Division 25 East January 2014

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Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

Koala-ty Times Volume 4 | Issue 9

January 2014

Key Clubbers happily paint a division banner for the annual Chatsworth Parade.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Table of Contents Division News Editor Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 Lt. Governor Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Past Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Club Recaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Division News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 * Golden Goals * Upcoming Events/Ask Kenny the Koala * Ice Skating Fundraiser * Winterball District News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 *DCON 2014 - Key Note Speaker - Cost Overview Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


A quick message from your 2013 - 2014

Division News Editor Hello my wonderful Koalas, The holiday season is finally upon us! Our long awaited winter break is on and we can look forward to drinking hot chocolate, sitting by the fire, and spending time with family. With these three weeks of freedom from school work, we have more time to focus on Key Club, haha. But seriously, we can’t forget about our Key Club Ohana! This cominf month marks our countdown to DCON 2014. Can you believe that we’re only a few months away from using our GOLDEN ticket to meeting amazing people, attending wonderful workshops, and celebrating a great year of service? It is really so hard to believe that I was just appointed back in April but my appointment has brought so many new memories and new opportunities. I hope everyone feels the same! With that being said, I encourage all of you to apply for awards. I know everyone has been working so, so hard and everyone who applies definitely deserves an award of their own. Anyway, I think we can focus all of our energy into major events that lead up to DCON. I’m excited for our upcoming Division OTC, iceskating fundraiser, Winter Ball, and, here comes the biggest one, CONCLAVE! To those of you who are running for the position of Lieutenant Governor, I wish you the best of luck. Have a safe, relaxing winter break and have a happy, happy holiday! I look forward to seeing everyone this break.



Signing out, Marjerrie Masicat


(818) 442 - 4929

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Hello Division 25 East Koalas!

It has finally come to the close of the year. Happy holidays everyone! I know how hard all of you have worked whether at school or in service.Take this moment to rest, enjoy this Koalaty season with your family, friends, and loved ones.

Reflecting back, I can summarize all m one word: Pride. All of you have co much to the home, school, and serve that the division cannot of your collaborative efforts. Together, we have:

Paid all of our dues! It ha the record of the divisio all clubs paid dues by th deadline. Thank you to have worked so hard in dues and thank you to t who have also helped th smoothly.

Recruited more members! T the efforts of the officers and c helped to educate more peop service we provid exude as Ke Our divisi conspic in me this col of


reflect, and

my emotions in ontributed so d community you be more proud .

as never been to on where nearly he early bird the officers who n managing the the membership his process go

This year, with clubs, we have ple about the de and care we ey Club members. ion has shown cuous growth embership and is a result of the llective effort all f us have put in.

Lt. Governor Message

Inspired leadership within the community. I saw so much leadership growth within all of you that it truly makes it a remarkable experience serving as your Lt. Governor. DCON is your opportunity to be recognized of this growth. Apply for awards and BEE recognized for all of your work. Dedicated nearly 3000 hours of service. The dedication all of you exude to service is incredible and inspiring. Not only did you perform service, you have performed koalaty service. The 3000 hours we contributed all together have helped provide opportunities to hundreds of children in the local community, shipped countless care packages to veterans, soldiers, and their families, and build tools that not only relieve damage but also prevent damage in the first place. Thank you to all of you servant leaders! Eliminate numerous disasters that continue to haunt families and children. Together, we have raised nearly 5000 dollars for the Pediatric Trauma Program, 1000 dollars for the American Cancer Society, 300 dollars for the AIDS Walk. My mind is blown by these astronomical numbers and all I can say is I am so proud of OUR achievements. Thank you all so much for your work. Your efforts are magical and inspiring. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at anytime. I am always here to support you. Happy Holidays!

