Division 35E | August Newsletter

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s ' r o t i Ed e... messag


HELLO MY LOVELY ELEPHANTS, I hope all of you had a wonderful summer vacation! Our division did an amazing job with giving back to the community this summer. Many of you Key Clubbers took time out of your vacation to go out there and work hard for service, and that is something worth applauding for. I look forward to this school year, and I hope we recruit new Key Clubber members! We have to spread the elephant pride! Have a great time in school and continue stomping for service!

Vivian Leung

Division News Editor 2014-2015






TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 04 05 06 08 10 11 12

editor’s message ltg’s message passed amendments region 13 beach clean up region 13 picnic thaddeus foundation 41st annual steak fry upcoming events



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tarting now, most of us are probably back in school now and summer has officially ended. It is time for everyone to start fixing their sleeping schedules, get back into the groove of school, and get ready for the start of a new school year, and the continuation of an amazing Key Club Year! Now that school has started, club rush is on the way. At Club Rush, be sure to spread the word about Key Club, and get all the new freshmen to join! We want to make sure everyone experiences High School the best way they can, and there is no better way to enjoy High School than Key Club! :] Although, life will get much busier this next couple months as they school year starts and really picks up, do not forget about Key Club! Your home clubs along with the Division will be holding service and social events regularly because Key Club and Service NEVER stop! Sometimes the best way to take a break from school and any stress you may have built up from school is attending a Key Club events, and being able to talk to your Key Club friends from other schools while serving your community. For all the High School Seniors out there, this time of the year will get crazy with last minute SAT and ACT preparation, college apps, school, and other extracurricular, but remember that we are all in this together, and to never forget about your Key Club family! This goes out to everyone because when life gets hard, tiring, or stressful, remember that you always can turn to your friends in Key Club to help you out! I am excited for this upcoming school year, and I hope you are all too! Why? Because of all the crazy Key-Club events that are coming up! From all the DCMS, Division Fundraisers, Pre-Fall Rallies, to the actual day of Fall Rally! Fall Rally is November 15th this year, and more info regarding how to buy tickets will be released soon, but save the date, and get ready to cheer your heart out for Division 35 East! Be sure to check the Facebook Group to get info for all the upcoming events, ask your presidents, or ask me! This school year is going to be wonderful, and I cannot wait to see you all at upcoming Division Events!

Daanyaal Kumar

Lieutenant Governor 2014-15






On July 23rd, 2014, several Amendments were passed during the Key Club International House of Delegates at the 71st Annual Convention. AMENDMENT #1 Sec 4. In

order to form a new district, the proposed area must include no less than 25 active Key Clubs and no less than 375 at least 15 active Key Clubs and at least 450 active Key Club members. AMENDMENT #2 Sect 6. Any

person, not in high school or an educational equivalent, who has performed some distinguished public service may be elected an honorary member of a club for a period of one year. Honorary

members shall pay no dues and shall not be entitled to any privilege of a Key Club member.

dollars (US$7), being membership dues and subscription to the Key Club International publication, for every member, but not including AMENDMENT #3 Sect 1. honorary members. Each Key Club shall pay Key Club International, or its AMENDMENT #6 Sect 1. designated fiscal agent, an- The membership of individnual dues of six dollars and ual Key Clubs shall consist fifty cents (US$6.50), being of students from the high membership dues and sub- school in which they are Membership scription to the Key Club In- enrolled. ternational publication, for should cover one’s tenure every member, but not in- in high school as stipulated cluding honorary members. by their education system. These members should be AMENDMENT #4 Sect 1. interested in service and Each Key Club shall pay Key qualified scholastically by Club International, or its school district requirements designated fiscal agent, an- for extracurricular activities nual dues of six dollars and and of good character. fifty cents (US$6.50) seven


// R13 Beach clean up


beach clean up | WRITTEN BY: JAMES OKAMURA

When I think about the beach, Region 13 Beach Clean Up comes to my mind! What better way to spend your last bit of summer before going back to school? This year we got the pleasure in having the KIWIN’s Goldstone Gators to be there with us and the rest of Region 13. Waking up and going to Los Altos High School early in the morning was hard, but it was still worth it in the end. There, we were able to meet some KIWINs and Division 35 West Seals before departing at the beach. The first thing we did was greet and hug our friends from all over Region 13. It was nice seeing familiar faces. Af-


ter, we got to do fun ice breakers and meet even more key clubbers and KIWINs. Around noon, we went around Santa Monica Beach to clean up the beach and do service! After cleaning up the beach, my friends and I went to the pier and to get some lunch and went to back to the beach later in the day. After burying people in sand and splashing each other in the sun, we left the beach. In my opinion, I liked all aspects about this event -- from meeting new people, doing service, hanging out with friends, and of course going to the beach. I cannot wait until the next Region 13 Beach Clean Up!



