The Beastly Bulletin March Edition Issue 11

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 11| March 2016 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6... Officer Corner Page 7-8... Calendar Events Page 9-10 … Featured Photos Page 11-12… Featured Articles Page 13-14 … Current Standings Page 15 ... Who’s that Officer? Page 16 … Member and Officer of the Month Page 17 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 18… K-onnecting with the DIstrict Page 19—20 … Club of the Month Contact Information Thank you for Reading!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? FINALS! I apologize for this issue being so late into the month, but time got away from me… for almost two weeks. I am very sorry about this, and I assure you next month’s issue will make up for it! Regardless I hope that you'll had fun at our fantastic events this past month! From February DCM to PG’s Awake A Thon, we’ve been packed! Please be sure to donate to the Division 7 South Clothes and Hygeine Drive, everything makes a signifigant impact on another person’s life! Congratulations to all the new Club-Elects! I know that you will all do fantastic things, just keep your head up and be open to all these new ideas! Your term is coming up and after DCON you’ll all be installed! Happy Reading! See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


Hello 7 South

Happy March! It saddens me to say that the term is quickly coming to an end in a little over a mo for new information and updates coming your way!

I am very excited to announce that we are nearing our division goals! At the beginning of the ter before District Convention in April. We currently have accumulated 21,356 hours and $19,020 raise done for the community. Not only that but we've raised so much money for a variety of preferred

Thank you to everyone who came out to the February DCM and Kickback! I hope you all had fun clubs interacting with one another. We also raised OVER $60 just from the Silly String Auction, all of

Our Winter Public Relations task coordinators have been hard at work creating our Division Donat newsletter to find more information about it, and don't hesitate to contact them or myself with an ing a restaurant fundraiser at Tea Culture and Wingstop on Saturday, March 12th. All proceeds wi and any extra will go towards purchasing more donations for our drive!

District Convention is already coming up so soon, and for the first time ever, Valley Key Club will b DCON again for the first time in years. With over 140 members registered from 9 different clubs, I a South at DCON this year!

Also, I wanted to give a BIG congratulations to all the newly elected officers. Serving as an officer of you will leave a lasting legacy on the clubs you serve! For those who ran and did not receive th of a club and openly expressing your goals and plans for the club takes a lot of courage. You are be involved whether you decide to apply for a DLT position, club appointed officer, or a member pact wherever you go!

The end of the term is coming so soon, but I am so proud and honored to have had the opportun grateful for you orange monsters and I will continue to cherish every moment that I have serving a


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

onth. As a DLT we still have a lot planned for the remainder of the term so keep on the lookout

rm, all club presidents collaboratively created a division goal that we would aim to achieve ed for service! THAT'S AMAZING and I am so proud of all the service the Division 7 South has d charities, benefiting children all over the world! G DOUBLE-O-D-J-O-B GOODJOB!

n and it was great to see so many members from different f which will be benefiting March of Dimes.

tions Drive that will benefit the homeless! Keep reading this ny questions you may have. Also, Division 7 South will be hostill go towards funding our March Caring With Crafts project

be joining us! Cosumnes Oaks Key Club will also be attending am so excited that so many members are representing 7

r will not be easy, but I have faith that each and every one he position, thank you for your courage. Speaking in front e still a leader, and there are still plenty of opportunities to Sincerely r. Never underestimate your ability to make a positive im-


Terry Nguyen

nity to watch the division grow to new heights. I am so all of you <3

Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


Nothing from us this month,


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

, but keep up the hard work!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

























Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


2016 Thu






PGHSKC’s Annual Awake-a-thon!

February 19th– Sheldon’s Annual Movie Night 10 11 12 March in March

D7S Tea Culture and Wing Stop Fundraiser MTKC’s Pageant and Talent Show


18 March DCM @ Florin 19 High School– Caring with Crafts!





Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


Franklin Members help collect fruits from trees.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

EGKC Members help out at a Crab Feed!

Laguna Creek Members get dressed up to volunteer at the Lunar New Year Festival

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


DCM By Carissa Mq of Elk Grove KC The Fifty Bikes for 50 Fifty Kids was a very fun event. It took place on a wonderful Sunday morning in Sacramento. At the event, we drew paintings representing peace at the kids art table to motivate other kids to draw pictures. The paintings were then hung up above the bleachers for everyone to see. I was impressed on how all of the pieces were very creative and influential. Afterwards I helped clean up the tables and paint to put away the tables. We also helped throw away the boxes from came with the bike parts. We had to rip them apart because they were so big and wouldn’t fit in the recycling box. Some of them were hard to tear so we had to use a blade to cut them. After that we started helping kids put their bikes together by screwing the parts together with a screw driver. It took a while because we had to figure out which parts were supposed to go where. But it was all worth it in the end when we put the final product on display on the rack in the middle of the gym floor. Seeing how happy the kids were with their new bikes mad me happy that I had decided to come to help at this event.

