Volume 1

Page 1

d e moZáik

April/May 2013

Swartland and West Coast


Praise to the humble olive at 13th Olive Festival

Wynand en Chereé se liefdeslied

Paternoster: Jewel of the West Coast • Sarah en Sarel, die Sjef en die Diva span saam



Inhoudsopgawe 6

Paternoster - Jewel of the West Coast


Ingevoerde huis - ‘n Victoriaanse skat


Goodness of the Riebeek Valley


Continuation of the Golf - 7 a legend?


Deur die lens van Nico Degenaar


Dis waar ek wil wees


Resep: Alta se kerrie-waterblommetjies


Wynand en Chereé - Lullabies en Liefde


‘n Weskus-bekoring


Cynthia Slingers sien 43 jaar van lief en leed


Goodies and Gadgets


What’s Up?




Business Index

Foto: Nico Degenaar



Letter from the Editor

Uit die redakteur se pen

Baie welkom


aie welkom by de moZáik. Die eerste uitgawe van ‘n splinternuwe droom om die Weskus as streek te dien met ‘n gratis “Lifestyle”-tydskrif vir en oor die streek. de Mozáik is an independently published magazine which originates from a desire to positively contribute to the West Coast as a region and put deserved emphasis on the gems of this area. Unpretentious honest gems that has in the past and are still today, the reason why the West Coast region are growing in popularity.


Nie alleen wil de moZáik ‘n lekkerleeservaring wees nie, maar dit wil juis dien en só bydra om die mense van die Weskus en Swartland meer van mekaar te vertel en die streek verder uit te bou as gunstelingbestemming. As gratis tydskrif wil de moZáik juis ook aan adverteerders ‘n geleentheid bied om hul boodskap na die streek, sy mense én besoekers oor te dra in ‘n medium waarmee hulle gemaklik is. In this, the first of the bi-monthly de moZáik, there are quite a few nice to read articles. Amongst them a focus on the ever

April • Mei 2013

popular Riebeek Valley Olive Festival, a look at Paternoster, one of the greatest West Coast towns, pictures of an old ‘imported’ Victorian house as well as a close and personal interview with Langebaan’s singer duo Wynand and Cheree. Ons wys ook ‘n paar van veeartsfotograaf Nico Degenaar se ongelooflike foto’s wat juis die beko­ring van die Swartland op ‘n besonderse manier uitbeeld.

Daar is ‘n resep soos net ‘n Weskusser dit kan doen. Ons ry bie­tjie met die splinternuwe Golf 7 en kyk ook na Gadgets waarop jy jou hande móét lê. de moZáik wil ‘n verskil maak en daarom is enige voorstelle altyd welkom. Phone us or send an e-mail with any suggestion on a West Coast jewel you would like us to showcase in a next edition of de moZáik.


Gewilde sangeres Sarah Theron en MasterChef koskenner Sarel van Sabie tree vir die eerste keer saam op by vanjaar se Riebeekvallei Olyffees met hul splinternuwe produksie, Die Sjef en Die Diva. Vertonings is Saterdag 4 Mei om 19:00 en Sondag 5 Mei om 11:00. Sarel is nou ook te sien in kykNet se nuwe reeks, Kokkedoor.

Editorial Team Content

Johan Viljoen Maryke Roberts Alida Buckle Sarie Nell Clifford Roberts Marcel Upfold

Photography Cor Cronje Nico Degenaar


John-Beattie Paterson 082 925 8 741 • jb@demozaik.co.za

Layout and Design Lekker lees tot ‘n volgende keer! Johan Viljoen


Izelle Garcia


Tel: 022 487 3221 • johan@demozaik.co.za


Jewel of the West Coast


April • Mei 2013

The arid West Coast is a trove of hidden gems. Paternoster is among them. - Clifford Roberts.


he Cape West Coast is not your typical getaway. The landscape is arid; the sea cold and temperamental, sometimes violently so. And yet, people come. They are the ones who rank Paternoster as one of SA’s most charming villages. Like the victims of countless shipwrecks that have happened along this coast, city-dwellers still find refuge in this secluded hamlet with its pretty, whitewashed houses and wide, curving beach. Part of the attraction is its isolation – the town is not on any main highway and most people arrive along the off-shoot from the regional capital of Vredenburg. It takes about 90 minutes from Cape Town. Like many small coastal villages, Paternoster has a heritage linked for generations to fishing, where families made a living from the sea. Its name, meaning “Our Father”, hails from earliest god-fearing seafarers who landed here. These days however, the traditional fisher community survives increasingly on tourism. Their colourful fleet of fishing boats or ‘bakkies’ that crowd the beach still go out, but often to stock the restaurants and feed the tourists. Young hawkers dragging beer crates filled with crayfish behind them enthusiastically call out “Krief! Krief!” to the out-of-towners in oversize four-by-fours cruising by near the harbour. From afar, Paternoster is a painting of little white smudges along the blue rim of sky and sea.

April • Mei 2013

It is reminiscent of Greece perhaps. Up close, it is a mix of old, whitewashed fishing cottages and newer variations on the theme, mostly built by newcomers, holidaymakers and property investors. Now, kite surfers share the open waters with the gulls and fishing boats. Nevertheless, here is the place to find reflective solitude. To sit and watch the kelp gulls glide across the sky; and, the sun roll in its arc to each inevitable and dramatic end. For activities, the village sports a handful of fine restaurants; a quaint, yet famous shop called “Die Winkel Op Paternoster”; whale watching; and, drives well worth doing. Visit the red and white lighthouse at Cape Columbine, which overlooks the town and the weather-beaten cove of


Tietiesbaai. The lighthouse was built in October 1936 – the first in SA with an electric lamp. Don’t miss a walk through the old-style Paternoster Hotel where picnic-style tables crowd the pavement and stoep. The Carosini family have owned it decades and is renowned in these parts. On the walls of the bar you’re likely to find the signature of someone famous, and perhaps even their underwear stapled to the rafters. Paternoster is especially popular during flower season, when the region is transformed. If you have children, this is probably the best time to come. But if it’s a place you seek to hole up from the ravages of daily life; to grab a book and pass the hours no matter the weather, there are few better places to head for.


