Division 35E | May Newsletter

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HELLO ELEPHANTS! My name is Daanyaal

Kumar, and I am

humbled and honored to introduce myself as the 2014-2015

Lieutenant Governor for Division 35 East. I am

have an increase in membership for the Division as a whole. If we work together, we can achieve these goals, and even surpass them!

The first month of the 2014-2015 term is already so very excited to serve Division 35 East to the best over. Can you believe it?! The first month, the month of my ability this term. With your help, I know that of April, has been very action-packed though together, we can take Division 35 East to the next with three Division events to kick off the first term. level in terms of service, We had the first DCM of spirit, and fundraising for the new term on April 19th our preferred charities. at Schabarum Park where we had EIGHTY-ONE A few of the goals I have people attend from the set for Division 35 East Division! This is a huge this year is to raise a minimum of $3,000 for PTP and attendance for the first DCM! It is a sign for the $2,000 for Project success Division 35 East ELIMINATE. will see this year! We also attended the March for Babies walk, and worked LEARN MORE with the Parents Place ABOUT Organization at their annual Fair & Festival to help raise funds and awareness for children with mental ON PG 12 disabilities. I hope those of you who were able to attend these events had as much fun as I did! I also want to help clubs increase membership for each club by 10% and



! E C I E! V R SE RVIC SE Division 35 East served a total of 1,025 SERVICE HOURS in just the month of April alone! Kudos to all of you elephants who served your community to help reach that number! Now that AP testing is over and schools comes to an end, I hope all of you amazing Key Clubbers will be able to enjoy your summers, and be able to have a summer filled with service. Yes, you heard that right! Service NEVER stops! Key Club NEVER stops! This summer, Division 35 East has numerous service and social events planned to make this summer a tremendous amount of fun while serving our community. We will have a Region Beach Clean-Up, be participating in the 626 Night Market, have a Division Carwash, and have an Officer Training Conference for officers, and members interested in becoming officers among other events!

LTG’S CHALLENGE I want to challenge every member and officer of this Division. Take yourself out of your comfort zone, and make friendships from other schools. Key Club is the only organization and club that allows you to make and meet so many friends from so many other schools, and be able to perform service with people from all these different schools. Division 35 East, I challenge you to take yourself out of your comfort zone. Meet new people, make new friends, increase your service hours from the previous year, and scream out the “How do you feel?” cheer at the top of your lungs. I challenge you to apply for a leadership position if it arises, and to inspire your friends to join Key Club, so you can share the magic of this club with them. Stomping through for service,

Daanyaal Kumar Lieutenant Governor 2014-15 Division 35 East, Region 13 California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International







AMBER GO EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ​ ey there all you 35 East cutie pies! H My name is Amber Go. I am currently a sophomore at Rowland High School and it is my UTMOST HONOR to be SERVING YOU guys as your 20142015 Division 35 East Executive Assistant! ​I am so excited for this term and I can promise you guys that on behalf of the D35E leadership team, we will ensure that this year will be a blast! I can’t wait to see/meet you all at all of our fabulous, upcoming division events! Don’t be shy, just stomp with pride, and come say hi! Don’t worry, I don’t bite, I STOMP. (Well, I try to... The thing is, I’m tiny...) ELEPHANTS, WE’RE SO BEAST.

ERIC CHEN DIVISION SECRETARY Hey elephants! I am Eric Chen and I will be serving as your 2014-2015 Division Secretary! I am a junior at Diamond Bar High School and a pole vaulter on the track team.


VIVIAN LEUNG NEWS EDITIOR Hello my lovely elephants! My name is Vivian Leung and I will be serving you as your 2014-2015 Division News Editor! I am currently a sophomore at South Hills High School. I enjoy designing, taking pictures, and doing SERVICE! I am excited for this term because I can’t wait to meet and share new memories with all of you! Keep a look out for these montly newsletters. I want to be sure that all of you are updated on the tasks and accomplishments that have been going on within our division. Don’t be afraid to come up to me to say hi, I look forward to meeting all of you!

ALICE PAN DIVISION TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Hey Elephants!!! My name is Alice Pan and I will be serving you as the new Division Tech Editor for the 2014-2015 term. I am currently a junior at Diamond Bar High School and I am also the new Vice President for my home club. My life kind of revolves around studying.. and KEY CLUB (of course)! I enjoy photography and taking pictures on a regular basis. I own several cameras but you will most likely see me carrying around my Canon DSLR, named Dreamer (please don’t judge, I LOVE Dreamer <3). I, also, ...LOVE my dog, Ruby. When I get the chance to meet you, I will most likely show you ten million pictures I have of my dog. Now you know a bit more of who I am, but the rest if for you to find out when our paths cross at Division events! I can’t wait to meet all of you!

