On The Bay | April 2023

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April 2023

ON THE April 2023 BAY


Fran roaCh, GeneraL manaGer

305.964.4048 - gm@dbycc.com

ControLLer 305.964.4042

kathy ViLLamizar, member biLLinG 305.964.4044 - memberbilling@dbycc.com

heydis Perez, aCCounts PayabLe 305.964.4043 - ap@dbycc.com

danieLLa tosta, direCtor oF membershiP & marketinG 305.964.4049 - d.tosta@dbycc.com

CraiG CorCoran, direCtor oF GoLF 305.256.2500 - c.corcoran@dbycc.com

CrystaL hoPkins, direCtor oF Food & beVeraGe 305.964.4045 - c.hopkins@dbycc.com

sureLys neGron FiGueroa, exeCutiVe CheF 305.9254.2111 - s.negron@dbycc.com

JessiCa terry, CaterinG manaGer 305.964.4051 - j.terry@dbycc.com

danieL stoVer, direCtor oF Grounds 305.256.2516 - d.stover@dbycc.com

Pedro Leon, direCtor oF tennis 786.287.2660 - p.leon@dbycc.com

CheryL Porter, head tennis ProFessionaL 305.256.3366 - c.porter@dbycc.com

erik ruiz, FaCiLities manaGer 305.254.2112 - e.ruiz@dbycc.com

kyLie brinGoLa, direCtor oF CommuniCations 305.964.4053 - communications@dbycc.com

meLissa diaz, reCePtionist 305.254.2111 - m.diaz@dbycc.com

President..................................Leo Chomiak ViCe President.......................... randy miLLian treasurer.................................steVe JaCobson seCretary..................................edith neuwahL direCtors.................................PauL GarCia mark LeVitats Leo mendoza rob sPerber oPi moreira


FinanCe..............................steVe JaCobson/PauL GarCia tennis & Fitness................mark LeVitats/rob sPerber

GoLF & Greens..................Leo Chomiak/edith neuwahL house................................rob sPerber/Leo mendoza

membershiP........................randy miLLian/dominGo moreira

LeGaL & by-Laws................Leo Chomiak/Leo mendoza

GrieVanCe..........................randy miLLian/PauL GarCia

CLubhouse....................................305.254.2111 dininG & soCiaL reserVations......305.278.8688 Fitness Center..............................305.964.4052 Front Gate seCurity....................305.256.2518 GoLF shoP....................................305.256.2500 member biLLinG............................305.964.4044 tennis shoP..................................305.256.3366

2 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S
I N T H I S I S S U E 3 a Letter From the President 4 a Letter From the Gm 5 aPriL 2023 CaLendar 7 news From membershiP 10 news From GoLF 12 news From GoLF Course maintenanCe 13 news From tennis 14 member birthdays 15 membershiP anniVersaries @deeringbay /dbycc #dbycc

A Letter From The President

Dear Deering Bay Members,

It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the high season here at the Club. It has been an eventful few months here at the Club and we are looking forward to continuing this momentum into the Summer and next season.

February saw a continuation of the momentum from January as another strong month in revenues resulted in an increase of approximately $42,000 over February of 2022. Year-to-date, we are ahead of prior year by approximately $275,000. Overall, we have achieved a positive net operating income of approximately $48,000 in February and approximately $168,000 year-to-date, which is ahead of both the budget and prior year. We expect strong first quarter results as we continue to generate strong business from events and tournaments.

The Club has a substantial amount of cash deposited with Amerant Bank. Given the recent banking crisis caused by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the Finance Committee and the Board worked diligently to safe guard the Club’s cash. Complicating matters is the fact the Club’s loan agreement with Amerant Bank requires us to maintain our cash balance with the Bank, which limited the Club’s options. Amerant Bank has a type of sweep account known as an Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) where the cash balance gets deposited in ICS accounts within a number of other ICS network banks across the country in increments of $250,000 so the entire cash balance falls within Federal Depository Insurance Corporation’s insurance limits. The added benefit, the Club makes a good return of approximately 4% on the cash invested. The ability to earning a return was a secondary concern to the Finance Committee and the Board. Our first concern was to make sure the principal amount of the cash was safeguarded from loss in case of a bank run and/or seizure. I want to the thank the members of the Finance Committee and the Board for coming together and find a resolution.