Spring sloping in 50’s vry

Ingevoerde huis

‘n Victoriaanse skat D

In die sitkamer staan een van drie kaste wat voorheen in ‘n Tsjeggiese apteek diens gedoen het.



• Sarie Nell

ie Von Elgg-huis op Malmesbury is reeds sedert 1983 ‘n geskiedkundige gedenkwaardigheid. In die boek ‘The Old Buildings of the Cape’ (Dr. Hans Fransen, 2004; derde uitgawe), word dit as een van slegs 350 argitektoniese monumente in die Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika bestempel. Die inwoners beskryf hul huis as ‘n ‘happy house’, ‘n plek wat jou omarm. Joop en Joke Pinckaers woon sedert 1997 in hul ‘happy house’. In hul voorportaal hang ‘n geverfde weergawe van hul troudag in 1997, toe hul huwelik op die stoep van die Von Elgg-huis deur aartsbiskop Desmond Tutu voltrek is. April • Mei 2013

Geskiedenis van Von Elgg-huis


ierdie statige huis is omstreeks 1900 deur ene EH Kotze op Malmesbury gebou op grond wat ES Ford in 1876 by die NG Kerk gekoop het. Volgens mondelinge oorlewering het Kotze dié Laat-Victoriaanse huis gebou as ‘n presiese replika van ‘n skets wat hy uit Engeland saamgebring het. Die grootste persentasie boumateriaal, behalwe vir die sandsteen van plaaslike oorsprong, is uit ‘n katalogus bestel en vanuit die buiteland ingevoer. As dubbelverdieping maak dit vir Suid-Afrika ‘n baie deftige voorbeeld van die Hoog-Victoriaanse era en sprekend van welvarendheid. Presies waar die oorspronklike huis staan wat die bouer so bekoor het, is onbekend. Swartlanders het daardie tyd kopskuddend verklaar dat die 7 000 pond wat dié praghuis gekos het, net sowel ‘n kerk kon bou of ‘n hele paar Swartlandse plase sou kon betaal!

Die gebrandskilderde ruite was een van dié eienskappe wat gemeld is in die verslag toe Von Elgg-huis as nasionale gedenkwaardigheid verklaar is. Elkeen van die besondere vensters word deur houthortjies van Amerikaanse grein of kiaat beskerm. Die trap (regs) is ook van Amerikaanse greinhout, met Burmese kiaat vir die relings.

Die erker (komvenster) is ‘n algemene kenmerk van die Victoriaanse styl. Die vensters toon ‘n sterk Art Nouveau-invloed, ‘n styl wat vaardig was van 1890 tot ongeveer 1910. Let ook op die pragtig-versierde plafonne - een van drie in die huis. April • Mei 2013


Geskrewe inligting oor dié huis is skaars, maar volgens aktebesorger-dokumente het Kotze dit in 1907 verkoop aan Baron Frederick Fortunatus Werdmuller Von Elgg uit Zurich (Switserland) en van toe af was die huis in slegs drie eienaars se besit. Werdmuller Von Elgg het as prokureur in Malmesbury gepraktiseer tot kort voor sy dood (hy het eers as 95-jarige uitgetree). Die Werdmullergesin het van 1907 tot met sy dood in 1946 daar gewoon. Gerrie en Anita Thiart het die huis in 1953 gekoop en liefdevol gerestoureer en daarmee voorkom dat Von Elgg Huis gesloop word om plek te maak vir meenthuise. Gelukkig vir die nageslag van die Swartland is dié reusefout nooit gemaak nie! Volgens Thiart (in die huis van 1953 tot 1997) is die oorspronklike gaspypleiding in die huis later vervang met elektrisiteit. Huidige eienaars, Joop Pinckaers en sy vrou, glo die sensitiwiteit van die eienaars is baie belangrik in die behoud van so ‘n huis se styl en atmosfeer. Hulle het die kombuis en badkamers gemoderniseer en baie restou­rasiewerk gedoen, maar die oorspronklike vloerteëls pryk vandag nog in die badkamers. Ses ryklik versierde marmerkaggels, houtwerk slegs van kiaat en Amerikaanse greinhout (oregon pine), drie spogplafonne van versierde dun staal wat getuig van uiters kundige vakman­ skap, besondere gebrandskilderde ruite, gietysterwerk aan die balkonrelings en suile, versierde vertrekke van 7m by 5m ... saam met meublement wat Joop en Joke Pinckaers liefdevol ver­samel het, maak van Von Elgg-huis ‘n unieke monument uit ‘n vergange era.


In praise of the humble olive

The Riebeek Valley comes alive in May when it hosts its 13th annual Olive Festival - Clifford Roberts

Goodness of the Riebeek Valley


t seems that rural towns most often conjure up in the minds of city-dwellers at least, either of two images - that of the quiet hamlet or the scene of a wholesome country festival. On the weekend of May 4, the Riebeek Valley makes the transformation when it hosts the 13th annual Riebeek Valley Olive Festival. Few arrivals can be as memorable as when travellers reaching the valley cross the Kasteelberg ridge from the Malmesbury side. Spreading like the train of a royal wedding dress, the valley falls away. Its terraces of vines, olive trees and wheat decorate the breathtaking spectacle, all the way to blue-grey mountains in the distance. The valley is situated about one hour from Cape Town and is part of the Swartland, an important agricultural region often referred to as the province’s “bread basket”. The Riebeek Valley is renowned for its wine too and is home to prize winning producers such as Allesverloren, Riebeek Cellars and Mullineux Family Wines. Equally celebrated are the region’s olives farmers, who line up as part of the Santam Swartland Wine & Olive Route that was established in 1986. The alliance can largely be attributed to the distinctly Mediterranean


climate and typical soils. Olives are native to the Mediterranean and have been there for thousands of years. It is said to be one of the plants with the most distant references in Western literature. And on May 4 and 5, it is the humble olive that is celebrated in Riebeek Kasteel and Riebeek West along with a host of other produce that has the valley as its birthplace. According to festival PRO Pippa Pringle, the focal point of the festival is drawing visitors’ attention to this popular fruit, showcasing the diversity of olives. “Visitors can stock up on a wide selection of olives, delicious olive oils, preserves, tapenades, as well an immense selection of olive-based beauty products,” she says. “Whilst in the area visitors are welcome to visit the wineries where they will have the opportunity to sit in on tutored tastings or simply sample the wines at their leisure. Live entertainment at these establishments will ensure a truly relaxing experience.” Pringle says that while everything about olives takes centre stage during the event, of course, there are also plenty of other attractions, including a vast variety of local produce, art and local crafts, food stalls and entertain-


