N째 40 MAY 2011 MORE INFOS ON : www.facebook.com/dcshoes.europe www.dcshoes.com http://dc-press.eu/ (login: dceurope, pass word: dceurope)
Sommaire EUROPE Burning ink ............................................................................................................................. Erreur ! Signet non défini. My Studio Session........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Riot tour ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 DC viva la France............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Kingpin ............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 DC Shoes Europe ‘s Facebook ....................................................................................................................................... 6 GERMANY DC Riders Fabian Lang and Stephan Gunther in Australia .......................................................................................... 7 Skateboard MSM May ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Ben Dillinger’s video ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Place magazine................................................................................................................................................................ 8 CZECH REPUBLIC Jan Valenta’ projects ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 MONSTER/DC MINIRAMP................................................................................................................................................ 9 DC Czech rider Maxim Habanec ..................................................................................................................................... 9 NORWAY DC snow teamrider Mats Hofgaard .............................................................................................................................. 10 skate updates from DC Norway .................................................................................................................................... 10 DC Guru of the Granite.................................................................................................................................................. 11 André Villa at the Russ Celebration ............................................................................................................................. 11 FRANCE Far’n High 2011 skate contest ...................................................................................................................................... 12 South of France tour – Team skate Europe ................................................................................................................. 12 BSM Tour 2011 .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 The end of the season ................................................................................................................................................... 14 ERO ONE – New video clip – « La cassette »............................................................................................................... 14 Orange x DC................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Hugues Oyarzabal in Indonesia .................................................................................................................................... 14 Boost in Shoes Up......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Thomas Benedetti in Geneva........................................................................................................................................ 15 Sugar .............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Beach Brother................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Art BMX magazine ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Shoes Up ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 HOLLAND News from Sewa Kroetkov ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Robbin de wit ................................................................................................................................................................. 18 SPAIN Erosion skate magazine ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Dogway skate magazine ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Sneaker Freaker............................................................................................................................................................. 20 Uno skate magazine ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 GPS3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 SWEDEN DC rider Pontus Björn ................................................................................................................................................... 21 You skate girl 6-8 May ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Thed Björk...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Richard Nilsson in Transition #2 ................................................................................................................................. 22 Free Giftorm magazine .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Online coverage on Street Fashion.com ...................................................................................................................... 23 RUSSIA DC Kirovsk lab ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 DENMARK New Video part of the DC skate team ........................................................................................................................... 24 PORTUGAL DC Portuguese skate team in Spain ............................................................................................................................. 25 Vasco Ribeiro is on fire !............................................................................................................................................... 25 DC sponsors TV program ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Gonçalo Gil’s results ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 DC BMX rider Diogo Santos’ video............................................................................................................................... 26 DJ Switch Dance............................................................................................................................................................ 26 Surf Portugal.................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Onsk8te .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Surge .............................................................................................................................................................................. 28 UK DC rider Sam Cullum’s video ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Gerry Magic’s video ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
DC Pop Up gallery Berlin
From the 17th of June to the 7th of July DC launches in Berlin: _ DC's Burning Ink Art Show _ "Asphalt Tales " Photography Exhibition by Gaston Francisco _ DC Life Collection special Highlights Complete Presentation on : http://issuu.com/dcshoeseurope/docs/berlinpres
Latest videos of Burning Ink New York online http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFrMA0sNKbM
My Studio Session
Latest videos online: check out William Yan, Vincent Tsang and Phlipp Annand’s parts http://vimeo.com/23237549 http://vimeo.com/23596800 http://vimeo.com/23868989
Riot tour
DC presents the Riot Tour Europe. The DC global and Europe skate team will be in Europe from the 12th to the 28th of June with riders as Chris Cole, Madars Apse or Antony Lopez and many more… Here are the stops of the tour and the planning: - Rotterdam, Netherlands, the Wednesday 15th of June at 15h, SEVEN PLY shop - Cologne, Germany, the Saturday 18th at 14h, MADE IN skateshop - Helsinki, Finland, the Tuesday 21st, UNION FIVE shop at 13h - Copenhagen, Denmark, the Thursday 23rd, STREET MACHINE shop from 14h
Malmö, Sweden, the Monday 27th to to the STREET LAB
The tour will end up during the Copenhagen Pro skate contest, which will be the occasion to see them also to this event. The event will be broadcasted on the web (live streaming). Technical details to be sent very soon…
DC viva la France
Michael Sommer and the DC Europe skate team having good times in south of France
JS Crown in buyer’s guide and Sewa Kroetkov’s interview
DC Shoes Europe ‘s Facebook
More than 100 000 fans ! https://www.facebook.com/dcshoes.europe
DC Riders Fabian Lang and Stephan Gunther in Australia
Skateboard MSM May
Stephan Günther got the cover in Australia, 10 pages article about the DC German team trip in Australia, Tonik S in buyer’s guide, and Xaver Pfriender promotion for his video
Ben Dillinger’s video He did a video to present his skateboards decks, you can see him wearing DC
Place magazine
DC riders and Tonik S in buyer’s guide
Jan Valenta’ projects
Jan Valenta has been busy these days. Many projects are running out. He has practiced all April in Woodward camp, PA. He also has been invited to the Asian X Games between the 28th of April and the 1st of May in Shanghai, by EXPN, with riders from USA and Australia. He made the 7th place.
