Februarie • March 2015
Swartland and West Coast
Italianers skop nes in die Swartland
Weskus-se Kuier saam met
Nadia Beukes
in die kol
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Gra tis •
Attitude Adam has arrived with Jam & Glam
Fre e
by die Buite Ekspo
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
INHOUDSOPGAWE 6 - 7 Weskus-se Heidi in die kol
16 Nadia Beukes: Drome word waar
8 - 9 City Slicker
32 - 33 Going back West
12 - 13 Sports op Boxing Day
Heidi skiet ‘n barshou City Slicker: Discovering Cape Town
Buite Ekspo
Fynbos: A place to dream
Fynere kuns van skaapkop smul
What’s Happening
Going back West
Restaurant Guide
Business Index
Italianers vind vrede in Voor-Paardeberg Sports op Boxing Day
Charm and Elegance in Yzerfontein
Nadia Beukes: Drome word waar
Deur die lens van: Johan Viljoen
Opel Adam: full of attitude and emotion
14 - 15 Charm and Elegance
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Editorial Team
From the Editor Van die Redakteur Soos die jaar 2015 nou sy kinderskoene ontgroei het en die eerste maand saam met die Desember vakansie reeds vergete agter ons lê, is dit al weer tyd om reg te maak vir die volgende wegbreek. En dit is presies waarom die Weskus se grootste gratis leefstyltydskrif in hierdie uitgawe bietjie fokus op buitelewe en ‘n paar doendinge wat jy op jou lysie kan plaas. With the second kykNET Buite-ekspo that will take place within the boundaries of the West Coast District Municipality this month keen 4x4 and outdoor enthusiasts planning their breaks for the rest of the year should make sure they attend this event on the Môreson Farm outside Malmesbury from 13 to 15 February. For your convenience we have included the programme on our outdoor pages. Ons het die spiksplinternuwe kompakte stylmotor van Opel, die Adam, oor die paaie van die Swartland en Weskus (óns paradys) gestuur en vertel bietjie hoekom dié nuwe stylvolle blits, wat in Duitsland vervaardig word, die koppe behoorlik laat draai. En as jy jou wiele nou presies volgens jou smaak wil aanpas, hier is die ideale geleentheid met ‘n lang lys opsies vir elkeen se smaak. Adam beïndruk en dié eerste man se * Die drukkersduiwel het in ons vorige uitgawe kom kuier en Elmarie Leonard van Geelbek Restaurant in die Weskus Nasionale Park se naam het erg verkeerd verskyn. Ons vra haar om verskoning vir dié fout.
naam bly draal in jou gedagtes. Ons voorbladgesig is die bekende aanbieder van Boer Soek ‘n Vrou. Ervare aktrise is Nadia Beukes nou ook te sien in die nuwe Afrikaanse fliek Moorivier wat pas begin draai het. Sy kom maak ook ‘n draai by die kykNET Buite-ekspo waar sy aan die potjiekoskompetisie gaan deelneem. Our regular contributors Clifford and Maryke Roberts visited roof accommodation with a difference in Cape Town and Michela en Attilio Dalpiaz from Italy celebrating their first 10 years in South Africa planting the first Vermentino grapes in the country.
Publishers Johan Viljoen & John-Beattie Paterson
Content Johan Viljoen Maryke Roberts Clifford Roberts Alida Buckle Susan Botha
Photography Johan Viljoen Clifford Roberts Alida Buckle
Op die Weskus het Alida Buckle gaan inloer by die beskeie Weskusser en Protea-boogskutter, Heidi de Villiers.
Seasoned journalist Susan Botha gives us a look into the world of the Skaapkopgilde in Malmesbury. She also visited the Fynbos Estate and Simson-Simons Nature Reserve on the western slopes of the Paardeberg.
Layout and Design
Geniet die buitelewe, die Weskus met al sy bekoring - elke seisoen ‘n skouspel in eie reg!
JB Paterson - jb@demozaik.co.za Karin Kotze
Izelle Garcia Schalk Eygelaar
Johan Viljoen
Tel: 022 487 3221 johan@demozaik.co.za www.demozaik.co.za www.facebook.com/DeMozaikMagazine Twitter: @demozaik
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Heidi Skiet ‘n barshou Jean de Villiers is ook ‘n kranige boogskutter
deur Alida Buckle
et blonde hare in 'n poniestert en waterbottel in die hand, is mense in haar buurt gewoond daaraan om Heidi de Villiers (38) met die stofpad te sien draf. Min weet egter dat dié beskeie Weskusser onlangs haar nasionale kleure in boogskiet verwerf het en op die wêreldkampioenskap in Amerika presteer het. Tuis op haar en haar man, Jean (39), se kleinhoewe naby Vredenburg, verwelkom sy de moZáik op ʼn snikwarmdag met 'n lang glas komkommer- en suurlemoenwater. Ses maande swanger met haar tweede seun, borrel Heidi van lewenslus, veral as sy oor die boogskiet gesels. Dit alles het begin met 'n pyl en boog wat Jean vir hom as stokperdjie gekoop het. Heidi het 'n paar keer probeer, maar kon nie die mansboog getrek kry nie. Die gogga het eers behoorlik gebyt toe haar seun, JJ (13), ʼn boog kry waarmee Heidi sommer vinnig 'n kolskoot geskiet het. Met haar entoesiasme aan die oploop, was Jean genoop om vir haar haar eie boog te koop. Hulle het as gesin eers sosiaal op plekke soos Porterville, Hermanus en Stellenbosch begin skiet, omdat daar nie aan die Weskus geriewe was nie. Die trant van hulle oefening het ernstiger begin raak nadat hulle in 2012 by die Stellenbosch Boogskietklub aangesluit het. Heidi het eers aan vrystyl-boogskiet deelgeneem en soos die tyd aangestap het, begin goed vaar in kompetisies. In 2013 het sy in die vrouespanafdeling in die nasionale kompetisie vir SANAA (die Suid-Afrikaanse Boogskietvereniging) in Mpumalanga silwer verwerf. Deelnemers skiet almal tegelykertyd oor dieselfde afstand. Dit was ʼn "groot een". "Baie intens. Veral die uitskakelronde." Heidi, wat op Vredenburg gematrikuleer het, vertel dat dit 'n belewenis was om as plattelandse vrou te staan te kom teen vrouens wat boogskiet February 2015 • March 2015
vir 'n lewe beoefen, wat elke dag vir ure aaneen oefen. In 2014 het Heidi en Juan die nasionale kompetisie van Sanifaa (South African Indoor and Field Archery Association) hul doelwit gemaak. In hierdie kompetisie verander afstande en daar kom hoogtes en laagtes ter sprake - heuwels. As gevolg van Juan, wat self goed op die wêreldkompetisie gevaar het, se noukeurige boekhou van Heidi se oefeninge, kon sy duidelik sien hoe haar boogskiet met tyd verbeter. “Juan is my afrigter, my ondersteuner en my aanmoediger.” Sy was soms met tye só gefrustreerd omdat die pyl nie gegaan het waar sy dit wou gehad het nie, dat sy, “as die boog nie so duur was nie”, dit op die grond sou gegooi het, vertel sy laggend. In 2014 het Heidi haar styl verander na bow hunter– 'n styl waarin 'n mens met 'n vyfpennetjie-visier en 'n kort stabiliseerder skiet. Omdat 'n mens meer op en af skiet, moes sy leer om haar intuïsie te vertrou. En néé, verseker sy, dit is nié so eenvoudig soos wat Hunger Games, The Hobbit, Brave en Arrow dit laat lyk nie. “Vir elke meter wat jy mis skat, sal die pyl ook soveel te laag of te hoog trek. Jy moet die afstande kén. Dis Wiskunde! En elke klein veranderinkie, soos om jou voete te verskuif, maak 'n verskil aan hoe die pyl trek”. Nie dat dit haar gekeer het om haar Westelike Provinsie-kleure ná drie tawwe kwalifiserende kompetisies te verwerf nie. En dít met 'n nuwe boog, nuwe pyle en die nuwe boogskutter-opset. Daarna het die nasionale Sanifaa-kompetisie gevolg waarop
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
sy vir die Suid-Afrikaanse vrouespan gekies is. Sy het haar amptelike Protea-kleure tydens ʼn seremonie in Pretoria in Julie verlede jaar gekry. Augustus het hulle in Yankton, Suid-Dakota, Amerika, aan die 2014 Wêreld Veldboogskutkompetisie gaan deelneem. Heidi het ʼn brons medalje verwerf en haar span ʼn silwer. Juan het vyfde algeheel in die mans Bow Hunters-afdeling geëindig. “Ek was só op my senuwees met my eerste skoot. Dit het gevoel of al die vrees na my bene toe afsak en ek kon voel hoe hulle bewe.” Anders as in Suid-Afrika, het deelnemers egter van sulke “snazzy” platvormpies af gestaan en skiet, wat dit vergemaklik het. Heidi glo dat sy deurgedruk het omdat sy haar gedagtes op haar doel ingestel het en gefokus gebly het. Hoewel die vooraf-oefening baie tyd in beslag geneem het, was die uiteinde, in haar woorde: “Fantasties!” Maar wat lê vir Heidi voor? In 2015, benewens die geboorte van haar tweede kind, wil Heidi saam met Juan en JJ konsentreer op 3D-boogskiet, wat rondklouter in bome en voorafopgestelde teikens en opgestopte sponsdiere insluit. Altyd op soek na nuwe uitdagings, is dit egter die klein persoonlike suksesse wat vir Heidi baie meer saak maak. Dít is die veertjie in haar hoed ... of is dit nou in haar pyl ...