ment. Over the weekend, families can hop between farms and venues, tasting their wares and enjoying both the entertainment and splendid country air. Over the years, the festival has grown substantially, says Pieter du Toit of Kloovenburg wine and olive estate. Kloovenburg is again one the main centres of activity, of which there are eight, during the Riebeek Valley Olive Festival. Du Toit says the event has seen up to 10 000 visitors on a weekend. His farm sells around two tons of olives and about 500 litres of olive oil alone during the festival. “The Mediterranean feeling at Kloovenburg is quite unique. A variety of olive-themed stalls and olive tastings, and the sounds from the well-known accordion player Stanislav Angelov adds to the theme,” says Du Toit. The farm will showcase its olive oil, cured olive products, the luxury body product range as well as the estate’s wines. On 10:30 on the Saturday and Sunday, the farm will host a complimentary guided walk to its olive groves followed by an olive press demonstration.

April • Mei 2013


they can make the most of the jumping castle and outdoor apparatus. At a cost of R5 per child, kids can play for 10 minutes under adult supervision. An on-site tuck shop is open all day. The Pleasant Pheasant Restaurant offers an à la carte menu while patrons can also catch up on the weekend’s rugby on the restaurant’s big screen. After the rugby, songwriter and singer, Dewald Forest will perform live. Entry and parking on the estate is free. A shuttle service will ferry visitors the 4 km between Allesverloren, Riebeek West and Riebeek Kasteel. For more information, phone Allesverloren on (022) 461-2320.

Kloovenburg is situated at the one extremity of the Riebeek Kasteel. Its groves of cover 30 hectares and are farmed by Pieter du Toit’s wife, Annalene. Visitors to the Allesverloren wine estate during this year’s Riebeek Valley Olive Festival can look forward to a range of live and outdoor entertainment and gastronomic delights. Guests can taste wines at Allesverloren from different wineries paired with homemade meals and treats from a variety of food stalls, delis and the country market at the estate’s function and conference venue. Shop for fresh produce, olive oil, pesto, homemade breads, jams, biltong and various cheeses. A cash bar will be available. Various local artists will perform including Waldo Lotz who has been appointed Allesverloren’s festival host. Be sure to be at the stage area from 12:00 to 15:00 to stand a chance of winning luxury wine hampers. There is also a playground for kids where April • Mei 2013



Perfect soil for perfect olives

“The Riebeek Valley has the perfect terroir (good rich soil) for growing olives,” says Pieter du Toit. “The Kasteelberg protects the olive trees from the wind (this helps to keep the flowers from not falling off).” The valley’s reputation for olives also has other contributors. Goedgedacht is a charitable trust that supports a variety of community projects and facilities.

According to its website, the trust was established in 2003 and “grown significantly from two staff members looking after 12.5 hectares of olives, to a permanent staff contingent of 12 people, looking after over 40 hectares of fruit trees.” “And we are planning to plant a further 30 hectares,” it says. “We are now supplying our products nationally through Pick ‘n Pay stores and have been very privileged to be able to have this support from Pick ‘n Pay.” Goedgedacht produces infused fruit vinegar dressings, extra virgin olive oil and table olives. Another producer and member of the Swartland Wine and Olive



April • Mei 2013

Route is Het Vlock Casteel , a farm with a long history in the valley that added olives to its produce in the 1990s. All of the olives grown on the farm are handpicked and processed locally. Three cultivars of table olives are grown: two black variants, Calamata and Mission and one green variant, Nocellara.

skincare products. The Olive Boutique also arranges wine tastings paired with olive products. A host of other producers will line up as

There will also be a selection of local metal works, art and jewellery as well as indigenous plant stalls to browse.

Also in the region is the Olive Boutique, established at the beginning of the new millennium, when Michael and Juliana Meredith imported their first olive oil press from Italy. The well-known enterprise, which was acquired by Derek van der Riet and Susan Aird at the beginning of this year, sells a range of table olives, olive oils, tapenades and olive oil-derived

April • Mei 2013

part of the 2013 Riebeek Valley Olive Festival this year. In addition to olives and wine, sale items include quality cured meats, gourmet steak rolls and pizzas, imported cheeses, sweet and savoury waffles, biscuits and cupcakes.

A R100 passport, valid for the entire festival weekend allows visitors entry to the various wine farms, the town-based marquees, a complimentary tasting glass and a free tasting of olives or wine. The passports can be purchased online at www.webtickets.co.za or on the day at participating establishments as well as the two centralised marquees.



Age-related Macular Degeneration A

Getting the facts straight

ge-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a medical condition which usually affects older adults and results in a loss of central vision(the macula) due to damage to the retina.

This makes reading or recognising of faces difficult. It is the leading cause of visual loss in older adults (>50 years). Macular degeneration is not painful, which may allow it to go undetected for some time. Despite the limited vision, AMD does not cause complete blindness. In almost all cases some vision remain. The macula comprises only about 2.1% of the retina, and the remaining 97.9% (peripheral field) remains unaffected by the disease. In some people, AMD advances so slowly that vision loss does not occur for a long time. In others the disorder progresses faster and may lead to a loss of vision in one or both eyes. There are different risk factors for the development of AMD: 1. AGING – Approximately 10% of patients age 66 to 74 will have signs of macular degeneration. The prevalence increases to 30% in patients 75 to 85 years of age. 2. FAMILY HISTORY – The lifetime risk of developing AMD is 50% for people who have a relative with macular degeneration, versus 12% for people who do not have relatives with macular degeneration. 3. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. 4. CHOLESTEROL – Elevated cholesterol increases the risk of developing AMD. 5. OBESITY – Abdominal obesity is a risk factor, especially among men. 6. FAT INTAKE – Consuming high amounts of certain fats likely contributes to AMD, while mono saturated fats a potentially protective. 7. RACE – Macular degeneration is more likely to be found in Caucasian people than in people of African descent. 9. LONG TERM EXPOSURE to UV rays as well as blue light. 10. SMOKING TOBACCO - This increases the risk of developing AMD by two to three times compared to someone who has never smoked. There are two forms of AMD: dry and wet. Of which dry AMD is the most common , and April • Mei 2013