The VSA Xtreme MONSTER/DC miniramp is the newest and biggest mobile hurdle of this kind in the Europe. It is used for associated programs of events, like exhibitions of extreme sports Freestyle BMX, Skateboard, In-line, and Freestyle Scooter. This miniramp will be for DC and Monster in Vienna 24.-26.6 on the Donauinselfest.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-2egf0g__o Check out his website: http://www.janvalenta.com/jv/en/index.php
DC Czech rider Maxim Habanec Maxim did some great videos recently. http://www.vimeo.com/22579866
http://www.skaterock.cz/clanky/videa--3/one-line-with-maxim-habanec-9886 He just came back from skate in vision 2011 (photo contest in Spain) so there will be lot of coverage from it. He was also at the far’n high contest in France last week end.
DC snow teamrider Mats Hofgaard
He got 11 pages in Norwegian Playboard magazine, Norways biggest snowboard/skateboard mag.
skate updates from DC Norway
Premiere of our tour video from the states. Hundreds of people showed up and they really liked the video. The video came out with the Playboard spring issue, where we also had an eight page article on the tour.
DC Guru of the Granite 2 weeks ago we did the second annual “DC Guru of the Granite” fueled by Monster in Oslo. The contest gathered all the best skaters from Norway and was won by DC rider Henning Braaten. Tacky has lots of photos out and a sick video. Check the links
http://www.tacky.no/skateboard/video/?id=185965 http://www.tacky.no/skateboard/article/?id=112226 http://www.tacky.no/skateboard/imagecollection/default.aspx?&id=15234&img=12#imagestart http://www.tacky.no/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=15238
André Villa at the Russ Celebration
The Russ celebration is an old tradition in Norway and it has reached new levels the last years. DC sponsored and presented the FMX show with teamrider Andre Villa at the Russ-party in Lillehammer.
10.000 students partied for a whole weekend, and we had the show on Saturday.
Dex Carrington, our Lifestyle guru is hired in as an announcer & promotion character for the Russ organization, and they make a bunch of these edits during the 3 weeks of celebration. Here is another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ2RzFVoDhA&feature=related
Far’n High 2011 skate contest It was the 28th and the 29th of May. Our rider Julien Béchet got to the finals !
South of France Tour – Team skate Europe Gaston Francisco, our team manager, took the riders to film around Nimes. They stayed about 10 days in the area, skating on Nimes, Marseille, Montpellier & Avignon spots…They took some time to chill in the shop below, signing session, games to win products and small demos for the pleasure of the kids.
In DC Store Avignon
Party for the video premiere of CIRCLE, My DC Crew shop
Postcards for riders for giveaway and signing session
Here, the army of kids at Unlimited in Nimes. Pics talk for themselves…
BSM Tour 2011 The 2011 edition of these contests organised by BSM (skate association of la friche – Marseille) started last week. The tour will go through four different cities gathering kids of the entire department. First results: -14 years: vincent matheron, samuel geoni et shany pallud - 18 years: raphael ostorero et stéphane boussac 18 years +: karime cherif, guillaume gauthier, anthony sauze
The end of the season DC was in val d’isere last week end for the closing party of la folie douce. Big party all day long and snow demo with french DC rider Florent Marot and Dimitri Biau !
ERO ONE – New video clip – « La cassette » Featuring : Florent Marot, Vince Pages, Jani Sorasalmi, Maïko Nicolet, Julien Rochette, Chris Cunningham, Tim Cachot, Clemenz Jezler, Dim Biau, Dan Premand, Antoine Baduel, Mat & Sam Schaer, Féfé Pellacani and friends...
Orange x DC
For the launch of the video game Dirt 3 DC propose to win a pack of Ken block collection on the Orange.fr portal
Hugues Oyarzabal in Indonesia Hugues is currently in Indo to shoot for his next video, you can follow him on Vimeo. He post regularly clips during his trip. http://vimeo.com/biriatouproduction
Boost in Shoes Up
News starring the Boost in Shoes Up blog
Thomas Benedetti in Geneva
DC French rider Thomas Benedetti came to Geneva recently, check out his video
DC shoes, cap and tee in buyer’s guide, 8 pages article on DC French skate team in Reunion Island, Evan Smith ad and “win a pair of Euro collective” and Far’n High tee
Beach Brother
DC riders Peter Molec and Julien BĂŠchet, and apparel, accessories and shoes placement
Art BMX magazine
DC Japanese rider Daisuke Yoneta in cover wearing DC and in interview
Shoes Up Stu dio ad and artic le and Tru eS in buy er’s guid e
News from Sewa Kroetkov Dutch teamrider (skate) Sewa Kroetkov has a part in the new BLIND video THIS IS NOT A TEST, European video premiere is in The Netherlands on Friday may 20th.
