Division 35 East | December Newsletter: Fall Rally Edition!

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y l l a R l Fal IAL SPEC N EDITIO



02 03 04 05

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editor’s message

member recognition ltg’s message best of 2014 what is fall rally? elephant gear how did we prepare? the first session

16 17 18 19 11 12 14 15

the second and third session

how did we win? officers the spirit stick the fall rally experience why should you go? save the date contact

. . . e g a s s e m Editor's

HELLO ELEPHANTS! You are now reading Division 35 East’s Fall Rally Special Edition newsletter! Here, you will read all about our division’s amazing win and how our hard work and unity brought us to our success. I am very proud of what our division came to be. Our winning of the spirit stick shows our passion and how glad we are to be part of Key Club and to be an elephant. I hope you enjoy this newsletter!

Vivian Leung

Division 35 East News Editor 2014-2015



“Though Catherine Cao is only a Freshman, she has already begun to show a great love for Key Club. Seeing her attend so many events inspires others to do the same. She is always asking questions, and always wants to learn more about Key Club and what it is all about. Catherine has so much potential. She has already showed so much love for this organization, and I can’t wait to see her grow even more.” - Vivian Tiet, MRC



“Kevin Huo is someone who truly embodies the meaning of caring and compassion. He attends all events possible, and always has a smile on his face. Kevin does his best to be friendly towards everyone, and always tries to spark a love for Key Club in others. If you ask Kevin what he’s doing this weekend, he will probably tell you that he will be volunteering, or attending a fundraiser. Kevin is always happy to help others, and it is truly inspiring to see the joy and love that come through his heart when he serves with a smile. “ - Vivian Tiet, MRC

“San Dimas has really improved over time, and I am proud to announce that we have nominated their club as Club of the Month for the month of December. Their member attendance has grown so much, and it is great to see so many San Dimas Key Clubbers around. Their commitment and spirit is great! Since last year, their service has increased as well. Congratulations to San Dimas!” - Vivian Tiet, MRC



HELLO ELEPHANTS! Hello Elephants, Welcome to the Fall Rally Edition of the Division 35 East Newsletter! This newsletter is to truly show you how amazing Division 35 East truly is, and how and why we won the Spirit Stick this year. It was because of your spirit and dedication to Division 35 East, learning the cheers, and your love for Key Club. Thank you all for everything you elephants done to make this so special for this Division. We won the spirit stick for the first time in HISTORY, and I want you all to read through this newsletter and truly feel pride in being elephant.

first semester of this year successfully. We have tons to look forward to these coming months. Numerous service events are here for all of you to take advantage of. Along with that, look out for officer elections at your home club, to see if you can be next to serve your club! DCON Registration is out, and your presidents should be announcing that soon! Please be sure to join the Facebook Group, and keep up with us to learn about all the upcoming events!

For all you seniors out there, congratulations on finishing your LAST first semes- STOMPING THROUGH FOR SERter of High School. We have one more VICE, semester until our high school journey ends. I hope you all have finished your college applications, and if you have Division 35 East not, DO THEM NOW! For the rest of you, I hope you finished Lieutenant Governor your

Daanyaal Kumar


// BEST OF 2014

* 1 . P e n p a l s! 7. We rang the N ASAQ be l l . More than 700 Key Clubbers from across On October 24, 2014, representatives for North America participated in Key Club’s the U.S. Fund for UNICEF rang the NASDAQ pen pal program! opening bell in Times Square in New York City to promote Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! 2 . We g r e w even big g er! Key Club membership grew from 250,000 8. #Ke y Cl ubChat This year we hosted two Twitter chats with members to over 270,000 members! the Key Club International boards. The first chat covered topics related to The Elimi3. ICON The Key Club International Convention nate Project. The second chat discussed was held in Anaheim, California. A new in- all things Key Club. During the chat, board ternational board was elected here! members answered members’ questions via Twitter by using the hashtag #KeyClubChat. 4 . # P a l a b o wlo “Palabowlo” is the ship name for International President Maria Palazzo and Vice 9. YOF Grant Re que st President Kevin Zhang! The name comes We received more than 120 Youth Opporfrom Maria Palazzo’s last name and Kevin tunities Fund grant applications—that’s a Zhang’s “bowl” haircut. new record! The YOF committee awarded more than US$47,000 to help clubs improve their schools, communities and the world. 5 . O u r f a mily ju st g o t big g er! As of September, China has officially become a Key Club nation! Key Club is now 10. Gi v e away s ! We gave some cool new Key Club gear in 33 countries. Wow! in a contest on Instagram and Twitter. Be on the lookout for more fun giveaways in 6 . We f o un d h a ppin ess. We have a new partner: Project Happiness. 2015! Project Happiness is a nonprofit organization with a mission to inspire and empower people to create greater happiness within *for key club international themselves and their communities.





