Division 25 East May 2015 Newsletter | CNH Key Club

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Volume 6 | Issue 1

Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

May 2015

Gaining a new division leadership team and Lieutenant Govenor, the koalas are excited for the new term and begin with their first division event

Birmingham | Cleveland | Granada Hills | Grant | Kennedy | Monroe | Northridge Academy | Van Nuys |

In This Issue

MAY 2015



Hello Division 25 East!

Serving you at her best, Amber Huynh Division 25 East News Editor

Amber Huynh

I am your current Division news Editor. I am very excited to serve you all. With our spirit. We can accomplish any goals to better our community. Hopefully, this term will go smoothly and successful. In this issue, you will get to read about your new divsion leituenant team and lieutenant govenor. We are all here for you so contact us if you need anything. Also, you will find recent events, fundraisers, and club resports by their publications. Have fun reading!

Division News Editor

Division 25 East

Hello Division 25 East!

Lieutenant Governor



My name is Tyler Kowta and I am so honored to have the opportunity to serve division 25 east! I attend Granada Hills Charter High School and I will be an incoming senior in the Fall of 2015. It’s officially been a month since District Convention and I am so happy that we all got installed as new officers and members. From the beginning of my freshman year, I was probably the saddest person in high school. I would try to keep all of my feelings to myself while I thought that I had no hope of making friends throughout the course of high school. Soon enough, I found Key Club and WOW. I knew that I had an Ohana to be apart of. One that I was able to serve the community and to attend division or club fundraisers soon after. I made so many friends and new memories, I knew that this was where I truly belonged and was so happy that I am able to take part in such an amazing organization because this seven letter organization, truly changed my life. I know that this koala family will grow and complete many goals this year. Regarding the Pediatric Trauma Program and Project Eliminate, I know that we will be able to raise $2,000 for each. I think it is very crucial to at least raise this much money because people that are less fortunate than us count of this foundation to have their lives saved. You may not know it, but you are a hero! I am so thankful to see all of your faces at many events and I know that I may not know all of you yet but I would definitely like everyone to get to know me as well. Trust me, I am not intimidating nor do I bite! I would love to get to know each and every individual in this amazing division that I serve. Also, do not forget to socialize with your Division Parliament because they are an awesome group as well! I am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you during this term while having a blast! Buzzing in with the right Koalafications, Tyler Kowta Divison 25 East Lieutenant Governor

DIVISION LEADERSHIP TEAM MESSAGE Brian Pham | Executive Assistant Hi my name is Brian Pham, one of your new Executive Assistants for the 2015-2016 term. I am very excited to serve you all as we learn, serve, and cheer together. I’m attending Cleveland High School. I really love how key club opens people’s minds and how easily a person can be welcomed into our Ohana. In this term, my goal is to have service events that we can easily bond at and create many Key Club moments for you, and all the newcomers to join. I want to keep our division number of members high as well spread the happiness that is key club. Samuel Kim | Executive Assistant

Hello, everyone! My name is Samuel Kim and I am one of the Division Executive Assistants of the 2015-2016 term! I look forward to serve you all and I hope to accomplish many things as a division. One of my goals is to give the members of Division 25 East an inspiring and a koala-ty experience to be motivated to complete service for the community. Monique Basto | Event Coordinator Hello Everyone! I am Monique Basto and I serve as your event task coordinator of Division 25 East/ tech editor of Cleveland Charter HS. I’m so honored to be able to have this opportunity. I love to be working with all of you trying to build our homes, schools, and communities together. Serving and cheering, with friends all over CNH by my side is such an amazing feeling. Truly have an Ohana, a family to be able to work with is so much fun. I’d love to get to know every single individual that I serve, and help put a smile on each other’s faces. Don’t be afraid to come up and introduce yourself. My goal this term is to make an awareness to the youth about Key Club. Its such a wonderful organization that will definitely inspire and achieve so much in the future. We give so much to back to the people, and change lives for the better. I want to find events that will be exciting and something that everyone would be delighted to participate in. I want to help motivate students and members to serve our communities because the experiences are incredibly fascinating. To understand these emotions and feelings I get when I go to service events, will be in need to be able to go and check it out yourself. It really has influenced me and changed my life as well. I have obtained so much leadership throughout these past months, and I can’t wait to see how this term will go. I am overjoyed to spend this next year with all of you, make memories, make a difference in our world, build stronger friendships, and have many more opportunities. This is only the beginning of our journey, hope you all have an amazing term.

