Division 25 East August 2013 Newsletter

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Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

Koala-ty Times Volume 4 | Issue 4

August 2013

Photo: Isabel Evangelista

Northridge Academy President Monica Reyes and Cleveland Key Clubbers assisting with setting up her merchandise at the booth.

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


Table of Contents In this Issue: Opening Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 Division News Editor Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 Lt. Governor Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 *Relay for Life * Operation Gratitude Division News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 * Fundraising Committee Applications * D25E Movie Night * Membership Recruitment Region News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 * Region 7 Beach Clean Up * Region 7 Hoodies District News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 International News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Koala of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Club of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Officer of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Get To Know Your... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Event Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Division Board Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


A quick message from your 2013 - 2014

Division News Editor n s o s? n r o i est slette g g w y su e ne n a h t ! e ve ha prov know u e im yo Do I can Let m w ho

School is less than a month away! I hope my fellow Koalas have been enjoying their days in the summer sun and I also hope all of you guys have taken some time to volunteer during this long break.

Contact Information: email:


It is important to keep in mind that this publication is for the members and by the members. I truly cannot complete this newsletter without your help, so I definitely urge you to send me articles or photos of any event you attended in the past month. With school less than a month away (as I mentioned above), our lives will get much more busier. Take the new school year as an opportunity to reel in new members. We welcome new members with open arms! Signing out, Marjerrie Masicat


News Editor

Hello Division 25 East Koalas!

How has summer vacation been for all of you? I am sure that each of you have utilized this time to contin International and serving your community. As part of the CNH District, it is very important that we look towards the larger picture by reviewing the

District: As a district, our aim is 46,000 members. YOU may be able to contribute to this district goal by p experiences to the school you serve and inviting your fellow classmates to join the Koala ohana. Keep in leaders of the CNH District. Your behavior matters not only to the division but also to Key Club Internatio you are the representation for this BEEautiful organization.

Division: As divisions, we want to work towards contributing a goal of 150,000 for PTP. This may seem lik spirited divisions within the CNH District, I am sure that we will achieve not only this amount but also m Club members, we care about the community and we care about pediatric traumatic incidents.

Club: As clubs, we want to come together to serve 1,000,000 hours of service. For both officers and mem to accomplish 79 hours of service, because 79 is the atomic number for gold. With this number in mind, reach new GOLDEN heights.

Members: As individual members, we each want to save 3 lives from MNT. Maternal and Neonatal Tetan condition that steals the lives of nearly 60,000 babies each year. As servant leaders of this community an family, we Key Club members must strive to ELIMINATE this disease.

With these goals in mind, I am assured that Division 25 East as well as CNH District will create a GOLDEN parts by adhering to these goals. Have a GOLDEN summer!

Buzzing with Koala-ty Service

Andrew Chang

D25E Lieutenant Governor District Convention Committee Secretary Division 25 East | Region 7 email: d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

nue devoting towards Key Club District goals at all times.

promoting the joy of Key Club n mind that you are all servant onal. Always keep in this mind as

ke a lot at first, but with the 74 much more. That is because as Key

mbers, I challenge you to strive I am confident that we can

nus is a terrible medical nd part of the Kiwanis

N year. Let us all do our


Lieutenant Governor 2013-2014

Relay for Life Kayla Gonzalez | James Monroe HS

Club News

On June 8th, Division 25 East Key Club attended Relay For Life at Cleveland High School. Relay For Life is a worldwide event created by the American Cancer Society in which different organizations and groups, such as D25E, raise money and participate in a walk for cancer. This event gives each community an opportunity to come together to heal from and fight cancer. The event commences with the inspiring Survivor’s Lap. While all survivors at the event take the first lap, participants cheer them on and celebrate their victory. This lap truly sets the tone for the events and creates a loving and supporting atmosphere. On a personal note for the division, we celebrated our own Irene Ellefson, who has conquered her battle with cancer. Throughout the day, koalas took turns walking laps around the track. This created a tag team cancer walk. The day was also spent listening to influential stories and speeches. At night the emotional Luminaria Ceremony took place in order to honor those who have lost their lives to cancer. Along with walking, Division 25 East also raised over $700 for the American Cancer Society. Raising money was a way to personally bring the event to the different schools of our division. At James Monroe High School, numerous teachers were eager to donate to the cause and even share their own stories with the club. All in all, Relay For Life was an eye-opening event that taught us to cherish each day that we are healthy and every person we share these days with.