aroon shirt? Check. Red face paint? Check. Bandanas? Check. Pompoms? Check. Spirit? Double triple quadruple check. The time has come for that magical, crazy, one-of-a-kind day of the year: Fall Rally. Fall Rally started a few years ago with just one club in the CNH district. Fall Rally was held at Six Flags Magic Mountain as a way to raise money. Year after year, the event just got bigger-it began to grow almost exponentially! Fall Rally then became a district event and is now the biggest annual event for Key Club members. Fall Rally is dedicated to raising money for PTP, Pediatric Trauma Program. It’s a day where Key Club members have the opportunity to meet thousands of other Key Club members from the CNH district. At Fall Rally, you can expect to find people decked out from head to toe in their division colors. Some people are wearing capes, headbands, and tutus. You can hear people yelling, “We’ve got spirit, yes we do!” from all corners of the park. You can expect to receive a lot of hugs and smiles from friendly Key Club members. You’ll see people taking pictures everywhere and people who can’t help but to take a selfie with anyone who passes by. During the spirit session, you’ll only hear the thunderous cheers from each division as everyone yells their heart out for the spirit stick. You’ll watch our Lieutenant Governor be auctioned off, where all the money goes to PTP. At Fall Rally, we become united. We’re rejuvenated with the spirit of Key Club, the spirit that drives us all to make a difference.

//kelly seto, president @ walnut 7



hirty- Five East is what? RED HOT! Red hot is exactly the phrase I would use to describe our division’s amazing spirit at Fall Rally South this year. Since it was my first Fall Rally, I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away by the way that the Elephants showed their pride. At Fall Rally, everyone was required to wear their Division shirt, but the spirit was definitely not going to stop there. Many members wore bandannas, painted their faces, and wore capes around the park! Red and gray tutus were abundant everywhere. Many Elephants made key blades, which never fail to amaze me. Some were small, some had bows, and one even lit up! My favorite spirit gear from Fall Rally was definitely the pom poms. I swished them around everywhere and still have them on display in my room! When Daanyaal started leading the crowd in pom pom motions, we went wild. It’s easy to see why we won the spirit stick. Our elephant pride was tremendous at Fall Rally this year, and I can’t express how proud I am of the spirit of our Division.

//vivian tiet, division member recognition coordinator




here is truly a first for everything, and for the first time in history, Division 35 East won the spirit stick at Fall Rally! The fervor and enthusiasm in our elephants is what led us to our victory and the judges were aware of that. Our division could not have gotten to where they were without the hard work prior to the rally. We made sure that everyone attending Fall Rally would know exactly what to do at Six Flags, which is why we hosted divisional meetings called “Pre- Fall Rally”. These pre-fall rallies were a blast. A whole division got together to make different spirit gear for Fall Rally. Smart on the Division Leadership Team’s part, the incentive to attending both pre-fall rallies was a free spirit gear set. By going to a meeting to have fun and talk to fellow elephants, members received free stuff. What a steal! Personally, I feel that these pre-spirit sessions were tantamount to our victory at Fall Rally. Honestly I thought that previous Fall Rallies were unorganized because not all the members knew the cheers well enough. But because we prepared beforehand, we were able to bask in our glory once we showed everyone what Division 35 East is all about.

//phillip chung, vice president @ bonita key club


// the first session


the first session

all Rally was such an amazing experience. The sense of camaraderie between members of the division was unforgettable. During the first session, we all collaborated and cheered our hearts out to ensure that the division moved on to the succeeding sessions. It was amazing to see us all move our pom-poms in such unified motions and reacting quickly to change. We timed our cheering to the music that played and communicated amongst ourselves to be sure that all knew what we were doing. During the LTG auction, we were all sure to be quiet when people were speaking and to cheer our hearts out whenever we got the highest bid. It was such a great feeling to have “bought” Division 10 North’s LTG Mariela Carillo and our own LTG, Daanyaal Kumar! We cannot wait to see how Division 35 East will work together at next year’s Fall Rally!