ometimes the best holiday experiences are in your own backyard. Clifford Roberts spent a weekend re-discovering Cape Town. Being a tourist in your own town is about more than simply buying a ticket to places you know. It’s about trying different things; challenging yourself. It involves courage to break from the tradition of ordering something familiar; to risk looking like a fool. There’s also the pursuit of intangibles – being part of a group of people with backpacks and cameras; checking into your hotel without letting on that you’re a local; striking up conversations with people excited about your city. For a weekend, we intended doing just that in the city on our doorstep - Cape Town; we booked a room at the Grand Daddy Hotel in Long Street and tickets for the City Sightseeing – or “hop on hop off” – bus. We also left gaps for things to do that we might discover along the way. One of the world’s top tourist destinations, Cape Town is an ever-changing space; a confluence of visitors from across the country and the world. Aside from its proximity to the winelands, the city’s obvious main attractions are Table Mountain, the V&A Waterfront, the beaches and the restaurants. Each offer combinations of experiences worth making time for be it sundowners on the mountain, hiking in its gorges; discovering eateries like the unusual Dog’s Bollocks or Richard Branson-hangout, Shimmy Beach Club; paragliding off Lions Head; lazing away the afternoon in a seaside pub such as the Brass Bell. Then there are other experiences - the underground tunnels and canals of Cape Town; or, museums such as the
Heart of Cape Town where the story of the first heart transplant is on display. It’s Friday afternoon and we make our way to the Company Gardens – the weather is good, so everyone’s out and parking is limited. We should have taken the bus, I think to myself. The place is busy already – stall holders of an annual market line the main walkway. In the gardens itself, families relax on the lawns; children feed the wildlife – ducks, geese, squirrels and pigeons. There’s a man selling candyfloss; a family playing scrabble in the shade. Behind the branches, apartment buildings soar. We walk down into Adderley and then Longmarket Street, to the Eastern Food Bazaar for lunch. It’s a bustling, smoky, walk-through restaurant and a place with a loyal following of cross-section customers. At a sidewalk table I tuck into my chicken cheese masala dosa – a traditional Indian savoury pancake of sorts – and watch the passers-by. Eager to balance the hive of the city with a dose of tranquillity, we take a drive up Signal Hill. The car park at the base of Lions Peak is full of hikers preparing to head off, or arriving after an early morning walk through the fynbos. At the end of the road, we take in the views across the bay, past Robben Island. There are a few container ships anchored at the mouth of the harbour; the sun glints off the ocean. We linger and take photographs of each other. Back at the hotel we freshen up before sundowners at the rooftop bar. An open-air lounge is arranged amidst the hotel’s famous airstream trailers, which have just been revamped. The light against the skyscrapers turns golden and shadows lengthen as the day recedes. On a whim, we decide to go out for a movie at the Labia, an independent art cinema and institution in Cape Town that dates back to 1949.
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Tonight there’s about as much character in the beautiful old building that houses the theatres as there is in the patrons queuing for tickets. In the morning, after a breakfast of croissants and coffee, we join the throng at the Two Oceans Aquarium. Soon we’re captivated by the creatures – over 3000 of them – on exhibit. We’re drawn through, the dark blue lighting from the various watery tanks adding to a sense of flotation. In the large Predator Exhibit, three divers wave at us from the inside of the tank as a shark glides overhead. For lunch, we order the beer tasting menu at Devils Peak Brewing Company in Salt River. A selection of beers are served with small bites as food pairing suggestions. The afternoon quickly slips away from us. After a nap at the hotel, we’re back to eating; dinner at Panama Jacks. Seafood is the focus of this venue situated inside Cape Town harbour. Its ramshackle appearance does nothing to deter patrons and tonight its fully booked. Our last day in the city is spent on the red and yellow CitySightseeing bus. We opt to keep to the CBD route, which takes us up to the Table Mountain Cableway, through to Camps Bay and along the seaboard back to the CBD. Of course we’ve been on these routes hundreds of times, but still the narrated recording that plays during the trip teaches us new and fascinating things. Mid-way through the tour, we return to the Company Gardens for tea and cheesecake at the recently opened Company’s Garden Restaurant, brainchild of the Madame Zingara Group. In the shade of oaks, ferns and Delicious Monsters we play a round of chess. Soon, we’re back at the hotel and packing for home. Revitalised, we leave with a whole new imprint of this city in our minds that we thought we knew. Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
The CitySightseeing Bus is an excellent way of experiencing the city like a tourist.
A trip up Signal Hill offers one of the best views of the city and Table Bay. It’s also free. You may think you know the city, but there’s always more to learn.
The airstream trailers on the roof of the Grand Daddy Hotel in Long Street are a rare sight to behold.
A new playground at the Company’s Gardens features giant weaver-style nests. February 2015 • March 2015
Children love the touch-pools at the Two Oceans Aquarium.
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Italianers Woorde: Maryke Roberts Foto’s: verskaf en Clifford Roberts
it was vandeesmaand presies 11 jaar gelede toe twee Italianers hul harte aan die voete van die Voor-Paardeberg neffens Wellington en Paarl verloor het, skryf Maryke Roberts. En dit was 11 woelige jare op die plaas Slent, die tuiste van Ayama Wyne. Maar Michela en Attilio Dalpiaz, ’n wynboukundige, is avontuurlustig en laat hulle nie maklik onderkry nie. In November het hulle hul eerste dekade hier gevier met ’n plant-seremonie van die eerste Vermentinodruifsoort in die land. Attilio vertel: “Vermentino is die perfekte pasmaat vir Ayama se terroir, met baie hitte, wind, meestal kleigrond en 'n bietjie sand. Die druiwe en trosse is groot en word laat ryp, wat alles perfek inpas by die bestaande druifsoorte.” Michela voeg by: “Ná samesprekings met een van Italië se bekendste wynboukundiges, Augusto Fabbro, het ons besluit op die geskikste kloon vir
vind vrede in Voor-Paardeberg plaaslike omstandighede. Augusto het uitgevlieg vir die ‘geboorte’ van die druifsoort in ’n nuwe land en het ’n proe-sessie gelei van ’n paar van die beste Vermentino-wyne van Sardinië. Ek ken en is versot op dié druifsoort, omdat dit geurige witwyne maak wat hout-veroudering kan hanteer en pragtige wyn tot gevolg het.” Die plaas neem die voortou met die druifsoort en die Dalpiazze wil nog eksotiese druifsoorte aanplant. Nadat die stokke aangeplant is en gaste met wyn en versnaperinge ontspan het, is ’n wynproe van verskeie Vermentino’s gedoen. Die wyne was die Cala Reale - Sella & Mosca 2013 (Vermentino Di Sardegna DOC), Canayli Cantine di Gallura 2013 (Vermentino di Gallura DOCG SUPERIORE), Monteoro - Sella & Mosca 2013 (Vermentino Di Gallura DOCG Superiore) en Genesi - Cantine di Gallura 2013 (Vermentino Di Gallura DOG Superiore). Almal was dit eens dat dié druifsoort goed behoort te aard hier en ’n bekende in wynkringe, Giorgio Dalla Cia, meen sodra die nuwe wingerde die regte ouderdom bereik het, ons kwaliteit soos
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
dié van Sardinië, of selfs beter, hier kan verwag. Om jou geboorteland te verruil vir ’n nuwe en dit te máák werk, sit nie in almal se broek nie. Maar dié egpaar doen niks op ’n tradisionele manier nie. Só is hulle in 2006 op Gekkedag (1 April) op die plaas getroud. Dit het ook sy eie kinkel-storie, want soos Michela laggend vertel: “Italiaanse troues kan ’n helse moeilike ding wees en maar bra vervelig vir die bruidspaar.” Boonop was sy en Attilio al amper te oud vir al die tradisies van ’n Italiaanse trouseremonie. Toe besluit hulle om hier te trou en dít op hul eie manier – tradisies se voet! Hulle het met hul plaaslike prokureur gesels en teen einde Maart was alles wetlik in orde en hulle kon trou. “Skaars 44 uur later was die seremonie. Maar in ons haas het ons nooit gesien dit sou dan 1 April wees nie. Die spyseniers en ander verskaffers het almal geglo ons speel ’n Gekkedag-grap met hulle. Maar gelukkig kon ons hulle oortuig en toe op die plaas, voor ons vriende, ons werkers en hul gesinne, trou.”
