Dayly knightly Catholic - Feb 2017

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On Earth as it is in Heaven

Vol. 03 Issue 01 - Feb 01

To Defend & Proclaim the Word of Christ and the Catholic Church

Grace from Suffering - Feb 2017

Flight -into Egypt - Jerónimo (1660–1737) Japanese Samurai Blessed JustoEzquerra Takayama Ukon - 7/Feb/2017 1


内容 Contents

- Editorial - Redemptive Suffering - Events, Announcements & Media Notes - Local Catholic - St. Ignatius, Tokyo - Lent and Easter 2017 - Graces from Suffering - Majestica - Inspiration - Militiae Spirituali (Spiritual Warfare) - Militiae Spirituali マザーテレサ 来日映像 - Catholic Truth - Catholic Adoration - Taize - テゼ - Japanese Catholic Hymns - Christianity and Philosophy - Christianity and Science - Know Your Faith - Catholic Truth - カトリックの真実 - Aduno & Evangelization (Jesuits in Japan) - Aduno - Unity - Japan - Encounter - Marriage & Prayer - Encounter & FIRES Encounter - A Few Thoughts About Dayly Knightly The aim of Dayly Knightly and its Newsletter is to provide a platform for people to share the latest news and events that concern Catholics, to defend and proclaim the Catholic faith and to support people in their faith foundation and journey. To that end, Dayly Knighly humbly asks for graces from God, the support of the Holy Spirit and the Saints, guidance and the protective care of Mother Mary and the wisdom, courage and strength of Christ to carry out its mission. We also give praise and thanks to God for all the love and gifts He has given us and ask Him to continue to love and protect us from harm, temptations and the evil forcrs of this world. Prayer to St. Michael Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

9th Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Israel) Date: May 24 – June 2, 2017 Cost: ¥220,000

The amount of ¥220,000 includes airfare (round trip Narita-Tel Aviv), accommodation at the Teresian Center, two meals, transportation fee within the country, entrance fees, and a tour guide fee for the Old City of Jerusalem. The pilgrimage covers all the places related to the life, teachings, and miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ: Nazareth, Ain Karin, Bethlehem, Cana, Capernaum, Tabgha, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Tabor, Jericho, Mount of Temptations, Sea of Galilee, the Primacy of Peter, Mount of Olives, Bethany, Bethpage, Pater Noster, Via Dolorosa, Gallicantu, Cenacle, Mt Calvary and the Holy Sepulcher. Qumran and the Dead Sea are also part of the itinerary. To know the history of Israel, the pilgrims visit the Israel Museum, Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum), History Tunnel, and the Wailing Wall. The group will be formed by the end of this month, Feb. 28th. Only ten participants could be accommodated at a time, so please give your name, a reservation fee of ¥50,000, and a photocopy of the first page of your passport to Adelfa Armentia, coordinator of the Holy Land Pilgrimage before Feb. 28th. If you have further questions, please contact her at or at 03-3708-0449.

About the Teresian Association Set up in 1911, Spain by Saint Pedro Poveda



Redemptive Suffering We can wonder why it appears God permits evil and suffering to befall us. The moment we allow ourselves feel we have very few sins to confess when going to confession (and thus May in fact be so) we should understand that God becomes even more concerned that we may, overtime, grow too secure within ourselves and as a result become complacent about how we think we appear before God. We may, in fact, become too self-righteous. God then, as in the case of the prophet Job, may permit Satan to tempt us or even influence people and events against us so that we have to endure either temptation or suffering or a combination of both. When this results it is God's way for helping us remain humble and to realize that we need God and that all we are and have received comes from God, that we are mere creatures who owe our very existence to God and His love for us. God has use of permitting us to be tempted by Satan or even to undergo suffering because we are brought to reaslise our utter limitations, we turn to God and call upon Him for mercy and help. Such was the case of St. Paul who saw that God desired to use his weakness as an opportunity to manifest His glory in him, thus enabling Paul to be strengthened in his faith and elevating him above his suffering and weakness. St. Paul, finally was able to declare his happiness to encompass suffering and weakness for it made him the receptor of redemptive graces from God. The Book of the Prophet Job helps us understand this type of relationship that we can experience with God. God desires our faith in Him to grow and the trials and temptations we face in life are those exercises and tests that can, if we allow, plug us into the fuel-line of graces that God uses to pour into us. His graces strengthen our spiritual engine, muscles, being and performance. When we suffer thirst, we drink water and feel great gratitude for its refreshing healing effect over us. We feel, equally, great gratitude when almost running out of fuel, we can fill a tank with petrol allowing us to continue our journey. Those who never thirst or those who have overflowing fuel tanks tend to forget their frailties, weaknesses and that their reason for being comes directly from God. Complacency sets in. It is a key weakness in our human nature first made infamous by causing the fall of Adam and Eve from God in the Garden of Eden. However, God knows us. He knows our propensity to distance ourselves from Him as we grow more secure and successful in worldly life. Is this not thus so, these days, with many in the World today turning away from God and sadly even those from formerly strong Christian countries and traditions? Yet God still desires to save us, to seek out his lost sheep even if for the sake of saving just one who is willing to turn back to Him. Suffering too thus is permitted by God for, though unpleasant to us, it provides the opportunity to regain our humility before God.

