Dayly knightly catholic newsletter aug issue 2017

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Truth * Goodness * Beauty

- Glory to God -

On Earth as in Heaven

Vol. 03 Issue 06 - Aug 2017

To Defend & Proclaim Christ and the Catholic Church

The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Salvation and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

CONT - Editorial

内容 Contents

- Theme: Massacre of the Innocents

- The Ten Commandments - Announcements/Notices

- World Day of the Poor (November 19, 2017) - Catholic Bible Study Tokyo

- Aduno - Catholic Japan

- Propagation of Faith of Japan (Meeting Report)

04 Editorial/Notices

- FIRES Encounter Japan - March for Life Tokyo - PRO LIFE Japan - Abortion Statistics Japan - LGBT Catholic Japan

- Inspiration

- Pier Giorgio Frassati Cause for Canonization - Handmaids of the Sacred Heart Japan - Seisen University & Schools Japan - Warrior Nuns - Little Sisters of the Poor - The Discalced Carmelites of Wolverhampton - I am unworthy - Mother Teresa - Welcome to 'Mother House' Japan - St. Ignatius de Loyola

- Aduno - Encounter - New Evangelization - Behind the Scenes of Asian Youth Day 2017 - Ireland preps for World Meeting of Families - Aduno - Encounter - Prayer & Meditation - St. Ignatius' 14 Rules for Spiritual Discernment & The Lord of the Rings - Catholic Africa

- Militiae Spirituali (Spiritual Warfare)

- Vatican official, at UN, emphasizes ‘right to remain in one’s homeland’ - Purity in a Secular World

- 'La Civilta Cattolica' attacks American Catholics - Defending the Faith - A Final Word on Fr. Martin - Life on Earth is Warfare - False Prophets: Martin Luther - Pope Francis: It’s ‘terrible’ children taught they can choose gender - While the Church Slept - Remembering Fr. Jacques Hamel - PRO LIFE (International) - Middle East - Global Warming Hoax - The Deceit of the Left - What is Cultural Marxism? - Feminism

- Catholic Adoration - Catholic Philosophy & Psychology - Musica - Catholic Music & Hymns - Know Your Faith - Words of Inspiration

- Divine Mercy - Conversation With A Soul

- Resources - Christian News Media’ - Thoughts for Meditation

12 Aduno - Catholic Japan Wo 34 Inspiration


46 Aduno - Encounter


52 Militiae Spirituali 78 Catholic Adoration



78 Catholic Philosophy & Psychology 2

Conta E-ma Webs



82 Music

84 ords of Inspiration

88 Know your Fauth

86 Catholic Resources 94 Thoughts for Meditation

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ntry Japan

Divine Mercy: History of the Feast & Our Need For It


Cultural Marxism – The Dark ‘Progressive’ Enemy of Society Never has such a toxic cocktail been brewed that has managed to confuse, coerce and condemn cultures of beauty, wisdom and life. In particular the sustained unprecedented assault on Western civilization has never seen such a malignant, malicious and murderous coalition of mindless hordes unwilling to remain, debate nor negotiate and, themselves, bereft

of any positive contribution to offer to society. We speak here of all those groups under the umbrella of Cultural Marxism, Political Correctness and extreme Feminism. Please check Dayly Knightly’s section on Militiae Spiritualli (Spiritual Warfare), ‘The Deceit of the Left’. (page 76)


Bridges of Truth - A Response to the Venom in the letter of Fr. Spadaro. Is my bridge better than yours? Well it depends on what is been bridged? Would it be fair to compare the merits of the San Francisco Bay Bridge to O'Connell Bridge over the Liffey in Dublin? Setting aside partisan views one may argue that both bridges are beautiful in their own way, each has its own unique story while serving the public well. Human bridges, however, invite deeper scrutiny. Spanning the Atlantic the bridge between Roosevelt's USA and Britain's Churchill helped bring down Hitler's Nazi regime who himself had bridges to Mussolini in Italy and Tojo in Japan. The bridges between the Allies united, unleashed and overcame the Nazi Axes bridges of lies, tyranny and death. Fr. Antonio Spadaro’s, S.J., (editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica, a Vatican Jesuit newspaper), letter, July 14 2017, attacks the bridges being forged between so-called conservative Catholics and Evangelicals in America. Is Fr. Spadaro's incendiary strike justified? Who are the Catholics and Evangelicals that he so sweepingly broad brushes in obtuse coats of conservative and fundamentalist hues? Let's first see who these Christians are by looking at virtues their actions, certainly a much better barometer than any rhetoric or testimony put forward by false witnesses. United for Pro Life, united for natural family and marriage, united by the gospel of Christ, united by the culture of life - does Christ see the ordinary people in these Christian allied denominations as being venomous or too conservative? (Or even liberal

for that matter?). If you the reader support the culture of life, would this then make you a supporter of this coalition of Christian and Catholic groups too? The Catholic Church has always been a warrior knight for the right to life and the defense of the weak. By definition this means the Vatican too. Yet Fr. Spadaro, writes an article, which harshly criticizes these Christian allies for what can only be seen as zeal for their convictions. Then, we learn that Fr. Spadaro's publication is normally vetted, by the Vatican, before going public. Are we then not left to conclude that the Vatican too rejects the good works of these Christian ‘allies’, i.e., to defend the natural family, marriage and the right to life? If unity is the goal of the Vatican when encouraging exchanges with other denominations such as Lutherans and Muslims and with efforts to support those suffering under the real heartbreak of forced emigration, then should not the Vatican also applaud the work of the Christian allies united in the defense of life and family? See the section, Responses & Ripostes (Militiae Spirituali), page 54. 4


LGBT Catholic Japan Targets the Church LGBT Catholic Japan, created in 2015, is calling on the Catholic Church in Japan (Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan, CBCJ) to be open, welcoming and accepting of the LGBT community and in particular is targeting the teachings of the Catholic Church in general. The LGBTCJ is additionally openly calling for a Help Desk to be officially opened by the CBCJ to assist the needs of members of the LGBT community here including the facilitation of ‘operative work’ for those with transgender tendencies. Two points immediately arise from this call. Firstly, the Catholic Church does not condemn people who identify as being LGBT, however, the Church does consider the ‘act’ of homosexuality as a grave sin. The Church forgives the sinner but rejects the sin. Secondly, the LGBTCJ group is influenced by Lacanian philosophy, a post-modern French philosophy that places emphasis on ‘Being’ that interprets the world based on feelings and rejects ‘Divine’ intervention and the supernatural such as graces from God. For example, when referring to the gospel, Matthew 8: 5-13, the proponents of LGBTCJ cleverly and selectively re-interpret the Bible to argue their case and states as fact that the relationship between the centurion and his servant was that of a ‘boy love’ relationship. This is a classic principle of ‘Critical

Theory’, (a by-product of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness) which aggressively aims at changing the meaning of words, language, customs, history, stories and tradition. This then should be of great concern. Catholics who support the teachings and sacred tradition of the Church must be prepared to stand up to such deceit. And to underline the gravity of the matter, one must also be aware that Lacanian philosophy itself was influenced by German philosopher Heidegger, who himself was a Nazi sympathizer up to the end of the Second World War. He also directly apposed the philosophy of Saint Edith Stein, a fellow German contemporary of his, who was put to death by the Nazis in Aushwitz in 1942! See the Section, 'LGBTCJ Targets the Church', page 32.

Special Mentions PRO LIFE JAPAN July 17th 2017 marked the date for the latest edition of ‘March for Life’ Japan. A report and gallery of photos is included in this issue. An article about this march also appeared on the Catholic Digital platform, Church Militant. Next year’s march is scheduled for July 16th. Please see, PRO LIFE Japan, page 26.

Highly Recommended

Three video presentations in this issue are highly recommended, namely, • Divine Mercy - Conversation With A Soul, page 84. • Journey Home - 2017-07-31 - David Shawkan (A Muslim’s conversion story to Catholicism), page 74. • Purity in a Secular World - Ms. Maria Cahill, former Ms. Delaware, USA, page 52.

Warrior Nuns

What an incredible and heroic part the nuns and sisters of the Catholic World play in education, evangelization and caring for the poor and sick. Here we highlight the activities of sister orders in Japan, the UK and the USA. Please check section, ‘Inspiration’, page 38.

Catholic Africa

From crosses in Malawi, resistance to ISIS in Nigeria, and to the Culture of Life in Africa in general, a variety of multimedia articles is presented highlighting the courage, depth and tenacity of the faith in Africa, section ‘Catholic Africa, page 50.

Causes for Sainthood

We also highlight campaigns which, have been launched this year, one for Pier Giorgio Frassati, (see page 34) and the other for Fr. Jacques Hamel, the priest murdered by ISIS on July 26th, 2016 (see page 64).


Why is fortitude important today? - Sensu 6

us Fidelium


The Ten Comm



1. 1 am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.









