The Beastly Bulletin December Edition Issue 8

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 8| December 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6... DLT Messages Page 7-8... Calendar and Events Page 9-10 … Past Events– November DCM Page 11-12… Featured Photos Page 13-14… How to Bee a Better Volunteer Page 15-16 … Balancing Key Club, School, and Sleep Page 17–18… Featured Articles Page 19 –20 ... Current Standings Page 20 … Who’s that Officer? Page 21… Member and Officer of the Month Page 22 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 23… K-onnecting with the DIstrict Page 24-25 … Club of the Month Contact Information


Thank you for Reading! Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? I’m uber excited for this month and I hope you are too! We have a few Kiwanis Branch events coming up that I know will be a fantastic time. Don’t miss out on everything that’s happening in our division! Santa’s Gift of Service is an annual event held by Circle K and every year attendees always rave about how much fun it is! Be sure to continuing serving the community to the best of your ability – refer to pages 13 to 15 to check out a few tips on being an even better volunteer and how to balance your life by our DLT members! Happy Reading~ See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


Aloha 7 South!

Can you BEElieve it's already December? (Congrats to the seniors that just finished college applications!) you made the most out of your 2015?

December is the month of giving; remember that even small acts of kindness can mean big things for tho season, continue to give back to your community and those around you. From volunteering at food bank that raise money for charity, never stop serving!

Candidate Training Conference is coming up on December 12th, and hopefully if you are interested in a signed up! This is a great opportunity to learn about the duties and reponsibilities of a Lt. Governor, alo Scary to believe that there are only a few months left in the term; make the most of the term and before w coming up.

Speaking of DCON, DCON registration opens on December 10th. If you are interested in attending, let Convention will take place right here in Sacramento on April 8-10, with thousands of Key Clubbers from Nevada-Hawaii District. You will be able to attend workshops, seminars, sessions, Governor's Ball, meet n more! I hope to see many of you Guardians of Service at DCON! If you have any questions, don't hesitat Chair Emily Nguyen at

Don't forget that the DCM is on Friday, December 18th in conjunction with PG's Caroling for Cans ev and prepare yourselves for a night of singing and collecting cans! This will be my 4th and final year carol I still get chills (literally and figuratively) from witnessing people's kindness and willingness to give to tho Enjoy the winter months, and remember to keep on serving!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Sincerely , Terry Nguyen Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

) The year is almost over; have

ose who need it. This holiday ks, to soup kitchens, to runs

attending, you've already ong with the Conclave process. we know it, DCON will be

t your president know! District m all over the Californianew people, and so much te to contact me or DCON

vent. Remember to dress warm ling with Division 7 South, but ose in need!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


Division News Editor Sammi Tai |Franklin

Shout Out to ODD SQUAD! I would just like to give a shout out to each and every single one of you for being absolutely amazing! Did you know that last month– each and every one of you submitted articles and visuals– the first time ever. I’m so proud of you guys for growing so much through the first half of this term. I’m happy to welcome our newly appointed editors from Sheldon KC—Jule Dao and PG KC– Sena Bui. As always if you ever need anything I am right here for you– a mere message away. I apologize for taking so long to reply last month– but that’s over now and I will definitely be around for the rest of the term. Be sure to submit articles and visuals for this month on the 8th before 6 PM! Peace out Buttercups!

Administrative Assistant Megan Morr Hello Secretaries!

This is your Administrative Assistant Megan. I wanted t whole you are doing a phenomenal job submitting MRF nate to be helping with such an amazing, hard-working to remind you that each month before submissions are feedback on your MRF. Please refer to these emails each sions to your MRF. As the term draws a bit closer to DC for you to update the Member Recognition Program tab when applying for recognition. Thank you all so much f ally the ones who make our division run smoothly. Onc


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan | Sheldon Hello, Division 7 South! This is a message to all the member recognition officers reminding you to submit the nomination forms on the 15th of each month. Please make sure that you include detailed and lengthy descriptions for member and officer nominations to the best of your ability. This also applies for the monthly summaries of your relations between both advisors. As your term goes by, don't be afraid to come up with your own goals for recognition within your home club. Think outside the box and discover new things that can be done to recognize individuals. We are literally half way through the term and I just wanted to say keep up the great work!

