The Beastly Bulletin February Edition Issue 10

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 10| February 2016 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6... Officer Corner Page 7-8... Calendar Events Page 9-10 … Introducing Winter Relations TC’s Page 11-12… Election Tips Page 13-14… Featured Photos Page 15-16 … KC Trivia Page 17–18… Featured Articles Page 19 –20 ... Current Standings Page 20 … Who’s that Officer? Page 21… Member and Officer of the Month Page 22 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 23… K-onnecting with the DIstrict Page 24-25 … Club of the Month Contact Information


Thank you for Reading! Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? Phew! Glad we got through the entire month of January! There was so much to go through last month and we came out with not only a new baby Elect (Congratulations David!!!) and fantastic time at the first ever Winter Monster’s Olympics! I’m so excited for this month to come because it means another month of service and helping our community! Also another month to graduation and DCON! Everything is going by so fast and soon club elects will be chosen! I wish you all luck on your speeches and caucuses– trust yourself, you can do this! Look through the newsletter and count all the new monster graphics! Happy Reading! See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


Hey 7 South!

HAPPY FEBRUARY! Sad to realize there are only a few months left in the term; let's go out with a bang! January was a ver that was so involved and participated in all of our events! On January 10th the division has elected David Thong to serve as the Lieutenant Governor for the 2016-2017 administrat and I have faith that he will do an amazing job once I have retired at District Convention!

In January we also hosted our Division Judging, so we would like to give a big THANK YOU to the division judging comm role in recognizing others.

For a lot of clubs elections are coming up, and I wanted to wish you all the best of luck! Taking on a leadership role is a ve sion to make. You will be expected to commit a lot of time and dedication, and you will face a lot of challenges as an office worth it. What you put into your term, is how much you will get out of it of the experience! If you are interested in runnin out to your current executive board for more information and tips! If you were not able to attend Leadership Training Con have been uploaded on a dropbox. The link can be found under "Resources" on the division website!

Here are a few election tips that you may want to keep in mind! - Do research! During caucus you will be asked questions to test your knowledge on the position, your goals, and Key Club

- It's okay to be nervous, and it's okay to pause when you need to. Remember: the audience wants to see you succeed just as stand you are nervous. - practice and memorize your speech, but bring flashcards to help you

- address the whole room, chin up, and speak with confidence. If you want the audience to be confident in you, you should CAN DO IT!

This is also a friendly reminder that District Convention early bird registration ends February 10th! Club officers, please re must be RECEIVED by this date so DO NOT wait any longer to submit your check. I AM EXTREMELY EXCITED FOR hope you all are as well! If you have any questions about DCON, do not hesitate to contact DCON Chair Emily Nguyen o February 10th is a very important date not just because DCON Registration is due, but also because of contest deadlines! I of the contests, check out the Cyberkey or ask DR Anthony for more information. That's it for now, but keep a look out for more division updates in the near future! Peace out monsters, and keep on servin


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

ry busy month, so shoutout to everyone

tive term! Congratulations to David,

mittee for taking the initiative to play a

ery big step and can be a difficult decier but trust me when I say that it is ng for a club executive position, reach nference, all workshop Powerpoints

b knowledge in general

s much as you want to, and they under-

Sincerely , Terry Nguyen

d first be confident in yourself. YOU

emember that the registration check R DISTRICT CONVENTION, and I or myself with any questions! If you are considering applying for any

Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


Winter Public Relations TC | Franklin

Its February! Did you know there's only 67 more days until DCON term may be approaching fast, but we still have work to do and I kn ing the term in a positive way. As a Winter Public Relations TC, I've been activ service initiatives and I intend to implement some of them before my time's up month, I helped plan the Monster Olympics so hopefully those of you who atte your fellow monsters! For the latter part, I've been thinking about what we can solid yet, but be on the lookout for what comes later! Thank you!

