The Beastly Bulletin August Edition

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | August 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6 … DLT Messages Page 7… August Calendar Page 8... Events Page 9-10 … Task Coordinator Application Page 11-12...Featured Articles Page 13-14… Kiwanis Take Over Page 15-16 … Follow Us! Page 17–18… Current Standings Page 19 ... Who’s that Officer? Page 20 … InterClub System Page 21 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 22… Member and Officer of the Month Page 21-22 … Club of the Month Page 23– 26 ...Meet the Officers Contact Information


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? The final month of Summer has finally come arrived and I’m so excited for it! I hope that you’ve all begun finishing or starting our summer homework! School is fast approaching and it’s going to be great to finally have a normal sleeping schedule again. This break has been fantastic and I hope that you all had a fun, productive summer. This past month I’ve kept up with my usual monthly tasks of organizing district articles and visuals, sending feedback to the club editors, and working on this newsletter. As I’ve said before PLEASE let me know if you have any suggestions to make this newsletter better and more useful for you! We only have a few Divisional events this month but service never stops! Be sure to continue to sign up for community service events so we can reach our goal of 25,000 (check out page 17) service hours. I hope that you will all be able to attend the region wide Key to College that will be happening in conjunction with our August DCM on the 22nd. I hope to see you all there! See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


Hello Division 7 South Monsters!

We are a quarter into the term as well as another month into our summer, I am as exc amazing Key Clubbers!

Though another month has passed and summertime is quickly ticking away- Which m few weeks, y’all better be finishing up summer homework (or starting it for some of yo you all are enjoying your summer vacation and mentally preparing for the busy mont dreading the idea of going back to school; but never pass up the opportunity to lear

Thank you for all of those who recently attended our Caring With Food: Feeding the H excited to see so many people eager to provide their service in feeding the homeles members from different clubs interacting and getting to know one another. I would lik Public Relations Task Coordinator Joshua Diaz for all of his hard work in planning this s

This month, we have many fun and exciting events including District Key to College (w bers from colleges all over California!), the August DCM, another division wide service tion that school will be starting up again soon, which means back to the weekly Key Clubbers all around campus.

Task Coordinator applications have also been recently released for Autumn Public Re Coordinator. This is a great leadership opportunity where you can serve the division a life! If you are interested, please apply on the Google form by Sunday, August 9th, an of your wonderful responses!

A quarter into the term already, I hope that you all take this opportunity to reflect upo organization. Never stop doing amazing things, and never stop serving others! If there mon, it is that caring is our way of life. Until next time monsters!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Sincerely ,

cited as ever to be serving all of you

Terry Nguyen Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor

means school is coming up in the next ou procrastinators out there!). I hope ths ahead! Some of you may be rn more and do more.

Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Homeless service event! We were so ss. It was also great to see so many ke to give a big thanks to our Summer service event!

where you will get to meet CKI meme event, and much more! Not to menClub meetings and seeing fellow Key

elations TC and Fall Rally North Spirit and see your ideas and goals come to nd I am looking forward to seeing all

on yourself and your role in this service e is something we all have in com-

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


Executive Assistant Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek Aloha Division 7 South Monsters! This past month has been filled with a lot of planning for the upcoming year and I'm excited for what's to come. More recently I've helped Terry with finishing up the Graphic Design T-Shirt contest, and there were a ton of wonderful submissions! Also were planning on the August Service Project which will be a Creek Clean-Up, more information to come! Another thing I'd like to share is that I have just finished up the google form for the Interclub System Reflection, which will be posted so please submit a form to be featured in the upcoming Division Newsletter! It will include questions on your past experiences through the Interclub system in order for us to help improve the system. To all the treasures, be prepared to be more interactive as I'm planning on aiding all club treasures! Overall, the term has been going smoothly and I'd like to say thank you to all who have attended our latest DCM, as Mr. Brummer gave us a big thumbs up and it wouldn't have been possible without all of you !

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris | Franklin Hello, Division 7 South! I hope you all are having a great summer. Even though summer is almost over, it's not too late to work on your service hours before school comes into session. I would love to see more members enter this club and become as passionate about serving their community as we all are. Now is the time to also begin having regular meetings again and spending time getting to know the members of your club even more. I know the transition of Key Club from summer to back to school again can go flawlessly if we all put our best foot forward and work hard. This month I have been busy working on assisting secretaries with their MRF submissions. I am proud to announce that this month has been the first one of this term that our division had 100% on time MRF submissions! Next time you see the secretary of your home club, please thank them for all of their hard work. While I assist with Secretary duties, it is really them that act as the backbone of your club so I want you to recognize them for all that they do. Thank You Monsters!

