DC Newsletter N°55 September 2012

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N째 55 September 2012 MORE INFOS ON: www.facebook.com/dcshoes.europe www.dcshoes.com http://dc-press.eu/ (login: dceurope, password: dceurope)

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TABLE OF CONTENTS EUROPE ........................................................................................................................ 4 SKATEBOARD .......................................................................................................................... 4 SNOWBOARD ........................................................................................................................... 7 MOTO ...................................................................................................................................... 8 PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................... 9 STREETWEAR ........................................................................................................................... 9 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 14

FRANCE ...................................................................................................................... 15 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 15 PHOTOSHOOT ........................................................................................................................ 17 SURF ..................................................................................................................................... 17 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 18

SPAIN .......................................................................................................................... 20 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 20 SURF ..................................................................................................................................... 21 SNOW .................................................................................................................................... 22 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 22

UNITED-KINGDOM ..................................................................................................... 23 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 23 SURF ..................................................................................................................................... 25 BMX ...................................................................................................................................... 26 LIFE ....................................................................................................................................... 27 VIP ........................................................................................................................................ 28 RETAIL................................................................................................................................... 29 SHOWROOM ........................................................................................................................... 30 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 30

GERMANY .................................................................................................................. 34 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 34 SNOWBOARD ......................................................................................................................... 37 MOTO .................................................................................................................................... 39 MUSIC.................................................................................................................................... 39 ENDORSEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 40 LIFE ....................................................................................................................................... 41 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 42

PORTUGAL ................................................................................................................. 49 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 49 SURF ..................................................................................................................................... 50 MOTO .................................................................................................................................... 51 SPONSOR............................................................................................................................... 51 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 52

ITALY ...................................................................................................................................... 54 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 54 MOTO .................................................................................................................................... 57 MEDIA .................................................................................................................................... 59 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 60

SWITZERLAND .....................................................................................................................61 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 61 SOCIAL MEDIA ....................................................................................................................... 62 RETAIL................................................................................................................................... 63 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 2/101

CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 64

SWEDEN ................................................................................................................................ 65 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 65 SNOWBOARD ......................................................................................................................... 68 BMX ...................................................................................................................................... 69 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 69

NORWAY .................................................................................................................... 70 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 70 SNOWBOARD ......................................................................................................................... 72 AUTO ..................................................................................................................................... 73 LIFE ....................................................................................................................................... 74

FINLAND ..................................................................................................................... 75 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 75 SNOWBOARD ......................................................................................................................... 76 SOCIAL MEDIA ....................................................................................................................... 77

DENMARK .................................................................................................................. 78 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 78

POLAND...................................................................................................................... 81 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 81 AUTO ..................................................................................................................................... 82 RETAIL................................................................................................................................... 84 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 84

HUNGARY................................................................................................................... 85 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 85

CZECH REPUBLIC & SLOVAKIA .............................................................................. 87 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 87 SNOWBOARD ......................................................................................................................... 92 BMX ...................................................................................................................................... 93 MX ........................................................................................................................................ 94 CLIPPINGS ............................................................................................................................. 95

RUSSIA ....................................................................................................................... 98 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 98

ESTONIA ..................................................................................................................... 99 SKATEBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 99

SLOVANIA ................................................................................................................ 101 SKATEBOARD ...................................................................................................................... 101

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JOSEF SCOTT JATTA interview in Kingpin

http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/content/view/full/120775 Entire interview : http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/content/view/full/120775

DC Europe rider MICHAEL SOMMER edit


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DC EU Team in BCN In Barcelona streets with CHRIS COLE, MADARS ASPE, NYJAH HUSTON, MATT MILLER, THAYNAN COSTA, etc... Global DC Team in Macba, other BCN spots and The DC Embassy!!


REDISCOVER HOME – Felipe Gustavo (part 1) We recently travelled with FELIPE GUSTAVO down to his hometown of Brasilia, Brazil to film. It's been a story we've been wanting to tell since Felipe joined the DC team. For our latest Rediscover campaign featuring Felipe, we dug a little deeper than our previous efforts simply because his story hits even closer to home. Here's part 1 of 3.

http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/skate/news/rediscover-home-felipe-gustavo-part-1-09172012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UULqvZMkzlQIT2Wy6LyE1_A&feature=player_embedded&v=4lG12cmag00

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DC EMBASSY The DC Embassy has celebrated its 1st anniversary ! It's been a year now that this place for pure skateboarding has been hosting the best European and world-class riders. Happy Birthday DC Embassy !

DC RAMP JAM During the Quiksilver Pro France in Hossegor, DC has installed a ramp in La Centrale with open sessions, contests and special sessions for kids. DC Europe Pros were present: JOSEF SCOTT JATTA, THAYNAN COSTA, CHRISTIAN CORTIZO and JAAKKO OJANEN. The win of the contest came to Alain Goikoetxea, followed by Julien Benoliel and Josef Scott Jatta (DC Europe team) who tied for the second place.

Photo : David Manaud

Photo : Gaston Francisco

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Photo : Gaston Francisco

Photo : Gaston Francisco

SNOW Snowboarder Magazine's "Gear of the Day" (August 30th) is the DC Status boot for Winter 2013.

http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/snow/news/snowboarder-mag-gear-of-the-day-dc-status-09032012 http://www.snowboardermag.com/gear-of-the-day/gear-of-the-day-dc-status/

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MOTO CHARLY’S ACADEMY CHARLES PAGES spent 3 crazy days with some of his friends at Charly's Academy!

