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The standard of care is to intervene within 90 minutes. When a patient presents to Surrey Memorial with a heart attack, transferring them to a better-equipped hospital delays intervention which could have deadly consequences.”

The NDP government promised a full-fledged hospital with specialized care facilities and at least 300 beds with additional room to expand. So, what it’s delivering is not a hospital but an election gimmick.”

80% of patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital do not need critical or specialized care.”

Surrey Getting The of the Stick Short End

DARPAN TRAVEL The Best Retreats to Rejuvenate in Canada DARPAN DECOR 10 Ways to rock the Maximalism Decor Style MAY | JUNE 2023
- Dr. Randeep Gill Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for Surrey Hospitals Foundation
“ COVER STORY A Night to Remember GALA 2023
- Harjinder Thind Prime Time Talk Show Host at 93.1 & 89.1 RED FM Vancouver
Small steps make MIGHTY STRIDES RacefortheKidsBC.ca Sunday June 11









Hello DARPAN readers,

We hope you are enjoying the gorgeous sunny weather as we bring you DARPAN’s May/June issue, brimming with a captivating mix of lighthearted and thought-provoking stories that demand our community’s attention. Whether you’re looking for fun or seeking to delve into more serious and topical issues, this edition has something for everyone. So, sit back, soak up the sunshine, and enjoy this exciting new issue!’

Our cover story focuses on and digs into Surrey’s lack of healthcare infrastructure that has left hospitals under-equipped to take care of its increasing population. Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for Surrey Hospitals Foundation, Dr. Randeep Gill, sheds light on what the city needs versus what it’s getting from the current NDP government as we learn more about how Surrey Memorial Hospital or any other hospital south of the Fraser River is ill-equipped to treat

three leading causes of death in the region: heart attack, stroke and trauma, while the hospital’s maternity and pediatric departments are bursting at seams. It further discusses the proposed new Surrey Hospital, which falls short of addressing Surrey’s hospital needs and the stark difference in the existing and upcoming infrastructure between the north and south of the Fraser River.

Our Salutes section tells the story of Triveni Acharya, the renowned activist fighting human trafficking in India. Another change-maker we spotlight is Nisha Pahuja, the documentary film-maker whose latest film, “To Kill a Tiger,” zeroes in on a father’s pursuit for justice when his 13-year-old daughter is gang-raped in a small town in Jharkhand India.

For a dose of fun & vibrancy, do check out our feature on summer trends under DARPAN Fashion and Abhinav Mishra’s Dilbar & Tara Sitara collection celebrating love and joy in DARPAN Style. Finally, we bring you some of the best wellness retreats across Canada for the travel bug in you.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. We look forward to your continuous support and feedback.



Gurvinder S. Hundal

Ramneek S. Dhillon


Monica Sethi


Ish Sharma


Jaskaran Singh


Gurvinder S. Hundal

Ramneek S. Dhillon

Gaurav Bhutani


Benjamin Yong

Ish Sharma

Jorge Castillo

Michele Marko

Monica Sethi

Mrinalini Sundar

Naina Grewal

Shweta Kulkarni


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DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 4 DARPAN Magazine is
MAY | JUNE 2023
a bi-monthly magazine.
PHOTOGRAPHY Cover: A Master Media Fahad Photo Silverster Law PUBLISHERS̓ NOTE Surrey Getting The of the Stick Short End DARPAN TRAVEL The Best Retreats to Rejuvenate in Canada DARPAN DECOR 10 Ways to rock the Maximalism Decor Style MAY JUNE 2023 REFLECTING THE SOUTH ASIAN LIFESTYLE The standard of care is to intervene within 90 minutes. When a patient presents to Surrey Memorial with a heart attack, transferring them to a better-equipped hospital delays intervention which could have deadly consequences.” - Dr. Randeep Gill Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for Surrey Hospitals Foundation “ 80% of patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital do not need critical or specialized care.” - Adrian Dix Health Minister, BC “ The NDP government promised a full-fledged hospital with specialized care facilities and at least 300 beds with additional room to expand. So, what it’s delivering is not a hospital but an election gimmick.” - Harjinder Thind Prime Time Talk Show Host at 93.1 & 89.1 RED FM Vancouver “ COVER STORY A Night to Remember GALA 2023
3211 152 ST. UNIT 205, SURREY, BC V3S 3M1
* Conditions Apply. Rates can be changed without further notice.
Ramneek S. Dhillon Gurvinder S. Hundal
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LIFESTYLE MAY - JUNE CONTENTS 2023 8 READER’S REACTION 10 DARPAN’S 10 Charlotte Wadell IN EVERY ISSUE BUSINESS PROFILES 80 DARPAN RECIPES Chef Kishore Rangan 84 DARPAN MOVIES 88 DARPAN STYLE Dilbar & Tara Sitara 98 DARPAN WEDDINGS 102 DARPAN AUTO REVIEWS 114 CANADIAN IMMIGRANTS Meet the Bhayana family 16 NEXT STOP: GRADUATION 42 DARPAN FITNESS The intent of Power & Attention 46 GLOBAL INDIANS Monica Singh 48 THE INTEREST FACTOR: WHAT’S IN STORE FOR THE REAL ESTATE MARKET? 54 DARPAN POWER WOMEN OF INFLUENCE 2023 64 DARPAN BEAUTY What’s your Cover? 68 DARPAN DECOR 10 Ways to rock the Maximalism Decor Style 72 DARPAN CRUISER 74 DARPAN TRAVEL The Best Retreats to Rejuvenate in Canada 76 DARPAN FASHION Make a statement with your Summer Style 78 THE SOUTH SUPREMACY How South Indian movies are DARPAN SPOTLIGHT 14 Jeevan Singh Badwal 20 Harpo Mander 24 Nisha Pahuja DARPAN SALUTES 60 Triveni Acharya Surrey Getting The of the Stick Short End DARPAN TRAVEL The Best Retreats to Rejuvenate in Canada DARPAN DECOR 10 Ways to rock the Maximalism Decor Style MAY JUNE 2023 REFLECTING THE SOUTH ASIAN LIFESTYLE The standard of care is to intervene within 90 minutes. When a patient presents to Surrey Memorial with a heart attack, transferring them to a better-equipped hospital delays intervention which could have deadly consequences.” - Dr. Randeep Gill Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for Surrey Hospitals Foundation “ 80% of patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital do not need critical or specialized care.” - Adrian Dix Health Minister, BC “ The NDP government promised a full-fledged hospital with specialized care facilities and at least 300 beds with additional room to expand. So, what it’s delivering is not a hospital but an election gimmick.” - Harjinder Thind Prime Time Talk Show Host at 93.1 & 89.1 RED FM Vancouver “ COVER STORY A Night to Remember GALA 2023 COVER STORY 28 35 Dr. San Bhatha 36 Steelage Construction Ltd. 38 Ember Indian Kitchen 52 Gulzar Group 73 Dez Daljit Mahal 78 88 98 76 102

Being a woman means taking on multiple responsibilities and balancing various roles, but it’s inspiring to see how strong women can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things. Congratulations on being featured on Darpan Magazine’s cover, and here’s to all women breaking barriers and reaching greater heights in their careers!

Love when inspiring women like you are celebrated and elevated! You deserve this honor and have visibly made a huge impact locally and globally through your platforms and talents.

Thank you so much Martin Thibodeau for sharing this amazing story and recognizing these exceptional women leaders! A special shout out to our Kam K. Raman MBA, ICD.D! You’re a wonderful human being and leader! So fortunate to have our path crossed.
Hearty congrats Hema Bhatt and all the amazing leaders featured here! – Sobhana Jaya-Madhavan
Incredible ensemble of inspiring leaders right here!
Jane Jae-Kyung Shin Write to us: editor@darpanmagazine.com or Tag us on social media: @DarpanMagazine & #Darpanmgazine SOUTH ASIAN WOMEN DARPAN DECOR Earthy Tones to Art Deco Themes – Spruce up your Homes with the Latest Trends DARPAN STYLE Celebrate Traditions With Gaurang Shah’s ‘Sindoor’ DARPAN TRAVEL What your next Goan vacation can hold for you! Breaking Barriers and Going Places HEMA BHATT KIRAN TOOR WENDY MEHAT NIKI SHARMA KAM RAMAN SAJE BRAR TARANNUM THIND MARCH APRIL 2023 REFLECTING THE SOUTH ASIAN LIFESTYLE Readers Reactions The knowledge you need. The partnership you deserve. ACCOUNTING | ADVISORY | TAX | ASSURANCE Harjit S. Sandhu, CPA, CA Partner, Private Enterprise Group hsandhu@dmcl.ca 604.531.1154 HEMA BHATT Senior Vice President, Natu Oil Services Inc. COVER STORY Being a woman means being responsible and juggling different roles at work and home. Having been surrounded by strong women while growing up, I have never forgotten their impact on my life. I’ve learnt that there are no limitations— nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.” “

Could you describe your role and the work that you do?

I am Director of the Children’s Health Policy Centre and Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. I do research, and I am also a practicing child and youth psychiatrist.

Heightened anxiety, disruptive behaviours, poor social skills, and learning difficulties have been witnessed in elementary school kids post-pandemic. What can be done to navigate children through this tough time?

You are right about childhood mental health problems increasing during COVID-19 — particularly anxiety and depression. There are many high-quality studies now showing how serious this issue is. But there are also many things we can do to help children. For instance, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) approaches can both prevent and treat anxiety — the most common childhood mental health problem before, during and after the pandemic. We also know how to prevent and treat most other childhood mental health conditions. So lots can be done to help children.

Have you encountered instances where young students are struggling to adjust to the classroom environment or exhibit delays in social and emotional development compared to their peers from previous years?

The best available recent studies suggest that many children will struggle more and need more services compared to their peers in previous years.

Dr. Bonnie Henry thinks that kids are adjusting, and the support they offer in classrooms is helping – what is your understanding of the situation, and what more can the BC government do to help the youngest members of our society?

Even before the pandemic, we knew that only 44% of children with mental disorders were getting help. This is very serious given that, as a society, we would not tolerate these kinds of essential healthcare shortfalls if children had cancer or diabetes. So we need to do better, particularly knowing that problems increased during the pandemic. Therefore, the public needs to support the BC Government to double the investments going to children’s mental health. We need to ensure that 100% of kids with mental health problems receive help, not just 44%.

When it comes to a solution-oriented approach, would the BC government investing more money into children be a starting point for dealing with this problem?

The money is very important. But in addition, the BC Government needs to support a more coordinated (as well as expanded) approach. For example, the provincial Child and Youth Mental Health Service through the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development could be supported to take the lead on expanding early prevention and treatment programs.

We need to reach kids from birth to age 18 years and beyond — the whole age range. As well, the BC Ministry of Health and the Health Authorities need to be part of this coordinated effort, for example, supporting prevention efforts through public health. Kids need both the money and a thoughtful wholeof-government plan.

It’s not just children but also teachers who have experienced burnout due to this. What are some techniques and tools that can be provided to teachers so they can take care of their own mental and physical health?

Mental and physical well-being is crucial for teachers, parents, and all adults involved with children. So we need to support those caring for children in better ways. In particular, we need to address groups disproportionately affected by the pandemic, such as those living and working in communities experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage and

colonialism and racism. Your question is a good starting point in valuing and recognizing the efforts of those who care for children.

Many parents are experiencing children having difficulty focusing, impulse control, and emotional regulation. What resources can be provided to parents so they don’t feel isolated during this time?

For parents and families, many of the effective approaches we have identified in the research are directly applicable. For example, CBT and many other interventions work better when parents are involved. For behaviour, parent support and training are a mainstay of helping kids. Our website gives more information: childhealthpolicy.ca.

A doctor at Vancouver Coastal Health pointed out that this trend of children acting out is not new; however, this time around, it is worse due to the pandemic. She points out that child poverty, social media, and environmental factors play a big role. How can we wean children off their dependency on technology and have them engage better in the school and the larger community?

There are many potential causes of the increases we are seeing in children’s mental health problems. But definitely, avoidable adversities play a large role — making it harder for parents and families to cope because they are dealing with so much. So if parents and families are better supported, they can help kids manage technology. But it goes beyond parents and families. Children are a collective responsibility. All children involve all of us. A starting point is the article you are writing — raising awareness about children’s needs. And we can all play a part.

As part of your education and work that you have done with children, can you share some insights that would help better the public education system as a whole?

A huge lesson for me, in thinking of the research and the young people I have cared for as a child and youth psychiatrist, is to address social disparities in our society. Again, I am considering adversities such as socioeconomic disadvantage, colonialism, and racism. These problems do not cause all childhood mental disorders. But they affect kids unequally. So some kids have to carry higher burdens than others, through no fault of their own. In turn, the stresses associated with kids having to take these extra burdens can translate into higher rates of certain mental disorders over time. So it would help to address these disparities, treat all kids well, and ensure adequate prevention and treatment services for mental health difficulties. In turn, it will help the public education system if more kids are flourishing.

What message would you like to share with the South Asian community? Keep the focus on kids.

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 10
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PHOTO CREDIT:SFU.CA Charlotte Wadell Director, Children’s Health Policy Centre & Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University
A huge lesson for me, in thinking of the research and the young people I have cared for as a child and youth psychiatrist, is to address social disparities in our society.”

s a Centre Midfielder with Vancouver Whitecaps FC, Jeevan Singh Badwal knows that he holds one of the most critical positions on the soccer field, one that sets the pace of the game. “Even on the field, I’m constantly thinking about where the game is going and if I need to pivot the play at any point,” he shares.

Jeevan is part of the Whitecaps FC Boys MLS Academy program, a fully funded program for some of Canada’s top young soccer players. As part of the academy, Jeevan attends the University Hill Secondary School, which allows him to have a custom schedule involving soccer training in the afternoon, from 2-4 pm daily. He trains 4-5 days a week and has games on the weekends.

A BADWAL Setting the Pace:

Jeevan Singh

Just focus on doing your best because that’s the only aspect in your hands.”
Vancouver Whitecaps FC’s Rising Centre Midfielder

The U-17 academy team that Jeevan is on plays in the MLS academy league, travelling to the United States to play against other MLS academy teams. Recently they also played at the prestigious Generation Adidas Cup, where they took on teams such as Manchester United. Jeevan is also a part of the second team, Whitecaps FC 2 (WFC2), the professional team just below MLS that plays in a league called MLS NEXT Pro, featuring similar teams from MLS. This league is the last stepping stone for players to MLS.

Earlier this year, he was selected for the Canada U-17 men’s soccer team that played the 2023 Concacaf Men’s Under-17 Championship in Guatemala, beating Puerto Rico 3-0 in the quarterfinals to qualify for the 2023 FIFA U-17 World Cup that will be played in November.

In preparation for these highstake matches, Jeevan regularly meditates. He particularly believes in the power of visualization as that helps him set his goal and stay focused during the game. “I need to be mentally agile, yet calm and patient as I play the passes which are crucial to outmaneuvering the other team—and mediation helps me with that,” he shares.

Jeevan considers hard work and dedication his biggest strength, characteristics he deeply respects and looks up to in his idol, Steven Gerrard, the former Liverpool Centre-Mid. In Jeevan’s words, “To me, Gerrard epitomizes what a Centre-Mid player should be. He was an exceptional leader who consistently worked hard and emerged on top after every game.”

Jeevan aspires to make it to the men’s squad and play in the future U-17 or U-20 world cup. He also hopes to sign a contract with the Whitecaps, either with the MLS, MLS Next Pro, or other professional clubs.

His advice to aspiring soccer players is to work hard, stay humble, and avoid getting overwhelmed by comparing themselves to others. “Just focus on doing your best because that’s the only aspect in your hands,” he advises. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, spending time with his family, and coaching his younger siblings, who also love soccer.

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 15

It’s graduation season! Grads of 2023, we’re looking at you! A significant milestone in the lives of many students, graduation is a moment of great pride and joy. Moreover, the occasion marks the beginning of a new chapter in one’s life. Given its importance and impact, preparing for graduation and the future ahead is essential to ensure a successful transition from student life to the professional world. The adventure from school to office is filled with many stops that come with their own ups and downs, but at the end lies a prepared, wellearned graduation! So, hop on as we take you through the journey.

Stop 1: Reflection Road

The first step in preparing for graduation is to reflect on your achievements and accomplishments during your academic journey. Take the time to review your grades, assignments, and projects. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and consider how they can be used to your advantage in your future endeavors. Keep checking in with yourself.

Stop 2: Goal Gully

It is also essential to set clear and realistic goals for yourself. Think about what you want to achieve in the short term, such as finding a job or pursuing further education, and in the long term, such as building a successful career or starting a business. Having specific goals in mind will help you stay focused and motivated. If you can’t figure out exactly what you

want yet, worry not. Just make a list of the goals that feel right to you for now.. Start however big, or small, as you want.

Stop 3: Networking Nook

A crucial aspect of preparing for graduation is networking. Building relationships with professionals in your field of interest can provide valuable insights and opportunities. Attend career fairs and job events, connect with alumni and professionals on LinkedIn, and seek out mentors who can guide you. You never know where a genuine connection can take you.

Stop 4: Experience Expressway

When stepping foot into the “real” world, gaining practical experience is also essential. Consider internships, volunteer work, or part-time jobs in your field of interest to gain hands-on experience and build your resume. Although your first few gigs may not be exactly what you envision yourself doing for the long term, they can be important stepping stones in opening lucrative doors for your career.

