Division 25 East October 2014 Newsletter | CNH Key Club

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The Koalaty Times

Division 25 East | Region 7 | CNH District

Volume 5 | Issue 5

October 2014

Showcasing Key Club during Club Rush a Key Clubber explains to bystanders the wonders that this organization beholds.

|Birmingham|Cleveland|Granada Hills|Grant|Kennedy|Monroe|Northridge Academy|Van Nuys|


October 2014


If you have not noticed yet, CNH has a new logo created by Past Graphics Department Chair Sharyn Lee!

WORD FROM YOUR DNE Hello Koalas, It’s so inspiring to see how all of you have been growing throughout this term. I hope all of your club rushes are doing fantastic and that membership recruitment has been successful. If you still haven’t figured out who I am, my names Coddy Ramos your Division News Editor you can also easily spot me as the guy who runs around with a camera at events. As the News Editor I want to be able to showcase all of you Koala-ty members throughout visual, articles, and most importantly the newsletter. Don’t be afraid to stop and introduce yourself to not only me but the rest of the Division Parliament, I promise we don’t bite. Now on with the newsletter, in this section you’ll find information pertaining to fundraising, club rush ideas, and currently how the division is standing. You will also find club recaps and see the many successes that the clubs of Division 25 East have done. Most importantly don’t miss out on the biggest event of all Fall Rally. Find out ways that you can prepare and how you can be the most spirited Koala at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Remember to have fun and meet new members from all over California-Nevada-Hawaii. I hope to see you all there!

Signing off for now, Coddy Anthony Ramos Division 25 East News Editor

Is that the Division 25 East `14`15 Shirt! Doesn’t it look nice. I sure would want one of them,


LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hello BEE-utiful Koalas! As our Club Rushes come to an end it is now time to start gaining and retaining members. Remember to always do your part as a member and encourage others to stay committed to our amazing organization by upholding the objects of Key Club International. By simply telling others about your Key Club experience and speaking highly of the organization in general will allow others to see how they can easily become a proud member of our Koala Ohana. The school year is in full swing, and we have huge events to look forward to for the next couple of months. First is Region Training Conference. Get ready to fall in love with service all over again with your fellow Region 7 Ohana. RTC 2012 was my first Key Club moment. September 12, 2012 was the day I fell head over heels with service. I hope all of you get the opportunity to experience that same passion for Key Club as I did and share that with each other. Fall Rally is coming up very soon! In a few short weeks we will be reuniting with the southern half of the Cali-Nev-Ha District. We will be cheering our hearts out and celebrating what it means to be a Key Clubber. We will scream off all of the great things we have accomplished, we will give free hugs to others who share the same passion for service as us, and most importantly we will remember that we serve the community for the benefit of the world around us. I challenge you all this month to recall your Key Club moments. What made you join Key Club? Why did you stay? What were your Key Club moments? Remember what made you feel part of our family. After reflecting on that, channel those experiences and share those with the new members. Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. Opening up to those who are still undecided about committing to Key Club may influence them to stay. Your words can inspire them. You could serve as a new member’s first Key Club moment. Celebrating service, leadership, and family, Monica Reyes D25E Lt. Governor 2014-2015


Currently our division has:

In the beginning of the term, Lt. G Monica Reyes set her expectations and goals for this dvision:

# of Hours



# of Members

237/550 # of Funds


by the end of this 2014-2015 term.



provided by Division Fundraising Manager John Camara


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»»» steps to success (P,S,E

1. Start early! The sooner you schedule a fundraiser, the more money you will raise. 2. Make deadlines. Decide on how much money you would like the home club you serve to fundraise by the end of the month. 3. Find out what types of fundraisers have worked for your club in the past. You can always redo it again! 4. Use several sources for fundraisingrestaurants, businesses, websites, etc. 5. Consider all creative ideas from anyone. Anyone may have a great idea. Just keep in mind a potential fundraiser’s distance, difficulty, and benefits.

◊ CLUB RUSH HELPFUL TIPS ◊ provided by Division Service Expo Coordinator Ralph Agbayani

◊ BEE Energetic! ◊ Have appealing and informative posters! ◊ Have BIG Vibrant Posters! ◊ BEE Approachable. ◊ Explain what Key Club is/ Why we do what we do. ◊ Wear a Koala Suit if you have to! ◊ Pass out fliers about the wonders of Key Club. ◊ Use clothes pins with your club information.

upcoming events

Good Luck and Happy Recruiting!