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Bo: Attilio en Alessandro in die groentetuin. Regs bo: Attilio, Michela en Alessandro geniet die lewe op ’n Bolandse wynplaas. Hulle vertel dat hulle baie geleer het die afgelope dekade. Soos om die sonkap van die wingerd deeglik te bestuur om sonbrand in die wingerd te verhoed. Hierdie praktyk was nooit in Friuli, ’n koue en nat wynstreek in Italië, nodig nie. Ayama is tussen 1988 en 1992 met 18 hektaar Chenin aangeplant en word tans deur Attilio met liefde en baie aandag versorg. “Ons doen ons uiterste om die genetiese hoofstreek van die ouer wingerde te bewaar, omdat ek glo dat Chenin die vlagskip van Suid-Afrikaanse wyn is. Ons dink ook daaraan om ons reeks van Chenin-wyne in die toekoms te verbreed. Ons het in 2012 ’n verdere twee hektaar van Chenin bosstokke aangeplant en is besig om te eksperimenteer met die verskillende praktyke in die onderskeie blokke.”
February 2015 • March 2015
Hulle onthou toe hulle die eerste keer na Slent kom kyk het in Januarie 2004, het die vorige eienaar, Chris New, om 10 uur in die oggend ’n bottel Chenin Blanc van sy eie druiwe oopgemaak! “Ek was onmiddellik beïndruk met die kwaliteit. Ek het al voorheen Franse en SuidAfrikaanse Chenins geproe, maar die spesiale geure het my laat besef daar is groot potensiaal vir dié druifsoort in die Voor-Paardeberg-area.” Ayama produseer tans twee Chenin Blancs wat onlangs toekennings verower het. Een word onder die Ayama-etiket geproduseer en die ander onder die meer ernstige interpretasie, genaamd “Baboons’ Swing Chenin Blanc”. Die Ayama Chenin is vrugtig en sag , waar die Baboon’s Swing teen 26 Balling geoes word en
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
vier maande op die druif-doppe lê vir ’n vol, ryker meer ernstige wyn met ’n lang, sagte nasmaak. Albei wyne is baie gewild in die uitvoermark en maak ‘n 60 000-bottel deel uit van ’n totale 300 000-bottel produksie in ’n reeks van 16 wyne. Toe sy uitgevra word oor die twee style van Chenin, het Michela net gelag en gesê daar is nog meer op pad! “Ek sal baie daarvan hou om ook ’n Edel Laat-oes en ’n houtverouderde Chenin Blanc te maak. Hou ons dop!” Maar tot dan, duur die liefdesverhouding met Suid-Afrika vir hulle voort. Hul seun, Alessandro, is intussen gebore en só tussen die olyfbome, wingerde, rooi- en groenpepers en tamaties in hul pragtige groentetuin, kan jy jou amper verbeel jy is iewers op die Italiaanse platteland.
Sports op
Boxing Day deur Johan Viljoen
Dis ‘n warm somersdag diep in die Desembervakansie op ‘n groot plattelandse dorp. Die karre tou in 'enkelagtervolging' en gapings vir parkeerplek is skraps as jy nie bietjie uit die Box uit dink en iewers inwurm nie. Toegang is goedkoop en die pawiljoene sit gepak. Toeskouers staan al teen die draad om seker te maak hulle mis nie hierdie aksie tussen 130 fietsryers nie. Die uwe se laaste besoek aan hierdie byeenkoms was 17 jaar gelede met die byeenkoms se eeufees. Op 26 Desember 2014 staan hy op nommer 117. Inderdaad die oudste baanfietsrybyeenkoms in die wêreld. Paarl Boxing Day het weliswaar sy atletiekkomponent verloor, maar die fietsry is nog vuurwarm en daar is ‘n paar gesogte trofeë wat oor die jare in die hande van die land se heel beste tweewielers geblink het. Een van die steunpilare aan wie die bestaan van Paarl Boxing Day Sports te danke is, is wyle Martin du Toit. Hy het die byeenkoms gered toe dit in die dertigerjare byna doodgeloop het. Hy het dit vir meer as 40 jaar - van 1932 tot 1974 jaarliks gereël en het baie gepas die naam gekry van Mr Boxing Day. Saam met die rugby-oorlog tussen die Galpille (Boishaai) en die Bloedworse (Paarl Gim) is hierdie byeenkoms in die Faurestraat-stadion een van die grootste sportgebeure wat dié Bolandse dorp elke jaar beleef. Hier in die Paarl word kinders amper op fietse gebore en daar is families in wie se are die speke al vir geslagte lank behoorlik sing. Die kinders word op hierdie baan groot en hier begin hulle dikwels hul eerste rondtes op ‘n fiets etlike groottes te groot. Maar wat trap en bo bly, is hulle. Dit is hoeka in die junior wedrenne op die program waar ervare veteraanfietsryers soos oud-Springbok Elrich Kulsen hul nasate inskryf en touwys maak om in hul voorgeslagte se spore te trap. Maar fietsry is nie vir sissies nie. Dit is hard en meedoënloos en die meeste baanfietse het nie remme nie en die baan van sowat 500m kan laaaank raak. Die program bied ‘n verskeidenheid tussen snelnommers, uitmergelende uithourenne en “val”renne soos die Devil. Laasgenoemde is berug vir die groot valle wanneer die laaste ryers rondte
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Egte silwerware ... die trofeë waarop jaers by Boxing Day graag hul hande wil lê, is nie net etlike honderde duisende rande werd nie, maar elkeen vertel trots die verhaal van die oudste baanbyeenkoms in die wêreld. Die name van legendes bring die onthou van hul sukses in die pylvak. vir rondte alles moet uithaal om terug te wurm tussen die bondeljaers in, anders sal hul uitval as hul wiel laaste oor die lyn gaan. En as die bondel te groot is en die gapings te klein? Wel, dan is dit heel dikwels grond toe. Boxing Day 2014 was geen uitsondering nie. Aksie en opwinding en selfs ‘n omstredenheid of twee. Maar dit is sport en elkeen het sy gunsteling en elke toeskouer het sy idee van die reëls en die beamptes vat maar altyd pak. Nietemin, ná 17 jaar voel dit soos tuiskoms saam met ongeveer 5000 toeskouers. Die vorige paar keer was as sportredakteur van die plaaslike gemeenskapskoerant en vóór dit was die uwe se ervaring dié van ‘n tjokkertjie wat etlike kere saam met sy oupa dié hoogtepunt op die hakke van Kersgeskenke kom beleef het. Nou is dit net lekker om aksiekiekies te skiet en bietjie te onthou. Van toe en van al die name wat al hier kom jaag het om die gesogte Minnaartrofee in die 25 Myl. Daar is natuurlik ook die puntewedren en die 1 myl-uitnodigingswedren waarin net die heel beste spoedvrate aantree. Die blink gepoleerde egte silwer-trofeë Minnaar en Awie Basson (saam etlike honderde duisende rande werd) – staan saam met ander op die tafel, gedek vir die hoofdis. Ook in die 25 myl (87 rondtes) is die getalle beperk - 45 deelnemers. Nolan Hoffman, plaaslike gunsteling, het sy titel kom verdedig midde groot ondersteuning uit toeskouergeledere. Maar die Giantspan was nie van plan om dié dis op ‘n skinkbord aan Hoffman te bedien nie. Hoffman het ‘n uitstekende spanmaat gebring in Morné van Niekerk, wat baie takties eiehandig (voetig as jy wil) seker gemaak het ‘n paar sterk ryers word een vir een van die bondel afgery tot in die dorre niemandsland. Sodoende is sy Paarl Boxing Day spog met ‘n indrukwekkende lys name van die room van Suid-Afrikaanse Fietsry wat oor die jare hier gejaag het. Onder hulle: Lemmerbroers, Alan van Heerden, Alan Dipple, Andrew McLean, Wolhuter-broers, Allan en Stephen, Bennie Gelderblom, Carinus en Hendrik, Chris Willemse, Elrich Kulsen, Ertjies Bezuidenhout, Garth Thomas, Gerard Genis, Binneman-broers, Hennie, Coenie en Dirkie, Hennie Wiele Wentzel, Kroff-broers, Herman en Hein, Kevin Green, Beneke-broers, Mark en Gary (wie se 1985 rekord van 54 min 27,2 sek in die 25 myl nou in die slag gebly het), Moolman Welgemoed, Peter Nicholson, Robbie Dale, Willie Engelbrecht en Willie Newman. February 2015 • March 2015