DARPAN MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 16
1809 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Tel 604.659.3208 | rollsroycevancouver.com Contact Aly Jiwani at aly.jiwani@openroadautogroup.com © Copyright Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 2023. The Rolls-Royce name and symbol are registered trademarks. CREATE YOUR OWN MASTERPIECE Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Vancouver is dedicated to providing the finest guest experience, where everything we do reflects our persistence and commitment towards your journey into truly bespoke motor car ownership. We cordially invite you to visit our showroom for a contactless vehicle viewing or arrange a virtual walk-around today.
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Stop 5: Finance Frontier

Preparing for graduation also involves managing your finances. Evaluate your student loan debt, create a budget, and plan for your financial future. Consider consulting a financial advisor or taking a personal finance course to gain a better understanding of managing your money.

Stop 6: Self-Care Station

It is also important to take care of your mental and physical health during this transitional period. Graduation can be stressful, so it is essential to practice selfcare and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Even when schools and to-do lists get overwhelming, remember to exercise regularly, eat well, and engage in activities that you enjoy.

Step 7: Positivity Plaza

Finally, it is crucial to maintain a positive attitude and embrace change. Graduating can be an exciting and intimidating experience, but it is also an opportunity to pursue new opportunities and adventures. Stay optimistic and open-minded, and embrace the unknown.

Next Stop: Graduation!

Preparing for graduation and the future ahead is a crucial step in transitioning from student life to the professional world. Remember, it isn’t the last step, but just the next step, before you experience all that there is to experience in the wonderful work world and beyond. With effective strategies in mind, you can embark on a successful and fulfilling career path. Congratulations on your achievement, and good luck on your journey, Grads of 2023!

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Meet visionary, thought leader, community builder, cultural producer, and storyteller, Harpo Mander. Simply put, she is a brown girl who adores being a brown girl. Harpo’s journey began with a desire to be vulnerable and raw, and her exploration of various mediums, which led to a love for podcasting. Brown Girl Guilt was born, a podcast through which Harpo provides language to the shared experiences of brown girls and unpacks her brown girl guilt, while continuously exploring what a world without that guilt looks like. In 2022 alone, Harpo released 28 Brown Girl Guilt episodes, which were listened to across 79 countries, with 684 minutes streamed and an 865% increase in followers.

Undoubtedly, Harpo is passionate about conversations, creating space, taking space, and cultivating space. Her tagline for life is building the world she wants to live in, and her role as General Manager of 5X is a tool for doing just that. 5X is a digital community elevating South Asian youth culture with the flagship event of a multi-day, multi-venue festival covering music, visual art, fashion, and culture — a perfect fit for Harpo. Having landed the

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role through what she describes as divine intervention, the dedicated changemaker aspires to grow 5X as a channel for South Asian expression.

For Harpo, the mission is to make 5X the home for hybrid identities, breathing life into a space where bicultural identities thrive and survive. Much of Harpo’s understanding of hybrid identities comes from her Master of Arts in Education & Society: Gender and Women Studies from McGill University, which she pursued following a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies from Simon Fraser University. Education has played a significant role in the community activist’s journey, giving her perspective on the world and helping her understand how factors like identity disconnect impact bicultural individuals.

Harpo reveals, “At the time, no one around me was doing such an artsbased degree. Moreover, many parents understand ‘lawyer’, ‘doctor’, and ‘engineer’, but they can’t really comprehend ‘sociology’. It was a bit of a challenge not going the family business route and getting buy-in for gender studies, but I was determined to follow my dreams.”

Evidently a trendsetter and trailblazer, Harpo now works towards becoming a proactive catalyst in the global rise in Punjabi music and its cultural imprint. Although an explosion of Punjabi music is unquestionably coming out of Surrey and beyond, Harpo acknowledges that colored artists still struggle to get programmed, largely due to systematic racism. As a low-barrier, accessible platform, 5X champions and encourages such artists by giving them a space to perform and build skills.

Harpo’s work is a testament to her commitment to providing platforms for people to share experiences, to be seen, and to be heard. Through her storytelling, the local superstar is making a real difference in the lives of many people. As Harpo continues to shine, she preaches and practices the concept that you can’t become what you can’t see, “What I’m doing is showing people what they can do — especially other brown girls. We deserve to take up space in any room we want, and we deserve to be in those rooms. The key? Just be authentically you!”

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Documentary Filmmaker

Nisha Pahuja

Few documentary filmmakers have been as daring as Nisha Pahuja in portraying social issues in India. Her most notable film, The World Before Her focused on two young women following radically diverging paths: one wants to become Miss India, and the other, a radical Hindu nationalist. What stays with the viewer are not the differences but the similarities.

Pahuja’s latest film, To Kill a Tiger, zeroes in on the gang rape of a 13-year-old (“J”) in a small town in Jharkhand, Eastern India. While the community leaders recommend the girl marry one of the perpetrators to ‘restore her honour,’ her father, Ranjit, chooses to pursue justice through the courts. Tensions rise to the boiling point, but Ranjit remains steadfast in his decision to stand by his daughter.

To Kill a Tiger initially started as a different film, focusing on an NGO creating awareness among men and boys about women’s rights. Ranjit’s pursuit for justice was originally a pivotal portion of that movie, but his battle was so rare that it soon became all-encompassing. In an exclusive interview, Pahuja shares what it was like to direct  To Kill a Tiger.

You have to be very comfortable in chaos.”
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Documentary filmmakers have no intention to become part of their movies, but in your case, this eventually becomes untenable. Can you pinpoint when you realized you couldn’t remain on the sidelines?

Just by virtue of being a documentary filmmaker, you have an impact. We alter a place by entering it because the camera isn’t a neutral agent. With “To Kill a Tiger,” very early on, I realized I was having an effect on the village and the family. I was constantly asking Ranjit, the lawyers in the court case, and even the NGO if our presence was forcing a particular outcome.

As the day of the verdict approached, you and your team found yourselves in a dire situation. Were you surprised by the possibility of violence?

I knew this was a sensitive matter, and there was anger. Periodically I encountered resistance. You walked into the village and knew people were talking about you and weren’t happy that you were there. We had many conversations about how we were going to deal with confrontation. But when it actually happened, the feeling I had was shame. I was ashamed of myself. I knew we were doing

the right thing—pushing back against a system of prejudice and a lack of justice— but I felt responsible; I was worried for my crew and scared for Ranjit’s family. I also thought, “Who am I to come into an ecosystem and unravel it?”

How do you keep it together when you hear arguments about marrying the girl to one of her attackers?

I grew up in that culture, with the same prejudices at the bottom of that argument—it’s the girl’s fault, what will people think—so I’m very familiar with those attitudes. I’m not offended because I’ve heard them so many times. I go into a more philosophical headspace: my main concern is how we will fix this deeply broken system. I used to see it as a male issue, but not anymore. I see it as a systemic problem in which men and women play pre-assigned roles. For the community, marrying the victim to the attacker is the only way to restore her honour. They think they’re helping the situation. Of course, we know it shouldn’t be like that. Human rights must trump everything else, and we must fight for that.

What was the most challenging aspect of making this documentary?

The first few months of filming with the

family. I knew they weren’t being themselves and weren’t entirely comfortable with me. I was worried because the last thing you want is to make a film that feels inauthentic. I don’t make essay films; my films are all character-driven, and having a good relationship with the people I’m filming is key. I need them to trust me completely; otherwise, I don’t enjoy the process. The hardest part was to get Ranjit to that point. The kids were pretty good. With “J,” I was more uncomfortable filming her than she was with being filmed.

During this process, what did you learn as a filmmaker?

With this film, I really felt like a director, that I had what it takes to follow a story. It seems easy, but it takes a particular skill in the field, and I realized I had it: the ability to be proactive and reactive. You have to be very comfortable in chaos when working in a verité-driven documentary film. The other thing I learned is how complicated these stories are. You get into a minefield when you make this kind of film. You’re dealing with very vulnerable people, power dynamics, the repercussions of violence… It’s a big responsibility, and you’ve got to take it seriously.

Note: To Kill a Tiger is currently playing in festivals and will eventually be available for streaming on the National Film Board’s web platform NFB.ca.

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To Kill a Tiger (2022)

Short End

Surrey Getting The of the Stick Hospital Crisis in Surrey

Home to over 600,000 people, Surrey is one of the fastest-growing cities in the Lower Mainland, with its population increasing by almost 10 percent every year. Compared to other cities, Surrey is far more welcoming due to its affordability, diversity and economic opportunities, which makes it a hub for the immigrant population. Given this and the federal mandate to bring more workers into the country, Surrey is projected to become the most populous city in BC in the next two decades. However, this growth has strained the city’s healthcare system, leaving hospitals under-equipped to take care of its increasing population, a vital issue that needs to be addressed.

As Surrey residents and the medical community reel under pressure to somehow manage its hospital needs, politicians and political parties play the blame game and offer solutions that are inadequate for the community’s growing needs. Dr. Randeep Gill, chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for Surrey Hospitals Foundation, shares his firsthand experience from the ER at Surrey Memorial Hospital, providing insights on what the city needs versus what it’s getting when it comes to an issue that directly impacts its residents’ survivability.

Surrey Memorial Hospital, recognized as a regional hospital, provides specialized care to the ever-increasing population of Surrey and surrounding areas. The hospital’s Emergency Department is the busiest in the province and second busiest in the country and took care of a staggering 171,467 Surrey residents in 2022-23. On average, the hospital sees close to 600 patients a day. As it grapples with this overwhelming patient volume, the hospital struggles not just with the problems of overcrowding and understaffing, which is the bane of the healthcare sector in the current times, but also a lack of infrastructure when it comes to specialized care. As a result, close to 1400 critically-ill patients had to be transferred to other hospitals north of the Fraser River for life-saving interventions in 2021 alone.

In February this year, the Surrey Board of Trade released a report titled “Surrey’s Hospital Needs,” highlighting the lack of hospital infrastructure in Surrey. The report underscored that Surrey is the only large city in Canada that lacks the necessary facilities to treat three leading causes of death: heart attacks, strokes, and trauma.

Dr. Gill, who has been advocating for a change in the situation, understands

that Surrey residents deserve more and that the government is not adhering to the standard of care south of the Fraser. “Surrey is the second largest city in BC with a high incidence of heart attack, stroke, and trauma—so, why is there no plan to bring life-saving resources to the community?” he asks.

According to Gill, every major city in Canada has a hub for addressing the leading causes of death. However, despite being situated in one of the largest and fastest-growing cities in the country, Surrey Memorial Hospital does not have the necessary infrastructure to intervene when it comes to these causes of death. The hospital’s cardiac department can manage heart failure or deal with patients with heart infections, but it’s not equipped to perform surgeries like valve replacement or vessel opening. Gill states, “The standard of care is to intervene within 90 minutes. When a patient presents to Surrey Memorial with a heart attack, transferring them to a better-equipped hospital delays intervention which could have deadly consequences.”

Dr. Courtney Young, Head of the Cardiology Department at Surrey

The standard of care that Surrey residents should be getting seems out of reach now and in the near future despite NDP’s plan to invest $1.7 billion to build a new hospital.

The standard of care is to intervene within 90 minutes. When a patient presents to Surrey Memorial with a heart attack, transferring them to a better-equipped hospital delays intervention which could have deadly consequences.”


Memorial Hospital, agrees with Gill and has been pushing for a catheterization (cath) lab to cater to the needs of Surrey’s growing population, which is more prone to heart attacks. “Surrey’s population is unique from the rest of the lower mainland as it consists of people of South Asian descent who are genetically predisposed to a higher prevalence of heart attack,” she says. Currently, most patients presenting with a heart attack are taken to Royal Columbian Hospital, while 30% still go to Vancouver General Hospital or St. Paul’s, depending on where they can be accommodated. “Part of the way to treat a heart attack is to take these patients to a cath lab. However, despite such a high incidence of heart attack in this demographic and knowing that time is of the essence, we still don’t have a cath lab yet,” she adds.

The situation is equally grim when it comes to the hospital’s pediatric department, which has 12 pediatric emergency rooms. It was built to serve 20,000 patients a year but saw over 51,000 patients in 2022. What’s worse is that the hospital does not have a pediatric ICU. “Lack of pediatric specialty care was among the top three reasons why close to 1,400 critically ill patients were transferred to hospitals north of Fraser in 2021,” confirms Gill.

Another area where the hospital struggles are its maternity services. The hospital’s birthing unit was built for 4,000 deliveries a year, but the number of births in Surrey was upwards of 6,000. Five out of seven days a week, the hospital is on diversion, which means that mothers in labour are redirected or left at the mercy of other hospitals, such as Peace Arch which is often on diversion itself. “My wife, who is an anesthetist and on call for Peace Arch regularly, is witness to the number of times both the hospitals are on diversion, yet there is no plan to increase the capacity. Despite knowing that Surrey is a growing community with many young families, we have only added four new maternity beds at the Surrey Memorial Hospital in the last two decades. How does any of this make sense, and how are we taking care of the community and the new immigrants we are bringing into our country?” asks Gill.

New Surrey Hospital

To tackle the hospital crisis, the NDP government is investing $1.7 billion to build a new hospital in Cloverdale.

Lauding this development as an “extraordinary moment” for Surrey, Health Minister Adrian Dix said, “We have 18

major hospital projects in BC, but out of these, only one is a new hospital, only one community has that priority, which is a fundamental change in approach from the previous government.”

Though it may sound promising, the reality is quite different. The new hospital will only increase the region’s diagnostic and primary care capacity while offering 168 acute care beds, an ER, and a cancer center. All evidence suggests that this is not enough to address the needs of the province’s fastest-growing community—one that is already behind other Canadian cities when it comes to specialized care. Surrey residents, community leaders and medical professionals feel betrayed by what the government is finally implementing after a six-year wait. Harjinder Thind from Red FM, who has been closely monitoring the developments and advocating for a new hospital for almost two decades, says: “The NDP government promised a full-fledged hospital with specialized care facilities and at least 300 beds with additional room to expand. So, what it’s delivering is not a hospital but an election gimmick.”

Referring to the new hospital as a “glorified urgent care center,” Kevin Falcon, leader of the opposition, said that it’s absolutely inadequate for Surrey’s exploding population and that calling it a hospital is a bit of a stretch. “A hospital

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Dr. Courtney Young Head of the Cardiology Department, Surrey Memorial Hospital

without a maternity ward for the youngest population in BC is unacceptable,” he added. Expressing his dissatisfaction with the location, he remarked, “It shows a lack of vision from the government as Cloverdale is not ready for a hospital. The government will need to invest further to make it feasible to run a hospital there, which can take years.”

Commenting on the location, Minister Dix said, “We had a much better hospital site on the Corner of 152 and Highway 10, which the previous government already sold.” Elaborating further, he said that Cloverdale is not just one of the fastest growing areas of Surrey, but will be one of the fastest growing areas of BC. It has the further advantage of being connected to Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and proximity to post-secondary education is essential for a hospital site. When questioned about the absence of infrastructure in the new hospital for the three leading causes of death or the lack of plans for a maternity ward, Minister Adrian Dix responded that his government is trying to make up for

the BC Liberal Party’s failure to invest in Surrey’s healthcare and the new hospital is a “dramatic improvement” from what the previous government did for the community.

Downplaying the need for specialized care in Surrey, Minister Dix stated, “80% of patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital do not need critical or specialized care.” He suggested that the new hospital aims to alleviate Surrey Memorial Hospital’s burden of non-specialized services, implying that the current infrastructure at Surrey Memorial Hospital is satisfactory for meeting the region’s healthcare needs as long as the new hospital can cater to non-critical patients.

Dr. Sujatha Nilavar, a family physician residing in Surrey, said that the government’s failure to provide resources within the community amounts to neglecting the community’s requirements. She adds that redirecting women in labour to nearby hospitals or transporting critically ill patients by ambulance north of the Fraser River falls below the standard of care they aim to provide for their patients.

As a medical voice in the community, Gill looks at the new hospital as a community hospital that will not advance care the way it should. “The stakeholders—Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and Fraser Health Authority need to be transparent about their decision-making and what impact they hope to achieve by pumping $1.7 billion into this new hospital,” says Gill.

The NDP government promised a full-fledged hospital with specialized care facilities and at least 300 beds with additional room to expand. So, what it’s delivering is not a hospital but an election gimmick.”

Prime Time Talk Show Host at 93.1 & 89.1 RED FM Vancouver

Fraser Health Authority’s primary mandate is to receive funding from the government and manage patients within its region. They collect data on community needs and have the power to advocate for better, more robust infrastructure. When contacted to understand why they supported the new Cloverdale hospital, they declined to respond directly and deferred the request to the Ministry of Health.

Meanwhile, Gill remains unconvinced of this new hospital in its current form. “I see no strategic advantage of having a community hospital in Cloverdale. Although a new hospital is welcomed, it doesn’t address the growing needs of our community,” he says. He suggests that one of the ways the government can bring new infrastructure to Surrey is by

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- Harjinder Thind
80% of patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital do not need critical or specialized care.”
- Adrian Dix Health Minister, BC
Kevin Falcon Leader of the Official Opposition

building a new critical care tower directly on the Surrey Memorial Hospital campus. Gill elaborated that “building a second critical care tower and tying into the existing infrastructure was originally planned for 2013-14. Doing it now would allow Fraser Health the expanded footprint to add acute care services such as Interventional Radiology, Cath Lab, Dialysis, expand our OB and Pediatric departments, finally addressing the community’s needs.”

On the other hand, Anita Huberman, President of the Surrey Board of Trade, sees this new hospital as an opportunity to support a thriving community in a new area. “The BC government has engaged in Surrey, but we’re still playing catch up. We all need to sit down with the Minister and look at priorities,” Huberman says.

