Final Edition of the Beastly Bulletin

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 12| Final Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG’s Last Message Page 5-6... LTG Elect David Page 7-8... Senior DLT Good bye’s Page 9-10...Calendar Events Page 11– 14… DCON Page 15… Sheldon Movie Night! Page 16… Banquet Ad Page 17–20… Congratulations to the New Elects Page 21– 22… Featured Photos Page 23-24… Featured Articles Page 25-26 ... Current Standings Page 27… Last DCM Page 28… Member and Officer of the Month Page 29-30… Club of the Month Page… Timeline Contact Information Thank you for Reading!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? Here we are, the end. At the start of the term I was extremely unsure of myself, I had spent hours creating the first edition of the Beastly Bulletin and I still wasn’t completely happy with it. After countless hours I’m quite happy with this final edition. This term has been extremely different from the last and I can honestly say I don’t regret it at all. There were times late at night where I wondered if this was worth it. It is. From the If you had asked me if I was going to be DNE last year, I would have said, “LOL NO”. Life doesn’t always take you where you want to be but it does take you where need to be. I’m so glad to have been given this opportunity to serve as your DNE and I hope that in some way I helped each and every one of you. Regardless my journey ends this weekend at DCON, but don’t fret I’ll still see you at Sheldon’s Movie Night and our Banquet! Be sure to come out! Happy Reading! See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


Aloha Monsters,

It saddens me that this is the very last message I'll ever write in the Division Newsletter. It is so completely gone by already! In a matter of only 13 months, we as a division have grown so mu to grow as a leader, but I've also had the amazing opportunity to further witness all that this or Lieutenant Governor has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences I've ever with so many amazing officers, advisors, and Kiwanians, and witnessing new members fall in l something I will cherish forever even after I retire at District Convention and even after I grad

This term we have surpassed our membership, service hours, and money raised for service wh have been possible without the amount of effort and dedication that all have you have put int we strived to meet our goals, but despite the numbers, we really did make a difference in our c truly does count, and you have changed lives for the better. YOU have shown that we aren't ju capable of changing the world.

I sound like I'm saying my goodbyes already but no worries; convention is still coming up this code of conduct form, bring your medical form, and pack all of you things for DCON, includ you all soon heart emoticon (P.S. bring tissues)

ALSO banquet is coming up on Friday, April 22 at Cosumnes Oaks High School from 5 PM-8 nition ceremonies, FOOD, a lovely photobooth, and MUCH MORE. This will be the very LA so we really hope you'll be there to celebrate a year of achievements with the rest of the divisio and is also a potluck. Each club has been assigned a dish so look out for more details soon! It's been my pleasure serving as your Lt. Governor. I've never been good with goodbyes, so see


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

o hard to believe that a whole term has uch. I have not only had the opportunity rganization has to offer. Serving as your r had. I've had the privilege of working love with service more and more. That is duate.

hich is absolutely amazing! This could not to this organization. Since the beginning, community. Every hour and every penny ust high schoolers; we are students that are

weekend! Make sure that you review your ding proper attire! I look forward to seeing

8 PM. We will be having speeches, recogAST event hosted by myself and the DLT, on! Banquet will only be a $1 admission,

Sincerely , Terry Nguyen Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor

you later monsters!

Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


Happy April!

My name is David Thong and I am beyond excited and thrilled Governor for the 2016-2017 administrative term. Though, the 2016-2 I am positive that there are so much stored for both you and I this u said, I hope to see you all at District Convention to celebrate the a club and division has done this past term. I can’t wait to see you al guardians of service.

Though with a new term comes new goals, and my goals for th plan on increasing division membership at least 10%, hosting educa PTP, UNICEF, March of Dimes and so much more, and chartering a so many items on my list that I want to accomplish this upcoming te it all with you very soon!

