Dayly knightly Video Newsletter Digest May 2017

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Truth * Goodness * Beauty

- Glory to God -

On Earth as in Heaven

Vol. 03 Issue 02 - Apr 2017

To Defend & Proclaim Christ and the Catholic Church

Blessed Mother Mary - May 2017

Virgin Mary by Sassoferrat



Wisdom, Humility, Hope, Healing - Know Your Faith -Consecration to Mary - Editorial by St. Maximilian Kolbe - A Devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary - Religious Brothers Day - Announcements - Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Catholic Bible Study in Tokyo - Humility - The War of the Vendee - Checklist for Sanctity. It is Doable - Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary - Compunction - Marian Apparitions of Our Lady - Catechism of the Catholic Church - Devotion to Our Blessed Mother - RCIA - Purgatory - Judgement - Mercy - Doctors of the Church - Sin and Its Effects - Saint John Chrysostum - A manuscript of a soul in Purgatory - Saint Alphonsus Liguori - Speaks on his near death experience and - Aduno - Catholic Japan jidgement from Christ) - St. Ignatius Youth Ministry - Encounter Prayer - Volunteering in Tokyo - Inspiration - Fransican Prison Ministry - The Shroud of Turin -OFM Japan - Hail Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star - St. Ignatius Church Tokyo - Take Lord and Receive - Catholic Shinsei Meeting Hall - Catholic Media, A Priest and Franciscans - The Gregory Institute - Catholic Meets Muslim - Caritas Charity - Militiae Spirituali (Spiritual Warfare) - Japan Lay Missionary Movement - Illusory LGBT “Civil Rights” - Catholic Youth Connection Association vs. Catholic Truth - Japan Catholic Medical Association - New Ways Ministry’s - Japan Catholic Council for Justice & “Fr. James Martin Effect” Peace - Irish Archbishop of New York J. Hughes - Japan Catholic HIV/Aids Desk - Religious Perdecution - Jesuit Social Center Tokyo - True Feminism Aduno Encounter - PRO-LIFE - Jesuit Asia Pacific Conference - Catholic Adoration Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia - Majestica - We Find God in All Things - Catholic Painterss - Aduno Encounter - New Evangelization - Book of Kells - Society of Mary - Religious Art & Faith - St. John Society - Christian Painters Why All Christians Must Unite Under - Musica Christ as One Body and One Faith - Traditional Hymsn for the Mass - Culture is Key in Evangelization - Taize - テゼ - Pontifical Mission Societies - Saint Cecilia - Agenzia Fides - Maestro Manfred Honeck Aduno - Unity - Encounter - Top 25 Catholoc Music Artists 2016 - Encounter in Egypt: Trip highlights one - Le Tour de Franz of Pope’s key teachings -- Catholic Truth FIRES Encounter - Escape Egalitarian Tyranny - Eucharistic Encounter in Bangkok with Socratic Questioning A Few Thoughts - St. Jose Maria Institute

内容 Contents



A Devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary O Blessed Mother Mary, please accept this month’s issue of Dayly Knightly as a small offering of devotion to your most Immaculate Heart and also as a sincere thanks for helping me create and complete this May edition of the newsletter. With the 100th anniversary of your appearance Blessed Queen of Heaven and Earth in Fatima beginning on May 13th, this issue was produced out of a deep love and devotion to you and in remembrance of childhood devotions when our school marched in procession to honour you in the month of May. With all of the saints whom I asked for help including St. Maximilian Kolbe, Sr. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Ignatius de Loyola, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis Xavier, St. Patrick, my guardian angel and Archangel Michael, please intercede for me and present all the work done on this issue, with Christ’s suffering and sacrifice on the cress, as a prayer offering to God for all the poor souls in purgatory who long to be released from their torment and to be with God, finally, in Heaven. Amen. - Dayly Knightly


Announcements - Bible Study in Tokyo


Announcement - Media


Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)


Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)



Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)

Message of Our Lady of Fatima - Movie See here

Call to Fatima This video clip is taken from the award winning film-documentary for the education "The Call to Fatima", entirely based on Sister Lucia's books. Sister Lucia dos Santos was the last visionary of the apparitions in Fatima by Virgin Mary. She wrote couple of books describing what happened in year 1917 in Fatima, and what does it mean for the rest of Humanity. Truly remarkable work, approved by the Fatima Shrine,

Our Lady of Fatima Ven Bishop Fulton J Sheen


Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)

The Chaplet of Our Lady Of Fatima


Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)

The Fatima Angel Prayers


Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)


PARDON PRAYER The seers said this prayer was taught to them in the initial Fรกtima apparition in the spring of 1916, by an angel who called himself "the Guardian Angel of Portugal". MY GOD, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee! I ask pardon for for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee. (3 times) ANGEL'S PRAYER (Given to the three children by the Angel who preceded Our Lady's first appearance to them.) MOST Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. And through the infinite merit of His Most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners. (3 times) EUCHARISTIC PRAYER On May 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary spoke of the importance of praying the Rosary. She also asked the children if they would be willing to offer sacrifices in reparation for the sins of the world, and they agreed; she then said "You will have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfor MOST HOLY TRINITY, I adore Thee! My God, My God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament. (3 times) SACRIFICE PRAYER OUR LADY OF FATIMA SAID: SACRIFICE YOURSELVES FOR SINNERS AND SAY MANY TIMES, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU MAKE SOME SACRIFICE: O JESUS, it is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners,and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. DECADE PRAYER (To be said after the Glory Be at the end of each decade of the Rosary) O MY JESUS, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are most in need of Thy mercy. CONVERSION PRAYER By thy pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain the conversion of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world! SALVATION PRAYER Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.


