Volume 5

Page 1

d emoZáik

Inhoudsopgawe 6 Kokkedoor se Marinda steel Harte 8-9 Trendy West Coast Markets Die Swartlander Wicus van der Merwe is hierdie maand se voorbladgesig. Hy het saam met fotograaf, Cor Cronjé, van de moZaik by die Strandkombuis op Yzerfontein gekuier om ‘n glasie Darling Cellars-wyn. Wicus se optredes vir Desember en Januarie in en om die streek is 14 Desember - Somer Opskop, Grand West; 21 Desember - Gansbaai en 28 Desember - St Helenbaai Seefees.


10 5 fun things to do this time of year 11 Discovering Cataracts

12-15 Die kleure en geure van Yzerfontein 17 Meet the “soutie” of Darling Cellars 18-19 Deur die Lens van: Johan Viljoen

20-21 Finding Heaven on the West Coast 22-23 Die Huis van Harte

24-25 Slow down in Doringbaai 26 Wicus die Weskusklong

28-29 Die Verhale van Tweekuil

30 Die Inlêmeester – Bettie de Lange 31 Restaurant Guide

32 A Christmas list for the techie’s 33 What’s happening this Holiday

Letter from the Editor Son en see.


Snoek en patat. Soetwyn, brandewyn en rooibostee. Kreef en Sauvignon Blanc. Anna van Saldanha. En die Ysters van Yzerfontein. Die Weskus is mooi. Die Weskus is hard. Ja, die Weskus is wyd. Die Weskus is reg en die Weskus se mense besonders eg. Sonder tierlantyntjies en sonder doekies omdraai, hier lê die juwele besaai soos diamante voor ‘n eerste konsessie. We focus on the summer vacation that is upon us. From beach-days to Christmas dinner and New Years Eve, the locals and visitors will surely make for a holiday season to remember. Ons somervakansie-uitgawe is weer ‘n lekkerlees een. Weskusklong Wicus van der Merwe beaam oor ons streek: “Plat op die aarde, ruimhartige, gasvrye mense wat nie nonsens van enige mense duld nie! ’n Harde stukkie aarde met die mooiste plekke as jy net weet waar om te gaan soek.” Tant Bettie van Dwarskersbos bottel en bêre en ons gaan loer bietjie na die huis van daardie hartvrou met ‘n asemrowende uitsig by Yzerfontein. Die dorp, sy geskiedenis, rustigheid en jaarlikse Snoek Classic lok altyd baie besoekers. The Snoek Classic is a highlighted event on all anglers’ calender. With big prizes to be won, who can say no to entering this prestigious competition? Ook Doringbaai en sy See-wynkelder is ryk aan stories en karakter. Daar is ‘n lekker marksnuffelstorie en ‘n paar doen-dinge wat jy dié vakansie kan afmerk op jou ervaringslysie. Besoek die Weskus Nasionale Park of skop sommer jou skoene uit op ‘n Weskusstrand.

Augustus • September 2013

Uit die redakteur se pen

Mag elke Weskusser en besoeker aan hierdie streek waarop ons so trots is, hierdie vakansie geniet en die vrede en vreugde van die tyd ervaar. Mag ook 2014 vir elkeen besondere voorspoed en geluk inhou. We wish all our readers and advertisers a merry and blessed Christmas and well beings for 2014. Keep reading! Nianell het op Riebeek-Kasteel NG kerk se feesvieringe dié gebou op unieke wyse gevul met haar bekorende stem. Dit was ‘n hoogtepunt van 2013. Johan Viljoen (Ed/Red) * Die wenner van ons Thali-Thali-kompetisie vir twee nagte by dié gewilde wildreservaat langs die Weskuspad by Langebaan (soos aangewys deur Thali Thali), is Marcele du Toit. Baie geluk en geniet die kort wegbreek.

Editorial Team Publishers

Johan Viljoen & John-Beattie Paterson


Johan Viljoen Alida Buckle Sarie Nell Clifford Roberts Louise Brand

Photography Cor Cronje Johan Viljoen


John-Beattie Paterson 082 925 8741 • jb@demozaik.co.za Michelle du Plessis 083 288 4783 • michelle@demozaik.co.za

Layout and Design Izelle Garcia


Bo: Nianell, de moZáik se voorbladgesig van die vorige uitgawe, ná haar hoendervel-sanguitvoering in Riebeek-Kasteel se NG-kerk.


Tel: 022 487 3221 johan@diecourant.co.za www.demozaik.co.za www.facebook.com/DeMozaikMagazine





arinda Engelbrecht (55) van Kokkedoor-faam het landwyd harte gesteel as die “Lipstiekvrou”, een van die onthoukok-finaliste, in dié realiteitskook-

program. Hoewel haar kinders, Sorita en P.G., haar omgepraat het om deel te neem, het sy tydens die vervaardiging van die program weer besef dat sy ‘n mens uit eie reg is, ‘n individu, nie net ‘n ma nie. Sy en haar “engel van ‘n man”, Johann (60), het hulle twee jaar gelede op Hopefield kom vestig, want dit was hier waar Marinda al vir ‘n paar jaar kom asemskep het. Sommer al van die straat se kant af spoel die kreatiwiteit uit die ou gerestoureerde sinkhuis vol oudhede en hartsgoed. Haar kreatiwiteit skryf sy toe aan haar sorgelose kinderdae op ‘n plaas naby Durbanville. Hopefield is vir haar ideaal omdat sy binne ‘n uur van Kaapstad af by die huis kan wees en dan op haar stoep kan sit en “ver kyk en diep dink” - ‘n proses wat broodnodig is vir ‘n skeppende kok, kosblogger, liriekskrywer en regisseur. Marinda, ‘n opgeleide onderwyseres én aktrise, het al diep spore in die teaterwêreld getrap as skepper van die Vlooi-kinderteaterproduksies, gebaseer op die Vlooileesboekreeks wat grondslagfase-skoliere bekoor. Dit is produksies van hoogstaande gehalte met van die land se top-akteurs en grootskaaltoerusting soos vir musiekblyspele. Haar vennoot in dié onderneming is Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck en Pedro Kruger toonset die musiek. “Ek dink in 3D-prentjies. My gedagtes is soos Swarovski-kristalle. Ek dink dit maak die heel tyd so tjieng, tjieng, tjieng in my kop.” Al het die personeel van Artscape haar met die eerste seisoen van Vlooi dertien jaar gelede aangekyk het “asof ek Maizina snuif” toe sy die teater vir ‘n maand lank be-


spreek, het die vertoning uitverkoop. En nou wag daar dalk verto­nings in Dubai asook ‘n Vlooi-seisoen saam met ‘n simfonie-orkes en Zanne Stapelberg. Haar liefde vir kinders bly ‘n deurlopende tema. “Kinders is die eerlikste gehoor, want hulle is spontaan. As die gordyne oopgaan en dit word begroet met so lang aaaaah, dan weet ek dit gaan werk.” Sy neem ook al lank die regie van Kringe in ‘n Bos by Artscape waar. Om teater en kosmaak te kombineer is nóg ‘n droom wat bewaarheid gaan word. Sy en Herman Lensing, Sarie se kosredakteur, voer volgende jaar (12 en 13 Maart) die eerste kosverhoogstuk, Voorskoot en Lipstiek, by die Woordfees in Stellenbosch op. Hulle kook saam, in karakter, ‘n driegangmaal. In die stuk, waarvan Marion Holm die teks skryf en die regie waarneem, gaan “die gehoor die kos sien en ruik.” Marinda plaas gereeld nuwe resepte, maklik en eenvoudig, op haar kosblog by marindakook.com. Sy skryf die oplewing in kookprogramme en kookboeke toe aan die nuwe generasie vroue wat nie hul ma’s in die kombuis kon dophou om te sien hoe gekook moet word nie, omdat hul ma’s gewerk het. “Mense leer nou op televisie en uit boeke hoe om te kook.” Ten spyte van soveel dinge wat in die toekoms wag en soveel wat sy reeds bereik het, is Marinda Engelbrecht opreg, warm en net so veelkleurig en interessant soos die kopbande wat sy in Kokkedoor gedra het.