Kiwanis Family & Foundation TC Michael Mendoza | Florin Aloha D7S Monsters! It's SUMMERTIME Monsters! Summer is coming to an end but that doesn't mean service is out of the picture. This past couple of weeks I've been contacting the Kiwanis to be more connected with them and also I'm planning an upcoming service event at the Kiwanis Family House. Recently I made a guide on "How to Interact with Kiwanis Family". District Key Club to College is coming up and I do think that you all should attend to learn more about colleges and universities and to also interact with our fellow CKI. Well, see you next time monsters! Peace Out!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang | Franklin What Up Monsters? Tech & Media TC here with our new issue released for this month! With school ready to peak into our lives once more, there are some events coming up before then. As of now, the DLT intro video has released onto the Division page, talking about who we are and what our goals will be. This should give you all an idea of how our division functions as a whole, from the LTG to the rest of the DLT roles. Also, look out for future projects that can be used as potential advertisements for clubs to use for their schools. Ideas aren't yet finalized, but don't worry, as I think every day about them. Have a great rest of the summer!

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan | Sheldon Hello, Division 7 South! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! This summer is going by fast and there is about 25 days left until school starts. Yikes! Although I am a member of the DLT with multiple tasks, I still focus on my academics and education. I am going into my sophomore year and I have put myself in AP and Honors classes as well as participating in two sports. High school does not last forever, but does not end quickly so I try to make the most of my high school life with my academics, sports and Key Club! I believe that this will be a fun year and I hope all of you have a great time as well in the next year of high school. School season is approaching and you should be getting ready for a jampacked year of stress and homework, but also a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of your summer because it is ending soon so make it count!

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz | Franklin Hello Monsters of Division 7 South, It's August now and as summer comes to an end, school starts back up again. Hopefully you have been able to dedicate at least some of your time to serving your community with your fellow key clubbers because every act of service benefits someone (even if only a little bit), and every someone that you help helps us all. For those of you who came out to the Kiwanis Family House last week for the Caring With Food: Feeding the Homeless event, thank you. I hope you enjoyed mingling with members from all over D7S while participating in our hands on service event. This month's service event, the creek cleanup, will be advertised shortly so be sure to be on the lookout for that. There will be an opportunity for even more members to participate, so when the signups are released please do consider attending. More information will come as the date gets closer. Also, the service guide I have been working on will soon be released and it will have lots of information on service in general such as: monthly service initiatives, detailed ideas for service projects, and more. When it is completed, it will be on the division website. Finally, keep serving, find ways to make things better for yourself and others, and thank you once more.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition



















































August 8th– Florin’s Redberry Fundraiser August 15th – District Key to College and August DCM


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


The FRN spirit coordinator will be working alongside the Division Leadership Team AND spirit committee to teach the members our cheers and prepare the division for Fall Rally North. They will be expected to host meetings with the Spirit Committee, assist in the revision of cheers, help in the preparation for cheer training, and more. They will ultimately unite the division and build up excitement and unity for more than a thousand cheering orange monsters!

Th an Th



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

he Autumn Public Relations Task Coordinator will handle updates nd maintain contact with the division throughout the fall season. hey will also be able to take on their own project, whether it be a service event or division program; the possibilities are endless! Although this position is short-term, this task coordinator will be able to actively serve the division and see their projects and ideas come to life!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


Key Club Experience By Caleb Marshall of Elk Grove High School Community service is a required part of many high school operations, such as joining an honor society or applying for certain universities or collegiate academies. But as I reflect on the short year that I’ve spent in Key Club at Elk Grove High School, I can think of no other clubs or activities that do community service solely for the sake of helping others and expecting no reward or compensation in return. This past June, I have had the privilege of being a part of my school’s board of officers to help plan events and meetings for the rest of the summer and the school year to come. At our June board meeting, I was very pleased with the focus that the entire group gave to our discussion. I was especially impressed with the idea to put all of our phones in a pile elsewhere so that they would not serve as a distraction during the meeting, President David Thong watches his little brother while listening to though we were DCM updates. still able to team extremely productive and enjoyable for all groups participating in Key Club around the world.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Kiwanis Meeting By Leeza Xiong of Sheldon High School During Sheldon Key Club's general meetings, our Kiwanis Advisor is always present. He happily attends and brings treats for the members. On June 18th, Sheldon Key Club's officers wanted to not only return the favor, but we want to increase Kiwanis Relations as well so we attended our sponsoring Kiwanis Club, Rancho Murieta's general meeting. When we first arrived, we saw our Kiwanis Advisor standing outside the building waving at us. When we walked inside the building, the first thing that happened was receiving a bunch of hugs and handshakes from many Kiwanians. The environment was so welcoming and friendly! We sat down at the table and patiently waited for Rancho Murieta's Kiwanis Club President, Craig Carbrey, to call the meeting to order. Once the meeting started, they played an ice breaker called "Happy, Sad buck" to start it off. The purpose of this ice breaker is to share something that you are either happy or sad about for each dollar you donate. This was a great way to start off the meeting because everyone was able to celebrate the happy things together as well as comfort the sad things. At the end of the meeting, Pleasant Grove, Rancho Murieta and Sheldon Key Club were given

President Leeza prepares a PPT for Rancho Murieta’s Kiwanis Club about what has been happening at Sheldon Key Club.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


I had a fantastic time talking to and meeting everyone during the icebreakers.

