Rummage Sale, More info 330-887-5151
September 9 - 10, 2022, Kuhnle Motorsports Park Gasser Nationals, 8233 Sidley Rd., Thompson Ohio - Nostalgia Racing, Gassers, and 409’s! More info
September 8 - 10, 2022, 14th Vintage Bicycle, Motorbike and Scooter Show & Swap Meet, 1289 Edison St. NW (S.R. 619), Hartville, OH, 44632, No admission fee, Vendor space (12’x30’) $10 for duration of show, 330-699-9798
September 4, 2022, Magic Cruiser Car Club, Labor Day BBG & Music Car Show & Cruise-In on Tusc Downtown Barberton Ohio, SUN 3-8pm, Reg. $10, Rain Or Shine, 1st 100 GB, 50/50, Food, Music, Best Of Show, Bob 330-807-1374
September 4, 2022, 29th Annual Duncan Falls Vol. Fire Dept. Antique and Classic Auto/Truck/Bike/Tractor Show, across the street from 397 Oak St., Duncan Falls, Ohio. Reg. 10:30-1:30 $8, Awards, Cruise In Style Show, 50/50, DPZ, BK the DJ, DP 1st 200, 740-674-4444
September 4, 2022, Bowerstown VFD Car Show, Main St., Bower stown, OH 44695, 3-7pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-432-2713
September 4, 2022 - Projectalpha Car Show, Boulevard 500 Flags, 35150 Lake Shore Blvd, Eastlake Ohio. 11am-3pm, $10 reg., benefits suicide prevention and mental health, DP/GB 1st 50, Tro phies, Food Trucks, Chinese Auction, 50/50, DJ.
Updated Daily!
September 10, 2022, 6th Annual Kerry White DC Memorial Scholarship Fund, 5610 Troy Rd, Springfield, Ohio, 45502, 12pm4pm, Registration 9:30a-1:30p $10 entry fee, Top 20 awards for cars, trucks Top 5 for motorcycles and Top 5 for Jeeps. Food trucks, door prizes, dash plaques, 50/50 raffle, Vendors, DJ HOT DOG Dick Ryman, and more - Kim Harris @ 937-206-7405
September 4, 2022 - Creston Labor Day Car Show, Creston Community Park, 175 N. Main St., Creston OH 44217, Sunday Registra tion 8am-11am, Car Show 12-3pm, Pre-Reg. $10, Event Day $15, DP 1st 100, Food, Raffles, 50-50, Donuts, Coffee, Door Prizes, Music, Rain or Shine, Trophies to the TOP 10 PLUS Best Of Show & Mayor’s Choice Participant Voting,
September 4, 2022, A Special Wish Car Show, 7550 Levitt Rd, Amherst, Ohio, 44001, 11am - 4 pm, DPZ, Food Trucks, Awards, FLP, Charity Show, 440-315-1833
September 9 - 10, 2022, 30th Annual Sandusky Ohio Cruisin’ By The Bay, Historic Downtown Sandusky Ohio, Presented by Remem ber Cruisin’ Car Club of Northern Ohio, FRI 10am-10pm, SAT 10am, Awards, 50/50, Music, Food, Beer, Muffler Rapping, Goodie Bags, Dash Plaques 1st 200 pre-reg. DJ Frank LaManna, More info www.

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 33

September 10, 2022 - Edelbrock Super Series, Summit Motor sports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857
Updated Daily!
September 10, 2022, 50s Fest & Car Cruise, High St, Waynesburg, PA, 15370, Park and enjoy 50s music all day, food, & fun. Free regis tration, 724-627-5555
Cruisin’ Times
September 10, 2022, 3rd annual Cruise-in at the Elks to benefit Tunnels 2 Towers, 24350 Center Ridge rd (Accross from Gales Nurs ery), Westlake, OH, 44145, Music, 50/50 Grilled Food Drinks ammy 5:00 pm til Dusk Free admission - 440 567-8362
September 10, 2022, The Last Rebel Rousers Rumble, Ashland Armory, 512 East Main St, Ashland, OH, Pre-1964 Hot Rod & Custom Show, Bands, Car Club Pick Awards, Food, 50/50. 567-203-7960
September 10, 2022, City of North Royalton Car Show, Memorial Park, 14600 State Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133, 4-7pm, No Entry Fee, Live Music, Food Trucks, Top five Best of Show get awards Award Ceremony 6:30 - Questions or Registration: jackie@bluelineclassics. com Call/Text 216-701-5905
September 10, 2022, Elkton Area Community Center 5th Annual Car Show, 20593 Blue and Gold Dr, Elkton, VA, 22827, Free registration. Saturday 2:30-6 pm. Live Music. VE806tS - 540-713-883
September 10, 2022, Atwater Fire Department 100th Anniversary Celebration, 6570 Waterloo Rd, Atwater, Ohio, 44201, SAT 11 AM-5 PM, Welcoming all vintage fire trucks, ambulances and police vehicles, 1999 and older collector cars, DP, 50/50, DPZ, raffle baskets, food trucks, live demonstrations, free reg, activities at fire station and adja cent Atwater Park, Info - 330-603-5250
September 11, 2022 Church of the Ascension Second Annual Car Show, 13216 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, Ohio, 44107, Sunday 10am to 3:30pm, Huge front lawn, three parking lots. Registration $10 per Car, Dash Plaques. Owner Vote Plus Fan Fav. Vote! Trophies in both vote categories! Music. T-Shirts. Raffles. Food. Church Fundraiser. Church of the Ascension: 150 Years of Worship and Community Engagement in Lakewood. Rain date, Sept. 18th - 216-521-8727 or 216-973-8077
September 10, 2022, Patriot Day Car Show, Hilliard Community Center, 3800 Veterans Memorial Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, SAT 11am4pm, Reg. $10, Spectators FREE, Awards, emptypocketscruisers
September 10, 2022, Garrettsville Ohio Roger Angel Memorial Car Cruise at Garfield Plaza, RT 82 West of RT 88, Dairy Queen & Napa Parking Lot, 3-6pm, Music by OHIO CROSSROADS BLUEGRASS BAND! Trophies, 50/50, DP, 330-527-2682
September 10, 2022, Veteran’s First Responder’s Jamboree, Sally Buffalo Park, Cadiz Ohio 43907, 10-2, DJ Spikeman, 740-491-7125
September 10 2022, 2nd Annual Veterans Classic Car Show, 6201 Lafayette rd., Medina, Ohio , 44256, 10a-2p, $10 entry show cars, trophies, DJ, Raffles, 50/50, Food, Rain out 9/17 - 772-485-8028
September 11, 2022, 13th Annual All Ohio Ford Show, Pastime Park, 370 N Chillicothe St, Plain City, Ohio, Registration 10-2 Awards 4Pm $20 Entry DPZ/Dj/Food//50-50 Ford Powered Only, 614-282-5320
September 10, 2022, Women’s Motor Fest- Columbus, 8500 Lyra Drive, Columbus, Ohio, 43240, Complete details can be found at - 614-636-0977 - info@
September 10 - 11, 2022, 28th Anniversary NEOCC Fall Classic, Summit Racing Equipment, 1200 Southeast Ave, Tallmadge, Ohio Save the date! (330) 730-3348
September 10 - 11, 2022 - Big Gasser Madness/Hot Rod Nationals, NDRL Nostalgia Drags/Car Show, Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park, 10267 US Hwy 136, Indianapolis, IN 46234 - 317 969-8600
NEW DATE: SEPTEMBER 10th, 2022! New Life Vienna’s 3rd Annual “First Responder” Car Show, 504 Youngstown Kingsville Road, Vienna, OH, 44473, Reg $10 10am, dp 1st 100, dpz, food/mu sic! Proceeds benefit first responders! 330-856-6771
See all events & classifieds at ~ September 2022 35
September 10, 2022, Harbor Hogs and Hot Rods, 301 Third St, Fairport Harbor, Ohio, 44077, $10 reg. for cars, bikes, trucks DP, Award plaques, cash, 216-704-9009
September 10, 2022, Cruise In At The Vineyard, 1928 East 300th Street, Wickliffe, OH, 44092, 12-2pm, Food, Family, Music, and Fun. Awards for Top Car, Truck, and Most Unique. 440-668-3670
September 11, 2022, Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens 9th Annual Molto Bella Auto Show, 714 N. Portage Path, Akron Ohio 44303, 9am-3pm, Exotic Sports Cars, Rare Classics, Vintage Ferraris, Custom Cars, Food by Todaro’s, Playgarden, Music/Entertainment, Self-guided Manor House Tours, Rain Date Sept.18th. Pre-Sale Tickets Only www. - 330-836-5533
September 10 - 11, 2022, Drops Out Presents Drops N Destroyed 19, Melanie Lake, 2881 Canton Rd., Uniontown OH 44685, Gates open 9am both days, Register at - Spectators $8, $6 children, Seniors, Military. Weekend $10, Trophies/Awards, Swim ming, and so much more!
September 10-11, 2022, 28th Anniversary NEOCC Fall Classic: All Camaro Show, Summit Racing Equipment, 1200 Southeast Ave, Tallmadge, Ohio, SAT & SUN Rain or Shine, Judged Classes (Judging Sat Only), For Registration or Hotel Info visit fall-classic/ see ad for QR code, or (Morgan Iorio 330.730.3348)
Event Listings
September 10, 2022, Green Twp. Car Show, Diamond Oaks, 6375 Harrison Ave, Cincinnati, OH. Reg. 9am-noon $15 day of or save $ pre-reg. $10.50, Awards, Kids friendly event, - (513) 203-9015
September 10, 2022, Belmont County Schools Stay Clean Car, Bike, Truck Show Fund Raiser, Ohio Valley Mall, 67800 Mall Rd, St Clairsville, OH 43950, 11am-3pm, Judged, Trophies, RD Sept. 17. 440-371-5580
September 10, 2022, Max Hayes High School Car Show, 2211 West 65th St, Cleveland, OH, 44102, 10AM - 2PM, Food, DJ, Music, Trophies, T-SHIRTS, Dash Plaques, Registration starts @ 9AM, PreReg. fee $10, day of show $15. Cars, Trucks, Bikes. Contact Greg @ 330-459-0888 or
September 10, 2022, 2nd Annual Patriot Day Car Show, 3800 Veterans Memorial Dr, Hilliard, OH, 43026, 11am - 1pm, $10, 50 Awards, 100 DP, DPZ, AMMY, Music, Food, Vienna Door Co. 614-774-0831
September 10, 2022, No Child Fights Alone! 2nd Annual Pediatric Cancer Car Show, 2042 Claremont Avenue (Ashland County Fair grounds), Ashland, OH, 44805, 9AM-2PM, Donation to register, begins at 9 AM. Cash prizes for top 4 entries! DP for first 25 cars, AMMY, music, raffles, Touch-A-Truck, food vendors, petting zoo and more! All proceeds benefit pediatric cancer patients & their families of Ashland County Cancer Assoc. Hosted by Whitmore Motors & Classic Cars419-606-4137

