Division 35 East | February Newsletter

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HELLO ELEPHANTS! Sadly, this is the last newsletter for this term. I would like to thank each and every one of you for reading and contributing to the newsletter every month. This has been an amazing journey for us elephants and I am so proud of how far our division has come. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to showcase our division’s sucess in these newsletters. I love you all!

Vivian Leung

Division 35 East News Editor 2014-2015


Contents 02 editor’s message 03 contents 04 2015 - 2015 DLT 06 recognition 08 LTG’s message 10 LTG-elect’s message 12 club presidents’ message 15 welcome Covina! 16 february DCM 18 club articles 20 what was your favorite moment 22 save the date 23 contact

// 2015-2016 DLT



*not pictured: Vivian Tiet




Harley Wu

“Harley Wu is somebody that embodies the definition of a true Key Clubber. Though Harley’s home club has only been chartered for a couple of months, Harley is a familiar face in the Division. Harley never fails to serve with a smile on his face, and is eager to make friends with everyone! His enthusiasm and kindness is contagious to those who are around him. It has been a pleasure to see Harley work so well in the Division this term. We are proud to announce Harley Wu as February’s Member of the Month!” - Vivian Tiet, MRC



“Only a couple of months ago, Covina High School Key Club was chartered. They started with a clean slate, and were brand new to the Division. Today, Covina High School Key Club has already shown so much improvement. Under amazing leadership, the club has already started fundraisers and have been seen active at so many service events! Covina High School has so much potential, and we are all so excited to see what they have to bring to our Division in the future. Because of the amazing improvement that Covina High School Key Club has shown, their club has been chosen as February’s Club of the Month.” - Vivian Tiet, MRC



Jacqueline Ye

“Jacqueline Ye is an officer that goes above and beyond what she is asked to do. Jacqueline is always seen serving with a smile, and sets a great example for other officers and members. She attends nearly every event, and in addition to fulfilling her duties as an officer, Jacqueline, or “Jackie,” as some of us know her, is a friend to all. Jackie truly embodies the definition of a golden Key Clubber, and for these reasons, she has been chosen to be this month’s Officer of the Month!” - Vivian Tiet, MRC




It saddens and excites me to say that this is my last message from the LTG for you. It is sad because I am truly going to miss serving you all. Being able to lead DCMs, being able to help all of you with anything you needed, and being able to create invaluable memories with you at every DCM, Social, and Service event. This excites me because this marks the end of a very successful term, and a wonderful year of growth. Division 35 East has grown immensely. Since I was a freshman until now, this Division has shown so much improvement, and so much change. We truly have become a powerful Division. We have strong service records, conquer when it comes to spirit (Fall Rally Spirit Stick ;]), and have over 1200 members in just the schools in this Division. The best part is that we will only grow and only improve as a Division. I am a senior and will be graduating, and leaving for college (most likely on the East Coast!) This means that I will rarely be


able to see all of you beautiful elephants, and that you will not see much of me after graduation. I do plan on coming to visit whenever I can though! I am going to miss all of you, and I want to thank you all again for such a wonderful year, and for being members of the best Division in all of Key Club International. Just a shout out to the over 120 elephants that came to the last DCM of the term on February 14th! It was an amazing day. I hope you all had fun with the seals, and enjoyed that Picnic. I know I did! That event was so much fun, and it was all for you. The event itself was not the best fundraiser because we spent so much money to get subway instead of pizza, to be able o provide ice cream, cold water, and materials for you to pie me, Vince, and the elects in the face. I really hope you all had fun, and that it has only inspired you to be more active in Key Club!

Now, we only have two more events coming up for this term form the Division. We have the Benefit Concert on March 7th, and it will most likely be at the EL Monte Auditorium, but the venue has not been confirmed as of yet. Then, the Division 35 East End of the Year Banquet will take place on April 4th,and will celebrate the term. This is a time to reflect and celebrate on the successful term, and to say your final good-byes to all of the old board officers. It will be the last event the 2014-2015 Division Leadership Team will put on for you all, and it will be amazing. Look for more details of the event in this newsletter!

ive and loving, and I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I truly am humbled and honored to have had the opportunity to serve as the 20142015 Lieutenant Governor for Division 35 East. I bid you farewell, and I can not wait to see you all one last time at Benefit Concert and Banquet.

I really hope that you all will be able to attend the last two events of the term! It will be so much fun, and it will be such a great way to end the term!

Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor 2014-2015

With much love,


Daanyaal Kumar

I just want to say thank you again to all of you for being the best members an LTG can ask for. You all have been so support-




My name is Sabrina Bodine and I am honored to be able to serve you for the 20152016 term. I just wanted to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to take on this position! This has already been such a successful term for our division as a whole, and I want us to continue to strive for more. Because of every single one of you showing your spirit, participating in multiple fundraisers and attending so many events, we have shown everyone in our region and our district who we are. And now that they know us, I want to ensure they don’t forget us; our goals for the 2015-2016 term are heavily focused on increasing our spirit, increasing our funds for our preferred charities, and increasing our service hours. If we can accomplish these goals, our division will truly be able to leave a golden legacy behind that no one will be able to overlook. Spirit; it’s such a big part of Key Club! Without it, events like Fall Rally, DCON, and


ICON just wouldn’t be the same. If we put the effort into it, we could create even better cheers for our constantly growing division! Our cheers this year were phenomenal; could you imagine them getting even better? With all of our ideas combined, we will be sure to make cheers that will sound through the ears of every Key clubber in the world and let them know how truly passionate we are about being a part of D35E. And where would we be without our preferred charities? Pediatric Trauma Program has been one of our preferred charities for 10 years and put simply, it saves children’s lives by providing them with proper equipment to keep from harm. Our goal for this year will be raising $4000 for PTP, and while it seems high, it’s nothing Division 35 East can’t handle. Another of our main charities is Project Eliminate. Project Eliminate is coming to a close this year; we have to make a final push! It only takes $1.80 to save a baby, and together, we can save countless of countries.

Our goal for Project EliMiNate is $1200, and through socials, concerts, and enough effort, we can save so many lives. Whether it be through PTP or Project EliMiNate, we can make a huge impact on the world as individuals, and as a division. When it all boils down to it though, service is what we strive for. Helping our home, schools, and communities; it’s what we do! Together we can achieve a groundbreaking 12,000 hours of service. It won’t happen overnight, but if we are truly dedicated and constantly motivated to serve, we can achieve this number with ease. The division, as well as the clubs, will provide the events. All that’s missing is you! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to serve while you enjoy the company of wonderful people. Division 35 East, let’s show the world who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Let’s rise to new heights together and continue to excel. Let’s create a term to remember for the centuries and truly show the world that Division 35 East is RED HOT and cannot

be stopped! I cannot wait to spend the 2015-2016 term with all of you. I hope to see you all very soon!


Sabrina Bodine

Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor - Elect 2015-2016



ALE C PHO N G , c ov ina ke y c l u b p r e si d e n t

Hello Elephants! In this term I have learned many things about Key Club and take to treasure some things that I learned. The best part about being a Key Club president was to be able to create volunteering events that I could’ve never done. Since the time of pondering thoughts of opening a club to being a successfully chartered club, our members has increased from four interested members to around sixty excited elephants. With all due respect, as this term ends I will be constantly helping out everyone as I can; as I will continue my journey into the next term.

YA D I YAN G , c ha rt e r oa k ke y c l u b p r e si d e n t The best part about being Key Club president this year is watching my club unite during Fall Rally. We came together as a club and celebrated our victory.My club has grown tremendously with our spirit. I am really glad that my club is excited about each divisional event. Before I depart, I want my members to know that I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. I want to wish the new board a successful term and bring the club to its peak.

M O RRI S WAN G , s o u t h h i l l s k e y c l u b p r e si d e n t Helping individuals grow as leaders and service members was my favorite part of being president. My club has grown in the amount of active members that participate in Key Club events and truly enjoy Key Club as a whole. Keep up the good work, and with great intentions, success is inevitable!

DAN I E LLE TO RRE S, n o rt h v i e w k e y c l u b p r e si d e n t The best part of being president of my club was meeting dynamic people from throughout the division and applying their insight to my home club. My club has grown in cabinet member participation, attendance at events, and continuity in meetings. Before my term ends I wish to tell members to keep volunteering, not only through Key Club but through over community-based programs, and convince their friends to join in.


GE N E VI E VE LE AC H, sa n d i m as k e y c l u b p r e si d e n t The best part of being president of my club has definitely been introducing other people to Key Club and the wonders of service! Seeing the club grow in membership numbers, active members, and amount of service hours has been a wonderful and rewarding experience and I hope that all the members see this too. I had a lot of fun during my term as president, perhaps even more fun than the years I had been a member. I want to tell my members to always remember you are a part of the Key Club ohana, and you are always welcome here. I hope you all have seen why D35E is so beast!!

