Division 25 East April 2014 Newsletter

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Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

Koala-ty Times Volume 4 | Issue 12

April 2014

Key Clubbers lay out empty water cups to be later filled for the Los Angeles Marathon.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Table of Contents Division News Editor Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 Division Administration Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Lieutenant Governor Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Club Recaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Division News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 * Golden Goals * Upcoming Events/Ask Kenny the Koala District News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 *DCON 2014 - Ribbon and Button Designs -Meet and Greet Special Shoutout Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


A quick message from your 2013 - 2014

Division News Editor Hello my wonderful Koalas, Can you believe it’s already the end of the 2013-2014 Key Club year?! I sure can’t believe that it’s been almost twelve months since our installation back in April! I would like to take this small little space I have and give a big

THANK YOU for all the amazing support. I hope that you all have enjoyed each monthly newsletter. I truly wish that you have found them informative throughout the year. Aside from all the formal lessons and training we’ve gone through during this term, I hope you’ve learned the strength and power of golden opportunities. It has been so humbling to watch and witness many people’s growth. I can surely say that this year brought on the most challenges, however, I have grown immensely. There really is so much to mention in such a small amount of space but just know that I understand; I understand the struggles and the joys. I think it’s important to remember that this is not the end of our journey together. I’ve had the pleasure of creating newsletters for the past 12 months and I know that when we look back to the back, these newsletters will serve as an archive to our accomplishments together. Enough with the sappy words, I hope you are all excited for DCON 2014! It’s coming up severly quickly and I am not prepared for this emotional rollercoaster ride, but thank goodness we are there to hold each other. Signing out for one final time, Marjerrie Masicat

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills


d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com phone:

(818) 442 - 4929

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Administration Messages


Hello again, for the last time, Koalas! Wow, it seems like only yesterday I was appointed as your Executive Assistant. I can’t believe that in less than 2 weeks, my term is coming to an end. I’m SOOO glad that I got the opportunity to serve all of you this year. I definitely have learned a lot, and i’m grateful for everyone I have met and everything that has happened this year. Next school year, I hope to look for more opportunities to lead and serve the Ohana that I love and care for so much. I hope that all of you continue to do the same. L-O-V-E, I LOVE D25EAST. SEE YOU ALL AT DCON! Ralph Martin Agbayani | D25E Executive Assistant email: ralphagbayani@gmail.com

Hey Koalas! How are y’all doing? It is almost the end of this term and I am so proud of all the money we raised and all the hours we served. Even though I am sad that the year is ending, my feelings are mixed with joy because of all the accomplishments we made this year. Although this term is coming to an end with DCON around the corner, another year is approaching and another story begins. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” I hope to see y’all and your wonderful spirit at DCON to represent the tremendous impacts we made to our home, school, and community! Who knows, a club from the Division may even a spirit sticks. Lets finish this term and year strong as we brace ourselves for a new beginning! Thang Diep | Division Secretary email: thangdiep.d25e@gmail.com

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys



Administration Messages

Hello Koalas! As the Key Club term comes to an end, bittersweet memories are left in my head. This past year has been one of the most amazing years of my life, and I have you all to thank for that. Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful ohana! It has been such a pleasure to serve you all. This position has helped me to grow as an individual and to grow as a leader. If you are even thinking about considering to run for a division position, I HIGHLY recommend it! This has been an amazing experience and I have been truly thankful to have been a part of the 2013-2014 Division Administration. BUT the term is not over yet! We have one of the biggest district events coming up, DCON!! DCON, DCON, DCON!!! I am very excited to be attending this year’s District Convention because of all of you. I am super excited to celebrate this GOLDEN term with all of you! If you are not attending DCON this year, I highly advise you to attend next year! It is truly a life changing experience. Thank you to all of you, without your help, your service, your dedication to this wonderful organization, we would be nothing. To the seniors, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Whichever college you do attend, I hope you all the best! It has truly been an amazing year serving along side you! Thank you for being the people I’ve grown to look up to. Thank you for setting the example so that the others could follow. I wish you all nothing but the best! To the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors, CONGRATULATIONS!! You have all successfully survived another successful Key Club year! There are so many opportunities ahead of you! I truly do hope with all my heart that you all stay in this wonderful ohana, and that you all will continue to serve our home, school, and community. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. To the Division Administration, THANK YOU!! It has been a pleasure getting to know and working with each of you. I have definitely grown as a leader through this past term and I cannot thank you enough. I wish all of you the best in your future endeavors! Finally, thank you to all of you. Without all of your support, the division would not be where we are today. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for the sleepless nights and sleep deprived mornings. Thank you all for your service. Bittersweet memories linger in my head, but I know for a fact that they will be replaced with bright, happy, service-filled moments with each and everyone of you! I wish you all nothing but good vibes and good times. Michael Lee | Director of Finance and Management email: michael.lee.dfam@gmail.com