Suffering is a redemptive grace catalyst for firing up our faith and relationship with God. This issue of Dayly Knightly features a number of articles on redemptive suffering centering around the Book of Job and the teachings of the Catholic Faith. As we enter Lent, readers may like to review some or all of these articles during the Lenten period, at their own pace, to re-freshen or even to discover the deep spiritual meaning that comes with suffering. Those of our friends who struggle with faith or even atheist brothers and sisters we meet may receive an important opportunity to learn from us the meaning of suffering and most likely in a way they have never heard of before. God Bless.


Events, Announcements & Media Notes

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan Website has been renewed and updated. サイトをリニューアルしました The new URL address is,

Franciscan Chapel Center Tokyo, Japan

Prison Outreach Program St. Francis of Assisi Mural at Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

New Volunteers Welcome Please contact FCC Contact details here.


Local Catholic - St. Ignatius, Tokyo


We envision ourselves to be empowered youth, journeying together in the path of holiness, a community helping one another in achieving spiritual growth through catechism, youth camps, training and seminars that will deepen the faith. Inflamed by the Spirit, we also envision to be Christ-centered youth bringing inspiration to our fellow young people. Coming together as one Catholic youth, committed to be in service for the Church, we will create opportunities that will unify us as we strive to share our gifts and blessings to others and build a community that we can call "Family".

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Local Catholic - St. Ignatius, Tokyo

Catholic Organ Recital St. Ignatius Church Friday, Feb 17 2017, 7pm~


North Texas Catholic Men's Conference 2017

2017 Men's Conference Promo

The 2017 NTX Men's Conference will take place Saturday, April 22 at Saint Francis Grapevine! 7





Asia Youth Day 2017

Asia Youth Day 2017 30 July - 06 Aug 2017

Joyful Asian Youth! Living the Gospel in Multicultural Asia - Video


Lent and Eastere 2017 Click here for top page


Lent and Eastere 2017 Click here for top page


Prayer Request Chants for Lent 2017

Prayer in Suffering, Pain, Ailments, Setbacks & Failures.. Reflecting on Prophet Job

Prayer for wisdom, knowledge, Protection Prayer To St Michael The Arch Angel understanding, studies/vocational life, student life. Against Jezebel Spirits.. Queen of Angels

Divine Mercy to break the cycle of repeated failures, stagnation, pains, obstacles, retardation


Graces from Suffering

When You Suffer


Venerable Fulton J Sheen

Suffering with God

Job & the Attacks of the Evil One

Dr. Timothy O'Donnell - Institute of Catholic Culture


Graces from Suffering

Suffering Fr. Tom Elliott



Redemptive Suffering Fr. Spitzer - Magis Center

The Meaning of Suffering

Catholicism 101 -

Fr. Nathan Reesman


Graces from Suffering

To Love and To Suffer: The Science of the Saints



Night Cathedral / St. Mary's Cathedral,Tokyo

Welcome to the website of Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope



The Reluctant Saint - ST. JOSEPH CUPERTINO

It's a Wonderful Life 1946 18


Daniel Ali

Muslim Convert to Catholic Christianity The Journey Home

Daniel Ali with Marcus Grodi 10 Years Later The Journey Home - 2015-06-15

He Who is Not With Me is Against Me - A Sermon for Lent Sensus Fidelium





The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother have produced this documentary about the life of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, an outstanding Catholic figure of the 20th century. Kolbe was a man with great apostolic zeal, a precursor in the use of the Mass Media for the transmission of the Gospel and consumed his life with the testimony of love as a martyr of charity in Auschwitz. The source of his zeal was his passionate love for the Mother of God, the Immaculate. In the midst of many exterior difficulties, physically limited by his tuberculosis, he worked passionately for the spread of the Gospel. He was a missionary in Japan, and his publications reached as far as India, China, and even Arabia. He founded a city in Poland called Niepokalanow dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. Saint Maximilian Mary is an example of generosity in the surrendering of oneself to God and encourages us to foment a tender devotion to Mary. To belong to the Immacualte was his ideal. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. We too feel called to announce the Gospel using the social means of communication. We would like to offer the majority of our programs for free so that they may greater serve others in their coming closer to Christ. We have begun this path and we need some help in improving our few technical means. If God calls you to help us economically or donate the technical equipment necessary, please contact us. For the glory of God and the honor of our Lady, the Immaculate One, Thank you! See the video clip here. The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother Interviews that appear in this documentary • F. Rafaelle di Muro O.F.M conv. – General Assistant of the Militia of the Immaculate (Rome) • F. Francisco Nahoe O.F.M, conv. – Prior of the Convent of Reno, Nevada • Mr. Javier Paredes – History Professor, University of Universidad Alcalá de Henares • F. Félix López S.H.M– Servant Priest of the Home of the Mother






Welcome! We are headquarters of the Rosary Confraternity of the Catholic Church, a world-wide movement of prayer for peace. We are administered by the Dominican Fathers, Fr. Dismas Sayre, O.P., Director. We are located next to the Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon, USA, the city of roses. Included is how to pray the rosary. Those who pray the Rosary regularly would do well to be enrolled in the Confraternity to gain extra spiritual benefits for each Rosary they pray. Enroll in the confraternity. Read more here.




MILITIAE SPIRITUALI - Religious Persecution

Musical Aramaic rendition of the Our Father that moved the pope in Georgia



Suffering with God: Job & the Attacks of the Evil One Dr. Timothy O'Donnell

About the speaker: Dr. Timothy O'Donnell is the President of Christendom College in Front Royal, VA. He received both his licentiate and doctoral degrees in Ascetical and Mystical Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. He is a Knight of the Grand Cross in the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Family. A respected author and lecturer, Dr. O'Donnell has filmed ten lecture series for EWTN. Click here for this presentation.