deur Alida Buckle

steel harte

Supervinnige skons Bestanddele: 500g bruismeel, 1 blikkie Sprite, 250ml room, knippie sout. Metode: Roer bymekaar. Bak in muffinpan. Siedaar! Desember • Januarie 2014

Oktober • November 2013



West Coast markets by Louise Brand


– the trendy way to find the right gift for everyone

ourmet food, preserves, jewellery, decor accessories, clothing, crafts ... browse to your heart’s content this holiday season. Markets have become the trend of the day, bringing with it a completely new shopping experience to the discerning customer, while at the same time serving a much higher purpose by presenting a means to survive for families in today’s economic climate.

Darling Gourmet Mushrooms Stallholders and exhibitioners are creative individuals using their talents to ensure an extra income – sometimes the only income – for their households. Products are mostly unique and handmade, making it the ideal gift for someone special. The West Coast offers a range of markets during the holidays – some of them operating on a continuing basis (once a month or once a week) and some of them open for the holiday season only. Do yourself a favour and immerse yourself in the viby, up-beat atmosphere on market days while browsing to your heart’s content for all your gifts this season. The big one: West Coast Christmas Market, Vredenburg The biggest, oldest and most popular market on the West Coast is the West Coast Christmas Market that celebrates its 12th birthday this year. The market takes


place from 15 to 22 December and will be open from 10:00 till 18:00 during the week, on Saturday from 10:00 till 18:00 and the closing Thursday from 10:00 till 15:00. The venue for the market is the school hall of Vredenburg High at the corner of Skool and Dorp Streets. The first West Coast Christmas Market was presented in 2002 with 65 traders. According to the organizers, the visitor count was approximately 2 000. The market now exhibits products of 120 traders from far and wide that goes through an extremely stringent quality control process. Six thousand visitors from all over South Africa visit the market every year. Products on show have been described as a “lucky packet” – new products are continuously brought in to ensure a unique market experience every year. Email Anna Brand at weskusmark@akkerdykkerk. co.za for more information. The regulars: The Mill Country Market, Hopefield On the 1st Saturday of every month, the Hopefield locals invite you to join them from 10:00 – 13:00 at The Mill Country Market where you will find the loveliest fresh produce and a wide range of home baked goodies, as well as hand crafted designer products. Make it an outing and browse through the arts and crafts, antiques and collectibles, homemade jams and preserves, books and more. Some unique products you will run into here include a selection of pickled vegetables from Hopefarm and succulents from Die Plaasmol, a local farm stall. This is the ideal opportunity to get to know the locals. They are extremely proud of their charming town and bursting with goodwill and West Coast hospitality. On 29 & 30 November, The Mill Country Market will join forces with the churches and other organisations in Hopefield for a joint Christmas market in Church Street at the premises of the Dutch Reformed Church. A wide variety of fresh farm produce, boerewors, bread, cakes, tarts, jams, arts and crafts and lipsmacking meals will be available. Contact Engela James on 076 6963 570 for more information. The Mill market will resume its normal trading days


Darling Gourmet Mushrooms in the new year. Ipic Food Market, Vredenburg Does your palate demand something different and exquisite on a regular basis? Then the Ipic Food Market is the one for you! This market is held every

The Marra Morning Market takes place every second Saturday of the month in Breë Street, Langebaan. This year’s Christmas Market runs from the 19th until the 24th of December.

Friday from 08:00 till 16:00 at the Ipic Shopping Centre (Pick n Pay) in Vredenburg and hosts a range

Oktober • November 2013

of food products for the connoisseur. The market has recently been expanded to include even more top quality products. Here you may indulge yourself in delicatessen like out-of-this-world mushroom kebabs, Sushi, homemade cheeses, biltong, spices, and much, much more. Die Stoep, Velddrif This market is a joint initiative of a small group of entrepreneurs fromVelddrif and is situated at 137, Voortrekker Road. The venue is a huge bonus – it overlooks the Berg River. Visitors thus have the best of both worlds: a shopping experience with a view! A diverse range of food and arts & crafts products are available here, including homemade cheeses and vinegar, coffee products, metalwork, jewellery, wooden toys en more. Marra Square, Langebaan The Morning Market at Marra Square in Langebaan takes place every 2nd Saturday of the month from 10:00 – 14:00. Join local traders and see what this popular town has to offer in the line of fresh produce, crafts and homemade products. Learn more on 073 304 8744. More Christmas markets Langebaan will see two Christmas markets this year. The Club Mykonos market takes place at the Athene Conference Centre in the resort from 9 – 15 December, 08:00 – 17:00 every day. Entry is free. Markus Coetzee is available on 022 707 6935 to answer your ques-

Oktober • November 2013

tions regarding the market. The Marra Square market in Breë Street, Langebaan, will be open daily from Monday 19 December up to Saturday 24 December, 09:00 until 17:00. Phone 073 304 8744 for more info. St Helena Bay Christmas Market will be held at the municipal town hall from 17 December at 10:00. Die Koffiekan is in charge of the tea garden with divine cheesecake and other sumptuous eateries. Phone 082 764 1274 for more info. The I Love Yzer Festival Market will be held on the Delarey Farm at Yzerfontein on 16 December. Send an email to Christelle at christele@ iloveyzer.co.za for more information. With all these markets at your disposal, your Christmas presents are sorted out – and what an enjoyable way to shop. Go break a leg! Fresh Food Market The Blue Bay Lodge in Saldanha will play host to the Fresh Food Market on 29 December from 10:00 till 13:00 at the Garden at Lodge. Bring the family and enjoy good local produce such as homemade cheese, cupcakes, pancakes, curry, artisan breads and much more!

*Please note that this article showcases only some of the markets on the West Coast, and does not proclaim to be a complete inventory.




