The Beastly Bulletin November Edition Issue 7

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 7| November 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6 DLT Messages Page 7-8... Calendar and Events Page 9-10 … Farewell from Theresa Page 11-12… Past Events– Fall Rally Page 13-14… Key Club Week Page 15-16 … Featured Articles Page 17–18… Current Standings Page 19 ... Who’s that Officer? Page 20 … CNH District Page 21 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 22… Member and Officer of the Month Page 21-22 … Club of the Month Contact Information Thank you for


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? L O V E I LOVE MY D I V! I LOVE YOU MONSTERS! Thank you for cheering your hearts out and making me the happiest DNE in Northern California! If you haven’t heard ORANGE MONSTERS WON THE SPIRIT STICK! Check out pages 11 and 12 for a Fall Rally Recap! I’m so excited to tell you everything our division has been up to this past month– many of our clubs have been participating in Trick or Treat for UNICEF and a whole bunch of Halloween and Harvest Festivals all around our Elementary schools. Look forward to all the amazing activities for November! We are going to be having a joint DCM and Service Event this month with 27N Grizzlies– so look forward to meeting some grizzlies at Franklin High School on the 20th! You are all SUPER STARS! Happy Reading~ See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October Edition


Hey 7 South!

Happy November! This is the month of thanks and gratitude, and not just because it's Thanksgiving! As some of you may commenced! The days are as follows: Monday: Show your K in every way. Tuesday: Kudos to the KEY Players. Wednesda Random Acts of Kindness. Friday: Connect the K’s An explanation for each of these days can be found on pages 13 and 14 of this newsletter! I am so excited to see yo Kiwanis Family and Foundation month with a bang! This is the month of giving thanks to everyone that has impacted us in a big way. Thank you to the Kiwanians for support; without them we would not be here today! Thank you to Circle K clubs for hosting awesome and educational Ke jects for us! Thank you to our advisors who watch over us, ensure our safety, and more! Thank you to our parents who dri the morning. Thank you all the wonderful officers who dedicate hours of their time serving us. Remember, even a simple I again wanted to thank all of you amazing monsters for all that you have done these past few months. From high attenda sion events, and more, I could not be more proud! Not to mention that our division took home the Spirit Stick at Fall Ra $2000 for PTP just through donations. GO MONSTERS!! ALSO, remember to submit your dues for membership soon! It is important that you pay your dues, so that you w of this organization. Dues goes towards recognition awards, ICON, Key Leader, and more! It also goes towards scholarship you are a Key Club member! There are so many benefits to being a member (not to mention you get your very own pin an ing your dues is definitely an investment. If you have any questions about dues, don't hesitate to contact your club treasur November is going to be a pretty stressful month, especially for all of you seniors. Start on your college apps if you haven't about what you want to do from here. For all of you underclassmen, this is a great time to think about what you want to d Are you inspired to run for a club officer position, or do you feel that serving on the division is your calling? Talk on the DLT, including myself, if you have any questions at all. If you are interested in running for Lt. Governor, I will be about Candidate Training Conference soon! If you have any questions, let me know and I would be more than happy to a These past few months have been an amazing reminder of why I joined Key Club in the first place. I hope active and volunteer at service events by giving back to the community. I hope to see you all soon at our next DCM!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Sincerely , Terry Nguyen Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

y know, Key Club week has ay: Dare to Care. Thursday:

ou all participate and kick off

their sponsorship and constant ey to College events and proive us to events, even at 6 in thank you goes a long way. ance at service events, to divially! We also raised nearly

will become an official member ps that you can only apply for if nd membership card!), and payrer or EA Tommy! t already, and start thinking do in the future in Key Club. to your club officers or anyone releasing more information answer them. to see you all continue to be