ALLE N C H E N , dia mo n d ba r ke y c l u b p r e si d e n t About a year ago, I served as the Membership Development & Education Chair for Diamond Bar before becoming President. And it was hard. It was a very challenging transition going from teaching cheers at meetings to taking on the responsibility of leading 400+ members. I had no experience with the treasurer or secretary duties and quite frankly, I constantly doubted my ability to lead. Luckily, I had the best officer support team that was always there for me and that was the best part of being President Whenever I felt that I had failed at an ambitious goal I had set for myself or the newest change to the club had not been successful, I was able to find strength and comfort in my officers. They gave me the motivation to bounce back from the setback, to never give up, and to keep on trying and I’ll forever be grateful. Diamond Bar may not have grown this year in terms of service hours, membership participation or money fundraised for charities but we have grown in strength. For every obstacle, every problem, every new challenge that arose this year that we have never dealt with in the past, we confronted and overcame them. This may have been a less prosperous year for DB where it might be remembered more for the difficulties we faced rather than the success we had but Diamond Bar will recover and learn from this year’s mistakes to come back better for this new term. With that said, I make a promise to my members now that before my term ends my final goal is to leave this club in better, capable hands that will carry Diamond Bar to greater heights of success. I will do everything I can to help the new President achieve the goals of this new term and hopefully, the goals of 2014-2015 can also be accomplished in the process and have a year filled with more service and opportunities.



KE LLI E PI N E D O, b o n i ta k e y c l u b p r e si d e n t For the past two years, the best part about being club president has been serving as link between members and the division and helping others develop a passion for service and spirit. Our club has grown in terms of service and spirit this year. Before my term ends, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to my members and fellow officers and Kiwanis who have supported and trusted me as Bonita Key Club’s president. What kept me going was seeing the passion and spirit at every event we had, and the lasting friendships that were made.

SAB RI N A B O D I N E , rowl a n d ke y c l u b p r e si d e n t The best part about being president of my home club was having the chance to work one on one with so many people. Seeing the dedicated members show up to all the meetings we held really warmed my heart and I couldn’t have asked for a better club. Having the opportunity to see the faces of people who cared every day was really something I will never forget. How has your club grown? Honestly, the fact that we managed to go through all the procedures to go to all the event is probably the biggest accomplishment we had. While overall membership dropped, the amount of dedicated members has increased and I couldn’t be happier. What do you want to say to your members before your term ends? I want all my members to know that I cherish you all so much. If you think I didn’t notice you, you’re wrong. Each of you individually managed to make my life a little better and I am so glad that I had the honor to serve such a great club as you. I couldn’t be more grateful.

ROZ LI N D S I LVA, n o g a le s ke y c l u b p r e si d e n t I enjoyed getting to lead the students in my club to be involved in community service. I’m happy to have led them to a place to create meaningful friendships while serving the local and larger community. Financially, my club did more fundraisers than last year. First semester, we were the only club to donate money for PTP, and we donated over $100. As my term comes to a close, I’d like to say that I appreciate their lenience with my shortcomings, and I’m grateful for their involvement and service this year. I was very happy to serve them.

GE N E VI E VE LE AC H, sa n d i m as k e y c l u b p r e si d e n t The best part of being president of my club has definitely been introducing other people to Key Club and the wonders of service! Seeing the club grow in membership numbers, active members, and amount of service hours has been a wonderful and rewarding experience and I hope that all the members see this too. I had a lot of fun during my term as president, perhaps even more fun than the years I had been a member. I want to tell my members to always remember you are a part of the Key Club ohana, and you are always welcome here. I hope you all have seen why D35E is so beast!!



Hello Elephants! Starting of now, you have a new club in your division: Covina Key Club! Although we have a small club right now, we will continue to grow into a generally larger club. We had many people sign up; some that know about key club from a different school and some that have no clue of what Key Club is at all. After our first general meeting, many of the students in our school now know what Key Club truly is: a community service club that brings up pride and joy of what you are truly doing. Some of our members have already done some hours even before the general meetings; with the enthusiasm and excitement they have garnered from the events, they have advertised to their fellow classmates just how AWESOME Key Club is!!! Finally being a chartered Key Club, we will be glad to work with all fellow Elephants: whether it is from Rowland, South Hills, Bonita, Charter Oak, La Puente, Nogales, Diamond Bar, San Dimas, Northview, and even our own members and other clubs on campus. On behalf of my club and board, we are happy to announce that our club is now one with Division 35 East.