A Call to Battle A Short Film on ‘Society’s Crisis in Masculinity’ (with Spanish subtitles)

'Into the Breach A Call to be Catholic Watchmen' with Bishop Cozzens

Midnight Watch

A Compelling Call to Men! 27


Catholic Man Crises Matthew Christoff

Jared Zimmerer Wowed The Men

At The 2016 North Texas Catholic Men's Conference 28


Trump’s Catholic Warriors

Reflecting the military’s faith-friendly environment, most of the president’s high-ranking appointees to military-related positions hail from a Church background. Stephen Beale - National Catholic Register

WASHINGTON — When it comes to religious affiliation, a distinctive pattern has emerged in President Donald Trump’s new administration: Most of the high-ranking appointees to military-related positions hail from a Catholic background. That includes not only Gen. James Mattis, who was sworn in as secretary of defense in late January, but also the new secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Gen. John Kelly. The pattern holds with the national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who is also a general and grew up in an Irish-Catholic family in Rhode Island. Other high-ranking Catholics include the Army secretary appointee, Vincent Viola, an Army veteran and major donor to Fordham University; and Gen. Joseph Dunford, who was tapped to serve as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff under President Barack Obama and is viewed as likely to continue in that role. Read more here.



Tim Staples - Friday Evening Session 1 - Defending the Faith

Tim Staples - Saturday Workshop 2 - Defending the Faith

Dr. Edward Sri - A Catholic Moral Worldview 2016 Defending the Faith 30


Peter Kreeft - How to Win the Culture War



“Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House. The little woman sitting at table with Mrs. Clinton did not hesitate in her reply. “Because she has probably been aborted,” said Mother Teresa. In 1994 at the National Prayer Breakfast, the keynote speaker was Mother Teresa. Before President and First Lady Clinton, Mother Teresa spoke about the cultural corruption that arises out of crimes against the unborn.

“I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts… Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Abortion, she said, is a rejection of the teachings of Christ himself who taught that those who receive a little child, receive him. Mother Teresa concluded that every abortion, as a refusal to receive a little child, is a refusal to receive Jesus. After these words, she paused, receiving a standing ovation. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton did not stand and did not applaud. Mother Teresa went on courageously.

“I will tell you something beautiful. We are fighting abortion by adoption—by care of the mother and adoption for her baby… Please don’t kill the child. I want the child. Please give me the child. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child and be loved by the child. From our children’s home in Calcutta alone, we have saved over 3,000 children from abortion. These children have brought such love and joy to their adopting parents and have grown up so full of love and joy.” Source: Sean Fitzpatrick - Crisi Magazine 32


マザーテレサ 来日映像 Mother Teresa in Japan 1981

キリストの香り(9) - 一人一人の魂への愛 カトリック教会がお送りする

心のともしび|暗いと不平を言うよりも、すすんであかりをつけましょう 33


Kellyanne Conway: President Trump’s Pro-Life Counselor - Peter Jesserer Smith National Catholic Register

“Pro-life organizations hail Donald Trump’s special adviser as a proven fighter for the pro-life movement, who used her polling company to gather the data that would shape the pro-life message.” WASHINGTON — David Daleiden spent 30 months undercover, infiltrating the deepest echelons of the abortion industry and its leading provider, Planned Parenthood. By 2015, he had countless hours of videotaped footage, but he knew he had to get the message right if Americans were to realize that a brutal business of abortion and commercial exploitation of unborn children’s bodies lay behind the Planned Parenthood brand. So he turned to the one person trusted by pro-life leaders to get the data and analysis needed to craft a message that would resonate with the broadest section of the public: Kellyanne Conway. Daleiden hired Conway and her firm, The Polling Company, Inc./WomenTrend. He watched Conway conduct two focus groups in Colorado for Daleiden’s investigative outfit, the Center for Medical Progress. He told the Register that he came away awed by her “impressive ability to take in and process huge amounts of information at once,” as well as her ability to listen where different people were coming from, and “unify perspectives that could seem opposed and incompatible.” Read more here.

PRO Life Japan







Trump brings God back into federal government after long absence January 25, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – I happened to come across a live broadcast of the swearing-in of Trump’s top White House staff Monday. The dignity and intimacy of the event, the strong emphasis on family, and the references to God by President Trump and especially by Reince Priebus, the new White House Chief of Staff, were impressive. This was just the latest manifestation of the new government’s deference to God and respect for the deep faith of many of its senior appointed officials. After eight long years of practical godlessness of the Obama years, God has thankfully been brought back into the federal government by the Trump administration. Trump’s inauguration included a record six invocations by varied religious leaders. He closed his remarks stating, The bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when god’s people live together in unity… There should be no fear. We are protected and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and most importantly, we will be protected by God. Thank you, God bless you and God bless America. Thank you. God bless America. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager and now one of his most senior advisers, has been revealed to be a daily Mass-going, strongly pro-life, pro-traditional marriage Catholic. The mother of four young children is reported to have brought Donald Trump to meet Fr. George Rutler, EWTN personality and otherwise renowned faithful New York City parish priest. She places God at the top of her list of priorities as she indicated to the Washington Examiner in a lengthy report about her: "This," she says, pointing to everything that is going on around Trump Tower, "is consequential, this is exciting and historic in its own way, but it is nothing compared to the universe in which we live, the God that I worship, and the totality of our lives." Conway’s associate and Trump’s Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, is another hardcore pro-life Catholic who has brought a cheerful and dignified presence to the White House Press Secretary position. His entire, one-hour, 18-minute, first official briefing is well worth watching. It is notable that at the very end of that briefing his last words were, “Thank you guys, God bless.” What a refreshing world of difference from the Obama years. [Excerpt: Life Site News by Steve Jalsevac] Read more here. 37