Aduno - Catholic Japan

Propagation of the Faith in Japan A Fact-finding Exploratory Meeting at Takanawa Catholic Church On the occasion of the visit of Fr. Fabrizio Meroni, Secretary General of the Vatican’s Pontifical Missionary Union Sunday, July 2nd 2017 – Takanawa Catholic Church, Tokyo Neil Day, Dayly Knightly

On July 2nd a meeting was held at the Takanawa Catholic Church's community hall, hosted by pastor Fr. Kaoru Kawaguchi, who is also the National Japan director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of Japan. Fr. Kawaguchi welcomed special guest, Fr. Fabrizio Meroni, newly appointed Secretary General of the Vatican's Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU), who had came to Japan to learn from priests and laity about the state of the Catholic faith in Japan and how the PMU could assist the Catholic Church in Japan in propagating the faith. The Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU) is a Catholic missionary society founded by blessed Paolo Manna in 1916. The PMU, “the soul of the other Mission Societies, is an association of the clergy, men and women religious and laypersons which proposes to arouse the passion for the mission in the Church, contribute to missionary formation, and encourage the Christian communities to cooperate and take active part in evangelization.” - PMS The PMU belongs to the Pontifical Mission Societies, which is an umbrella organization for four different groups, namely, • • • •

The Pontifical Society for the Propagation of Faith (General Secretary Fr. Ryszard Szmydki, OMI) The Pontifical Society of St. Peter the Apostle, (General Secretary Fr. Fernando Domingues, MCCJ) The Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood, (General Secretary Dr. J. Baptistine Ralamboarison) The Pontifical Missionary Union, (General Secretary Fr. Fabrizio Meroni)

The Pontifical Mission Societies in administered by The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples whose president is Cardinal Prefect Fernando Fioni (Catholic charities must stop competing against each other). Cardinal Fioni in turn reports directly to Pope Francis. In addressing the meeting participants comprising of various clerical and lay people, Fr. Fabrizio, who reports directly to Cardinal Fernando Fioni (see here interview on his visit to Iraq), explained that he was there to listen, that Pope Francis was committed to radical change to how the Vatican worked with the local churches across the world and that the PMU was newly charged with this mission to engage more actively with helping the local churches. Fr. Fabrizio began the meeting by asking an open question to everyone about what was the status of Catholicism in Japan, and what are the main issues and challenges? This question concerned, issues such as what does being a Catholic cleric or missionary mean in Japan? What does being a catholic disciple of Christ mean in Japan? What according to your faith are the main challenges for your faith in Japan? He explained that Cardinal Fioni wanted to inquire about "what could he (the cardinal) expect if we transform the PMU to serve even more he needs of local churches in terms of ongoing formation of the faith?" Fr. Fabrizio indicated that he was there to listen and not to instruct and thereafter kept to his word, remaining silent till the conclusion of the meeting. The following presents a brief overview of the main discussion points 12

Aduno - Catholic Japan Works of Inspiration Accounts were given of how some Japanese people came to the catholic faith through first works of inspiration or beauty. Listening to Mozart, for example, lead to conversion, as people who came to like Mozart wanted to know more about him, his background and inspiration for his music. As Mozart was Roman Catholic and many of how works were inspired by his faith, this has lead people to learn more about the Catholic faith. Hymns of the Underground Catholics in Japan Another meeting attendee pointed out that one of the ways the ‘hidden’ Catholics of Japan survived persecution of over 250 years was through their own hymns that they created which helped keep them united and faithful. Japanese hymns were and a still are a powerful way to bond Catholics together in Japan. Catholic community in Japan has an image problem A comment is made that while Catholic schools are popular in Japan, once students join the workforce, there is little incentive for them to practice their faith or to follow-up on their introduction to the faith in school. Many young people complain that none of their friends go to church so they do not feel like going to church either. This type of reaction creates a barrier for continuing the practice of the faith from young adulthood. There is the sense that if there was a strong Catholic community environment, a real presence, people would be more encouraged to continue practicing the faith they learned at school. Local Parishes A counter comment to the Catholic community issue was then presented which said that although the Catholic population was small in Japan, the actual faith practiced in local parishes was very strong. The point was made that this was very positive and that in fact such local parishes can be the source of growth of faith in Japan, not by big macro efforts at evangelization but by the activities of Catholics at local parishes which encourage small incremental growths of people to become Catholic. An example of this would be that new people to the faith would be attracted by such activities as the singing of the local choir which helps not only a community spirit but also can be inspirational. It was noted that in Takanawa Catholic Church, many of the parishioners are young and that the parish is a vibrant active parish where the choir has played a major role in strengthening the faith and the local community there. The Glass is Half Full Next a point was raised that in Japan it seems that there are many disparate Catholic groups, events and activities but most people are unaware of them. A suggestion was made that holding a National Catholic awareness conference event could be a possible way to bring all Catholic groups together so that they not only learn about each other but equally importantly be inspired and encouraged by knowing that they are not alone. A further comment was made that having a Catholic awareness event can help with creating a community spirit and lead people to create more community events that can attract more people to sharing the faith. One suggestion of this community activity in action was the flower-arranging activity that is held at Seisan Women’s University, a Catholic university in Tokyo. Here students not only share in an activity that is faith inspired but they make creations, which are sold to raise funds for charity. FIRES Encounter in Japan For over 40 years in Japan, Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M. of the Franciscan Chapel Center, in Tokyo has been leading the Catholic FIRES Encounter program. This program is actually a collection of specific programs designed to spiritually help married couples, families, engaged couples, sons and daughters, singles and even priests. It also includes a Eucharistic Encounter. It is based on the spirituality of the marriage encounter

Aduno - Catholic Japan program begun by Fr Gabriel Calvo in Spain in 1952 and which was, supported by Pope Pius XII. In Japan thousands of Japanese married couples and families have benefitted from the FIRES Encounter program. In many cases it lead to the conversion of new members to the Catholic faith. Other Religious Groups and NGOs Other religious denominations operate in Japan especially through NGOs or through giving free English classes such as the Mormon communities here. Message for the Poor in Spirit The question was raised that asked if people in Japan are happy with their lives and the material benefits that have come to them since Japan’s economic success from the 1960s. A response was made that in fact people here are poor in spirit since they still seem to be looking for something in spite of material success and advanced living standards. Secularism has failed to provide an answer to the deep sense that there is ‘something missing’ in peoples' daily lives. It was put to the attendees that this is where the Catholic faith in Japan has a key role to play, that is, to provide a spiritual balance to people here who are still searching for some meaning to their lives. Conclusion This last point brought up the conclusion of the two hour meeting. With that, Fr. Fabrizio profusely thanked everyone for their valuable contributions, which he found to be very fruitful in his missionary objectives. Some photos were then taken and participants then bid Fr. Fabrizio a grateful farewell who would then travel to other parts of Japan in his almost week long stay here.

Meeting Participants with Fr. Fabrizio Meroni

ミニヴァチカン展での教皇庁宣教省長官在席討論会のまとめ (文責:Neil Day, 訳者:呉佳代子) 日 / 時 2 017年7月2日(日曜日)11時半から14時迄(昼食挟み) 場 所 カトリック高輪教会 出 席 者 Rev. Fr. Fabrizio Meroni、教皇庁宣教省(PMU:Pontifical Missionary Union)長官・主賓 川口薫神父様(高輪教会主任司祭・教皇庁宣教省日本代表者) 高輪教会所属信徒有志/他 討論の纏め PMU(上記参照)は、1916年福者Paolo Mannaによって創設された。 Paoloは、“宣教する集まりの 魂は、司祭、男女修道者、教会の使命である宣教への熱情を盛り上げる信徒たちの宣教精神の養成と、あ らゆるキリスト教共同体の協力と、世の福音化に積極的に参与する者たちの貢献の中にある。”と言う。 PMSは、下記の教皇庁宣教協会の4つの柱の一つである。 *信仰公布会(長官:Fr. Ryszard Szmydki, OMI), 14

アデュノ - カトリック日本

*使徒聖ペトロ教皇庁(長官:Fr.Fernando Domingues, MCCJ), *青少年子供宣教者の教皇直轄の会(長官:Dr.J.Baptistine Ralamboarison) *PMU:The Pontifical Missionary Union=教皇庁宣教省(新長官:Fr.Fabrizio Meroni)

教皇庁宣教協会は、諸国民福音布教省の管轄下にあり、その長官であるFernando Fioni枢機卿は、カトリ ック慈善事業間の競争を止めねばならぬという立場から、教皇フランシスに諸活動報告をした。 諸聖職 者と信徒が参加している会合で、Fr. Fabrizioは、直接Fernando Fioni枢機卿への報告で、自分は皆の発 言に耳を傾ける為に出席している旨を告げ、教皇フランシスが、全世界の小教区にどうヴァチカンが関わ っていくか、という分野での根本的改革に、献身的な姿勢を示しておられる事、またPMU が小教区とも っと積極的に関わるという、この新たな使命を担った、と説明した。 Fr. Fabrizio は、日本におけるカトリックの(社会的評価)立場の、現状に対する参加者各位へ、問題点 や課題は何か、とう問いかけから会合を始められた。 この問いかけは、日本では、聖職者、または宣教 者であるということには、どんな意義があるのか、という問題に及んだ。 キリストの弟子であるカトリ ック信徒は、日本社会ではどういう意味合いで、捉えられているのか、との問いかけである。 自分の信 仰に基づいて考えるなら、日本では、何が、自分の信仰課題になっているのか? 信仰の生涯養成という点で、PMUを、どう小教区のニーズにもっと応え得るように、改善できるかを、Fioni枢機卿は問いかけたいと思っておられる。だからこそ、Fr.Fabrizio は、教えるのではなく、聴く為 に来たとおっしゃり、その姿勢を会合の最後まで守り、沈黙して、耳を傾けておられた。 下記は、話し合いの主な点の要約である。 インスピレーションが為すもの 日本人の中には、始めインスピレーション、美しさに感動することで、 カトリックの信仰に目覚めた、という人もいるという話がいくつか出された。 モーツアルトを聴いて、回心に導かれたとか・・。 モーツアルトが好きになる人達は、彼のバックグラ ンドや、彼の音楽から受けるインスピレーションに ついて、もっと知りたくなって信仰へと導かれたとか・・。 モーツアルトはカトリック信徒だった し、信仰によって、鼓舞されている作品が、彼には数多くある、とか言うことで、人は、もっとカトリッ クの信仰を学びたくなるとか・・。 日本の隠れキリシタン(カトリック信徒)たちの聖歌 250年にも及んだ迫害で、日本の隠れキリシタンが生き残ったのは、彼らを信仰において一つにし、忠実 に留まる助けとなった自分たちが生み出した聖歌が、 あったことだ、と指摘した参加者がいた。 日本では、かつても今も尚、聖歌は、信徒を互いに結びつける力強いものがある。 日本のカトリック共同体の、周囲に与える印象(イメージ)問題 日本では、カトリック学校に人気があるが、仕事の場に着くと、自分たちの信仰を生きる意欲、動機づけ が殆どなく、学校で得た信仰への導入を進展させる刺激もあまり得られない。周りの友達たちが誰も教会 へ行かないから、行きたくなくなると呟く若者は沢山いる。このタイプの反発が、青年期からの信仰を、 生き続けるのに障害になっている。深いカトリック信仰の共同体環境が、本当にあれば、学び舎で身に着 けた信仰を、生き続けるような励ましをもっと受けるであろう。 小教区共同体 カトリック共同体の問題に対して、日本でカトリック人口は少ないが、小教区 信徒の実際の信仰には、強いものがあるとの反論も出た。 これは前向きな視点で、このような小教区に は、日本における信仰の深まりの源泉があり、福音宣教に大々的にガンパルことによってではなく、徐々 にカトリックになっていく、信仰の成長の積み重ねを助長する小教区の諸活動によって、信仰を育んでい く。 例えば、信者になったばかりの人達は、共同体精神を助長する為ばかりではなく、インスピレーションに なり得る小教区教会の聖歌隊の歌のような活動に、魅せられる。 カトリック高輪教会は、信徒に若者が 多いので、コーラスは、小教区共同体の信仰を強めるのに主な役割を担う、活発に活動する小教区。 グラスは半分満たされている。 多くの人が気づいていないとはいえ、年中行事や諸活動が停滞している カトリックのグループが少なからずある。 そこで、こうしたグループが孤立感から抜け出し、相互の活 動の意味合いの重要性や相互に鼓舞されるような学習ができるような、全国カトリック活動連盟総会のよ うなものを、開催すればどうか、というような提案がなされた。