Executive Assis

There are only 3 mon aaaans - DCON IS A your fellow board off 2016. Keep in mind t sadly around the corn the newsletter to lear ful for you if you are run for a position if i tial within yourself.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

N?! The end of the 2015-16 now I am committed to endvely trying to push ideas for p. For the earlier part of the ended had a great time with do for February. Nothing is

stant Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek

nths left till the 2015-2016 term ends! You know what this meAPPROACHING! Treasurers, make sure to communicate with ficers and work on planning a budget for District Convention that the on-time registration deadline is on February 10th! As the end of the term is ner, we must all get ready and prep for elections. Visit the Elections Season page in rn more regarding the process of elections as well as gain some tips that may be helpinterested in running for an executive officer position! I highly encourage you all to it sparks your interest because each and every single one of you has such great poten-

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition







































Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

February 10th– Early DCON Registration and District Contest Deadline February 19th– Sheldon’s Annual Movie Night February 26th– February DCM @ Franklin High School

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


My name is Eileen, and as you may have heard, Josh and I will be the division's Public Relations Task Coordinators this winter! I am currently a sophomore at Cosumnes Oaks High School and a fact you might've not known about me is that I'm from Massachusetts! I love playing soccer, talking to people and my favorite animal are bunnies. Some of my hobbies include playing video games, writing Yelp reviews, and singing off-key to Taylor Swift music. I'm thrilled to be a part of the DLT and to play a more active role in Key Club. As we head through the term together, I hope I'll be able to inspire you guys to participate in the fun upcoming events Josh and I will work hard to present to you all! I look forward to meeting you all ! Peace Out Seven South Eileen Ly


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

My name is Joshua Diaz, I am a senior at Franklin High School, and I have been in Key Club since sophomore year. As some of you may know, I have served you before as the Summer Public Relations Task Coordinator, so I am very excited to be serving Division 7 South once again as one of the Winter Public Relations TCs! I am really quite passionate about Key Club because I believe in helping people. I believe helping people helps the world to flourish, thus all of us can live more peaceful and happy lives. I have several ideas for this term regarding service opportunities. Also, I'm happy that I'll be working with Eileen Ly, my underclassmen counterpart, who so far is a cool person and seems as dedicated as I in her position. I'm glad that I have someone to share and explore service ideas with, and surely the both of us will work well together to better serve the division. There's more to come! As I said, I have ideas and I'm sure Eileen does as well, so keep an eye out for updates! Keep serving friends; it always means something to someone to have a helping hand. Thank you (Josh is Back) Joshua Diaz

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


Elections Season! Are you ready? As the end of the term arrives, it strikes the new beginning of a new one! Election season is around the corner, and let us begin preparing YOU in the process! If you have any interest in any position take the chance before it’s gone! Don’t let fear overrun you, let it be the challenge for you to take the step towards the person who you want to be!

Visit: http:

VOTE 2016-201

Key to Success: POWER


SPEECH COMPONENTS Introduction: Just like an essay, state your thesis. In this case, state your intention in running for office. Provide and overview of what you will be going over!

KEY Points: State and identify your goals for the upcoming term! Don’t let the audience dwell on what your focus is, state it clearly and repeat if needed!


Conclusion: Summarize your main points for the audience clearly. Review your central ideas and leave a strong ending for the audience to remember you!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


:// for more!




Have active body language!

Project your voice and keep eye contact!

Campaign! You will be disqualified! Procrastinate on preparation!

Wing your speech/elections!


Speak with conviction!



Know your material and vision!







There is no correct answer to this question, but what it provides is a base. For some this position is an opportunity to express their potential and to present the change they want to see. Have a goal for the upcoming term and present this vision to the audience. Knowing what you want for the upcoming term is half the battle for elections. Remind yourself that taking on a position is a complete act of selflessness, as you are there to serve the members.


’S &


Why do I want to run?


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


A few PG members work at the Ugly Sweater Run.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

Members try to sort out medals at California International Marathon.

Florin Members set up posters for Florin’s annual awake-a-thon.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


Questions 

What are the 6 Divisions that Region 16 is comprised of?

When and Where was the first formed?

What is Key Club’s Motto?

What does CMN stand for?


What is Division 7 South’s Mascot?

