DAILY NATION Wednesday May 19, 2021

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AKEBI Zulu Advocates and Lewis Nathan Advocates have separately written to John Sangwa demanding that he pays each K1.5 million as costs in a matter where he petitioned the Constitutional Court to compel the Elec-

Mr Sangwa

toral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to amend the Presidential candidate/Running mate affidavit. The two law firms have given Mr Sangwa seven working days in which to pay the said amount. Mr Sangwa, a lawyer, wanted the said affidavit to include a paragraph saying “I have not twice held office as Pres-

ident” to comply with article 106 (3) of the constitution. However, the Constitutional Court dismissed the petition because it lacked merit and condemned Mr Sangwa to pay costs. Thus lawyers representing lawyer Lewis Mosho who was an interested party in the matter are demanding for payment of the costs.

To Page 4


Vol. 7. Issue 2942


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…says he was first to congratulate her By PETER SICHALI

Prof Luo

PARAMOUNT Chief Chitimukulu has endorsed the selection of Professor Nkandu Luo as presidential running mate to President Edgar Lungu. The Mwinelubemba said in an interview yesterday he was actually the first to congratulate Prof Luo contrary to assertions on social media that he was not happy with the President’s choice of running mate. To Page 3


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu


PETAUKE independent parliamentary candidate, Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda has vowed to continue campaigning for President Edgar Lungu in all constituencies in the province and insisted that no one can stop him from doing this. To Page 5

Infrastructure President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the PF have facilitated construction of the state of the art Kazungula Bridge and added four others to boost trade.

VOTE EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU AND THE PF Making Every Zambian Count | Leaving No One Behind


Wednesday May 19, 2021




CHITIMUKULU BACKS LUO From Page 1 UPND deputy secretary-general, Patrick Mucheleka claimed in one of the UPND blogs that Paramount Chief Chitimukulu was very angry with President Lungu for choosing Professor Luo as his running mate. Paramount Chief Chitimukulu however said reports suggesting that he was not happy are all lies. “It is not true that I’m angry about President Lungu's decision to choose Prof Nkandu Luo as his running mate,” Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba said. He said he reconciled with Prof Luo and late President Michael Sata before he died. Chitimukulu said he was the first one to congratulate Prof Luo and wish her well. "It is all lies that I am against the appointment of Prof Luo as running mate, in fact I was the first one to congratulate her," he said. Chitimukulu said he was briefed by the head of State even before the announcement was made.

Prof Luo

"I was briefed by the President even before the announcement was made and I said bygones are bygones, I assured the President that I do not hold anything against her because we reconciled," Mwinelubemba said. "I reconciled with Prof Nkandu Luo and the late President Sata before he died," Chitimukulu said. Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said he was the first person to congratulate her before anybody knew about Prof Luo's appointment as Presidential running mate. "Those that are spreading these lies just want to create a wage between the Bemba Royal Establishment (BRE) and Prof Luo otherwise what they are saying is neither here nor there," Chitimukulu said. He said those behind the lies are enemies of Prof Luo and are trying by all means to create a wedge between her and the BRE. President Edgar Lungu has appointed the former Minister of Fisheries and Livestock as his running mate in the August12, 2021 general elections.

Wednesday May 19, 2021



Wednesday May 19, 2021




IGH international oil prices and the Zambian government’s desire to maintain the price of fuel low are conflicting and now leading to shortages of fuel in some parts of the country. Some oil marketing companies have halted the procurement of fuel owing to the increase in importation costs. A check by the Daily Nation in Lusaka yesterday found that most filling stations did not have diesel. Ministry of Energy Permanent Secretary, Dannies Chisenda said the shortage of diesel was as a result of

UPND cadre assaulted in internal feud By ROGERS KALERO

A UPND cadre, aged 51 in Kalulushi was assaulted by fellow members for supporting a rival candidate who equally had an adoption certificate. Two UPND candidates, Chikalaba Kaleta and Ngosa Daka, turned up at the Kalulushi Civic Centre with adoption certificates and in the ensuing confusion, Mr Banda Sakanya, was physically attacked.

Mr Chushi

Mr Sakanya was in Mr Daka’s camp, but was attacked by those supporting Mr Kaleta. He sustained injuries on the head, nose and ear, cuts on the lips and suffered general body pains. Copperbelt Commissioner of Police, Elias Chushi, confirmed the incident which happed on Monday around 09:00 hours. Sources said Mr Kaleta’s supporters ordered Mr Daka to leave the place and in an effort to defend his colleague, Mr Banda was beaten. On Monday, during the filing of nomination papers for the Kalulushi parliamentary constituency seat, confusion erupted within the UPND camp when two candidates turned up to file the nominations.

disruption in supply following the pull-out from supply by some oil marketing companies. Oil Marketing Companies Association of Zambia (OMCAZ) president, Kafula Mubanga who confirmed that some oil companies had pulled-out said oil had become expensive at Beira in Mozambique and other spots of supply because of the high demand for the commodity. Dr Mubanga said in an interview that multinational companies which procure shipments of oil directly from oil producer companies had increased prices at points of supply such as Beira. “Local OMCs buy from some multinational companies that procure directly

from oil producers. So when there is too much demand, the multinational suppliers increase the price and when the price is too high, OMCs stop buying because they end up importing at a loss,” he said. And Mr Chisenda however said Government was engaging oil marketing companies to find a quick solution to the challenges that have led to disruptions of fuel supply. He said in a separate interview that currently there was lesser fuel being imported. Mr Chisenda said prices of fuel on the international market had also increased. “We engaged oil marketing companies over this situation and we were told that some were not bringing in

the fuel because importation costs are high. Prices on the international market have gone up, so there is lesser fuel coming in,” he said. One motorist, Mr Aubrey Chanda, said diesel and kerosene had run out in most filling stations in the capital city. Mr Chanda said motorists whose vehicles use diesel had now parked their automobiles because the commodity was no longer in stock. He called on the Ministry of Energy to sort out the problem, and that if left unchecked it would affect most businesses. Another motorist, Mr Chabala Nkhoma, who is a businessman said the shortage has had a negative impact on his daily operations.

We’re owed K150m - Docs By PETER SICHALI

THE Ministry of Health owes resident doctors about K150 million, Resident Doctors Association of Zambia (RDAZ) President Brian Sampa has said. Meanwhile, Dr Sampa said despite the shortage of doctors in the country, over 500 medical doctors were still unemployed. He said the doctors would take drastic measures as their ultimatum ends this Friday. Dr Sampa explained that the K150 million owed to doctors was in form of arrears, settling in allowance and gratuity dating back to 2015 and that the previous RDAZ leadership had been following up the matter but to no avail. Dr Sampa also complained that some doctors holding senior positions were being paid salaries based on lower positions. “We have many doctors being paid on lower positions when they are holding senior


ZAMBIAN Breweries has called on Government agencies such as the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) to curb the unfair pricing of beer by some ‘unscrupulous’ liquor traders. Some traders have hiked prices of clear beer in Lusaka following the shortage of the commodity on the market triggered by the shutdown aimed at facilitating installation of a new equipment at the Zambian Breweries

positions. For instance, a senior resident medical officer being paid as a junior resident medical officer,” Dr Sampa said.


Dr Sampa explained that the K150 million owed to doctors was in form of

arrears, settling in allowance and gratuity dating back to 2015 and that the previous RDAZ leadership had been following up the matter but to no avail.

Dr Sampa said there was also need for Government to employ the 500 unemployed doctors to address doctor-patient ratio which currently stood at 1 to 12, 000 people.

“The doctor patient ratio in Zambia is too high, it is currently at 1 to 12, 000 against the normal ratio of 1-1, 000 patients,” Dr Sampa said. He said the country has a deficit of 3, 000 to reduce the doctor-patient ratio while more than 500 doctors were still on the streets. “Government should immediately employ the 500 doctors on the street to cushion and reduce the gap,” Dr Sampa stressed. And Dr Sampa said Government released K73 million to cater for 3, 000 nurses and 309 doctors employed in 2019. He said however that it was unfortunate that 109 doctors have not been paid despite Government releasing the funds. “We do not know where that money is because the ministry of Health is saying there is no money while the ministry of Finance is saying money is there,” Dr Sampa said. He said the non-payment was frustrating the doctors and should be addressed.

Law firms demand K3m from Sangwa From Page 1 “In light of the decision of the court dismissing your petition where you were condemned to pay costs, we write to inform you that we have pegged our costs at a modest fee of ZMW1, 500 ,000 only. We accordingly demand that the said sum be paid within seven working days of receipt of this letter,” read the letter by Makebi Zulu Advocates dated May 18, 2021. Lewis Nathan Advocates in a letter dated May 17, 2021 have equally demanded for K1.5 million

Ezekiel Sekele. Mr Sekele warned the unscrupulous traders that they would not have a window to unfairly increase the pries of clear beer products once production was improved. Average price for a small size Mosi is K10 while big one is K15 while the big castle goes for K17 while a small one is K10, Castle Light big bottle is about K18 and small quantity is K10.

Mr Sangwa from Mr Sangwa. “We write to inform you that we have pegged our costs at a modest fee of ZMW1, 500, 000 (One Million Five Hundred Zambian Kawacha) only,” said the law firm.

Zambia records Indian variant case By KETRA KALUNGA

ZAMBIA has recorded one new Indian variant Covid-19 case from a person who travelled to the Asian country recently. Government has meanwhile, suspended the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine to use the remaining vaccine as second dose for those who have already received the AstraZeneca vaccine. This follows increased Covid-19 cases in India which has prompted that country to prioritise the production of vaccines for its nationals. Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services, Dr Kennedy Malama, said this was the only case of the Indian variant detected so far in the country. Dr Malama said during the Covid-19 update that the person with the B.1.617 Indian variant has been isolated. He however urged the public not to panic as all stringent public health interventions had been put in place to prevent any spread of the variant. “We urge Zambians not to panic but ensure adherence to all the prescribed public health guidelines,” he said.

Curb unfair beer price hike, Govt urged plant. As a result of the shortage, some traders have hiked the prices of clear beer by over K5, riding on the scarcity of the commodity on the market. Clear beer is being sold at prices that are uneconomical and this calls for Government agencies such as the CCPC to curb the unfair pricing, Zambian Breweries Corporate Affairs Director,



A small bottle of Black label is K10 while Eagle Lager for a big bottle is K14 and small one is K7 but all the brands had been adjusted upwards by K5. “This time around some unscrupulous traders are even hiking prices where some of the clear beer prices are being sold at prices that are uneconomical but then for us as Zambian breweries and following the competi-

Dr Malama said Government has made a decision to ring-fence the remaining doses of AstraZeneca vaccines for use as a second dose for people who have already received the first dose. He explained that this is because India, as the manufacturer, was now prioritising the production of vaccines for its citizenry and was therefore not exporting. Dr Malama said the development has affected the production of the AstraZeneca vaccines for export and countries including Zambia were likely to encounter challenges in the acquisition of AstraZeneca through the COVAX facility. Dr Malama assured that Government was up to the task and would ensure adequate vaccines were acquired and deployed to all parts of the country. He also said that in the last 24-hours, an additional 5, 442 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine had been administered, bringing the cumulative number of those vaccinated to 120, 209. He said of the 120, 209 people vaccinated, 114, 687 received AstraZeneca and 5, 522 were given the Sinopharm.

tion law, we are not in a position to enforce or influence the direction of the prices. “We have a free market system in our economy and there are agencies within our country who are able to manage such prices when they are taking place. But for us, we only give a recommended price and the market itself finds itself where they can sale the product,” he said. Earlier this week, Mr Sekele explained that normal supply was expected next week before being shut down again for a similar exercise next month.


Wednesday 19, May 2021



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WE applaud the peaceful manner in which the filing in of nominations for the forthcoming tripartite elections have been conducted so far by the various political parties. There have not been any serious breach of the law as the contending parties have trooped to the various nomination centres to lodge their candidature. Credit must go to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) which we must mention has been meticulous in the manner it has organised the filing in of nominations. It has ensured that each party, including independent candidates are allotted time in which to lodge in their papers. Despite the many number of parliamentary candidates for example, aspiring candidates have filed their nomination papers in an orderly and peaceful manner. Not even their numerous supporters have been involved in scuffles. We feel this is a plus for the ECZ that it is quite capable of organising this year’s elections despite the many negative statements issued against it in the past. The organisation of the nomination process has been quite flawless and done in a professional manner. We note for example that the Patriotic Front presidential candidate and his running mate, Mr Edgar Lungu and Nkandu Luo were given due respect in view of the presidential aspirant being republican president. But he underwent through all the ECZ protocols that each presidential candidate has been subjected to – without any shortcuts. It is in this vein that we demand that all contestants in the August 12 elections must subject themselves to adhering to the rules and regulations pertaining to the elections as regulated by the ECZ. The ECZ, as we have pointed out before has a mandate to conduct the elections in the country. All it does is the paper work and ensure that systems are in place for the elections. It does not involve itself in persuading people to support any of the parties contesting the elections. The onus is on the political parties themselves to market themselves through their manifestos and convince the electorate why they deserve their precious vote. The only ugly incident that has been witnessed during the nomination period has been the fracas that happened in Kalulushi. This fortunately had nothing to do with the ECZ but disorganisation in one of the contending parties. In this instance, two UPND candidates, Chikalaba Kaleta and Ngosa Daka, turned up at the Kalulushi Civic Centre with adoption certificates. And naturally, the two camps could not see eye to eye and one person became the unfortunate victim of physical assault. The victim, Mr Banda Sakanya, was in Mr Daka’s camp, but was attacked by those supporting Mr Kaleta. He sustained injuries on the head, nose and ear, cuts on the lips and suffered general body pains. We hope that political parties will not contribute to any violence by being honest in their internal dealings. Why should two candidates each have an adoption certificate? It boggles the mind. We must remind the nation that President Lungu has pledged to ensure that the elections are free and fair, that there will be peace before, during and after the elections. But this entails that all Zambians must observe the law and not allow anyone to try and destroy the peace that the nation enjoys. Just as the nomination process has been peaceful so far, this is how it should be throughout the campaign period and even after August 12. The Zambia we all want is a country at peace.


Home News



ETAUKE independent parliamentary candidate, Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda has vowed to continue campaigning for President Edgar Lungu in all constituencies in the province and insisted that no one can stop him from doing this. And a senior Lusaka lawyer, Jonas Zimba has advised that there is no law that stops independents from campaigning for presidential candidates of their choice. And Mr Banda, popularly known as Jay Jay said he has also advised all independents from the Patriotic Front to continue pushing for President Lungu because selfish people wanted to frustrate them by telling lies that independents cannot support a presidential candidate of their choice. Mr Banda said in an interview yesterday that he was resolved that nobody would deter him from campaigning for the President because he wanted President Lungu to amass 100 percent votes in the province. Mr Banda, who successfully filed in his nomination papers with the Electoral Commission of Zambia on Monday, said he went independent because he was merely responding to the situation forced on him. He said the truth was that the grassroots


Petauke independent parliamentary candidate, Emmauel Jay Jay Banda addressing his supporters.

had picked him and he could not abandon them because that would have cost the President votes. The Petauke businessman escorted by scores of supporters who were running alongside his tractor as they trooped to the town centre, said the will of the people would win the day on August 12. He said he would continue with the mandate of mobilising and cementing the Presidential vote for President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s throughout the Eastern Province under the covid19 guidelines. Meanwhile, in an interview yesterday, Jonas Zimba, of Makebi Zulu Advocates,

said the mushrooming number of independent candidates is an indication that Zambia’s democracy is flourishing. Mr. Zimba said the trend of independent candidates campaigning for presidential candidates of their choice is in line with the freedom of association. He said there is need to avert violence by preaching a message that there is no profit in all the problems that people would want to raise through fighting others but there is every benefit by moving in a particular direction of peace. He said this is because political power is not for sale but for service.