T • The Beach Camp

he list of places to visit for fun filled outings on the West Coast and in the Swartland is endless. Here is a few of our favourites.

in Columbine Nature Reserve near Paternoster offers guided sea-kayak trails and expeditions for all skill levels during which you can gaze at seals, dolphins, whales and the abundant bird life, as well as breath-taking scenery. Other activities include horse riding, diving, hiking, bouldering, bird watching, fishing, fishing trips and star gazing. If booked at The Beach Camp, you can explore the granite rock formations and sea life in the rock pools. Accommodation is available in wooden A-frames with beds or bed-frames, Twin Tents or a three-man tent with a double bed and a single bed. (www.beachcamp.co.za)

Klondyke Cherry Farm For a fun day of cherry picking take the family to the

Klondyke Cherry Farm, near Ceres. You can “pick-yourown” cherries and have a picnic or braai in the shade of the pine trees from 08:00 - 16:30. Remember to bring a warm top or jacket with you as the wind can be very cold up there, even in summer. The last day for cherry picking is 1 January 2014 an there will be no cherry picking on the 25th of December. (www.cherryfarm.co.za)


fun things to do this time of year by Alida Buckle

The Strandloper •Restaurant

in Langebaan is an open air restaurant where you can linger with your toes in the sand and the blue skies above, right at the water’s edge, listening to live guitar music. Meals are served in individual courses extending over a leisurely three to four hour period. The central focus is an open braai area where everything from black mussels in wine to “really strong” coffee takes its turn. The New Year’s Eve menu consists of Bokkoms, mussels in wine and onions, mussels with garlic butter, Weskus Harders, Fish Curry, smoked angel fish, Stompneus, Snoek with potatoes and sweet potatoes, waterblommetjiebredie, crayfish (half per person), moerkoffie & rooibos tea, koeksisters as well as roosterkoek, fresh bread, farm butter and homemade jams. Booking beforehand is essential. (www.strandloper.com)

Beach • SunsetAdventure Farm

It will be impossible to not find something to do at the and Camping Site at Laaiplek, Velddrif, even for day visitors (R25 per person per day, 09:00 - 18:00). Activities include a play park, a swimming pool, trampolines, a braai area and kiosk. Visitors can go quad bike riding, play in zorb balls, play paintball, shoot clay pigeons as well as practising slingshot, archery, a pellet gun, go on a farm drive, play badminton, basketball, board games, Bocce, cricket,


croquet, darts, jukskei, kites, netball, soccer, table tennis, and volley ball. Or you can hire bicycles or play with Scalextric cars. (www.sunsetgroup.co.za)

For a more cultural outing visit


on the R27, between Langebaan and Cape Town, for a San-guided tour on a tractor. Listen to interesting discussion topics next to the campfire while learning traditional fire-making techniques. Meet San people at the village, learn about tracking and their traditional ways of life, watch the bountiful wildlife, learn how to drill a hole in an ostrich egg, watch how the San work with beads and lots more. Open from 09:00 – 17:00 seven days a week. Sanguided tours take place at 10:00 and 14:00.

• Zip line

it with a view of the valley with Ceres Zip Slide Adventures. They offer a 1.4km ecoadventure of pure adrenalin. It consists of 8 slides varying from 100m to 290m in length. This adventure is safe, fast and long. The tour takes place in the Schurweberg Mountains below the Koekedouw Dam in Ceres. Experience the true beauty of the Western Capes fynbos and rugged sandstone mountains. (www.ceresadventures.co.za).

December • January 2014

Oktober • November 2013



‘n Yzerfontein •

Dis somer en Yzerfontein se strande gaan ‘n groot lekker samekoms vir alle besoekers wees. Hier word die jaarlikse snoek classic aangebied, kreef word geniet, die strand, see en son bak op die blinklywe en die walvisse kom kuier in die baai.


s jy die Weskuspad verlaat of oorsteek, ... dan is jy skielik in ‘n ander wêreld. Of só is dit in jou kop. Kyk mooi en twee wit kalkbranders langs die pad sal jou welkom heet met jou besoek aan Yzerfontein. Toe die Katze, pa en seun Abraham en Lutie, in die 1930’s die Weskusplaas Yzerfontein op aanbeveling van ‘n goeie vriend Jimmy Rees koop, het hulle die grondslag gelê van hierdie gewilde vakansiedorpie wat vandag nog as een van die mees onbesonge juwele van die Weskus beskou word. As ‘n dorpie waarvan die permanente inwonertal nog klein is en as’t ware in die seisoen sy tipiese Weskusvere bietjie verruil vir vakansiegangers en aktiwiteite

soos die gewilde jaarlikse Snoek Classic en markte en kerkbasaars, is Yzerfontein nog die perfekte bestemming vir diegene wat bietjie van die dolle gejaag wil wegkom en die Weskusskoonheid, vars lug, die see en die natuur en rustigheid wil ervaar. Talle juwele in en om Yzerfontein word vandag deurlopend aangevul met nuwe trekpleisters namate hierdie kusdorp groei in gewildheid as vakansiebestemming vir oud en jonk.

om kreef te trek. As die snoek loop, is die hawe baie bedrywig met voltydse en ontspanningsvissermanne.

Baie bekend en gewild vir snoek en kreefvangste is die jaarlikse Snoek Classic, wat vanjaar weer op 14 en 15 Desember plaasvind - baie gewild en reeds lank voor die tyd vol bespreek. Beide rots- en boothengelaars is hier baie aktief en die hawemuur word in die kreefseisoen ‘n gewilde plek

Die Groene Cloof-naam, skryf dr. Matilda Burden van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in haar boek Yzerfontein-Weskuswonder, is op 31 Oktober 1682 deur vaandrig Olof Bergh gegee aan dié gebied, “wat strek vanaf Koeberg noordwaarts, wes van die Swartland tot by die Strandveld”.

Daar is ‘n vismark waar vars vis daagliks te koop is. Yzerfontein, in die Groene Cloof-streek, is ontwikkel rondom ‘n klein rotsryke skiereiland met sonnige strande en die dorpie se baken, Meeurots, wat oor die baai wag hou.

Oktober • November 2013

nwelkom Johan Viljoen

Die baai van Yzerfontein is vandag nie net gewild by vakansiegangers nie, maar ook seebesoekers soos walvisse kom elke jaar hierheen om hier te kalf in die rustiger waters van Yzerfontein. Dolfyne word ook gereeld opgemerk. Net noord van die hoofstrand begin die bekende 16-mylstrand (waarskynlik nader aan 19 myl lank), een van die langste ononderbroke strande aan die kus van Suid-Afrika, wat strek tot in die Weskus Nasionale Park naby Langebaan. So ‘n grotendeels ongeskonde strandgebied is natuurlik ideaal vir natuurliefhebbers, asook atlete en perderuiters. Met die jare het rotspunte en hengelplekke ‘n rits unieke name gekry, waaronder Bakoond, Blaasgat, Dokter se Klip, De Goede se Baai, Draaibank, Duiwenes, Deurspring, Freddie se Klip, Hoebank, Koeskatgat, Kreefgat, Rooipan se Klippe, Schaapeiland, Spruitgat, Skuims­gat, Smoedbaai en Starck se Bank. Aan die suidekant van die Schaapeiland is nog ‘n strand bekend as Pearl Bay. Huise bo dié strand het ‘n onbelemmerde uitsig op Kaapstadse een van die nuwe wonders van die wêreld, Tafelberg. Die ou Vishuis is die oudste gebou op Yzerfontein en huisves vandag die toerismekantoor. Dit was voorheen gebruik December • January 2014

om sout wat van nabygeleë soutpanne ge­skraap is asook bokkoms te berg. Dié bekoorlike gebou met sy rietdak en wit mure is net noord van die toegangspad na die hawe. Langs die R315 (tussen die Weskuspad en Yzerfontein) is die enigste twee oorblywende kalkoonde wat tot so onlangs as 1976 nog gebruik is om bindmateriaal vir bouwerk te verkry. Vroeër jare toe daar nie sement beskikbaar was nie, het die Nederlanders kalkbranders opgerig en mossels gebrand om die bindmateriaal te verkry. Die mosselskulpe is saam met hout gebrand. Die as is met water besprinkel en die mengsel is in ‘n blushok gegooi en dan is die wit poeier as bindmiddel gebruik. Die Kasteel in Kaapstad en baie Sandveldse huise is met dié poeier gebou. Die betrokke twee oonde dateer moontlik uit die 1940’s. Dasseneiland, die tweede grootste eiland langs die kus van Suid-Arika, is sowat 9 km van die kus suid-wes van Yzerfontein en bereik op sy hoogste punt 19,2 meter bo seevlak. Die eiland, sowat 4,5 km lank en 2 km breed, is sedert 1988 ‘n provinsiale natuurreservaat en huisves ‘n bemande vuurtoring en bied ‘n gewilde broeiplek vir voëls, waaronder die bedreigde Swarttobie.