Our Lady of Victory William Kilpatrick - Crisis Magazine

In 1952 Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote that Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, was the key to converting Muslims. Bishop Sheen believed that the devotion Muslims already had toward Mary would eventually lead them to her divine Son. Moreover, our Lady of Fatima would have a special appeal to Muslims because she appeared in a town that was named after the daughter of Muhammad, who according to her father, “has the highest place in heaven after the Virgin Mary.”

....The victory at Lepanto is often attributed to Mary‘s intercession. Prior to the battle, Pope St. Pius V asked all Europeans to pray the rosary for victory. And on board the Christian ships every fighter was given a rosary. The flagship of Don Juan of Austria carried a banner with an image of Christ crucified; Gianandrea Doria, one of the admirals, carried an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. October 7, the date of the Christian victory, was thereafter declared the Feast of “Mary, Queen of Victory.”..... Judging by subsequent events, Bishop Sheen may have been overly optimistic, but those subsequent events also seem to suggest that nothing short of a heavenly intervention will turn Islam away from its goal of conquering the planet. Fulton Sheen may have underestimated the difficulty of converting Muslims, but the strategies for moderating Islam proposed by current world leaders border on the delusional. All the efforts of secular leaders to appease Islam have only made Islam stronger and the West weaker. Many Christian leaders seem to suffer from the same delusions about Islam. Despite all their efforts to “dialogue” with Islam, to declare “solidarity” with Islam, and to join the fight against “Islamophobia,” persecution of Christians by Muslims has accelerated dramatically. The position of Christian vis-à-vis Islam has deteriorated so badly since 1952 that it may well require a miraculous intervention to set things right. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at Bishop Sheen’s thesis. The first question that comes to mind was raised by Msgr. Charles Pope in a 2012 article. He asked, “Do Muslims today still manifest the reverence to Mary that Sheen described in 1952?” The answer is “probably not.” Although it’s difficult to come by statistics, there are reasons to believe that the Islam of Sheen’s era is no longer with us. Sheen lived at a time when the militant side of Islam was kept firmly in check by secular rulers. Islam’s forward momentum had come to a halt, and the power of the imams was greatly reduced. Read more here. 38

Catholic Adoration


Catholic Adoration

40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion ~ Fr Zuhlsdorf Sensus Fidelium


Taize -


テゼ: すべての人よ (Taizé: Laudate omnes gentes)

テゼ: わが心 たたえよ主を (Taizé Bless the Lord)

Taize 2011 (日本語) Video about the Taize community in Japanese


Taize -


Taizé - Jesus, Remember Me

Taizé - Bless the Lord

Taize in Japan In many parts of Japan, people gather regularly to pray with the songs of Taizé. These prayers are also the places where the young people who have visted Taizé and the ones planning to visit Taizé could meet. The following is the list of some of these prayers. You could find the dates and places of all the meetings in Japan at the following site as well.

Tokyo area - St. Ignatius (Yotsuya)

Nearly twenty parishes and religious communities hold the regular prayers. The followings are the prayers at Yotsuya. St Ignatius (Yotsuya) 7pm: The first Friday of every odd month The Sisters of Infant Jesus (Yotsuya) 7pm: The second Friday of every even month (The dates may change. Please inquire for the latest information.) The details of all other prayers at various parishes and religious communities in Tokyo area could be found at the following website. Contact: Isao Uematsu: Tel/Fax: 03-3997-7178 42

Japanese Catholic Hymns

kinasai-omoniwo-oumono Japanese Catholic Hymn Composed by Saburo Takada Lyrics Matthew chap11, 28-30


Japanese Catholic Hymns

あめのきさき カトリック聖歌



讃美歌354番 牧主(かいぬし)わが主よ Savior , like a Shepherd Lead Us 44

Christianity and Philosophy

Culture & Catholicity

How Catholics Can Respond to the Challenges of Today’s Culture

A talk by Dr. Peter Kreeft, given at Holy Rosary Church, December 3rd, 2016.

C.S. Lewis


Christianity & Science

On March 14, 1891, exactly 125 years ago, Pope Leo XIII issued a “Motu Propio�, a personal decree, that re-established the Vatican Observatory. In it he explained the apologetic need for supporting a scientific institution at that time, and also outlined the previous history of papal support for astronomy. Read more here.

Pope Leo XIII


Know Your Faith


Know Your Faith

Click here or on the Saints below.


