Dayly Knightly Catholic Newsletter June 2017

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Truth * Goodness * Beauty

- Glory to God -

On Earth as in Heaven

Vol. 03 Issue 04 - June 2017

To Defend & Proclaim Christ and the Catholic Church

Pentecost- June 2017

Spiritual Theology: Gifts of the Holy Ghost ~ Fr Ripperger Maino PentecostĂŠs 1620-1625. 1


Wisdom, Humility, Hope, Healing - Editorial

内容 Contents

- Defending the Catholic Church for Lay People

- Feature

- Fruits of the Holy Spirit - Powerful Novena Prayer, Infilling Fruits & Gifts of Holy Spirit - Transformed by the Spirit - Happy Birthday Catholic Church - Media - St. Paul the Movie

- Announcement

- Holy Masses for St. Josemaria, Japan (June 2017)

- Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation - The Ways of Relating to the Lord - 10 Minutes to Fight Stress and Temptation - World Mission Rosary for High School Students and Youth - The Rosary is my favourite prayer - JPII - 50 Reasons why 50 Teens Pray with Mary, the Mother of God - Novena for the Holy/Poor Souls in Purgatory

- Encounter - Prayer - The Rosary

- Rosary Remedy for Modern Evils - Pope Leo XIII - Fatima and the Rosary / How to Pray the Rosary - The 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima - Complete Holy Rosary in form of Gregorian chants - Earning Suffrages for the Faithful Departed - The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls

- INSPIRATION - Evangelization

- The Church Needs......Saints - Pope Francis - Engage Your Children In The Mission - Evangelization through Art and Architecture - Catholic Humour - Catholic Problems - Stuff Catholic Say - 11 Quotes From Saint Philip Neri That You Need To Read - CHOSEN: This is Your Catholic Faith (Trailer) - Eucharistic Adoration with two Popes - City of Saints

- Militiae Spirituali (Spiritual Warfare)

- Why “LGBTQ” Is Unjustly “INdiscriminatory” - Defend the Vatican at the UN - Escapism of Atheism - Divine Mercy: The Amazing Story of Rudolf Höss - The Journey Home (conversion to Catholicism) - A Manual for Spiritual Warfare


- Humanae Vitae - Pope Paul VI was right - A Summary of Pope Paul VI's Prophetic Encyclical - Time To Admit It: The Church Has Always Been Right On Birth Control - Planned Parenthood’s worst enemy

- We Are Called - March for Life 2018 - Washington DC

- Majestica - Christinaity & Science

- Faith and Science - The Galileo Myth - Seminaries Embrace NASA and Darwin to understand God's mysteries - The Catholic Roots of Science - Hymns of Faith and Science - Timeline of Saints - Schools In Cambridge Join Together To Sing - Songs About Science And Faith

- Catholic Adoration

- 24/7 Live Adoration / Holy Hour of Adoration - Encouraging Eucharistic Adoration - Catholic Truth - St. Thomas Aquinas

- Catholic Philosophy & Psychology

- Becoming a Saint: The Practical Psychology of Sanctity - 7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Catholic - Man and Woman: A Divine Invention - The Poison of Subjectivism by C.S. Lewis - Kathy Griffin and the Vanishing of Argument - Musica - Litany of Saints / Catholic Music Artists

- Know Your Faith

- Catholic Basics / The Beautitudes - Catholic Response to the Reformation - Martin Luther - Deep In History - Virtue of Meekness - Sex is a Mystery - The Five First Saturdays - Angels & Demons - “Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here?” - Inspirational quotes by St Teresa of Calcutta

Aduno - Catholic Japan

- Nagasaki Harmony 2 (English) - ProLife Japan - March for Life Tokyo, 17/7/2017 - 26 Martyrs of Japan - Sigmus Japan

- Aduno - New Evangelization

- St Justin Martyr and Tatian the Heretic - Evangelizing Priest Goes Viral

-Aduno - Encounter - Marriage

- The Meaning of Marriage ~ Alice von Hildebrand - These 10 Married Saints Teach Us How Marriage Can Lead to Holiness

- FIRES Encounter Japan

- Engaged Encounter (Eng) Nov 2017 - Narriage Retorno (Japanese) Nov 2017

- Resources

- St. Michael's Abbey - Franciscan University - Passionately Catholic - A Few Thoughts



Defending the Catholic Church for Lay People Today Catholic lay people face a swamp of media entities and celebrities that put forward false Gospels on how to be and live. The Catholic Church being the one truth Church, created by Jesus Christ Himself, has continually been attacked over the centuries and today for holding to the truth of her teachings. Most of us are aware of criticism the Church has faced for its stance on abortion, the family, and same-sex marriage for example. However most Catholics are unaware that many of these attacks are part of an orchestrated campaign by certain individuals and organizations to take down the Church. Characters from billionaire George Soros, mainstream media organizations to certain elements within he UN campaign to try and force the Catholic Church to bend to their ways especially in the areas of population control and abortion. Part of their toolkit for dismantling the Catholic Church is the mainstream media. Not only does be Church have to contend with militant Atheism, cold-hearted secularism, rampant materialism and the dictatorship of self-centered gender ideology but even within the ranks of the Church there has been dissent from cardinals to bishops to priests preaching new false interpretations of the gospel and who accommodate heterodoxy such as that espoused by the 'Jesus Seminar'. (Yes, the occasion of the feeding of the 5000 with fish and loaves of bread by Jesus was a miracle and not some 'imagined' sharing of existing food that the people had in their possession). In recent years it has become known that certain anti-Catholic groups decided to infiltrate the Church from within rather by frontal assault. Why? Because to date the church in its 2000 history has overcome every major attack launched against it. Thus, from the 1930s it became a plan to destroy the church by infiltrating her with rogue seminarians who would later become priests and leaders in the Church. It is no wonder that we witness today great confusion amongst Catholics due to conflicting positions, statements and activities from various Church leaders and organizations. In these times, the saints and doctors of the Church implore us to always adhere to the Magisterium and the long-established teachings of Church doctrine to use as our guide in navigating these stormy waters. True Church leaders who stay steadfast to Catholic Truth nĂŠed our help. Today, as in the past, Catholic laity must do more of the heavy lifting to stand-up and defend and proclaim the gospel of Christ (Sensus Fidei in the life of the Church). Persecution of Christianity has returned once again where it has become an even more greater responsibility of today's generation of Christians to be ready to bear witness and defend the faith. It is no longer a role that once belonged to previous Christian generations of saints and heroes but in fact has become our role today too. Popes from the time of Leo XIII to Pope Francis all have warned us of this. Pope Benedict XVI's call for the new evangelization of the Faith in his 'Year of Faith' was a particular reminder to the laity to take more responsibility to support the Church. Sooner or later most Christians will be faced with some form of persecution. The question we must ask ourselves now is will we remain silent or even abandon our faith when faced with such trials? It is up to each and everyone of us to decide on how well our Church proceeds in the years ahead.. Tips for defending and proclaiming our Catholic Faith. 1. Know your faith (Read books, attend faith sharing classes, subscribe to Catholic YouTube channels). 2. Check the background and truth of negative claims against the Church. Check motives and political ideoogy of those making negative claims against the Church. 3. Contrast today's attacks on the church to the times of the early Church Fathers. You will be surprised by the similarities. Learn how the Church in those days responded to the attacks, 4. Study the lives of the saints. 5. Maintain a healthy distrust of secular politicians, mainstream media and celebrities.. 6. Understand the 'dictatorship of relativism' as described by Pope Benedict XVI. 7. Understand the deception of Consumerism, Materialism, Communism, and Militant Atheism 8. Stop reading anti-Catholic publications. 9. Remember God is in control. 10. Pray.



