Dayly Knightly Catholic Newsletter July Issue 2017

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Truth * Goodness * Beauty

- Glory to God -

On Earth as in Heaven

Vol. 03 Issue 05 - July 2017

To Defend & Proclaim Christ and the Catholic Church

Massacre of the Innocents - July 2017

Massacre of the Innocents - Guido Reni (1611) 1


Wisdom, Humility, Hope, Healing - Editorial

内容 Contents

- Theme: Massacre of the Innocents

- Announcement

- World Day of the Poor (November 19, 2017) - Aduno - Catholic Japan (Activities) - ProLife Japan - March for Life Tokyo, 17/7/2017 - ProLife Message - Pope Francis (Japanese)

- FIRES Encounter Japan

- Engaged Encounter (Eng) Nov 2017 - Narriage Retorno (Japanese) Nov 2017

- Aduno - Catholic Japan - Churches and Activities in Japan - Futamatagawa Church - 26 Martyrs of Japan - St. Ignatius Church, Tokyo - Mission 2030 - Feastday - St. Josemaria (photos) - Activities in Asia and Japan

- アデュノ - カトリック日本

- 26聖人殉教地 Site of the Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of Japan - The Great Martyrdom of Edo and the Takanawa Church

- Aduno - New Evangelization

- Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization - Our Catholic Light - History of the Church in Singapore - Fatima foretold ‘diabolical forces’ that would enter Church in our time - Cardinal Burke - Who is Josemaría Escriva? What is Opus Dei? - Crossroads Initiative - Solomon and Wisdom - Synod of Bishops 2018 (Message from Pope Francis) “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.”

-Aduno - Encounter - Family

- Real Catholic family life is the road out of apostasy - Bishop Schneider - Plea to the Pope - Four cardinals seek audience with Pope over doctrinal ‘confusion’ - Catholic Herald - Lectio Divinia

- Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

- Lectio Divina - Novena to St. Josemaria Escriva - “The Work of the Holy Spirit” - Rev. Peter Armenio - A MEDITATION ON THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS - Meditation (Part 2 of 2) ~ Fr Ripperger - The Discernment of Spirits - Fr. Timothy Gallacher

- Encounter - Prayer - The Rosary

- Praying the Rosary for the defeat of ISIS during the Fatima Centennial

- Resources - Christian News Media - Catholic News & TV Media

- Church Militant Headlines—CNN Fake News - Cardinals Plea to Pope, Edward Pentin Fr Gerald Murray - EWTN News Nightly - 2017-06-27 - National Catholic Register Named ‘Newspaper of the Year’

- INSPIRATION - Saint & Doctor of the Church - St. Anthony of Padua - Full Movie - St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron of Teenagers - 10 Ways to Love - Inspiring True Stories of Courage, Character, and Conviction ^ Larry Reed

- Militiae Spirituali (Spiritual Warfare)

- The Vortex—Identity Politics - Church Militant - The Value of Time Spent in Overcoming Temptations Rev. P.J. Michel - Life on Earth is a Warfare - Sensus Fidelium - 7 Principles of Spiritual Warfare - The anti-Church has come. But, don't be afraid - Fr. Linus Clovis

- Militiae Spirituali (Defending the Faith)

- Courage Documentary - Panel Discussion - The Gender Swamp - Judie Brown - Is Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder? - LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse - Peter LaBarbera - The Third Way - Homosexuality and the Catholic Church - Love and Same Sex Attraction - Fr. Mike Schmitz - Religious Liberty Wins Again in the Supreme Court - Understanding the subtext of LGBTQ “welcome” - Authority, anthropology, and the bourgeois morality of Fr. James Martin - Courage - LGBT Outreach Program of the Catholic Church - How Christians Can Rebuild Our Culture - Christians should always expect opposition - Pope Francis

- Militiae Spirituali - PRO-LIFE

- The Paris Accord, the Bible, and the Babies - Pink Versus Red - Evangelium Vitae - Pope John Paul II - Pope Saint John Paul's Theology of the Body, Sexual Redemption and the New Evangelization - Sex-ed agenda in Catholic Church betrays our children - Stop Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) - Parents must teach children how to do battle: - The West is losing the family: Roberto de Mattei - Religious leaders, your silence is killing us

- Rally for Life Dublin 2017 - March for Life Tokyo 2017 - March for Life Washington DC 2018 - George Soros to launch aggressive plan to suppress pro-life laws in Catholic countries - United Nations Human Rights Committee Pressures Ireland to Legalize Abortion - How billionaire George Soros is trying to hijack the Catholic Church for his progressive agenda - Militiae Spirituali - Global Warming - Hoax - Global Warming Unmasked - ‘Unholy Alliance’ Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate

- Catholic Adoration

- 8 Ways to Pray during Adoration


CONTENT - Tantum Ergo Sacramentum EUCHARISTIC BENEDICITON - Sweet Sacrament Devine - Hymn

- Catholic Philosophy & Psychology

- Dangers of Modern Psychology ~ Fr Ripperger - The Great Lie: Pope Benedict XVI On Socialism

MUSICA - Japanese Hymns - 日本のカトリック讃歌 - あめのきさき カトリック聖歌 (Ave Maria) - Nearer My Lord to Thee - Kyrie (De Angelis) キリエ (デ・アンジェリス / 天 使ミサ曲) - 天使ミサ曲-Gloria 栄光の賛歌

- Musica - Catholic Hymns

- The song that moved Pope Francis: - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - The Priests sing "How Great Thou Art" - Be Thou My Vision - Ancient Irish Hymn

- You Raise Me Up - In Christ Alone - New Irish Hymns

- Know Your Faith

- Miracle prayer to St Anthony of Padua - Best talk on the Holy Eucharist by Fr Chad Ripperger - The Miraculous Story of Knock, Ireland - Becoming Catholic - Human Nature and Aquinas’ Taxonomy of Sexual Sins - Why Same-Sex Couples Possess No Conjugal Rights - “Seven Great Quotes from Saint Thomas More - Deep in History - St. Thomas More & St. John Fisher - Meditate on God's Wisdom - Ambrose - Catechism of the Catholic Church - 2017 Chatres Pilgrimage

- Resources

- Spiritual Exercises - Miles Christi - A Few Thoughts



This Month's Theme: Massacre of the Innocents PRO-Life Japan This month sees PRO Life marches in Ireland and Japan (Rally for Life, Ireland, July 1st, March for life, Tokyo, July 17) of which event notices are included in this issue of Dayly Knightly. We will be attending the Tokyo March and will report back on all that occurs that day. We have begun exchanges with the 'Rally for Life' organisers in Ireland and look forward to sharing experiences between each other over time. This issue then provides a strong focus on PRO Life issues and contains a wide variety of artiicles on this matter from protecting the unborn, defending the family and 'natural' marriage as proclaimed by the Catholic Church. The reader is especially recommended to view one or more of the video presentations from the 'Voice of the Family' conference held in Rome in May this year. There are six presentations included in this issue from Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Schneider, Fr. Linus Clovis, Mr. Matthew McCusker, Paul von Oldenburg, and Roberto de Mattei. Defending the Faith Much confusion exists today regarding the issue of the LBGT issues that have been constantly in the news over these past few years. Even within the Church confusion is manifested when we encounter priests such as Fr. Jim Martin S.J. who preaches in direct opposition to Church teachings and the magisterium and has been openly defiant since the times of Pope John Paul II. With his new book, 'Bridging the Gap' which has garnered much controversy and resulted in continuing the confusion, this issue provides a range of articles over 8 pages relating to this issue. It is clear that Catholics are confused; it is necessary then to look to the Church teachings and learn from Church leaders who continue to follow the 2000 years of wisdom of the Church. This issue also provides very moving accounts of people who left the LBGT lifestyle and returned to the Church where they received a very warm welcome. The Catholic Church's COURAGE program exists to help people who are seeking help in their struggles with their LGBT experiences and shows that there is a third way. Fake News Many people rely on their daily news of current affairs from traditional mainstream media, yet increasingly it has cone to light that many media organisations, especially in the USA, deliberately report 'fake' news. A recent report showed that media organisations, such as CNN, were politically biased with CNN shown to be the worst with a 97% bias against the current president of the USA. Reasons for this ranges from such organisations adopting an ideological stance (usually a Left-wing socialist ideology) or because of the desire to achieve high viewer ratings. In the past week in the USA, CNN in fact been caught on video admitting as much. Catholics wishing to receive a more balanced news reporting are encouraged to check Catholic/Christian media organisations some of which are listed in this issue of Dayly Knightly. The list is not exhaustive. In the main, people should not rely anymore on traditional media organisations for their news. Seek the truth and keep this as your mantra when trying to decide if what you read or hear is being honestly reported. New Evangelization We live in exciting times. Please see the video presentation, 'Our Catholic Light' of the story of the Catholic Church in Singapore. It is truly inspirational. In Singapore, the government finally recognised that the Catholic Church was important to help make a country out of the island of Singapore. Yet in the early days, Catholic missionaries also faced persecution as they did in Japan. In Japan, Dayly Knighky has recently been pleasantly surprised to find in Japan an amazing variety of active Catholic groups across the country, which are bringing Christ to the people of Japan. However, one quickly comes to the conclusion that most of these Catholic groups are not aware of each other or even the potential the Church has to more successfully engage the people of Japan. To that end, Dayly Knightly wishes to share with readers the suggestion that a National Catholic Awareness Conference be held in Japan to bring all such Catholic groups together as a first step to bringing a New Evangelization of Japan. With the grace of God and inspiration of past missionaries, there is much reason to be hopeful for the future. 4