A $____ can save a mother and her future children from ____.

Key Club is also sometimes referred to as ?

What are the four core values?

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

Answers 

Orange Monsters D7S Monsters, D7N Bees, D27N Grizzlies, D27S Koi Fish, D44N Ninjas, D44S Dinos

1925, Sacramento High School

“Caring– Our Way of Life”

Children’s Miracle Network

1.80, MNT

Pizza Club

Caring, Leadership, Character Building, Inclusiveness

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


DCM By Jared Subia of Cosumnes Oaks KC Attending the DCM/ Pleasant Grove’s Caroling for Cans event was a fun experience. The theme to include a carol in our club updates was amusing to watch. And it was funny and embarrassing to have to sing in front of the other key clubbers. I was also very excited that our club was awarded the Key Club letter “K” for being the most improved club and we also won an award for having the best advisor. Once the DCM ended we transitioned into caroling. All the members split up into groups and we went door to door singing Christmas carols and asking residents if they could donate canned food. Even though the rain was very heavy that night, our group toughed it out and kept caroling. In the end we accumulated plenty of cans and the event was a success.

Adopt A Family By Ellie Truong of Elk Grove KC

Every year, Elk Grove Key Club participates in EGUSD's adoptpresents according to their wish lists. It is definitely one of my favorite

This year, our club adopted a small family of three with two parents a along with a family meal gift card and a homemade card from our clu ered the gifts.

On the Sunday before Christmas, Emily Chen and I delivered th ence. The family lived in a really small, drafty house. When the boy fi and how his eyes watered with joy. You could tell instantly that he and mother (his father was at work) and gave the gifts for them to open wh

Delivering the items made me realize why we do this every year, we tru


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

2015– A Key Year By Eseosa Omorieva of Laguna Creek KC The New Year has started, meaning the earth has made one whole revolution around the sun and people make promises to themselves that they either break or keep. But as we move forward into a new year, we also look back and reminisce on the past year-2015. Personally, I have grown and learned and Key Club has played a humongous role in this. Key Club has taught me confidence. Running for a position, performing large and minute project, uniting a club, persuading members to join take so much confidence! If you want anyone to have confidence in you, you must first have it in yourself. Key Club has taught me selflessness. When referring to Key Club, we must refer to it as “The club I serve.” At first, can be very annoying but as you dig deeper and begin to understand the meaning of this phrase, you begin to notice that you are helping more than just yourself; you are leaving an impact on somebody else’s’ life and you are also saving lives. Think about it--the money raised during Eliminate Week, goes to preventing MNT (maternal neonatal tetanus ) and saves the lives of babies and mothers out there. It was you and your community who came together to raise this money and help those in need. I think out of the many things Key Club has taught me- the most important thing I have learned is how to be myself. One of the core values of Key Club is inclusiveness and therefore, one is not shunned no matter how awkward they are, no matter their gender, race or religion, Key Club will be your family. Now taking in all the things I’ve learned in the past year, I move on to a year of 2016 and completely revolutionize myself by learning even more. What have you learned in 2015, and what are your goals for 2016? No matter what they are keep your head high and remember-“We got you fam!”

-a-family program, where any group can adopt a family for the holidays, giving them e things to partake in, because of the joy we spread!

and a child that is of our age. We were able to get them everything on their wishlists, ub. Getting all the gifts together was stressful, but it was all worth it when we deliv-

he gifts to our family, and it was the most heartwarming thing one could experiirst saw us approaching with our wrapped gifts, I immediately noticed his happiness d his family was not used to new things or gifts. We chatted a bit with him and his henever they pleased. They were really happy.

uly did spread holiday cheer!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


Cumulative D

Service Ho

$35,850 raise





Current: Service Hours– 19,194


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

Division Goals:

ours– 26,700

ed for service





Current: $19,431 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


1) I am the secretary for my home club and I am a current junior. My favorite color is blue and my favorite animal is the Tiger. I enjoy sushi and my hobby is spending time on the internet. My goal for this year is to be able to become closer to my division. My pet peeve is when people chew with their mouth

2) I am the president of my home club and my favorite color is blue. I love unicorns and love to eat candy. I absolutely hate is when Starbucks baristas spell my name wrong… it’s not hard. My hobbies include tossing a 6 foot flag in the air aka color guard. My hidden talent is being able to sleep for a long time. I have many goals for the term and I believe.