Official edit with more than 42000 views. http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/moto/videos/charly-s-academy-edits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqt2oZRDF6M

JEFFREY HERLINGS DC RIDER JEFFREY HERLINGS WINS 2012 MX WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP DC is proud to congratulate the newest 2012 MX2 World Champion, JEFFREY HERLINGS. Herlings clinched the MX2 World title two races before the season finale in Germany. Cheers also go to his DC Moto teammate Tommy Searle for taking the 2nd place spot behind Herlings. Hailing from the Netherlands, 18 year old Herlings is the youngest rider in the world to ever win the Motocross World Championship Grand Prix (MXGP) at the age of 15. Known as the fastest sand rider around, on September 30th Herlings will show of his skills on the sand track at the Motocross of Nations in Lommel, Belgium.

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STREETWEAR BURNING INK MADRID Burning Ink Madrid has been a great success, with a lot of people coming and very good coverage.

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CHECK OUT LAST EDIT : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kmzfUSPENvw A lot of coverage •

20 Minutos (1.986.000 readers) 20


De todo

Dos citas para no volver a bajarse de la BICICLETA

Y también... ‘Pintura sin distancia’. El Círculo de Bellas Artes acoge una selección de obras adquiridas por la Uned de los participantes en su Certamen de Artes Plásticas, que cuenta ya con 22 ediciones. La exposición reúne por primera vez piezas muy significativas. CBA: Alcalá,

Festibike y Expobike I Las dos ruedas están de moda, como demuestran estas dos ferias en Madrid y Las Rozas

42. Metro: Banco de España. Hasta el 23. De M a S, de

RAFA VIDIELLA rvidiella@20minutos.es / twitter:@rafavidiella

20 minutos

Festibike (Las Rozas) celebra su duodécima edición y apuesta por las actividades al aire libre y el espacio: 6.000 metros cuadrados de exposición y 14.000 de espacio ferial. Expobike (Madrid) se estrena este año con fuerza y aspira a ser la referencia del sector. Ambas se celebran este fin de semana y son una apuesta segura. Para todos los públicos Festibike se define como una «feria activa», en la que además de novedades (132 expositores y 349 marcas) habrá actividades para todos los públicos. Carreras populares y profesionales, pruebas infantiles, exhibición de saltos, cir-

11.00 a 14.00 y de 17.00 a

El ciclismo urbano, en auge Cada vez hay más ciclistas por las calles de Madrid: la concienciación ecológica, el ahorro, la rapidez o la sensación de libertad son algunos de sus argumentos. En Festibike y Expobike abundarán las zonas dedicadas a un sector que crece día a día y que hasta tiene su propia revista, Ciclosfera, una publicación gratuita en papel y on line por la que ya han desfilado famosos ciclistas urbanos como Elena Anaya o Macaco.

Carreras para todos y nuevos modelos son algunos alicientes de dos citas para toda la familia

21.00 h; D y F, de 11.00 a 14.00 h; lunes, cerrado. Gratis.

Festival Rock y Ayuda

Una de las exhibiciones celebradas en la edición del pasado año de Festibike, en Las Rozas.

cuitos para probar bicicletas eléctricas y de montaña... Expobike, que se anuncia como «la primera feria de bicicleta y triatlón», será inaugurada por Miguel Indurain, y también permitirá contemplar nuevos modelos, escuchar charlas y cursos viales y, mañana por la mañana, animar a la gente a circular en bi-

ci por la ciudad. A las 10.00 horas, los que quieran están citados en la Puerta del Sol para cruzar la capital y llegar a la feria, en Ifema. En resumen: que el fin de semana será apasionante para los ciclistas, con dos citas ideales para descubrir, aprender y, si se tiene familia, compartir con los más pequeños el amor


a un deporte, un medio de transporte y una forma de vida. Festibike: Recinto Ferial Nuestra Señora del Retamar, avenida Navalcarbón, s/n, de Las Rozas. Autobús N903, 625 y 629. 6 euros. Expobike: Ifema Feria de Madrid, pabellón 2. Autobús 112, 122 y 828. Metro Campo de las Naciones. 6 euros. Más información en www.festibike.com y


LA TAREA DE QUE UN NIÑO SONRÍA Primera edición del festival benéfico Rock y Ayuda,un evento concebido para recaudar fondos para la Fundación Theodora, que ayuda a los niños hospitalizados en países del continente europeo, enviando cuentacuentos y payasos y desarrollando actividades que les hagan más llevadera su estancia en un centro de salud.Habrá cuatro números de danzas tribales y cinco grupos de rock. Sa-

Diseñadores y tatuadores, juntos en Burning Ink.


la Galileo Galilei: c/ Galileo, 100. Metro: Islas Filipinas. Do-

Obras que pervivirán en la piel de las personas ‘Burning Ink’ Las obras originales se destruirán cuando se clausure la exposición. Desde ayer, y hasta el jueves 27, Madrid es el centro neurálgico del arte urbano. Se celebra Burning Ink, una exhibición artística innovadora, impulsada por DC Shoes, que aúna las bellas artes, el diseño y el tatuaje. Más de 20 artistas urbanos –diseñadores gráficos e ilustradores– de renombre internacional crearán obras originales y exclusivas para

la muestra que podrán ser tatuadas en el cuerpo de todos los interesados. El último día, esas obras originales se quemarán, convirtiendo cada tatuaje en una obra única. Durante la exposición se presentará DLF The Machine, una moto exclusiva que aúna los valores del skate y las nuevas tendencias en customización. The Wall: c/ Co-

mingo, 18.00 h. Entrada con consumición: 6 euros.