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition


Executive Assistant Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek Aloha Monsters of 7 Southhhhhh! The It is the month of November, the month of thanks! I’d just like to say that thanks to many things that I have a passion for, but more importantly members! You are what keeps us running as an organization! Thank you for all the support you provide us as a DLT, whether it be physical or moral support, you are what keeps us running! Fall Rally North has just passed and was definitely a memorable experience! I hope you all had a great time cheering your lungs out during the rally and making new friends while waiting in line. The next big topic are dues! Just recently, I have emphasized the details on membership dues as the deadline for early bird has just passed, so hopefully you are a member too! If not, remember to do your dues! Other than that it has been great seeing club share events, and to continue promoting inter clubbing I have been working on drafting clubs! Besides that be sure to check out the the Division 7 South website to view your club partners for the current month! I hope you have the rest of the month feasting just like a

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris | Franklin Hello, Division 7 South! All clubs in our division gained a lot of new members after Club Rush and it is awesome to see so many new members serving within our clubs. With so many new members active within their home clubs, I would like to see more of these monsters becoming active within our division. All new members who attend their first DCM ever will be recognized and will receive a cute Division 7 South button at the DCM. For all returning members, please go out of your way to make our new monsters feel at home within your division. So far our term is going pretty good, but I know by expanding our Ohana, we can lift 7 South even higher as a division. I hope you all had an awesome time at Fall Rally. We raised a lot of money for Pediatric Trauma Program but it is not time to slow down on fundraising. Clubs should continue raising money for service with organizations such as PTP, UNICEF and the Eliminate Project. While our Key Clubs make great impacts on our community through volunteering, raising money for these organizations really helps to expand our club's impact to the global scale.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang | Franklin What Up Monsters? If you don't know me already, my name is Nathan Dang and I serve the Divison as your Tech & Media TC! I am in charge of all video production and photography, so any division picture or video you see are made by me! For the past month, I have been brainstorming on how to record every DCM moment with recognition, namely photographs. Our website is up and running at full speed, but there is something I feel I could improve on in order to polish it together. Also, there will be a DCM video in the making for you guys to show your friends and other new members to see! The video will include things you see at the DCM, service projects, and many more. Be on the lookout for more content!

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan | Sheldon Hello, Division 7 South! It’s hard to believe that our first quarter of school has already been finished and just 3 more to go. I’m sad to say that there is only 6 more months of our Key Club term. Whether you serve as an executive or appointed officer or on the Division Leadership Team, I just wanted to say keep up the great work. Even though there is only half a year left, that is still enough time to do great things. This is the time where you can create stronger bonds with your division, club and members. For the members out there, continue to strive for greatness and serve your community. I want everyone to know that anyone has the potential to become a leader in Key Club and that is a fact. Just ask the people that serve as leaders of Key Club today! “Once a monster, always a monster!”

Kiwanis Family & Foundation TC Michael Mendoza | Florin Aloha D7S Monsters! HOW YA DOING 7 SOUTH! Lately I've been coming up with a unique event for our Kiwanians and it's a "Kiwanis Dinner" it will show them that we appreciate them for all that they do and it gives them a break from all the tasks that they do. It is still in its planning stage and future date will be later in the year. Unfortunately on Thursday the 15th, our LTG Terry Nguyen and I were unable to attend the monthly Kiwanis DCM at the KFH which was the Division 7 Kiwanis NEW LTG's DCM that she had hosted:( I'm sure it turned out GREAT but for sure plan on attending next month's! With me not going to the Kiwanis DCM, I didn't have the opportunity to ask and film "Get to Know" questions to them which will be filmed and edited by Nathan Dang. MORE to come D7S, have a MONSTEROUS DAY!

Autumn Public Relation TC David Keet | Franklin What’s Good, Monsters! How was your Fall Rally North experience? Good? Better than good? Well either one, I hope you all had a MONSTERous experience. Having post-FRN depression? Went to a service event and had the experience of a lifetime? Be sure ask your club's bulletin editor about writing an article to be featured in the monthly newsletter or even the district website! Submitting articles is a great way of sharing your Key Club moments with others. Also, be on the look out for new service events and take initiative by signing up for service events that are empty. You never know, it may pay off in the future.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

November 20th- Division 7 South and Division 27 North November DCM, Service Event, and Benefit Concert

