Volume 2

Page 1

d e moZรกik June/July 2013

Swartland and West Coast


Inhoudsopgawe Daar is een ding wat die Blou Bulle nie het nie - die see. Steve Hofmeyr het onlangs sy Kaapse toer afgesluit met ‘n uitverkoopte saal by Mykonos. Ons het hom op een van die Atlantic Yachting Sailing School se jagte afgeneem. Ná sy optrede het Steve vertel van die gasvryheid wat hom en Janine aan die Weskus te beurt geval het. Steve het noue bande met die Weskus as mede-eienaar van die Weskusplek op Jacobsbaai. Foto’s (ook voorblad): Louise du Plessis


St Helena Bay of many bays


Hyundai Veloster Een, twee, drie en vier!

12 - 18

Trou-fokus Colleen Lesch: Dit het begin by ‘n trourok

Wyn moet die storie vertel - Andries Blake


Nuttige wenke om te onthou

Celebration of love with “Me” 19

Ryloop-engel groet voor Hannetjie se huis


Panoramiese Griekse goedheid


Discover brandy on the R62


Through the lens of... Maaike Kallenborn


Chasing the Tiger


Koeksisterdeeg moet sag wees - Elsje Rossouw


Goodies and Gadgets


What’s Happening





Letter from the Editor

Uit die redakteur se pen

Snoek, Weddings and Blue Bulls


Die reaksie op die landing van die eerste uitgawe van de moZáik in die groter Swartland en Weskus het ons verstom.

wonderful last few weeks with snoek that was brought ashore in their thousands, putting bread and butter on the tables of so many people.

Although we always did and still do believe in our publication, the positive feedback was just great. Comments included anything from “Why have you not started this earlier” to “When are you going to start charging us for this nice magazine”.

Ons het in hierdie uitgawe ‘n baie gepaste storie oor St Helenabaai en lekker foto’s van hoe die snoek daar loop.

Wel, die bedoeling is om ons streek en sy juwele te bemark én te beskerm. Skaars was ons eerste uitgawe met ‘n artikel van Paternoster - Jewel of the West Coast - op die rakke, toe dié dorp (natuurlik ook een van óns gunstelinge) aangewys is as Wes-Kaapse finalis in Kwêla se Dorp van die Jaar-kompetisie. We also do not intend to change to a paid magazine in the near future. The idea is to give advertisers good mileage in the fact that as a free publication de moZáik will reach a lot more readers from the region as well as visitors to the region. Vir hierdie uitgawe het gewilde Blou Bul-ondersteuner Steve Hofmeyr met sy onlangse besoek ingestem om sy lyf seeman te hou vir ons voorblad. So ‘n laaste stukkie van die somer voor die koue aangebreek het. Baie dankie vir Louise du Plessis van Langebaan wat as fotograaf Steve se regmerkie gekry het vir haar vinnige en professionele werk. The fishing community of the West Coast had a

April • Mei 2013

As deel van ons troufokus het de moZáik gaan inloer by ‘n jong mode-ontwerper van die Swartland wat opgang maak en gaan kuier in die Riebeekvallei wat so ‘n gewilde bestemming vir troues is dat party nou sommer die hele naweek troue hou. We showcase

a beautiful house on the West Coast with special vistas on Mykonos and the Langebaan Lagoon. Daar is ‘n resep vir koeksisters en ons het die R62 as brandewynroete besoek. Ook het ons gesels met ‘n wynmaker en ‘n kunstenaar uit die Swartland en tussen die branders baljaar met fotograaf Maaike Kallenborn.

Enjoy this edition as everything slows down a little bit for winter. Editor

Johan Viljoen

*Die Sjef en Die Diva, Sarel en Sarah, was ingenome met die eerste uitgawe van de moZáik. Hier is hulle voor hul eerste vertoning saam.


Wat enkele de moZáiklesers sê oor eerste uitgawe.... • Eerstens, baie geluk met die eerste uitgawe van ‘n pragtige tydskrif! Dit is propvol interessanthede, die uitleg baie mooi en kwaliteit uitstekend! Mag dit een van vele wees. - Periëtte van Wyk nms. Thys Basson • What a stunning, enhancing, colourful and informative lifestyle magazine – de moZáik. Thank you for initiating and producing such a positive, exciting, eye catching lifestyle magazine. - Cynthia Slingers • Baie geluk en sterkte met die nuwe tydskrif. Uitstekende lees- en materiaalkwaliteit. Glo julle sal van krag tot krag gaan. My kopie vanoggend in Langebaan Mall gekry. - Brian Hope • Baie baie geluk met jul puik tydskrif!! Ek is mal daaroor. Well done!! - Carme Steyn


ditorial Team

Publishers Johan Viljoen JB Paterson


Johan Viljoen Maryke Roberts Alida Buckle Sarie Nell Clifford Roberts Marcel Upfold

Photography Cor Cronje Nico Degenaar Louise du Plessis Theresa van Wyk Maaike Kallenborn


John-Beattie (JB) Paterson 082 925 8 741 jb@demozaik.co.za


Layout & Design Izelle Garcia


Tel: 022 487 3221 johan@demozaik.co.za


St Helena ...

Alida Buckle

Bay of many bays



Junie•Julie 2013


t Helena Bay, with huge granite boulders as backdrop to the town and long white beaches along 31km of shoreline is one of the West Coast’s best-kept secrets. Whether you approach it by dirt road from Paternoster or turn off from the road between Vredenburg and Velddrif, the view of the Atlantic Ocean and across the sea to the Cederberg mountains is breathtaking. First-time visitors to St Helena Bay might get the impression of one huge bay, but it actually consists of eighteen small bays. Vasco da Gama landed here in 1497 in search of fresh water en route to the East and named it Bahai da Santa Elena. A monument to commemorate Da Gama can be visited near the Shelley Point gate and the original well where Da Gama got water can still be seen at West Point. The actual bay of St Helena stretches from Dwarskersbos in the north, past the Shelley Point peninsula, to Cape St Martin in the west. The bays have intriguing names such as Hannasbaai, Slippersbaai, Jaloersbaai, Vioolbaai, Klippiesbaai and Stomp­ neusbaai. Each has its own unique attractions and character. The locals willingly chat about St Helena Bay’s history and have a wealth of information for any visitor who makes the effort. St Helena Bay is internationally renowned for its fishing areas in the rich Benguela current. June to November is whale-watching time with the calm waters giving shelter to the southern right whales that come to mate and calve and can easily be seen from the shore. Heaviside dolphins, as well as dusky and common dolphins visit the bay in search of food and humpback and killer whales are also frequent visitors. Stompneusbaai, where renowned writer and television presenter Pieter Pieterse lived for years in a wooden house on the beach, is a small bay between Shelley Point and the main