SEPTEMBER DCM AIDS WALK KEY TO COLLEGE September 27th, 2014 3:00pm -3:45pm @ John Burroughs HS

October 12, 2014 8:30am - 3:00pm @ West Hollywood

October 25, 2014 8:00am - 5:00pm @ UCLA




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6. Create an action plan to execute the fundraiser. Think about potential steps, responsibilities, resources, etc. that you can include in your fundraiser. 7. Know your school’s policies. All fundraisers should comply with any relevant rules and regulations your school may have. 8. Start early. Time management is key! The sooner you schedule a fundraiser, the more money you will raise. 9. Advertise! Use any resource available to advertise your fundraiser in at least two weeks advance. Ask members if they would be willing to support your efforts by attending your awesome event! 10. Be organized in how you will operate. Make sure all steps to running your fundraiser are taken.


Club Recaps are created by each individual club giving each club an opportunity to reflect, make goals, and advertise to the entire division!



Granada Hills

Northridge Academy


Van Nuys



Birmingham High School MEET THe 2014-2015 OFFICER BOARD

Khrisley Castillo



SECRETARY Ariel Gonzalez

VICE PRESIDENTS Our new Vice Presidents Abygail Viramontes and Jennifer Ngo. They are best friends and are ready to help our members and officers when they need help!

Our new Historian Kathy Flores! She is excited to take pictures at our future events and write and collect articles to share the experience of volunteering.







“After I arrived at the location where Operation Gratitude was held, I was so surprised to see so many people there. They were all from different organizations and all from different ages. I felt so happy to see many people volunteering their time to come and help pack packages to send to the soldiers overseas. In addition, I was also happy to see our advisors, Bob and Irene, and fellow Key Clubbers from within the division volunteering there. Our job was to stand in line and move the packages along the table where other volunteers were putting the stuffs in. Afterwards, the packages would be tapped and taken out for other volunteers to put the address on. Overall, I had a very fun and rewarding experience at Operation Gratitude.�

Malibu triathlon On Saturday, September 13, 2014, come join Cleveland and other fellow Key Club member bond and work together. There will be many people with bright smiles helping the environment and socializing. We will be waiting for you at Malibu Beach. We will see your there at 4:30am 12:00pm. Of course, anyone is allowed to leave anytime they want. However, those are just recommend times.


Drought Response Park Tree Care Two Words for y’all: CALIFORNIA DROUGHT. I’m sure all of you have heard about how our beautiful and beloved state is now experiencing extreme water loss and the heat coming with it is impossibly unbearable. So, in response to this tragedy, on August 23rd Granada Hills Charter Key Club went out to a tree park in Sylmar and did some dirty work. We revived and replenished many of the trees consisting there with water, mulch, and pulling out their weeds. By the end of it, we saved about 38 trees and the view of it was absolutely amazing. So who says we can’t beat this drought? Koalas got the power!

Officer Reflection: Tech Chair Cheili Briones

Upc - 9/2oming Ev 7 en Train : Regio ts! n i Con ng - 9/2 ferenc e 8 Can : Stop - 10 cer Wa /12 : Aid lk s Wa lk

“Hey Koalas! This month, Granada had a lot of great events and fundraisers.We had Reseda Neighborhood Pride Day, the Children’s Festival of the Arts, Drought Response Park Tree Care in Sylmar, and a Sweet Snow Fundraiser. Additionally, we participated in Divison events like Mats for Uganda as well as the August DCM following right after. Overall, this was a very prosperous and successful month… Granada has so many more fun events and fundraisers planned, so stay tuned mighty Koalas!”

Kennedy RUN OR DYE Memorial Day, Kennedy key clubbers got to experience the world’s most colorful 5k! Run or Dye was certainly one of the most enjoyable runs that Kennedy has ever done. We had the opportunity to paint each other and the sky. In the end we cleaned up the running pathways and got treated to some free Run or Dye gear.

Reflections “Summer has just begun but that doesn’t

mean the service stops! This term we have so many exciting service events planned for our members to participate in. Color Run one of the events the members (including the board) are super ecstatic about! We also started to sell our koala wristbands again, which is one of many beneficial fundraisers to come. I can hopefully show that service doesn’t have to be boring but also fun. This way as a club we can gain more members!” Jesse Gonzaga, Club Vice President

James Monroe High School Key Club Events: 8/18



Shakey’s Fundraiser: Monroe Key Club held a fundraiser to support PTP, Project Eliminate, and raise money for our club!


MEND: At this event, we packaged food for the homeless and families in need with Van Nuys Key Club. Mats for Uganda: At this event, we made the lining for mats with the entire division1

Officer Reflection: As secretary of Monroe High School's

and having fun while serving the

Key Club, I have come to notice the

community. Our club has come to

great improvement of our club. Our

realize how important it is to participate

members have truly embraced what

actively in everything we do. I, for one,

Key Club stands for by waking up early, am extremely proud to see how far our going to events, attending meetings

club has come this month alone. Event

and enjoying community service. It is

attendance has grown, as well, and I

the best feeling to see members and

can only hope that this enthusiasm and

officers at events like Operation

dedication continues to grow.