September 11, 2022, Gables of Green Cruise-In, 2045 Franks Park way, Uniontown Ohio 44685, 1-4pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-631-7146
September 16 - 18, 2022, Dave & Ed’s Canfield Swap Meet, Can field Fairgrounds, 7265 Columbiana-Canfield Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, More info or 330-477-8506
September 17, 2022, Dogs, Drives & Diner, Quaker Steak & Lube, 5935 Canal Rd, Valley View, OHIO, 44125, 10 am-3 pm, Raffles, Door Prizes, All Years ,Makes & Models. 440 488 4858
September 11, 2022, Sylvania Ohio Moose Lodge Car Show by Valued Veterans, 6072 Main Street, Sylvania, OH, 43560, 11am3pm, FREE, AMMY, Food, DJ, DPZ, 50/50, Raffles, 419-346-9192
See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 37 Event Listings Updated Daily! Sep 11 2022 P M 7:00 P M laxy Restaur ant r k Centr e Drive or th Ohio 44281 33 REGISTRATIONNOFEE Classic Car s | Muscle Car s | Antique Car s | Custom Car s | Str eet Rods | Tr ucks | Motor cycles | Best Of Show | People’s Choice DASH PLAQUES | TROPHYS | DOOR PRIZES | LIVE MUSIC | GREAT FOOD September 11, 2022, 11th Annual All-Mustang Show at Montrose Ford, 3960 Medina Road (S.R. 18), Akron, Ohio, 44333, 10am - 3pm, NE Ohio Mustang Club show benefits Copley Fire & Rescue, Ak ron-Canton Foodbank & Ashlie’s Embrace. Reg 9am-noon, $15 day of show; dp 150; dpz, trivia prizes, raffles, kids coloring event, DJ, food & beverages; over 40 trophies in Peoples Choice & Judged classes; Info:, 330-807-3313 September 11, 2022, 15th Annual Canton Carnival Of Wheels, Stark State College & Kent State University Stark campuses, Frank Ave., NW, North Canton, OH; 10a-4p; $10 Reg. Fee, AMMY, DP 1st 450, Awards, Silent Auction, DPZ, 50/50, Valve Cover Racing/ Hot Wheels Racing, 100% Blacktop Parking, Food Vendors, Sponsor Displays, DJ Jim Kelly – “Mr. Music Man”, K9 Presentation, Family Event, No Alcoholic Beverages, No Drones, 2023 Car Displays, Rain Date 9/25, More info, 330-837-3878, 330-493-9202
September 11, 2022, Waco Car Show, 2694 17th ST SE, Canton, OH, 44730, Reg. 9am-Noon, $12 reg, DP, DPZ, AMMY. www.wacofire, music. 330-280-0919
September 16 - 18, 2022 2nd NHDRO Midwest Fall Nationals, Sum mit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857
September 16 - 17, 2022 - 43th Annual Rebel Run Classic Car Show, Allen County Fairgrounds, 2750 Harding Hwy, Lima, OH. FriSay $35/day of, Cars & Merchandise for sale, Food, Camping, Vendor Space, 419-225-8545 or
September 11, 2022, The Galaxy Restaurant Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, 201 Park Centre Dr., Wadsworth, Ohio 44281, SUN 3pm7pm, No Reg. Fee, Dash Plaques, Trophies, Door Prizes, Live Music, Great Food, More info or 330-334-3663
September 11, 2022, Cause for Paws, 2315 State Rd, Vermilion, Ohio, 44089, 10am-3pm, rain or shine, $10 fee, pet adoption, awards, food trucks, - 440-967-3144

September 18, 2022, 1st Annual Mogadore Historical Society Car Show, Mogadore High School, 130 S. Cleveland Ave., Moga dore, OH, 44260, Register 2-3pm, $10 fee. AMMY, food, 50/50, DJ, trophies, limit 85 spaces - 330-741-0181
September 18, 2022, 42nd Annual Elyria Apple Festival Car Show, Broad St, Elyria, Ohio, 44035, 8AM Registration; Cruise-in & Participant Judging, 9-11:30AM, Sponsored by Lorain County Convention & Visitors Bureau. 8AM Registration, DP for all entries, AMMY, Trophies in 9 categories, winners being announced at 1:00PM. $10 entry fee, music, food & drink can be enjoyed at the Apple Festival. More info contact: mustang 440-309-7392.
September 17, 2022, St. Jude Children’s Hospital Car Show, 4836 Mt. Pleasant Rd. N.W., Dover, OH, 44662, 12:00 - 4:30 pm - Take Exit 85 or 87 off of I77S. 400 Cars & Trucks. 14 Trophies. Visit 90 Classic Cars & Trucks in 3 Carriage Houses, $10.00 entry. DJ Spikeman. $10 ENTRY FEE. Sponsored by Mancan, Inc. More info 330-364-5299
September 18, 2022, Aurora Parks & Recreation 19th Annual Classic Car Show, Sunny Lake Park, 885 E Mennonite Road, Aurora, OH, 44202, 12PM: Reg. 1-4PM: Car Show, Food, Music & Awards Free to Participate - (330) 562-4333
September 17, 2022, 2nd Annual Pa taskala SDB Car Show and Food Truck Event! 12161 Broad Street SW, Pataskala, Ohio, 43062, No registration fee! Just fun and a few prizes! Trophies &simple door prizes! (740) 927-0574
September 18, 2022 - 5th Annual Humane Society of Richland County Benefit Car Show, Spitzer Motors of Mansfield, 1777 W. Fourth St., Ontario OH, $10 Donation SUN 11-4pm, Awards, 125 DP, DPZ, Raffle, 50/50, Music, Food, Games, AMMY - 419-544-2195
September 18, 2022, Classic Car Show hosted by Baltic Historical Society, Main St, Baltic, OH, 43804, Reg starts @ 10 $10 - show till 3, DP, DJ, Food, DPZ for entrants330-897-4411
September 17 - 18, 2022, Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Jeep Show, 3229 OH-59, Ravenna, Ohio, 44266, Hot air balloons, Live Music, Food, More info visit www.ravennaballoona 330-807-0152
September 17, 2022 - Quota of Wayne County Car & Motorcycle Show, 3281 Lin coln Highway East, Wooster, OH, 44691, Reg. Fee $25 or $20 preregister online. Live music, food, trophies, much more 330-234-6234
September 18, 2022 Ravenna Bal loon A-Fair Car Show, Sunbeau Valley Farms, 3229 OH-59, Ravenna, OH 44266, Sunday 12pm, All welcome! Cars, Trucks, Hot Rods, Lowriders, Classics, 4x4s. (330) 297-9505
September 18 2022, 7th Annual Silver Lake Cruisin the Boulevard, 2924 Silver Lake Blvd, Silver Lake , Ohio, 44224, 11 am - 3 pm, Registration startst 10am. $10 donation for entry per car 100 % of all proceeds to benefit Wounded Warrior Project. Live music, DJ, 50/50 raffle door prizes awarded all day. SWENSONS food truck. Trophies awarded as well. Unique setting for a show please no cars before 10am sign in. See you there! 330-4729836
September 18, 2022, Claymont Rehab Center Car Show, 5166 Stanson Dr., Urichs ville Ohio 44683, 11am-3pm, DJ Spikeman, 740-922-2208
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com38 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 PortageN StAve.Frank Ave.StripStark State CampusCollege I-77UniversityMegaSt DATE: Sunday, September 11, 2022 TIME: 10:00am to 4:00pm LOCATION: Stark State & Kent State Stark Campus 6200 Frank Ave. NW North Canton, OH OPEN TO THE PUBLIC –SPECTATORS FREE •$10.00 Vehicle Participation Fee •Dash Plaques to the first 450 Vehicles •People’s Choice Award & Event Sponsor Awards •Silent Auction & 50/50 Drawing •Valve Cover Racing & Hot Wheels Racing •100% Blacktop Parking •Food Vendors on Site •DJ services provided by Jim Kelly –“Mr. Music Man” •Family Event -No Alcoholic Beverages Please! -No Aero-Drones Please! •New 2023 Car Displays by The Greater Stark County Area Dealers Association •Rain Date: Sunday -9/25/22 Fund Raising Event for Stark State College Automotive Technology Scholarships Additional DickDanorwww.cantoncarnivalofwheels.cominformationcontactThoma@330-493-9202Mautz@330-837-3878 Kent UniversityStateat Stark Campus A 501-C-3 Organization 9-11-01 Never Forget Event Listings
September 18, 2022 - Fowler Ohio 24th Annual Apple Festival Car Show, Hartford United Methodist Church, 6830 OH-305, Fowler, OH 44418, (1/8 mile west of the fes tival). Registration at 1pm, $5.00 Entry Fee, Top 8 Trophies, Rat Rod class, Plus Queen’s Choice. Dash Plaques and Door Prizes, Par ticipant Judging, DJ “Big Papa” Dale Steele, 50/50 Raffle, Food and Drink Available, More info Phil (330) 240-7589
September 18, 2022, Medina Cars & Coffee, 99 Public Square, Medina, OH, 44256, SUN morning cruise-in around Medina Square, DJ, AMMY, 8-11am, 330-722-6186

714 N. Portage Path Akron, OH 330.836.553344303 STAN HYWET HALL & GARDENS In partnership with the Kidney Foundation of Summit County 9th Annual Molto Bella Auto Show • Exotic Sports Cars • Rare Classics • Vintage Ferraris • Custom Cars • Food by Todaro’s • Playgarden • Music/Entertainment • Self-guided Manor House Tours 9am - 3pm Sept. 11, 2022 Rain date Sept. 18

September 23 - 24, 2022, Street Outlaws No Prep Kings! Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857 - More info www. (419) 668-5555
Updated Daily!
Event Listings
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com40 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022
September 24, 2022, Brookdale Westlake Village Cruise In and Open House, 28550 Westlake Village Dr, Westlake, OH, 44145, 1-4pm $10 Registration for the Alzheimer’s Association Rain Date 10/1 - 440-892-6202
September 19, 2022, Southside Diner’s Monthly Cruise-In, 620 S. Main St., Mt Vernon, Ohio, 43050, 4-8pm, AMMY, no reg. fee, dpz, food specials, JR the DJ with oldies music. Jeff (419) 884-7075
September 18, 2022, Spencer Car 2nd Annual Car Show, 1 Park Dr, Spencer, OH, 44275, 10 - 2 All Makes / Models (incl bikes) $10 entry 1st 100 DP - 330-416-7857
September 18, 2022, 10th Annual All Pontiac Show, Toth Buick GMC, 3300 S. Arlington Rd., Akron, OH., 44312, Hosted by Greater Ohio GTO Club Registration 9AM to Noon - $15, Judging starts at noon Awards @ 3:00, Trophies, DP 1st 100, DPZ, 50/50, DJ, Food Truck. 330-592-9898
September 24, 2022, Car Show at the Lordstown Apple Cider Festival, 1824 Salt Springs Rd., Lordstown, Ohio, 44481, Show 10am3pm, Registration 10am ($10), Sponsored by the Campfire Street Rodders, Door prizes, Chinese Auction, 50/50, Food available, Craft Show, AMMY. Proceeds go to local missions. For more information: 330-980-5531
September 24, 2022, Henderson Hall Plantation Fall Car Show, 517 River Rd, Williamstown, WV, 26187, 9am-3pm, $15, Trophies 25- all cars judged, food, T-shirts, music, swap meet, 304-483-2612
September 21, 2022, West Side Irish-American Club’s Annual Show, 8559 Jennings Rd., Olmsted Twp., Ohio, 44138, Wednesday 4-7:30PM, Reg $10/Car, Spectators N/C, Food, Frank “Elvis” Worley Live 5-7:30 - Judy 440-777-5595
September 24, 2022, Kuhnle Motorsports Park 19th Annual Race For Rainbow Babies, 8233 Sidley Rd., Thompson Ohio - More info
September 18 2022, Cruise-In to Benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities, Lewis Family McDonald’s of Bucyrus, Oh, 44820 – 1660 Marion Rd, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 1pm - 5pm $10 Registration 1 - 3, 50 Awards, 50/50, 100 D/P, Door Prizes - 419-566-0036
September 21, 2022, Cruise ‘N Dine in Alliance Ohio Monthly Cruise-In, Pizza Hut, 220 W. State Street, Alliance, 44601. AMMY including cycles, no reg. fee. 5-8PM. Food specials, DPZ, JR the DJ with music 330-823-4433
September 24, 2022, 5th Annual American Legion Clifton Post 421 Cruisin Car Show, 22001 Brookpark Rd., Fairview Park, Ohio 44126. 12-5pm, $10 Reg. Fee, All welcome! Trophies, DJ/Music, 50/50 Raffle, Food & Beverages, Rain Date Sept 25th. More info 440-734-1020