ris | Franklin

to let all of you know that as a Fs each month. I am really fortugroup of secretaries. I would like due, I send out an email with h month and make needed reviCON, it is especially important b each month. This will help members know where they stand for always putting in so much effort to your clubs. You are rece again, thank you!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


December 2015 Sun






































December 4th– EGKC’s Togo’s and Baskin Robbin’s Fundraiser December 5th- Sac State CKI Santa’s Gift of Service December 11th– Florin Holiday Awake-A-Thon December 18th– December DCM and Caroling for Cans


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Santa’s Gift of Service is Sac State CKI’s annual event that brings the Kiwanis branches together to create a wide range of gifts to donate to those in need. Come out and meet new people and give back to the community

STAYING UP ALL NIGHT? Isn’t that what everyone’s doing already? BEHOLD! Florin’s Awake A Thon will bring a whole new meaning to all nighter. Compete in fun tournaments, Meet new people, Bond with friends all night long while raising money for charity!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


The First Ever Monster, Grizzly Joint DCM!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


This is a different perspective of an overview of Fall Rally North.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

A Key Clubber serves at Irene B West's Harvest Festival by helping make, bag, and serve cotton candy.

Member Olivia Braddy enjoying passing out cow bells at the Urban Cow Run.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


How to Be a Better Volunteer By AA Megan and MR TC Anthony

Hey Orange Monsters! From what I know about service is that for me it involves waking up before the sun is out on weekends, driving maybe 25 minutes to half an hour away to an event, setting up all equipment and taking it down several hours later when the event is finished. While service takes time and energy, I love it. And if you are already spending your days serving at events, you might as well make sure you are putting your best foot forward by being the best volunteer you can possibly be. While yes, service to your community looks good on college applications and your school may require it to graduate, volunteering has countless benefits to you as an individual. Depending on where you are helping, volunteering may allow you to better your community, help others through a rough time, raise money for a good cause or create an unforgettable experience to event attendees. So how can you as a volunteer make the most out of your time? It’s actually pretty easy. Being a good volunteer is all about having a positive mindset. Always go into an event, no matter how early it may start or how long it may last, excited and ready to serve. The volunteers are really the ones who create the energy for the event so as long as you show your enthusiasm for the event, attendees will have fun. Keep a smile on your face and as much as possible, make connections with the event guests. It can be something as simple as telling them to have a good day or cheering on the athletes during a run. The best way to contribute as a volunteer is to always make sure you are working on something. If you finish the task you were assigned, find the volunteer coordinator or other event staff and ask for other ways you can help. As volunteers, each of you have contributed so much to your community. Often after events, volunteer coordinators send back emails to each of your clubs raving about how awesome Key Club volunteers were. Thank you so much for constantly serving. Keep up the


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

e Servic

5 Tips 1. Keep offering help even when your task is finished 2. Interact with volunteer coordinator and event attendees 3. Always keep a smile on your face 4. Always promote positivity while performing service 5. Make every event an awesome experience for everyone involved!

Official OfficialNewsletter NewsletterofofDivision Division7 7South South| |December DecemberEdition Edition


Balancing Key Club, School, and Sleep By EA Tommy Dang

Schedule your time!

Th w yo d se

Exercise is good for the health consumes your veggies and fr tion helps you stay focused, so school students we tend to for body needs sleep to function

Check yourself, before you wreck yourself!

Handling Stress 101:

When y doing. your cl the on up! Rem yourse

Tests, m and le and m and sn Don’t e passing


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

High school forces us to make choices. If we don’t make them, our lives can become overwhelming. So how do we keep our lives from running us in circles? The secret is balance. Here are a few suggestions that can help you put some of it into your life.

here are 24-hours in a day, to be efficient create a schedule! Schedule how you want to spend your time and make time marks to keep on task. Before beginning our task, think about what needs to be done and rank the items on the list. Write down each item on your to-do list on sticky notes and place them someplace you ee every day as a reminder! As you complete each task, mark it off!

and never leave it out! Keep your health maintained and uits (even if you don’t like it!) In fact, maintaining your nutrio do yourself a favor and take care of yourself! As high rget this task, but remember to make time for sleep! Your properly!