Also Sewa had a 3 page interview in the last Kingpin.
He’s killing it in contests ! He won the Red Bull many mania 4 weeks ago! With this victory he earned a place in the world finals in New York! And check him out on the berrics. http://www.tacky.nl/skateboard/article/?id=112156 http://tagsters.nl/article/2813/sewa-kroetkov-wint-red-bull-manny-mania http://www.theberrics.com/dailyopspost.php?postid=2955
Robbin de wit He got a great shoot in Rotterdam, covered on Tagsters
Erosion skate magazine
Euro collective shoes, Ruben Garcia at CLN Party, DC rider Javier Paredes and Welcome Pro DC in Madrid
Dogway skate magazine
Javier Barroso got 4 pages interview Landau and Match WCS in buyer’s guide
Sneaker Freaker
DC Caddet Chukka and District 4
Uno skate magazine
Shoes and tees in buyer’s guide
Double page placement with many DC articles
DC rider Pontus Björn jörn Dc rider Pontus Björn came in second in Nordic championship in vert ! The nordic championship was a part of Tony Hawk Grand Jam in linköping the 14-15 15 of may. Pictures from the t vert competition can be seen here: http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=15190 ecollection/?id=15190 And a video of Pontus run here: http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/video/?id=184754 Swedish national tv also covered the event, their show about the event can be seen here:
http://svtplay.se/v/2423964/x-games/skateboard__tony_hawk_g games/skateboard__tony_hawk_grand_jam
DC rider Janne Hautajärvi has two new short clips on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_k0DhG6ZW8&feature=player_profilepage from his own DIY skatepark
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE9L4ykAOeo&feature=player_profilepage - street clip
You skate girl 6-8 8 May
A DC sponsored skatecamp for girls. Pictures can be seen here: http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=15231 And a video from the event here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTWQj tube.com/watch?v=OTWQj-h5wQA
A film from last years DC skatecamp posted online to promote this years skatecamp. The video can be seen here http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/video/?id=185212
Thed Björk Thed Björk came in Second in the first firs heat and first in the second heat in the race at Mantorp Park 21th of may
Richard Nilsson in Transition #2
Rickard ard Nilsson FS smith photo phot
Free Giftorm magazine
Upcoming Junkyard Skateboard games, featuring Josef Scott Jatta ad, interview and info about DC up n’ dow
Online coverage on Street Fashion.com
Mikey Taylor joining DC team
DC Kirovsk lab Latest video of the event, see you next year ! http://vimeo.com/23210069
New Video part of the DC skate team http://vimeo.com/24454160
DC Portuguese skate team in Spain Tour “Pata Negra 2011” Video in the Welcome skateboarding park http://vimeo.com/23108967 And on Skatebyte http://www.skatebyte.com/artigos/dc_welcome.shtml
Vasco Ribeiro is on fire ! Vasco Ribeiro takes silver medal at the ISA world championships, Cristobal de Col (Quiksilver uiksilver Peru) wins the individual gold medal divisions. He also has defeated William Aliotti (Saint Martin, FRA) 17, in a low scoring tactical final 13.17 to 10.20 to win the Asp 3-Star Star Islas Canarias Santa Pro Junior in clean 3ft peaks at the main eventt site of La Cicer.
DC sponsors TV program
We sponsor the program at Fuel TV called “Download Fuel tv”, a news program of all Action Sports. The girl will present the program always in DC clothing and shoes. ”: http://videos.sapo.pt/10IDYzdzk6nAOS30s8Wj
Sandro Marcos’ results Sandro Marcos (Moto Mx), finishes in 2rd place in the National championship in Águeda!
Gonçalo Gil’s results
Gonçalo Gil (Moto Mx), finishes in 5rd place in the National championship in Águeda.
DC BMX rider Diogo Santos’ video
Diogo Santos (BMX ) http://vimeo.com/23457628
DJ Switch Dance Check out this cool promo video: http://vimeo.com/22552323
Surf Portugal
Ad DC, Show room – DC Products
Pedro Roseiro DC Athletes Magazine Cover and spotlight, Ad DC, Championship DC Challenge, Jorge Simões DC Athletesn Nuno Cardoso My DC Crew Athletes
DC Pata Negra tour in Spain: 9 pages article
DC rider Sam Cullum’s video
Gerry Magic’s video