Timothy Sun | Secretary Hi everyone! I’m Timothy Sun, the Division Secretary of D25E! I’ve been in Key ClubDivision since my freshman year, and I’ve been active ever since. I’ve been able to meet so many new friends and get involved in so many amazing service projects. I’ve even been lucky enough to be elected as Granada’s secretary last year and continue on to Division Secretary! I hope many of you have had great experiences in Key Club and continue on to make even greater memories. If you ever see me, don’t be afraid to approach me and say hi! I’m glad to be serving as Division Secretary and I hope to help make your Key Club year amazing! Fong Chea | DivisionTreasurer Hello guys! I am Fong Chea, Division Treasurer of D25E. I am currently a junior attending James Monroe High School. My hobbies would include playing tennis, playing video games, and of course, attending key club events. How do I feel about key club? I feel good oh I feel so good *hip thrust* I feel fine all of the time, abooga abooga abooga. But on a serious note, when I first joined key club, I thought that it was only a community service club, but after Fall Rally, I began to notice that key club is more than a community service club, it is a second family for all the members. So with that being said, I, Fong Chea, am excited to serve you all this term, and I hope to see the Division grow throughout this year! Jay Velasco |Media Coordinator

Hello Division 25 East! I’m Jay Velasco, you’re new Division Media Coordinator. I am a Junior attending Granada Hills Charter High School and I love Division 25 East Key Club with all my heart! As a recently joined member of this Key Club Year, I am so honored to already be serving my Division as a Division Leader and I promise to make this Term the best it can be! Personally, I love taking photos, meeting new people, and helping anyone I can love Key Club as much as I do. I believe that my skills I have learned from my experience with photography, design, and software can help make this Division shine bright like the star it is to the rest of the District and the world! I am always open to be friends with anyone in Key Club so if you ever need a new friend, I am here to help! My goals for this term is to capture every moment of joy during our experiences of this Key Club term and to help share them with the rest of the world. My goal is to also promote our events on our various social media sites and to help keep everyone up to date on our events so that they may be a huge success. Overall, my main goal is to especially serve this Division in any way I can. Although it is still a learning process, I promise to grow and become one of the best Division Leaders this term so that I may help all of you individually grow and develop a passion for Key Club as well.


Of the City 5k

Starting off the term, koalas attend their first division event in downtown LA. Runners particpate in running a 5K. As they are going to the finish line, koalas lead them to the right path. When the runners have reached their goal, koalas are there to help! Passing out water, congratulating, and tying a victory band around their ankle allowed the runners to feel acomplished. Koalas are serving their community and showing others what Key Club is all about!

5K KIWANIS NATURE WALK Division 25 East once again particpates in a division event! The day of the event is also the same day as Kiwanis 1 day! Members were bonding and having fun with one another. Many got to test out their cooking skills and serve people food. Koalas are smiling with one another and having a blast of a time!


CLUB REPORTS Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!




Granada Hills


Northridge Academy


Van Nuys

James Monroe High School Upcoming events April Chatsworth nature walk 4/11 Joint DCM w/ D16 & D25w

Historian Stephanie Hernandez: The NVCS Bike-A-Thon is the ďŹ rst time that I have been a part of any Kiwanis involvement. Our club, along with another club from division 25 west and Kennedy, helped prepare food. It was a big turnout and we had more volunteers than needed, which meant some members helped other stations along with the food area. All around the festival there was: face painting, "tree" decorating, and activities where kids learned about other countries and recycling. Preparing the food was a bit hectic. They were selling things like: burgers, hot dogs, cotton candy, chips, and drinks. I myself made one cotton candy and it was hard. Although making it was fun, it was also very messy. I preferred to ďŹ x the burgers and hot dogs, because it was easy and clean. The whole day overall was very exciting and I cannot wait to take part in more Kiwanis involvement.

DCON Granada Hills Charter High School DCON, or District Convention, is where all clubs, from all regions, from the CNH(California, Nevada, and Hawaii) district meet up to celebrate an up and coming term, and the great memories we had of the past term. DCON, contains dances, awards, laughs, smiles, and tears, but most of all, dedication and spirit.

“DCON was so intense. Never before have I ever felt so amazed to be apart of something so much bigger than myself. I was really a cool thing to feel everyone cheering and loosing their voices. I recall stopping to catch my breathe and looking around me. I was amazed about how insane we looked yet we were doing it for the same cause. I can honestly say I was apart of something bigger than myself and that was a goo feeling.”