The 19th Hole is looking amazing, and we are currently awaiting some final permitting and inspections in order to get it open. The Pool renovation is fully underway and crews are here daily, working quickly to complete this project. We are waiting on permitting for the splash pad.

The golf course renovation design process is ongoing. Reese Jones and Bryce Swanson will conducting 2 focus group meetings on April 18th at the Club. They will share their preliminary thoughts on redesign eliminates for the golf course redesign and then solicit members input and comments. The 2 meetings will be approximately 60 to 75 minutes long . One session will be focused on high handicap player and the other on low handicap players. Details for these meeting soon to follow.

The entire Deering Bay Team is gearing up to work on a variety of tasks this summer, including the all-important aerification of the Golf Course. The Golf Course will be closed for aerification on the following dates:

June 5 – 9

July 17 – 21

August 21 – 25

Director of Golf Craig Corcoran is finalizing summer reciprocal agreements with other local clubs for our members to enjoy, and the Club will announce these agreements soon.

We are looking forward to sending the season on a high note with our Men’s and Women’s Club Championships!

Thank you, Leo Chomiak


A Letter From The General Manager

Dear Deering Bay Members,

I hope your April is off to an amazing start. We are honored to be hosting many of you and your families for Seder Dinner and Easter Brunch this month, and our team has some other amazing events to look forward to.

I would like to congratulate Kevin Hull who has been promoted to Deering Bay’s Bar Manager! Kevin has over 15 years of hospitality experience and earned his Sommelier Certification II in 2017. Kevin is passionate about fine wines and classic cocktails and seeks to elevate the member dining experience here at Deering Bay. Kevin has some exciting things planned for the 19th Hole offerings that we know you all will enjoy. Please join me in congratulating Kevin on his promotion next time you stop by the Bar!

I would also like to congratulate our Manager of the Quarter, Craig Corcoran, and our Team Member of the Month, Alex Natoli. We have had a fantastic golf season here at Deering Bay thanks to Craig and his team, and we cannot wait for another fun and event filled season this Fall! Alex has been a cook here at Deering Bay for almost three years and never fails to impress us with his creativity in the kitchen. Thank you, Craig and Alex, for your dedication to Deering Bay.

We hope you will join us for one of our many fun social events this month including our Book Club, Club Social, Concert & Cocktails, Rock The Bay Concert, Trivia Night, and Car Club. For more information about these events, please visit the Club website or app.


April 2023 Calendar of Events

2 3 Club Closed 4 -Mexican Night 5 -Seder Dinner -No Regular Dinner Service 6 -WGA Play with the Pros 7 1 -Prime Rib Night 8 -MGA 4 -Prime Rib Night 9 -Easter Brunch -Easter Egg Hunt -No Dinner Service 10 Club Closed 11 -Book Club 12 -Club Social 13 -Pasta Night 14 15 -Prime Rib Night 16 -Couples Club Championship 17 Club Closed 18 19 -Men’s Interclub @ Turnberry -Women’s Club Champ. 20 -Women’s Club Champ. -Pasta Night 21 -Men’s Club Champ. 22 -Men’s Club Champ. -Prime Rib Night 23 -Men’s Club Champ. 24 Club Closed 25 26 -Trivia Night 27 -WGA Solheim Cup -Pasta Night 28 -Club Luncheon @ The Kampong 29 -Car Club Meet Up -Movie Night -Men’s Tennis M-G -Prime Rib Night 30 SUN

Around The Bay


News From Membership

Dear Deering Bay Members,

In this Newsletter I wanted to remind you of a few important Club Rules that often are forgotten, please review the Deering Bay Yacht & Country Club established “Approved Attire” dress code which applies to all Members and their guests. Members are responsible for the dress attire of their guests while on Club property. Appropriate attire is required prior t o use of the facilities and violators of the dress code will be informed of any violation by either Club Staff or by letter.