Fraser Divide: North Vs. South

As Surrey accelerates towards becoming the largest city in BC, successive governments continue to underestimate its needs and follow their traditional investment patterns. Surrey has historically received less healthcare investment than Vancouver, with Fraser Health Authority receiving $2,229 per capita compared to Vancouver Coastal Health receiving $3,033 per capita. Extrapolating over 600k people in each city translates to a difference of $500 million annually. “We have universal health care funded equally by taxpayers throughout the province. So, it’s beyond me why one area of BC should get more funding and infrastructure than an area that’s rapidly growing,” remarks Gill.

In alignment with the government’s funding priorities, St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver is getting a new replacement building spread across 18 acres just east of Vancouver’s downtown core. The 1.2 million square foot acute care hospital will be attached to a world-class research hub with a multitude of high-end, state-ofthe-art, life-saving interventions despite its proximity to Vancouver General Hospital.  Many residents wonder why Surrey won’t be receiving such a facility, despite the provincial government’s assurances that it truly prioritizes the city. Residents such as Dr. Arvinder Bubber, FCPA, FCA and Former Chancellor of KPU are not surprised. “Traditionally, Vancouver has exerted a lot of political weight, which is why governments have always invested in such facilities

there,” he shares. Harjinder Thind shares his frustration, juxtaposing Vancouver, which has five major hospitals, with Surrey, which is somehow managing with only one despite a massive influx of people settling there. “We have close to 1,500 new people coming to Surrey every month, and soon we’ll surpass Vancouver in terms of population, yet we’re unable to get a brand new, fullfledged hospital,” he says.

Harjinder Thind explains that Surrey Memorial Hospital was built for 350,000 people and was saturated long ago. “If you visit the hospital, you’ll find dozens of patients in the hallway screaming in pain while there’s no one to take care of them because the ratio of patients to the medical staff is grossly uneven, with most of them feeling completely burnt out, which is why we need a brand new, modern hospital with state-of-theart facilities,” he says.

Even within the Fraser Health Authority, there’s a lot of disparity in the funding and infrastructure between hospitals on the north and south of the Fraser River. For instance, the maternity beds in Surrey have increased by four from 28 to 32 over the last two decades. Surrey Memorial Hospital’s Birthing Unit is at capacity and sometimes on diversion five out of seven days a week. Yet, there is no approved or funded plan to expand the number of maternity beds in Surrey. Meanwhile, maternity

Dr. Sujatha Nilavar Family Physician Anita Huberman President of Surrey Board of Trade

expansion is scheduled for the Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster for 2025, increasing the maternity bed count from 24 to 48, making it the largest maternity centre outside BC Women’s Hospital. That hospital is also getting a new cath lab to open in 2025.

According to Gill, such a discrepancy continues because the government is following old patterns, where funding followed the perceived base of power. “If you don’t question the government, you won’t get your fair share. It’s time our community comes together, voices their opinion and advocates for change. Earlier, the political base was concentrated in Vancouver, but that has changed. Earlier, there were no political ramifications if governments didn’t pay attention to the residents of Surrey because the voter base wasn’t there. But now the road to the Premier’s office goes through Surrey, and if we speak up and talk about our needs, the funding model will soon reflect that,” says Gill.

Dr. Arvinder Bubber is also hopeful that things will get better for Surrey in the future. “We need to have a transparent and robust conversation with the government. I’m also excited about the SFU medical school being set up in the city, as that means more doctors will be part of the fabric of Surrey. We have traditionally lacked training hospitals in Surrey, and a medical school will be a great boost for the Surrey healthcare system,” he says.

take accountability for its mandate and assert its power on behalf of the people of Surrey.

After talking to the community, it is apparent that they unanimously want an upgrade from the existing hospital infrastructure that will serve the community’s needs today and continue to accommodate imminent population growth. People also seemed tired of the government politicizing and playing the

blame game on such a critical issue that directly impacts survivability. Regardless of what the previous governments have done, coming through for the community now is essential—and to do that, the government, medical professionals and community leaders must be aligned on a solution that takes care of the people of Surrey today and tomorrow.

Surrey’s rapid growth has strained the city’s healthcare system leaving hospitals under-equipped to care for the community’s needs. However, what has made matters worse is the lack of vision on the part of the government to bring in more specialized infrastructure to adequately handle the patient volume. It is apparent that the traditional model of redirecting these treatments to hospitals north of Fraser is no longer just or equitable. As well, the Fraser Health Authority should














DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 33
Sonia Virk
Jagmeet Virk
#208-15240-Hwy 10 Surrey, B.C, V3S 5K7

Dr San Bhatha knew he wanted to become a dentist even before he was in his teens. Inspired by his family dentist who practiced in Richmond, BC, Dr Bhatha had his career path laid out for him quite early on. “Unlike other children, I really looked forward to visiting my dentist. He was fun, friendly, and someone I enjoyed talking to, even as a kid. He became a role model to me, which sparked my interest in the profession,” he says.

Now, as a practicing dentist for over two decades and owner of Southridge Dental, Dr Bhatha has always aspired to be as authentic and friendly with his clients as possible. He takes pride in his dental clinic, offering his clients the highest level of customer service, making them feel safe and welcome while providing the best possible treatment in the most pain-free manner. As someone who loves meeting people, Dr Bhatha shares, “Ours is a family practice, and I enjoy engaging with my patients—in fact, I’ve known some of them since they were kids, and now they are all grown up.”

Given the kind of effort and care Southridge Dental puts into its client relations, it’s no surprise that it constantly receives new patients, leading it to recently expand its clinic into the space next-door. The clinic now has an additional 3 new treatment rooms including one dedicated surgical room, taking the total number of treatment rooms to 11 to accommodate new patients. As such, the clinic offers every possible dental treatment to their patients, including Invisalign (now available to kids) single and full mouth implants, Cosmetic treatments such as smile makeovers with Veneers and crowns, oral surgeries including bone and gum graft and wisdom teeth removal, full mouth rehabilitations, Botox and regular child and adult treatments including emergencies.

Recently, Southridge Dental won the Medium-Sized Business Award from the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce. It was also voted the best Cosmetic Dentist and the Best Dental office in Surrey by the community. “All these awards only reaffirm my belief that we have an amazing team at Southridge Dental. They have a great work ethic and always provide empathy and care to all of our patients. We take the time to listen to all of our patients needs in order to deliver the best patient experience,” adds Dr Bhatha, excited to talk about his team. Besides working, Dr Bhatha is passionate about community service. He and his family have been raising money and awareness along with Youth Unlimited for homeless youth for the last 5 years by participating in an event called “One Night Out,” which involves sleeping in the freezing cold in November with other people from the community. He has also been involved with the City of Surrey’s school district’s Backpack Program, which helps provide backpacks with all the supplies to those in need. Dr Bhatha and his team also pick various charitable organizations each Christmas and collectively as a team put together gift baskets for organizations such as Sources, the SPCA, LAPS, the Surrey Food Bank, and local women’s shelters. Dr Bhatha also supports various community sports teams, both financially and with their fundraising events.

Dr Bhatha has been married for almost 24 years to his wife Sandeep, whom he considers his biggest inspiration in life and has 2 beautiful kids, Suhaana, 19, entering her 3rd year at UBC Sauder Business School, and his son, Suvaan, 17, about to enter 1st year at UBC Sauder Business School this fall. He is also passionate about road biking, and has participated in the Whistler GranFondo twice, once with his wife Sandeep. He is a member of the Peninsula Triathlon Club. Last year, as he turned 50, he participated in his first beginner triathlon. He also enjoys travelling and exploring new places with his family.

Dr. San Bhatha The Surrey Dentist Who Puts Patient Care at the Heart of His Practice 604.575.1555 5680 152nd Street #103 Surrey, BC




The journey began for Surrey’s Raj Singh 12 years ago with a business in construction specializing in commercial spaces. Today Steelage Construction Ltd is a leader in commercial contracting and, with its expertise in the field, welcomes any construction-related project with a ready and can-do attitude.

Whether you want to enhance or transform the look of your retail store, restaurant, gym or office space, doctor’s clinic, pharmacy, or daycare, Steelage guarantees to create the perfect space for you, focusing on four specific areas Project Management, Commercial Contracting, Steel Stud Framing, and Tenant Improvement.

Within commercial construction Project Management, there are various project types, such as commercial and industrial. Keeping the type of project in mind, the client lets Steelage take ownership of planning, scheduling, and project completion.

“I take pride in delivering the project as per the client’s needs according to the client’s budget and in a timely manner. I have constructed for some of the biggest names in the market, such as Fatburger, LightHouse Kitchen, IHOP, The Brick, and Dairy Queen, among others,” says Singh.

Commercial Contracting

Steelage has a highly qualified, experienced and dependable support network ready to take on any commercial contract from Vancouver to Chilliwack. With commercial contracting, the company looks after the designing and planning and the various aspects of building construction. The in-house steel framers, drywall technicians, electricians, plumb-

ers, and acoustics keep your space’s future growth in mind.

Steel Stud Framing services are provided to custom builders, project managers, and developers. Large-scale projects are undertaken, such as commercial and industrial properties. If the client wants the most convenient, long-lasting, and cost-friendly option Steel Stud Framing

is the way to go. With Steel stud framing, the key is that Steelage looks after reducing the labour cost so that the steel-stud framing is less expensive than wood-stud framing. Steel Stud framers are highly skilled and perform the job with utmost dedication to the client’s satisfaction, but they also use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure safety standards are met.

In the Tenant Improvement area, Steelage focuses on buildings with a lease and works according to the tenant’s requirements. Renovation is never an easy task for the customer, and we at Steelage understand that and want to make it as smooth of a process for you. We aim to revamp the commercial building’s appearance at a competitive price. Our tenant improvement service is the most suitable if you have to improve your rental space in Vancouver to Chilliwack. Whether your tenant improvement allowance is low or high, Steelage is ready to renovate the building and bring to life the idea that you had in mind. Their tenant improvement services are of the best quality at an affordable price.

Steelage has standard working hours like any other business, but a highlight of Steelage that sets them apart is the flexibility the company offers to work around the client’s time. Steelage’s staff is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty, perform overtime, and work on weekends and statutory holidays.

Singh says, “Taking on projects such as Rogers, Fido, medical clinics, Church’s Chicken, Donair, and others has certainly been great, but now I want to achieve greater heights by targeting government institutions as well as colleges and universities for transformative spaces”. We are looking forward to work with the City of Vancouver on the City Project.


Had a great experience. Will prefer their services for the future.


Great experience , highly recommend their service and will be using them again in the future. Punctual and very detail oriented and fair price for the service.


The philosophy behind Steelage is customer satisfaction guaranteed by curating a space as per your vision in the most budget-friendly way.

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 37
CONTACT US: 604.418.1515 12484 82 Ave #13, Surrey, BC, V3W 3E9 info@steelage.ca www.steelage.ca
Very professional steel stud framers and expert drywall contractors in Vancouver.
The philosophy behind Steelage is customer satisfaction guaranteed by curating a space as per your vision in the most budget friendly way.

We will always continue serving the Steveston community, as it is the heartbeat of Ember Indian Kitchen. We would love to invite people from other cities to come in and dine with us to experience the African Indian culinary flair.”


A Delicious African-Indian Culinary

Experience by the Waterfront in Steveston


Located on the waterfront in Steveston, the historic fishing village in Richmond, Ember Indian Kitchen offers traditional Indian and African curated recipes, including coconut curries, grilled meats, and a vast selection of delectable appetizers.

Ember Indian Kitchen was founded by an Indian couple Amin and Farida in 2017 after they retired from their flourishing furniture retail business, Yaletown Interiors. “We saw a gap for an Indian restaurant in the Steveston community – and since we both love food and entertaining people, we thought, why not start a restaurant and bring people together with food,” shares Amin.

Even before it was formally open to guests, Ember Indian Kitchen created a buzz in the community. “There was such anticipation for an aesthetically pleasing Indian restaurant in the community that we remained fully booked for several months following its opening,” adds Amin. The restaurant’s menu, expertly crafted by Amin and Farida with the help

of an Indian Ismaili food consultant with roots in East Africa, is extensive and diverse. In addition to classic Indian dishes like Butter Chicken and Dal Makhani, it also features African cuisine like Mishkaki Meats and Tilapia Fish, exposing guests to a unique culinary experience. “Both styles are authentic to our heritage, and our charcoal grills are a lighter take on Indian food which never fails to surprise first-time visitors,” adds Amin. The menu offers a variety of chicken, beef, and lamb curries, along with vegetarian and vegan curries, with several gluten-free options. Some of the highly recommended dishes at the restaurant include Masala Halibut, an authentic Ismaili Indian fish infused with masala curry; Kuku Paka, an African-style charbroiled chicken simmered in a coconut cream sauce with herbs; and a host of Appetizers such as Cassava Fries, Lentil Fritters, Ember Samosas, and Eggplant/

Okra Fries.

The restaurant’s modern decor offers a cosmopolitan vibe, featuring sleek, minimalist elements with clean lines, neutral colours, and modern lighting with a dash of bling. “I’ve spent my whole life working in the retail furniture business, so I knew what I wanted, and my daughter, Saleema, helped in bringing that vision to life as she knew exactly what to source to achieve this elegant modern space,” shares Amin pointing to the reclaimed rustic wooden beams hanging from the ceiling which the father-daughter duo sourced locally that adds a west-

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 39

coast feel to the place.

The restaurant’s standout feature is its copper-adorned bar, complete with charcoal pendant lamps with a copper lining. The leather bar stools lend a hint of sophistication to the ambience. Adding a personal touch, some walls feature artwork depicting the Nile River, peacocks, and giraffes reflecting Amin and Farida’s roots.

The picturesque waterfront view adds to the ambience and offers an unforgettable dining experience. The outdoor patio is covered to provide year-round seating and is perfect for taking in the views. It was especially popular during the pandemic as many preferred to dine outside. Taking advantage of the scenic views to create a memorable experience for guests, the restaurant hosts special events for up to 100 people, such as weddings, anniversaries, holiday parties, and corporate events. The busiest times for bookings are around the Christmas season and during the summer. Another element that makes the experience memorable for the guests is the service. Ember has longstanding staff members working since its opening almost six years ago, including through the pandemic. The personalized service offers their guests a sense of familiarity, and Amin and Farida are almost always around the restaurant to make them feel welcome.

The restaurant offers take-out and saw a steep increase in demand for it during the pandemic. “I’m so happy that our food has been so well-received that we could weather

the challenges of the pandemic even though we were still relatively new to the restaurant business. While the dining experience at the restaurant is unparalleled, our take-out service comes in as a close second,” adds Amin.

Amin was born and raised in Uganda, Africa, and worked in the family business that inspired him to maintain a strong work ethic deeply ingrained in him. He and his family moved to Canada as refugees in 1972 when the president of Uganda, ordered the expulsion of the Indian minority from the country, giving them 90 days to leave. Upon arrival, he ended up in Kamloops and started working in a warehouse of a furniture retail store. From there, he gradually made his way up to sell on the floor in the evenings,

then weekends, to becoming the Assistant Manager at the store, to finally heading the sales across Vancouver Island, including Victoria, Nanaimo and Campbell River.

In 1989, he finally started his own retail furniture operation, Yaletown Interiors, which his daughter and son-in-law now own. As retirement wasn’t for him, he decided to become a restaurateur. “I started this restaurant because my wife is a fabulous cook—we all love her cooking, and we wanted to share it with the world. One of the items on the menu is called ‘Nani’s Chutney’ because that’s how my grandchildren refer to it,” shares Amin enthusiastically.

Ember’s food is extremely popular with the locals in Steveston. “We could not have made it this far without their unfailing support. It’s through word of mouth that the restaurant has received the response that it has thus far,” he says, hoping to see people from other areas try out the restaurant in the future. “We will always continue serving the Steveston community, as it is the heartbeat of Ember Indian Kitchen. However, we would love to invite people from other cities to come in and dine with us to experience the African Indian culinary flair,” says Amin.

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BUSINESS PROFILE Call: (604) 370-4485 Address: 6168 London Road #135 London &, Dyke Rd, Richmond, BC V7E 4J2 Website: www.emberkitchen.com

Our family is here when you need help with yours.

The breakdown of a relationship is often the most challenging and emotional experience that any of us will endure. Navigating the hurt and the conflict is hard enough without also having to navigate the legal system alone. That’s where we come in.

The breakdown of a relationship is often the most challenging and emotional experience that any of us will endure. Navigating the hurt and the conflict is hard enough without also having to navigate the legal system alone. That’s where we come in.

At Hamilton Duncan, our family law team consists of a team of dedicated lawyers like Preet Gill who are deeply committed to delivering the highest quality family law services with compassion, patience and understanding and who have collectively spent decades in courtrooms and in boardrooms helping our clients overcome legal challenges in their most trying times.

Our family law services include:

At Hamilton Duncan, our family law team consists of a team of dedicated lawyers like Preet Gill who are deeply committed to delivering the highest quality family law services with compassion, patience and understanding and who have collectively spent decades in courtrooms and in boardrooms helping our clients overcome legal challenges in their most trying times.