Festival Kids. Las familias que acudan a Moda Shopping los días 14, 15, 21 y 22 podrán disfrutar de una nueva edición del Festival Kids, que reúne gran cantidad de actividades para que los niños aprendan mientras juegan en talleres, cuentacuentos o asisten a demostraciones de magia. Moda

rredera Baja de San Pablo, 47. (Ta-

Shopping: avda. General

tuajes en Estigma Tattoo, c/ Val-

Perón, 40. Metro: Santiago

verde, 26). Metro: Tribunal. Has-

Bernabéu. Hoy y mañana,

ta el 27 de septiembre. Horario

de 10.00 al 21.00 h. Entrada



El Pais (1.899.000 readers)

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El Mundo (1.219.000 readers)

http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2012/09/13/madrid/1347555067.html http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1587598/0/tatuajes/exposicion/obras-destruidas/ www.europapress.es www.gentedigital.es www.noticias.lainformacion.com www.actualidadnoticias.com http://www.surfersvillage.com/surfing-news/58168#.UGA0aaQ9U30 http://www.freshnessmag.com/2012/09/07/burning-ink-tattoo-art-show-madrid/ www.lamonomagazine.com www.revistaintime.com www.mostoleswarriors.com www.secretsinmyshoes.com www.ieris.com http://shoes-up.com/blog/

DLF THE MACHINE This unique custom bike has been presented in Madrid for the closing ceremony of Burning Ink.

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THE HUB PAPER #2 The HUB Paper #2 is out. DC The Hub’s very own newspaper, introducing the brand’s newest collections through exclusive photo shoots and interviews of collaborators. DC The HUB Paper issue #2 showcases features of the fall 2012 European Snapshots, the Burning Ink Madrid art show, D.L.F. project, interviews of various artists (David Kinsey, Chloé Trujillo, etc.) and brand collaborators, etc.

Published twice a year 48 pages Distributed all over Europe to DC’s top retailers, showrooms, DC Store Circulation: 10 000 ex

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The latest episode of "DC's What We Are" is online, with MAXIME GENIN. Almost 20,000 views !

http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/skate/videos/dc-s-what-we-are-webisodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nYZabYu5vU •

MAXIME GENIN won also the best tricks @ Vans Concrete in Annecy and was 2nd of the street contest.

Besides, he was 15th at the Maloof Money Cup, in South Africa, which is a world-knowned contest.

MINIRAMP The DC Miniramp settled in Annecy for two days of free sessions during the "The Reels" festival, in front of the Decavision in Annecy where all the films were projected. A lot of visibility for DC.

http://www.beachbrother.com/2012/09/keep-it-reels/ http://www.fluofun.fr/news/18475-the-reels-portefolio.html

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RED BULL SKATE ARCADE BENJAMIN GARCIA, My DC Crew Workshop Bordeaux remporte le Red Bull Skate Arcade.


CASK’O’BOWL Contest in Royan, with about 20 skaters from 6 to 23 years old and more than 300 visitors.


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PHOTOSHOOT DC photoshoot by Scalpfoto


SURF We all know how special French beachbreaks can get. This video with MARC LACOMARE, JOAN DURU and CHALY MARTIN. Filmed and edited by Jimmy Graham.

http://www.dcshoes.com/fr/fr/surf/news/french-connexion-french-beachbreaks-09132012 http://vimeo.com/48965688

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CLIPPINGS DC surf team in Mentawai, in Beachbrother #62

14 pages article on Maxime Genin, in Kingpin #105

Mikey Taylor ad, in Sugar #139

Julien BĂŠchet, in Beachbrother #62

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DC products, in Sugar #139

Mikey Taylor shoe, in Beachbrother #62

Shoes, in Shoes Up #35

Unilite Trainer ad + clipping in Shoes Up #35

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SKATEBOARD FLOW TO PRO Really good results with our European My DC Crew online contest Flow to Pro. Congrats to our flow rider from GriptapeStore FERNANDO GRANADA, winner of the contest.


SOMO BEACH CONTEST Skateboard contest in Somo beach (Santander). During the « Escuela Cantabra Surf Fest ».

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SURF ARITZ ARANBURU ARITZ ARANBURU talking about Mundaka in a program for the main public TV chanel in Spain. aritzaranburu.com

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SNOWBOARD SURAY FERNANDEZ Interview of SURAY FERNANDEZ in a Action Sports website.


CLIPPINGS The COLE LITE and the LENNOX, in Dogway #97

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SKATEBOARD SEASIDE SHOWDOWN 2012 The edit from the DC Seaside Showdown is online! Great day in Skegness with a load of My DC Crew and team riders.