US pledges more support to Zambia’s HIV, Covid-19 response …as it announces $400 million in HIV/AIDS funding By NATION REPORTER THE United States Government has announced a US$401.6 million support towards HIV and Covid-19 management to Zambia with an additional $20.1 million (K448.9 million) supporting COVID-19 relief. Speaking at a virtual joint press briefing, Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Dr. Kennedy Malama recognised the US government support through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS

Relief(PEPFAR) as a critical partner of government in HIV epidemic control. He said Zambia would remain indebted to the US government for the progress made in HIV care and support. He said the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) support had been instrumental in Fast Tracking the response and achieving results since 2003 when there were only 3,500 People Living with HIV (PLHIV) on treatment and currently there are more than one million on treatment, thereby averting numerous

ZCTU launches workers manifesto to deal with employment issues By Francis Chipalo INFORMALITY of the workforce is one of the biggest challenges that compounds the problem of unemployment and joblessness as it entails living on income that is earned on a daily basis, the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has said. And ZCTU has launched the Worker’s Manifesto ahead of the 2021 General Elections slated for August 12. Speaking at the launch in Lusaka yesterday, ZCTU President Chishimba Nkole said the worker’s manifesto was developed by ZCTU as a culmination of work towards fostering National Development, Trade Union Unity, Solidarity and Trade Union Transformation. Mr Nkole said the development of the Manifesto has come at an opportune time when Zambia is holding General Elections, adding that it is therefore the building block on which the worker’s aspirations will be presented to various political players aspiring for public office. “In this regard, the Worker’s Manifesto not only contains the aspirations of the workers, but the demands and aspirations of the Zambian people. The Worker’s Manifesto contains both worker-specific demands and aspirations of the nation as a whole,” Mr Nkole said. Meanwhile, Fredrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) representative Kathy Kate Short said her foundation was passionate about the labour movement because it plays an important role in Democracy and hence partnering with ZCTU.

deaths and improving the quality of life for those living with HIV. Dr. Malama said that for the next annual funding cycle starting in October 2021, PEPFAR will provide Zambia with USD 401.6 million, which is equivalent to about K9 billion. And US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Mr David Young said that this funding will help the National HIV response remain resilient and responsive. The US government remains confident of the strong cooperation between the United States and the Zambian government.

African Life Financial Services contempt proceedings against Nawakwi in motion By GRACE CHAILE LESOETSA THE Lusaka High Court has granted the African Life Financial Services (Z) Limited leave to commence contempt of court proceedings against Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi. Ms Justice Susan Wanjelani has set June 15, 2021 as the date for Ms Nawakwi to appear and show cause as why she should not be sent to prison for contempt of court. “Upon hearing of counsel for the applicant and upon reading the affidavit of Munakapaya Hantuba, it is hereby ordered and directed that the said applicant be and is hereby granted leave to apply for an order of contempt not court against alleged contemnor, Edith Nawakwi and that the costs of and incidental to the application be in cause,” she ordered African Life had applied for leave to commence committal proceedings against Ms Nawakwi. The company in a statement supporting application for leave to apply for order of committal stated that the matter between it and Mr Dickson Mtonga and 22 others is still active in court and the court is yet to determine whether or not it is liable to pay the 23 the sum of US$300, 000 or any sum at all.

Ultimate vehicles theft case in court By CHARLES MUSONDA NEARLY three months after another arrest, three Marshland Consortium Limited directors have been indicted for alleged theft of two motor vehicles worth US$81, 000 belonging to Ultimate Insurance Company Limited. The accused persons are Nachi Musonda, 35, Richard Lubemba Chishimba, 31, and Tobias Milambo Hanyimbo, 48, all insurers. In count one particulars of offence are that Musonda and Milambo on July 10, last year stole a grey Ford Ranger registration number BAF 9826 valued at US40, 500. In the second count, details are that Lubemba and Milambo on the same date in Lusaka stole another Ford Ranger white in colour registration number BAG 8100 valued at US$40, 500. The case was called yesterday before Lusaka Magistrate Jenipher Bwalya for allocation but all the three accused persons were not before court. Ms Bwalya then allocated the matter to another magistrate Nthandose Chabala before whom they were scheduled to take plea but did not show up by press time. The three were arrested in February this year and police spokesperson Esther Katongo said ownership of the vehicle registration number BAF 9826 was illegally changed to the first accused person. This was after the State had already slapped 15 counts of forgery, uttering false documents, and obtaining money by false pretences on the three last year and trial in this case has already started before Magistrate Alice Walusiku. It is alleged that between January 1, 2018, and March 25, 2020 Milambo, Lubemba, and Musonda forged a Bitrust Real Estate Innovative Solution valuation report dated January 6, 2018 for stand number 9192/35 Mununga Road in Ndola by purporting to show that it was genuinely issued, signed and authorised when in fact not.


Wednesday 19, May 2021

Home News

Independent Kitwe mayoral aspirant withdraws By SANFROSSA MANYINDA ONE of the mayoral aspirants in Kitwe, Ashani Jayawardane, has pulled out of the race a few hours before nominations. Ms Jayawardane said she was withdrawing from the race to concentrate on improving the welfare of the people in the community through her foundation. She had formed a foundation called Ashani Jaya Community Foundation which she would utilise to help vulnerable communities. Ms Jayawardane had initially applied to be considered for adoption on the Patriotic Front (PF) ticket but was left out as the party settled for former Itimpi Ward Councillor Mpasa Mwaya. Ms Jayawardane who was scheduled to file in her nomination papers yesterday at 11:00 hours at the Kitwe Civic Centre, said in an interview that she had decided to pull out of the race to concentrate on her foundation with the aim of improving the living standards of the people. “I wish to finally inform Kitwe residents that after consultations with my political consultants, friends and family, I was advised to continue supporting President Edgar Lungu and not to go independent. “I therefore have withdrawn my intentions to stand as Kitwe Mayor as an independent,” she added. She said it was gratifying to see overwhelming response from her supporters who advised her to contest as an independent as well as political parties approaching her to consider joining their political parties. She however said that she had opted to remain committed to supporting the PF and its agenda. Ms Jayawardane added that she had much regard for President Lungu and that she wanted to honour her parents and continue to work with him and the PF. Remaining in the race are PF’s Mpasa Mwaya, UPND’ Grace Sampa, Socialist Party’s Juliet Chileshe and DP’s Samuel Chikopela.

Law firm sued over loss of certificate of tile


FORMER Zambia Red Cross Secretary General Charles Mushitu has sued Milner and Paul Legal Practitioners, demanding damages for loss of his original certificate of title for a property located in New Kasama. Mr Mushitu alleged that he handed over the certificate to the law firm as security for costs. He is claiming damages for loss of his original certificate of title number 96965 by the defendant in respect of stand nom LUS/31326. He wants an order compelling Milner and Paul Legal Practitioners to meet all costs associated with acquisition of a duplicate of the lost certificate of title and interest on any amount found due including costs. In a statement of claim, Mr Mushitu stated that in March 2012, he engaged Milner and Paul Legal Practitioners to defend him in a criminal matter where he was charged with theft and money laundering before Mwaka Mikalile in the Lusaka Magistrate court. He stated he was acquitted on November 6, 2013. He said that he delayed to pay the firm the outstanding legal fees amounting to K300,707,50. Mr Mushitu stated that

the firm wrote a letter dated October 22, 2014 demanding payment of the outstanding fees or in the alternative favour the firm with security for costs in immovable property in form of certificate of title. He said he handed over the certificate and the agreement was that once the full amount of outstanding legal fees was paid, the law firm would hand over the certificate of title immediately. “Desirous to settle the outstanding fees in full, on or about 22 April , this year, the plaintiff secured some money from an external financier, through Messrs GM Legal Practioners, a law firm, and requested the defendant to surrender the certificate of title to the plaintiff upon which the full amount of K283,000 would be paid,” he said. Mr Mushitu stated that Milner and Paul Legal Practitioners have refused to surrender the certificate of title in the manner it was given in 2015 despite several reminders. “The loss of the certificate of title, which was in legal custody of the defendant is a gross act of negligence on the part of the defendant as the defendant owed a legal duty of care to the plaintiff which the defendant breached,” he stated.



SOCIALIST Party Katuba constituency aspiring candidate, Cephas Twende, has pulled out of the race after being attacked by some unknown people before he filed his nomination papers. Mr Twende was attacked on his way to the nomination centre on Monday morning. Narrating his ordeal in an interview, Mr Twende said he left home around 08:00 hours for Kabangwe but realised that a Toyota Harrier was trailing him and when he was approaching Mauzu, two men stopped him. Mr Twende, who was speaking from Matero Level One Hospital explained that he stopped because he thought the two men wanted to ask for directions. But to his surprise, the duo manhandled him and one of them shot him with taser

him. He said the two men got away with his Grade 12 certificate and his tax certificate. “I couldn’t recognise them because they were wearing face masks and the vehicle had no number plate but it was a Toyota Harrier. “The two were well built and this is not the first time that I have been followed,” Mr Twende said. He explained that he was helped by well-wishers who took him to Matero Level One Hospital. Mr Twende said the incident happened very fast and it was reported to Kabangwe police post. He said that despite the drawback, his political career had not been shattered because he would wait for 2026. Mr Twende said that he would campaign for the SP so that its leader, Mr Mr Twende receiving treatment Fred Mm’embe gets more votes. at Matero Level One Hospital.

Deal with rampant cyber-bullying, ZICTA challenged By SIMON MUNTEMBA THERE is urgent need for the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA) to deal with rampant cyber-bullying to restore sanity in the digital space, the Patriotic Front (PF) has said. PF Lusaka province chairperson Kennedy Kamba said ZCTA should take action against some individuals that were bullying innocent people more especially women in politics. Mr Kamba said his party was dismayed about the use unpalatable language online by opposition leaders and their cadres against the PF Presidential running mate, Professor Nkandu Luo. He said the opposition cadres and their leaders were patronising the social media to mock women in politics. “We expect ZICTA and other relevant authorities to take keen interest in what is happening on social media and bring the law breakers to book. Leadership is not about beauty contest that we

Mr Kamba

must begin to compare our physical appearance of our mothers. That behavior is very disappointing and it must be stopped,” Mr Kamba said. He called on all Zambians to behave responsibly and not to propagate information that touches on the persona of fellow citizens. Meanwhile, Mr Kamba said President Edgar Lungu has continued to inspire the party with his style of progressive

leadership. This is being done through promoting noble women by appointing them to top positions of leadership. Mr Kamba who welcomed the appointment of Prof. Luo as a Presidential running mate, said she was the exact leadership and VicePresident level that the country needed. He said being a highly qualified lawyer, President Lungu deserved the support of a strong woman like Prof Luo to deputise him. Mr Kamba said Prof Luo was not only an experienced politician who has been in the political space for a long time, but also understood the political landscape of Zambia and her commitment to duty was unmatched. “Her influence in the academic and political world is unmatched and goes beyond the borders of Zambia. We are confident that through her connections to the world she will promote and empower many women when she becomes VicePresident after August 12 this year,” he said.

Zanaco pledges more support to SMEs By NOEL IYOMBWA SMALL and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been the most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, Zanaco chief credit risk officer Kalengo Simukoko has said. Mr Simukoko said ZANACO has embarked on a campaign to support the rebuilding of Zambia by empowering local tailors in the SMEs bracket. He said the initiative was sustainable and would build a revolving fund from which the tailors would be able to access funds for their businesses. Mr Simukoko said that 30,000 masks has been produced and that 500 women led-business had already benefitted from the project. He said the masks would be given to ZANACO Xpress agents and XAPAY merchants in the continued efforts to support them with protective equipment. And Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSD Zambai) Chief Executive officer, Betty Wilkinson said her organisation had embarked on several projects to support SMEs, particularly those that engage women and the differentlyabled. She said that ZSD has partnered with other organisations to create opportunities to replace lost sales during the Covid-19 pandemic using sustainable financing innovations.

Stop internal wrangles, UNIP advised By AARON CHIYANZO UNIP officials should stop washing dirty linen in public because they are tarnishing the image of the party and causing more divisions, its Lusaka Province chairman, Allan Malawo has said. Mr Malawo said they needed to focus on taking part in the August, 12, 2021 general election with a united front.

“UNIP in Lusaka Province is calling upon all stakeholders to desist from washing dirty linen in public. Our recommendation to the affected stakeholders is to quickly reconcile to enable the party compete favourably in the general elections,” he said. Mr Malawo said at this stage, the differences must be placed on ice to allow the party achieve its ambitions to compete for the governance of the

country. He said it was absolutely necessary to give the new leadership a benefit of doubt to perform party functions during this period of elections. Mr Malawo said contentious issues to do with the congress could be addressed once and for all without the thought of disenfranchisng genuine UNIP members, officials and voters that want to exercise their democratic right.


Vote for the best candidates - Malanji By ROGERS KALERO THE electorate must analyse all candidates and choose those that they are able to represent them effectively in parliament, Patriotic Front (PF) Kwacha constituency candidate Joe Malanji has said Mr Malanji said some politicians were using lies and propaganda to try and convince the electorate to vote for them in August 12 elections. He was speaking in an interview after filing his nominations at Kwacha Primary School in Kitwe. Mr Malanji said while most of the PF parliamentary candidates had shown capacity to represent the electorate effectively, some opposition candidates were seeking to become MPs for personal interests "So my plea to the people of Kwacha and Zambia in general is that they should not be excited by campaign promises from some opposition politicians, but must look at the capacity of some candidate to deliver development," Mr Malanji said. Mr Malanji also said the economic challenges that the country was facing had not been brought up by the PF Government but arose from effects of the Covid-19 which had affected various economies of the World. "It is sad that, in their desperation to form government, the opposition politicians were even promising Zambians that they will stop the Covid-19. These are lies which desperate people tell. They can even promise a bridge where there is no river or stream," he said. And Socialist Party candidate, Grace Namunyola, said the battle for Kwacha constituency has just started and that she was not intimidated despite being a youthful female candidate in the race dominated by men. Ms Namunyola said she would work hard to convince the people of kwacha constituency to vote for because she has brilliant ideas. "Yes, I have successfully filed my nomination papers for Kwacha constituency and this is where the battle for August 12 elections starts. The people of Kwacha will make a decision which candidate and political party to vote for," Ms Namunyola said. Others who filed in the nomination papers but opted not to say anything were Newton Chabala from the National Democratic Congress and Charles Mulenga from the UPND, while Stephen Mushanda did not turn up.