AL EC P HO N G , c ov ina k e y c l u b p r e si d e n t




CATHERIN E CAO, me mb e r re c og n i t i o n c o or d i nat o r e le c t

As we head into the ending stages of the 2014-2015 term, Daanyaal and Vince hosted their last DCM on February 14. The event was a full of nostalgia, containing the most memorable times shared between D35E and D35W. The day started with the announcements and introductions of our new LTG elects, Sabrina Bodine representing D35E, and Austin Ly representing D35W. Member Recognition awards were given out as the start of a new term is not too close by, and many new members are flowing in. Terry Xiang was rewarded for member of the month, Jacqueline Ye officer of the month, and lastly San Dimas as club of the month! The DCM also called attention to upcoming events and service opportunities, as well as the announcements of the new Division Leader Team. With the term coming close to an end, a new board was appointed by our LTG elect, Sabrina Bodine! This transition was a call of duty for those granted with the opportunities to serve the division to step forward and commit. The DLT-elects were able to face both D35E and D35W as they entered the excitement of the upcoming term. I would say this year’s valentines was definitely a day well spent. Oblivious to the many things the day would hold, I woke up dragging myself out of bed and sitting around until the time came to leave for the DCM. It was a big day, I could feel it; I prepared myself for the suspenseful moments right before the announcements of the new Division Leader Team. As the DCM would go by, every bullet point they covered was one bullet point closer to “DLT Announcements”. The butterflies in my stomach without a doubt increased by each second; the moment my name was mentioned, a rush of happiness ran through my body as I stood up. Unfortunately, I was sitting on a pile of dirt and as I stood up, my butt was stained brown and I was faced with embarrassment. However, I am so grateful for that experience and opportunity! I will always remember to dust off my butt before I stand up and face an audience, I will not embarrass D35E. I cannot wait to share the next term with nine other amazing people and to serve the whole division to my best abilities! After the DCM, D35E and D35W did a collab icebreaker of Jukebox, following up to making cards for our troops and enjoying the lunch served by the DLT! Afterwards, the two divisions celebrated in unison as us elephants and seals gathered around to pie our current LTGs and LTG elects! At the conclusion of the DCM, the elephants and seals came together to say one last goodbye to the last DCM of this year’s term and to create lasting memories that the leaving seniors would carry with them to college. I cannot wait for DCON and so many other great adventures! It is not the end yet, and there will be many more opportunities to make this term even more unforgettable.



//kevin wang, tech editor @ diamond bar


n Saturday, January 27th I attended the Winter Snow Fest Event held by the City of Diamond Bar. I really enjoyed this event because I was able to spend time with my friends and work with kids at the game booths. I was assigned on many different booths throughout the day, but my favorite job was definitely working on the snow ramp. I really liked working with the snow and talking to the people who were about to sled down the hill. I also enjoyed talking to my fellow members during the event and I made many new friends. As the day progressed, I was able to explore the entire festival and I really enjoyed being there. The place had a great atmosphere and there were constant live performances by people from all around the town. All in all, I really enjoyed this event and I would gladly come again.

//rozlind silva, president @ nogales


n the month of January, Nogales sent Secretary Rachelle Neri and member Alben Burlas to attend Conclave. At Conclave, candidates running for the lieutenant governer position present themselves to the Division. As Nogales’ delegates, Rachelle and Alben listened as the LTG candidates gave speeches, and spoke of their goals for the Division. After, they decided and got to vote for who they believe would best serve the division for each of the divisions in Region 13. According to our delegates, they believe that the incoming elects will do fantastic for their term as Lieutenant Governor. They were impressed with all of the candidates presentation, and are excited to see what next years’ LTGs have in store for Region 13 as a whole.