April • Mei 2013

shopping area. There are a lot of fish processing factories in the area and the crayfish industry began here in 1915. Some of the original buildings can be seen from the main road. Not only is this a fantastic fishing spot, but there is also an abundance of wildlife to be seen; it is a great place for bird watching and there are a variety of other activities such as surfing, kayaking, horse-riding, hiking and sailing – catamaran enthusiasts love this bay. From Stompneusbaai the sunrise and sunset can be watched with the sound of waves crashing. The beaches are clean and collecting shells is a favourite pastime for locals and visitors as are crayfishing and angling. Shelley Bay Beach is a beautifully secluded area with sea, sand, shells and pebbles. The beaches in this area are safe for swimming. Shelley Point has great spots to snorkel or scuba dive, and there are shipwrecks to explore, such as the Britannia that sank in 1826. The Sandy Point Harbour, the main harbour of the three along this coast, is always busy, especially during snoek season. Winter is snoek season and fresh snoek can be bought at the harbour as they are being unloaded. Visitors can watch how the fishermen unload as many as a thousand snoek at a time and how local women vlek the snoek. Listening to their chatter is as fascinating as watching this age-old ritual. St Helena Bay is at the southernmost point of the migratory bird route from Europe and the Steppes of Russia. This makes it a must for birdwatchers to visit. Whereas the summer months are all about water sports, crayfish and playing golf on the 9-hole golf course, autumn is a time of crisp sunny days and hiking in the veld that is coming alive with flowers and fynbos. There are 4x4 routes as well as four hiking trails to


explore. The first hiking trail, the Shelley Point Route, takes 1 hour, is suitable for the whole family and is easy to finish. The second trail, the Britannia Bay Route, and the third, the Duyker Eiland Route, takes about an hour and a half and is a bit more difficult. The last route is the Paternoster Nature Reserve Route, which takes about two hours and designed for more advanced hikers and specific age groups. Along this route “spooky” granite hills from the Ice Age as well as Vonk’s Stable – a cave where a diamond smuggler and his horse had once hidden – can be seen. St Helena Bay also boasts a variety of eateries from a Portuguese restaurant, a seafood restaurant to a Swiss Deli and for meat lovers there are braai and buffet restaurants. For more informal meals there are take-away café’s, pizzerias and coffee shops. A garage and two supermarkets as well as a clothing shop or two complete the picture. The residents of St Helena Bay are warm-hearted and hospitable. Come and meet them at the annual St Helena Bay Sea Festival which takes place 28 December and provides music, entertainment, a variety of stalls and traditional food. A visit to the abalone farm and/or some of the fishing factories can be arranged, with promises for an intriguing few hours. For more information call Pieter van der Merwe at the St Helena Bay Tourism Office on Thursdays and Fridays (10:00 -15:00) and Saturdays (09:00-14:00) on 076 661 2046. (Sources: St Helena Bay Tourism Office, sa-venues.com, capewestcoastpeninsula.co.za)


Hyundai - Veloster

Ons toets-voertuig is:

Een, twee, drie en vier!!!

Hyundai se Veloster 1.6 Executive Auto Eerste oogopslag:

“Waar is my deur, Pa?” vra die een telg toe hy, soos gewoonlik, agter my wil inklim. Sussie het reeds links agter ingeklim. Dis toé dat ek self besef hier is iets “groot fout”. Een groot deur regs en twee kleineres links. As ek nog nooit ‘n “kop-draaier” gery het nie, dan is die Veloster beslis een. Terloops dit word “wi-lós-ter” uitgespreek. Dié drie-deur fenomeen het boonop ‘n regte hardekwas houding van agter af met sy dubbeldoor agterruit en ronde boudjies. Met die inklim het ek gewonder of die hoof-ontwerper nie ook dalk ‘n “groot beer” is nie, aangesien hy aan die grotere weergawe van Homo Sapiens gedink het tydens die ontwerpfase. Soos ek dit sien, is die rasionaal agter die ekstra deur aan die linkerkant dat indien iemand agter moet inklim dit nie nodig vir die bestuurder of voorste passasier is om eers uit te klim nie. Die Veloster is dus in wese ‘n sport-buksie met ‘n spaar deur, ‘n heel unieke konsep. Die kontroles op die stuurwiel, instrumentpaneel en die sentrale konsole wat ‘n tas-skerm klank-en-informasie sisteem insluit, is goed geplaas en maklik bereikbaar en verstaanbaar.

Die rit: Dit was bo verwagting gerieflik, gegewe die groot wiele en ekstra lae profiel-bande. Die Veloster het 18” Allooi-wiele wat met 215/40 R18 bande spog. Die 1.6 enjin, gekoppel aan die ses-gang outomatiese dubbel koppelaar ratkas, dryf die Veloster soomloos deur die voorwiele aan. Sit jy jou voet neer, is die krag vinnig daar en die wringkrag duidelik gereed om die taak te verrig. Die brandstofverbruik is werklik aanskoulik. Met die vervaardiger wat dit aangee as 8.4ℓ/100km (gekombineerd), kan ek met reg verklaar dat ek oorstelp was met ‘n syfer van 6.5ℓ/100km. Naas die brandstofverbruik, is daar ‘n lang rits eienskappe wat die uwe se guns gewen het - eintlik te veel om op te noem sonder om hier ‘n hele brosjure van die Veloster gestalte te gee.

Slotsom: Sonder om te veel byvoeglike naamwoorde te gebruik, moet ek verklaar dat ek die Veloster tydens die week werklik geniet het. Is jy ‘n japsnoet of rondritsende dame wat daarvan hou om die koppe te laat draai, dan is die Veloster vir jou. Besoek Hyundai en ek is oortuig dat die verkoopsman en jy goed oorleg sal kan pleeg om een op jou naam te kry. Lekker was nog nooit sleg nie!!! • Marcel Upfold 8

Die nuwe Hyundai Veloster verstom en verbaas met sy aweregse drie deure en gerieflike rit.

Sleutel syfers* Vervaardiger: Hyundai Model: Veloster 1.6 Executive Auto. Enjin: 1591cc 4-silinder, 16-klep petrol Krag: 103 kW @ 6300 rpm Wringkrag: 167 Nm @ 4850 rpm Aandrywing: 6-spoed outomatiese dubbel-koppelaar Brandstof-spesifikasie: Loodvry Brandstofverbruik: 8.4ℓ/100km (Ver-

vaardiger) 6.5ℓ/100km (Werklik) Brandstoftenk (grootte): 50ℓ CO2 uitlatings: 161 g/km Versnelling (0–100 km/h): 10.3 sek. Sitplekke: 2 + 2 Bagasieruim: 440ℓ Diensplan: 5 jaar / 90 000km Waarborg: 5 jaar / 150 000km Prys (inkl.): R276 900 (soos teen Mei 2013) *Bron: Hyundai & Duoporta


Junie•Julie 2013

April • Mei 2013




MR 1296 Swartland & West Coast Magazine fpfc_TenonMain_4.indd 1

2013/03/25 2:25 PM

s e t e b a i D and the eye D

iabetic eye disease refers to a group of eye problems that people may face as a complication of diabetes. All can cause severe vision loss or even blindness if left untreated.

How can diabetes affect the eye?