• Separation and divorce

• Child custody, guardianship and parenting arrangements

Our family law services include:

• Child support, spousal support and property division

• Negotiation, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution

• Separation and divorce

• Child custody, guardianship and parenting arrangements

• Litigation, arbitration and innovative conflict resolution

• Child support, spousal support and property division

• Negotiation, mediation and other alternative dispute resolution

• Cohabitation, prenuptial and property agreements

• Litigation, arbitration and innovative conflict resolution

• Cohabitation, prenuptial and property agreements

Hamilton Duncan is proud to have served Surrey for more than 60 years, and there is a reason that we are the Fraser Valley’s preeminent law firm. To find out how Preet and the rest of our family law team can assist with your family matter, reach out to:

Preet Gill

Associate - Family Law

Hamilton Duncan is proud to have served Surrey for more than 60 years, and there is a reason that we are the Fraser Valley’s preeminent law firm. To find out how Preet and the rest of our family law team can assist with your family matter, reach out to:

604.580.4791 � pxg@hdas.com

604.580.4791 � pxg@hdas.com

Hamilton Duncan Law Corporation � hamiltonduncan.com
Our family is here when you need help with yours.

The Power of

Intent & Attention

How They Can Help You Achieve

Optimal Health

One in three Canadians suffers from mental health issues currently. There is a 31% predicted increase over the next few years, and healthcare agencies are barely meeting the needs of Canadians at present. They certainly do not have the resources to deal with the tsunami of anxiety and depression in the future. Therefore, it is vital to establish good mental habits today to prevent severe anxiety and depression later. As a physician for the past 30 years, a mental health researcher and author of the bestseller The Mind-Body Cure, I can assure you that establishing good mental health habits is the key to preventing illness.

An effective morning habit that helps focus on your health is sitting quietly in the morning with your thoughts before you touch your phone. The volume of texts and emails fragment your attention and disrupt your brain. Calming the mind and observing your stream of thoughts is a conscious ability humans possess, known as metacognition. When you are in the metacognitive state, you have much better access to your consciousness or “higher self.” You suddenly realize that you are capable of thought mastery, i.e., you can control your thoughts you previously had no control over.

Only in this mindful state can you take charge of the inner dialogue and set clear intentions for your health. Research shows that harnessing the power of intent is very effective because intent informs

your outcomes.

When you have declared your intentions to be mentally and physically healthy, you have created a roadmap for the choices you have to make for diet, activity and stress management. For example, you may set an intention: No matter what chaos happens outside of me today, I choose to feel safe, healthy and happy inside. We don’t have much control in this crazy, fast-paced world; you are faced with hundreds of daily decisions, with thousands of pieces of information competing for your attention span. Intention and attention are at the core of creating optimal health. This realization will set you apart from the majority of people who are distracted. Always remember that “wherever your attention goes, energy flows,” this means you have to consciously learn to focus on the important things and prioritize those tasks over anything else, especially your health.

Those who worry about what may happen in the future are often consumed by anxious thought patterns. This can manifest in your body as increased heart rate, high blood pressure, insomnia, gut problems and muscle tension. Some patients require treatment for severe anxiety disorders, which can be debilitating.

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No matter what chaos happens outside of me today, I choose to feel safe, healthy and happy inside.

Others keep thinking about things that have happened in the past, the “rewind” button on their thought patterns focus on regret, blame, and being a victim of circumstances. This can manifest in the body as fatigue, apathy, feeling sleepy, overeating or loss of appetite. Often they get diagnosed with depression and prescribed antidepressants. While severe anxiety and depression warrant prescriptions and interventions, much of the new data looks at ways to empower patients to prevent symptoms of anxiety and depression from becoming chronic. Realizing the importance of settings intentions and managing your attention is one vital aspect of healthy habits that can empower you to take charge of your health.

Here are some easy action steps you can take today to create healthy habits for good mental and physical health in the future.

The MEDS formula stands for Mindset, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep:


A healthy mindset is the cornerstone of all the choices. Cultivate a mindset of health by going deeper into what makes you tick; what thoughts are you focusing your attention on? Are your automatic thoughts and negative inner dialogue sabotaging your ability to make good choices? Change your attitude and choose better thoughts that serve you, not work against you. Practice being mindful, being grounded in the moment and present in what is in front of you. Focus your attention on the moment you have right now. Using deep, controlled breathing techniques can help to calm the mind.

Employers are responsible for the safety of their workers. Educate new and young workers to identify hazards and minimize risks. mwlk

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Scan Me!
Awpxy kwimAW dI sur`iKAw leI izMmyvwr hMudy hn[ nvyN Aqy nOjvwn kwimAW nMU KqirAW dI pCwx krn Aqy Gtwaux leI is`iKAq kro[ nvyN kwmy


People who exercise regularly live longer and are more mentally resilient. Motion is lotion, so you must move your body as much as possible for as many years as possible. Exercise burns off stress hormones and builds serotonin, the natural happy chemical in your brain. Sitting is the new smoking; working from home and sitting for prolonged periods is unhealthy. Aim for 150 min of weekly cardio and 700010,000 steps daily.


Choose foods mindfully that are rich in fibre, good fats, good proteins, mostly plant-based and avoid highly processed foods. Limit excessive salt and alcohol in your diet. Take the time to taste, smell and savour your food so your digestive system can absorb all the nutrients. You cannot digest if you are constantly under stress. Remember to REST and Digest instead of Stress and distress. Many people need extra Vitamin D, omega three oils and magnesium, which can often be supplemented to your regular diet. Vegans may need extra iron or B vitamins which can be discussed with your doctor.

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 44 AMIT CHOPRA REALTOR ® Buy & Sell With Confidence! SUTON PREMIER REALTY An independent member Broker 15483 104th Ave Surrey BC V3R1N9 Office: 604.581.8400 Fax: 604.581.0495 778.891.4339 Email: amit21X@gmail.com www.Suttonpremier.com AMIT CHOPRA PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION WE DON'T JUST BUILD HOUSES, WE BUILD HOMES CAN - WEST D EVELOPMENT LTD CAN - WEST D EVELOPMENT LTD Custom Homes • General Contracting www.CanWestHomes.com 6625 FRASER ST, VANCOUVER, BC V5X 3T6 Jiwan Ranauta C: 604.537.8374 | T: 604.866.8374


Sleep is absolutely essential to our mental and physical health. Important hormones and chemicals which repair our body are manufactured when you are in deep, restful sleep. Day and night, people rely heavily on technology, and excessive screen time disrupts our regular sleep cycles causing changes in our hormones. Avoid screen time at least 1-2 hours before sleep. Take a soothing bath, read a book and wind down in a relaxed routine before bedtime. Practice deep breathing techniques to relax your muscles as you prepare to sleep at the same time every night. Aim to wake up at the same time every day.

These daily MEDS habits will become your automatic default options, and your mind and body will function optimally. For more such information, refer to the book:

The book is available on the following link: AmazonIndigo and at your Local Bookstore

Ted Talk link: https://youtu.be/qq0DBeFdDlM

Website: http://drbalpawa.com/

Dr. Bal Pawa is a Harvard Trained medical doctor, researcher, author and expert on evidence-based MindBody connection. With over 30 years of clinical practice focusing on integrative and holistic healthcare, she is passionate about empowering people to take charge of their health. Her international best-selling book, The Mind-Body Cure, is full of practical advice for self-empowerment. Her Ted talk on anxiety has nearly a million views. She is the proud co-founder of the Westcoast Women’s clinic.

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Manpreet (Monica) Singh is the first elected female Sikh judge in the US, having been sworn in as a judge of the Harris County Civil Court at Law No. 4 in Texas, earlier this year. An even more notable aspect of the occasion was the presence of Ravi Sandill, who is Texas’ first elected South Asian judge; Sandill proudly presided over the ceremony in a packed courtroom. Filled with utmost gratefulness, Singh hadn’t expected to receive the outpouring of love she has received from those around her, and she considers her accomplishment a win for the entire community. Born and raised in Houston, Singh now lives in Houston with her husband and two children.

Growing up, Singh’s family was one of the first Sikh families in the Houston area. Monica’s father, Attarjit Singh, moved to the US as an architect in the 1970s after obtaining a green card under the Immigration Act of 1965. As a young, turbaned Sikh, he followed job opportunities wherever they took him. As time went on, Monica’s parents began running a small printing business, but encountered repeated instances of overt discrimination.

Meet Monica Singh

America’s First Elected Female Sikh Judge

That said, her parents — and parents of the diaspora, for that matter — did whatever they could to ensure that their children excelled and stayed connected with Sikhi.

Singh grew up around a Sikh communal circle and remembers getting together on Fridays and doing Kirtan on Sundays. Reflecting, Singh realizes that most of her connections from the time grew up to become engineers and doctors. Although Singh herself also did well in Math and Science at school, it was really History that intrigued her. “I started realizing how revolutionary our religion was as compared to American history. I was quite interested in exploring the concept of “othering” and how it impacts minorities.”, shares Singh. As such, the meticulous student was always super interested in debate during her school days, confident that she’d want to pursue the field of law as a profession.

At the time she got admitted to the bar, Singh became the first Sikh to practice law in Houston. When first practicing in 2001, most of the faces she’d see among her colleagues were predominantly that of white men. Singh recalls, “You’d think law would be progressive, but it was very backwards. People would often ask

me where I’m from, probably looking for India as the answer, but I got myself into the habit of saying ‘North Houston’.” Fast forward to today, Singh says that the profession has become quite diverse, with more female law school graduates than males. Having been an attorney for 20 years, Singh has handled thousands of cases prior to taking the bench and has played an active role in many civil rights organizations at the local, state and national levels. In addition to being a recipient of the nationwide Passion of Excellence Award, Singh has served on the Board of Directors for various organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, the Texas Lyceum, and the Sikh Coalition. The overachiever was also named the runner-up for the Houston Young Lawyers Association Most Outstanding Attorney in 2010 and was recognized as the South Asian Bar Association Distinguished Member Award Winner in 2017.

Embarking words of wisdom, Singh reminds young professionals that money isn’t enough of a driver for a career, “Whatever profession you choose, it has to be that you can’t see yourself doing anything else. If you’re truly passionate about it, you’ll find success.”

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 46 GLOBAL INDIANS

Top 1% in Sales of all Realtors® in Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver 2010 - 2021

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*Medallion club and President’s club member of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver for every year since 2010


Real Estate Agent Gurbishan

Lower Mainland’s real estate market is always a hot topic. Currently, enthusiasts are questioning the future of the market given that the Bank of Canada seems to be holding interest rates steady. Surely, the bank’s decision was expected by economists as the bank had communicated its plan to pause the rate hikes after implementing eight consecutive rate hikes from March of last year to February of this year. Speculations surrounding the ease of securing a mortgage and the lucrativeness of setting foot in the market continue to prevail in an ever-changing industry.

Khera explains that last year saw a quick turnaround in the real estate market with interest rates rising faster than expected, resulting in a slowdown in late summer and fall. This year, interest rates remained high, affecting the purchasing power of buyers, but there was pent-up demand from families and individuals who were in need of buying, like

new parents and new couples and those upgrading to a new home. There was a shift with a decrease in property purchases as investments, and increased interest from individuals looking to occupy homes, townhomes, condos as personal residences. With the onset of spring, the market could once again change rapidly. Khera details, “Record-low inventories may entail more

opportunity to sell as there are a lot of buyers. This may be a good time to sell with many buyers looking for a home in the near future, as they delayed the purchase in the fall and winter, but with caution for potential volatility.”

Real Estate Agent Sidra

This may be a good time to sell with many buyers looking for a home in the near future, as they delayed the purchase in the fall and winter, but with caution for potential volatility.”

Subzwari’s assessment of the market is similar. She elaborates although last year’s market slowdown had created uncertainty for buyers, it more so discouraged sellers from placing their home on the market. Despite the interest rate increase, an appetite from qualified buyers remained apparent. Sales have actually slowed down due to the lack of inventory, which, in-turn, has created an active market again as of spring this year. Subzwari highlights, “If there are sellers wanting to explore the market, I would strongly encourage them to

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do so. Prices continue to hold strong, however it is best to understand the current market and align expectations accordingly.”

Adding further insight, Real Estate Agent Rahul Gill reveals that the real estate market has also experienced significant changes due to ongoing immigration and the lifting of restrictions on foreign buyers. Even those with work permits can now purchase homes. It is therefore anticipated that the market will continue to grow in the coming months and years. While interest rates are currently high, it is expected that they will come down in the future, leading to increased investment and buying activity.

“If the Bank of Canada does not raise rates further, the market will go crazy. The impact can already be seen as properties today are getting multiple offers. If you want to sell your home, now may be a good time to upgrade to a bigger or better property at a more affordable price. Similarly, buyers can take advantage of the current market conditions and purchase a home at a relatively lower price point. The key is to enter the market when prices are low, and then sell when the market rebounds and prices are high.”, Gill shares.

Shining light on the mortgage aspect, Mortgage Advisor Harvir Mann empathizes that getting approved for a mortgage may seem complicated. However, he reminds

mortgage seekers that the marketplace now offers a range of mortgage lenders, creating demand for alternative lending products. Different types of products from different lenders may make it easier for borrowers to get approved. With the rise of the gig economy during the pandemic, many lenders have created more products and different methods to qualify applicants, making access to multiple lenders and products more important than ever.

“Whether your plan is to buy three months from now or

at mortgage options. Things such as pre-payment options, penalty calculations, and mortgage portability should all be considered.”, suggests Mann.

Weighing in expert opinions, the Lower Mainland’s complex real estate market undoubtedly continues to be dynamic, influenced by a myriad of factors. Real estate agents suggest that while interest rates remain high, buyers and sellers can take advantage of current market conditions, still practicing diligence and forethought.

Whether your plan is to buy three months from now or a year from now, reach out to your bank or a licensed mortgage professional early on in the process, where we can walk through your goals and come up with a plan and budget.”

a year from now, reach out to your bank or a licensed mortgage professional early on in the process, where we can walk through your goals and come up with a plan and budget. Credit is an important part of the approval, so managing your debts and minimizing any monthly expenses is key. A common one we see is car payments; a $500 monthly payment can decrease your approval by almost $100,000. Moreover, take into account more than just the rate when looking

As accessing multiple lenders and products becomes easier, it is also important to consult with trustworthy mortgage professionals. As always, the age-old adage of buying low and selling high applies, and awareness of the current market is key to making informed decisions.

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Prices continue to hold strong, however it is best to understand the current market and align expectations accordingly.”
- Sidra Subzwari (Real Estate Agent)
If you want to sell your home, now may be a good time to upgrade to a bigger or better property at a more affordable price.”
- Rahul Gill (Real Estate Agent)
“ “ “
DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 51 Allure Ventures Inc. is a family company that is built on family values. Our promise is embedded in “Our Family Building Your Home.” Allure Ventures Inc. uses an inventive, sustainable and communityminded approach to develop multi-family environments where residents can thrive. Our Family Building Your Home SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION & FINISHINGS STATE-OF-THE-ART AMENITIES TOP-LINE APPLIANCES & FIXTURES COMMITMENT TO QUALITY www.allurebuildings.com 604-359-8118 info@allureventures.ca PRESENTATION CENTRE: 13629 108 AVENUE, SURREY BC


Having a goal in mind is crucial, but it’s equally important to consider different ways to approach it.”

Gulzar Group, one of the leading transportation companies in Canada, had humble beginnings.

In 2003, Sunpreet Sidhu and her husband Lally Sidhu, started the company with just two trucks. Lally’s desire to follow his father’s legacy and his interest in trucking, along with Sunpreet’s unwavering support and determination, led them to start Gulzar Group. The company was named after Lally’s great grandfather, Gulzar, and with hearts full of dedication and hope, they took the leap into entrepreneurship.

Sunpreet recalls, “At the time, I had very little knowledge about trucking. We both had so many thoughts and would often wonder what would happen if we failed. We would question if we would be able to manage it all. However, with God’s grace and our elders’ blessings, we worked our way to success.” Today, with a fleet of over 150 trucks, including containers, b-train loads, reefers, step decks, tractors, and dry vans, Gulzar Group has established itself as a reliable and trusted carrier in the industry.

Since its inception, Gulzar Group has been committed to providing top-notch transportation services to its clients across North America. Their dedication to quality has earned them recognition as a bonded Canadian/C-T PAT approved carrier, and their commitment to safety is reflected in the fact that all equipment is maintained in top condition according to government specifications by the service staff on site. This attention to detail ensures that clients receive the highest level of service and can rest assured that their cargo is in good hands. The company’s success can be attributed to its strong leadership, dedicated staff, and commitment to providing innovative solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of the transportation industry.

Evidently, Gulzar Group recognizes the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the transportation industry.

As such, the team is constantly planning to invest in technology and software to streamline their operations. The transportation industry has seen significant technological advancements in recent years, and these advancements have helped companies increase efficiency, improve safety, and reduce costs. By adopting new

technology and software, Gulzar Group is eager to improve their operations, better manage their fleet, and provide even better service to customers. The importance of technology in the transportation industry cannot be overstated, and Gulzar Group’s investment in this area is a wise decision that will help them remain competitive in the years to come.

Sunpreet shares that the leadership at Gulzar Group places a high value on its employees and is committed to putting its clients and team members first. They believe that a happy and motivated workforce is key to success, and this is reflected in their policies and practices. The company is known for its employee-friendly policies, which include fair compensation, training and development opportunities, and a supportive work environment. In addition, Gulzar Group understands the importance of having a reliable workforce to ensure timely and efficient service to clients. To this end, they keep extra staff on hand at all times to ensure that customer demand is met and that they can provide the best possible service. This approach not only benefits their clients, but also helps to create a sense of job security and stability for their employees, which in turn contributes to a positive and productive workplace culture, and exceptional client service. Thanks to such a solid foundation, Gulzar Group is currently in a great place to grow and prosper. With their recent developments, they have opened a new warehouse in Delta, British Columbia, which will allow them to better serve their customers in the western region of Canada. Additionally, they have expanded their business into Calgary and Toronto by opening their first branches in these cities. These expansions show the company’s commitment to growth and their willingness to adapt to new markets. With their experience and expertise in the transportation industry, Gulzar Group is well-positioned to continue to thrive in the years to come.