Our Lady of Fatima - 100th Anniversary (1917-2917)

Sacrifices of Fatima Our Lady of Fatima Page

A great "secret" of converting sinners is to make sacrifices for them, as well as to pray for them. Our Lady Of Fatima said: "Many souls go to Hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves and to pray for them," And the holy Cure of Ars said that the conversion of sinners "begins with prayer and ends with penance." But whereas "penance" and "sacrifice" sound frightening to some people and we may not like these words, yet they are the key to obtaining Heaven for poor sinners. If we are frightened of penance, we can begin by making one little sacrifice per day-----perhaps eating something we do not like, or drinking water instead of pop, or making ourselves wait a half hour or so to take a drink when we are thirsty. These are little forms of "fasting". Some sacrifices we are obliged to make anyway, but we can offer them for sinners: examples of these are being patient with a trying person or turning off an immodest TV, program. These sacrifices will be presents for Our Lady, the precious coin she can use to buy back souls that are headed for Hell. It seems that God loves to "delegate" His work, He has given it to us to be the "secondary" causes of His work, including the salvation of our "brother" and our "neighbor." And though His Blood poured out on Calvary was sufficient to save all souls, He requires that we, the living branches on Him, the Vine, ask for and even "activate" its application to those souls by our prayers and our sacrifices. At Fatima both the Angel and Our Lady asked for sacrifices for sinners. They said, "Sacrifice yourself." This is done largely by generously making individual sacrifices. The Angel of Fatima, too, told the three children to "Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High . . . Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners . . . Above all, accept and bear with submission the sufferings which the Lord will send you." If Our Lady and the Angel ask for prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners, this means that they actually intend to save sinners if prayers and sacrifices are offered up. We must therefore send these up with confidence in Our Lady's intention and power to save the dying. After receiving the above-mentioned message of the Angel, the children were given to understand "how pleasing it [sacrifice] is to Him and how, on account of it, He grants the grace of conversion to sinners." It does work! This is the true recipe for saving souls, even those who are dying and have very little time left.


Programa Cenรกculo, Cรณrdoba, Argentina. Sociedad San Juan 12

Marian Apparitions of Our Lady


Devotion to our Blessed Mother

LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latin with words (Sung) 14

Purgatory - Judgement - Mercy

Mankind's Eternal Dilemma – The Choice Between Virtue and Vice Frans Francken the Younger (1633)

Sin & its Effects ~ Fr Ripperger

A manuscript of a soul in Purgatory

Fr Steven Scheier - What is Lacking in the Church Today (Speaks on his near death experience and jidgement from Christ)



Husband’s Prayer For Spouse With Alzheimer’s Missing You Missing You Yet your essence stays, Lost inside a mind That strays.

I lift you up To heaven each day, I ask for healing As I pray.

What once we knew Still locked inside, I love you still My lovely bride.

God gives us no more Than we can bear, He allows our trials Yet comfort’s there. His open arms To run into.

We made vows To love till death. I honor you And do what’s best.

Jesus I will love Her Just Like you! Jesus! Lord! I trust in you!

I love you so Hoping you still know, I am here for you Lord, get me through.

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being preferred to others, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being calumniated, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, Jesus.

That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. Though He slay me, yet will That, in the opinion of the world, others may inI serve Him (Job 13:15) crease and I may decrease, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be chosen and I set aside, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be praised and I unnoticed, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be preferred to me in everything, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.




INSPIRATION - The Shroud of Turin

Welcome to the Shroud of Turin Website

Video - The STURP group c14 test on the Shroud of Turin Reproduced with permission.

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Song performed By Tom Moon

The Most Comprehensive Presention on the Shroud 18

INSPIRATION - The Shroud of Turin

Real Face of Jesus from The Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin Conference 2017

Over a hundred and thirty different injuries from scourging, wounds to the wrists and feet, numerous head wounds, and a side wound. - Read more here. 19


Hail Queen of Heaven-Saint Mary Choir

Prends Seigneur et Reรงois (Take Lord and Receive) 20


Original Big surprise for Bride and Groom -

Singing Irish Priest Fr. Ray Kelly - Hallelujah (over 56,000,000 views on YouTube)

世界のフランシスカンの絆 神様とともに生きてこその兄弟性 だから本当の兄弟になっている

LE TOUR DE FRANZ - A Franciscan Road Movie


INSPIRATION - Catholic meets Muslim

Pope Francis meets Al-Azhar's Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb 2017

St. Francis of Assisi meets with Sultan al-Kamil 1219


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

Illusory LGBT “Civil Rights” vs. Catholic Truth Deacon Jim Russell - Crisis Magazine

The recent April 26 Religion News

Service commentary by Fordham University’s Fr. Bryan Massingale is titled “As a Catholic priest, I am against an executive order on religious liberty.” I found it to be breathtaking—in much the same way as a steel-tipped boot can take your breath away as it lands in your gut. The author tells us that: Religious conservatives and Republicans are urging the president to issue a religious liberty executive order that “most likely will threaten the rights of LGBT persons.” The leaked draft of the order “will be read by many as a broad assault upon LGBT rights and a license to deny basic services to same-sex couples.” “Despite the rhetoric of persecution embraced by some, Christians are not under attack in this country.” Due to what the author calls “papal Fr. Bryan Massingale encouragement,” he seeks a “better path forward” and thus is a featured speaker at an April 28 conference, “LGBT Catholics in the Age of Pope Francis,” held by the pro-gay-identity, pro-gay-sex, pro-gay-“marriage” group “New Ways Ministry,” which itself was condemned by the US Bishops in 2010—facts Massingale never mentions in his commentary. Such a commentary may not seem like anything new, in itself, but there continues to be a cumulative effect of utter and absolute neglect of the truth regarding what the Church really teaches about the ideology of orientation, the reality of unjust discrimination, and the place of the Church in dealing with the illusion— yes, the illusion—of specialized civil rights that adhere to “LGBT persons.” And that truly breathtaking neglect is at the core of the RNS commentary I reference above. Not Once, But Twice—Anybody Listening? Before all else, Catholics have to find their way off of the well-travelled slippery slope that claims “orientation” somehow creates a “minority” class deserving special status under the law. Unfortunately, many Catholics, including clergy, seem very unaware that the Church’s magisterium has already given us clear and comprehensive guidance on this exact issue. Twice, in fact. On July 24, 1992, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released “Some Considerations Concerning the Response to Legislative Proposals on the Non-Discrimination of Homosexual Persons,” and on July 31, 2003, it also published “Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons.” In these two texts, the faithful Catholic can find everything needed to avoid unjust discrimination of people with same-sex attraction while also properly avoiding the illusion of special “LGBT rights.” The 1992 text begins by acknowledging that many countries are facing anti-discrimination legislation proposals based on sexual orientation, but that these initiatives, “even where they seem more directed toward support of basic civil rights than condonement of homosexual activity or a homosexual lifestyle, may in fact have a negative impact on the family and society.” Thus, the CDF text “will try to identify some principles and distinctions of a general nature” that all of us—including “Church authority”—should take into consideration when confronting these issues. 23