The eye and your vision can be affected in a number of ways. People with diabetes may: • Experience frequent fluctuations in vision • Cataract formation – clouding of the eye`s lens. Cataracts develop at an earlier age in people with diabetes. • Glaucoma – increase in fluid pressure inside the eye that leads to optic nerve damage and vision loss. A person with diabetes is nearly twice as likely to get glaucoma as other adults. • Temporary paralysis of muscles controlling eye movement, causing double vision – in a lesser degree • Diabetic retinopathy and its complications is the most significant complication of diabetes in the eye What is diabetic retinopathy? Diabetes affects the small vessels of the retina in the eye. The retina is the nerve layer at the back of the eye that is sensitive to light.

Stages of Diabetic retinopathy are:

Background or pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy Blood vessels feeds the retina and in this stage the arteries become weakened and can leak fluid or blood, forming small, dot-like haemorrhages and/or deposits called exudates. This causes the retina to swell and is an early form of diabetic retinopathy. It may not lead to any decrease in vision, but may lead to more serious forms of retinopathy that will affect the vision.

Macular oedema

When fluids and exudates collects in the part of the retina that allows us to see fine details (area called the macula), decreased vision may be noticed. There are times where macular oedema exists without vision loss. It is therefore important to have regular check-ups to detect and treat these conditions at an early stage.

Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

It is an advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy where the blood supply of the retina is compromised. This leads to new and very fragile blood vessels growing on the surface of the retina, called neovascularization. These thin vessels are porous and very fragile and bleed easily. This may lead to serious vision problems if bleeding into the clear, jelly-like substance that fills Junie•Julie 2013

the centre of the eye, called the Vitreous. New blood vessels and bleeding into the vitreous can also cause scar tissue to develop, leading to the retina pulled away from the back of the eye. This is known as retinal detachment. New vessels can also grow into the iris (colour part of the eye) which can lead to glaucoma.

Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy

• The longer the person has diabetes, the greater the chances to develop diabetic retinopathy. • High Blood pressure • Kidney disease • Anemia • Pregnancy

How do I know I have diabetic retinopathy?

There are no symptoms in the earlier stages of diabetic retinopathy and therefore you might not know. It is essential to have periodic evaluation of the eye, eye tests or visiting the ophthalmologist to detect this condition early. The back of the eye is examined with an ophthalmoscope. There are special tests example Fluorescein angiography (injection of dye in vessels) that might be suggested in helping diagnosis and treatment. Early detection and treatment are essential in preventing the complications of diabetic retinopathy, thus maintaining vision.

Eye care for people with Diabetes

Eye care is especially important for people with diabetes because they are at increased risk of developing eye complications from Diabetic retinopathy. Diabetes is a great factor in causing blindness. All people with diabetes should take precautions to reduce their risk of developing eye problems. • Schedule regular eye exams so that eye problems can be detected early and treated. • Maintain control of blood glucose levels • Keep blood pressure in control. High blood pressure itself can lead to eye disease. If you have both, it is especially important to take steps to control both conditions • Get blood cholesterol levels under control • Eat a healthy diet • Avoid smoking • Exercise regularly – overweight problems Jessica Grobbelaar


Troues Weddings

Dit het begin ... by ‘n Swartlandse Plaasmeisie wil reatiwiteit is in haar bloed, perdry en atletiek vir die pret, doelgerig gedrewe, die tweede jongste van vyf kinders van K Oubaas en Colleen Lesch van Klipfontein buite Malmesnóg bury. Sy was ... moedeloos ná drie jaar se studies by die Elizabeth Galgroter loway Akademie vir Mo­de-ontwerp by die US en werkloos ná ‘n inte­­rnskap in Londen ... dit was die Colleen Lesch van ‘n klompie gaan jare jaar gelede. Vandag is Colleen die mede-eienaar van

Colleen Lesch (regs onder)

MarethColleen ‘n jong ontwerpersbesigheid wat sedert 2011 begin blom en groei het en nou vanuit Kaapstad opereer. Colleen en Mareth De Villiers, ‘n universiteitsmaat, is dié twee jong ontwerpers van MC wat tans vinnig opgang maak in die wêreld van mode-ontwerp verkope en hard werk aan die hul klerereeks (MC). “Om jouself en ‘n reeks peterende mark te vestig, is baie alles het begin by die maak op ‘n stadium toe ek en studies besef het ons is soek vir opsies om in die klere-rigting en Mareth het gemeen: Ons en ons

en aanlynvestiging van

binne dié kommoeilik. Dit van ‘n trourok, Mareth ná ons altwee aan die ons toekoms af te skop. Ek twee dinge in is baie gedrewe wil ons toekoms bou met ‘n eie reeks in die klerebedryf!” “Ná die agt maande-internskap in Londen, was ek nogal terneergedruk om te dink ek is op pad terug huis toe sonder vaste werksplanne,” vertel Colleen. Haar supervisor het haar help dink aan tipies Suid-Afrikaanse produkte: “Die gewone Afrika-produkte was nie wat ek in gedagte gehad het vir ‘n klerereeks nie. Toe vra sy wat van krale – dis tog tipies Afrika? Ek was maar skepties oor die gewone Afrika-krale, tot MC begin het met die krale-met-‘n-verskil.” Nadat Mareth en haar naald-

werkmasjien vir bitter baie naweke na Colleen-hulle se plaas buite Malmesbury gery het om tot laatnag te sit en werk aan die ontwerp en maak van klere, het hulle klerereeks geleidelik gestalte begin kry: “MC se reeks bestaan uit baie elemente van ontspannings- en werksdrag tot ‘opdress’ in ‘n groot verskeidenheid aandrokke,” verduidelik Colleen. “Ons aandrokke is skouerloos of enkelskouer, sommige van kant, sommige hoogs formeel, of kralewerk-met-‘n verskil – die

reeks is wyd uiteenlopend.” Mareth se familie in Sterkstroom het begin om saam met werksmense op hulle plaas die kraledetail te begin maak. “Mense is óf gek hieroor óf hulle hou niks hiervan nie,” verklaar beide. Hoewel Colleen (26) en Mareth (25) baie hard gewerk het – “ons kan soms net vyf keer per jaar ‘n aandjie afknyp om uit te gaan!” het hulle lank gesukkel voordat hulle deurbraak gekom het: Die tydskrif waar Mareth ‘n internskap voltooi het, het einde 2010 ‘n aanlyn-winkel geopen. Omdat klere vir dié vinnig-groeiende mark nie geredelik beskikbaar was nie, is MC se klere opgeraap om in die groot vraag te voorsien. En van 2011 af werk dié twee jong mense van MC nóg harder: “Ons sukkel baie met fabrieke in die stad, hulle lewer nie altyd die goeie diens wat ons by Clothing Dynamics op Malmesbury kry nie. Ons kom laai altyd ons heel ingewikkeldste stukke hier af! Die draperings en die moeilike snitte kom almal na Clothing Dynamics toe - ons het nog geen enkele probleem met dié knap vroue se werk gehad nie!” Soos hulle nou terugkyk, onthou hulle die harde werk op soek na ‘n deurbraak. “Dié industrie is baie moeilik en baie kompeterend, maar of mense afgunstig is op mekaar daarbuit­e? Ons weet nie, ons bly heeltemal te besig om dit op te let!” Colleen het pas stad toe getrek en beide meisies werk vanuit hul onderskeie woonstelle. Hulle raak opgewonde oor die nuwe atlejee wat hulle binnekort gaan betrek: “Kan jy dink hoe wonderlik sal dit wees om meer werkspasie te hê, om nie meer staanders propvol klere in jou sitkamer te hê nie?” vra