occurs in about 90% of people with the condition. The dry form has three stages – early, intermediate and advanced.It happens when the light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, gradually blurring central vision in the affected eye. No medical or surgical treatment is available for this condition, however, vitamin supplements with high doses of antioxidants , lutein and zeaxanthin, have been suggested to slow the progression of dry AMD and in some patients improve visual acuity. There are also recent advancements within the field of stem cell research. The wet form of AMD is considered more advanced and can be more severe. It happens when new blood vessels under the macula leak blood and fluid. Damage to the macula can occur rapidly.

People with wet AMD develop a blind spot which results in the loss of central vision. There are different treatment options for wet AMD although these treatments are not a cure, and the condition may progress even with treatment. The treatment options are: Injections, Photodynamic therapy or Laser surgery. Because peripheral vision is not affected, people with AMD can learn to use their remaining vision to partially compensate. Adaptive devices can help people read by using: magnifying glasses, special spectacle lenses, computer screen readers and TV systems that enlarge reading material. Your risk for developing AMD can be reduced by eating fish two to three times a weak, dark green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit daily. Limit your intake of fats and oils. Keep a healthy lifestyle – don’t smoke, control your weight and exercise regularly. Other lifestyle factors to consider is to wear adequate protection from sunlight and to have your macula checked at least every three years. • Bierman Grobbelaar Optometrist Piketberg branch opening soon.

• Jessica Grobbelaar



Continuation of a The Golf “Seven”


n 2012 Volkswagen launched a limited edition known as the Golf 35 to commemorate 35 years of “The Golf”. In the same year, in September in fact, the new 7th generation Golf was revealed to the world at the Paris Motor Show. The “Golfers” lapped up the info on the new “Seven” and started wondering if it will hit the shores of South Africa. They did NOT have to wait very long and in February 2013 the Golf 7 hit the South African market.


Some technical jargon:

For starters, the weight of the “Seven” has been reduced by about 100kg, resulting in nearly 23% better fuel economy. Without getting too technical, suffice is to say that this weight is made up approximately by the reduction in: • Electrical – 6 kg; • Engine-related – 40 kg; • Running Gear – 26 kg and • Superstructure – 37 kg The “Seven” is powered by any one of the following engines: • 1.2 TSi – 77 kW, 175 Nm* (4.9ℓ / 100km combined with CO2 114 g/km) • 1.4 TSi – 103 kW, 250 Nm (5.3 ℓ / 100km combined with CO2 121 g/km) • 2.0 TDi – 110 kW, 320 Nm (4.5 ℓ / 100km combined with CO2 119 g/km

* with BlueMotion® All the variants drive through the front wheels with a six speed manual transmission, bar the 2.0 TDi which has a 6-speed automated dual-clutch (DSG).


The Golf 7 joins it predecessors in the sense where they all tell a story of technical and economic achievements not forgetting industrial design. As such the Golf’s exterior design has become one of the best recognisable designs around the globe. In the words of Walter da Silva (Head of Design, Volkswagen AG): ‘’One of the keys to the Golf’s success lies in its continuity. There are but a handful of cars in the world with a design like the Golf’s. It has been refined, tweaked and enhanced down the decades and has thereby become timeless.’’ The “Seven” is the first VW with multi-collision brake safety system. It further boasts 30 ℓ extra boot-capacity as well as added rear-seat legroom. XDS electronic differential lock and electronic parking hand-brake comes as standard. The completely redesigned infotainment


systems comes standard with touch control screens. On the Highline models the display reacts to hand movements via a proximity sensor. All the models of the “Seven” have 7-airbags as well as Electonic Stability Control (ESC). Some of the other features include daylight running lights (DRL), airconditioning, electrically operated side mirrors & front windows. The list of standard features are quite extensive and can be viewed on the VWSA website or at your local VW dealer.


If the six previous generations of the Golf is anything to go by, then this new “Seven” should follow well in their footsteps. The best advice which I can give is for you to head off to your local VW dealer, book a test drive and go experience it for yourself. With a price tag ranging from R233 800 to R334 800 (approx.) you now know which of the models will fit into your budget. By the way the “Seven” comes with a warranty of 3 years/120 000km and a service plan of 5 years/90 000km. Now go and enjoy!!! *The technical information is supplied by VWSA and Duoporta.co.za

• Marcel Upfold April • Mei 2013

April • Mei 2013




Deur die lens van...

‘n Boorling van Pretoria is Nico Degenaar, die afgelope vier jaar ‘n veearts in die Swartland. Hy neem sedert 1980 foto’s. Die meeste van sy landskappe neem Nico met sy Canon 5D en ‘n 17-40 mm lens. Nico, wat deesdae ook daarvan hou om troufoto’s te neem, spog reeds met ‘n lys goeie prestasies in fotokompetisies en salonne.

Swartland Moorreesburg 26 24

Goodies and Gadgets Reis

April • Mei 2013




April April Mei 2013 April•••Mei Mei2013 2013

Reis Reis


19 27 25


Kos en Onthaal

April • Mei 2013

Foto: Nico Degenaar


Dis waar ek wil wees...

lkeen van ons het ‘n doenlysie of twee. Party mense het heelparty lysies en dan is daar diegene wat ‘n doenlysie het om hul doenlysies te orden.