Wednesday May 19, 2021



Congratulations to Prof Nkandu Luo Dear Editor, PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has unveiled Professor Nkandu Luo as his running mate for the forthcoming general elections due on August 12, 2021. Prof. Nkandu Phoebe Luo was born on December 21, 1951. She is a scientist with a PhD in Microbiology and served as Minister of Livestock and Fisheries. She has served as a member of Parliament for Mandevu and Munali constituencies. Over the years, she has served as Cabinet Minister in various portfolios including; Health, Local Government, Transport and Communications, Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Higher Education, and Livestock. She is a microbiologist who previously served as Head of Pathology and Microbiology at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. She has carried out extensive research and published her works in respected medical journals. EMMANUEL MWAMBA.

Wednesday 19, May, 2021

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Do your part to help the nation Dear Editor, TO every citizen of this country, stop depending only on the government or councils. Stop saying “boma iyanganepo” be a boma yourself. Arise and act, be a good and patriotic citizen of Zambia. Participate in community activities. Ask yourself, am I a good citizen of Zambia? A good citizen will always participate in community activities. This is how you show you are a patriot and how you promote Zambia, build our community and country to make it beautiful and attractive. Government or councils alone cannot achieve this noble cause. Arise, change the way we think or behave but do right. Every Zambian citizen whether you are poor or rich, educated or not, you work or not, young or old we have to know that we have duties and responsibilities as citizens to do to our communities and the country. Be patriotic and loyal to Zambia and promote its wellbeing. Love your community, country and be proud of Zambia, be proud of the community you live in and act in its best interests. PASTOR UDONGO ROMANS.

A solid team

Dear Editor WARM congratulations to President Edgar Lungu and his running mate, Professor Nkandu Luo for filing in nominations for the August 12, elections. This is a team with a lethal combination of education, political experience and management of institutions and government ministries. I have no doubt that the pair will steer development in the country for the next five years, after the August polls. Prof Luo is indeed a worthy replacement of Madam Inonge Mutukwa Wina, whose practical approach to issues is needed to spur national development. I want to encourage all Patriotic Front members that let’s all go flat out to campaign for our top two as well as all the adopted candidates. We are PF and we are stronger together. CHRIS CHANGWEREZA, Former PF aspiring candidate for Kanyama.

Thank you Mr President for adopting me Dear Editor, I WISH to express my gratitude to President Edgar Lungu and the supreme organ of the Patriotic Front, central committee for giving me an opportunity to stand as Member of Parliament for Chimwemwe in the August 12 general elections. I wish to thank you Mr President for the confidence in my leadership and for giving the people of Chimwemwe a candidate of their choice. I received my adoption with a grateful heart and now my objective is to serve the people of Chimwemwe to the best of my ability by fulfilling the many promises we have made to them that will foster development in line with the PF manifesto. Allow me also to thank all PF structures and ordinary members for the support and confidence placed in me during my journey of aspiring to become Chimwemwe MP. Our main focus now is to ensure that we go flat out and mobilise maximum votes for our President and the party in the forthcoming general elections as we continue to highlight the many achievements made so far and more future plans for our great nation. I also call on all those who supported other aspiring candidates in the constituency, the rank and file of PF and the comrades who were not adopted to come and join efforts in solidarity with the objective of amassing the much needed votes for President Lungu and the party. Above all, we thank God for His mercies and blessings in every step of our lives and his kindness. ALLEN BANDA, PF candidate for Chimwemwe.


TEAM ‘LULU’ ALL THE WAY Dear Editor, PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu’s decision to adopt the internationally accomplished female scientist and politician Professor Nkandu Luo as running mate is welcome and the proper exercise of his Constitutional prerogative to pick a nominee. We take ownership and we will give our flag bearers in President Lungu and Prof Luo maximum support and ensure that resounding victory is delivered as that will be Zambia’s victory. Prof Luo has established herself as a disciplinarian and uncompromising firm leader who has nothing but the proven track record of nothing but service. Her life of public service traces from 1996 when she was elected Member of Parliament for Lusaka’s Mandevu Constituency and later appointed to cabinet where she served in various portfolios. In the health reforms, she presided over the ministry of health which saw skills transfer of Cuban doctors who were engaged by the Zambian government. Even after taking a break from public life, Prof Luo’s life of service was tied to her name as she presided over a number of activities that integrated young girls and women and make their meaningful participation and contribution to society. With the coming of the PF into power, Prof Luo bounced back to political life as Member of Parliament for Munali Constituency. She was the pioneer of the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs which was elevated as a Directorate under the Ministry of Local Government. It was under her tenure that the government

President Edgar Lungu (right) with his running-mate Professor Nkandu Luo introduced a number of reforms especially the welfare of chiefs. It was under her tenure that Government introduced the chief’s subsidies and launched the construction and modernisation of their palaces. At the Ministry of Gender, Prof Luo’s tenure coincided with the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia of 2016 which established the Gender and Equity Commission. The operationalisation of the commission is underway and it is earmarked to streamline gender equality. At the Ministry of Higher Education, Prof Luo presided over the transition from the unsustainable bursary scheme to the student’s loan scheme. Since then, a number of programmes have been put in place to increase the targeted beneficiaries of the loan scheme even from the private institutions of learning. As regards some former students protesting

her appointment, they have disregarded the fact that it was under her tenure that the generational problem of rioting in institutions of learning was eradicated. Prof Luo’s no nonsense approach brought about sanity and the amicable ways of resolving disputes especially if students were on the grieving side. Her last tour of duty as a cabinet minister ended at the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. She presided at a time when the government was diversifying agriculture. With this exemplary history of Prof Luo’s life of public service, we are fortified that President Lungu reflected on the decision and no doubt it is the right decision at this time. We will support both President Lungu and the running mate in Prof Luo. It’s team LuLu all the way. MARVIN CHANDA MBERI, Lusaka.


Wednesday 19 May 2021

All PF candidates in Northwest file By JACKSON MAPAPAYI ALL Patriotic Front (PF) parliamentary candidates in North-western province have successfully filed in their nominations for the August 12 polls. Provincial chairman, Jackson Kungo, said all the adopted candidates had met all the requirements to file in their nominations and were now in the field. Mr Kungo said that in Chavuma, the party has fielded in Enock Kapalu, Zambezi East and West Jonathan Mwendelema and Charles Kakoma respectively. In Kabompo, the PF has fielded in Joseph Sangonga, Anosh Chipawa in Manyinga, Ormond Musonda in Kasempa, Davies Mbalau in Mufumbwe and Peter Fisher in Ikelenge. Others are Maureen Jitanda in Kalumbila, Milner Katolo in Solwezi Central and Richard Taima in Mushindamo. In Kabompo, the PF has Jonathan Sangonga while in Mwinilunga Brighton Matoka has been fielded. Mr Kungo said he was confident that the ruling party would scoop the seats this time around. He said this is because the party has become the people’s choice and that the candidates it has fielded in credible ones. “We have the best candidates in the province and am very confident that we are going scoop the seats,” Mr Kungo said. He urged the party functionaries not to relent but continue recruiting more new members in order to maximise the presidential vote. Meanwhile, the UPND in Chavuma has fielded Victor Lumai while in Zambezi west and east it has fielded Kelvin Vumengo and Brian Kambita. In Kabompo it has fielded Ambrose Lufuma, Robert Lihefu in Manyinga, Elliot Kamondo in Mufumbwe and Brenda Tambatamba in Kasempa. Others are Elijah Muchima in Ikelenge, Newton Samakai in Mwinilunga, Nicholas Mukumbi in Kalumbila, Stafford Mulusa and Kelvin Katakwe in Solwezi central and Mushindamo constituencies respectively.



HE cooperation with the British Government in preventing illegal wildlife trade is crucial in Zambia’s conservation efforts, says Tourism and Arts Permanent Secretary Patrick Lungu Mr Lungu said the joint effort would significantly reduce the risk to wildlife crime and



WILDLIFE PROTECTION CRUCIAL, SAYS TOURISM PS the country would be in a position to preserve the wildlife resource for present and future generations. He was speaking during the opening of the second phase of the joint anti-poaching training to be conducted by the British Military at Chunga School Training Grounds in Kafue National Park. Mr Lungu said the efforts

from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, the defence and security wings, cooperating partners and other conservationists, would provide the much-needed security and protection. He said it is for this reason the British government and Zambia agreed to extend the cooperation in anti-poaching

and illegal wildlife trade. Meanwhile, Anti- Poaching Task Force Chairperson, William Kakoma, said the joint defence teams had a role to support wildlife conservation in the country. And Department of National Parks and Wildlife Director, Chuma Simukonda, said the Kafue National Park was under pressure and

needed urgently protection. Meanwhile, British Army representative Major David Humphrey said the Navy would play a role in the prevention of poaching in the Kafue which described as ‘beautiful wildlife sanctity.’ He said his team was stunned at the beauty of such landscape in Zambia.

INVITATION FOR TRAINING PROPOSALS FINANCING SKILL TRAINING FOR EMPLOYER BASED IN-SERVICE TRAINING Background Technical Education, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA), which was established under the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Act of No. 13 of 1998 and the amendment Act No. 11 of 2005. Among the responsibilities of TEVETA, is the management of the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) Fund. The TEVET Fund in collaboration with the Skills Development Fund (SDF) which plays an important role in assisting the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) to develop a high quality, sustainable, demand-driven, and equitable TEVET system, the TEVET Fund is one of the mechanisms used in achieving this objective. The Skills Development Levy Act No. 46 of 2016 is the source of financing. The main objective of the levy is to provide financial resource for the TEVET sector for skills development. The TEVET Fund establishes a financing platform that purchases training services from public providers, on a competitive basis, for skills development in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy, at an arm’s length transaction. It plays a critical role in the reform of the TEVET system by separating the provision of training from its financing. It also shifts the focus from quantity to quality. As a financier of training being procured from TEVET providers, the TEVET Fund is able to introduce standards and accountability to the system for the desired outcomes. The Fund also introduces performance incentives for training providers and, through its stakeholders, establishes rules for spending on training services that promote national development objectives, including equitable access. Invitation to Employers and Training Providers The Government of the Republic of Zambia, using proceeds from the Skills development levy, has set aside funds towards the implementation of the Employer Based Training (EBT) activities through the TEVET Fund. The TEVET Fund is hereby inviting Employers in collaboration with Training Institutions registered with TEVETA, under the

Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Act No. 13 of 1998 and the amendment Act No. 11 of 2005, to present proposals for support through the TEVET Fund towards skills development for EBT. This financing is available to Employers and TEVET providers whose request for financing will be considered responsive to the disbursement criteria. Focus is on provision of training that meets the current market demands. Submission of Proposals Training Providers will be required to submit five (5) copies of each of the proposals in a sealed envelope. The envelope should be clearly marked with the Name of the Applicant Institution. The closing date for submission of proposals is Friday 28th May 2021 at 15:00hrs. Proposals sent by Tele-fax or email will not be accepted. Opening of proposals will immediately follow closure of the Tender Box. Applicants are welcome to witness the Opening of the Tender Box. DETAILED TERMS OF REFERENCE HAVE BEEN EMAILED TO ALL TEVETA REGISTERED INSTITUTIONS. HOWEVER, THESE MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED FROM TEVETA OFFICES AT THE ADDRESS BELOW. Please note that the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including a visit to TEVETA, are not reimbursable as a direct cost of the proposed funding. TEVETA is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted. All proposals submitted will remain the property of TEVETA. The Director General Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) Bird Cage Walk, Longacres Private Bag RW 16X LUSAKA. Tel: 253331-4; WhatsApp: +260954590783 Email: tevetfund@teveta.org.zm; cnyirenda@teveta.org.zm; hntankula@teveta.org.zm;



10 19 May, 2021

10 19 May, 2021

MAINTAIN 8.5MAINTAIN PER CENT8.5 PER CENT ABSA Group,RATE, Invest POLICY ABSA Group, Invest POLICY BOZ URGED RATE, BOZ URGED Africa partner Africa partner Absa International Chief Executive, Cheryl Buss

…to HEgrow financial services Bank of Zambia



(BoZ) should not make any revisions By BUUMBA CHIMBULU to the monetary ABSA Group and Invest Afripolicy position and ca have entered strastatutory reservesinto as adoing tegic so maycollaboration spike inflationaimed at a at supporting faster rate or the add developliquidiof business and intyment pressure in the financial vestment on the continent. market. TheMonetary strategic Policy alliance will The Comsupport the had development mittee (MPC) in its first of Africa’sonfinancial services meeting February 17, this hiked rates 50 andyear ensure growth of basis Absa points percent African which Grouptoas8.5 a leading marked the genesis the retail, corporate and of investrate menthiking bank. cycle pressured by an eminent exchangeChief rate Absa International rout. Executive, Cheryl Buss, said Thegroup MPCwas is poised today to once the deagain to announce the velop set products that drove policy growth.rate for the second quarter of this year. “As an authentically AfriSome stakeholders as can bank with a deepsuch underCaesar Cheelo, a local econostanding of the continent, mist at Equilibria Consulting we help clients build fit-forLimited predicted that purposehave solutions that drive the BoZ would notwe make growth. As such, are any deadjustments the policy lighted to betocollaborating rate. with Invest Africa. Mr Cheelo urged BoZa “Association withthe such not to revise both organisathe poliwell-established cy rateis and the statutory tion a significant partreof serves. our commitment to act as explained in continent an interaHe corridor to the view reducing upwards and that support international stimulate money companies who demand are, or for are transactions faster rate, interested at in, a conducting thereby businessincreasing in Africa,” inflation Ms Buss rate increasing it may saidwhile in a statement. addThe more pressure the new allianceoncombanking industry.

bines Absa Group’s position as experts in providing a gateway to opportunities in Africa, with Invest Africa’s well-established network, in order to promote trade and investment across the African continent. The collaboration will include a programme of initiatives such as events, podcasts and reports, focused on the growth of business and investment in Africa and the development of sustainable finance. Invest Africa Chief Executive Officer, Karen Taylor, said: “The role of the financial services sector in drivTHE Bank of Zambia ing economic development across Africa has never been more now.0.1 Aprilimportant inflationthan slowed “We are delighted to sigbe percent to 22.7 percent, able to support Group nalling peakingAbsa consumer as theindex. leading African Retail, price Corporate “Reducingand the Investment policy rate banklowering and to help organand the the reserve requirement, stimulate isation realisemay its mission to money for transacprovidedemand sustainable access tions at a faster rateAfrica.” than the to financing across rate of agriculture, food Absa Group’s focus forprothe duction and supply responscollaboration will centre on es, so that thelocal increased monfurthering financial ey demandin causes solutions Africanupward marinflationary pressures. kets, and growing the group’s “Fromposition a monetary policy market both across point of view, food shortages the Continent and globally. or low food production mean

Absa International Chief Executive, Cheryl Buss

…to grow financial services



HE Bank of Zambia (BoZ) should not make any revisions to the monetary policy position and statutory reserves as doing so may spike inflation at a faster rate or add liquidity pressure in the financial market. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) had in its first meeting on February 17, this year hiked rates 50 basis points to 8.5 percent which marked the genesis of the rate hiking cycle pressured by an eminent exchange rate rout. The MPC is today once again set to announce the policy rate for the second quarter of this year. Some stakeholders such as Caesar Cheelo, a local econothat in the agriculmistliquidity at Equilibria Consulting ture sector is in low supply. Limited have predicted that Thus, tightening the BoZ would notmonetary make any conditions increasing adjustments (by to the policy the rate.Policy rate and reserve requirements) may constrain Mr Cheelo urged the BoZ the sectorthe further notagriculture to revise both poliand cause the shortages cy rate and the statutoryand reinflation serves. to get worse,” Mr Cheelo said. He explained in an interHe indicated that inflation view that reducing upwards was high, money but stabilising at stimulate demand for those high levels 22.7 pertransactions at a faster rate, cent in April compared to thereby increasing inflation 22.8 in March meant rate percent while increasing it may that a foodonsupadd there more was pressure the ply shortage, most likely due banking industry.