EDITORIAL Global Warming Hoax By now, the notion of Global Warming and that 'Man' has been the cause of this phenomena has been completely discredited. Furthermore it has been discovered that much of the reason for pushing the fear of 'Global Warming' was from a combination of groups which largely can be grouped as those groups which one, desired population control, two, enhance the power of government over the people and three, promote Earth worship. Regrettably, our Pope, being surrounded by Leftist 'experts' and supported by billionaire George Soros, play a huge role in advising the Pope in writing his encyclical 'Laudato Si'. Nevertheless, Pope Francis indicated that dialogue is still part of the negotiation in future decisions regarding the environmental solutions for our planet Earth. Please pray for our Pope that he may be guided by the Holy Spirit in helping to bring prudent solutions to protecting our environment and to discern the deceptions of Satan and his words in this situation. The Theology of the Body For both an interesting and unusual overview of Pope John Paul II's 'Theology of the Body', please check the video presentation of Christopher West. He also explains how music plays a big role in describing our yearning for God. Carmelites and Catholic Churches In Japan A number of Catholic Churches are mentioned in this issue of Dayly Knightly. These include, St. Ignatius Church, Tokyo, the Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo, Futamatagawa Catholic Church, Kanagawa, Takanawa Catholic Church, Tokyo (New Evangelization meeting to be held there on Sunday July 2nd) and Tsukiji Catholic Church, Tokyo (starting point for this year's PRO Life 'March for Life', July 17th). A number of Carmelite convents both in Singapore and Japan are also highlighted. FIRES ENCOUNTER Those seeking spiritual growth in their marriage, families or bachelor lives are highly encouraged to learn more about Fr. Donnon Murray's FIRES Encounter program which he has been running for more than 40 years and who has helped thousands of people in Japan and a host of other countries. Those who are engaged or getting engaged may like to take part in the Engaged Encounter program being held at the beginning of November in Tokyo, this year. A flyer with details is included below. Catholic Bible Study Tokyo Monthly Catholic Bible study continues and will be held this month on July 23rd in Shibuya. For more details, please contact Spike at,



Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the First World Day of the Poor Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 19 November 2017


Announcement - March for Life Japan 2017


Announcement - March for Life Japan 2017


Message - Prolife Japan




Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Website: For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

FIRES Encounter Testimonials (English)

31. Marriage Encounter H. Saito

Fr. Donnon Murray FIRES Encounter Centre, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

APPEAL FOR PRAYER With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction.

Saito Rikiya Thiscouple also wanted to share the following letter that they received from their non–Christian son–in–law, which he wrote to them as soon as he got home from making a ME. Many many thanks for suggesting that we make a ME. What a wonderful experience! To be honest with you, when Aimi mentioned it, I was perplexed and uncertain. But at the same time I was interested and thought I might want to go, because she said that it was a joyful experience that helped couples get along better and make their life together happier. In the 22 years of my life I had had no association at all with the Catholic Faith and had no belief in God. It was a strange feeling to be among a lot of Catholics sharing about all kinds of problems. Once the program got under way I learned a great deal from Fr. Donnon’s talks, and found that we could relate to many of the problems that were shared by the team couples. I felt a closeness to them. We were able to share openly on the various questions that were handed out, each of us sharing on things that we had not adverted to in our daily lives, and we got to know one another so much better. It was rally refreshing. 10

FIRES ENCOUNTER We came to realize the importance of reconciliation, talked in detail about how we can and must make that a vital part of our lives, and, through that, to come to an experience of unity. It remains to be seen whether we have changed because of the experience of ME, but the answer lies in how we live our lives together from now on. We do want to become one, so that others will look at us and be able to say: “There is a united couple.” It will take time, but we hope to advance little by little by walking together. We want to attend the next ME and we want to begin it as a better couple. Again, many thanks for giving us the opportunity to attend a wonderful ME. P.S. It is our aim to be in the future the kind of wonderful couple that you are, and to always be a close knit couple.

FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J) 31. マリッジ・エンカウンター Saito

今回、マリッジ・エンカウンターという、すばらしい会に行かせてもらいありがとうございました。とて も感謝しています。マリッジ・エンカウンターという会に今回愛美の方から「一緒に行かないか」といわ れた時は正直、戸惑いもあり、不安もありました。しかし、夫婦が仲良く、楽しく、そして幸せになるた めの会と聞いてからは、自分がマリッジ・エンカウンターというものに興味を持ち、マリッジ・エンカウ ンターという会に出てみたいという気持ちになりました。 今まで22年間、カトリックというものに縁がなく、それに、神という存在を信じていなかった自 分が、カトリックの信者の方々がたくさん集まる場に行き、いろいろな問題について話し合うというのが 不思議に思えました。 いざマリッジ・エンカウンターが始まり、いくつものテーマに分けられた段階に沿ってダナン神 父様を筆頭に話をたくさん聞きました。マリッジ・エンカウンターのチームの方々の話も自分たちの夫婦 に関わる問題も出て、とても親近感が沸きました。テーマに沿って夫婦二人でじっくりと話し合いが出来 て、愛美が自分に求めているものだとか、逆に自分が愛美に求めるものなど、普段話せていないことがじ っくり話せてとても夫婦二人のためになり、普段の生活の中で気づいてあげられなかったことにも気づけ ましたし、愛美にも気づいてもらうことが出来て、何かすがすがしく、すっきりした気分になりました。 和解するということがどんなに大切なことなのか、和解する(和解しあう)ためにはどうすればい いのかという典では、話し合いをもっと細かく、深くするべきという答えも二人で出しました。そうする ことによって夫婦が一致できるようになれると思ったからです。 マリッジ・エンカウンターという会に出て変わったかどうかは、これから生活をともにしていく中 で答えが出ると思いますが、周りの第三者から自分たち夫婦を見られたときに「一致している夫婦」とみ られるような夫婦になりたいと思います。時間はかかると思うけれど、一歩一歩二人で足並みを合わせ、 呼吸を合わせて前に進んでいきます。次回マリッジ・エンカウンターがまた開かれる時には生きたいと思 っていますし、その時には今よりもよい夫婦で参加できたらいいと思います。今回は本当にすばらしいマ リッジ・エンカウンターという会に出席させていただき本当にありがとうございました。心から感謝して います。 p.s.将来的な二人の目標する夫婦はお母さん、お父さんのようなすばらしい夫婦になれたらいと思 っています。そしてこれから先もずっと仲良しな夫婦でいてください。



Aduno - Catholic Japan

St. Francis of Assisi Mural at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

Franciscan Chapel Center Tokyo, Japan

Prison Outreach Program New Volunteers Welcome Please contact FCC Contact details here.