Foto’s: Nico Degenaar

deur Sarie Nell


MC dryfkrag agter dinamiese duo se sukses

hulle mekaar. Het Colleen 10 jaar gelede beplan om gróót te gaan in die klerebedryf? “Ek het op 16 reeds geweet ek wil gróót gaan met my lewe. Ek het daardie tyd beoog om my atletiek te gebruik om my naam te vestig.” Mareth sê sy het altyd gewéét sy gaan Kaap toe trek, dat sy haar lewe in klere gaan maak. Waar sien Colleen haarself oor 10 jaar? “Ek wil definitief nog groter gaan, nog wyer internasio­­­­­­­­­n­aal bemark! Die aanlyn-verkope werk nou só lekker dat ons dit nog baie kan uitbrei. MC begin nou met ‘n T-hemp­reeks vir mans en kinders; ons oorweeg ‘n slaapdragreeks en ek sien myself iewers vorentoe ook in die interieurbedryf - met ‘n eie reeks en aanlyn-verkope daarin ...Ons is deesdae te bedrywig om rokke vir indiwiduele geleenthede soos troues te maak!” Klein begin in haar pa se skuur op ‘n Swartlandse plaas, hard gewerk toe sy nog nie geweet het waar die deurbraak gaan kom nie, maar nou met ‘n groot visie vinnig op pad vorentoe. Het hulle raad vir ander jong enterpreneurs? “Daar is nie ‘n regte of verkeerde manier nie! Jy moet maar jou eie ding doen, jou eie formule uitwerk. Ek sien elke dag hoe elkeen van ons nog steeds leer en ontwikkel.” Colleen en Mareth het baie waardering vir hul ouers en familie se ondersteuning. “Hulle help ons baie - oplees op internet, help met vervoer of kralewerk of bemoediging. Hulle wou saamspan om vir ons ‘n ateljee te gee, maar ons het dit van die begin af bedank! Ons wou eerder self die fases deurwerk en sélf bo uitkom. En nou voel dié groeiproses só lekker!” Hoewel Colleen se toekomspad haar nog baie moontlik oorsee sal neem, is sy trots op haar Swartlandse oorsprong: “Ek sal altyd lief bly vir die plaas, vir dié plek waar ek kan uitstap in die buitelug en rondloop met die honde. Maak nie saak waar ek gaan nie, ek sal altyd terugkom Suid-Afrika toe!”

Junie•Julie 2013

Troues • Weddings


Wyn moet streek, kultivar se storie vertel

- Andries Blake


ge is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine - Joan Collins Dit is juis daardie jare in die bottel wat dikwels die grense en skanse oor geslagte afbreek. Min dinge wat mense sosiaal so saambind as ‘n goeie bottel van die wingerdstok. Ons begin by de moZáik met ‘n reeks oor daardie bottel en die hand agter die inhoud van daardie bottel. Op Malmesbury spog Swartland Wynkelder met ‘n ryke geskiedenis. Dit is in 1948 deur 15 boere in die dorp se ou bioskoopsaal gestig. Die kelder het sedertdien ‘n huishoudelike naam geword en ook in oorsese lande soos Nederland is dié kelder se produkte baie gewild. Swartland se trofeekas vir top-wyntoekennings loop al oor - pas weer internasionaal Decanter-toe­ kennings ontvang. Op die produksielyn is daar ‘n heel paar reekse beskikbaar waaronder die staatmaker Cuvée Brut vonkelwyn en die nuwe Pinotage Rosé vonkelwyn wat vinnig in gewildheid toeneem. Laasgenoemde is vars, vrugtig met ondermeer ‘n aarbei-ondertoon en geskik vir enige feestelike geleentheid. Die kelder se Bushvine-reeks is nou ook reeds gesog met onder meer die 2010 Pinotage wat ‘n Pinotage Top 10-toekenning ontvang het. Andries Blake het hom reeds in 1996 as rooiwynmaker by die produksiespan aangesluit nadat hy by Rooiberg begin het. Hy vertel dat Swartland voorheen meer op wit wyne gefokus het. Andries, al geruime tyd aan die hoof van die kelder se produksiespan, het met de moZáik gesels.

Z: Hoe het jy by wynmaak betrokke geraak?

Ek kom van ‘n wynplaas by Wellington. Van my eerste herinneringe is om saam met my pa tussen die wingerde en die kelder te ry. Al was die aanvanklike beplanning om te gaan boer, het ek in my derde jaar op Elsenburg die wynmaakkursus gevolg en ... nou ja, toe het ek by Rooiberg begin wynmaak onder Dassie Smit.

Z: As jy nie in die wynbedryf was nie, wat anders sou jy doen?


Man, landbou is in my bloed. Dit sou definitief iets in die landbou wees.

Z: Wat doen jy as jy nie by die kelder is nie?

Whatever the occassion or celebration - Swartland Winery has the perfect partner!

Dit het nou bietjie verander. Ek het altyd net visgevang. Ek het nooit ‘n probleem met visvang nie. As die geleentheid kom, is ek daar. Maar met die kinders is ‘n ou nou maar betrokke by hulle sport. Ek kyk ook graag sport en dan hou ek van travel.

For more information about our Award-winning wines visit www.swwines.co.za

Z: As jy op enige ander plek in die wêreld kon wyn maak, waar sou dit wees en hoekom?

Weet jy, ek hou van travel en het met my werk al ‘n klomp lande besoek. Het onder andere vroeg-vroeg al Australië en Nieu-Seeland platgetoer om te gaan kyk wat hulle met wyn maak, maar as ek weer kon kies, sal ek weer in die Swartland wynmaak. Die rede is juis omdat elke jaar

hier ‘n uitdaging is. Al is oeste oral elke jaar verskillend, is die Swartland uniek en is elke jaar hier drasties anders. Dit is nie stereotiep nie en ‘n groter uitdaging in verskeidenheid.

Z: Wat is die beste bottel wyn wat jy ooit gedrink het?

Toe ek destyds in Australië was in die Hunters Valley het ek ‘n besondere bottel wyn gedrink. Dit was ‘n Semillon, maar hy was 15 jaar oud en het vir my uitgestaan vir só ‘n ou wyn.

Z: Watter wyn wat jy nog nie gemaak het nie, sal jy graag wil maak?

Ek het ‘n passie vir Malbec. My boot se naam is ook Malbec. Ek wou nog altyd ‘n goeie Malbec in die Swartland maak. Ons het al Malbec hier gemaak, maar in Suid-Amerika maak hulle nog ‘n beter Malbec.

Z: En jou gunsteling wyn?

Dit moet net ‘n goeie wyn wees. In jou glas moet hy lekker wees. Omdat ons in Suid-Afrika is, promoveer ek graag Pinotage en Chenin Blanc. Dit is waarvoor Suid-Afrika staan.

Z: Die beste wyn wat jy nog gemaak het?