BRISTOL BIG 3 Check out the edit from the Bristol BIG 3 event with Fifty Fifty and Monster.

http://player.vimeo.com/video/49313892 On the Sunday of the BIG 3 weekender we headed to a new DIY spot under the motorway for the M32 samosa jam.

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DC @ Radlands Plaza The DC UK team went to do a shop visit and demo at the Milton Keynes store, and whilst they where all together they went and had a fun day at the new Radland Plaza with the locals.


LUCY ADAMS LUCY ADAMS has been very busy at the moment hitting up loads of skate comps and making loads of short edits for her blog.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zed671Kq5LQ&list=UUVIyPXoHLz0G9d2N7qC5wA&index=2&feature=plcp http://lucyadamsskateboarder.blogspot.co.uk/

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SURF BOARDRIDERS STORE in Newquay Check out this edit of some of the English team during their fourth place finish at Lacanau Ocean for the 2012 junior european championships! Featuring Hary, Angus, Luke, Taz, Flora, Alex, Dale & Jobe.


Also 2 DC riders did really well at the Nike Night surf in Newquay. JOBE won the Junior’s event and LUKE got 3rd overall.

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BMX THE YARD JAM The YARD jam went off and was a cool grass roots backyard event. Monster put it on with DC and Twisted 7 supporting it. BEN WALLACE (Flow BMX who we are trying to get on the Euro Team) also won the jam.

RAD PAT JAM We helped sponsor the Rad Pat Jam which is a cool grass roots event held in the memory of a friend to the uk BMX scene.

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JAMIE SQUIBB Earlier in the year JAMIE SQUIBB broke his back, and now amazingly he is riding again. Here is the short edit to follow up from the edit with him in Spain when he crashed.



AJAY, an artist who had a piece of work in the Burning Ink Madrid show came to Madrid to see his artwork burn along with all the others. Whilst he was there he decided to get another tatoo to follow up from the one he got in London. 2 down.

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DC supports Skateistan Fundraiser in London at the Macbeth pub. It is a fundraising event.


HARRY from the Yashin again repping on stage to 1000’s of people rocking out.

Also GERRY made it into the national paper, the Daily Star. Gerry’s been to lots of festivals this year and is very busy.

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Fifty Fifty did a site take over after the BIG 3 even.

Small comps with the core skate shops just to stoke out the kids and maintain a presence.

DC areas in the City Surf Shop in Wales (Rep : Brad Rochfort)

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SHOWROOM DC UK officially opens new skate-able showroom in Newquay.


CLIPPINGS To support the 'DC Shoe Talk' vid with Jobe Harris chatting about his shoe of the summer, the Tonik TX, we popped a pair in September's issue of Wavelength magazine.

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Danny Way is dude of sport, in Front magazine, September

Unilite Trainer in Men’s Fitness, Online gear review Sept 4th

Unilite Trainer in Women’s Fitness, August issue

Nelstone backpack, in Zoo #441

DC page, in On Track Off Road #37

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DC boards, in Whitenoize

DC products, in Cooler

8-page interview with Lauri Heiskari, in Whitelines

DC products, in Whitelines

Mikey Taylor shoe and Star tee, in Sidewalk #192

Buyer’s guide, in Whitelines

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Buyer’s guide, in Whitelines

Gaston Francisco tees, in The Riot Club

Gaston Francisco tees, in Huck online

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SKATEBOARD CONTESTS BEST Contest in Munich, 3rd stop in Hirschgarten-Bowl


https://vimeo.com/49162895 GAME OF SKATE : November 12 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 33/101


Austrian Flow Rider CHRISTOPHER SCHERSCHER with a sk8 2012 clip.


Streckenrennen: A race around the cologne Street Plaza with the help of German teamrider PATRICK BÖS took place last weekend. DC Teamrider XAVER PFRIENDER was the fastest one, Patrick won overall!

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CLIPPINGS TEAM 8 pages interview and photo stream with team rider Daniel Ledermann, in Irregular #8

DC rider Tom Schaar on titlepage + itw p.20 in newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine. Circulation of about 452.900 and 27.300.000 clicks online

DC rider Patrick BÜs in MSM Buyer’s guide 11/12

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14 pages interview with DC rider Maxime Génin in Kingpin #105

Nyjah Huston and Street League, in Place #36


https://vimeo.com/47223108 https://vimeo.com/48019950 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 36/101


Fool‘s Gold ad fort he snow video with DC team rider PHILIPP STRAUSS.


Onboard Season Kickoff

Movie premiere


JORN SIMEN AABOE riding a DC board in a „NIKE Chosen Sessions Silvretta Montafon“ article, in Pleasure #101

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MOTO PHILIPP RĂœF 16th in the world rankings.

DOMINIQUE THURY MX Youngster Cup in Emmen : 1st run: technical defect / 2nd run: technical defect MX Pokal Open Nord in Thurm : 1st run: 1st rank 20 sec. lead / 2nd run: 1st rank 18 sec. lead MX Masters in Holzgerlingen : 1st run: 11th rank / 2nd run: 14th rank

MUSIC CANNIBAL KOFFER Highly recommended cover band, strong fanbase and DC Fans

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CAPTAIN CAPA German indietronic act, winner of the New Music Award 2011, signer on Audiolith Records.