September 24 - 25, 2022, Minerva Ohio On the Bricks Car Show, Downtown, Minerva, Ohio, 44657, 12-4PM, 9am registration, $10 entry fee, awards, food, dp for 1st 125 cars, dpz, ammy, music by Spikeman, 50/50. Trophies for top 40 cars, Stockers and Streeters not responsible for any theft or damages. 330-2050110
September 25, 2022, Newbob Turk’s Punchbowl Extravaganza, 11471 Reuther Dr, North Jackson, OH 44451, 11am-3pm, Classic Cars & Hot Rods, Auction, Food Trucks, DJ, Trophies, 330-501-8928
September 24, 2022, Pullman Park Car Cruise, 100 Pullman Park Place, At Michelle Krill Memorial Field, Butler, PA, 16001, A Rodfathers of Butler Inaugural Car Cruise: Dash Plaques, 50/50, Food. More info 724-321-8521
September 24, 2022, Bonnie Gladys Car and Bike Show, 3281 S Arlington Rd, Akron, Ohio, 44312, Charity Car Show, SAT 10am-2pm, Live band and DJ. 50/50 basket raffles, all proceeds go to Stewart’s caring place. Participant judged. Lots of trophies. Show is rain or shine. All makes and models are welcome. Location is Serra Chevrolet in Akron $20 registration. Check us out on FB @ Bonnie Gladys Car and Bike Show - 330-858-4592
September 24, 2022, South Amherst Historical Society Fall Classic Cruise In, South Amherst Middle School, 152 West Main St. 44001, 4-7pm, donation, ammy, dp first 100, 50/50, DJ, food available, rain or shine - 440-308-6351 or 440-714-7290
September 24, 2022 - First Congregational Church of Lodi Presents Classic Car Cruise In, 114 Church St., Lodi Ohio, 5-8pm, All Makes and Models Wel come, Great Food, Good Music, Beautiful Cars. September 24, 2022, End of Summer Classic, Lo rain County Fairgrounds, Lorain County Fairgrounds, 22181 Fairgrounds Rd, Wellington, Ohio, 44090, 9am-4pm, raffles, dpz, AMMY, Buggy Rides, Food and Beverages, Cash Prizes, Crafters, and more! flp@, 440-381-1956 www.LorainCountyBee
Judging •
September 24, Brewster Parke Senior Living Community’s Car Show, 360 Wabash Ave. Brewster, Oh. 44613 - 10am-2pm. Vehicles judged on arrival. AMMY. Entry fee: $12. Free lunch 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 50/50, and DPZ. Awards. PRE-REGISTER BY 9/16- $10 and free DP. 330-767-3832 or email:event
Best Paint Best Interior Best Engine • Best Survivor Best of Show Stock and Modied For more information contact:
September 24, 2022, 3rd Annual ROADS-RAILSN-SALES at Black River Landing, 421 Black River Lane, Lorain, Ohio, 44052, 10am-3pm, Car, Truck, Motorcycle Show & Flea Market; 10 to 3; Show Reg istration 9 to 12; Charity Event; AMMY; GB 1st 200; Raffles & 50/50; Food Trucks; Music; Rain Date: Sep tember 25 - Show Info: Steve 440-653-6631; Flea Mkt Info: Gail 440-242-8439; Event Info/updates: https://; Have a “?”: 3855support@lorainca
September 25, 2022 - Remembering the Sights and Sounds of Euclid Beach Park, Euclid Creek Reservation-Euclid Beach, 16301 Lake Shore Blvd(Entrance E. of Euclid Beach Arch), Cleveland, Ohio, 44110, 1-5 PM, The Cars We Drove to Euclid Beach Car Show, Rain or Shine, Free, All Cars Welcome, AMMY, 150 DP, Music, Food, Weber’s Custard, Humphrey’s Popcorn Balls, T-Shirts, Memorabilia, Rocket Ship Car Rides, Come and enjoy The Cleveland Metroparks Euclid Beach Park, Beach and Pier. Pose with the Euclid Beach Cleveland sign. Mike 440-897-5346
September 25, 2022, Autumn Leaf Festival(tm) Autorama Cruise-In, 400 Main Street, Clarion, Pennsylvania, 16214, 12pm to 4pm. Pre-registration $5. Day of show $10 per vehicle. 814-226-9161
See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 41 Event Listings Updated Daily! Door Prizes • Dash Plaques First 100 DJ • 50/50 Drawing Plus a Food Truck
September 25, Wooster Ohio Artifex Car Show (W/ Jim Kelly), 1425 E. Bowman St., Wooster Ohio 44691, SUN 12-4pm, 330-466-5776
September 24, 2022, Ellwood City PA Fall Fest/ Car Cruise, 806 Lawrence Avenue, Ellwood City Chamber of Commerce, Ellwood City, PA, 16117, Free to the public from 11 AM to 5 PM Vendors, Music and Cars, 724-758-5501
September 24, 2022, Wellington Ohio Antique Car and Transportation Festival- Roll Through Time, Willard Memorial Square, crossroads of RT 18 and RT 58, Wellington, OH, 44090, 1940 & older, Reg. 9 am or, music, food, raffles+. 440-647-3987
Club - presents the TOP 25
September 25, 2022, Louisville Cruise N Dine, 306 W Main St, Louisville, OH, , 2-7pm, Free to Enter, food, dp, dpz, ammy music. Cars Trucks Bikes. 330-904-0046
theSaveDate •
The Greater Ohio GTO CARS Louis Lamanna 330.592.9898 at Toth Buick GMC 3300 South Arlington Rd., Akron Ohio 9:00am to 12:00pm Registra on 12:00pm to 3:00pm Trophies at 4:00pm

October 2, 2022, Norton Cider Festival & Magic Cruiser Car Club, 4060 Columbia Woods Dr., Norton, Oh, 44203, Sunday Rain or Shine Fee: $5 Reg: 9-12 Show 12-3pm DP, 50/50, Chinese Raffle, Food & Music, Bob 330-807-1374
October 1, 2022 - The Lady Bug Classic and Specialty Car Show, 8361 Portage St. NW, Massillon, Ohio, 44646, Reg at 10am, show from 12-3pm. The fee to register is $10. This is a judged show. 100 dash plaques. Top 20, Best in Show, Lady Bugs Choice. DJ, food vendor, kettle corn, door prizes, 50/50. This is a classic and specialty show only please. Parking on a manicured field. 330-832-7080
October 8, 2022 - 1st Annual Attica Area Veterans Memorial Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, Attica Fairgrounds, 15127 E Township Rd 12, Attica, OH 44807, SAT 12-4pm, $10 Pre-Reg., $15 at show, Awards, DP, 100 GB, DPZ, 50/50, DJ, Food, Rain Date 10/15.
September 25, 2022, Albany Ohio Cafe Car Show, 6125 School Rd, Albany, Oh, 45710, Event 4:00-6:30 benefits newly formed Alexander Sports Hall of Fame, 740-591-0651
October 2, 2022, Stratford Heights Car & Bike Show, 4419 Nelson Rd, Middletown, OH, 45042, DP 1st 50 cars! 5 People’s Choice! Regis tration 11a, Awards 3:30p - 513-423-0797
October 15, 2022, 9th Annual Trunk or Treat Car Show, Hilliard Presbyterian Church, 3600 Leap Rd., Hilliard, Ohio, 43026 SAT 11am1pm, Reg. 11-1 $10, Awards, Food, DP, DPZ, AMMY, Trick or Treat, Bring candy to hand out, Spectators FREE, Vienna Door 614-774-0831
October 2, 2022, 40th Annual Atwood Area Fall Festival Car Show, 9500 Lakeview RD, Mineral City, OH, 44656, Reg. 8am-1pm, Show 10-4, Awards at 3:30pm. TOP 40, 11 specialty. SpikeMan, Food, and more - 330-447-9839
October 1, 2022 - All Ohio Parts Spectacular Randolph Fall Bonan za, Swap Meet & Car Corral, Randolph Fairgrounds, 4215 Fairground Rd., Randolph, OH 44265, 8am-3pm, Admission $5 (children 11 & under FREE), Spaces $20, Car Corral is $5 plus Admission, FREE PARKING / RAIN OR SHINE, 800-553-8745 or
October 16, 2022, Carroll County Antique Collectors Club Car Show, County Fairgrounds, Carrollton, Ohio 44615, Sunday 11am3pm, DJ Spikeman, Ron 330-575-7026
October 15 & 16, 2022, Education of Yesterday 18th Annual Farm Show, 3685 Cass Irish Ridge Rd, Intersections of State Routes 16 & 60, Dresden, Ohio, 43821, SAT 10-5 and SUN 11-4. educationofyesterday - 740-754-6248
October 6, 7, & 8, 2022 - 2022 Charleston WV Boulevard Rod Run & Doo Wop, 600 Kanawha Blvd E, Charleston, WV 25301, Cruise-In Wednesday Evening (Oct. 5th) at 200 Cross Terrace BLVD, 4pm-9pm, Must be Registered, Four $500 Drawings, Door Prizes, More info www.
September 25, 2022, Fall Fling Car, Truck & Bike Show, 549 Frank lin Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, 11 AM - 3 PM, Golden Hobby Gift Shop 30+ Awards $10 Fee DPZ - 50/50 - Food Truck - 614-516-7262
October 8, 2022, 5th Annual Hayesville - Vermillion Volunteer Fire Dept. Halloween Trunk-or-Treat Cruise-In, Hayesville Fire Dept. East Main St. (ST RT 179), Awards, DP, Food, 50/50, Raffle, Live Music, AMMY, Bring treats for the kids, 419-651-1135
October 15, 2022, Marhshallville Historical Society Bucket & Beans Car Show, 4 East Church St., Marshallville, OH, 44645, 124PM - Reg. starts at 11am, $5 entry fee, 100+dp, dpz, music, 50/50. Fried bologna sandwiches, bean soup and cornbread. RAIN OR SHINE - 330-465-3854
October 1, 2022, Jim’s Custom VW’s Bug-Tober-Fest Sale and Swap Meet, 219 SR 7, Columbiana, Ohio, More info www.jimscustom - 330-482-0018
September 30 - Oct 2, 29th Eneos IDRC ‘The Shootout!’ Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857 -
Event Listings
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com44 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022
September 25, 2022, Man Up Mahoning Valley’s ‘Fuel the Fight’ Car Show, 5516 W. Webb Rd, State Route 46, Austintown, Ohio, 44515, Prostate Cancer Awareness car show. Trophies; Food; Chinese Auction; Music - 330-480-2763
October 1, 2022, Toys for Tots Car Show, Creston Community Park, Creston, Ohio, 44256, 10am-2pm; trophies; food; AMMY; DJ Registration, donation or new child’s gift - 440-263-9084
October 15, 2022, 3rd Annual Grace Point Car Show benefitting Food Bank, 3391 Peachblow Road, Lewis Center, Ohio, 43035, $15 entry, Food, Music, DPZ, 25 trophies, regis 10 - 12, awards 2:30, 614296-7081
RESCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 8, 2022, Victory Church Community Weekend & 8th Annual Car, Truck, and Bike Show, 4645 S CO RD 25A Tipp City, Ohio 45371, Reg. $15 9am-12pm, DP 1st 100, T-Shirts 1st 50, Trophies, 50/50, Food Trucks, More info 937-776-3453
September 25, 2022, Brews Cruise, Blue Monkey Brewing, 5540 Wallings Rd, North Royalton, OH 44133, 12-3pm, Craft beer and clas sic cars! Food Truck. Call/Text 216-701-5905
Updated Daily!
September 25, 2022, Independence Fall Festival/Classic Car Show Elmwood Park, Independence, Ohio, 44131, 11am-4pm, awards, dpz, hay rides, corn maize, clam bake - veverkaa@independenceohio. org - 216-524-7373
October 1, 2022, 5th Annual Carl Butterfield Memorial Car Show & Indoor Toy Show, Cadiz Ohio Fairgrounds, 550 Grant St, Cadiz, OH 43907, Reg. 9am-12, 90 Awards Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles, Car Show Entry $10/vehicle, Admission $5 per Adult Kids under 3 are free, O’Reilly sponsored goody bags for the 1st 200, Music by the Spike man, Concession stand Toy Show w/ Automobila. $20 a table if selling. Email for info:
October 8 - 16, Halloween Classic XLIX! Summit Motorsports Park, 1300 OH-18, Norwalk, OH 44857 -
September 25 2022, 33rd Annual Sunbury Cruise-in, 123 St Rt 3, Corner of St Rt 3 And St Rt 37, Sunbury, Ohio, 43074, 9-12 registration $15 donation Favorite 70 top car truck and street rod Bikes, 740-8157112 or 740-965-1205
October 8, 2022, 28th Annual Delaware Charity Car Show present ed by Performance CJDR Delaware, 1 S Sandusky St, Delaware, Ohio 43015, 7am-4pm, FREE to public, $22 registration, $27 day of, AMMY, 120 Trophies. 500+ Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles on display in down town Delaware.
October 8, 2022, American Cancer Society - Relay For Life of Lorain County 3rd Annual Car Show at Lorain County Community College, 1005 N. Abbe Rd, Elyria, OH 44035, NEW LOCATION! 10am1pm, $10 Donation per show car, DP 1st 250, Each show car entered to win $500 car care basket! All welcome! Spectators FREE, 50/50 Raffle, Music, Food Truck Festival. More info
$10 Donation per show car. Dash Plaques for the first 250 vehicles. Each show car gets entered to win a $500 basket of Car Care! All show cars & trucks, new and old are welcome! Bikes too! Stay after for the Relay and food truck festival! Spectators are FREE! 50/50 Raffle Music More information: October 8, 2022 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM 1 0 0 5 n . a b b e r d e l y r i a , o h 4 4 0 3 5 S p o n s o r e d b y : American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Lorain County @ L o r a i n C o u n t y C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e Not Responsible for accidents / lost or stolen property 3 r d a n n u a l C a r S h o w B F H D e t a i l i n g

