Division 2 South December 2018

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table of

ltg's welcome editor's note december even members of the officers of the m club articles recognition con contact info

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ltg's Happy Holidays Llamas!


As the winter days get colder, don't forget to bundle up while volunteering. We have lot's of events coming up for you to attend, like our various Division Wide Services and the January DCM: Conclave. Please continue to volunteer, attend our fundraisers, and attend all our Division and your home club's events. We have lot's to look forward to in these next couple months, so be on the lookout! With a Spark for Service, Vivian Luong Division 2 South Lieutenant Governor

Hello, Llamas!

dne's note

As basic as it sounds, December has always been my favorite time of the year; I love the weather and the joyousness of the season. This edition draws inspiration from the cold winter weather and features holiday characteristics like string lights, ornaments, and snowflakes. I hope you enjoy reading this issue! And I hope you've had a wonderful, stress-free break from school! :) Sincerely, Vy Truong Division 2 South News Editor

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december events

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december dcm - game night -

what: bond with other members of Division 2 South when: Saturday, December 15th 7PM-8PM where: San Leandro Boys & Girls Club

elf on the run what: Saturday - pass out bibs and packets needed for the race. Sunday - help out on the day of the race when: Saturday, Dec. 15 | 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm and Sunday Dec. 16 | 7:00 am - 11:00 am where: Sports Basement, 610 Old Mason Street, SF

dunsmuir estate what: help out at different parts of the mansion.. There are a wide variety of tasks! when: Sunday, Dec. 16 | 11:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday, Dec. 22 | 11:00 am - 5:00 pm where: 2960 Peralta Oaks Ct, Oakland, CA 94605 ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 07

Xavier Roxas ALAMEDA Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: My favorite aspect of Key Club is it provides me the opportunity to volunteer in my community along with meeting new people at each of the events, all the while having a lot of fun. Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: The type of service events I like to attend are the big events that we assist with the set-up process. Although it may require a lot of work, it is fulfilling to see the end-result once it is set and ready, knowing all my hard work contributed to making it a successful event. Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A: My favorite memory of Key Club is when I attended my first FRN event. The camaraderie amongst all of the Key Clubs in our District was AMAZING. Every member was so passionate and displayed their spirit representing their division. I had such a FUN time and look forward to making many more memories with Key Club.

Elaine Lin ARROYO Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: I like how Key Club offers a lot of events for people to do volunteering, do services, and meet new friends as you do so. Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: I like to attend service events like Medshare where we help the people in need. Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A: My favorite Key Club memory is going to FRN and seeing everyone from different kinds of regions cheering their hearts out for Key Club. ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 08

Derrick Ko CASTRO VALLEY Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: I love how friendly the club members are and how it was easy to get to know the people in the club. Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: I try to attend all of the events since I find it all really fun to help out and give back to the community. Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A: My favorite key club memory is FRN since it’s the biggest thing I have done while in the club and gave me time to bond with other club members.

Glenine (Nina) Bautista ENCINAL Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: Being able to help my community and getting to meet new member from my school! :D Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: I like to attend beach cleanups and volunteer at the MDA. Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A: My favorite Key Club memory would be our first beach cleanup because I got to meet all the new members AND protect our environment :D

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Jessie Ma SAN LEANDRO Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: My favorite aspect of Key Club is able to serve my community and to interact with people in my community such as interacting with kids at elementary school for service events or elders during food pantries. Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: My favorite service events are when I’m able to interact with people. I really enjoy working at festivals, in elementary school, or middle schools interacting with younger people. Overall, I really enjoy all the service events I go too. Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A:My favorite Key Club memory so far has to be DCON 2018, which was the first DCON I’ve been too. I was able to learn so much about leadership and the keys of being a leader through the educational sessions. I was also able to cheer my heart out for my division and district through the general sessions. I was also able to meet so many people from different divisions from NorCal, SoCal, Nevada and Hawaii. My heart goes out to Key Club.