This Month's Theme and Articles Catholic Movie Awards Japan We continue to be pleasantly surprised by the great variety of Catholic activities and events that are occurring in Japan. This month we highlight organizations such as Sigmus Japan, which holds an annual awards ceremony for best Catholic media production in Japan and has been doing so for more than 40 years. PRO-Life Japan A truly great discovery was to learn about Japan's own annual Prolife 'March for Life' event which will be held on July 17th next in Tokyo. The march is organized by Prolife Japan, which will hold a symposium a week earlier on July 9th, also in Tokyo. A flyer with the details in enclosed in this edition of Dayly Knightly. Martin Luther As always there are a wide variety of topics being actively discussed and debated in society today, which converge on Catholic teachings. The reader is recommended to view the article on 'Martin Luther - Deep in History' which is both startling and in some ways shocking. Please view in this issue. Pentecost Our feature this month concerns 'Pentecost' and a variety of articles are available for viewing. If you wish to learn more about the fruits of the Holy Spirit please take time to review these articles. Catholic Nagasaki The history of the Catholic Church in Japan began with the arrival of St. Francis Zavier to Japan in the 16th century. Though persecution began in 1597 with the crucifixion of the 26 Martyrs in Nagasaki, Catholicism survived and Nagasaki plays a dynamic part in this story. This issue covers the Churches of Nagasaki, the 26 Martyrs, St. Francis Zavier, and media and music productions celebrating Catholicism in Nagasaki. It is truly refreshing to see the Sisters sing in their wonderful production, Nagasaki Harmony. All this and more about Nagasaki Catholicism included herein. Catholic Rap Music Artists One normally does not associate rap music with the Catholic religion but you may very well be surprised to discover that there is an increasing number of musicians making incredible music videos about the Catholic faith using 'rap' music as the medium. Take a look at the video links in this month's issue. Faith and Science Perhaps one of the most often cited problems of the Catholic Church is its so-called opposition to science. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Catholic Church has been one of the prime motivators and contributors to science through the history of the Church. One need only begin to do one's own research to discover this truth. Due to anti-Catholic sentiment, in particular from certain agents in the 19th century, a false narrative of anti-science positions was attributed to the Church. Please see 'The Galileo Myth' presentation herein and use it to help you do your own research into these matters. Many Catholics will be surprised to learn of the massive contributions the Church has made to science. Catholic Philosophy Catholic philosopher, Dr. Peter Kreeft, always a wonderful person to listen to, is presented here with two articles on 'Becoming a Saint' and '7 Reasons to be Catholic'. Dayly Knightly highly recommends the reader to watch these presentations, which are hugely uplifting. Dr. Kreeft is himself a convert to the Catholic faith from Protestantism. FIRES ENCOUNTER Those seeking spiritual growth in their marriage, families or bachelor lives are highly encouraged to learn more about Fr. Donnon Murray's FIRES Encounter program which he has been running for more than 40 years and who has helped thousands of people in Japan and a host of other countries. Those who are engaged or getting engaged may like to take part in the Engaged Encounter program being held at the beginning of November in Tokyo, this year. A flyer with details is included below. Catholic Bible Study Tokyo Monthly Catholic Bible study continues and will be held this month on June 18th in Shibuya. For more details, please contact Spike at, 4

Feature - Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The Fruits Of The Holy Spirit

Learn about the Fruits of the Holy Ghost (Charity, Joy, Chastity, etc) taken from the lives of the Saints, holy writings and parables.

Holy Spirit Blast..Powerful Novena Prayer, Infilling Fruits & Gifts of Holy Spirit - Catholic Deliverance Power

Pentecost // Epiclesis: Transformed by the Spirit

Pentecost Happy Birthday Catholic Church 5

Media - Movie

Saint Paul - The Movie 6



Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

The Ways of Relating to the Lord

Prayer is the ongoing exchange between us and God. This dialogue takes many different forms, the highest expression being the Mass. In the Mass, we hear the word of God and we respond to it.1 In fact, all forms of prayer involve listening to God’s word and responding to that word. Everyone has an interior dialogue which narrates and colors the events of life.2 One aspect of praying with scripture is to bring God’s word into that interior dialogue and to listen to how that word moves us and inspires us. The ongoing interior dialogue is composed of thoughts, feelings, and desire. Meditation involves sifting through these thoughts, feelings, and desires.3 As we listen to God speaking through this interior dialogue, we learn to discern what is the genuine work of the Holy Spirit and what is not. Thus prayer and discernment are intimately connected.4 Meditative Prayer in General The foundation of prayer is always an ongoing relationship with God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It can be described in terms of a friendship, a relationship of Lord to Master, or of Lover to Beloved. Understanding the symbolic nature of such kinds of relationships can help us in learning how to relate to and receive from our God. Prayer is not a separate activity, but rather a movement of the heart in which all of one’s daily experiences are drawn up into an unfolding mystery. In this being drawn up, all of the human person is transfigured by the light of Christ. We can distinguish between private, meditative prayer and liturgical prayer. At the heart of meditative prayer is the desire to be with the one you love, of spending time with the Beloved in the solitude of the heart. Above all else, the practice of meditative prayer is to foster this abiding with our Lord in a disposition of docility and receptivity to the promptings of the Spirit. That being said, there are many ways of relating to our Lord, each of which will be considered separately. However, in practice the distinction may not always be as clear. The Ascetical and Mystic Ways of Relating to God The tradition distinguishes between two general categories of how we relate to God, ascetical and mystical. In ascetical prayer, we are given the grace to address God. This manner of approaching God is often determined through discernment and the deliberate effort of the believer. Although prayer is always initiated by God, in ascetical prayer the response of the believer is determined through specific intentions to approach the Lord in a particular way. The tradition distinguishes between four ways of relating to the Lord in ascetical prayer. In the mystical ways of relating to our Lord, we are brought to a face to face encounter with God. This manner of approaching God is determined by the free gift of God. The activity of the believer is not to discern how to pray, but simply to receive the grace of contemplation. Mystical prayer is not an act of the will or a particular technique, but rather is a grace given by God. The gift of contemplation is often described as a wordless, imageless gaze of love between the believer and God. Through this gift, the heart rests. St. Teresa of Avila describes several ways that the soul relates to God in mystical prayer which will not be specifically addressed in this section. Preparation for Prayer To enter into the mystery of prayer, we must first gain sensitivity for the wordless, imageless presence of our Lord, a presence which goes beyond all sense experience. Through peering into the mystery of the Eucharist, the Lord trains us to attune our hearts to this presence by engendering in us the virtues of faith, hope, and love. These virtues act as a kind of intuition of the infinite ground of reality (i.e. God) who lies within and beyond all things. In time, we learn to recognize this presence and bring it into all aspects of our lives. We must begin prayer by placing ourselves in that presence. At first, this may be simply an intellectu8

Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation al assent to the idea that God is with us. The Four Ascetical Ways of Relating to the Lord Periods of meditative prayer often fluctuate between these four ways of relating to our Lord. All the ways of relating to the Lord help open the heart up. Another way of putting this is that they help us move beyond the surface of things, and they open the intuitive mind to the promptings of the Spirit. Vocal Prayer The first is vocal prayer. With vocal prayer we learn the vocabulary needed to penetrate deeper. Vocal prayer provides the inspiration needed to learn the language of the heart. One never moves beyond vocal prayer in the sense that one must constantly return to this source for nourishment and focus. The height of vocal prayer is the Our Father which is the pattern of all authentic prayer. Discursive Meditation The second is discursive meditation. Generally speaking, there are two main categories. The first is imaginative prayer which was crystallized by St. Ignatius of Loyola. In this way of relating to our Lord, the believer uses images and other sense experiences in order to enter into Scripture and experience the consolation of the Spirit. Another kind of discursive meditation is association. With association, a person uses words, concepts, and other more intellectual ways of knowing in order to open the heart to the Lord. This can involve pondering theology or other intellectual disciplines. The practice of meditating on scripture, frequently called Lectio Divina, is the foundation for discursive meditation. Lectio Divina can use either imagination or association. However, discursive meditation does not have to explicitly be Lectio Divina. What can be said, and is affirmed by the Church, is that all discursive meditation should be grounded and nourished by sacred scripture. Affective Prayer The third way of relating to the Lord is called affective prayer. This is often tied to sentiments and emotions stirred by discursive meditation. In this kind of prayer, we simply rest with the emotion and savor it. Often, the affections are stirred through invoking the theological virtues. We might say, “Lord I trust in you” or “Lord, I love you” or other phrases along these lines. This way of relating to the Lord recognizes that all that is needed for prayer is to stir the affections. Acquired Contemplation The fourth way of relating to the Lord is often called acquired contemplation in order to distinguish it from the gift of contemplation, or infused contemplation. In this way, acquired contemplation is a simplification of prayer, but is not properly speaking the grace of contemplation. In this way of relating to our Lord, the heart rests in a word, a phrase, or an image. One way of practicing acquired contemplation is praying with the breath. Rhythmic breathing has been found to be of great emotional and physical benefit to people, and one can take the natural benefits and transfigure them in the light of Christ. The breath can be turned into a kind of symbol of prayer. On the inhalations, one can image receiving everything from the Lord (or simply rest in being receptive). On the exhalations, one can image giving everything to the Lord with abandonment and trust (or simply rest in pouring oneself out). This movement back and forth can be connected with phrases, all of which are intended to deepen our relationship with Jesus. In the East, acquired contemplation often took the form of the Jesus prayer. The words of this prayer are simple: My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. It is also prayed in other forms as well such as “Jesus have mercy.” They often tied this prayer to breathing and the rhythm of the heart. A deep theology of prayer developed in connection with this powerful prayer. Some Closing Thoughts on Ascetical Prayer In all of these, these ways of relating must be understood in the context of relationship and discernment. Throughout, we must be attentive to the promptings of the Spirit, how He is moving our interior conversation and helping to expose the depths of the heart. In prayer, there is a double revelation. In the silence, we learn who God is, and He at same time reveals Himself. We also learn who we are as the Spirit likewise reveals the depths of our hearts. Ultimately 9

Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation who we are is a mystery only fully realized in the indwelling of the Trinity. Thus, we learn to say with confidence that through grace, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Discovering self is about discovering Christ within. The Mystical Ways of Relating to Our Lord Then there are the moments when God takes over. This is commonly referred to as infused contemplation, and much has been written about it. This kind of prayer cannot be attained by an act of the will, a technique, or anything we do on our own. It is pure gift and should be received with gratitude. In infused contemplation, the heart is overcome by the love of Christ and the faculties of the intellect and will are drawn out of themselves. This gift can be an intense feeling of ecstasy or as simple as a cloud slowly passing by in the sky. In all instances, we are called to receive these “divine touches,” and let them strengthen us for the trials and sufferings of this world. As our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Come to me all you who labor, and I will give you rest.” In infused contemplation, the heart rests with the Beloved. St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross each deal with infused contemplation and mystical prayer, and on that foundation a whole tradition of literature has developed over time. Detachment In all of this, we must learn to be content with whatever the Lord does or does not give. In consolations and in desolations, we must listen to those powerful words of Job, “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Detachment is about the freedom to love, regardless of how we find ourselves in the present circumstances. In this way we learn to participate in the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, a love which endured the torments of the Cross. Ultimately, the many gifts the Lord bestows on us are to be used in service of Him and our neighbor. Prayer is the place of refreshment and nourishment in which I draw the vitality needed for the mission. - The Art of Living Well.

10 Minutes to Fight Stress and Temptation

Take 10 Minutes to Connect with your body, connect with what’s going on inside, and to connect with Jesus. Try it out and see how 10 minutes a day can help you grow in your understanding of how the Holy Spirit is working in your life. This meditation is distributed for free and is available to be shared with anyone interested. Download this Meditation for Free


Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation


Encounter - Prayer - Meditation & Contemplation

World Mission Rosary for High School Students and Youth

50 Reasons why 50 Teens Pray with Mary, the Mother of God

Novena for the Holy / Poor Souls in Purgatory - Discerning Hearts


ENCOUNTER - Prayer - The Rosary

Pope Leo XIII - Rosary Remedy for Modern Evils

Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Fatima and the Rosary April 22, 2017 Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Fatima and the Rosary April 22, 2017 at the Divine Mercy Weekend Conference at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. See presentation here. by the Dominican Fathers, Fr. Dismas Sayre, O.P., Director. We are located next to the Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon, USA, the city of roses. Included is how to pray the rosary. Those who pray THE ROSARY CONFRATERNITY the Rosary regularly would do well to be enrolled in Welcome! We are headquarters of the Rosary Conthe Confraternity to gain extra spiritual benefits for fraternity of the Catholic Church, a world-wide each Rosary they pray. Enroll in the confraternity. movement of prayer for peace. We are administered Read more here.