ENDORSEMENT MY LEO Professional Crossfit Studio Berlin, Crossfit Trainer Leo Löhr, Customers like Soccerplayer Arne Friedrich, Sarah Connor and many other VIP’s.

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http://www.facebook.com/events/285233018257575/ http://catwalk-berlin.com/ http://www.berlinartweek.de/de/berlin-art-week.html


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CLIPPINGS MSM Team Kap Contest anniversary contest and party in MSM #314

PRODUCTS Fall-Winter 12 products in MSM Buyer’s guide

DC products in Blue Tomato

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DC lotterie in Kingpin #105

DC lotterie in Playboard #70

DC lottery: voucher for the rockstar suite in Festival planer 2012. Circulation of roundabout 497.450

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ADS Mikey Taylor ad on back cover + Nitro Circus ad, in MSM #314

Ad for the DC JIB GARDEN, in Playboard #70

SNOWBOARD DC Snow shooting, in MBM

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Planet Sports ad with teamrider Torstein Horgmo with DC logo, in MBM

DC products in Blue-Tomato

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Unilite trainer, on www.maciag-offboard.de facebook page

Unilite trainer, on www.maciag-offboard.de blog

Unilite trainer, on www.maciag-offboard.de newsletter

DC products in MZEE

DC Women products in Stylebook.de

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Innsbruck store opening, in Das Fach Magazin

Unilite trainer, in Sneakergirl blog


Burning Ink Madrid, on Herm’s Farm blog

Spoe et Prunelle tees, on Herm’s Farm blog

Burning Ink teaser, on Herm’s Farm blog

DC Product, on Herm’s Farm blog


Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 46/101

Burning Ink Madrid, in Lodown

Burning Ink Madrid, in Lodown

Graduate SE, in Sleaze magazine

Veronique R, in Sleaze magazine

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http://vimeo.com/49375988# Article on Skatebyte http://www.skatebyte.com/artigos/dc_jm.shtml

GAME OF HONOR Portuguese Ambassador THAYNAN COSTA introduces this Game of Honor with Portugal DC riders DANIEL PINTO, FRANCISCO LOPEZ AND LUIS COUTINHO.

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SURF TOMAS VALENTE Episode 2 of 2 with TOMAS VALENTE (AgentEIghteen Wetsuits Europe)



VASCO RIBEIRO brings bronze medal to Portugal in Eurojunior.



It can be a wave or only a single move! Best Wave is a monthly exclusive vídeo produced by ONFIRE staff and featuring the best portuguese surfers at their best explosive moments! Vasco Ribeiro is the "artist" behind our September's Best Wave clip with his amazing combo in Costa da Caparica, Portugal.

http://vimeo.com/48801234 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 49/101

MOTO GONCALO GIL runs Enduro 8

SPONSORSHIP FUEL TV “ACTION SPORTS PLUS” DC is sponsor of the program “Action Sports plus” at Fuel TV Girls present the program always in DC clothing and shoes.

http://videos.sapo.pt/Z3BMl2dzePErua2LRQps http://videos.sapo.pt/8UZlW0ZFZJZVPnukjhJi http://videos.sapo.pt/ogdzCuELPct4lYcVdHEb http://videos.sapo.pt/ARtDAgYAD5z6A0IwRpLZ http://videos.sapo.pt/WmmKOn8Tgf6RH4ySHj7C http://videos.sapo.pt/E26zYcZoT0jZk34H0rKD http://videos.sapo.pt/WUsqk6pYGYqYREe3kDAy http://videos.sapo.pt/b80835QkK5ggZ56rJEbZ http://videos.sapo.pt/qy8E0szdMmPCtwm1oIeF Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 50/101


in Surf Portugal, September 2012


in Surf Portugal, September 2012

VASCO RIBEIRA – Bronze Medal in Eurojunior

www.surftotal.com/ http://www.surftotal.com/pt/index.php/noticias/item/7206-vasco-e-carina-na-luta-pelas-medalhas www.surftotal.com/ http://www.surftotal.com/pt/index.php/noticias/item/7226-portugal-de-bronze-na-festa-francesa

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http://www.onfiresurfmag.com http://www.onfiresurfmag.com/noticias/o-que-fazer-durante-uma-lesao-segundo-tomas-valente




in Surf Portugal, September 2012

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The DC Skate Team Italy continues its busy summer time with a new cover on where Beatrice Sugliani captures ANDREO LOPES in Bs Nosegrind during the tour in Rome. The Roman tour will be the protagonist of a full article in the next 6:00 am mag #64.

IVAN FEDERICO winner of the Kill Bowl “The final Cut” event of Railway Skatepark – Brescia.

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IVAN FEDERICO wins third place

ANDREO LOPES was also very active on front of video clips filmed in the beautiful country of origin: Brazil. Here are 2 links where you can see Andreo in action: - Andreo Lopes and his partner Fabio Ferreira in a Brazilian Double session:


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- Andy at his indoor home Quadra Gang always in Brazil.



MY DC CREW skater MARCO VAGANI of AcriminalG crew shop of Arona is participating in the contest held on the global skateboarding TV to rise in rank and win a proper DC sponsorship.

http://www.globalboarding.tv/promotion/dc/#/promovideo/46/90707 DC Team member LUCA COLLU at Blast skate contest with a nollie bigspin heelflip

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SKATEPARK New look for the Habitat Skatepark Arezzo.