Die Swartland Bushvine Pinotage 2010 is ‘n moerse nice wyn. Dit het verlede jaar ook die Top 10 gekry, maar die 1996 Pinotage wat ook Top 10 én dubbelgoud by Veritas gekry het, was ‘n unieke wyn.

Z: Wat van jou is daar in jou wyn?

Ek het nog nie mooi hieraan gedink nie, maar ek glo eintlik die wyn moet sy eie storie vertel. Jy moet eintlik terugstaan en sorg dat die karakter van die kultivar en die streek in daardie storie kom. Dit gaan nie oor jou nie. Wyn word in die wingerd gemaak. Goeie druiwe. Sommige kultivars maak moeiliker wyn as ander. So is Shiraz makliker om te maak. Hy het ‘n sagte dop, maar daarteenoor is Pinotage weer moeiliker met ‘n harder dop en strammer tanniene. Daar moet jy maar jou skills en ‘n paar truuks in die kelder gebruik in die proses tussen alkoholvlakke, tanniene en karaktereienskappe deur.

Allesverloren FCV hosts launch of


Wedding Valley

he Allesverloren Function and Conference Venue was host to the launch of the all-new initiative to market the Riebeek Valley as the Wedding Valley. Being a very popular wedding destination, the valley caters for all styles of weddings. At Allesverloren Function and Conference Venue, situated at the foot of the Kasteelberg, the purpose build venue can accommodate up to 250 guests without and 200 with a dance

floor. Catering is done by Merindol Catering Services and a wide variety of mouthwatering dishes can be chosen from. An add-on open-air forest chapel growing in popularity next to the venue make this a very unique experience for any bridal couple. This ballroom styled venue with its huge black chandeliers makes it the perfect setting for a stylish and memorable occasion.

Foto: Nico Degenaar

Junie•Julie 2013


Nuttige mode-wenke om te onthou wanneer MarethColleen jy trou gee raad * Kies ‘n elegante, vleiende snit. Moenie te veel style in een rok druk nie en hou die styl eenvoudig. Bruide val gereeld in die versoeking om die hele ding in een rok te doen - die krale, die korset, kant, blomme en draperings. * Onthou altyd: ‘less is more’. * Bly by jou persoonlike styl. Dis nie nou ‘n goeie tyd om vreemde style uit te toets in ‘n skepping wat jou dalk die hele tyd ongemaklik laat voel - en lyk - nie! * Dis baie belangrik om gemaklik te voel in jou uitrusting. Kies ‘n silhouette wat jou en jou liggaamsbou vlei en onthou: As die rok jou die hele tyd pla, gaan dit wys op jou foto’s! * Sodra jy op ‘n ontwerp besluit het, moet jy probeer om daarby te hou. Dit raak al meer stresvol en uitgerek as jy aanhoudend van plan verander! * Vir die gaste: Waak teen oorboord gaan met jou klere, wat meer aandag trek as dié van die bruid of bruidegom. Dis immers húlle spesiale dag! * Die Goue Reël geld steeds: Hou jou wit rokkie in die kas vir ‘n ander funksie. Wit is uit vir trougaste!

Om te veil of nie te veil...

Sê nee vir die sluier as dit nie by jou rok pas nie! Kopstukke is groot mode ná Kate se troue, maar dra dit net as dit by jou styl pas. Wees versigtig met oordadige kopstukke. Dit lyk maklik belaglik, asof ‘n voëltjie in jou kop kom nes maak het.


Troues • Weddings

• Baie bruide kies ‘n rok en skoene om weer te gebruik... Ons vind dat die herskepping van die trourok selde suksesvol eindig! Om te trou is ‘n unieke ondervinding, daarom beveel ons aan dat jy jou rok ook so kies. Uniek, al gebruik jy dit net die een keer. Junie•Julie 2013

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Celebration of effe Love anders... Op Riebeek, vir sy besondere karakter en unieke bekoring aan die hange van die Riebeekberg, is daar deur die jaar tientalle paartjies wat ewig trou aan mekaar sweer. Paartjies wat, soos Anneke McDonald (“Me”) van It’s “Me” on Main Weddings dit stel, hul “Celebration of Love” in dié Vallei kom doen, juis omdat dit vir hulle ‘n besondere plek is. Troues is nie meer almal tradisioneel en styf nie en dit is presies waar “Me” inkom. Hier skep sy ‘n nuwe trou-ervaring en “Celebration of Love” wat sommer die hele naweek kan duur. Die bruilofgangers kan die hele naweek kom saamkuier in plaas van in-en-uit-die-vallei-spoed sonder om lekker tyd saam met die paartjies te spandeer en ook die wonderlike Vallei te ervaar. Maar dit gaan nie net oor saamkuier en die Vallei ervaar nie. “Me” wil vir elke paartjie hulle troue uniek maak om in - en aan te pas by wie hulle is en wat hulle laat “tiek”.

As jy byvoorbeeld tennis eet, speel, praat en droom, moenie net wónder of ‘n tennisbaan hier soos Wimbledon opgetooi kan word vir die seremonie nie. Óf as jy leef vir elke wintervakansie in Etosha, daar is heelwat wild in die Vallei wat jou troue kan komplementeer. Die heel-naweek-troues wat “Me” nou aan mekaar sit, is om jóú “Celebration of Love” presies dít te maak. Uniek soos jy is, spesiaal. Verskeidenheid in eetplekke en venues maak die Vallei ideaal vir hierdie heel-naweek-troues. “Me” vertel hoe dit werk. Gaste kom kuier saam van Vrydagmiddag as die son sak tot so laat as Sondagnamiddag. Met elke saamkuier die hele naweek is gaste en die paartjie by ‘n ander restaurant of venue in die Vallei om dié se unieke karakter en gasvryheid te ervaar. Selfs ‘n wynof olyfolieproe by ‘n een van die gewilde produsente kan die “Cherry op die koek” wees vir jou “Celebration of Love”-naweek.

Foto’s: Nico Degenaar

April • Mei 2013

Die boek “die stilte in myself” deur Riana Scheepers en Hannetjie de Clercq.



groet voor Hannetjie se ‘huis’


annetjie de Clercq is een van Suid-Afrika se bekendste kunstenaars, met werke in versamelings regoor die wêreld en die insluiting in die gesogte Sasol Kunsversameling saam met onder meer Walter Battis, Gregoire Boonzaier, Frans Claerhout, Robert Hodgins en Louis Jansen van Vuuren. Die boek “Purper en kaneel, komyn en smarag - die kleurvolle lewe van Hannetjie de Clercq” deur Riana Scheepers het vroeër vanjaar by Lapa Uitgewers verskyn en gee vir die eerste maal ’n baie intieme kykie in haar lewe. Die reuse wit engel wat ryloop voor die deur by Hannetjie en haar dogter se studio, die Hanna Christina Studio in Kerkstraat, Riebeek-Kasteel, vang dadelik jou oog. Die studio huisves onder meer Hannetjie se werke en keramiek van Van Wessels. Maryke Roberts het ingedraai en gesels met dié interessante vrou.

Hoe het jy besluit om in te stem tot ’n boek?