All in all, are you excited for the upcoming term as well? Do yo leadership role? Do you want to be more engage in Key Club and portunity and your time to shine. Division Leadership Applications w Convention and you will be able to apply! BEE on a lookout for it. O you all soon and I can’t wait for the next edition of newsletter wher month of the next term! I can’t wait for another golden year with y


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

d to be serving as Lieutenant 2017 term has not started yet, upcoming term. With that accomplishments that the ll in a couple weeks as CNH

he upcoming term is that I ational workshops such as local high school. There are erm and I can’t wait to share

ou want to take on a division serve others? This is your opwill be released after District Other than that, I hope to see re we will be into our first ou all monsters!

Roaring with Service, David Thong Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor– Elect Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


Media and Tech TC | Franklin Hey Monstaaas. So this is it? I think? If it is then you're reading the wrong letter...Just kidding. I've been in Key Club for a good four years now, and as much as it's given me a home, it's time for me to leave it for good. I first heard about Key Club when I was in sixth grade when a student from Laguna Creek at the time told me how fun it was to actually do community service. Seemed odd at first because what's the joy in working? Fast forward to freshman year and I finally joined the club from Franklin. I think the real beauty of this club was that it gave me time to immerse myself in service projects and fundraisers for great causes. There was no rush yet the motivation remained to keep participating. It wasn't long before professionalism came into play, and I've made my own definition after all my time spent in this journey, if I say so myself. That definition is: making the biggest, and I mean THE biggest mistake you've ever made. Now it sounds discouraging but if you interpret it from a different perspective, it really means to learn from that mistake, and comes the second part of the definition: And then you learn from that biggest mistake and become the best version of yourself. Think of it this way. If your decisions have no impact, are you really learning professionalism itself? I'll leave it at that. All in all, this entire division has shown nothing but selflessness and dedication to service. I'm glad that such a club exists for members to exhibit their passion for service and its core values. As long as Key Club is around, members and their successors will always find a way to make a difference in the world, and most importantly within themselves. It's been a fun ride!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Winter Public Relations TC | Franklin Hello Monsters (for the last time), It has been quite an experience serving you all as a task coordinator. I must say I am proud of what we as a division have been able to accomplish over the course of the term, the details of which I've had the pleasure of knowing. I'm proud of myself, particularly for my work in organizing the Caring With Food event back when I served as the Summer Public Relations task coordinator, and I hope that there will be someone for next term to be appointed to this position who will serve you with the same regard for the position as I have had. Some failures I can think of: the fact that I did not engage members more and the fact that I did not take more initiative in both of my terms. There are some goals and ideas I had, especially this term, that I cannot now personally implement given the lack of time left in the term. However, I hope to convey these to the future leader of the division, LTG Elect David Thong. Ultimately, my most important goal was to dramatically shift our division's focus towards more direct service that would positively and substantially impact our immediate communities. I am hopeful the next generations of Key Club can achieve this goal, but I will do whatever I can with the very little time I have left to help us get started in that direction. It's a direction I believe in not only because it makes sense, but because it can make Key Club more meaningful to all those who encounter it, whether that be a Key Clubber, an advisor, or a member of the communities we help. Thank you all for your dedication to Key Club. It has made my and the rest of the DLT's jobs a lot easier and without you, we would not love Key Club. Please continue to serve by helping others. That is what Key Club is about.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition























Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


l 2016























Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Sacramento Convention Center! April 8th to 10th

Club and Division Bonding

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


r Wo


ps o h s k

General Sessions!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition




Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | February Edition


Monterey Trail Key Club

Sheldon Ke

Cosumnes Oaks Key Club


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

ey Club

Florin Key Club

Franklin Key Club

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


Rancho Murieta Key Club

Pleasant Grove

Elk Grove Key Club


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Key Club

Laguna Creek Key Club

Valley Key Club

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


During the Rally Austin Thom and Eric Chao hold up a sign to make sure the rally attendees pay attention to the guest speakers.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Members stuff Easter Eggs in honor of an annual Egg Hunt that is coming up soon in the Rancho Murieta Community.