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Hello Division 25 East Ko

As the last message for the term, community’s gratitude towards you many beautiful memories for me t of the division to thank all of your become a better leader because

Over the past year, as your Nevertheless, because of YO courageous to do things b have previously had and for leaving such beautif home. I’ve always used

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Lt. Governor Message


I have nothing to say other than gratitude. My gratitude for your dedication and the u service is something that I could take a lifetime to express. This term has been filled with so to describe. But I will try to keep it short. I want to take this opportunity to speak on behalf r work for the past months. Your hardwork has truly been magical and I aspire everyday to e of all of your support and effort.Â

r Lt. Governor, I have never found myself more stressed, more scared, more insecure. OUR support and trust, I have also found myself ever more confident, content, and because it is the right thing to do. I found myself burdened by more responsibilities than I encountered challenges and difficulties. But I knew that I was not alone. Thank you all truly ful memories for me about this organization and thank you for giving me a place to call d this quote as a source of motivation:

en it is time for you to leave school, to leave this organization, ven leave this earth, you make sure you have worked hard to make sure it mattered... that you were here.�

made it. We are on the brink of passing down our legacy. This year, the division has been ed than ever. Together, we have truly built a TEAM and make this a TEAM effort. Thank you to u because it is through YOUR work that this was possible. You matter. d can only shine because light reflects upon it. Thank you for being the sunshine that makes ivision shine like gold.

Buzzing in Koalaty Service,

Andrew Chang

D25E Lieutenant Governor 2013-2014 Region 7 | CNH District

Club Recaps



Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!

Cleveland Key Club

“Although I didn’t do much that most people would consider ‘fun’ at the Rose Float Decoration, I still had a great time. I wanted to work on the floats but there were no available spots, so I mostly picked flowers, which made my nails extremely dirty. My shirt got really messy too from scraping glue out of containers. Even though it was a huge mess, I had a fun time with my friends, getting messy and creating something that would be shown on tv throughout the country. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity so I’m very glad I went.” –Brian Mai, Cleveland Key Club Vice President, Senior. From Dec 27th-31st, our very own Cleveland Koalas went out of their way to drive down to Pasadena to help decorate the floats that were used in the Rose Parade. Our volunteers received free shirts and a once in a lifetime experience!

Are you interested in becoming a club officer? If so, please attend our division’s Officer Training Conference (OTC) on Saturday, January 11th, 2014 to learn more about all the possible officer positions you can pursue. Time: 3 PM- 5PM Location: Cleveland High School Media Academy

Kennedy Club OTC/CTC On December 22nd, 2013, Kennedy Key Club officers held an Officer Training Conference/Candidate Training Conference to review our duties for the last stretch of our term and also show members who aspire to be officers what it takes.

“Last month in December, Kennedy along with

Division 25 East attended Rose Float Decorating in Pasadena. It was also my first Rose Float Decorating. I, along with other firstcomers, was in awe because of the floats as we are doing service for the local Kiwanis Organization. Beginning of the New Year means the start of a New Year's resolution involving Key Club. For the month of January, Kennedy Key Club will be in a process of elections for the home club.� -Jeymz Hipolito, Club President

James Monroe High School Key Club

This has been an excellent month for Monroe Key Club! Member attendance has definitely improved. Recently, Monroe Key Clubbers volunteered at the LA Marathon! It was a great event for members and new officer-elects to bond with Key Clubbers from other schools! They had a great time cheering on the runners and passing out water! Monroe also attended the monthly event Everybody Reads! Monroe had a great, koalaty time at Conclave! Getting to see the election of the new Lt G. was an unforgettable experience! We'd like to extend a huge congratulations to Monica Reyes, she is a born leader who deserves this position very much! Monroe Key Club is excited for the upcoming month! It's going to be great welcoming the new officers that we have been training! -Amy Diallo, Tech Editor & Kayla Gonzalez, President