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith After nine paragraphs citing “relevant passages from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons” of 1986,” we get to practical applications. Here are the highlights: “Sexual orientation” does not constitute a quality comparable to race, ethnic background, etc. in respect to non-discrimination. Unlike these, homosexual orientation is an objective disorder (cf. Letter, no. 3) and evokes moral concern. There are areas in which it is not unjust discrimination to take sexual orientation into account, for example, in the placement of children for adoption or foster care, in employment of teachers or athletic coaches, and in military recruitment. Homosexual persons, as human persons, have the same rights as all persons including the right of not being treated in a manner which offends their personal dignity (cf. no. 10). Among other rights, all persons have the right to work, to housing, etc. Nevertheless, these rights are not absolute. They can be legitimately limited for objectively disordered external conduct. This is sometimes not only licit but obligatory. Including “homosexual orientation” among the considerations on the basis of which it is illegal to discriminate can easily lead to regarding homosexuality as a positive source of human rights, for example, in respect to so-called affirmative action or preferential treatment in hiring practices. This is all the more deleterious since there is no right to homosexuality (cf. no. 10), which therefore should not form the basis for judicial claims. The passage from the recognition of homosexuality as a factor on which basis it is illegal to discriminate can easily lead, if not automatically, to the legislative protection and promotion of homosexuality. A person’s homosexuality would be invoked in opposition to alleged discrimination, and thus the exercise of rights would be defended precisely via the affirmation of the homosexual condition instead of in terms of a violation of basic human rights. Homosexual persons who assert their homosexuality tend to be precisely those who judge homosexual behavior or lifestyle to be “either completely harmless, if not an entirely good thing” (cf. no. 3), and hence worthy of public approval. It is from this quarter that one is more likely to find those who seek to “manipulate the Church by gaining the often well-intentioned support of her pastors with a view to changing civil statutes and laws” (cf. no. 5), those who use the tactic of protesting that “any and all criticism of or reservations about homosexual people… are simply diverse forms of unjust discrimination” (cf. no. 9). The Church has the responsibility to promote family life and the public morality of the entire civil society on the basis of fundamental moral values, not simply to protect herself from the application of harmful laws (cf. no. 17 Where Is All the “Emphatic Opposition”? Let’s fast-forward to the 2003 document, addressed not only to legislators, or Catholics, but to all people “committed to promoting and defending the common good of society.” It then details the truth about marriage, which “no ideology can erase from the human spirit.” It adds, “There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.” Regarding discrimination, the CDF says, “Nonetheless, according to the teaching of the Church, men and women with homosexual tendencies ‘must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.’” Yet, please take note—acceptance of the person is the Church’s teaching, not acceptance of same-sex “couples” or the agenda-driven “LGBT community.” Our focus is the person. When confronting the issue of legalized so-called same-sex “marriage,” the document says something crucially significant: In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. One must refrain from any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the level of their application. In this area, everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection. 24

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith Indeed, the text makes clear that a civil law not grounded in right reason cannot bind our conscience, and that legalized same-sex “marriage” is contrary both to right reason and the common good; it obscures authentic morality; and it devalues real marriage. It states that same-sex adoptions are “gravely immoral” and is a form of “violence” toward children. Contrary to what some Catholic priests (and many others) are telling us, this magisterial text also confirms: The principles of respect and non-discrimination cannot be invoked to support legal recognition of homosexual unions. Differentiating between persons or refusing social recognition or benefits is unacceptable only when it is contrary to justice. The denial of the social and legal status of marriage to forms of cohabitation that are not and cannot be marital is not opposed to justice; on the contrary, justice requires it. The CDF also maintains that appeals to individual autonomy to justify toleration of same-sex unions are erroneous. “On the contrary, there are good reasons for holding that such unions are harmful to the proper development of human society, especially if their impact on society were to increase.” Given that the 2003 text offers its own elegant and eloquent conclusion, I wish to give the final word to the illustrious magisterial authors who penned it. However, let’s first make no mistake about the less satisfying words of Fr. Massingale’s commentary—sexual orientation is not a source of special “LGBT rights.” Catholics are not called to accept same-sex coupling, same-sex “marriage,” or orientation ideology. Rather, we are called to emphatically oppose and avoid cooperating either materially or remotely in the unjust laws that confront us, even as we show respect, compassion, and sensitivity to every person with same-sex attraction. The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions. The common good requires that laws recognize, promote and protect marriage as the basis of the family, the primary unit of society. Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behavior, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself. (No. 11)

Additional Articles by Deacon Jim Russell Please click here.