Know Your Faith

BEATIFICATION OF Justo Takayama Ukon - 2017.02.07

Takayama Ukon T-Shirt Available The story of the Japanese samurai who could be declared a saint

Daily Mass Readings 49

Know Your Faith

Bishop Schneider in Mexico City The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mary

Introducing a new series “A Tour of the Catechism of the Catholic Church� given by Fr. Daniel J. Mahan, S.T.L. The entire Catechism is covered in about 80 videos, 10-20 minutes long each, giving an outline of the content along with easy to follow explanations. It is based on the 2nd Edition of the Catechism. Click here for Tour of the Catechism #15 - Born of the Virgin Mary


Know Your Faith

JESUITS ON...Francis Xavier

JESUITS ON...Ignatius of Loyola


Catholic Truth

How Do I Know If I Am Going To Heaven? Sensus Fidelium


Catholic Truth

Raising Catholic Kids by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Praying While Waiting

Dom Augustin Guillerand Crisis Magazine Why does God, who is love, keep us waiting? Because He is love, and seeks love. Love that does not know how to wait is not love. To love is to give ourselves. Not only for a fraction of a lifetime, nor with a part of its strength: love is, and seeks, the total gift of self. Love is based on esteem. We love only what we value and admire. We love only the “good.� What is too easily and too quickly come by does not attract deep souls. It becomes a superficial good, which cannot satisfy the rich capacity of their nature. And they are right. The relations between beings are governed by laws, which they guess at but cannot always define. It is a law that real treasures are deeply buried and carefully hidden; that serious acquisitions call for proportionate efforts. What exceptions there are do not weaken the argument. Read more here. 53

Catholic Truth

Discerning Hearts The Discernment of Spirits Setting the Captives Free with Fr. Timothy Gallagher

A 16 episode podcast series with Fr. Gallagher that guides you through the 14 rules of discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Click here to access the podcasts.

Catholic Canon Lawyers The St. Joseph Foundation To Defend Catholic Truth and Uphold Catholic Rights

Looking for honest to goodness sincere non-heterodoxical sermons which speak clearly and without fear not only on our spiritual battles but also on many of the controversial issues affecting the lives of people today, then please check and listen to the sermons on Audio Sancto website here. 54


カトリック要理の友 カトリック教会の教えは、まことの神が御自ら人々にお示しになったみ教えであります。神は まずユダヤ人の予言者を通じて人々に話されましたが、はっきりと救霊(たすかり)に必要な真 理を示すために、その御ひとり子であるイエズス・キリストをこの世におつかわしになりまし た。 キリストは神のみ国へお上りになる前に、カトリック教会を建てられ、それを通じて世の終わ りまで人々にその真理を誤りなくつたえることをお約束になりました。 カトリック教会を通じて伝えられた神のみ教えはおもに「聖書」に書いてあります。それは旧 約聖書と新約聖書との二つに大別されて、前者はユダヤ人の予言者が神の御助けによって書いた ものであり、後者はイエズスのでしが、書いたものでその御生涯やみ教えを含むものです。 ヨハネによる福音書の21章25節に書いてあるように、聖書に書かれていないキリストのみ 言葉と行いが、ほかにもたくさんありました。このキリストの行いとみ教えは、言葉で、世代か ら世代へ、神の御助けによって教会の中に伝えられてきました。これを聖伝といいます。聖書と この聖伝がカトリック教会の教えのもとになっています。このカトリック教会の教えは問答の形 で、カトリック要理という書物にまとめられています。その書物の中からこのカトリック要理の もっとも重要な問答を簡単に説明していきたいと思います。 ここをクリックしてください。


Aduno & Evangelization Japan Jesuit Province

Japan Jesuits produced "Japan - a Mission Country?!" introducing the Society of Jesus, Japan Province. Our calling, and missions and need for younger hands to continue the Lord's mission.

Japan is numbered among the G-8 countries. Despite many economic and political problems, Japan is one of the world’s most stable and advanced nations and can be duly proud of its highly safe stateof-the-art transportation system and its universal health care. How then can Japan be called a “mission country”? In a total population of some 127 million, about 1% call themselves Christian, but the registered Catholic population comes to only 0.3% of the total population, barely visible on the horizon. This, however, does not mean that Christ and Christian values have not been preached in Japan. The great apostle of Asia, St Francis Xavier, first brought Christ to Japan in 1549. The Society of Jesus was re-missioned to Japan in 1908 when Pope Pius X authorized the founding of a Catholic university in Tokyo. Today Sophia University is the Society’s most influential presence in this largely secular society. During the last hundred years the Society of Jesus has extended its outreach into society with numerous parishes and attached kindergartens, four secondary schools, Sophia University in Tokyo and Elisabeth University of Music in Hiroshima, four retreat houses, three social centers, and a martyrs’ shrine in Nagasaki. When Fr Pedro Arrupe was Provincial of Japan before becoming General in 1965, there were over 440 Jesuits in the Province. Fr Arrupe, himself a victim of the Second World War and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, had urged Fr General Janssens to appeal to provinces all over the world to send Jesuits to help instill Christian values in Japan as it rose from the ashes of World War II. The response, mainly from Europe and the Americas, was overwhelming and even today Jesuits in Japan still hail from more than 20 provinces. They have all gone through an intensive language program and the great majority have been tremendously successful in contributing to our major works or in opening up new frontiers. In recent years some men from various Asian countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Korea, have generously come to work as missionaries. We are presently discerning how to concentrate our personnel in works that are still “frontier” works in Japan. Sophia University will continue to require men to work at the frontiers of teaching and research and to staff its Catholic ministry center. Our spirituality centers will continue to accompany people in their desire to respond to the call of God. Our parishes, fewer in number, will provide an arena for bible study, introduction to Christianity, and church weddings and funerals for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Many of our educational and apostolic centers have been sending volunteers to serve the homeless and to help rebuild the areas of Japan devastated by the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011. The physical devastation of Japan in that appalling natural disaster is paralleled by great spiritual devastation—more than 30,000 suicides a year, increasing instances of domestic violence and dysfunctional families, abortions, withdrawals from society, and many workers rendered homeless through unemployment. There is also a general distrust of religions, aggravated by the disruptive behavior of some extremist cults. However, a deep hunger and thirst for the eternal and transcendent can be felt beneath all these negative factors. Our universities and secondary schools, parishes and social centers do what they can to make available the Lord’s healing hand, but our human hands are few. Maybe you will feel called to add your own hands to this great work of Christ begun by Xavier but still amounting to a mere blip on the horizon of one of the most densely populous countries in the world.