Maintain your health! Get sleep!

you’re super busy and feeling overwhelmed, stop for a moment and ask yourself how you’re Do you need to miss a sports practice to finish a project? Do you need to ask for help from lub members? Sometimes we have to narrow down our commitments to make the most of nes we truly enjoy. At times it will be rough, but just remember the world will not end if you mess member, nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes! Learn from your mistakes and improve lf as a character!

meetings, friends, parents, teachers, girlfriends, boyfriends—stress can come from lots of places eave you feeling overwhelmed at times. But never forget that you should always take a step back meditate! Yes, meditate, it will help you clam down as your anxiety levels are high. Take a break nack on something you like, watch some episodes of Steven Universe, do whatever soothes you! ever forget to give time to yourself, everything won’t crumble if you take a small break! Time is g, but don’t let it consume you from living your life!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


We advertised Waffles and Brought More than Waffles By Taylor Tang of Monterey Trail KC Waffle Cakes this year was awesome. Even though this was the first waffle cake event I went to because MTKC didn’t have this last year, it was pretty sweet. My job was to cut the apples, sort out the fruits, wash the strawberries, and also cut the bananas in half. Yeah, the apple cutting part was fun but the only problem was while I was cutting the apples, it went stale too fast. Like literally as soon as I got to the next apple the ones before were turning yellow. So I guess that was fun trying to find a way to stop it from turning yellow really fast. Other than cutting the fruits my only other job was cleaning up the tables. THE EVENT WAS REALLY SUCCESSFUL THOUGH. Only about 40 people signed up to go but in reality about 90 came and all board members were really happy. I would recommend this to people who likes to serve food to others or at least make waffles.

EG Pumpkin Festival By Sophia Duong of Franklin KC

Arts and crafts, carnival games, music, and most importantly, pumpk some with supportive staff and most importantly, the amazing memb but enjoyed it, including taking photos and manning the bowling sta tival was at was huge and my friend actually got lost trying to find the pointed to where we had to go. Because we were on the opposite side volunteer sign in tent. We drove through the crowd and got to the pa volved hands on activities for kids, entertainment for the adults, and best at bowling was pretty fun and in the end, an experience that I en


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Fall Rally 2015 By Austin Thom of Pleasant Grove KC I have been in Key Club for two years now, and both years I have gone to Fall Rally North. Fall Rally North, is a district event where divisions from Cali-Nev-Ha meet together at one location and have a cheering competition to raise money for Pediatric Trauma Program, or PTP. I take this opportunity to meet key club members throughout Cali-Nev-Ha, our district. Other than meeting new friends, the cheering competition is also an event to look forward to. As a division, we were able to show off our orange and white spirit gear and to release the beast within us, trying to bring home the spirit stick. This year was my second year attending Fall Rally, and I was able to meet people all throughout California, but the best part of this event would be our division, Division 7 South, bringing home the spirit stick.

kins, made up the majority of the event. The experience here was pretty awebers of the community we serve. I volunteered here for a short amount of time ation I was at with two other fellow key clubbers. The entire park where the fese pavilion where we had to sign in. Luckily, some nice staff helped us out and e of where we were supposed to be, we got to ride in a tractor all the way to the avilion in an exhilarating and terrifying five minutes. But overall, the event infun for all ages including dogs . My experience encouraging kids to do their njoyed and credit to Key Club for introducing the event to me.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


Cumulative D

Service Ho

$35,850 raise





Current: Service Hours– 13,563


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Division Goals:

ours– 26,700

ed for service





Current: $16,458 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition


1) I am the president of a club. My favorite color is turquoise, love bears, my go to food is pho and I have a small obsession with games called League of Legends. I’m quite an introvert and may seem shy or stand offish but I honestly would love to talk to you all. A lot of people inspire me– Terry is one of them

2) I am extremely obsessed with fangirling, books, the color pink, and I love to learn new crafts like origami and sewing which I tend to do as I watch Korean dramas and anime. Its my final year and I really hope to meet lots of Key Clubbers and new friends even though I’m socially awkward.