ENCOUNTER - Our Lady - The Rosary

How to Pray the Rosary

The 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC

Complete Holy Rosary in form of Gregorian chants 14

Purgatory - Judgement - Mercy

Earning Suffrages for the Faithful Departed

The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls, in Prayer with Fr. Benedict Groeschel 15

INSPIRATION - New Evangelization

THE CHURCH NEEDS.... - Catholics Striving for Holiness

Yes...saints! Men and women living their lives, seeking holiness in their ordinary activities. This idea was expressed by St. Josemaria, way back the 1930s when he wrote in the the Way, n. 310: "A secret, an open secret: these world crises are crises of saints. God wants a handful of men 'of his own' in every human activity. And then... 'pax Christi in regno Christi — the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ'." The Church needs you to strive for holiness, as God wants us to be holy. Read article here. ORIGINAL PHOTO CREDIT: REUTERS in Vatican Radio FB page


INSPIRATION - New Evangelization

Engage Your Children In The Mission Fasther Ian VanHeusen


INSPIRATION - New Evangelization

"How to Read a Church" by Dr. Denis McNamara: Evangelization through Art and Architecture

Have you ever wondered: Why do churches look the way they do? Is there any theological significance to their art, architecture and design? Can I evangelize through art and architecture? How do I recognize what's true, good, and beautiful? Denis McNamara, Ph.D., Architectural History, worked with Fr. Robert Barron giving insight on the spiritual and historical significance of the important sites he visited while filming the Catholicism series. He is the author of Heavenly City: The Architectural Tradition of Catholic Chicago (2005), Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy (2009), How to Read Churches: A Crash Course in Ecclesiastical Architecture (2011). For the New Evangelization Society he offered a crash course in how to read a church, so that we can know and explain the beautiful things we see and their significance and meaning to others. You will never see a church the same way again! See presentation here.


INSPIRATION - Catholic Humour

Catholic Problems

Stuff Catholics Say



11 Quotes From Saint Philip Neri That You Need To Read - Ruth Baker, CatholicLink



CHOSEN: This is Your Catholic Faith - Trailer [HD] Ascension Press

Confirmation & Faith Formation. Set their hearts on fire

Church leaders, catechists, parents, and—most importantly—teens themselves have acclaimed Chosen as an engaging, fun, and life changing experience. In just its first year of release, this award-winning program has been implemented in thousands of parishes around the country. Chosen calls teens to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and is designed to answer the Church’s call for a New Evangelization, offering a new approach to youth catechesis and sacramental preparation. Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation is a 24-lesson program that provides everything you need to prepare your students both intellectually and spiritually to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program will both catechize and challenge teens to fully embrace a life in Christ. Chosen is a comprehensive learning experience centered around fully integrated video and workbook lessons. Guides for leaders, parents, and sponsors seamlessly incorporate into the program to make Chosen unlike anything available in the Church today. See the trailer here. Check also the Chosen website here.

Eucharistic Adoration with two Popes




MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

Why “LGBTQ” Is Unjustly “INdiscriminatory”

Deacon Jim Russell - Crisis Magazine Sometimes I think I must be the one in error. In a very high percentage of Catholic media I encounter, I see terms like “gay,” “lesbian,” and “LGBTQ” used without reservation or qualification. Just a day before writing this piece, I saw a major Catholic news source use the term “gay” in this way in both story and headline. I’ve been told more times than I can tell that getting hung up on “labels” and language is a waste of time, and that using the ideological labels of orientation and gender just isn’t a big deal—that Catholics can and should use these terms without concern. Even fellow members of the clergy—from the Holy Father, to bishops and priests, to some of my brother deacons—use these terms, I’m told. When Pope Francis conversationally, nonchalantly, used the term “gay” in one or more of his famous in-flight papal press conferences, some said it was a seismic shift. What a big step forward in Church relations with the “LGBT community”! After all, it’s a sign of “respect” to refer to people using the words they choose to refer to themselves. And the Catechism tells us to treat “LGBTQ people” with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. I’m told I’m showing disrespect to gay folk by my rejection of orientation and gender ideology labels. So sometimes I come “thisclose” to thinking maybe I’m wrong on this. But then I remember something else the Catechism teaches us—that we are to avoid every sign of unjust discrimination against those with same-sex attraction (CCC #2358). Then I think: Well, what about avoiding unjust indiscrimination? As in avoiding things done without sufficiently careful judgment? In that light, the unvarnished truth about these ideological labels is that their casual and un-careful use in both secular culture and in Catholic spheres is not an objective sign of real respect. Rather, if we really believe and profess what the Church teaches about human sexuality, using these labels is an indiscriminate counterwitness to the truth regarding God’s plan for us. Using these labels is intrinsically beneath the human dignity of the persons to whom they refer (even when the persons themselves want to use them). It’s an “unjust indiscrimination.” Reality Is the Hill We Need to Die On We’ve got to think this through. Words are given meanings, ideally rooted in objective reality, but all too often only rooted in cultural ephemera. One of the words being considered—“gay”—used to mean one thing (happy). Society “repurposed” this word for a specific agenda. The new “normal” is to use the word to refer to a wholly invented “sexuality” that has been re-defined as a completely acceptable “flavor” in a recently discovered fluid spectrum of now-approved sexual attractions and identities. 23