Cruisin’ The River 2022 Downtown Lowellville, Ohio Mondays, Starts Monday May 9th, Music by Dj Rick and Dj Dave, great food, prizes, drawings and the hottest cars, trucks and bikes in the area! Check us out on Facebook for more info and cruise up dates! Lowellville-Car-Show
MVOCC Tuesday Nite Cruise, 7401 Market Street, Boardman, OH, 44512, Every Tuesday starting May 10, 5-8pm; dpz; ammy; basket auction; 50/50, 330-360-6775
Willoughby Manhattan Deli Cruisin-In Mondays, 34601 Ridge Rd, Willoughby, Ohio, 5-8pm, Starting - 5/9 - 50/50, dpz. Come and enjoy the relaxing patio with classic cars and classic music for the 2022 season, DJ Chris Comodeca - 440-897-0492
Farmers Bank Monday Night Cruise-In, 502 S. Main St., Kent St. Entrance, Wellington, Ohio, 44090, 5-8pm. every Mon. except Holi days & Fair Week. Music, Food Available. 440-775-1204 Leave Msg. Mentor on the Lake KFC Weekly Monday Car Cruise, 7843 Mun son Rd, Mentor on the Lake, OH, 5-7pm, more info (440) 257-0626
Wiener King Monday Night Car & Truck Cruise-In, Wiener King Restaurant, 118 Lexington Ave. Mansfield, OH 44903, 4-7pm every Monday, (APR-OCT), Free Entry, Food Discount, Music, AMMY. Jim my 419-526-2488
Valley View Cleveland Big Boy Cruise Ins Mondays - 7800 Granger Rd, Cleveland, OH 44125, hours 4:30-8:30, (216) 524-2576 Tuesday Cruise-Ins Akron Chargers Cruisin Tuesdays at Firehouse Grille & Danny Boys - 10 Tallmadge Circle, Tallmadge OH 44278 - Starting in May (Check our website for event updates) 5pm-8pm - Music & Weekly 50/50 Drawing - Food & Drink Specials - www.Firehousetallmadge. com Restaurant 330-634-9967 -
The Shipyards Cruisin’ Marina Monday’s Weekly Car Show, 500 Shipyard Way, Lorain, OH, 44052, June 6 - Sept 26 - 6p-9p w/ Cousin Vito, AMMY, 10% off Food/Merch w/ Cruiser DPZ Tickets - 216 7807078 - 440 230-8481
Oakwood Square (W/ 1310 WDPN Radio Gang) Cruise-In Mondays, 2710 Easton St. NE. Canton Ohio 44721, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-821-1111
Southside Diner’s Monthly Cruise-In, 620 S. Main St., Mt Vernon, Ohio, 43050, 4-8pm, AMMY, no reg. fee, dpz, food specials, JR the DJ with oldies music. 5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 8/15, 9/19, - Jeff (419) 884-7075
Lou’s Cruise In presented by Advanced Auto Parts Cruisin Tuesday Nights, 1205 N. Court St. (Route 42), Medina, Ohio 44256, May 10th - October 11, 4pm to Dusk, Live DJ Music, info 330 590 3431
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com46 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 KEY: AMMY = All Makes/Models/Years AWARDS = Trophies & awards BOP = Buick, Olds, Pontiacs DP = Dash Plaques DPZ = Door Prizes GB = Goodie Bags $10/12 = pre-reg/day of show fee REMEMBER: Weather changes rapidly, it’s best to call the specific show you are interested in first to avoid disappointment Most Up-To-Date www.CruisinTimesMagazine.comListings: Cruise-In Listings Updated Daily! Monday Cruise-Ins
Loudonville Pizza Hut 4th Tuesday of Month Cruise-In, 800 South Market St, 5-8pm, Free Entry, (May - Sept.), DPZ, Food Discounts, AMMY, Music by JR the DJ, DATES: June 28, July 26, August 23, Sept. 27, 419-994-5511
Ashland Pizza Hut 2nd Tuesday of Month Cruise-In, 1274 Clare mont Ave, Ashland Ohio, 5-8pm, Free Entry, (June - Oct), DPZ, Food Discounts, AMMY, Music by JR the DJ, DATES: July 12, August 9, Sept. 13, Oct 11, 419-281-8999 Elks Lakewood Lodge Cruise-In, 24350 Center Ridge Rd., West lake Ohio 44145, Join us for our weekly Tuesday Cruise-In Belleville Ohio Cruise-In for Kids (Der Dutchman) Monthly Tuesdays, 720 S.R. 97 W., Bellville, Ohio, 44813, 5P-8p; AMMY. No Reg. fee, dpz, food specials, JR the DJ. DATES: July 19, August 16, September 20, (491) 884-7075 (419) 886-7070 Doug’s Classic ‘57 Diner Cruise-In Tuesdays Monthly, 2031 Rock hill Ave, Alliance Ohio 44601, 4-7pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-472-4554
North Ridgeville Gateway Church Cruise-In Monday Nights, 5400 Lear Nagle Rd., North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039, More info contact Jason at 440-522-9268
Don Sitts Riverfront Car Cruise Monday Nights, 2310 Second St., Cuyahoga Falls Ohio, 4pm-8pm, Starting June 6th. Food Vendors, Benefits The Falls Cancer Club. DJ Cadillac Mike, Easily accessible off Route 8, More info 330-945-5800 - See ad in Cruisin Times For Cruise Night Themes and more info! Erie Pennsylvania Bayfront Monday Night Cruise-Ins, 5-8pm, 50/50, Lottery Board, Food truck and more! All Welcome!
Quaker Steak & Lube Valley View Cruisin Every Monday, 5935 Canal Road, Valley View, Ohio, 44125, 5:30-8:30 Starts May 9th dpz, music OUTSIDE GRILL,, 216-986-9500

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com48 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Cruise-In Listings Updated Daily!
assigning spaces,
of pets, alcoholic beverages, strollers and bicycles between cars, Nut House Saloon Cruise-In
Rock-N-Roll Capital Street Machines Weekly Cruise-In
Wednesday Cruise-Ins Amherst Walk on Wednesday’s Downtown Amherst, Cleve land Street Entrance, Amherst, Ohio, 44001, 5-7:30pm, $10 entry, or $25 pre-pay all 4 dates if paid by June 3rd. DP first 50, 50/50, DPZ, 3 judged winners (Only Win 1 time per 4 events). Music, Food Available at nearby restaurants. 6-8, 7-13, 8-10, 9-14 - More info 440-935-7136 Alliance Ohio Cruise ‘N Dine, Monthly Cruise-In Wednesday, Pizza Hut, 220 W. State Street, Alliance, 44601. July 27th, August 24th and September 21st, Open to AMMY including cycles, no reg. fee. 5 - 8 PM. Offering food specials, door prizes, JR the DJ with music Contact number is (330) 823-4433. Bucyrus Burger King Last Wednesday of the month Car Show, 1517 E. Mansfield St. Bucyrus, Ohio, 5-8pm, May-Sept, Free entry, AMMY, Burger King Honoring our Veterans, Ron 419-343-1875 Cruising Burton every Wednesday, 14544 North Cheshire St, Bur ton OH 44021, Weather permitting, DJ Crazy Dave, 50/50, DPZ, Good Food and Fellowship. Starting June 15, 2022. 330-501-7507
Pursuant to a lease with Davis Development, the Rock–N–Roll Capital Street Machines, during car shows it sponsors, has exclusive control over this lot. The RNRCSM the right to establish and all rules to provide an environment for the participants and spectators, including but not limited to, reserving and prohibition burnouts, to rules result in calling the Solon Police Department for assistance. RNRCSM Tuesday 437 W Bagley Road, Berea, OH, 44017, May 24 - Sept 6, Tues Nights 5-8pm (Weather Permitting). - Charity 50/50. (440) 260-9930Tuesdays Monthly, 5990 Navarre Rd SW, Canton, Ohio 44706, 5-8pm, Barb 330-453-0279 Tuesdays, 6200 Enterprise Pkwy, Solon, Ohio 44139, May 3rd - Sept. 27th. Awards every Tuesday, 4:-8:30pm, Register for Door Prizes: 50/50, All reg. Vehicles entered into chance to win a $25 Summit Gift Card each week! Food by Lombardo’s Food Truck, DJ/Music. More info or call John 216-346-6156 or Don 440-9157432 - See ad in below for Cruise-Night Categories and more info! St. Clarksville Cracker Barrel Cruise-In Tuesdays Monthly, 67781 Mall Rd., St. Clarksville, Ohio, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 304-242-9221 Tavern 1888 and Hometown Bank Back Door Cruise In Tuesday Nights, 106 E Main St, Ravenna, OH 44266, Starting April 26, 5:30 til ?. Donations Accepted for PCSO AMD RPD. (330) 839-8392 Westlake Elks Lodge #1350 Cruisin Tuesdays - 24350 Center Ridge Rd, Westlake, Oh 44145 across from Gales Garden Center, 5-Dusk, dining & beverages available inside or outside on our covered patio, no reg. fee, food specials, ammy - 440-617-9653 Wooster Pizza Hut 1st Tuesday of Month Cruise-In, 1831 Beall Ave., Wooster Ohio, 5-8pm, Free Entry, (June - Oct), DPZ, Food Discounts, AMMY, Music by JR the DJ, DATES: July 5, August 2, Sept 6, Oct 4, 330-262-6262 VFW Post 3747 Cruise In Tuesdays, 1935 Avalon Ave NE, Canton Ohio 44708, 5-8pm, DJ Spike Man, Bob 330-412-7416
etc. Anyone failing to comply
Ice Cream, DJ,
DJ Spikeman,
will be asked to leave our cruise. Failure to leave our cruise will unfortunately
Board DATE FEATURED THEME* & SPONSORS DJ Tue, Aug 16 Station Wagon/Carry All/Suburban/Bronco/Classic Pickup FHR Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty Ford, Cleveland Jewelry, Reinecker’s Bakery, Firehouse Rocks, Hagerty by Mobile Insurance Agency Tue, Aug 23 Those Fabulous Fat Fenders FHR Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty Ford, Michael’s Auto Parts Tue, Aug 30 Henry Ford Night FHR Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty Ford, Blueline Classics Tue, Sep 6 Emergency Vehicles/Military FHR Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty Ford, Tim Lally Chevrolet, Reinecker’s Bakery, Firehouse Rocks Tue, Sep 13 Cruiser of the Year FHR Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty Ford, Enerco/Mr. Heater, Hagerty by Mobile Insurance Agency Tue, Sep 20 Don Sitts Appreciation Night TBD Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty Ford Tue, Sep 27 Rock N Roll Capital Street Machines Appreciation Night – All Welcome TBD Davis Automotive Group, Summit Racing Equipment, Harwood Motors, Senior Smart Connect, Liberty FHR–FirehouseFord Rocks TBD– To Be Determined AWARDS EVERY TUESDAY ° REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES: 50/50 ° GPS: 6200 ENTERPRISE PKWY, SOLON, OH 44139 * FOR ANY RAIN CANCELLATIONS THAT THEME NIGHT IS COMBINED WITH FOLLOWING WEEKS THEME. FOOD FOODLOMBARDO'SBYTRUCK THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Weekly Cruise Schedule2022 For more info or to become a member, visit or call John 216.346.6156 or Don 440.915.7432 FIND & LIKE US ON Midview Plaza Cruise-In Tuesdays, 35121 East Royalton Rd., Graf ton, Oh 44044, 4-?, pizzas $5, Subway 6”, chips & pop - $5, ammy - 440-899-5284 Mootown Creamery Ice Cream Social Summer Cruise-in
orderly and safe

