Island 岛
Welcome to Zhongshan 中山欢迎您
he name “ Zhongshan” is one of the most famous in all of China. Born in the town of Cui Heng,the late Dr.Sun Yat Sen Sun ( Zhong Shan) is considered one of the fathers of modern China and his name adorns streets,parks,museums,Universities and other public sites throughout the country. In fact this city, originally Xiangshan, is the only one in all of China to be renamed in honor of a single individual. The city of Zhongshan contains 18 separate townships, representing a diversity in manufacturing, local culture, foodstuffs, sights, attractions and services. This guide is a brief introduction to some of the best that this fine city has to offer,for those living and working here or for visitors just passing through.
中山”这个名字在中国是人所 皆知的。诞生于翠亨村,后来 的孙逸仙博士(孙中山)被认 为 是 现 代中国之父,以他的名字命名的 街 道 、 公园、博物馆、大学和其他公共 场 所 遍 布全国各地。事实上这个城市, 古 称 香 山,是全国唯一以伟人名字命名 的城市。 中 山 市 包 括18个镇,其多元化、多样性 在 制 造 业 、本土文化和食品、旅游景 点 、 服 务等领域尽有体现。本城市指南 简 要 介 绍了一些最好的去处,为您揭示 城 市 的 魅力所在,无论您是在这里生活 和 工 作 的人士或只是路过的游客。 像 我 们 所 有的城市指南,我们试图把注 意 力 集 中 在小册子这一基本形式上,方 便 使 用 和 携带,为您奉上所有最重要的 关 于 购 物 、餐饮、住宿、保健服务、教 育 等 方 面 的信息。同时还附上详细的地 图 供 您 参 考,并列出紧急号码。这不是 一 本 全 面 的目录清单,如想了解更多, 请 访 问 我 们的网站
Like all of our city guides we try to concentrate on the fundamentals in a booklet that is easy to use and able to carry with you, for all your essential shopping, dining, health services, educational information and more. We include a detailed map for your reference and lists of emergency numbers too. This is hardly a comprehensive list, so for more complete regional information updated on a regular basis,please visit our website at
里 面 有 不 断更新的更完整的区域信息。 有 些 人 称 之为中山,但我们称之为家 园 。 欢 迎! -珠 三 角 纵横团队! . Some call it Zhongshan, but we call it
More at
Here you meet friends. Good western food and cozy ambiance, the place where you can feel at home. Check for special events: Unit 1-5/2F, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu, ZHONGSHAN. 中山岐关西路39号,一区,3卡 Tel: (0760) 8881 298 8 / Fax: (0760) 8880 458 8
Open dail y 6PM till dawn
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Alex's Bar / 德国啤酒吧 One of the hottest dance spots in town. A wide selection of domestic and imported beers and the best Scotch list in the city. English speaking staff and a rocking house band every night of the week. 市中心最热门的消遣地点 之 一 , 有 多 种 酒 类 包括纯正的德国啤酒供选 择 , 每 晚 奉 上 精 彩 的现场乐队演奏。 Getting there: Unit 3, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Road,ZS 中山市岐关西路39号一区3卡 (+86 760) 88260098 18 Club / 18号公馆 One of the newer clubs, with a mix of postindustrial and neo-classical styles. A pumping DJ mixes it up with house, hiphop, rock and canto pop to keep the crowd moving.Popular with the young Hong Kong and Macao people. 中山其中一家新开业的酒 吧 。 风 格 独 特 , 室 内设计融合后工业化和新 古 典 主 义 的 形 式 。 很受年轻人和港澳人士的 欢 迎 。 Getting there: D Nanxia Landmark, Bo' ai 3 Road, ZS 中山市石岐区博爱三路南 下 新 码 头D座 (+86 760) 88805999 Top Party KTV / Top星派对KTV Super popular, nice environment, reasonable price,Price:medium room 100 / per hour,Big room 200 / per hour. 超级大众化,环境不错, 中 房 最 贵100元 一 个小时,大房最贵200多。 Getting there: 4/F, DaXin Xin Du Hui, South Daxin Rd, Shiqi,ZS 中山市石岐区大信南路大 信 新 都 汇4楼 (+86 760) 88726688
Cowboy Bar (Xiaolan) / 牛仔 DISCO Highlight: DJ & Dancer , Good atmosphere, not expensive at all, worth a go! 气氛不错,也不贵,值得一去! Getting there: Shenping Mid Road, Xiaolan, ZS 小榄镇升平中路 (+86 760) 22100002 Forward Club / 风云俱乐部 Good fun in a Chinese Bar with a nice set up. A great spot in the ZS Stadium. 风云俱乐部是集娱乐休闲于一体的经典酒 吧 , 风 格 独 特,深 受 当 地 人 及 游 客 欢 迎。 Getting there: East gate, Xingzhong Stadium, ZS。 (+86 760 ) 88385888
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE 广告咨讯请联系 0756-8811701 O'Hagan's / 爱尔兰分会 The only Irish pub in Zhongshan. Quiet enough to have a conversation, but music and sports events are always available. Enjoy the outdoor patio – great for people watching. The only bar in town with Guinness and Kilkenny on tap! 中山唯一的爱尔兰式酒吧,室外露台让你畅 享自由。 Getting there: Nanxia Landmark, Qi Guan Xi Road, ZS 中山南下新码头,爱尔兰分会 (+86 760) 88811155
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Hawaii Spa Center / 夏威夷水疗康体中 心 Hawaii Spa Center is definitely a good choice for spa lovers.It is the largest spa center in Zhongshan. The center offers such facilities as aquatic body therapy facilities, sauna,naturally heated pools, treatment pools as well as a wide range of water sports which are suitable for men and women, old and young. 集运动、健身于一体的综 合 大 型 室 内 养 生 水 疗馆。全年温水由电脑控 热 处 理 , 一 年 四 季 都能畅游戏水。 Getting there: East Kanghua Road,Shiqi District,ZS 中山市石岐区康华路东段 沙 岗 墟 旁 (+86 760) 88305757
shuttle buses from the downtown to Xianmuyuan Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort / 中山温泉度假村 With 280 guest rooms and up-to-date conference rooms,this resort has it all. With two signature golf courses and tennis courts as well as the hot springs themselves,this resort offers the perfect chance to get away for those relaxing weekends.Soothe those aching muscles in style with a courteous and helpful staff there to assist you. 全新巴厘岛风情,可泡山泉,泡温泉,宜泡 宜疗。 Getting there: Sanxiang Town,ZS 中山市三乡镇雍陌村 (+86 760) 86683888 Salience Beautifier / 卓越美容会所 Not inexpensive, but they use the most advanced equipment and therapy treatments. 最 先 进 的 设 备 , 悠 由 自 在 的SPA氛 围 。 Getting there: 37-38, Ground Floor, D Hengxin Garden, Tiyu Road, East District,ZS 中 山 市 东 区 体 育 路 恒 信 花 园D区 首 层37-38卡 (+86 760) 88338466
Xianmuyuan Hot Spring Resort / 仙沐园温泉 Xianmuyuan is a good choice for a quiet spa and also a good weekend getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. 园林式露天温泉度假乐园 , 如 : 药 疗 温 泉 池,还有香薰冰泉按摩池 等 。 Getting there: Zhongshan Hotspring Tourist Site, Sanxiang Town,ZS 三乡镇中山温泉宾馆内 (+86 760) 86323883 Bus Route: 11A,39 or 35,or take free
Haomen International Yoga Club / 豪门国际瑜伽健美俱乐部 The first professional yoga club in Zhongshan.This elegant environment provides specialized programs such as Pilates, hot yoga, family yoga, decompression, slimming and other physical therapies. 豪门国际瑜伽是中山首家顶级专业瑜伽健美 俱乐部。设有竹苑、华柏两间专业瑜伽馆。 环境优雅、开设多项课程(普拉提、高温瑜 伽、亲子瑜伽、减压瑜伽、纤体及各种理疗 课程),师资力量雄厚,更有亚洲瑜伽协 会高级印度导师亲自授课,让您感受最 纯粹的印度瑜伽魅力。
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Getting there: 5/F, Zhuyuan Market, East District, Shiqi, ZHONGSHAN 中山市东区竹苑市场5楼 (+86 760) 88231132 Jinchan Yoga / 金蝉瑜伽 Professional instructors offering a unique blend of yoga, modern ballet, Pilates, Tai Chi and classical dance. 传播瑜伽身体艺术文化, 让 健 康 人 生 更 精 彩。资深专业的导师团队 , 将 瑜 伽 和 现 代 芭 蕾、普拉提、太极、古典 舞 蹈 完 美 结 合 在 一 起。 Getting there: Unit 2-6, No.1 Borough,39 Qiguan Xi Lu, ZS 中山市东区岐关西路39号 维 景 湾1区2至6卡 (交通银 行后面)
Yuan San Traditional Chinese Massage / 源三小筑 Chinese traditional health preserving is the main characteristic of Yuan San Massage. Main service: traditional body massage, fire cupping, foot massage and offering health consulting service. 源三小筑以传统养生为特色,结合现代保健 医学的健康常識, 給于宾客一个古典优 雅、舒解压力、消除疲劳、养生保健的健康 场所。以传统推拿、拔罐刮痧、熱汤泡腳、 全 身 经 络 疏 理 、 香 薰 推 油 等,为 健 康 及 亚 健 康人群提供整套专业健康顾问,助您拥有理 想的健康。 Getting there: Unit 15-17, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu, ZS 中 山 市 东 区 歧 关 西 路39号 维 景 湾 商 业 街 15-17卡 (+86 760) 88820138 / 133 1828 9390
It all happens here!