Franciscan Province of Japan フランシスコ会日本管区

St. Ignatius Church Tokyo, Japan


Faith Sharing Group Catholic Faith Formation Class for Adults Liturgy of the Word for Children “Angels” First Communion Marriage English Mass Overall Coordination Volunteer English-Speaking Group Meeting Sunday (Japanese Language Classes) Getting Acquainted Lunch 13

Aduno - Futamatagawa Catholic Church

Church of the 26 Martyrs Futamatagawa, Kanagawa, Japan 14

Aduno - Catholic Japan - St. Ignatius

St. Ignatius Church Tokyo Mission 2030 The following article was included in the June 23 edition of the St. Ignatius Church Parish Newsletter in support of the 2030 Mission

“Ours hearts are the same as yours” Neil Day

In Japan, what do Indian, Mexican, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese people all have in common? Or how about workers such as a carpenter, a hospital manager, a silk weaver, a chemist, a doctor, a cook, a trader, a teacher, a one-time ambassador, or even a few children from 12-14 year olds? Could it be a congregation of people found at St. Ignatius Church on any given Sunday? Yet, in fact, these are the 26 Martyrs of Japan, who were crucified and died for their Catholic Faith in Nagasaki in 1597. All are saints, canonized in 1627. But these saints were mostly simple people coming from ordinary backgrounds. Do we think that only special ‘holy’ people can be saints? Saint Josemaria Escriva reminds us that, each and everyone one of us can become a saint, it is open to all. Of course, God may not call us to be ‘red’ martyrs but we are called to develop saintly lives in the state of life that we find ourselves. Concretely this means striving to be Christ-like, to live our lives with faith, love and charity, to surrender ourselves to God’s plan so that through His graces in us we can become saintly and even fulfill our role as a missionary people. A joyful life even if it embraces sacrifice and pain, a smile for a lonely heart, a slowness to judge imperfections of others, being a patient listener even to difficult people, living a life of simplicity, meekness and daily prayer, courageously speaking up for Church teachings in the office or the cafe; these are some of the ways of developing a saintly life. Through such example, we can inspire, move and give hope to people in our daily circles. St. Ignatius Church’s 2030 missionary vision equally can help ignite the fire of our faith for it too encourages us to live a saintly life both individually and as a community of God’s children. We are encouraged to unite and pray together, to share our faith and hearts through the rich variety of our personalities, national cultures and life experiences. We even become spiritually connected to the early international and Japanese Christians of 16th century Japan. The hidden Christians of Japan inspire us too. Having gone underground due to 250 years of persecution they finally emerged in 1865 to greet the new Catholic missionaries to Japan with the words, “Our hearts are the same as yours”. Inspiration further comes from St. Augustine (St. Augustine’s Confessions) when he stated, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” And so our hearts united by faith in God and shared together as a St. Ignatius Church community can be the same source of inspiration brought to Japan by St. Francis Xavier over 400 years ago. We are connected not only to each other but also to the hearts of St. Francis Xavier, the early missionaries, the 26 Martyrs, the persecuted and the hidden Christians so that the baton has been passed on to our generation for us to be saintly and to continue the missionary goal of Christ’s Church to bring salvation to souls in Japan. 15

Aduno - Catholic Japan - Feastday

On June 10, 2017 Mass was celebrated for the June 26 Feast Day of Saint Josemaria in the Franciscan Chapel Center in Tokyo. It was concelebrated by the Most Rev. Joseph Chennoth, Apostolic Nuncio to Japan, his assistant Msgr. from Poland, and Father Ramon Lopez, Vicar of Opus Dei in Japan.

Thank you to Meg Francisco for the photos 16

Aduno - Catholic Japan & Asia

Carmelite Nuns (OCD) In 1934, Bishop Adrien Devals sent an invitation through the Vicar Apostolic of Bangkok, Monsignor René Perros, to the Carmel of Bangkok, requesting the establishment of a Carmelite monastery in Singapore. The Foundress and Prioress of the Carmel of Bangkok, Mother Anne of Jesus, agreed to this and the first Carmelite sisters arrived in Singapore four years after. Read article here. 第33回 ネットワークミーティング 札幌 2017年9月16日(土)~ 17日(日)

The 33rd Catholic Youth Network Meeting, Sapporo - Sept 16-17 Catholic Youth Connection Association - Japan


アデュノ - カトリック日本


Site of the Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of Japan

The Great Martyrdom of Edo and the Takanawa Church The third Tokugawa Shogun, Iemitsu, enforced the edict banning Christianity in Japan. On Dec. 4th, 1623 he gathered 50 Christians, including two priests, and led them along the Tohkaido Road to Shiba where they died for the faith. Over the next several years 2,000 Christians were martyred in Edo(Tokyo), 100 of them dying near the site where the Catholic Church now stands today. This historical event is known as the Great Martyrdom of Edo. Since Artist: Takayoshi Ezoe Takanawa Church is close to one of the sites where so many martyrs died, the Church is dedicated to Mary, Queen of Martyrs. Every year in November a special ceremony is held to honor her and the martyrs of Edo. Since Takanawa Church is located close to one of the sites where so many martyrs died, the Church is dedicated to Mary, Queen of Martyrs. Every year in Monument dedicated November a special ceremony is held to honor her to the martyrs and the martyrs of Edo. Painted by Sister Taniguchi 18

アデュノ - カトリック日本

江戸の大殉教と高輪教会 徳川3代将軍家光は、キリシタン迫害政策を強 化し厳重にしました。 1623年(元和9年)12月4 日、宣教師を含む信者50名は小伝馬町の牢から 江戸市中を引き回され、東海道沿いの札の辻(現 在の田町駅付近)から 品川に至る小高い地で、火 刑に処せられました。 中でも、下総(千葉)六万石の臼井城々主 の長男、原主水がキリシタンの 中心的人物であ ったと記録されています。原主水は駿河城で家 康に 仕えていました が、キリシタンと判 り、手足の腱を切られ て追放され、 江戸に潜んでいました。それでも外国人宣教師と協力し 活動を続けましたが、 密告により捕らえら れ、炎の中で神に命を捧げました。 その後数年にわたり、女性や子供、キリシ タンをかくまった人々もまきこんで この地 で100名近くの人々が処刑され、江戸全体 では、2000名近くの人が殉教しました。 これが江戸の大殉教です。 これらの殉教者を称えて、聖堂前庭には 「 江戸の殉教者の顕彰碑」が建てられていま 顕彰碑 す。 高輪教会は、殉教地に近い教会であること から 「殉教者の元后聖マリア」に捧げられており、毎年江戸の殉教者 作者:シスター谷口 の 記念ミサが11月下旬に行われています。 四半世紀の調査と審査を経て日本人殉教者188名が福者に 江戸時代初期、徳川家光に端を発したキリシタン弾圧で処刑された 日本人188名の列福 が、2007年6月1日14時(日本時間21時)、 教皇ベネディクト十六世の裁可で正式に決まりま した。 日本の殉教者を福者に推す気運は、1981年に来日した前教皇ヨハネ・パウロ二世が 長崎 の殉教地を訪れたことで一気に揚まり、カトリック中央協議会の 溝部脩神父らが中心になって、 翌1982年から福者候補の人選を始めました。 国内では1862年以降、42人が聖人、205人が福 者になっていますが、 そのほとんどは外国人宣教師や男性の聖職者です。そこで今回の人選は、 迫害に耐えながらみ教えに従い命を捧げた武士や町人、市井の家庭人に重きがおかれました。 ところが弾圧で遺品が棄却されたり、罪人として家系から 抹消されたりしており、調査チ ームは当時の外国人宣教師が ローマに宛てた手紙を徹底的に調べ、 その手紙の行方を追ってス ペインやポルトガルにも足を運びました。 そしてようやく1996年、ラテン語による2,700頁の福者申請書が、 世界中から届けられ 順番待ちしている2,000冊の1冊に加えられたのです。 さらに「福者にふさわしい」の報を聞く には10年を擁しました。 江戸の大殉教では3人の外国人宣教師がすでに列福されていますが、 今回は信者の代表と してジョアン原主水が福者の列に加わり、 日本で初の列福式が2008年、長崎で行われました。 19

ENCOUNTER - New Evangelization

The History of the Catholic Church in Singapore Our Catholic Light is a film that tells the story of how missionaries such as the Paris Foreign Missions brought the Light of Christ to Singapore, to serve the needs to the people through the Catholic Church. Since 1821, the Church has played a pivotal role in Singapore’s nation building through its work in education, healthcare, and social services, serving people regardless of religion, race or language. The story is told through the lives and personal testimonies of 25 priests, religious, church workers and volunteers. More than a thousand man hours of work (research, pre-production, production and post production) went into the making of this film and it premiered at the Catholic SG50 celebration event held at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on the 4th of July 2015 to an audience of 10,000 people. For more information about the Catholic Church and its work visit A production by

An Initiative by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore. See this video here.