Undoubtedly, behind any company’s growth are masterminds of great leaders, which Sunpreet is truly personifying. Beyond her business acumen, as a woman in a leadership role, the female powerhouse knows the importance of

balancing her personal and professional life. For her, it’s all about planning. She runs on a strict schedule that allows her to keep up with the days and tasks. Every day brings new opportunities, and it’s crucial for the committed leader to plan for all kinds of situations. She values her team and ensures that they are supported and taken care of. Sunpreet’s dedication and leadership have helped Gulzar Group prosper and grow, and she continues to inspire others with her hard work and determination.

“To make the most of my potential, I tell myself five things every morning: “I am the best”, “I can do it alone”, “God is always with me”, “I am a winner”, and “Today is my day” I believe that every day is a new chapter with new opportunities, so it’s important to plan accordingly and be ready for anything that comes my way.”, shares Sunpreet. It is of no surprise that with this mindset and a strategic approach to her work, the motivational visionary has achieved great success in her career and continues to inspire her team to strive for excellence.

As the Director of Gulzar Group, Seema offers wise words of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own businesses. According to Sidhu, having a goal in mind is crucial, but it’s equally important to consider different ways to approach it. She recommends finding at least ten different approaches to allow for personal reflection and a broad perspective on the goal. This, in turn, can help determine the best course of action. Additionally, Sidhu emphasizes the importance of planning, being flexible, and having the determination to see things through. She believes that with hard work, dedication, and the right mindset, anyone can achieve success in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Surely, the proof is in the pudding with the transportation triumphs of Gulzar Group!

Contact: 604.946.4647 www.GulzarTransport.ca

Darpan Magazine hosted the inaugural Darpan Power Women of Influence 2023 at the breathtaking Vancouver Convention Centre on March 24th, 2023. The evening was a celebration of the spirit and power of women, amplifying the voice of South Asian women achievers living in BC and beyond to inspire women in the community to reach their full potential.

Close to 550 people attended the event; the majority were influential people from the South Asian community living in BC. Her Honour Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, attended the event, along with other dignitaries, including the first-ever South Asian Speaker of the House, Raj Chauhan; MLA for Surrey-Panorama, Jinny Sims; MLA for South Surrey, Elenore Sturko; and the first South Asian Supreme Court Judge and Former Attorney General, Wally Oppal.

The magical evening began with a red-carpet reception, greeting the guests with a flurry of cameras, flashing lights and a sense

of excitement—attendees arriving in stunning outfits, reflecting the spirit of the occasion. On the red carpet, a live media station interviewed esteemed guests, asking them their expectations for the evening; photographers were busy capturing beautiful moments, and music performances set the stage for the night ahead. The beautiful cocktail lounge had guests mingling and enjoying the hospitality.

Huse Madhavji, a Canadian actor and television personality, was the Master of Ceremonies for the night. Talented local artists Shivangi Bhayana and Parv Sandhar entertained the audience with their musical performance setting the stage for the inspiring speeches that followed.

Her Honor, The Honorable Janet Austin, addressed the audience, appreciating the intention behind the first-ever Darpan Power Women of Influence. Martin Thibodeau, Regional President, BC, at RBC, also shared his valuable words with audiences, lifting the spirits of all those present. Anita Anand, the Minister of National Defence of

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Canada, congratulated the team and shared her excitement through a video message.

Five remarkable women panelists from diverse fields - Host of CBC Vancouver News at 6, Anita Bathe, Regional Vice President at RBC, Devinder Gill, Attorney General of British Columbia Hon. Niki Sharma, Indian Actor and Former Miss Universe Lara Dutta, and Humanitarian and social activist Dr. Sakena Yacoobi were the star attraction of the event sharing their stories and insights on some of the most compelling issues faced by women around the world as Neetu Garcha from Global National moderated the discussion.

The event’s highlight was the DARPAN PowerTalk, where the panelists shared their experiences and stories on how they tackled challenges pertinent to their fields and professional journeys. A stimulating panel discussion followed, consisting of questions specific to each panelist and a set of generic questions, which led to them sharing their points of view and way forward on some of the most compelling issues affecting women worldwide.

Anita Bathe shared her journey as a woman of colour who wanted to be a journalist from a young age. As the face of one of Canada’s oldest and most renowned broadcasting networks, she delved into complex subjects, such as how women in the media sometimes have to play to society’s “beauty” standards.

Devinder Gill, the first female South Asian in BC to become a board executive at RBC and one of the biggest proponents of Diversity & Inclusivity in the corporate sector, shared her strategies and best practices for dealing with power structures within organizations early on in one’s career and how business leaders can support women from South Asian and other communities in their professional endeavours.

Hon. Niki Sharma, the Attorney General of British Columbia and the first woman of colour to hold this position across provinces in Canada, shared her experiences and insights on how women can break barriers and manoeuvre their way through politics.

Lara Dutta, who won the Miss Universe title at the age of 22, shared her insights on how to handle fame and success, what it’s like to be a part of the entertainment industry, and how young women can refrain from holding themselves to beauty standards portrayed at various beauty pageants.

Finally, Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, a crusader for women’s education, touched upon themes such as her motivation to use education to return to Afghanistan and empower women and her take on places like Iran and Afghanistan, where women are still fighting for fundamental human rights.

Overall, the panelists delivered powerful messages of empowerment and highlighted the achievements of women in various fields, reminding everyone present that women have the power to change the world. The panelists

shared their personal stories, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them to achieve their goals, shining light on their experiences in breaking barriers and stereotypes, the importance of diversity and inclusivity, and how to create a more equitable society.

The evening culminated with a sumptuous and hearty dinner, as guests were treated to an exquisite meal, including a lavish assortment of desserts. As the night progressed, the dance floor heated up, and guests danced to the melodious voices of Shivangi Bhayana and Parv Sandhar.

“We are humbled to have hosted the first ever Darpan Power Women of Influence 2023, an opportunity to celebrate the incredible achievements of women in BC and beyond. Our gratitude goes out to the community for making the night a grand success, and we look forward to partnering and collaborating with the community to continue recognizing the potential of women in all walks of life!” shared Gurvinder Hundal and Ramneek Dhillon, respectively Founder and President of Darpan Magazine.

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Attendees’ Reactions to the Event

Tonight was dedicated to celebrating the strength, resiliency and exuberance of some impressive and highly accomplished South Asian females – and what an evening it was! It was an absolute honour for RBC to be the presenting sponsor of the 2023 Darpan Magazine Power Women of Influence Gala.”

– Martin Thibodeau, Regional President, British Columbia, RBC

It was wonderful to celebrate these powerful women and to hear them share their experiences and personal journeys as they challenged the status quo and broke barriers in their respective fields. What an incredibly inspirational and powerful event.”

What an incredible and humbling experience to be present at the Darpan Power Women of Influence Gala 2023. Such a privilege to hear these incredible, powerful and motivating South Asian Women speak of their personal journeys and provide advice to all the powerful women around the world.”

– Omira Janmohamed, Manager, EV Readiness, Canada, General Motors

Last night was the first Darpan Power Women of Influence gala (I sure hope it’s not the last! It was amazing and so inspiring). I was at the edge of my seat listening to the panelist.”

– Shirley Samujh-Dayal, Director, Operations, Coast Mountain Bus Company

Panelists’ Reactions to the Event

Thank you Darpan Magazine and Vancouver for an unforgettable evening!!! Was an honour to be part of the Power Women of Influence Gala!”

– Lara Dutta Bhupati, Indian Actor and Former Miss Universe

Thank you, Darpan magazine, for having me at your amazing event. Events like this are so important to the community. It was an honour to share the stage with such inspiring women. I brought my daughter, and I am so glad she was in the presence of such strong/proud BIPOC women.”

Thank you for including me in your event on Friday. It was such a pleasure, and I hope you’re all so proud of what you were able to pull off. Everyone loved it, and I so enjoyed being part of it all.”

A Sincere Thank you to Darpan Magazine for having me at your Power Women of Influence Gala last night. What an honour it was to have the opportunity to meet such wonderful people & inspiring strong women; your kindness, hospitality & support are most appreciated. Thank you for speaking on the importance of empowering women and allowing me to shine a light on my beloved #afghanistan. It was truly an incredible evening with much-needed conversations.”

Darpan’s Inaugural Power Women of Influence Event celebrating South Asian Women and their accomplishments. Great speakers, empowering conversations, beautiful location, delicious food and excellent company! A company owned by two South Asian men hosting an event celebrating South Asian women! Thank you! Gurvinder Hundal, Ramneek Dhillon, Darpan Magazine.”

– Sonia Virk, Lawyer/Partner at Virk Viyas & Associate Lawyers

It was humbling to be on that stage and work to continue to break barriers and be self-assertive and put yourself out there as a woman and more so as a South Asian female”

The entire Darpan team should be very proud. It’s hard to believe this was the first event of its kind. You were all exceptionally organized, and it’s clear through every detail of the event that you all put your heart, drive, and so much care into it. I enjoyed the panel discussion and heard a lot of great feedback from others who felt the same (people I know and a number of people I’d never met before).”

– Sabrina Keeler-Beggs, National Sales Operations Manager, Cadillac
– Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Humanitarian and social activist
– Devinder Gill, Regional Vice President, Business Financial Services, British Columbia, RBC
“ “ “
– Hon. Niki Sharma, Attorney General of British Columbia
– Neetu Garcha, Anchor/ Reporter, Global National
– Anita Bathe, Host of CBC Vancouver News at 6
Maharaja Restaurants, redefining the fine dining landscape of Metro Vancouver! Visit us to get a taste of royalty! www.MaharajaCatering.com SURREY #407, 8148 – 128 St. Surrey, BC 604.592.3002 33157 1st Ave Mission, BC 604.720.4627 MISSION

Renowned activist and the driving force behind Rescue Foundation, Mrs. Triveni Acharya, talks to Darpan about her journey from journalism to a human trafficking crusader.

human trafficking has plagued India for centuries. In our modern world, little has changed; reports indicate that approximately 16 million women fall prey to sex trafficking in India every year. Shockingly, some of the victims are as young as nine years old. While the issue is undoubtedly distressing, there is still hope for these young girls forced into prostitution, thanks to selfless heroes like - Mrs. Triveni Acharya.

Fondly addressed as “mummy” by all the rescued girls, Mrs. Acharya is a beacon of hope in the lives of countless girls who have been victims of human trafficking.

Mrs. Acharya’s journey as a human trafficking crusader began in the early 1990s when she was working as a crime journalist and happened to visit Mumbai’s red-light district — Kamathipura. Little did she know at that time that a simple assignment would completely change the course of her life.

“An actor was visiting the red-light area to get rakhis tied by sex workers. I offered to cover the event for

Triveni AchAryA

The Crusader Against Human Trafficking in India

my newspaper. After the event got over, driven by my curiosity, I ventured into the tabooed lanes of Kamathipura,” recalls Mrs. Acharya, who is actively involved with all rescue activities and is recently back from a rescue operation in Bihar. She continues, “I saw some juvenile girls applying makeup. I first assumed their mothers were sex workers but was shocked to learn that these young girls were forced into prostitution, some even sold by their family members. I offered to give them ticket fares to return to their homes, but they refused. They had failed in their earlier attempts to escape from the brothel and were forcefully brought back and tortured. Chilli powder was put on their private parts; they were not given food for days and were raped multiple times. While I was still talking to them, the brothel madam came along with a mob and asked me to leave. I left from there, but the haunting images of those young girls stayed with me.”   Mrs. Acharya was deeply affected by what she had witnessed that day and broke down in front of her husband, the late Balkrishna Acharya. Surprisingly, he revealed that he had also wanted to talk to her about a similar subject. Coincidentally, one of his employees approached him to rescue his partner trapped in the red-light area.


decided to help that girl. We garnered some police support and carried out a rescue operation. However, when we went to save one, fourteen other girls pleaded for help. We succeeded in rescuing all of them and brought them home,” recollects Mrs. Acharya and continues, “After the rescue, we gathered our savings, sought help from the journalist union and collected funds to take the girls back to their homes in Nepal. While some families welcomed their missing daughters warmly, some refused to accept them. A few rescued girls had contracted HIV and had nowhere to go. So, we sought help from an NGO called Maiti Nepal, who took the girls under their shelter.” By then, despite being criticized by family and friends for helping sex workers, Mrs. Acharya and her husband had made the life-changing decision to dedicate their lives to fight against this cause. They faced numerous threats but continued their rescue and rehabilitation work in partnership with Maiti Nepal. Their unrelenting commitment to the cause garnered widespread recognition, including the Reebok Human Rights Award in 2000, which included a prize of US$100,000. “After we received this

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Amarpal Singh

money, we decided to register Rescue Foundation in the year 2000,” informs Mrs. Acharya.

Ever since, Rescue Foundation has saved over 7000 lives by rescuing girls from trafficking and providing them with a supportive environment to rebuild their lives. With four safe havens in Mumbai, Boisar, Pune and Delhi, the foundation provides shelter, healthcare, education, and vocational and skill training such as tailoring, bag making, embroidery, computers, hospitality, spoken English, martial arts, yoga, meditation, art & crafts, painting, dance therapy, and legal support etc.

Talking about the work conducted by Rescue Foundation, Mrs. Acharya says, “When we rescue these girls, they have no identification proofs. So, after the rescue, their age verification, pregnancy test, HIV test, and other necessary things are conducted by our organization. Most of them are minors and uneducated. So, we provide literacy training, mandatory yoga and meditation classes, and art and craft workshops. After their 10th grade, we make them do diploma courses in housekeeping, hospitality, and computer courses to help them find employment. The government of Maharashtra is their legal guardian until they are 18, and we are the custodian.”

Apart from helping the girls stand on their own feet, Mrs. Acharya and her foundation also help them overcome their trauma. “We have in-house counsellors who provide different therapies and de-addiction treatments. Recovery takes time, and the first 25 days are the most difficult, with the withdrawal phase where the girls often display aggressive behaviour. We take precautions to prevent self-harm and suicides. With counselling, the survivors slowly recover,” narrates Mrs. Acharya.

The fearless activist has encountered several hurdles along her chosen path. Still, the biggest jolt came in 2005, when her husband died in an alleged framed accident while returning from a rescue operation. “He was constantly getting threat calls, and that day I told him I will accompany him,” reveals an emotional Mrs. Acharya, “But he said — ‘One of us has to stay alive to fight for this cause.’”

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After Balkrishna’s death, Mrs. Acharya aggressively got involved with the functioning of the Rescue Foundation and took over as the organization’s President/ CEO. Ask her what motivated her to continue working for the foundation during those trying times, and she smiles warmly, “When I see these innocent girls, I see my daughters in them. At an age when they were supposed to be studying and playing, they were instead tortured, raped and forced into prostitution. I never asked any of them to call me ‘Mummy,’ but all these girls call me ‘Mummy.’ And it is a very overwhelming feeling. So, they motivated me to continue fighting for this cause.”

Under Mrs. Acharya’s leadership, Rescue Foundation has received several accolades. The government of India awarded a posthumous award to Balkrishna Acharya. In 2008, Mrs. Acharya received a Stree Shakti Award, and in 2010, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-Jeou presented Mrs. Acharya with the Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award. In 2011, she won the Civil Courage Prize from The Train Foundation. In 2013, Mrs. Acharya became the 2013 Humanitarian Honoree of the World of Children Award in conjunction with her work with The Rescue Foundation.

Besides rescue and rehabilitation activities, Mrs. Triveni Acharya is also actively educating the youth about human trafficking. Rescue Foundation and several other NGOs also advocate for more stringent punishments for the trafficking accused.

With her bold and unwavering dedication to the cause of human trafficking, Mrs. Triveni Acharya is an inspiration to many. Her work with Rescue Foundation is a testament to the fact that all it takes to make a real difference in the world is the will to do it.

Note: One can get associated with Rescue Foundation as a volunteer or help them in their fight against human trafficking through donations, providing meals at their centres, sponsoring their rescue girls etc. For more details, visit - https://rescuefoundation.net/


When it comes to face makeup, our needs can range from fullon foundation coverage that camouflages imperfections to a subtle, evening-out skin tone for a polished look to a glowy finish that projects a youthful, healthy vitality. Innovative product formulations have made achieving or refining those effects so much easier. Where once it was down to just foundation, and then foundation versus tinted moisturizer, we now have a range of options that include various types of concealers and, more recently, skin tints.

“Skin tint is the lightest possible complexion makeup product that gives skin more of a radiant glow,” says Janice James, field executive training manager for Bobbi Brown. “It’s quick and easy to apply with fingertip application versus foundation, typically applied with a brush or damp sponge.”

Hilary Lloyd, The Body Shop’s

What’s your Cover?

vice president of marketing, says skin tint is comparable to tinted moisturizers in that it’s very sheer with a hint of pigment ideal for creating the no-makeup makeup look.

“Face or skin tints have a thinner texture than foundations and feel more like a serum when applying,” Lloyd explains. “The buildable sheer texture melts into your skin for a dewy finish that doesn’t cake or settle into fine lines.”