Indoor Dining & Social Areas (The Bar, Dining Room, Crystal Room & Library):

Country club casual attire is always appropriate in these areas of the Club. Gentlemen’s suggested attire includes neat and unfrayed dress slacks and sport or dress shirts. Sport jackets and sweaters are also appropriate choices. Guayaberas or “Tommy Bahama” style tropical shirts may, if designed for such use, be worn loose and not tucked into trousers. Gentlemen must remove their hats, caps or visors before entering any of the dining venues except as required for religious or health reasons.

Women’s suggested attire should also strive for casual elegance. In this regard, stylish warmup suits are considered acceptable. Women may wear hats in the clubhouse.

Children under twelve (12) years of age may wear shorts or neat unfrayed blue jeans at any time while dining. Children twelve (12) years or older are required to abide by adult guidelines for Club attire. Minor children may be seated at tables in the Bar only when accompanied by a parent or an adult but are not permitted to sit or dine at the Bar under any other circumstance. Flip-Flop style sandals are not recommended at dinner service.

a) T-shirts are not permitted for men, women, or children after 5:00pm in the Main Dining Room or Bar. Neat unfrayed, untorn blue jeans may be worn at any time except after 5:00pm on Saturday evenings in the Main Dining Room when blue jeans are not permitted.

b) Workout Clothing: Is permitted at the Continental Breakfast service, but only until 10:00am.

c) The following attire is NOT PERMITTED in the above dining venues during lunch and dinner service hours and is not appropriate dress at any time for activities in the Club such as card games, book club or other meetings or social gatherings:

(1) Running, cargo or coaching shorts, short shorts or tops with bare midriffs.


(2) Workout clothing, spandex or bikini outfits.

(3) Bathing suits or bathing suits with cover-ups or micro miniskirts.

(4) Ripped, torn, tattered, frayed or cut off clothing of any type.

(5) Clothing with inappropriate sayings or messages.


Gentlemen: On the Golf Course, Golf Shop, and Practice Areas, gentlemen must wear collared shirts, turtleneck, or mock turtleneck shirts. Shirts must have sleeves and be always tucked in. Male golfers may wear Bermuda length shorts or pants; cargo shorts, athletic shorts and denim are not permitted. Appropriate belts and closed toe shoes should be worn; open toed shoes are not permitted. Hats should be worn forward.

Women: Appropriate attire is always required including golf dresses, skirts, blouses, and slacks. Shirts may be sleeveless if they have a collar. Shirts without a collar must have sleeves. Bermuda length shorts must not be shorter than slightly above the knee. No denim, athletic shorts, bathing suits, tank tops, or trousers with visible holes are permitted at any time. Hats must be worn forward.

Outdoor Dining Terraces:

The Golf and Pool Terraces provide dining opportunities for those who wish to dress more casually than permitted indoors. Bathing suits with cover-ups may be worn while dining on these terraces any time before 6:00pm. For the safety and protection of Members and their guests, it is required that shoes and sandals be worn while dining on these terraces. Sports or casual attire such as golf or tennis wear may be worn in these areas at any time. The indoor buffet services will only be available to these outdoor diners who are in sport or casual attire. Bathing suit attire will not be permitted indoors at any time.

Health & Fitness Center:

Appropriate workout attire should be always worn in the Fitness Center. Well-fitted athletic shoes must be worn while exercising in the gym unless a class instructor requests otherwise. Bare feet are not permitted. Gentlemen/young men must always wear shirts. Women/young women must wear shirts or alternative tops over sports bras.


Appropriate tennis attire is required for all players. Cut-off jeans, bathing suits, gym suits, sleeveless shirts for men and other such clothing are unacceptable. Colored tennis attire is acceptable. Shirts must be always worn; men must wear collared shirts or appropriate tennis T-shirts (no undershirts). Juniors may also wear tennis-related T shirts. Smooth soled tennis shoes are mandatory. Bare feet, running shoes, and basketball shoes are not permitted.



Appropriate swimming attire must be always worn when in or around the pool and pool deck. Children must wear bathing suits.