INSPIRATION - New Evangelization

Fatima foretold ‘diabolical forces’ that would enter Church in our time - Cardinal Burke (LifeSite News)

Who is Josemaría Escriva? What is Opus Dei? Josemaria Escriva is known as “the saint of ordinary life.” Josemaria Escriva founded Opus Dei – meaning “the work of God” – on the principle that people can find God right in the middle of their everyday lives. Opus Dei is a part of the Catholic Church that spreads the remarkable message that a person can find holiness in ordinary life. More information ► 21

Aduno - New Evangelisation

Synod of Bishops 2018

“Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.” LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO YOUNG PEOPLE ON THE OCCASION OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE PREPARATORY DOCUMENT OF THE 15th ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS My Dear Young People, I am pleased to announce that in October 2018 a Synod of Bishops will take place to treat the topic: “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.” I wanted you to be the centre of attention, because you are in my heart. Today, the Preparatory Document is being presented, a document which I am also entrusting to you as your “compass” on this synodal journey. I am reminded of the words which God spoke to Abraham: “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.” (Gen 12.1). These words are now also addressed to you. They are words of a Father who invites you to “go”, to set out towards a future which is unknown but one which will surely lead to fulfilment, a future towards which He Himself accompanies you. I invite you to hear God's voice resounding in your heart through the breath of the Holy Spirit. When God said to Abram, “Go!”, what did he want to say? He certainly did not say to distance himself from his family or withdraw from the world. Abram received a compelling invitation, a challenge, to leave everything and go to a new land. What is this “new land” for us today, if not a more just and friendly society which you, young people, deeply desire and wish to build to the very ends of the earth? Read more here.


Aduno - Encounter - Family

Real Catholic family life is the road out of apostasy Bishop Schneider - LifeSite News

This address was delivered by His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana in Kazakhstan, on 19 May 2017 at the fourth annual Rome Life Forum, which is organized by Voice of the Family. See the video here.


Aduno - Encounter - Family

ROME, July 13, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- In a spirit of love, humility, and faithfulness, 16 international life and family advocates are asking Pope Francis in a powerful new video to unambiguously speak the truth of the Catholic faith, to end doctrinal confusion, to restore clarity, and to be the Holy Father that Catholics need. “We are living in a very special time of a deep crisis of faith inside the Church,” said Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the Auxiliary in the diocese of Maria Santissima in Kazakhstan, who opens the video, produced by LifeSiteNews. “It is not a secret. It is very evident. A lot of people, the simple faithful, are suffering because of the situation of confusion,” he added. The 30-minute film, titled Plea to the Pope, comes in the wake of confusion caused by the pope’s April release of his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, in which he made a number of concerning statements about marriage, divorce, sin, reception of Holy Communion, and sex education for children. The Exhortation has generated numerous contradictory interpretations from various theologians as well as cardinals and bishops. Bishop Schneider called it “very urgent” that the pope “states more clearly, in a very unambiguous manner — in such a manner which will not leave any space for misinterpretations — [on] the issues of family and the sacredness of marriage.” The film contains an impressive lineup of international life and family advocates who decided that the time had come to voice their concerns for the good of the Church, of souls, and of nations. See the video here. Read the article here.

Four cardinals seek audience with Pope over doctrinal ‘confusion’ - Catholic Herald

“what is sin in Poland is good in Germany… what is prohibited in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is permitted in Malta. And so on.” Read full article here. 24

Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

Lectio Divina

Prayer in General Above all else it is important to keep in mind that Lectio Divina is a method of prayer, and as such is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a means to an end, and that end is a loving and intimate relationship with the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Not all methods are for everyone, and there are genuine stages in the spiritual life when methods can prevent growth in prayer.8 Methods should help foster our spontaneous and free gift of self to God in prayer. The Catechism of the Catholic Church outlines three expressions of prayer (vocal, meditation, and contemplation).9 Lectio Divina relates in particular to meditation and contemplation. I would encourage you to look over those sections of the Catechism. One should give between 20 minutes and an hour for Lectio Divina. There are four sections, and one can think of dividing the time between all four. Again, the danger is to focus on the method and lose sight of the loving relationship with God. Above all else, plan your prayer according to that which bears fruit (i.e. increases in faith, hope, and love). Furthermore, the selection with which one will pray should not be too long or too short. The daily readings (only one) can be helpful.

Lectio – Stage 1

The first stage is reading, or lectio. In our contemporary society, we are accustomed to a style of reading that is the standard for all secondary schools. You read a selection and you try and understand as much as possible. You might try to figure out all the information presented to you, or you might try to get at what the author intended. In a certain regards, this kind of analytical reading of a text can be applied to the Bible, but this is not prayer. That being said, having a basic understanding of the text is necessary before one can move into prayer. As Pope Benedict explains, we must ask of the text, “What does the biblical text say in itself?” He then continues by explaining how “without this, there is always a risk that the text will become a pretext for never moving beyond our own ideas.”10 Once we have a decent understanding of the text, we then want to listen to the images, the words, and the phrases which resonate with us on a deeper level. We look for something in particular that stands out. For example, let us imagine that we are praying with the scripture passage that contains the Our Father. As I read through the passage in which Jesus is teaching on prayer, I might feel drawn to the phrase, “My daily bread.” I can also use images and use my imagination. For example, I might be praying with the Road to Emmaus. As I use my imagination to explore the scene, I might imagine that Jesus is talking to me, and I might watch his facial expressions and use that for prayer. In all of this, note that I am using my imagination, my emotions, my intellect, etc. In other words, I am using everything that I am.

Meditation – Stage 2

Now that your gaze has been turned towards a particular word, phrase, or image, you want to take that one thing and begin to reflect upon it. We are called to probe and question the text with the questions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and exemplar of prayer. In this sense, we ponder and question in order to enter ever deeper into the mystery of God. One author in writing on Lectio Divina likened this stage to chewing on the word, phrase, or image like you would savor a good meal. You chew on the one thing and let your mind explore it. In more concrete terms, I used the example before of focusing on “my daily bread.” Now that my gaze is on this phrase, I let my mind explore the phrase and where it leads me. I ask, what is my daily bread? What do I need and what do I not need? What are my deeper longings?


Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation Then, I ponder the answer to these questions mindful of the Lord’s presence. I consider these questions and I might become aware of the fact that I am too concerned with spending money on clothes and jewelry. I reflect more and more, I feel called by the Lord to not be so concerned with material things, and perhaps to use me money for other things. There is a certain kind of creativity with this type of meditation. I am actively using my imagination and intellect (along with my other faculties) in order to reflect and to experience the Lord through meditating on this passage. It is important to realize that I am listening and responding to how the Lord’s word is penetrating my heart.

Oratio – Stage 3

Having meditated on God’s word, having internalized his word and letting it become a part of me, I know respond to that word. In this stage, I turn to the Lord in gratitude and respond to his word dwelling within me. This can take the form of words or it can even be an outpouring of emotions (referred to traditionally as affective prayer). My response can take any form that seems appropriate so long as it is a personal response and is directed at God.

Contemplation – Stage 4

In the previous stage, my mind was actively exploring the word, phrase, or image to which I had felt drawn. The reality is that this kind of meditation, while necessary for beginning, is not the full picture of prayer. In our contemporary society, we tend to think that what is more complex is more advanced. The reality is that the opposite is true for prayer. If I were to tell you that a person was to sit for an hour simply gazing at the Lord with love, you would probably think that this person was not far advanced in the spiritual life. In reality, the opposite is true. Growth in prayer is a growth in simplicity.11 The height of prayer, commonly called contemplation, is often described as a wordless, imageless gaze of love between the believer and the Lord. This gaze is a gift of the Lord, and is not something that can be achieved by an act of the will or simply by trying to concentrate hard enough. We are brought into this union by means of faith, hope, and love, and the good news is that the Lord desires to bring all of us to this kind of intimate relationship. The key is that we must make time. If we don’t make time to receive this great gift, then the Lord will not have the opportunity to bestow it upon us. Books have been written on how one grows in prayer and the changes that occur, but for our sake I offer this one piece of advice. In Lectio Divina and in prayer in general, we must set aside time to listen with an open disposition. In the beginning, this may not seem particularly fruitful, but with time it will become the source from which we draw inspiration and energy. But we must first make the time to receive this gift, and this is what the 4th stage is about. Want to incorporate this method into your classroom? Click here to download the teacher and student guide. 8. See CCC 2707 9. See CCC 2700 -2724 10. Verbum Domini paragraph 87

A Step-By-Step Guide to Not Read the Bible Like a Robot: “Lectio Divina” - Catholic Link


Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

PODCAST | “The Work of the Holy Spirit” Rev. Peter Armenio

Who is God? What does He most care about? What is the center of His personality? How can we love Him?