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith This is precisely why this is the right hill to die on in the culture wars. Now, even the words “he” and “she” stand in the way of this ideological agenda. Now “he” can no longer mean “person of the male sex” and “she” can no longer mean “person of the female sex.” Now “he” is redefined to necessarily include a person of either sex who wishes to be referred to as a male person (I’m supposed to say “any gender” instead of “either sex” to be culturally correct—but, too bad). The comparable indignity has occurred with “she.” The very same core problem exists in both orientation ideology and in gender ideology—an utter rejection of the reality of sexual complementarity. Well, it’s not really “utter,” is it? Because the great irony of both ideologies is that masculinity and femininity (being-male and being-female) are by no means really rejected in the acting-out of homosexuality and transgenderism. Those modes of being are utterly embraced by persons with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria. This embrace merely relativizes the bodily reality of being-man and being-woman, such that it’s no longer necessary to root maleness in a man and femaleness in a woman. The “body-person” is easily brushed aside when we decide that the world doesn’t just include “sexuality” (singular) but instead includes a plethora of “sexualities.” This inherently contradictory perspective is more or less like honoring the Blessed Trinity as “just one god among many” worshipped right alongside an endless host of pagan gods given space in the temple you’ve decided to build. It’s a game-changing obliteration of the truth about who God really is. Coming to Terms with Terms—and Coining a Couple More Perhaps what we Catholics really need to do, if we are to avoid the ideological pitfall of casually, indiscriminately, accepting false “sexualities,” is to borrow a page from theology to express what we Catholics are really supposed to believe about our anthropology. We must remember that, just as the Church teaches that we are monotheists opposed to polytheism, She also teaches that we are “monosexualists” opposed to “polysexualism” (to coin a couple of clarifying terms). If we as monotheists always seek to choose our words carefully so as to avoid any communication that would somehow seem to put the Blessed Trinity on the same level as, say, Zeus, or Baal, then as “monosexualists” shouldn’t we be doing the exact same thing with regard to false forms of “sexuality” so-called? Understood this way, it should be clear why someone like me might cringe when encountering terms like “gay Christian” or “LGBT Catholic.” From the view of a monotheist who is also a monosexualist, combining such terms produces an admixture of error and truth. A monotheist-monosexualist believer will be aware of the falsity of combining an erroneous polysexualistic term with a true monotheistic term. While not as obviously contradictory as “pagan Christian” or “gay heterosexual,” nonetheless the term “gay Catholic” conveys an inherent contradiction, because “gay” is a term from the polysexualist lexicon, just as much as “Athena” is from the polytheistic pantheon. Catholics are supposed to reject polysexualism just as they reject polytheism. What Does the Church Teach? It’s Pretty Simple Is such indiscrimination of terminology really unjust, though? Am I going beyond Church teaching when I say that “sexuality” is singular? What’s wrong with referring to the “sexualities” of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, gender-non-conforming, gender-fluid, transgender, autosexual, pansexual, polysexual, demisexual, intersex, agender, bigender, trigender, non-binary, skoliosexual, and others? (this very list should give a clue…) I’m highly convinced that my position is correct, based as it is on a truth found forthrightly stated in the Catechism (#2360): Sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman. Complementary monosexualism is what the Church teaches us. I’ve never seen an official teaching of the Church refer to multiple “sexualities” as God’s plan for us, nor have I ever seen any mention of a sexual “identity” other than “man” or “woman.” Based on CCC 2360, it’s simple—anything labelled a “sexuality” by culture that is not ordered toward the conjugal love of man and woman will, by definition, be a disordering of sexuality—not a sexuality unto itself. The polysexualism of culture is a mere illusion that too readily obscures the monosexualism of natural 24

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith law itself—God’s real plan for human nature. As such, opposition to polysexualism is not merely a semantic game in which LGBTQ people are being “disrespected” by arrogant, purity-minded bigots who simply refuse to call other people by the names they prefer to use for themselves. No. Rather, calling true things by their true names—and taking a stand against false ideologies employing false labels for false things—is a frontline battle in the trench warfare of contemporary culture. We cannot abandon our posts without forfeiting crucial ground. Fight the Good Fight Against Indiscrimination On the contrary, we Catholics must stand our ground and uphold the natural-law truth that sexuality is a singular thing and not an endless parade of labels created by the false ideologies of orientation and gender. No one’s real dignity is enhanced when we refer to a disorder of sexuality euphemistically as a sexuality. Nor do we really honor a person when we willingly refer to an individual woman as “he” or a man as “she.” For those experiencing feelings of sexual attraction or sexual “identity” that are not ordered toward the conjugal love of a man and woman, not an ounce of respect, compassion, or sensitivity is gained via the social invention of a “polysexualistic” world in opposition to God’s monosexualistic, complementary plan for the human person. Polysexualism is a profound form of sexual indiscrimination and is inherently an injustice to the human person. But these truths are buried beneath a mountain of pushback, both outside and inside the Church, in our current climate. This is why I’m writing again on it and why more—not less—needs to be said about the false ideologies we are battling. I cannot really treat other persons with same-sex attraction and gender-identity issues with “respect, compassion, and sensitivity” if I remain indiscriminate in the language I use to describe them and the issues they face. If I remain unwilling to communicate the countercultural truth of monosexualism to my brothers and sisters—Catholic or not—then my intentionally indiscriminate behavior becomes, ironically, a form of discrimination against the very people I’m seeking to reach. And unless we are willing to eliminate every sign of unjust discrimination (CCC #2358), we fail the basic test of real respect, real compassion, and real sensitivity. Polysexualism is a false grail. Only the truth of monosexualism will lead the world back to true freedom and genuine flourishing for the human person.

Additional Articles by Deacon Jim Russell Please click here.

• Illusory LGBT “Civil Rights” vs. Catholic Truth May 1, 2017 • Procreation: Still the Primary End of Marriage April 25, 2017 • Does History Repeat With Amoris Laetitia Confusion? April 18, 2017 • New Ways Ministry’s “Fr. James Martin Effect” April 12, 2017 • The Real Nature of Catholic Reparative Therapy April 5, 2017 • Do We Understand the Homosexual Inclination? November 10, 2016 • Amoris Laetitia and the “Brinkmanship” of Pope Francis April 18, 2016 • Why Attractions and Emotions Become “Identities” March 3, 2016 • The New Leaven of the Pharisees: Judging Another’s Love February 4, 2016 • Is Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder? December 10, 2015

• Homosexuality Is Not Sexuality November 11, 2015 • Spiritual Friends on Chastity, Romance, and Freudian “Sublimation” September 16, 2015 • Does Being “Gay” Make You an “Expert” on Homosexuality? August 18, 2015 • Letting Go of “Gay”: Healing the Need to Be “Out” July 14, 2015 • The New Homophiles: Muddying the Meaning of Family May 21, 2015 • The New Homophiles vs. St. Aelred on Spiritual Friendship April 23, 2015 • Gay & Catholic Lands at Life Teen: A “Yes” or a Mess? March 11, 2015 • Can Some Same-Sex Attractions Not Be Disordered? March 24, 2014 • The “Poverty” of Homosexual Orientation March 12, 2014 • The “Poverty” of Sexual Orientation March 7, 2014 25

MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Defending the Faith

About C-Fam

C-Fam was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions. C-Fam is a non-partisan, non-profit research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of international law, protecting national sovereignty and the dignity of the human person. C-Fam personnel have participated in every major UN social policy debate since 1997 including the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court, the Convention on Disabilities, Cairo+5, Beijing+5 and dozens of others. C-Fam publishes and promotes scholarship related to the proposition that the UN and other international institutions harm a true understanding of international law and in the process undermine the family and other institutions man requires for a just, free and happy life. C-Fam regularly interfaces with diplomats, policy makers, academics, activists and office holders from around the world. For more information, click here.