spanmaat se wenkanse keer op keer vergroot. Die uiteinde was dat die tweestuks saam met Evan Carstens en Shameeg Salie later ‘n rondte op die groot bondel ingery en dit duidelik was dat die wenner tussen hulle was. Daar was drama toe Salie vier rondtes voor die einde hard geval het en binne twee rondtes moes herstel om weer sy plek te herwin. Maar hy was reg en ná 87 uitmergelende rondtes was dit vir daardie vier stelle bene steeds ‘n naelrit na die eindstreep wat die wenner sou bepaal. En nóg drama met opwinding ... en ‘n kinkel. Hoffman se wiel was eerste oor die lyn met ’n
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
nuwe rekordtyd van 53 minute 40 sekondes Carstens tweede, Salie derde en Van Niekerk in die vierde plek. En toe... die eerste keer in die bestaan van die wedren hou niemand die gesogte Minnaartrofee vas nie. Hoofbaanbeampte (commissaire in fietsrykringe), Sammy Hardine, besluit om eers die jaery in die laaste draai te ondersoek. En die uitslag: Op 27 Desember het Hardine aangekondig dat Hoffman ‘n verkeerde lyn gevolg het en sy wen-posisie moes prysgee. Carstens (2de in 2013) was die wenner met Hoffman in die tweede plek, Salie derde en Van Niekerk vierde.
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Charm and elegance in
Yzerfontein Positioned high and commanding breathtaking sea views across the Atlantic Ocean to Table Mountain this master built timber frame home built by Rustic Homes boasts light and sunny open plan living and three en-suite bedrooms. Downstairs offers spacious free flowing living areas comprising of sun room, kitchen, dining room, bar lounge plus a TV lounge. The dining area and sun room both have stacking doors which create a wonderful open liv-
February 2015 • March 2015
ing area which flows from the garden in the front of the house out the the balau deck with heated rim flow swimming pool. The sea views from the deck are breathtaking. There are two en-suite bedrooms which open out to the deck plus a delightful entrance hall, art studio, pantry and guest cloakroom on the ground floor. The main bedroom with full en-suite bathroom and the spacious dressing room and
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
boudoir take up the entire upper floor. The house has electronic shutter blinds which make this a very secure home and therefore perfect as a lock up and go residence or holiday home. This delightful property is immaculate in all aspects and must be viewed to be fully appreciated. Photos: Synergy Exposure For sale by Pam Golding Properties Yzerfontein @ 022 451 2188
Nadia sal onthou:
Drome word waar
eelsydig - sangeres, stemkunstenaar, TV-aanbieder en aktrise is Nadia Beukes nou weer te sien in die spiksplinternuwe Afrikaanse fliek Mooirivier wat die afgelope week in teaters begin draai het. Mooirivier is die jongste van die vervaardigers van die gewilde Klein Karoo. Kykers het dié stadsmeisie van Johannesburg tot onlangs nog gesien as aanbieder van die sewende Boer Soek ‘n Vrou-reeks op die kassie. Sy het bemarking studeer en haar honneurs in advertensiewese gedoen, “maar nog altyd ‘n passie gehad vir die vermaaklikheidsbedryf”. Met haar pa, Rouel Beukes, wat ‘n operasanger is, het Nadia grootgeword in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf en só ‘n liefde vir die industrie ontwikkel. Pols haar oor haar talente, en sy vertel eerder beskeie dat dit eerder meer geleenthede is wat oor haar pad gekom het. “As jy die geleentheid kry, kan jy hard genoeg werk om iets daarvan te maak.” Onder die geleenthede wat al vir Nadia uitgestaan het, was haar betrokkenheid by die sanggroep Cutt Glass (waar sy vir vier jaar gesing het), haar werk as kontinuïteitsaanbieder vir kykNET, Deon Opperman se TV-reeks Hartland en Tree Aan, waar sy as Christene haar eerste hoofrol in ‘n musiekblyspel vertolk het. Die eerste vollengte film waarin die beeldskone Nadia te sien was, was Pretville. Nadia het by haar ma geleer om die mooi in
By vanjaar se kykNet Buite-ekspo op die plaas Môreson buite Malmesbury gaan Nadia se onlangse ondervinding op die plase van die boere seker wel van pas kom wanneer sy en die Romanz-man, André Venter, kragte saamsnoer om deel te neem aan die potjiekos-kompetisie. Hulle kan egter ernstige teenstand verwag
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die lewe raak te sien. Oor haarself sê dié veelsydige aktrise, wat twee vol jare agter die rug het, as sy in die spieël kyk, wil sy iemand sien wat sterk is en gevestig in die Here. Sy “wil ‘n sagtheid in my (haar) oë kan sien en iemand wat empatie het met ander mense”. In Mooirivier vertolk Nadia die rol van die enkelma Marcelle, wat sinies geword het oor die liefde. Dit volg nadat haar man haar verlaat het en sy haar dogter alleen moet grootmaak. In die fliek is sy ‘n hardwerkende kelnerin en skoonmaker by ‘n spoghotel waar sy haar graag wil opwerk om die hotel te bestuur. Een van die gaste in die hotel is die bekende Afrikaanse popster Dave (gespeel deur Heinz Winckler) besig met ‘n landwye toer om sy jongste album bekend te stel. Hy draai vroue om sy pinkie. Oor haar ervaring as aanbieder van die Boer Soek ‘n Vrou-reeks sê Nadia dat dit heerlik was om bietjie in die plattelandse natuurskoon te kon ontspan. “Ek is eintlik ‘n boeremeisie in my hart.” Daar was vir haar ook baie lewenslesse. “Ek dink elkeen van ons begeer diep in ons hart ‘n maatjie om mee saam te stap. “Elke Boer, plaas en die proses was ’n hoofstuk in ’n boek wat ek weer en weer wil deurblaai sodat ek altyd onthou: Drome word waar.” En haar lewensmotto: “Dit is nie jou foute wat jou definieer nie. Jy is jou moontlikhede,” en “As jy nie van jou omstandighede hou nie, verander hulle of verander die manier waarop jy na hulle kyk.”
van die ervare sjef Vaatjie (Tommy Dickson) van Toks en Tjops wat saam met akteur Neels van Jaarsveld ook ‘n gedugte span sal vorm. Kom kyk gerus hoe dié bekendes saam met lede van die publiek die vure hoog gaan laat brand Saterdag 14 Februarie by die 2015 ekspo.