A MEDITATION ON THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Fr. John Bartunek, LC, S.Th.D from the Regnum Christi Spirituality Center


Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

Meditation (Part 2 of 2) ~ Fr Ripperger - Sensus Fidelium


ENCOUNTER - Prayer - The Rosary

Praying the Rosary for the defeat of ISIS during the Fatima Centennial

How do you defeat a global terrorist organization like ISIS, whose members are largely hidden throughout the world, and are willing to die in suicide bombings for their diabolical goals of worldwide mass murder and destruction? The ultimate answer is through prayer. The battle against ISIS is, at its roots, a spiritual battle against the Devil and the forces of darkness. Read more here.


Welcome! We are headquarters of the Rosary Confraternity of the Catholic Church, a world-wide movement of prayer for peace. We are administered by the Dominican Fathers, Fr. Dismas Sayre, O.P., Director. We are located next to the Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon, USA, the city of roses. Included is how to pray the rosary. Those who pray the Rosary regularly would do well to be enrolled in the Confraternity to gain extra spiritual benefits for each Rosary they pray. Enroll in the confraternity. Read more here.


Resources - Christian News Media


Resources - Christian News Media

Vatican Newspaper


Catholic News & TV Media

Church Militant Headlines—CNN Fake News

Cardinals Plea to Pope, Edward Pentin Fr Gerald Murray - EWTN, World Over, Raymond Arroyo

NEWT GINGRICH, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives talks about the special counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, the state of the Administration's agenda and his new book, Understanding Trump. EDWARD PENTIN, Vatican correspondent for the National Catholic Register talks about the four Vatican Cardinals who have gone public with a plea for clarity and dialogue regarding the question of Communion for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. FR. GERALD MURRAY, canon lawyer and priest of the Archdiocese of New York joins us with his reaction. MOST REV. DEMETRIO FERNANDEZ GONZALEZ, Bishop of Cordoba, Spain on the recent controversy over efforts to convert his diocesan cathedral into a \"shared space\" between Catholics and Muslims. See video here. 32

Catholic News & TV Media

EWTN News Nightly - 2017-06-27

News and analysis from Washington, D.C. from a Catholic Prospective

National Catholic Register Named ‘Newspaper of the Year’

June 30, 2017

Destroying Innocents The Vortex - Church Militant


INSPIRATION - Saint & Doctor of the Church



St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron of Teenagers Jean Heimann - Catholic Fire



Inspiring True Stories of Courage, Character, and Conviction Larry Reed - Acton Institute





The Vortex—Identity Politics Church Militant

The Value of Time Spent in Overcoming Temptations

Rev. P.J. Michel - Catholic Exchange Some persons, much subject to temptations, lament the time they spend in resisting them. “I cannot,” they say, “preserve recollection. When I try to meditate, to recite some prayers, to spend a few moments in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, I cannot fix my mind on God. That is the very time that temptations come to assail me; and I pass it in a vain endeavor to banish them. I meet these troublesome and obstinate visitors even at the holy table, when I go to receive my Lord and my God. What profit can I expect from pious exercises performed in such a manner?” This thought brings great discouragement. To cure this, to reassure and console such persons, it is important to recall to them the principles by which to correct their error and the advantages of such a state when borne as it should be. Read more here. 38


Life on Earth is a Warfare Sensus Fidelium

7 Principles of Spiritual Warfare Companions of the Cross

The anti-Church has come. But, don't be afraid - Fr. Linus Clovis LifeSite News


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

Courage Documentary - Panel Discussion The 2014 Courage Conference in Philadelphia at Villanova University, had the premiere viewing of Courage's new documentary, "Desire of the Everlasting Hills" followed by panel discussion with the stars of the movie Paul, Rilene, and Dan. Watch this incredible story of three people who came to the Catholic faith embracing all its teachings and disciplines, giving a strong witness of strength in the midst of our permissive culture. For more on this movie go to Click here to see this presentation.

The Gender Swamp Judie Brown

"And this is where I feel compelled to offer a word of common sense. Those of us who have been involved in fighting against the evils of contraception, abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and so much more understand fully that the gift of one’s sexuality is indeed the core of our essence. We know, as Pope Benedict and most notably St. Thomas Aquinas taught, that “both men and women have the image of God by virtue of their common intellectual nature,” but each is designed by God to be unique, and most essentially complementary. And there’s the rub." Read more here. 40

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

Is Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder? Deacon Jim Russell - Crisis Magazine

Is homosexuality a psychological disorder? And could it be cured?” These are the “dead-horse” questions that blogger Melinda Selmys mentions as she takes exception to the substance of a Crisis Magazine article on homosexuality—Mark Latkovic’s “Using Modern Science to Treat Homosexuality.” Selmys considers this question—“homosexuality as mental illness”—as tantamount to a lifeless horse brought back to race again. Selmys claims in her post that the “psychopathologization of homosexuality” is incompatible with the Christian view. Unfortunately, Selmys’ flimsy claims are obscuring some crucial elements of Catholic teaching about the human person and homosexuality, and must be addressed. What Is “Normal”? Selmys flatly asserts that she “won’t use the word normal” in reference to “heterosexual functioning” as Latkovic did when framing his assertion that “[t]oday, of course, the majority of psychologists and mental health care professionals deny that there is anything abnormal about homosexuality.” She goes on to claim that “[t]he biggest problem with this article … is that it confuses the historical teaching of the psychological establishment with the historical teaching of Christianity.” By pitting the “concept of homosexuality” as arising from “modern psychology” against her claim that Church teaching prior to this was all about “sins” and “acts” rather than persons, she seems to accuse Latkovic of embracing the modern-psych view of “homosexual” and “heterosexual” as “discreet sexual species of person.” That is, anyone who makes the claim that one element of same-sex attraction is psychological disorder (as Latkovic does) is effectively siding with a non-Christian understanding of the human person. Selmys’s claim is, frankly, silly. The mere fact that even the Catechism takes for granted that samesex attraction has a still-mysterious and only-partially-explained “psychological genesis” (CCC 2357) is nowhere to be found in Selmys’ critique. A Catholic is quite right to view a persistent same-sex attraction as being associated with some form of psychological disorder. The Church’s ‘No’ to Orientation Ideology Selmys further attempts to use a magisterial quote to argue against what the secular culture would call “heteronormativity”—a buy-in to a relativization of God’s plan for sexuality with every other culturally constructed “sexual identity” label. The 1986 CDF document “On the Pastoral Care of Homsexual Persons” includes this quote (#16): 41