Division News



Divisio March DCM

GOLDEN GOALS At the beginning of the 2013-2014 term, Lieutenant Governor Andrew Chang set goals for Division 25 East. As a Division we want to


$10,000 SERVE

6000 HOURS

March 22nd, 2014 The them Northridge Park Everything 2PM-4PM Gold

Region 7 Ohana

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 Boys and Girls Club of S (24909 Newhall Ave. S Admission Fee: Activities include food, talent s ing, and quality time with fello sure to dress in lua



6000+ hours

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


n News


me for this DCM will be “All Gold g” as we prepare to give you your den Ticket for DCON 2014!

a Night

4; 5 PM - 9:30 PM Santa Clarita Santa Clarita) : $10 show, games, dancow Key Clubbers. Be au attire.



Division News


Do you have any question s about these Ask club offi events? cers and we ’ll be happy to help!

District Convention 2014

April 11th-13th, 2014 Sacramento Convention Center Celebrate a year of achievements in service and leadership with food, dance, recognition, spirit, and more! at this 3-day, 2-night event!

ASK KENNY THE KOALA You submittted your questions and Kenny the Koala answered!

- Anonymous

What is the ‘transition period’?

A: The “transition period” is exactly what it sounds like. This is a time where current officers train their respective officer elects. This is a period where questions are answered, goals are made, and other important issues are discussed. It is essentially the time where the new officers develop a strategy for the following term.

Don’t see your question? Don’t worry, they might be in next month’s issue! Got your own question(s)? Send them to http://tinyurl.com/d25ekenny or go anon and submit your message to http://d25ekoalas.tumblr.com/ask

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys









District News



District News

MEET AND GREET District Convention is Your Golden Ticket to endless opportunities! One of the many new things coming to DCON 2014 is the Meet and Greet! During this time, the District has many different activitesand events for you to participate in! Here is a quick preview of what you can expect at the Meet and Greet at DCON 2014!

Meet thousands of Key Clubbers! Get ready to meet thousands of other Key Clubbers at the Meet and Greet and have time to mingle! The District will also be running various ice breakers during this time so you can learn about fun ice breakers as well as get introdued to many other members from our ohana!

P a r t i c i p at e i n a S e r v i c e P r o j e c t w i t h t h e K i w a n i s F a m i ly H o u s e ! What is a Key Club event without service? During this year’s meet and greet you will have te GOLDEN opportunity to bond with our Kiwanis Family while participating in a service project with the Kiwanis Family House! We will also be hosting a donation drive for items for the Family House!




Dear Amanda Chakaroe, From the beginning of my Key Club experience, you’ve been there, from the first time I met you till now. Amanda you have been such an inspiration and role model to me personally. Getting to hang and work along side you has been the best. I can’t believe that your a senior, it still feels like your a junior to me. I will miss all your jokes and laughs but most importantly your personality. Your always that one person I can talk to and my day just brightens up instantly. I don’t know what I will do next year without you in Key Club but hopefully I will manage. Love you, Coddy Ramos

Alejandro Banag, 12th grade. ACADECA. Secretary. Top 10. Alejandro Banag, one of the coolest guys I have ever met. When we went to Fall Rally, I was acting like a complete child and he was like my parent: he told me to stop doing that and to not do that. But even if bothered me at times, it really shows his true awesome personality: how much of a hard-worker he is to create a better world and his surroundings. He remembered to do the sign in sheets during the meetings when I would forget, and would input data in the MRF even before I reminded him of it. He is an amazing worker and dedicated student. I am so proud to call him my friend. I know he is going to be something amazing in the future. Thank you Alejandro for supporting me this past year. I really appreciate your hard work. -Ruben Viramontes

Oh Jerrie Beary, Hmm. Like where do I even begin with you? All your derps on my camera, your strange and awkward laughs, your life advices for me, and the time I’ve spent with you. I will cherish all those moments because it has been one of my favorite part of being in high school and key club. When I met you, I was scared that you wouldn’t like me, but having those time spent on skype with those strange conversations or in school when you’d help and teach me stuff about being Historian. I realized that you are a good friend that I don’t ever want to lose because those types of friends are hard to find now a days. Although I say sometimes being in yearbook has lessen’d our friendship I actually think its strengthened it to a higher degree. Now that your a senior and will be leaving soon, I’ll miss all those times we’ve hanged this year after school, but I know that this small tiny little girl will make it somewhere high up one day because you have that potential in you. With love, Coddy Ramos




