Division 25 East August 2014 Newsletter | CNH Key Club

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The Koalaty Times

Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

Volume 5 | Issue 3

August 2014

After a successful Beach Clean Up, all the teams come back together as one Ohana to showcase their achievements.

|Birmingham|Cleveland|Granada Hills|Grant|Kennedy|Monroe|Northridge Academy|Van Nuys|

IN THIS ISSUE August 2014


WORD FROM YOUR DNE Hello Koalas, Can I just say that this term has gone above and BEE-yond expected so early on. I’m so proud to see all your koalas serving the community with a smile on your face. Although school is coming to a start never stop your undying passion for service. I see such competent servant leaders in you all. With that said here is the monthly newsletter for August. In this issue you will find updates, recaps, and progression within Key Club international. Starting off with International Convention, find out who is the newly elected International Board and reasons why you should attend next year. Recap on the Region 7 Beach Clean Up and all the excitement that it brought. Lastly look at the divisions news to see whats going on within the division. Always remember that we are a Ohana and that means nobodys left alone or forgotten. So I challenge you koalas to come up to the Division Parliament next DCM, say hi or start up a rousing conversation, anything we’d love to meet and talk to you all. I promise we don’t bite! I hope you’ve all enjoyed your summer and I wish you the best of luck in school. Signing off for now, Coddy Anthony Ramos


included in this issue

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hello Division 25 East! We are now at the halfway point of summer vacation. I am proud to say that even though school was no longer in session, we as a division have maintained high activity during the summer. I am insanely proud of all the hard work that each and every one of you has put in to making the first quarter of the year as successful as possible. School will be back in session very soon. This is our time to plan out how we are going to retain and gain members this upcoming year. Member retention and recruitment is not only the duty of the officers; it’s the duty of the members as well to promote Key Club in your schools. Simply hanging up a poster in the hallway or even telling your friends about it can make all the difference. One of the most important things about being a member of Key Club is to humble yourselves from experiences. Remember all the times you have served the community and were thanked for it. Remember all the times were you volunteered at an event that made you feel really good about yourself. It can be very easy to lose yourself in the social aspect of Key Club with all the new friends we are making. Never forget what we stand for as the largest student-led organization in the world. Always remember to live the Core Values, the pledge, the motto, the objects, and every little thing in between both inside and outside of Key Club. With that said, that down-to-earth, humble mindset is what will attract new members into the clubs you serve. By maintaining this attitude, we can promote Key Club in a very positive way while simultaneously being the caring, servant leaders I know you all can be. Humble yourselves through these Key Club experiences, remember your Key Club moments, and share them with your home, school, and community. Koalas, each and every one of you have made me extremely proud watching you all serve the community as leaders while living the Key Club life. I am so blessed to have such beautiful members. Every single one of you is so precious to me, holding a little piece of my heart. Keep on being Key Clubbers. I will always love and be proud of all the joeys.

Much love, Lt. Governor Monica Reyes

governor 4 lieutenant





In the beginning of the term, Lt. G Monica Reyes set her expectations and goals for this dvision:


by the end of this 2014-2015 term.

Currently our division has: # of Hours

603.5/5000 # of Members

237/550 # of Funds

$1379.96/$5,000 = 1,000



This DCM will be held during the Region 7 Beach Clean Up. Call up your hood and get ready to Thug for Service. It will be hosted by Monroe

DIVISION 25 EAST `14-`15 SHIRT ask us how




Caring- Our Way of Life

The 2014- 2015 Division 25 East T-Shirt design has finally been finalized! Big thanks go to the two designers Bryanna Benicia and Coddy Ramos, as well Maiko Fujiki for the computerized version of the designs. Please fill out the survey so that we may estimate how many need to be purchased. https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/1GXqr-VaPC9VsjsTjVVgCtZ4lUPNhbsQzTbFK5P-OyL8/ viewform


Join the Division at Matador Bowling for a bowling night. Have this night as a chance to bond more within the members of the division and get to meet some new friends along the way.


division news

CLUB recaps


Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!