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith The human person, made in the image and likeness of God, can hardly be adequately described by a reductionist reference to his or her sexual orientation. Every one living on the face of the earth has personal problems and difficulties, but challenges to growth, strengths, talents and gifts as well. Today, the Church provides a badly needed context for the care of the human person when she refuses to consider the person as a “heterosexual” or a “homosexual” and insists that every person has a fundamental Identity: the creature of God, and by grace, his child and heir to eternal life. Selmys replies: You kind of can’t have your cake and eat it here. The document does not say “there is only one orientation: heterosexual” it says “the Church … refuses to consider the person as a ‘heterosexual’ or a ‘homosexual.’ ” The point here is not that the Church insists on erasing gay identities, but rather that the Church refuses (at least in theory) to distinguish between persons on the basis of their sexual orientation. This statement not only rejects an ontological understanding of homosexuality, it also rejects the overt privileging of the heterosexual as some kind of superior caste. Selmys is egregiously wrong in her interpretation of this text. But part of the error rests in the English translation of the official Latin text. Why? Because the word translated into English as “orientation” is the Latin “propensionis”—which is more aptly translated as “propensity,” “tendency,” or “inclination.” Of the eight occurrences of the Latin term, it’s translated as “tendency” once, “inclination” three times, “orientation” three times, and omitted once from translation (“propensione homosexuali” rendered as “homosexual person” in English). This is important to note because the Church does not in fact utilize the concept of “orientation” at all in its most theologically precise and official Latin texts. Inclination, tendency, propensity, yes. The English translator did us no favors by using the “identity” term of “orientation” in that text. It has apparently left Selmys and others with a mistaken impression that the Church—like culture—actually does embrace what should be called the culture’s “orientation ideology.” Indeed, the point of the CDF quote is precisely to reject the culture’s concept of “sexual identity” and orientation is not in keeping with the dignity of the human person. This is hugely important. Yet Selmys adds further confusion by claiming the quote “rejects the overt privileging of the heterosexual as some kind of superior caste.” She confuses apples for oranges here—of course all persons are viewed by the Church with equal dignity. But the Church acknowledges the goodness of only sexuality (not homosexuality) in her teaching. Persons are all equally children of God. Homosexuality, however, remains a deficit, an objectively disordered inclination. Acknowledging the ‘Spousal Meaning of the Body’ Latkovic identifies one aspect of the “disability” of homosexuality as being “the inability to establish a true marital relationship with a person of the opposite sex.” Selmys responds: It’s assumed here that the ability to marry is fundamental to healthy psychological functioning, and that anything else constitutes a disability. In the light of Catholic tradition, this is simply an absurd statement. Throughout most of the history of the Church the unmarried state has been consistently praised over and above the married state, so much so that many of the Saints have treated even the inclination to marry as a kind of spiritual or mental weakness. Now, I do think that it’s a very great good that the Church has largely moved beyond that kind of thinking—but to claim that its precise inverse is the “historical teaching” of Christianity is simply risible. But Latkovic’s assessment is far from “risible”—rather, it’s rooted in the teaching of Pope St. John Paul II, who saw the great good of the “spousal meaning of the body” as essential to the human person, both in marriage and in the renunciation of marriage through celibacy for the sake of the kingdom. Selmys sets up an utter straw man here. God’s plan for us “body-souls” is clearly expressed in our identities as man or woman and our capacities to be total self-gifts as husbands and wives. Latkovic’s assertions are quite correct. Change or Chastity? Selmys’s continuing rejection of homosexuality as “disability” or “psychological disorder” sets up her rejec42

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

tion of seeking psychological help, which she seems to absolutize under the label of “orientation change.” By lumping all efforts at psychological treatment under the rubric of “orientation change,” her claim becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If “orientation” is the all-important identity marker that must be changed, then it’s total failure if psychological help doesn’t make one “heterosexual.” But the Church’s anthropology exists apart from the social constructs of “orientation” or “orientation change.” Rather, the authentically Catholic understanding that underlies psychological counseling for samesex attraction is simpler: chastity. While Selmys even mentions Fr. Paul Check and the Courage apostolate, whose mission is chastity and not “orientation change,” she cannot seem to see that there really is a need for psychological help even in the realm of seeking chastity in the midst of same-sex attraction. Selmys will use words like “weakness,” “obstacle,” and “limitation,” in apparent reference to samesex attraction, but not “disability.” Instead of connecting the dots, she concludes: “Ultimately, the psychopathologization of homosexuality does not follow from traditional Christian anthropology, and it is harmful, not helpful, in terms of ministry to gay people.” But this is false. Homosexuality is in the mind of the Church a form of “pathology,” spiritually and psychologically. Our authentically Catholic anthropology makes this self-evident. Latkovic’s original essay gets this right. Selmys urges us to abandon and finally bury this “particular dead horse.” The only problem is that this horse is still very much alive—and it’s the one that we Catholics rode in on.

Additional Articles by Deacon Jim Russell Please click here.

• Illusory LGBT “Civil Rights” vs. Catholic Truth May 1, 2017 • Procreation: Still the Primary End of Marriage April 25, 2017 • Does History Repeat With Amoris Laetitia Confusion? April 18, 2017 • New Ways Ministry’s “Fr. James Martin Effect” April 12, 2017 • The Real Nature of Catholic Reparative Therapy April 5, 2017 • Do We Understand the Homosexual Inclination? November 10, 2016 • Amoris Laetitia and the “Brinkmanship” of Pope Francis April 18, 2016 • Why Attractions and Emotions Become “Identities” March 3, 2016 • The New Leaven of the Pharisees: Judging Another’s Love February 4, 2016 • Is Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder? December 10, 2015

• Homosexuality Is Not Sexuality November 11, 2015 • Spiritual Friends on Chastity, Romance, and Freudian “Sublimation” September 16, 2015 • Does Being “Gay” Make You an “Expert” on Homosexuality? August 18, 2015 • Letting Go of “Gay”: Healing the Need to Be “Out” July 14, 2015 • The New Homophiles: Muddying the Meaning of Family May 21, 2015 • The New Homophiles vs. St. Aelred on Spiritual Friendship April 23, 2015 • Gay & Catholic Lands at Life Teen: A “Yes” or a Mess? March 11, 2015 • Can Some Same-Sex Attractions Not Be Disordered? March 24, 2014 • The “Poverty” of Homosexual Orientation March 12, 2014 • The “Poverty” of Sexual Orientation March 7, 2014


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse Peter LaBarbera, LifeSite News

The Third Way - Homosexuality and the Catholic Church Blackstone Films

Fr. Mike Schmitz - Love and Same Sex Attraction - 2016 Steubenville On The Lake


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

Religious Liberty Wins Again in the Supreme Court - Crisis Magazine

Understanding the subtext of LGBTQ “welcome” Jim Russell - The Catholic World Report

Authority, anthropology, and the bourgeois morality of Fr. James Martin Carl E. Olson - The Catholic World Report


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

Courage is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church, which ministers to persons with same-sex attractions. Website


MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

How Christians Can Rebuild Our Culture Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. - Crisis Magazine

In the beginning, Genesis tells us, “the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Gen 1:2). Creation begins in chaos. On each day of creation, God brings new things into being and orders them according to a plan. God makes things for a purpose. He creates the world out of love. As Aquinas teaches, God orders the universe as a whole, and that order reflects his glory. The world works better when it follows God’s design. We see this in our own moral lives. God gives us the law and the beatitudes because they lead us to joy. Jesus shows us the plan God writes into human nature so that, by his help, we can flourish. Too often we think of rules as things that keep us from being happy. But rules, understood as God’s order, are good for us because they show us how to live in a way that shares in his glory. They lead us to embody what God intended human beings to be and do. This is one of the things Scripture means when it says Jesus came “so that we would have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). Read more here.

Christians should always expect opposition, Pope tells audience CWN - June 28, 2017 Pope Francis told his public audience on June 28 that “the proclamation of the Kingdom of God always involves opposition,” and “the confession of faith always takes place in a climate of hostility.” Reflecting on the words of Jesus, “Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves,” the Holy Father remarked that in a sinful world the message of the Gospel will always encounter resistance. He reminded his audience that the term “martyr” refers to a witness to the Gospel. Martyrs endure through opposition, he said, and “whoever endures to the end will be saved.” One key sign of authentic Christian witness is poverty of spirit, the Pope said; the Christian who proclaims the Gospel is detached from any worldly power and left to rely solely upon God. The Pope cautioned that while Christians are called to be prudent and “even at times cunning,” they must never stoop to the use of violence or other immoral means. “To overcome evil, one cannot share the methods of evil,” he said. “The martyrs do not live for themselves,” the Pope said. “They do not fight to affirm their own ideas; they accept they duty to die solely on account of fidelity to the Gospel.” Read article here. 47