Pizza-Hut – Mt. Gilead 2nd Wednesday of Month Cruise-In, 588 W Marion Rd, Mt. Gilead, Ohio, 5-8pm June-Oct, Free Entry, DPZ, Food Discounts, AMMY, Music by JR the DJ, DATES: July 13, Aug. 10, Sept 14, Oct 12 419-947-5955
Thursday Cruise-Ins
Erie PA’s Gas N Gears II Car Show every Wednesday at Sonic, 5854 Peach St., 6-9pm, Free, 50/50 with cash prizes, DJ, Sonic # (814) 651-0646
Lordstown Ohio DQ Cruise In Wednesdays, 6780 Tod Ave, Warren, Oh, 44481, Every Wed. Weather Permitting Dpz 50/50 Food Trivia 3.00 Reg. DJ Keen Gene, 330-824-3432
Conneaut Ohio Lighthouse Cruisers Thursday Cruise-Ins, 480
Independence Village of Avon Lake Cruise In Wednesdays Nights, 345 Lear Rd., Avon Lake Ohio 44012, Join us this summer for our brand new weekly car cruise. Hosted in our parking lot facing Lear Rd. Every Wednesday evening from 6pm - until dusk. Free Pop, Water, Chips, June 8th - October. Any questions contact Bo at bog or 440-787-1469
Massillon Fizzle Stix Cruise-In Monthly Wednesdays, 3242 Lincoln Way E, Massillon, OH 44646, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-481-4141 New Castle, PA - Hugger Mugger Car Cruise Every Wednesday, 2650 Ellwood Rd, New Castle, PA, 16101, Every Wednesday - DJ, Fantastic food, 50/50, giveaways- $2.00 Registration fee, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 724-730-3456
Updated Daily!
Cruise-In Listings
Fizzle Six Monthly Cruise-In Wednesdays Monthly, 3242 Lincoln Way E., Massillon, Ohio 44646, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 330-481-4141
North Royalton Tony Maloney’s Weekly Wednesday Car Show, 9387 West Sprague Rd., North Royalton, OH, 44133, Every Wednesday thru Labor Day 4-8pm with Antonio’s food favorites and live DJ. 440-885-5970 - Sandyville Eagles Cruise-In Wednesdays Monthly, 4296 Cross roads Rd, Magnolia Ohio, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, 234-521-5353
Cruisin’ River 2022 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of June, July and August, Rocky River United Methodist Church, 19414 Detroit Rd., Rocky River Ohio 44116, 5:30-8pm, August 10 & 24, No Entry Fee, AMMY, Food & Beverage, Music/DJ, DP, DPZ, Motorcycles Welcome! More info 440-331-7676 or
Strongsville Slim & Chubby’s Cruise-In Every Wednesday eve ning (weather permitting), 12492 Prospect Rd. Strongsville, Ohio 44149. Starting 05/04/2022 & Ending 09/28/2022. 5pm-9pm, Music by DJ Johnny K. AMMY. Free to participate. DPZ, Cruisers food discount. Daily specials, 440-572-7546
Magnolia Ohio Sandyville Eagles Monthly Cruise-In Wednesday, 4296 Crossroads Rd., Magnolia Ohio 44643, 5-8pm, DJ Spike man, Kylie 234-521-5953
South Town Cruise-In presented by Main Street Medina Wednes day Nights, 233 Lafayette Rd., Route 42, Medina, Ohio, 4pm-dusk, Live DJ Music by Rich The Lincoln Man, Thru Oct 12. 330 590 3431
VFW Post- 4120 Cruise in Every 3rd Wednesday, 213 Roosevelt Street, Minerva, Ohio, 44657, 5pm-8pm Every 3rd Wednesday of June, July, and August, 5-8. Come on out to enjoy the evening of cars and trucks from the past to the present. AMMY welcome. Grab a bite to eat and hang out. VFW Post 4120 is not responsible for any thefts, accidents or damages. Spikeman will be playing the oldies from the past - 330-205-0110
Clairsville Ohio Classy Chassis Car Club Monthly Thursday Cruise-In’s
Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 49
Canton Lowry’s Monthly Cruise-In
See all events & classifieds at
Bellacino’s of Stow Cruisin’ Every Thursday, 3657 Fishcreek Rd, Stow, Ohio, 44224, Cruisin’ starts @ 4 pm w\ DJ Cadillac Mike. 50/50 & Raffle prizes! 234-525-7975 Thursdays, 800 Nassau St. W E. Canton, Ohio 44730, 5-8pm, DJ Spikeman, Brian 330-268-1764 at OV Plaza, St. Clairsville, Ohio. 6-9pm, Dates: August 11, Sept. 8. 440-371-5580 or 740-391-0342 Lake Rd, Conneaut Ohio, 44030, 5-8pm DPZ, Suds, May 19 - Sept. 440-969-4467
50/50, Grille-Conces sions, Beach, Music, Bands, Dog N
Pizza-Hut – Mt. Vernon 1st Wednesday of Month Cruise-In, 700 South Main St. Mt. Vernon, 5-8pm June-Oct, Free Entry, DPZ, Food Discounts, AMMY, Music by JR the DJ, DATES: July 6, August 3, Sept. 7, Oct 5, 740-392-6110