To all my Northridge babies, Wow, I am so proud of every single one of you! You have taught me so much throughout this whole year I can’t even begin to explain how grateful I am to every single one of you. I set a goal for myself in the beginning of my second term. I told myself that I want to gain members who genuinely care about helping out the community. And I wanted to be able to provide them with as many inspiring opportunities as possible. I never thought those dreams would become a reality. I owe it to Northridge Academy Key Club for teaching me what it means to be a leader. I am so sad to be retiring as President at DCON. I know that I will still be serving as Lt. G for the division, but it won’t be the same. I’m going to miss holding meetings every Wednesday and seeing all your beautiful faces. Know that nothing in this world makes me happier than seeing all of you smiling at service events. It makes me feel so accomplished, like I have in some way inspired you to be the best you can be. Although that may not always be the case, it still warms my heart to know that I have showed you the beauty of serving your community and the others around you. It’s going to be so hard for me to not be able to take part on Northridge Academy Key Club officer board like I used to. But now I know it’s not about me anymore. It’s about providing leadership experience for all of the current officers and members. I will be watching over you all from the best view possible. Every single one of you is a competent leader and I know you will do good for Northridge Academy Key Club. Special shout out to the newly elected officer board, Margie Santos, Kyara Pagkatipunan, Steven Dang, Varun Khurana, and Paulina Vidanez, take care of our baby. Love always, Monica Reyes (President 2013-2014)

Key Club has always affected my decisions and will forever be the middle, balanced path I take in life. I am typically an introvert and shy person before I joined Key Club. I didn’t know where my life was headed. I had no social life. I sincerely believe I am an airbender from watching too much “Avatar the Last Airbender.” I joined Key Club to dedicate part of my life to something I truly wanted to believe in. Now as I depart from my life as a high school student to college student, I can predict that there will be numerous times where I can talk about Key Club. How scared and alone I was when first joining Key Club and then to this day, how scared and alone I am when just thinking about leaving Key Club. For members, Key Club has given us a home away from home. For new members, when you first move into a new house it doesn’t feel familiar. It feels hollow without any sentiment. As you start going on in your life, you start to rely on this home as a common ground for yourself. For YOU to become comfortable. The house will not move as it will always be there for you. Roommates will start moving into that house and soon that house just isn’t big enough for that long. Later on, each one will move into a bigger house and go on in different locations. Yes, I described Key Club as a house. Only because all my life, I have been moving and moving and moving and then I found the right house. Soon I will have to move out of that house, but it’s all about the journey rather than destination, am I right? -Jeymz Hipolito (Kennedy Key Club President 2013-2014)




WE DID IT!!!! WE DID IT!!!! It’s the end of OUR term. I cried too much. From the very beginning, I did not expect to be this connected with all of you. Each one of us has a different story, different background, and different life to live. I am honored to have my life cross paths with each and every one of you. I hope that each and every one of you understand that my life has been influenced, touched, and changed because all of you opened up to me. I never believed the power of friendship can be as equal as the power of family, but this time it has. As a token of friendship, here is my quote to give to all of you:

“If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.”

-Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Africa’s first Woman President)

P.S. Marjerrie Masicat, Thank you for being an amazing DNE and artist! Sincerely, Jeymz Hipolito, Friend

To the Division Administration: Thank you so much for being there in my journey of growth this year. We have so many great memories together and I will forever cherish them. To the Division Leadership Team: We. Are. So. Darn. Fierce. I have wroked with so many of you and I feel like a mother (and ironically, like a little child) whenever we’re around each other. We’ve just built up a such a wonderful relationship together and I hope we will keep in touch. To the members I’ve served, You have all grown so much and it is such a humbling feeling to see young students, such as yourself, blossom. Never forget everything you’ve learned thus far. With much love, Marjerrie Masicat