Yzerfontein ‘n mengelmoes van kleure en geure...


asseneiland is ook ‘n broeiplek vir groot wit pelikane waarvan die bevolking in die WesKaap in die laaste jare begin groei het. Ander voëls wat op Dasseneiland broei, sluit die Kuifkopduiker (Phalacrocorax coronatus), Trekkormorant (Phalacrocorax capensis), Swartrugmeeu of Kelpmeeu (Larus dominicanus), Hartlaubse meeu (Larus hartlaubii), Geelbekseeswael (Sterna bergii), Steenloper (Arenaria interpres), Bankduiker (Phalacrocorax neglectus), Afrikapikkewyn (Spheniscus demersus) en Swaelstertstormswael (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) in wisselende getalle in. Van die gewilde toeristebestemmings in die streek sluit private wildplase soos Buffelsfontein, die Sansentrum by !Khwa ttu, die witleeus by die Weskuspadstal, Darling se wynkelders soos Darling Cellars, Ormonde, Cloof en Groote Post, Evita se Perron op Darling, Die Weskus Nasionale Park en Strandkombuis se gewilde seekos-etes in. Yzerfontein se karavaanpark is baie gewild en die aanliggende Bootklub word ook goed ondersteun. Die agtste jaarlikse Snoek Classic spog vanjaar met prysgeld van R320 000. Die wenprys vir die hengelaar wat die swaarste snoek vang, is ‘n Seacat 465-boot ter waarde van R230 0000, kompleet met 2 Yamaha-enjins van 40 perdekrag asook ‘n gegalvaniseerde sleepwa. Die groot vraag is of iemand Sakkie van Niekerk se rekord vir die swaarste snoek in die bestaan van die Snoek Classic kan verbeter. Hy het dit verlede jaar opgestel deur ‘n meneer van ‘n snoek van 6,44 kg in te bring. de moZáik is een van die primêre borge van hierdie gewilde hengelkompetisie. Vir meer inligting oor Yzerfontein skakel die toerismekantoor by 022 451 2985 of besoek www.tourismyzerfontein.co.za



Desember • Januarie 2014

Oktober • November 2013



Alastair Rimmer and Abé Beukes from Darling Cellars. Abé is the senior consultant, while Alastair is the new wine-maker in the team.

Meet the “soutie” of

Darling Cellars

Meet the new cellar master of Darling Cellars, Alastair Rimmer. He describes himself as a “Soutie” from Benoni!! “I have a small family consisting of my parents and my brother. I went to school at St. Johns College in Johannesburg and studied for my degree at Stellenbosch. I made and sold my first “wines” while in Std. 6 by fermenting fruit juice and selling it to the Matrics!!!”

Q: How did you get involved in wine making? A: By default!!! I was interested in the concept of

“wine growing” and decided to study viticulture, but soon realized that great wine is not only made in the vineyard… it requires carefull nurturing in the cellar as well!!!

Q:If not in the winemaking industry, what else would you have done for a living? A: If I could I would be a fly fishing guide in California, but I would still drink great wine though!!! Q: What do you do if you’re not making wine? A: Drinking wine!!! Q: If you could choose any other place in the world

to make wine, where will it be and why? December • January 2014

A: Spain … why not!! Q: Tell us about the best bottle of wine you ever


A: I think the best wines I have ever drunk are those shared with great friends and family…sometimes the wine is less important that the people you share them with!! Q: If you can choose any wine you haven’t made yet, what will it be? A: Great Burgundy, but I think I might need to learn to speak a little French first. Q: And your favourite wine? A: Anything from Darling cellars of course!! Q: What do you regard as the best wine you have made since starting in this industry? A: El Nido 2010 (Spain) Q: Do you think there are any of your personal characteristics carried over in your wines? A:No not really… I generally try to make wines that are elegant and that age well…. I am neither!!!



Die wolk se goue rand oor die Atlantiese Oseaan.

FOT Deur die lens van... Weskus See en Son

Johan Viljoen

Son sak by Paternoster

Peter Hardcastle Seevoëls hou wag op Yzerfontein met Meeurots in die verte.



‘PATERNOSTER, Lambertsbaai, dis daar waar die seewind deur die duine Augustus • Septemberwaai......’ 2013

Langebaan se lagoon waar die water teen boeie kabbel.

TOS Wolke van Lig een Kersdag op Yzerfontein

Yzerfontein se swemgat

Augustus • September 2013


Desember-see op Yzerfontein




on your doorstep

by Clifford Roberts

Oktober • November 2013


t took only seconds through the entrance boom at the West Coast National Park for me to realise once again how misleading perceptions of this part of the Cape could be. The harshest landscapes hide astounding natural treasures; driving down the road, it was as if I was taking my first deep breath in a long time. Down the road, under the arc of the sky lay the scrubby hills. The park, situated about an hour from Cape Town, borders the town of Langebaan, curling around a wide, shallow lagoon and tapering into a gnarled finger of rocks at Donkergat, once the busy and remote training base for South African special forces. The friendly side of the fence, an expanse of 32 000ha, was declared a national park in 1985 - about 10 000ha bigger than the entire city of Cape Town. It’s home to a variety of buck and more than 250 bird species, a number of which annually migrate from the northern hemisphere to our warmer climes; tiny, seemingly fragile creatures covering more than an astounding 15 000km of hostile territories. Spread across the diverse ecosystems is a collection of flora best appreciated up close – minute blooms of exquisite intricacy. In flower season, the veld explodes in a spectacle of colour that draws visitors from across the globe. “Tortoises have right of way” declares a sign along the road to our cottage. Then, as if on queue, we come across the little armoured creatures basking in the morning sunlight all along the tarmac. An ostrich, seemingly bemused by our presence, turns and strolls away. Our accommodation at Abrahamskraal is typical of vernacular architecture – a thatched building with thick, rough white-washed walls, a stoep and a big hearth. No other buildings other than the bird hide a few hundred metres away are visible. An old tree offers shade in the backyard; its foliage alive with the noisy chatter of finches. From here, you can hear angry ocean waves crashing somewhere behind a dune. After dinner, we pour coffee from the giant enamel kettle that’s been bubbling gently in the fireplace and walk out a short way into the night. The crunch of our footsteps gives way to the cacophony of amphibian choirs and crickets. A soft, golden glow spills from the windows of the house; there’s the smell of wood smoke; and, above us a cathedral of stars. All the while, there’s the distant sound of the invisible ocean rolling in. “That’s the big sea,” an old friend from Churchhaven, a little settlement deeper in the park, used to say to us. We quickly deduced that her “small sea” was the lagoon. In those days, we would rise early, make coffee and sit on a sun-bleached bench to wait for sunrise. Still now, the air is crisp like a green apple; the sandy patches fresh with tracks of little veld animals that have retreated in the imminent glare of day. Now, the veld opens up and we are excited about undertaking a walk among the flowers. Postberg is a popular destination, though only open for two months of the year when the floral display is at its height. There’s a two-day hike, and stop-over near the beach at Plankiesbaai. A variety of walking and MTB trails are available in the rest of the park, among them the Strandveld Route that takes you through an array of coastal landscapes; the Bakoor Route – a short 4,6km from the Langebaan gate to Seeberg lookout; and Eve’s Trail - a 2,5 day walk over 30km which can be booked at www.capebioshpere.co.za and provides a guide, food and porters. The number of visitors, hikers and bikers are limited – so it’s best to book early. On the 13,9km Steenbok route we encounter eland, majestic beasts somehow better appreciated on foot. Occasionally I stop, close my eyes and draw the bracing West Coast air into the edges of my lungs. The wind rolls out wild patterns in the grasses; veld

