A touchless world?
By Richard Beebe
s we can all
levers or knobs, allowing an
appreciate, there
individual to open a door without
has been an
touching the hardware with
increased focus on
their hands. Whenever adding
limiting the spread
hardware such as these auxiliary
of germs and bacteria. Businesses
pulls, caution must be used to
and facilities have been looking
ensure that they do not impede
for options for a more hands-free
egress. Every door in a barrier-free
approach to their openings in their
path of travel must have a clear
buildings. Over the past several
opening width of 850 millimetres,
months we have seen some new
so it is important that the door
innovative touchless solution
hardware does not protrude into
products; however, we are finding
this space. Hardware must also
some new items may not meet
be mounted no higher than 1,200
current building codes so it is
millimetres AFF (above finished
important when you are installing
floor) to be code-compliant. ABC
new or changing products on 2) Except as required in
openings that they will comply to
Article, every doorway that
the codes in your area.
is located in a barrier-free path of
A pull handle that can be opened
travel shall have a clear width not
with a forearm or the crook of your elbow is a product that has recently hit markets in many different sizes and styles. In
less than 850 millimetres when the door is in the open position. (See A- Doorway Width for further clarification).
some cases, these pulls might be
Foot pulls are another new recent
installed in addition to the existing
product that have been invented
door pull or can be a complete
to provide a touch-free option
replacement. We have also seen
for openings. Foot pulls can
devices that attached to existing
be provided to help in opening