Hello fellow Division Leadership Team members, We have done it. We have successfully completed our journey together. Words cannot describe the feeling of pride when I reflect on this past Key Club year. You all are GOLDEN individuals and deserve nothing but good things. I am very grateful to have served alongside such empowering and inspirational individuals. You all have helped me greatly in discovering who I truly am and my future intentions for this wonderful organization. Thank you for the countless number of nights you have sacrificed for this organization. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you all have put into this program. Thank you for the energy and spirit you all bring to events. Most importantly, thank you all so much for taking up the responsibility of leading the wonderful members of this ohana. You all are so important to me; words cannot describe the feelings of joy and happiness that overcome me when I think of this division. To the seniors of the DLT, best of luck! May your future endeavors be nothing but painless. I hope to stay in touch with all of you as each and every one of you have a special place in my heart. To the future seniors and juniors, congratulations! You have survived another successful year of Key Club. I wish all of you the best in the coming Key Club term. It has truly been an honor to be serving alongside all of you. I wish each and every one of you nothing but good times and chill vibes. Peace, Michael Lee




Throughout this past year, I have changed in so many ways, and it’s all because of Key Club and it’s amazing members and leaders. I really want to thank the amazing presidents of D25E for how much they’ve supported me this past year, and for never letting me give up. Ruben: I feel like I can relate to you so much. You’re such a modest and all around cool guy, and I don’t think you realize what an amazing leader you are. Hannah: you’re such a sweetheart. The way you lead Cleveland is awe-inspiring- you are a true role model in this division. You never leave anybody behind, and I truly appreciate that. Sarine: I’ve looked up to you since day one. You are such an honest and hardworking leader, and its shows at every event. Granada is so lucky to have a leader like you, and this division is so lucky to have a leader like you aswell. Jeymz: I owe so much to you, Jeymz. You have helped me through any problem, and I can always turn to you for anything. You’ve stayed on the phone with me for hours just letting me rant, and you always make me see the positive in everything. You are everything Key Club stands for. Monica: I can honestly say you were my first Key Club friend, and what a true friend you are. Your dedication is undeniable, and your love for this division is something I’ve never seen before. You have no idea how much I look up to you. Joyce: the love you have for Key Club is something no one can deny. You’re such a great person and leader in this division. Andrew: I love you so much, Andrew. It is your constant support that has kept me going through so much. You’re the perfect leader for this division, and knowing that you’re leaving soon makes me cry every time I think about it. You have left such a legacy behind you, and I can only hope to keep making you proud. Thank you to everybody in Division 25 East, for helping Monroe feel like a true club again. It’s your support that kept the club I serve alive this year, and it’s something I can never repay. -Kayla Gonzalez (Monroe Key Club President 2013-2014)

First, I would like to thank the members I serve. At the beginning of the year, I was overtaken with uncertainty in terms of the success of the Key Club me and my officers were responsible for. I had only hoped for Cleveland Key Club to meet the expectations left from previous years. Now, I could say it’s because of each and every one of Cleveland Key Club’s members that my officers and I have come so far. As much as I was nervous during the very first meeting, I was unbelievably joyful when I saw that there weren’t enough seats to accommodate the number of people who showed up! It only brought me more happiness when I greeted these new and old faces. So that is why I thank you - for encouraging me through your presence at events and meetings; I can end my term knowing that I did something right. Now I can only wish I had more time to spend with all of you - I’ll definitely miss you all and the endless conversations on the car ride to and from events! I know Cleveland Key Club will be in good hands. Keep up with the service and I’ll come visit! -Hannah Luong (Cleveland Key Club President 2013-2014)

Message continued on the next page




The second is for my fellow, hard-working Presidents, my Lt. G. Andrew, and the others who make up the Division Leadership Team. This is only a snippet of what I didn’t say that fateful and emotional day (when I learned how big real calzones really are) because time didn’t allow it. Ruben, I commend you because Birmingham is the most active I’ve seen it during my time in Key Club (I digress, but your hair is spiffy if I do say so myself )! Sarine, you are one of the sweetest people I know, and I admire the way your members love you (and make fun of you, which is part of the love package). Jeymz, I admire you for being quick on your feet and how you take initiative! LA Marathon and Christmas Gift Wrapping was thanks to you! Kayla and Monica, oh man, oh man. Several times have you both inspired me with your commitment and undying love for Key Club. It is because of this strong bond that you have managed to build something great and influential with almost nothing to base it off on. Both of you should have a more confidence, because I can honestly say that not only do you manage your time very well, but you have gone above and BEEyond. Joyce, whenever I get to see you, I admire your willingness to strive and do what you can for your club. Mar-jerry, your newsletters are beyond comparison. My jaws literally dropped when I opened it the first time. You definitely have skills, and it’s no surprise that you play such an important role in Yearbook. Michael, besides your sarcastic humor and our little gleeful moments-to-remember, I’ll miss your maturity (ironic, but very true!) Thang, I nominated you for a Division position because from Cleveland, you are one of the people I believe has the most potential to succeed and lead; look how far you’ve come! As much as we all pick on you, you’re intelligent! Eric, you’re sassy and so so so friendly and I love it. You’re almost like the big brother I’ve never had! Aaron, you have pulled off the unbelievable. I truly found it admirable the time, thought, and effort that is evident in your creations. Ralph, my successor, I’m so proud of what you have accomplished as Executive Assistant. When I saw you present in workshops, I see the opportunities I’ve missed out on last year; I’m genuinely happy that you are able to do the things I couldn’t. Last but not least, Andrew, might I say that it is because of YOU planning all these President Council Meetings and bonding days that we were able to express ourselves, to share what we’ve been so desperately keeping to ourselves. It is because of you that we are as close as we are; “close” being defined as being able to share these secrets that we haven’t been able to share to many others, if any, and that is something I will cherish. I’m so grateful and proud to have been able to work beside all of you (I’ll miss hugging each of you so much, as odd as that sounds)! I hope that one day we can all get together again and reminisce about this memorable year. -Hannah Luong (Cleveland Key Club 2013-2014)