Buzzing in Koalaty Service,

Andrew Chang

D25E Lieutenant Governor District Convention Committee Secretary Division 25 East | Region 7 email: d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Past Event

Past e


St. J u de’s Give thanks walk Isabel Evangelista | John F. Kennedy HS On Saturday, November 23, 2013, St. Jude held their “Give Thanks” Walk inside Paramount Studios. Kennedy Key Clubbers and I were given an amazing opportunity to walk around the lot for a 3.1 miles, allowing us to walk 3 laps around. As we entered, we were greeted by many volunteers who were cheering us on. This even included Division 10 South Blue Turtles! As we were on the lot, we were able to see what was filmed around there. This included currently aired shows such as American Horror Story and Community. While at the walk, we received a lot of free stuff like thunder sticks, cinch bags, and little cowbells. We also raised a total of $690 for St. Jude’s Cancer Research!

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys




Past Event

Everybody reads

Jessie Aw | Granada Hills Charter HS It’s that time of the month again! This month’s Everybody Reads was hosted on November 16th from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Members excitedly arrived at Noble Elementary School ready to read to those adorable kids and offer their time to serve! With children from Pre- School to up to fifth grade, Key Clubbers were very passionate to serve the community. As it meant so much to the kids and just as much to the members, the time was surely treasured. Everybody Reads has always been a monthly tradition to our club and one of the most look forward to. Key Clubbers can never get tired of reading to those kids and always look forward to their joyful smiles.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Club Recaps



Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!

Cleveland Key Club “Fall Rally was a great experience! Although it was not as fun as last year it was great because I got to meet new friends from all over southern California! Along with that I was able to go on rides with all of my closest friends and share screams, tears and laughs. It was a very bitter sweet event as it is my favorite event of the year however it was my last fall rally.” –Kurt Luu, Vice President

Volunteers are requested to sing and/or play music at the Corbin House Holiday Party on Friday December 13 from 67:30! Dinner will be provided. Those interested can do an individual performance as well as a group Christmas carol! Cleveland Time Club will be holding an after school party on Monday December 9 from 3:15-4:15 at the Media Academy! At this party they will teach us how we can help in their effort for the 9th International Youth Media Summit. Refreshments will be provided!

Love the X-Factor? Here’s your chance to see the show live in the studio on December 18th! This event is not only for your amusement, as you will be able to cheer for your favorite contestants, but also to raise awareness of Project Eliminate and what we do as Key Clubbers! Deadline to sign up is December 18th. Sign up below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RHfXjKYj5Nqsfo_Dj_P YCdKxlj0GPgoVChy3xGXwQGg/viewform#start=openfo rm

Kennedy ICE SKATING FUNDRAISER On Saturday December 7th, 2013, Kennedy Key Club and Northridge Academy Key Club held a joint ice skating fundraiser! All of the money that we raised went towards Project ELIMINATE, charging $10 for presale and $12 at the door. Not only were we helping to raise money for one of our main projects, we also were given the opportunity to not only socialize with people from our schools, but the rest of the division and other divisions as well!

GIFT WRAPPING From Friday, December 6th-Sunday, December 8th, Kennedy Key Club teamed up with three fellow schools in the division; Monroe, Northridge Academy, and Cleveland. This gave us the opportunity to unite four schools and help provide the local community with free gift wrapping. Not only did we grow closer, but we also got to interact with the community in a much more fulfilling way.

“Personally, November was a very successful month, and so far December has been very successful as well. I was able to experience my first Fall Rally, and I was also able to be in charge of my first event! I’m also almost done with my club’s website, which should be up soon. I hope that next month will be more successful, seeing that we have winter break which gives us more opportunities to hold more events and fundraisers!” -Isabel Evangelista, Kennedy Key Club Historian

James Monroe High School Key Club Gift-wrapping Fundraiser: The Monroe Key Club did a gift-wrapping event at Topanga Mall with Cleveland, Kennedy, and Northridge Academy’s Key Club. We wrapped gifts for free. It was a lot of fun, and we raised a ton of money in donation! And all the money raised is going to Project Eliminate! It was a great event!