Team rider IVAN ZUCCONI at the Asiago show August 12°, 2012.

IVAN ZUCCONI again, at Fabriano show September 1st, 2012. 23000 spectators.

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SUPERCROSS DE L’YONNE Team rider ANGELO PELLEGRINI wins third place at Brienon, France. + Italian number 1 freestyle DC team rider BIANCONCINI flips on his quad.

ONE DAY FOR HELP Earthquake Emilia Romagna – One Day For Help event, organized by team members ALEX SALVINI and MAX BIANCONCINI at Alex’ home park.

ICAN ZUCCONI Teamrider IVAN ZUCCONI Performance.

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Shows in July : 21 Luglio Padova 28 Luglio Vicenza 30 Luglio Ancona, Ostra 2 Agosto San Elpidio a Mare

MEDIA Collaboration between DC Italy and Deejay.it with a banner campaign.

Collaboration with Sequence – jpg edition. The (school-)skulldiary is a free agenda available only in specialised point of sales.

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CLIPPINGS Interview with Colin Mc Kay, 6째a.m. #63

DC Ad Ken Block & Travis Pastrana, in Motocross September

Background info the making of Gymkhana 5, in Motocross September

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SKATEBOARD CONTEST 360 Shop Skate Event (local skate contest)

Concrete Rocker 2011

SKATEPARK This is the story of The Beast, skateboard Pool in Zurich/Switzerland. A summer of hard work to fulfill our dream of a skateboarding pool in an former Soccer Stadium.

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SOCIAL MEDIA The DC Switzerland Facebook Page has reached over 31K.

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DC corner in Emerald shop



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CLIPPINGS Whiteout Skateboarding Mag Travel Report «Jan Sohlentaler in Japan»


Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 63/101

SKATEBOARD JUNKFEST 01/09/12 Event by store Junkyard. DC was partner and had a miniramp in the DC tent. Kids skated it. 7000 visitors in the day. Wes Kreamer, Josef Scott and Swedish DC rider Joel Sv채rd was there to compete in the skatecontest.

Media coverage: TACKY: http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=18 276 http://www.tacky.se/snowboard/imagecollection/?id=182 65 http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=18 264 http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=18 263 LIVESTREAM: http://www.tacky.se/skateboard/article/?id=118437 TRANSITION http://www.transition.se/junkfest-2012recap http://www.transition.se/mer-fran-junkfest VIMEO EDITS: DENNIS YLIKANGAS - https://vimeo.com/48750350 KRISTOFFER FAHLGREN https://vimeo.com/48713541 More than 11,000 views

GAME OF SKATE CONTEST Fun little skate contest with My DC Crew store Coyote Grind Lounge.

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JOHAN FOPPA IN PERUS VIDEO DC teamrider ”Foppa” has been busy lately. He will have a part in the upcoming PERUS video, trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7yourQUhmo&feature=share He was also recently on Kingpins the DRIVE contest with Perus and he has pictures in the two latest issues of KINGPIN magazine.

RICKARD NILSSONS DC Teamrider RICKARD NILSSONS interview from Giftorm magazine is now online, see it here.


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STEFAN HELIN, Skateboard left overs part.

JOAKIM POIJO in Barcelona by Brizen TV.

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SNOWBOARD FRAMED MOVIE DC sponsored snowboard project and movie Framed premier at Reels snowboard films festival in France. Swedish premieres are planned and will happen soon. Also don’t miss the snowboard film BLUE BALLS by Random Bastards. Its premiering soon and will have a big promotion tour around Europe. Jonte Linde has a part that is sick.

See the trailer here: http://vimeo.com/41941927 - almost 20000 views.


Parts of our Snowboard team has been to SAAS-FEE to start the season. Edit coming soon

Snowboard teamrider JONTE LINDE and friends, a short but nice clip with some skateboard and pre-season snowboard.


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BMX EMIL ERIKSSON DC BMX teamrider BMX has been to Paris to film for a new video part.

CLIPPINGS Evan Smith in Transition. 6 pages about CPH Pro.

Nitro Circus ad in Transition.

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SKATEBOARD GURU OF THE GRANITE Regarded as the most real skatecontest in Norway, The Guru contest draws attention both by fellow riders, audience and the media. A lot of kids showed up and the skating was really good. Norwegian DC skate team manager HENNING BRAATEN won this contest once again with the best style, flow and difficulty! http://www.tacky.no/skateboard/imagecollection/?id=18322 http://www.tacky.no/skateboard/video/?id=243524


HERMANN STENE kills it yet again. This time he kills a couple of hours at his home turf. Here is the latest update from the DCoffice.no


Other news from August :

DC team rider HERMANN STENE won the Norwegian skateboarding champs with insane skating: https://vimeo.com/46980756 HERMANN STENE also won best trick with a massive backside 360 out a big stair: https://vimeo.com/46937378 HERMANN STENE also made this edit from his local indoor park: https://vimeo.com/48285794 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 69/101

Hermann was a coach on the Skateboard camps at Camp Vierli in Norway; Worlds only skateboard hotel! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO3h7PaCIM8&feature=player_embedded And to top it off, Hermann got the cover and big interview in Norwegian mag; Playboard!

TOBIAS LIEN DC team skater TOBIAS LIEN does an Arto Saari line in the Norwegian DC office.