Got an article or photos from an event? Send them to d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Valley Family Festival Jessie Aw | Granada Hills Charter HS On Saturday, June 1st from 10:00AM to 10:00PM, and Sunday, June 2nd from 12:00PM to 6PM, our key clubbers attended the Valley Family Festival. These members went out to Northridge Park and supported the Kiwanis Club. There were many events such as helping at booths, managing the key club information table, walking in the children’s area, performing in a Flash Mob, carrying posters, and assisting in clean up. One of the many booths included the Balloon Pop Booth! Some of our members made posters for this booth and helped advertise around the park. Every participant in this event is a winner!

Operation Gratitude Jeymz Hipolito | John F. Kennedy HS On June 30, 2013, the sun was shining on such an early morning. After signing in to the booth, I realized it was only 9:00AM when I showed up to find a whole warehouse of people filling in every table like an assembly line. No one was expecting a diverse range of people to show up to this magnificent event at such an early time. Although the warehouse was full, I was sent to do another task to create bracelets which will be sent with a care package. Before being taught how to make the bracelet, every single individual working in the classroom will have to create a ‘Thank You’ card to a hero overseas. After having the warehouse full and the adjacent building still full to the brim at the room, everyone was busy doing something. I met up with one of my Vice Presidents and Secretary who also worked with me on the bracelets. After nearly six hours of continuous work the supervisors begged us to take a break, but we were unstoppable. We created the rope-material bracelets with ease and didn’t mind the pain. We wanted to finish as much as we can before the shift ended. Around us were people from as young as toddlers to someone who was a war veteran. I couldn’t believe the impact that this organization is making on the first timer key clubbers attending this event. We heard war stories as we twist and turned the bracelets. We cried to the amazing stories that these bracelets provide to the soldiers. It is not only a tool of medical aid, but it is something more meaningful than that. These bracelets send a message with each stitch telling the soldier that someone somewhere is caring about them. With only 25 cents per card, we can voucher one bracelet to have an attached message along with your email. Supervisors were told that soldiers are guaranteed to reply to your email. Kennedy Key Club support Operation Gratitude by buying two dollars’ worth of messages to one bracelet each. 07

Club News

Division News


Division 25 East is now taking applications for its fundraisi tasks such as contacting companies for donations, finding You will be working under the direct guidance of the Direc Michael Lee. For more information of this job, please conta Chang or DFAM Michael Lee!

Join Division 25 East Koalas in a night member bonding! Spend time with yo Ohana before the new school year start friendly) movies. The official selection released at a later date so sta

Did you know? Their thick tails provide comfortable cushion for sitting on a tree branch for hours—that is, almost all the time.

Location and dat

@d25ekoalas Follow us on Tumblr!

ing committee. The job consists of g fundraisers, finding venues, etc. ctor of Finance and Management act Lieutenant Governor Andrew

t full of movies and our wonderful Koala ts with some (family n of movies will be ay tuned!

te is TBD!


Now presenting...

D25E Movie Night and Social

d25ekeyclub.wix.com/koalas Check out the new Division Website! 09

Division News

Division News

Membership R

School is just around the corner! This means there is a chance to bring the GOLDEN rewards of service! Stuck on how you can bring in membe bring in new members and, two, encourage them to stay!


Establish Goals.



Determine, as a club or as a board, the number of new members you are striving for. Provide incentives for present members for bringing new members and recognize your members!

Posters, flyers, e-mail, announcements, school newsletters, bulletin boards, club website, social media, and personal contact should all be used to get the word out about an upcoming Key Club recruitment event.


BEE Organized.



When planning an event, involve your club officers and as many members as possible. Establish a timetable. Arrange for the facilities, refreshments, and all outside assistance.

There are many different resources out in the open that can ultimately help you and your club retain and gain members! Do your research, select the best options for you, and have fun with your members!

*After the D25E Movie Night, there will be a Leadership Workshop on Membership Recruitment so be sure to attend! For more information and ideas, please contact Division Secretary Sharon Lee or Division News Editor Marjerrie Masicat


in some new members by showing them ers? Here are some tips on how you can, one,

ur vey of yo r u s r e b e Do a mem embers. Let thos m e r ae least activ d know that you on em who resp hem by telling th t y to what the o listening d o t y r will t that you e survey. h t n o d e suggest

Find out what ideas are working for other organizations and discuss them at officers’ meetings.