Sommige van die doenlysies is maklike doengoed vir elke dag. Ander weer is van naweekbesoekplekke nie te ver nie of heel haalbare dinge wat jy saam met familie of vriende wil doen. Dan is daar doenlysies wat eintlik drome op papier is. Daardie drome wat waarskynlik net sal waar word, as die skip kom of iets buitengewoons in plek val. In die uwe se laai is daar ook doenlysies, maar veel lekkerder is die “afgetiekte” lysies. Daardie lysies wat nooit weer sal roep en verwyt dat jy nie aan hulle aandag gee nie. Een so ‘n lysie is ‘n sommer-net-ene van tien dinge wat die Weskus en Swartland ‘n plek maak waar ek wil wees. Nommer een is Griekeland. Daardie blou “dam” wat voor jou uitstrek as jy van Langebaan oor die kop na die Weskus Nasionale park toe ry. Daardie soort blou wat jou adellik stig en dankbaar maak dat jy mens in hieride geweste is. Nommer twee is nog ‘n Griekeland as jy by Club Mykonos kuier en op ‘n laatsomersaand met laaste lig op ‘n kalivastoep sit waar die ryk mediterreense kleure perfek trou met die, dan geelwit, mure soos die branders in die baai klots. April • Mei 2013

Op nommer drie is daar “vis en chips” op Paternoster se strand met helder bakkies wat leë maag lê en wag om die volgende vangs uit te bring en só brood en vis te plaas op ‘n tafel wat smag. Nommer vier is ‘n yskoue bier op die houtdek van ‘n Strandrestaurant aan die Weskus om op ‘n warm dag die son langsaam te laat sak agter die horison van die plat aarde. Dan volg Velddrif Bokkoms op nommer 5 waar jy saam met dié soutverleiding jou tandemerke los in ‘n sny dikbottergesmeerde bruin potbrood en korrelkonfyt. Nommer ses: Op Yzerfontein kan jy op ‘n stil aand die Weskussand afspoel by swemgat met ‘n Chenin van Riebeek Cellars of ‘n billik-geprysde vonkel van Swartland om ‘n romantiese aand in te lui. Vir nommer sewe, as jy deur Darling ry, móét jy by Evita se Perron stop vir Koeksisters en koffie tussen half bisarre memorabilia van gister se bestel in skrille kontras met ‘n Afrika-vibe. Nommer agt is ‘n handvol droëwors vir die pad by Nicky Lategan se slaghuis op Moorreesburg. Op Riebeek-Kasteel is nommer nege. ‘n Ontbyt by die onpaar tafels en stoele van gister by Bar Bar Black Sheep aan die einde van Short Street. En nommer tien vat jou terug Europa toe met die rollende Franse klanke as agtergrondmusiek by Cherry Lane op Malmesbury vir ‘n ligte middagete. - Johan Viljoen





April • Mei 2013


Alta se Kerriewaterblommetjies

• Alta Nel (58), bekende kaasmaker van Nieuwe Rust, Paternoster, is passievol oor veldkos. Sy meen, nes C. Louis Leipoldt in sy kookboek Cape Cookery, dat baie veldkos kommersieel gekweek behoort te word soos waterblommetjies. Hier is sy in haar kleurvolle plaaskombuis met haar geliefkoosde resepteboeke, die 1971-uitgawe van die Kook en Geniet en die Huisgenoot-wenresepte 3. By haar is flesse kerriewaterblommetjies, waterblommetjiekonfyt en Mosterdsjampanje-veldkool. Bestanddele 2kg waterblommetjies 1kg uie 400g wit suiker 750ml asyn 50ml mielieblom 30ml kerriepoeier 15ml sout 10ml borrie

• Alida Buckle

Pure Weskus lekker

Was waterblommetjies, breek kleiner. Kook waterblommetjies en uie saam met genoeg water tot sag, dreineer. Gooi suiker en 500ml asyn by waterblommetjies. Meng. Meng res van bestanddele met res van asyn. Roer dit by waterblommetjies. Kook stadig tot dik. Sit warm in gesteriliseerde glasflesse. • Dis baie lekker saam met ‘n bietjie ongegeurde joghurt as slaai.

April • Mei 2013



Wynand, Chereé,

Lullabies en liefde • Maryke Roberts

April • Mei 2013



“Ons is plat op die aarde mense”

p 4 April vier die sanger-epgaar, Wynand en Chereé, hul derde huweliksherdenking, Chereé se album, “Lesse & Lullabies” is benoem en later vanjaar verskyn hul duet-album. KykNET se gewilde program “10 uit 10” het hulle nie te lank gelede nie as een van Suid-Afrika se gunste­ ling glanspaartjies aangewys. Vandag is dié sangpaar wat op Langebaan woon, boonop ook ouers van twee pragtige kinders en ’n blink toekoms wink.

Hul eersteling, Taylor-Hope, is vroeg in 2011 gebore en laat in 2012 het Bella-Joy die huishouding kom verryk. Met ’n le­wensleuse: “Leef elke dag asof dit jou laaste is” is dit geen wonder hulle is so aan die gang nie. Chereé vertel hoe haar lewe verander het toe sy twee maande ná haar troue uitvind sy is swanger. Wynand was op sy jaarlikse jagwegbreek en Chereé het ’n liedjie aan haar ongebore baba geskryf. Haar blydskap dat haar lewe verloop het, soos sy gedroom het dit sal, is in die liedjie vervat. “Van daar af het ek begin werk aan ’n paar liedjies wat ek graag as my erfenis wou laat vir ons baba,” vertel sy. Chereé het self die opnames gedoen­ in hul tuisstudio. Haar vriend en kollega Tony Ridgway het gehelp met die finale afronding. Sy wil ook ’n album opneem vir haar dogtertjie. “Daar is oorspronklike liedjies op die album, waarvan ek en Wynand ook een saam geskryf het: “A grandma knows” - vir ons ma’s en alle oumas! Die album is vir ’n Ghoematoekenning genomimeer.” Chereé en Wynand is gelukkig aan die Weskus. Hulle het - onbewus daarvan destyds - hul harte aan mekaar gegee op Vredendal. Chereé vertel: “Van die begin af het ek en Wynand baie goed oor die weg gekom. Ons het een jaar by die Springbok Blommefees ontmoet en toe kort daarna by die Rittelfees in Vredendal. Ek het van daardie eerste twee ontmoetings af gedink Wynand is ’n ongelooflike mens. Ons kon vir ure net gesels. Dit was lekker om iemand te ontmoet wat ’n bietjie rustiger is as ek. Ek is nogal ’n sosiale vlinder,” vertel sy. Die vonke het eers later gekom, nadat hulle mekaar weer by ’n fees raakgeloop het. Wy­ nand onthou: “Ek dink ons albei was verlief op mekaar, lank voordat ons dit ooit sou erken.” Hulle is drie jaar getroud, maar nege jaar April • Mei 2013

saam en glo hul liefde word elke dag sterker.