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
February 2015 • March 2015
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FOT Deur die lens van Johan Viljoen
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Augustus • September 2013 Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Augustus • September 2013 February 2015 • March 2015
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pel has launched their all new supermini, the Opel ADAM, in the South African market last week offering ultimate personalisation and customisation options. The three-model ADAM range, named after the legendary Adam Opel who founded the company in 1862, is all about expression, excitement, style and fun. Sure to shake up the luxury supermini segment ADAM is packed with driver-focused technology and safety items, a high-tech new 1.0T ecoFLEX engine and 6 speed manual gearbox in two models for trendy buyers. Positioned as an urban trend-setter, Opel’s entry into this segment offers standard safety equipment, infotainment and convenience features usually reserved for more premium-priced vehicles. Built at Opel’s plant in Eisenach, Germany, the ADAM appeals to the modern buyer who wants to stand out in a crowd with a highly customisable and affordable package and a wide selection of modern exciting exterior paint colours. The bold silhouette of the new Opel ADAM has been achieved through the short bonnet design, upright windscreen, chop-top-inspired roof line and forward-reaching rear. Absolute out-of-the-box design principles have been applied, resulting in a unique and characterful interior. A colour-coded key fob which matches the ADAM’s exterior colour adds yet another unique touch and emotive element, inviting the driver into a new world where style, design and ambience meet to create a complete and ergonomically-superior package. Personalisation options for ADAM begin with nine exterior paint colours with funky names such as Red ‘n Roll, Purple Fiction, Pump Up The Blue, The Greyfather, James Blonde, Saturday White Fever, I’ll Be Black and Silverwalker – each of which will appeal to ADAM buyers and offer the first major differentiator matched to their personality. Once a customer has gone through the first step of selecting their preferred colour and model, a multitude of personalisation options are available to further differentiate each car.
full of attitude and emotion
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Adam Opel, founded this company in 1862, Now 150 years later the all new luxury supermini Opel carries his name and vision with distinction. Class, trendsetter, style, bold, out-of-the-box, personal and great value. For the ADAM JAM, the following factory options are available: the TWISTED PACK which comes with either a white or black roof, the OPCLINE PACK which includes 17-inch Hurricane alloy wheels and an OPC-Line body kit, the TWISTED OPC-LINE PACK which combines either a white or black roof and 17-inch Hurricane wheels with the OPC-Line Pack, and finally the XTREME PACK with a black or white roof, 18-inch twister alloys and the OPC-Line body kit. The ADAM GLAM takes things further, offering a standard panoramic sunroof or the unique ‘64 Starz’ headliner which features 64 individual LED elements to create the effect of a starry night sky. The ambient lighting package, which illuminates the passenger foot well, door pockets and console storage, adjusts to light conditions and features a choice of eight selectable colours to suit the driver’s mood and interior colour scheme. A choice of accessories available for quick fitment allow owners to further show off their personalities. Customisable items include interior décor elements on the dashboard and doors, rear-view mirror covers, exterior mirror caps, front logo bars, wheel clips for the model-specific 18-inch Twister alloy wheels, aluminium sports pedals and a number of exterior decal packs. The ecoFLEX Drive Assist system monitors energy consumption by on-board equipment like air conditioning and the rear demister in addition to fuel consumption, indicating to the driver the most efficient gear change points on an adaptive basis, allowing ADAM to be driven as efficiently as possible at all times.
City Mode Steering allows the two-mode electric power steering to react with increased power assistance when the driver engages the system, making city-bound manoeuvring and parking especially in tight spots that much easier and effective. Appealing to the connected lifestyle of the target audience, Opel’s IntelliLink infotainment system is available as standard in ADAM JAM and ADAM GLAM. IntelliLink allows for fully-integrated smartphone connectivity for a hands-free infotainment experience linked to the power and adaptability behind a smartphone environment. Featuring a 7-inch high-definition touch screen display, the intuitive IntelliLink system is linked to the multi-function steering wheel and with the premium quality sound system provides the ultimate entertainment experience in the Opel ADAM. Much like the latest smartphones, IntelliLink also includes pre-loaded apps for an even more integrated driving experience. These include Stitcher™ which streams the latest podcasts and radio shows for a mix of news, music, sports and talk show content customised to the user’s preferences; TuneIn Internet radio; BringGo; and support for Siri when an Apple iPhone is connected. The launch of the ADAM heralds the arrival of the BringGo navigation app for IntelliLinkequipped Opels in South Africa. BringGo is a connected navigation solution which provides smartphone-powered navigation to the in-car infotainment system – available for Apple and Android devices.
Once connected, users have full access to BringGo’s high-end innovative navigation features such as text-to-speech voice guidance, lane guidance, signpost display, 3D buildings and landmarks, speed limit warnings, Points of Interest (POIs), ECO features and much more. Two petrol engines power the Opel ADAM. The entry-level ADAM features a naturally-aspirated 1.4-litre ECOTEC four-cylinder unit with 74 kW and 130 Nm of torque, mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox. This engine, which has a combined fuel consumption figure of 5.3-litres per 100 km and carbon emissions of 125 g/km, allows for a top speed of 185 km/h and a 0-100 km/h acceleration time of 11.5 seconds. The ADAM JAM and ADAM GLAM are both fitted with Opel’s latest-generation 1.0-litre turbocharged ecoFLEX three-cylinder engine which boasts the latest in state-of-the-art technology to offer unrivalled performance and fuel efficiency. Boasting a readily-available 85 kW and 170 Nm of torque, the 1.0-litre ecoFLEX turbo engine is mated to Opel’s latest 6-speed manual gearbox. The engine features a combined fuel consumption figure of just 5.1-litres per 100 km and CO2 emissions of just 119 g/km (as per government ECE R101 or SANS 20101 Standards). Top speed is 196 km/h with acceleration from 0-100 km/h reached in 9.9 seconds. Amidst ongoing hype and excitement, the range enters the market below R190 000. ADAM 1.4 at R189 900.00 ADAM JAM 1.0T ecoFLEX R209 900.00 ADAM GLAM 1.0T ecoFLEX R232 900.00
OPEL ADAM 1.4 vanaf
R189 900*
ADAM IS HIER... en dit sal alles verander
Hoe sal jy jou houding en styl opsom? Wat dryf jou? Wys die wêreld - maak seker jou ADAM pas by jou! 1 kar, 1 000 moontlikhede.
PERDEBERG MOTORS SITRUS MOTORS Bokomoweg 24, Malmesbury • Tel: 022 482 1158 February 2015 • March 2015
Voortrekkerweg 37, Citrusdal • Tel: 022 921 2121
Om meer uit te vind, bel of besoek ons vandag!
PIKETBERG MOTORS Langstraat 53, Piketberg • Tel: 022 913 1113
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Die nuwe OPEL ADAM
*Padgereedheids- en Registrasiefooie Uitgesluit. Bepalings en Voorwaardes geld. Vertoonmodel/le mag verskil. Behoudens foute en weglatings. Alle aanbiedinge onderhewig aan finansiële goedkeuring. Beskikbaarheid van bybehore en opsionele modifikasies work vasgestel deur die gekose model.
Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program
Buite Ekspo
Enter the FAMSA GUTS LUCKY DRAW and stand a chance to win!
GUTS Get Us Together Soon!