MELODY WONG INTER-CLUB COORDINATOR Hi! My name is Melody Wong and I’m from Walnut. I am currently a junior and will be graduating in 2015. There’s nothing I enjoy more than long walks on the beach. Some of my other hobbies include watching the sunset from a picturesque grassy knoll, indulging in fine wine with a scrumptious foie gras dinner, and candlelight conversations on French film. Just kidding, I spend most of my time at home playing games or just doing nothing at all on the internet. Occasionally, I get up to get food but that’s about all the movement I do. I love listening to music, but I mean who doesn’t? I really like pie, pumpkin pie being my favorite and strawberry being my second favorite. My favorite color is blue and I really love hedgehogs and bunnies. I also really love Key Club and I hope I will be able to serve my fellow elephants to the best of my ability!


EDWARD HUANG DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES Hi everyone! My name is Edward Huang and I’m a junior at South Hills High School. I’ll be one of your Directors of Activities for D35e 2014-2015 term! I also participate in the music program as well as the tennis program at school. I am a very fun loving person, I love meeting new people, and I can’t wait to have a great year with all you elephants!

VIRGINIA MA DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES Hi, I’m Virginia and one of two Director of Activities. Being a part of the E-board is such a huge honor and I’m so excited for the 20142015 KC year as well as all the exciting things planned! It’s been quite a journey from member to officer to historian and I’m so happy to serve my division in a new way. Throughout this term, I hope to expand my leadership abilities, improve the division members’ experience, make new friends, and have fun doing it!

VANESSA TONG HEAD SPIRIT TASK COORDINATOR Hello elephants! My name is Vanessa Tong from San Dimas High School and I will be serving as your Head Spirit Task Coordinator for the 2014-2015 term. I enjoy eating macarons, making new friends, raising money for PTP and the Eliminate Project, and showing off my Elephant pride! i am very excited to help lead our division to new heights and achieving any goals our division hopes to accomplish. My personal goal for our division will be to create and master at least two new cheers to help us win the spirit stick at Fall Rally South. I know that this upcoming year will be eventful with school and Key Club, but I will try my best to manage my time wisely so that I can provide my undivided attention when it comes to serving the division. I couldn’t be any happier to be apart of Division 35 East, and I can’t wait to see it reach it’s full potential. I have high hopes for us because I know how great this division is.


NORTHVIEW HIGH SCHOOL KEY CLUB SERVICE UPDATE We here at Northview Key Club have gotten so much done this month! Our club has finalized our officers for the 2014-15 term. Danielle Torres is our new President, along with Eric Cortez as Vice President, Cynthia Vo as Secretary, Mark Lao as Treasurer, and Almendra Corona as Editor. Our first outing as the new cabinet was to the April DCM/ Kiwanis One Day Park CleanUp. There we assisted in painting a wall and pulling up weeds. We also mingled with the rest of the new cabinet members from other schools. Moving on, on April 27, we attended the Park Place Fair & Festival. There we all had loads of fun setting up the game booths, preparing the food, and getting to know a bunch of new, awesome people. On May 10, our club had the opportunity to volunteer at the annual Pancake Breakfast located at Heritage Park in Covina. Unfortunately, we did not get to actually flip the pancakes (darn!), but we did get to help set up the event and serve the food to all those who attended. These past weeks have been very hectic for all of us here at Northview, but we have had so much fun at all the events and are looking forward to the upcoming May DCM and Spark Run. Eric Cortez Vice President of Northview High School Key Club



I recently volunteered for Key Club at a five kilometer run hosted by Mt. San Antonio College. At first I was a little skeptical about attending this event because I would have to arrive at five thirty in the morning to volunteer.Once I arrived, however, I found that the event was quite fun. My friends and I helped the event staff pass out shirts and register the runners. Other volunteers were sent out onto the course to help direct the runners and cheer for them. The event was a lot of fun because I was able to meet other Key Clubbers from different schools. Afterwards, we assisted in passing out medals to the runners and clean up after the event.


All in all, I had a great time working in the event.


Technology Editor at Diamond Bar High School Key Club


MARCH OF DIMES JUSTIN WONG | VICE PRESIDENT OF SOUTH HILLS KEY CLUB On Saturday, April 26th, South Hills key club along with the rest of D35E and D35W attended March of Babies. From 6 am to 3 pm around 100 key clubbers from D35E and D35W joined millions of other citizens in a 5k march to raise money for hundreds of thousands of pre mature babies born each year. The money raised would help the mothers have full pregnancies instead of pre mature birth that would put the babies life in high risk. Overall the March of Babies was a successful event as we stomped our way towards less pre mature babies.

