Division 2 South September 2020

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Official Division 2 South Newsletter

September Volume 3 // Issue 4 D2S // Region 9 // CNH District

table of

ltg's welcome editor's note july recap division goals upcoming events llama points spotlight on service members of the mo officers of the mont club updates club articles resources contact info

Issue 3.4 | Page 2

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Issue 3.4 | Page 3

ltg's welcome Jarlene Clavido

What's Poppin' 2 South! I hope you are all doing well! For some, you might have officially finished the first month of your school year and for others, you probably just started a couple of days ago. No matter what point of the school year you are in, please remember to take it easy and take breaks! If there was one thing I learned while in quarantine, I would say I learned how to pay more attention to what my mind and body need. With the school year officially starting and Key Club being more active, it's really easy to be so busy that you actually forget to take care of yourself! It is extremely important that you find the proper balance of work and life and do the things that genuinely make you happy! Remember that it's only going to get harder as we approach deadlines so, please give your body the proper nutrients and take breaks so you can do everything to the best of your ability. Know that sometimes, it's okay not to be okay and that is totally normal! If you ever feel that way, please contact anyone around you or even me, and I would be glad to be someone you can talk to and a shoulder to lean on. Everyone goes through their own struggles and even sometimes, I lose the motivation to do anything. One thing that did help me was talking to people so if you ever need anyone, always remember that I am one call, text, dm, or even email away! Well, that concludes my little note for you! It's really easy to forget anything and anyone when you're busy so, make sure to contact all your loved ones and send them an appreciation message. Drink lots of water and I hope you find another reason to smile today! Please stay safe and never forget that it is always a good day to serve others! Happy reading and I hope you enjoy this month's division newsletter! Let your LIGHT shine, Jarlene Clavido Division 2 South Lieutenant Governor 2020-2021 Issue 3.4 | Page 4

editor's note Claire Liang

Hello Division 2 South! Can you believe that school is already underway? I definitely can't. Make sure to not stress yourself out and always know that everything is going to be okay in the end. As school is starting up and we're all learning to tackle the many technical difficulties that have and will happen in the future, we learn to be resilient and rather flexible with our given circumstances. As we are heading towards the second half of the term, also known as the busiest part of the term and we must prepare to maximize our opportunities at home to advocate for Key Club! Definitely check out the virtual club rush kit if you haven't already to help you get started with member interest and retention. And with that being said, I wish you the best of luck in terms of club rush! I understand that for many of us, we are starting the college application process and having to balance Key Club, school work, and even more activities on top of that. While we may not have the optimal high school senior experience in the beginning of the school year, this gives us more time to brainstorm and prepare for college. There are so many deadlines affiliated with the first semester of school but don't get carried away and always include time for yourself to chill and relax. I revolved September's theme around school not to remind you all that we have challenging times ahead of us but to come to terms with what we have to deal with. I definitely believe that each and every single one of you have the grit and perseverance to trudge through yet another school year with all the good and the bad. I'm thankful for all of you for sticking around and continually facing obstacles head on and always being true to yourself. These truly are unprecedented times but I have no doubt in my mind that we'll get through it. Enjoy the September Issue of "The Llama Legends!"

With a Passion to Serve, Claire Liang Division 2 South News Editor 2020-2021 Issue 3.4 | Page 5

july recap

Issue 3.4 | Page 6

p: dcm x dws

Club of the Month: Alameda Member of the Month: Natasha La Officer of the Month: Melanie Siu Faculty Advisor of the Month: Tomas Wong Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: Al Wright


Issue 3.4 | Page 7

division goals Hours Served 27.6%

service hours 1794.2/6500 hours Goal 72.4% Funds Raised 11.6%

funds raised $521.06/4,500 Goal 88.4% Issue 3.4 | Page 8

upcoming events region training conference

When: September 19th-20th Where: Zoom With: Region 9 and 17

september dcm

When: September 20th @ 12:50pm* Where: Zoom *dcm is during rtc

Issue 3.4 | Page 9



- holds 6 service events per month


- interclub event - donate $100 to PTP or MNT per month - host fundraiser


- each service event or project hosted



- early mrf - on-time president's reflection form - on-time president's update email


- on-time mrf - on-time tmrf - on-time vp recognition form


- on-time visuals

- on-time articles



- if whole club board is present at DCM - if whole club board is present at DWS


- per member or officer present at DCM - per member or officer present at DWS


10 Issue 3.4 | Page 10

- per each Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor present at DCM - per each Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor present at DWS


- per each member or officer present at Kiwanis meeting - per each Kiwanian present at KC meeting

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Issue 3.4 | Page 11

spotlight on service

Children's Education

check out the august service on spotlight guide! Issue 3.4 | Page 12

click on the image for more info!