Vrydag - 13 Februarie
(MC vir die dag is Riaan Grobler en Erik de Milander van Bushman ‘s Cave) 11 h00 -18h00 Dagbesoekers welkom, uitstallers en kos stalletjies doen besigheid en aktiwiteite aktief. 11h00 -18h00 Radio Tygerberg vermaak. 11h00 -18h00 Safari 4 x 4 Roetes (Andre de Villiers ) hindernisritte. 11h00 -18h00 Veldrenritte 18h00 -19h00 Namchar Snoek-enpatat-ete—gratis aan uitstallers, beperkte hoeveelheid etes te koop aan die publiek by die kykNET Arena (voorberei deur Erik de Milander) 18h00 -18h45 Riaan Grobler in die Arena 19h00 -19h30 Amptelike kykNET Buite Ekspo opening deur Minister Ivan Meyer, Minister van Finansies ( Wes Kaap )— almal welkom by die kykNET Arena. 19h30 - 21h15 Desmond Wells en sy orkes in die Arena
10h00 -13h00 Jimmys s Steakhouse Sauce Celeb Potjiekos kompetisie met kykNET celebs Nadia Beukes, Neels van Jaarsveld, Andre Venter en Chef Tommy (Vaatjie ) in die Arena 10h30 -11h15 Amoré in die Arena 11h30 -12h15 Nadia Louw in die Arena 12h30 -12h45 ATKV Rieldansers in die Arena 13h00 -13h45 Karen Fereira in die Arena 14h00 -14h45 Rinel Day in die Arena 15h00 -15h45 Cheree in die Arena 16h00 -16h15 ATKV Rieldansers in die Arena 16h30 -17h15 Wynand Windpomp in die Arena 17h30 -18h15 Rinel Day in die Arena 18h30 -19h15 Manie Jackson in die Arena 19h30 - 20h15 David Fourie in die Arena 20h30 - 21h15 Manie Jackson in die Arena
Saterdag - 14 Februarie
Sondag 15 Februarie
( MC vir die dag is Erik de Milander van Bushman ‘s Cave ) 09h00 -18h00 Dagbesoekers welkom, uitstallers en kos stalletjies doen besigheid en aktiwiteite aktief. 10h00 -18h00 Helikopter-ritte 09h00 -18h00 4x4 Pret-uitdagings 09h00 -18h00 Veldrenritte 09h00 -18h00 Safari 4 x 4 Roetes (Andre de Villiers ) hindernisritte. 09h30 -10h15 Lollos 6 Lalaland!
(MC vir die dag is Riaan Grobler) 09h00 -15h00 Dagbesoekers welkom, uitstallers en kos stalletjies doen besigheid en aktiwiteite aktief. 09h00 -15h00 Veldrenritte. 09h00 -15h00 Safari 4 x 4 Roetes (Andre de Villiers ) hindernisritte. 09h00 -15h00 Helikopter-ritte. 09h00 -15h00 4x4 Pret Uitdaging. 09h30 -10h30 Lofprysing saam met Ds Frederich Claassen van NG
FAMSA is passionate about families. We understand that in order to form and sustain healthy relationships with each other it is important for family members to spend time together. The Get Us Together Soon Lucky Draw is the perfect opportunity for any family longing to be reunited with loved ones to do just that – to get together soon! t
1s E Z PRI
2n E Z PRI
3r E Z PRI
GET IN TOUCH TODAY AND FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT FAMSA WC. www.famsawc.org.za Telephone: (021) 447 7951
Enter the FAMSA GUTS LUCKY DRAW today and stand a chance to be one of the happy families to get together soon! Closing date: 30 April. VISIT www.famsawc.org.za TO ENTER ONLINE.
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program • Program Moedergemeente Swartlard in die Arena 10h45-11h15 Nadia Louw in die Arena 11h30 -12h15 David Fourie in die Arena 12h30 -13h15 Manie Jackson in die Arena 13h30 -14h00 Rinel Day in die Arena 14h15 -15h00 Amoré in die Arena 15h00 Die kykNET Buite Ekspo eindig—sien almal weer in 2016! Besoek ook ...die talle buitelewe uitstallers! Deli - en Kunsmark tente, Tiaan en Mynhardt in Makietietent Wyntuin Kindervermaak Eventful Parties Pret Park en kom spring op kykNET se GROOT Blou / Geel Stoel. ALLE TYE IS BY BENADERING EN FINALE AANKONDIGINGS SAL OP TERREIN GEMAAK WORD ten opsigte van die PRESIESE PLEKKE EN TYE
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Fynbos: a place to
dream L
by Susan Botha
ooking for serenity, peace of mind, the tranquility of nature or just plain old-fashioned warmth and hospitality? Then this is a must do destination for you: Fynbos Estate outside Malmesbury. Fynbos Estate is a 300 hectare farm nestling in a beautiful kloof of the Paardeberg mountain just outside Malmesbury and less than an hour from Cape Town. The Paardeberg is a granite mountain with an extraordinary mix of unique vegetation - a botanist’s heaven. The plants on the mountain include strandveld , Cape Mountain fynbos (found only in the Western Cape), and renosterveld (the dark appearing vegetation giving the region its name, Swartland). Here Diana and Johan Simons grow wine grapes and olives and run a guest house and workshop/retreat centre, small winery, and celebration venueand also added a nature reserve. By training a molecular biologist and botanist, Johan has realised a life-long ambition to farm and make wine. Diana has always dreamed of living in a
nature reserve and of having a small farmyard of animals. She is a practising and teaching psychotherapist. Johan and Diana are involved in community development in the area and work on various conservation projects. Fynbos Estate doesn’t fall easily into any of the usual categories. Diana explains: “What began 18 years ago was simply a way for Johan and I to leave the city for a quiet and beautiful place in the country. “The plan was to grow and sell grapes and make a few bottles of wine for fun. But if we thought we could sit on our veranda and watch the grapes grow, life had other plans for us.” Driven partly by the need to be sustainable, partly by the input of people they have met along the way, and partly by the sheer joy of expanding their knowledge and experience, a journey unraveled that has led them to this multifaceted project with a life of its own. “We now make what is fashionable to call artisan wines in the old style of the 1900s as well as organic olive and lemon products. Made under the Dragonridge label, our wines are handcrafted in the old traditional way mostly from Rhone cultivars grown on the farm. "We host guests for getaways, retreats, workshops, fairs and celebrations and cook up a storm of seasonal homemade country food using
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locally sourced ingredients. “We have self-catered, part catered and fully catered accommodation in the large 1900 Victorian farmhouse and adjoining cottages, depending on the size of your party. “We have learnt about planting and irrigating and the building of roads, and we have sought for ways to reduce our footprint. Most latterly we have had the delight of turning the wonderful wild mountain land of the farm into a gazetted nature reserve." After seven long years of plotting and planning, the Simson-Simons Nature Reserve has been gazetted as a bona fide Nature Reserve last year. Named after Diana’s father and uncle (Denis and Gerry Simson) and Johan’s parents (Jack Simons and Ray Alexander Simons), the reserve is part of a Cape Nature Stewardship Initiative whereby Province, Cape Nature and the Landowner enter a tripartite agreement to conserve the designated land. In this case it is 270 hectares and runs for 30 years. “The process of getting here was long and involved and included demarcation of the 270 hectare area, charting the area and assessing it for aliens and erosion, and drawing up a management plan for the reserve. "From there it went endlessly back and forth between Province and Cape Nature’s Legal
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
department until finally the Minister signed. “The declaration of the Reserve is wonderfully timed. Up to now the drive to sustainability of the farm has overshadowed any other focus, although in between we managed to do a lot of alien clearing (with help from Cape Nature and the PSI (Paardeberg Sustainability Initiative) and road maintenance (with help from Telkom). "In addition, various butterfly, insect, bird, mammal and plant enthusiasts have done research on the mountain.” "Part of this research has involved the use of the motion camera which has picked up animals in the mountain we didn’t even dream were there. " These include a leopard family, aardvark, and honey badger plus all the usual suspects such as porcupine, various buck, tortoises etc. Fynbos Estate also offers something quite unusual for weddings, celebrations and celebratory weekends. Nestling beneath the mountains and surrounded by countryside, this special place offers a personal and intimate venue for your marriage with no stinting on quality yet without a commercial feel. And there is plenty of space for a good party too. “ After a ceremony in the chapel or garden , the reception can accommodate up to 120 under cover in the magical pavilion with its gentle views of mountain and valley. "Alternatively you can celebrate among the birds and flowering shrubs under the lovely old oaks. “For parties little can compare with the pavilion, its wooden floors made for dancing and its awnings adjustable for all weather. At night the stars cluster above and candle lanterns light the gardens and pool.” What works particularly well are weekend events where people have their celebration but stay and `kuier' for a weekend. Even their pet policy sets them apart from most other establishments: All well-behaved, catfriendly dogs, cats and caged birds are welcome all year round. Pets sleep inside - bring own pet beds and bowls. Dogs are not permitted on the furniture and must be free of ticks and fleas on arrival. There is an enclosed garden and easy access to walks. Dogs must be leashed on walks if
February 2015 • March 2015
The events team of Fynbos. inclined to chase wildlife. "Dogs are not to harm our cats or show aggression towards children or other people. Consideration must be given to the two resident dogs (very sociable), three resident cats, farm animals and wildlife such as buck, small mammals and birds. Pets stay free. However there is a refundable Doggie Damages Deposit required. Because Diana and Johan want the farm to be available to those without means too, they have established a venue for NGO’s and Wilderness groups to sleep over, self cater and enjoy the farm and wilderness. Rates are very affordable. Mindful of the context in which Fynbos occurs, Diana and Johan were also instrumental in setting up a crèche in Joubertkloof for children of farm employees. Johan and Diana have lots of plans for the future: “We want to make the reserve a focus and build mountain bike and hiking trails, (including a long hike across the whole of the Paardeberg), as well as opening the reserve to wilderness training).