Chereé sê dat hulle nooit baklei nie. “Ja, daar is tye waar ons mekaar dalk net misverstaan, maar ons was nog nooit kwaad vir mekaar nie en het nog nooit op mekaar geskree nie.” Sy glo die seerste seer kom wanneer egpare of paartjies mekaar slegsê en daardie woorde nooit weer teruggetrek kan word nie. Kommunikasie is van integrale belang in hul huishouding en alles word uitgepraat.


m hul loopbane en optredes te balanseer, is nie elke dag maklik nie en Chereé sê nou dat ’n baba bygekom het, gaan dinge ‘interessant wees’. “Bella-Joy is gebore toe Taylor-Hope amper 2 jaar oud was, en tot op daardie punt het Tally maar saam met ons getoer. Ons is só bevoorreg om op ons ouers te kan staatmaak. My ma woon vier huise van ons af en kyk bedags na die kinders as ons kantoorwerk moet doen en sy toer ook saam om te help met hulle. Ek het ‘n nuwe respek vir my ma, sommer alle ma’s.” Sy is net so dankbaar vir Wynand se ouers wat nog in Pretoria woon, wat net so graag help met die kinders as hulle in Gauteng optree. Maar van rustiger leef is daar geen sprake nie. Die paartjie is dit eens: “Daar is geen manier dat ons die kinders hierdie jaar nie saam op die pad sal neem nie. Een van die oumas sal maar moet saam toer!” Chereé sê hulle het besluit om só ’n lewe te lei en is lief vir die sigeneurlewe.

met opnames by Wouter van de Venter in die Kaap begin en baie uitsien na die album. Dit het nog nie ’n titel nie. Hulle geniet tyd saam tuis, veral omdat hulle baie toer en die huis mis. Van Chereé se gunsteling-dae is as “ons by die huis is. Die vuurtjie brand, die TV is op die sportkanaal en ons is almal of in die swembad, of in die tuin doenig!” Hulle is ook opgewonde om vir hul kinders nuwe, interessante plekke te wys en dinge te leer. Wynand voeg by dat hulle die voorreg het om op baie mooi plekke te kom. Hul gunsteling-plekke op hul tuisdorp is langs Mykonos op die strand, Boesmanland en Lekka by die See, twee van hul voorkeureetplekkies. Hulle het by Boesmanland getrou en dit sal altyd vir hulle goeie herinneringe terugbring. “Lekka by die See is intiem, die uitsig pragtig en jy kan met jou voete in die sand grawe en die seewater voel.”


ie beste raad wat hulle al gekry het, is om altyd hulself te wees; te praat as iets pla en om ander te behandel soos jy graag behandel wil word. Hul aanwy­ sing as glanspaartjie was vir albei ’n groot eer, veral omdat die beoordelaars genoem het dat hulle ’n paartjie is wat mens kan oornooi vir ’n braai en Wynand sê: “Dis ons. Plat op die aarde, lief vir mense.”

Hul dagboek vir die res van die jaar is vol, iets waaroor hulle geweldig dankbaar is. Op Sondag 9 Junie is daar die Bakgat Country Opskop in die Grand West Arena en hulle deel die verhoog met legendes soos Billy Forrest, Tommy Dell, Lance James en dan ook nog nuwe country sangers soos Ricus Nel, Manie Jackson en Die Campbells. Countrymusiek vloei in haar are en Chereé is bekend as “Country Girl”, ’n naam wat sy haarself toegeëien het, nadat Tony die titel-snit van haar album, “Country Girl” geskryf het. Tussendeur werk hulle aan hul duet-album. Hul eerste duet-album, “Dit is ons lewe” is in 2007 vrygestel. Tony Ridgway het die titelsnit geskryf en hy het weer gesorg vir ’n pragtige nuwe duet, “Hierdie hart van my” vir hul nuwe album. Wynand vertel dat hulle eersdaags



★★★★ R E S TA U R A N T | S PA | F U N C T I O N S

MR 1296 Swartland & West Coast Magazine fpfc_TenonMain_4.indd 1

2013/03/25 2:25 PM

‘n Weskus-bekoring

A: (Met ‘n fyn glimlaggie): Ek slaap elke

nag goed! Ek is lief vir kreatiewe naaldwerk en ek glo in ek-tyd! Maar ek moet erken, niemand kan hierdie werk alleen doen nie: ek moét gereeld vólmaak voor ek weer kan uitgee, daarom spandeer ek baie tyd alleen saam met God. God is baie goed vir my! My gesin ondersteun my ook geweldig baie. Verder is die mense van die gemeenskap verskriklik ondersteunend – daar is nog baie goeie mense in ons land!

Cynthia Slingers sien 43 jaar se lief en leed


ynthia Slingers is predikantsvrou, ma en gemeenskapsmens van Malmesbury. Gebore en getoë in Athlone, was Cynthia Slingers ‘n jong 22 toe sy en haar man, ds. John Slingers, 43 jaar gelede in die Swartland ingetrek het vir John se eerste gemeente by die Calvynse Protestantse Kerk op die dorp. John het al afgetree en Cynthia ook, maar sy is in 2011 teruggeroep na haar pos as nasionale skakel-, fondse- en kommunikasiebeampte vir die SOS-kinderdorpe in SuidAfrika, net om dit hierdie keer een stappie verder te neem en dié werk ook op internasionale vlak te doen. In Februarie vanjaar het sy R10 miljoen vir die SOS Kinderdorpe op internasionale vlak ingesamel. Met die R15 miljoen wat Cynthia vir 2012/13 ingesamel het, dra sy die titel ‘International Achiever of the Year’ by hierdie nie-winsgewende organisasie wat hom toespits op verlate, kwesbare en sorgbehoewende kinders. Cynthia is by ‘n magdom gemeenskaps­ aksies op Malmesbury betrokke, waaronder die Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum, traumaberading by die polisiekantoor en beskerm­ vrou van Dahlia-huis, waar mishandelde persone berading ontvang in die beskerming van ‘n huis wat geborgenheid bied.