Declaration in Support of the Holy See at the United Nations

Calling Catholics, Evangelicals, and All People of Goodwill Today, in many international arenas, the values and virtues upon which the greatest achievements of civilization were built are under attack. Certain organizations, in the name of a false “liberation,” seek to undermine central truths regarding the nature of the human person and of the family. In the name of a false doctrine of human rights, they deny what makes men truly human and violate true human rights. These groups have made the Holy See at the United Nations a particular target. They attack the Holy See’s credentials, ignoring the fact that the Holy See has engaged in diplomatic relations since the 4th Century and currently exchanges diplomats with 177 nations. The true ground of their animus, however, is the Holy See’s steadfast defense of the sanctity of human life and the inviolable dignity of the family. In some ways, the Holy See is, indeed, unique: but this very uniqueness accounts for its decision to join the United Nations as a Permanent Observer. The Holy See’s special status enables it to encourage genuine dialogue, promote peaceful resolution of conflicts, and appeal beyond the mere territorial interests of states to the consciences of their leaders. Its disinterested, non-partisan service has always been appreciated by the Member States at the United Nations. If those organizations who find the Holy See an obstacle to their goals of re-engineering humanity and revising basic moral understandings succeed in depriving the Holy See of its Permanent Observer status, they will have seriously damaged the United Nations. The United Nations operates by consensus, and these organizations seek to circumvent that process by stilling a voice they oppose. We deplore their aims. While many of us do not share or endorse the claims of the Catholic Church, we are united in supporting the Holy See’s continued role as Permanent Observer at the United Nations. We join with the Member States in gratitude for the spiritual and moral witness of the Holy See at the United Nations. The world would be far poorer if the voice of the Holy See within the United Nations were ever silenced. May that day never come. Sign the petition here. 26


Divine Mercy: The Amazing Story of Rudolf Hรถss Sensus Fidelium

Escapism of Atheism Sensus Fidelium

Paul Thigpen: Former Pentecostal & Methodist Minister's Journey Home 27






MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

PRAYERS IN COMMUNION WITH ALL THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING IN THE WORLD, ESPECIALLY WITH THE RECENT TRAGIC EVENTS. May the victims find solace in this life and the next. May the hostages be freed unharmed. May their families find help and consolation. May the authors of strife and violence causing sufferings of many lives due to egotism, greed, fanaticism and injustice come their senses so that peace may reign and further suffering be avoided. Lord, hear our prayers. Lord, grant us peace! - Catholics Striving for Holiness



Paul VI was right to warn against contraception Pope Francis says CNA/EWTN News

“I think of Blessed Paul VI,” he said. “In a moment of that challenge of the growth of populations, he had the strength to defend openness to life.” Pope Francis took the opportunity during an address to families in the Philippines to praise Blessed Pope Paul VI’s encyclical opposing contraception and affirming Church teaching on sexuality and human life. Read more here.

Pope Francis speaks with journalists aboard the papal plane Jan. 12, 2015. Credit Alan Holdren/CNA.



Humanae Vitae

A Summary of Pope Paul VI's Prophetic Encyclical by Scott P. Richert, ThoughtCo. Updated April 30, 2017

Pope Paul VI knew that Humanae Vitae would be controversial. But, he declared, the Church "does not, because of this, evade the duty imposed on her of proclaiming humbly but firmly the entire moral law, both natural and evangelical." Like Christ, the Church "is destined to be a 'sign of contradiction.'" Read more here.

Secular journal, Business Insider, says Pope Paul VI was right in Humanae Vitae Time To Admit It: The Church Has Always Been Right On Birth Control Michael Brendan Dougherty and Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry - Business Insider

"the Catholic Church is the world's biggest and oldest organization. It has buried all of the greatest empires known to man, from the Romans to the Soviets. It has establishments literally all over the world, touching every area of human endeavor. It's given us some of the world's greatest thinkers, from Saint Augustine on down to RenĂŠ Girard. When it does things, it usually has a good reason. Everyone has a right to disagree, but it's not that they're a bunch of crazy old white dudes who are stuck in the Middle Ages. The Church teaches that love, marriage, sex, and procreation are all things that belong together. That's it. But it's pretty important. And though the Church has been teaching this for 2,000 years, it's probably never been as salient as today." Read full article here.



Planned Parenthood’s worst enemy on cable television Liz_Wheeler

We Are Called


Majestica - Christianity & Science

The Vatican Observatory "gathered on this web site a selection of hundreds of articles, videos, and audio files on the topic of Faith and Science, for the use of Catholic educators and educated Catholics, produced by members of the Vatican Observatory with the support of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. (We also include other pages with links to sites recommended by us. We cannot guarantee these links; things change on the internet!)" Click here for details.

The Galileo Myth

Seminaries embrace NASA and Darwin to understand God's mysteries - Deseret News

Breaking In The Habit Everyone's heard the story of how Galileo was wrong- Casey wants to be a priest. That means attending five ly condemned by the Church for proposing scientific years of seminary classes, where he studies theology, claims that contradicted the Bible. The problem with philosophy and — evolution. Cole attends the School this story is that it was mostly made up in the 1800s of Theology and Religious Studies at Catholic Uniand the Catholic Church, while not always right, has versity of America, one of 10 seminaries integrating always supported scientific study. See video here. scientific research into its curriculum. Read here.

The Catholic Roots of Science

One of the best kept secrets of modern history is the important role the Catholic Church had in the development of modern science. Unlike what many think, the scientific project, even the scientific method itself, was and is an invention of some Catholic pioneers. Pierre Duhem was one of the first scientists to regard the medieval scholastic tradition as the cradle of modern science. See presentation here.


Hymns of Faith and Science

Timeline of Saints – an All-age illustration of our Christian Heritage

Schools In Cambridge Join Together To Sing Songs About Science And Faith - The Catholic Astromer


Catholic Adoration

24/7 Live Adoration brought to you by Catholify and Our Lady of Sorrows, Birmingham AL.

Holy Hour of Adoration Venerable Fulton Sheen

Encouraging Eucharistic Adoration - Aleteia


Catholic Truth - St. Thomas Aquinas

St Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor of the Church ~ Fr Ripperger


Catholic Philosophy & Psychology

Becoming a Saint: The Practical Psychology of Sanctity Peter Kreeft

7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Catholic Dr. Peter Kreeft gave this Keynote address, 7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Catholic, to over 1,100 who attended the 2017 Diocesan Men's Conference in the Diocese of Harrisburg. Please see here. 38

Catholic Philosophy & Psychology

Alice Von Hildebrand: Man and Woman: A Divine Invention

The Poison of Subjectivism by C.S. Lewis

Kathy Griffin and the Vanishing of Argument Bishop Robert Barron, The Catholic World Report



The Litany of the Saints

Meditative Gregorian Chants

Catholic Church. Mass, Immaculate Conception - Gregorian Chant

Taize in Japan

In many parts of Japan, people gather regularly to pray with the songs of Taizé. These prayers are also the places where the young people who have visted Taizé and the ones planning to visit Taizé could meet. The following is the list of some of these prayers. You could find the dates and places of all the meetings in Japan at the following site as well.