The Paris Accord, the Bible, and the Babies

Judie Brown, American Life League In the 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), St. John Paul II made two profound statements about the environment and the obligations of man. In section 9 he said: “Murderous violence profoundly changes man's environment. From being the ‘garden of Eden’ (Gen 2:15), a place of plenty, of harmonious interpersonal relationships and of friendship with God, the earth becomes ‘the land of Nod’ (Gen 4:16), a place of scarcity, loneliness and separation from God.” And in section 42 he said: As one called to till and look after the garden of the world (cf. Gen 2:15), man has a specific responsibility towards the environment in which he lives, towards the creation which God has put at the service of his personal dignity, of his life, not only for the present but also for future generations. It is the ecological question-ranging from the preservation of the natural habitats of the different species of animals and of other forms of life to "human ecology" properly speaking 28 - which finds in the Bible clear and strong ethical direction, leading to a solution which respects the great good of life, of every life. These two statements explain the simple truth that, in order for man’s dominion over the earth to be rational and well ordered, he must first and foremost respect the gift of life given by God to every human being from his creation.* In other words, without respect for the human person, the environment as we know it cannot survive. So when President Donald J. Trump announced that the United States would pull out of the Paris climate accord, I was astounded to read what allegedly Catholic pro-abortion former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to say about it. You see, the word “accord” means consistency or harmony with others. And in the case of the environment and its protection, there can be no harmony when babies are killed under cover of law. Man cannot be the steward of an environment that enables him to kill his progeny. So I thought to myself: “Surely even Pelosi can figure that out.” Sadly, I was wrong. Pelosi stated: “The Bible tells us that to minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us and that is just what we are doing by walking away from this accord.” What? Does she not know that approving of and advocating for the direct killing of human beings created in the image and likeness of God is the most egregious act of dishonoring God that anyone could ever do? What Bible is she reading? While Pelosi has used her religion to mark out territory when dealing with born people and has attempted to assure them that she cares deeply about the least of her brethren, we note the astute words of one writer who opined: “‘The least of my brethren’ teaching is about taking care of the most vulnerable members of society, a value that Pelosi strays from in her unrelenting support of abortion on demand. Nearly 1 million unborn babies are killed in abortions every year in the United States, making them some of the most vulner48


able members of society today.” Indeed, one could venture to propose that the one person who might have led the world into a future where we all take better care of each other and the environment has been slaughtered in an abortion. We will never know. There is a lot to ponder in this age when God is, according to many, irrelevant. As Cardinal Sarah pointed out: “The book of Proverbs tells us: ‘Where there is no vision, discernment, the people perish’ (29, 18). Discern carefully—in your lives, your homes, your workplaces—how, in your nation, God is being eroded, eclipsed, liquidated.” Know this with certainty: There is no “accord” that will be of any value anywhere until man is in accord with God and cares for His precious children—both born and preborn.

Pink Versus Red

Judie Brown, American Life League "Once evil enters the picture, denial is not far behind. And the evil of abortion affects every single one of us. So, when it comes to pink versus red, let me make one thing perfectly clear: Without life, no choice can ever be made. It is really as simple as that." Read more here.





Pope Saint John Paul's Theology of the Body, Sexual Redemption and the New Evangelization Christopher West

Sex-ed agenda in Catholic Church betrays our children Matthew McCusker

This address was given by Matthew McCusker, deputy international director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, on 18 May 2017 at the fourth annual Rome Life Forum, organized by Voice of the Family. See the video presentation here.



Parents must teach children how to do battle: Paul von Oldenburg - LifeSite News

The West is losing the family: Roberto de Mattei - LifeSite News

Religious leaders, your silence is killing us: Jim Hughes May 11, 2017



PROMO: Come to the Rally for Life 2017 Dublin, 1st July 2017 to Save the 8th

Rally for Life - Ireland



George Soros to launch aggressive plan to United Nations Human Rights Committee Pressures Ireland to Legalize Abortion suppress pro-life laws in Catholic countries

- LifeSite News DUBLIN, Ireland, August 22, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Secret documents reveal a billionaire's global strategy to promote abortion in every country on earth. According to internal documents released by, billionaire financier George Soros is funding a three-year plan to eradicate pro-life laws around the world.The leaked document belongs to Soros' Open Societies Foundations and reveals its 2016-2019 strategy for "women's rights." The plan is to first hit hard in Ireland, and use Ireland as a model to dismantle right-to-life protections in "other strongly Catholic countries." “With one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, a win there could impact other strongly Catholic countries in Europe, such as Poland, and provide much needed proof that change is possible, even in highly conservative places,” the document reads. For decades, Ireland has been a stronghold for the pro-life movement. In 1983, Ireland passed the Eighth Amendment to its constitution, upholding "the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right.” Soros' New York City-based Open Foundations document focuses on repealing the pro-life Eighth Amendment, with heavy funding for the Abortion Rights Campaign, Amnesty International Ireland, and the Irish Family Planning Association "to work collectively on a campaign to repeal Ireland's (Eighth) constitutional amendment." "George Soros is a major league abortion enthusiast who has funded abortion groups generously through his philanthropies," Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C., told LifeSiteNews. "It is not at all surprising that he is trying to undermine Ireland's strong protections for unborn babies." Read more here.

- LifeSiteNewx A recent decision handed down by the United Nations Human Rights Committee (CCPR) has once again condemned Ireland for maintaining laws that protect the right to life for the unborn. The decision is now the second time in the last year that the CCPR has attempted to intervene on Ireland’s national sovereignty, pressuring the country to legalize abortion. The New York-based abortion advocacy law group, the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), petitioned the CCPR on behalf of the alleged victim, Siobhán Whelan. Whelan had traveled to the United Kingdom in 2010 to abort her child at 20 weeks gestation after her child had been diagnosed with a tragic fetal disability and had been declared “incompatible with life.” Read more here.

How billionaire George Soros is trying to hijack the Catholic Church for his progressive agenda

- LifeSite News Soros paid $650,000 in April 2015 to fund an initiative meant to shape the Pope’s U.S. visit to "shift national paradigms and priorities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential campaign," emails revealed via WikiLeaks show. Among those priorities is inserting his supposed humanitarian nose in other entities’ business to promote his leftward-leaning causes, including population control, abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual “marriage.” Read more here.



Global Warming Unmasked - Church Militant

Are the environmental movements and groups simply devoted to laudable, correct stewardship of God's creation, or do they have a more sinister, hidden agenda? Is "global warming" being used as an excuse for something far darker? Is the final goal of the liberal elites behind the push of junk science population control, eugenics and Gaia worship? See the presentation here.

‘Unholy Alliance’ Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate 'The Vatican relied on advisors who are the most extreme elements in the global warming debate. These climate advisors are so far out of the mainstream they even make some of their fellow climate activists cringe... The Vatican advisors can only be described as a brew of anti-capitalist, pro-population control advocates who allow no dissent and are way out of the mainstream of even the global warming establishment.' Read more here


Catholic Adoration

Tantum Ergo Sacramentum EUCHARISTIC BENEDICITON Inspirational Eucharistic Hymns & Music

Sweet Sacrament Devine - Hymn 56

Catholic Philosophy & Psychology

Dangers of Modern Psychology ~ Fr Ripperger - Sensus Fidelium

The Great Lie: Pope Benedict XVI On Socialism Rev. Robert A. Sirico, Crisis Magazine

One doesn’t usually expect a thorough-going reconstruction of the history of socialism in the late 19th century from the pope, but Benedict XVI delivered to us a wonderful–and oh-so-needed–reminder of what socialism was (and is), and why it went wrong. One can’t but marvel at his intellectual power: He has discerned the essential problem that has evaded vast numbers of academics for 100 years. What’s more, he has done this in a time when socialism as an ideology seems to have been unfazed by the collapse of the communist experiment. Visit the philosophy and English departments on most college campuses, and you will still find intellectuals waxing eloquent on the glories of socialist theory. Students are still encouraged to imagine that it could work. Read more here. 57

MUSICA - Japanese Hymns -


Ave Maria

あめのきさき カトリック聖歌 Kyrie (De Angelis) キリエ (デ・アンジェリス / 天使ミサ曲)

Nearer My Lord to Thee

天使ミサ曲-Gloria 栄光の賛歌


Musica - Catholic Hymns The song that moved Pope Francis: "Let There Be Peace on Earth" - Aleteia Media

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - arr. Lloyd Kauffman

The Priests sing "How Great Thou Art" 59

Musica - Catholic Hymns

Be Thou My Vision - Ancient Irish Hymn - Nathan Pacheco

You Raise Me Up

In Christ Alone - New Irish Hymns 60

Know Your Faith

Miracle prayer to St Anthony of Padua, Blessing, Healing and Deliverance - Catholic Deliverance Prayer 61

Know Your Faith

Best talk on the Holy Eucharist by Fr Chad Ripperger


Know Your Faith

The Miraculous Story of Knock, Ireland (Full Documentary)

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) #01 - #25

The Entire Series of 25 Sessions - Here Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Parish in Plymouth, Michigan


Know Your Faith

Human Nature and Aquinas’ Taxonomy of Sexual Sins Howard Kainz, Crisis Magazine

St. Thomas Aquinas, in the Second Part of the Second Volume of his Summa theologiae, considers in a little over 1000 pages in Latin a massive number of sins and vices – injustice, gluttony, anger, greed, lying, etc., etc. Sexual sins are considered under the technical scholastic rubric of “luxury” (i.e., lust), and like the other sins are divided up into different species, with numerous concrete examples and applications. Liberals in our enlightened era generally consider any sexual practice short of rape or child abuse to be “pelvic issues,” not worthy of condemnation, and certainly not able to keep perpetrators from eternal salvation. Aquinas obviously disagrees, but in his taxonomy, while all the sins he considers are “mortal sins,” he ranks them from more to less serious, with reasons for the rankings. The distinctions he makes are not only important for the insights gained philosophically about the variety of human evils, but also from the standpoint of moral theology. They were, and remain so today, important for confessors in knowing what types of penances to apportion and for spiritual directors in being able to offer appropriate advice to those who consult them. Read more here.