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

red I am to lead Division no ho d an y pp ha w ho s es I can not expr cond term as Spirit se y m is is th gh ou th Al y. 7 South to victor ar we made so ye is th e lik lt fe I , on si vi Coordinator for the di our Round 2 & 3 ith w on ot sp g in be om many improvements! Fr s, I can see why I love on si vi di r he ot e th g in at cheers to motiv ly me that lead us to on t no as w it , er ev w Ho you guys so much. ass communicate m to ed rv se ee itt m m co t our winning. Our spiri ed over 10 hours after ay st N, FR to ng ni ai rt pe n all informatio ned the biggest spirit an pl s, gn si r ee ch e th l al school to make vision as an ohana. di e th ed ifi un d an , ar ye training event of the et the moment rg fo r ve ne ill w I ! em th k Please take time to than n 7 South" because it was io is iv "D d ce un no an d ar the District Bo ing part of my Key Club be r fo u yo k an Th t. en my Key Club mom You changed pere. nc re ffe di a e ad m l al u moment. That day yo money for PTP. You ed is ra u Yo . ub Cl y Ke t ou spectives ab e you around! Se . el fe u yo w ho e m ed show WHAT YOU ARE S U P E R SUPER STAR IS

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition


Fall Rally North - October 24th, 2015


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition


Region Training Conference By Virginia Manandeg of Sheldon High School What club gives someone the opportunity to help their community while keeping it interactive and fun? During the recently concluded Region 16 Training Conference at Pleasant Grove High School last September 26, 2015, Key Club proved that an individual may help those around them while having a cool and fun aura. Focusing on the theme of a safari, all members captured the moment and showed their support and spirit for their own division. Each division represented their mascot with great pride and joy. It was crazy seeing how many people there were, the divisions ranged from: bees, monsters, grizzlies, fish, ninjas and dinosaurs. The training conference had a lot of leadership training for all the participants. Activities such as seminars on how to run for an officer and how it is not impossible to achieve one’s goal and talks on how to be able to earn scholarships by helping through Key Club were all very helpful. Colors sure were given justice by every participant like the roaring orange for the monsters. Power and cooperation was in the air. The activity also made very great use of technology. Since the generation the delegates lived in is what society would like to refer to as the “technological era”, phones were in great use. The said conference was a great avenue for every single one to meet other people with the same desire they have. Taking ‘selfies’ and posting them on social media sites were one of the best activities a lot have to mention. As the event came to a close, it showed how Key Club connects other people of different schools to be united for one cause and one objective. Everybody ended up satisfied and all geared up for the upcoming major event which is Fall Rally North to be held on the 24th of October at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Grassroot Soccer By Lesley Wong of Franklin High School This year was my second year participating in grassroots. Although our team might've not been theory well coordinated soccer players, watching people come in and support is better than winning the champs. What I love most about our annual grassroots soccer tournament is that people are super competitive about winning but even those who don't know more than two rules about soccer (me) still come out and support our club and support kicking AIDS/HIV out of Africa. It also brings a smile to my face when the pun of playing soccer to "kick" AIDS/HIV click in peoples' minds. Although it may be a possibility that those who played were just supporting our club and didn't know exactly what they were contributing towards, the things that really matter was that they showed support in one shape or form; that is priceless.

A Moo-ving Experience By Emily Chen of Elk Grove High School I couldn’t be more happy being a part of the Key Club life. It brings me together, providing me with a monstrous experience despite all the challenges life brings. Lately, I have been going through some tough times but no fear! Key Club friends are here! They cheered me on and provided me with moral support and that made me feel like the luckiest person on Earth. I honestly think joining Key Club is one of the few things I did right in my entire life because without this club and the people in it, I would not be the person I am today. Earlier this month, I volunteered at Urban Cow and watched all the motivational runners achieve their goal. It was an honor being able to take part in their moo-ving journey because who else wouldn’t? Every drop of their sweat showed their motivation and efforts and that inspired me to reach higher because nothing is impossible unless you don’t try.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition


Cumulative D

Service Ho

$35,850 raise





Current: Service Hours– 10,215


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October Edition

Division Goals:

ours– 26,700

ed for service





Current: $15,462 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October Edition


1) My favorite color is burgundy, I love hip hop, and wolves. One of my hidden talents is dancing. The most inspirational key clubber I have ever met would have to be Kenny Lee– the 2014-2015 Valley Key Club President.