3) My favorite animal is a panda. I’d like to increase communicaition within my home club to have fun and get more people into this wonderful organization. My favorite book is Eleanor and Park!

4) MY favorite animals are red pandas! I love spaghetti and the color purple. My favorite hobby is reading. My favorite kind of music is Disney music! . I hate it when people aski questions during movies. My favorite service event is always helping out at the Kiwanis Family House.

Who am I?


5)My hidden talent is that I am double jointed. My favorite service event w as the father daughter dance. My favorite food is pasta and I enjoy reading– my favorite book is To Kill a Mocking Bird. I despise reading but I do love giraffes!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

Member of the Month Doua Lily Vue (Valley) Over the past month, this member has built her character through her fearlessness to meet new people! Although she is only a freshman, she builds up the courage to go meet new people wherever she can. As she does this, she gains self-confidence in herself. This member has also been active on the division level this past month as she has attended Florin’s AAT and LC’s MNYB. This member has displayed one of the four core values as she was meeting more and more people and stepping out of her comfort zone. And that core value is character building!

Officer of the Month Christine Hoang (MT) During this past month, this officer has contributed a lot to her home club and has been really active. She has been proactive with her weekly and monthly deadlines as well as planning for their club training conference. Aside from her officer tasks, she takes time out of her schedule to help individuals in their home club who will be applying for member of the year and also individuals who will be running for office. This officer foes not just complete her duties, but effectively communicates with both volunteer coordinators and her respective team to get as much events for each month.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October FebruaryEdition Edition

18 22



3) Answers 1)Sarah Liu EGKC Secretary 2)Ivy Vong FlKC President 3)Maureen Villanueva COKC Editor 4) Megan Morris Administrative Assistant 5) Kennedy Johnson RMKC Secretary


? 237


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

YOU’RE INVITED TO DCON 2016 What- District Convention is a celebration where Key Clubbers all over CNH gather to bond over the end of the term, elect the new district board, and install the new LTG’s When– April 8th to 10th Where– Sacramento Convention Center How– Talk to your Club President as soon as possible!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

Laguna Creek Key Club Congratulations Laguna Creek Key Club! In the past month, this club has been occupied with their duties and tasks to host their annual fundraiser and arranging plans for the elections process. They organized and hosted a great fundraiser with a good amount of attendees, where they felt joy throughout the night. This club has also been working to release DCON information and planning for that as well, with all the paper work and member attendees. But aside from that, this club was also able to focus on the members and recognized 2 members as Member of the Month at their home club.

Message from the Pres! Congratulations LC Key Club! Laguna Creek is honored to have been presented the Club of the Month award from the division. Over the past month, the officers I work with have been fatigued, working on our school's blood drive, elections, and DCON planning. With all the tension and work that piles up as a result, it's a great feeling to know that the division recognizes our efforts. In a sense, it's a form of reassurance that lets us know that we every ounce of stress we accumulate from our work is worth it because it gives back to the members we serve.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition Official


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leaders LTG

Terry Ngu

D07s.cnh Pleasant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin

Executive Assistant Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor

Winter Public Relations

Sammi Tai

Eileen Ly

Cosumnes Oaks


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

ship Team

uyen Grove

Winter Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan Sheldon

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang Franklin

Kiwanis F&F TC Michael Mendoza Florin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents Sheldon Leeza Xiong

Valley Bilal Baloch

Florin Ivy Vong

Consumnes Oaks


Megan Wang

Rancho Murieta Lauren Posey

Laguna Creek Camrick Solario


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

s of 7 South Elk Grove Ellie Truong

Montery Trail David Thong


Cynthia Tze

Pleasant Grove


Justin Le

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter


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