Integrated Regional Environmental Plan of Ganjam District 2041
Infrastructure and smart agriculture strategies has the potential for improvement. Chilika lake offers excellent scope of eco tourism, along with fishing and salt production in the coast. Scope for agro based industries, food production etc. to improve the industrial conditions. Inferences for environment Presence of various sources of water depicts good irrigation potential. The inadequate irrigation facilities in the interiors needs to be improved. The varied ecological character of the district brings in the potential for Wetland preservation and Natural resources conservation.
3.2 History and Regional Setting 3.2.1 Regional setting and District profile
Figure 3.2: District Profile
The Ganjam district lies in the southern part of Odisha, bounded by North latitude I9° 0' and 20° 17', and East longitude 84°09' and 85°11'. It is bordered on the north by the district of Nayagarh, on the south by Gajapati district of Odisha and Srikakulam district
Master of Environmental Planning and Management 2020-22, SPA Vijayawada
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