It is the member’s duty to ensure their guest adheres to these rules. If members or their guests arrive without proper attire, they can purchase the needed items in the Golf Shop at the member discount.

The Club reserves the right to alter attire requirements for certain themed events.

Thank you, Daniella


Sponsored by the Moreira Family

Sponsored by the Battaglia Family

Sponsored by the Robins Family

Jorge & Claudia Martinez Full Golf James & Debra McCarthy Full Golf Manuel & Catherine Menendez Tennis

News From The Golf Course News From Golf

Hello members,

Another month has come and gone and it’s time for our March recap and look towards the upcoming events in April. We hosted quite a few events in March.


For our women, we wrapped up our Twin Trophies Match Play Tournament as well as our Themed Event, Candyland. We had great turnout and participation in both tournaments and are very happy with how these events played out. Special congratulations to our Twin Trophies winners Viera Kovac and Kay Waltman, as well as our winning Candyland team: Geraldine Blakely, Cynthia Buoniconti, Kay Waltman and Marcia Zellner.

In addition to our womens-only events, we had a great Couples Golf tournament as well as a fantastic combined Members’ Tournament. This year our Spring Member-Member for both the women as well as the men occurred within a four-day span, two rounds each. At the end of those four days, we had a combined Members’ Tournament Awards Dinner which was attended by over 100 members, both golfers in the tournaments and their spouses. We really loved the atmosphere created by hosting all players, both our men and women, at one combined dinner. The food, golf, and energy were at an all-time high this month and we couldn’t be happier. Another special congratulations is due to our Women’s MemberMember champions Eileen Alvo and Elizabeth Strombom, as well as our Men’s MemberMember champions, Jonathan and Jimmie Dresnick!

As we look forward to April, there is a lot going on to put on your calendars. Before getting into all we have going on in April, I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who made the tremendous number of events we had going on in March a success. We are going to keep the momentum going through April and towards the end of the season.

Best, Craig

Summer Golf Hours (Starting June 13):

Golf Shop: Tuesday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm, Saturday & Sunday 7:00am - 5:00pm

Golf Course: Tuesday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm, Saturday & Sunday 7:30am - 7:00pm

Driving Range: Tuesday - Friday 7:30am - 7:00pm, Saturday & Sunday 7:00am - 7:00pm


News From Golf

Hi everyone! Summer is upon us and we are starting to wind down the season. Please make sure to stop by the Golf Shop before your travels to stock up on your golf gear! We have everything you need from rain gear, golf bags, and even fancy totes for traveling. April is the last month of new merchandise for the season until October, when we ramp up the Shop again. We have brand new Peter Millar, Stitch, Fairway and Greene, Adidas, and Redvanly!

See you soon!


News From The Golf Course

Dear Deering Bay Members,

April is already here, and warmer weather has already begun. In the last few weeks, we have already seen a drastic difference in the growth of the grass due to soil temperatures. Where just a few months ago cold days brought growth percentages into the single digits we have already seen a handful of days nearing the 90% range. All this growth means our paspalum has the energy to overcome some more aggressive weed control practices.

Raphael and I have trained a few additional staff members to tackle selective weed control and are making progress. On any given day there may be four of our employees given this task alone until we feel we have the weed populations under control. In addition to spot spraying weeds, in May we will also be starting to remove our bermudagrass intrusion in our greens. While this process might be minimally disruptive to playability it is also important to remove our Bermuda before the summer aerification process further spreads the species.

Our maintenance team here at Deering Bay hope you have enjoyed this golf season and are aiming for even better conditions next season. As always, your feedback is appreciated. You can email me at any time at d.stover@dbycc.com


News From Tennis

Dear Deering Bay Members,

Summer is very much on its way and here on our clay courts the Tennis Program is getting better and better every day.

Last month we celebrated the fun and very competitive Annual Women’s Member Guest 2023 event, this year for the second time we had to do it in two days due to the great participation and support from our members. The results were as followed: in the 6.5 division the champions were Debbie Heimbouch & Stephanie Voell and the runner ups were Geraldine Blakely & Lizzie Schaul; in the 7.5 division the big title was for Carolina Matuk & Alejandra Gill and second place for Karell Campbell & Jackie Merestky; we congratulate all of them in their accomplishment!