Granada Hills Charter High School’s Key Club board would like to congratulate all those retiring and thank them for such a wonderful year. You truly have impacted all of us in an indescribable way.

We are looking forward to a great year! Keep it going Granada!

James Monroe High School Key Club Events: Everybody reads/ Happy Campus: These two events are hosted by the same organization, where we help younglings academically.

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NVCS Bike-AThon: A Kiwanis Event where we prepared food and set up learning activities for children. Heart of LA 5k Run/Walk: This was an event held literally in the heart of LA, where we guided and handed out refreshments to runners/walkers.

Officer Reflection: Historian Stephanie Hernandez: The NVCS Bike-A-Thon is the first time that I have been a part of any Kiwanis involvement. Our club, along with another club from division 25 west and Kennedy, helped prepare food. It was a big turnout and we had more volunteers than needed, which meant some members helped other stations along with the food area. All around the festival there was: face painting, "tree" decorating, and activities where kids learned about other countries and recycling. Preparing the food was a bit hectic. They were selling things like: burgers, hot dogs, cotton candy, chips, and drinks. I myself made one cotton candy and it was hard. Although making it was fun, it was also very messy. I preferred to fix the burgers and hot dogs, because it was easy and clean. The whole day overall was very exciting and I cannot wait to take part in more Kiwanis involvement.

Northridge Academy

GOALS This month Northridge Academy had one event which was Everybody Reads. Our members had the chance to read to little kids and provide them with new books. Unfortunately, this month we were not so lucky a lot of events. However, we’re striving for more service events and fundraisers to not only help ourselves but also our community. Our number one goal is to be accompanied by more members in future events.

President Ashley I asked our fellow Key Club President of how her experience went at Everybody Reads and this is what she told me, “One of our past events that I had attended was Everybody Reads. It was a great experience reading to elementary kids. Seeing them happy. I can’t wait until we have Everybody Reads again. We also had a Division Council Meeting on the exact same day. There were fun activities that made each and every one of us closer to one another. It was a really nice bond with our division.

Upcoming Events: Victory for Victims Date: April 9, 2015 Time: 5:30 AM – 12:30 PM Location: Lake Balboa Park 6330 Woodley Ave. Lake Balboa, CA 91406

CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL Get to know the Cleveland Officer Board of 2015-2016.

Our President’s DCON Reflection I think DCON will go down as one of the most memorable experiences in all of my high school years. For me, a large part of what made it special was its being the last event for a large number of members and officers, the last event of their term. I valued immensely the opportunity to spend one last Key Club moment with them. For me, it was also marked with excitement, as it signaled the beginning of my term, and my chance to make a bigger difference for my home club. Honestly, it is hard to write this paragraph, because thinking about DCON brings up so many different and rich emotions that are difficult to put into words, and it is this complexity in emotion that causes me to look forward to DCON next year. -Jared Ngao

Past Events:

Upcoming Events:

-DCON -Everybody Reads @ Noble Elementary -Open House Fundraiser

fghj -Heart of the City 5k -Happy Campus -Clothes Drive

-Heart of the City


Lietuenant Governor | Tyler Kowta d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Executive Assistant |Samuel Kim Executive Assistant|Brian Pham (818) 390-4980 s.kim.dea@gmail.com brianlpham2000@gmail.com (818) 914-8412 (818) 388-9543

Treasurer | Timothy Sun Event Coordinator | Monique Basto Secretary | Fong Chea TimothySun1998@gmail.com monique.basto1230@gmail.com fchea.d25e.dt@gmail.com (818) 919-9520 (818)261-6156 (818) 987-3357

Media Coordinator | Jay Velasco d25e.cnhkc.dmc@gmail.com (818)217-9641

News Editor | Amber Huynh d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (818)288-0068


PRESIDENT Birmingham Elizabeth De Dios elizabethdedios3@gmail. com (818) 625-0764

Cleveland Jared Ngao d25e.cleveland.president@gmail.com (805) 304-2941

Granada Hills Alina De Castro decastroalina@gmail. com (818) 635-2659

Granada Hills Alina De Castro decastroalina@gmail. com (818) 635-2659

Van Nuys Sandra Chimil d25e.vannuys.president@gmail.com 323-514-7014

Kennedy Jesse Gonzaga jesseteenblast@gmail. com (818) 322-9937

Northridge Academy Ashley Tran d25e.northridge.president@gmail.com (818) 300-7158

Grant Idalys Perez d25e.grant.president@ gmail.com (818)565-9607

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