Arrosto Italian BBQ Homemade Pasta Real Pizza Daily fresh Tiramisu and homemade Ice Cream Fresh daily specials
Sausages Schnitzel Handmade pretzels and more German beers and an extensive wine list Every Saturday Night BBQ - Open daily 11AM to 2PM and 6PM to 11PM Unit 1-5/2F, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu, ZHONGSHAN. 中山岐关西路39号,一区,3卡 Tel: (0760) 8881 298 8 / Fax: (0760) 8880 458 8
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Bellavista / 彼得西餐厅 Elegant yet affordable five-star meals without the five-star price.Imported ingredients mixed with fresh local vegetables are cooked and presented by Western chefs.Complete with a full selection of imported wines and beers.The Bellavista offers quality service at a reasonable price.The English speaking staff is on hand to provide help in any way. 一个五星级的优雅设计场 所 提 供 实 惠 的 五 星 级菜式,并由西方厨师运 用 进 口 配 料 混 合 本 地蔬菜进行食物烹调。还 有 一 系 列 进 口 葡 萄 酒和啤酒供客人选择。彼 得 西 餐 厅 以 合 理 的 价格提供最优质的服务, 英 文 服 务 员 随 时 恭 候提供协助服务。 Getting there: 1 Borough,No. 39 Qi Guan Unit 1-5/2F,No. Xi Lu,ZS 中山岐关西路39号维景湾 一 区 二 楼1-5卡 (+86 760) 88812988 Café Plus / 尚苑 Café Plus offers a casual relaxed dining experience.Three bustling open kitchens showcase the very best in sushi and sashimi along with a Western grill and a soup and noodle station. The buffet section is supplemented with an a’ la’ carte menu and an extensive wine list. 尚苑用餐随意而放松。繁 忙 的 开 放 式 厨 房 , 展示出最精美的寿司和生 鱼 片 , 以 及 西 式 烤 肉、汤品和面食。烧烤部 备 有 各 式 佳 肴 和 美 酒。 Getting there: Level 2, East Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 16 Qi Wan Road N, Eastern Area, ZS 中山市东区起湾北道16号 香 格 里 拉 酒 店 东 楼 二层 (+86 760) 88386888 ext. 6110 Lapis Lazuli / 藏珑坊 Lapis Lazuli is a new style of restaurant introduced here from Shanghai.Serving international cuisine,they are well represented with Italian,French,and Southeast Asian specialties. They have their own boutique store selling handcrafted candles, lamps, jewelry and other beautiful items. Be sure to check out the rooftop garden!Great for a romantic candlelight dinner.
藏珑坊是一家全新概念的西餐厅,总店设在 上海,并追求着成为国际餐饮连锁,这里的 美食以正宗的意大利美食为主,并配有顶级 的 法 国 名 菜 , 还 有 东 南 亚 的 风 味 。Lapis Lazuli分 两 个 部 分 : 餐 厅 酒 吧 是 一 部 分 , 叫 “藏珑坊”;另外的部分,是经营由专人设 计的灯饰、饰品等家居用品,小店名为“藏 珑工坊”。 在这里和心爱的人一起吃一顿烛光晚餐,一 定是浪漫无比的。 Getting there: N0.1-6 of Zhidi Square,Yongjing Garden, Yingtong Road, East District,ZS 中 山 市 东 区 银 通 街 雍 景 园 置 地 广 场1-6号 (+86 760) 88235769 Holi Chef / 荷房 Located in the Holiday Plaza,this restaurant has specialty dishes from Thailand,Vietnam,Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries. Foods are seasonal but the outstanding quality and service are consistent and keep customers coming back. 座落于假日广场内,作为东南亚美食的主题 餐厅,荷房提供的是泰国、越南、马来西亚 各式美食;而且店家还根据季节而转变口 味,推出不同时节符合中山人口味的东南亚 美食,开业以来一直深受广大食客的欢迎! Getting there: Shop 129, 7 Holiday Plaza,No. 6 Xingzhong Avenue,ZS 中 山 兴 中 道6号 假 日 广 场7区129卡 商 铺 (+86 760) 88225006
Hf-Sushi / 和风日本料理 A popular Japanese restaurant in a tranquil setting of water, bridges and bamboo. The menu is simple, fresh, and worth checking out. 中 山 市 一 家 味 道 不 错,价 格 实 惠,大 众 化 的 日 本 料 理 店, 环 境 值 得 一 夸, 微 风 、 小 桥 、 流 水 、 几 棵 竹 子,一 付 小 桥 流 水 格 调;没 有 太 精 致和特别的菜式。但是大众化的品种都做得 比 较 好, 例 如 三 文 鱼 寿 司 。 Getting there: No. 55 Gongchen Rd,Shiqi,ZS 中 山 石 岐 拱 辰 路55号 (+86 760) 88833312
ADD: Building No.25 Min Fu Jie. Guzhen Town. Zhongshan City. China-528421 地址:中山古镇华兴村民富街25号 TEL: 0760-22328855 E-mail:
哈拉餐厅 S
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Sahara Indian Restaurant / 撒哈拉印度菜餐厅 The chefs and the ingredients are all pure Indian, here in Zhongshan’s best Indian restaurant. Try the real mud brick oven for tandoori, as well as curry lamb and chicken washed down with Indian beer. 所有厨师、传菜员等都是 清 一 色 印 度 人 。 厨 房是印度式格局,有用泥 巴 砌 成 的 印 度 烤 炉,而盛菜器皿也是全部 从 印 度 带 过 来 。 地 道的印度烤饼, 推荐羊肉 咖 喱 和 咖 喱 鸡 块, 印度啤酒。 Getting there: Building No.25 Min Fu Jie, Guzhen, ZS 中山市古镇益华超市二楼 (+86 760) 22328855
Civil Restaurant /小城大餐 This trendy restaurant in the Holiday Plaza has three floors, with the first being below street level, the second like a garden, and the third with a large window for letting in the sun. Fusion Eastern and Western cuisine. 餐 厅 的 装 修 设 计 很 漂 亮, 1楼 像 个 地 窖, 2楼 像 坐 在 花 园, 3楼 的 洗 手 间 顶 上 是 玻 璃,午 后 的 阳光照进来无比写意。这家餐厅的美食以融 合中西方美食为特点,食物品种多样,新鲜 的海鲜为主,选择很多,价格适中。 Getting there: Holiday Plaza, 6 Xingzhong Avenue, ZS 中 山 兴 中 道6号 假 日 广 场 内 (+86 760) 88225118
Jiaotong Prince Grill 交通皇子扒房 / The Prince Grill features delicious,healthy, and exquisite cuisine, in a comfortable and luxurious environment for family or friends. Some of the best steaks in town. 王子私房菜,率先引入“ 私 房 菜 ” 概 念 , 整 个主题从风格到菜式制作 都 非 常 有 家 庭 的 感 觉,温馨而健康,所用材 料 皆 自 然 天 成 , 提 供私房式家庭盛宴。 Getting there: 2 / F, Traffic Mansion, Zhongshan 1 Rd 交通皇子扒房, 中山市中 山 一 路 交 通 大 厦 二 楼 (+86 760) 88232111
Dae Jiang Kum Korean Restaurant / 大长今韩国料理 This Korean restaurant is across from the China Telecom building. Korean style decoration, warm and comfortable, barbecue, kimchi, and good service. 这家韩国料理就在中国电信对面!韩国式的 餐 馆 的 装 修 , 温 馨 而 舒 服, 烤 肉 , 泡 菜 好 好 吃,服务态度好。 Getting there: AB, 15 Yintong Road, East District,Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 东 区 银 通 街15号AB座 (+86 760) 88238516
Dongyue Famous Kitchen / 东悦名厨 Simple yet luxurious decoration, for breakfast and lunch they serve standard Cantonese dim sum. There's a Japanese-style open kitchen preparing sushi, and the restaurant serves fusion food also. On weekends you may need to wait a long time for a table, better you book in advance. 简单但豪华的装修风格, 在 这 里 您 可 以 品 尝 精致正宗的粤式早茶,还 有 寿 司 等 美 食 。 注 意节假日人多,最好预定 座 位 。 Getting there: Haoyi Hua Ting, No. 37 Qiguan West Rd., East District,Shiqi,ZS 东区岐关西路37号豪逸华 庭 (+86 760) 88316633