Both skin tints and foundations can incorporate skincare benefits. James says Bobbi Brown’s newly released Vitamin Enriched Skin Tint SPF 15 features a sunscreen and a signature blend of vitamins B, C and E, pro-vitamin D, Cactus Flower and hyaluronic acid, all aimed at protecting and moisturizing the skin. ILYA’s Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 combines skincare to improve overall skin tone over time and sun protection with light coverage for a

natural look with more than 30 shades.

Some foundations, James notes, have skincare ingredients while providing the benefits you would want in a foundation, but many “foundations are just for colour and coverage and rely on skincare to prep and hydrate the skin.”

Lloyd says both their tint and foundation have nourishing ingredients. The Second Skin

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Barely there, dewy or full matte effect? We look at some options to put your best face forward
Skin tint is the lightest possible complexion makeup product that gives skin more of a radiant glow”
Janice James, Field Executive Training Manager, Bobbi Brown

Tint boasts community fair trade shea butter and moringa seed oil, while their Fresh Nude Foundation contains vitamin E and Community Fair Trade organic aloe vera. Both formulations aim to keep skin hydrated for 24 hours and are suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Estée Lauder Futurist Hydra Rescue Moisturizing Makeup SPF45, as the name suggests, combines an ultra-hydrating formulation with high sun protection in a buildable light foundation in a wide range of hues.

James advises that those with oily skin might find that an oil-free foundation with a matte finish and oil control would better address their needs.

For her personal routine, James says whether she opts for a tint over a foundation depends on the look she wants rather than just seasonal considerations. She admits reaching for a tint more often than foundation during the warmer months.

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 65
The buildable sheer texture melts into your skin for a dewy finish that doesn’t cake or settle into fine lines.”
Hilary Lloyd, Vice President of Marketing, The Body Shop H • Hair Cuts • Hair • Fac
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“Sometimes I want to take the time to apply the extra coverage and long wear of a foundation,” she says. “Sometimes I want a quick natural look—my skin only better—fresh, healthy and glowing. I do opt for skin tint more in the summer when I want to keep my skin protected and glowing throughout the sunny and hot season.”

Although it always comes down to personal preference, age is often a factor when choosing how much coverage to use. For more mature skins, lighter products that don’t settle into fine lines and creases but provide a bit of glow (not shine) might be preferable.

“Age and environment play a large role in choosing the correct cosmetics,” Lloyd says. “Some individuals may seek a lighter weight, more sheer product in the summer months. People who are looking for fuller coverage to conceal specific skin concerns may opt for a foundation year-round. As we age, cosmetic products are more likely to settle into our fine lines. A general rule of thumb is that sheer to medium coverage products are best suited for people looking to freshen their look without experiencing caking or settling.”

With numerous options in both types of products, James thinks more about personal preference and what feels good on your skin rather than just age when selecting a foundation versus a face tint. From a practical point, she says foundations provide more customizable options for colour and coverage. “When selecting a foundation, consider your skin type and complexion needs,” she advises. “Skin tints are typically for all skin types with light coverage wanting a natural-skin-like glow.”

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10 Ways to Rock The

Less is a Bore Maximalism Décor Style

From bold statement walls to vintage finds and quirky accessories, the possibilities with maximalism are endless. Here’s how you can pull off this eclectic décor trend.

Tired of playing safe when decorating your home? Well, say hello to the maximalism décor! Defined by the philosophy — More is definitely more, the maximalism décor celebrates excess, as opposed to the popular minimalism style.

Bursting with energy, maximalism style brings together layers of peppy colours, bold patterns, textures, and a variety of decorative pieces, to create a visually rich environment that resonates with your vibe. It’s unapologetic and involves pushing boundaries to create a unique and personalized look.

Picture this: walls covered in vibrant colours, intricate wallpaper, and every surface adorned with a mix of bold artwork and decorative pieces. From traditional rugs to vintage chandeliers to neon signs — Maximalism is all about

surrounding yourself with pieces that invoke happiness.

But make no mistake, maximalism does not entail haphazardly throwing together every item available in your room and calling it a day. Rather, maximalism is all about delicately selecting different pieces and finding a balance between them, which further contributes to the overall aesthetics, without tipping over into chaos.

So, are you ready to embrace your inner maximalist and have some fun? Keep reading to discover how to master maximalist aesthetics.


Embrace Colours

Colour is undoubtedly the hallmark of maximalist design. Be intentional about your colour choices, instead of incorporating every colour imaginable into your décor, start with a basic colour palette and build on it from there. In maximalism: ‘bold is better’. So, paint your walls in a bold hue, mix different colours throughout the space, and use contrasting hues to create a dynamic atmosphere. When decorating, make sure your furniture, artwork and decorative items are in your chosen colour scheme.

Don’t Forget The Ceiling

In maximalism decor, every inch of a room is an opportunity to add colour, texture, and personality; the ceiling, of course, is no exception. Consider using unique materials such as wallpaper, metallic tiles, or vibrant paint, which complement the other four walls in the room. Lighting fixtures like bold chandeliers and playful pendant lights can also play a significant role in maximizing the ceiling’s impact.

Deck Up Your Walls

A maximalism décor is incomplete without gallery walls. It’s a curated collection of art pieces, photos and decorative items that reflect your personality. We are talking maximalism here, so obviously more is merrier. Don’t shy away from mixing and matching different types of art pieces, frames, and canvases with unexpected elements like masks, mirrors, plaques, and shelves to create a visually astounding gallery wall that can add oomph to your maximalist space.

Go Berserk with Books

Maximalism embraces your book collection with open arms, allowing you to display as many books as you please. Don’t stop at books alone; mix and match textures and colours by stacking books and topping them with a small flower vase or displaying framed photos on the shelves. Let your bookshelves reflect your style and love for all things literary.

Make Old Meet New

Picture this: you walk into a room where old and new seamlessly blend; an antique cabinet having its moment alongside a neon sign, while a sleek glass coffee table stands proudly on an intricately patterned rug. This is maximalism decor at its finest – a bold and youthful approach to design that celebrates the joy of mixing the old with the new.

Play With Patterns

Try combining floral printed wallpaper with a striped rug, it creates a knowing clash that adds character and visual interest to a room. Experiment with different scales, colours, and textures. Patterned throw pillows, rugs, and curtains are all great opportunities to incorporate patterns into your maximalist décor. The goal is to create a space that feels lively and energizing, while still maintaining a sense of balance and harmony.

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Let there be Light

Nothing accentuates the boldness and extravagance of maximalism décor than lighting fixtures. Statement pieces like chandeliers, oversized pendant lights, and sculptural table lamps can create a dramatic effect in your space. Mix and match different styles of lighting fixtures, such as vintage and modern elements or vibrant colours and patterns, to create a unified look.

Power Of Plants

Indoor plants aren’t just for minimalism, they can also spruce up your maximalist space. Incorporating plants in maximalism decor can add a lush and natural element, while enhancing the aesthetic. Mix up the sizes, shapes, and colours of plants, from hanging to tall leafy ones, to create a vibrant atmosphere. Choose bold and decorative planters to complement the maximalist style, and place them on shelves, mantels, or tables to add layers to your decor.

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Don’t Ignore The Windows

Windows are an integral part of maximalist décor and can be used to add drama and amplify the maximalist vibe. Patterned or textured curtains in rich, vibrant colours can create a luxurious and eye-catching effect. Roller shades are also a versatile and stylish option for maximalist window treatments. Layering multiple window treatments with decorative hardware can add depth and dimension to your space.

Keep Everything Cohesive

Maximalist style, it’s all about showcasing your unique personality. But, it’s also important to create a unified look to nail your décor. Start by choosing a standout colour and incorporating it into different elements of your space, like chairs or curtains. This will help create balance and cohesiveness. Keeping your space symmetrical is also key to avoiding visual chaos when layering on more patterns and colours. So, unleash your creativity and mix and match to your heart’s content, just remember to stay connected.


Vaisakhi Celebrations, Vancouver

After a three-year hiatus, the Vaisakhi parades were finally back in Vancouver and Surrey on April 15th and 22nd, respectively. The DARPAN Magazine team was part of the celebrations, giving out its Vaisakhi edition and meeting with the people from the community, who were thrilled to be back for this vibrant event. As the communities recover from the pandemic, the Vaisakhi parades are a reminder of the enduring spirit of the cultural and community celebration and the values of unity, diversity, and resilience that define Canadian society.

Vaisakhi Celebrations, Surrey

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Meet Victoria’s First South Asian Woman to be among Top 10% Realtors

Born and raised in Victoria, Dez Daljit Mahal holds immense love for and knowledge of her hometown. Mahal has become the first South-Asian woman to enter the top 10% of realtors on Vancouver Island, has earned the MLS Gold Award in 2022, and has been voted “Best in the City” for two consecutive years in a row (2021-2022). The boss lady reveals, “Many women in my community felt that there wasn’t a prominent South Asian woman in Victoria to assist with their real estate needs, so I set out on my journey to become that woman.”

Mahal explains that the cost of living in both Vancouver and Victoria is comparable. Of course, the sheer size of Vancouver makes for extra expenses. As purchasing a home in Vancouver’s core can be financially draining, the alternative is the city’s outskirts, leading to lengthy daily commutes. Although Victoria’s rising population is causing wider-spread housing and heavier traffic, the average resident spends less time and money commuting. Moreover, Victoria’s rental prices are higher than many parts of the Lower Mainland due to a lack of inventory. As such, the monthly return on investment is much higher in Victoria. Mahal concludes, “Basically, you pay less for a home and earn more on a monthly basis.” As of April 2023, rental for a 1-bedroom apartment in Victoria is $1,978, and for a 2-bedroom apartment is $2,525. Victoria’s market is more stable than Vancouver, too. During the last several months, as interest rates rose, Victoria didn’t experience as steep of a value decline.

Keeping on top of such news about Victoria’s lucrative market, Mahal is a true expert. One can rely on her for professionalism & assistance during their real estate transaction. Her client, Kuldeep, emphasizes, “Dez Daljit Mahal is a realtor every customer wants or requires in the real estate market. She is extremely knowledgeable and trustworthy. She quickly determines customers’ needs and

helps achieve your dream house.” As a bold woman shattering the glass ceiling, Mahal is passionate about women’s empowerment and believes in uplifting other women as strives to deliver more than expected. She has learned to manage and handle every obstacle life throws at her and is fueled by the desire to genuinely serve her clients and community. Her biggest achievement is the trust and love she has earned from her clients, friends, community, and family. “My clients and community keep me going and striving to do more each day. I enjoy assisting them, encouraging them to be more involved with the community, and helping them through their home-buying and selling journey. Most of my clients become my friends, and their friendship means a lot to me,” she says.  Apart from working, she enjoys vol-

unteering. Even as a child, she would go with her grandmother every weekend to volunteer and serve the community, which instilled a passion for community work in her from a very young age. “From the very beginning, I was taught the importance of giving back to society, and I continue to give back and participate in as many ways as I can even today,” says Mahal.

DEZ DALJIT MAHAL Learn a bit about Victoria Vs. Lower Mainland Contact: (250) 858-5331 BUSINESS PROFILE

Embrace The

Wellness Revolution The Best Retreats to Rejuvenate in Canada

With the emergence of health-focused travel experiences, travellers are saying goodbye to the days of over-indulgence and are prioritizing self-care and mindfulness in their travel plans. So, whether you are a yoga-loving nomad or a wellness newbie, get ready to pack your bags and join the wellness travel revolution!

Travelling is not just about ticking off destinations from your bucket list and snapping pictures for the ‘gram. When done with a purpose, a holiday can be an exhilarating experience that ignites our senses, kicks in those happy hormones, sparks our creativity and broadens our horizons. And thanks to the emergence of wellness tourism, more and more travellers are now ditching the party scene and realizing the potential of a truly transformative trip.

Wondering what is wellness travel all about? Well, to put it simply, wellness travel is all about nurturing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health while exploring new destina-

tions and cultures. Though a relatively new concept, the trend of mindful and health-focused travel is taking the world by storm, especially in the post-covid era, and for good reason.

Wellness tourism offers a plethora of activities that help you break free from the monotony of everyday life while focusing on your health and well-being. From indulgent spa treatments to peaceful yoga and meditation retreats and even thrilling outdoor adventures like hiking and kayaking, wellness tourism has something for everyone.

In fact, according to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness trend is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the tourism industry, with revenues projected to reach $1.3 trillion by 2025. It’s not hard to see why wellness travel has such a dedicated fan base. After all, who doesn’t want to come back from a vacation feeling healthier and happier than when they left? No more guilt trips about over-indulging or feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation—just pure bliss and self-improvement. With wellness travel, you can have your cake and eat it too, as long as it’s gluten-free and made with natural sweeteners.

So, are you ready to hop on the wellness travel train? Well, Canada,

with its breath-taking scenery, expansive wilderness, and diverse attractions, is an ideal destination for wellness tourism and boasts several world-class retreats that cater to different interests and budgets. Here are some of the best wellness retreats in Canada.

Grail Springs Retreat Centre For Wellbeing, Bancroft, Ontario

Planning to kick start your wellness journey? Look no further than Grail Springs Retreat Centre for Wellbeing. This award-winning sanctuary offers a variety of wellness programs


that can help health enthusiasts to recharge and rejuvenate. Set in a beautiful forested area on the edge of a crystal-clear, spring-fed Chalice Lake, Grail Springs provides a holistic, non-clinical approach to well-being. Guests can enjoy all-inclusive signature experiences ranging from 2 to 7 nights, which include comfortable accommodations, delicious plant-based meals, daily yoga and meditation classes, a Finnish sauna, nature walks, hot and cold immersion therapy, and more. With its peaceful setting, Grail Springs is the perfect place to unwind and reconnect with nature.

Mountain Trek Health Reset Retreat, Ainsworth, BC

Kananaskis Nordic Spa, Alberta

Arcana, Toronto

Nestled in a secluded forest site, two hours north of Toronto, Arcana offers a one-of-akind wellness travel experience with its cluster of mirror cabins. This wellness haven offers a bespoke approach to healing and rejuvenation, tailored to meet each guest’s unique needs. The Arcana experience is designed to be enjoyed in complete solitude and even the exact location is only disclosed to the guests after booking. Guests can relax and unwind in the comfort of the cabins, complete with a fire pit and deck, and enjoy the cedar sauna, all while enjoying complete seclusion from the outside world. From the moment you step into the thoughtfully designed space, you’ll feel transported into a world of tranquillity and relaxation. Don’t miss the chance to discover a renewed sense of balance and well-being at this Toronto’s premier wellness destination.

Dreaming of a luxurious retreat that combines relaxation with wellness? Mountain Trek Health Reset Retreat is your go-to destination! Nestled in the heart of British Columbia’s magnificent mountains, this award-winning retreat offers a boot camp-style program aimed at reversing the effects of ageing, stress, and overworking. The program features daily hikes through the stunning mountains of British Columbia, chef-prepared-nutritionist-designed spa cuisine, sunrise yoga, and a time in their state-of-the-art spa. Plus, the spectacular views the retreat offers, will make you feel like you’re living in a postcard. So, what are you waiting for? Pack your hiking boots, water bottle, and your adventure spirit, and get ready for the ultimate health reset in Canada’s wilderness.

The Kananaskis Nordic Spa in Alberta is an alpine oasis renowned for its unforgettable spa experiences and refreshing hydrotherapy. Set in the heart of Alberta’s striking Kananaskis Country, the spa is surrounded by natural beauty and spread over 50,000 square-feet of space. Guests can enjoy the spa’s hot, warm, and cold pools, saunas, steam rooms, and relaxation areas. One can even indulge in a rejuvenating massage or facial, and savour delicious cuisine at the on-site restaurant. With stunning panoramic views and a serene atmosphere, Kananaskis Nordic Spa is the perfect place to recharge and revitalize your mind and body.

Scandinave Spa, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec

Talk about an ultimate wellness vacation, and you can’t think beyond Scandinave Spa. The spa is a tranquil escape into nature that is designed to help you embrace the silence. With no WiFi, the spa encourages wellness-seeking travellers to disconnect from technology and enjoy a range of rejuvenating treatments like massages, dips in hot and cool pools, relaxing in the eucalyptus steam room, and more. This serene oasis provides the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

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Fun with frills

Want to add some element of fun to your summer dressing? Opt for dreamy ruffled dresses in minimal prints like polka dots or small designs that bring out the boisterous side of you. From midi ruffled dresses featuring a corseted bodice to noodle-strap layered dresses, there are plenty of options.

80s Power Dressing

In the 80s, women’s fashion was taken more seriously as it saw a shift in some working in high positions. Well, we’re talking about power suits with padded shoulders paired with bold accessories. Look around now, women are eagerly looking to revisit 80s power dressing to make a statement.

They say summer fashion is more effortless compared to dressing for other seasons. But is it really? You simply cannot keep playing with florals, whites, or cotton dresses. Of course, they definitely add to the vibe. However, there is more to summer fashion than just the basics. From 80s power dressing and art-inspired dressing to

What’s summer dressing without going all out with loud and colourful prints? While we usually reserve the nudes and neutral colours for winter, elevate your vibe and game by choosing dresses in colourful prints. Paired with the right accessories and footwear, these dresses work best for your summer vacation.

DARPAN Fashion

them in their manner. Wearable art is your best bet if you want to make a statement with your sense of style this summer. If you can afford the big designers, nothing beats it. But plenty of small designers also make wearable art look classy and elegant.

one should wear tube tops. Like, duh! It’s summer. Wear them on extra hot days with skirts, cargo pants, or even your denim. And the best part… you can choose from an array of necklines.

Some trends to add to your Summer Look

• Plain headbands that work well with your face.

