Division 15 South | March Newsletter | 2020-2021

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Table of Contents

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Key Club Pledge

Page 3

LTG’s Note

Page 4

DNE’s Note

Page 5

DCM Recap

Page 6

Articles and Visuals

Page 8

Key Club Basics

Page 12

Meet the Next LTG

Page 14

Division Updates

Page 16

Key Club Spotlight

Page 18

District Updates

Page 19

Member Recognition

Page 20

Contact Information

Page 21

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

What’s Poppin’ Belugas? This is my second-to-last newsletter message, so I will try to make it a good one! Although we may not have had the term many of us expected, I know that all division and club officers and myself put so much of ourselves into this year to make it memorable regardless. I am so proud of all my officers and members have completed! From thousands of service hours and dollars for PTP, to hundreds of hours on Zoom doing DCM activities with my busy slideshows, you have never failed to impress me, and it has truly been an honor to serve a division as dedicated and spirited as Division 15 South. Although we will be becoming Division 15 West, our unwavering service will live on, and beluga nation will continue to grow as it always has. I can’t wait to see you all at my last events of the term! Thank you for everything, and I wish all of you the best of luck in the promising futures I know you will have <3

Spouting Into Service,

Emily Lu Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021

Editor Hello Everyone! Welcome to March! It has officially been an entire year since the start of lockdown in this pandemic. Can you believe that one year ago we were still in school? One year ago, we thought life would open up again in a few weeks. No one had any idea that a year later, we would be in an even worse situation, at home, doing school online, and losing thousands of people daily. It’s been a rough year! In times like this it can hard to find positives, but there definitely are some. Through this pandemic we have just scratched the surface of possibilities of what we can do from home. Online school may not be your favorite, but it has changed the way we can learn forever. Even in Key Club, we have been able to convert to entirely online events in a matter of months with zoom DCMs and virtual service events. Personally, we have discovered new talents, learned new skills, and gotten really creative in trying to end the monotony of everyday. No matter how you look at it, I know most of us can’t wait to get out of this pandemic. So, this March, let’s look back on the good, bad, and difficult of this past year to remember everything we have lost and gained as we start to heal. Please stay safe, stay positive, and have a fabulous month!

Excited to Serve,

Ria Parikh News Editor 2020-2021

Wow Wow Wubbzy DCM

Submitted By: Emily Lu

The Wow Wow Wubbzy DCM was one of the best, or if not the best DCMs of this term by far! I was assigned to be team leader of Team #5 and our team got close over a week. We had game nights and shared hilarious jokes, pick-up lines, and stories. We all had different backgrounds, but we got along very well! We also got to share our nostalgia as we watched Wow Wow Wubbzy for the first time after over 8 to 10 years! Somehow some of us managed to remember some of the episodes! Our team chemistry grew tremendously because of our spirit week, and we ended up placing third in the whole competition thanks to teamwork!

- Nathan Tran, Ruben S. Ayala

Panda Express Mukbang This month we had one of our biggest fundraisers this year for Division 15 South and our first Joint Fundraiser with Division 15 North. Our Mukbang Zoom was a magnificent way for both Divisions to socialize and just overall have a great fundraising experience. During the Zoom, we had “speed dates” and I got to talk to our chaperones, D15N LTG Katherine Nguyen, and Our KFF Chair April Nguyen, among many other participants in the meeting. It was the first time I talked to many of them and to this day I keep in contact with those I met that day! Our final breakout room absolutely made my night because our breakout room turned into a hysterical debate about lipstick which I will remember for a long time!

- Nathan Tran, Ruben S. Ayala

Submitted By: Nathan Tran

Articles Visuals

Free the Ocean One event that I have had the opportunity to do in Key Club are the Free the Ocean questions. Everyday, when you answer the question, you are removing a piece of plastic from the ocean. From doing this activity, I have been able to remove 35 pieces of plastic from the ocean! I have also learned many fun facts about the ocean from answering the questions. Doing this simple act of community service makes me proud that I am still making a difference in our world, even though I am at home.

- Aleena Mohiuddin, Chino Hills High

One service event that I completed during the span of last month to this month (and still in progress) is the free rice and free the ocean events, even though it’s online, I think it has a huge impact on helping out globally around the world, which motivates me to continue doing it even after the events were over. I think it’s from a really great place that a key club is taking a part in this. Another service event that I plan to do is this upcoming book drive this friday. I believe reading and education is really important and that’s why I have my books all ready to go when the time comes! I hope the children will be happy to get these wonderful books and have an amazing experience when they read it. Thank you key club! I look forward to participating in the upcoming events in the future.

- Sunny Chen, Chino Hills High

Sending Love from D S An event that I did this week, and was one of my favorite events to do, is "Virtual Valentine's." In this event, we got to virtually send and make virtual Valentine's Day cards for the Children's Hospital - Los Angeles. I loved this event because I know the power of words and the excitement of receiving a gift. We can write messages as a part of the virtual card, and I made sure to write a special and unique message for each card I created. Something as small as making cards can make a huge difference and in the end, my ultimate goal was to make a kid smile. Knowing that these cards will be sent and given to children, it makes me happy to know that I could perhaps make someone's day on a day as special as Valentine's Day! It is a great event to do for such a special cause!

- Kellin Vu, Chino Hills High Our club had started a new event for the Valentine’s Day season. We are creating Valentine’s Day cards for the elderly. In a time like this where the elderly might not get many visitors, it’s important for us to show them we care. We will use a variety of materials to create our cards. Markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc. We will use our creative abilities to hopefully make the elderly happy. I hope we’ll be able to make some truly beautiful cards.