Get m kers at the e Play icebrea the mo mbers invo ngs lved nth f vital meeti beginning o Condu ly club new in mbers more survey ct interview sletter! to make me the s, and s, take rtable with fo m m o c a y b them t t! o write e even get environmen a rticles . Provide a social night where and ers oth et me Keep a p members can osit at gre a o als is e It s! n nd frie ergy and ive attitude; it in new make c each me mber’s s reases way to get to know the members elf estee m. you serve.


Division News

Region 7 news

Join the 3 North Starfish, 3 South Wolves, 16 White Tigers, 25 East Koalas, and 25 West Pufferfish in their annual Region 7 Beach CleanUp event! Earn community service hours, eat (GOOD) food, play games, meet new people, and have random jam sessions with Key Clubbers from Burbank to Santa Clarita! This BEEutiful summer beach day will definitely be a highlight of your summer!

The new Reg

But wait...wha

Saturday, July 20th, 2013 Dockweiler Beach 12501 Vista Del Mar Playa del Rey, CA, 90293 10 AM - 7 PM

* Several different food trucks will be available for our Region to purchase food! T you want! Food truck food usually ranges between $8-$15. Of course, you are mo + Transporation on buses will be provided. Arrive at Burbank High School BY 8:30 BE ABLE TO USE THIS BUS. To sign up, please go to: http://tinyurl.com/r7beachbu

Hope to see AL

gion 7 hoodies will also be given out during this event!

at was the winning design? * Each hoodie comes at a first come first serve basis. + Each hoodie is $30

Here’s a general idea of how it’ll look like!

This will be the main food provided so be sure to bring enough money to buy whatever ore than welcome to bring your own lunch! 0 AM with a donation of $15 to use the bus. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME OR YOU WILL NOT us

LL of you there!


Region News

District News

PROTECT THE CONNECTION Every nine minutes, a newborn baby dies from tetanus. It is excruciating, and a mother can only watch.The baby’s sensitivity to light, sound and contact prevents even the comfort of her touch.You can help protect that connection. The worldwide Kiwanis family is joining forces with UNICEF forThe Eliminate Project: Kiwanis eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. It’s time to do your part.

With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women eac painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch.

To eliminate MNT from the Earth, more than 100 million mothers and the transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 m

Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, a they are eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth. And in doing so, the lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning o

For more information on Project Eliminate, please visit: h

The Facts ery 9 1 baby dies ev nus minutes of teta

Eliminatio n = one less case of MN T per 1,000 li ve births

MNT has been eliminated in m ore than 20 countried s ince 2000

The Eliminate Project saves or protects millions of moms and babies

cts one US$1.80 prote er future women and h babies

h day c a e e i ies d 160 bab tetanus from

Woman + vaccination = protected baby 3 doses of teta nus = immunity from tetanus

d forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives ch year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated,

eir future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family.

achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Now, e project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional of better health for so many families.

http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/theELIMINATEproject/home.aspx 15

District News

International news

Introducing the 2013-2014

2013-2014 International President

2013-2014 International Vice President

Capital District

Louisiana-Mississippi-W. Tennessee District

Raeford Penny

Rachel Benoit

4 Key Club International Board International Board of Trustees

Alberto Berrizbeitia

Roshni Chandwani

Renisha Daley

Avery Hitchcock

Kelsie Hoppes

Casey O’Neill

Maria Palazzolo

Michelle Peterson

No pictures are available for International Trustee Madison Kemker & Zachary Waldorf Eric Yoon


International News

Koala of the Month Jocelyn Zamora

from James Monroe High School Jocelyn Zamora is being nominated because she has proven to be a very dedicated member of Monroe Key Club. She is present at every club meeting and DCM. She has gone to almost every event, such as, Everybody Reads and Relay for Life. She has demonstrated leadership and kindness within the Monroe Key Club by helping both members and officers when an issue occurs. She has also provided car rides to members who cannot find transportation to events on their own. Jocelyn is eager to serve and is always asking about upcoming events and what she can do to improve the club. As a 9th grader, Jocelyn is already proving to be one of the most dedicated members of Monroe’s Key Club.

