Division 15 South | November Newsletter | 2020-2021

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IN THIS ISSUE Table of Contents

Page 2

Key Club Pledge

Page 3

LTG’s Note

Page 4

DNE’s Note

Page 5

DCM Recap

Page 6

Articles and Visuals

Page 8

Beluga Points

Page 12

Division Updates

Page 14

Key Club Spotlight

Page 16

District Updates

Page 17

Member Recognition

Page 18

Contact Information

Page 19

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

LTG’s Note Happy November, Belugas! I hope you are staying safe and healthy as we begin the fall season! School has been quite stressful for many of us lately, but I hope Key Club and time to yourself have been able to lift your spirits in this busy time! Seeing all your hard work so far in this first HALF of the term has been very inspirational to myself and my DLT. Keep up the great work!

Although many of us have become a lot busier with school, please remember not to forget about Key Club! The division and its clubs have been working very hard to provide plenty of opportunities for service and fundraisers, so please keep being the dedicated members I know you are! I hope to see all of you at the upcoming DCM’s and events. I am so proud of each of you! See you soon!

Spouting Into Service,

Emily Lu Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021

A letter from the

Editor Hello Everyone! Welcome to November! Congrats everyone, we made it to holiday season! For a month that is usually spent with family, friends, and shopping, things are a little different right now, and that can be stressful. For many, this is adding on to the stress of college applications and approaching midterms. However, as life gets stressful, remember that you are not alone! Everyone is dealing with the same struggles, so if you ever need help or an outlet to relieve stress, don’t forget to look to Key Club. Your Key family is here for you and you can use service to center the chaos. Not only that, but service is especially important now because many people are struggling to get food on the table and electricity flowing amid this pandemic. Let’s make sure we help them and keep their spirits high, to make Thanksgiving as special as it can be for everyone. Love you all, and I will see you soon. Excited to Serve,

Ria Parikh News Editor 2020-2021

We Bare Bears Virtual Olympics September DCM RECAP

This time around, our division had our DCM at the annual D15 Olympics. It was a great time to see all the new members, especially the freshmen. I am thankful for the opportunity to be with my friends and see the new faces who will be the future of our division. I hope to see everyone in person soon.

- Ashley Ma, Chino Hills High

Submitted By: Giselle Advincula

Submitted By: Nathan Tran

Submitted By: Nathan Tran

The We Bare Bears Battle DCM was a time to remember. We were put into different groups and got to bond with people from different divisions. Through the spirit week my team was able to get closer, we played games and just got to know one another. The DCM was a really fun experience and gave me an opportunity to meet new friends from different schools.

- Giselle Advincula, Ruben S. Ayala

Articles AND Visuals

Free Rice/ Color a Smile The district free rice event was really fun It was simple and the competition was interesting. I enjoyed being motivated by my other club members and the sense of competition. Free rice is a great was to do service. Even if it is simple, it puts your mind to work while doing a good thing. I really enjoyed the event. Submitted By: Alexis Villamil

- Valeria Gomez, Montclair High

The Color A Smile Service Competition was an easy and great way to spread positivity and gain hours for the month of September. Member were able to accumulate as many hours as they wanted! This meant if our members were dedicated enough to spend more than 30 hours on this event, they were free to! Color a Smile is such a great way to encourage kids to just smile! The competition also motivated our members to utilize their competitive spirit to show how much they really care about bringing positivity to the community. This motivation caused our members to color more than 95 pages total, and one individual named Kimberly Escamilla colored 25 pages!

- Nathan Tran, Ruben S. Ayala

Submitted By: Nathan Tran

Prep Book Collection Passing out Prep Books was a lot of fun! After being in quarantine for so long, I had forgotten how nice it is to get out of the house to volunteer. I got to see many familiar faces while collecting books, and I got to spend time with my best friend from a distance. As for actually collecting books, it was really sweet to see so many people donating their old prep books. I know that whoever gets these books will be so thankful for them. I’m so glad I got to be a part of this service event! Submitted By: Pierre Godisan

- Ria Parikh, Chino Hills High

For our club, one of the service events was dropping off any ap prep books. My friend, Ria, and I were the ones that were collecting it at a park. We went to the park at 3 pm and by the end of the 2 hours we were there, we collected 13 books! It was much more than we expected. During the time waiting for people to come, Ria and I got to talk a lot and it made me long for those times when we had service projects in person and got to interact with other key clubbers. I’m excited for those events in the future, and for now, all I can do is focus on at-home projects and helping out as much as I can!