Chloris Lin SAN LORENZO Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: My favorite aspect of Key Club is being able to help others and to meet new people. Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: I would like to attend the Oakland Zoo. Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A: My favorite Key Club memory is attending FRN

officers of the month

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Kristen Chan ALAMEDA

Kaitlyn Thai ARROYO


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Alondra Flores SAN LEANDRO

Christopher Ramirez SAN LORENZO

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club articles

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uhuru pies "Uhuru" means "freedom" in Swahili. The Uhuru Movement is a worldwide organization, under the leadership of African People’s Socialist Party, uniting African people as one people for liberation, social justice, self-reliance, and economic development. Alameda Key Club has worked closely with this organization multiple times in the past. Every year we help Uhuru with pie mixing, baking, and selling, for their pie fundraisers. This year the location of the kitchen has been moved to be in Alameda, thus making it super convenient for our members to attend!! So far we have mixed pecan pie batter, pumpkin pie, and various toppings. When we arrived at the kitchen, we were welcomed generously by the staff. They provided everyone with a name tag, apron, and a brief rundown of the organization's ideology. We were split into pairs to perform various tasks. Each duo had an assigned task: measuring ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 15

out wet ingredients, measuring out dry ingredients, opening cans, cracking eggs, cutting butter, mixing ingredients, pouring the batter, labeling the containers, and cleaning up. By dividing out the workload, Alameda Key Club was able to mix over 8 buckets of pumpkin pie batter, 8 buckets of pecan pie batter, and 5 buckets of toppings. We have planned a total of 8 events this season for helping this organization. Our members enjoy participating in this service event as it allows a different working environment. The spaces for pie mixing and selling always fill up because it is so much fun to make and cook with a group of friends!!"

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halloween carnival On Friday, October 26, Arroyo Key Club has our annual service event, Halloween Carnival, at Corvallis Elementary School with San Lorenzo Key Club. Volunteers arrived their at 5:15 p.m. and stayed until 9 p.m. First, volunteers helped set up in the gym and in the quads outside. Some volunteers arranged the game booths and some inflated the inflatable decorations while others put up the lights on the fence and railings. After finishing the setup process, the staff and volunteers had a meal together, which consisted of pizza, soda, and other light snacks. After eating, we quickly organized ourselves into the respective stations, and waited for the carnival attendees to arrive. Although all the volunteers ran different booths, the point of each game was the same. Kids lined up in long queues. After finishing each game, they received candy regardless of whether their score and accomplishments. At around 8 p.m, the carnival started to come to a close; we began closing the queues for our station. After all the attendees left, we started to clean up the school. We put the tables and chairs away, picked up trash off the floor, and placed leftover candy where they belong. We placed the tables that were put away back into their original positions. After the clean up ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 17

process all the furniture, especially those in the gymnasium, looked identical to its beginning position. The carnival coordinators treated the volunteers to candy, ice cream, popsicles, and cold drinks. Although the event was on a Friday night, all the volunteers enjoyed the Halloween vibes and we all went home happy knowing that we were able to spread happiness to the children. We are glad to have this event at Corvallis, and we look forward to helping out again next year!

club update: Over the month of October, Arroyo Key Club attended a total of 9 events, including Oktoberfest, Halloween Carnival, Spaghetti Feed, Sausage and Suds, Holiday Tradition, Fall Flea Market, Rhythmix Cultural Festival. We also had fundraisers at 8-Twelve and Sharetea. For the month of November, we had our DCM: Friendsgiving at Boys and Girls Club and DĂ­as de los Muertos Festival. ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 18


spooky season It was the month of October and that meant it t’was SPOOKY SEASON!! In Halloween spirit Castro Valley Key Club went to our annual Proctor Halloween Carnival at our local elementary school. This event has always been a popular event because it incorporates community service with fun and games. This year we had a walking group that Audrey led after school because Proctor is right up the street from our high school. Once we were there, we were instantly given tasks such as running games and making sure everyone’s candy basket was full. The carnival lasted for a couple of hours and by the end we were full of the Halloween spirit.

club update: The month of October was full of service and fun! Although officers were busy preparing for FRN to go smoothly, we were able to get six service events! Even at FRN, officer neglected the rides to sell merchandise and we were happy to hear all the love and appreciation from other divisions. For November, we hope to keep up with more service events and fundraisers! ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 19


october cleanup This month Encinal hosted a long overdue beach cleanup. The beaches in Alameda are disgusting to say the least, and our club thought it was time to pitch in. The city usually hosts a few every year, but we decided to just host our own. Club members split into groups of 3-4 and got to work one sunny Saturday morning. We filled our trash bags with all sorts of litter. From beer bottles to foam, no trash was safe from our Key Clubbers.