event ideas - college and career night - meet with school's administration to work out logistics; help run workshops about high school - supply drive competition - challenge people to see who can collect the most supplies or raise the most money

service project ideas - big brothers big sisters - pair upperclassmen with freshmen and guide them and give them advice about high school - make posters and graphics - create graphics or posters to educate others promoting healthy lifestyles

fundraising ideas - got talent show - plan a talent show to raise money for school supplies - bingo night - invite everyone in the K-Family - charge $5 per sheet and take donations for prizes Issue 3.4 | Page 13

members of Euvin Chiu

Alameda Euvin has been an active member in our community even since COVID-19. Given our circumstances, he has continued going to division events such as the DWS and DCM. He has earned a total of 4 hours, as much as some of our officers. He has been keeping in contact with our board members by asking questions pertaining to division events and going to general club meetings. I believe Euvin has contributed to our club by being an active member who has only spread positivity.

Travis Moeurn

Arroyo We chose Travis for member of the month because he was the first member to sign up for free rice and had been active this month by getting many hours.

Leslie Penaloza

Kipp King She has done many hours in our club and has attended our meetings. Despite being new to the club she has shown dedication to the club by coming to our events. Issue 3.4 | Page 14

f the month Lam Tran

LPS Hayward Our board chose this member to be our club's MoM because of the dedication and initiative that they have displayed. Lam jumped right into our service at home events and was able to max out the hours for free rice. He is also really diligent when it comes to contacting our president when it comes to any confusion or just to let her know something. His passion for key club really shined through the work he did this month.

Clay Gin

San Leandro Clay Gin has been one of our most active members in the month of Juiy. He went to the DCM, DWS, San Leandro Kahoot Bonding and the Crazy 8 Tournament with KIPP King. In all of these events mentioned, Clay was able to spread his enthusiasm. It is important to lift up everyones spirit especially at times like this; during a global pandemic because a lot of people are losing hope and motivation and Clay Gin was able to make that happen.

Alexis Santos

San Lorenzo

Alexis put in a lot of effort to be part of his community through Key Club. Whether it was attending several club events, division wide events, or interclubs, he always pushed to stay active this July. Not only was he present, but he also was participating as well. From raising a large sum of rice on Freerice, to running a stunning 23.66 miles to raise money for UNICEF, Alexis dedicated his time to make a change. His enthusiasm for helping out the community is something we acknowledge about him. Issue 3.4 | Page 15

officers of Valentina Phung

Alameda Valentina has gone above and beyond this month, constantly reaching out to her board and making sure they don’t need help. She makes sure everyone is on task and understands what they are responsible for. She also makes herself available when others ask her for help and provides information to lost members. She also never fails to bring new ideas to our board meetings and is always looking for new ways to help make Key Club more enjoyable for our members. This month she was reaching out to other clubs in hopes of strengthening our bond with other clubs within the division. Overall she can be seen as both a friend and a leader.

Alexandra Reyes

Arroyo We chose Ally to be officer of the month because she promoted our fundraiser llama dash to her family friends and as well as her own friends. She put lots of effort to this fundraiser and raised up the most funds out of everyone.

Ruth Montes

San Lorenzo Ruth's effort on creating graphics for club events and announcements displays her dedication to her position and Key Club. Her clean and beautiful graphics are something that we praise as they are an important aspect that keep our club going forward and inform members about upcoming events. She spends a considerable amount of time to make sure everything is right and ready. In addition to this, we also appreciate her effort on working to create a website for our club. Issue 3.4 | Page 16

f the month Claire Liang

LPS Hayward Our board chose this officer to be our club's OoM because despite all the chaos going on in her personal life, she has been able to work alongside the KIPP and CV president to host interclass this month. Additionally, she has worked really hard to accommodate to the busy schedules of both our board and members. Our president has also done really well with diffusing minor disagreements in our plannings to serve the best interest of everyone. Her love and passion to serve and lead others to do the same really beamed this month.

Fiona Wu

San Leandro Fiona Wu was chosen as the officer of the month because we all have seen her determination in trying to get service events during quarantine. The global pandemic did not stop our VP of Service in trying to get people to help the community. As a matter of fact, San Leandro Key Club were able to have five service events in the month of July. Fiona is one of our most hardworking and innovative officers thats why we believe that she deserve the recognition this month.

Cindy Kwok

Kipp King She has been very helpful during this time by keeping track of all the meetings we have. She has also turns everything on time and keeps all the forms up to date. Issue 3.4 | Page 17

club updates

Issue 3.4 | Page 18

Kipp King For the month of July, Kipp King had a decent month with continuing FreeRice and Charity Miles. We also had an interkey bonding with San Leandro playing Crazy 8. For the beginning of August we have a fundraiser with Arroyo selling baked items. We also had a Studio Ghibli general meeting. Additionally we will be continuing the service events from the month prior.