Visit the West Coast National Park

December • January 2014

flowers grudgingly draw closed every time a thick cloud drifts over the sun. The air is thick with the smell of the sea and fynbos – like heather. In the distance, among the blooms, nature lovers merge into the crazy floral tapestry of yellows, oranges, purples, pinks and reds. The sky is licked with wisps of cloud and sea air clings to our clothing. Along the track we surprise rock hyraxes (dassies) where they doze on outcrops stained white by generations of dassie excrement. A herd of buck keep an eye on us, munching on thick foliage among the flowers. The next morning, we’re woken not by the sun, but the


morning chorus. The invitation has us up, grabbing our binoculars and crossing the veld to the bird hide. The chatter around the vlei is occasionally interrupted by the call of an African Fish Eagle; the squawk of Egyptian Geese. Time slips by unnoticed. Later, at the top of Tsaarsbank, we stop for a picnic. Our binoculars are with us again and we scour the waves from our eyrie in search of the tell-tale splash of whales. Passersby help in the search and a few words are exchanged before they stroll off, leaving us again resting against the dune.


Huis van




Desember • Januarie 2014

Sy dink niks daarvan om twee hartoperasies op een dag te doen nie. Sy was ons land se heel eerste vroulike kardiotorakale chirurg. Susan Vosloo staan agter daardie skalpel ... en sy het ook ‘n hart. Sy is vandag ‘n kinderhartspesialis en het al vertel hoe sy elke keer saam met ouers huil as ’n kind dit nie maak nie. Maar ook hoe haar “hart saamjuig as sy wel ’n verskil kon maak. ’n Lewe kon verander. Of help red.” Sy het vroeër vanjaar aan Marie Claire se naak-uitgawe deelgeneem in die bewusmaking van die nood na organe. “Swart of Wit. Só is dit met ’n hartope­ rasie. Daar is nie grys areas of plek vir die kleinste foutjie nie. Ek is ’n perfeksionis, maar dit kan nie anders in my veld wees nie,” het sy vroeër in ‘n onderhoud gesê. Susan Vosloo het haar huis in Yzerfontein vir de moZáik oopgestel.

Sy verhuur die huis, beskryf as Weskus Chic, uit as een in haar eiendomsportefeulje. ‘n Week of langer. Hierdie 3-slaapkamervilla in ‘n singel is op drie vlakke en beskik oor asemrowende panoramiese uitsigte oor die see en dié gewilde vakansiedorp se hawe en strandgebied. Die modernde boonste vlak is ideaal vir die paar wat ‘n bietjie meer privaatheid soek tydens hul wegbreek. Die dekor is deurlopend in sagte wit en natuurlike sandkleure gedoen, afgewissel met ‘n titsel bruin om ‘n huislike atmosfeer te help skep. Van ondervloerse verhitting tot die asemrowende vistas vanaf die balkon om die seekant van hierdie huis, bied die woning ‘n perfekte sielerusgeleent­ heid. Daar is ‘n onbelemmerde uitsig op Meeurots, die natuur, die baai waar walvisse gereeld kom baljaar, branders wat breek oor die rotse en bitter mooi sonsondergange as inspirasie vir die herlaai van jóú hart. December • January 2014



Doring Bay lies some 56km south of the regional town of Vredendal, which is also the location of the tourism office (www.namaquawestcoast.com). Most people make it a stop-over during Flower Season, but its just as charming at other times of the year. Visitors hike along the beach, cycle, visit the labyrinth near Strandfontein, which is also where the main beach is situated.

Slow down in


by Clifford Roberts



Oktober • November 2013


here are prettier towns than Doring Bay, but this remote West Coast fishing village is worth re-discovering – especially if you love wine, says Clifford Roberts. The drive from Cape Town takes longer than expected. Roadworks along the N7 from Citrusdal make progress slow, but we take more notice how the landscape morphs into its more rugged appearance. The soil grows redder; the bush gets lower and scrubbier; and, the homesteads get further apart. At Klawer, we leave the highway weaving through the low terraced vineyards hugging the Olifants River. This is hard country – low rainfall and extreme temperatures make it an uncomfortable place to live, yet it’s expanding. Vredendal has a large new shopping centre going up. A sign announces the coming of Woolworths. Soon we head south again, along a narrow road to our destination. The sun is low, the sky crimson. We reach the sea as the sun vanishes, the last sliver of gold extinguished for the day in a sea lively with chop. There’s no time to look around now. We check in at Thornbay Guesthouse, one of a pair of places in this category. There are a few houses to rent too. From our balcony we look out over the bay. An old jetty juts out from what used to be the crayfish factory. Towering over the weary buildings with their asbestos roofs is the lighthouse, its eye pulsing in the dim evening light and mistiness in the air. We opt for supper at the Seespens (sea larder). Owner Anton van Rhyn, a jovial fellow in shorts and a t-shirt, shows us to our table. No-one else is dining this evening other than a couple of locals, whom Anton invited to share his braai fire at the back. The facebrick place is furnished with picnic-style tables and benches. There’s an oversize hearth, seashells strung up over the windows, a large framed display of knots and pictures of the defunct crayfish factory. It closed years ago, says Van Rhyn. Life revolved around the factory and most of the town’s houses were built by the company. Its closure was a disaster. “Now most people like my father work further away,” Van Rhyn says. He returns a couple of times, later with a glass in hand. He grew up here, went to school here. The school has closed down too. Now he makes a living out of fishing and the restaurant. His new boat stands outside and he’s hoping December will be good enough to bring him money for two engines. Flower season was not so good, he says. He sold his old boat to buy a bigger one – to make it pay, you need a bigger boat that brings in a bigger load for the same amount of fuel. There are three shops in town where you can buy the basics, Van Rhyn says. “For the big shop, we go to Vredendal. With the cost of fuel these days and prices, even if you took a small truck to Cape Town like they used to in the old days, you couldn’t balance your sums,” he says.