// R13 picnic

REGION 13 PICNIC //bonita key club

In this past month, Bonita Key Club has been involved in with both Division 35 East and Region 13, but also involved with local matters. We attended the Region 13 Picnic at Via Verde Park in San Dimas. It was a lot of fun with Bonita Key Club meeting the tens of other school clubs from multiple divisions of a single region. It was a great social gathering as schools sold items to fundraise for their clubs. We thought it was a great way for Bonita Key Club to develop sense of camaraderie with the other schools in our divisions, but also another way to bond with the other schools of different divisions. Even with the hot temperatures, it was a blast. Another regional Key Club event we attended was the Region 13 Beach Cleanup. The Key Clubs of Region 13 came together to cleanup a beach that had a ton of litter from different beach patrons. It was a great bonding experience as individual members met other members in the stifling California heat. Since the clean up itself didn’t take too long, members were able to spend the rest of the day having fun in the waters. It was a great experience for Bonita Key Club.

//kevin chen, vp of events @ walnut key club

Walnut Key Club had eight people attend the Region 13 Picnic: Kelly Seto, Kevin Chen, Vivian Yen, Melody Wong, Kyle Loc, Emily Han, Zane Landin and Adrian Wu. Walnut sold the D35 East lanyards for $4 each and assisted the Division by selling buttons for $2 each. We had tons of fun buying other division gear, participating in icebreakers and learning the cheers for the spirit battle. Thanks to all the Region 13 who supported our fundraisers!


// pc: Sara liu




//eric cortez,

vp of northview key club

On August 2nd, a few of us from Northview went to Civic Center Park in San Dimas to assist the Thaddeus Foundation. This foundation hopes to reach around the world and across the street to bring hope to ‘at risk’ youth, teen moms, single moms and families with special needs children. We were all very happy to take time out of our day to help this amazing foundation. Almendra, Zhari, Cynthia, and I were initially showing children how to create a slimy, gooey substance named flubber. Flubber is a mixture of glue, food coloring, water, and borax. This very easy to make concoction kept the kids (and some parents) very entertained. Towards the end of the day, the four of us had the fabulous job of packing everything up. Almendra and her huge biceps carried tables across the park while the weaklings- me and Zhari- took chairs. Cynthia had the easy job of organizing everything into the back of a truck. We all had a great time helping this organization and hope we have the opportunity to go back to make more flubber! (for the kids of course… we’re totally not going to keep it for ourselves...)


// 41st Steak Fry

41st Annual Memorial Scholarship Steak Fry //janis shin, It was a hot SoCal summer day when members of Rowland Key Club headed to the La Puente Senior Center to serve the La Puente Kiwanis. They had asked us to help set up and manage some logistics of their 41st Annual Memorial Scholarship Steak Fry. I arrived with my brother Leonard, a prospective Key Clubber, to show him what Key Club was about. The moment Leonard and I entered the senior center, we noticed the hustling and bustling of our fellow members who had come earlier than the call time. Leonard and I had come at three o’clock sharp, but there were already other Key Clubbers who were assiduously working hard to meticulously arrange the dinner. Leonard and I joined in with our fellow Key Clubbers, setting up the entire venue, from placemats to decorations. Not only did we, Rowland Key Clubbers, set the tables,

but we also served the food and sold the raffle tickets, generating more than $800 for the La Puente Kiwanis at the Steak Fry Dinner. Rowland Key Clubbers also got to showcase the raffle prizes. One of our most passionate volunteers, Blaze totally displayed the prizes that he was showcasing to the audience with great histrionics causing all at the dinner party to giggle and hoot with laughter. “This is what Key Club is all about,” I whispered to Leonard as we waited in line to showcase more raffle prizes.” “What do you mean?” he asked. “Key Club is about serving others and having fun.” “Oh yeah. I knew that. Duh.” “So are you planning on joining Key Club?” “Yep.” There had been no hesitation, nor doubt whatsoever in his answer. It had been affirma-

vp of rowland key club

tive and assertive. Later, in the car ride back home, I asked Leonard “So, what’d you like about this event?” “The fact I was constantly amused.” “What the heck does that mean?” Count on my brother to come up with some bizarre answer. “Um, it was nice to see all those volunteers volunteer.” “You’re being very vague.” “Okay, fine. It was all the nice people serving others, and being inclusive to me, even though I was a total newcomer. I thought it was cool how Blaze, and Brian, and Lawrence and everybody else were really passionate about service. Okay?” “Okay,” I answered, thinking, If everybody could see and feel Rowland Key Club’s spirit of service, then maybe everybody else will want to serve their communities, too.





Date: September 20th, 2014 Location: Cal Poly Bronco Center Time: 5-9 PM Get ready for an amazing dinner feast accompanied by talented elephants. The International Dinner is a fundraiser for PTP where all dinner guests will be able to enjoy delicious food from different cultures all over the world!




Date: September 13th, 2014 Location: Schabarum Park Time: 1-4PM Everyone there will have the opportunity to make D35East ribbon leis for themselves for a small $2 donation!



Date: September 27th, 2014 Location: South Pasadena High School Time: 9AM-4:30PM Region Training Conference is a large, region-wide training conference held for all MEMBERS and OFFICERS! This training conference will be very different from OTC held in June, and will have many different workshops such as “How to Run for a Club Position,” “Member Recognition”, along with informative workshops on Fall Rally, DCON, and ICON! It will be an amazing learning experience while being able to bond with all of the Region 13 Key Clubbers!


CHECK OUT D35E’S WEBSITE FOR UPDATES! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east

CYBERKEY WEBSITE: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE: http://www.keyclub.org

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