King Hotel Food Court / 京华食街 One of the bigger food courts in town, on the 4th floor of the YiHua shopping plaza. Serving not only Cantonese food, but steaks and sushi too. No need to speak Chinese, just point to your dish and it will be served to your table. 门面气势磅礴,古色古香,而室内小桥流 水、古榕参天。宽豁的大厅四周是一圈美食 滩档,除了日本料理,云南的过桥米线、陕 西的泡馍、淮阳的狮子头、湖南的酱板鸭等 等,无论你来自祖国的何方,总可以在此找 到自己家乡的风味美食。 Getting there: 4/F King Century Hotel, 8 Zhongshan 3 Road, Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 中 山 三 路8号 京 华 世 纪 酒 店4楼 (+86 760) 88328688 ext. 3018
New Fei Long Dumpling House / 新飞龙饺子馆 Employers and employees are all from Dongbei, northeast China.Dumplings taste absolutely authentic! Although the name of the shop is Dumpling House, there are lots of other dishes. You will find them really substantial and inexpensive. Really good business here, means dinner time needs booking in advance. 老板和员工都是东北人。 饺 子 的 味 道 绝 对 正 宗!这家店虽说名叫饺子 店 , 可 是 还 有 很 多 的美食的,分量大又便宜 。 食 饭 时 段 来 的 话 几乎都要订位, 推荐:酱 骨 架, 素 三 鲜 饺 子。 Getting there: Inside New Times Plaza,28 Zhongshan 2 Road, Shiqi, ZS 中山市中山二路28号新时 代 广 场 内 (+86 760) 88815249 Feng Yi Yuan / 丰 怡园 Some very eye-catching billboards attract you to this local Hunan restaurant, with low prices and authentic taste. 丰怡园有十分引人注目的 招 牌 。 其 大 部 分 食 材都是取自湖南当 地 , 以 低 廉 的 价 格
让客人品味到地道的湖南风味。 Getting there: 2/F Home Inn, 137 Fuhua Dao, Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 富 华 道137号 如 家 酒 店 二 楼 (+86 760) 88844468 Jack & Magic Pea / 杰克魔豆咖啡概念店 Jack and Magic Pea serves a growing menu of set meals and pastas along with coffee and tea. It is not expensive and is favored by a younger,trendier clientele. Free wireless LAN access. 中山年轻人、潮人喜爱的聚会点,并有无线 上网提供。 Getting there: Unit 10, No.2 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Road,ZS 中 山 市 岐 关 西 路39号 维 景 湾 商 铺2座10卡 (岐江河边) (+86 760) 88220717 Kimo Coffee / 奇摩咖啡 Serving imported coffee, tea and beer along with Chinese and Western dishes. Classic decor with a piano player at all 3 locations. The menu is in English and they
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
also provide high-speed internet connection and have free wireless LAN access. 中西格调的融合,配有现 场 钢 琴 演 奏 , 环 境 舒适优雅。 Getting there: 2F,Daxin Metro Mall Da ( Fu Yuan) ,Shiqi, ZS 奇摩咖啡(总店):中山 市 大 信 新 都 会2F (+86 760) 88788671 Sky Rose / 蔷薇心晴 Taiwanese and Western food and drinks, with a distinct, relaxed Continental decoration at all three locations. Menus are in English and Chinese, and the staff are courteous and attentive. A great place to read a magazine, enjoy a drink or a meal, and watch the people go by. 台湾咖啡店,欧式 装饰,亲切温馨,这里绝 对 是 一 个 放 松 的 好 地方。 Getting there: Songyuan shop: No.7,3-4, Songyuan road, East District, Shiqi, Zhongshan City 松苑店:中山市石岐东区 松 苑 路7号3-4卡 Hengxin shop: No.27-2, Area A, Hengxin garden, East District, Shiqi, ZS 恒信店中山市石岐东区恒 信 花 园A区27卡 之 二 Daxin shop:No28,5-6,Hongji road, Shiqi District, Shiqi, Zhongshan City 大信店中山市石岐石岐区 宏 基 路28号5-656卡 Tanzhou: No7-8,Fulida garden, Nantan road, Tanzhou Town, Zhongshan City 坦洲店:中山市坦洲镇南 坦 路 富 丽 达 花 园78号
Pizza Stop / 披萨站 At pizza Stop, you will find our pizza' s shape and sizes are different than other pizzas in Zhongshan. We make our pizzas thin and crispy to be different and Zhongshan crowd have more choices in choosing where and what kind of pizzas to eat. 特 色 : 西 红 柿 披 萨,茄 子 披 萨,牛 肉 披 萨 香脆可口的披萨将会令你难忘 Getting there: Shop 5 , No. 21 , Ting Zi (Xia Street ( near Feng Yuan Hotel ) , Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 石 歧 亭 子 下 大 街2 1号5卡 (逢 源 商 业 街 逢 源 酒 店 旁 边) 披 萨 站
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
NAPOLI OSTERIA ITALIANA / 拿坡里 By far the best Italian restaurant in Zhongshan and highly recommended for their wines and gourmet dishes. It’s enough to make you forget the economic crisis completely…. Here, eating is an essential element of life. The restaurant owner (Rossano. Boscolo) do not appreciate the concept of comfort eating. His words of wisdom are: “to put it on our fingers and into our mouths as a whole.” Chef Matteo is very persistent pursuit of authentic Italian cuisine style.Matteo will personally greet the guests out, If you don’t know what to eat, Matteo will be very confident to tell you:“arrange by me!” 据 说NAPOLI餐厅各个菜品全 部 独 具 匠 心, 一 举 超越了“招牌菜的限制” 美 食 家 评 论:“ 光 顾NAPOLI餐厅需要我们暂时 忘 掉 现 实 烦 恼 , 在 这里,吃才是生活的基本要 素 。NAPOLI餐 厅 主人罗萨诺.博斯科洛(Rossano Boscolo)不 欣 赏舒适就餐的概念,他的至 理 名 言 是 体 验 味 蕾 跳跃至指尖的欲望。”主厨Matteo在 厨艺 、 颜 色和质地方面都非常讲究, 执 着 追 求 正 统 意 大 利佳肴风味,使每一位外国 朋 友 都 有 宾 至 如 归 的享受。餐厅的服务也非常 周 到 ,Matteo还 会 亲自出来招待客户。如果不 知 道 该 吃 些 什 么 ,不用担心,因为Matteo会 非 常 自 信 地 告诉 你 :“交给我吧。” getting there: No. 12, Hengxin Street, Qiguan West Rd, East Area, ZS 中 山东区歧关西路恒信街12号 之 二 卡 (+86 760) 88326055
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Café A 1002 / 漫森咖啡 One of the more attractive coffee shops in Zhongshan, with the warm family-style ambience of a country house. The outside patio is especially inviting, with lots of potted plants that fill the air with fragrance. 中山最有格调的咖啡厅,家庭式的作坊,丛 容平静。门外是绿色盆栽,带有淡淡青草味 Getting there: Unit 13-14, No.2 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Road,ZS 中 山 市 东 区 岐 关 西 路3 9号 维 景 湾 二 座1 3 - 1 4卡 (+86 760) 8268117
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Guangzhou 广州
Dongguan 东莞
Foshan 佛山
Zhongshan Ferry Terminal
Jiangmen 江门
Zhuhai 珠海
09 特高商务酒店 Tegao Business Hotel
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Kin House 今摄影工作室
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 金蝉瑜珈 Jinchan Yoga 10 普罗纳瑜珈 Parana Yoga
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Jiaotong Prince Grill 交通皇子扒房 / 拿坡里 Napoli 披萨站 Pizza Stop
藏珑坊 Lapis Lazuli 啡比寻常 Unique Coffee