Kiwanis Crab Feed By Cieanna Vongsa of Laguna Creek KC

It's rare to see such a large group of adults dedicate their money and t my very first Kiwanis Crabfeed. I didn't know what to expect. I initiall ing amount of adults. However, as the event progressed, the Kiwanian While serving the Kiwanians, they always made sure to make know th for the slightly expensive raffle tickets because they knew the money w Although the prices were high, the Kiwanians still participated in the Elk Grove School District. Not only that, but they also tipped us Key also provided with food, drinks, and I was educated about the Elks Lo


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

Officer Training By Eseosa Omorieva of Laguna Creek KC At first, I was worried. I was worried about the future. I was worried about the club that we worked so hard to build. I was worried about that the things I have done in the past might not have built a strong future for our club. Until Officer Training Conference. OTC provided me insight on the future of our club. Who’s going to run it and what are their goals for Laguna Creek Key Club. We quizzed our candidates on the club that they will be serving, so we could understand the knowledge on the foundations of Key Club. We also informed them of acronyms and sure were there a lotMNT, MRF,ERF, LTG and so many more. It was at this moment that the memories of my election process and the amount of nerves that I felt for my quiz, the amount of time I spent studying the study guide, and the speech that I had written and performed. I was scared. Now this year I am the one giving the quiz and advicing others on what to do. So if there is anyone running what advice would I give? Be confident. Because others will believe in you only if you believe in yourself. Good luck!

time to help their community and their Key Clubs. On January 31st, I had attended ly thought it was going to be very formal since their was a dress code and a frightenns had broken down my shyness and made a comfortable atmosphere for myself. hat my efforts were greatly appreciated. Not only that but, the Kiwanians would pay was going to a great cause. For example, for the playing card raffle was $5 per card. card raffle because they funds would go towards a reading room in a school in the Clubbers to help support our home club. Other than the great Kiwanians, we were odge. The Kiwanis Crabfeed was a great event that I hope I get to experience again.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


Cumulative Div

Service Hou

$35,850 raised





Current: Service Hours– 21,356


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

vision Goals:

urs– 26,700

d for service





Current: $19,020 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition


1) I am the secretary for my home club. My favorite color is mint and I love giraffe. I don’t have a favorite food but I do love Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. My favorite service event was the Dirty Girl Mud Run! Though procrastination is my Achilles heel, my biggest inspiration Hewitt Chang who helps me see all the mazing things I can do if I set my mind to it

2) I am the treasurer of my home club but I absolutely love listening to music such as Sam Smith, One Republic, the Script, etecah. I enjoy most Key Club events but my moment was definitely at Fishers of Men event where I got to help feed the homeless. I love to read fantasy books and my biggest inspiration is Florin’s IP President– Kameo Quenga. <3

3) I enjoy all food as long as it tastes good. I enjoy engineering, music, and art in general. My favorite type of music is electro or classical. Though I’m a quite shy person I’m also very friendly and creative. All the members of KCI inspire me to do better. I love to take on new challenges.

4) I currently serve as a club president. I love to play soccer and enjoy reading in my free time. This year I’d love to raise the enthusiasm level in my club. My favorite event and Key Club moment occurred at the same time at the Father Daughter Dance at a local elementary school.

Who am I?


5)I love the color pink and my favorite animals are elephants. This year I have two executive board positions that I hope will prepare me to run for next year’s presidency!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

Member of the Month Eileen Ly– COKC Over the past month, this member has been busy with sports, but she always tries to find time to attend as much service events as possible. She is diligent, optimistic and very friendly. This member encourages others to attend events by helping them print out fliers for them and or signing them up for service events. She and her group of friends are the most active underclassmen of the club and this would not have been possible without this member. Not only has she been active in her home club, she has also taken the initiative to apply for a Division Task Coordinator position becoming the first member of her home club to serve on the DLT. Officer of the Month Sally Tran PGKC

In the past month, this officer has been an efficient and diligent officer as she handles tasks as vice president as well as her academics. Although she has multiple things on her mind, she is always prepared to take on a task and make sure it gets done. This officer has displayed her accomplishments throughout the term through her distinguished binder application. She has been working hard throughout the past months and has shown acts of leadership, as well as the compassion she has for her club.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October March Edition Edition

18 16



3) Answers 1)Trysha Luu MTKC Secretary


2)Yuen Lenh FlKC Treasurer 3)Patric Duong EGKC Photo Historian 4) Lauren Posey RMKC President 5) Sydney Shead RMKC VP and Editor


? 177

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

YOU’RE INVITED TO DCON 2016 What- District Convention is a celebration where Key Clubbers all over CNH gather to bond over the end of the term, elect the new district board, and install the new LTG’s When– April 8th to 10th Where– Sacramento Convention Center How– Talk to your Club President as soon as possible!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition

Franklin Key Club Congratulations Franklin Key Club! Over this past month, this club has been an outstanding job in terms of service and funds raised for service. In just a month, this club as a whole has accumulated over 550 hours of service. Not only have they raised a lot of service hours, they have had few fundraisers that helped them raise over $100 for service. The members and officers continue to strive for greatness as they prepare for the upcoming elections.

Message from the Pres! Congratulations Franklin Key Club! Hello Division 7 South! I am so proud and honored to accept "Club of the Month" on behalf of Franklin Key Club. It gives me immense joy to see our members and officers be recognized for their diligence and dedication to service. With their efforts, Franklin Key Club is sure to continue to improve and thrive. May we all continue serving as Guardians of Service!

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | March Edition Official


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leaders LTG

Terry Ngu

D07s.cnh Pleasant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin

Executive Assistant Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor

Winter Public Relations

Sammi Tai

Eileen Ly

Cosumnes Oaks


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

ship Team

uyen Grove

Winter Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan Sheldon

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang Franklin

Kiwanis F&F TC Michael Mendoza Florin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents Sheldon Leeza Xiong

Valley Bilal Baloch

Florin Ivy Vong

Consumnes Oaks


Megan Wang

Rancho Murieta Lauren Posey

Laguna Creek Camrick Solario


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

s of 7 South Elk Grove Ellie Truong

Montery Trail David Thong


Cynthia Tze

Pleasant Grove


Justin Le

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter


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