Division 25 East January 2015 Newsletter | CNH Key Club

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the Volume 5 | Issue 7

Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

KOALATY TIMES January 2015

Planning a special christmas suprise for the members of Divison 25 East, the Division Leadership Team consult their plans before iniating it.

|Birmingham|Cleveland|Granada Hills|Grant|Kennedy|Monroe|Northridge Academy|Van Nuys|

IN THIS ISSUE January 2015

Lieutenant Governor Recaps on Events ▶ NOVEMBER DCM ▶ OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE Elections Season Climbing on up District Convention Contact Information


Hello Koalas, G-Double O-D JOB Good Job! Not only were we one of the smallest divisions but we also made it into the top 3. It was so inspiring to see all of your Koalaty members at Fall Rally 2014. I can’t express how much I am proud to be a koala, we’re small in numbers but together our might can be seen throughout the world. I hope you all had a great time at one of the biggest district event, maybe you met a new face or reconnected with old faces no matter the fact I hope you left Six Flags with a smiling face and a passion for service. Now onto the newsletter, in this month’s newsletter you will find updates within the division, what is going on with clubs through their club recaps, division award winners for the month of November, and much more! Signing off for now, Coddy Anthony Ramos Division 25 East News Editor

r o n r e v o G t n tena

s e y e R a c i Mon


ss illingne w r u o y db ast, u all humble ion 25 E d by yo ision. is e e ir iv b p D s e o in w div ay Hell truly rs of the of tinues m n roles. I am e n b o c m e n m so ud itio tion sea adership pos ly to serve the oice, I am pro ettering s le As elec h fb u on new ortunity serio sition of your c e direction o e k a t to po opp in th ke this ed the a step b. who ta you are elect ou who took Key Clu e y r f e e o h id t s e t e n u o practic o Wh y o d r t n e e v a u e e in nd sid f ont each a as a leader in ou all c get the best o , y e p o ls h il r, I ools the your sk lub yea ctions never ur homes, sch t C y e K le ha eo the ye time of riendship. Ma : to serv t defined by w e is s h o t p r g u f in a o Dur ip and same p at. We are n t need h o s e n n h t a o r d m o er th You ere f ing sports re all h ememb we change. ed your undy r a s e y a W . ne . Alw you lives munity you do by the r m r e o e v c h e t d a w r , an . Ho we hold erence e world. f if d a position de our th ke a a e g m m n e o a t v h a . eh position r service to c n us. W all Rally South o p o f u is n F te at term passio Elimina m. rogram y Club e P e h K t a is o m t h r t u s f the te t tric Tra half of draiser o n ia d u d d n f n e o d P e c n na n to istric y the The se donatio us our attentio P donation b oalas. D k s , u d o r r a e gh r PT foc gen time to is to match ou s. Keep workin w o n is s It ce oal . Our g y to suc Project ell on our wa CA. w aheim, hard ere. n e h r A t a s in o e W alm ork help ntion is will be , and w n a life y It e . n ly o k Conve quic tha ay m g very ur holid is nothing less in o h y d tears c e a a s v o r a d s It p n , . p s a n is a tio py club DCON conven ll of both hap oala-ty faces in your h d it n e w t t e u a f is rk ble to ekend see all of you Fundra a e e w b a y ma to . It is y. so you erience fficers. I hope ip, and famil p x e g in ersh tire o chang e, lead and re ic ll v a r t s e s in rate as we e celeb w s a e ther or Govern yes t e n R a a n ic e ieut Mon 5 East L 2 n io is Div

november clare kanchana | van nuys

division council meeting

On the same Saturday of the Officer Training Conference on November 22 is DCM or Division Council Meeting. This DCM was hosted by Van Nuys and an early celebration of Thanksgiving with our Ohana. The theme for this DCM was “Stuffing For Service” and the icebreaker is dressing up or “stuffing” a chosen representative from each group with grandma-styled clothing and the most clothes on the person is the winner. There were four groups in total and we were given 1 minute to dress up our representatives, but it was quite hectic with such a tense atmosphere and competitive spirit. The winner of the icebreaker had a total of 26 articles of clothing in a minute. Subsequently, Kiwanis members arrived at the scene and partake the icebreaker. Key Clubbers split into two groups hasten their pace to beat the clock. Articles of clothing was spewed everyone as people rapidly sped up to dress the two Kiwanis members. Alas, time was up and the Kiwanis members looked lovely with the abstract and aesthetic clothing. They modeled and walk down like a pair of fashion models for show. The winner had a total of 37 pieces of clothing which induced the laughter from each Key Clubber. The end of the day resulted in awards and old and new businesses of each club. I felt this day shouldn't have end despite the hot, blazing November sun. This day was an amazing day to start the weekend.