• Illusory LGBT “Civil Rights” vs. Catholic Truth May 1, 2017 • Procreation: Still the Primary End of Marriage April 25, 2017 • Does History Repeat With Amoris Laetitia Confusion? April 18, 2017 • New Ways Ministry’s “Fr. James Martin Effect” April 12, 2017 • The Real Nature of Catholic Reparative Therapy April 5, 2017 • Do We Understand the Homosexual Inclination? November 10, 2016 • Amoris Laetitia and the “Brinkmanship” of Pope Francis April 18, 2016 • Why Attractions and Emotions Become “Identities” March 3, 2016 • The New Leaven of the Pharisees: Judging Another’s Love February 4, 2016 • Is Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder? December 10, 2015

• Homosexuality Is Not Sexuality November 11, 2015 • Spiritual Friends on Chastity, Romance, and Freudian “Sublimation” September 16, 2015 • Does Being “Gay” Make You an “Expert” on Homosexuality? August 18, 2015 • Letting Go of “Gay”: Healing the Need to Be “Out” July 14, 2015 • The New Homophiles: Muddying the Meaning of Family May 21, 2015 • The New Homophiles vs. St. Aelred on Spiritual Friendship April 23, 2015 • Gay & Catholic Lands at Life Teen: A “Yes” or a Mess? March 11, 2015 • Can Some Same-Sex Attractions Not Be Disordered? March 24, 2014 • The “Poverty” of Homosexual Orientation March 12, 2014 • The “Poverty” of Sexual Orientation March 7, 2014 25

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

New Ways Ministry’s “Fr. James Martin Effect” Deacon Jim Russell - Crisis magazine

[Excerpt] In late October 2016, Jesuit Fr. James Martin received the annual “Bridge Building Award” from New Ways Ministry, a dissident, pro-gay-identity, pro-gay-sex, pro-gay-“marriage” group whose work was long ago condemned by both the Roman Curia and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Part of the Problem? Part of the Solution? What ought a Catholic think of the harmonic convergence of Fr. Martin’s talk and book, the work of New Ways Ministry, and the book endorsements from several bishops? It would be praiseworthy if it were the case that: 1) New Ways Ministry was no longer pro-gay-identity, pro-gay-sex, and pro-“gay-marriage”; 2) the Vatican had withdrawn its 1999 condemnation of New Ways Ministry and its “permanent” prohibition against Sr. Jeanine Gramick working in this ministry area; and 3) the USCCB had formally set aside Cardinal Francis George’s 2010 letter from the conference, in which he states: No one should be misled by the claim that New Ways Ministry provides an authentic interpretation of Catholic teaching and an authentic Catholic pastoral practice. Their claim to be Catholic only confuses the faithful regarding the authentic teaching and ministry of the Church with respect to persons with a homosexual inclination. Unfortunately, however, it’s not the case. New Ways Ministry continues to confuse the Catholic faithful. It seems right to ask: if the group is both doctrinally and pastorally deficient, how can Catholic clergy stand with the group, wholeheartedly defending and endorsing its work with no cautions or admonitions for the faithful? Read the full article here.


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

The United States has had anti catholicism in its foundation since the beginning. Still, today, it is the only acceptable form of discrimination. How did the early shepherds, in this land, handle it? Archbishop John Hughes is an example. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

A MESSAGE TO THOSE WHO KILL US - Father Boules George (English Subtitles) - Click here or on image to see video clip.

Coptic priest’s message to terrorists: Thank you, and we love you Catholic Philly - Written text of Fr. George's Homily Message

The following homily by Coptic Orthodox priest Father Boules George, of St. Mark Church in Cairo, Egypt, is a commentary from Monday of Holy Week on the Palm Sunday bombings on April 9 at two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt. The terrorist attacks killed at least 24 people and injured more than 100. They followed an attack at a church in December that killed 30. This homily was translated from a video by the blog Coptic Dad and Mom, and is used here with permission. Read the homily here.

ASIA/IRAQ - he Chaldean Patriarch: In Egypt the Pope has opened many doors. We hope that Muslims will also benefit from his support. - Agenzie Fides. Read full article here. 28


True Feminism By Sara Engle - Newman OSU

I am a conservative Catholic woman, and I am a feminist. Those three words, “conservative”, “Catholic”, and “feminist”, may initially seem contradictory to each other, because the word “feminism” has become distorted from its original meaning to something that does not resemble true feminism at all. I have a friend who has a shirt that reads: “Feminism is the radical notion that women are people”. Every time I see it, I laugh, not only because it is amusing, but also because it reveals the simplicity of Virgin & Child by Sassoferrato feminism. True feminism means women should be treated as equals to men—namely, women should be treated with respect and dignity. Under this perspective, I think it would be quite difficult to find a single person who thinks that women shouldn’t be treated with respect and dignity; by this standard, everyone in the world should be a feminist. The movement to define and defend feminism began as a response to female discrimination, particularly in the workplace. But then, somehow, the definition changed from meaning, “treating women with respect and dignity” to, “treating women exactly the same as men”. At first glance, it seems these two statements are identical—but let’s examine them more closely. No one can deny that men and women were created as distinct from each other; this is evident in the differences between anatomical structure, cognition, and the capabilities God assigned to each gender (for example, men were not created to bear children as women were, and women were not created to father children as men were; women were created, in general, to be more sensitive to the emotions of others around them, and men were created, in general, to be physically stronger). Just as each gender has an equal but distinct contribution to the creation of new life, each gender has an equal but distinct contribution to nearly every element of true femininity and true masculinity. “Equal” and “distinct” are not mutually exclusive to each other. Equal means, “like in quality, nature, or status”, and “distinct” means “distinguishable to the eye or mind as being discrete or not the same”. “Unequal”, however, means, “not like or not the same as another in degree, worth, or status”. Notice that “distinct” is not the same as “unequal”—this is the contention that has divided true femininity from false femininity. False femininity says: “I, as a woman, should be treated as if I were a man.” But this is absurd: why should I be treated as if I were a man if God created me as a woman? When God created the heavens and the earth, all of His creations became gradually more complex and more beautiful; and since woman was the last of God’s creations, she is the most complex and the most beautiful creation. Therefore, I propose we understand true femininity as: “I should be treated as what I truly am—the crescendo of God’s creation.” This is the most dignified and honorable treatment of women we can demonstrate, because it points to God, rather than to ourselves. It reveals our true identity, and refuses to accept both the lie that women are inferior to men and the statement that women are exactly the same as men. Femininity is one of the most precious blessings God has given us, and therefore must always be respected and cherished.