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
“Most exciting of all we would love to re-populate with more of the original animal population, including Mountain Zebra for which the Paardeberg is named. (paarde = horse). "This we know will take a lot of hard work and subsidies as the process is very expensive. “We wish that the mountain which constitutes most of our land, remains conserved and that the abundance of Fynbos and its beauty and peace will continue to inspire people in many different and positive ways for many years to come. "And we are looking forward for Johan and I working a bit less…” All in all, Fynbos Estate is a very special but unpretentious place of great beauty. It offers wonderful food and wine, comfortable accommodation and a relaxed and easy atmosphere. “Perhaps Fynbos is best characterised as a place for realising dreams – ours and those of others drawn here by chance or design. Yet Fynbos is at heart a working farm – a real place: where real things happen to real people.”
Fynere kuns van
Skaapkop smul
deur Susan Botha
ie eet van afval was toentertyd geen snaaksigheid nie – dit het skaap- en beesafval ingesluit. Met natuurlik die kroon op die spyse: skaapkop. Soos ons voorgeslagte verstedelik het, het dié boerespys vir talle effe ongewens geword. Baie dorpenaars het hulle neuse begin optrek: nie die smaak óf die eiesoortige aroma het hulle aangestaan nie - allermins die gesig. Stadig maar seker het dit `armmanskos’ geword, wat beteken dat die smulpape dit vir ‘n appel en ei kon opraap. Soos die jare aangestap en tradisionele kos weer `mode’ geraak het, het dié deel va ndie karkas weer in status én prys begin styg. Deesdae is dit weer beskikbaar: spierwit skoon en netjies verpak. Daar is egter ‘n paar veranderinge: Vir die meer kieskeurige eters is skaapstertjies, skaaptongetjies en skaappens, apart verpak, geensins sag op die sak. Al wat jy nie in supermarkte raakloop nie, is skaapkop. Waar jy dit wel by ‘n slaghuis kry, is dit gewoonlik netjies middeldeur gekap – eintlik nié hoe baie van die manne dit verkies nie. Daar is deesdae weer selfs manne wat dit verder voer en ‘n beeskop sal aanpak. Dié tradisie kom glo uit 'Suidwes' en hulle gee die toon aan met die gaarmaak en aanbieding. Op die plaas Palmietfontein naby Klerksdorp word daar nou jaarliks ‘n beeskop-manneaand aangebied. Dit word met wors, pap, ‘n groentepot, potbrode en konfyt opgedis. Ook in ander provinsies is dit heel bekend en gewild. Maar terug na die eerste koppe: skaapkop is miskien nie almal se idee van ‘n gourmet-ete
nie, maar vir die smulpape van die Malmesbury Skaapkopgilde is dit koningskos. Dié gilde vier vanjaar hul 21ste bestaansjaar en sien uit na nog baie koppe op die lang etenstafel. Maar dit is ‘n ernstige saak. Kyk maar net (tong in die kies) na ‘n paar van die name wat die manne al losgeëet het: Hoof Kop (voorsitter), Ou Kop, Vet Kop, Pen Kop (tesourier), Wys Kop, Rooi Kop en Skuim Kop (kroegman). Hulle het selfs ‘n grondwet aanvaar by die stigtingsvergadering op 15 November 1994. Hiervolgens sal ‘n lid uitgeskop word indien hy: ophou om skaapkop te eet”, of “die skaapkop van ’n ander lid sou steel met die doel om dit ná die vergadering by die huis, in die bed, te eet”. Die doel van die gilde is “Om die gaarmaakmetode van ‘n skaapkop te vervolmaak en dat geen lid ooit op ‘n vergadering sy kop sal verloor nie”. Die Spiet Kop is die komitee se boetemeester en moet onder meer toesien dat daar geen afbrekende kritiek oor kos gelewer word nie. Die gedagte vir ‘n skaapkopgilde het een middag ná gholf ontstaan. Of almal se hart (of maag dan) aanvanklik in die onderneming was, kan ‘n mens maar net wonder oor. In die grondwet word spesifiek melding gemaak dat Skuim Kop, tóé Robert Orchard, moet aanleer om skaapkop te eet en te waardeer, soos sy maag dit kan hanteer. Die gilde het ook ‘n amptelike drag: strikdas, voorskoot, kortbroek, plakkies en knipmes. Dit is ook nie sommer so nie: die voorskote en hemde is spesiaal ontwerp vir hulle. Die knipmesse waarmee hulle die koppe eet, is ook spesiaal vir die gilde gemaak. Die gilde het aanvanklik tien lede gehad – net genoeg om gemaklik om ‘n tafel te pas. Van die stigterslede is ses nog steeds betrokke, die ander
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
het intussen die dorp verlaat. Die stigterslede was Johannes Louw, Danie Rust, Tiny van Rensburg, Gert Olivier, Robert Orchard, Piet Kemp, Derick van Graan, Harold Truter, Kobus Lambrechts, Koos O’Kennedy, Schalk Steenkamp en Ebbie Raubenheimer. Met tyd is daar besluit om die lede tot agt te beperk. Dit laat twee plekke per ete oor: een vir ‘n genooide gas - die Gas Kop - en die ander vir ‘n wynmaker, want die manne het mos darem ‘n lafenissie uit die kontrei nodig met al die ryk vleis. Maak ‘n mens ‘n sommetjie, het die gilde al ‘n kleinerige troppie skape kafgedraf deur die jare. Deesdae gaan dit ‘n bietjie stadiger, die jare het die eetlus bietjie getemper en dan is daar ook die cholesterol-spook. Robert Orchard en Johannes Louw verduidelik dat die manne deesdae so twee-twee aan ‘n kop eet. Die broodtafel bly gewild, maar ook poeding is meesal net ‘n gedagte aan die verlede. Vroue word, volgens die grondwet, nie by die etes toegelaat nie. Hulle staan egter hulle plek agter die (kop)kospotte vol. Daar word vier keer per jaar kop geëet, elke keer by ‘n ander lid se huis en dus ‘n ander ervare vroue-kok. Skaapkop is wel die hoofdis, maar dit is nie al op die spyskaart nie. Die manne verduidelik met groot geesdrif van die tuisgebakte brode saam met die voorgereg, gevolg deur die koppe en dan ‘n afvalgereg. Die vroue is baie kreatief met hul spyskaarte: gekrummelde brein, skaapstertjies. soet-suur lewer, diepgebraaide skaapkop en natuurlik vaalof kerrie-afval laat die manne se monde water. Die vroue is nie deel van dié etery nie, maar die manne is vinnig om te sê daar word mooi na hulle gekyk. Die jaar se boetegeld word gebruik om hulle te bederf: blomme en ‘n naweek weg.