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12 year old DC ripper MATS HATLEM tearing his local miniramp to pieces.


Other news from August :

MATS HATLEM won 5 titles in Norway this summer: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/Mats-12-har-vunnet-de-fem-storste-skateboardtitlene-iNorge-6970095.html

HENNING BRAATEN In August, DC team manager HENNING BRAATEN completed 32 stops of skateboard schools & demos, keeping the skate-scene entertained yet another summer!!

SNOWBOARD OLE CHRISTIAN HAGEN Team rider OLE CHRISTIAN HAGEN has been in Saas Fee ripping it up last week.

https://vimeo.com/50366046 He also won the World Rookie fest in Australia last week with impressive riding. http://www.board.tv/2012/08/20/australian-rookie-fest-2012/ Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 71/101

MARKUS OLIMSTAD Also, DC snow team rider MARKUS OLIMSTAD also in Saas Fee.


MONS ROISLAND DC EU rookie team rider MONS ROISLAND took some laps on the Norwegian glacier in Folgefonna.


AUTO KEN BLOCK just visited Norway! We wonder what he was up to?

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LIFE DEXPEDITION The always crazy Dex Carrington and his show; Dexpedition is back with another season. Are you ready?? Teaser one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywrC4oQKyA8 Teaser two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFD2ncMo9kk&feature=plcp (best one)

WINTER STYLE Norwegian DC sales reps Arvid & Jorn just discovered the latest trend from the DC design office for winter 13!

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SKATEBOARD DC FINLAND IN EMBASSY DC Finland in Embassy with riders Ville Keituri, Mathias Stenman, Kasperi Kropsu & Tito Aiha. 8 pages article in Hangup Skateboarding Magazine.

DC ADS Official DC ads in Hangup skateboarding magazine

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SNOWBOARD DC ADS Official DC ads in Slammer snowboarding magazine.

PRODUCTS Product Placement in Slammer Gear guide 2012-2013 + Picture of JANI SORASALMI in gallery.


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SOCIAL MEDIA Getting bigger : 21204 Fans end of September.

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SKATEBOARD Danish DC rider FREDDIE LONKA cruising the ghetto on his filmer board.

https://vimeo.com/49064748 Danish DC rider MADS SAND throwing down a few tricks at Skelager Skate Park in Aalborg.

https://vimeo.com/48697406 Footy from the DC DK team demo at the SkateDay contest in Silkeborg.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Fu5mGwb6BJE http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151045524107234.431147.366603157233&type=1 http://www.facebook.com/events/354480461297728/ Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 77/101

Danish DC rider SEBASTIAN NIELSEN at his local park.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjCQ1hZdP_k DC team in DK

http://www.wdbm.dk/news/3980 HELSINGOR CONTEST

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=512518432094881&set=a.390979387582120.111384.31621 1398392253&type=1&theater Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 78/101

Danish DC rider SIMON PEDERSEN’S latest video part.


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SKATEBOARD JAKUB SKRZYPKOWSKI 2nd place in Wake Skate Contest.

MICHAL MAZUR Best Polish rider during Baltic Games

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TOWN TOUR official trailer 2



Article on naszemiasto.pl


KRZYSZTOF TEREJ Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 81/101

Terej is a professional drifter who was always in love with DC brand. DC started a collaboration during the "Verva Street Racing". Terej wanted to be noticed during the race so he involved Swanski in preparing his car. DC supported him with Ken Block racing shoes and a pack of streetwear collection. After the race there was a special afterparty, with "Kya Bamba" exclusive concert. The results were amazing. Terej just finished his competition in the "European" and Polish championship and is coming back to work for TV. He has his own TV program about cars on TVN Turbo channel were he will be also dressed up in DC.


TEREJ (RAGE team) had his car customized by Swanski.



He participated in the Verva Street Racing


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RETAIL New shop in Gdansk

CLIPPINGS DC products in magazyner.pl

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SKATEBOARD OFFLINE SPORT GAMES 13 DC sponsored the OSG13 in Budapest (BMX, Skateboard, Music)

http://offlinesportgames.hu/ http://vimeo.com/49280338 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 84/101

DC SUMMER TOUR – BUDAPEST Demos and signing session

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SKATEBOARD TIMOTEJ LAMPEIGNJIC 2 weeks ago, TIMOTEJ won the Burn Sarajevo Soul (Bosnia).This year he is unbeateable. He is just back from Barcelona where he has been filmed with our skate team for last ten days.




CZ DC team riders HABANEC and STEJSKAL were very successful at important regional contest in Frantiskovy Lazne. 1st and 2nd.

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http://www.boardmag.cz/akce/cesko/i-druhej-rocnik-lazenskyho-masakru-nabidl-spoustu-kvalitnihoskateboardingu.html http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/brano-mrvan-stvrty-na-lazenskom-masakri-ktory-vyhralmaxim-habanec


STEJSKAL and JURASEK on the podium of Prague s famous skate contest Wild in the parks.

http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/volcom-stone-witp-vyhral-tomas-stejskal#!prettyPhoto[gall1]/8/ http://www.skaterock.cz/bleskovky/vysledky-wild-in-the-park-2012/


DC skater JIRKA HRONEK wins high profile local contest Game without a name, in Prague suburbs, Uhrineves.