UN Tries and Fails to Pressure Honduras to Legalize Abortion Marianna Orlandi, Ph.D. -

Orthodox Catholics and Evengelicals Unite for PRO-LIFE 30





Catholic Adoration

Adoro Te Devote 33

Majestica - Catholic Painters

Transfiguration, 1520 - Raphael 34

Majestica - Catholic Painters

The Book of Kells

Columbian Monks of Ireland See video here. The Book of Kells is an early Medieval illustrated manuscript of the four Gospels from the New Testament. Created around 800AD, the Book of Kells is considered to be the finest example of insular art and a masterpiece of Western calligraphy.

Trinity College Dublin

The Old Lubrary for the Book of Kells

Also The Book of Kells A Masterpiece of Irish Art 35

Majestica - Religious Art & Faith Religious Art Teaches Us About Our Faith By Veronica Mena - GetFed

The Coronation of the Virgin by Velรกzquez

The Descent from the Cross by Van der Weyden


Majestica - Religious Art & Faith

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci ci

The Virgin of the Grapes by Mignard

The Tears of Saint Peter by El Greco

The Angelus by Millet

The Disputation Over the Most Holy Sacrament by Raphael


Majestica - Christian Art Take My Hand by Greg Olsen


MUSICA - Traditional Hymns for the Mass

St. Edmund Campion Missal and Hymnal for the Traditional Latin Mass See Video here

Extraordinary Form Missal & Hymnal

992 pages • Highest quality opaque paper and durable binding • Complete Latin/English Readings & Propers for all Sundays & Holy Days (1962 Missal) • Complete Ordinaries for Solemn & Low Mass • One hundred full color Mass photographs taken in the most beautiful European Churches • All eighteen Gregorian chant Masses from the Vaticana Kyriale • Rare hymn texts by the English Martyrs of the Renaissance set to music by composer Kevin Allen • Spectacular selection of traditional Catholic hymns for the congregation • Two hundred beautiful illustrations, many of them hand-drawn • Special collection of easy Latin chants for the congregation • Mediæval Manuscripts from the 9th century and earlier placed alongside the Canon of the Mass. Check website here.

Pope Francis calls for end to “mediocrity, banality and superficiality” in liturgical music




Taize -


Taizé - Crucem Tuam

Taizé - Magnificat

Taizé - Kyrie Eleison

Taize in Japan In many parts of Japan, people gather regularly to pray with the songs of Taizé. These prayers are also the places where the young people who have visted Taizé and the ones planning to visit Taizé could meet. The following is the list of some of these prayers. You could find the dates and places of all the meetings in Japan at the following site as well.

Tokyo area - St. Ignatius (Yotsuya)

Nearly twenty parishes and religious communities hold the regular prayers. The followings are the prayers at Yotsuya. St Ignatius (Yotsuya) 7pm: The first Friday of every odd month The Sisters of Infant Jesus (Yotsuya) 7pm: The second Friday of every even month (The dates may change. Please inquire for the latest information.) The details of all other prayers at various parishes and religious communities in Tokyo area could be found at the following website. Contact: Isao Uematsu: Tel/Fax: 03-3997-7178 40

Musica - Catholic Music Artists


Musica - Catholic Music Artists

Saint Cecilia Short Film

Maestro Manfred Honeck’s Art of the Beautiful lecture

Internationally acclaimed conductor Maestro Manfred Honeck (Music Director, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) was the final speaker of the 2015-16 Art of the Beautiful series, sponsored by the Thomistic Institute and the Catholic Artists Society. In his very entertaining and informative presentation, Maestro Honeck addressed Faith in Music, delving into passages from Mozart and Bruckner’s works. (Photo by Felix Broede) - Catholic Arts Society - Listen to the audio presentation here.

Song zum Film "Le Tour de Franz"

Manfred Honeck - "Mozart's Kyrie Eleison" 42

Musica - Catholic Music Artists

The TOP 25 Catholic Artists of 2016 Cecilia Music - Aleteia

Communion - I Believe (that Jesus is the way) [Catholic rap] Music Clip


Catholic Truth

Escape Egalitarian Tyranny with Socratic Questioning James Kalb


Know Your Faith

Consecration to Mary by St. Maximilian Kolbe 45

Know Your Faith

Religious Brothers Day celebrates a forgotten and misunderstood vocation in the Church Brother Silas Henderson, SDS

Edmund Rice Founder - Christian Brothers (Ireland)


Know your Faith

What Are the First Friday and First Saturday Devotions? Gretchen Filz - GetFed


Know Your Faith - VIRTUES - Humility


Know Your Faith

Checklist for Sanctity. It is Doable Sensus Fidelium

Catholic Dictionary Term


A momentary sorrow or regret for having done, or contemplated doing, something wrong. It may also be a slight feeling of remorse, without implying either complete repentance or a firm resolve not to do the same wrong thing again. (Etym. Latin compunctio, remorse, the sting of conscience; from compungere, to prick.)