We did the gift-wrap event with Cleveland, Kennedy, and Northridge Academy. It was a lot of fun to collaborate with the other clubs! We wrapped gifts with other key clubbers all day, and I got to meet and bond with people that I wouldn’t have met other wise. Over all, it was a really great event, and I can’t wait for the next one! -Aminata Diallo, Tech Editor

Northridge Academy ���� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������

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Division News




January DCM/Ice Skatin

January 18th, 201 LA Kings Valley Ice Center; 7:30 Please save the date for the Jan the January DCM, there will be fundraiser held inside t

GOLDEN GOALS At the beginning of the 2013-2014 term, Lieutenant Governor Andrew Chang set goals for Division 25 East. As a Division we want to

District and Intern. Offi

January 19th, 2014; Kiwanis 8360 Red Oak Street, #201, Key Club members interested Of- ficer Position or being end Interna- tional Officer po


$10,000 SERVE

6000 HOURS



4258 hours

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


n News


ng Fundraiser

14 0 PM - 10:30 PM nuary DCM! After e an iceskating the ring!

ficer Training Conference

s District Office; 10:30 AM - 5 PM Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 in being a candidate for a District dorsed by the district to run for an osition MUST attend the CTC.



Division News


Do you have any question s about these Ask club offi events? cers and we ’ll be happy to help!

February DCM/Conclave

February 8th, 2014 Van Nuys Elks Lodge; time is to be announced Please save the date for the February DCM. On this day, the division will be determining our Division 25 East Lt. G Elect!

ASK KENNY THE KOALA You submittted your questions and Kenny the Koala answered!

- Anonymous

What exactly is ‘DCON’? I mean like...what exactly do we do if we decide to attend?

A: DCON is short for District Convention, a 3-day 2-night trip. This is probably one of the biggest events, next to Fall Rally (and International Convention), hosted by Key Club. At DCON, which is at Sacramento this year, you’ll be able to attend multiple workshops, meet people from all over CNH, and participate in numerous activites provided! For more information, keep reading! There will be more information below.

Don’t see your question? Don’t worry, they might be in next month’s issue! Got your own question(s)? Send them to http://tinyurl.com/d25ekenny or go anon and submit your message to http://d25ekoalas.tumblr.com/ask

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Division News





frozen Division 25 East presents...

a disney-themed winterball

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


n News



Division News

WHERE: LA kings valley ice center WHEN: JANUARY 18th, 2014 TIME: 8:15PM-10:30PM PRICE: PRESale-$10/At the door-$12

When: Feburary 8th, 2014 where: Van Nuys Elks Lodge 14440 Friar Street Van Nuys, CA 91401 Time: To be announced!

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


District News




Location: Sacramento Co Date: April 11th - Apr

A short message from Keith Hawkins: “I am so excited to speak to you at the CNH District Convention in April 2014. I am honored to be asked to share my message of leadership and hope for your future. My keynote, called Real Leadership, is about the transformation student leaders experience from having a great idea, to encouraging others to follow them and make their idea reality. Everything starts and stops with leadership. In my keynote, I will give the student leaders the tools to transform their position of leadership and turn it into Real Leadership! I look forward to meeting you and speaking to you as well.�

Welcome our Key Note speaker Keith Hawkins! { Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys




District News


onvention Center ril 13th, 2014

Your Golden Ticket embodies the opportunitites District Convention provides. Key Club is the ticket for leaers across the globe to develop leadership through service. It is not just the ticket for one individual; it is the ticket for anyone. With this ticket, Key Club members will be able to perform golden service and live by the core values. To celebrate the legacy brought by the CNH leaders, DCON 2014 will be YOUR GOLDEN TICKET.