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
Malmesbury se gilde smul heerlik aan hul gunsteling-dis
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
13 – 15 Februarie Buite-Ekspo Môreson Plaas (N7) Malmesbury www.ekspo.co.za
26 February Jazz on the Rocks Paternoster 021 591 5208
28 Februarie
MKB Swartland Half Marathon & 10km Gene Louw Sport Grounds, Moorreesburg Hanlie Rossouw: 081 579 0222
28 February
Crush Day @ Darling Cellars 07:45 for 08:00 022 492 2276 Bookings Essential: tasting@darlingcellars. co.za
7 March
Riebeek Cellars Grape Stomp Alta Saaiman: 022 448 1213
13-15 March Trans-Atlantic Endurance Race Strandfontein 082 870 0259
21 March
Sunset 2 Sunset Tri-Athlon Velddrif 083 558 4947
28 Maart
Spore oppie Sand Festival Hopefield 082 923 6107
29 March
Paternoster Full Moon Market 082 824 8917
21 March
30 Maart
21-22 March
30 March
22 March
8 April
Cancer Walk of Life Scheppie Saus, Mountain Hock Piketberg Danie Smit: 083 233 7772
Malmesbury Relay for Life 022 482 1111
Lamberts Bay Crayfish & Cultural Festival 027 432 1000
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
ACVV Basaar Yzerfontein 022 451 2246
Yzerfontein Crayfish Bonanza 082 320 3513
Triple Crown Langebaan 022 772 2466
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
TREATMENTS INCLUDE: • Facials Environ Gatineau Lamelle Nuxe • Laser & LPG Endermologie Treatments • Eyelash Extensions • Make-Up • Spray Tan • Waxing • Manicures & Pedicures • Gelish Gel & Acrylic • Lash & Brow Tinting • Body Wraps • Permanent Eye Make-Up • Botox & Fillers
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February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Going back
he West Coast Region offers a wide variety of outdoor experiences with long white beaches, scenery, bird life, wildflower spectacles and breathtaking mountains. Experiences in the outdoor aplenty. We picked 10 popular spots where you can have a taste of the West Coast Experience. (pics supplied)
For a funfilled weekend on the Clanwilliam Dam you need not look further than Lebanon Citrus fringed by orange trees on the banks of the dam. With cottage, cabins and campsites Lebanon Citrus offers a conveniently located slipway to launch boats and jet skis. Visit Clanwilliam and the Cederberg for hiking trails in this unique landscape, water sports, historical walks or a rooibos tea-experience. Telephone 027 482 2508
Just 110 kilometres from Cape Town and right at the Langebaan turn off from the R27 you will find ThaliThali Game Lodge. Home to giraffe, red hartebeest and various other animals. Set in a beautiful fynbos area the luxury tents offer the perfect destination for a romantic break. Get up early to experience the impressive views of sunrise and popular game drives, worth the early wake up call. Telephone 082 372 8637.
At the foot of Riebeek Mountain Riebeek-Kasteel is a foodie utopia with a range of cafés, bistros and restaurants. Stay at Suikerbossie, an eight-sleeper guest house from where you can enjoy this growing tourist town’s slow pulse with its top restaurants and wineries. The annual olive festival takes place on the first weekend of May. Telephone 082 787 8027
For a special step into the past of this region on the banks of the Berg River, visit the Kersefontein farm in the Hopefield district. Described as one of the best farm stays in the country, after eight generations Kersefontein is still owned by the Melck family. In the manor house you’ll find the skull of the last Berg River hippo, shot by Martin Melck in 1869. You can make this your base for daytrips to Velddrif and other West Coast destinations. Telephone 083 454 1025
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
If you want to experience the wines of Darling producers or visit PieterDirk Uys’s iconic theatre, Evita se Perron, stay at La Petite Grange in Darling. Meaning The Little Barn this self-catering cottage sits atop a hill overlooking the surrounding farmlands offering spectacular views and a fireplace of cause. During flower season Darling is one of the most popular destinations and guests can visit on of four wildflower reserves and the annual Wild Flower Show. Telephone 082 453 7962
On the western slopes of the Darling Hills at the unique San Education and Culture Centre !Khwa ttu, you can be introduced to the world of the descendants of the first indigenous people of Southern Africa. The San people themselves take you on a journey into their history, traditional knowledge, skills, languages, customs and current affairs. This enjoyable and eye-opening tour will stay with you for a long time. They present creative dishes in a cosy restaurant and offer some appealing, different and memorable accommodation ranging from a bushcamp to a secluded bush house and a farmstyle guest house. Popular holiday town of Yzerfontein is just 15 km away. Telephone 022 492 2998
The Langebaan Lagoon is one of the West Coast’s biggest holiday destinations and a kite- and windsurfing mecca. Stay at the Windtown boutique hotel, two blocks from the lagoon. From there you can visit the variety of restaurants and Club Mykonos or drive through the West Coast National Park. During the first months of Spring this area transforms into a colour spectacle – anything from white to indigo blue. Telephone 022 772 1064
Enjoy a Cederberg sunset and spectacular views at Aan De Pakhuys Guest Farm nestled in the picturesque Agter-Pakhuis valley, 26 km from Clanwilliam on route to the historic Wuperthal village. Situated in the world famous Rocklands climbing area you can join in the activities of the Rocklands Rangers climbing school or experience the donkey cart trail. Visit in winter and you may just be lucky to drive through snow in the Pakhuis Pass. Telephone 027 482 1879
In the heart of the Sandveld lies the little town of Aurora. Established in 1906 it was named after the Roman goddess of dawn. Located on a working farm and private nature reserve on top of Aurora Mountain DanielsHoogte offers three mountain-top self-catering cottages. Enjoy the panoramic vistas and the abundance of flora and fauna. There are iking trails and bird-watching opportunities and a dam to cool off in the summer months. And.... there is an exclusive Cave Campsite, which is equipped with a braai area and ablution block. Telephone 022 952 1740.
Kardouw Tree Tops in Citrusdal Fancy a truly unique getaway experience for you and your significant other? How about a few days spent In the treetops of a poplar forest along the banks of the Olifants River near Citrusdal you can spend a few days in one of the self-catering cabins-on-stilts at Kardouw Tree Tops. An unique romantic getaway experience may include a braai along the riverbank beneath the stars or try your hand at fishing or canoeing in the river. There is also a beautiful old farmhouse perfect for large families or groups. Telephone 071 681 3871 February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Restaurantgids Clanwilliam Veldskoendraai Darling Brig’s Barn
078 364 8785 022 492 2451
Doringbaai Jetty Restaurant
027 215 1092
Elandsbaai Elandsbaai Hotel
022 972 1640
Jacobsbaai Weskusplek
022 715 3333
Koringberg Desert Rose Farm Stall
082 884 8714
Laaiplek Eigebraai Restaurant
022 783 1116
Langebaan Boesmanland Plaaskombuis 022 772 1564 Dockside Café 022 707 7896 Langebaan Seafood Deli 022 772 1280 The Farmhouse Hotel 022 772 2062 Friday Island 022 772 2506 Geelbek 022 772 2134 Lekka by die See 082 899 6377 Seafood Deli 022 772 1550 Thali Thali Game Lodge 082 372 8637
Malmesbury Barry’s Beef and Barrel Cardelli’s Cherry Lane Die Herehuis Jannos Sabino Spur
022 482 1372 022 487 1744 022 482 2877 022 487 1771 022 487 2091 022 487 1511
Moorreesburg De Oude Stoep Die Hut Die Kuns Kombuis
022 433 3154 022 433 2665 022 433 4749
Paternoster Blikkie Pizzeria De See Kat Oep ve Koep Garden Bistro Skatkis Restaurant Voorstrandt Restaurant
022 752 2246 082 445 5540 022 752 2105 022 752 2023 022 752 2038
Piketberg Archers Bistro Fat Catz Café/Restaurant Mountain Creek Spur
022 913 3651 022 913 1076 022 913 1819
Porterville Koppikoffi Plattelander
022 931 3877 082 773 1200
Riebeek Kasteel BBBS Café Felix Du Vlei Ed’s Diner The Royal Hotel
022 448 1031 022 448 1170 022 448 1898 022 448 1377 022 448 1479
Riebeek West Pleasant Pheasant Riebeek Valley Hotel
022 461 2170 022 461 2672
Saldanha Blue Bay Lodge Eigebaai Restaurant Hoedjiesbaai Hotel Slipway
022 714 1177 022 714 1271 022 714 1271 022 714 4235
Veldrif Die Pont Restaurant
022 783 11 37
Vredenburg Legends Ocean Basket Wimpy Yukon Spur
022 719 1820 022 713 2998 022 713 4971 022 713 4569
Yzerfontein Meeurots Restaurant Weskus Padstal
022 451 2608 082 351 2722
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015
February 2015 • March 2015
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Leefstyl • Lifestyle
Februarie 2015 • Maart 2015