V: Beskryf uself? A: My roeping in die lewe is om mense op te


• Sarie Nell

V: Vertel ons van Dahlia-huis? Hoe kry een mens dit reg om só ‘n plek van herstel te skep? A: As traumaberader het ek vyftien jaar

gelede besef dat slagoffers van gesinsgeweld nié in polisieselle moet oornag nie! Ek het begin soek na ‘n huis waar dié mense tot verhaal kan kom. Dis nié ‘n skuiling nie; hulle word binne 72 uur uitgeplaas, maar hulle kan bad en oorslaap, skoon klere aantrek, saam met ‘n vrywilliger wat daardie tyd saam met hulle in die huis bly en ondersteun.

V: Waar is u gunsteling vakansieplek? A: Die mooie Tuinroete. Of in Whuppertal,

tussen die berge, die rivier en die plat-opdie-aarde mense van die streek. Ek is nie ‘n see-mens nie, maar gee vir my die berge en riviere!

hef en te ondersteun. Mense is my passie.

V: Sal u hou van ‘n persoonlike nommerplaat?

A: Ons moet meer kere dankbaar wees vir

A: Is dit nie duur nie? Nee wat, dis nie vir my

wat ons het en nie kyk na dié dinge wat ontbreek nie!

belangrik nie!

V: Wat maak u bekommerd? V: Waaraan skryf u u sukses as fonds­insamelaar toe? A: My omgee vir mense. Ek respekteer alle

mense, wat maak dat mense my vertrou. “You can’t fake passion!”

A: Die verval in die samelewing en in die

gesinslewe. Jong mense wat in hulle nagklere in die dorp en winkels loop. Die groot hoeveelheid tieneraborsies. Ons moet ons kinders leer om geestelik paraat te wees.

V: Vertel ons hoe kry u dit reg – R10 miljoen in een maand?

V: Wat is u boodskap vir die mense daarbuite?

A: Ek is skaamteloos as ek vra! Dis mos vir ‘n

A: Glo in jouself en in jou potensiaal. Werk

goeie saak!

V: Wat gebeur met die kinders van die SOS-kinderdorpe nadat hulle 18 geraak het?

altyd aan selfverbetering. Onthou, jy is nooit beter as ander nie! Wees verdraagsaam en vergewe ... Dit maak ‘n mens vry!

A: Ons gooi nooit ‘n kind weg

nie! Een dogter het pas ‘n graad in sielkunde in Amerika ontvang, een seun is pas gekwalifiseer as prokureur.

V: U hoor náre stories in traumaberading en werk ook baie hard. Hoe kry u als gebalanseer? Cynthia en haar man, ds. John Slingers


April • Mei 2013


April • Mei 2013



New technology

to get your hands on


ith techhies having a ball in the 21st century, some just seem to blow your mind away.

Not only does technology send us into the future, it helps businesses to save money!

The past couple of years technology has rocketed and even those who are afraid of these gadgets, seem to find them interesting and easy to use. Check out these new gadgets!

Least-cost routing (LCR) is still a must for the small business with a big phone bill. LCR services offer you a range of opportunities to slice national and international call costs by up to 25% compared to fixed line costs. With the most recent round of tariff cuts in the mobile market, national calls cost as little as 60 cents per second and international calls as little as 85 cents, with true per-second billing.

• The Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 makes battery hassles a thing of the past, even indoors. The keyboard connects automatically via a 2.4GHz wireless unifying receiver, and the solar battery will stay charged for up to 3 months, even in total darkness.

• Making the perfect external storage companion to the Apple® Macbook®, MacBook™ Pro or Macbook Air™, the new Hitachi G-DRIVE™ slim external hard drive gives users 320GB of storage and ubiquitous USB 2.0 connectivity in an amazingly slim form. Formatted for Macs with simple plug n’ play connectivity, the G-DRIVE slim is Time Machine® ready for added backup protection, and it’s USB-powered, so there is no need to carry around an extra power cord. • The Crux360™ is a clamshell-keyboard case that allows you to use the iPad® in a multitude of positions. All iPad ports and buttons remain accessible while using the case. It features a full bluetooth® keyboard, and features four modes: Laptop Mode — allows use of the keyboard. Movie Mode — great for watching


LCR can still save businesses money

videos, playing games, or just surfing the Internet. Tablet Mode — great for reading books or magazines. Carry Mode — closes up and protects your iPad’s® screen from nicks and scratches. • The Livescribe Echo Smartpen allows you to record audio while you’re taking notes, and then play them back later. You can save and share interactive notes to your computer, iPad or iPhone via a microUSB connector that also allows you to recharge your pen. The memory storage holds 400 or 800 hours of recorded audio, depending on the model, and includes an OLED display that makes it easy to navigate smartpen apps. • myDitto Key enables SoHo business professionals to access their myDitto Servers remotely, through an easy-to-use, lightweight USB key. From owners who frequently travel on business trips to telecommuting employees, users simply insert their myDitto Key into a laptop or PC and — through a direct peer-topeer connection — safely access any critical file from their office network server no matter where they are.


Consider the Cloud

Now that we have affordable, large-cap data broadband products for SMEs in South Africa, the Cloud is becoming a viable option. Cloud computing allows small businesses to buy applications such as PBX services or customer relationship management tools as online services – think about how you use DropBox. There is no hardware to install, software to licence or IT support staff to hire – online IT applications simply become a predictable running cost. Plus, applications and data stored in the cloud can be accessed securely from anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection.

Think about VOIP’s cost-savings

VoIP telephony service may offer SMEs substantial savings on local, national and international fixed calls as well as cell phone calls, as the service enables them to make voice calls over the Internet. The quality of VOIP has improved dramatically, thanks to better bandwidth in South Africa.