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Useful Numbers / 常用电话号码 Police / 报警: 110 Fire / 火警: 119 First Aid Centre / 急救: 120 Accident / 交通事故: 122 Zhongshan Bus Terminal 中 /山 市 汽 车 总 站: (+86 760) 88624056,88628771 Zhongshan International Civil Aviation outlets / 航空国际民航中山 售 票 处 电 话: (+86 760) 88873388 ext.331 Zhongshan, Shenzhen Airport Terminal / 深 圳机场中山候机楼: (+86 760) 88836688 Guangzhou Baiyun Airport Zhongshan Terminal / 广州白云机场中 山 候 机 楼: (+86 760) 88880777 Zhongshan Port / 中山港: (+86 760) 85596350 Zhongshan Municipal Public Security Bureau (visa) /公安局出入 境 管 理 处: (+86 760) 23188872 Consumer Complaint Center / 消 费 投 诉: 12315
Book Exchange 图书交换 / Many of us have books, DVDs, or VCDs that we’re not using anymore. We all know people who are too busy to run around looking to add to their collection, so this is a convenient, centralized way to share resources and give back something as well. The Book Exchange is currently raising money for “ Helping Hands”, a charity organized by Jerry Grey to give a hand to the Zhongshan Volunteer Youth Association . 分享书籍,影碟,光盘。众所周知这是个便 捷集中的方法去让忙碌的人们有所收获。图 书 交 换 目 前 正 在 筹 集 资 金 , 支 持Jerry Grey 的“援助之手”慈善组织和中山市青年志愿 者协会。 Unit 3, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu ( Bellavista Restaurant) 中 山 市 岐 关 西 路39号 , 一 区 ,3卡
Useful Links / 实用链接 cityguides/guangdong/zhongshan/ Useful Facts / 中山资料 Population : 1.42 million Language : Mandarin is the official language and nearly everyone understands it. However, Cantonese is widely used. Security : Zhongshan is a rather safe city. Be careful nonetheless in isolated areas (mountains, etc...) Status : Zhongshan is located in the southern section of the middle Pearl River Delta, with many advantages for foreign investors. 人口: 142 万 语言:普通话和粤语 保安:中山是治安良好之 地 , 尽 管 如 此 , 要 小心偏远地区(如山上) 。 概述:中山位于珠江三角 洲 中 南 部, 对 外 国 投资者有许多优势。
Delta Inter-Chamber Networking Events (DINE) / 珠三角商会交流联谊酒会 Come and DINE well. Organized by Delta Bridges, the Delta Inter-Chamber Networking events are a series of business and dining gatherings and seminars across the Pearl River Delta. We feature special dinners and cocktail evenings for Delta Bridges readers and chamber of commerce members. 欢迎您光临并用餐。由珠三角纵横桥传媒主 办,珠三角商会交流联谊酒会通过一系列的 商业、餐饮聚会和讨论会,在珠三角地区建 立沟通交流。我们主要为三角洲桥梁杂志的 读者和各商会会员举行特别晚宴和鸡尾酒晚 会。
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Zhongshan China International Travel Service / 中山中国国际旅行社 One of the premier services in Zhongshan. You can book local tours, vacations, and even international travel. 中山最有知名度的旅行社 。 核 心 业 务 是 入 境 旅游,出境旅游和国内旅 游 。 Getting there: No. 49-62, 6th building, A Zone, HengXin HuaYuan, East District, ZS 东区恒信花园A区第六幢49-62号 (+86 760) 88880763
及这些服务的重组外,还向有意进驻中国的 外国投资者提供服务。也为法律行政,商业 许可及税务规划及合规工作提供法律服务。 Suite 513 ,West Wing,Yi Hua Commercial Center, Section 3,Zhongshan Road,ZS 中 山 市 中 山 三 路 怡 华 商 业 中 心 西 座513室 (+86 760) 88269592
Kin House / 今摄影工作室 Private photography studio, specialized in glamour, wedding, family, and commercial photography. 个性摄影机构:婚纱、个性写真、情侣、儿 Dezan Shira & Associates / 童、准妈妈、全家福、爱宠及商业产品摄 协力管理咨询有限公司中山分公司 影。 Dezan Shira & Associates are a full service, A3-73, Landmark Square, East District, business advisory, tax and accounting Shiqi, ZHONGSHAN practice. The practice covers the Greater Pearl River Delta with offices in Guangzhou, 中 山 市 东 区 置 地 广 场A3-73 (+86 760) 88235112 Shenzhen,Zhongshan and Hong Kong. 除了向已经进驻中国的跨 国 公 司 提 供 法 律 , 管理,经营,税务会计, 尽 职 调 查 咨 询 服 务
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Shangri- La Hotel 香格里拉大酒店 / This elegant five-star hotel is located only a few minutes from downtown and from the Zhongshan Ferry Terminal.Every amenity is provided for, including executive-level suites and meeting rooms and long-term apartments. Deli, Western and Chinese restaurants, hotel bar and loung with live music every night, and complete health facilities make this your home away from home. 典雅的五星级酒店,距离 中 山 港 渡 轮 客 运 站 和市中心只有十几分钟的 路 程 。 配 有 完 善 的 娱乐设施和其它配套设施 。 Getting there: 16 Qi Wan Road N, East District, Shiqi, ZS 中山市东区起湾北道16号 (+86 760) 88386888 Louis Hotel / 中山路易酒店 The Louis Hotel Zhongshan (Zhongshan Luyi Jiudian) has more than 100 guest rooms equipped with air conditioning, satellite TV, free broadband, safety deposit boxes, marble bathrooms and bathtubs . The first floor Western restaurant accommodates over 120 and is well suited for group banquets. The entertainment center has sports, foot baths and massage rooms. The multi-purpose conference rooms seat up to 60 and are equipped with high-tech equipment. 中山路易酒店拥有超过100间 客 房,设 有 独 立空调,数字电视,免费 宽 带 , 安 全 储 物 柜,大理石浴室和独立浴 缸 。 一 楼 西 餐 厅 可 以提供容纳120人的宴会。 娱 乐 中 心 设 有 健 身,足浴和按摩。高科技 多 用 途 会 议 室 可 容 纳60人。 Getting there: 19 Yintong Street (Yintong Jie), East District, Zhongshan, China 中山市东区银通街19号 (+86 760) 88362188 Zhongshan International Hotel / 中山国际酒店 One of the first hotels in Zhongshan to cater to foreign visitors, the International Hotel occupies a prime spot in the heart of
downtown. Deluxe rooms with full service and several restaurants to choose from, including the revolving restaurant on the roof that gives you a sweeping view of this vibrant city. Nightlife and entertainment abound in the neighborhood. 中山最早接待外国宾客的酒店之一。坐落于 市中心的繁华地带。配套设施完善,还有可 放眼岐江景色的豪华客房。 Getting there: No. 142, Zhongshan 1st Rd, Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 石 岐 区 中 山 一 路142号 (+86 760) 88633388 Agile Changjiang Hotel / 中山雅居乐长江酒店 Located in the Changjiang Tourist and Scenic Area in Eastern Zhongshan,which is adjacent to the breathtaking Changjiang Reservoir.The hotel is a perfect accommodation for domestic and international golfers from afar.The impressive hotel is like a leisure mecca in itself, where a variety of facilities such as restaurants, gymnasium, sauna, swimming pools and more will keep you exploring for days. 是中山第一家高尔夫度假酒店,融合长江水 库、长江高尔夫球场的优美生态景致,让来 宾们切身感受到清新自然与雍容华贵的完美 结合。 Getting there: Inside the Changjiang Golf Course, Changjiang Tourist Spot, ZS 中山市中山市长江旅游风景区,雅居乐长江 高尔夫球场内 (+86 760) 88881888 Agile Hotel / 雅居乐酒店 Steps from shopping venues and fitness spots, Agile Hotel Zhongshan (Zhongshan Yajule Jiudian) is a 1-hour ferry from Hong Kong and a 25-minute drive from Macau.TheYashige western restaurant brings gourmands a wave of surprises like candlelit dinners,buffets delivered to your doorstep and on the spot cooking. 只 需1小 时 的 客 运 渡 轮 就 能 抵 达 香 港 ,25分 钟车程就能抵达澳门。还提供烛光晚餐、自 助餐宴门对门服务。