DEADLINE: February 20th, 2014 into the CNH District Office

LATE REGISTRATION $218 per member

DEADLINE: March 15th, 2014 into the CNH District Office

HOTEL FEES $170/night x 2 nights = $88/ person (with 4 persons sharing)

*Please keep in mind that these prices are estimates. This DOES NOT include the price for transportation, club attire, spirit gear, etc. Prices are subject to change depending on your club.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





Timothy Sun Koala of the Month

Timothy Sun has shown a lot of enthusiasm for Key Club, not only in the past month, but in the past year. He attended DCON as a freshman, which is pretty rare to see, and has only shown more passion for the club since then. He was one of the people constantly cheering throughout our rally session and never looked bored or tired. Not only that, he attends many of the events that our club has to offer, from Beckford Trunk-or-Treat to the Division Car Wash. He has also shown an interest in running for an officer position for the upcoming Key Club term. This initiative to take a more active role in the club demonstrates his dedication as a member and potential as a leader. Being involved in Key Club from the very beginning, it is great to see that Timothy’s passion for the club has not dwindled, but actually continues to grow. { Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





Cleveland HS Club of the Month

Cleveland Key Club has shown so much growth in every aspect that I can only gasp in amazement and pride of its work. The officers have worked so hard and shown so much dedication and their leadership abilities serve as inspiration for the rest of the members in the division. Its members are some of most spirited and BEEutiful leaders I have ever seen and because of all of their work, Cleveland Key Club has achieved so much in both fundraising and service. The club has shown conspicuous growth in membership and leadership. For these reasons, I am proud to present Cleveland Key Club as the club of the month for the month of December.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





Elbert Lim Officer of the Month

Secretary Elbert has shown so much dedication in service and leadership that it is to the pride of the division to present as the Officer of the Month. Over the past months, Elbert has dedicated so much time and effort in ensuring the accuracy of the dues collection and submission process of the members. Despite offers in support lent by his colleague officers, Elbert was determined to complete the work on his own to relieve the stress from the board he serves. His excellent work is exemplified by the growth in dues paid members count of Cleveland Key Club. In addition, Elbert has completed his secretary duties including the MRFs beyond regular expectations and his work exemplifies that of a great leader. The division is proud to present him as the Officer of the Month for the month of December. { Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys




Online Info...

FIND US ONLINE! http://tinyurl.com/d25ekcfb



http://d25ekeyclub.wix.com/koalas { Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


C o n ta c t I n f o r m at i o n Division Leadership Team Birmingham President

Ruben Viramontes

email: d25e.birmingham.president@gmail.com phone: not applicable Cleveland President

Hannah Luong

email: d25e.cleveland.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 274-8018 Granada Hills Charter President

Sarine Kim

email: d25e.granada.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 428-9500 Kennedy President

Jeymz Hipolito

email: d25e.kennedy.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 849-0893 Monroe President

Kayla Gonzalez

email: d25e.monroe.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 384-4093 Northridge Academy President

Monica Reyes

email: d25e.northridge.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 422-2807 Van Nuys President

Joyce Kim

email: d25e.vannuys.president@gmail.com phone: (213) 999-7032

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


C o n ta c t I n f o r m at i o n D i v i s i o n A d m i n i s t r at i o n Lieutenant Governor

Director of Finance and Management

email: d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com phone: (818) 294 - 6788

email: michael.lee.dfam@gmail.com phone: (818) 337 - 8126

Andrew Chang

Michael Lee

Executive Assisstant

Director of Reports and Operations

email: ralphagbayani@gmail.com phone: (818) 259 - 4161

email: eric.r.schuman@gmail.com phone: (818) 590 - 9460

Ralph Agbayani

Eric Schuman

Division News Editor

Member Relations Chair

email: d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com phone: (818) 442 - 4929

email: aaronaguas.d25e@gmail.com phone: (818) 270 - 5347

Marjerrie Masicat

Aaron Aguas

Division Secretary

Thang Diep

email: thangdiep.d25e@gmail.com phone: (818) 414 - 6725

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Thank you for reading!

a Kiwanis family member www.cnhkeyclub.org

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


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