3) My favorite food is fried chicken and Korean food. I love to swim, shop, and cook. My favorite song is Goldie and Fashion Killa. It really irritates me when people smack while chewing or when people aren’t neat. My favorite book is “To Kill a Mocking Bird

4) My favorite color is blue and I really like guinea pigs. I enjoy hanging out with friends and my favorite service event would have to be the color run because we got to spray people with the color blue and by the end of the race we turned everyone into blue smurfs. My pet peeve is also cracking knuckles

Who am I?


5) My favorite food is pasta! I love giraffes and the color blue.I love to read and my favorite book is To Kill a Mocking Bird. I am secretly double jointed and enjoy the FKA Twigs. My biggest pet peeve would have to be people who spit in the streets .

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Member of the Month Cindy Vo Cindy Vo has remained an active member to Laguna Creek Key Cub for not one, not two, not three, but ALL four years of high school. Cindy Vo holds one of the highest amounts of service hours in Laguna Creek Key Club. She attends service events as if it's her duty. She attends division events, all of LCKC's weekly meetings, and is always prepared and ecstatic to share about the fun events she's attended. LCKC is extremely proud to have her serve and so should Division 7 South!

Officer of the Month Ryan Masui Ryan has been consistently active on both the club level and division level throughout his term. He attends DCMs and Division Service/Social events as often as he can. He also attends 80-90% of our club's service events. As volunteer coordinator, Ryan can always be counted on to find numerous meaningful service events. He is great at keeping up communication with both volunteer coordinators and the rest of the officers. Not only is he a great volunteer coordinator, he also ensures that members actively participate by offering rides and encouraging new members and underclassmen to attend service events. Ryan is a great addition to the board and a joy to us all

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December October Edition Edition

18 20



3) Answers 1)Justin Le PGKC President 2)Eileen Eto FrKC Bulletin Editor 3)Lisa Njenga VKC Treasurer 4) Kyle Andrus EGKC Senior VP 5) Kennedy Johnson RMKC Secretary


5) SORRY I couldn’t find a picture of you!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition

Pleasant Grove Key Club Congratulations Sheldon Key Club! In the previous month, Sheldon has attained about 1,000 service hours along with raising almost $1,000 for charity. They continue to achieve great things within their club. They have completed half their goal of service hours which is 2,000. The combination of both the officers and members, Sheldon Key Club will continue to strive for greatness.

Message from the Pres! Congratulations Sheldon Key Club! Hello Division 7 South! For the month of November, Sheldon Key Club has been awarded as Club of the Month. This couldn't have been accomplished without all the effort and time Sheldon Key Club members have dedicated to service and Key Club! It's an honor serving you all, Sheldon Key Club, as President. I am so proud for all we have accomplished and I can't wait to see what the rest of the term has in store for us. To all you monsters, thank you for continuing to be the selfless, wonderful individuals you all are! Continue to serve and strive for the gold.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | December Edition Official


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leaders LTG

Terry Ngu

D07s.cnh Pleasant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin

Executive Assistant Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor Sammi Tai Franklin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

ship Team

uyen Grove

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan Sheldon

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang Franklin

Kiwanis F&F TC Michael Mendoza Florin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents Sheldon Leeza Xiong

Valley Bilal Baloch

Florin Ivy Vong

Consumnes Oaks


Megan Wang

Rancho Murieta Lauren Posey

Laguna Creek Camrick Solario


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

s of 7 South Elk Grove Ellie Truong

Montery Trail David Thong


Cynthia Tze

Pleasant Grove


Justin Le

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter


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