December • January 2014

I ask him about Fryer’s Cove, the wine cellar in the unusual location of the harbour that’s getting a lot of attention these days. The Seespens for one has benefited - Van Rhyn says that before they opened their own restaurant he used to make meals for them; once, over 300 plates in a single day. Van Rhyn’s firstborn son is on the way; due any day now. “Lets hope your food’s out in time,” he jokes. When I go to pay, I notice an old newspaper cutting telling the story of how Van Rhyn rescued a group of fishermen who had gotten into trouble on the sea. In the morning, the air is bright; the shore, rough and jagged. The deep blue sea surges into a froth where the swell collides with the rocks. Heaps of mussel shells litter the small beach below. Occasionally a fisherman in gumboots walks by below and off near the harbour, a few boats are being heaved into the surf. We walk to the cellar; it’s not far to the harbour – Doring Bay only really has three or four roads (it has just over one thousand residents, apparently). There, we share a cheese platter with viticulturist Jan ‘Ponk’ and Renske van Zyl. (He inherited his father’s nickname, Jan tells us. It had to do with his mispronunciation of bokram (goat ram). As we taste the range of wines, the small restaurant fills up. Every new arrival pops in to say hello. Fryer’s Cove cellar and tasting room, named after the area’s first commercial farmer, has been open since 2011, but Van Zyl has been farming grapes for years – his main interest lies in Vredendal, where he farms grapes much of which are bought by Namaqua Wines. Towards the end of the 1990s, he acquired a sliver of land near Strandfontein where he planted grapes and so, in association with winemaker Wynand Malan, the Fryers Cove label was born. What makes the wines special is the very close proximity of the vineyards to the sea and the flavours brought by the West Coast climate and soils. Added to that, the unique location of the tasting room makes it a must-see for anyone passing through the region. Our conversation about the wine intermingles with talk about life in this part of the world. “A party in this town is never a closed affair,” says Van Zyl. “Waving at a passing car is seen as an invitation to stop and chat.”


Left: Jan ‘Ponk’ and his wife Rentske van Zyl, owners of Fryer’s Cove.

The cellar rents the premises from the Department of Public Works. Other occupants in the harbour are various job creation initiatives run in joint ventures with a community trust. There’s an abalone farm and a ceramic tile producer. Some of the sales of the Fryer’s Cove wines go to the community trust. I ask about the wine-in-the-sea concept I’d heard about. Van Zyl says they once had an idea to store bottled wine in a tank sunk into the ocean, but it has been put on hold for now. Tanks rust and the oceans can be very unpredictable. “We’ll do it someday, but there are just not enough hours in the day,” he says. They still want to extend the shaded roofing, convert an old tank into a seating area amongst other things. We talk about the vines and some of the challenges of dealing with salt encrusting the leaves. Their biggest problem has been starlings that eat the grapes. ‘We’ve tried everything: swivelling reflectors, tin drums and even FM radios in the vineyards. Now we have someone roaming around making noise with a shotgun.” It hasn’t been the cheapest option though. “Twice he’s shot out the Telkom lines and that cost us,” Van Zyl adds. “So we have to be really careful.” The Van Zyls walk us along the jetty to a small building perched at the end. It resembles something from Dr Seuss. Up the metal stairs and into the room we find a long table decked with a blue table cloth. “Your private tasting room,” declares Rentske van Zyl. The space with its wraparound windows used to be the harbour master’s office. We say our goodbyes just as a group slaps a big yellowtail on the braai. That evening it’s our own yellowtail, bought from the Seespens, that we have over the coals. We celebrate another perfect sunset with a Fryer’s Cove Sauvignon Blanc – bracing, with beautiful sea salty notes and perfect balance. Tomorrow we head for home, but now there’s nothing else to do than watch the fishing boats come come in on the tide.


Katy Perry, sandduine en Koos Doep met...


Sanger Wicus van der Merwe, boorling van Clanwilliam en deesdae ‘n Swartlander, het ‘n tydjie afgeknyp om met de MoZáik te gesels.


: As daar nou een vrou is saam met wie ek bitter graag ‘n verhoog sou wou deel, is dit… : Katy Perry, behalwe vir ooglopende redes, is sy ‘n uitmuntende liedjieskrywer en sangeres.


: En as ek vandag twee spesiale ikone vir ete kon nooi, sou dit… : Skotse komediant Billy Connolly en Bruce Springsteen wees.


: Die mees komiese moment wat ek al op die verhoog beleef het… : Daar was al bitter baie maar die een wat ek seker die meeste geniet het, was toe ek en Kevin Leo by Skouspel “Die Dapper Muis” moes doen. Die hele week met repetisies het ek die verkeerde woorde op verkeerde plekke gesing, maar die aand van die eerste vertoning vergeet hy sy woorde!! So by so dat nie een van ons weet waar om aan te gaan of te begin nie. Toe lag ons maar vir mekaar!!


: My grootwordplek Clanwilliam is op die oewer van die Jan Dissels… : Soos Malmesbury nou my tuisdorp is, so sal Clanwilliam altyd my geboortedorp bly. Ek kom nog gereeld daar, maar te min na my sin. Kleintyd op Clanwilliam was ’n sorgelose fees! Ons kon speel waar en wanneer ons wou en ons het nie grense of vrese gehad nie. Die sand-


duine, dam en koppies was ons speelplek.


: Die Weskus met haar biscuits en biltong, snoek en rooigoud. Weskus is… : Plat op die aarde, ruimhartige, gasvrye mense wat nie nonsens van enige mense duld nie! ’n Harde stukkie aarde met die mooiste plekke as jy net weet waar om te gaan soek.


: My gunsteling Afrikaanse lied van alle tye… : Moes nou hard dink aan daai en……” Jy is vrou” van Danie Niehaus spring op, maar dis onmoontlik om net een te kies. “Soos die wind” Viljoen Retief, “Skadu’s teen die muur” Koos Doep…nee daar’s te veel!!


: Egte franse sjampanje... : Ek is seker ongekultiveerd, maar nee, dis te bitter!


: Die liedjie naaste aan my hart... : Seker maar die eerste een “Hie komme Ding” , maar “My René” & “Ek mis jou” is ook spesiaal vir my.


: As ek die lotto wen (‘n astronomiese bedrag), dan... : Haal ek al die roes uit die Escort uit!! Nee, ’n GROOT boot wat mens op kan bly met ’n dansbaan en ’n glitterball!


: Dit irriteer my as… : Handdoeke nat is!! It defeats the purpose!! : My gunsteling kort Van der Merwe-grap... : Is daar dan grappe oor Van der Merwe’s?? : Ek is spyt oor…. : Baie goed, maar ek probeer dit nie saamdra nie.

: Rooi of wit... : Sauvignon Blanc wen maar altyd!

: Ek is bitter bly ek het… : …..gedoen in my lewe wat ek al gedoen het, foute en al!

: Somer of winter... : Kort somer, kort winter, laaaaaaaaaang lente!


: Tennis of gholf... : Gholf, want jy kan ry!


: Wat mense nie van Wicus van der Merwe weet nie... : Dat hy eintlik 6 voet lank en baie aantreklik is!! : Vir Kersfees wil ek... : Al die nuwe Apple-produkte hê vir die res van my lewe!

Desember • Januarie 2014

Bo en links: Reuben Riffel, bekende sjef en deesdae ook televisiepersoonlikheid, het nog een van sy Reuben-restaurante Weskus toe gebring. Hy en gaste het die opening by Abalone Gastehuis en Spa gevier met ‘n glasie vonkelwyn en heerlike eetgoed.


Regs: Dié outentieke klavier van rooshout was in die huis toe die Jan Louw, die vyfde generasie Louw op Twee­kuil, sy verstand gekry het en word vandag steeds gebruik deur die sewende geslag Louws. Die klavier het selfs rakkies waarop die destydse kersblakers kon staan! Onder: Op die slaweklok van brons lees die inskrwying ‘Admiraal van Linsbergen 1830’.