Tokyo area - St. Ignatius (Yotsuya)

Nearly twenty parishes and religious communities hold the regular prayers. The followings are the prayers at Yotsuya. St Ignatius (Yotsuya) 7pm: The first Friday of every odd month The Sisters of Infant Jesus (Yotsuya) 7pm: The second Friday of every even month (The dates may change. Please inquire for the latest information.) The details of all other prayers at various parishes and religious communities in Tokyo area could be found at the following website. Contact: Isao Uematsu: Tel/Fax: 03-3997-7178 40

Musica - Catholic Music Artists

Catholic Hip Hop/Rap Mix

Catholic Hip-Hop and the New Evangelization John Davidson, aka John Levi. Knight of Columbus. Catholic Evangelist, rapper, producer, man of God and member of FoundNation Family. Representing Tampa Bay, Florida. See presentation here. 41

Musica - Catholic Music Artists

FoundNation Feat. Daniela | "Let It Go" Official Music Video w/ LYRICS



Musica - Catholic Music Artists

Real Presence - @ijohnlevi (Eucharist Song) (Catholic Rap)

CATHOLIC CHURCH - HOW BEAUTIFUL Every Christian believes that Jesus Christ established and sustains a community of faith, hope and love for all believers. This community we call His Church. The Church that Christ founded is the Catholic Church which has a formal earthly structure established by Christ and which continues under His authority and protection. See video here. 43

Musica - Catholic Music Artists

I am a Roman Catholic - Akalyte

I am a Catholic. I believe in God, ALL that He has revealed, and EVERYTHING that Holy Mother, the Church, proposes for our belief. If you can't say the same thing and you call yourself a Catholic... stop pretending. We have enough problems. It confuses people. "The Catholic ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried." See music video here.

Music Video: "Gates of Hell" by Akalyte

"Gates of Hell" is a hip-hop song by Catholic rapper Akalyte, wherein he describes that the Catholic Church is the one, true church, and that it was founded by Jesus Christ upon the Apostle Peter. He also expresses the fact that the Church has always survived obstacles and opposition, and that it will never crumble under the stress of pressure from evil. The gates of hell shall never prevail against God's Holy Church. See music video here. 44

Musica - Catholic Music Artists

Alto Mando Es El Señor - El Año De La Fe - Videoclip Oficial - Música Católica

Celinés - Gloria Aleluya - Videoclip Oficial - Música Católica


Know Your Faith


Know Your Faith

Living the Beatitudes - Fr Groeschel w Fr J Brian Bransfield 47

Know your Faith

Catholic Response to the Reformation - Bishop Frederick Campbell The Coming Home Network International

Bishop Frederick Campbell (PhD in history from The Ohio State University) discusses the Catholic response to the corruption in the Catholic Church as it emerged from the Middle Ages. Bishop Campbell particularly focuses on the Council of Trent and its implementation and St. Charles Borromeo’s influence. See here.

Martin Luther - Deep in History Talk Featuring Paul Thigpen Dr. Paul Thigpen, author, Church historian, and former Evangelical minister, describes the monumental figure Martin Luther as “a figure of great complexity and contradiction.” In this 2005 Deep in History talk, Dr. Thigpen reveals points about Martin Luther’s life and ideology that Thigpen struggled with as a Protestant, including Luther’s early life, attitudes toward the Catholic Church, and his views on the human person. See full presentation here. 48

Know Your Faith - VIRTUES - Meekness

Virtue of Meekness - Sensus Fidelium


Know Your Faith

Fulton Sheen - Sex is a Mystery

The Five First Saturdays Br John Luth, MIC June 3, 2017 Divine Mercy

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church� given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism #18 - Resurrection 50

Know Your Faith

“Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here?” Pentecost and Remembrance of Our Identity

Aquinas & the Angels - Dr Peter Kreeft

Mother Teresa Quotes

Catholic Speaker Ken Yasinski Inspirational quotes by St Teresa of Calcutta


Aduno - Catholic Japan

St. Francis of Assisi Mural at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

Franciscan Chapel Center Tokyo, Japan

Prison Outreach Program New Volunteers Welcome Please contact FCC Contact details here.


Franciscan Province of Japan フランシスコ会日本管区

St. Ignatius Church Tokyo, Japan


Faith Sharing Group Catholic Faith Formation Class for Adults Liturgy of the Word for Children “Angels” First Communion Marriage English Mass Overall Coordination Volunteer English-Speaking Group Meeting Sunday (Japanese Language Classes) Getting Acquainted Lunch 52

Aduno - Catholic Japan

Urakami Cathedral, located 500 meters north of the hypocenter. It was once renowned for being the largest Roman Catholic church in the East but was completely demolished by the nuclear blast. Now you can see the headless statues of the saints, the bell tower that was blown off by the atomic bomb and a wooden figure of the Virgin Mary which miraculously survived the heat of the nuclear blast. More details: In 1895, with the assistance of Fr. Pierre Fraineau MEP, the Christian faithful began the construction of Urakami Cathedral on the land o the former village headman, the very place where the custom of trampling on a Christian image (e-bumi), had been enforced as a way to expose hidden Christians. In 1914, a ceremony was held to bless the church and dedicated it to the Virgin Mary. However, just 30 years later, on August 9th, 1945, the church was devastated by the atomic bomb. Nevertheless, on Christmas Eve that year, the survivors rang the church bell that they dug out of the ruins, and went on to rebuilt the church. The new reinforced concrete building was completed in 1959, and an outer layer of bricks was added in 1980. In 1962, meanwhile, the new Urakami church replaced Oura Catholic Church as the Cathedral of the Nagasaki Archdiocese. Read more here.

Nagasaki Harmony 2 (English) 53

Aduno - Prolife Japan


Aduno - Prolife Japan


Aduno - Catholic Japan - 26 Martyrs

Te Deum laudamus (26 Martyrs of Japan) February 6th is the Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Company, the 26 Martyrs of Japan. These first martyrs of Japan were arrested and then forced to march the 600 miles from Kyoto to Nagasaki. It is said that they sung the Te Deum the entire way, and one witness's account reports them singing it immediately before their crucifixion.Te Deum is a hymn of praise, thought to have been written in the 4th century. Listen to the musical piece here.

The 26 Martyrs on Nishizaka Hill - Johan TV

26 Martyrs Trailer - Reelhouse


アデュノ - カトリック日本 - 日本26聖人



日本26聖人 (1931 Movie) 57

アデュノ - カトリック日本



ロザリオの祈り 喜びの神秘


Catholic Youth Connection Association - Japan 第33回 ネットワークミーティング 札幌 2017年9月16日(土)~ 17日(日)

The 33rd Catholic Youth Network Meeting, Sapporo - Sept 16-17 2017

ロザリオの祈り 58

アデュノ - カトリック日本 Welcome to SIGNIS JAPAN!

ようこそシグニス ジャパン(カトリックメディア協議会)のサイトへ

Welcome to SIGNIS Japan (Catholic Media Council) site Click here.