THE Bank of Zambia

slowed 0.1 to April low inflation production during percent to 22.7 percent, sigCovid-19. nalling peaking Mr Cheelo said consumer from a price index.policy point of monetary “Reducing the policy rate view, food shortages or low and lowering themeant reservethat refood production quirement, may stimulate credit in the agriculture secmoney demand for transactor was in low supply. tions a faster rate than the Andatthe Kwacha Arbitrarate ofMagazine agriculture, indicated food progeur duction supply responsthat: “we and remain of the view es, so that the increased that there’s a 90 percent monlikeey demand upward lihood that thecauses policy rate will inflationary remain at 8.5pressures. percent while a “From monetary policy hike of 50 abasis points could point view, food still beofeffected withshortages 10 peror low food production mean cent probability.”

ABSA Group and Invest Africa have entered into a strategic collaboration aimed at supporting the development of business and investment on the continent. The strategic alliance will support the development of Africa’s financial services and ensure growth of Absa Group as a leading African retail, corporate and investment bank. Absa International Chief Executive, Cheryl Buss, said the group was poised to develop products that drove growth. “As an authentically African bank with a deep understanding of the continent, that in the agriculweliquidity help clients build fit-forture sector solutions is in lowthat supply. purpose drive Thus, tightening growth. As such, monetary we are deconditions increasing lighted to (by be collaborating thewith Policy rate and reserve Invest Africa. requirements) may constrain “Association with such a thewell-established agriculture sectororganisafurther and cause shortagespart andof tion is athe significant inflation to get worse,” Mras our commitment to act Cheelo said. to the continent a corridor He inflation andindicated support that international was high, butwho stabilising companies are, or at are those high levels 22.7 perinterested in, conducting cent in April compared to business in Africa,” Ms Buss 22.8 percent in March meant said in a statement. that The therenew was alliance a food supcomply shortage, most likely due

bines Absa Group’s position as experts in providing a gateway to opportunities in Africa, with Invest Africa’s well-established network, in order to promote trade and investment across the African continent. The collaboration will include a programme of initiatives such as events, podcasts and reports, focused on the growth of business and investment in Africa and the development of sustainable finance. Invest Africa Chief Executive Officer, Karen Taylor, said: “The role of the financial services sector in driving economic development across Africa has never been thanduring now. tomore lowimportant production “We are delighted to be Covid-19. able support Absa Group Mr to Cheelo said from a as the leading African Retail, monetary policy point of Corporate and Investment view, food shortages or low bankproduction and to helpmeant the organfood that credit in realise the agriculture secisation its mission to tor was in low supply. access provide sustainable And the Kwacha Arbitrato financing across Africa.” geurAbsa Magazine indicated Group’s focus for the that: “we remain of centre the view collaboration will on that there’s a 90 percent likefurthering local financial lihood that the ratemarwill solutions in policy African remain at 8.5 percent a kets, and growing thewhile group’s hike of 50position basis points market both could across still effected and withglobally. 10 perthebe Continent cent probability.”

ol together SMEs, cooperatives advised SMEs,tocooperatives pool togetheradvised to poo By BUUMBA CHIMBULU

PRODUCTS from various Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) and cooperatives need to be markets and choose which pooled totogether to meet needed be promoted for export and demand under the exports sectors that must African Continental be protected from hugeFree imTrade Area (AfCFTA). port surge. Zambiasector needs need to devise “Private to be and explore a different consulted much more atapnaproach AfCFTA level impletional andtoprovincial bementation comparison fore offering in tariff duty conto otherto trade cessions other protocols countries, suchpublic as theprivate Southern and andAfrialso can Development private to privateCommupartnernityis(SADC) Common ship cardinaland right from the Market for and beginning in Eastern implementing Southern Africa which (COMEAfCFTA protocol, has SA). launched this year,” Mr been NairThis said.is according to the Consumer Unity andAfCFTA Trust He indicated that Society opportunities (CUTS) Board offers for member, Sajeev Nair.women cross border traders, Nair to said best wayin andMr youth getthe involved was and to business, strengthen comtrade including petitiveness of domestic e-commerce. industries SMEs as Meanwhile,and Commerce, well as enhance thePermatrade Trade and Industry

nent Secretary, Mushuma Mulenga, said AfCFTA presented a huge opportunity for Zambia to increase its export earnings by tapping into themechanism larger market 54 defence inof order with the a combined tocountries benefit from free trade population of more than agreement. “Unlike SADC 1.3 COMESA billion people and Ara and Free Trade purchasing powerwas of about eas (FTAs) which small trillion. inUS$3 market size and a few Mr Mulenga saidAfCFTA this countries involved. when hethe made the of statebrought whole Afriment a consultative foca into at FTA, where you have rum this week organised large market to export. by in collaboration “AtCUTS the same time, Zambia withface Theimport Ministry of Comwill competition merce, Industry from all Trade thoseand countries for and Oxfam Zambia.and servarious products Andhe Oxfam Divices,” said inCountry an interview. rector, Dailess Judge, Mr Nair stressed that said Zamthere was need to contin-its bia needed to enhance ue engagingcapacity, with Governproductive stanment and to mobilise resources dards competitive edge sustain results-oritoand increase export earnings ented public-private by tapping into a larger and marmulti-stakeholder sector ket of AfCFTA. dialogue for change He said since Zambiaand had mutual accountability forin experience in participating AfCFTA. other FTAs, it could open up


PRODUCTS from various Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) and cooperatives need to be defence mechanism in order pooled together to meet to benefit from the free trade export demand under the agreement. “Unlike SADC African Continental Free and COMESA Free Trade ArTrade Area (AfCFTA). eas (FTAs) which was small Zambia needs to devise in market size and a few and explore a different apcountries involved. AfCFTA proach to AfCFTA implebrought the whole of Afrimentation in comparison ca into FTA, where you have to other trade protocols large market to export. such as the Southern Afri“At the same time, Zambia can Development Commuwill face import competition nity (SADC) and Common from all those countries for Market for Eastern and various products and serSouthern Africa (COMEvices,” he said in an interview. SA). Mr Nair stressed that ZamThis is according to the bia needed to enhance its Consumer Unity and Trust productive capacity, stanSociety (CUTS) Board dards and competitive edge member, Sajeev Nair. to increase export earnings Mr Nair said the best way by tapping into a larger marwas to strengthen comket of AfCFTA. petitiveness of domestic He said since Zambia had industries and SMEs as experience in participating in Commerce, Trade and Industry Permanent well as enhance the trade other FTAs, it could open up Secretary, Mushuma Mulenga

nent Secretary, Mushuma Mulenga, said AfCFTA presented a huge opportunity for Zambia to increase its export earnings by tapping into the larger market of 54 markets and choose which countries with a combined needed to be promoted for population of more than exports and sectors that must 1.3 billion people and a be protected from huge impurchasing power of about port surge. US$3 trillion. “Private sector need to be Mr Mulenga said this consulted much more at nawhen he made the statetional and provincial level bement at a consultative fofore offering tariff duty conrum this week organised cessions to other countries, by CUTS in collaboration and public private and also with The Ministry of Comprivate to private partnermerce, Trade and Industry ship is cardinal right from the and Oxfam Zambia. beginning in implementing And Oxfam Country DiAfCFTA protocol, which has rector, Dailess Judge, said been launched this year,” Mr there was need to continNair said. ue engaging with GovernHe indicated that AfCFTA ment to mobilise resources offers opportunities for and sustain results-oricross border traders, women ented public-private and and youth to get involved in multi-stakeholder sector trade and business, including dialogue for change and e-commerce. mutual accountability for Meanwhile, Commerce, Trade Commerce, and Industry Permanent AfCFTA. Trade and Industry PermaSecretary, Mushuma Mulenga


Wednesday May 19, 2021



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Establish, Establish, align and manage target align and budget and goals • manage target and Grade 12 Certificate with 5 ‘O’ with credit or betterbudg whilstwhilst ensuring effective ensuring control of costs for a range effective control of costs for in Mathematics and English. of functional of functional areas to increase cost-efficiency. areas to increase cost-efficien • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Achieve Achieve the Net income Return the for theNet Business income as Return Banking and Finance or Finance.for the Busi defined defined in the Financial Performance in the Report Financial of the Performance Repor • Not less than four (4) years of relevant experience Business. Business. at a similar level in an organisation of similar size Manage Manage the growth of activethe customergrowth Account active customer A with aof background of Relationship management. BaseBase to increase client to base. increase client base. • Corporate relationship management experience. Translate Translate strategies into actionable strategies goals and execute into actionable goals and Corporate Credit generation oraligned evaluation experience. to st • relevant relevant projects/initiatives aligned projects/initiatives to strategic objectives objectives with specific performance with measuresspecific performance me Applications, supporting documentation and CVs should and control and systems control to track progress. systems to track progress. be emailed to: recruitment@investrustbank.co.zm not later than, Thursday June 4, 2021. sales and Track, Track, control and influence control sales and service and influence activities activities with the specific aimwith to increase sales the specific aim to increas efficiencies efficiencies of the team. of the team.

Provide Provide business with ongoing business research on market with ongoing research on salessales & service to optimise & service market penetration to optimise market pene by providing by providing recommendations and managing recommendations and ma implementation implementation in terms of best practice from ain terms of best practice global global perspective. perspective.

Wednesday 19 May, 2021

IMF calls for major reforms to turn Zim’s economy around

HARARE - Zimbabwe needs a “broader reform and stabilisation agenda” to sustain an almost yearlong effort by authorities to support the local currency and lower inflation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said. The government should address pandemicrelated health and social challenges, coordinate fiscal, foreign-exchange and monetary policies, and implement structural reforms aimed at improving the business climate and curbing corruption, an IMF spokesperson said in an emailed response to questions. Zimbabwe reintroduced its own currency in 2019 after a 10-year hiatus and has been battling bouts of high inflation and shortages of everything from foreign currency to food. The local unit, which was pegged at parity to the U.S. dollar two years ago, has plunged to 84.6 against the greenback, while annual inflation stands at 194 percent. The IMF plans to hold a virtual staff visit in the first half of June, which would be a precursor to the

country’s enrollment in a staff-monitored programme. A previous program ended in February 2020, when the fund said Zimbabwe had gone “off track.” “Fund staff will discuss recent macroeconomic developments, the authorities’ efforts in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccine roll-out, economic outlook and policies and capacity development priorities,” the spokesperson said. Zimbabwe’s Treasury estimates the economy will grow 7.4 percent this year, though that’s more optimistic than the IMF’s 3.1 percent projection. Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has forecast the inflation rate will drop to 15 percent by year-end. “Fund staff take note of the authorities’ efforts to stabilize the local currency and lower inflation over the last few months,” the spokesperson said. The government has yet to provide a clear plan on how the country will expunge almost $10 billion of debt owed to multilateral lenders including the World Bank, Paris Club and African Development Bank that are crucial for it to access fresh credit lines. The solution lies in “sound policies and donor support needed to resolve the debt overhang problem,” according to the IMF. – BLOOMBERG NEWS.

Green SME financing receives additional US$20m NAIROBI African Guarantee Fund on Monday received a capital increase of Sh2.145 billion (US$20 million) from the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU) to facilitate green SME financing in Africa. The capital increase is partially financed by the Danish Government, as part of the Danish “Covid-19 Development Assistance” package. Including the additional Sh2.1 billion, the total Danish investment in AGF amounts to Sh7.7 billion. The capital increment into the African Guarantee Fund will increase the Fund’s capacity to unlock financing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Africa. SMEs in the continent have experienced a deterioration in their creditworthiness as a

result of the economic impact of Covid-19. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 2020 survey reports business closure, lack of operational cash flow and a drop in demand as the top challenges facing African SMEs as a result of the pandemic. “The initial Danish capital injection into the African Guarantee Fund not only generated economic and social impact but also helped to attract more capital from other Development Finance Institutions,” said AGF’s CEO, Jules Ngankam. “With this capital increment, our capacity to offer more green guarantees to financial institutions is enhanced and will facilitate sustainable financing for green transition in Africa,” he said – THE STANDARD, Kenya.


…Mixed outlook for fuel prices in June as oil battles the rand


OHANNESBURG - The petrol price is currently on track for a slight decline in the first week of June, while diesel prices may head higher. According to the latest price forecast, released by the Central Energy Fund, the price of petrol should decline by a cent per litre in the first week of June. But there are still two weeks left before the June price is fixed, and movements in the oil price and the rand may still have a big impact. Diesel is currently on track for a 20 cents per litre increase. A 25 cents-per-litre increase is on the cards for illuminating paraffin. In May, petrol (both 93 and

95 ULP and LRP) dropped by 9 cents per litre. This was after after a record hike of 100 cents per litre for petrol in April, which left petrol in R17/l territory. Revised fuel and road accident fund levies had also kicked in. This month, higher oil prices are putting pressure on fuel prices. "After several weeks of stability, international oil

prices have started to climb again, with a slight peak in the first week of May before a modest pullback. “Although there is still a re-balancing of global supply and demand taking place in oil markets, the current variations are starting to more closely resemble the picture we saw before the Covid-19 pandemic," the Automobile

Association (AA) said in a statement. "This suggests that normal market forces are increasingly gaining the upper hand over last year's disruptive gluts which led to astonishing sub-zero prices for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil." However, the AA notes that oil prices are still vulnerable to lockdowns caused by resurgences of Covid-19, in particular new variants of the virus. "Nothing should be taken for granted until the global vaccination drive has surpassed the threshold needed for herd immunity," says the AA. Furthermore, the rand's "surprising strength" is helping to offset the oil price gains, according to the AA. – FIN24.

Channel 95 on TopStar


JOB OPPORTUNITY MILLENNIUM TV : Zambia’s first business and financial news Television Station invites applications from suitably qualified, energetic, innovative and self motivated Zambians for Ten (10) positions of Marketing Executives. These positions are on very attractive commission rates. Responsibilities • Source TV advertising from clients • Report daily/weekly and monthly marketing activities • Assist with debt collection. • Assist with customer account reconciliation. Qualifications & Skills • Full Grade 12 certificate • Minimum of a Certificate in Sales, Marketing & Advertising or its equivalent • Solid computer skills • Experience in a similar role will be an advantage. • Ability to work with targets and tight deadlines • Ability to understand and meet clients’ advertising needs • Excellent communication and people skills HOW TO APPLY Interested applicants should send their updated Curriculum Vitae and Cover letter (stating clearly the position being applied for) by Email to millenniumtvza@gmail.com Closing date for applications is 29th May, 2021 Millennium TV Is an equal opportunity employer.