Granada Hills Charter

Cleveland Cavaliers

Van Nuys


Northridge Academy



Monroe Vikings

recaps 8 club




Birmingham High School MEET THe 2014-2015 OFFICER BOARD

Khrisley Castillo



SECRETARY Ariel Gonzalez

VICE PRESIDENTS Our new Vice Presidents Abygail Viramontes and Jennifer Ngo. They are best friends and are ready to help our members and officers when they need help!

Our new Historian Kathy Flores! She is excited to take pictures at our future events and write and collect articles to share the experience of volunteering.



3-2-1 Goal

This month Cleveland’s Key Club reached their 3-2-1 goal. They had three events, two fundraisers, and one divison event. All their hard work paid off. Their three events were Relay For Life, Color Run, and the Clothes Drive. The two fundraisers were Jamba Juice and Pinkberry. Divison Clothes Drive was the divison event. Each one held a special memory for someone. People had fun while helping their environment.

President Thang Diep

The Color Run was a very successful event that Cleveland has planned this month! Seeing members happy and excited as they volunteer brought joy to my heart. The volunteer staffs were also extremely nice to each of us and they really appreciated our help because we even received free volunteer shirts. I think the most fun and exciting part of the whole event for me was getting to know each of the members more. Not only were we serving the communities, but we also bonded together as a club, or even an Ohana. The ride to the event and back home allowed us to get to know each other on a personal level. After a tiring day, we were all very hungry so we went out to eat in L.A. together. Overall, members that attended the events enjoyed it very much so I hope I can provide the members I served with more service events that they will have fun at as we bond over how tiring, yet exciting service can be.

Beach Clean Up

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2014 Time: 9:00am-6:00pm Location: Dockweiler Beach (12001 Vista del Mar, Playa del Rey, CA 90293) There will be bus transportation, merchandise, and food at the clean up.


Relay For Life “There is no Finish Line until we find a cure.” On June 7th, Granada participated in

Relay For Life at Cleveland High School along with all the other mighty schools in Division 25 East. This event supported the fight against cancer, where we as a division served at booths selling temporary tattoos and water balloons to fundraise money for the American Cancer Society. We raised an exceedingly impressive amount, & it reminded all of us of how great and powerful our desire to help and serve those in need can really save lives. Koalas never fail to show their golden legacy!

Officer Reflection: Co-Vice President Alina De Castro nts! e v E ming Upco kateland S - 7/12 raiser ach Fund gion 7 Be Re - 7/19 nup Clea eda es ride - 8/2 R hborhood P Neig Day

“HI Y’ALL! I am happy to say that Granada's Key Club has made some very notable progress during the past month. We served and raised funds for Relay for Life and have helped benefit many people. We also enjoyed bonding with our fellow koalas at the end of the year banquet, officer training conference, and the June DCM. Our club is very excited for the upcoming events and fundraisers we have planned for our members, and we hope that the members have as much fun serving as the rest of us do!”

Kennedy RUN OR DYE Memorial Day, Kennedy key clubbers got to experience the world’s most colorful 5k! Run or Dye was certainly one of the most enjoyable runs that Kennedy has ever done. We had the opportunity to paint each other and the sky. In the end we cleaned up the running pathways and got treated to some free Run or Dye gear.

Reflections “Summer has just begun but that doesn’t

mean the service stops! This term we have so many exciting service events planned for our members to participate in. Color Run one of the events the members (including the board) are super ecstatic about! We also started to sell our koala wristbands again, which is one of many beneficial fundraisers to come. I can hopefully show that service doesn’t have to be boring but also fun. This way as a club we can gain more members!” Jesse Gonzaga, Club Vice President

James Monroe High School Key Club

Monroe Key Club at the End-of-the-Year Banquet!

This month’s events

We did Operation Gratitude once again this month! And members had an amazing time packaging items, such as hand-written letters. We also participated in Relay for Life, which was a great and rewarding way to bond with the division. Monroe’s officers attended the joint Officer Training Conference with D25W. All officers gained insight on how to better serve the members, pertaining to their respective duties. Monroe Key Clubbers also had a blast at this year’s banquet!