- Katelynn Situ, Chino Hills High

Submitted By: Pierre Godisan

Letters, Cards, and Bookmarks

- Valeria Gomez, Montclair High

Submitted By: Valeria Gomez

This month at Montclair we did the Cards of Hope event. We wrote notes to the patients at the St. Jude Children’s Hospital. It was really fulfilling being able to write kind notes for those kids. They deserve something to make them smile. I hope they really enjoy the cards. It’s amazing how much service you can do from home. I’m glad that we are still able to do so much for others. I really enjoyed this service event.

Submitted By: Yahir Perez

The key club bookmark even was really fun and creative. I was able to get creative with creating bookmarks to mail out and was happy to be making them. The event was a very unique one making it more enjoyable. It put a smile on my face that something I was able to make will be mailed out and used. Overall, it was a great event one of my favorites our club has done.

- Yahir Perez, Montclair High

This October, I participated in a key club service event called “Foster Families Letters.” This collaborative event with Find Kind Club allows members to write letters of encouragement to foster parents. I wrote and drew many letters and pictures including short messages and small pictures of beluga whales. This event was certainly enjoyable and I would definitely want to try this event sometime soon!

- Alexis Villamil, Ruben S. Ayala

Beluga points The school that is the winner of the end-of-year Beluga Point Competition will receive a custom "Club of the Year" plaque with your club's name on it! How to earn points: The more active your club is, the more points you will earn as a group! To earn points for your club: •

Participate in SERVICE

Participate in fundraisers

Attend DCM's

Attend training conferences (OTC, RTC, CTC)

Member Recognition (win monthly awards, submit member recognition form)

Complete monthly submissions ON-TIME (officers)

Sea Your Progress As of October 18, 2020



Chino Hills



Diamond Ranch





Ruben S. Ayala




Upcoming events → Bags of Appreciation You can complete service hours with other Key Clubbers at the D15S x D35E online service event and on your own from home, creating Thanksgiving themed goodie bags to give to essential workers and seniors to lift their spirits.

→ Service Drop Offs Drop off your Dog Toys from the October Dog Toys Event and Goodie Bags from Bags of Appreciation at Ayala Park or Lincoln Park Historic District from 3-6 PM.

→ November DCM You can meet new people from other divisions and enjoy yourself from the safety of your home at our online D15S x D15E x D15N DCM. More Information TBA.

NOvember November Sunday





































BoA Zoom Service event: Boa service project: Drop Off:

November dcm:

Key club international International Spotlight Kiwanis Family House Mission: To provide temporary housing and support to families of seriously ill or injured children and adults being treated at University of California, Davis, Medical Center, Sacramento or Shriners Hospital. Background: When a child is seriously injured or sick, parents have to find temporary housing or sleep in their cars to stay with their children overnight. Due to this, many parents can’t stay with their children, or don’t have access to basic necessities while they fear for their child’s life. When Kiwanis Members Vern and Leona Bright heard about this, they decided to do something.

What It Does: Kiwanis owns property right next to the hospitals, which have bedrooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen for the family to stay for a low price and be supplied with everything they need. Kiwanis also provides a shuttle to the hospital so the family can focus on what matters most, their child. What You Can Do: You can help by fundraising and donating through your school and D15S. Along with money, you can donate products from their wish list, including disinfectant wipes, paper towels, Kleenex tissues, toilet paper,

etc. You can also volunteer there, but only after the pandemic. FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO KIWANISFAMILYHOUSE.ORG OR CALL (916) 736-0116

District updates Bee in the Loop

BEE updated with the CNH District Newsletter at cnhkeyclub.org or on issuu.com. Made by Incredible DNE:

Nancy Doung


of the Month


Grace Luu


Montclair High School

Jonathon Fung


Chino Hills High School

Ryan Venegas

Ayala High School


Toni Bauter


Kiwanis Member

Montclair High

MembeR recognition


@d15sbelugas @cnh_keyclub

Lieutenant Governor: Emily Lu D15s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistants: Ashley Ma & Giselle Advincula

Division 15 South Key Club

D15s.execasst@gmail.com Secretary: Sofie Huang D15s.secy@gmail.com


Fundraising Coordinator: Seanna Choi

D15s.treasurer@gmail.com Service Projects Chair: Nathan Tran D15s.spchair@gmail.com

www.linktr.ee/ d15sbelugas

Member Recognition Chair: Jeff Houng D15s.mrc@gmail.com

News Editor: Ria Parikh D15s.newsed@gmail.com Head Spirit Coordinator: Mackenzie Hernandez Spirit Coordinators: Pierre Godisan & Amaka Chukwu

Text d15sbeluga to 81010

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