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church� given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism #17 - Jesus Suffered and Died 49

Know Your Faith - Being Catholic

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) #01 - #25

The Entire Series of 25 Sessions - Here Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, Michigan

Discerning Hearts

The Discernment of Spirits Setting the Captives Free with Fr. Timothy Gallagher A 16 episode podcast series with Fr. Gallagher that guides you through the 14 rules of discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Click here to access the podcasts.

Daily Mass Readings Catholic Liturgical Calendar 2017 50

Know Your Faith - Doctor of the Church

Saint- John Chrysostom

EWTN - Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio - View here.

Uniformity with God's Will by Saint Alphonsus Liguori - Read here

And also longer version here (Greek Orthodox)

The Life of Saint Alphonsus Liguori View here


Aduno - Catholic Japan

St. Francis of Assisi Mural at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

Franciscan Chapel Center Tokyo, Japan

Prison Outreach Program New Volunteers Welcome Please contact FCC Contact details here.


Franciscan Province of Japan フランシスコ会日本管区

St. Ignatius Church Tokyo, Japan


Faith Sharing Group Catholic Faith Formation Class for Adults Liturgy of the Word for Children “Angels” First Communion Marriage English Mass Overall Coordination Volunteer English-Speaking Group Meeting Sunday (Japanese Language Classes) Getting Acquainted Lunch 52

Aduno - Catholic Japan Catholic Shinsei Meeting Hall Shinanomachi, Tokyo ADDRESS 〒160-0016 東京都新宿区信濃町33-4 TEL 03-3351-7121(受付代表) FAX 03-3358-9700 受付時間 10:00-16:45


Aduno - Catholic Japan

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan Website has been renewed and updated. サイトをリニューアルしました The new URL address is,

St. Gregory House, Institute for Religious Music

Gregorian Chant for Japan & Sunday Gregorian Mass (JP), (Eng)

St. Gregory House St. Gregory House, Institute for Religious Music, was founded by the leadership of the late Gereon Goldmann, OFM (Franciscan), in 1979, in his pursuit of a three-pronged goal: prayer, research and education. The House has steadily broadened its P. Gereon Goldmann, OFM activity in creative ways since then. As a diaspora in Japanese culture, the House, since its foundation, has communicated not only with Roman Catholic but with other denominations. A case in point is its ecumenical activities including union worship services. Read morere here.

聖グレゴリオの家 聖グレゴリオの家 宗教音楽研究所は,祈り, 研究,教育を目的として1979年故ゲレオン・ ゴルドマンOFM(フランシスコ会)を中心に 設立された。以来,大変にゆっくりとした歩み ではあるが,祈り,研究,教育の三本の柱を中 心としてその目的に向かって様ざまな可能性を 試みてきた。 ディアスポラとしてローマカトリックのみでな く他の教派との交流も計り,創設当初からエキ メルカルな動きとして合同礼拝などの活動もお こなっている。 54

Aduno - Catholic Charity Japan

Journeying closely with people suffering from the Great East Japan Earthquake

quake occurred on March 11, 2011. We provide relief services in the southern part of Miyagi and main areas of Fukushima prefectures. We also organize ‘Talk Sessions on Fukushima’ every three months in Tokyo in order to share with as many people as possible what is happening in Fukushima. 3月11日に起きた東日本大震災を受け、東京教 区からJLMM(日本カトリック信徒宣教者会) 事務局や真生会館のボランティアが仙台教区に 入り、被災者・避難者の支援のため協力を始め た。東京教区はJLMM、真生会館とともに支援 活動を継続的に行うため、フランシスコ会聖ヨ ゼフ修道院内(東京都港区六本木)に事務局を 設置し、被災地ボランティアの募集、派遣、物 資支援などを開始した。 CTVC- Catholic Tokyo Volunteer Center was set up by Catholic Tokyo Archdiocese as a relief organization for the victims of the Great East-Japan Earth

Following the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, volunteers from the Tokyo Diocese as a secretariat of the JLMM (Japan Catholic Missionary Association) secretariat and Shinsen Kaikan entered the Sendai parishion and began cooperation to support victims and evacuees . The Tokyo Diocesan established the secretariat in the Franciscan convent Joseph monastery (Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo) for the purpose of continuing support activities with JLMM, Shinsyuan Hall, inviting volunteers for disaster areas, dispatching volunteers, and providing support for supplies did.Read more here. 55

Aduno - Catholic Charity Japan

AIN - カンボジア - 日本カトリック信徒宣教者会 【プロジェクト動画】 プノンペンのごみ集積場近くに住み、ごみの回 収リサイクルで収入を得ている住民たちに 寄り添い「子どもの家」を作ったJLMM。 そこで識字教育や情操教育を行うとともに、栄 養改善のプロジェクトを行っています。

Project Movie About the residents who live near the garbage collection site of Phnom Penh and earn income through collection and recycling of garbage JLMM provides literacy education, emotional education and a nutrition improvement project is also carried out.

Japan Lay Missionary Movement (JLMM) 日本カトリック信徒宣教者会


Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan)

JLMM は、主にアジア・太平洋地域にボランテ ィアを派遣しています。 派遣されるボランティアは、信徒宣教者(レ イ・ミッショナリー)と呼ばれ、派遣地におい て様々な活動を通して、現地の人々と喜びや悲 しみを共有し生活します。 信徒宣教者は、私たちの光であるキリストが 人々と共に歩まれたように、自分自身の生き方 や活動を通してキリストのことばを実践しよう としています。

JLMM send volunteers to Asia and Pacific-region. The volunteers are called Lay missionary and live together with the local people sharing joys and sorrows through various activities. Lay missionaries try to practice the words of Jesus Christ through their own lives and activities just like Jesus did.