アデュノ - カトリック日本 こうした活動が、カトリック信徒としての意識を相互に呼び起こし、そこに共同体意識が生まれ、新しい 行事を生み出し、もっと多くの人々を信仰へと惹きつけていくのではないか、との発言が続いた。 この共同体的な活動として、“お花” 作成や工芸品が、実際になされた例が、東京のカトリック清泉女 子大学関係参加者から出された。 学生たちは、この種の活動を通して、単に信仰へと鼓舞されたばかり でなく、自分たちで造った花や工芸品販売で、慈善事業への資金集めに協力することとなった、と。 日本におけるFires Encounter(炎の出会い) 東京のフランシスカン チャペル センターのDonnon Murray,O.F.M.神父様は、日本で40年余りFires Encounter プログラムを指導してこられた。 既婚者夫妻、家族、婚約者カップル、青年男女、単身者達、司祭達を、霊的に支援するよう、このプログ ラムは特別に構成されている。 このプログラムには、聖体祭儀での出会いも また、含まれている。 このプログラムは、1952年スペインでGabriel Calvo神父様によって始められ、ピオ12世に支持され た、Marriage Encounterのプログラムの霊性に基づいて組まれている。 日本でも、何千組もの既婚者達や家族が、このFires Encounter プログラムからの恩恵を得てきた。 こ のプログラムで、新しいメンバー達が、カトリックの信仰へと導かれたケースは、数多くある。 他宗教グループと諸NGO 日本で活動している他宗教、特にNGO活動やモルモン教徒たちが無料の英語教室などを通して、宣教をし ている。 心が、乏しい人たちへのメッセージ 日本人は、幸せに生きているのだろうか、1960年以来の日本の経済成長から得た物的利益で満たされて いるのであろうか、との問いかけがあり、物質的な成功や生活水準が高くなっているにも関わらず、何か を探し求めているようなので、精神的には、実は、まだ乏しいのだ、との答えが出された。 人々の日々 の生活には、何か不足がある、という実情に、現状の世俗的な生き方からは、深い意味での何の答えも出 せてはいない。 ここにこそ、日本のカトリックの信仰が、何か役立ち得る鍵を握っているのではないか、即ち、人生に何 かの意味合いを、いまだ探し求めている人たちに、霊的なバランスを差し出し得るのではないかと、参加 者に提示された 。 結 論 この最後の点が、2時間の会合の結論として出された。 これに対して、Fabrizio神父様は、ご自分の宣教者としての諸目標にとって、とても実りのある会合であ った、と、参加者各位の貴重な貢献に、深く感謝された。 参加者との写真が撮られ、Fabrizio神父様は 感謝のお別れの言葉を残して、日本での、約1週間の滞在でのご予定の次の場へと向かわれた。

徳川3代将軍家光は、キリシタン迫害政策を強化し厳重にしました。 1623年(元和9年)12月4日、宣教師を含む 信者50名は小伝馬町の牢から 江戸市中を引き回され、東海道沿いの札の辻(現在の田町駅付近)から 品川に至る小 高い地で、火刑に処せられました。- 高輪教会


Aduno - Catholic Japan

Propagation of the Faith in Japan A Fact-finding Exploratory Meeting at Takanawa Catholic Church On the occasion of the visit of Fr. Fabrizio Meroni Secretary General of the Vatican’s Pontifical Missionary Union Sunday, July 2nd 2017 – Takanawa Catholic Church, Tokyo Dayly Knightly Read here

WUCWO Presentation - Seee here.



Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Website: For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

FIRES Encounter Testimonials (English)

6. Fukazawa Parents

Shuko and Hikari Fukazawa – Iwate, Japan If there is a desire to spread the “Good News”, the Lord will provide the way.

Fr. Donnon Murray FIRES Encounter Centre, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

APPEAL FOR PRAYER With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction.

Husband: One day, while my wife and I were praying, the passage of the Bible that we opened to was Ephesians 3:14–19. “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” This Scripture passage renewed my awareness that being rooted in the Father is precisely what gives meaning to every family. In the course of 20 years, through more than 20 Encounter experiences, we individually, as a couple, and even with our kids as a family, are all thoroughly convinced that the fact 18

FIRES ENCOUNTER - Japan of the family is a gift from God that is definitely the rock on which our house is built. We were married and our first child, a daughter, was born, and I was baptized shortly afterward. She was two years old when we first experienced ME. At the time we thought we had a very happy life together. But if we had not attended ME, more than likely I would never really have experienced God, nor would I have ever known the deep significance of the Sacrament of Marriage. In the first verses of Ephesians, Paul emphasizes that in God we have the first family. For me, when I read the word “Father” in the Epistle, Fr. Donnon comes to mind as: the “Father” that strongly made us aware of the importance of family; the “Father” that told us that we all have the possibility of considering ours to be the best family in the world; the “Father” that, through the sharing of his own personal experiences helped us to realize that “Jesus is alive and present here”; the “Father” that even showed us his tears because of his love for family; the “Father” who forgave and embraced the prodigal son that I am; the “Father” we traveled with and ate with; the “Father” that has often shown me Jesus Christ. If this “Father” had not been a part of our lives, we would not have this 7 member family. We may still be a long way off from being “the best family in the world”, but we do feel that the graces of the Encounters have led us to look upon ourselves in a favorable light. In other words the spirit of the Encounter may not yet be overflowing, but little by little it is spilling out into our lives. In the path that we have walked as a family throughout the past 20 years along with the Encounter we have been able to “live with firewood.” There are millions of people throughout the world who split wood and burn it. They use it for heating and cooking. But few, if any, at the same time, think about their families, and tie that up with what they feel about marriage spirituality. God has given our family the grace of having the chance to be able to share on that, through the unusual task writing a book about it.. The book has two themes: “Splitting Firewood” and “Living with Firewood”; but, in fact, it is a book on the importance of family. The printing company has nothing at all to do with Christianity. Nevertheless, the book is filled with things like the fact that every day, together as husband and wife, we pray the Peace Prayer of St. Francis; we share on the Bible passages on deepening family relationships. The editor accepted the book just as it was. That kind of a book is not what you might call a best seller (of course in the plan of God it may possibly someday become a best seller) nevertheless shortly after it was published it was treated of by the mass media on television, radio and newspapers. The point that was most focused on was “deepening family relationships”. If it were a book that simply treated of the material facts concerning practical aids in the use of firewood and the burning of it, it would not only be considered as something obvious, but it would also not touch the hearts of the readers. During this year in our Prefecture on two succeeding TV channels, there were two programs, one 15 minutes and the other a whole hour on the theme: “Living With Firewood To Warm The Family”. The television director who planned the one hour program had read the book and seems to have been very much affected by it. The actors were the members of our family. The broadcast was limited to our Prefecture, but I think that some families felt something in their hearts and were influenced by it. What I have really been saying up to now is that the source of energy for us as a couple and as a family for the past 20 years has been the Encounter, through which we have discovered the tremendous energy