- Valeria Gomez, Montclair High

Submitted By: Valeria Gomez

My experience in the Service Salute event was very fun and exciting. I worked on cards for several hours and I am very happy with the result. The process in creating cards was cutting them, sketching random designs to make the cards look decorative, inking, and finally coloring the cards to make them more vibrant. I made each card different from another to create more of a variety, so the event stayed very eventful and different for each card. Definitely would do an event like this again!

- Ethan Nguyen, Ruben S. Ayala

Submitted By: Ethan Nguyen

Submitted By: Ria Parikh

Division WEST

Upcoming new term AND division name? Let’s first review the basics!

Key Club Organization Mission Statement: “Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.” Key Club International is lead by an international council and encompasses 32 Districts all over the world.

Each District is led by a District Board with elected executive positions, appointed positions, and elected LTGs. Our District is called CNH, or California Nevada Hawaii. Each district is then broken down into Regions which are made of 1-7 divisions. We are part of Region 13. Every Division is led by an LTG and their Division Leadership Team, or DLT. The team is in charge of connecting clubs to the district, helping clubs lead, and planning events like DCMs. Our Division was previously Division 15 South (more on that later.) Divisions are then broken down into home clubs per schools in the area. Most Divisions have 7-15 clubs. The clubs in our Division are Chino, Chino Hills, Colony, Diamond Ranch, Don Lugo, Montclair, Pomona, and Ayala.

Upcoming Changes Within Region 13, our closest neighbors are the other Division 15s, North and East. You may know members from these Divisions through our joint DCMs. Years ago, we all used to be part of one Division, but we split up as the Divisions got too big. The same thing is happening now! D15E is splitting into two divisions so the LTGs can focus more on each individual club. However, due to the geography of these two, one will remain 15 East, while the other will become 15 South. This makes us Division 15 WEST. We are still the same Division but with a new name! Our mascot is still the Beluga Whale and we encompass the same clubs.

Ashley Ma! 2021-2022

What is an LTG? LTG stands for Lieutenant Governor and is in charge of a division of Key Club. They serve as a liaison between the District and Club levels, making sure all communication and submissions go through. They also plan our Division Council Meetings (DCM), assist clubs with their projects, and plan projects of their own for the Division. LTGs make up the regional team who plan things like RTC, and are in charge of the Division Leadership Team (DLT) who help them with monthly tasks.

Term Goals:

Increase Membership by 20% $3,000 for PTP 7,000 Service Hours Graphic Design Team

Division Service Idea Contest

Name: Ashley Ma

Previous Positions...

Fun Facts: I love crime shows!

Division: Executive Assistant, Tech Editor

My fingers are double-jointed!

Club: Director of Activities, Tech Editor


Song: Parking Lot View by Almost Monday

Boba Drink: Milk Tea w/ Boba

Movie: Now You See Me 2

Animal: Pigs

Quote: “Do or do not, there is no try.”

Hello Belugas! I am unbelievably honored to be elected as your next LTG! I will work hard to create a space we are all proud of. You have my whole heart and soul. Love, Ashley

Assist Diamond Ranch in their new club and charter

Term Ends next month so make sure you keep an eye out for applications if you want to be on the Division Leadership Team!

→ You can learn how to paper hearts at the bonding event on 2/19 and work on them on your own! They will must be completed and mailed by the listed date.

→ Dressing up, having fun, and hanging out with your key club friends all over the region while celebrating a wonderful term doesn’t have to end because of the pandemic. The region formal will be a safe, online way to break the monotony of everyday and celebrate a term well done!

→ The is the last DCM of the term! You can enjoy yourself and meet people from all over the division from the safety of your own home!







































Spotlight Children’s Miracle Network Mission: CMN is a nonprofit organization that raises money to help children in hospitals by funding their care, medical research, medical training, and by educating the community. Importance: “Hospitalized infants and children need special pharmaceuticals and equipment engineered to work with their small stature. From the tiniest tube or milliliter of medication to ECMO, a formidable device that acts as an artificial lung outside the body, medicines and machines that help sick kids get well are specialized - and high priced. Skilled pediatric professionals

armed with evolving treatments and expensive tools work to save more than 14 million children annually from life-threatening injuries, birth defects, cancer, and numerous other ailments.” What You Can Do: You can help by fundraising through your clubs, donating things like toys and books, volunteering at the hospitals in information booths and surgery rooms, assisting families who need help, supporting campaigns and educating your community, and by supporting international Key Club


Bee in the Loop

BEE updated with the CNH District Newsletter at cnhkeyclub.org or on issuu.com. Made by Incredible DNE:

Nancy Doung

of the Month

Jessica Surjadi

Ayala High School

Natalie Keung

Ayala High School

Vicki Coble

Montclair High School

Bill Taylor

Kiwanis Member

Montclair High recognition

@d15sbelugas @cnh_keyclub

Lieutenant Governor: Emily Lu D15s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistants: Ashley Ma & Giselle Advincula

Division 15 South Key Club

D15s.execasst@gmail.com Secretary: Sofie Huang D15s.secy@gmail.com


Fundraising Coordinator: Seanna Choi

D15s.treasurer@gmail.com Service Projects Chair: Nathan Tran D15s.spchair@gmail.com

www.linktr.ee/ d15sbelugas

Member Recognition Chair: Jeff Houng D15s.mrc@gmail.com

News Editor: Ria Parikh D15s.newsed@gmail.com

Text d15sbeluga to 81010

Head Spirit Coordinator: Mackenzie Hernandez Spirit Coordinators: Pierre Godisan & Amaka Chukwu

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