Aduno - Unity - Japan

Visit of Hasekura to Pope Paul V, Rome 1615. Japanese painting 17th century


Aduno - Unity - Japan

Catholicism in Japan - 日本におけるカトリック教会

Christianity in Japan - Documentary Experience & Ideas of Evengelization in Japan


Franciscan Province of Japan フランシスコ会日本管区 58

Aduno - Unity

祈祷の使徒 今月の教皇メッセージビデオ (英語字幕版)日本語訳文付き The Pope Video Message - Christians Serving Humanity January 2017

【教皇フランシスコのビデオ・メッセージ:1月の祈りの意向「人類のチャレンジ に奉仕するキリスト者」】 2017年1月 教皇 「今日(こんにち)の世界では、様々な教会の多くのキリスト者が人類の必要に奉仕するた めに、人々の生活とその尊厳を守るために、被造物を守るために、そして不正と闘うために共に 働いています。」 「共に歩み、奉仕において共に働き、そして最も弱い人々や苦しむ人々に共に連帯することは私 たちすべてにとって喜びの源です。」 「人類が直面するチャレンジへの奉仕の中で教会の交わりを十分に回復するために、 祈りと兄弟 的な愛をとおして貢献しているすべての人のためにわたしと共に祈るよう、 あなたの声を加えて ください。」(翻訳 祈祷の使徒日本)

Terra Santa News 03/02/2017 News from the Holy Land


ENCOUNTER - Marriage Discover God’s Mercy with Marriage Marital Fidelity and God’s Fidelity Fr. Timothy V. Vaverek, The Catholic Thing Courageous Priest

Marriage radiates the grandeur of the cosmos and the whole of salvation history because it reflects the wondrous purpose of all God’s works: our eternal union with him in Christ. Jesus himself revealed the divine beauty of marriage when he declared himself to be the Bridegroom who embraces us by drawing us to himself and by giving himself to us and for us on the Cross and in the Eucharist. In this light, Paul was able to declare that the creation of the human race as male and female, husband and wife, was patterned on the union of Christ and the Church. The reality of marriage thus inseparably joins the distinct divine works of creation and salvation. Because God created humanity both in the image of the Trinity and in the image of Christ and the Church, the meaning of the cosmos can be found only in the transformation of the children of Adam and Eve into the adopted children of God, united forever with him in that new creation which is the Wedding Feast of the Lamb and his bride, the Church. This exalted vision of marriage is the exact opposite of a mere “ideal.” It is the nitty-gritty reality and foundation of our existence as human beings. Our physical bodies, differentiated as male and female and united in the procreative union of husband and wife have been fashioned to reflect the fruitful union of Christ and the Church. Our emotional life and its coordination with our spiritual capacities for knowledge and love are the very basis by which we are enabled to give ourselves and receive one another in the totality of our person, body and soul, within the relations of family, friendship, and marriage. We would not have this particular physical, emotional, and spiritual structure unless God created us to be capable of personal union with others and, by grace, of union with himself. For this reason, every person is a living witness to the mystery hidden in our body-soul existence, and in the conjugal union of marriage. As individuals and married couples we are embodiments of God’s nuptial plan revealed in Jesus. It is encoded in our DNA. In Genesis, the union of Adam and Eve is ordered to their sharing of life and labor as cooperators in God’s works of creation and salvation. Similarly, in the New Testament the union of Christ and the Church makes his disciples sharers in his life and saving work as members of his body and bride. When Jesus returns, this participation in the divine life will unite redeemed humanity to the Trinity in eternal joy. The beauty of this nuptial plan would be shattered were God to be unfaithful to his purpose declared in creation and in Christ. Having fashioned us for union with himself, were God now to alter his will, our existence and that of the whole cosmos would be frustrated to an unimaginable degree. It would, quite simply, make existence Hell because we would never be united to him who is our origin and our goal, our love and our hope, our life and our all. These marital realities form the foundation of covenant theology in the Scriptures. God is unfailingly faithful in his generous, wise, and loving work of drawing humanity to himself. Neither Israel nor the Church has any claim on him rooted in their own actions, certainly not in the face of sin. He is the faithful spouse; we are the adulterers. 60