Wednesday 19, May 2021

News briefs

Tanzanian president advised to start Covid-19 jabs DAR ES SALAAM - A task force formed to review Covid-19 protocols in Tanzania has advised that the government should consider a mass vaccination programme against the pandemic. It stressed, however, that it should be optional to have the jab. The health task force, formed by President Samia Suluhu Hassan to advise the government on the best way to handle the coronavirus pandemic, has also advised the government to start making coronavirus information public. – BBC.

Uganda to share ‘secrets with Congo on Islamist rebels KAMPALA - Uganda said on Monday it had agreed with neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo to share intelligence and coordinate a new push by Kinshasa to combat Islamist rebels blamed for worsening violence in Congo’s east. The move came a week after Congolese officials said the two countries would set up an operations centre in Eastern Congo to fight the rebels, known as the Allied Democratic Forces. – REUTERS.

News Of The World

SURRENDER FUGITIVE, SA TOLD …Mozambique in new push for extradition of ex-minister

MAPUTO - Mozambique has renewed its push for the extradition from South Africa of former Finance Minister Manuel Chang, who is wanted in the US to face corruption and financial fraud charges. Chang was arrested in December 2018 in Johannesburg at the request of the US while on his way to Dubai. He signed off loans that were taken out between 2013 and 2016 which pushed Mozambique into a debt crisis in what has become known as the "tuna bond" scandal. He denies any wrongdoing.

In court papers, Mozambican Attorney General Beatriz Buchili wants a high court in Johannesburg to force South Africa to extradite Chang “without further delay.” She said “an excessively long period" had passed since November 2019 when South Africa's justice minister was told to decide whether to extradite Chang to the US or his home country. Buchili said the minister's inaction so far “has become grossly unreasonable.” Mozambique insists Chang has cases to answer in the country and should not be extradited to the US. – BBC.

China skyscraper wobbles

Nigerian politician arrested in US unemployment fraud WASHINGTON - A Nigerian politician has been arrested for

…spreads panic in downtown Shenzhen

fraudulently claiming unemployment benefits in the US by stealing the identities of more than 100 people. Abidemi Rufai - an aide to Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun state - was arrested last Friday on fraud charges of more than $350, 000 in Covid-19 unemployment benefits from the Washington State Employment Security Department, the US justice ministry said in a statement. – BBC.

The woman trailblazer set to take the reins in Samoa APIA - Samoa is set to get its first female prime minister,

marking the end of unprecedented political drama in the small Pacific island nation of 200, 000 people. On Monday, the Supreme Court finally validated Fiame Naomi Mata’afa’s shock April election win, ending weeks of political stalemate and calling off a re-run. – BBC.

| 13

The 300-metre high SEG Plaza (C) is seen Saturday 25 April, 2020 after it began to shake, in Shenzhen in China’s southern Guangdong province yesterday.

BEIJING - One of China’s tallest skyscrapers was evacuated yesterday after it began to shake, sending panicked shoppers scampering to safety in the southern city of Shenzhen. The near 300-metre high SEG Plaza inexplicably began to shake at around 13 hours, prompting an evacuation of people inside while pedestrians looked on open-mouthed from the streets outside. The building was sealed shut as of 14:40 hours, according to local media reports. Completed in 2000, the tower is home to a major electronics market as well as various offices in the downtown of one of China’s fastestgrowing cities. Emergency management officials

are investigating what caused the tower in Shenzhen’s Futian district to wobble, according to a post on the Twitter-like Weibo platform. “After checking and analysing the data of various earthquake monitoring stations across the city, there was no earthquake in Shenzhen today,” the statement said. “The cause of the shaking is being verified by various departments.” It was not immediately clear how authorities will handle a dangerous building of its scale in the heart of a city of over 12 million people. Bystander videos published by local media on Weibo showed the skyscraper shaking on its foundations as hundreds of terrified pedestrians ran away outside. – AFP.


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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC KHANJRA COMPANY LIMITED intends to apply for planning permission for a Change of Land Use from Residential to Commercial (Supermarket), at Stand No. 588 Raphael Kombe Road, Civic Centre area, Lusaka. The plots measure approximately, 1534 square meters in extent. The application may be viewed at the Office of the Town Clerk of Lusaka City Council; P. O. Box 30077, Lusaka and submissions or observations may be made to the planning authority without charge. Submissions or observations must be in writing and made within the period of 4 weeks beginning on the first date of the period for the publication of this notice being 18th May, 2021 and ending on 18th June 2021. Alex Mwansa TOWN CLERK For/ THE CITY OF LUSAKA PLANNING AUTHORITY Date of erection of site notice being 18th May 2021


PROFESSOR MWIINE LUBEMBA ON SUNDAY (Not Paramount Chief Chitimukulu)

SUNDAY NATION July 26, 2020


Lifestyle ||7VI77

FEATURES Wednesday MWINELUBEMBA Features Features May 19, 2021 DAILY

DAID Sunday Sunday


Sunday 5 July, 2020 Sunday 19Sunday July, 2020 4, August October2020 2020 9,

BUT THERE IS NOTHING FREE NAPSA SHOULD HAVE CREATED What you probably don’t ACTUALLY, MR. HICHILEMA CASTOR SEED The UN COP 22 protocol pledged US$100 billion to eco-friendly industrial solutions. There exist additional financing mechanisms under resolution 61 to 67 of the instinct takes over to look for the We can avoid immediate ered in a socialist government at 2016 UN COP that the ourreason Finance spec in their own eyes first before hunger, and22 perhaps the Minissame time in 1973, the milthe voters’ comforts. programmes such as social cash itary in Chile continued with a ter can tap into if his predecessors have This is an inbuilt human surtransfer are helpful, but they free market economic model that vival instinct taught to Christians cannot depleted alleviate poverty because attracted investments including not already our allocation. many years ago, and it comes nat-

MORE JOBS WITH US$100M… HAS NO ECONOMIC know about Gold is PLAN urgent

We must be bold enough and tell them the truth that there is nothing free. This way, everyone will work their lungs out for their personal survival, and it is this cumulative national individual effort for survival in a free market that will develop the nation. But if you tell the people the during the Covid-19 pandemic government will create smart the citizens are entitled to good era have ignored that cities or whatever nicesimple sounding luxury lifestyles or guaranteed truth too. As an engineer, I econame you give to traditional employment of their with cannot understand thechoice prevailing nomic processing zones where things willliving bethat made trade and assumption thefor government a cushy wage. commerce, immediately the psycan simplynot press “pause” I have been or heard chological mindset is evoked in on the economy throughout

people that a third force will be there to ensure their survival, and nothing will come out of those smart cities, towns or smart villages. This is how the village regrouping concept under UNIP collapsed because the human mindset is individualistic first and community second. Unfortunately, it is the same with members of Parliament before they are elected they will preach constituency and people development but immediately they are elected the psychological