• Colourful kicks that you can wear with your summer dresses or shorts.

• Feather earrings or big loops that add to your overall vibe.

• Athleisure for the fit fashionistas.

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How South Indian movies are taking over the world

outh Indian cinema making waves globally: A look at its rise and popularity.

In a recent interview, Joe Russo, known for making Marvel movies, spoke about how India is one of the major movie markets for cinema, specifically mentioning SS Rajamouli’s RRR. While he acknowledged Bollywood’s significant film business worldwide, he noted its minimal exposure outside India. Fortunately, Indian cinema has returned to the world map with movies like RRR, “which use a level of technical genius, visual effects, and mythological storytelling to appeal to a much wider audience.” According to Joe, who spoke to a Hollywood trade website, “We learn about other cultures from movies like that. We want to support other markets as much as possible so their stories can get through more broadly.”

From RRR and Baahubali to the recent Oscar-winner, The Elephant Whisperers, South Indian movies have dominated India and made a mark globally. The success of movies like Vikram, Kantara, K.G.F, Pushpa: The Rise, and most recently, Ponniyin Selvan, has made everyone want a piece of the action from South films.

South Indian films rise has been gradually increasing: However, the buzz around South Indian films did not begin recently. In the early 70s and 80s, filmmakers like Balu Mahendra and K Balachander made a splash in Bollywood with their films being remade in Hindi. In the 90s, Mani Ratnam and Shankar’s films,

such as Nayakan, Bombay, Sivaji: The Boss and Enthiran, gained national attention. Rajamouli soon followed with his films Eega and the two-part series Baahubali, which achieved national success. Kannada cinema, or Sandalwood, soon made its mark with K.G.F. The first part’s roaring success built expectations for the second part, making it an even more, grander film and earning huge box office numbers. With films like Vikram and Ponniyin Selvan appealing to the pan-Indian market, South Cinema found its audience worldwide.

Pandemic high

The pandemic has also played a role in the rise of South Indian films. Although they had releases globally before the pandemic, the number of screens on which they were shown was a question. However, with the increase in viewers resorting to OTT during the pandemic, many Hindi-speaking viewers started streaming South films based on reviews and IMDB ratings. Wordof-mouth reviews from friends, friends-offriends, Twitter, and Instagram led more people to watch South films.

So, what really is the reason?

Many people believe South films are currently making movies closer to their culture and showcasing stories and people familiar with them. For instance, the hit movie RRR is a story closer to home for the Telugu audience. However, Rajamouli made

it appeal to all kinds of audiences through his direction. Kantara, directed by actor Rishab Shetty, took inspiration from his hometown, Keradi, Karnataka, which had not been explored before. Ponniyin Selvan was a historical novel that many Tamilians had read, making it more relatable to them. Even a commercial, period-gangster film like K.G.F was set in Kolar Gold Fields. While Malayalam films do not see the box office high like other industries, their films are always rooted in their culture and known to be more realistic. Although audiences love Marvel movies, they also yearn for realistic films that showcase life where they come from, characters with whom they can relate, and picturesque scenes from places they belong to.

Number game begins

The box office number game is beginning to change as South films release pan-India or pan-world in multiple languages. Audiences who speak different languages are now watching films featuring South actors based on reviews and the hype surrounding the movie. Even Bollywood biggies are eager to work with South filmmakers and be part of South Indian films. While earlier, only B, C-listed actors used to work in South Indian films, today, even A-listed stars want to act in movies with top stars in the south. Lines are definitely blurring, and the urge to make better films is rising.


Chef Kishore Rangan

Currently, he’s working as Executive Chef at Vancouver Convention Centre. With a wealth of knowledge, passion, and experience, Kishore brings his signature European cooking style to this beautiful waterfront location.

Kishore enjoys using local ingredients to flare up the dishes and is busy experimenting with the fresh and unique ingredients the Pacific Northwest offers. He aims to create delicious dishes that tell a story specific to a region and promise a ‘home away from home’.

Kishore holds a Diploma in Hotel Management and is just as passionate about people as he’s about food. Outside the kitchen, he loves spending time with his two daughters, watching movies with his wife, and playing tennis. Kishore is trilingual and speaks English, Hindi, and Tamil fluently.

By Chef Kishore Rangan


• Vegetable oil – ½ cup

• Coconut oil – 1 cup

• Mustard seeds – 30gms

• Cumin seeds – 20 gms

• Dry red chili – 8 to 10 whole

• Hing powder – as needed

• Curry leaves – as needed

• Onion diced – 3 cups

• Ginger and garlic paste – 1cup

• Tomato puree – 6 cups

• Turmeric powder – 80gms

• Chili powder – 80gms

• Coriander powder – 80gms

• Salt – as needed

• Fish – as per need

• Coconut milk – 8cups

• Cilantro chopped – 1cup


• Heat vegetable oil and half the coconut oil and add mustard seed and cumin seed until the seeds crackle.

• Add dry red chili, curry leaves and splash hing on it.

• Add onion and sauté until the raw flavour is not present.

• Add g&g paste, tomato puree, and all the spices and cook well for 10-20mintues. The sauce can be chunky or smooth (as needed).

• Add the fish and pour coconut milk and simmer until fish is cooked.

• Turn off the heat and add rest of the coconut oil and garnish with chopped cilantro

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Kerala Fish Curry DARPAN Recipes

Chickpea Stew

Soak overnight (6hrs will also work) and cook until you can press through the fork. Cooking under pressure will be faster, but traditional cooking in water will also work


For base gravy

Diced yellow onion – 2

Cumin seeds – 3tbs

Chopped chilli – 1

Ginger and garlic chopped or pureedless than a quarter cup

Diced fresh tomato – 8

Chop cilantro – half a cup

Coriander powder – 2tbs

Chilli powder – 1tbs

Cumin powder – 2tbs

Turmeric powder – 3 tbs

Dry fenugreek leaves – quarter cup

Salt – 3tbs

Vegetable oil – less than a quarter cup


In a pan, heat oil and add cumin (let the cumin crackle but not burn)

Add – onion, chilli and ginger–garlic. Let it sauté for a good 5 to 10 minutes. Add diced tomato and add all the remaining ingredients

Cook for good 15 to 20 minutes—until tomatoes are soft and mushy.

Add cooked beans and simmer for 5-10 minutes. You can add some chopped cilantro as garnish, and it’s ready to eat. Can be eaten with bread, rice, quinoa, porridge

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Release date: June 2, 2023

Directed by: Laxman Utekar

Starring: Vicky Kaushal, Sara Ali Khan

Get ready to witness the magic of a new and refreshing on-screen duo as Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal come together for Laxman Utekar’s upcoming rom-com, tentatively titled Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. While the plot of the film is still under wraps, sources claim that the film has

Summer is just around the corner, and Bollywood is gearing up to bring some thrilling new releases to the big screen. From Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan’s romantic ride Zara Hatke Zara Bach Ke and Prabhas and Kriti Sanon’s mythological outing Adipurish, to Ajay Devgn’s portrayal of an inspirational football coach in Maidaan and the musical love story SatyaPrem Ki Katha featuring Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani. Whether you are in the mood for action, drama, romance or a little bit of everything, the coming months in Bollywood promise to be a blockbuster season. So, grab some popcorn and get ready for an exciting summer of cinema!

a unique storyline filled with hilarious moments. Furthermore, the chemistry between Sara and Vicky is expected to be electric and their camaraderie on set was nothing short of amazing. Sara recently shared her experience of working with Vicky, saying, “Working with Vicky Kaushal was amazing, he’s such a talented guy, and he’s so easy-going that working with him is a lot of fun.” With Laxman Utekar, who has previously given us heart-warming hits like Luka Chuppi and Mimi, at the helm, the audience can expect a film that will touch their hearts and tickle their funny bones. So, if you’re in the mood for romance and laughter, mark your calendars for the release of this one. With talented star cast and a promising director, this movie is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


Release date: June 16, 2023

Directed by: Om Raut

Starring: Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan, Sunny Singh

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Another film that has been creating a lot of buzz since its announcement in 2020 is the upcoming Indian epic action-drama — Adipurush. Directed by Om Raut, known for his work on the period action film Tanhaji, Adipurush is an adaptation of the Hindu epic Ramayana and promises to be a riveting experience for audiences. Made on a whopping budget of apparently Rs 500 crore, the film stars Baahubali actor Prabhas in the lead role and versatile actor Saif Ali Khan in the role of the antagonist. The two powerful actors are expected to bring their A-game to the table and deliver a memorable clash on-screen. The film also stars the very talented Kriti Sanon. Talking about his ambitious project, Om Raut said in an interview, “Adipurush is set 7000 years ago, and all the touch points are as in the Ramayana, but with modern storytelling techniques.” With an epic story, a talented cast, and an able director at the helm, Adipurush promises to be a cinematic experience that fans of the Ramayana will not want to miss.


Release date: June 23, 2023

Directed by: Amit Ravindernath Sharma

Starring: Ajay Devgn, Priyamani, Gajraj Rao, Rudranil Ghosh

After plenty of delays for an abundance of reason, Ajay Devgn and Priyamani’s biographical sports drama finally arrives in theatres in June. Inspired by an incredible true story, Maidaan depicts the journey of one of the finest football coaches that emerged from India, the one who put India on the global map — Syed Abdul Rahim. The makers promise that it is a story that will resonate with every Indian. What makes the film even more promising is its cast. It stars versatile actor Ajay Devgn and National award-winning actress Priyamani in lead roles. Ajay Devgn said about the film, “It is a fabulous story, director Amit Ravindernath has done a great job. Maidaan has been a very moving and emotional journey for me.” It seems like this film will be worth the wait.


Release date: July 7, 2023

Directed by: Raaj Shaandilyaa

Starring: Ayushmann Khurrana, Ananya Panday, Annu Kapoor, Paresh Rawal

Most Kartik Aaryan movies are sprinkled with a fair dose of entertainment, and the young actor’s upcoming film Satyaprem Ki Katha seems to be no different. Directed by Sameer Vidwans, whose Marathi film Anandi Gopal won a National Film Award, the musical drama is a collaboration between Sajid Nadiadwala and Namah Pictures, and has been the talk of the town since it was announced. The movie is a musical love story that will see Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani on screen together for the second time after their successful pairing in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. Their chemistry and performance in the previous film made them a popular on-screen couple and fans are now eagerly waiting for their reunion in Satyaprem Ki Katha. While the makers are keeping mum about the project, it is believed that Satyaprem Ki Katha is a compelling and emotionally charged love story that will captivate audience. Kartik said in a statement, “I have been wanting to work with Sajid sir for some time now, I couldn’t have asked for a better collaboration. Satyaprem Ki Katha is a musical love saga which brings together a powerhouse of people who are National Award-winning names.” Well, this already looks like a winner.

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DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 87 E L E G A N T B A T H R O O M S W E H A V E P A R T N E R E D W I T H S E V E R A L L E A D I N G I T A L I A N B R A N D S T O B R I N G A T A S T E O F M O D E R N I T A L Y T O T H E C A N A D I A N M A R K E T . 1 3 3 7 5 C o m b e r W a y S u r r e y B C O f f i c e : 6 0 4 . 5 9 7 . 0 3 6 4 i n f o @ s u n r i s e k i t c h e n s . c o m w w w . s u n r i s e k i t c h e n s . c o m S U N R I S E K I T C H E N S O U T D O O R L I V I N G L U X U R Y K I T C H E N S C O N T E M P O R A R Y I T A L I A N C L O S E T S

Dilbar & Tara SITARA

A Captivating Celebration of Love & Joy

Abhinav Mishra’s Spring/ Summer Couture 2023 collections — Dilbar and Tara Sitara, are a stunning tribute to Indian weddings and the love and joy that surrounds them.

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abhinav Mishra is a name synonymous with all things dreamy, ethereal, and elegant. With a strong focus on intricate craftsmanship and exquisite silhouettes, the eponymous label has become a favourite among discerning fashion enthusiasts ever since its inception in 2014.

Renowned for its ability to seamlessly blend traditional artistry with contemporary sensibilities, Abhinav Mishra’s designs exude a sense of regal charm and sophistication. The designer’s latest collections — Dilbar and Tara Sitara, are no exception. A part of Abhinav Mishra Spring/Summer Couture 2023, Dilbar and Tara Sitara beautifully capture the essence of Indian weddings and the love and joy that surrounds these special occasions.

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Framing his thoughts behind the latest collection, designer Abhinav Mishra says, “I wanted to capture the joy of summer weddings. I love that Indian weddings bring together the bride and groom’s large group of friends and family to celebrate the beginning of a special journey. My collection captures some of that anticipation and promises an experience that encourages you – whether you are the couple, the wedding party, or a long-lost friend – to hug a little tighter and love a little more as you raise a toast to the people who make your world go round. Our main goal is to capture the love and unforgettable aspects of Indian celebrations, whether big or small.”

The couturier, who is a favourite among fashion mavens and Bollywood celebrities such as Sonam Kapoor, Ananya Pandey, Genelia D’Souza, Janhvi Kapoor, Disha Patani, and many others, further gives an insight into his scintillating Spring/Summer edit and the inspiration behind it. He says, “Dilbar is inspired by Marrakech, which is a sensory overload for someone with an inclination towards design. It was a definitive memory, one that revolved around stark stucco walls, intricate mosaics, and the signature chevron pattern that I couldn’t get out of my mind. All these elements juxtaposed with the vibrance of colour were something I retained and reimagined with this collection. I haven’t visited; however, it remains on the bucket list and will happen sooner or later.”

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Mishra continues, “Tara Sitara is a homage to its namesake in the night sky and the secrets of passion they guard. It is inspired by the Sufi reading of love and its ability to bring tranquillity to the world. The collection celebrates love’s transformative power and its ability to build worlds of its own. We also have an exciting collection solely focussing on saris and a resort wear line coming very soon.” He excitedly adds, “We have several more surprises lined up this year, so would love to keep the excitement going and welcome everyone to our whimsical and magical world.”

Timeless, celebratory, and indulgent — Abhinav Mishra’s Spring/summer 2023 edit blends international sensibilities of fashion and style while staying true to Indian ethnic aesthetics. “This year’s collections have unique patterns, embroidery and styles which you haven’t seen in my older designs,” says Mishra.

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Crafted with meticulous attention to the smallest detail; the regal collection is full of beguiling designs and is a rendezvous of culture and modernity. The collection is an immersive experience of riotous mirrorwork, hypnotic patterns, and flirty thread work, featuring sweeping panelled lehengas, intricate blouses, floor-gazing shararas, and tulle dupattas for women, and stunning kurtas with mirrorwork, for men. Each piece uses a combination of elegant handwork including traditional zari, chawal dana, cutwork resham, and of course showcases, the couturiers’ signature mirror work. While Dilbar has a lot of colour-play and hypnotic patterns in rich shades of aquamarines and riotous pops of colour paired against pastel shades, Tara Sitara enthrals with its neutral tones. Interestingly, despite the difference between the two edits, there are signature elements that flow through both collections. “Dilbar aims to evoke a sense of joy, vibrancy, and celebration, while Tara Sitara focuses on creating a dreamy, ethereal atmosphere that evokes a sense of romance and enchantment. Additionally, both collections feature unique and innovative designs that reflect my style and creativity in my signature mirror-work embroidery. While the two campaigns have different themes and aesthetics, they still share some common signature elements which reflect the style and approach and of course, both honour the spirit of LOVE”, enlightens Mishra.

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He further adds, “In both Tara Sitara and Dilbar we have used gota and larger-sized mirrors. You can see multiple hand techniques and embroideries like French knots, but the gota work is definitely the highlight of this collection. The blouses have been handled very intricately with some fun twists here and there, the colours are also very striking this time!” With unique design sensibilities and impeccable craftsmanship, the Abhinav Mishra label celebrates the complex relationship that fashion and the country’s rich crafts share, creating clothes for the young, globally inclined Indian women, who appreciate the international sensibilities of fashion and style while staying true to their ethnic aesthetic. And Dilbar and Tara Sitara both resonate with the brand’s philosophy.

Abhinav Mishra’s Spring/Summer Couture 2023 is a true testament to the designer’s mastery of the craft and is sure to captivate fashion enthusiasts looking for a fresh take on traditional Indian fashion.

Both collections — Dilbar and Tara Sitara, are available for purchase on AbhinavMishraOfficial.com and at the brand’s new flagship store in Delhi, India. Furthermore, the Abhinav Mishra label is now also accessible across various online portals, and the brand supplies across the world to over 45 countries. Additionally, the brand is strategically placed in the best multi-designer physical stores worldwide, making it readily available to fashion enthusiasts everywhere.


Q: What do you love most about one another?

Arshdeep: I love how genuinely caring Tanpreet is. She is the key to my happiness and gives my life purpose. She is also one of the strongest people I know. She brings so much joy and good energy into my and everyone else’s lives.

Tanpreet: I love that Arshdeep is the sweetest person who truly understands and supports me in every aspect of life. He is the kindest soul that is caring, compassionate and understanding. Without him, life would be incomplete.

Q: Could you share your proposal story?

Arshdeep decided to make a surprise proposal in Victoria before I went abroad to finish my studies. I had no idea how the day would unfold—we started by taking a float plane to Victoria. At the perfect time, he proposed to me right by the shoreline, overlooking the ocean, making this a day I will remember and cherish forever.

Q: Describe your wedding day. What was your favourite moment?