Onder: Dié kosbare VOC-seinkanon was in die vroeë jare ‘n belangrike vorm van kommunikasie. Wanneer bote in die Kaapse hawe aangeland het, is kanonskote afgevuur, waarna die Louw-broers weer dié kanon sou gebruik om die sein deur te gee na boere wat dieper in die platteland woon.

Desember • Januarie 2014

Die statige huis op Tweekuil dateer vermoedelik uit die 1840’s, met verskeie aanbouings wat deur die jare bygekom het. Dié kas (bo) bevat geen skroewe nie, dit word inmekaar gevou. Die ruim 12 sitplek-eettafel van eikehout (regs) is baie jare gelede binne-in die huis gebou en vorm reeds jare lank die kern van menige gesellige samekoms op Tweekuil. Die vroeëre voorportaal (ook die trappekamer genoem) is nou omskep in die eetkamer.

se verhale deur Sarie Nell


p Tweekuil, die oudste plaas in die Swartland, loop die waardering vir die geskiedenis en die verhale van ouds steeds soos ‘n goue draad. Die huidige generasie kinders is net so ingelig soos hul ouers en grootouers oor die oorsprong en geskiedenis van dié besondere plaas, waar die statige huis wat uit ongeveer 1840 dateer, soos ‘n hoeder wag hou oor die grond, sy inwoners en hul daaglikse doen en late. Twee Kuilen, soos dié plaas oorspronklik genoem is, is as die eerste veepos in die Swartland uitgegee deur WA van der Stel in 1703, toe die Kaap die Goeie Hoop ‘n skrale 51 jaar oud was. Johannes Vos, die eerste eienaar, is daardie jare toegelaat om vee aan te hou en vanaf 1716 het hy toestemming gekry om koring te saai vir eie gebruik; ‘n reëling wat vermoedelik sou voorkom dat hy meeding met ander groter boere van die destydse Kaap die Goeie Hoop. In 1801 het Lambertus PJ Lochner daar begin boer en Tweekuil is in 1834 wettig aan hom toegestaan. Hy en sy vrou het groot grond besit, maar net een dogter gehad. Dit was armoede-jare en daarom het Lochner en sy vrou hulle oor meer as een jong arm dogter in die dieper platteland ontferm deur te help dat die jong meisies skool voltooi en daarna ook verder gaan leer. Sommige van hulle kon later goeie huwelike sluit en só het menige jong vrou nuwe, groter vooruitsigte beleef as wat andersins moontlik sou wees. Lochner se dogter is in 1842 getroud met Johannes Michiel Adriaan Louw - die eerste Louw op Tweekuil. Hierdie skoonseun het nie die luukse gehad om die plaas sommerso te erf nie - nee, hy moes die plaas in 1855 teen ‘n baie goeie markverwante prys koop. Vandag, 171 jaar later, boer Lammie Louw (die sesde

generasie) en sy gesin op Tweekuil. Die eerste generasie Johannes Louw het later jare sy groot uitgebreide plaas verdeel tussen sy twee seuns: Lambertus Petrus Johannes Louw het Tweekuil gekry, waarby die plase Drostersnes, Môrester en Rondomskrik ingesluit was. Die tweede seun (Johannes Paul Louw) het Diepkloof en Klipfontein asook omliggende grond gekry. Lambertus Petrus Johannes Louw het vier seuns gehad en hy verdeel Tweekuil en die huidige plase Drostersnes aan Willie Louw, Môrester aan Lambertus Louw en Rondomskrik aan Koos Louw. Sy oudste seun, Johannes MA Louw, het Tweekuil gekry en was die derde generasie Louw. As oudste plaas van die Swartland, het Tweekuil se­ dert die vroeë 1800’s gedien as die middelpunt van baie bedrywighede op kulturele en landbou-gebied: Soos die skool waar al die kinders van die omgewing deur ‘n Hollandse onderwyser onderrig is. Die skoliere het almal te perd skool toe gekom - somer of winter, maar by die skool sal hulle wees! Tweekuil was ingerig met oorgenoeg stalle vir die perde om gedurende die skool-ure versorg te wees. Tweekuil se groot koringmeul is getrek deur perde en boere van die omgewing kon hul koring hier laat maal. Ongelukkig het die gebou een stormagtige reënnag inmekaargetuimel en die meul is sleg beskadig. Die indrukwekkende slaweklok wat nog op die plaas te sien is, is van brons gemaak met ‘Admiraal Van Linsbergen 1830’ daarop geskryf. ‘n Outentieke seinkanon met die kenteken van die VOC daarop, is in die pragtige tuin te sien. Dié kanon was aanvanklik op ‘n hoë kop op die plaas

Twee Kuilen is as die eerste veepos in die Swartland uitgegee in 1703.

Desember • Januarie 2014

met die doel om boodskappe vanaf die Kaapse hawe na die plattelandse boere, wat dieper in die platteland in geboer het, te stuur. Wanneer die Louw-eienaars kanonskote uit die Kaapse hawe gehoor het, het dit inligting oorgedra dat daar bote in die hawe en ‘n mark vir hul produkte is. Dan sou die Louw-boere die koppie na die kanon uitklim om op hulle beurt weer die kanon af te vuur, sodat die landbouers van dieper die binneland dieselfde boodskap kry om ook hulle verkoopsware na die Kaapse hawe aan te ry. Die Kaapse nonnetjies-uilfamilie wat hul nes in die spog-huis se boonste vloer het, kom omtrent al net soveel jare aan soos die statige huis op Tweekuil, vertel Jan M.A. Louw, die vyfde generasie Louw van Tweekuil. In sy termyn is Drostersnes teruggekoop sodat Jan se tweede seun, Janneman Louw en sy gesin, weer daar kan boer. Jan se broer Nelius het ook in hierdie tyd Rondomskrik teruggekoop en sy seun Nelius Louw boer nou weer daar.



Gepiekelde Pampoen “a la Delheim” deur ‘n

inlêmeester Bestanddele

2.5 kg pampoen (geskil en in blokkies gesny) ½ liter wyn of asyn ½ liter water 1,5 kg suiker ½ koppie asyn 1 koppie water 4 koppies suurlemoensap 10 naeltjies Dungesnyde lemoen- of suurlemoenskil Sap van 2 lemoene


deur Louise Brand

Plaas pampoenblokkies in ‘n bak met ½ liter asyn/wyn en ½ liter water. Bedek en laat oornag op ‘n koel plek staan. Plaas suiker, ½ koppie asyn, koppie water, suur­ lemoensap, naeltjies en suurlemoen-/lemoenskil in ‘n kastrol en bring tot kookpunt. Verwyder pampoenblokkies van die eerste mengsel, dreineer en plaas in die kokende vloeistof hierbo. Kook stadig totdat die pampoen glaserig word. Verwyder die pampoen - gebruik ‘n skeplepel met gaatjies - en plaas in gesteriliseerde glasflesse. Voeg lemoensap by die oorblywende vloeistof en bring tot kookpunt. Giet nou die vloeistof oor die pampoenblokkies, seël en laat staan vir ten minste drie weke. Geniet as ‘n bykos, met kerrie, met kaas of in slaaie.