Officer Reflection

Over these past months we have risen from the ashes and tried to commit ourselves to Key Club, but we still have a lot of room for improvement, and as an officer I know I have a lot more to learn. Our latest event was OTC where I learned a lot more about how to do my job more efficiently and be at the division’s standards, but I also got to bond with my fellow Key Clubbers and make memories. It was a great learning experience and necessary because there are many things as an officer that you are unaware of and should be even if it is as simple as professionalism. Relay for Life was also a great event where I saw the community coming together for a cause. I enjoyed Relay for Life and even ran a mile! Whenever I am with Key Club, I feel motivated and productive. Finally, it’s amazing to know that our efforts mean something and that we are making a difference. Monroe has had it downs, but this year we are trying very hard to improve and be unforgettable. -Bryanna Benicia, Historian

Letters packaged at Operation Gratitude

Northridge Academy Chatsworth CBI Prom On Saturday May 3, 2014, Chatsworth Kiwanis hosted a Special Needs Prom for students of Chatsworth High School. From 10:3012:30 Link Crew, Key Club, and Kiwanis members helped setup the 1920s themed dance, by 6pm it was Prom time. Students helped serve food, wait tables, wash dishes, clean up, and dance with the attendees. This was a great service event to attended, because not only did we serve our community, but we also had the chance to interact with the teens that attended the dance. If you're looking for a fun, energetic service event this is one you don't want to miss out on.

Officer Reflection There's been up and downs, but we've pushed through. Northridge has been trying to up our game to represent our home club. We may not be a big club, but we have some pretty rad devoted members. My goals for the 2014-2015 term are: member retention, creating competent members, inspiring people to run for a position, having fun, memorable service events and fundraisers, and to build a closer relationship with my fellow D25E clubs.

Van Nuys High School This is the only the second month of summer and it is time to make a difference. There are many fundraisers and events Van Nuys Key Club will attend. We are planning to have a local service event and have a new officer that will serve as Tech Editor.

OďŹƒcer Reeection Treasurer Keshan Huang

Key Club is a great club and organization that promotes leadership through community service projects. Through Key Club, I have continued to make a difference in my community which is an important passion to strive for.

s t n e v E g Upcomin

7 / 7 r e i s a r d n u F n o i t a t n a l Soup P 2 1 / 7 r e s i a r d n u F d n a l e t a Sk /19

7 p u n a e l C h c a e B 7 Region




Here’s your chance to be feature certain event? Did you ever d25

Cheili Briones | Granada Hills Charter HS

Ready, set, RELAY!  Are you ready to run laps to support life? Well, whether you enjoy running or not, this event was loads of fun for everyone. There were numerous booths that offered food, games, and even a wagon ride around the track. Division 25 East was at a booth with temporary tattoos and water balloons, which was very refreshing due to the warm weather!  Did I mention all of us also took a Zumba class? That’s right, part of the event was a Zumba teacher giving a workout session, and we were all included. So besides working and serving, we were able to treat ourselves to some exercise for the day; even though most of us didn’t last till the end.  We all had an amazing time serving each other & the community, portraying the true passion of us proud key clubbers. We support volunteering, serving, even exercise! But most of all, we support Life. So, you can pretty much say that Relay For life truly was a fun-filled time!

Ask Kyle The Koala

This is your chance to get all your questions about Key Club answered. Don’t forget to ask Kyle questions because he loves to answer them.

Q. What makes up our region? What schools are part of our division? Our Region is known as Region 7, that includes the divisions of 3S (Wolves), 3N (Starfish), 16 (White Tigers), 25 East (Koalas), and 25 West (Pufferfish). Within division 25 East we have 9 schools currently: Birmingham, Cleveland, Champs, Granada Hills Charter, Grant, Kennedy, Monroe, Northridge Academy, and Van Nuys.

ed in the Monthly Newsletter! Have you ever wanted to talk about your experience at a take any picture pertaining to service at an event? If so, feel free to email those to 5e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com because you may be featured!