Gratitude and neighborhood clean-ups

-Bianca Quintero, Secretary

Northridge Academy Water Gun Fun


During the Region 7 Beach Clean Up our club decided to sell Water Guns and Water with flavor for 1$ each. We wanted to be able to help the members cool off with a refreshing drink and have fun in the sun. We made posters and flyers to get their attention and soon enough it worked. It was a definitely a great fundraising idea since it was pretty inexpensive but was in high demand being in the hot sun. It was a pretty ingenious plan too since we knew it was easily profitabel and we’d be able to raise some funds for our own club. I’m glad our president put this together because I had a blast running around and cheering while yelling to go buy our goodies.

Margie Santos | Northridge Academy President

There’s been up and downs, but we’ve pushed through. Northridge has been trying to up our game to represent our home club. We may not be a big club, but we have some pretty rad devoted members. My goals for the 2014-2015 term are: member retention, creating competent members, inspiring people to run for a position, having fun, memorable service events and fundraisers, and to build a closer relationship with my fellow D25E clubs.



Here’s your chance to be featured certain event? Did you ever ta d25e.c

Clare Kanchana | Van Nuys


Mats for Uganda was a special event for the Key Clubbers to participate and attend. Many members engaged and cooperated with one another to work together in this wondrous service. It was pleasing to see a huge crowd do our duties together. Together as a group, we created a huge mess but in a good way. There was bags everywhere and some people were cutting bags while others wove them together. The purpose of these bags was to produce “plarn” (plastic yarn) that would later be weaved into mats, which can be used for sanitary environments. This can aid and support the Ugandans, and gave Key Clubbers awareness of what kind of living conditions that others may have. For 2 hours, we were making plarn and it was a simple yet enjoyable activity to bond with other members and to help others in need. Rolling the plarn to plarn balls didn't felt like work at all. Despite not requiring much energy or work for this activity, it was hot although we were blessed with plenty of shades from the trees in the park.

Bryanna Benicia | Monroe


Key Club is about building your community, and in the month of August we participated in helping the Reseda neighborhood beautify their community and make them feel proud about where they live. Although many of the members do not live in Reseda or even know where Reseda is, we were proud to help this community as if it were our own. At the event, groups of people all joined together as a real family, not just neighbors, to work together for the benefit of everyone. Instead of work, it felt like a celebration. I was glad to be part of this and feel like I was part of their united community, because everyone treated me along with the other members as if we were. The members got to bond with members from Granada and Cleveland, and they learned the importance of working together. At the house I was working at our jobs ranged from repainting the house, to raking up the leaves, to cleaning just about anything. The Key Club members worked alongside other helpers and each would have a different job and tool. While one was raking up the leaves the other was putting their pile in the trash. It was a community effort. After the long day of labor we all sat and ate together like a community, like a family, like an Ohana.

in the Monthly Newsletter! Have you ever wanted to talk about your experience at a ake any picture pertaining to service at an event? If so, feel free to email those to cnhkc.dne@gmail.com because you may be featured!


Kayla Gonzalez

Personal Information

Division 25 East Monroe President Full Name: Kayla Marisol Gonzalez Age: 17 Birthday: January 10, 1997 Experience :

2012-2013 Monroe Secretary 2013-2014 Monroe President 2014-2015 Monroe President

Why did you join Key Club?

When I was a freshman and my sister was a senior, she told me to join Key Club. She herself had never been a part of the organization, but she thought it was the place for me. I still don’t know if she was being honest or just trying to make me stop hanging out with her at lunch. Either way, my sister was the one who found me a home.

Why do you love Key Club?

I love Key Club because of everything it celebrates! It celebrates service with every event that takes us one step closer to changing the world. It celebrates leadership, even through every obstacle. And it celebrates family with every person it welcomes into the Key Club Ohana. I love Celebrating Key Club with all of D25E!

FUN FACTS I love to read! From Jane Austen to Mary McCarthy to John Green- I love it all! I also live for the show Gilmore Girls. I’ve watched all seven seasons about twenty times! The show even mentions Key Club and Kiwanis twice! How could I not love it? #kenroe #johncamaraislife


climbing On Up

Valerie ng Koala of the moNT

Valerie has served as an exemplary memb club she serves. Through her constant atten and undying passion to better herself as never ceases to amaze the division. She ha month of August with her enthusiasm and li smiled throughout all service events and en to keep a positive attitude at all

ClUB OF the Month

grant High Schoo

guyen Th

ber for the home ndance at events a member, she as stood out in the ively spirit. She has ncourages others l times.