ENCOUNTER - Marriage Yet his fidelity expresses an infinite mercy that calls us to conversion and to sharing his life through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by which he comes to dwell in us and we in him. For that purpose, the Word took flesh and returned to the Father by way of the Cross. He is the faithful spouse who purifies his bride and brings her home. This unwavering fidelity led Paul to assert: “If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim 2:13) Only on the basis of Christ’s fidelity, poured into our heart by the indwelling of the Trinity, can we hope to remain faithful. Humanly speaking this is impossible, but “with God all things are possible.” (Mt 19:26) In the present crisis regarding marriage, those who say it is sometimes impossible for Christians to remain faithful to the vow made to a spouse and to God (such as when the marriage is irreparably broken or has been replaced by a second union) have forgotten the meaning of Christ, the human person, marriage, and the cosmos, which all declare the glory of God and his fidelity. This is no development of doctrine or relaxing of Church discipline. It is the complete overthrow of the Christian vision of God and human existence. Were there a single case in which fidelity to a spouse or to God was impossible for a Christian, this would mean that God’s fidelity had failed. Perversely, infidelity in that instance would be rooted in God’s infidelity of withdrawing his grace and/or misleading us through Jesus and the Church’s false teaching regarding the obligations of the Gospel. Far from being realistic and merciful, the suggestions being made are heartless and cruel abstractions that imply that Jesus’ fidelity is not always available to us. This makes a mockery of those who have lived chastely, after a broken marriage, in fidelity to their earthly and heavenly spouses. The proponents of these theories must name a case in which God and Christ are unfaithful before they presume to permit a Christian to be unfaithful in the slightest matter. That is the concrete, real, personal truth of the Gospel. Mercy will not be found in exchanging the beauty of marriage for a lifeless illusion. It will be found, as it ever has been, by allowing Jesus to draw us to himself on the Cross and learning that with him we can be faithful even unto death.

“This column first appeared on the website The Catholic Thing ( Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.”


ENCOUNTER - Marriage

Principles of Catholic Marriage 62





Families, Intercommunication, Relationships, Experiences, Services Requested by a Spanish couple in 1952, a worldwide series of programs set up by Fr Gabriel Calvo, for Married Couples, Sons and Daughters, Families, Engaged Couples, Individuals, Priests and Men and Women Religious, to build more honest and loving relationships with oneself, with ones’ family, with others and with GOD. FIRES ENCOUNTER SAVING COUPLES & FAMILIES IN JAPAN SINCE 1971 Read the Testimonials here. Please contact Fr. Donnon (donnon.murray@holistic– Website is here.

ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Website: For couples planning a future marriage, but also open to married couples desiring an opportunity to reflect on ways to deepen even further their life together as couples and families in the Lord. If you, or couples you may know, are interested, please contact Fr. Donnon directly or by phone/email or donnon.murray@holistic–

Fr. Donnon Murray FIRES Encounter Centre, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

APPEAL FOR PRAYER With the strong desire by Pope Francis to support families and Marriage through the Synod of the Family and his Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia, now more than ever the work of Fr. Donnon O.F.M, is needed in this time of crises and stress for true family life. Please pray for Fr. Donnon Murray, O.F.M., that he can receive the support and resources needed to continue his FIRES ENCOUNTER mission as was once before provided by the Franciscan Chaopel Center through former parish priest Fr. Bede Fitzpatrick O.F.M and Fr. Campion O.F.M. Read FIRES Testimonials introduction. 64

FIRES Encounter Testimonials (English) 1. Amada The following testimony exemplifies that Rome was not built in a day: Noriko Amada – Osaka, Japan At the time of our marriage, I was a Catholic but my husband was not. I was forever making demands from him, and never feeling fulfilled, I bickered with him every day. My father died shortly after I was born, so I never knew the love of a father. Therefore, I wanted from my husband what I was never able to receive from my father. I wanted a person who would satisfy me by loving me deeply, be kind and tender–hearted and hold me close. This was something that I constantly demanded from my husband, but which I felt that I did not receive from him, and therefore I was always dissatisfied. I was self–centered and immature and, for that reason, we were always clashing with one another. It was with that kind of a relationship that we were encouraged to make a ME. We attended with the hope that it might help us to communicate at least a little bit better; but in fact with us the opposite was true. We began to clash even more vehemently. Having experienced ME, my demands from him increased, because now I wanted to live out the spirit of the Encounter and felt even more dissatisfied, because I felt I could not do that with someone who has no faith. We were not living as one, but going along on parallel lines. We made a second ME, and my husband realized that we could not continue to live separate lives on parallel lines, so he decided to study the catechism. After a year and a half of study he was baptized on Holy Saturday of that year. How happy that made me! Now we are a family with the same faith, and now my desire that we pray together can be fulfilled. But the reality was things did not go as I had planned. My husband seemed to consider faith more from a rational point of view rather than from the emotional point of view that I had, making it difficult to express in words. I simply couldn’t accept that attitude, even though I should have been grateful for the fact that my husband had been baptized. I couldn’t humbly express my gratitude. So for a number of years, since this was too contrasting with the ideal picture that I had in my mind, I continued to be a demanding wife. As I look back now I realize that the grace of the Encounter was, in fact, gradually working in our lives. Even within our clashes, little by little, we began to deepen our communication, so that we came to be able to accept one another just as we are. I still blow up on occasion, when things don’t go my way, but I have been able to overcome that weakness. I am very thankful for that, and the fact that one step at a time we are walking toward unity, which is the most important message that we have received from ME. It had been a long parallel road with all kinds on problems, but now, thanks to ME, with truly heartfelt gratitude we are walking together ----------

FIRES Encounter Testimonials 紹介文(J) 1. Amada 天田範子 結婚した時、私は信者で主人は末信者でした。私は結婚以来、主人に要求ばかりしていて、 それが 満たされないため、 よく主人に反発していました。生まれて間もなく父を亡くし、父の愛というものを知り ません。 ですから父に愛されたという実感がなく、父の愛に憧れのようなものを持っていて、 それをいつも 主人に求めていました。深い愛に満たされ、 優しくて思いやりがあり、私をつつんでくれる人、 そのような 人を現実の中の主人に求め続けていましたが、実際には与えられないため、 いつも不満に感じておりまし た。大人になれない、 自己中心の私は主人とたびたびぶつかりました。 そのような時、群馬・太田教会におられたダナン神文様がマリッジ・エンカウンターを始められ、私 たちも勧められて参加しました。少しは通じ合えるようになるかと期待しての参加でしたが、逆に益々ぶつ


