Division 15 South | January Newsletter | 2017-2018

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beluga bulletin january 201 8


2 Index 3 New's Editor Note 4 LTG's Letter 5-7 Club Events 8-9 Region 1 3 Elects 1 0 Stay Updated! (CNH) 1 1 Contact our Presidents 1 2 Contact our DLT 2

NEW's editor's note HEYO D1 5S BELUGAS! It's your favorite DNE back again with another newsletter! FINALLY! I feel ike I haven't made one of these for MONTHS but I'm so glad to be getting into the swing of things again. Thank you all for the love and endless support for this division and please continue to read my newsletters! Stay updated belugas!




A LETTER FROM THE LTG Hello Belugas! With the winter season coming to an end, I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of those who participated in a myriad of service events this month! It is with great PLEASURE and EXCITEMENT for me to announce that Division 1 5 South currently had over 7,000 service hours!!!!!! This number is exciting, especially because our goal for the beginning of the wear was 5,000 service hours, and we have reached OVER this number. Thank you belugas for always working tirelessly to serve your homes, schools, and communities. I could not ask for a brighter group of individuals to serve and inspire me every single day. I hope you all will continue to enact change everywhere you go! Just because the giving season is over, does not mean your heart for service should disappear too. With club elections arising, I hope you all have successful board elections and don't forget to report to me your board's results! I am elated to see who our next generation to leaders will be. Myself and your 201 8-1 9 Lieutenant Governor-Elect Gina Min look forward to hearing your election results! Continue to pour your hearts in everything you do - all of your service does not go unknown. I hope you all had a chance to apply for recognition contests and I can't wait to see how many of you will receive those awards! With the end of the term approaching, I hope your club had been planning your transportation & costs for DCON in Reno, Nevada this year. If you have any questions regarding DCON I am always here. I love you all! Thank you for making me the proudest Lieutenant Governor.

yours in service,


Michelle Ho


Chino Hills High School Barnes and Nobles gift wrapping was a lot of fun this year. I was ecstatic to be the officer at the gift wrapping this year because I had a lot of fun as freshman representative at the event last year. Although we didn’t get as many customers as we do usually because the store changed the location of the booth, I still greatly enjoyed helping out the customers we did attract. We wrapped a variety of gifts, ranging from simple books to stuffed plushies. All the customers we helped out were very kind and thankful for our assistance in their gift-wrapping. I enjoyed being able to interact with the diverse variety of people coming in to get their gift(s) wrapped. Overall, this event was a blast and I would highly recommend members to attend this event next year if they have the chance to.

B&N gift wrapping

Submitted by,

isabella tan




inting rty

Club Rush is an event held each year at Don Lugo, so all students can have a chance to know which clubs are available on campus. Key Club, along with all other clubs, have representatives there who can talk about the club's significance and answer any questions the students may have. The students also have a chance to sign up for the club and flyersWomen’s and other papers, There, The Painting Party event is held byget thesome Soroptimist Organization. members of the organization gather seasonally paint a seasonal whichtowill inform them painting. about The money gathered through the event is then used to fund scholarships forother girls and women in need. They meetings and important host raffles for a variety of rewards and sell wine to drink during the painting session. The information that will apply throughout proceeds from these go towards the organization and their programs. The volunteers help by setting up the the venue. We pour amounts of paints year. Clubappropriate Rush is definitely the for the selected painting on a plate for each painter, set upstudents the easelscan and truly canvases with three one-time find what paintbrushes of different sizes, and lay out the food for the painters. After the painters arrive to participate and have eaten, they begin to paint. Fromthey then would on, the like volunteers walk aroundinthe venue checking if they need to change their water cup for being painting,pressured or if they need refill up of paint. without to asign for After the painters are finished, the volunteersone helpspecific clean up. club. We pack away the easels for the next painting party and discard the paint water along with all other trash.