Grace Kim Officer of the moNTh Giselle is one of the greatest officers the division has seen. Her leadership skills stand out and remind both officers and members what it takes to be a Key Clubber. Her hard work and continuous efforts to lead the home club she serves is the greatest reminder that a positive mind set and clear motives can go very far.

Grant, however a relatively new club, has managed to stand out as a valuable, new asset to the division. Their hard work and dedication to an organization they had just joined has reignited the passions of both new and returning members reminding us that we all serve not only the community, but each other as well. The amount of spirit and leadership initiative from the club is truly astounding.






RTC is one of the best ways to get members hooked onto Key Club. We can show the members how great Key Clubbers are. This is our opportunity to Celebrate Service, Leadership, and Family with the Region 7 Ohana. There will be variety of different workshops offered for everyone! They range from the different officer positions, Key Club charities, public speaking, BEE-lieving in yourself, and so many more. Everyone can learn so much from these workshops. It's just a matter of opening your mind to new learning experiences and allowing yourself to absorb that information. Admission is $7 donation which comes with lunch and a special prize.

Special Guests “

I'm so excited to see the region and help out with sharing tips and tools so that members can go back to their clubs with a lot more knowledge

Jacqueline Tsang CNH District Governor

Catherine Kim

CNH District Service Project Chair

Hello Region 7! My name is Catherine Kim and I serve our district as the Service Projects Committee Chair. This position allows me to work with Lieutenant Governors to create resources and solutions so clubs can confidently plan meaningful service projects. It is an honor to be present at this Region Training Conference and I hope that everyone will have a great time learning more about Key Club. Please feel free to ask me any questions throughout and even after the training conference. Thank you!

Presentation the following presentations will be featured: President Vice President Advisors Key Club 101 Public Speaking Treasurer Bulletin Editor Ho to BEE a Member Key Club Partner Secretary

Fundraising Graphic Standards Spotlight on Service Program Member Recruitment & Retention How to Run for a Position Service Project Professionalism & Marketing Safe Key Technology Thirst Project BEElieve in Yourself

Planning a Service Project Meaning of Service Kiwanis Family Fall Rally Eliminate PTP DCON Member Recognition/ Awards

This could be you!

koala stick

green sunglasses

A Koala’s To Bring List + Green Face Paint + Koala-ty Spirit + Tons of Cough Drops + Green Bandana’s + Green TuTu’s + Koala Hats + Jacket/ Sweater + Money to buy Merchandise

We want the spirit stick

division shirt

green tutu

▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼▼


at six flags magic mountain

Fall Rally is the biggest District event held during the year. The California-Nevada-Hawaii District gets together in Northern or Southern California to celebrate our efforts as competent servant leaders. The best part is that we all get to cheer for our accomplishments alongside our District Ohana. With our spirits flying high and our fundraising efforts going to Pediatric Trauma Program, we are reminded of the lasting impact we make on both the community and each other. Fall Rally is going to be loads of fun and I look forward to seeing you all there.


If you plan on attending fall rally, you definitely won’t want to miss these spirit sessions. In these session the Division Parliament as well as Division Spirit Coordinators Mizelle and Alina will help prep you about what you should expect Fally Rally to be like! Don’t miss out.

# #

Session 1, Spirit Gear: Saturday, October 18 Session 3, Fall Rally Spirit Session: Saturday, November 8


Session 2, Posters, Signs, and Spirit Items: Saturday, November 1


Executive Assistant Michael Lee mlee.d25e.ea@gmail.com

Division News Editor Coddy Ramos d25e.cnhkc.dne @gmail.com


contact information


Lieutenant Governor Monica Reyes d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Division Secretary Gloria Lee glorialee.keyclub @gmail.com

Executive Assistant Tyler Kowta d25e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Division Treasurer John Camara john.camara.d25e. dfm@gmail.com

Division Task Coordinator Samuel Kim d25e.dtc.kim @gmail.com


*missing in photo President Khrisley Castillo Birmingham Khrisley Castillo Email: d25e.birmingham. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 521- 3945 Granada Hills Charter Isaac Leon Email: d25e.granada. president @gmai.com Phone: (818) 294-4907 Cleveland Thang Diep Email: d25e.cleveland. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 414-6725 Grant Idalys Perez Email: d25e.grant. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 219-9005

Monroe Kayla Gonzalez Email: d25e.monroe. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 384-4093 Northridge Academy Margie Santos Email: d25e.northridge. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 726-3099

Van Nuys Giselle Kim Email: d25e.vannuys. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 823-1149

Kennedy Isabel Evangelista Email:d25e.kennedy. president@gmail.com Phone: (818) 303-5903

Wrapping up their plarn making, these Key Clubber have a sense of pleasure that they were able to assist in helping make mats.

Thank you for reading!

| http://www.cnhkeyclub.org

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