//natalie lu, editor @ rowland


et ready to whip out your finest business clothes, because it’s election season! With DCON coming around the corner in March, home clubs are undergoing the processes of officer elections and interviews. Rowland Key Club interviewed over 20 candidates for 7 different positions, with 11 of them also giving speeches to the members in hopes of being our future president or vice-presidents. Interviews took place over the course of two weeks, and the additional speeches were given on the Thursday of the last week. Members were given the chance to take part in the election process by listening to our candidates’ speeches and voting for who they believed best suited each position. Speeches were obviously not easy, but it was not impossible to overcome the fear, according to Wendy Zhang, candidate for vice president. “Of course, it’s a nerve wracking experience, but you’ve got to hold it together. That’s quite a feat for me, but I just need to remind myself, ‘For Key Club. You can and you will. For. Key. Club.’”, she says dramatically. On top of speeches, interviews were held in a formal manner and placed in fiveto-one ratios. The tense situation did not stop any of our candidates from preparing in a professional manner, however. “I would search up caucus questions online and answer them with my own personal experiences. On the day of the interview, I felt very nervous to be asked so many questions that sometimes my mind would blank out. However, I thought that whether I got the position or not, I was and am still glad that I took the opportunity,” Kailie Chang, who ran for secretary, states. And despite the strained atmosphere among both interviews and speeches, the candidates still proved to be optimistic and turn it into a situation of joy. Jious Mira, candidate of vice president, claims, “I really enjoyed the whole election process. I learned a lot about myself while I was preparing for the interview and speech. I had to reflect on my strengths, weaknesses, and what I have that sets me apart from everybody else. I think I also learned more about the aspects of being a leader in Key Club and how important the position I wanted was in contributing towards our organization.” In the end, the entire process proved to be rewarding, as not only did the 20142015 officer board have the chance to understand the candidates a bit deeper, but the candidates also used the process to their advantage by discovering new parts of both themselves and Key Club.



I h a d se v e r al momen ts th at I coul d ca ll m y f a v or ite th is y ea r , b ut one t h a t r e a lly stu ck ou t to me was the m o m e n t wh en I wa s stan ding on s ta ge a t F all R ally in fr on t of al l of you a s y o u all ch eer ed y ou r hearts o u t t o w in us th e Sp ir it Stick for the f i r st t im e . I t was a momen t that I will n e v e r f or g et.

DAAN YAAL g overnor


l ie u t e na n t

My f avori t e mom ent of t he year w as t he February DCM/ Di vi si on 35 Eas t and W est Pi cni c. I thought thi s w as m y f avori t e mom ent becau s e t he DCM w as very em oti onal to e ve r ybod y and I m ad e f ri ends w i t h s o m any key cl ubbers f rom bot h di vi si ons. Al ong w i t h t he overw he l m i ng spi ri t f or servi ce, i t sparked a gr e at er f eel i ng of l ove f or key cl u b and m ad e me f eel proud to be a n e l e phant f or Di vi si on 35 East.

Th e A I D s W alk wa s my fir st key cl ub I A N C O R T E Z , rowl a n d e v e n t a n d I h a d a lot of fu n w i th f rie n d s a n d p eop le I met t here. FR S 2 01 4! I ’ m read y for mo re Th a t ’ s w h e n I r ea liz ed doin g some- spirit bat t les! t h in g f o r oth er s an d ser v in g w as L AWR E N C E C H A N , rowl a n d fun.” My f avori t e m oment i n Key C l ub i s A LBEN B URL AS, n o g a l e s yel l i ng and cheeri ng at Fal l R al l y Spi ri t Sessi on. That w as the d ay I l os t Fe b r u a r y D C M/ Pic n ic m y voi ce due t o t he constant c he e r MICHAEL Y U, i ng and yel l i ng. W hi l e yel l i n g and i nter-club c o o rdinat o r- e l e c t, cheeri ng d uri ng t he Spi ri t S e s s i on, row land I m et new peopl e around m e t hat I w as never i nt rod uced to be for e . I al so w as abl e to shout as one w i t h T u r n i ng i n th e m o s t p u ll t abs! t he crow d w i th t ri um phant p r i de , W e ha d 4 . f eel i ng proud t hat I am a Di vi s i on 35 CYN THI A VO, s e c re ta ry, n o rt h v i e w East El ephant .

H A R L E Y WU, c ov i na


I w o u ld sa y F all R ally bu t h on est l y, i t w a s I sa iah ’ s R ock Win ter Di st ri b u t io n . B e for e I wa sn t too act i ve i n K e y C lu b u n til after I went t o t h a t e v e n t. I t ma de me r eal i ze ho w m u c h fu n y ou cou ld h av e w i t h f rie n d s w h ile also h elpin g p eopl e. A n d wh e n th ey sa y “th an k y ou” i t giv e s a f e e l in g like n o oth er cause you k n o w y ou ma de a h u g e d i f ference.