2) I love cats! I can play piano and I currently serve as a club treasurer. My pet peeve would have to be that I’m a grammar nazi. I like J Pop and rock! My favorite foods would have to be mangoes and dark chocolate.

3) I love neutral and pastel colors. I currently serve as a president. I like dogs, giraffes, and monkey. My favorite food is walnut shrimp, sushi, and KBBQ! I love spending time with my family and my favorite music fluctuates with my mood.

4) I currently serve as VP for my school and my favorite color is black, I love cats, and pasta. A pet peeve of mine would have to be people who talk really loud. My favorite music is indie, pop, and punk! Even though I’m shy I like to meet new people.

Who am I?


5) My favorite animal is pandas. I like to play tennis, swim, knit, and crochet. My favorite color is blue and I love sushi. My inspiration is Eileen Eto. I enjoy the Harry Potter series and Alex Rider series!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October Edition

Member of the Month Mary P. Mai This past month, Mai has been really involved in Key Club as she attends both service and social events. Not only is she hardworking at service events, but she is also very outgoing at social events and like to put herself out there. Mai has attend both of her club socials and met many new people. Although she is quite familiar with Key Club, she is not very familiar with their club or our division. Mai has become a new member of our division and has enjoyed it ever since the beginning of the school year.

Officer of the Month Michelle Nguyen This past month Michelle has done an amazing job in improving her club. She has been trying to constantly raise money for PTP. In the month of August, there were 2 back to back days where she has raised money from Sheldon’s Welcome Back Carnival selling milk tea and the next day where she had her Open Mic Night fundraiser. In addition, she raised $400 from working at a football game with her fellow officers. Leeza also lead a successful club rush with 300+ sign ups and had a great first meeting. She continues to strive for success for her club and puts in 110% to do so

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | October Edition

18 20



3) Answers 1)Peter Fang– Valley Secretary 2)Hady Liu– PG Treasurer 3)Leeza Xiang– Sheldon Presideny 4) Brittnay Garcia– Valley VP 5)Pauline Tze– Franklin Treasurer




Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition

Pleasant Grove Key Club Congratulations Pleasant Grove Key Club! This year PG Key Club has tried their utmost to reach out to the division level, not only has the board done so much this year– they have attended president meetings and region events. This past month this club has done an extraordinary job of creating amazing service, spirit, and leadership experiences for their members. The club board INSPIRES, LEADS, and CARES so much for their club.

Message from the Pres! Congratulations Pleasant Grove Key Club! This year PG Key Club has tried their utmost to reach out to the division level, not only has the board done so much this year– they have attended president meetings and region events. This past month this club has done an extraordinary job of creating amazing service, spirit, and leadership experiences for their members. The club board INSPIRES, LEADS, and CARES so much for their club.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | November Edition Official


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leaders LTG

Terry Ngu

D07s.cnh Pleasant

Administrative Assistant


Megan Morris





Executive Assistant Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor Sammi Tai Franklin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter









ship Team

uyen Grove

Summer Public Relations TC

ember Recognition TC

Joshua Diaz

nthony Chan



Media and Tech TC

Autumn Public Relations TC

Nathan Dang

David Keet



Kiwanis F&F TC

Fall Rally Spirit TC

Michael Mendoza

Theresa Nguyen



BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents Sheldon Leeza Xiong

Valley Bilal Baloch

Florin Ivy Vong

Consumnes Oaks


Megan Wang

Rancho Murieta Lauren Posey

Laguna Creek Camrick Solario


BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

s of 7 South Elk Grove Ellie Truong

Montery Trail David Thong


Cynthia Tze

Pleasant Grove


Justin Le

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter



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