Why Same-Sex Couples Possess No Conjugal Rights Joseph Arias, Crisis Magazine


Know your Faith

Seven Great Quotes from Saint Thomas More Catholic Fire

Deep in History - St. Thomas More & St. John Fisher - Dr. Scott Hahn In this 2006 Deep in History lecture, Dr. Scott Hahn discusses two great saints of the English Reformation: Thomas More, who died “the king’s good servant, but God’s first,” and John Fisher, the only bishop in England who refused to acknowledge King Henry VIII’s unlawful divorce. Both received the crown of martyrdom for their commitment to conscience. In a day and age where so many, even religious leaders, are willing to compromise their principles in order to do what is considered expedient in the eyes of a society hostile to faith, the witness of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher is as relevant today as it was in the 16th century. Dr. Hahn tells their stories in an engaging and informative way that brings them to life for a modern-day audience here. 65

Know Your Faith - VIRTUES - Wisdom

Meditate on God's Wisdom - Ambrose

St. Ambrose of Milan - Crossroads Ambrose here speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Wisdom of God upon whom we must meditate day and night, whether we are at work or rest, at home or abroad (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9). We must always meditate on God’s wisdom, keeping it in our hearts and on our lips. Your tongue must speak justice, the law of God must be in your heart. Hence Scripture tells you: You shall speak of these commandments when you sit in your house, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down, and when you get up. Let us then speak of the Lord Jesus, for he is wisdom, he is the word, the Word indeed of God. It is also written: Open your lips, and let God’s word be heard. God’s word is uttered by those who repeat Christ’s teaching and meditate on his sayings. Let us always speak this word. When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about virtue, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking of Christ. Open your lips, says Scripture, and let God’s word be heard. It is for you to open, it is for him to be heard. So David said: I shall hear what the Lord says in me. The very Son of God says: Open your lips, and I will fill them. Not all can attain to the perfection of wisdom as Solomon or Daniel did, but the spirit of wisdom is poured out on all according to their capacity, that is, on all the faithful. If you believe, you have the spirit of wisdom. Meditate, then, at all times on the things of God, and speak the things of God, when you sit in your house. By house we can understand the Church, or the secret place within us, so that we are to speak within ourselves. Speak with prudence, so as to avoid falling into sin, as by excess of talking. When you sit in your house, speak to yourself as if you were a judge. When you walk along the way, speak, so as never to be idle. You speak along the way if you speak in Christ, for Christ is the way. When you walk along the way, speak to yourself, speak to Christ. Hear him say to you: I desire that in every place men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling. When you lie down, speak so that the sleep of death may not steal upon you. Listen and learn how you are to speak as you lie down; I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids until I find a 66

Know Your Faith place for the Lord, a dwelling place for the God of Jacob. When you get up or rise again, speak of Christ, so as to fulfill what you are commanded. Listen and learn how Christ is to awaken you from sleep. Your soul says: I hear my brother knocking at the door. Then Christ says to you: Open the door to me, my sister, my spouse. Listen and learn how you are to awaken Christ. Your soul says: I charge you, daughters of Jerusalem, awaken or reawaken the love of my heart. Christ is that love. This meditation on Jesus, Wisdom of God can be found in St. Explanations of the Psalms (Ps. 36, 65-66: CSEL 64, 123-125), This commentary is read in the Roman Catholic Office of readings for Thursday in the 6th week of ordinary time along with the accompanying biblical reading taken from Proverbs 10:6-32.

St. Ambrose of Milan St. Ambrose of Milan’s life (Sant Ambroggio de Milano in Italian) is a particularly fascinating story. St. Ambrose was born around 339 in what is now Trier, Germany, the son of the Roman prefect of Gaul. Following his father’s footsteps, Ambrose embarked upon a career in law and politics and by 370 AD, he had become the Imperial governor of Northern Italy. When the episcopal see of Milan became vacant in 374, the people demanded that Saint Ambrose be made their bishop. The neighboring bishops and the Emperor convinced him to accept this call as the will of God, and so the catechumen Ambrose was baptized and ordained first deacon, then priest, then bishop, all in a single week! This politician-turned churchman was profoundly aware of his lack of preparation for this great responsibility and so set himself immediately to prayer and the study of Scripture. His deep spirituality and love of God’s Word married together with the oratorical skill acquired in law and politics made St. Ambrose one of the greatest preachers of the early church. St. Ambrose proved to be a fierce opponent of heresy, paganism, and hypocrisy. He battled to preserve the independence of the Church from the state and courageously excommunicated the powerful Catholic Emperor Theodosius I for a massacre of innocent civilians in Thessalonica. St. Ambrose also had a significant impact on sacred music through the composition of hymns and psalm tones that are known to this day as Ambrosian chant. Besides numerous sermons and treatises on the spiritual life, Saint Ambrose is responsible for two of the first great theological works written in Latin, De Sacramentis on the Sacraments and De Spiritu Sancto on the Holy Spirit. Around 385, an ambitious professor of public speaking named Augustine came to hear Saint Ambrose preach in order to study his technique, and in the process, was attracted to the Catholic faith. In 386 Augustine was baptized by St. Ambrose and went on to become bishop of Hippo in North Africa. Ambrose and his pupil, Augustine, together with St. Jerome and St. Gregory the Great, make up the four original Doctors of the Latin Church. Saint Ambrose, the great bishop of Milan, died on Holy Saturday (April 4) in the year 397 AD. His feastday in the Roman calendar is December 7, the day he was ordained bishop. From the Roman liturgy for the Feast of St. Ambrose: “Lord, you made Saint Ambrose an outstanding teacher of the Catholic faith and gave him the courage of an apostle. Raise up iin your Church more leaders after your own heart, to guide us with courage and wisdom. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.” (bio by Dr. Italy) - Crossroads

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church” given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism #19 - The Holy Spirit 67

Know Your Faith

TRADITION RISING Cardinal Burke in Chartres


Catholic Resources

Miles Christi is a Religious Order formed of Priests and Brothers. We are resolved above all, to fervently pursue sanctity with the grace of God and for His greater glory, dedicating ourselves to the sanctification of the laity, particularly of college students. “This Religious Order wishes its ranks to be formed only of a select group of men of great heart, generous, deeply moved by the magnanimity of Christ, indignant at the indifference with which many respond to His love, with an ardent love for Calvary, and eager to serve” (Constitutions 12). “A horror for a mediocre, useless, and empty life is deeply rooted in every true miles Christi, who, looking at his Lord on the Cross, asks himself, ‘What have I done for Christ, what am I doing for Christ, what must I do for Christ?'” (Const. 11). Read more here. 69

Catholic Resources

Fides News Agency (Fides) was created on 5 June, 1927, by order of the Council Superior General of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, as the first Missionary Agency of the Church and among the first agencies in the world, at the service of informing and promoting missionary activity. The Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, at the Assembly of its Supreme Council in April 1927, .....Read more here.

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Fr. John McCloskey's Articles

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Fr. Charles Belmonte's books 70

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A Few Thoughts


A Few Thoughts


A Few Thoughts

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint for drug addictions, drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners , pro-life movement, amateur radio

Dayly Knightly Newsletter is produced by Dayly Knightly a volunteer non-profit activity based in Japan. Contact:

Catholic Liturgical Calendar 2017 74

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