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Getting there: Jinyong Rd,Yajule Garden,Sanxiang,ZS 中山市三乡镇雅居乐花园 金 涌 道 旁 (+86 760) 86698668 Fuhua Hotel / 富华酒店 Located at the flourishing western district, the city' s cultural, recreational, tourist and business center, standing on the picturesque bank of Qijiang River, facing the Tourist Pedestrian Street across the bridge, overlooking the creatively designed Square, in front of Qijiang Park. Zhongshan Fuhua Hotel, one of the most luxury four star hotels has an unrivalled advantage in location. 中山富华酒店,位于中山市黄金地段西区富华 道,矗立在秀丽的岐江河畔,与孙西文化旅游步 行街隔桥相望,坐拥一河两岸都市美景,俯瞰设 计新颖的岐江公园,地处全市文化、娱乐、旅 游、商业中心,其优越的地理位置在中山独一无 二。 Getting there: No.1,Fuhua Rd, Zhongshan, Guangdong. China 广东省中山市富华道一号 (+86 760) 88638888 Tegao Business Hotel / 特高商务酒店 Tegao hotel is equipped with Chinese restaurant, Japanese restaurant, Western restaurant and Health hot pot restaurant. There are also Conference room, Gymnasium room, Sauna and Footbath massage, Chess and cards room, Book store, Red wine pub and Coffee bar. 中山市特高商务酒店座落 于 广 东 省 中 山 市 石 岐区悦来南路白石路16号 , 酒 店 布 局 精 心 别 致,环境舒适宁静,装修 典 雅 时 尚 。 计 有 不 同类型风格的商务客房、 行 政 客 房 、 商 务 套 房、行政套房共61间。房 间 舒 适 、 幽 雅 、 静 谧,并配有高速宽频互联 网 接 口 , 设 施 完 善。 No.16 Baishi Street, Yulai South Road, Shiqi District, Zhongshan 528400, 中山石歧区白石路16号 特 高 商 务 酒 店 (+86 760) 88860688 - 6000 Home Inn / 如家快捷酒店 Home Inn was founded in 2002 with a ground-breaking vision of a new kind of
comfortable lodging experience in China. With professional and courteous service, comfortable rooms,convenient locations, and prices that make sense for individual business and leisure travelers, Home Inn is helping to redefine travel in China for the 21st century. 经 济 型 连 锁 酒 店 品 牌- - -如 家 快 捷 酒 店 , 提 供标准化、干净、温馨、舒适、贴心的酒店 住宿产品,为海内外八方来客提供安心、便 捷的旅行住宿服务,传递着简约生活理念。 Getting there: No.137, Fuhua Road, West District,ZS 中 山 市 西 区 富 华 道137号 (+86 760) 88662168 Zhongshan Seasons View Executive Hotel / 盛景商务酒店 This hotel is located in the Eastern area, surrounded by Zimaling Park,
and the Cultural Plaza.Designed in a contemporary style,with high speed internet access,together with recreational facilities. Seasons View Excecutive Hotel would suit both leisure and business travellers. Guangzhou Airport check-in is available, er v yconvenient for frequent travellers.. 中 山 市 盛 景 商 务 酒 店 , 位 于 东 区,邻 近 多 项 市内主要建筑,距离中山港码头仅十五分钟 车 程 , 及 酒 店 内 有 广 州 白 云 国 际 机 场. Getting there: No.93 Dongyu Rd,Eastern Dist,ZS 中山东裕路盛景商务酒店 (+86 760) 88233888
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
People's Hospital of Zhongshan City / 中山市人民医院 The largest and best-equipped in the city, affiliated with the Sun Yat-sen University. This is a “level-three” hospital which can handle all medical needs including emergency medicine.But take note that, as with all local hospitals, you will need a registration card first. These are cheap and easy to get in the main lobby. 全市最大型的集医疗、教 学 、 科 研 、 预 防 保 健为一体的综合性“三级 甲 等 医 院 ” , 也 称 中山大学附属中山医院。 Getting there: No. 2, Sunwen Zhong Lu, Shiqi, ZS 中山市孙文中路2号 (+86 760) 88823818 Bus routes: No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 17, 20, 21, 23, 27, 32 Zhongshan Modern Dental / 中山市现代牙科诊所 Zhongshan Dental Equipment Company Ltd 中山市齿科器材 有限公司 Getting there: No. 55、 59, Dongyuan Road, East District, ZS 中山市东区 东苑路55, 59号 (+86 760) 88301361 / 88859913 Bo'ai Hospital / 中山市博爱医院(中 山市妇幼保健院) The Bo' Ai hospital can offer a variety of services including emergency care, but they specialize in maternal and child care. Be sure to get your registration card in advance in the front lobby. 中山市博爱医院由原中山 市 妇 幼 保 健 院 和 原 中山市博爱医院合并而成 , 现 已 发 展 成 为 一 家突出的妇幼专科特色。 Getting there: Next to Sunwen Park,Chenggui Lu,Shiqi, ZS
中山市东区城桂路孙文公园侧 (+86 760) 88306123
Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital /中 山市中医院 Another “ level three” hospital,with inhouse research and teaching. They specialize in traditional medicine, accupressure and accupuncture, and they have their own dental department. 一所集医疗,教学,科研,保健于一体的综 合性三级甲等中医院,突出中医特色和优 势。 Getting there: No. 2, Nan'an Lu, Yuelai Nan Lu, Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 悦 来 南 南 安 路2号 (+86 760) 88803661 Xiaolan People' s Hospital / 中山市小榄人民医院 Located in the northern part of Zhongshan city in Guangdong province, Zhongshan Xiaolan People' s Hospital is a Class A, Level 2 hospital with a history spanning a hundred years. An important center in the area for medical
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
treatment instruction, scientific research and preventive healthcare. People' s Hospital has enabled the integration of data, voice and video applications, providing patients easy access to highly efficient medical services. 小榄人民医院,使用一体 化 的 数 据 、 语 音 和 视频应用,为患者提供方 便 高 效 的 医 疗 服 务。 Getting there: 65 Jucheng Da Dao Middle, Xiaolan, ZS 中山市小榄菊城大道中段65号 (+86 760) 88662120 Tiantian Animal Hospital / 天天动物医院 Full-service animal hospital for all kinds of pets. Also offers foster care, grooming and animal adoption. Assured, professional and modern.