n nuys

ana | va are kanch

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special thanks the speakers:

President: Kayla Gonzalez and Grace Kim Vice President: Muthia Faizah and Jemmy M. Secretary: Timothy Sun and Sandra Chimil Treasurer: Grace Kim and Marina Alvarado Historian: Huy Ho and Clare Kanchana Tech Editor: Cheili Briones and Amber Huynh


Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!



Granada Hills

Northridge Academy


Van Nuys



Birmingham High School MEET THe 2014-2015 OFFICER BOARD

Khrisley Castillo



SECRETARY Ariel Gonzalez

VICE PRESIDENTS Our new Vice Presidents Abygail Viramontes and Jennifer Ngo. They are best friends and are ready to help our members and officers when they need help!

Our new Historian Kathy Flores! She is excited to take pictures at our future events and write and collect articles to share the experience of volunteering.



When: December 17, Thursday Location: 9420 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CA 91324 Time: 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Historian, Huy Ho

My experience at Officer Training Conference was filled with joy, anxiety, and relief. When the officers were presenting their position, I could see the eyes of a few members light up as they listened to the speeches. Their intrigued minds made my anxiety go down, since I was also going to stand in front of all these members and enlighten them with the role I play as Historian. This was my first presentation for Key Club ever, so I just gave it my all! I tried to add a little humor when I gave my speech to lighten up the mood of everyone. I messed up a few times, but when I finished, I was relieved and proud of myself. Aside from the presentations, the ice breakers during the break was really great and funny. I was able to see people who I'd never expect to dance, actually dance for fun! My favorite part of the morning was the food. I literally had 2 slices of pizza for breakfast and I was satisfied! Overall, I really enjoyed Officer Training Conference, and I am hoping that my presentation sparked an interest to many of the individuals in and out division.



Officer Reflection: President Isaac Leon “Four years. Four years of Fall Rally felt faster than the speed of light in all honesty. I say this because my last Fall Rally was on November 15, 2014 and all I can say is wow. This was by far my favorite rally, not just because it was my last but because of the amount of new members that attended. Every person that attends this event has said to me that their perspective on the club changed and it truly makes my day. I cannot describe to all of you what Fall Rally is because its a day that needs to be experienced in person. I want to thank Key Club for providing such a day for all these members to meet and get to know each other and give me the opportunity to meet my my best friends and inspire to be a leader. So again,I urge all of you to attend because that way you'll know what I am talking about and soon after you'll be able to share your experiences to new members.”

Kennedy RUN OR DYE Memorial Day, Kennedy key clubbers got to experience the world’s most colorful 5k! Run or Dye was certainly one of the most enjoyable runs that Kennedy has ever done. We had the opportunity to paint each other and the sky. In the end we cleaned up the running pathways and got treated to some free Run or Dye gear.

Reflections “Summer has just begun but that doesn’t

mean the service stops! This term we have so many exciting service events planned for our members to participate in. Color Run one of the events the members (including the board) are super ecstatic about! We also started to sell our koala wristbands again, which is one of many beneficial fundraisers to come. I can hopefully show that service doesn’t have to be boring but also fun. This way as a club we can gain more members!” Jesse Gonzaga, Club Vice President

James Monroe High School Key Club


Operation Gratitude: At this event, which Monroe Key Club, has done multiple times, we made care packages that were sent to troops all over the world.


Everybody Reads: At this event, the club read and interacted with elementary school children. Giftwrapping: Monroe wrapped gifts for free and took donations for Project Eliminate. Elections: This month, Monroe elected its new officer board! Congratulations to all the newlyelected officers!