APRIL DCM & EARTH DAY KARRIE TAN | VICE PRESIDENT OF DIAMOND BAR KEY CLUB For the month of April, we had several events; from a 5k run and Earth Day Planting to an Easter Picnic for disabled children and Park Clean-up (which was also our DCM!). The April DCM was one of the most memorable events of the month! Not only did all the clubs get to meet together as we usually do, but we also had the opportunity to perform service together AND meet the new officers of the 20142015 Division Leadership Team!! It was amazing to see the pride that each new officer walked up with, I have no doubt that our team is the strongest in the region! As for our Earth Day, Diamond Bar Key Club decided to plant flowers in an old flower bed at school using magnolias. Last year, our seeds never grew‌ but this year, our flowers will definitely live to see the next Earth Day! Our members had lots of fun digging up the dirt‌ even if it did get a little bit DIRTy.



PROJECT ELIMINATE WHAT IS THE “ELIMINATE PROJECT”? The EliMiNaTe Project is aimed towards eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus, which will save or protect millions of mothers and their future babies. WHAT IS MATERNAL AND NEONATAL TETANUS? Maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) kills one baby every nine minutes. Tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is very little chance of survival. Tetanus kills mothers as well. CAN MNT BE STOPPED? Yes it can! All it takes is three doses of 60-cent immunization to protect mothers and their future children. WHY HASN’T MNT BEEN ELIMINATED ALREADY? UNICEF has helped eliminate MNT in many countries. However, in some countries, MNT still strikes babies and mothers who have little or no access to health care. More funds and resources are needed to help all babies and mothers at risk. WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO ELIMINATE MNT AROUND THE WORLD? In order to eliminate MNT, more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. It will take US$110 million and the help from dedicated volunteers.

May 5th-9th was the annual Eliminate Week for the Kiwanis Family! On that week, the Kiwanis Family helped raise funds for Project Eliminate. Remember, it only takes $1.80 to save a baby. Even though Eliminate Week is over, service still goes on! Suggest some ideas to your home club on how you want to raise funds for this project. You can have a penny drive where you walk around asking for just pennies or sell food and drinks! BEE creative and take part in Project Eliminate!


$138.01. That’s how much Rowland Key Club officers raised with three jars in three days. Not only able to raise $138.01, but they also had the opportunity to raise awareness about maternal neonatal tetanus (MNT) around Rowland High School. Using materials lying around in their homes, officers were able to create adorable jars that advertised Key Club’s campaign against MNT. The officers carried the jars around to their classes and gave a short five minute speech about MNT to their fellow schoolmates citing facts such as the following: 1. 2. 3.

It only cost $1.80 to protect a mother and her future children 1 baby dies every 9 minutes from tetanus Vaccines will help both mothers and their children

K E E W E T A N I M I L E T C E J O R P B U L C Y E K S H D N A L W O @R

Special shoutout to Treasurer Brian Truong!! Thanks for being an outstanding leader during Project eliMiNaTe Week!! As vice president, I worked with Brian organizing the Project eliMiNaTe Week collection. Although we were notified on Sunday of Project eliMiNaTe Week’s existence, Brian efficiently brought all materials together and distributed the collection jars amongst the officer board. Talking with him the other day, he told me that he believed “this year’s officer board will excel as a whole because of the hardworking and diligent personalities of the individuals among our board; the board is cohesive and through the diligent work ethic among our officers I believe that as a team we can work together to accomplish anything.” I totally agreed with him…which brings me to my next point: my personal view of Rowland’s Key Club 20142015 Officer-board.

This year, I know that Rowland’s Key Club is going to progress exponentially. Starting from their first project, Project eliMiNaTe Week, Rowland’s officers have proved that they can work together and communicate well to create awesome results that benefit the global community. It is both my honor and my pleasure to work alongside officers that are responsible and diligent; I’ve had my fair share of clubs and it’s rare to see entire officer-boards dedicate themselves to club service. I’m excited to see their enthusiasm and their dedication to the club. Already, they’ve shown much self-sacrifice, and it’s only been a month. Keep it that way. Let’s go Rowland Key Club!! Janis Shin Vice President at Rowland High School Key Club

S N O T T U B E 5 D3 ! E L A S R O F $2.00








AMBER GO EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

ERIC CHEN DIVISION SECRETARY d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com

VIVIAN LEUNG DIVISION NEWS EDITOR d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com

ALICE PAN DIVISION TECH EDITOR d35e.tech.cnhkc@gmail.com

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