Ek het vir Riana genader om die boek te skryf; het half gevoel dis nou die tyd. Ons is al vir meer as 20 jaar vriende en ek het geweet sy sou die boek kon skryf. Dit gee ’n goeie kykie na die ontwikkeling waardeur ek as mens en kunstenaar is. Dit was maar ’n traumatiese proses; glad nie so maklik om terug te delf in jou verlede nie. Junie•Julie 2013

Waar kom jou kunssinnigheid vandaan?

Ek vermoed dis van my ouma aan my pa se kant. Ek was ’n vreemde kind, ek wou altyd meer oor alles weet. Ek besef nou eers met my eie kinders dat jy hulle moet aanvaar vir wie hulle is. Jy kan nie jou drome deur jou kinders probeer uitleef nie.

Is jou ateljee oop vir besoekers?

Die studio waar my werke uitgestal word, is oop vir die pu­bliek, maar ek is nogal kwaai oor my persoonlike werksplek. My werke is te sien by my dogter, Naomi Wessels, se werkplek; sy is ’n grafiese ontwerper.

Jy het al op vele interessante plekke gewoon. Wat is vir jou lekker op Riebeek-Kasteel?

My huis en my tuin is nommer een. Ek het lekker groot, gevestigde bome en baie waterfonteintjies vir rustigheid. Ek


hou van kook en ek eksperimenteer graag met nuwe disse en daarvoor is my groente- en kruietuin onontbeerlik.

Wat is jou grootste bron van inspirasie?

Ek kry dit op verskillende plekke. Ek skep my eie droomwêreld om my, want die realiteit van die lewe is soms te hard vir my. Ek hou daarvan om nuwe goed te sien en te ervaar - ’n kykie in ander mense se kulture en lewens.

Wie het jou beste raad ooit gegee?

Vader Claerhout het my met my egskeiding geleer hoe om te werk te gaan om genoeg, goeie werk te produseer om te oorleef.

Daar is baie bespiegelinge oor die feit dat jy meestal vroue skilder. Wie is sy?

Aan die begin was dit Moeder Aarde. ‘n Mens vat baie lank om volwasse te word. Ek het oor die jare grootgeword. Die vrou op die doek is nou meer buite my as binne. Daar is nog ’n mate van subjektiwiteit. Ek probeer met my werke om meer oor die vrou te gesels. Vroue moet vlerke kry; want hulle word baie meer onderdruk as wat ons besef. Loer gerus by die Hanna Christina Studio in, bel Naomi by Swartland 074 270 6996 of epos studio@hdeclercq.co.za vir meer inligting. Hannetjie het 100 waterverwe gedoen en Riana het verse daarvoor geskryf.


Panoramiese Weskus spog met praghuis


ie Weskus met sy mengelmoes van volronde geure en kleure en eiesoortige karak­ter in die uiteenlopendheid van sy natuur én sy mense, is waarskynlik die rede waarom besoekers terugkeer en weer terugkeer. ... En dikwels dan kom om

te bly. Die kontraste in barre eenvoud en volgepakte luuksheid is juis dit wat die unieke beko­ ring bring. As ligging op een plek belangrik is, is dit presies hier. Die panoramiese uitsig oor die diepblou lagoon gekombineer met die Griekse style en Mykonos se seiljaghawe bring veral in hierdie maande van die jaar daardie vol en diep stemming. Hierdie 480 vkm-huis by Agean Heights is gebou om die Weskus te drink met ‘n oop uitsig vanuit letterlik elke venster. Drie vlakke met ‘n groot sondek bo wat oor die volle breedte van die huis strek en ‘n swembad wat perfek kan insmelt met die see. ‘n Hysbak, ondervloerse verhitting, groot kelder met eikehoutvloer, twee suites bo en nog twee kamers met en-suite badkamers en private balkonne onder. Dit word tans bemark deur Helene Sleigh van Pam Golding op Langebaan vir R7 950 000.

Foto’s: Louise du Plessis


Kos en Onthaal

April • Mei 2013

Griekse goedheid

April • Mei 2013



Discover brandy on the R62

A visit to brandy distilleries on the Cape’s R62 makes a mere journey into a fascinating experience, says Clifford Roberts


n life, we’re often reminded that the journey is as important as the destination. On my trip up the R62 brandy route, it occurs to me how important it is therefore to pick the right journey. A visit to the handful of distilleries on this country road between Robertson and Oudts­ hoorn seemed like just the ticket. First stop: Robertson, home of the Klipdrift mega-brand. It’s a slick operation – there’s a tour, a swanky bar and lounge, and shop with “Klippies” merchandise for the true fans of this blended brandy. By contrast, I found a far more intimate brandy experience just around the corner, at Wonderfontein. Although not marked on the official brandy route, the farm is home to Monica van Niekerk whose great grandfather in 1884 was one of the earliest to register an “agricultural distillery”. It was her grandfather, Oupa Eksteen, who loved travel and decided to name the farm’s current KWV-distilled brandy Campanile, after the famous tower in Venice. Further down the R62, on a gravel road outside Montagu, is Kingna. Here, in the small distillery among the scrubland hills and fertile river beds, Ruan Hunlun crafts a fine potstill brandy when he’s not showing people around. “There’s plenty of interest in small distilleries, especially from overseas,” he says.



It’s a similar message from Ferdi Smit, production manager and distiller at Barrydale Cellars. The heat in the room housing the copper stills is unbearable today. “In winter I have to come in here regularly and chase the guys out to go and work,” he chuckles. From here, the drive takes me through more hills and a mountain pass before descending into Calitzdorp, famous for its port-style wines. But the town also has a rich brandy-making heritage – Carel Nel’s great grandfather used to transport the amber fluids to Cape markets by oxwagon. Today, the brandy tradition continues with Carel’s daughter Margaux, winemaker at Boplaas, taking a keen interest in their postill. Just outside Oudtshoorn, I stop for a chat with Dys Grundling of Grundheim. Again, brandy distilling has been in the family for many decades. There are all kinds of liquors on offer in the tasting room, but I’m after the ginger, Buchu and 7year postill brandies. Thank goodness I have a designated driver for this trip, I think to myself. Mons Ruber farm, a short distance from De Rust, is our final stop. The old still sits outside, fired below with the wood of alien plants. It’s a waiting game, watching the trickle of raw spirit from the copper mouth, but the view of sunset-inflamed mountains and vineyards makes it all more than bearable.

Junie•Julie 2013

Nuts and bolts

A visit to the distilleries on the R62 is likely to take you two or three days. Make sure you have a designated driver, or keep tastings within the legal limit. For more information, two useful websites are worth the visit: www. sabrandy.co.za and www.route62.co.za. If you’re keen to learn more South Africa’s rich brandy tradition, read Fire Water: South African Brandy, published by Quivertree and the South African Brandy Foundation.

Junie•Julie 2013



About the photographer Maaike Kallenborn, photographer, web designer and broad cast video producer, loves the dynamics of water. As former world cup wind surfer she shared a major part of her live with the sea and once in the West Coast she fell in love with the endless changing and never boring Atlantic Ocean. These images were taken in Trekoskraal and Tietiesbaai. One was taken in Horta, the Acores (North Atlantic Islands). All huge bill board images high on the wall at the West Coast Mall were made by this successful digital imaging artist.