Officer Reflection: This month was filled with spirit and service! The Key Clubbers of Monroe High School experienced multiple Christmas themed events including many days of giftwrapping and the Chatsworth Kiwanis Holiday Parade. Seeing the club come together during this holiday season and become a closer Ohana is very heartwarming! Recently, we finished up our elections and I can positively say that the new officer board is filled with caring and competent leaders! Training of the officers is on the agenda, and guiding them through the ropes is going to be a great experience for all officers, new and old. I can’t wait to watch each of them leave their legacy. Furthermore, I’m proud of every member that ran for an officer position and every member that consistently shows their dedication to the club we serve. You all prove why I L-O-V-E my Monroe Key Club Family. -Kayla Gonzalez, President

Northridge Academy Water Gun Fun


During the Region 7 Beach Clean Up our club decided to sell Water Guns and Water with flavor for 1$ each. We wanted to be able to help the members cool off with a refreshing drink and have fun in the sun. We made posters and flyers to get their attention and soon enough it worked. It was a definitely a great fundraising idea since it was pretty inexpensive but was in high demand being in the hot sun. It was a pretty ingenious plan too since we knew it was easily profitabel and we’d be able to raise some funds for our own club. I’m glad our president put this together because I had a blast running around and cheering while yelling to go buy our goodies.

Margie Santos | Northridge Academy President

There’s been up and downs, but we’ve pushed through. Northridge has been trying to up our game to represent our home club. We may not be a big club, but we have some pretty rad devoted members. My goals for the 2014-2015 term are: member retention, creating competent members, inspiring people to run for a position, having fun, memorable service events and fundraisers, and to build a closer relationship with my fellow D25E clubs.


tips from lt. goveRnor mOnica

Nervous about your elections? Well don’t fret, Lieutenant Govenor Monica has given you some tips that will help you lessen your stress and nervousness.

- Be yourself - Practice your speech - Be passionate as you deliver your speech - Prepare for caucus questions; you never know that they will be

- Be confident and believe in yourself - Project your voice - Dress for success - Make eye contact with everyone Show your strengths

celebrate SERVICE . leadersHIP . FAMILY

who will be the next to lead DIVISION 25 EAST in the 2015-2016 term.

. conclave .

climbing on up monique basto koala of the montH Monique has attended many event throughout the Her division spirit and willingness to make a difference was very evident, especially during Fall Rally South. Following the event, Monique’s drive did not wither away. It is clear to the home club she serves as well as the whole division that she has a true passion for service. She continues to serve as a necessity for Cleveland Key Club.


Sandra is a very dependable officer and can always be counted on to get work done. She is a rising leader and has shown that she is very dedicated to the club that she serves. She genuinely cares about Key Club and has gone above and beyond with her duties. Her passion, drive, and willingness to serve continue to be recognized throughout the club board she serve as well as the division.

Van Nuys hs CLUB OF the montH Van Nuys Key Club continue to strive to achieve nothing less than greatness. The dedication the members show inspire the members of the division. Their participation in division events has been very apparent as they continue to attend all division functions. The club has indubitably improved since past years.

days of


day 1: spirit wear

the attire for each of the days of District Convetion.


DAY 3: BUSINESS casual


convention By January 15, 2015

$179.00 (per person)

After January 15, 2015 and by February 5, 2015

$219.00 (per person)

watch the call to dcon 2015



Executive Assistant Michael Lee mlee.d25e.ea@gmail.com

Division News Editor Coddy Ramos d25e.cnhkc.dne @gmail.com


Lieutenant Governor Monica Reyes d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Division Secretary Gloria Lee glorialee.keyclub @gmail.com

Executive Assistant Tyler Kowta d25e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Division Treasurer John Camara john.camara.d25e. dfm@gmail.com

Division Task Coordinator Samuel Kim d25e.dtc.kim @gmail.com


*missing in photo President Khrisley Castillo Birmingham Khrisley Castillo Email: d25e.birmingham. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 521- 3945 Granada Hills Charter Isaac Leon Email: d25e.granada. president @gmai.com Phone: (818) 294-4907 Cleveland Thang Diep Email: d25e.cleveland. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 414-6725 Grant Idalys Perez Email: d25e.grant. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 219-9005

Monroe Kayla Gonzalez Email: d25e.monroe. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 384-4093 Northridge Academy Margie Santos Email: d25e.northridge. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 726-3099

Van Nuys Giselle Kim Email: d25e.vannuys. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 823-1149

Kennedy Isabel Evangelista Email:d25e.kennedy. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 303-5903

Showing a little bit of the christmas spriti by, giving thanks to the wonderful service that the Kiwanis of Northridge has done for Division 25 East.

Thank you for reading!

| http://www.cnhkeyclub.org

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