Broadview Heights: Nights in the Heights Concert and Cruise-In Series Friday Night Cruise-Ins, Broadview Hts. Rec Center, 9543 Broadview Rd., Broadview Heights, OH 44147 - 7-10pm, Local Bands, Door Prizes, July 1st, Aug 5th, Sept 2nd, More info 440-476-9282
Hartville Ohio Meet In The Meadow Maize Valley Thursday Cruiseins, 6193 Edison St NE, Hartville, OH 44632, thru Sept. Food, Wine, Wagon Rides, (330) 877-8344
Denny’s on Route 18 in Medina Friday Night Cruise In, 3105 Medi na Rd Medina 44256. Every Friday Night through the second week of October. Music starts at 430pm to dusk. AMMY, Serving Breakfast all day long. Next to I-71. 330-590-3431.
Fat Bob’s Cruise In Laurel Square Brunswick Saturday Nights, 1789 Pearl Rd, Brunswick, OH 44212, 3pm-Dusk, May 7th Season Opener, Live DJ Music, 330 590 3431
Canal Winchester Ohio Sizzlin Summer Season Series Car, Truck and Bike Show, (Monthly Fridays) 650 Winchester Pike, Canal win chester, Ohio, 43110, Starting July 15, 4-8pm - $10 Fee 30 trophies, raffles, food, music All makes, models welcome - Dates: July 15th, August 26th, September 23rd, 614-516-7262
Medina’s Foundry Social Cruise In Thursday’s, 333 Foundry St, Medina, Ohio, 44256, Thursday nights from 5pm-9pm. Karting, Food & Drink specials. June, July, August, (216) 239-1477
Hudson Ohio Johnny’s Diner Cruise-In Fridays, 180 West Streetboro St. (Rt. 303), Hudson Plaza, behind McDonalds, Starting Friday, August 5, 4-Dusk, dpz, 50/50, food, featured cars, trophies - 234-3801258
Eastlake Boulevard of 500 Flags Cruise Thursdays, 35150 Lake Shore Blvd. Eastlake, OH - 5-8:30, Located at the corner of Route 91 and Lake Shore Blvd. behind the Eastlake City Hall. Every Thursday evening mid May through mid October weather permitting. More info to come! (216) 513-6623
Ohio River Street Rodders Monthly Saturday Cruise-Ins, Scioto County Fairgrounds, 1193 Fairground Rd., Lucasville Ohio 45648, 5-9pm. Last SAT every month. May - Aug. Rain or Shine under roof. Food, DJ, DPZ, 50/50.
Garrettsville Ohio Summer 2022 Cruise-Ins, Garrettsville, Ohio, 7/16, 8/13, 9/10. Trophies Awards, 50/50 Cash, Merchandise, DP, Mu sic, More info or Call Rick 330-527-2682 or - See ad in Cruisin Times for More info!
Harwood Motors Weekly Friday Night Cruise-Ins, 1333 Highland Rd., Macedonia, Ohio, 4pm-7pm, No reg. No Fees. No Raffles. No nonsense. Brings a car and cruise-in or just stop by for a visit. Every welcome! Food by San Feed Taco Factory. Music by Melanie with Live music some weeks. Starting May 27th until Sept. 2nd. Weather Permitting. (440) 565-5335
Remember Cruisin’ Car Club Charity Car Show Downtown Sandusky Fridays, 4pm-8:30pm, Enter at Columbus Ave and West Market St., (6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15). $10 at gate. Food. DPZ, Trophies, 50/50, 50 DP, Gun Raffle, More info 419-271-0701
Mansfield Ohio Pizza Hut’s Weekly Car, Truck & ‘Cycle Weekly Thursday Cruise-In, 365 N. Lexington Springmill Rd. Ontario, OH, 4-8pm, May-end of Sept. No reg. Giveaways, DPZ, Food, Discount for Cruisers. JR the DJ. (419) 884-7075
Elyria Ohio Friday Night Vintage Cruise In, 1020 East Broad St. Elyria, Ohio 44035, Music, Food, any make any model welcome! Show starts at 5-9pm every Friday night till the end October.
VFW Post 8804 Chauncey Ohio Thursday Cruise-In, 16 Converse St.,Chauncey Ohio, 6-8pm, Music, 50/50 Drawing, DP, Food and Drink Available. June 30, July 14, July 28th. Friday Cruise-Ins
Canal Fulton Friday Night Cruise-In Car Show, St. Helena Heritage Park, 123 Tuscarawas St. NW, Canal Fulton, Ohio, 44614, 5-8:30 pm - AMMY, Live music, Food trucks. $5 day of registration fee. 5/20, 5/27, 6/10, 6/24, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26, 9/9, 9/23, 10/7 - 216-673-2788
Cruise-In Listings
Downtown Massillon Saturday Evening Cruise-In, 1st St SE, Mas sillon, Ohio, 44646, Sat evening from 6/4 to 9/24. 6pm-dark. AAMY, 330-844-1269
Painesville DPO Friday Night Car Cruises, 1 Liberty St, Painesville, Ohio, 44077, Free family friendly event with music and food, every Friday evening 5 - 8pm, 5/20info@mainstreetpainesville.org9/16,-(440) 853-0075
Middleburg Heights Cruisin’ with Grace Thursday Nights, Grace Church, 7393 Pearl Rd, Middleburg Heights, OH, 3/4 mile off I-71 / Exit 234, North on Pearl Rd. 5pm- ti’ dark June 2 - Sept. 29, Parking in front for antique, classic & collector cars only. See full schedule in case of a rain-out: 440-243-4885
Saturday Cruise-Ins Bellville Cars and Coffee Every 2nd Saturday, Storyside Church, 541 St. Rt. 97, Bellville Ohio, 10am-noon, May-Sept, Free entry, Cafe on site, All welcome!
Updated Daily!
CANCELLED! Canton Ohio Meyers Lake Plaza Saturday CruiseIns, 1522 Whipple Ave NW Canton, OH 44708
West Salem Cruiser’s Restaurant Friday Cruise-In (Formerly Cruisers in Lodi), 360 County Rd 620, Off Rt. 89, West Salem Ohio, 6-9pm, Free entry, Every Fri June-Labor Day, Food, Music, info 419928-1136
Elyria Dinner Bell Cruise In Every Saturday, 6340 Lake Ave, Elyria, OH, 44035, 4:00-9:00 pm, Good Food, great atmosphere, Ice Cream. Great cars. More info leave message or text after phone number 440610-1091
Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com50 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022
Plain City Ohio Der Dutchman Restaurant Every Thursday Cruise-In, 445 S. Jefferson Ave, Plain City Ohio, 5-8pm, Free Entry, May-Sept, Food, Music, Info 614-873-3414
Medina Ohio Schoolhouse Scoops Thursday Night Cruise-In Medina, 686 Lafayette Rd Medina, OH 44256, 4pm-Dusk, DJ, May 19th-Sept 29. Half price ice cream, More info 330-590-3431
“Nights in the Heights” Concert & Cruise-In Series Fridays, 9543 Broadview Rd., Broadview Hts. Rec Center , 7-10PM, FREE outdoor concert & charity cruise-in for LLS-rain or shine, DPZ, Food & Drinks-. 7/1, 8/5 & 9/2, 216-310-5481 440-476-9282 -
Cincinnati Gears & Beers at MadTree Brewing, 3301 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45209, Join MadTree every third Sunday from JuneOctober from 10AM - 2PM. 513-836-8733
Quaker Steak & Lube Sheffield WE ARE BACK Every Sunday, 4900 Transportation Dr., Sheffield Village, Ohio, 44054, We are back every Sunday 5:30 - 8:30 Food 10% off Great door prizes, flp@ - 440 934-9464
Cruise-In Listings
CANCELLED! Coe Lake Cruisin Sunday’s Weekly Car Show, 11 Berea Commons, Berea, Ohio, 44017 Edinboro PA Monthly Sunday Summertime Classic Car Show, Edinboro-Mckean VFW Post 740, 10613 PA-98 Edinboro, PA, 12-5pm, DJ, Beer and Food, Classic Cars, Bikes, Hot Rods, Jeeps, All Welcome! June 26, July 24, August 28, Sept. 25, 814-397-4799
Marion Rod Rod Knockers Car Club Car Show Every 1st Saturday, Rural King, 233 America Blvd. Marion Ohio, 5-9pm Apr-Oct, Free Entry, Awards, DPZ, DP, 50/50, Music, Food, Games, AMMY.
Geraci’s Pepper Pike Cruise-In Every Sunday, Geraci’s Restaurant, 29424 Chargin Blvd., Pepper Pike, Ohio 44122, 2-6pm Food Discounts, Door Prizes, DJ & Music. More info 216-831-1595
Updated Daily!
Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 51
See all events & classifieds at
Parkersburg WV Wendy’s Monthly Saturday Cruise In [Monthly: June thru October], 2602 Gihon Road, Parkersburg, WV, 26104, June 11, 2022, 2nd Saturday of each month thru Oct. 4pm, $15, dpz, t-shirts, music, food, 304-483-2612
Mansfield Motor Group Cars & Coffee 3rd Saturdays, 1493 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, Ohio, 44906, Join us the 3rd Saturday of every month through August from 9AM-11AM. 419-529-4000
Norton Magic Cruiser Car Club & Charger Lanes
Saturday Nights, New location!, 1213 Norton Ave., Norton, Ohio, 44203, 4-8pm, M.C.C.C. has a new home Charger Lanes in Norton, Saturday nights. Aug 6, 13, 20, 27, Two shows in Sept.: 3rd, 17th, 11am-4pm, More info 330-807-1374
Avon Lake Town Center Weekly Cruise-In Every Sunday, 32914 Walker Rd., Avon Lake Ohio, 4pm, Starting April 4th. Antiques, Street Rods, Muscle Cars, Customs, Hot Rods, Race Cars and more! Music, Food, more info 440-242-5345
Burton Ohio Century Village Museum Sunday Cruise Ins, 14653 E. Park St., Burton Ohio 44021, 4-8pm, Every Sunday July through Sept. Any make model year welcome, grass parking in a historical park like setting, clean indoor restrooms, More info 440-636-3171
North Canton Quaker Steak and Lube Sunday Cruise-Ins, 6073 Dressler Rd, North Canton, Ohio, 44720, DJ, prizes, and more! Every Sunday from 4-8 during the summer at QS&L! 330-433-9464
VFW Post 1062 Saturday Monthly Cruise-In, 1581 Main St, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 44221, 1st Saturday of Month, Bring your Cars, Trucks and Bike Noon-4 , thru October Music, food, fun, 330-351-6734
Sunday Cruise-Ins

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com52 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 See the most up-to-date ads www.CruisinTimesMagazine.comonline:ManytimesweSELLOUT before the deadline. So don’t get shut-out...Place your ad before deadline to insure space! Enter anytime Classified Ads Updated Daily! Automotive related only please. (House’s with large garages OK) Submit Anytime Online: OR snail mail with check & photo to: Cruisin’ Times Magazine, 20545 Center Ridge, Rd., Suite LL40, Rocky River Oh, 44116. Please Print: Name PH (____________) - _______________-____________________Date Address City State Zip Fill out completely, 40 word limit. More space online at Sell Your Vehicles or Parts for only $5/month! Charge my VisaCharge my MC Charge my AmXCharge my Discr $10 - No Picture Ad = Runs 2 months (~ 40 words) $35 - Regular Single Picture Ad = Runs 2 months (~ 1/8pg) $45 - Regular Double Picture Ad = Runs 2 months (~ 1/6pg) $65 - Jumbo Picture Ad = Runs 2 months (~ 1/4 pg) $95 - Super Jumbo Picture Ad = Runs 2 months (~ 1/2 pg) Please check the box next to the card logo to the right, fill out the credit card # below. We DO NOT keep your card # on file, once it’s processed, it’s shredded. Card # SignatureExpiration_____________________________-_________________________________-__________________________________-__________________________________Date_________________________last3digitsonbackofcardNOTE:Onceadispublishedonwebsite/magazine,therearenorefunds. New Auburn Limited Slip Differentials - 542023 - 78 and up, 7.5 Ford rear, all ratios, 29 spline - $395 - 542059, 62-79 8” Ford rear, all ratios, 28 spline - $450 - call for others - 765-962-7201 (Steve) 0922102210
New Auburn Limited Slip Differentials - 542018 - 71-88 GM 8.5/8.6 rear, 273 & up ratio, 28 spline - $390.00 - 542041 - 88 & up, GM 7.5 rear, 3.08 & down, 28 spline - $380 - call for others - 765-962-7201 (Steve)
Auburn Limited Slip Differentials - 542057, 76-88 GM 7/5 rear, 3.23 & up, 26 spline - $380.00 - 542058 - 76-88 GM, 7.5 rear, 3.08 & down, 26 spline - $380.00 - call for others - 765-962-7201 (Steve) 0922102210 4 original 1964 GTO or Corvette belt buckles - Model IC-8000$100; 1965 GTO brass sleeves master cylinder - $50; 1964 wiper switch - $30; 1964-65 Pontiac twist-on oil breather cap - $20; 1964-69 Pontiac oil filter housings - $25 each - 330-814-7957 (Bill) 0922102210 1980 M.G.B For Sale, Buick V8, runs & drives good - $13,500 OBO - 330-225-2442 0922102210 For Sale: Corvette ’53-’62 Spindles and Steering arms $250.00 MII Manual Rack with tie rod ends – Never Used $150.00 74 Nova H.D. 10 Bolt Rear End- 3.25 Gear ratio set up for ’41-54 Chevy - $350.00 Car Dolley Plates - $25.00 each Engine Stand - $40.00 ’41 Chevy Pair front Fenders, 2 Hoods, One Left Rear Fender, Rear Glass, Chrome, Stainless Trim, Misc. hardware-All $1,500 ’69 307,327 Heads $150.00, Motor Repair Manuals- ’53 ’62, ’68 ’75 -$.10.00 ea. Carter AFB ’66 327 - $50.00, Holley 1850 and lots of parts - $25.00, Tenna Mini 8 Tape player – free Misc. Mechanic Tools Contact Mike at 440666-1985 0922102220 1992 Buick Roadmaster, 74K original miles, maroon with maroon velour interior, loaded with options, runs and drives great - $5,900 - calls only, leave a message if no answer - 440-865-5688 (Andre) 0922102210 Hot rod car parts for sale - Body, frames, engine, trans, frame table, rotisserie and more. I might have what you need - 440-8290145 0922102210 For Sale: 2 Cragar SS forged alloy, 15x8x3.5 with caps - show quality - $500 - 330-360-2245 (Jack) 0822092210

For Sale: 1947-49 Studebaker Western right and left front fenders - $290; 1949-50 Chevy, nice front fenders, right and left - $350, hood - $100; 1949-52 Chevy already shaved for coupe or hardtop - $125; 1942-1947 Chevy right and left rear fenders - $375/pr; 1950 Packard, grill, center section - $300 - 330-565-3979 (Dave) 0922102210 1955 Chevrolet truck, Short bed, large rear window, 350 motor, auto, new wiring, 10 bolt, Ohio Title, lots of new chrome, needs exhaust system - $19,995 - 440-286-3016 (Bob). 0922102210 Lokar flexible braided stainless, ‘AOD’ transmission dipstick, not used, new in box - $115.00 with shipping - 419-561-2604 (Gene) 08220102210 2008 Chevy Trailblazer, LT, 175,000k, rust free, very well maintained, auto, 4 wheel drive, V6, loaded - $5,200 OBO - 440-3422467 (Rudy) 0922102210
1970 Olds Cutlass 4 door for sale. Florida car, approx. 54,000 miles, 350 auto, ps, pb, 2 bl, good condition, no rust, green ext, green interior, Grandma car, new dual exhaust - $6,000, offer - 216521-6924 Joe 0822092210
For Sale: Front shocks, 1952 Chevy p/up, new - $50; Complete Holley EFI, wiring, MSD 6AL, Holley distributor with 85 tune port, fuel pump (electric) - $1,000 for all. (2) ‘59-62 Corvette hubcaps $60/ea; (2) - 1965 Corvette hubcaps - $60 ea. - 330-678-8066 (Jerry) 0822092210
(4) NOS 1994-1996 Impala SS rims in GM boxes, (1) used with BF Goodrich T/A tire. Also 1994-1996 power antennae, NOS/ rebuilt, 2 Delco power steering generators from 1955-62, 35 amps, rebuilt, call for details - 440-237-3711 (Tony) 0722092210
FOR SALE: ST-300 2 speed transmission with torque converter and kickdown solenoid, out of 65 Pontiac Lemans. Will fit Buick and Olds. $200 pickup only. 1964-65 automatic console floor shifter with neutral safety and backup lights switch for 2 speed transmission. $160. Call 440/725/6893, leave message. 0822092210
See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 53 Classified Ads Updated Daily! Let’s face it, the less you spend on car insurance, the more you’ll have to spend on the car of your dreams. Call Hagerty. All we insure are collector car owners, the safest drivers on earth...our rates are rediculously low. So blow your dough on something fun for a change! Jim Englert & Kim Todd Join our list of 2000+ Satisfied Clients! Stop by our booth Call Us Today! We insure classic vehicles, personal auto & insurance!homeowners Mobile www.mobilesinsagency.commobileins@neo.rr.comMilan,Agency,InsurnaceLLCOH44846419-660-0649 45 Years of Engine Building Experience Complete Machine Shop - Complete Racing Engines - Dyno Testing Authorized Dealer of: DART, Brodix, Comp Cams, Crower, All Major Brands, Morel Lifters, Pac Springs VICTORY ENGINES. Inc. VICTORY ENGINES, Inc. Ray Banyas, Owner Jake Warren’s Mustang built by Victory Engines 1/4 ET 7.7571, 1/4 MPH 177.03 15040 Lorain Ave., Cleveland, Oh. 44111 216 - 251www.victoryengines.com7157 For Sale: Simulators - fits 19 or 19.5 wheels, in box, new, Pacific Dually - $450 - 330-360-2245 (Jack) 0822092210
New 5hp, 2 Stage Air Compressor; Blasting cabinet with accessories and blast media; new 20 gallon parts washer with solvent; portable sand blaster; Air supplied respirator system - 440238-3788 (Jack) 0922102210
Chevy Parts - 1960 Intake with Rochester 4 barrel carb; 1964 Intake with Rochester 4 barrel carb; 1965 Intake with Holley carb; 1960 bellhousing, cast iron; power steering generators, rebuilt; NOS 1994-96 Impala SS power antenna, rebuilt; 1957 motor, 283 - call for details - 440-237-3711(Tony) 0822092210
FOR SALE: Graco Air powered pump, complete with Texaco soft undercoating, hose and gun, on wheels - compare at $3,000 - 330-3602245 (Jack) 0822092210 S10 / Blazer Rear-end For Sale: Has disc brakes and 3:50 posi. gears . Needs brake lines . Asking $400 Call or text to 440-7815490 0822092210