FIRES ENCOUNTER - Japan of the family. The Lord has given us the opportunity to be a witness of that energy, showing the importance of family, through the instrument of a book. What makes us very happy is that we value gathering with our 5 children to pray, and that the children as they grow older, pass on this spirit of the Encounter. What is going to happen in the future? My wife and I look forward to it with hope and joy. As a couple, we pray to God that through the living out of the Encounter and deepening our sacramental life, we will be able to continue to evangelize with the message of the warmth of the family. Wife The graces that we have received from the Encounter have been manifold, even though they have not been earth–shattering, but rather something flowing quietly and warmly within our family. We were married 22 years ago. We have completely opposite personalities so that, even though we truly want to be the kind of family that the Lord wants, almost every day we quarrel about the most insignificant things, misunderstand one another, and often find ourselves in a state of disunity. My husband and I: he is very warm and listens intently, I am feather–brained; he does everything to the best of his ability, I take the easy road give up easily; he very severely tells me what I should do and not do, I immediately cave in and agree to follow his instructions. We are very much like Charley Brown (I’m not OK, but you are) and Lucy (I’m OK but you are not) that Fr. Donnon often refers to in order to illustrate different temperaments. But one of the many things that have become clear to us is the need to strive to become like Snoopy, which Fr. Donnon uses as a symbol of one who expresses a desirable personality trait: I’m OK, and so are you”! When we first attended ME, one of the things my husband said in answer to the question: “What is something that I find it difficult to share with my spouse?” was that I thought nothing of putting on the table a soya sauce bottle that has the soya sauce spilled all over the outside. It was a revelation for me to discover that such a trivial incident of daily life was the subject of something difficult to share, and that alone was a big source of grace for me during that first ME. Twenty years have passed since then, and every year I have received more and graces from the Encounters, but every time we prepare our talks as a team I recall the spirit of the soya sauce bottle, and realize that it is not meaningless to share on the most trivial things. I have learned that, even though my husband and I don’t have a great deal in common, the effort to get to know one another better is something that the Lord desires for our family. That is an important step. This is really a great grace. In the course of twenty years the children have increased to 5. Obviously our environment has changed. As we get older, we realize that our own power is inadequate to deal with communicating about the children, our respective parents, our economic situation, our health, etc. etc. This has been a source of anxiety and uncertainty. It is precisely because of that that we feel the need to participate in the Encounters, seek out Father Donnon’s guidance, share with one another, pray with one another, and spend quiet time together. The Encounter is always a place where we can return to God. Especially as the parents of children who are maturing into adulthood, their beginning to date is a source of worry for us as their father and mother. We have tried to get the message to them that learning to really love someone of the opposite sex can be a beautiful thing. We have emphasized that it is important to respect that person, to be open, and never do anything on the sly. Both our oldest daughter and our son are dating now and they have introduced their dating partners to us. As parents we have been pleased that they wanted to introduce them to us. This too is a grace that we have received from the Encounter. 7. Kai Fukazawa This is the testimony of the oldest daughter of the above couple: God has continually said to me: “Everything is going to be OK”! But it was Fr. Donnon, through the SADE, who helped me to appreciate that expression. I am a person who is always worrying. People have said to me, “Why are you letting such a little thing bother you so much?” When I am worn out with worrying, I sometimes feel like shouting out in a loud voice: “Am I really OK?” I remember well that, before the experience of the SADE I was unable to find anyone to respond to my shouts of pain. Each succeeding day was one of suffering. But through the “Encounter with self” step of the SADE, I was able to discover someone to respond to my plea and say with the same tone and the 20

FIRES ENCOUNTER - Japan same softness: “Everything is going to be OK”. That was precisely the message I received when Fr. Donnon responded with those words. It was some time ago, but my brother once said: “Father Donnon has the scent of the sun”. For me he is a “Sun” that enfolds everything, is always warm, and is always present, and for that reason gives me with a feeling of security. I am now in college, and the theme of a dissertation that I am writing is: “The Role of the Family”. What strongly influenced me to choose that theme was a “Gathering of Families”, and the Encounter for couples, which took place before I made a SADE. Through this study, I have strongly felt that the mission of the home is to help us to safeguard, express, and communicate love. That’s why I feel strongly that I want to become a mother, have a family, and pass on to my children the many lessons that the Lord has taught me through the Encounter.

FIRES ENCOUNTER - Venezuela 6. Fukazawa Parents - 深澤光・修子 「家族は神からのものである」 昨日、夫婦で祈り、開き、分かち合った聖書の箇所は、 エフェソ人への手紙3章14節から19節、 キリストの 愛を知る:「このことのために、 わたしは、 おん父のみ前にひざをかがめて祈ります。天と地にあるすべての 「 家族」 という呼び名は、 この 「父」 に由来しています-おん父が、 ご自分の栄光の豊かさに従い、 「内なる人 間」 に働きかけるご自分の霊によって、 あなたがたに力を与え、強めてくださいますように。信仰を持つこと によって、 あなたがたの心のうちにキリストが住まわれますように。 あなたがたが愛に根ざし、愛に土台を据 え、 その広さ、長さ、高さ、深さがどれほどのものであるかを、聖なる人々とともに理解し、人知をはるかに越 えたキリストのこの愛を悟ることができますように。 あなたがたが、神に満ちているすべてによって満たされ るまでになりますように」 のところでした。 この聖書の箇所は、私達に全ての家族がおん父に由来するものであることを改めて意識させてくれ るものですが、 この20年間に20回以上与ってきたエンカウターはまた、私と妻それぞれにとっても、子供た ちにとっても、 まさに家族の礎としての 「家族は神からのものである」 ということをゆるぎないものにしてく れたこと、 と確信しています。 結婚して間もなく長女に恵まれ、 長女が二歳になる前に始めてマリッジ・エンカウンターに与ること が出来た幸運な私達夫婦、家族でした。 もし、 エンカウンターに与ることがなかったら・・・想像することが できないですが、 おそらく、結婚して長女の誕生後、洗礼を受けた私が、神を経験するということや、 まして や婚姻の秘蹟を体験として知ることは出来なかっただろう、 ということは相当確かです。 冒頭のエフェソ書の箇所は、父なる神に由来する家族を強調しています。 どうしてもその 「父」 には、 ダナン神父様が重なります。家族の大切さ強く意識させてくれた父、世界一の家族を紹介してくれた父、 自 らの体験の分かち合いを通じて 「ここに生きているイエズス様」 を見せてくれた父、 また、 あるときは、家族 のために涙を見せてくれた父、放蕩息子級の私の全てを赦し抱きしめてくれた父、 -緒に旅をし、 また食事 をしてくれた父。何度もイエズス様を見せていただきました。 その 「父」 が居なかったら、今の私達七人の家 族はありません。 まだ、世界一にはほど遠いかも知れませんが、 エンカウンターの恵みが、本当に芳(かんば) しい家族に私達を育ててくださったと感じています。 つまり、 そのエンカウンターの精神が、 まだ、 あふれ出 るまでにはなっていませんが、少しずつこぼれる位の家族になってきました。 私達家族が、 この20年間に生きてきた道には、 エンカウンターとともに、 「薪(まき)のある暮らし」 が あります。薪で暖房や調理をしている人達は、世界中に数十億人いるでしょう。 しかし、家族を意識して、特 に結婚の霊性を感じながら、薪を割り、薪を焚いている人は、何人居るのか?・・・ わかりませんが、 あまり 居ないようです。神様は、私達家族にそのような恵みを分かち合うチャンスをくださいました。私が、薪の本 を書くという、妙な仕事を通じてです。 それは、 「薪割り・・・」 だったり 「薪のある暮らし・・・」 といったタイト


MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - Yamanakako ルの薪についての本という姿、格好をしていますが、実は、家族の大切さを書いているものです。 出版社は、 全くキリスト教とは関係ないのですが、本の中には、夫婦で毎朝唱えるようにしているアッシジのフランシ スコの平和の祈り有り、聖書の分かち合い有り、 また、 「家族の関係を深める・・・」 の章が必ず有り、 それを 出版者(社) は、 そのまま通してくださいました。 それらの本は、 あまり売れているとは言えませんが (神のご 計画であるなら、将来、 ベストセラーになる可能性は十分にありますが)、 出版後しばらく経っても新聞や テレビ、 ラジオといったマスコミが取り上げてくださいます。 そして、 この家族の関係を深める、 ところに焦点 を当ててくれることが多いのです。 やはり、 ただ、薪を割る、焚(た)いているといった物質的な豊かさを求める だけでは、 当たり前というより、訴えるものが少ないと気付いているからでしょう。 今年(2007) になってからには、岩手県の2つの民放テレビ局が、続けて 「家族を暖める薪のある暮 らし」 をテーマにした15分と1時間の番組を作り、放映してくれました。特に1時間の特集番組を企画・製作 してくださったテレビ局のディレクターさんは、薪の本を読んで何かを感じてくれたようでした。 「主演」 は、 私達家族でした。 もちろん岩手県内だけの放映ですが、 いくつかの家族にとってその影響、響きはあったの ではないか、 と思っています。 ここまで紹介しましたように、私達夫婦、家族のこの20年間のエネルギーの源(エネルギーのインプット= 秘蹟) は、 エンカウンターであり、 そして神様が使われた家族のエネルギーを伝える手段(アウトプット) は、 本や雑誌などを通しての夫婦、家族の大切さの分かち合いであったように思います。 幸いなことに、五人 の子ども達も家族揃っての祈りを大切にして、 エンカウンターの精神を伝えてくれる年頃になりつつありま す。 これから、 どういう展開になるのか?・・・この頃は私達夫婦にとってとても楽しみになっています。私達 夫婦は、 これからもエンカウンターという錠(かすがい)につながれ、婚姻の秘蹟を深める苦行?と家族の暖 かさの布教を続けてさせていただけるよう、 神様に祈っております。 「エンカウンターの恵み」 - 修子 私たち家族にとって、 エンカウンターの恵みは数限りなくあります。 その恵みは衝撃的なものとい うよりは、静かに暖かく、私たち家族のなかに流れていると感じます。 私たちは結婚して22年になります が、 お互いの性格が正反対セあるために、心から神様の望む家族になりたいと望んでも、毎日のように些 細な事で衝突したり、誤解したりと、不一致な状態になります。主人と私、細やかで気配りのきく主人、 お おざっぱな私、何でも頑張る努力家の主人、 いいんじゃないと楽をしたい私、 ダメダメと私に厳しい主人、 すぐにダメなんだと落ち込む私。私たち夫婦は、 ダナン神父様の友達、 ルーシーとチャーリー・ブラウンそ のものです。 でも神父様はその二人の真ん中に、 ユーモアたっぷりのスヌーピーを置きました。 まさに私た ち夫婦にはスヌーピー“DOG=GOD"の助け、働きが必要なのだということをマリッジ・エンカウンターに与 り、 はっきりと確信しました。 初めてマリッジ・エンカウンターに与った時、主人が 「相手に分かち合いにくいこと」 のひとつとして、 分かち合ってくれたことは、私が平気で、 お醤油がこびりついた醤油差しを食卓に出すということでした。 「 お醤油がこびりついた醤油差し」 こんな些細ことであっても、 その不快感を日常生活のなかで、分かち合え ないという事実を知ったことは、初めてマリッジ・エンカウンターに参加した私たちにとって、大きな収穫で した。 22