It is the night of our young lives to socialize with one another and attend the marvelous award ceremony at the End of the Year Banquet; “The Oscars.” The End of the Year Banquet was on June 14. It was a cool Saturday evening and it was surprising to see members I met before and old friends. Everyone looked remarkably stunning and suitable for “The Oscars.” In order to commence the night of our lives at banquet, we must sign in and then go to our tables where everyone would mingle and interact with one another before the event begins. As all the members settled down at their own designated seats, their eyes wandered around the room in awe. The loud chatters and giggles circulated and filled the entire room with merriment and joy. The members’ expressions clearly reflect their happiness and excitement for the rest of the evening. Before the banquet had entirely begun, everyone lined up one by one to receive their meal, which consisted of pizza and salad. The officially started when Lieutenant Governor Monica and former Lieutenant Governor Andrew gave their extraordinary speeches that impacted everyone’s hearts. After the speeches, it was the award ceremony, which was lead by Andrew. These awards are given to those who went above and beyond their limits to serve their community. As a spectator from the audience, I noticed Andrew bravely fought back his tears as he addresses the award winners and slowly pauses to regain his composure. Andrew courageously finished the award ceremony and ended with a loud cheer from the audience. He received a fabulous gift and speeches from the previous division board. Later, the speeches from the presidents to Andrew was sweet and they will reminisced all those memories together forever. Furthermore, there was a talent show, which some of the members portray their secret talents in front of everyone. This riled up the crowd and build up their excitement. Everyone’s’ talents were outstanding but sadly I have to leave during an amusing performance. It was a wonderful experience that all the members should keep in their heart.


members section



Officer training conference was such an amazing experience. I learned so many things about my specific position and Key Club in general. The opening Key Club 101 from Josef was very informational. I was not aware of some of the information about the history of Key Club, so learning so much was very exciting. Personally, I was not trained by my preceding officer so the treasurer presentation answered so many questions I didn’t even know I had. The treasurer presentation was followed by many examples of past fundraisers that have worked for other clubs which gave me so many ideas that we can try with my home club. OTC was also a great opportunity to meet new people. I met new people that I felt will both help me with my job and become my friends. Officer training Conference also served as an opportunity to talk to neighboring schools about doing joint fundraisers. Besides being extremely helpful, OTC was also fun. The presenters were enthusiastic and lively. Many presenters I’ve seen in the past have been monotone and uninterested so the presenters were very refreshing. They seemed passionate about the topics and excited to be presenting. Presenters were well rehearsed and composed. The presentations were informational and entertaining. Officer Training Conference served as an opportunity to bond with friends I already had along with new people from both 25 East and 25 West. This was my first Officer Training Conference, and I gained so much from it. I am truly glad I attended.

section 18 members


Margie Santos

Personal Information

Northridge Academy President Full Name: Margaux-Jenica De Guzman David Punzal Santos Age: 17 Birthday: January 13, 1997 Experience :

2012-2013 Division 25 East Member 2013-2014 Northridge Academy Historian 2014-2015 Northridge Academy President

Why did you join Key Club?

I joined Key Club because one day a good friend of mine convinced me to join. Not only that but my cousins were already apart of Key Club and I wanted to join them at th events.

Why do you love Key Club?

I love Key Club because I love making people smile, and seeing all the smiles that I helped create makes me feel like I’m doing what I’ve always wanted, which is to bring a smile onto many’s faces, and to help them realize that there is still good in this very confusing world, and that there’s someone to lend them a hand. Also because of the members I serve, I love Key Club because of the Division I am a part of. You all have made me feel so at home, and I don’t get that feeling very often (even in my own home!)


I am a fast learner, I love puns, I can surf, skateboard/longboard, and snowboard, I can tie my shoes in a cool way. I love to rock climb/climb things in general. I feel free when I’m at the beach/in the ocean. Big fan of StarWars, Finding Nemo, Up and Toys Story. I am a Whovian (Doctor Who), I have a shoe and hat addiction, I can pop my shoulders and hip, I love Muscle Cars, SUVs, and motorcycle cruisers, I like going paintballing/airsofting, I don’t like the dark, I have a nightlight, I can wiggle my ears, When I get sunburned I get freckles , I enjoy going horseback riding, I can be very oblivious, Skipping is fun, No one will ever understand my love for adventure. Thrill seeker! Holla!, I can’t stay still, I talk in my sleep , I love going to the Science Center, aquariums, and zoos. Basically anything with an exhibit , I am good at building things/fixing things with my hands , I still enjoy playing with Legos I love to go sailing, especially to Catalina Islands.