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com54 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 and Parts Restoration Copper, nickel & chrome plating of antique car parts. We specialize in difficult pot metal, steel, brass and aluminum repair. Also straightening stainless steel and aluminum trim. Our plating tanks will acommodate full length bumpers. Over 200 years combined experience in the industry results in show quality and satisfied customers every time. Expedited Services Available. Now Offering PVD Chrome Wheel Services • Chrome Ice • Black Ice • Matte Black • Gloss Black ChromeCustomADVANCED 2011 East 30th Street Erie, PA. www.advancedcustomchrome.com16510814-899-1233 Chrome Plating 5075 Wooster Rd. W. Norton Oh. 330-825-280044203 Specializing in Concours Restoration • Award Winning Quality • Complete & partial restorations Owner: Dave Montgomery 76 TRANS AM SE 4 SPD - 1 OF 110 2019 TA Nats Best Of Show SupercarAtSupercarCreations-webuildExcitement!Creations,LLC Classified Ads Updated Daily! We R Chrome Plating LLC 3885 E. 78th Street, Cleveland, Oh. Call Wally 216-441-2795 "30+ Years Experience 'in Plating & Polishing" Grilles, Bumpers, Engine Accessories, Brackets Door Handles, Emblems, Trim, etc. formerly Archer Chrome Master Card & Visa Accepted For Sale: 1955 Chevy Belair 4 dr has original 6 cylinder three speed, complete drivetrain, all stainless trim. Good doors, trunk lid and fenders Parts cars - No Title - Make offer - 55 Chevy hard top vent windows with frame, replaced, new glass $150.00Crane 298 Roller Cam with Rev Kit $200.00, includes valves & springs for small block - Original 1957 Chevy grill bar and some molding, needs replaced. Make offer. 1957 Olds differential complete with brakes and stock gears and 6:14 gears $1,000. 1981 Buick Regal grill surround with head light buckets, make offer. Small block Root Faze Distributor $50. 1962 409 T10 4-speed and linkage $1,000. More info 440-548-2747 0622082225 1986 Z28 Camaro, 305, V8, Tune Port Fuel Injection, T-Tops$13,000, make offer or may trade - 419-825-5568 0822092210 Radio Repair Pre 1980 auto, home, portable radio service, televisions, stereos, hi-fi’s, record players & musical instruments, amplifier repairs, foreign & US; no repair estimates without seeing item; 50 years experience - good service is not expensive its priceless; Ben (440) 548-7231 1221122260 START SELLING NOW - SHOWS ARE BACK!!!! 100k worth of retail decals for 20k - includes all display boardsGM - FORD - MOPAR - Factory Approved - 724-622-0846 (Jack) 0522082220 For Sale: 1969 GTO, 1971 Nova BBC, 1972 El Camino, 1983 Cadillac, 1967 Camaro chassis drag car. Text or call 330-6186253 1221122260

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 55 OLD LICENSE PLATES - Buy Sell Trade I buy all states, shapes & sizes! For Sale: Plates from all states, Ohio 1910 to now! Over 4,000 plates can be seen or for sale at: 1015 Norwood Dr. Ashtabula, Ohio 44004. Contact me at 440-645-8818 02220223210 1956 Chevy 210 Station Wagon - 2010 Silverado LTZ4WD 6.2 Engine, Vintage A/C R134A, 3.08 Rear locking diff. 1955 Buick Road Master fuel pump, 2007 Saab Front & Back seats. Arizona Car. Asking $32,000, As Is. Call Don @ 419-385-6824 or 0822092245 Leather seats - fixed position with back & forth adjusting sliders - $150 - 440-742-0709 (Larry) 0822092235 Classified Ads + WANTED Ads Updated Daily! www.cruisintimesmagazine.comWANTED WANTED! We buy 1963-1979 Corvette rear ends, 1965-1979 Corvette calipers cores, 1972 and back Corvette cars and proj ects, 1973 and back Corvette bumper cores, 1963-1982 Corvette trailing arms, 1963 Cor vette coupes - all cars, all parts - Coupes only! 1969-1976 Corvette tilt & telescopic steering columns - 216-644-9846 (Pete) 09 22122220 WANTED! 1957 exhaust manifolds #3733975 & #3733976 - 440-2373711 (Tony) 0822092210 WANTED! 1956 or 1957 Chevy block casting # 3731548, Pad be ginning with letter “F” followed by 1 or 2 digits, ending with let ter “E” for stick shift car - (440) 237-3711 (Tony) 1121-092210 WANTED! 1972 and earlier Car Magazines, Sales Literature, Rac ing Programs, Automobilia, Rock N Roll Records, Anything groovy or cool from the 1950’s, 1960s or early 70’s. Wayne 440-3219721. 0622062360 WANTED! Looking to buy a 72 Dodge Dart Swinger 2DR HT 318 V8 Plus 3 SPD A/T 8-3/4 Rear w/ posi or 69 Dart, No Junk, Thanks! Email 419779-5500 0622072210 WANTED! Shifter and linkage for Muncie 4 speed - buy or trade for Chevy parts. Many parts for 1957 Chevy - body, chrome, misc - 330273-1382 (George) 0622072210 WANTED! Gas pumps, air meters, automotive items, signs, clocks, thermometers, parking meters, drive in speakers, traffic lights, gum ball machines, jukeboxes, & coin operated machines, picnic coolers, or what have you. Call or text Paul. 216-513-4429 0322032360 “I’ll sell your classic, hot rod or sports car with no up front fees!” “We just sold this 1987 Buick Grand National and can sell yours!” Visit our website for more details or call me TODAY! Joseph D. Lewandowski, President 216-990-8207 ~ Email: Visit our website: Looking for Cars to Sell10%discountonallservicesscheduledinAugustandSeptember

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com56 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Classified Ads Updated Daily! 1948 - 52 Ford Truck Doors. Surface rust except 1 little lower corner (visible) $650. Firm. Cash Only. Contact Paul at 330-8834001. 0922102245 Late 60 Ford C-4 Automatic. Complete Rebuild, New: Pan, Converter and Plate, $550. Cash Only - Contact Paul at 330-8834001 0922102235 Over 30 Years of Coating Experience with Thousands of Colors & Textures Available AUTOMOTIVE & MOTORCYCLE PART SAND BLASTING & POWDER COATING AUTOMOTIVE & MOTORCYCLE PART SAND BLASTING & POWDER COATING CERAKOTE™ CERAMIC PARTS COATING SAND BLASTING • 9411 Mercantile Dr. • Mentor, OH 44060 • 440-352-8111 Mon.-Friday 6AM- 3PM • Visa & Mastercard Accepted Dealer for Wheel Vintiques Reproduction Rims & Caps, Many New and Used Rims In Stock, 105 kinds of lug nuts, 14 kinds of washers, chrome caps to fit most aftermarket rims, Rally Rims, Slotted Mags, ET’s, Cragars, Keystone, etc. Smoothies! 216-524-6735 Roy’s Rims

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 57 Grundy Engine Service Specializing in Chevy’s • Precision Cylinder Head Work • Performance Engine Rebuilding • Stock & Performance • Carburetor Work • 50 Years of Engine Building and Racing Experience Call for Appointment John Grundy 419-282-7385 (shop) 1535 St. Rte 60 Ashland, Oh. 44805 Antiques~ClassicsCollectorCarsBuy,Sell,Trade Donald P. Shury, Appraiser Insurance Pre-PurchaseConsultingInspections&Consulting 1-877-781-7725 Appraisals Rik-Tig Portable Welding Service REPAIR Cast Iron, Pot Metal Alum & Stainless Panel Repair Rick Jerman 440-552-5088 A F F O R D A B L E Q U I C K S E R V I C E 4650 W. 160th St. Cleveland, Oh. 44135 Ceramic Coating, Powder Coating & More In House Blasting, Over 200 Colors of Powder Coat in Stock! Call: 216-676-8770 or 330-484-6898 website: “In business since 1987” 35th1987 2022 Classified Ads Updated Daily! SOLD. Set of 4 beautiful, high quality, slightly used, P205/70R15 Radial Tires. They have whitewall stripes or they can be reversed for the solid black wall look on your car. They are in like new condition 0822092235 RAT ROD fender skirts! Approx 34” long x 10” tall. Some surface rust but no rust holes. $120Les (216) 392-8048 0922102235 SOLD!

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com58 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 New Name, Same Great Service 139 Cleveland Street, Elyria, Oh. 44035 440-322-1525 AutobodyProducts,Inc. FormerlyH&HAutoParts Take Advantage of Our ComputerAnalyzerColor ...which can Color Match any Paint Sur face to find out the Correct Color Code Great for Touch Ups! HOURS Mon-Fri 8am-5:00pm Saturday 8am-12pm SundayClosed TotalLinePPGofPaints BANKS, Mfg. Co. 40259 Banks Road, Grafton, Oh. 44044 Office 440-458-8661 (Fax) 440-458-4471 Visit Our www.banksmfg.comWebsite: SandblastingPowderCoatingFabrications BANKS Call for all &PowderSandblastingyourCoating,FabricatingPaintingNeeds. SOLD 1951 Ford Custom Tudor - V-8 Flathead, Automatic trans mission, New seats & upholstery, Owned since 1991, Lots of spare parts (curved back window, radio, chrome parts, back lights with blue dots, etc.), Have side lights, front door carpet metal strips, hood spear to install, Runs good, new gas tank, front brakes, radiator flushed. 0922102265 SOLD!

