Division 15 South October Newsletter 2019-2020

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October October 2019 2019 DIVISION 15 SOUTH | REGION 13 | CNH

EDITOR'S GREETING happy september belugas !

Hello my beautiful belugas! It's that time of the month again. Yes, the time for the division newsletter :) I hope everyone is doing great at school and I wish the best of luck to anyone taking standardized tests. Seeing as school started roughly a month ago for everyone, it is time to get into the real Key Club spirit! (If you weren't already in it.) Make sure to submit your membership forms and submit the dues on time or even early. Be kind to freshmen and introduce them to the amazing organization that Key Club is. Make time to serve the community amidst your school work. Trust me, it's just as fulfilling as getting an A on a test. With that said, I wish all of you a great school year (and to my seniors, DON'T let senioritis consume you!!). I can't wait to see each and every one of you reading this at the next division or service event! Love you all, see you next month!

IN THIS ISSUE Editor's Note


LTG's Note




Articles & Visuals


Upcoming Events


Contact the DLT

yours in service, priscila Chen hsu


Division News Editor 2019­2020


LTG'S note what's popping belugas ! I hope you guys had a good and productive month! First off I would like to welcome our new belugas! Whether it was the spirit, volunteering opportunities, or friends that convinced you to join this club, I am so happy that you put your name down. There are so many opportunities in Key Club and so many people you get to meet its the beginning of an amazing journey and I’m so honored to be part of it as your lieutenant governor! If you are hesitant if this club is right for you, I highly recommend that you come out to division and even Region events! These events highlight the energy and passion of this club and are many people’s “Key Club moment” which I really hope you get to experience this term. If you ever need anything or have any questions do not hesitate to contact me! I hope to meet you all very soon! As for our returnees, welcome to another year of Key Club! I am so glad you decided to join again this year. There’s so much in store for us and I can’t wait to take you along the







joanne ma D15S Lieutenant Governor


stay updated


Make sure to check out the Ditrict Newsletter on the CNH CyberKey or on issuu.com made by our amazing District News Editor,

hanah shih

articles & visuals


(chino hills high club rush) (chino hills high club rush)

Chino Hills High School

Submitted by: Brian Kim

Submitted by: Priscila Chen Hsu


Even though it was very hot during club rush, the officer board and many passionate key club members all helped promote our club to the students to sign up. All in all, the officer board and members worked together to promote our club, making it one of the most popular clubs on campus. I got to talk about Key Club and its opportunities. I can't wait to attend more service events with all the new Key Clubbers!

Chino Hills High School

The Club Rush at Chino Hills High this year was a success! We got pages and pages of sign ups, and we were very happy to learn that freshmen this year are more excited than last year! As an officer, I was in charge of introducing our club to all the onlookers and encourage them to sign up. All the officers wore the division shirt, showing spirit, which made us stand out from the rest of the clubs at club rush. Also due to this, many curious students came and read more about our club.

Last week was our Club Rush for Chino Hills High School. Promoting our club to people that didn’t know about it was very interesting and exciting. During lunch at school, most or all of the officers went over to a certain location to add more members into the club. Using a big poster and a board explaining our club, we got a lot of new member to join Key Club. Then there was our first meeting. I haven't seen this many people in our meeting before. With everything our officers practiced, we all introduced each other and briefly explained our club and some volunteering activates. After, we gave out some snack (cookies) to the members that came. It was really fun and exciting to see all the new faces join our club!

(isaiah's rock) (isaiah's rock)

A new school year has begun, and following it are some of our classic weekly events. After our first meeting, we had Isaiah’s Rock the following Wednesday of September 11. At Isaiah’s Rock, volunteers first began by picking up trash around the streets in groups. After picking up trash to help make the neighborhood cleaner, we went into the parking lot where food is usually distributed every morning, to unfold boxes and clean up. Once all the friendly cleaning has been accomplished, volunteers worked within the backyard of the house. Two volunteers and I washed ice chests, used from the morning before, while other volunteers packaged a variety of food such as nuts and dried mangoes to distribute the next morning for the less fortunate. The experience of Isaiah’s Rock is always a great one that I love to attend every Wednesday with fellow Key Clubbers!

Submitted by: Andreana Flores Chino Hills High School



Chino Hills High School

Submitted by: Sydney Nguyen

(region night market) (region night market) I only joined key club this past year, and my very first event wasthe Region Beach Cleanup. The night market was my second region event, and it was just as fun! It was cool to see people I met at the last event and catch up with them. I loved to spend time with my friends in key club, and I helped them run the division 15 south booth. The division sold 200 cups of boba! I also finally bought a division t­shirt, which have a really cute design. The food at the event was so good, my favorite was the lychee lemonade with jelly that the manta ray division sold. There was also a ot of cute merch from other divisions, but I couldn't buy any because I'm broke. The activities were a lot of fun too, I really liked the poncho game. The ltg's in charge of the groups were really friendly. I'm glad my friendgot me to join key club and start going out to events. Every key club event I go to, I've enjoyed more and more. I'm looking forward to becoming more active in key club, especially at division, region, and district events!








Come out to the September DCM! enjoy painting with friends and meet people from the division!

Where: Phillips Ranch Park, 10 Village Loop Rd, Pomona When: Saturday, Sept 21st 1pm­3pm Presale: $5; $7 at the door *Bring a medical release form

FALL RALLY SOUTH Come out to Six Flags for fun spirit sessons, awesome rides, and spirited Key Clubbers from across the district! *make sure to turn in the dues in time


stayconnected (contact the dlt) Lieutenant Governor: Joanne Ma email: d15s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

@cnh_keyclub @d15sbelugas

Executive Assistants: Seanna Choi & Maya Kim email: d15s.execasst@gmail.com Secretary: Isabella Tan email: d15s.secy@gmail.com Fundraising Coordinator: Joseph Hsing email: d15s.treasurer@gmail.com

Division 15 South Key Club

News Editor: Priscila Chen Hsu email: d15s.newsed@gmail.com Member Recognition Chair: Megan Chung email: d15s.mrc@gmail.com Graphic Designer: Emily Lu Spirit Coordinators: Megan Suh, Andy Le, Emily Ortiz

(thank you for reading)



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