climbing On Up

Marina Alva Koala of the moNT

Marina has proven to be a fantastic add and division she serves. Her willingness to se to serve well have made her stand out as tional member. She has attended most, if events provided to her. This undying passio Club life has truly defined what it means to the Month. Her devotion to Key Club is tru

ClUB OF the Month

cleveland High Schoo

Alina de castro arado Th Officer of the moNTh

dition to the club erve and her spirit s such an inspiraf not all Key Club on to live the Key o be the Koala of uly awe-inspiring.

d ol

Alina has been a great addition to the officer board she serves. Even at the beginning of her term, she has shown signs of leadership and responsibility. She proves to be a great addition to the board and the club, and shows signs of maturity, responsibility, and leadership. Although it is the beginning of her term, her punctuality and dedication to this organization proves to be great. She sets the standard for all Key Club leaders.

Cleveland Key Club has proven to be a club of never ending perseverance. Every club encounters problems, but what makes Cleveland shine is their ability to bounce back. They have served as inspirations to the other clubs within the division. Their multiple club events and fundraisers show they are clearly striving to achieve the goals set out in the 3-2-1 Plan. Cleveland Key Club has truly shined during the month of July.


climbing on up





Congratulations to the new International Board Key Club Int.l President | Maria Palazzolo Key Club Int.l VP | Kevin Zhang Along with their newly elected 11 International Trustees Jenalle Beazley | South West District Gary Cheng | Michigan District Renisha Daley | Jamaica District Tashrima Hossian | Texas-Oklahoma District Lakan Kelly | New York District Nicole Lema | New Jersey District Rip Livingston | Alabama District Robbie Mathis | Kentucky-Tennessee District Shane Meyers | Florida District Liz Moore | Capital District Barry Seng | Pennsylvania District

Region 7 At International Convetion 2014

Division 25 East Lt. Governor Monica Reyes

International Convention was an unforgettable experience. Not very often do we get a chance to interact with other Key Clubbers outside the CNH District. By attending ICON, I was able to meet other caring, competent servant leaders from all around the world. From the general sessions, to the House of Delegates, every single moment was absolutely magical. I left the convention with new friends, fond memories, and a newly-found passion for the Eliminate Project. I went to International Convention to represent the California-Nevada-Hawaii District. The other Bees and I had such an amazing four days at the Anaheim Convention Center. I would take me days and days to highlight every single moment of ICON. But like DCON, it is better to experience it yourself. I highly encourage members to attend International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2015. It will be an amazing experience you will never forget.


international message


Executive Assistant Michael Lee mlee.d25e.ea@gmail.com

Division News Editor Coddy Ramos d25e.cnhkc.dne @gmail.com

information 25 contact


Lieutenant Governor Monica Reyes d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Division Secretary Gloria Lee glorialee.keyclub @gmail.com

Executive Assistant Tyler Kowta d25e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Division Treasurer John Camara john.camara.d25e. dfm@gmail.com

Division Task Coordinator Samuel Kim d25e.dtc.kim @gmail.com


*missing in photo Presidents Khrisley Castillo, Giselle Kim Birmingham

Monroe Kayla Gonzalez Email: d25e.monroe. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 384-4093

Khrisley Castillo Email: d25e.birmingham. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 521- 3945 Granada Hills Charter

Northridge Academy Margie Santos Email: d25e.northridge. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 726-3099

Isaac Leon Email: d25e.granada. president @gmai.com Phone: (818) 294-4907 Cleveland

Van Nuys Giselle Kim Email: d25e.vannuys. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 823-1149

Thang Diep Email: d25e.cleveland. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 414-6725 Kennedy

Isabel Evangelista Email:d25e.kennedy. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 303-5903

Taking a nice family photo, Region 7 shows why they are the cutest Region out of them all.

Thank you for reading!


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