带您的宠物到天天动物医院就诊、美容、寄 养、寻找宠物伴侣,让您天天放心。 Getting there: No. 32, Yintong Street, East District,ZS 中 山 市 东 区 银 通 街32号 之 二 (+86 760) 88194998 Dr.Law Veterinarian / 罗医生小动物诊所 Dr.Law has a degree in veterinary medicine and worked in a Canadian veterinary clinic. He also manufactures products for medical use. 罗医生,兽医学院学士,曾于加拿大兽医临 床方面深造。并且为动物制造适合它们使用 的产品。 Getting there: A Hengxin Hua Yuan, No.5 Tiyu Road,ZS 中 山 市 体 育 路5号 恒 信 花 园A区 (+86 760) 88871039
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Yat-sen Lakeside Park / 逸仙湖公园 Young couples in love often choose this romantic, green spot for their rendezvous. Recreations include a bonzai garden, amusement park,swimming pool,boating, fishing,exercise area and Chaozhou restaurant. 情侣们喜欢选择这个绿色 公 园 作 为 约 会 地 点。园内有盆景园、儿童 游 乐 场 、 游 泳 场 、 游艇部、钓鱼活动中心和 健 美 中 心 , 还 有 潮 州酒家等设施。 Getting there: Hubin Rd,Shiqi,ZS 中山石岐湖滨路 (+86 760) 88824049 Changjiang Romantic Water World / 长江浪漫水城 A large water theme park, with several water slides, a surrounding water canal and a wave pool! Nestled in the lovely area near the Changjiang reservoir and golf course. 水为主题的游乐公园,周 边 自 然 环 境 优 美 , 配套设施完善。 Getting there: Inside Changjiang Scenic Resort, ZS 中山市长江风景区内 (+86 760) 88261118 Quanlin Tourist Resort / 泉林旅游山庄 One of the best amusement areas in Zhongshan.Downhill grass skiing, white water rapids, RC race circuit, outdoor range for war games and a campfire spot for big parties. 享受高山滑草的速度,不 要 错 过 遥 控 模 型 赛 车、野战、篝火晚会 Getting there: Baishuilin Mountain,Nanlong Village, Sanxiang Town,ZS 中山市三乡镇南龙村白水 林 山 下 (+86 760) 86688369 Chung Shan Hot Spring Golf Club / 中山温泉高尔夫球会 The first professional golf course in all of China.Courses are designed by Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. Popular with Hong Kong and Macau residents on the weekends however they do offer special
rates on weekdays.Beautiful scenery,one of the best there is. 中山温泉高尔夫球会是中国第一家高尔夫球 会,同时亦是中国第一个具备三十六洞可作 锦标赛的标准高尔夫球场。球场最独特的地 方是由两位举世闻名的职业球手阿诺庞玛 ( Arnold Palmer) 和 积 尼 告 斯( Jack Nicklaus)悉 心 设 计 而 成 , 堪 称 世 上 独 一 无 二 的佳作。 Getting there: Sanxiang Town, ZS 中山市三乡镇 (+86 760) 86690055 Agile Golf & Country Club / 中山长江高尔夫球会 Surrounded by mountains, these two beautiful full-sized courses are wellwatered and offer challenges for even the most seasoned pro. They have nine holes of night golf which is very affordable, as well as a large clubhouse with sauna facilities and an attached five-star hotel. 中山雅居乐长江高尔夫球会毗邻风景怡人的 长江旅游风景区,具有国际锦标级高尔夫球 场 与 超 五 星 级 豪 华 会 所 。 球 场 共 分 为A、B两 个 场 , 其 中A场 后 九 洞 为 灯 光 球 场 , 是 中 山 市 第一个拥有灯光夜场的高尔夫球场。 Getting there: Changjiang Scenery Spot, ZS 中山市长江旅游风景区 (+86 760) 88332868
Zhongshan Citizens' Sports Center / 全民健身广场 Large outdoor plaza popular with all Zhongshan residents, no matter what your favorite sport is. Soccer fields, rollerblading, basketball, ping pong, exercise equipment, running track and an open square to practice your dancercise! 是目前全省乃至全国规模较大、设施较齐、 功能较全的集中型开放式健身广场。 Getting there: Bo’ai 4 Rd, ZS 中山市市区博爱四路
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Zhongshan Ping Pong Court / 中山市乒乓球馆 The ideal place for ping pong enthusiasts. Professional ping pong players do their training here. 乒乓球爱好者运动健身的 理 想 场 所, 专 业 乒 乓球选手也在此习训。 Getting there: North-west of Zhongshan Citizens' Sports Center,Yintong Rd. ZS 中山市东区银通街全民健 身 广场西北面, 中山市乒乓 球 馆 (+86 760) 88268201 Challenger Outdoor Sports Club / 挑战者户外运动俱乐部 A sporting club which challenges itself with all manners of outdoor adventure activities. Come for the exercise, stay for the fun. 从事户外运动及户外专业 运动用品销售。 宗旨:挑战自我,体验户外。 Getting there: Inside Zhongshan Memory Hall, 188 Sunwen Rd. Middle, Shiqi, ZS 中山市石岐孙文中路188号 (中山纪念堂内) (+86 760) 88833588 Dajian Mountain Mountaineering / 大尖山登山 At 391 meters, Wuguishan mountain is the highest in the area and offers a challenging hike even for the experienced trekker. Choose one of two routes;either the steps leading up from Shigu Beikengkou,or the road from the south side facing the SanXiang valley. Don' t forget to stop at the old temple on your way up. 五桂山最高峰(海拔391米 ) , 十 分 险 要 , 古庙, 登大尖山有两条路 线 , 一 条 从 石 鼓 北 坑口起步,有石阶。另一 条 路 位 于 山 的 东 南 面,沙路,一面临山,一 面 溪 谷 。 Getting there: Wuguishan Mountain,ZS 中山市五桂山 Kenstar Travel Services Our man Danny can get you anywhere planes can go these days. From booking affordable flights to arranging an itinerary.
English speaking Danny, a native of Hong Kong, delivers expert advice and services for both seasoned and travelers. Danny可 以 使 您 到 达 飞 机 去 的 任 何 地 方。 从 预 订 特 价 机 票 到 安 排 行 程 和 住 宿,讲 英 语 的Danny是 一 个 土 生 土 长 的 香 港 人,为 任 何 有 需 要 的 旅 客 提 供 专 业 咨 询 服 务。 Hongkong office: RMD, 4 / F, Sun House 181 Des Voeux Rd. C. HK Zhuhai Representative Office: 1036, Yuehai East Road, Gongbei 珠 海 拱 北 粤 海 东 路1036号 Hong Kong: (+852) 51282127 Zhuhai: (+86 756) 6189200 (中 文) / (+86 756) 6189202(English) Hong Kong:
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Jusco / 吉之岛 Jusco is a Japanese supermarket. A great selection of imported cheese, wine and household goods, toys and fashion. 吉之岛是一家日式超市及 百 货 集 于 一 体 的 商 场。可找到一系列进口酒 类 、 食 物 供 应 选 择。 Getting there: 1-4 Floors, Junyue Square 2nd, No. 8, Zhongshan 2 Rd, Shiqi, ZS 中山市石歧区中山二路8号 君 悦 广 场 二 期14层 (+86 760) 88927138 Park n' Shop Supermarket / 百佳超市 This Hong Kong-based shopping center Supplies home appliances and groceries with a Japanese noodle bar 百佳超市是始创于香港, 提 供 家 庭 必 需 品 , 及进口食品选购。
Getting there: 2nd floor, Holiday Plaza, Xingzhong Rd., Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 石 岐 区 孙 文 东 路 假 日 广 场2楼 (+86 760) 23889630 Italy Square / 意式方格 “ITALY SQUARE 2’’ is a subsidiary company of A&B Group Ltd located in Hong Kong. A&B Group is producing different garments as Jeans, Pants and Shorts, Skirt, T-shirt, Polo, Sweatshirt and other, as per our Customer’s requirement and design, for kids, women and men. We offer all our knowledge and services to provide and guarantee to our Customers the products that they need, made as they want and with strict quality control during each phase of production. 意 大 利 服 装 公 司, 总 部 于 香 港 , 长 期 提 供 不 同种类牛仔裤,短裤,裙子。根据客户不同 要 求,量 身 定 做 。
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Getting there: Block 9, No.2, Hubin Rd, Shi Qi, ZS 广东省中山市石岐区湖滨 中 路2号9卡(新 高 雅酒店对面) Daxin Metro Mall (Da Fu Yuan) / 大信新都汇 This five-story mall selling from electronics to earrings. Food courts and grocery store plus a five-story atrium. A place to see and be seen. 大润发购物广场是与国际 接 轨 的 大 型 连 锁 购 物广场。 Getting there: No.2, Daxin Road South, Liantang North, Shiqi, ZS 中山市石岐区莲塘北大信 南 路2号 (+86 760) 88708838 Holiday Plaza / 假日广场 Cafes, boutique shops, McDonald's and KFC, and other mid-priced Restaurants. Everything you need. 一个新生的商业中心,这 里 是 年 轻 人 和 都 市 新贵的新宠。与大信商圈 比 较 , 假 日 广 场 的 购物环境更为悠闲, 集食 住 行 游 购 娱 于 一 体。 Getting there: No. 6, Xingzhong Rd, Shiqi, ZS 假日广场 中山市石岐区兴 中 道 六 号 (+86 760) 88222666 Pok Art / 博雅 Located at Holiday Plaza, Pok Art is a boutique book store With stationary supplies, musical instruments, art gallery and coffee shop (members only!). 坐落于假日广场百佳超市 的 上 层 , 是 一 家 集 艺术品、文具、乐器、画 廊 等 一 体 的 时 尚 书 店。 Getting there: 2-3/F., South Tower, Holiday Plaza, 6 Xingzhong Rd, ZS 中山市兴中道6号假日广场 南 塔2-3楼 (+86 760) 88268833 Sanxiang Huge Dragon Antique City/ 三乡巨龙古董城 Located in Sanxiang Town, the city of Antiques. The largest in China, a