They were not the only ones making history, our own USTA 7.0 55 & over ladies’ team won the regional league and now is getting ready to represent us in the Sectional Games to be celebrated in Orlando at the end of this month; we also congratulate them and wish the team the best in this new challenge.

Besides these major celebrations all clinics, lessons, USTA and SFWDL matches continued as scheduled and the rest of our teams had a great month of competitions. All the ladies and men have worked extremely hard and we would like to encourage them to continue the great job that they have been doing.

April will be a very eventful month, we will be hosting a lot of competitive league matches and also playing the 2023 Annual Men’s Member Guest, this will be taking place on April 29 and we are expecting a great participation.

Besides the all events taking place within our program we also have clinics and private lessons:

Ladies’ clinics: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 – 1100am, Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30pm

Men’s Clinics: Monday 6:00 – 7:00pm & Tuesday 7:00 – 8:00am

Kid’s Group lessons: Monday 4 – 5pm, Wednesday 4:30 – 5:30pm & Saturday 9 – 10am.

Please call or pass by the tennis Pro-Shop for further information. On behalf of your friends from the Pro-Shop, have a wonderful month.

Sincerely we look forward to seeing you.

2 Allison Miller Judith Hodor Zuriany Olive 6 Ligia Crystal 11 Shannon Jacobson John Wang 12 Jeanie Duck Richard Feder 21 Leonard Fluxman 24 Daniel Aizemberg Jake Cantu Hermino Fuenmayor 26 Gerardo Margolis Laura Tanzini 27 Shuchi T. Stanger Stephanie Woods 10 Carolina Van Heel 23 Jeffrey Katz Eddie Shedd 13 Jin Moon Debra Ann Wechsler 9 Edith Neuwahl Sid Perkins 1 Marcia Reisman Andrew Stuart 28 Mario Lamar Goran Lindahl 15 Joe Jackson Linda James 25 Matt Connolly Andrea Gallagher Evan Gilbert Jan Kruthoffer Eli Roman Torie Ross Rick Schatz Somal Shah 7 Kim Fenton Stephen Kulvin 5 Ross Daniels Arthur Gilbert Beatriz Restrepo 22 Gabriel Buigas Diego Cagol 3 Jordan Schneider Sherley Wigler 16 Jacqueline Spielman CJ Thomas 29 Kevin Dunn Laurie Evans Maria Feldman Jeff Fenton Laura Kumar Jennifer Strawley Rosemari Woerner 30 Frank Clark John Renaud Michael Thorpe 8 Nicolle Barrantes Jose Antonio Gonzalez AJ Schaefer 17 Millie Cagol Juan Carlos Rodriguez Phyllis Sandrow 20 Denise Di Mare Allan Fishman Mike Haggard Alan Wagshul
Happy Birthday To Our Members!

April 2023 Member Anniversaries

Thank you For Your Continued Support!


32 Years: The Casuso Family

32 Years: The Feldman Family

32 Years: The Gross Family

32 Years: The Kalstone Family

32 Years: The Kulvin Family

32 Years: The Sandler Family

32 Years: The Shapiro Family


27 Years: The Kruthoffer Family

27 Years: The Rosenbaum Family

25 Years: The Zisook Family

24 Years: The Cagol Family

24 Years: The Siegel Family


17 Years: The Konvier Family

17 Years: The Sirkin Family

16 Years: The Espinosa Family


14 Years: The Pallot Family


9 Years: The Wong Family

7 Years: The Blakely Family

7 Years: The Cabrera Family

6 Years: The Behren Family


2 Years: The Clavero Family

2 Years: The Marino Family

2 Years: The Pita Family

2 Years: The Rombaut Family


The Cantu Family

The Estrada Family

The Da Silva Family

The Garoufalis Family

The Morrison Family

The Perez Family

The Pina Family

The Rodriguez Family

The Romero Family

The Wigler Family

13610 Deering Bay Dr. Coral Gables, FL 33158 (305) 254-2111 | DBYCC.com

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