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





Photos courtesy of Hannah Luong

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





Samuel Kim Koala of the Month Samuel Kim displays outstanding dedication leadership within the club anddivision he serves. He constantly participates in events and unlike most freshman Key Club members show a definitive potential in leadership. He actively seeks to help and serve his community. All of these attributes have shown that Samuel Kim is a deserving member for Koala of the Month.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





James MonroE HS Club of the Month One of the things I emphasize to the membership the most is to believe in yourself. Monroe Key Club not only believes in its abilities but also inspires other clubs in the division to believe in themselves and the fruits of pure dedication and commitment to service. Monroe Key Club has grown so much over the past month and it even brought the most number of volunteers to the most recent division wide service project. The officers constantly seek ways to improve the club and the enthusiasm of the officers and officer elects lightens up the spirits of the entire division. It is truly my pleasure to present Monroe Key Club as the club of the month for the month of March. { Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys





Andrew Mao Officer of the Month Division Photo Editor Andrew Mao has constantly involved himself in the organization. One of the most beautiful things the division has created together over the past term is the memories we have built, and Andrew did everything he could to ensure that these moments are being proper recorded through the arts of photography. He fears not to interact with the members and possess by far the most adroit photography skills the division has seen. His dedication in the organization is conspicuous and the division is proud to present Andrew as the Officer of the Month for the month of March.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys




Event Calendar

FIND US ONLINE! http://tinyurl.com/d25ekcfb



http://d25ekeyclub.wix.com/koalas { Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


C o n ta c t I n f o r m at i o n Division Leadership Team Birmingham President

Ruben Viramontes

email: d25e.birmingham.president@gmail.com phone: not applicable Cleveland President

Hannah Luong

email: d25e.cleveland.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 274-8018 Granada Hills Charter President

Sarine Kim

email: d25e.granada.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 428-9500 Kennedy President

Jeymz Hipolito

email: d25e.kennedy.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 849-0893 Monroe President

Kayla Gonzalez

email: d25e.monroe.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 384-4093 Northridge Academy President

Monica Reyes

email: d25e.northridge.president@gmail.com phone: (818) 422-2807 Van Nuys President

Joyce Kim

email: d25e.vannuys.president@gmail.com phone: (213) 999-7032

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


C o n ta c t I n f o r m at i o n D i v i s i o n A d m i n i s t r at i o n Lieutenant Governor

Director of Finance and Management

email: d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com phone: (818) 294 - 6788

email: michael.lee.dfam@gmail.com phone: (818) 337 - 8126

Andrew Chang

Michael Lee

Executive Assisstant

Director of Reports and Operations

email: ralphagbayani@gmail.com phone: (818) 259 - 4161

email: eric.r.schuman@gmail.com phone: (818) 590 - 9460

Ralph Agbayani

Eric Schuman

Division News Editor

Member Relations Chair

email: d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com phone: (818) 442 - 4929

email: aaronaguas.d25e@gmail.com phone: (818) 270 - 5347

Marjerrie Masicat

Aaron Aguas

Division Secretary

Thang Diep

email: thangdiep.d25e@gmail.com phone: (818) 414 - 6725

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


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a Kiwanis family member www.cnhkeyclub.org

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


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