Michelle Nguyen helps carry food platters in and out of the kitchen.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


PG’s Awake– A — Thon By Bailey Kehret of PGHSKC Last week, I attended Pleasant Grove’s annual awake-a-thon which is so far the 3rd one I’ve attended in the course of my high school career. At awake-a-thon, I played badminton, Yu-Gi Oh cards, and played smash with my friends who brought their own counsels. There was also a smash tournament in which I helped to monitor in my free time. Around the sports time, I was getting really tired, but badminton brought me back the energy and I played really competitively with my friends for the first time. Overall, it was a really fun last awake-a-thon for me and I had a great time just getting along and socializing with my friends.

Kiwanis Family House By Christine Hoang of MTKC

The Kiwanis Family House Clean Up is an event th

pleasant experience. Our club and Division 7 South lov

community. Volunteers cleaned windows, vacuumed, p

pulled weeds. It felt good to actually do community se

run. After our three hours of service, we had a nice lun

and I will continue to serve to the best of my ability th Kiwanis Family House Clean Up is enjoyable and I will


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Kiwanis Crab Feed By Michelle Nguyen of Franklin KC This is an event that I always look forward to every year. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend last year, so I was determined to make up for lost time this year. When I arrived, I saw exactly what I expected, a building full of people I didn't know. As an event of our sponsoring Kiwanis club, I knew there would be a ton Kiwanians, Circle K'ers, and other Key Clubbers that I could meet and interact with. I was able to reconnect with people that I hadn't been able to see for awhile in the kitchen where I was assigned, as well as bond with the adult Kiwanians outside enjoying the crab feed. This year, I also learned several new tips & tricks from the adult coordinators, who had much experience in the kitchen as well as other industries. I couldn't think of a better opportunity to bond with members of the Kiwanis Family, gain experience in the dining industry, and raise money for our club at the same time.

hat we try to coordinate a fe times a term and it is always a

ves giving back to KFH because of all their contributions to our

polished furniture, tidied up the kitchen, mopped floors, and

ervice with a little labor, rather than just standing around at a

nch of pasta, salad, and bread. I love the Kiwanis Family House

here! Hopefully next year I will also be coming back to this event. try to promote this event even more.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


Cumulative Divis

Service Hours–

$35,850 raised f





Current: Service Hours– 23,096


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

sion Goals:

– 26,700

for service





Current: $23,143 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition


Last DCM of the 2015 -2016 Term


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Member of the Month Jericho Mata (Franklin) Despite only being in his first year of Key Club, this member has been attending a variety of events, such as DCMs and a Kiwanis Crab Feed. He attends club and division meetings whenever he can and creates new friends when attending these meetings. In addition, this member has taken initiative to sign up as a photographer, whenever the spot is open, for most of his service events. Because of him, our Bulletin Editor is able to display more events with his pictures of members working diligently. This member definitely has what it takes to exhibit the core values of a Key Clubber.

Officer of the Month Vicky Huynh (LC) As we are nearing the end of the 2015-2016 term, this officer is becoming increasingly distinguished as a proactive club treasurer. She has consistently been an active officer within the club they serve, ensuring that they have adequate funds for DCON and practicing regular communication with the rest of the board in addition to being a regular attendee at weekend service events. This officer has managed to be a model officer while still managing her time with other activities. She is one of most valuable officers of her club because of her astounding

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October April Edition Edition

18 28


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition

Pleasant Grove Key Club Congratulations Pleasant Grove Key Club! In this past month, this club has had many struggles concerning a variety of things. Whether its DCON planning or the planning of their annual event. However, with the help of all the officers and all the advisors, they were able to overcome these struggles and pull off a great annual event.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | April Edition Official


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leaders LTG

Terry Ngu

D07s.cnh Pleasant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin

Executive Assistant Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor

Winter Public Relations

Sammi Tai

Eileen Ly

Cosumnes Oaks


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

ship Team

uyen Grove

Winter Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan Sheldon

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang Franklin

Kiwanis F&F TC Michael Mendoza Florin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents Sheldon Leeza Xiong

Valley Bilal Baloch

Florin Ivy Vong

Consumnes Oaks


Megan Wang

Rancho Murieta Lauren Posey

Laguna Creek Camrick Solario


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

s of 7 South Elk Grove Ellie Truong

Montery Trail David Thong


Cynthia Tze

Pleasant Grove


Justin Le

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter


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