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CZ SKATE CHAMPIONSHIP CZ DC team dominated CZ skateboarding championship, 1st / MAXIM HABANEC, 2nd TOMAS STEJSKAL, 3rd MARTIN JURASEK. All are DC riders!



Street skateboarding video edit from former Stalin Statue Place in Prague, with DC team.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-ZScwqzLWA&feature=youtu.be http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151229118545850&set=vb.155967394454732&type=2&the ater http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/dc-czech-a-slovakia-na-staline-molec-lesko-habanec-stejskalkocak-hronek

MAXIME HABANEC footage of skateboarding in underwater tunel currently under construction.

http://www.boardmag.cz/riders/cesi/maxim-habanec-dostal-moznost-zajezdit-si-v-tunelu-blanka.html Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 88/101

MAXIME HABANEC: coverage of his visit in the skate park in Usti Nad Orlici that has recently opened.

My DC crew (store Swis Shop) rider TOMAS JAVUREK joins flow to pro competition with his video edit. Coverage in skaterock.cz and globalboarding.tv

http://www.skaterock.cz/rubriky/dej-mi-5/dej-mi-5-tomas-javurek/ http://www.skaterock.cz/bleskovky/tomas-javurek-v-my-dc-crew-soutezi/ http://www.globalboarding.tv/promotion/dc/#/promovideo/77/91666

Massive coverage for the Street League in CZ and Slovak core media

http://www.boardmag.cz/akce/world/vychutnajte-si-kompletny-zostrih-z-finale-street-league.html http://www.boardmag.cz/akce/world/sledujte-sestrih-toho-nejlepsiho-z-letosniho-street-league.html http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/best-of-street-league-2012-to-najlepsie http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/dc-shoes-nyjah-huston-a-jeho-vitazny-kolac-2012

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Several coverage about the DC Embassy in Slovakian media Boardlike.sk

http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/lacey-baker-vanessa-torres-a-dalsie-baby-v-dc-embassy http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/dc-finsky-team-v-embassy http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/dc-embassy-zazila-utok-z-juhu

DC’s WHAT WE ARE DC’S WHAT WE ARE video is now presented part by part on Boardlife.sk

http://www.boardlife.sk/skateboard/sprava/dc-s-what-we-are-maxime-genin-part Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 90/101

SNOWBOARD PETR HORAK European DC Team snowboarder PETR HORAK comes up with his home made video edit filmed aroung MT. Hood Oregon. Coverage all over the web.


PETR HORAK on his way to DC European snow team shooting with his european bros.

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BMX X CUP IN PARDUBICE CZ DC BMX rider ONDRA SLEZ wins important national contest X CUP in Pardubice.

MX GRAND PRIX OF GERMANY Motocross Grand Prix of Germany, CZ BMX rider JAN VALENTA visited Germany with the crew and miniramp.


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CZ DC MX rider FILIP NEUGEBAUER wins CZ championship open at Holice.

http://www.motolevel.com/clanek-3120-ohlednuti-filipa-neugebauera-za-csms-mx-mistrakem-v-holicich http://vimeo.com/49382191

FILIP NEUGEBAUER interview after becoming winner of MX3 GP of Germany and vice champion of Adac Masters.

http://www.motolevel.com/clanek-3212-filip-neugebauer-titul-vicemistra-adac-masters-a-vitezstvi-mx3-gp Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 93/101

CLIPPINGS Mikey Taylor ad in Free Magazine #88, the best printed media for skate and snow in CZ.

Skate demos in Prague + Usti, in Free Magazine #88

DC Products, in Free Magazine #88

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In cooperation with Free Magazine, every subscriber receives DC product.

PETR HORAKS, in Free Magazine #88

DC has full product coverage in largest national buyers guide on freeride.cz


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DC Board shot + infos in Instyle

2 pages from photoshoot with DC FMX rider TOMAS BARTA in CZ version of FHM

Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 96/101

SKATEBOARD DC rider GOSHA KONYSHEV first time on cover of Kingpin #105

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SKATEBOARD RASMUS PAIMRE The weather is already quite autumnal but ride is still going, get the Rasmus Paimre table @ P채rnu! When did you last outdoors riding bikes swept?

http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10151165912366092&set=a.241704146091.136375.2139 89001091&type=1&theater



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EDGAR KIISA Go for a ride with EDGAR KIISA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AaZujMPe48&feature=youtu.be

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SKATEBOARD TIMOTEJ LAMPE IGNJIC DC rider TIMOTEJ LAMPE IGNJIC is doing really well. He just finished second at the Italian national championships. http://timotejlampeignjic.wordpress.com/2012/10/01/2nd-place-at-italian-championships/

Recently he also did a video clip with Burn:


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He also recently won the two biggest skate contest in the Balkan region Belgrade (Serbia) and Osijek (Croatia). He was in the final in Budapest (Hungary) at the Offline Games (also see under HUNGARY). This summer he signed for Burn. He is still filming for our new video that will be released in Spring 2013.


Timotej at Simple Session 2012:


DEAN GOSTIMIROVIC And here is a nice clip of DC rider DEAN GOSTIMIROVIC. Enjoy...

http://www.produkcijastudio.com/tv-shows-movies-web-videos?video=49150387 Newsletter 55 September 2012 | Page 101/101

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