Don Lugo High School

seden ose r de

Submitted by, Submitted by, manorat melanie


Hope Esquivel , Genesis A. Garcia

Ayala High School

On December 23rd, Ayala Key Club attended a day shift for construction of the Pasadena Rose Floats in preparation for the New Year's Parade. In the morning, a group of devoted key clubbers woke up early and piled up on a bus excited for the fun job that they either had experienced before or had heard about. As we approached the warehouse, we could see the hardworking volunteers already setting up their floats and putting their passion into beautiful pieces of art. The Pasadena Rose Floats consist of a series of floats decorated entirely from organic and natural resources. When we entered, friendly coordinators greeted us and handed us kiwanis shirts to represent our organization as we worked.

Colony High School

ptp c rd m king


During our winter break, I and other Key Club members were sent a message by remind to make cards for PTP. My sister and I got together and made cards together, trying to make them as simple yet as pretty as we can. It was really fun when we made many together, and hearing her tell me why we make the cards and for the cause we are doing it for made me happy to help by using my artistic talents. We made cards with many colors of the rainbows, others with simply only 2 colors, maybe even 3 and see in what ways can we make beautiful cards that’ll make someone else happy. Then, when we got back to school on the Monday after break, again, we were able to have the opportunity to make more cards. This time my friends and I were there together making cards. We had fun and chatted while we did so while talking to the other members and officers. Everyone looked like they were having fun while doing this, and the atmosphere seemed happy. After 40 minutes or so, the officers called for the cards to come in, and many people turned in their cards. There were many different colors of paper, different styles, and different sizes in which the paper were prepared. It amazed me to see how much can be told by the cards the members made. All of them were really pretty. In the end, the officers thanked us for making the cards and counted them for us. Together our club made over 50 cards! It’s so wonderful to see the results of the hard work that a group, our group made together.

Submitted by,

Gievirlyn Guerrero


introducing the new region 1 3 ltg elects! Recently, at our Region 1 3 Conclave with Division 1 0S, 35E, 35W, 1 5E, and 1 5S, the new Lieutenant Governors were elected for the 201 8-201 9 term! We are looking forward to this new year with the new elects, which include me, your Division News Editor, for the LTG of D1 5S! The amazing elects include Michelle Wang for 1 0S, Ethan Lee for 1 5E (our counterpart), Gina Min for D1 5S, Bill Yen for 35E, and Gina Duong for 35W. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I love you belugas and Region 1 3 Lionfish! Let's have a great 201 8-201 9 term.



Keep updated with our District's latest news with the District Newsletter: The Buzz/January Edition made by our District News Editor Zoe Yao! Keep up the great work Zoe!

stay updated!

https://issuu.com/cnhkc/docs/cnh_dnews_01 _1 71 8


CONTACT OUR PRESIDENTS Chino: Elizabeth Chamoun (909)239-4248

Montclair: Marissa Solorzano (562) 320-371 0

Chino Hills: Erin Huang (626)31 5-3440

Pomona: Brenda Gomez (909) 562-9586

Colony: Marjie Gopez (626) 343-7470

Ruben Ayala: Jasmine Hong (909) 438-1 562 jashong00@gmail.com




marissasolorzano1 @gmail.com


Don Lugo: Eda Nguyen (909) 203-621 3




Lieutenant Governor: Michelle Ho Email: d1 5s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistant: Christine Park Email: d1 5s.execasst@gmail.com Secretary: Natalie Sarmiento Email: d1 5s.secy@gmail.com Treasurer: Elizabeth Chamoun Email: d1 5s.treasurer@gmail.com Service Projects Chair: Marjie Gopez Email: d1 5s.spchair@gmail.com News Editor: Gina Min Email: d1 5s.newsed@gmail.com Tech Editor: Tiffany Le Email: d1 5s.techedit@gmail.com Member Recognition Chair: Joanne Ma Email: d1 5s.mrc@gmail.com


thanks for reading! STAY CONNECTED: Division 1 5 South Key Club @D1 5SBELUGAS Website/Cyberkey:

d1 5skeyclub.wixsite.com/belugas http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/ http://www.keyclub.org/home.aspx

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