WiFi enable the mobile workforce If you pay for your end-users mobile data, make sure that their tablets and smartphones have WiFi connectivity. That way they can use WiFi to access online services and even make VOIP calls when they are near a hotspot, including the office. The cost savings of using your office network or a WiFi hotspot when available rather than a cellular data SIM are potentially enormous. One phone, one number

If your users don’t spend much time in the office, go for ‘one number, one phone’ solution. Simply put, this allows them to connect their smartphones directly to the company PABX using a technology like Bluetooth and be reachable with a single number wherever they are. That means you don’t need to buy them desktop handsets, and they’ll be able to make cheaper VOIP or LCR calls from their mobiles while they’re in the office. April • Mei 2013

many sore throats. And, if


Our first day hospital in the Western Cape, Cure Day Clinics St. Stephen's Paarl, is NOW OPEN!

Quality, affordable, surgical day care

The Cure Day Clinics group is a young, vibrant, BEE compliant South African company that offers quality, affordable day surgery. The group has three operational day hospitals in Gauteng and this is the first new day hospital open in the Western Cape – Cure Day Clinics St Stephen’s Paarl (c/o Main & School Streets, Northern Paarl). Supporting medical professionals and friendly staff provide excellent surgical day care to patients with a special focus on improving the experience for children. The vision of Cure Day Clinics is to have a national footprint of day hospitals, providing more South Africans with quality, affordable day case surgery.

Tel: 021 200 2309

Fax: 021 200 2311

Cure Day Clinic St. Stephen’s Paarl is a state-of-the-art medical facility which offers the following same-day procedures: Gastroenterology Dental surgery Ear, Nose and Throat surgery (ENT) General surgery Gynaecology Plastic and Cosmetic surgery Urology Dermatology Maxillo-Facial & Oral surgery Eye surgery Orthopaedic surgery

Clinic Manager: Suzette McIvor, matron@cdc-paarl.co.za Email: reception@cdc-paarl.co.za Address: 10 School Street, Northern Paarl, 7623 Postal Address: Suite 1, Cure Day Clinics St. Stephen’s Paarl, 7623

GROUP OF DAY HOSPITALS PaarlPost-Okt2012.indd 1

Maart • April 2013

2012/10/08 09:53:55



R780 000

APRIL 11 - 13 April

BEST VALUE FOR MONEY 3 Beds 2 Baths 1 Garage Web 285 445 Close to school, town centre and the beach, this is an ideal family home. Neat and well maintained house with lovely braai area and garden. Good security.

20 April

Alta Walters 083 653 1132


Clanwilliam Expo Jaarlikse Landbouskou 027 482 2833

R1 300 000

Weskus Marathon 42,2km; 21,1km; 5km Langebaan 074 233 8865 SA KAASFEES (SANDRINGHAM)

26 - 28 APRIL 2013 021-9754440/1/2/3

NEAT FACEBRICK IN BEST SUBURB 3 Beds 2 Baths 2 Garages Web 278 542 Big rooms, open plan Cherry wood kitchen with separate scullery. Indoor and outdoor braai, large covered patio, automated garage, good security and quality finishes. Elma Steyn 082 080 5302


R1 430 000

26 April

Paternoster Full Moon Market 082 824 8917

MAY 1 -5 Mei

Cederberg Kunstefees Clanwilliam (027) 482 1090

25 May

Darling Museum Open Day Each year the Darling Museum celebrates International Museum Day by holding an Open Day and this year is no exception: local crafters demonstrations, children’s craft corner, guided historical tour, car boot sale, tea garden. Guided tours through the village highlighting some of the Victorian and Edwardian buildings will be offered at 11h30 am and 2pm 022 492 3361

JUNE 1 June

Skaapkop-ete by Bushman’s Cave Clanwilliam 027 482 2918


Web 284 188

Langs groen strook. Oopplan leef area en kamers met spasie.


Marelize Huysamen 081 270 0535


R2 395 000

3-5 May

STYL EN ATMOSFEER! 4 Slpk 4 Badk 2 M/huise

Web 282 562

Goed ontwerp. Meer as wat jy ooit sal verwag met uitsig. ‘n Moet om te sien!

Riebeek Valley Olive Festival The Riebeek Valley Olive Festival is a lifestyle festival - voted one of the best food festivals in the Western Cape, because of the devine olives, wine, cheese, pickles, jams, bread and an eclectic mix of local character, to name but a few ingredients making up this memorable feast. 022 448 1545

Snoek & Patat Festival Goedverwacht (022) 912 4410

Jaco Coetzee 082 882 6797

April • Mei 2013



Maart • April 2013

Darling Brig’s Barn

022 492 2451

Hermon Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse

082 322 1758

Jacobsbaai Weskusplek

022 715 3333

Langebaan Boesmanland Plaaskombuis Bouzouki’s Cattle Baron Dockside Café The Farmhouse Hotel Friday Island Geelbek Lekka by die See

022 772 1564 022 707 7796 022 772 1131 022 707 7896 022 772 2062 022 772 2506 022 772 2134 082 899 6377

Malmesbury Barrys Beef and Barrel Die Herehuis Jano Sabino Spur

022 482 1372 022 487 1771 022 487 2091 022 487 1511

Moorreesburg De Oude Stoep Die Kuns Kombuis

022 433 3154 022 433 4749

Paternoster Blikkie Pizzeria Oep ve Koep Garden Bistro Skatkis Restaurant

022 752 2246 022 752 2105 022 752 2023

Piketberg Archers Bistro Fat Catz deli Mountain Creek Spur

022 913 3651 022 913 3651 022 913 1819

Porteville Koppikoffi Plattelander

022 931 3877 082 773 1200

Riebeek Kasteel BBBS Café Felix Country Inn Bistro Ed’s Diner The Royal Hotel

022 448 1031 022 448 1170 022 448 1110 022 448 1377 022 448 1479

Riebeek West De Oude Schuur Pleasant Pheasant Riebeek Valley Hotel

022 461 2122 022 461 2170 022 461 2672

Saldanha Blue Bay Lodge Captains Cabin Hoedjiesbaai Hotel Jane’s Guest House

022 714 1177 022 714 1716 022 714 1271 083 900 7923

Vredenburg Legends Ocean Basket Yukon Spur

022 719 1820 022 713 2998 022 713 4569

Yzerfontein Meeurots Restaurant Weskus Padstal

022 451 2608 082 351 2722





April • Mei 2013

Maart • April 2013



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