かり合いの生活が始まりました。私はマリッジ・エンカウンターに参加したのだから、 それを生かさなけれ ばと未信者の主人に一方的にいろいろと要求し、 いつも二人は平行線でした。2回目のマリッジ・エンカウ ンターに参加した後、主人は別々の道、 いつまでたっても平行線を歩んでいることに気付き、主人は要理 のお勉強を始め、1年半後のご復活祭に洗礼の恵みをいただきました。私にとって本当に喜びでした。 家族で同じ信仰の道を共に歩めることが出来る、 共に祈りあえるという私の要求がここでまた始ま りました。現実にはなかなか私の思い通りにはなりませんでした。 信仰についても、主人は理屈でとらえま すし、 私はフィーリングでとらえて、言葉でなかなか伝えることが出来ませんでした。 どうしても主人を否定 的に見てしまい、主人を素直に受け入れられず、主人のすることを感謝するまでにいたりませんでした。主 人が洗礼を受けてくれましたので、 その事だけでも感謝なのに素直に感謝と云うわけにはならず、相変わ らず自分の頭の中で描いた憧れのようなものと対比して、要求ばかりの日々が何年か続きました。 そのよ うな生活の中でも、今思い返しますと日々マリッジ・エンカウンターの恵みが少しずつ生かされていたと思 います。 ぶつかり合いながらも、少しずつ通じ合いの生活が始まっていたと思います。 やがてお互いにありのままを受け入れ合うことが出来るようになりました。私は自分に気に入らな いことを言われるとよく怒っておりましたが、 それも少しずつとれてきました。 このことは本当に感謝です。 今もマリッジ・エンカウンターの一致の歩みを一歩ずつ歩ませて下さっていることに感謝です。紆余曲折 の長い道のりでしたが平行線ではない歩みが出来、本当に感謝しています。

FIRES Encounter in India with Fr. Donnon Murray OFM



FIRES – A Brief Explanation

Fr. Donnon Murray OFM, Franciscan Chapel Center, Tokyo

As I look back on my life I do not recall having a struggle in making decisions that would affect my entire life, like deciding to become a Franciscan priest and a missionary in Japan, but rather responding to a quiet voice inside leading me to involved as a priest in the family apostolate. I t is a long story, but I just feel that the Holy Spirit has led me in that direction. Without my planning it, over 40 years ago circumstances led me to meet Father Gabriel Calvo, the founder of Marriage Encounter, and I have been working with him ever since in spreading his FIRES programs throughout Japan and other countries in Asia, as well as in Europe. In Asia I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to introduce programs in the Philippines, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka as well as up and down Japan. In Europe, in addition to Slovakia, I have had opportunities in Italy, Germany and Hungary. Also in the U.S.A. and Venezuela, and a single trip to Kenya. All of the FIRES programs have as their ultimate goal strengthening of family life in the Lord, and I have found all of them to be very fruitful; but since the couple is the heart of the family, the ideal is to start with Marriage Encounter. I am convinced that it is not sufficient to study and hear wonderful talks about the ideal family life. It is something that must be experienced. Just imagine trying to explain by words alone, to a person coming to Slovakia for the first time, the taste of the favorite dish known to every Slovakian, if that person had never tasted it himself. Let him eat it and then he will know. It is the same with the FIRES programs. The various experiences change peoples’ lives, without any undue concern about how much they have learned from them. The newest FIRES program, and there are more than 20 of them, is called “Evangelizing In, With, and Through the Family”. We have heard very much about evangelizing, but there is a need not only to know about evangelization, but more than that to have an experience that will convince families of the mission they have first of all to be evangelized themselves and then to want to go out and preach the Gospel, as Jesus commanded all the baptized to do. But this program especially emphasizes the need for families to evangelize especially within the parish to which they belong. I started Marriage Encounter and the subsequent FIRES programs in the small parish where I was working initially with the thought only of helping my own parish to grow spiritually. Immediately I came to witness a small sense of what it must have been like on the first Pentecost when 3000 were baptized. At the invitation of Catholic couples who experienced Marriage Encounter many non-Christian couples attended and most of them were baptized within a year, I remember a non-Christian husband coming up to me after a Marriage Encounter and saying: Father I want that biscuit. He did not know what the Eucharist was, but sensed its Mystery. He and his wife and children were baptized within a year. The Church is in need of a New Pentecost, but that will not happen unless Catholic families come to experience the treasure and beauty they have in their own families when they are indeed ‘Families In The Lord’. And unless the Family of Families that comprises the community that gathers in the parish church on Sundays is made up of families who consciously strive to be ‘Families In The Lord’, there will be no New Pentecost in that parish. To put it in very few words families must change their way of life from´ putting the Holy Mass into the week to putting the week into the Holy Mass, which is offered together on Sundays. The Please check the FIRES Encounter website for more details at or click here.


A Few Thoughts


A Few Thoughts


A Few Thoughts

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Patron Saint for drug addictions, drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners , pro-life movement, amateur radio


5th Decade of the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary - It is not there for nothing!

Printing Press for St. Maximilian Kolbe's Newspaper Dayly Knightly Newsletter is produced by Dayly Knightly a volunteer non-profit activity based in Japan. Contact: 70

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