Club of the Month Granada Hills Charter High School

Granada Hills Charter Key Club has traditionally been one of the leading clubs within Division 25 East. Nevertheless, this achievement comes with the hardwork of each and everyone of its officers and members. Over this past month, Granada Hills Charter Key Club has reached GOLDEN heights in both service hours performed by members and membership attendance at division wide functions. Its members are always more than willing to serve their home, school, and community. Its officers have been constantly communicating amongst themselves, the Kiwanis family, and the division leadership team, in order to ensure progress within the club they serve. Its spirit for Key Club and passion for service is exemplary to many of the clubs I serve. I am proud to present Granada Hills Charter Key Club as the club of the month for July.


Club of the Month

Officer of the Month Marjerrie Masicat

from the Division Administration Division News Editor (DNE) Marjerrie Masicat has been an incredible member of the division leadership team that the division would truly be no where as successful as it is now without her assistance. From weekly updates on the division websites to the monthly newsletter publications, DNE Marjerrie never needs my reminders and always performs her tasks immaculately. Personally, I would not know how to lead the members that I serve without her help. I am not very familiar with technological advances, instead of me guiding DNE Marjerrie as the Lt. Governor, DNE Marjerrie has been the one leading me to better the publications of Division 25 East. Her work has received positive comments from many individuals. Even IP International Trustee Zack Dameron has complemented on her work and dedication towards this organization. However, behind every newsletter, every submission, or even a post on facebook, DNE Marjerrie devotes a tremendous amount of time to make sure she accurately informs the members and better serves the division that she serves. Her characteristics are both astounding and admirable. Aside from her work ethics, DNE Marjerrie is truly a servant leader of the community; she serves as she leads with a caring and compassionate heart. She has attended most, if not all, division wide functions and actively communicates with both officers and members. She communicates with members not only on a professional level but also a personal level. I am beyond fortunate to have a GOLDEN officer like DNE Marjerrie to serve on the division leadership team.

Get to know... Isabel Evangelista John F. Kennedy Historian Birthday: October 12, 1998 Any hobbies?

Some of my hobbies include singing, playing guitar and (a little) piano, and being very emotional while watching tons of movies and shows on Netflix and Hulu Plus.

Why did you join Key Club? I joined Key Club because I was inspired by how much my older sister loved it and because she said it would look really good on college applications. When I started coming to events, I realized how much I enjoyed it as well and how much I wanted to stay involved. 2012 - 2013 Key Club member 2013 - 2014 Kennedy Historian

Why do you love Key Club? I love Key Club because it gives me the opportunity to volunteer. Key Club gives me the feeling of warmth and happiness, which inspires me to be a better person. Just from one year alone, I’ve learned to be more outgoing and carefree than I would’ve been if I had never joined Key Club. The amazing people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made throughout my first year is part of the reason why I love it so much and continue to attend events.

Name one thing people wouldn’t know about you. A lot of people don’t know that when I was 1 and 1/2, my dad shaved my head so I could grow thicker hair, and did this on our bathroom sink while singing “My Name Is” by Eminem.

*Next month, YOU might be featured! 21

Get to know...

Event Calendar JULY 2013

July 20 - Region 7 Beach Clean Up Dockweiler Beach 12501 Vista Del Mar Playa Del Rey, CA, 90293


- Division 25 East Movie Night - Membership Recruitment Leadership Workshop Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming events!

Contact Information Lieutenant Governor

Andrew Chang

email: d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com phone: (818) 294 - 6788 Executive Assisstant

Ralph Agbayani

email: ralphagbayani@gmail.com phone: (818) 259 - 4161 Division Secretary

Sharon Lee

email: sharonlee.ea@gmail.com phone: (818) 300 - 7857 Division News Editor

Marjerrie Masicat

email: d25e.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com phone: (818) 442 - 4929 Director of Finance and Management

Michael Lee

email: michael.lee.dfam@gmail.com phone: (818) 337 - 8126 Director of Reports and Operations

Eric Schuman

email: eric.r.schuman@gmail.com phone: (818) 590 - 9460 23

Contact Information

Photo: Isaac Leon

Key Clubbers enthusiastially dance along with other Relay for Life walkers in the summer sun.

Thank you for reading!

a Kiwanis family member www.cnhkeyclub.org

{ Birmingham


Granada Hills

Kennedy Monroe Northridge Academy Van Nuys


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