//sabrina mah & genevieve leach, san dimas key club


// the second and third session


the second & third session

all Rally took place on November 15, 2014. Words cannot contain the explosion of emotions, especially when our own division, D35E, won the spirit stick! Of course, we put hard work into it. Our division spent two weekends (approximately six hours) working on our cheers together. So, it was with no surprise (okay, maybe a little because winning the spirit stick is a BIG DEAL) that we progressed from the first session to the second session to the third session. I mean, wow. Talk about one hundred fifty people all in sync screaming “Thirty-five east, thirty-five east, thirty-five east, THIRTY-FIVE EAST!” in a thunderous crescendo. I could describe it as poignant. Who knew that we elephants could be so…so OP? I could describe it as mind-blowing. Well, maybe not, because we are the elephants. And truly, words cannot describe the experience. Cliché? Maybe. But it’s true. Here’s a short montage of what others have said about Fall Rally as they tried to capture its tremendous awesomeness. “It was fun.... It was a great experience in meeting other key club members and learning about their background. The day was wonderful when we won the Spirit Stick. I enjoyed the rides the park had to offer and the Spirit battles all over the park was amazing and intense. Hanging out with friends was a truly lasting experience and having fun.” –Vincent Fu, member, class of 2018 “To be very honest, I actually wasn’t excited for Fall Rally. I didn’t feel the same butterflies in my stomach that I did the last 2 years, and it was possibly because for the last 2 years, I didn’t really feel like I fit in Key Club. When we got in, it felt monotonous. Then I saw the friends I had made during my time in Key Club, and the wonder I usually felt came back. I met old friends, made new friends, and even became closer with some acquaintances. While the first few hours were great, the actual rally session was the highlight of not only the day, but of my whole Key Club career. We managed to win the spirit stick for the very first time, and I had never been prouder to say that I am a part of Division 35 East. Yes, tears were shed. My 3rd Fall Rally is going to be an experience I will never forget.” –Natalie Lu, Historian, class of 2016

//janis shin, vice president @ john a. rowland key club




n November 15, 2014, Division 35 East attended Fall Rally and won the Spirit Stick for the first time. I believe that the unity of our division really led us to victory. Many dedicated and spirited members took time from their weekends to attend two pre-fall rally sessions to learn all of the cheers. Also, the Division officers really did a good job creating and teaching the cheers to the members. Some of the cheers were a little confusing, but with the guidance of the division officers, all of the members managed to learn them. Another factor that I believe led to our victory was our good sportsmanship. Division 35 East would cheer on other schools and chant� GOOD JOB� to the other divisions after they presented their cheers. Finally, I think one of the biggest factors that contributed to our victory was our proud, spirited members. Many of the schools in our division had much more members attend fall rally than ever before, which helped to add to our numbers and really help us come together as a division. Fall Rally was an incredible experience and I look forward to winning the Spirit Stick again.

//kevin wang, tech editor @ diamond bar key club



// officers


ivision 35 East’s victory at Fall Rally 2014 wasn’t mere luck. We earned it. The blood, sweat, and spirit put into our success at Fall Rally couldn’t have been done without the synchronized, loud and proud stomps, claps, and cheers of the D35E members, but most importantly, without the encouragement and hard work of the club officers and division leadership team. The division leadership team played a key role by creating such phenomenal cheers and teaching them at the two Pre-Fall Rallies. By combining ideas, Division 35 East shocked the other divisions as they gazed at D35E in awe and respect. Who wouldn’t have gawked at how amazing us elephants were? Not only did the division leadership team work hard, but so did the individual club officers. By encouraging the members to attend the Pre-Fall Rallies, efficiently collecting Fall Rally payments, and by keeping their members up to date on division affairs, winning the spirit stick became so much easier. All in all, winning the glorified spirit stick at Fall Rally was the result of hard work from both the D35E DLT and the officers of each club. Good job Elephants! S-U-P-E-R! Super star is what we are!

//amber go, division executive assistant



the spirit stick! Y

AASSSSSS WE WON THE SPIRIT STICK GUYS!! I have never been prouder to be a part of D35E than when they announced that we won. The energy radiating from all of you during the rally was incredible. Having won the spirit stick proves that elephants are indeed “so beast.” Everybody wishes they were D35E. (See what I did there?) But seriously guys, winning that spirit stick is a huge honor. It shows how dedicated we are to everything we do for key club and how crazy and loud we can get. But most importantly, BRAGGING RIGHTS! We get to brag for at least a year about how we’re better than everybody else. Well, maybe we’re not “better” but we certainly have some pretty amazing and unique members that other divisions don’t have. It’s because of YOU guys that we won. Winning the spirit stick is the best way to begin to close the “Key Club” chapter in our senior member’s lives. Leaving knowing that you’re the best is the best way to go. It will be sad leaving and becoming adults, (yea I know, gross) but knowing that we have the spirit stick makes it a little less heartbreaking. I’ll finish this off by saying good job Elephants! I hope next year we can keep the spirit stick where it belongs, here at D35E. Where we wear red and gray all day and we ain’t afraid to show it show it.