shopper's paradise. A must - see destination. 巨 龙 古 玩 城 位 于 中 山 市 三 乡 镇, 为目前全国规模最大的一家古玩城。 是中山的必到之处。 Getting there: Qianlong, Sanxiang Town, ZS 中山市三乡镇前陇巨龙古玩城 (+86 760) 86326333
Xiyuan Computer Plaza / 西苑数码广场 A full block with 2 floors of computers, gaming and accessories. Be warned, shops often close around 6pm, so get there early. 提供各种各样电脑、电子游戏系统设备等销 售。 Getting there: 1-2/F, Xiyuan Square, No.6 Fuhua Road, West District, Shiqi, ZS 中 山 市 西 区 富 华 道6号 西 苑 广 场 首 二 层 (+86 760) 86111111 Xia Gang Xu Market / 沙岗墟 Xia Gang Xu Market has a 500 year history with food, supplies, flowers, animals, arts and crafts, clothing and antiques. Open on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 19th of each lunar month. Very crowded, very popular. 沙 岗 墟 这 个 已 有500多 年 历 史 的 传 统 集 市 提 供农副产品贸易、商业、饮食、文化、娱 乐.它 的 墟 日 是 三 、 六 、 九, 即 农 历 尾 数 为 三、六、九的日子。 Getting there: ( Down the street from the Shangri- la Hotel), Qiwan Da Dao, East District, Shiqi, ZS 中山市石岐区起湾大道旁沙岗墟
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Sun Yat-sen Residence / 孙中山故居 Sun Yat-sen was born here on November 12th,1866. The family home, pavilion, old water well and bed have been preserved as a national shrine to honor one of the founding fathers of modern China. Visit the Memorial Hall to understand more about the social and political environment of his times. 1866年11月12日,孙中山 先 生 诞 生 于 此 。 走 过牌坊、楼阁、老井和床 榻 , 参 观 纪 念 馆 , 了解孙中山先生及其成长 的 社 会 环 境 。 Getting there: Cuiheng, Nanlang, ZS 中山市南朗镇翠亨村 (+86 760) 85501691 Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park / 孙文纪念公园 The large bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen overlooks the southern entrance to Zhongshan City and is a popular spot for photos. Wander through the park's forested paths or climb the 500 steps to the pavilion at the top for breathtaking views in all directions. 孙文纪念公园可以博览中 山 城 区 的 南 入 口 , 是一个非常受欢迎的摄影 地 点 。 Getting there: The intersection of Xingzhong Avenue and Chenggui Road, Downtown ZS 兴中道与城桂路的连接处 Fufeng Pagoda / 阜峰文笔 Built in 1608, the pagoda is another landmark of Zhongshan. It has also become the ideal place to watch sunset or sunrise. 建于1608年,该塔是中山 市 另 一 个 标 志 性 建 筑物。也是观赏日落或日 出 的 理 想 场 所 。 Getting there: Zhongshan Park near ( Sun Wen Xi Lu) ,ZS 孙文西路附近中山公园山 顶 Zhan Yuan / 中山詹园 The largest private garden in southern China,this one time family compound now has its own mountain and a series of pavilions and halls connected with gardens and a flowing waterway. Step inside the
walls and step back in time to a more thoughtful, ancient China. 华南地区最大的古代式私人花园,一山一水 一园,中山詹园以其微妙、柔和及自由的风 格而著名。 Getting there: G105, Beitai, South District, ZHONGSHAN 中 山 市 南 区 北 台 村G105国 道 旁 (+86 760) 23336288 Zimaling Park 紫马岭公园 / A comprehensive park with an unspoiled view of the woods and hills.During the Ming and Qing Dynasty,it was the place for the nobles to ride horses and have fun.Be sure to check out the bird sanctuary and the live bird feeding.Admission is free. 带有独特山林景色的大型城市公园。明清两 代,是富家子弟跑马游乐的场地。不要错过 鸟类保护区和给小鸟喂食的活动。免费入 场。 Getting there: The southern part of Zhongshan Rd. 4, ZS 中山市中山四路南侧 Changjiang Reservoir Resort / 长江水库 Nestled in the hills just north of famed Wui Gui Shan mountain, this large reservoir is a protected environment surrounded by greenery. Great for a quiet contemplation or for barbecuing with friends. 这是童话故事里的仙境。“一个不能错过” 的景点。湖边漫步或在美景下品尝烧烤美 食。 Getting there: Chang Jiang Agile) ( Golf Course,ZS 中山市五桂山区北面 Xishan Temple /西山寺 Xishan (West Mountain)Temple was built in the Ming Dynasty and at first was a popular retreat for poets before being established as a true religious temple.Now the city has grown around it but it remains a peaceful oasis in the heart of downtown. 西山寺始建於明朝,是明乡贤读书之所,后 改为寺庙。处闹市中,却庄严和宁静。 Getting there: Xishan Mountain,Shiqi District,ZS 中山市石岐区西山
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Zhongshan Radio Museum / 中山 中国收音机博物馆 The Zhongshan Radio Museum is the first museum of its kind in all of China. The exhibits range from the very first radio made here in the early 1900s to the current models in today. 中国收音机博物馆是中国 首 家 收 音 机 专 题 博 物馆,包括上世纪二十年 代 初 在 中 国 本 土 生 产的第一代收音机到现在 还 使 用 的 产 品 。 Getting there: No. 197, Mid Sunwen Road, Shiqi, ZS 中山市石岐区孙文中路197号 (+86 760) 88873686
Sunwen Xi Walking Street / 孙文西步行街 Boasting a history of over 100 years, this pedestrian street is not just a shopping street. A wealth of cultural events are staged in the central square.NanYang style architecture and open paved streets make for an enjoyable stroll. 它有超过100年的历史,这 条 步 行 街 不 仅 仅 是购物街,而且文化广场 还 提 供 丰 富 的 文 化 活动,南洋风格的建筑和 开 放 式 街 道 让 人 可 以愉快地在这里散步。 Getting there: Sunwen Xi Lu, Shiqi, ZS 中山市石岐区孙文西路 Minzhong town Waterside Village / 民众水乡 Enjoy the simple folk customs of a bygone era in this village in the northeast section of town. Take a boat on the river, pick lychees from the trees, sample the local fresh fish and enjoy the natural surroundings. Open hours: 9:30 am -6:30 pm everyday 享受中山市东北部地区的 水 乡 民 俗 。 泛 舟 河 面,采摘荔枝,品尝农家 菜 , 感 受 大 自 然 。
开 放 时 间 : 每 天 上 午9:30 – 下 午6:30。 Getting there: Minzhong town, ZS 中山民众镇 (+86 760) 85578628 Hengmen Fishing Trip / 横门出海捕鱼游 A Hengmen fishing trip is a great way to see the southern Pearl River Delta. For around RMB 1200, up to 10 people can sail down the delta and into the waters of the South China Sea near Qi Ao Island,Zhuhai.Fish from the boat,relax with friends on deck,or wait for the captain to pull up the day' s catch,which is made fresh for dinner onboard. Trips take 4 to 5 hours. 在船上,游客可亲身体验到渔民的海上生 活,观赏大海的无限风光,品尝到即时从海 里捕捞上来的生猛海鲜,经过船员的精心烹 调,游客可大尝地道的海鲜风味!其捕鱼点 靠 近 珠 海 淇 澳 岛 。 包 船 约1200元 每 航 次 , 载 客10人 以 下 , 每 航 次 时 间 为4至5个 小 时 。 Hengmen Seaside Tourism Company 横 /门 海滨新城旅游公司 Getting there: Hengmen Port,Nanlang Town,ZS 中山市南朗镇横门渔港 (+86 760) 23391075 Zhongshan Culture & Art Center / 中山市文化艺术中心 This multi-use facility includes a movie cinema, large and small performance theatres, practice centers, training centers, exhibition hall and more. The Zhongshan Culture and Arts Center has become a new landmark in Zhongshan. Please check for the upcoming cultural events. 该中心由演艺中心和培训中心两大部分组 成。演艺中心其内设有大剧场、小剧场和影 音演示厅;培训中心其内设有绘画、器乐、 戏剧等艺术门类的培训、活动场所及电影 城、展览大厅等。目前,中山市文化艺术中 心已成为中山市新的标志性建筑。请查阅网 站www.deltabridges.com了 解 本 场 所 最 新 演 艺节目和活动信息。 Getting there: 73 Xingzhong Rd, East District, ZS 中 山 市 东 区 兴 中 道73号 (+86 760) 88223666
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