…Our neglected Eco-friendly indigenous industrial crop

it is an inbred mental condition copper in production. urally. of people who give up their hardUS$100We were producing 100, 000 billion That is why, even though I was work instincts and look to strang- metric tonnes more copper, topart of the team that drafted the ers for help when these strangers day US$32m Chile produces million giving a5.4 national cas WITHF the we US$100 want tomillion, develop our Industry sector of the Zambian are also busy looking for their tonnes leaving us languishing at HE Minister of FiCOUNTDOWN to elections oil value of US$320m per year NAPSA could built Gold country tohave firstabout world status, What is important for us in ZamHAVE written a The Chinese also launched poverty alleviation programme own means survival. below 1973 output levels. T is nance, easy2021 to cheat reorganise the US. Castor seed is aoflong to the formation of ricinoleic 12, has begun. The value additio we must the time peoaAugust robust chemicals and Dr Bwalya couple of not times. Each not castor what isoil driving This is numerous tax and financial sup- bia in the late 1990s, I was sceptiThis is aabout common traitthis in soOfiscourse, whereas afterit.1973, our industrial manuduration crop taking acid, is followed by an-just ple that politicians and govbouquet includes useperceived as cal our poverty alleviation ideas cialists’ During this period, we pharmaceuticals industry, not much attention isare paid. more than a flight port measures to prop up their our and communists’ mindsocialist government system Ng’andu has infacturing structures six months planting to other reaction ernment will do things for them, would achieve their desired goals from The government takes it lightly, safe asset. And is not justina way agives starting rawitfree material Covid-19 hit are that sets where theeconomy. citizens inThey those created many jobs, increased ensured wethe have education, destined to hear many words vited those and incorporate a vigbecause aside from being a with lie, it harvesting of the seed. The sebacic acid and a bye prodbecause such a thing as poverty places are forced by the brutal free medical care, free for mealie though we now have restrictions of combating inflation invesmeant to minimise employee pharmaceutical and cosmetic contributions to its fund, and fancy phrases that are is cruel. orous import substitution alleviation cannot exist. castor seed force price 60 peruct ideas they wish included ofatlaws to trust totalalcohol. strangcoupons and so forth, the to visit some just discovered Gold tors worldwide. layoffs and keep business afloat. meal products, including bio lubrica increased our non-traditional of an African country where malicious in the way they programme with potential ers to look after them for their people of Chile endured a rough cent to 66 percent oil conThis process yields 55 permining areas. It is about opting out of a monWith decreased export revenue, in the 2021 Budget to do the pandemic period, throw varieties, biodegradable exports by morereality than US$300 they have entitlement to cheap misrepresent andin personal survival andcent comforts. period under the policies of the to And grow ouryear economy tent in 2019 season went sebacic which re-soaps, seeing how disorganised etary experiment that benefitted the Chinese have put in many acid thousands work, shutdown plastics, paints, and million every within five so. He has already been to staple foodoutorofthe citizens substitute fantasies that can But even 300 them, history has military government which en-of leaps and bounds using loup 23 percentother to US$1, the gold miningtheventures have businesses and then simply tide a few hurt us and the rest quires to and about financial measures topurification boost biodiesel amongst more than years, reduced reliance demonstrated that these people couraged the development ofus of any country I have visited win votes. Kasama last week and will 85 percent and above. The cal industrial crops. become, it would appear ZCCHthe Third World abandoning demand. per metric tonne and the over a few people with social 700 products and start-up of peasant farmers on FISP, realise much later that the strangfree enterprise and a new entrewhere they are entitled to three For instance, we areGold already IHThey have no clue about and cash into perpetual underdevelopThe entire world economy by products can be used as hold greater, faster visit all provinces before oil price fluctuates between ers they trusted have to look after preneur class.This caused unemtransfer funds. industries offering high paying uplifted many rural with dwellers per day. being bombarded allBank meals mining for Gold,on and the ment. has been put form raw materials inemployment biofuels overall future eco-friendly US$1, 600 and US$1, 800 peron some their own personal hunger alle-of ployment, a decline of real wages, he embarks compiling This notion by economic opportunities to out of poverty, reduced Yet in this life on planet earth, of Zambia are stillsocial showing Furthermore, it is not a flash in sorts of skewed media life support ofonsortthe with heaps of production andand other economic development po-zero advisors metric tonne depending as aprodconsequence, a worsenviation first before common that you can just dish rural and urban dwellers than imports of2021 cosmetics, skin the final Budget. serious interest. My advice is, the the pan tale. money plucked from thin air. And such are the things we need if literature explaining to us in ing in the standard of living of the people. ucts. tential for theproducts country. made purity. money from the social cash parking US$100m in “safe” and hair care But the thing is,suffering nobody out Horse has not asare yet all bolted. This bullclasses. market has years much money always people tends to lower andGold middle In ourtoshort they were possible to stay alive detail how we But we willtoo need add history, transfer fund to everybody and haven risk-free Real Estate bio lubricants, and numerous knows for sure what 2021 Here is the thing. I have taken left to run. In addition, both Chile and learnt the hard way that Zambiraise another problem of inflation and enjoy life to the fullest. under the bad leadership of value and produce sebacoffering other industrial consumer holds for us. Due toeco-friendCovid-19 things will be fine is not true. affected the in-to ans would not do as much for the Zambia athe pause talking about And were thatmarginal is what permutation Ibywanted fears worldwide. From the beginning of time, Patriotic Front. ic acid and the price will go Our economists have become in employment creation forofwe common gooddiscussion as they would do ternational economic goods, etc,Budget etc, etc. the 2020 was Seed thrown ly raw materials Castor oil, remind you about a crisis piece In another last year, when the from human raceYou didcannot not The other isbusiness the number of up to US$3,for 700 perown metric good. copper prices and on high detached reality. increased contributions onthis wh The NAPSA model Bamboo Fibres, and everything wrote on January 27, 2013 wetheir detailed how the threats of lower into limbo before the new year tonne. It is clear when we goldduring huntlegislate or produce itsand ownsolve food, freeborn. things we are issupposed Many Zambians oil prices, a result of the money NAPSA desperately relies on contributions fromis not very page. The story of depends Germany else because Gold urgent. Ifto just inflation raise prices.the We crude was The year 2021 UNIP socialist coun- Middles East crisis.reserves from start to manufacture sebacic it starved, or it went to war with be by price virtue of being these Theentitled castor seed at 60 recalling itsoilGold you have doubts about Gold, discussed howera, Goldin isa inflation things. survival. Zambians in employment. going to any beto an easy Budget try with some of the most fertile Chile continued to reinvest percent to internet 66 Zambian percent oil acid-based polyamides, they other beings born Zambian thatera, have the USA Vaults hadfrom just come this is the it conisnot easy. proof. So, the threat of inflation You see,human the money fromforthe NAPSA has hugeout su Without many people in the year as it will start from negaland in attractive Sub Sahara Africa nearly its reduced receiptsparked copper tent in 2019 season went “Gold up will be costlier but when wenew wrote; “The real story Just type inwith the their food. driving goldlearning price higher ap- back been given to us.sowords cash transfer fund is only ofinto money inhigher many glorified ren employment, is300 a sitting tive growth many eco- social starved tothe death that lestechnology 23 percent toNAPSA US$1, per to producersson. since behind Germany’s Gold News” into Google. pears be learned aare common valuable to the extent there are warehouses such as therecall.” Levy duck. more Zambians are Buttothey they it. crutch of copper extraction methods for nomic unknowns inoil a coronametricThe tonne and the price eco-friendlieranalysis thanthe crude WePark talked about howanchored the gold Please try itbetween before youUS$1, proceed enough even today. And while Even Soviet Union under more copper. Good roads Political talk actual “things” (goods Mall in Lusaka employed, the more contributions fluctuates virus year. works we can to read this. I want totell beitreadthat does part of the story market fossil oil-based products. Stalin andsupport Communist China Fast forward, Chilehow hasshops been 600 and US$1, 800 metric services)ifavailable forbuild those on two large and grocery an we do not NAPSA will take in. us Ifper Zambians To hear politicians that, andSimilarly, For example, how many profit from it. It is the same today. ing from thejobs, sameNAPSA page. today,Mao, what is driving yellow one under the systemsthe Zambia of Latin America’s fastest What is required is polittonne depending on purity. funds to buy. a few high-end boutiques in start losing will start shelter or houses or roads, we are all suffering under the Zambians will lose their jobs and other African copied economies recent We said then that in had If you had typed in the words(CONSULTANTING SERVICES – FIRMS SELECTION) metal is so more than that. growing ical will investment inmuch re- nations more lock to down imported clothing.Zambia losing contributors. weThe sure arewe going have no PF 2021 when have been in as should theJulycoronavirus from people there tooexperts literally characterised by a high a Precious Metals Refinery situatlast week we Friday 17, 2020 at All- world economic are decades, search and development to production, the more our stock of If the industrialisation When contributions stop, shelter or houses or roads and entitled to allOr ofyou goodies spreads? does to death thejust millions. of the foreign trade and aRefinery. repued at Ndola Copper 10.30 hours, assorts I did, probaagreeable itcrop is by not inflation level When we toanyone instartZambians growingstarved the in employment. Without will shrink, and more The NAPSA business model relies on contributions from programme, promotion of NAPSA gomanage bankrupt In castor the Soviet Union, at least many six tation forplants strong were financial instituwe suffer from thethe effects ranging from luxury first world know ifwill we are through the bly would have ended upemwith 5, “things” Both mothballed. driving gold prices higher. You ZAMBIA - shall IMPROVED RURAL CONNECTIVITY PROJECT Credit No.: P159330 crease the numbers of in Zambia at aZambians scale larger Zambian people in employment, NAPSA is a sitting duck. The more are employed, the tionslocal our livingweather standards will worsen. goods and services million people starved to death and sound policy that treated have regardless ofof its investments worst part the world ecoof bad or having no lifestyles, full employment and 100, 000, 000 results in 0.52 secThe precious metals plant have to look beyond the short ployed Zambians, especially thanlosing FISP jobs, for maize towill be astart in the 1930s, in country with given it employment the strongest more contributions NAPSA will take in. If Zambians start NAPSA losing No number of zeros added to and insovereign these in risk-free brick and mortar nomic supply chain disrupslimes, the residue from the refinonds. That is 5.1 billion results. term thinking and understand good roads. a guaranteed living wage, Assignment Title: Mid Term Review of Improved Rural Connectivity Project the increasing numbers of some of growing the most fertile land on will Bond rating in South America enable to match the contributors. those free government handout shops can be the indicator, projects. But for employees to years? cating revenue from tax re3.0 percent, but suddenly due three months. This figure ing the world economy ing process of copper cathodesa Obviously, you meal do not have the what replaced gold as money tions resulting from the coroOf course, I have been cheap mealie that would Reference No.: IRCP/C/NRFA/07 the continent of Europe, a counabling the country to significantly This oxidation method youths leaving secondary castor seed oil global conin many fields including the able raw material used in funds from thin air can change then the Levy Mallmore has Thisgo oxidation have secure jobs, all. they first submission to the ceipts, we can’t predict and to unforeseen Covid-19, wetry change when the there will bePark a much from our copper smelters. time toguaranteed read them when Richard Nix-ap-reduce navirus? toOur some some have thatmust weinhaveproduction thatUS hadPresident once been aSenate major poverty. qualifies for climate change schools universities sumption. ofcountries, raw materials, the of ministry numerous qualifies When the “things” dwindle, aexpect Castornegative Bean farming value face limited farmland drop inone overall living standards added little and have secure Minister of(GRZ) Finance isof that asproduction from to themethod nextand growth. proves another US$3 trillion ficult unwinding coming At its extraordinarily height, it produced a But if and youemployers. Googled, Ithe bet the that. onproduction abandoned the gold standard Of course, the answer to the exporter of food. In China, tens However, more than 30 perindividuals or groups people three square meals per day, The Government of Republic of Zambia has received Required Minimum Experience qualifications of (i) The under COP 22. Itanytime will volved in value chain proforthe climate change UN COP 22 no protocol Does Mr. Hichilema expect his strong support base, theThe people of Southern, North-Western and some parts of total Western Province techniques, castor oil-based derivatives no amount of Association Covid-19 Bank of addition business model has, with more thanfunding astarved few hundred by enabling higher consumer negligible economic growth int Forquestion secure employers to combined of 2021 six metric first news item you got is notpolymerisation on August 15, 1971, and how that he prepares the 2021 Budget, in alphabetical order as in Based on the first and secthat has already been apway in too… of millions of people to cent of the population is still ecolast is also no…not financing from the International Development (IDA) Consultants Firm and (ii) The key staff of the consultant who will a flawless economic funding under be an eco-friendly (greener) duction toGold feed our growth induspledged US$100 billion to andhephysical modifications which are valued chemicals continue to work hardBudgets once usher him direct inin office? Orcastor will most oftrees these people now assume it is their time eat free food? I thin tonnes ofvulnerable gold and silver. Who lets about the you most replacement isCongress. failing us now. from crude oil death which they harvest and sell spending. Zambia. flourish, they must afor secure under Mao. nomically and income must not promise anything previous 55 annual ond laws thermodynamproved by Now you know why thi inbetter the form ofprice, ahave credit the Improved Rural Connectivity Project carry out the assignment are asthey follow: by a long shot. COP 22. Itapart will be rate, infrastructure with a and cost-competitive protries, family incomes, edueco-friendly industrial soluof biopolymers. But we leave in the value chain industrial so. our and silver gobrick outare of the probably got mining-related This is a common phenominequality remains high. It is all about the loss of faith in Higher consumer spending export potential of not less than to wholesalers who consolidate The Livingstone and source of capital to make thingsare: Improve because the Edgar worldrural we roads are go- to since Independence. Wean have ics, we cannot have a negative The European Union mem- agold different world we go (IRCP) whose objectives Zambia’s eco-friendly President Lungu We saw a slight rebound. talking about the underlying strong kwacha exchange rate,theintechnicalities cess for sebacic acid produccation levels, tions. There exist additional enon. Itmoney. happens in family setLike us, therewhat have been sevto another applications. country today? news. And that isconsumption the thing. paper Or put better, it is accessibility for communities selected areas; Strengthen i. Required Minimum Experience and qualification of the means burning through our US$300m every year within five for resale to oil expelling refining mortar pleasure resort comple or provide services that other (greener) and ing into is not the world we entered an unknown new National GDP because it is not bers have been modest and into from we left behi looks at gold sample Copper prices awakened decommodity they are digging up, it but instead he encouraged tings allthe over the world, fathers government changes in Chileon etc., etc. Zambia. and acquisition ofisdurable financing undefinitely have every right At So, the on close business And I guess that what hapabout demise oftion fiat in currency institutional capacity sustainable management Firm discussion. people are“things” forced by theinstead same years isConsultants a growing global failed to inception, give irrespective cost-competitive remaining faster of can also have plants. merely adds toofNAPSA's people will desperately want leftduring behind. world. possible in to a us, dynamic eco-mechanisms spent only €8single 50bn. The Chi-eral what basis orseek inco the tour of of rural There gets little mention. spite the new waves offorto the abandon parents since December 1989 presidenthem to trick politicians Costlier technologies exist goods, among other things roads and Respond promptly andFor effectively to is Eligible Crisis All these things will continue Friday, July 17, Gold was trading pens when you are nothing but at61 the of monetary sysderrevenue resolution toheart 67families, of thethe process for sebactonese feel a sense of grievance The castor crop a natdemand and consumption politicians using the force of of whether we individually a value chain multiplier Global castor bean production of investing it in production. This collection of malinvestments buy with their savings or wages. example, our Members In previous Budgets, it was nomic system. have not been left bestream can we spin out id Rufunsa Cooperative And that is exactly where I virus and new lockdowns in abandon their children, and we tial election, when the socialist or Emergency. a) General working Experience of the firm5 years their votes with cash offers. ic acid production at in US$1, 812.70 and Silver was at easy toexplained mine open quarry forthe the that can produce high puwill and our quality to beincrease to us how we 2016 UN COPtem. 22 that our Fi-too to Zambia, East castor oil and by-products those who will becreated government institutions todown inflows produce anything ourselves, from upstream production was two million tonnes in means even “things” another town packed with And NAPSA must secure Parliament do not need possible to fewer estimate our economists hind; they about how we shall make Gold Mine processing in ofto come today…. callagainst them orhave Christian Democrats by a a major copper producing anduralofplant b) inExperience of the tax firminrevin carryingBut similar assignments5 when Zambia. US$19.74 an ounce. won Our current rest of will the Gold mining Gold isvagabonds money and itirresponhas beenacid rity sebacic directly by of life improve together nance Minister can tap into missed theworld. opportunity by byisAfrica, andtowishes India. Zambians by end-user industries for producing and being rewarded provide those things to those of highly sought after organic 2018 with strong demand the road. youths desperately struggling then the question becomes; contributions against inflation spend money in our 2 sible, but they are not. large margin and took office in come Lusaka anymore beenue collections from every developing their analytical huge amounts of their own As every nation struggles with Rufunsa on Friday. The National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) to apply part of years consuming economies. national debt stands at US$15 bilnot sophisticated industry. It We is ahave not taken advantage manufacturing several millennia. The historPolitical bribes anreached electrooxidation process withathe social indicators that his have not voting for the PF ofin 2016, and of bio-based They have merely for their 1990, but they continued This much applies tohave NAPSA pharmaceuticals, and for driven byeffort. increased organic employment below pove investing inblessed risk-free products people who do not need toalso lift why are some likepredecessors him Budget in living a world econo coronavirus, they cause theyBy can well attend the sector of the economy and models allow people forcosmetics, aifhypothetiproceeds the credit towards engagement of aas Consultancy money and poured it States in aeco-March - Picture SALIM were also with a nearlion. This is equivalent to us minpick and shovel industry and that ical account of the United developed Asahi Chemiresult from faster greatHe hisfree-market crowd toataccep already depleted our allocapoint when due to their lack ofby to support the sysof the castor plant and its meetplastics, bio-resins, bio-luwe will be promised heaven too. The managers could general goods. pharmaceuticals use, cosmetics, Thetold malinvestment for Mid Term Review of the IRCP. ii. finger Required Minimum Experience qualifications of better the key such as Real Estate. So, by been propping up their a to earn them. and his consumer officials off today that is not anyth virtual parliamentary allocate those funds toeconominis- and cal GDP to exist on negative nomic sectors they hope will HENRY/STATE HOUSE record maize harvest and our ing and selling 8.4buying million ounces dollar’s rise to cal international is danger for Zambia. and Industrial Company erthe all-inclusive economic hard work the measure world has crumtem while embracing socialist tion. political bribes in return for oil ings whichseated been shaped The the main objective of the consultancy ishas to examine and review staff of the consultant: bricants, biodiesel, coatings, on planet earth after 2021 have created many jobs in I hear you ask why and renewable chemicals NAPSA is typical unsustainab securing golden hens mies with money created from Economic fromoranyone andtonnes. not prod in their constitu- tries within a reasonable mar- than growth rates. stimulate exports. those people at the rally bled maize food security should be ofwith gold 260 metric It is in theand first half of The press is morestructures than happy before them, they give changes. Limited ofthe Japan BASF growth. the operations, and of theinproject in its Tothis produceprominence sebacic acid their votes, andtangible that once in performance huge offices amounts other bio skin and hair care, and thin air. elections. US$300m…. and I know industry growth. The castor oil every province if they invested example of