Ontmoet vir Bettie Almal ken vir Bettie de Lange van Dwarskersbos Minimark as iemand wat nie op haar mond geval is nie - ‘n mens weet altyd waar jy met haar staan. Maar wyd en syd is sy ook bekend as ‘n meester op die gebied van inlê, en mense ry ver om ‘n potjie van dít of ‘n potjie van dát op Dwarskersbos te gaan koop. Vir diegene wat nóú nog nie weet waar hierdie

30 34

Weskusdorp geleë is nie, stel jou gps op die volgende koördinate: -32.693164; 18.241006, en loer gerus in by Dwarskersbos Minimark. Hier voorsien Bettie en haar man, Pik, reeds die afgelope dertien jaar die plaaslike gemeenskap, verbygangers en vakansiegangers van noodsaaklikhede, aandenkings en natuurlik Bettie se wye reeks aantreklike inlê-produkte.

Oktober • November 2013


Oktober • November 2013

Darling Brig’s Barn

022 492 2451

Hermon Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse

082 322 1758

Jacobsbaai Weskusplek

022 715 3333

Laaiplek Eigebraai Restaurant

022 783 1116

Langebaan Boesmanland Plaaskombuis Bouzouki’s Cattle Baron Dockside Café The Farmhouse Hotel Friday Island Geelbek Lekka by die See

022 772 1564 022 707 7796 022 772 1131 022 707 7896 022 772 2062 022 772 2506 022 772 2134 082 899 6377

Malmesbury Barry’s Beef and Barrel Cardelli’s Cherry Lane Die Herehuis Janno’s Sabino Spur

022 482 1372 022 487 1744 022 482 2877 022 487 1771 022 487 2091 022 487 1511

Moorreesburg De Oude Stoep Die Hut Die Kuns Kombuis

022 433 3154 022 433 2665 022 433 4749

Paternoster Blikkie Pizzeria Oep ve Koep Garden Bistro Skatkis Restaurant

022 752 2246 022 752 2105 022 752 2023

Piketberg Archers Bistro Fat Catz Café/Restaurant Mountain Creek Spur

022 913 3651 022 913 1076 022 913 1819

Porterville Koppikoffi Plattelander

022 931 3877 082 773 1200

Riebeek Kasteel BBBS Café Felix Country Inn Bistro Ed’s Diner The Royal Hotel

022 448 1031 022 448 1170 022 448 1110 022 448 1377 022 448 1479

Riebeek West Pleasant Pheasant Riebeek Valley Hotel

022 461 2170 022 461 2672

Saldanha Blue Bay Lodge Eigebaai Restaurant Hoedjiesbaai Hotel Jane’s Guest House

022 714 1177 022 714 1271 022 714 1271 083 900 7923

Veldrif Die Pont Restaurant

022 783 11 37

Vredenburg Legends Ocean Basket Yukon Spur

022 719 1820 022 713 2998 022 713 4569

Yzerfontein Meeurots Restaurant Weskus Padstal

022 451 2608 082 351 2722





guide to Christmas


t’s stunning how effectively any shopping mall or store turns the merry Christmas season into hell on earth. Apart from a couple of masochists, no one really adores enduring this painful annual ritual. These gift ideas are crucial to you for two reasons: One, any guy on your list wants this stuff even if he doesn’t know it exists yet. Two, shopping for this stuff will spare you from the gauntlet that is the mall between now and Christmas Eve. All of these gifts are available at the click of the mouse. So grab a mug of something hot and boozy, pull up a seat and get your holiday shopping for dudes done the right way.

Philips Wake-up Light Plus

They say that a good night’s sleep is very important, but so is a good morning’s wake up. Say farewell to screechy, blaring alarm clocks that make you jump out of your romantic bedroom each morning and instead welcome in the graceful sun. This high tech alarm clock mimics the sunrise, thus naturally stirring you from slumber so you can greet the day feeling completely relaxed and well-rested. Plus there are all sorts of soothing sounds to choose from so you can relax while going to sleep too.

help you create handwritten notes, drawings and intricate designs on your iPad. These nifty gadgets offer the very best of both worlds. They are also a favourite tool among popular design bloggers and make delightful stocking stuffers!

Outdoor camera

As we mentioned, the weather outside is turning frightful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still take some

beautiful photographs. This compact point and shoot camera is specially designed to be waterproof up to 40 feet and freezeproof up to -10 degrees C. Ideal for the winter outdoor enthusiast who is looking for a smart camera to document a beautiful winter.

And if that weren’t enough, your music will automatically pause should a call come in.

Portable reserve charger

How many times have you been out and about only to find that your cell phone is dead? Sound familiar? Well, avoid that hassle with the handy Juice Pack Reserve -- a

portable charger that slips onto your keyring and refuels iPhones and iPods alike. Simply make sure the Juice Pack is charged and you’ll be ready to go for up to 500 full charging cycles. It’s also available in multiple colours!

BlackBerry music gateway

Imagine the power to play all of the tunes from your smartphone, tablet or computer through your home or car

Jot Pro

Enjoy the latest incredible tablets and the comfort of an old-fashioned notebook with the sleek, easy-to-use Jot Pro. Weighted to feel just like a regular ballpoint pen (complete with a luxurious rubber grip), this stylus will


stereo system. Now you can with the brilliant BlackBerry Music Gateway. Compatible with any Bluetooth enabled device, this gadget allows you to plug in and have music wherever you go. Plus, you have complete control using your phone as a remote control for any connected device.

Goodies and Gadgets

The Sony Dash is an entertainment powerhouse that can keep you entertained, informed and on time for work. It is a personal Internet viewer that displays full-length movies, TV shows and websites, and can also be used as an alarm clock. Small and portable, the Dash also displays recipes from favourite websites while cooking in the kitchen. With over 1,000 apps available for almost anything, checking weather, stock quotes, news and staying connected on social networking sites is effortless. Desember • Januarie 2014

Desember • Januarie 2014



What's HAPPENING See Food Festival Paternoster 30 November 2013 Main Beach, Paternoster 022 752 2323l

Xmas Season

December 2013 -January 2014 with Evita @Perron, Darling. bookings@evita.co.za 022 492 3930

Yzerfontein Snoek Classic 14 en 15 Desember Yzerfontein 082 320 3513

Kloovenburg Christmas Market Day 14 December 2013 Kloovenburg Wine Estate, Riebeek Kasteel 9:30am - 3pm. 022 448 1635

West Coast Christmas Market 15 - 22 Desember 2013 Vredenburg 022 713 1314


16 Desember 2013 Flamingo’s, Langebaan 083 251 3080

Die Heuwels Fantasties 17 Desember 2013 Flamingo’s, Langebaan 083 251 3080

Carols by Candlelight 18 Desember 2013 Club Mykonos, Langebaan 022 707 7000

St Helenabaai See-Fees 27 Desember 2013 St Helenabaai 076 661 2046

Oujaar by Swartbergsvlei met Adam, Desmond Wells & Waldo Lotz 31 Desember 2013 20:00 084 593 2745

Country Open Air Cinema

Darling Friday 24 & Saturday 25 January 2014 Doors open at 8pm Darling Lodge Guest House 022 492 3062

Darling Music Experience 7-16 February 2014 “Beethoven comes to Darling” 074 556 4032 www.darlingmusic.org/programme.html


What’s Happening

Desember • Januarie 2014

Desember • Januarie 2014



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