Through the lens of

Maaike Kallenborn



April • Mei 2013

April • Mei 2013


Chasingthe tiger

There are a few places one can catch tiger fish, but few like northern KZN, says Clifford Roberts


iger fish are regarded a worthy catch among many Southern African fishermen, but Cape anglers must travel northwards if they’re keen to snag one. Pongolapoort Dam in KwaZulu-Natal is one of the southernmost places on the continent where the fish occur, which makes it a popular destination. Catering to this demand, Shayamanzi Houseboats operates a small flotilla on the 13 000 ha body of water. The multiple cabin boats are a great option for families that might have one or two eager fishermen among them. There’s plenty of space to laze around on deck or enjoy drinks at the bar while the anglers are off on the water in the early morning and late afternoons. During the day, the vessel becomes a waterborne safari vehicle as it cruises along the shore of the game park that borders on the dam. We see a herd of elephant bathing in the shallows; hippos grazing; and, various birds of prey, including the majestic African Fish Eagle, drifting by on gentle currents of warm air. The region, situated three hours north of Durban and almost equidistant from Johannesburg, is home to sugar cane farms, game parks and lush tribal land. It is within reach of the famous battlefields route and a short drive from the beaches of Zululand. Around the dam, the houseboats aren’t the only alternative for

accommodation – there’s wide selection with an equally wide variety of offerings, including spas and game drives. Our days aboard the Shayamanzi II are spent reclining in the lounge with books and magazines, sipping cocktails in the heated Jacuzzi and chatting to Zimbabwean-born captain Branson Shihota. Shihota, a mine of information about the lake and its inhabitants, has spent a lifetime on boats – including a large portion at Lake Kariba, most well-known for its tiger fish. The reason for the great pursuit of Hydrocynus vittatus, fishermen will say, is its aggressive fight and menacing appearance. Its bony flesh makes the fish not popular for eating, and generally released back into its waters. A dozen or so of our party snagged a tiger on the trip and all experienced the exhilaration of the duel, which normally begins with the fish leaping out of the water. Watersports around the dam are generally limited to fishing and cruising due to the presence of crocodiles, although these are concentrated at the mouths of the rivers and shores of the game parks. Nonetheless, by the end of the weekend we’re not ready to leave. Although we must, we’re grateful for the introduction that Pongolapoort Dam has given us to the fascinating hinterland of northern KZN.

The nitty gritty Northern KZN offers a vast array of activities. For information about local, state run game reserves visit www.kznwildlife.com; and general tourism www. zulu.org.za. Information about Shayamanzi houseboats, including their pricing, is available on www.shayamanzi.co.za. The boats can be hired for functions and by groups, or shared with other individual families.

• Maryke Roberts 26


Junie•Julie 2013

Koeksisterdeeg moet sag wees H

oeveel koeksisters Elsjé Rossouw van Malmesbury oor die afgelope 35 jaar gebak het, kan niemand raai nie. Dat hierdie ma van twee Springbokrugby-spelers, Pieter en Chris, nie omgee om haar resep met ons te deel nie, is egter die hoofsaak:

aldus baasbakster Elsjé Rossouw

• Bestanddele vir die deeg:

5 k koekmeel; 2 hoogvol teelepels bakpoeier (Let wel – die outydse soort teelepel); Knippie sout; 62,5 g margarien (kwart van 250g); 1 redelike groot eier; 1 k water

• Metode:

Meng die margarien, meel en sout; Klits die eier binne-in die water en voeg die bakpoeier hierby. Dit skuim baie - sorg dat jou houer groot genoeg is; Meng alles saam en knie goed. Laat staan vir een uur om te rys. Maak toe met klam lap, plastiek of deksel sodat dit nie uitdroog nie. (OF: Meng alles goed in jou menger.)

* Wenke: Die deeg moet so sag soos bababoudjies wees en nie te styf nie, anders gaan die stroop nie lekker intrek nie.

• Vlegseltjies:

Rol die deeg uit op ‘n tafelblad waarop jy ‘n paar druppels olie gesmeer het om die uitrol te vergemaklik. Sny dun strokies deeg en vleg/draai die beentjies. Maak seker dat jy die punte mooi vasdruk, anders gaan die beentjies oop in die bakproses. • Olie: Verhit jou olie in ‘n pan, maar nie ‘n te diep pan nie. Die olie moenie te warm wees nie, anders bak die deeg te vinnig donkerbruin aan die buitekant en eindig dalk rou binne. Toets dit self uit - Elsjé glo die eerste stukkie deeg wat sy ingooi, moet vinnig opkom, dan is die olie reg. Gooi jou vlegseltjies stadig in die olie en draai dit om sodra dit mooi bruin is aan die een kant. Bak dit redelik stadig tot mooi bruin aan beide kante.

• Stroop:

Meng: 10 k suiker en 5 k water. halwe t kremetart 1 t gliserien (om koeksisters te laat blink); 1 e suurlemoensap

Junie•Julie 2013

Elsje Rossouw hard aan die werk in haar Swartlandse kombuis op Malmesbury. gemmerstukke na smaak

• Metode:

Laat die suiker oplos en verhit dit stadig saam met die ander bestanddele. Laat dit baie effens kook en afkoel tot kamertemperatuur. Elsjé glo die vuurwarm, gaar koeksisters moet baie vinnig in


die stroop gedruk en ondergedompel bly tot die borreltjies uitkom. Sy gebruik ‘n plat lepel om die koeksisters onder te hou, anders suig die warm deeg nie die stroop regdeur op nie en wit klonte is vir niemand lekker nie! Laat jou koeksisters afkoel en vries dadelik; só bly dit lank vars.



wine accesories

to add to your gadget list

Fine wine is something that many of us truly enjoy. Wine has come a long way from the days of Armenia 4100BC from where the first archeological finds of winemaking and drinking sprung. Not only did the technology and variety change, but also the way in which we enjoy it and the accessories available are vastly different from those early days. Here are a few nifty gadgets for wine lovers.

The Brandy Smuggler Walking Cane Flask is a genuine, functional walking stick. Made of black anodized aluminum, it measures 36 inches long and can support up to 250 pounds of your body weight as you make your way to the liquor store around the corner. Once there, you can unscrew the brass handle, which hides five 2 oz flasks that you can fill with your favorite beverage for later consumption. Each flask is made of hardened glass with airtight caps, en­­­­­­­suring your secret sauce maintains its strength and flavour as you slowly make your way back home. Emphasis on slowly, by the way, since you’re supposed to really need a cane in the first place. So play the part, old man, and spend your twilight years in drunken bliss.

Pearls of Wisdom

Hibiscus Stay on Coasters Coasters and wine glass taggers in one simple design! Slip these on before you fill your guests glasses and they can carry their drinks around and put down on your favourite piece of hardwood furniture or wherever they want without causing you any stress. Your guests will find their drinks easily and the hosts can relax and enjoy their own party. Mix this set with Citrus – a different but matching shape of slip on coasters in same colors for set of 12, and if your party is really big this set also comes in another colour combination.