アデュノ - カトリック日本



ロザリオの祈り 喜びの神秘



Life of Bernadette

カトリック教会のカテキズム 57

アデュノ - カトリック日本 Catholic Youth Connection Association - Japan The 33rd Catholic Youth Network Meeting, Sapporo - Sept 16-17 2017

カトリック青年連絡協議会」 は、情報交換と交流を通じ、教 区を超えてカトリック青年の活 動を支援し、促進することを目 的とし、以下のことに取り組ん でいます。

Catholic Youth Exchange Liaison Council "aims to support and promote the activities of Catholic adolescents beyond the parishion through information exchange and exchange, and is working on the following matters. See below (Japanese only)

グ ) ン 日 ティ 7日( ー 1 クミ )~ ー トワ 日(土 ッ 6 ネ9月1 回 3 年 第3 017 2 札幌


アデュノ - カトリック日本

第33回カトリック医療関連学生セミナーのご案内 2017年09月23日 - 24日 日本カトリック医師会は医療系の学生を対象にしたセミナーを毎年行っています。今回は学生ス タッフが中心となり、学生と社会人がより多く、考え分かち合う場になるよう企画しました。テ ーマは、「召命」。「召命」とは、神様からの呼び掛けという意味があります。私たちは、神に よって呼ばれた道を自分の意志で歩んでいます。しかし、自分が歩む道には喜びだけでなく、そ の道を進むことによる困難や葛藤があります。様々な分野で活躍されている先輩方の体験談を聞 き、どうしてその道や生き方を選んだのか、自分の人生について皆で一緒に考えてみませんか? <詳しくは下記PDFをご覧下さい> 2017-03カトリック医療関連学生セミナー第1報

The 33rd Catholic Medical-related Student Seminar The Japan Catholic Medical Association holds seminars for medical students every year. This time, student staff was the concern, so we planned to be a place where students and social workers are more likely to share ideas. The theme is "vocation." "Vocation" has the meaning of calling from God. We are walking on our own path by the way called by God. However, there are difficulties and conflicts and not only in pleasure on the path that you walk. Listen to experiences of seniors who are active in various fields, why not think deeply about your life, why you chose that way and way of living? (Click here for FB page) <Please see the following PDF for details (Japanese)>

Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace (JP), (Eng) Catholic Japan HIV/AIDS Desk A service supported by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan


アデュノ - カトリック日本

Jesuit Social Center Tokyo - Seminars (JP), (Eng) 2017年度連続セミナー「家庭における愛」 <社会問題とカトリック教会の考え 2017年度連続セミナー>

~教皇フランシスコの、使徒的勧告『″ ⁡⁤⁛⁥‒‾⁓⁗⁦⁛⁦⁛⁓(愛の喜び) 』~‒ 日㻌 㻌 程㻌

講㻌 㻌 師㻌


『愛の喜び』への道㻌 2つのシノドス(世界代表司教会議)を受けて




アイダル㻌 ホアン㻌





稲垣美幸・田渕信也㻌 柳下修・若林佳代子㻌



三浦㻌 まり㻌





安藤㻌 勇㻌

『愛の喜び』ᵑᵐᵋᵓᵕ 番参照ᴾ




佐久間㻌 勤㻌

『愛の喜び』ᵗᵋᵑᵎ、ᵔᵏᵋᵔᵔ 番参照ᴾ




ケルクマン㻌 ギュンタ㻌

『愛の喜び』ᵔᵕᵋᵕᵗ 番参照ᴾ




ボネット㻌 ビセンテ㻌


竹内㻌 修一㻌

『愛の喜び』ᵗᵎᵋᵏᵔᵒ 番、ᵏᵖᵖᵋᵏᵗᵖ 番参照ᴾ



船津㻌 鶴代㻌

『愛の喜び』ᵏᵔᵔᵋᵏᵕᵕ、ᵖᵒᵋᵖᵓ・ᵐᵔᵎᵋᵐᵗᵎ 番参照ᴾ

上智大学・東京大学非常勤講師 㻌



ガラルダ㻌 ハビエル㻌

『愛の喜び』ᵐᵑᵏᵋᵐᵓᵐ・ᵐᵗᵑᵋᵑᵏᵐ 番、ᵐᵏᵐᵋᵐᵑᵎ・ᵐᵓᵑᵋᵐᵓᵖ 番参照ᴾ



愛とケアの霊性‒ 『愛の喜び』ᵑᵏᵒᵋᵑᵐᵓ 番参照ᴾ




原㻌 敬子㻌


ボネット㻌 ビセンテ㻌



家庭をテーマにした2つのシノドス(世界代表司教会議)を受け、教皇フランシスコは使徒的勧告『愛の喜び』 を発表しました。教皇は、どんな家庭もいつも完全で型通りのものではなく、家庭は、愛を発展させていく場 だと述べています。そして、 「家庭よ、歩み続けましょう、希望を失ってはなりません」と呼びかけています。 今年度は、家庭をテーマにして、ご一緒に私たちの生活を見直してみませんか?‒ 尚、カトリック教会やキリスト教の基礎知識を前提にする場合がありますので了承願います。㻌

❖‒ 時‒ 間‒ 18:30~20:00(第 ‣・‥ 水曜)‒ 㻌 ❖㻌 参加費㻌 無料、会場での寄付歓迎㻌 㻌 ❖㻌 申し込み不要㻌 ❖‒ 会‒ 場‒ 麹町イグナチオ教会ᴾ アルペホール(信徒会館 ᵑᵤ)…㻶㻾・地下鉄「四ッ谷駅」からすぐ、上智大学手前㻌 ❖㻌 問合先:☎㻜㻟㻙㻡㻞㻝㻡㻙㻝㻤㻠㻠 イエズス会社会司牧センター㻌 㻌 ❖㻌 共催:麹町イグナチオ教会&イエズス会社会司牧センター㻌 㻌


Aduno - Unity - Encounter Jesuit Asia Pacific Conference

Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia

"Finding God in all things" in 10 languages 61

Aduno - New Evangelisation

Society of Mary

St. John Society - Students for Christ, Christians for the World

Why All Christians Must Unite Under Christ as One Body and One Faith Laura Hensley


Aduno - New Evangelisation

Culture is Key in Evangelization

By Carrie Gress, Ph.D. - Pontiflex University "One of the struggles most Catholics face is that members of their family are away from the Church. The reasons for this are legion, but the solutions aren’t as complicated as most people think. My book, Nudging Conversions: A Practical Guide for Bringing Those You Love Back to the Church, looks at what is actually effective in when it comes to helping our loved ones come back to the faith." Read more here.