Our wedding day was one of the most memorable days of our lives. It was the moment we had been waiting for eagerly after the proposal. After all the stressful planning and with the help of the fantastic A&F wedding team, we had a truly magical wedding. Our families were content, happy and embracing this joyous occasion that everyone had been waiting for so impatiently. Our favourite moment has to be when I walked into the Darbar hall, and we both saw each other, eyes locked. We both could foresee a beautiful future in front of us. At that moment, my father, who was holding my arm, let me go with a genuine smile as he saw Arshdeep looking back at his wifeto-be.

&Arshdeep Tanpreet

Q: Could you tell us about your reception?

Our reception was a night to remember. All the guests and close families had a great time and enjoyed the exceptional decor, food, entertainment, and dancing. The highlight of the reception was our first dance and entrance as Mr. and Mrs.

DARPAN Weddings

Dhaliwal. We had an excellent MC, Ronil, who made this night memorable by engaging the crowd and coordinating the night exceptionally. DJ Impact kept the dance floor lively and worked his magic throughout the night. The A&F team kept the night stress free and went above and beyond our expectations. Our siblings’ speeches were heartfelt that brought back lots of memories. Last but not least, our exceptional photographer and videographer, A Master Media team, who captured the wedding week so beautifully. They are more like family; we will always be thankful to them. The next day’s edit shocked all of us by just how beautiful it was.

Q: Can you describe your outfits?

My wedding lehenga was breathtaking and exactly how I wanted it. It was a custom piece from the well-known designer AliXeeshan from Lahore, Pakistan. The designer worked hard to make my vision come to life, with the exact shade of maroon I wanted and all hand embroidered work of tilla, dabka, pearl, and thread work. My dad also played a huge part in making my dream lehenga, which I will always remember. His connections in Pakistan made the process that much easier.

My reception outfit was a custom piece from the Vivah collections. The team made a beautiful blush pink gown heavily embroidered with dabka, kundan, pearls and sequins. The addition of a trail made the gown that much more spectacular. My jewelry for

the wedding and reception was from JIJI Studios. It complemented and elevated both outfits perfectly. I’m so grateful to the fabulous owner of JIJI Studios, Roop, who made the looks come together while also making the shopping experience memorable.

Arshdeep- My wedding day achkan was made by Well Groomed. The team was experienced and helped guide me throughout the entire process. I wore a cream-coloured achkan with heavy embroidery and a maroon palla with embroidery around the corners that matched Tanpreet’s lehenga perfectly. Besides the outfit, what brought it all together was a customized silver sword designed by Maharaja Pagdi and Swords. A professional blacksmith in India forged it, one-of-a-kind with custom engraving. My reception outfit was from Zegna, a dark navy self-printed dinner jacket with tuxedo pants that looked elegant and timeless.

Q: Where did you go for your honeymoon?

We travelled to Honolulu and Maui in Hawaii

Q: What are your goals as a couple?

Our goals as a couple are to communicate effectively, travel the world, help one another stay motivated and advance in our respective careers and enjoy the little things in life that bring joy.

Q: What are the strengths of your marriage?

That we have a deep bond/connection and understand each other emotionally. We are always there for each other to overcome anything life brings and keep each other smiling and laughing.

Q: If you could give any advice to other married couples, what would it be?

For a peaceful and happy marriage, know that wife is always right! But jokes aside, the key to a happy marriage is open communication and supporting one another even during the most challenging times.

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DARPAN Weddings


2023 Hybrid Touring

Sixth-Gen crossover gets partially electrified

For the first time in Canada, Honda is offering the CR-V in hybrid form. And the all-new Compact Recreational Vehicle is showcasing a huge design change as well, doing away with the rounded shape consumers have grown accustomed to and now mimicking the Passport’s tougher upright profile and squared off features.

“We are very excited to welcome the new CR-V and CR-V Hybrid to Canada,” says Steve Hui, Honda Canada assistant vice president, in a press release. “CR-V has always played a pivotal role in our lineup, now more than ever, this latest sixth generation CR-V is tougher and more rugged, comes with upscale styling, advanced tech and as always, is fun-todrive. We are also proud that the CR-V will continue to be built in Canada, at Honda of Canada Mfg. which has been designated lead manufacturing plant for CR-V in North America.”

Unsurprisingly, the vehicle grows in proportions again. Measuring 68.6-millimetres longer and 10.1 millimetres wider the crossover boasts a larger presence on the road, and the wheelbase is stretched out by a significant 40.6 millimetres. The A pillars are much farther

back than before helping elongate the hood and add to the traditional boxy SUV look. Instead of horizontal bars across the grille, a chunky geometric mesh pattern fills the frame. The head and tail lamps are dramatically slimmed down and utilize standard LED lighting.

Seven different paint options are available, like the striking Canyon Blue Metallic (+ $300) found on our week-long loaner, and the Touring trim’s 19-inch split five-spoke black alloys fill up the wheel arches nicely.


MSRP: $51,015

Motor: 2.0-litre four cylinder + two electric motors

Horsepower: 204 (net)

Torque (lb-ft): 247 (net)

Gearbox: CVT

Layout: Front engine, All-wheel drive

Fuel economy: 7.1 L/100 km mixed city/highway (observed)

Sport Touring Sport Touring
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Age of the Streamliner

Looking for the most efficient mid-size zero emissions car sold in Canada? Look no further — it’s the new 2023 Hyundai IONIQ 6 available now. And the EV’s interesting appearance is a large part of why the model is so aerodynamic and easy on energy.

“We call this design concept electrified streamliner, referring to the very aggressive roof line which is efficient but at the same time very attractive, sleek and simple. So, there is a dramatic departure from what you’ve seen on the [IONIQ] 5. But this intentional — what we are trying to do is to build cars that attract different customers with different needs and lifestyles,” said Ricardo Chan, senior manager of product marketing, during a presentation in Vancouver where the automaker recently held a national launch event.

The sloping rear window and mini whale-tail-esque spoiler have drawn comparisons by some to a Porsche. Rather fitting, as such attributes, among many others, give the sedan an ultra-low 0.22 coefficient of drag putting it in Taycan territory. To give some perspective, the aforementioned IONIQ 5, built upon

the same E-GMP platform, possesses a 0.29 Cd.

So, what does the above all translate to? Journalists had an opportunity to test the grade-toping Preferred AWD Ultimate variants boasting a front 74/rear 165 kilowatt electric motor and 20-inch alloy wheels. The package yields a maximum drive range of 435 kilometres on a full charge. Drop down to the standard trim wearing 18-inch wheels and range goes up to 509, or choosing the entry level rear-wheel single 168-kilowatt motor provides an impressive 581 kilometres of travel distance.


MSRP: $63,999

Motor: 74-kilowatt

front/165-kilowatt rear electric

Horsepower: 320 (net)

Torque (lb-ft): 446 (net)

Gearbox: One-speed Automatic

Layout: Dual Motor

Fuel economy: 2.3 Le/100 km mixed city/highway (manufacturer estimate)


In Canada, all utilize a big 77.4-kilowatt-hour battery pack mounted underneath the floor for a low centre of gravity, and an independent front and multi-link rear suspension setup helps the vehicle feel much more composed in the corners compared to the 5. Especially in Sport mode, which tightens up steering and redistributes torque, among other things, the full 320 horsepower and 446 lb-ft of combined torque can really be experi enced in near-silent glory.

On a route taking participants from the downtown core to Fort Langley, Cypress Mountain, Squamish and then back downtown, the IONIQ 6 I piloted still had at least 30 per cent energy remain ing — despite the significant elevation changes, winter comfort electronics activated and being fairly aggressive on the accelerator — assisted by four levels of regenerative braking controlled via the paddle shifters. Compatible with both 400 and 800-volt infrastructure, charging 10 to 80 per cent takes under 20 minutes using a 350-kilowatt Level 3 source.

Due to a generous 2,950-milli metre wheelbase, the cabin is spacious making our all-day adventure a comfort able one. Dual floating 12-inch displays stretch out across the dashboard integrat ing an instrument cluster and infotainment screen, and there’s no shifter taking up space on the centre console as a steer ing-column-mounted lever assumes gear selection duties. The signature playful Parametric Pixel lighting styling language is subtly found throughout the cabin, as well as exterior, totalling 700 examples (!) in all.

Speaking of design, sustain ability plays a big part. The seats are constructed out of plant-based leather and recycled PET fabric, carpets out of recycled fishing nets and the door panels are coated in bio-paint featuring rape flower and corn extracts. Even the exterior colours, like the greyish Transmission Blue Pearl we tested, are derived from bamboo.

Starting at MSRP $54,999 (Preferred RWD), the 2023 Hyundai IONIQ 6 may be eligible for both the federal Zero-Emission Vehicles Program (up to $5,000 rebate) and provincial CleanBC Go Electric incentives (up to $4,000) depending on trim level. Visit the corresponding government websites for more information.

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 105
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Porsche 718 Cayman 4.0

Saving the Best for Last

As Porsche already stated last year the 718 is heading for electrification in the near future, enthusiasts should seize the opportunity to enjoy the model’s internal combustion offerings before they ride off into the sunset. And it doesn’t get much better than the Cayman GTS 4.0. The number attached to the end of the name is quite self-explanatory: the latest motor to be added is a naturally-aspirated, high-revving 4.0-litre flat-six, delivering 394 horsepower and 309 lb-ft of torque, from directly behind the seats to the rear axle. Borrowing its bigger brother GT4’s twin tailpipe Sport Exhaust System, the engine note produced can only be described as glorious. A six-speed manual gearbox is standard, though the example the brand provided us was equipped with the quick-shifting seven-speed du al-clutch PDK transmission. Also similar to the GT4, adaptive cylinder control automatically switches off two cylinder banks in low load cruising situations increasing efficiency. Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) softens dampening

while street driving and all together makes this Cayman a comfortable and capable daily-driver. When the time comes for more spirited operation, the PASM stiffens up and the Porsche Torque Vectoring, working alongside the mechanical limited-slip differential, applies moderate braking to the inside rear wheel helping the coupe get around tight corners quickly and efficiently. For a high-output rear-wheel drive sports car, the ride is remarkably stable. Speaking of the brakes, six-piston calipers clamping onto big 350-millimetre front/330-millimetre rear cross-


MSRP: $112,042

Motor: 4.0-litre Turbocharged

Six Cylinder

Horsepower: 394 @ 7,000 rpm

Torque (lb-ft): 317 @ 5,000 rpm

Gearbox: Seven-speed Automatic

Layout: Mid-engine, Rear-wheel drive

Fuel economy: 12.0 L/100 km

DARPAN TM MAY | JUNE 2023 Reflecting The South-Asian Lifestyle 107 GOLD KEY SALES AND LEASE LTD. WE LEASE ALL MAKE AND MODELS. 19545 No.10 Hwy, Surrey BC 604-534-7431 LANGLEY Isuzu tucks have always been known for their low cost of ownership... Now it’s even lower!

drilled rotors bring all the power to a stop quickly. The former finished in a bright red colour really makes a statement, particularly when paired to one of the brighter paint options such as the recently added Python Green that is guaranteed to turn heads on the road.

In signature GTS style, the vehicle adopts the Sport Design front fascia featuring a blacked out single central air intake, lower lip and substantial rear diffuser. The daytime running lamps and tail lamps are tinted as well. Sitting 20 millimetres lower than the regular Cayman, and when fitted with the satin black 20-inch light-alloy wheels, the side profile is just the right amount of aggressive. The classically minimalistic, driver-oriented interior is swathed in black Race-Tex synthetic suede material, replacing the outgoing Alcantara, covering pretty much every often-touched surface as well as the headliner. This includes the Sports Seats Plus that are ultra-supportive, however be forewarned the bottom bolsters have no give and will cause pain if accidentally sat onto during ingress.

Installed in all GTS 4.0s is Porsche Communication Management. The infotainment utilizes a 7.0-inch touchscreen display blending the perfect amount of physical and digital control and is intuitive to navigate. Also bundled is the Sport Chrono package adding extras like the dash stopwatch and performance switches on the steering wheel. Pressing the Sport Response button unlocks a temporary 20-second burst of maximum power.

The 718 EV is expected to arrive shortly after the Macan EV, representing the third zero emissions product from Porsche. The company has set a target to electrify 80 per cent of the lineup by 2030.



Mercedes AMG CLS 53 Coupe

The Mercedes-AMG CLS 53 4MATIC+ Coupe, just refreshed two years ago, is arguably the brand’s sleekest four-door offering — and the shark-like sedan returns donning a sharpened front end, plusher interior and some fresh tech.

A revised AMG bumper leads the charge on the update, with a much larger central air intake segmented by a wider A-wing element. Above, the grille features the modern signature vertical bars, finished in either polished aluminum or matte black depending on grade, surrounding an oversized three-point emblem. On special Edition 429 models, there’s extra dark accenting on on the side mirrors and 20-inch five-twin-spoke polished lip wheels, contrasting nicely against the bright High Tech Silver paint. Similarly, inside, the optional carbon fibre trim (+ $2,500) covering the centre console, length of the dashboard and door panels, really popped next to the buttery-soft Bengal Red seats.

Drivers will notice a new Nappa leather multi-function steering wheel and genuine chrome paddle shifters, the latter a nice premium touch many times lacking in other competitors using plastic units. A MANUFAKTUR (Mercedes’ in-house customizer) black Dinamica recycled polyester microfibre headliner


MSRP: $118,750

Motor: 3.0-litre turbocharged inline-six + electric motor

Horsepower: 429 @ 5,500 rpm

Torque (lb-ft): 384 @ 1,800 rpm

Gearbox: Nine-speed automatic

Layout: front engine, all-wheel drive

Fuel economy: 12.3 L/100 km

mixed city/highway (observed)


2023 Por sche C ayenne

The family spor t s c ar, from a family of spor t s car s .

Boasting a striking appearance and impressive per formance, with seating for racetrack or the road, leisure or ever yday driving: at the wheel of the versatile Cayenne, fascination and spor t y driving pleasure undisputedly take the lead. Available now at Porsche Centre Langley

Por sche Centre L angley 6016 Collection Drive Langley, BC V3A 0G2 604.530.8911 porschelangley com

Jay Sidhu



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adds to the sporty-meets-luxury feel of the cabin. The seats are supportive and comfortable, however for a vehicle measuring a rather long 5,012 millimetres in length only 889 millimetres of rear legroom exists. Strapped into a child seat, my toddler’s feet were a little closer to the passenger-side seatback than I would have expected.

Two 10.25-inch screens sideby-side provide a digital gauge readout and infotainment controls. The latest Mercedes-Benz User eXperience (MBUX) software includes integrated artificial intelligence meaning it can predict user behaviour. For example, if when driving home at a certain time of a specific radio station is selected, MBUX may automatically suggest a shortcut right on the display. And as always, the available Burmester surround sound stereo, part of the $4,800 Premium Package, sounds crystal clear.

Powering the car is the now-familiar 3.0-litre turbocharged inline-six mild hybrid engine, mated to a nine-speed automatic transmission. A combination starter, alternator and electric motor allows for virtually imperceptible engine start-stop functionality increasing efficiency, as well as boosts acceleration performance. In addition, the Coupe can coast without using gasoline at low speeds.

Producing 429 horsepower and 520 lb-ft of torque performance in a straight line is more than adequate, and sounds great too during throttle application when the $1,900 Driver’s Package is equipped bundling the dynamic AMG Performance Exhaust System. Standard AMG RIDE CONTROL+ air suspension and 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive keeps the sedan planted on the road in all conditions. Even during snowy weather, I never lost traction while testing though this is also largely because of the grippy Pirelli


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3 winter tires fitted to the alloys. The 2022 Mercedes-AMG CLS 53 4MATIC+ Coupe is a limited-edition vehicle and is built at the Sindelfingen plant in south Germany. Prices start at $99,900. DARPAN AutoREVIEW

Meet the Bhayana Family

Why did you decide to immigrate to Canada?

We decided to move to Canada for a better, more balanced lifestyle. Also, we wanted to ensure our kids grew up in a safer environment with better educational opportunities.

Which year did you immigrate?

We relocated to Canada in August 2022.

What were your first impressions of Canada?

Canada is a country of opportunities, though it has some limitations. Our first impression of the country was positive, but we soon realized that one must gain academic specializations to leverage the career opportunities available in the country.


Amit Bhayana works as Manager, Planning and Organization Development with a private firm, while his wife, Meeta Bhayana, works as an Early Childhood Assistant in a Montessori school. They live in South Surrey with their two daughters, Ridhima and Shivika Bhayana.

Where did you stay when you reached Canada? Hotel, relative or friends place?

We stayed with some friends initially before moving into rented accommodation.

What difficulties/challenges did you face when you and your family moved here?

The country throws many challenges at you, especially in the initial years; for instance, we thought it would be easy for us to get a job, but it was not. Getting a job becomes much easier if you’ve studied here in Canada.

How long did it take to get used to the people, weather, or surroundings?

It was not very difficult for us to get used to the culture here, but yes, we were restricted

socially, and we didn’t have any relatives here. But we made some good friends who helped us to settle down.

How has your overall journey in Canada been so far?

The overall journey has been challenging. We miss our family and friends back home, especially during the festive season. But we enjoy spending quality time with kids at home and are grateful.

How do you see your future in Canada?

I want to grow here in my field and be an entrepreneur soon. Kids have good educational opportunities as they have so many options to choose from when it comes to academic institutions and what they want to study.

Biggest problem

Finding a job, particularly if you don’t have Canadian specializations and certifications.


I want to grow here in my field and be an entrepreneur soon.

Advice for immigrants

Life is not hunky-dory here. One has to be on their toes to maintain a decent lifestyle. Come prepared with an open mind, and this country will welcome you.

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