Division 05 North Official Newsletter
the corgi chronicles
Kiwanis International August 2014 Volume 2, Issue 3
|1| Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014
UPCOMING EVENTS Key Club Fundraiser We raised a li7le over $100 at fundraiser! We will conLnue snack sales at the next DCM which will be held at Lions Town and Country Park in Madera, Aug. 20 @ 6:00 PM. Aug 9 Go Green and Clean Kaiser Park July 30 Spirit Day @ Spirit Coordinator Young Park’s house. (For more info contact Lt. Gov. Kimberly Barga at (661) 993-‐7692
Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014 |2|
Maurice Frediere Member of Month
Andrew Kim
Officer of the Month
Liberty High school Club of the Month
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! |3| Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014
We raised a li7le over $100 at fundraiser! We will conLnue snack sales at the next DCM which will be held at Lions Town and Country Park in Madera, Aug. 20 @ 6:00 PM. The photo above shovs a challenge that all DCM a7endes played in and which raised money.
Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014 |4|
AROUND THE DIVISION In the month of June, Clovis West Key Club parLcipated in the AkLon Club's Bowl-‐A-‐Thon, assisted with the Selma Layne Park Clean-‐Up, and hosted a fundraising movie night. During the Selma Layne Park Clean-‐Up, key clubbers from Clovis West and other high schools repainted the wooden planks on the baseball field and helped sweep the sides of the sandy playgrounds. Clovis West key clubbers were able to happily serve their community and even met new people along the way. Clovis West Key Club's movie-‐night fundraiser was able to showcase the popular movies, World War Z and 2 Guns to its audience, which raised approximately $60. -‐Charles Vatanatham
|5| Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014
Key Clubbers working together to make sure the Baseball Diamond looks great
Key Clubbers who don't mind to get a li7le dirty while painLng.
Old water fountains got a new coat of paint.
Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014 |6|
Buchanan 82 points
Clovis 105 points
Clovis East 44 points Clovis North 100 points Clovis West 79 points Liberty 7 points Madera 22 points Madera South 104 points Minarets 22 points Yosemite 0 points
|7| Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014
CONTACT US YourDivisionTeam Lieutenant Governor: Kimberly Barga Email: d05n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Call/Text: (661) 993-7692 Executive Assistants: William Cho & Anna Yue Email: d05n.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com Call/Text: (559) 977-2289 & (559) 905-7482 News Editor: Prateek Singh Mangat Email: d05n.cnhkc.editor@gmail.com Call/Text: (559) 260-7530 Region Advisor: Frank Vierra Email: fvierrara12@gmail.com Call: (209) 769-9368 Region Advisor Assistant: Eric Outfleet Email: eoutfleet@madera-county.com Call: (559) 395-3277
Join our Facebook group: Division 05 North Key Club
D I V I S I O N 0 5 N O R T H
Official Division 05 North Newsle7er | August 2014 |8|
Thank you for reading!
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Division 05 North | August Issue | California-Nevada-Hawai’i | Key Club International