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 59 Classified Ads Updated Daily! Frank's Auto Body, Inc. FAB Madison, Ohio Award Winning Paint Jobs Custom Body Mods Full Restorations Graphics Flames Ask About Our Lifetime GuaranteePaint Frank’s Auto Body, Inc. 7279 Ridge Rd., Madison, Oh. 44057 440-428-6259 Mustang1967 Best Paint Detroit Autorama ‘11 Best Paint Cleveland Autorama ‘11 'Stang Overall $6,800StartsPaintatCallforDetails Rust, Collision & Fiberglass Repairs Professional Quality at Discount Prices More price options available Call Bob: 216-459-0359 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe. Red with black vinyl top. Black interior. 289 V8 engine. Automatic transmission. Mileage: 93,900 New carburetor, head ers, cams, mag wheels, and shocks! Appraised. $38,000 - Kathy 440-3150955 0722082235 1966 Chevy C-10 Custom Longbed Restomod . Truck has a 396, mild cam, Vintage Air, automatic, power steering, power brake booster, Boyd Coddington Wheels, tilt steering wheels, new gauges, am/fm/cd in the dash, newer tires, oak bed, tonneau cover. Interior out of a mid 200’s Chevy Silverado. IMMACULATE Truck!! Truck just glides down the road. Asking $42,500. More info 330-307-4717 0922102245 1984 Mustang Convertible with 347 stroker and 410 gear, 1500 miles since rebuild, owned since 1994, stored winters, have paperwork - $17,000 0BO - 440-537-7979 (Lenny) 0922102235 1965 Pontiac, Grand Prix, restored Cali fornia car, 389, 400 turbo 09221022235 SOLD! 1939 Chevy Street Rod new 350 4 bolt main blueprint balanced 30 over vortec heads 10 bolt posi 700r4 mustang two 4 wheel disc brakes elect wipers tilt column heat ac radio led lights one piece windshield smoked glass dolphin gauges lokar shifter new floors sound deadening fiberglass fenders call for more information. $48,500. 440-487-1722 0722082235

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com60 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 h Custom Fabrication h Custom Painting h Flames h Graphics h Mechanical Work h Equipment Install h Mild to Wild h Frame Straightening h Still work with Lead Go to facebook, type in Franklin Body Shop and click on the “Like” button. YourFranklinBodyOneCompleteStopShopBodyShop Mansfield, Oh.BODYFRANKLINSHOP 19 South Adams Street, Mansfield, OH. 44902 Dennis 419 - 522 - 4203 Email: Franklinfranklinbody@embarqmail.comBodyShop Customer Spotlight David1936Chandler’sAuburn Looking for a Certified Auto/Motorcycle Appraiser? Since 1989 the Auto Appraisal Group has provided comprehensive value appraisal services for all types of automobiles from circa 1900 to present day. AAG’s Certified Agents and John M. Golias are trained & tested by AAG insuring consistent and professional services. John is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Antique Automobile Club of America, Society of Automotive Historians, American Motorcyclist Assoc., SEMA and ARMO. John M. Golias 440-526-3445 or 800-848-2886 Auto Appraisal Group, Inc. Nationwide & Certified Have John M. Golias & the Auto Appraisal Group help www.autoappraisal.comyou. 1987 Mercury Cougar Xr7 with 535hp and a Tremec 5 speed transmission. Also has 8.8 Detroit Locker rear end with 3:91 gears. Plus the car has new paint with turbo coupe hood and the original hood is included with the car. $20,000 - More info contact0722082235440-521-8225 1955 2 Door Chevy hardtop, new interior, 283 motor, solid body - asking $35,000.00 - Con tact Mike at 330-540-6650 0822092235 Classified Ads Updated Daily!

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 61 Jason's Custom Metal Polishing Grafton, Oh. 440-748-3556 Your Parts Repaired, Refinished or Rechromed! Jason'sGrafton Metal Finishing 1049 Elm Street, Grafton, Oh. 44044 440-926-2979 Over 40 Years Of experience spBuffingOlishingtraightening stainless straightening aluminum Quick turn arOund great prices Grafton Metal Finishing '68Owner:ArdenKyer,CAddy Like us on Facebook: GraftonMetalFinishing CustOmer CAr: dr. Jim sinArd '37 rOlls rOyCe It’s A Work of Art! 1951 Chevy hardtop, Mustang II front end, 327ci, 700 trans, ps, pb, a/c, loaded$24k - 440-742-0709 - 0822092235 1948 Ford Anglia Street Rod - 383 Chevy Stroker, Turbo auto 350, Ford 9”, 4 link, 90% steel, engine - new crate - $46,000 - 440-943-5396 (John) 0922102235 Classified Ads Updated Daily! 1939 Chevy Coupe. 305 V8, PS, PB, AIR, 350 auto. ALL new cooling system, tiers, electric seats. Nice driver. $24.000.00 leave message. 234-600-8624 0922102235 1966 Ford Fairlane 2 door hardtop - 289 with two 4 barrels, fiberglass ram air hood, (2 more steel hoods go with it) and 4 speed tranny. Car was painted pearl green 5-6 years ago. Nice black interior-bucket seats, with center console. Exterior and Interior are in excellent condition. $26,500.00 Belongs to my FIL- call John with questions after 6 pm- leave message- 330.457.2237. Located in NE OHIO 0722082245 Toolbox and SnapOn Tools For Sale 50” SnapOn tool chest includes 1/4”3/8”-1/2” standard and metric Like new condition. Perfect for a new mechanic. Must see $4,000.00 - More info call Mike 216-559-7177 0722082245

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com62 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 FutureTronics & Clearview Hobby Store Plastic Models ~ Slot Cars Traxxas RC Cars & Parts Largest Slot Car Dealer in Ohio HO, 1/43, 1/32 & 1/24 scale Over 1,000 cars in stock! Clearview Hobby Store 2055 N.Ridge Rd.Lorain, Oh. 44055 “Across from Dog ‘N Suds”440-277-8004HOURSMon & Thur 1p-7p Sat: 10a-5p Sun: 10-2p Closed Tues.,Wed. & Fri. Hundreds of Models Car Kits: Model King, AMT, Lindberg, Dirtrack Racecars, Mongram & More Buy a slot car (1/32 or 1/24 scale) and a controller - use our track for FREE whenever! • Carrera • Scalextric • Ninco • SCX • Life-Like • Tomy • Auto World • E-Flite Helis • & More Now Offering Cabinet Blasting Glass Bead & other Media for Pulleys - Brackets - Intake & Exhaust Manifolds Valve Covers - Motorcycle Parts - Bicycle Parts and other small components! CallusforallyourStarter&AlternatorNeeds Olmsted Auto Electric Custom Build & Rebuilding of Alternators Starters & Generators -for Collector Cars - Street Rods -Harleys - Customs Tony 440-979-1923Farrella SAVE 50% OFF NEWSTAND! Subscribe Today! Subscription Form: (please print) Name (Circle)(Circle)ExpirationCreditEmailNamePhoneCityAddress___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________State____Zip__________________(__________)-_______________-___________________________________________________________________________________________________fordigitalissue:Card#_____________-______________-______________-________________Date_________________3digitSecurityCodeonbackofcard________MCVISADISCAMEXNEWSubscriptionRENEWAL Cruisin’ Times Magazine, 20545 Center Ridge Rd., Suite # LL-40 - Rocky River OH 44116 Pay online OR call 440-331-4615 Get the magazine delivered to your door! Shipped in a Protective Poly-Bag $24 1 Year Print $44 2 Years (Save $4!) $12 1 Year Digital Issue $20 2 Years (Save $4!)

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 63 CarburetorsBenchwick Carburetors rebuilt, Anodized (not painted), Rebrushed and Tested. Large Inventory of NOS Carburetors Club Discounts! Family Owned for 50+ Years! Call (330) 782-3767 2747 Glenwood Youngstown, OH 1948 Willy’s Overland Delivery, Total Ground Up Restoration, 327, A/C, Pw, Backup Camera, Auto, 700R trans, chrome and wrapped headers, dual exhaust with turbo, custom made wood floors in cargo area, Edelbrock carbs, custom paint, cus tom radiator, Cragar SS rims, new leather interior and carpet - 330-461-2715 0922102235 1941 Chevy Special DeluxeExcellent condition, rebuilt engine and base coat/clear coat just prior to my 17 year ownership. Long list of recent replacement parts/upgrades. Professionally restored woodgrain on dash/garnish moldings. Stock drive line. 90k Dan, 440 316 6153, $18,500/neg. 0922102245 1931 Model A Tudor Sedan - All steel except front fenders custom chassis/SBC, 350 700r4 tranny ford 9” rear end, wildwood front disc 1932 grille shell, dash, rear tank, spare tire rack three piece hood, 4” chop, am/fm, stereo 7” dvd player, Lokar shifter, flaming river tilt column, aluminum 32 radiator, bitchin firewall, QA1 chrome coilovers and much more ,asking $35,000 obo - 216-409-3378 0722082235 1967 Chevelle (Super Sport) Tribute. 402 Big Block, 400 Turbo, 3.42 Posi, 4 Wheel Disc, Too much new to list. A must see. $44,000 - Call Ralph at 440670-7844 01022122235 Classified Ads Updated Daily!

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com64 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Your Northeast Ohio Danchuk Dealer NEW PHONE: (330) 343-5755 Visit Our Website: Muscle Car Repair & Restoration “It’s not a business, it’s a labor of love!” Keep your ride original, that’s where “Cool” is at! As an old time dealer me chanic, I worked on ‘em when they were New, I know how they’re supposed to be and perform. Don’t be embarassed by your ride any more, let them be returned to their former glory! Whether you need a simple repair, or full restoration. Stop in see cars in progress.Jack(Semper Fi !) Call (216) 496-1845 36420 Biltmore Pl, Unit 4 Willoughby, Oh 44094 Same Bldg as B&N Tire Specializing in: Ê Holly Carb Repairs Ê Tri-5 Chevy’s Ê Z-28 Camaros Ê 442 Olds Ê Road Runners Ê GTO’s Ê Corvettes Ê Rat Rods Ê Muscle Car Parts ASE Certified Muscle Car Jack 2000 Fatboy - 11,702 original miles. The bike has stretched tanks, fenders, custom wheels, and paint. Also dia mond cut heads with pressure release. The motor is built Stroker with a S&S carburetor and Vance & Hines exhaust. There is thousands in chrome. And best of all it has a 6 speed transmis sion. There is alot of money invested in this bike. $15,000 - 440-521-8225 0722082235 1934 Ford Roadster - Downs body and Chassis hot rod black 502 GM crate engine dual quads 200/4 r trans four-wheel disc brakes six point roll bar Ford 9 inch 350 Posi heated seats /dash heater Digital gauges autographed by big daddy Don Garlits fun and dependable$30,000 - More info 330-760-7837 (Doug) 0822092235 Classifieds Updated Daily!

See all events & classifieds at Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 65 1964 Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, 289, 3 speed column. Everyday drive-able, lots of mechan ical improvements, asking $12,000 - call Jim from noon to 9pm - 440-439-1907 (Jim) 0822092245 1966 Plymouth Satellite, 2 door hardtop, red with tan bucket seats & interior. New interior, new paint, new wiring harness, nice chrome, 3” exhaust, 440, V8 - $30,000 - 419-545-1942 (Mike) 0822112245 Classifieds Updated Daily! ClassifiedsUpdatedDaily!

Updated daily at www.cruisintimesmagazine.com66 Cruisin’ Times ~ September 2022 Although we’ve got a reputation of working on Hot Rods, we also do Originals & Classic Cars! Stop by TODAY for a quote on your next project. 1750 Canton Rd., Akron, Oh. 44312 (330) 794-1669 WebsiteRickwww.Flashback-Unlimited.comOwnerSaccone ◊ Fabrication ◊ Body & Paint ◊ Custom Exhaust ◊ Total Restoration Hot Rod ShopFlashback ◊ Mig & Tig Welding ◊ Street Rod Building ◊ From Mild to Wild 1968 Dodge Dart GTS Owner: Randy Casten 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Indy Pace Car – VIN Verified

Call for Quotes on Special CustomCompleteCustomServicesInteriorsUpholsteryService Exterior ExperiencedProtectionProfessionals Visit our New Website: Located in Ravenna, Oh., in a new 33,000 sq. ft. fully insured 1 - 330 - 296 - 5511 email:1340sales@portagetrim.comEastMainStreetRavenna,Oh.44266 2022 Good Guys Mighty Muscle First Place Award Winner - 1969 Chevelle. Canfield, OH. Portage Trim When You're Ready for the Best!