January 2016 newsletter

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Canyon Springs chronicles January 2016 version

Another Year of Service by Gaby Soto I am so proud of you CSHS Key Clubbers! At the rate we’re going we should be able to pass the hours of service done last year, which is always the goal. Remember you need a minimum of 1 hour of service each month in order to maintain your membership. This hour is very easily obtainable through our in club service projects or the outside group service projects. If you by any chance happen to miss these you can always talk to any board member for ideas. I know this New Year we’ll do more service than last, but we’ll never know unless you’re turning them in. With that

being said don’t forget, as always, hours are due three days before the end of the month on the hour track. The link to the hour track is on the agenda and is always sent along with the reminder on Remind101. Happy New Year! May it bring more service.

“ Happy New Year, Have more ideas, success, love and never regret.’’

New Year Same Goals by Manicka Coleman It’s a new year but our goals are the same as the year before that . Our goal is to help whoever we can help and to help communities. Our goal is to create a peaceful world through helping hands . Our goals are to help the world one volunteer opportunity at a time. Our goal is to not only help children but to help adults in need. Our ultimate goal is to help the world. Just because it is a new year doesn't mean we will forget our mission. New year same key club .


VP by Norma Palma Being Vice President for any organization is tuff, but being a Key Club Vice President is even tougher. As Vice President the rules and job descriptions are usually the same: be there for the president, do what they can't do, be the president when they're absent. But it's so much more than that. For my club I try serving as an advisor and a friend. I try being a role model outside of club days because I know I serve as that Key Club example everywhere I go. It's very important for me to have close interaction with all club members because I'm in charge of our club point system. It's something very rewarding for each member to be chosen "Member of the Month" and all those monthly nominations are taken into consideration for our Key Club member of the year. I also try my hardest to be there for our President. We are very blessed to have such a hard working president and sometimes it feels good to remove any stress she's feeling because she does so much. Besides being there for my president, I try and be there for the other members on E-board and even our advisor. Doing there jobs when they can't attend club meeting or service events. Although it's a lot of hard work, the service and fun I have makes up for all of it. Sometimes it's scary when I think about it, being in charge of a whole club that's apart of a bigger organization that advocates for community service but it almost never feels scary when I have such amazing officer by my side.


Being President of Key Club by Justine Centeno As president there are many duties that I have to fulfill. I think that being president is the one role where there is not a book of duties that you have to fulfill, because you have to make those duties yourself. Of course, I have to lead meetings and make the agendas, but those are only the routine jobs I have to do as president. Other than that, as president, I have to determine what kind of president I want to be and how I will lead. Part of that is knowing each board member's job. As president, if there is someone who does not fulfill their duties, I have to communicate with them and try to fix the problem. To add, I have to create duties for the board members. If we only do what's the role listed in our "book" then we can't become a club that excels. Also, I have to know how to fix problems that rises within board or within the whole club, or know how we can find out how to fix the problem. As president, it is important to solve any issues as soon as they come so we can always function effectively. It's my job to look at the overall progress of the club and see


what needs improvement, and also what had been done well and continue to do that. It's definitely a challenge and a lot of responsibility being a Key Club President, but there are countless of things that you learn about others, the world, and about yourself that make the experience worth it. Maybe less than 2 years from now, I could have never pictured myself standing in front of a room of people and leading, but now there's nothing that I look forward to more than coming to key club on Mondays and Tuesdays and fulfilling my duties as President.

Battling the Coco Machine by Gema Plancarte On January 20, 2015, our key club volunteered at Magical Forest. We were assigned to work under nether the avalanche where we would be selling mainly coco and cookies. Before we started we were given a warning to beware if the coco machine because it would sometimes break down. Which it did, but what made it ten times worse was that we had a humongous line of people waiting. At on point we accidently dropped coco powder on the floor during rush hour, thankfully we didn't get into trouble. The people were very kind and even offered to help us, they were a huge help. This was my first day at magical forest and despite me smelling like hot chocolate it was a lot of fun! I hope next year we can bring even more key clubbers

“May this new year give you the courage to triumph over your vices and embrace the virtues.�

Being a Key Club Treasurer by Jaylene Tiscareno As the end of the year is coming into sight, I'm reflecting on how amazing it is to be treasurer for my Key Club. At first is was a rocky start but things eventually started to fall into place. Being an officer is a lot more than others think, a lot of responsibilities fall into your hands. For treasurers you go from setting up fundraisers and turning in forms for approval to managing the available budget to key your club afloat. I don't regret this decision at all, working with the rest of the officers has given me a whole other family. It's amazing how you slowly start to see all of us

CNH Key Club Logo

find our footing and working together as a team to be the best we can be in helping our community. By not being afraid to lean on one another when it gets tough or problems come up. I love my key club family and hope to continue this amazing journey being a key club member.


Want to view our newsletter online? go to https://issuu.com/ d28n.cshs.pa and you can view all newsletters that we post Have a Facebook? go add us on Facebook :https:// www.facebook.com/ canyonspringshskeyclub?fref=ts

If you would like to have your article or one of your pictures in our beautiful newsletter, please contact Manicka Coleman at : d28n.cshs.pa@gmail.com, If you do submit articles or pictures please remember to send the m to the above email before the 7th of every month , if there any questions or concerns feel free to text Manicka Coleman our cshs editor at 702-883-0654 Or email her at the email listed above. Thank you for all that you do!

Contact info: Jennifer Schweikert Position: Advisor Email: jaschweikert@interact.ccsd.net Justine Centeno Position: President Email: d28n.cshs.president@gmail.com Norma Palma Position: Vice president of administration Email:d28n.cshs.vp.ad@gmail.com Gema Plancarte Hernandez Position: Vice president of community service Email:d28n.cshs.vp.cs@gmail.com Gaby Soto Position: Secretary Email: d28n.cshs.secretary@gmail.com Jaylene Tiscareno Position: Treasurer Email: d28n.cshs.treasurer@gmail.com Manicka Coleman Position :Tech editor Email: d28n.cshs.pa@gmail.com

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