American TPR English School / TPR 英语专修学校 Based in Zhuhai, TPR English school has several branch campuses throughout the Delta, including Zhongshan. This awardwinning language training school has stateof-the-art facilities and international teachers who put the needs of the students first. 总部设立在珠海,在中山 等 珠 三 角 地 区 都 设 有分校。国际导师都会以 学 生 所 需 提 供 优 质 教学。 Getting there: 54 Xiayang Street,Tiyu Road,ZS 中山石岐体育路夏洋街54号 (+86 760) 88232388 Bond Language Institute / 邦德外语培训学校 Based in Zhongshan, this innovative language institute not only offers English training for their Chinese students, but also Chinese language instruction for the foreign staff. They believe this is the best way to integrate their teachers into the social life of their students, for the benefits of both. 总部设立在中山市,是一 所 除 了 为 中 国 学 生 提供英语辅导学习外,还 为 外 国 人 士 提 供 中 文教学指导的学校。 Getting there: Bond Tower, Building 7, Song Mao Ge, Baiyuan Xin Cun, Shiqi East, ZS 中山市东区柏苑新村松茂 阁 第7栋 邦 德 大 楼 (+86 760) 88317181 ZhongShan Capital Language School / 中山加图外语培训中心 Zhongshan Capital Language School was established in 1997,making it one of the oldest continuously operating language schools in the city. 中山加图外语培训中心始 建 建 于1997年 , 是 城中最早期的、还持续营 运 的 培 训 中 心 之 一。 Getting there: 3rd Floor, Zhongbiao Tower,No. 19,Jinlong Street,Songyuan Rd, East District,ZS 中山市东区松苑路金龙街19号 中 标 大 厦 三 楼 (+86 760) 88335067
China Hong Kong English School / 中港英文学校 From kindergarten to secondary school, C.H.E.S. is the first private school in Zhongshan, and the first quality bilingual teaching school in Guangdong province. They provide quality English learning to students by integrating the latest educational theories and methodologies of the East and West to create a unique teaching concept. They are truly an international school with students from Australia,the USA,Venezuela,Costa Rica, Macau,Hong Kong and China,to name a few.With their solid bilingual foundation, graduates from C. H. E. S.can easily matriculate at the finest universities in China and abroad. 是一所集幼儿园到高级中学一体的学校,也 是中山首家私立学校。作为广东省首个运用 双语教学的学校,为学生提供优质英语学习 环境,结合中西方的理念和方法,很受来自 澳洲、美国、委内瑞拉、哥斯达黎加、澳 门、香港等地国际学生的欢迎。 Getting there: ( Middle School) ,Chenggui Road, Wuguishan,ZS 中 山 市 五 桂 山 城 桂 路 旁 (中 学 部) (+86 760) 23378780
Bowen International School / 广东博文学校 Guangdong Bowen International School caters to all grade levels,from kindergarten through senior high. With 4000 students and 500 teachers, the curriculum is as diverse as the student population. 广东博文学校提供从幼儿园到高级中学的各 年 级 教 学 。 现 有4000名 学 生 和500名 老 师 。 Getting there: Bo' ai 7th Road,ZS 中 山 市 博 爱7路 ( 京 珠 高 速 公 路 中 山 出 入 口 处) (+86 760) 85333150
Traveling Details Duration: 110 min Regular price: 50RMB Timetable: Zhongshan → Baiyun Airport(中山 - 白云机场): 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30 Baiyun Airport → Zhongshan(白云机场 - 中山): 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 Fuhua Hotel (Zhongshan) - Guangdong Coach station (Guangzhou)Departure point and arrival point in Zhongshan Add: Fuhua Hotel 石 岐 富 华 酒 店 Tel: (+86 760) 88638888 ext.8040, ext.8094 In Guangzhou Guangdong Coach station 广 州 省站 Add: Huanshi Xi Lu, Guangzhou Tel: (+86 020) 86661297 Traveling Details Duration: 2 hours Regular price: 45RMB Timetable: Zhongshan → Guangzhou: Every 20-30 min, from 06:20 until 21:00. 中山 - 广 州: 06:20 -21:00, 每20-30分钟一班。 Guangzhou → Zhongshan:Every 20-30 min, from 06:20 until 21:00 广州 - 中 山: 06:20 -21:00, 每20-30分钟一班。 To Shenzhen Coach Station (Zhongshan) - Luohu Coach Station (Shenzhen)Departure point and arrival point in ZhongshanZhongshan Coach Station 中山汽车总站 Add: G105 National Highway, Fuhua Road, Western District, Zhongshan Tel: (+86 760) 88628771, 88624056 In Shenzhen Luohu Coach Station 罗 湖 汽 车 站(深圳火车站) Add: beside the Luohu Terminal Tel: (+86 755) 82321670
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To Guangzhou Seasons View Hotel (Zhongshan) - Baiyun Airport (Guangzhou) Departure point and arrival point in Zhongshan: Add: Zhongshan Seasons View Executive Hotel, No.93, Dongyu Road中 山 东 裕 路 盛 景 商 务酒店 Tel: (+86 760) 88880777 In Guangzhou: Arrival Hall 7, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport 白云 机 场 到 达 厅7号 门 Tel: (+86 020) 86122102, 86122605
在 线申请您的免费贵宾卡
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣
Value 价值
Spend 200 get 50 cash
Valid: Nov 20th 2009 - Jan 20th 2010. Sunday & Monday only 有效期:2009年11月20日-2010年1月20日,仅限周日\周一使用。
Venue: Bellavista Zhongshan Unit 3, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu 地址:中山市岐关西路39号,一区,3卡
Value 价值
Spend 200 get 50 cash
Valid: Nov 20th 2009 - Jan 20th 2010. Sunday & Monday only 有效期:2009年11月20日-2010年1月20日,仅限周日\周一使用。
Venue: Bellavista Zhongshan Unit 3, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu 地址:中山市岐关西路39号,一区,3卡
Value 价值
Spend 300 get 50 cash
Valid: Nov 20th 2009 - Jan 20th 2010. Sunday & Monday only 有效期:2009年11月20日-2010年1月20日,仅限周日\周一使用。
Venue: Bellavista Zhongshan Unit 3, No.1 Borough, No.39 Qi Guan Xi Lu 地址:中山市岐关西路39号,一区,3卡
Value 价值
Spend 200 get
soft drinks for 40 RMB
Valid: Nov 20th 2009 - June 20th 2010. 有效期:2009年11月20日-2010年6月20日。
Venue: No. 12, Hengxin Street, Qiguan West Rd, East Area 地址:中山东区歧关西路恒信街12号之二卡
Value 价值
20% off on buying 披萨一律8折 any pizza Validity: November 20th 2009 - January 20th 2010 有效期:2009年11月20日-2010年1月20日
Venue: Shop 5, No. 21, Ting Zi Xia Street (near Feng Yuan Hotel), Shiqi 地址:中山市石歧亭子下大街21号5卡
Discounts available for DB VIP card holders / 持珠三角贵宾卡有折扣 Travelling Details Duration: about 2 hours Regular price: 78RMB
Only valid with Delta Bridges VIP card
Timetable: Zhongshan → Shenzhen: Every 20min., from 6:50 until 21:00 . 中山–深圳:6:50 – 21:00, 每20分钟一班。 Shenzhen → Zhongshan: Every 20min., from7:50 until 20:30 深圳–中山:7:30 – 20:30, 每20分钟一班。 Shuiyunxuan (Zhongshan) – Bao'an International Airport (Shenzhen)
Only valid with Delta Bridges VIP card
Only valid with Delta Bridges VIP card
Only valid with Delta Bridges VIP card
Departure point and arrival point in Zhongshan Add: Zhongshan Shenzhen Airport Terminal, 1/F, Shuiyunxuan, Qiwan Dao, Zhongshan 中山市起湾道水云轩楼一楼, 深圳机场中 山城市候机楼 Tel: (+86 760) 88836688 In Shenzhen Add: Building A/B, Shenzhen Airport, Shenzhen 深圳机场A/B楼城 际快线候车区 Tel: (+86 755) 23456789 Travelling Details Duration: about 90 minutes Regular price: 60 RMB Timetable: Zhongshan → Shenzhen (中山—深圳机场): 7:40,9:40,14:40,16:40 Shenzhen → Zhongshan (深圳机场—中山): 9:40,11:40,16:40,19:40 Zhongshan – Zhuhai Departure and arrival point in Zhongshan: Zhongshan International Hotel ( near pedestrian street) 中山国际 酒店 Tel: (+86 760) 88633388 In Zhuhai: Gongbei Kee Kwan Coach Station (under the Gongbei Customs) 拱北口岸岐关汽车站 Tel: (+86 756) 8281002 / 8281003 Travelling Details Duration: about 1 hour and a half Regular price: 20 RMB Timetable Zhongshan → Zhuhai: Every 20min., from 6:40-20:00 Zhuhai - Zhongshan: Every 20min., from 07:30--21:00
Only valid with Delta Bridges VIP card
Taxi It may cost from 120 to 150 rmb by taxi, but be sure to negotiate a price before you go.