Zambia’s curse ine (jobs) that lay the golden eggs Okay, agreed. There can ing anything tothe ency than be in a physgin of error, but that will not That is why every talking All these monies being creFancy talk and he is going to start getting not easy. twentieth century and challenges to talk about what “illegal” Gold intact. up their inbuilt instincts for hard With a population of 18.9 milentirety and topicked recommend appropriate actions and systems The staff of the consultancy shall at a minimum include the in Germany. We could have on should be our be least of probcountries. Our wildatvarieties in pharmaceutical applicaget the money they should n In addition to the US$23 trillion sounds too easy, outrageous, was US$1, 600 per tonne in their US$100m intalk eco-friendly over ‘financialisation’ and ove (contributions) willis:NAPSA secure their money but merely cre ical stage building MandaThe Hill be possible for 2021. point the pastthan seven months short-term economic ated were notduring Budgeted for. All the specialized fancy about a lifeChina holds Zambia 1, 945 metric so much more all of us toprice itsaand dominance the secdiggers and necessary smugglers are doing. work cannot push themlion, (population 18.33) The question What might where at this mid-term of the Project. following personnel: The produces several minerals starting lo- grow lems to and solve. The scieverywhere especially, tions, such laxatives and debt, the USmanufacturing haswe thrown more vote for them. The question 2019 up US$1, 300 inprocess 2018. agricultural “litigilisation everything” in its future survival and payments The reality ingproduction itofout ofofthin air to infin and we can make huge savSo,as how can propose or and selves to work any harder to feed continues to has crazy. been theelected pandemic It half isbasic also interesting to readmining tonnes gold in reserves and ond offrom the century cannot be Most likely even ZCCM-IH minmeasure to rescue older without suffering, means simply outcome of over the review must lead to strengthen the successful should he be to lead a happen next, the next high purity 85bebought percent calretiring raw material ence, chemistry andin availthan trillion in theinstead lasthope five waste wetlands even hand sanitisers, etc. does Mr. Hichilema expec It is followed agovernment ballpark number picked With increasing government business opportunities the economy. Zambia has bee to employees? families yes poverty in the ais, major single contributor to 94semetric tonnes inalre the But theor reality that covered aand short column. The ing might even getisaresources look inproject theirinasings For example, the US ondumps, their unnecessary stay implementation of thesince envisaged in the original plan, prepare and potentially a. US$6 Institutional /Project Expert (Team by leader) what comes next. Not thetheir reports that of people and themembers vulnerable forcing some people toDevelopment work in UPND in 2021? two percent 2020, bacic acid directly from available, but the world is able technology is simple. months at the Coronavirus crisis and riverbanks. The castor oil industry has those instances is rife. GDP with copper receipts expectparking itTransport in bricks and mortar from the Castor Oil production pressure to reduce expenditure trapped in a cyclic developme This logic from “Engineers the people of Mwansabombw Project Appraisal Document Road Planner / Economist / Development Expert last seven months in a move toT Fiat currency experiment we are owes US$23 trillion debt. tob. achieve anything based on economy. Not the Budget. creation, nowhere has the in (PAD).in Lusaka. Our civil servants of US Congress were fighting who are unable to work and be taxed to produce the tcommentary. h r e e Seriously, the basis for China 210, 000 MT, Brazilif 92, available adipic acid moving away from fossil and The story about a readily church conedprotect to exceed billion thisfall to arrest the economic downturn Remarkably to traresearch and home developed significantly induring in a Livingstone pleasure resort discussion three ago. We similar on the FISP programme, castor spiral due to its allocation itself from aover trade war Society” class 46 years ago is a Our seed inanymore today is who almost 50 years old Rufunsa artisanal miners are to work forUS$54 their living once new US$2.2 trillion CARES too can work from unknown events the Ethiopia The15, Bank of weeks Zambia (BoZ) over which side leads the vote human race been promised could have been 000 MT, 000 MT, things for other people who receiving economic benefits gregation the year providing 20 percent of govaWhen three-step process. Notthe pandemic. extractive mineral resources Generally, of workspropagation of the consultancy will encompass The attention of interested Consultants isthe drawn to paragraph ditional making from scientists Mt. huge the lastfrom 10ayears. out with thefinance USA. from and weinare reaching go-to for gold mining coverage. said Castor bean plant is soap bean isisainstructive. profitable alternative in country burdened with ±70 talent in andvote law. valid today, andthe it isscope amazingly they give him their and included a US$500bon cor and we canatmake next year from January toBank De- 12, is not the only one reacting topastor first1971 approve the additionor immunity from victimised by similar political 000 MT, Thaihave no obligation to work. ortoreverend asked them several ernment revenue. under the UPND is going tofats the taskeco-friendly of reviewing necessary documents and analysing the But since 3.14 to 3.17 ofappear the World Regulations for wild, TheCOP22 moves toParaguay have Procurement withstanding, other to guaranteed greener maanimal but using crude Makulu Research Station there has But how much Gold and Silver its limit. As is Mwinelunga Kansilele minborders and rattled our economy percent of citizens living below native to Zambia. It grows cash crop for peasant farmers Zambia should have simple: if you do not make help him get elected tofewer State rate bailout fund and expa savings there among cember 2021 that will be full of the crisis. They have quickly al US$3 trillion that will be suffering. I have been an who would like to go to heaven All over the world, there has land, 11, 000MT, Vietnam fantasies. project performance thus far and proposing in consultation IPF Borrowers (July 2016, Revised November 2017 and August It gets worse, if it is true Mr. be what we are entitled to calmed the stock market invespotential terials in their castor oilthe instead. are we getting from our fewer copper The endless credit creation hascommercialised ers today. Both pickproduction and shovel pitanddown, there was others. worry that been the the University of Zamincreasing pressure poverty. but we do notbillion commercially when grown alongside maize. people doing law India and “things,” you no “things.” ed unemployment payme many too many unknowns? thrown K10 outside House? everyone thrown intotheir thehands. USable economy. been nothing free. and stakeholders, appropriate actions where necessary for 2018) setting forth the enough World Bank’s onthan conflict of5,interest. engineer forhave 45 plant years and I 5,“Bally” 000MT, South Africa Thisraised would justify Hakainde Hichilema our tors but may not be to Policy rather what weits have processes exist.China and with theoperations. Castor for its refinery slimes today? How much the value of theasked paper mining Makes them The oil isdestroyed treated with companies would not see bia smaller already possess the techon industries to shift existharvest the bean for oil. It will give them additional Regardless NAPSA has a people doing finance…and Literally, if NAPSA does not But when the pastor are the biggest recent exenhanced project implementation. Where the project has to 36 million unemplo You see, we Already, the Minister of 2020 Budget into the economy Yes. Just like that? Or does Mr. Hichilema 000MT, Philipines 5, 000MT, read and I have travelled far hold the economy together if the working citizens to be taxed told his supporters at his worked to earn those economic discovered goldmaking reservesthings do we So, with the political will dollars making them meaningoilseed indigenous to Zameasy fodder. the end of the year. caustic soda just like in oring raw materials producwho would like to go first, nobody amples. In both countries, cutThe global market for the cashflow, effectively lift them widespread investment portfolio more people th create contributors, willconsultant not performed well, itthe will be expected to note such and A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Zambia Bonds or the K10 billion Americans due to the coro have too many Health warned and threathoping to keep small and meBut don’t forget, our cumuexpect his strong support Mozambique 3, 500MT. and wide, never have I come health crisis drags through. This Selection to pay for the rescue ofwhen the can be given many things, toof from have in all our small and medium less. Just as President Nixon failed Mwansabombwe by-election course, if you up afor future A change made by the Banktion benefitsbean on our own, then it soapraised toeven drive our import substitubiaOfisuse one amongst ourpick many dinary making but atby their hands, not backs on government control of petrochemicals them as lessons learnt project implementation. Based on Consultants Qualification (CQS) procedure in existing businesses, splashing Castor was US$1.18 from poverty utilizing farmland promote economic growth. have contributions. soft loans can magically reverse virus, plus aid to hospitals. unknowns due ened that at the rate Covid-19 dium businesses afloat and lative external and domestic base, the people of Southern Small producers export number could grow. across or heard or been to a scale mines? How much gold and toolder exchange allfor the paper newspaper, you will notice Zambia to lending for capital senior citizens. But which politicians say they raisare he asked theuntil church elders ifdollars they the economy were followed by rally that we are all entitled toseed billion tion programme with local other crops atis our disposal is trueJuly people who will nothigh as set out in World Bank Regulations 2016 revised in very toofrenewables. No doubt, the cash on athe pleasure resort 2018 and growing to temperature not suitable maize or during Zambians look to some the UNIP It is obvious it not? Youthere that impoverishment. it can Note that US$150bn toto: the But effects is mutating and propagating saveofEurope, ainfew jobs. debt over nine yearsand COSTLIER North-Western KPMG reports that the EU Japan, to China, and Silver is foroutincreased thereand being minedw would like to gothe and prepare the for gold which led last him toreason abandramatically economis news in the business section ing requirements back in April al- Industrial country on planet earth where Specific activities include but are not limited August 2018. there is absolutely no entitled, but that is only if other raw materials save that presents us with greater, good lifestyles that the PF have be producing anything will saponification which leads the Development seems waste when by 2025. drought. Withisyields around when manufacturing was high would think so and wonder twofor things: paid toWestern state Covid-19 onanda leaders in ouraagreed communities, 1,could 000 US$1.5 The billion BoZ has alsoThe createdspace from 2011 US$15bn or 0.25 but on a 5€ they 40 billion for members growth rates, liftingand millions oftog parts of Province is undiscovered by local governdon theother gold church standard backing and itpotential. is the front do sometimes lowed greater tin rattling eign exchange, seed to bankrupt the entire nation icCastor greener industry Corporation (IDC) Research equally have trebled thenets money, small increase inK5bn value not due 350 todollar 900ofkg oil hectare, valued and notAnd looked down why NAPSA depends on other …...Shift whodynamic gets ernments. earlier, world Zambians are likely to start an additional inisIOUs toand percent what the US govtheir children noper hands were their people out of poverty. package of three safety for Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint 1. Undertake an assessment of the Project Development ment? And how much is leaving the US in 1971. page, there is a lot of talk about the documents required to apply continue to work hard once crop of cultivation for its oil,today. We aretoacreate signatory to Costlier technologies by keeping the fraud free and Planning secured contributions from the to low demand but production castor is profitable than upon like With apassed dynam institutions employers The ultimate ironyhad is that the impoverished by redistributing ventureevery or a sub to enhance their qualifications. Objectives highlighting towards achieving them. US Congress economy forDevelopment us workers, dying dayconsultancy upand to the end mitigate the Covid-19 spread. ernment has created out ofSebacic businesses, memour borders undetected? While bean central Bank driven inall capital and waste-progress for funding. flexibility of EU fiscal rules to help raised? they usher him inprogramme office? Or t when used for acid thethe 2016 UN raising 2016 Climate exist that can prohandouts to able-bodied Division (I hope it exists) is thousands employed in new constraints from farmers. maize low maintenance less Made in Zambia Such is the systematic individmost recent international survey and employees on which it 2. Review progress of Project components and supporting wealth… I mean, toglobal the ber states. The nations can member interim CARES Act wo to access reasonably of August nextEU month? Small and medium businesses thin air in the last six months In our 2013 column we asked flation erodes your buying power, ful purchases of out-dated but Of course, despite the states to support health will most of these people now production, holds greater Change resolution in Marduce high purity seualism associated with poverty of free markets found the world’s people going on forever using up to speed and can verify Interested firms must submit one (1No.) original marked activities and assess overall progress in view of the industries utilise local Indian farmers, world’s expensive toits grow - Gold requires made “things” locally. desperately depends for itsequip- remaining by those the upwould to 100 question that seems relevant the US dollar price the US$480bn. digitalised Gold recovery prepare the also Asrequest you that read this, wepercent are in care pandemic “things” ripping through may respond tothethis K10bn torising bail out ailing companies systems and businesses and and assume it is their time eat fre overall national developpotential when used togethfreest market to be in Hong Kong rakesh Morocco COP22. “ORIGINAL” and four (4No.) copies marked “COPY” all accounting sealed planned miners. project closing bacic acid directly by Budget the potential this industrial whatever fantasy name to- in today: raw materials. producers for shows negligible imported inputs They did notsix import fertilise survival. additional financing from the who get to this free money welast that dull? the decaying confidence ment to artisanal There date world, the tiniest, riskiest sector tolargest maintain employment during InAre the months 2021 our fifth day since cash intervention and may affected by theer coronavirus… ment. - infood? aby-prodcountry still ruled bycoal, com-alo in Recently, one envelope. TheWednesday, Expressions of 85 Interest mustofbe deposited a policies detailed assessment of the results framework I think so. with numerous This is3. aUndertake follow up to theand crop holds. anfirst… electrooxidation justify any suchthese free handouts weinitiatives discussed how percent world castor bean hardly attacked by pests. they made them from But even economic EU budget for dealing the US greenbacks. is money flowing in thick of the Zambian market is, for lack the crisis. EU state aid rules have and………Delay the stdo the unemployed in thethe without too July 22, when the warning was save jobs, but we not know please keep figures… Even the men and women of from munists! in the Tender Box situated at the NRFA Offices, on the 1 and monitoring using the key performance indicators Floor Seriously, if the ucts derived the NitroParis Agreement of October The with IDC willPerhaps also Monday discovNAPSA invested US$10m wore Chitenge from local cotto developed except inistime of in disaster Best wishes, the impact ofwe thehave Covid-19 AsIfwill Gold approaching its allfast into Artisan gold an miners right process of athe better word,performance flying. been relaxed sohours that governments st been have received cheques wo many unseen issued. for sure. And we do not know they may come handy as we God serve their individual But the Chinese communists not later than 31 4. Undertake assessment of financial of May 2021 at 10:00 Local basis for receiving gen ofRuining Zambia 6, 2016. theSafari economy we already have re- days, ingoeach created outbed sui Just asheets, thought, time highsprovince, of 2011, theChemicals interest now. provide additional And allChemithese are hot especialtopicser forthatoutbreak. management assistance to thehave by Asahi first. The pastor who at least learned thefashion hard way the project Zambian Time Interested firmsnot may can obtain further information atenoughself-interests more than US$3, 200 (K errors lucky these past five how muchbenefits money isliquidity on. gasification process. economic Our Zambian scientist are There should bebanana nomore. need search and industry technoSincerely., invulnerable. the yellow metal will increase. toto the economy. As the our cal the papers. Yetlywhen it base comes The EU has alsoduring applied fullhours grower schemes encouraged up tea, coffee, and anoints you and other church too, set a600) lesson that most Zambian the address below office 08:00 to 17:00. 5. coronavirus Assess the reached effectiveness of the implementation structure and Industrial each maybe if we it 5, 000 but a negligible number mitigate Covid-19. I want to emphasise. We are When these politicians products are aware ofand the co-ordination strong push,between under is to ruinforget the entire economy, to with miracle with nice sounding logical knowhow to Covid-19 handle so far. beneficiary and villagers to grow high oilwater yielding made Furncoz wooden furnitu Company Limited of same not similar intervent onagencies the old have died of And the the UPND other takeaway? Wemembers not talking about after manycampaign considered wethe worldwide, to reduce conandvarieties oil cannot volunteer to go to50,together, promises of a good life Ministries The Director/CEO the oilseed from farmers, preserve illusions created going to be what we targeted to harvest from local pine tree plantation National economic facts Japan with BASF in packages have been going f o r - National But such oneAgency of the rea- alreadyRegardless discussed NAPSA it last Sun-heaven years. trillion, firstThis to per goUS$6 and prepare a and without corresponding hard work RoadisFund start to per realise the greatest sumption of fossil fuel rehave you young indusby politicians’ words lik 000 tonnes province assembled cars, trucks and entitled to rather But is shocking that Mr China,to. intoxic Europe, and mand a t wesons encounter failure are day. 850bn euros plus undisclosed good spotitfor you or members of seemin oblivious Plot 33, Fairley Road, Off Government Road The in assignment is expectedGermany. to commence by July/August has a widespread strategic potential Zambia sources the production trial plant designers and year for a total of 500, 000 tonnes buses etc, etc. the PFs social cash transfer than what we have ourascountry too.last week, with master’s o f when rely on statistical And investment that is Gold.portfolio It is goinghisHichilema Chinese Yuan will enter congregation healoves. Such is themanufacturJust we warned PO Boxyou 50695 2021 and is expected As to take 12 weeks. The consultant will holds to start of polymeric materials. experts every year, with an average You this Zamis But programme orthink whatever selfish human instinct. must bewould careful with this LUSAKA be required to plan and implement all activities within this time Its mind boggling. aproduction l - models that capable are based on hy- worked to have to a earn greatthose time in thisinborn world economywe degree in financial Business ing numerous other chemsuch,frame. we will benefit if we in existing businesses, of producing various derivcastor bean oil content of 40 obvious for industrialisation, Going forward after this elecbia we want of a good life without entitlement fantasy names ZAMBIA it crossed your mind howtha lo- pothetical assumptions in dy- economic new worldbenefits we have on entered. within seven months. Administration (MBA) is icalswhy starting materials start today to embrace and splashing the cash tion, ative products to feed auxilwe must we raw working hardallfor it. Itwant will lead us percent, this answer quantity castor economic development, and the UPND may to give when this money will namic systems such as public Here is why. It is unprecedented. Equally oblivious to these national our own, then it is true that000 can thentobe used in failed baseThe our NRFA futurenow industry raw lagged behind other countries ato repeatedly past in the Tel:and +260-211-253145/2535660/250823 invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) nological know-how and ca- iary local export indusbean will yield 200, tonnes employment to thrive, not so? on a pleasure resort free handouts should they paid back? health virus pandemics and it Gold will always appreciate so, are future central bank aceconomic facts. people who will not be DAILY like Chile in copper production 20th century when we followed E-mail: nrfa@zamnet.zm, roadfund@nrfa.org.zm, to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested other NAPSA industrial material demands on a new pacity to produce high-qual- tries and other end users. of oil. in these numerous core businessparty is base seems a waste when become the political is a good example of what and go up in price when you tions countries. And IfA he wereinnot, he could not and Singapore economic decharismatic leaders who led us kombe@nrfa.zm Consultants provideityinformation anything processes to manufacture a generation of should renewable, oil yieldingdemonstrating castor seeds that Global castor seedexpect out- when we producing NAPSA-ZCF partnership on from employe they could elected in 2021.into ….contributions continued, we should see companies andequally economiesvelopment. they sayThese therecountries will berange no limits were many countries unprecthey havepolymeric the required qualifications and relevant experience to have excitedly asked those wide of and everyday use will definitely have eco-friendly mavarieties from naturally put 2018/19 season was 1,2 for castor bean farming and oil Zambians. at par with us at independence. edented catastrophes. perform the Services. Website: www.nrfa.org.zm Just a thought, Mr. Hichilema claims to ha attempt to Budget in a have trebled the on every continent of planet to what they will do to support people in Mwansabombwe if consumer products. terials. every right to feel a growing local wild varieties million metric similar tonnes and expelling cooperatives is considideal. Ifaitthought, does not create more Despite a military government Just but dynamic earth are being propped up they theirwere economies. But aSincerely, sound economic plan for secured hungry or eaten or Of course, classical poly- to suit Zambian conditions. India currently accounts forsystem. Itercan use existing ZCF’s ±2000 industries for more employees sense ofmoney, grievance over inin Chile while we ushSincerely. *Next Sunday: We have economic with easy paper money cre-taking this, 2019 the nominal