check out the district newsletter:

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back to school For the month of October, KIPP King Key Clubbers had the opportunity to attend San Leandro’s annual Sausage and Suds music festival on October 7th. The music event had a variety of live performances, artwork, and delicious food. Specifically, we helped out with ticket organization, sample cup distribution, and the #anyonecanpaint collage. Although our shift was over 5 hours long, which included physical labor, our 6 key clubbers pushed through to the end. At the end of the event, we had the time to check out some live musical performances and even danced together! Even after the long 5 hours, we left with a stronger bond with each other and had an greater passion for service.

club update: For the month of October, KIPP King has been incredibly busy in preparation for FRN! We have collaborated with San Lorenzo and Arroyo by hosting an interclub spirit social on October 19th at ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 21

BY MARIANA SIU, KIPP KING Mervin Morris Park. Additionally, we had 3 service events: Bay Ridge Run, Sausage and Suds, and Dunsmuir Decorations with Alameda! For Bay Ridge Run, 2 Key Clubbers went to the Lake Chabot Regional Park in Castro Valley and managed aid stations for runners! For Sausage and Suds, 7 Key Clubbers went to San Leandro's annual music festival and had fun in working on the #anyonecanpaint board, ticket distributions, and managing sampling cups! Finally, for Dunsmuir Decorations, KIPP King collaborated with Alameda to help out the Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate in putting up Halloween decorations in preparation for their Halloween event! We also added the Wonder Woman and Rhymix DWS! For the month of November, we currently do not have any upcoming events.

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recognition contests

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Contests for Clubs:

Due Dates:

Advisor of the Year Club Attire Club of the Year Most Improved Club

Saturday, January 25th, 2019 by 6:00PM PST to d02s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Club Newsletter Club Video Year-in-Review (Digital) Club Poster (Digital)

Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 by 11:59PM PST to cnh.kccontests@gmail.com

Club Poster (Non-Digital) Year-in-Review (Traditional/Non-Traditional)

Friday, April 12th, 2019 by 6:00PM at DCON 2019 at the CNH Key Club Member Recognition (MR) Office

Distinguished Officer Contests: President

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Vice President



Contests for Members: Due Dates: Member of the Year

Saturday, January 25th, 2019 by 6:00PM PST to d02s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Sandy Nininger Talent

Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 by 11:59PM PST to cnh.kccontests@gmail.com

Service Contests: Major Emphasis Single Service

Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 by 11:59PM PST to cnh.kccontests@gmail.com

Automatic Awards: Early Bird Dues TOT for UNICEF Kiwanis Family

AIM District Tree Distinguished/Diamond Distinguished

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div 2 south presidents ALAMEDA


Kristen Chan email: kristenchan12@gmail.com

Abigail Thai email: abigail.thai@kippbastudent.org



Kenneth Thai email: kenneththai19@gmail.com

Julian Roman email: jr070701@gmail.com



Patrice Cheung email: patricecvkey@gmail.com

Alondra Flores email: aflores@slamfamily.com



Sarah Kohgadai email: sarahkohgadai@gmail.com

Christopher Ramirez email: cramirexkeyclub@gmail.com

- follow our


Google Reflector ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 26

"Div [


dlt contact information LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR


Vivian Luong email: d02s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Christy Wong email: christy94502@yahoo.com



Jarlene Clavido email: d02s.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com

Amy Shun email: amyshun12@gmail.com



Jenni Quoi email: d02s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Kristy Chan email: kristycvkey@gmail.com



Vy Truong email: d02s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Kenneth Thai email: kenneththai19@gmail.com



Trina Pham email: trina.pham@kippbastudent.org

Vincent Thai email: thaivincent88@gmail.com

r social media -

vision 2 South Key Club]"


"Division 2 South Llamas" @d2sllamas ISSUE 1.7 | PAGE 27


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