FIRES ENCOUNTER - Japan あれから20年、毎年のようにエンカウンターに与る恵みをいただいていますが、 マリッジ・エンカウ ンターの奉仕の準備に取り組む時は、 「醤油差し」 の精神を忘れないで、 この時ばかりはと、些細な事でも 分かち合おうと、努めることができているように思います。 なかなか共通点のない私たちにとって、 お互いの 気持ちを知ろうと努力することは、神様の望む家族になるための、 大切な第一歩だということを学ぶことが 出来ました。 これは、本当に大きな恵みだと思います。20年という歳月の間に、子供が-人から五人に増え、私 たちの環境も大きく変っていきました。歳を重ねるごとに子供のこと、 お互いの親のこと、経済的なこと、健 康のことなど、 自分たちの力ではどうにも出来ないと感じる悩み、不安も出てきました。 だからこそ、 エンカ ウンターに参加し、 ダナン神父様の御指導をいただき、分かち合い、祈り、静かな時を過ごすことは、 とても 必要であると、 いつも感じます。私たちにとって、 エンカウンターは神様に立ち返ることのできる所だと思い ます。 特に年頃の子どもを持つ親にとって、子供たちの男女交際は気になるところですが、夫婦で分かち 合うことで、異性を好きになることはすばらしいこと、好きな人を大切にして、 こそこそしないで、 オープンに 付き合いなさいと、子供に伝えることが出来ました。長女、長男は現在それぞれ付き合っている人がいます が、私たちに紹介してくれました。好きな人だから、家族に紹介したいという思いは私たち親にとって、 とて もうれしいいことです。 これも私たち家族がいただいている、 エンカウンターの恵みだと思います。 7. Fukazawa Kai 「大丈夫だよ」 深澤絵 いつでも 「大丈夫だよ」 といい続けてくれたのは、神様だった。 でも、 この言葉と出会わせてくれたの が、SADEであり、 ダナン神父様だった。私は悩むことが多い人間だと思う。 よく人から、 「何でそんなことで 悩むの?」 と言われる。悩むことが悪いとは思わないが、悩むことに疲れると、誰かに向かって 「私って大丈 夫かな?」 と大声で叫びたくなる。 SADEに出会うまでの私は、 その叫び声に応えてくれる人を見つけられな くて、苦しい日が続いたのを覚えている。 でも、SADEで体験した 「自己との出会い」 によって私は、 「大丈夫 だよ」 と、 いつも同じトーンで同じ柔らかさで応えてくれる方を見つけたのだと思う。 ダナン神父様は、 その 「大丈夫だよ」 と応えてくれる方のイメージそのものだ。 かなり前のことだが、 弟が 「ダナン神父様は太陽の匂いがする!」 と言ったことがある。全てを包み込む太陽は、 いつでも暖かく、 「いつでも居る」 という安心感を私に与えてくれる。 大学に進学した私は今、 「家庭の使命」 というテーマに取り組んでいる。私がこの課題に取り組んだ のには、 SADEをはじめとする、 家族の集い、 夫婦の集いが強く影響している。 この研究を通して私が強く感 じることは、家庭が 「愛を守り、表し、伝える使命」 を担っているということである。 だから私自身が母親とな り、家庭を持つとき、私がダナン神父様を通して体験した多くのことを自分の子どもとも分かち合いたいと 強く感じる。



Aduno - Catholic Japan

夏期カリタス・リトリート「歩く瞑想・食べる瞑想」 夏期カリタス・リトリート

「歩く瞑想・食べる瞑想 ~キリスト教的ヴィパッサナー瞑想~」 ヴィパッサナー瞑想(気づきの瞑想、マインドフルネス瞑想)は、自分 が感じている感覚や感情を観察し、現実をあるがままに受けとめる瞑 想です。ストレスの軽減や集中力を上げる効果があり、企業の研修な どにも取り入れられています。 もともと仏教に由来する瞑想ですが、キリスト教やイエスのことばを 味わい、「いま、ここ」を生きる助けになる瞑想です。 清泉女子大学学生、卒業生、教職員の皆様のご参加をお待ちしており ます。 [日 時] 9月30日(土) 10:00~15:30 [場 所] 聖心侍女修道会管区本部(〒141-0022 品川区東五反田3-8-5) リンク

St. Ignatius Church, Tokyo

St. Francis of Assisi Mural at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

Franciscan Chapel Center Tokyo, Japan

Prison Outreach Program New Volunteers Welcome Please contact FCC Contact details here.


Franciscan Province of Japan フランシスコ会日本管区

European Mass - Sun Aug 20 12 noon, St.Ignatius Church, Tokyo

March for Life

Read article in Church Militant here - USA Read article in LifeIssues here (J) - Japan 26

- Japan July 2017

Report (English) - Report (Japanese)

PRO LIFE Japan - Abortion Statistics


PRO LIFE Japan - Abortion Statistics

PRO LIFE Japan - Abortion Statistics


You Made Me a Mother (日本語字幕_Japanese)


プロライフ(中絶反対派) Pro - Life


March for Life Japan 2017


Thus it can be concluded that the relationship between the centurion commander and his 'παίς' (servant) is that of 'παιδεραστεία' [boy love].


Post-Modernism & Marxism LGBTCJ LGBTCJ to re-interpret Uses Lacanian philosophy as the A goal of‘ Critical Theory, (a product of attempts basis for demanding that the Cultural Marxism) is to argue against Bible scripture to support its Church change its teachings on all traditional truths, understandings case and to justify the act of homosexuality. Yet Lacanian and beliefs and to force new Marxist homosexuality. philosophy proposes truth based interpretations and values. MakingLGBTCJ Bases its support for sameon personal psychoanalysis and innovations and re-interpretations of sex marriage on feelings of feelings saying nothing on divine Bible scripture is part of this cultural love only, indicating that intervention and graces from God. warfare, which includes the mission subjectivity justifies the It also embraces the ideas of Freud to destabilize the Catholic Church activity of Man (Dictatorship and Heidegger, the latter being a of Relativism - Pope Benedict philosopher sympathetic to the Nazi XVI). Ignores the Divine nature cause before and during WWII. The and mystery of marriage story of St. Edith Stein and Heidegger between man and woman. starkly contrasts their respective LGBTCJ philosophies, and the difference Argues that St. Paul was between light and darkness. referring to heterosexuals LGBTCJ being sinful and not people Attempts to re-interpret Bible with same-sex orientation or scripture (Japanese is here) to tendency who love each other. support its case and to justify Church teaching in unison homosexuality. For example, with scripture however firmly LGBT refers to the 'boy love of the states that the homosexual centurion' and states, from Romans LGBTCJ Selectively refers Pope Francis's act is not part of God's divine 1:26-27:, will. "Thus it can be concluded that the comment, "Who am I to judge him?" relationship between the centurion to mean acceptance of the sin, though LGBTCJ commander and his 'παίς' (servant) is in fact the Pope was speaking about Ignores Church teaching that the sinner. demands compassion for the that of 'παιδεραστεία' [boy love]." sinner but not the sin. LGBTCJ RESPONSE The Church in Japan and Catholics Fails to recognise the CatholicIgnores that the Church equally outreach program todoes not support divorce in general must be aware of any Church's organisation which aims to change pastorally and compassionately assistand remarriage where again the teachings of the Church and people with homosexual tendencies.defeating sin is the concern develop responses accordingly. Such a program exists in the 'Courage'while offering pastoral care to Being aware and the need for prayer and Encourage' pastoral activities. those who seek it. are actions we can take now.

"Romans 1-4" Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study

Death of a Society Sensus Fidelium

You Can't Love Another Person Apart from Truth - St. Michael Hs. 32

Tokyo Lacanian School




Biblical texts which address the question of homosexuality directly or indirectly are:

In the Old Testament Genesis 19:7-8: "I beg you, my brothers, not to do this wicked thing. I have two daughters who have never had intercourse with men. Let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you please. But don't do anything to these men." Judges 19:23-24: "No, my brothers; do not be so wicked. Since this man is my guest, do not commit this crime. Rather let me bring out my maiden daughter or his concubine. Ravish them, or do whatever you want with them; but against the man you must not commit this wanton crime." Leviticus 18:22: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination." In the New Testament 1 Corinthians 6:9: "Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites ... will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Timothy 1:10: "... law is meant not for a righteous person but for the lawless and unruly ... the unchaste, practicing homosexuals, kidnapers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is opposed to sound teaching." Romans 1:26-27: "Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity." - Fr. Jean-Baptiste Edart . Catholic Culture - Read full article here.


Pier Giorgio Frassati: Get to know him


A Letter to the Holy Father from the Young People of the World (And from a few who are "young at heart" while not in age!)