第41回日本カトリック映画賞 授賞式&上映会 無事終了 2017年5月20日(日)に行われました、第41回日本カトリック映画賞授賞式&上映会は、盛会 のうちに無事に終了しました。当日の気温は30度近くまで上がり夏を思わせる暑さの中、1,000 人を超える多くの方がご来場下さり、この優れた映画を共に観ることができました。片渕監督と 晴佐久神父の対談も温かな雰囲気で、より深く作品を味わうことがことができたように思いま す。ご来場下さった皆様、ボランティアの皆様、関係の皆様に心よりお礼申し上げます。来年 は、5月12日、なかのZEROでまたお会いできることを楽しみにいたしております。感謝を込め て。

The 41st Japan Catholic Film Awards Awards Ceremony & Screening

"The 41st Japan Catholic Film Awards ceremony & screening, which took place on Sunday, May 20, 2017, ended successfully during the seminar. As the temperature of the day rose to nearly 30 degrees and the summer reminiscent of the heat, more than 1,000 people came and we were able to watch these excellent movies together. I think that it was possible to taste the work more deeply in a warm atmosphere, as well as a dialogue between director Kobuchi and Fumi Saku. Thank you to everyone who visited us, volunteers and all the people concerned. Next year, I am looking forward to seeing you again on May 12 at ZERO. With thanks." 59

Aduno - Catholic Japan

See the video 'Trailer' here.

THE 37TH JAPAN CATHOLIC AWARD GOES TO “NEVER LET ME GO” SIGNIS JAPAN has chosen “Tonaru-Hito (Never Let Me Go)” (85 min. color) by Director Kazuya Tachikawa as the premier film for Japan Catholic Film Award of 2012. The Award Ceremony and Screening will be held at Kawasaki Art Center on June 22, 2013. The film depicts eight (8) years of daily life at a small nursing institution for children; the children who cannot live with their parents due to various reasons, the “neighboring” child-caretakers, and the parents wishing to live with their children again. This documentary excludes narration, music, explanatory subtitles. The viewers will face a very crucial question of “What is a true family?”, “What is love?” Mucchan, 9 years old, refused by her mother, was deeply hurt and troubled. To her, Mariko, the child-caretakerr, said; “I love you always.” Instantly Mucchan’s face brightened. Children seek a special person/persons who is/ are always next to them and by their side. Aren’t we the same as they? Read more here.


Aduno - New Evangelisation

Catholic Course: St Justin Martyr and Tatian the Heretic

Evangelizing Priest Goes Viral


Aduno - Encounter - Marriage

The Meaning of Marriage ~ Alice von Hildebrand

These 10 Married Saints Teach Us How Marriage Can Lead to Holiness Catholic Link


Aduno - Encounter - Marriage


Aduno - Encounter - Marriage




Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Website: For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

Fr. Donnon Murray FIRES Encounter Centre, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

APPEAL FOR PRAYER With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction. 65

FIRES Encounter Testimonials (English) Family Encounter:

We experienced the FE when our son was in college and our daughter in high school. We experienced how deeply we love one another as a family. We also came to realize more fully that Jesus, Who loves our children so much more than we could ever love them, lives in them and that we should never allow our egoism to kill that presence of the Lord within them. As a family we shared that whatever our weaknesses and limitations, we have to accept and forgive one another, and as we recognize one another’s good points, we have to walk together in the same direction. We came to know that our kids had been praying for us, and we tasted what it means not just to be their parents, but also that we must be their brother and sister “in the Lord”. We were very blessed indeed. If only we had experienced ME earlier perhaps we could have become a better couple and family. Just at the time when we were introduced to the various FIRES programs the kids had reached a suitable age to face different challenges, to make their own judgments and decisions, and to seek Faith on their own. As a Catholic couple it was our desire to pass on to our children a lively faith, and we are deeply grateful that through the FIRES experiences the kids themselves received the experience and the direction to appreciate the meaning of their Faith. We were amazed to see the change that took place in their lives after experiencing the SADE and the SADR. Having just entered high school, our daughter had plastered on the wall of her room a huge poster of a popular rock star. Perhaps because of relief in passing the test to get into high school, she would spend time in her room every day playing her guitar and singing rock songs in a loud voice. But after the experience she removed the poster of the rock star, built an altar and placed an open Bible on it, and started singing hymns instead of rock songs. From the time when they were little we had recited the rosary every night at 8:00. After the SADE we started singing hymns of praise and had Bible sharing as well. It was the kids who took the lead and actively built up an environment of prayer. Before they left home to go to college they were the ones who made prayer a pleasurable time for the family. Even when they were living separately, it was a joy to know that they continued to make it a point to pray every night at 8:00PM, thereby spiritually joining the family in prayer. This is one more experience of grace due to the FIRES programs.

FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J) ファミリー・エンカウンター

長男が大学生、長女が高校生になった年にファミリー・エンカウンターを体験しました。私達は お互いを必要とし合っていること、そして親よりも大きな愛で子供たちを愛してくださるイエズ ス様が子供たちの中に生きて下さっていることを実感し、親のエゴでその主を殺してはならない と強く思いました。私たちは弱さや足りなさを持つ者だけど、互いに受け入れ許し合い、良い面 も認め合いながら同じ方向を向いて共に歩んでいく事を話し合いました。私達は子供たちからも 祈られている事を知りキリストに於ける兄弟姉妹である事を味わいました。私達は本当にラッキ ーだったと思います。初めてマリッジ・エンカウンターに与った時には昔の傷や結婚生活のこれ までの傷などを分かち合う事を通しても、そのことを実感できました。私たちは自分を愛せずに 自分で自分を嫌い、受入れずに混乱した日常生活を送っていたのですが、その間もずっと支え見 守り愛し続けてくれた神の愛、そしてお互いの愛にも気付く事が出来て信頼が深まったと思いま した。




The Norbertine priests of St. Michael’s Abbey are dedicated to providing spiritual nourishment to the modern world, fueled by a love of the church and a monastic life of prayer. Our Mission Immersed in the 900-year tradition of our order, the Norbertine Fathers live a monastic common life of liturgical prayer and care for souls. Our abbey in Orange County consists of nearly fifty priests and thirty seminarians studying for the priesthood. Consecrating our days to the Lord Our life at St. Michael’s Abbey is organized according to prayer of the Church: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. “Seven times a day I praise You,” says the Psalmist, and by chanting together the prayers of the Divine Office, Norbertine canons “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.” Service, formed by our monastic life For more than fifty years, St. Michael’s Abbey Norbertine Fathers have served the Christian faithful in Southern California—“lifting high the Holy Eucharist over the miseries and errors of this world” (Saint Pope John Paul II). Our community’s apostolic ministries are many and various—from running a preparatory school for young men to teaching religious education in prisons—but they all find their source in our common life of prayer and fraternal charity. Ministries Going forth to be priests to God’s people. St. Michael’s Preparatory School Let Us Pray For You Request A Mass Summer Camp Hospital and Prison Ministry The Brotherhood of St. Dismas

Gregorian Chant

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Fides News Agency (Fides) was created on 5 June, 1927, by order of the Council Superior General of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, as the first Missionary Agency of the Church and among the first agencies in the world, at the service of informing and promoting missionary activity. The Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, at the Assembly of its Supreme Council in April 1927, .....Read more here.

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