Cooper Cooler Rapid Beverage Chiller Electric machine chills cans in 1 minute and wine bottles in 6 minutes. Beverages rotate while being sprayed with ice water; also heats baby bottles! Automatic touchpad features preset times, extra-chill setting, and add-ice indicator light. Removable lid for long wine bottles; no-spin option; autooff when done.


Rather than drag out the ice bucket whenever you’d like to enjoy a little vino, these innovative chillers allow you to enjoy wines by the glass at their ideal sipping temperatures. Simply freeze this set of four sleek, stainless steel orbs, pour a glass, then drop a few into your wine. Like ice cubes, the more “pearls” you use, the more frosty your beverage will get. The sophisticated, oval shape of the chillers is ideal for roundbottomed glasses, since the glimmering spheres will pile up elegantly in the bowl after they’re plinked in one at a time. While vino aficionados wouldn’t dare serve a white wine at room temperature, it’s also important to give red wines the same consideration. When reds are served too warm, the alcohol tends to predominate, concealing the fruit of the wine and resulting in a loss of typicity and personality. Fortunately, when you pop a wine pearl into a room-temperature pour of red wine, you can bring it down to cellar temperature (54–64º F/12–16º C) in a matter of minutes. While these pearls are perfect for wine, they’re ability to chill without altering or diluting delicate flavors also makes them ideal for cooling top-shelf liquors, delicate cocktails, and fresh fruit juices. Made in China.

Brandy Smuggler Walking Cane Flask “World-renowned, century-old cane masters” know it only all too well that people of all ages enjoy wine and have come up with a gadget: the Brandy Smuggler Walking Cane Flask, a real cane that lets you hide flasks of alcohol inside.


The Chain Wine Bottle Holder is one of the most eye-catching vino acces-

sories we’ve ever seen! Magic forces collude with this nickelplated iron chain to create a quite astounding illusion because your bottle appears to be floating in the twisted chain’s vicelike grip. An ideal gift for wine aficionados, lovers of unusual ornaments and refined heavy metal fans (of course they exist), the Chain Wine Bottle Holder is destined to become one of the most talked about items in your home.

Take the temperature of your wine and get the most from the taste. The wine thermometer only need to be attached like a belt around the bottle, and within minutes you can read the temperature on the digital display. The thermometer can withstand being dropped and even survive the loving attentions of the youngest in the family, and it fits easily into a drawer, on a tray or on your kitchen shelves, so it’s always there when you need it.

Junie • Julie 2013

What's HAPPENING 6 July

The Mill Country Market [Hopefield] Fresh local produce, Home- made breads, cheese, fresh vegetables, free range products and more The Merry Wido Inn 09:00 – 13.00 Lizanne 022 723 1528

7 July

Food & Graft Market [Saldanha] Every first Sunday of the Month Location/Venue: 79 Saldanhaweg opposite Total 022 714 0012

10-13 July

Berg River Canoe Marathon [Paarl - Veldrif] Starts in Paarl on Wednesday and finishes at Veldrif on Saterday Laura van Heerden 084 700 2742

13 July

Winter Carnival [Veldrif] Enjoy local artist, art exhibitions, bokkoms, bread and lots more Location/Venue: Veldrif Veldrif Tourism: 022 873 1821

26 July

Opera @ Windstone MoZart by Don Giovanni Brenda Winder on 083 477 1756 / info@windstone.co.za Venue: Windstoen – 18:00 for 18:30

27 July

Veteraan Trekker Klub Ploegdag [Abbotsdale Farm, Malmesbury] Tradional since 2006 See atique tractors and ploughs in action The veteran car club has an exhibition of veteran cars Marquis tent with big screen rugby, stalls, refreshments, pancakes, boeremusiek ect. Location/Venue: Abbotsdale, Malmesbury Contact : Cassie: 082 859 2939 Linda: 084 887 7843

Junie•Julie 2013

Wen met de mo


aik en


Een gelukkige leser kan ‘n heerlike wegbreek wen na die Aquila-wildreservaat. Die prys vir twee nagte in die standaard chalets sluit verblyf, etes en twee wildbesigtigingsritte vir twee volwassenes en twee kinders onder twaalf in. Om vir die wonderlike prys ter waarde van meer as R10 000 by dié Groot 5-wildreservaat in aanmerking te kom, gaan na facebook en “like” de moZáik se blad voor 25 Junie 2013.

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Darling Brig’s Barn

022 492 2451

Hermon Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse

082 322 1758

Jacobsbaai Weskusplek

022 715 3333

Langebaan Boesmanland Plaaskombuis Bouzouki’s Cattle Baron Dockside Café The Farmhouse Hotel Friday Island Geelbek Lekka by die See

022 772 1564 022 707 7796 022 772 1131 022 707 7896 022 772 2062 022 772 2506 022 772 2134 082 899 6377

Malmesbury Barry’s Beef and Barrel Cardelli’s Cherry Lane Die Herehuis Janno’s Sabino Spur

022 482 1372 022 487 1744 022 482 2877 022 487 1771 022 487 2091 022 487 1511

Paternoster Blikkie Pizzeria Oep ve Koep Garden Bistro Skatkis Restaurant

022 752 2246 022 752 2105 022 752 2023

Piketberg Archers Bistro Fat Catz Café/Restaurant Mountain Creek Spur

022 913 3651 022 913 1076 022 913 1819

visits 2013 forJunie•Julie ply. s ap

0861RESERVE 7373783

www.aquilasaf mobile: + 27 (0) 83 301 9222 res@aquilasafa


Porterville Koppikoffi Plattelander

022 931 3877 082 773 1200

Riebeek Kasteel BBBS Café Felix Country Inn Bistro Ed’s Diner The Royal Hotel

022 448 1031 022 448 1170 022 448 1110 022 448 1377 022 448 1479

Riebeek West De Oude Schuur Pleasant Pheasant Riebeek Valley Hotel

022 461 2122 022 461 2170 022 461 2672

Saldanha Blue Bay Lodge Captains Cabin Hoedjiesbaai Hotel Jane’s Guest House

022 714 1177 022 714 1716 022 714 1271 083 900 7923

Vredenburg Legends Ocean Basket Yukon Spur

022 719 1820 022 713 2998 022 713 4569

Yzerfontein Meeurots Restaurant Weskus Padstal

022 451 2608 082 351 2722

Pack , 2 game drive 13. 3 meals mber 20 Septe

Standard Overnight Package Inc

4 star accommodation, 3 meals, 2 gam 022 433 3154

022 433 2665 Not applicable on exiting bookings. Valid for visits between May – Sep Terms and conditions apply. 022 433 4749

: s e d u l c age In s.

May – between

Normal price R2095 p

Moorreesburg De Oude Stoep Die Hut Die Kuns Kombuis

p p 0 25 pp

5 9 0 2 R e

Now R1250 p





Junie•Julie 2013

Junie•Julie 2013



Winter Special

Now R1250 pp Normal price R2095 pp

Standard Overnight Package Includes:

4 star accommodation, 3 meals, 2 game drives. Not applicable on exiting bookings. Valid for visits between May – September 2013. Terms and conditions apply.

0861RESERVE 7373783

www.aquilasafari.com mobile: + 27 (0) 83 301 9222 res@aquilasafari.com

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