Seisen Women's University - Japan







eisen University traces its roots back to 1935, when Seisen-ryo Gakuen school was founded in Azabu Tokyo by the religious congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the purpose of providing higher education for girls. This congregation of sisters was originally founded by Rafaela Maria Porras, who was born in Spain in the middle of the 19th century, and who dedicated her life to serving needy people and promoting women’s education. Thus the University has had strong Spanish ties since its founding. n 1950 the university was formally established as a Catholic college for women, comprised of two departments: English Literature and Japanese Literature. The University continued to expand and added the Department of Spanish Language and Literature in 1961, as well as the Department of Christian Cultural Studies in 1963, which later became the Department of Cultural History. To meet the challenges of the 21st century, the Department of Global Citizenship Studies was established in 2001, offering a uniquely interdisciplinary area of studies focusing particularly on issues of international cooperation, assistance and peace. eisen University has established a solid position in providing higher education for women in Japan. It now has five departments for undergraduates, as well as the Graduate School of Humanities, providing master’s and doctoral programs. It also has three research institutes; for cultural studies, Christian culture, and language education. Because of its relatively small size, Seisen University offers students a personal and at-home ambiance, which helps students grow with independent minds and love for others. Every year, it produces close to 500 graduates who wish to actively contribute to our society, seeking professions in such sectors as government, education, and business, as well as NPOs and other civil society organizations. n 2010 Seisen celebrated its 60th anniversary. Its original mission to serve society, especially its needy people, has remained solid and was well exemplified by its response to the events following the great earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011. Seisen was quick in offering helping hands to many people, both on-campus as well as off-campus, who had no means to return home. More than 500 people, including travelers from overseas, were accommodated at our campus and were offered food, blankets and shelter. eisen believes in the importance of life-long education. Accordingly, it has sponsored Rafaela Academy, a night and weekend school, for the adults in the surrounding community. The Academy offers classes in a wide range of subjects, and has attracted more than 2000 people every year. Read more here...



Province of Japan - 日本の聖心侍女 Tokyo, Kamakura City, Nagano City 東京都、鎌倉市、長野市

Six Monasteries in Japan - 日本における修道院の所在地

Higashi Gotanda Gotanda, Yoga, Kamakura City Tamanori, Kamakura-shi Yukinoji, Nagano-shi 東五反田 (2), 用 賀, 鎌倉市雪ノ下, 鎌倉市玉縄, 長野市箱清水


New Evangelization 清泉の姉妹校 - 学校の所在地

Seisen Elementary School

Lorporia praturi quam! Sr. Rafaela Maria Porras Founder of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Girls Junior and Senior High School

Ucid ut atum explautem.

Lorporia praturi quam!

Rum errovit aquuntem.

Seisen Schools in Japan


Warrior Nuns Little Sisters of the Poor Win Big in Obamacare Case Roger Severino and Elizabeth Slattery Read here.

Crowd goes wild for Little Sisters of the Poor at the Supreme Court

PRESIDENT TRUMP Announces Religious Freedom - Invites Little Sisters of the Poor on Stage

Life In Hidden Light

- Video -

Carmelite Community

Life inside an enclosed Carmelite community, including short excerpts of interviews with some of the Sisters. The Discalced Carmelites of Wolverhampton, UK, would like to thank Miranda Tasker and Marcus Nield, who made this film, for their hard work and professional skill. With only basic equipment, they did the filming and put together the presentation with sensitivity and understanding. View here.

The Discalced Carmelites of Wolverhampton, UK 40


esa r e T r e h t o M y h I am unwort

Welcome to 'Mother House' Non Profit Organisation (Japan) 5. Support for settlement of victims / perpetrators etc. (Restorative dialogue support · Restorative justice) 6, Juvenile delinquent boys · Girl rehabilitation improvement support etc. 7, consultation on various troubles, such as bullying, suicide, abuse etc. 8, We aim to contribute to the creation of peace and social contribution through philanthropic spirit by endeavoring various improvements through business related to widely public lecture / educational activities etc. for the general public.

Goals of Mother House 1, Improvement of rehabilitation of people accommodated in correctional facilities 2. Support for social reintegration etc. · Support for employment etc. 3. Support for infringement of human rights, abolishment of capital punishment, false charges, etc. 4. Support of families related to crime victims and perpetrators




The fir then, s and eff Heart w Sacred univer

Said b • “W • “B • “M • "B • "Fo • "Y • "G an is, • "L • Sa • “It • “Sh 42



SEE video.

"For the sake of one child, I would have founded the Society." Foundress Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779 - 1865) Sacred Heart Schools in Japan

rst Sacred Heart School was founded in 1801 in Amiens, France, and began as a boarding school for girls. Since schools have been established in various locations in France, where the spirit of Christian values, high intellect, fective action became the tradition of the Sacred Heart education for girls. In 1818, the first Convent of the Sacred was established in America, later extending to South America, and in 1908, arriving from Europe via Australia, four d Heart sisters grounded the foundation in Japan. Now, there are seven Sacred Heart schools from kindergarten to rsity in Japan, and 147 schools in 30 countries around the world, continuing the spirit of the Sacred Heart education.

by Sophie: We don’t live with angels; we have to put up with human nature and forgive it.” Before making any change take counsel…. Prudence and a wise slowness are necessary in the beginning.” More is gained by indulgence than by severity.” Be humble, be simple, bring joy to others."[9] or the sake of one child, I would have founded the Society." Your example, even more than your words, will be an eloquent lesson to the world." Give only good example to the children; never correct them when out of humor or impatient. We must win them by appeal to their piety and to their hearts. Soften your reprimands with kind words; encourage and reward them. That in short, our way of educating." Let us leave acts, not words. Nobody will have time to read us."[9] Feast of S aid of Sophie: aint Madeleine Sophie Barat, t was her way to think well of people until forced to do otherwise.” May 25, 2015 She loved people through their faults to the core of their best selves.”

INSPIRATION - Saint Ignatius de Loyola


Soldier Saint

St. Ignatius de Loyola - Feast Day July 31


The Spiritual Exercises {Spiritual Training Manual Audio Book} by St. Ignatius Loyola



St. Ignatius of Loyola - Catholic Online

The Autobiography of St. Ignatius 44


Aduno - Encounter - New Evangelization

Behind the scenes of Asian Youth Day 2017 1

Asian Youth Day (AYD) is an international event organized by the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference, Office of Laity & Family, Youth Desk and the host country. The event, which is held every three years, brings together Catholic youths from all over Asia. This week-long life experience enables young people to gather in formation programs and enrich their spiritual lives by renewing their faith and sharing the Gospel with others.


In 1991, during the World Youth Day in Czestochowa (Poland), representatives from over 30 Asian countries attended the Third International Youth Forum. At the forum, they expressed their hopes of establishing different channels and networks for various kinds of exchanges and organizing activities especially designed for Catholic youths in Asia.


In 1993, a youth consultation conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Participating youth representatives at the conference suggested that a youth working group be formed as a parish-based subsidiary of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences in an effort to gather support for youth leaders within the organization and to enhance mutual cooperation and links among youth parish groups from Asian countries.


In this way, the Youth Desk was officially established in 1994. Since its opening, the team has successfully organized a series of activities for Asian youths and youth leaders, including the Asian Youth Gathering during the World Youth Day, Asian Youth Ministers’ Meeting and Asian Youth Day.


Aduno - Encounter - Family

Ireland preps for World Meeting of Families Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna tells people in Ireland the Catholic Church is doing whatever it can to strengthen the family, including families often considered nontraditional. See video here.

Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation


Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

ent m n r e c s i D l a u t i r or Spi f s e l u R 4 1 ' s u i t a ) St. Ign (Fr. Victor Feltas s g n i R e & The Lord of th Man Acts! The Moral Act Must Be Based on Truth Susan Fox

ting a e r c , s t n e r a p n ay our ow w in a t r e c a in e r yssa) (St. Gregory of N “Thus we a .” s n io y our decis b l, il w e w s a s e ourselv

Aduno - Catholic Africa

Nigerian Bishop Doeme Combats Boko Haram With ‘Rosary Battle Plan’

Best practices for maternal health in Africa (UN) - COL Africa

Obianuju Ekeocha: Founder & President of Culture of Life Africa 50

Aduno - Catholic Africa


Way of the Cross: an inspired gift to the people of Malawi - The Telegraph

Gay Russell was not content to visit a shrine to the Virgin Mary in Hercegovina, she wanted a replica in Africa. With divine help, she built one. Read more here.

2 Killing Africa Marie Stopes International (MSI) is a UK-based organization that works in 37 countries around the world of which 16 are African countries. In their UK practices, they have been riddled with many scandals bordering on malpractice, mismanagement, mistreatment of staff and patients. In spite of these scandals in the UK , MSI still gets about ÂŁ250 million every year from their donor-partners (which include many western governments like USA, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Norway and Denmark ) to further their work in Africa. See video here.

3 Malawi government pledges support for Catholic media - Signus Malawi, August, 4th, 2017 (Radio Vatican). The Government of Malawi through the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology has hailed Catholic media houses and its practitioners for striving to advance evangelization and development. The government has since pledged its support. Read more here.


Vatican official, at UN, emphasizes ‘right to remain in one’s homeland’ Catholic Culture A Vatican official addressed a UN meeting on migrants and development and emphasized “the right to remain in one’s homeland in dignity, peace, and security.” Read more here.


"The World has made a God out of our emotions"

Maria Cahill, Miss America contestant and 2011 Miss Delaware, speaks to the students of SMHS about living a virtuous life in a world that's growing more antithetical to the Gospel. Cahill shares real-world experiences in areas where the culture is hostile to traditional values and insistent on politically correct conformity. - St. Michael House

Purity in a Secular World


EVANGELICAL FUNDAMENTALISM AND CATHOLIC INTEGRALISM: A SURPRISING ECUMENISM Vatican's Jesuit newspaper 'La Civilta Cattolica' attacks American Catholics and Evangelicals and their ecumenism. Below a collection of responses.