MARCH SUAY N G AM , row l a n d

R1 3 pi cni c o v e r th e s u m m er. TO MMY DAN G , c ha rt e r oa k My f a v o r it e momen t of th e year wa s t h e F e br u a r y D CM /P icn ic w i t h D 3 5 W . I t w as th e b est D CM I have a t t e n d e d t o th is da y a n d its memo r ie s will f or ev er stay in my h eart . N o t o n ly did I ma ke a cou ntl ess nu m b e r o f n ew fr ien ds, bu t m y l ov e f o r K e y Clu b g r ew g r eatly.

S EAN AQUI N O, pre s ide n t- e l e c t, walnut B ein g a n e w memb er to key cl ub, I re a lly d id n ’t kn ow wh at to expect j oin in g . I t ha s b een a g r ea t t erm . L e a r n in g h ow ev er y th in g worked f o r t h e f ir st time wa s fu n bu t crazy a t t h e same time. Doin g am azi n g a c t iv e s , an d g ettin g to m eet ne w p e o p le h as b een awesom e. I d id n ’ t k n o w key clu b cou ld real l y ch a n ge h ow I see th e wor ld, and ho w g r e a t for I am. Key clu b i s a gr e a t o p p or tu n ity to do a mazi ng t h in g s.

Thi s year I w as bl essed w i th t he op portuni t y to at t end the Fal l Ral l y and experi ence Key Cl ub on a w ho l e di ff erent l evel . The spi ri t and p as s i on f rom al l the d i f f erent di vi si ons i n t he ral l y real l y i nspi red me to i nspir e ot hers and st ri ve t o be the best me m b e r I can be.

JA MI E C H E N , sou t h h i l l s My f avori t e m oment i n Key C l ub as a Di vi si on 35E El ephant w as goi ng t o f al l ral l y and cheeri ng on my di vi s i on. As an act i ve and l ovi ng key c l ub m em ber, w orki ng hard f or m y c om m uni t y w asn’t j ust enough f or m e t o show how m uch I l ove Key Cl u b , b ut show i ng m y spi ri t f or m y Di vi si o n and Key Cl ub i s w hat I l ove the mos t . I got t o cheer on w i th my f el l ow Ke y C l ub m em bers agai nst ot her d i vi si o ns and w e cheered out our l ungs! Not onl y di d I enj oy my ti m e cheeri ng b ut w e act ual l y w on f or the m ost spi ri t e d di vi si on. It w as the m ost exci ti ng e x p e ri ence f or thi s term and I can’ t w ai t f or our next t erm !

R I C H E L L E CA MP BE L L , sa n d i m as B ei ng a f reshm an j oi ni ng key c l ub has hel ped m e becom e m ore op e n t o new peopl e and i deas. I l o ve goi ng to the regi on 13 m eet i ng, b e cause I met new and a w i d e r ange of peopl e!! THANKS!

AU DR E Y L E E , rowl a n d

The mom ent w hen our di vi si on w as uni f i ed i n w i nni ng the spi ri t s t i c k at f al l ral l y- creati ng d i vi si on hi st or y. hi s t ory books shal l t el l the tal e of how EMMA BRAZ Z I LL, b o n ita w e show ed t hat d i vi si on 35 eas t w as Fi r st ke y c lu b g e n e r al m e et ing! a f orce t o be reckoned w i th!!! ! ! !

NATAL I E LU, e dit o r, row l a n d

JAC Q U E L I N E rowl a n d

YE ,


p r e s i d e nt,






​ ate: March 7th| Location:​ TBA D Time: 6:30PM-9PM | Watch our talented elephants perform their acts at this concert. The Benefit Concert’s purpose is to raise money for Project eliMiNaTe.



​ ate: March 13-15th| Location:​ Anaheim, CA D Attend this convention to meet thousands of Key Clubbers from all over the CNH district! (Sign-ups are closed)



​Date: March 28th| Location:​ Cortez Park Time: 11:00AM-3PM | Come to the first DCM of the new term led by our new LTG-elect Sabrina Bodine!




LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

INTER-CLUB COORDINATOR melodywong12@gmail.com

AMBER GO EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

ERIC CHEN DIVISION SECRETARY d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com

VIVIAN LEUNG DIVISION NEWS EDITOR d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com






MEMBER RECOGNITION COORDINATOR DIVISION TECH EDITOR vivian.tiet@gmail.com d35e.tech.cnhkc@gmail.com


CHECK OUT D35E’S WEBSITE FOR UPDATES! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east

CYBERKEY WEBSITE: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE: http://www.keyclub.org

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.