//eric cortez, vice president @ northview key club




the fall rally experience

enjoyed Fall Rally a lot more than I expected. When people said, “Oh, we’re going to Six Flags,” I had this whole, I suppose, vision that I’d be riding rides all day and spending a lot of money on overpriced food (to put it bluntly), and a somewhat-overhyped time. I admit, I was excited for the whole event, just not the huge lines. But having and watching Division 35 East come together as a whole, cheering and stomping, made my first Fall Rally memorable. I met so many new people who expanded my love for Key Club and other divisions, and got to yell at the top of my lungs constantly without being called embarrassing (sorry Covina kids who hear me in the halls). The spirit was so overwhelming, you could feel how happy and excited everyone was to be there. My favorite part of FRS was chanting the “How do you feel?” cheer every five minutes. No, literally, every five minutes. You couldn’t move ten feet without a free hug, cheer, or spirit battle. Another part that I really enjoyed was how during the Fall Rally, our pom-poms moved in unison (thank you to whoever took the video!) and that we followed everything Daanyaal did, and our two cheers sounded extremely clear. It really meant that the DLT’s (and Division’s!) work paid off in the end, and I think that was the best highlight of my first Fall Rally.

//mikayala saykham, vice president @ covina key club




Why should you go to Fall Rally?

any Key Clubbers are aware that Fall Rally South is one of the biggest events for members in Key Club to come together. It provides the opportunity to bond with people near or far from your division, and create bonds with those people. But what if you’re new to Key Club? Why should you go to Fall Rally? Many of Nogales’ Key Club members wondered the same. Nearly all of our attendees had never been to Fall Rally before. They just knew that it was a big event at Six Flags, which sounded appealing enough. Those members soon found out that Fall Rally is so much more. Fall Rally is one of the keys that opens up opportunities to meet and bond with amazing people in Key Club. Not only do you get to meet and spend the day with these people, you get to do it for a cause. Ticket money is donated to PTP, which means you have fun while also fundraising to keep kids safe. And of course, the Fall Rally spirit sessions are a huge contributor to the excitement of the event! Over time, our members worked with the D35E elephants. They cheered with the D35E elephants. They served and laughed and cried with their fellow division mates, and so when they were given the chance to show their pride for their division, they exploded into cheers filled to the brim with spirit. The spirit session gives us a chance to express our love for Key Club, our love for service, and our love for each other. Nogales Key Club members were few among tens of thousands of people who loved and appreciated the Fall Rally experience. It is inevitable—the Fall Rally fever is infectious. The opportunities to meet new people, ride rollercoasters, and cheer your heart out all while doing service is too much good to not enjoy. A member, Justin Marcilla, said “I didn’t expect it to be like that. We’ll definitely come again next year.” Our members, like so many others, didn’t know what to expect for Fall Rally. But when they saw their LTG holding that spirit stick, they knew that the experience, the joy, and the memories were more than they could ever imagine it to be.

//rozlind silva, president @ nogales key club







20 27 18

​Date: December 13th | Location:​ 700 Seco Street, Pasadena Time: 8:30AM-5PM | ​Our annual Rose Float day is here where we will help alongside of thousands of Key Clubbers to build Rose Floats for the Rose Parade!

Date: December 13th| Location: 4340 Eucalyptus St., Chino Time: 1PM-4PM |​If you can’t make it to the Rose Floats, you can head over the Isaiah’s Rock to help them with packaging food for Christmas, and sorting toys for children!​


​Date: December 20th | Location:​ Center Ice Arena, Ontario Time: 1PM-5:30PM| ​December DCM will be held with a conjoined Ice Skating Fundraiser! Come and learn more about Division events while learning/falling/ice skating with your friends! This is a super fun event!​($10 admission)


Date: December 27th| Location: The War Memorial Building Time: 1PM-5PM |​This is not the same as the Kiwanis Rose Floats, but this is the South Pasadena Rose Float. This will be a combined event with Division 10 North, and 36 West!




LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

INTER-CLUB COORDINATOR melodywong12@gmail.com

AMBER GO EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

ERIC CHEN DIVISION SECRETARY d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com

VIVIAN LEUNG DIVISION NEWS EDITOR d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com






MEMBER RECOGNITION COORDINATOR DIVISION TECH EDITOR vivian.tiet@gmail.com d35e.tech.cnhkc@gmail.com


CHECK OUT D35E’S WEBSITE FOR UPDATES! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east

CYBERKEY WEBSITE: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE: http://www.keyclub.org

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