A word about useful tools - Bishop Chaput, CatholicPhilly

p i &R

Archbishop Chaput History is full of great quotations that people never said. One of the best lines comes from Vladimir Lenin. He described Russian progressives, social democrats, and other fellow travelers as “useful idiots” – naïve allies in revolution whom the Bolsheviks promptly crushed when they took power. Or so the legend goes. In fact, there’s no evidence Lenin actually spoke those words, at least in public. But no one seems to care. It’s a compelling line, and in its own way, entirely true. The naïve and imprudent can very easily end up as useful tools in a larger conflict; or to frame it more generously, as useful innocents. The result is usually the same. They’re discarded. History is also full of unfortunate comments that really were said – as found, for example, in a recent Rome-based journal article that many have already rightly criticized. The article in question, La Civiltà Cattolica’s “Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism in the USA: A Surprising Ecumenism,” is an exercise in dumbing down and inadequately presenting the nature of Catholic/evangelical cooperation on religious freedom and other key issues. Read full article here.

And if their efforts draw Catholics, evangelicals and other people of good will together in common cause, we should thank God for the unity it brings.



The flaws in Civilta Cattolica's analysis of US Christianity-- Matt Hadro, EWTNt

Fr. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica,

An analysis piece in La Civilta Cattolica alleging an “ecumenism of hate” between Catholics and Evangelical Fundamentalists is seriously flawed in its presentation of religion in public life, experts said. Speaking about the article, which claims religious and political elements of society should not be “confused,” Elizabeth Bruenig, a writer on Christianity and politics, said: “this is a departure from most of the historical writings the Church has produced on how Catholics should think about politics and religion.” Read more here.

First Things


Interview with Cardinal Fernando Filoni Salt & Light TV

We live in exciting times, but must be careful to not be consumed by stress - Fr. Ian Van Huesen 56

ALI - Spiritual Warfare

Life on Earth is a Warfare Sensus Fidelium

Patience with Ourselves Sensus Fidelium

Land Without Sunday Sensus Fidelium

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

A Final Word on Fr. Martin Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to experience annual Ignatian retreats at our area’s local Jesuit facility—a rejuvenating experience of silence. Yet, for the last few months, the term “silent retreat” has forever changed for me. Now, it makes me think of Fr. James, Martin, S.J. This will likely be my last article regarding Jesuit Fr. James Martin (cue the applause, right?). Why the last article? Because the more he has talked about his new book on “building a bridge” between the Church’s “hierarchy” and the “LGBT community,” the less he is really saying. It’s as though he is disappearing ever more deeply into that “LGBT Catholic Bubble” that encompasses his entire project—and what good is a “bridge in a bubble”? As the newness of it fades and the limelight flickers, there will be hardly anything to say. It will already have been said. Anyone who, like me, has followed every last media opportunity Martin has had in promotion of the book will know that he is re-hashing the same talking points over and over again. Every media outlet that covers the book gets the same boilerplate replies that amount to a studied strategy of ambiguity that is intended to maximize encroachment of the “LGBT community” into the heart of the Church while minimizing the effect that the truth of Catholic teaching could have on that same community. Already, this hide-and-seek approach to supposed “dialogue” is getting really, really old. The real Fr. Jim Martin is barely even there behind the barrage of redundancies that constitutes his public self-promotion of his supposedly two-way bridge. The media persona he projects is merely a puppet. The real puppeteer is the Fr. Martin who pulls the strings while relentlessly refusing to own his faith. This brings out a supreme irony: One of the prominent efforts to undermine Church teaching regarding homosexuality has arisen via the parish of St. Paul the Apostle, the mother church of the Paulist Fathers, in New York. At their gay-friendly ministry “Out at St. Paul,” nothing stands in the way of the error-filled “Owning Our Faith” project and video. Not the pastor, not doctrine—nothing. In fact, it was the pastor himself who presented the “Owning Our Faith” video, so deeply flawed and yet so deeply admired by Martin, to Pope Francis himself. Some of Martin’s own promotional videos feature footage from the “Owning Our Faith” project. After being asked hundreds upon hundreds of times by hundreds of different people, exactly why 58

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it! (1 Corinthians 9:16) won’t Martin himself own the faith of the Church regarding homosexuality? All he does is pull a few puppet-strings each time the question comes up. Suddenly the Gospel he is supposed to believe down to the marrow of his bones, under the same obligation that St. Paul himself was when saying “woe to me if I do not preach,” is magically objectified into a mere “stance” or “prohibition” that the Church only “officially” teaches, and it’s just untouchable because it’s soooo far from the “stance” of the “LGBT community.” And, besides, it’s clear that “LGBT Catholics” have never “received” the teaching in the first place, Martin says. If some of this sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because the more Martin talks, the more he simply fades into the murky shadows of many who spoke similarly over the last fifty years. It was another Jesuit, the late Fr. Richard McCormick, who famously embraced the falsehood of a “double magisterium” (naturally the second “magisterium” comprised theologians like himself!) and who insisted that teachings “not received” were not even true teachings at all. The more Martin speaks, the more he disappears into McCormick. Not only that, but Martin’s approach is also rooted squarely in the hero he’d like to canonize, Sr. Jeannine Gramick, who has famously admitted her strategy for achieving decades of dissent by doing the same thing—not owning her faith. Her self-labeled “creative circumvention” allowed her to “wiggle” around admitting her dissent by also framing true Church teaching as an objectified “stance.” However, just as a train receding into the midnight horizon might occasionally throw a spark of illumination from its wheels, Martin’s retreat is not flawless. Recently, he forthrightly admitted his erroneous view that God creates LGBT people as LGBT people. Compare this to the Catechism’s clear assertion that homosexuality has a “largely unexplained” psychological genesis. This admission is really the crack in the dam that lets the floodwaters past. Virtually everything else that contradicts the Gospel regarding homosexuality arises from this singular flaw. If the entire spectrum of “LGBTQIA” is God’s handiwork, then we can jettison the whole “objectively disordered” kerfluffle and go with Martin’s self-recommended “differently ordered” instead. Then, same-sex sex acts and same-sex “marriage” and transgender surgeries become goods that we don’t have to reject. We can let “gay pride” into our sanctuaries, festooning them with rainbow flags. Make no mistake—Martin’s personal media puppet, which keeps his personal views behind the curtain of the fictional narrative of “created this way,” is nothing more than a Trojan horse. Thankfully, more astute minds than mine have seen just how unrealistically wooden the Martin puppet is; many faithful Catholic writers are taking on the myriad false assertions now incessantly repeated at every media opportunity and every presentation at parishes with faux-Catholic views on this issue. This is largely another reason why I believe the entertainment buzz of the Martin marionette’s performance is fading fast. Simply put, the stilted rhetoric and attached strings are leaving neither the Church nor the “LGBT community” feeling very satisfied. Thus, Martin himself is creating new videos and print responses to the “critiques” he’s getting from both sides of the as-yet nonexistent bridge. Yet it’s all the same dodgy, scripted formula we’ve seen and heard before, attempts that are not passionately, single-mindedly focused on actually building that bridge, but instead are constructed so that, just as in Oz, we pay no attention whatever to the “man behind the curtain” as the spectacle before us plays out. Am I being too harsh? Is it too much to ask that the creative artist behind the performance come out, and take a bow? I think not. Literally, for goodness’ sake, own your faith, Fr. Martin. Stop attempting the impossible task of building a bridge in a bubble, via “creative circumvention.” Instead, stake your claim. Are you with the Church and the Good News of its teaching on homosexuality, or not? Because, if you are, your stunt-double Pinocchio is doing a really terrible job of preaching that Gospel. If you are not, I’d suggest taking a good, long look at First Corinthians 9:16. Believe it or not, Fr. Martin, my concern here is not only for the truth, but for you. I don’t hate you, I


don’t fear you or your message, and I don’t want to see you fail to live up to your priestly calling. You are my brother cleric, my brother in Christ. However, your puppet isn’t. That’s just the truth of it. I don’t want the real you getting lost more and more deeply in the irrelevance of your now-worn-out message. The real you is the “you” that God is truly calling you to be, despite your misguided embrace of errors that are harming both you and others. The real you is the Fr. Jim Martin who is literally vanishing before my very eyes. It doesn’t have to be that way. Set aside the strings, the stage, and the schtick. Don’t disappear entirely. Let your silent retreat come to an end.

Life on Earth is Warfare Sensus Fidelium


LI - Defending the Faith


Prayer for Priests


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

The Vortex—They Are Legion

Michael Voris - Church Militant

Pope Francis: It’s ‘terrible’ children taught they can choose gender - Catholic Herald The Pope told Polish bishops that there are powerful institutions which fund the spread of gender theory in schools In his encyclical Laudato Si, the Pope similarly connected economic exploitation with “gender theory”. He criticised the desire to :cancel out sexual difference”, saying: “thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns, often subtly, into thinking that we enjoy absolute power over creation”. 62

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

While the Church Slept - DR LISA NOLLAND Solas Ambivalence of the church, misinformation, and the well-funded campaign of the gay lobby are, says DR LISA NOLLAND, combining to have a devastating effect on young Christians

' W O N K O T D EE N G N U O Y R U 'O 1








T’S true that many Christian youngsters can still be convinced by the traditional understanding of heterosexual ethics (i.e. no sex outside marriage). However, a disturbing reality is that increasing numbers have become ambivalent about homosexuality or are now gay advocates. Being marinated in all things gay from nursery to university does the trick. As lesbian activist Patricia Warren noted: “Whoever captures the kids, owns the future” (1995). Read more here.