“Terry burped in my face. Who am I?�


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


are aweso






Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition




Check out our Website!

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Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Follow us on Instagram! @D7South

Join our Facebook Group Division 7 South Key Club Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


Cumulative D Service Hours– 25,200





Current: Service Hours– 6142 (24%)


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Division Goals: Revised Money Raised for service amount– $35,850





Current: $13,858 (39%)raised for service

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


1) Though I have only been 2) I am also a young incomin Key Club for one year– I already hold the position of VP and have held a previous head position.

ing sophomore, this past year I have come to ralize that Key Club is an Ohana that never goes away– I love to play tennis, draw, paint, and bake cupcakes!

3) I have a slight obsession 4) My friends have a range of with League of Legends but it doesn’t keep me from fulfilling my duties as my home club’s Bulletin Editor.

Who am I?


nick names for me and they’re not all very funny. I serve as a secretary for my home club and my inspiration is IP President Andrew Wei.

5) I am one of the few seniors in my home club and I serve as a VP. My favorite food is hamburgers and my favorite color is maroon.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition




3) Answers 1)Shalyn Nguyen (F) VP 2)Emiily Chen (EG) Volunteer Coordinator 3)Taylor Tang (MT) Bulletin Editor 4) Catherine Chen (LC) Secretary 5) Daniel Leung (F) VP




Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Member of the Month Iyviann Chu (Monterey Trail): Iyviann has been an incredibly active member throughout the year and during the summer. She has attended a large variety of events like DCM’s, OTC, and many other service events as well. Iyviann has gotten more involved in the division and has showed her dedication towards Key Club through her service and commitment. From the start of summer, she has been serving her community and she will only continue to do so. Congratulations Ivyiann!

Officer of the Month Brandon Saechao (Florin): Brandon has taken on a huge responsibility for his club with handling one of their biggest fundraisers of the summer. Him and his partner were in charge of organizing and leading the fundraiser Pops in the Park. Brandon handling a huge task like this has helped him build character and gain experience along the way. With his help and guidance, members were able to help along with the fundraiser, thus making Pops in the Park a success for PTP. Congratulations Brandon!

The officer of the month—Brandon Saechao stands with the E in front of a tree.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition


Monterey Trail Key Club Congratulations Monterey Trail Key Club! Monterey Trail: This club has had a lot of active members participating in the summer months and attending Key Club events. They have had over 180 service hours since summer started. Officers on the board work very well with each other. Good balance of service events and fundraisers as well as actively planning for the year.


Message from President David

July Division Council Meeting (DCM) wa Club was recognized for club of the mo ber of the month. However, without the this organization, we would have not be service project, attending division even have gained nothing but leadership, ex yond proud to be serving Monterey Tra will be late night works, hours of board m members are what motivates me to be and leading. Thank you Monterey Trail a ty to serve my home, school and comm

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition

Club of the Month– Monterey Trail surrounds the officer of the month. (From left to right– Trysha Luu, Brandon Saechao, David Thong, Ryan Salom)

d Thong

as a memorable afternoon. Monterey Trail Key onth and Iyviann Chu was recognized for meme active members and their spark of passion for een where we are today. From attending several nts, and supporting other schools fundraisers. We xperience and family. I, as club president am beail Key Club and I know that the rest of the term meetings, stacks of paper-work but YOU the ecome an efficient leader and keeps me moving and Division 7 South for giving me the opportunimunity.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | August Edition Official


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leadership Team LTG Terry Nguyen Pleasant Grove Executive Assistant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin

Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor Sammi Tai

Media and Tech TC


Nathan Dang Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan

Kiwanis F&F TC


Michael Mendoza Florin

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Franklin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter


The Presidents of 7 South Consumnes Oaks

Montery Trail

Megan Wang

David Thong

Elk Grove


Ellie Truong

Leeza Xiong



Ivy Vong

Cynthia Tze

Laguna Creek

Pleasant Grove

Camrick Solario

Justin Le

Rancho Murieta


Lauren Posey

Bilal Baloch

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