Division 15
October 2016
SPOTTED: Giraffes in Action
table of contents 04: Letter from our LTG 05: Recognition 06: Articles 10: Visuals 14: Contacts 17: Reminders 18: Connect
What's up, giraffes! Can you believe this term is already half way over? Fall Rally is just around the corner! Everyone's amazing participation in our DCM's, fundraisers, and division events is only proving to me that Division 15 is the loveliest little (but really, huge) bundle of joy and service in the world. I hope that the fall season, RTC, and Fall Rally only up your love for Key Club, and that you all have a great time while doing the amazing things you do for PTP and UNICEF. Remember that our goal for this term is to raise $5,000 for PTP as a division! With all of these sweet things happening? I wanted to let you know that you are making a huge difference and that I love you all very much! Stand tall, heads high, and get spotted! LUV, Ricky Ruiz D15 Lieutenant Governor
recognition Member of the Month: Jarvis Ho, Upland Officer of the Month: Franchesca Ho, Claremont Club of the Month: Rancho Cucamonga
Harvest Hoedown by Nasser Elhajjaoui, Los Osos As the rest of the officer board prepared for the Night Market DCM, I made my way to Floyd M. Stork Elementary for their annual Harvest Hoedown. When I first got there, I met up with the rest of the Los Osos Key Club volunteers and the event coordinators explained the various games they had for the kids. It was fairly simple, each game cost one ticket and we were to give the kids a prize no matter what. As the event went on, more and more volunteers from Los Osos came and I was able to meet a lot of new members. After a few hours, most of the kids from Stork left the Hoedown, so we began to clean up and the event completely cleared out around 9:00 pm. However, I do look forward to volunteering at more Fall Festivals at the local schools this October.
Mennonite Central Committee Thrift Store by Regina Tambunan, Alta Loma Across the street from Alta Loma High School, the MCC Thrift Store needed help reorganizing its donations. Alta Loma Key Clubbers were able to aid the old store by dedicating time off from their Saturday Night to retag/reprice, get rid of old items, and to further organize goods. At the thrift store, clubbers were given various duties over the span of two productive hours. The first job given to clubbers were to find items with red tags, which were to be bagged in order to be given away at the local homeless shelter. The second job was to scavenge for items with old tags and items with no labels on them so that they could be tagged with new ones. Lastly, another task delegated was to reshelf items. “It was nice to volunteer at the event, especially because the supervisor seemed very happy to have ‘a lot of volunteers,’ which is what she said when we arrived,” says Regina Tambunan. Alejandra Michel also said that she “love[d] helping out” at the event. Overall, having a now-weekly volunteering opportunity in our local community will hopefully get more clubbers to help out and to realize Key Club’s impact on our own neighborhood.
September DCM by Gina Min, Chino Hills Out of all the events this month, I definitely favored this one the most. It was an amazing division event, where I got to meet so many new people. This DCM was themed as a Night Market and all the clubs were selling food items or spirit-gear in booths and it was a great fundraising opportunity for many clubs. For our club, we chose to sell watermelon and strawberry lemonade in mason jars as we did before in the last region picnic. It was a great success and we sold out! Many volunteers worked very hard at this booth, making designs for the jars, scooping the watermelon, pouring the lemonade, and handling the money. Personally, I didn’t get to participate in most of the DCM because I was working at the booth, but from afar I saw that all the members were having a bright time with the icebreakers, talent show, club updates, and eating yummy food from the different club booths. I had an amazing time and afterwards we even went shopping at Victoria Gardens. It was an overall amazing event and I really enjoyed it.
Homecoming Festival by Grace Yang, Los Osos Los Osos High School usually has a Harvest Hoedown, but this year, our ASB decided to switch things up a bit and host a Fall Carnival, in order to give clubs an opportunity to advertise and fundraise. Each club was assigned a carnival activity, such as temporary tattoos, ring toss, etc. Los Osos Key Club was assigned Can Knock Down, where we set up a pyramid of 10 cans and whoever could knock all 10 cans off the table gets a big prize. We actually had more players than I had anticipated, which is always a good thing. Parents, students, and even their siblings had a fun time trying to compete with each other to see who was the superior aimer. Additionally, We had members help set up, run the booth, tear down, and keep up our festive spirit. At the same time, to maximize our profits, we also hosted a 50/50 raffle where half of the money that we raised from the raffle goes to the winner. The carnival was a great way to fundraise, advertise our club, and spend a great time with our m e m b e r s .
D15 Leadership Team.
Ricky Ruiz, LTG - d15.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Grace Yang/Dylan Pelayo, EA - d15.execasst@gmail.com Lyndsey Chu, Event Coordinator - d15.eventcoord@gmail.com Michelle Ho, Secretary - d15.secy@gmail.com Adriel Eje, Member Recognition Chair - d15.mrchair@gmail.com Gillian Day, News Editor - d15.newsed@gmail.com Alta Loma.
Noor Masri, President noormasri.1999@live.com
William Hou, President williamhou9725@gmail.com
Carolina Olivera, President. carolinaolivera20@yahoo.com
Chino Hills.
Jackeline Ngo, President jackelinetngo@gmail.com
Sophia Jung, President sophiaajung@gmail.com
Israel Rogriguez, President israel.j.rodriguez.98@gmail.com
Don Lugo.
Mauricio Mendoza, President DALKC.pres.15@gmail.com
Jobelle Dauz, President d15.ehspresident@gmail.com
Lizette Gonzalez, President gareykeyclub.pres@gmail.com
Los Osos.
Grace Yang, President keyclub.lohs.president@gmail.com
Memo Gonzalez, President memogonzalez20@yahoo.com
Michael Nguyen, President mnguyenohs@gmail.com
Fabiola Santiago, President fabiola.432010@hotmail.com
Rancho Cucamonga. Joanne Tran, President jtrankc@gmail.com
Ruben S. Ayala.
Jasmine Hong, President jashong00@gmail.com
San Antonio.
Angeline Roman, President angelinecroman@gmail.com
Jenny Ho, President uhs.keyclub.president@gmail.com
reminders PTP WEEK: Friday, October 21 From the Heart Friday Post on social media with #CNHPTP2016 !!! R13 Training Conference: Saturday, October 22 Arroyo High School 8 AM - 2 PM November DCM: Saturday, November 5 Chino Senior Center 1 PM - 5 PM
connect with us Division 15 Key Club
Thanks for reading! feel free to contact us with any questions/comments!