LPS Hayward During July, LPS Hayward Keyclub was able to host a board meeting, in which the members could decide potential ideas for future fundraisers and service ideas. LPS Key Club was also able to attend two interclub events, the first was a club event between LPS KC and SL KC, and in this interclub event, students had made a video for a senior center. The second event was also an interclub event between CV KC and LPS KC, and the event was an arts and crafts interclub bonding event. We also had two different service events, the first event was a continuation of a June event called the charity mile and the second event was a free rice event where students helped to end world hunger.

San Leandro For the month of August,The San Leandro cohort has been very successful this month with the amount of service events that occurred such as the "Cranes for Kids" where members folded paper cranes for children's hospital on Zoom and the "Chalk Walk" where members used their artistic talents to decorate their neighborhoods. Many bonding events this month helped make our division more familiar with eachother thanks to the "Zoom Kahoot" and the "KIPP x SL UNO Tournament" that also occurred on Zoom.

Issue 3.4 | Page 19

club articles

Issue 3.4 | Page 20


July Club Report For the month of July, we had 3 service events: Service at Home, FreeRice, and Charity Miles. We decided to continue doing service at home so that our members still have the opportunity to earn hours despite being in quarantine. Our service at home event includes letters to the nursing home, chalk on the sidewalk, and cook/bake for family. One of our members, Carly Lam, participated in this event by making a set of cards with beautifully painted covers for the nursing home. The second event was FreeRice, an app that donates 10 grains of rice to someone in need for every question answered. Many members participated in this event and this was a great way to help fight world hunger while still being at home. The last event was Charity Miles, an app that track how many miles a member has walked in exchange for donating a certain amount of money to a preferred charity. So far our club has done 383+ miles for our chosen charity, March For Dimes. It’s great to see our members still being active despite our current situation. Also, thank you so much to the Kiwanis that supported our fundraiser for the BLM Movement. Thanks to them we were able to surpass our goal of $150 and were able to donate a total of $208.00 to NAACP. Our club would like to thank everyone who helped raise money for our fundraiser, it truly means a lot and we appreciate it so much.

Issue 3.4 | Page 21


Charity Miles For the month of July, Kipp King joined the fundraising app Charity Miles. Charity Miles is an app where you choose your preferred charities and every mile you run, bike, or dance you donate money to a chosen charity. This event is a great way to promote exercise while still being able to help out charities. Those charities are March of Dimes, an organization that raises funds and awareness for policies that prioritize the health of moms and babies. DOSOMETHING.ORG, an organization that pushes for young people’s change through actions and education. Finally last but not least, Unicef, an organization that strives to provide basic human needs to help protect the rights of all children.

Issue 3.4 | Page 22


July Submission For July, LPS Hayward had two events. One event was a continuation of an event from June called the charity mile. Which every mile a member ran, walked, or biked would equal one service hour. The limit of the number of hours each student could have was 15 hours per month. The event was scheduled to last from June 22 to August 31. LPS Hayward Keyclub decided to create this service event to help students that needed hours and also because this event would benefit different charities such as the nonprofit organization Feeding America. The event is still currently going, and so far has been a success since it has collectively accumulated 82.5 hours with 14 participants. The second event that LPS Key Club hosted was also a charity event that would help end world hunger. The event was called Free Rice, and it lasted from July 6 to July 31. The event seemed to be very popular among the students since it was able to raise 143.4 between 12 members.

Issue 3.4 | Page 23


Kipp x SL Uno Tournament

In the month of July, Kipp King and San Leandro hosted a Kahoot tournament where several members and officers played UNO on the iMessage app known as "Game Pigeon." This was a way for members to meet new people outside their home club. This event was a successful bonding event for both schools.

Issue 3.4 | Page 24

resources check out our spc's service publication! check out our fpc's fundraising publication! check out cnh's august newsletter!

click on the image for more info!

click on the image for more info!

click on the image for more info!

Issue 3.4 | Page 25

d2s presidents


Kipp King

Valentina Phung

Jennifer Guan




LPS Hayward

Zackry Jugarap

Claire Liang



Castro Valley

San Leandro

Natalie Masilang

Kim Lund




San Lorenzo


Luis Angulo



d2s soci @d2sllamas

Google Reflector

Issue 3.4 | Page 26

division leadership team Lieutenant Governor Jarlene Clavido d02s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Executive Assistant

Member Outreach and Rec.

Kim Lund

Valentina Phung



Executive Assistant

Service Projects Coord.

Alissa Nguyen

Melanie Siu



News Editor Claire Liang

Fundraising Projects Coord. Amanda Lee



Tech Editor

Spirit Coord.

Zackry Jugarap

Jacob Onia




Spirit Coord.

Elese Kha

Ashton Nguyen



ial media "Division 2 South [Key Club]"

"Division 2 South Llamas"



Issue 3.3 | Page 27

Thank you for reading! CNHKEYCLUB.ORG KEYCLUB.ORG

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