US$15 billion

All the fancy

When contributions talk about a life stop, NAPSA will go without suffering, bankrupt regardless means simply of its investments forcing some in risk-free brick and people to work mortar and beprojects. taxed to But for employees produce the things to secure jobs, forhave other people they whomust havehave no secure employers. obligation to work.

At the close of business on Friday, July 17, Gold was trading at US$1, 812.70 and Silver was at US$19.74 an ounce. _____________________

Our current national debt stands at US$15 billion. This is equivalent to us mining and selling 8.4 million ounces of gold or 260 metric tonnes. It is not easy.

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One of the reasons why we are livin� in a��e�t �overty i� that the a��et� on whi�h we ��ent o�r li�etime ��n�in�� when we were

Zambia but it appears he ha


Ms Kapata

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Take care of Catholic priests - Lungu

teams maintained a 100 percent winning run after the first two games. In other mid-week fixtures, Lusaka Dynamos came from a goal down to force a 1-1 stalemate with Napsa Stars at Sunset Stadium while Nkana and Lumwana Radiants were involved in a goalless draw at “Chilata” Stadium in Kitwe. At Edwin Imboela Stadium in Lusaka, Kabwe Warriors punished the Zambia Police sponsored Nkwazi FC 2-1 thanks to goals from Eric Kabu-

the season after they beat Nkana 2-0 on match day one. The win propelled the Tenant Chilumba-drilled to the summit of the 18team Super Division table with six points as they await Lusaka Dynamos’ visit at the weekend. Meanwhile, Green Eagles punished Zanaco 1-0 at Independence Stadium in Choma thanks to a first half goal from Anos Tembo. The win also propelled Eagles to six points on par with Rangers as the two



Recapitilise TAZARA urgently, pleads union

BADLY managed privatisation has led to the death and destitution of many pensioners while making a few very rich, time has come to redress the situation, a pensioner has said.

‘Commission of inquiry justified’ P3


UMAMBA N u m b a’s search for his first M T N / FA Z Super Division title as Zesco United coach suffered another setback after the Ndola giants were stunned 1-0 by rivals Forest Rangers in yesterday’s local derby at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium. Zikiru Adams 27th minute goal gave Rangers their second win of

…as new CAF Finance Committee vice president By MICHAEL MIYOBA

Price K10


...utilise military resour implement a ‘Marshall P SHUTDOWN NOTICE

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Wol lo and Dominic ChanC da while Steve Mutama Ban scored the only goal for hat Nkwazi. whi At Indeni sports comChi a g plex, 10-man Green Bufdrill faloes and Indeni FC reB corded a scoreless draw nes while veteran striker dea James Chamanga scored Za the only goal to help Red T Arrows beat Kitwe United Gre 1-0 at Nkoloma Stadium. the min At President Stadium in Pris Kabwe, Prison Leopards min held Power Dynamos 0-0 By AARON Y as Young Green Eagles THERE her is held Buildcon 1-1 at Khosco sa Stadium in Kafue. marshall pl reserves b losing milli ing and ex resource, a ward Simu Mr Simu ciplined Za Service (ZN thousands youth cadet to defend n should be e illegal mine funded by f


Monday October 5, 202

RANGERS STUN ZESCO Vol. 6. Issue 2727

Thursday November 5, 2020

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CAF PICKS KAMANGA HE Confederation of African Football has announced a new team that will lead the work of CAF in the standing committees with FAZ president Andrew Kamanga appointed as vice president of the Finance Committee. According to a statement by the continental soccer governing body, Kamanga will deputise Fouzi Lekjaa, president of FRMF (Moroccan Football Federation) and FIFA Council member. The appointments follows a proposal by CAF president Patrice Motsepe to then CAF Emergency Committee, who, in turn, forwarded the names to the Executive Committee for


ratifications. “Fouzi Lekjaa continues his mission at the head of the Finance Committee. The decision was approved at the previous Exco Meeting. M Lekjaa, President of FRMF (Moroccan Football Federation) and FIFA Council member, will be assisted by Andrew Kamanga, President of FAZ (Football Association of Zambia), as the vice president. “The decision was approved at the previous Exco Meeting. M Lekjaa, President of FRMF (Moroccan Football Federation) and FIFA Council member, will be assisted by Mr. Andrew Kamanga, President of FAZ (Football Association of Zambia), as the vice president,” reads a statement posted on the CAF website. CAF’s flagship competition is also getting a new

management with Motsepe leading the committee with the assistance of two vice-presidents: Augustin Emmanuel Senghor, president of the Senegalese Football Federation, and Amaju Melvin Pinnick, president of the Nigerian Football Federation. Meanwhile, after suffering a 2-1 defeat to Lusaka Dynamos on Sunday, relegation bound Nkana FC will today seek redemption when they host Napsa Stars at Nkana Stadium in Kitwe while Green Eagles will face Indeni as Kitwe United take on Lusaka Dynamos at Garden Park Stadium in Kitwe.


Makembo outSunday of hospital Wina aids FAZ raise K730, 000 December 20, 2020

Wina also hailed corporate bodies for coming to the aid of the Copper Queens, who are Africa’s VICE President Inonge Wina AFTER spending over a month at St Johns Paul sole representatives at the Tokyo yesterday helped the Football Orthopaedic Mission Hospital where he underwent Olympics. Association of Zambia raise a successful spinal surgery, Zambia Sports Fans Wina is confident that with her over K730, 000 in pledges from Association (ZASPOFA) patron Peter Makembo has been support, the committee tasked corporate bodies and individuals discharged. to raise US$2m will meet the to go towards support for the Makembo who has been diagnosed with a chronic budget for the Copper Queens to Copper Queens ahead of the inflammatory disorder affecting his right hand and his spine prepare for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games slated and needed more than K90, 000 for a surgery said he was and represent not only Zambia for July 2021. happy that he would finally be going home. but Africa as a whole. She also Speaking at Government House He noted that despite receiving the best care at the hospital, haled FAZ for spearheading the in Lusaka, Wina encouraged he was looking forward to go back home where he would fundraising initiative as she pledged corporate entities to partner with continue the healing process. Makembo hailed the doctors www.dailynation.info editor@dailynation.info https://www.facebook.com/dailynationews https://twitter.com/dailynationzm Government’s support to the Copper FAZ and become sponsors of at the hospital for facilitating a successful surgery which he Queens’ before and after the football leagues that have now been said protected him from being confined to a wheelchair which Olympic Games. established across the country. would have restricted his movements.


Leopards maul Buildcon


team as they beat Indeni 1-0 in Ndola. Stuttering Green Bufaloes and Forest Rangers shared the spoils in their fixture played at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka By MUKWIMA CHILALA with Chipili Mungule scoring for Buffaloes while Quadri PRISON Leopards have Kolatwas scored for Rangers maintained their top four 10th May 2021 in their 1-1 tie.. Instrumental midfielder Fathi said he was confi- from what we have done in position following a 1-0 win Red Arrows are back to windent that his team would the first round of continen- Danny Silavwe will be sideover Buildcon in their week ning ways following their 2-0 replicate their form of the tal games and our three last lined for the next ten days 11 fixture played in Kabwe win over Young Green Eagles last two games in the pre- continental games in which after having been injured in yesterday. in the second double header liminary round in which our players have shown their 1-0 win against Green Prior to the game, Leopards played at Nkoloma Stadium. Buffaloes in the domestic they saw off FC Ngazi of Co- character," Fathi said. were on fourth place and have By MUKWIMA CHILALA Paul Katema opened the moros. We will put our game league last week. since moved to third place on scores in the third minute Silavwe has been instruscored nine goals against Power behind us, theThe SuperZambia DivisionNational league. Farmers Union (ZNFU) NAPSA Starsand head coachareasNAPSA maize and that logistically, the 1.5 million tonnes private sector can capture niche export market metric ton per hectare in other like while Felix Bulaya completed mentalsurplus in NAPSA's all together in the prelimi- before the concentration in camp David Obash wasthe the farmers difMohamed Fathi is confiwill last not three vanish from Zambia overnight. opportunities the domestic market Mpongwe, yields as high as 9.5 metric tons per congratulates countrywide for the rout in the 82 minute to games scoring a brace in the naryround, gets defeating their and is very high so we areShould full of we ference for the two sides dent that his team will consaturated prices crash. hectare have been recorded. attaining a national yieldasof 3,620,244 metric tons hand Arrows victory. first leg preliminary fixture on aggregate. confidence and our players hisof ninth minute strike was Our call is that the export program must be allow this to happen, then all the gains will be maize compared to all 3.4 million metric tonnes tinue with their fine form in opponents 9-2 againststrategically Ngazi away implemented in CoFathi is optimistic are will scoring, Mayuka scored, Leopards needed more to the benefit of reversedhis as infarmers end up with poor prices, We followedthewith keen interest theasstatement recorded in to theadd2019/2020 farming season. Confederation Cup SCORE BOARD: moros.all private sector players that is, the farmers, formonplayers Emmanuel Laudt Jacobseason scored will become discontent andscored, the future by the Honourable Minister ofofAgriculture woes to Buidlcon side.metric tons of soya beans was Further, 411,115 they host UD Songo MoGreen Buffaloes makingand theirthe traders. The Union is Mayuka, Jacob and as so farmers everything on the right the are millers, beNgulube catastrophic willis abandon maize NAPSA the Crop Forecast foron theTuesday. 2020/2021 marketing produced compared to 296,686 metric tonnes1-1 in Forest In other fixtures, Lusaka zambique debut of participation in the Timothy Otieno wouldWe contrack. a consented view that grain and mealie growing. appeal to Government to allow the season, especially to determinearrive the marketing the previous season which Rangers translates to a 67% Dynamos recently signed The Mozambican Indeni Lusaka Dynamos competition a winshould over scoringexport going into themillionAnd Fathi is hopeful that or meal with exports be pursued in parallel of 1.5 tons of maize as grain aspects forinthe announced huge crop.tinueOn increase.Collins This is Sikombe an indication that 0-1 farmers have midfielder the country today ahead Prison Leopards 1-0 Buildcon two legs against Songo guarfirst round of the competihis injury because sidelinedthe playimmediately and even the MOU with DRC was mealie meal immediately export exports, it of was highlighted that the country now embraced contined with his soya fine beans form as a commercial crop the first leg first round Red Arrows 2-0 Young them progression tion.will ers,Tapson Kaseba and Bon- anteeing structured in this manner. destination will determine what is desired. has attainedfixture a maize exports keyas crop the diversification agenda. The Green for and his aside hisingoal was to besurplus played and at the Eagles "We are trying to push well Mwape could be back to the second round of the not be denied butStadium will be on through goodtonews is that soyabeans supports poultry enough seal the win for his Heroes Tuesdaythe millers It is worth noting that the policy to deliberately Government also revoke the Statutory who will in afternoon. turn create a market for farmers, production, edible oil production and there is competition. from the same momentumshould to full action in January. encourage mealie meal exports ONLY will not Instrument (SI) that deters maize export by then 80,000 metric tonnes of the grain will be demand for it in the export market. strike maximum benefits for the grain industry slapping a 10% export tax on maize grain exported through the World Food Programme nor the country. This is primarily because of not exports. Winding back, when the Ministry of and arrangements will be put in place for the In general, from the fifteen commodities reported only the limited capacity to mill all the grain but Finance introduced this tax, it was stated by the early maize which will be grown next season for through the crop forecast only five commodities also because the incentive to buy maize will now then Minister of Finance, Honourable Mutati and export. recorded a decline in production. Therefore, only be from one stakeholder, the miller, leaving the former Minister of Agriculture Honourable overall trends of the crop forecast revealed the grain traders with no option but to participate Dora Siliya that when national harvest exceeds Our instant take on this marketing strategy is progress as production went up for most in grain purchases in a low-key manner for 2.2 million metric tons, the 10% export tax that the country will not tap into the regional commodities but also there was an increase in this marketing season as they will have to sell would automatically be removed. We, therefore, markets in an optimal way because we are not area under cultivation which demonstrates that the maize to the millers or WFP. We have an appeal to the Honourable Minister of Finance sending a signal that we are open for maize there is an increased uptake in crop farming in opportunity to make an indelible mark on exports and the Minister of Agriculture to act swiftly and export business and we cannot understand why. the country generally. in the region but if not well harnessed, this will remove the 10% export tax now that the country Zambia should be alive to the fact that the region not happen and farmers who have shown that has produced 3.6 million tonnes. This will make has had a good crop overall and the country has Having attained such milestones, our take is that they are able to produce will be discouraged the maize grain become attractive to trade in a huge surplus of 1.5 million tonnes. the progress we have made MUST be sustained. because of the poor prices that will arise. the region and help us avoid oversupply on the One cardinal factor towards safeguarding future domestic market. The ZNFU appeals to Government to address production is by ensuring that the right market In a nutshell, the Union is pleased with the this anomaly with urgency because the country incentives are in place to guarantee farmers get farmers efforts in engaging in producing the The Union recognizes that value addition should be engaging in a massive export drive to fair prices that will enable them to participate in staple food. BUT we are disappointed by the is important to improving foreign exchange sell the surplus immediately. This should include the next farming season. latest twist in the policy announced by the earnings of a particular commodity, however, inviting the Democratic Republic of Congo to Minister of Agriculture on the maize exports there is a compelling case in favour of export come and source their 600,000 metric tonnes of To most of us in the farming sector, the progress because this certainly has no blessings of of grain as certain export markets demand for maize and mealie meal officially as agreed under achieved on maize production does not surprise the farmers who will be short-changed in the it. Why compel farmers to export through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) us because it is well-documented and a known process because the prospects of getting a fair a mono channel by only selling to millers signed between Zambia and the Democratic fact that Zambia should be the hub of grain national declaredSuch Mpondela didate at the discretion if thein form of mealie meal only? In price through a mono channel of exporting will to export Republic of Congo. an announcement production in the region. This is because the By MUKWIMA CHILALA wouldthe winner executive flowingtheconsultanot be there. past, we have exported limited quantities end the smuggling immediately. soils are well suited and the yields capable becauseOne of such conditions.This policy stance The elective general meet- tions with stakeholders. of being attained in this country are next to Jervis Zimba should be revisited because we should be arrangements crop none. Recently in Mpika at the National Lfield ing was with no drama for as thisofhuge the members to the meetI A The S marketing ZNFU PRESIDENT mindful that Zambia is not the only source of policy decisions ing so that thea motion Day a small-scale farmer was harvestingMatp o 7 n d e will a grouptimely led by controvesial moved to disl a require has been former Olympians Jonathan qualify the former 400 metres Chipalo and Carol Mokola World champion Matete from


Zambia National Farmers Union



MPONDELA IS ZA SUPREMO …as he edges celebrated Olympian Matete in two-man contest

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