As Europe declines, the Church dithers

- Catholic World Report

Father Jacques Hamel

"GET BEHIND “At last, reunited in Heaven with the Father ”

Benedetto Gennari II (1633–1715)



l - Martyred by ISIS

D ME SATAN!" “Blessed with the Crown of Martyrdom” 26/July/2016

Guardian Angel, Artist unknown



Planned Parenthood is Now Pushing its Sex Agenda on Pre-Schoolers

Micaiah Bilger - The abortion business Planned Parenthood now is targeting the youngest school children of all with its sex agenda. The Blaze reports the abortion business published new points for talking to pre-schoolers (children as young as 3 and 4) about sex and “gender identity.” Planned Parenthood teaches it sex education programs to students in public schools across the country. Some pro-lifers say Planned Parenthood uses its sex ed program to gain students’ trust and sell more abortions. Most of its programs target high school and junior high students, but some even target the youngest students of all – pre-schoolers. Read more here.

Defending life crucial to new evangelization — Vatican official

Confirmed: 100,000 People Alive Today Because Northern Ireland Bans Abortions 66


Pope Francis Posts Emotional Tribute to Charlie Gard: “I Entrust Little Charlie to the Father”

Leaked: George Soros’ Plan to Turn Pro-Life Ireland Into a Pro-Abortion Nation

Charlie Gard Dies After Life Support is Switched Off: Mother Says “Our Beautiful Boy is Gone”

Planned Parenthood: Anti-Catholic

Cecile Richards: You Can’t be a Democrat if You Don’t Support Abortion. “It’s Non-Negotiable”







Catholics in the Muslim World: Syria - Catholic News Service

Journey Home - 2017-07-31 - David Shawkan

Lebanon’s religious leaders affirm Christianity’s ‘essential role’ in Middle East - Catholic Herald 74


Global Warming Hoax

An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy - Elizabeth Yore

ACTUAL SCIENTIST: "Climate Change is a Scam!"

Australian Bureau of Meteorology caught erasing cold temperatures

Scientist Jennifer Marohasy and amateur meteorologist Lance Pidgeon at the Goulburn airport weather station that recorded minus 10.4C on July 2. Picture: Jane Dempster

Graham Lloyd Environment Editor The Bureau of Meteorology has ordered a full review of temperature recording equipment and procedures more here

Global Warming Is A blatant LIE & This video scientifically Proves it.

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - The Deceit of the Left

What is Cultural Marxism? The Frankfurt School A comparison of communism/ authoritarianism vs the Catholic Church. What is true freedom?

Communism & the Church Bishop Fulton J. Sheen A comparison of communism/ authoritarianism vs the Catholic Church. What is true freedom?

Communist Plan to Corrupt Catholicism Knights La Salette When the communists were young, an Italian Antonio Gramsci had the idea to remove the Church as an effective fighter against communism.

Why are we in Decline Cultural Marxism This answers the question - Why we are in decline in so many areas.


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - The Deceit of the Left

Why I Left the Left PragerU Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report used to be a big progressive. He even had a show with The Young Turks! But now he's not a progressive. He has left the left. Why? Dave Rubin shares his story.

The History of Political Correctness The origins of "political correctness" or "cultural Marxism" can be found in the early parts of the 20th century from the Frankfurt School, which was the headquarters for the Communists scheming in Germany.

Feminism 2.0 PragerU We hear it all the time: "America is patriarchal!", "American women are oppressed!". Well, a lifelong feminist and former National Organization for Women member, Tammy Bruce, is tired of hearing it.

The Ideological Disease known as 'Cultural Marxism' Exposed An excellent exposĂŠ of Cultural Marxism.

Catholic Adoration

Holy Hour of Adoration


? R U O H E N O H C CAN YOU WAT n Shee n o lt u F p o h is b Arch with Venerable


Eucharistic Devotion Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen Why did Fulton Sheen have such a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament? Is our devotion to the Blessed Eucharist where it needs to be? For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest. - Sensus Fidelium


Catholic Philosophy & Psychology

Marxism vs Catholicism, with Tim Stanley -

John Paul II Identified the Source of Our Present Cultural Malaise - James Matthew Wilson, Crisis Magazine

Modernism is Still Scourging the Church

The Dictatorship of Relativism And The Catholic Teacher




“Mere Christianity” should lead quite naturally to “Mere Catholicity.” This answers the proble

Church, fragmented humanity is put back together. So we must be about the business of p

baptism,” then we must learn to embrace one another. And must should happen without jet

mused that “Momma don’t dance and Daddy don’t rock-and-roll.” Yet, here we are. They wer



ems of postmodern multiculturalism as well as the lingering racism of modernism. In the

putting the Church back together. If Christianity embraces “one Lord, one faith, and one

ttisoning purity and unity. It can be done. Those wise sages, Loggins and Messina, once

re able to cohabitate in spite of such glaring liturgical diversity. Read more here.


Cath Music &

The cry of the poor

Shout to the Lord

Shepherd Me Oh God

Seek Ye First



holic & Hymns

Lord of the Dance

10,000 Reasons

O Bless The Lord

All the ends of the earth


Who Am I - Casting Crowns

We Are Called 84

Know Your Faith

Words of Inspiration

Integer pharetra purus eget auctor ullam soereitt corper. Duis porta interdum nibh, in blandit enim sde viverra velit in lorem dignissim hendrerit. Proin eleifend, justo eu cursus ultricies. Lorem ipsum dole.

1 Divine Mercy Conversation With A Soul A short excerpt taken from the Diary of Saint Faustina. Taken from Note Book 5, the video relays a small section where Our Lord Jesus has a conversation with Saint Faustina, who takes on the character of various souls, in various interior states. - Sacred Heart Publications

2 Making Decisions Without Fear This sermon considers the teachings of St. Igantius of Loyola on how to make decisions without fear. Ignatian discernment of spirits are linked on Fr's blog http://padreperegrino. org/category/po... & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest - Sensus Fidelium

Know Yo

Words of In 3 Why Holy People Bother Us Are you bothered or annoyed by holy people? For more please visit here & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest - Sensus Fidelium

4 Overcoming Habitual Sin by Compunction‍�‏

Many of us suffer from habitual sin, which must be overcome with God's gift of compunction (definition: 'piercing of the heart with habitual contrition'). Compunction makes mortal sin and deliberate venial sin very rare. This habitual hatred for sin also preserves us and fortifies us against temptation. This is because sin and compunction are mutually exclusive. St. Teresa of Avila became a mystic through compunction. In order to receive this gift one ought to (1) pray for it, (2) meditate upon the Passion of our Lord while considering his own lowliness and ingratitude, (3) remember his future death, and (4) persevere in all this - pray for it every day. For more homilies please visit here. - Sensus Fidelium

5 Keep the Faith with Scandals in the Church With all the scandals in the church it's easy to become discouraged. Remember 1 of the original 12 was a traitor. For more homilies please visit here. & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest - Sensus Fidelium


our Faith

nspiration 6 Crisis in the Catholic Church Fr. John Echert

Fr. John Echert addresses the crisis in the Catholic Church. “Fr. Echert is a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, ordained in 1987. He is the current pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in South Saint Paul, MN. He is also a military chaplain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. For several decades, confusion has plagued the Catholic Church because of the great crisis that has engulfed Her human element. The Church can never fail, of course, but in her human element she can and often is afflicted by the powers of darkness. Christ Himself asked the question: "When the Son of Man returns will He find faith?" - Sensus Fidelium

7 Uniting Yourself to the Will of God Saint Maximilian Kolbe Father speaks on suffering & why must we suffer? How we should conform to the will of God. Quotes from St Alphonsus & St Vincent de Paul. He finishes with St Maximilian Kolbe. Remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest - Sensus Fidelium

8 How to Compare World Religion Bishop Fulton.J.Sheen Professors, scientists, dinner, subjectivity vs. objectivity, and comparative religions. - The Catholic World

Know your Faith

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) #01 - #25

The Entire Series of 25 Sessions - Here Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, Michigan


Know Your Faith

St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe and Fr. Michael Gaitley’s Prayer of Consecration

Know Your Faith

A History of Catholicism & Evolution in 30 Quotes St. Peter's List

Listers, what does the Catholic Church actually teach about the Theory of Evolution?

The Persecution of the Catholic Church and the Priests of Dachau Edited by Pauly Fongemie

Source: Photo - Wikipedia

Compiled from the following historical works: PIUS XII AND THE HOLOCAUST, Catholic League; ......... Read here.

The Power of Three Simple Words: We Want God John Horvat II - Crisis Magazine

The world was recently reminded of this great truth on July 7 when the American president spoke before a large crowd in Warsaw.

G K Chesterton: Why am I a Catholic?

Upon this Tube Upon this Rock G K Chesterton's ten thousand reasons to become a Catholic. This powerful video has perhaps converted thousands of lukewarm believers, agnostics, and atheists to the Catholic faith. 90

Know Your Faith

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church� given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism # 20 - God's Spirit

Catholic Resources


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Fr. John McCloskey's Articles

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Fr. Charles Belmonte's books

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Gentleman Saint: St. Louis IX, King of France The Catholic Gentleman

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Thoughts for


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I will instruct you and teach yo I will counsel you and watch o

National Catholic Awareness Conference Japan 2019 CELEBRATING 470 YEARS OF CHRISTIANITY IN JAPAN AD 1549-2019


ou in the way you should go, over you. - Psalm 32:8

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Feast Day of St. Lawrence - August 10th - See Video here.

is produced by Dayly Knightly, a volunteer non-profit activity based in Japan. Beloved saints pray for us, inspire us, intercede for us. Contact:

St. Thomas Aquinas Patron Saint

of academics, students, learning; book sellers, pencil makers; philosophers; publishers; scholars, universities, against storms & lightning

St. Augustine of Hippo Patron Saint of

St. Ignatius de Loyola Patron Saint


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St. Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint

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St. Ignatius Loyola, Soldier for Christ


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