Dar Life June 2022 Issue

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BONGOYO BONGOYO ISLAND ISLAND One things to Oneofofthe themost most entertaining things doto in EsEsSalaam swimin in do Dar in Dar Salaam is swim thethe beautiful IndianOcean. Ocean. beautifulwarm warm tropical Indian Bongoyo off the the BongoyoIsland Islandisisaasmall small island off coast fantasticday day coastofofDar Darthat that makes makes aa fantastic trip snorkeling tripofoflazying lazyingon onthe the beach, snorkeling and dining onon fresh and dining freshfried friedfish fishand andchips. chips. Since a marine reserve Since becoming a marine reserve a afew ago,fees fees have severely few years ago, have severely increased, worthit.it.Get Get increased,but butit’s it’s still worth to to the island by taking a boat from the island by taking a boat from TheThe Slipway shopping center. Slipway shopping center. TINGATINGA ART CENTER TINGATINGA ART CENTER Tanzanian’s longbeen been famous Tanzanian’s have have long famous around fortheir their artwork. aroundAfrica Africa for artwork. The The modern movementof Tingatinga of Tingatinga modern movement painting is one one favorite of painting is favorite styles styles of Tanzanian art. An artistic Tanzanian art. An artisticmovement movementthat began with Edward Said Tingatinga, the that began with Edward Said style is characterized by extremely Tingatinga, the style is characterized by bright oilbright colors and cartoon extremely oil colors and cartoon imaginative figures. imaginative figures.The TheTingatinga Tingatinga center and artistic artistic centerisisaarainbow rainbow of of color color and inspiration. inspiration.You Youcan canbrowse browsearound around and and buy anything you buy anything yousee!. see! 30

Dar Life I JULY 2022

DAR DAR Da Dar r EEs s S Salaam alaam is is the themain main that citcity y th at most most visitors visitorswill will and enencounter counter an d the the arrival arrival popoint int forfor momost st visitvisitors ors off off WKHLU LQWHUQDWLRQDO ÁLJKW WKHLU LQWHUQDWLRQDO ÁLJKW DaEs r EsSalaam Salaamisisalso alsothe the Dar neanearest rest localocation tion to thetosa fari the circucircuits its in theinSthe outhSouth safari oof f ththe e ccountry, ountry, asaswe ll asas well EHLQJ QH[W GRRU WR =DQ]LEDU EHLQJ QH[W GRRU WR =DQ]LEDU ,Q WKH 1RUWK RI 7DQ]DQLD the ,Q WKH 1RUWK RI 7DQ]DQLD farthe morfar e ru ral torural wn oftown Arushof a more is the stis artthe poistart nt forpoint most for Arusha most the safasafaris ris to thto eN orthNorth of of WKH FRXQWU\ WKH FRXQWU\

COCOBEACH BEACHON ONTHE THEWEEKENDS WEEKENDS COCO Coco also known known as asOyster OysterBay, Bay, Coco Beach, Beach, also isis aa stretch stretchofof beach located on the beach located on the Msasani ofDar DarEsEsSalaam. Salaam. If Msasani Peninsula Peninsula of you lookingforfor things to If youare are looking fun fun things to do head over over to to Coco do in in Dar Dar Es Es Salaam, Salaam, head Beach on theon weekend when when it’s packed Coco Beach the weekend it’s full of local There are plenty packed full Tanzanians. of local Tanzanians. There of street food snacks and sometimes are plenty of street food snacks and live music. The also area a place sometimes liveopen music.area Theisopen where concerts and parties is also afrequent place where frequent concerts take check the city events and place parties– take place – check the guide. city Swimming is not really recommended events guide. Swimming is not really at Coco Beach, at though some choose recommended Coco Beach, thoughto wade the water. somein choose to wade in the water. MONUMENT ASKARI ASKARI MONUMENT One the most mostwell wellknown known historical One of of the historical VWDWXHV RI VLJQLƓFDQFH LQ 'DU (V 6DODDP statues of significance in Dar Es Salaam isisAskari Askari Monument. Monument. Depicting Depicting aa soldier with his with bayonet pointing to the harbor, soldier his bayonet pointing to the the monument is a reminder of of the harbor, the monument is a reminder soldiers that fought as the Carrier Corps the soldiers that fought as the Carrier in World War I. The cast bronze Askari Corps in World War I. The cast bronze Monument is supposedly located in the Askari Monument is supposedly precise center of Dar, located in the precise center of Dar,

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