Society of the Propagation of the Faith

- with Irish Fr. Timothy Lehane, SVD Short spot presenting one of the five Pontifical Mission Societies - the Propagation of the Faith. Footage comes from Zambia Easter ceremony of Holy Saturday. Takes were made during a missionary expedition in 2009. Interview with father Timothy Lehane was recorded during the General Assembly of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Rome in 2010.

Fides News Agency (Fides) was created on 5 June, 1927, by order of the Council Superior General of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, as the first Missionary Agency of the Church and among the first agencies in the world, at the service of informing and promoting missionary activity. The Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, at the Assembly of its Supreme Council in April 1927, .....Read more here. 63

Aduno - Unity - Encounter

Orthodox clergy wait for the start of an ecumenical prayer service attended by Pope Francis and Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, in the St. Peter's Church in Cairo April 28. The pope was making a two-day visit to Egypt. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

Encounter in Egypt: Trip highlights one of Pope’s key teachings By Cindy Wooden • Catholic News Service (Via Catholic Philly) - Read more here.




Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Website: For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

Fr. Donnon Murray FIRES Encounter Centre, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

APPEAL FOR PRAYER With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction. 65

FIRES Encounter Testimonials (English) 7. Kai Fukazawa This is the testimony of the oldest daughter of the above couple:Kai Fukazawa (download here). God has continually said to me: “Everything is going to be OK”! But it was Fr. Donnon, through the SADE, who helped me to appreciate that expression. I am a person who is always worrying. People have said to me, “Why are you letting such a little thing bother you so much?” When I am worn out with worrying, I sometimes feel like shouting out in a loud voice: “Am I really OK?” I remember well that, before the experience of the SADE I was unable to find anyone to respond to my shouts of pain. Each succeeding day was one of suffering. But through the “Encounter with self” step of the SADE, I was able to discover someone to respond to my plea and say with the same tone and the same softness: “Everything is going to be OK”. That was precisely the message I received when Fr. Donnon responded with those words. It was some time ago, but my brother once said: “Father Donnon has the scent of the sun”. For me he is a “Sun” that enfolds everything, is always warm, and is always present, and for that reason gives me with a feeling of security. I am now in college, and the theme of a dissertation that I am writing is: “The Role of the Family”. What strongly influenced me to choose that theme was a “Gathering of Families”, and the Encounter for couples, which took place before I made a SADE. Through this study, I have strongly felt that the mission of the home is to help us to safeguard, express, and communicate love. That’s why I feel strongly that I want to become a mother, have a family, and pass on to my children the many lessons that the Lord has taught me through the Encounter.

FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J) 7. Fukazawa Kai 「大丈夫だよ」

深澤 絵 いつでも「大丈夫だよ」といい続けてくれたのは、神様だった。でも、この言葉と出会わせてく れたのが、SADEであり、ダナン神父様だった。私は悩むことが多い人間だと思う。よく人か ら、「何でそんなことで悩むの?」と言われる。悩むことが悪いとは思わないが、悩むことに疲 れると、誰かに向かって「私って大丈夫かな?」と大声で叫びたくなる。SADEに出会うまでの 私は、その叫び声に応えてくれる人を見つけられなくて、苦しい日が続いたのを覚えている。で も、SADEで体験した「自己との出会い」によって私は、「大丈夫だよ」と、いつも同じトーン で同じ柔らかさで応えてくれる方を見つけたのだと思う。 ダナン神父様は、その「大丈夫だよ」と応えてくれる方のイメージそのものだ。かなり前のこと だが、弟が「ダナン神父様は太陽の匂いがする!」と言ったことがある。全てを包み込む太陽 は、いつでも暖かく、「いつでも居る」という安心感を私に与えてくれる。 大学に進学した私は今、「家庭の使命」というテーマに取り組んでいる。私がこの課題に取り組 んだのには、SADEをはじめとする、家族の集い、夫婦の集いが強く影響している。この研究を 通して私が強く感じることは、家庭が「愛を守り、表し、伝える使命」を担っているということ である。だから私自身が母親となり、家庭を持つとき、私がダナン神父様を通して体験した多く のことを自分の子どもとも分かち合いたいと強く感じる。 66

FIRES Eucharistic Encounter in Bangkok, Thailan with Fr. Donnon Murray, OFM

Dear Fr. Donnon, Here attached I send you all photos taken by myself and other friends during our wonderful retreat in Bangkok. We were all so blessed to have you with us and we do hope and look forward to the next one to happen soon. We will pray that God will lead us the way. Wishing you a good weekend Fr. Warmest regards, Yela 67

A Few Thoughts

Catholic Diosceses and Churches in Japan - 16 Arch Diosceses - Around 800 Churches

Click for clickable map here (Japanese)


A Few Thoughts

New Vatican Stamps celebrating 90th Birthday of Pope Emeritius Benedict XVI



Free Catholic CDs Free Catholic Novels

Fr. John McCloskey's Articles

Free Catholic Booklets Online Resources

Fr. Charles Belmonte's books 70

A Few Thoughts

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint for drug addictions, drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners , pro-life movement, amateur radio


5th Decade of the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary - It is not there for nothing! Dayly Knightly Newsletter is produced by Dayly Knightly a volunteer non-profit activity based in Japan. Contact:

Smiling Jesus 71

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